-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SCENARIO ROUTE FAQ/WALKTHROUGH ONIMUSHA 2: SAMURAI'S DESTINY A PlayStation(r) 2 Game presented by Capcom -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Written & arranged by Ng Kian Sen (NKS) Email - ksiane2000@yahoo.com Game Title - Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny Console - PlayStation 2(tm) Designation - NTSC/J & NTSC/UC FAQ Type - Scenario Route FAQ/Walkthrough (General) FAQ Version - Version 1.0 (Final) FAQ Created - 08/10/02 (Saturday) Last Updated - 09/21/02 (Saturday) Hosting Site - http://www.gamefaqs.com (GameFAQs) http://faqs.ign.com (IGN) ====================================================================================== BEFORE YOU READ FURTHER! ====================================================================================== ***Attention*** If you find this FAQ/Walkthrough lacks of in-depth information, please DO NOT email me and talk about it. I've stated it VERY clearly in my first portion of this document, it IS _General_ and it IS NOT something that details further technical calculations for each of the Scenarios triggered as what you call it a "Guide". I'm not the professional who elucidates you every single detail about how the "Bond Rate" system works. I'm here to help those who are interested in clearing the game with a 100% Scenario Completion practically. The comprehensiveness of Bond Rate doesn't really tell you what to do, but it details you those complicated explanations with numerical calculations for each items, sub-characters' actions & reactions and how they break into the line with their scenarios against one another according to the "Bond". Moreover, the Bond Rate's value changes everytime you trigger a scenario at different places. It affects the "rate" at different actions, time, place, items given, your courtesy & friendliness towards the sub-characters, sub-characters' usage and their respective quests. It may be a good source of knowledge but it is a Japanese guide. If you're looking for that kind of information, go ahead and buy the official Japanese guide since my Scenario Route FAQ/Walkthrough doesn't detail in something theoretical. What's the point if my FAQ/Walkthrough is as comprehensive as the official guide? *Depth understanding does not always clear up everything*, just bare that in mind. The content of this document contains major spoilers. If you're easily offended, please do not read further. So, use it at your own risk! You may ask for my permission before you attempt to use my information in your guide nor posting this document on your website. You may also use command key "Ctrl + F" to better browse the content in this FAQ to your advantage. This document is compatible with case-sensitivity option available in the "Find" function. The Layout ---------- -Search by Scenario # - Press Ctrl + F, then type: S(s)cenario [space] # [space] Integer ranged from 1 - 100 -Browse by Chapters- Press Ctrl + F, then type: C(c)hapter [space] Integer ranged from 1 - 10 Or, Specifically define the Chapter's script for the particular scenario by typing: C(c)hapter [space] Integer ranged from 1 - 10 [space] [hyphen] Integer ranged from 1 - 11 Hope it helps, enjoy! Note: All translated names in this FAQ are based on the US version of Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny. As of the JP version, sorry but no actual translations this time, the names are culturally translated. Please do not get confused by the spelling, as of the name Jyuubei (Actual Translation) will now become Jubei (Cultural Translation). Get used to it and enjoy! ====================================================================================== Version History ====================================================================================== Version 1.0 Final (08/30/02) (Friday) - 09/21/02 - Finalized the version of this FAQ/Walkthrough - 09/20/02 - This FAQ is now available at IGN too - 09/04/02 ~ 09/20/02 - was playing other games and do other things - 09/03/02 - Fixed minor errors found in this FAQ/Walkthrough - 08/30/02 - Added due Japanese items' inscriptions in this FAQ/Walkthrough Version 0.9 (08/24/02) (Saturday) - 08/25/02 - Added further explanation for Degree of Friendship - 08/25/02 - Added little information in this FAQ/Walkthrough - 08/25/02 - Covered up those blank part for the affected scenarios - 08/23/02 - Fixed minor errors found in this FAQ/Walkthrough - 08/22/02 - My PS2 was sent for a service and I didn't add much info for this version - 08/19/02 ~ 08/21/02 - I had my laziness on updating this FAQ/Walkthrough and was playing other games - 08/18/02 - Completed all US inscriptions in this FAQ/Walkthrough Version 0.7 (08/16/02) (Friday) - Added more information in this FAQ/Walkthrough Version 0.5 (08/10/02) (Saturday) - FAQ created - Outlined the layout for this FAQ - Waiting for the US version of Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny ====================================================================================== CONTENT ====================================================================================== 1. Introduction 2. Degree of Friendship / Degree of Friendliness i. High Degree of Friendship ii. Average Degree of Friendship iii. FAQs on DoF 3. Scenario Route FAQ/Walkthrough 4. Contact Me 5. Credits & Thank You 6. Copyright Notice ====================================================================================== INTRODUCTION ====================================================================================== Since I last created a FAQ for the Japanese version of Onimusha 2, it's been about 2 months until the US version is released. This time, I'm writing a Scenario Route FAQ/Walkthrough for both the NTSC/J and NTSC/UC designation of Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny. This is my second project on this title. This FAQ is written to provide _general_ information on Scenario Route for the game entitled Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny. Therefore, this FAQ does not include detailed info like "how many % is triggered for 1 scenario", it is to provide instructions and how you can trigger the particular scenario only. And, I'm willing to help fellow gamers that inquisitively want to clear the game with a 100% Scenario Route Completion. Upon a number of frequent asked questions on the "Scenario" feature, I decided to go chapter by chapter with adequate information if possible on how to clear every "trigger-able" scenario in the game. The content for some of the chapters of this guide contains a very brief Walkthrough guidance that might help your progress when you're having difficulties for the certain part of the game. ====================================================================================== DEGREE of FRIENDSHIP / DEGREE of FRIENDLINESS (DoF) ====================================================================================== High Degree of Friendship ========================= What does it mean by having a High Degree of Friendship? It relies heavily on the sub- characters' responses when you hand over an item/gift to them. High Degree of Friendship is ensured by _only_ getting the *positive* responses from the sub- characters after you give them an item/gift. You can identify their feelings about an item/gift that you give them very easily through their facial expressions and what they give you in return. Due to the majority of the scenarios in this game are triggered upon having a close friendship with the particular sub-character, you ought to plan which sub-character that you wish him/her to be your story partner before you decide to give him/her their items/gifts. In conjunction with the above-mentioned matter, you _must_ be knowledgeable in item- exchange among all the sub-characters to guarantee you can maintain a long-lasting friendship with the particular sub-character. Thus, "The Save & Load Trick" was introduced. In case you have no idea of what to give, you are always recommended to save your game beforehand. Try to give an item to the particular sub-character to see their responses towards it. Then, judge it by yourself whether or not this item is worthy enough to trade for your friendship with him/her. However, there's a hint that indicates if you have raised your Degree of Friendship high enough with that particular sub-character. And it is, the "Bond Rate" concept. This concept is complicating and it is a waste of your and my time to experiment further into it. As a result, I'll summarize it for you. If you find yourself keep receiving Junk-Items in return after you've given plenty of precious items/gifts to the particular sub-character, that's the indication that, you have raised a total of 600++ Bond Rate with the particular sub-character at Imasho Town, which means you will not receive any further items/gifts/equipments in return from him/her but keep receiving Junk-Items. In other words, you have already had a considerably high Degree of Friendship with that particular sub-character, which is a good news. Note: Always help your allies when they need your help the most in a battle. Try to always clear the area with no monsters left before leaving the area to sustain your Degree of Friendship with him/her. If you do so, it will sometimes help increasing your DoF with him/her, but if you neglect him/her, that will results in a drastic drops of value. Average Degree of Friendship ============================ Average Degree of Friendship is set at the Bond Rate of 300 ~ 400 for _each_ of the sub-characters, Magoichi, Ekei, Kotaro and Oyu. This is imperative and necessary for you to play their "Appear at a Coincidence" quests later in the game. Hence, it is not wise to focus on giving items/gifts to one sub-character that you wish him/her to be the story character. Instead, balance on your Degree of Friendship with