ONIMUSHA 3: DEMON SIEGE **************************** POWER & ONI JEWEL LOCATION **************************** =========================== INTRODUCTION =========================== Welcome to our faq about the Power and Oni (Magic) Jewels found in the ONIMUSHA 3 : Demon Siege. We did this faq because there wasn't other in the net and it proofs to be an important thing (it was withing the big walkthroughts scatterd around the chapters). So no more delay and we go to the point. ========================== LOCATIONS ========================== There are 9 Power and 9 Oni Jewels around the world of Onimusha 3. You can use them on the character that has found them or use Ako to transport them to the other.If you give them all to Sam then Jaques would be a perfect newby and couldn't survive well on later chapters. SO TRY TO BALANCE. In my opinion give them to the one that founds it. First of all, they are sorted between POWER and ONI jewels. After they are in cronological order. If you cannot find the combination for opening a puzzle box, please refer to the faq also listed in gamefaqs.com. POWER JEWELS 01. Paris 2004 - Arch of Triumph On the 1st floor there inside a puzzle box. 02. Japan 1582 - Mt. Hiei After the main gate, inside a puzzle box 03. Paris 2004 - Sewers At the end of the sewers, open the locked door with the small key. The jewel is inside a red chest 04. Japan 1582 - Senshuu Sakai Inside a room located in the pier area. The room entrance is near a set of stone stairs. The jewel is inside a puzzle box 05. Japan 1582 - Naban Ship In the ship there will be a fight against some Zombie soldiers. one of them will release a oni fairyfly. Use it to reach the top of the sails. The jewel is inside the puzzle box 06. Undersea Temple 2004 After the battle with Gertrude, Samanosuke will be able to pass through the red door. In the hall there will be a puzzle box 07. France 2004 - Mont-Saint-Michel Behind the door, after obtaining the sun crest. In the room you will find an ecospirit and the puzzle box 08. France 1582 - Mont-Saint-Michel In the corridor where is the entrance of the 2nd dark realm, there is a genma plant behind an iron gate. The red box is under the plant. 09. Training scroll - Deflect Critical When you complete the defect critical training you will receive a power jewel as a reward ONI JEWELS 01. Japan 1582 - Mt. Hiei After obtaining the gate key, save the fairyfly in the place where you meet Samanosuke. The jewel is on the top of the house 02. France 2004 - Sewers Inside a puzzle box in the room behind the door with the 314 password 03. Japan 1582 - Senshuu Sakai Inside a puzzle box in the beach. Use the fairyfly to reach the beach 04. France 2004 - Notredame In one of the rooms, after entering the yellow stand. Inside a Puzzle box 05. Undersea Temple 1985 After the batlle with Genma Ranmaru Jacques will be able to access the blue area. Take the elevator here and use the oni fireflys to get across the two gaps. There will be a puzzle box 06. France 2004 - Boulogne Zoo Inside the Laboratory 07. Japan 1582 - Azuchi Castle At the beginning, go outside the hole in the wall. It's in a puzzle box 08. France 2004 - Eiffel Tower At the beginning, head to the right 09. Training Scroll - Chain Critical Beat the Chain critical train and you will receive an oni jewel as a reward ORDER OF APPEARANCE 01. SAMANOSUKE - Arch of Triumph - Power jewel (puzzle box) 02. JACQUES - Mt. Hiei - Oni Jewel 03. JACQUES - Mt. Hiei - Power Jewel (puzzle box) 04. SAMANOSUKE - Sewers - Oni Jewel (puzzle box) 05. SAMANOSUKE - Sewers - Power Jewel 06. JACQUES - Senshuu Sakai - Oni Jewel (puzzle box) 07. JACQUES - Senshuu Sakai - Power Jewel (puzzle box) 08. JACQUES - Naban Ship - Power Jewel (puzzle box) **JACQUES - Naban Ship - Talisman (puzzle box) 09. SAMANOSUKE - Notredame - Oni Jewel (puzzle box) **SAMANOSUKE - Notredame - Talisman (puzzle box) 10. JACQUES - Undersea Temple - Oni Jewel (puzzle box) 11. SAMANOSUKE - Undersea Temple - Power Jewel (puzzle box) 12. SAMANOSUKE - Boulogne Zoo - Oni Jewel (puzzle box) 13. SAMANOSUKE - Mont-Saint-Michel - Power Jewel (puzzle box) 14. JACQUES - Mont-Saint-Michel - Power Jewel 15. JACQUES - Azuchi Castle - Oni Jewel (puzzle box) 16. SAMANOSUKE - Eiffel Tower - Oni Jewel (puzzle box) * DEFLECT CRITICAL TRAINING - Power Jewel * CHAIN CRITICAL TRAINING - Oni Jewel ======================== COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER ======================== This FAQ was created by DASH83 and DarkMagicianGirl on the August 2005. Only http://www.gamefaqs.com has permission to post this on the net. If you found this archive on another site, please contact us in the following mail tsubasa_chan1@hotmail.com There was no copy or steal made to make this FAQ. If you felt that something illegal was done, please refer also to the mail above. ////////////////////////////////////////////// THANKS AND ENJOY IT.