all of them at an average rate of items allocation/sharing. You must be experienced in sharing items in order to allocate a balanced Degree of Friendship among all the sub-characters. In regards to some of the scenarios that require an average Degree of Friendship to be successfully accomplished, you can decrease the particular's sub-characters' Degree of Friendship with Jubei through some scenarios in the game by declining their requests. This results Jubei's Degree of Friendship with the particular one to drop drastically which you could probably fulfill the requirements for those scenarios that concerned an average DoF to be completed. As a suggestion, you can clear the game multiple times to find out your own formulas for items trading for an average rate of DoF or refer to my latest Misc. FAQ dated on 09/02/02 at GameFAQs for assistance. The information is introduced and explained at the "Items Exchange" section that you can use it to your advantage when you need other items' info. After all, an Average Degree of Friendship will reward you with a "Friend" [仲良] bonus Sub-Rank at the end accompanying your Base Rank. +==+ FAQ +==+ Q: What are Junk-Items? A: 弾丸 Normal Bullets, 定角の矢 Normal Arrows and 長根の火矢 Fire Arrows. Q: What exactly is "Appear at a Coincidence" Quest you mean in your FAQ/Walkthrough? A: The playable quests for each sub-character associated with other triggerable scenarios in the game. These quests are counted as triggerable scenarios. It happens when Jubei needs their help the most, you couldn't change/determine which sub- characters appear to aid Jubei at their respective place and time, the settings is default and it is not random. You need to _either_ equalize an Average DoF among all of them to be able to trigger these playable Scenario's Quests for all 4's in a single game _or_ raise a High DoF for the certain sub-character. How? Refer to "Average Degree of Friendship" section in this FAQ/Walkthrough or my General FAQ dated on 06/30/02 and search for the section "Items to their belongings" for an average give-outs of all items to balance your Friendship among all of them. Their locations and appearance sequence are: 1st - 風魔 小太郎 Kotaro Fuma (When Jubei was lost in the forest 3 times at 霧隠の谷 Fog Valley) 2nd - 小谷のお邑 Oyu of Odani (When Jubei was injured at 鬼ヶ島 Oni's Sacred Place) 3rd - 安国寺 恵瓊 Ekei Ankokuji (When Jubei was locked in a room at 岐阜城 Gifu Castle) 4th - 雑賀 孫市 Magoichi Saiga (When Jubei was petrified by 藤吉郎 Tokichiro at 幻魔洞 Demon Cave) -...- ====================================================================================== SCENARIO ROUTE FAQ/WALKTHROUGH ====================================================================================== There are a total of 10 chapters comprise of 100 scenarios available in the game. Some scenes are set at its "default" settings (Jubei's Scenes) in which you will trigger those necessary scenes to proceed, further in the game with a number of them consist of Oyu's events. Explanations will be given for all "trigger-able" scenarios. However, a number of scenes are "non-triggerable" which you need to do it _manually_. What I mean _manually_ is, you need to interact with the sub-character and "search & give" their Quest Items or Event Items to completely done with the scenario. As of the default game progress scenes, those are defined by the word *Default*. Words highlighted by an * are key words that triggers an event/scenario. ***Important Notice*** ---------------------- Please note that all the scenarios _cannot_ be cleared with a 100% scenario completion in a _single_ game, usually a game with the range of 60% ~ 67% of scenario trigger percentage. Therefore, you have to replay the game at least 4-6 times in order to eventually unlock _all_ the scenarios. The percentage of Scenario Completion in the Scenario Route Viewer is being accumulated every time you clear a game and, the recorded results will not be erased. In other words, if you clear a game with a 65% of triggered scenario %, this result will be recorded in the Scenario Route Viewer based on all the triggered scenarios you've played in the particular game. Later if you clear another game with different triggerable scenarios, the latest result will be accumulated depending on which sub-characters' scenarios you've triggered as well as, unlock the "not-clear-yet" scenarios in the Scenario Route Viewer and allow you to view your progress of what you've unlocked. All scenarios cannot be skipped via Start button until you've cleared them all in a few "replay" games. -=It Begins=- |--------------| | INTRODUCTION | |--------------| Scenario # 1 - Default (Movie) Designation version: JP Inscription - 序章 織田軍の猛撃 US Inscription - Introduction: Deadly Attack by Oda's Army Nobunaga arrived at a mountain and prepared his army for the invasion at Yagyu's village. Many men were killed and skewered. A scene of tragedy! ====================================================================================== |-----------| | CHAPTER 1 | |-----------| Scenario # 2 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第一章 一節 凄慘極まる柳生の庄 US Inscription - CHAPTER 1 - 1 Evil Attack on Yagyu's Village Yagyu Jubei ran back to his hometown when he heard the catastrophic aftermath caused by the long hated Evil-Nobunaga. Misfortunately, he found all the bodies of his relatives at the moment he's back. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 3 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第一章 二節 高女の出会い US Inscription - CHAPTER 1 - 2 Meeting Takajo Jubei met Takajo, a mysterious woman who told Jubei the existence of Genma and guided him the direction to defeat Nobunaga. Takajo granted Jubei the ability to absorb souls to his left hand. Her true identity was unknown. -Walkthrough- ============= Run all the way from the village to the bamboo forest and finally to a pond, a cut- scene will be triggered. Enter deeper into the cave and go through the door to trigger the cut-scene. After that, you can either head back to Yagyu's House to get more items or grab the Buraitou at the Dragon Shrine to continue the game. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 4 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第一章 三節 新たなる力 US Inscription - CHAPTER 1 - 3 A New Power Jubei used the power of his left-hand granted by Takajo and obtained his first weapon, the Buraitou 舞雷刀. And, was traveled to "Imasho Town" 今庄の町. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 5 - Default: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第一章 四節 オユウとの出会い US Inscription - CHAPTER 1 - 4 Meeting Oyu Jubei finally arrived at Imasho. He saw a girl's wearing an orb that Takajo told him about the 5 elements. Jubei stopped the men who tried to harass the girl (Oyu). ====================================================================================== Scenario # 6 - Default: Magoichi & Ekei's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第一章 五節 エケイと マゴイチと の出会い US Inscription - CHAPTER 1 - 5 Meeting Ekei and Magoichi -Walkthrough- ============= Go up to the mountain after the Oyu cut-scene and a man will stop you for not having a permit to enter the Golden Mountain. Go back to the Wine House, -=Scenario Triggered=- Buy the Mountain Permit(costs 100 Gold) from the man with the Green Hachimaki round his head standing near the door at the "cashier". ====================================================================================== Scenario # 7 - Triggerable: Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第一章 六節 コタロウとの出会い 一 US Inscription - CHAPTER 1 - 6 Meeting Kotaro -FAQ/Walkthrough- ================= After Scenario # 6, go out to the market and head North to the front of the Ironsmith shop. There are 2 men standing near the entrance to the Ironsmith area, eavesdrop them by pressing the action button, apparently, they're talking about their purse pick- pocketed by Kotaro. Go back to the Wine House and go *upstairs*, -=Scenario Triggered=- Note: If you simply go to the second floor without triggering the 2 men's conversation in front of the Ironsmith shop, nothing will happen. ====================================================================================== |-----------| | CHAPTER 2 | |-----------| Scenario # 8 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 一節 異形の化け物 US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 1 Eerie Monsters -Walkthrough- ============= After you bought the Permit, go to the Golden Mountain. A cut-scene will be triggered. Go into the cave and there's a Save point, choose the route on the LEFT first, and solve the puzzle box there to obtain The Buraitou Secret. Then, go to the cave on the RIGHT and proceed deeper into the cave. -=Scenario Triggered=- kill all the monsters and proceed. Note: You should be able to see either Ekei or Magoichi in the cave depending on your DoF, give them items if you want, or just ignore them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Scenario # 9 ~ # 11, the route may differ depending on you DoF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario # 9 - Triggerable: Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 二節 (一) コタロウ参戦 US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 2 - 1 Kotaro Helps Jubei -FAQ- ===== Before tracking back up to the Golden Mountain again, trigger Scenario #7, talk to Kotaro and give him the Globe 地球儀 and the Blue Parrot オウム 青. Exceptionally, DO NOT give any items to Ekei and Magoichi before you leave the Wine House in order to trigger this event later in the game. If you do, Kotaro will never appear. -Walkthrough- ============= Go to the Golden Mountain and keep proceed into the cave until you come to a T- junction. Go to the *South* by having Jubei choosing the path by his right. Go straight into the cave and kill all the monsters. Then, more monsters should appear, and Kotaro will, -=Scenario Triggered=- ====================================================================================== Scenario # 10 - Triggerable: Magoichi's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 二節 (二) マゴイチ参戦 US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 2 - 2 Magoichi Helps Jubei -FAQ- ===== Before leaving the Wine House, talk to Magoichi and give him 古文書 Ancient Documents, キセル Pipe, そろばん Abacus and 植物辞典 Plant Book. You should be able to receive a Secret Medicine and other gifts in return. If you wish, you may give _lesser_ gifts to both Ekei and Kotaro to maintain your DoF with Magoichi. This scenario is a swap between Ekei's and Magoichi's. In case you give more items to Magoichi and only, you'll trigger this event in the cave at Golden Mountain. Else, Ekei will appear as its default settings if you don't give ANY items to the 3 (Ekei, Magoichi and Kotaro). -Walkthrough- ============= Go to the same route as I mentioned on Scenario # 9. Instead of Kotaro's event, you should be able to see Ekei resting on the wood. This is an indication telling you that which sub-characters' events will be triggered among these 3. If none of them appears, it's Kotaro's event. Else if Ekei's resting on the wood, that will trigger Magoichi's event else, it's default by Ekei's event. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 11 - Default: Ekei's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 二節 (三) エケイ参戦 US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 2 - 3 Ekei Helps Jubei -FAQ- ===== This event is by its default settings. Regardless if you give items to Ekei or neither to Magoichi nor Kotaro, Ekei will appear to Jubei's assistance in the cave. If you wish, you can give him ウオッカ Vodka, カエル Frog, わさび Wasabi, フォーク Fork, 焼魚 Grilled Fish, 扇子 Folding Fan and 天狗の面 Tengu Mask to raise your DoF with him at the first time you visit him. -Walkthrough- ============= Just simply go South of the cave area from the T-Junction to trigger this event. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Scenario # 12 ~ # 14, the events correspond to Scenario # 9 ~ # 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario # 12 - Triggerable: Kotaro's Event: Correspond to Scenario # 9 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 三節 (一) コタロウ先走る US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 3 - 1 Kotaro Goes Ahead -FAQ- ===== This event corresponds to Scenario # 9, if you get to trigger Scenario # 9, this event connects to the cut-scene speaking off Kotaro's determination. After killing all the monsters, watch the cut-scene and Kotaro just left away. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 13 - Triggerable: Magoichi's Event: Correspond to Scenario #10 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 三節 (二) 坑夫の娘さらわるマゴイチ編 US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 3 - 2 A Missing Baby (For Magoichi) -FAQ- ===== This event corresponds to Scenario # 10, the event connects after Scenario # 10. After you killed all the monsters together with Magoichi's help, watch the cut-scene for yourself. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 14 - Triggerable: Ekei's Event: Correspond to Scenario #11 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 三節 (三) 坑夫の娘さらわるエケイ編 US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 3 - 3 A Missing Baby (For Ekei) -FAQ- ===== This event corresponds to Scenario # 11, it connects after you killed all the monsters together with Ekei. The script swaps between Magoichi's and Ekei's upon the same story. Enjoy the cut-scene! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Scenario # 15 & # 16, the events correspond to Scenario # 12 ~ # 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario # 15 - Triggerable: Kotaro's Event: Correspond to Scenario #12 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 四節 (一) 馬耳東風と聞き流す コタロウ US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 4 - 1 Kotaro won't Listen to Jubei -Walkthrough- ============= After you watch the cut-scene, head further to the end of the South area of the cave and obtain the 氷刃槍 Hyoujin-Yari. Now, head all the way North, -=Scenario Triggered=- After the cut-scene, attack the Ice-Demon-Wall with your Hyoujin-Yari to proceed. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 16 - Default: Magoichi & Ekei's Event: Correspond to Scenarios # 13 & 14 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 四節 (二) 男達の夢 US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 4 - 2 Dream of Men -FAQ/Walkthrough- ================= This scenario is default if you didn't give any items/gifts to any of the sub- characters. After you watch the cut-scene, head further to the end of the South area of the cave and obtain the 氷刃槍 Hyoujin-Yari. Now, head all the way North, -=Scenario Triggered=- After the cut-scene, attack the Ice-Demon-Wall with your Hyoujin-Yari to proceed. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 17 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 五節 ギンガムファッツ登場 US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 5 Meeting Ginghamphatts -Walkthrough- ============= Use the [仁] Charity Orb to open the stone puzzle door and go to the Gold Mine. A demon appears and tries to prevent Jubei from continue finding the woman (Oyu). Fight him! If you know Issen attack, this battle is a lot faster to finish. After the battle, proceed. -Advice- ======== Attack him with your Oni-Power whenever possible. By doing this, it allows him to release more yellow souls that can heal your life. When he's nearly defeated, he tends to use Stunner Jump multiple times, avoid it and don't block, it's unblockable and be careful for the dropping rocks. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 18 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 六節 瀕死の坑夫 US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 6 The Exhausted Factory Owner -Walkthrough- ============= Before you talk to this man, go into the cave ahead and solve the puzzle box to obtain The Hyoujin-Yari Secret and pick up the leftover gold there. Talk to this injured man and he tells you about a tale and gives you the Red Ring. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 19 - Triggerable: Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 七節 コタロウとの出会い 二 US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 7 Meeting Kotaro 2 Available Item - 小判 Gold Coin (optional) -FAQ- ===== If you have not triggered Kotaro's first intro scene, you should be able to see him lying down near the panel. *TALK* to him to trigger his second Intro event. If you'd triggered his first intro event, you won't be able to trigger this event. Therefore, you need to alternatively skip the first intro event in order to trigger this scenario in the next game. -Optional Side Quest- ===================== After you trigger this event, go out to the town area and go to the ditch and you'll see a thin old balded man wandering back and forth around the ditch. Talk to him and he'll tell you that he saw a hand somewhere and was buried by a stray dog. Now, run up to the Golden Mountain and in front of the Guard's House (not inside the cave), see a dog there? Ok. Stand in front to the face of the dog and when it heads up and faces Jubei, press the Soul-Absorbent button ("X" for JP and "O" for US version) to do a _silly_ body language in front of the dog (you can also press the R1 or L1 when it faces Jubei, just anything as long as your hands and body can move). -Here's a hint- During the moment you're _communicating_ with the dog, you can identify whether or not you have done it correctly. Here it goes: If you see the dog waves its tail at Jubei, that shows it will soon lead you to where the treasure is hidden and bark when it found the treasure. Simply examine the area it barks around to receive the Gold Coin 小判. If the dog just strolls around and ignores you, you have to try again until it likes you, don't worry, it's easy to pamper the dog. Try until you get the Gold Coin 小判. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 20 - Non-Triggerable: Manually done: Magoichi's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 八節 硝子の絵図 US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 8 Picture Map for Potassium Nitrate -FAQ- ====== Steps to follow: -Step 1- Give Magoichi items/gifts to raise your DoF with him at your first visit at the Wine House early after Scenario # 6. Or, if you have not already, then, give him items when you're in the Golden Mountain before Ginghamphatts battle earlier during Scenario # 16. -Step 2- After you come back to the town, head to the Wine House and you should be able to see the man with the Green Hachimaki who sold you the Permit earlier during your first visit at Imasho. Now, TALK to the man again and *buy* the 硝子の絵図 P. Nitrate Map, a map of the stones location. -Step 3- Head to the Golden Mountain and access the map via the Start button. Go to their respective area marked with an X and collect all the stones. The stones are invisible, so, you need to inspect the area to pick it up. Then, give all the 硝子 stones to Magoichi. * You'll receive bullets if you give him these stones at the Golden Mountain, but you'll receive Herbs and others if you give at the Wine House at Imasho. * Note: This event is triggered at the moment you buy the Map. By the way, you receive medicines and others by giving the stones to Magoichi. Please note that if you didn't give Magoichi any items during your first visit at Imasho, the man will not appear. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 21 - Non-Triggerable: Manually done: Ekei's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 九節 スリ女探素 US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 9 Search for the Woman Pickpocket Quest Item = 鳴らない鈴 Broken Bell -FAQ- ===== Steps to follow: -Step 1- Talk to Ekei and give him Vodka during the first visit at the Wine House. You can also give him カエル Frog, わさび Wasabi, フォーク Fork, 焼魚 Grilled Fish, 扇子 Folding Fan and 天狗の面 Tengu Mask to raise your DoF with him the first time you visit him. During your second visit at Imasho after receiving the Red Ring, go downstairs and *talk* to Ekei. He should tell you about a pickpocket woman. -Proceed to Step 2- On the other hand, if he tells you he wants something sweet, give him Confetti and talk to him again and he'll tell you about the pickpocket woman. -Step 2- Now, search for the girl beside the Stable, the girl who stands there is Suri -> talk to her -> go to the balcony of the Wine House -> talk to her -> go to the Ironsmith shop -> talk to her -> go to the Stable again -> talk to her and receive the 鳴らない鈴 Broken Bell. -Step 3- Give the Broken Bell to Ekei and receive a Combo Scroll (usually you'll receive 舞雷刀奥義 地の巻 Buraitou Tech.1). Note: You won't be able to trigger this event if you didn't give him any items during your first visit at Imasho. Likewise, if you miss this event, it will not be available again later at your third visit at Imasho (after you brought Oyu to Imasho). -Walkthrough- ============= While searching for Suri at the Stable, talk to the shirtless man that sits and guards the horses to receive a 鬼石 Magic Jewel. When heading back to the Wine House, talk a few times to the woman in the Greenish Blue Kimono (not the Purple Kimono woman) _wandering_ in front of the Wine House to receive a Secret Medicine. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 22 - Triggerable: Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 十節 (一) コタロウの告白 US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 10 - 1 Kotaro's Confession -FAQ- ===== This scenario is a switch with Scenario # 23. Please ensure to give items/gifts to Kotaro before leaving for the Golden Mountain again. Or, you can give him items in the Golden Mountain itself. -Walkthrough- ============= After Scenario # 21 or after you received the Red Ring, head for the place where the man tells you about in the Golden Mountain. On the way, you'll see Kotaro being suffocated by a Bone-Warrior, help him by killing all the monsters and proceed. In the Gold Mine, clear all the way off of the Spike-Rollers and the Bull with Magoichi (give him Dice to receive something precious after the battle). Then proceed and use the Red Ring to open the path. Proceed until you come to a very _familiar_ place you'd seen in the first Onimusha. -=Scenario Triggered=- ====================================================================================== Scenario # 23 - Default: Magoichi & Ekei's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 十節 (二) マゴイチ エケイを語る US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 10 - 2 Magoichi Talks about Ekei -FAQ- ===== This scenario is of its default settings. You will trigger this event eventhough you didn't give any items to Ekei, Magoichi and Kotaro. However, this scenario swaps with Scenario # 22, if you didn't give any items/gifts to Magoichi and Ekei at both your first and second visits at Imasho, it'll trigger Scenario # 22. To prevent this, you can give suffice items/gifts to Magoichi and Ekei in order to trigger this scenario. -Walkthrough- ============= After Scenario # 21 or after you received the Red Ring, head for the place where the man tells you about in the Golden Mountain until you come to the Gold Mine. Clear all the way off the Spike-Rollers and the Bull with Magoichi (give him items if you want). Then proceed and use the Red Ring to open the path. Proceed until you come to a very _familiar_ place you'd seen in the first Onimusha. The Gifu Keep Tower -=Scenario Triggered=- ====================================================================================== Scenario # 24 - Default: Magoichi & Ekei's Event: Corresponds to Scenario # 23 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第二章 十一節 坑夫発見 US Inscription - CHAPTER 2 - 11 The Digger's Baby is Found -FAQ- ===== This event is determined by Scenario # 22 & # 23, if you get to trigger Scenario # 23, this scenario will be triggered. Else, in case Scenario # 22(Kotaro's event) is triggered this scenario will not be available. -Walkthrough- ============= Go into the Gifu Keep Tower and to the left door, solve the Mathematical Puzzle Drawer to receive the Right Piece of the Bronze Mask. Proceed again and help Ekei by killing all the monsters, then give him items if you wish. Advance through the door and solve the puzzle box to receive a Power-Jewel. Then, go all the way to the second floor of the Keep. Ekei appears to help, kill all the monsters again to trigger this event. ====================================================================================== |-----------| | CHAPTER 3 | |-----------| Scenario # 25 - Default: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第三章 一節 藤吉郎登場 US Inscription - CHAPTER 3 - 1 Meeting Tokichiro The mischievous Tokichiro appeared in this sequel again. He tried to kidnap Oyu but Jubei came right at a coincidence. Oyu was safe then. -Walkthrough- ============= By the way, go through the door and grab the Purify Charm. Then, head to the ground floor and go through the door under the staircase. A scene is triggered. Give the Purify Charm to the fallen Ninja and get the Left Piece of the Bronze Mask. Use them on the main door then proceed. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 26 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第三章 二節 ゴーガンダンテス初戦 US Inscription - CHAPTER 3 - 2 Gogandantess Battle 1 Gogandantess, the man who admits and blows his horn as the Genma Clan's Highest Legendary Swordsman, gets in the way. Jubei had a brief moment of fighting him. This is a futile fight, don't get too serious, just block and dodge his attack whenever he tries to attack when his sword is red. -Strategy- ========== Equip the Buraitou and keep performing this combo: Down, Up, Square = Slash, Slash, Slash*(press Square button at this * to execute the final slash). Keep doing this right in front of him, he'll keep counter with his sword and you'll pass through this scene without getting hurt. Maintain until Oyu appear to help after a certain time. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 27 - Default: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第三章 三節 オユウの手助け US Inscription - CHAPTER 3 - 3 Oyu Assists Jubei This is the time when she appears and helps Jubei. Watch the scene for yourself! ====================================================================================== Scenario # 28 - Triggerable: Kotaro's Event: Correspond to Scenario #27 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第三章 四節 コタロウとオユウの出会い US Inscription - CHAPTER 3 - 4 Kotaro Meets Oyu -FAQ- ===== Before leaving for the Golden Mountain again, make sure that you have given precious items to Kotaro sufficiently especially his weapons and what I've stated earlier. I suggest you to play a game with only giving Kotaro items to trigger 90% of his scenarios in a _single_ game. -Walkthrough- ============= After you'd seen Oyu throws the ladder for Jubei's escape, Gogandantess leaves the area with some summoned Bone Warriors behind. Kotaro will jump out to protect Jubei's escape. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 29 - Default: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第三章 五節 「聖」の玉を借りる US Inscription - CHAPTER 3 - 5 Borrow the "Faith" Orb Escape the cave and *talk* to Oyu. -=Scenario Triggered=- Jubei asked for the Faith Orb from Oyu. No doubt, Oyu was keen to lend it to Jubei. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 30 - Default: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription -第三章 六節 鬼馬を駆る US Inscription - CHAPTER 3 - 6 Ride an Iron Horse Go ahead and use the [聖] Faith Orb in front of the Oni-Spirit Horse. -=Scenario Triggered=- It was a short moment. It seemed that Oyu would remember this man(Jubei) for the rest of her life. I leave it to you, as I don't want to spoil what you think about it. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 31 - Default: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第三章 七節「聖」の玉をもらう US Inscription - CHAPTER 3 - 7 Obtain the "Faith" Orb It connects after Scenario # 30. Oyu gave the Faith Orb to Jubei as a very special gift that contains lots of words from her. Watch the cut-scene for yourself. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 32 - Triggerable: Oyu & Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第三章 八節 (一) コタロウ オユウについて警告 US Inscription - CHAPTER 3 - 8 - 1 Kotaro's Warning about Oyu -FAQ- ===== Well, by having triggered Scenario # 7 or # 19 (the first or second Kotaro's Intro Event), he'll appear and give warnings to Jubei about Oyu. If you have not trigger neither of the 2, then proceed to Scenario # 33 ====================================================================================== Scenario # 33 - Triggerable: Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第三章 八節 (二) コタロウの出会い 三 US Inscription - CHAPTER 3 - 8 - 2 Meeting Kotaro 3 -FAQ- ===== Purposely start a new game and *skip* Scenario # 7 and # 19 (the first and second Kotaro's Intro Event). Play through the game all the way until this part to trigger his last Intro Event if you have not trigger his first and second Intro events. ====================================================================================== |-----------| | CHAPTER 4 | |-----------| Scenario # 34 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第四章 一節 ジュジュド−マ登場 US Inscription - CHAPTER 4 - 1 Meeting Jyujyudormah -Advice- ======== Please ensure that you have all your items given out to all sub-characters respectively especially their weapons and armors. Give the proper items to the proper sub-characters appropriately to their necessity (or relevant to their hobbies) BEFORE you talk to Jyujyudormah. -Walkthrough- ============= After Scenario # 32 & # 33, go to the market place and talk to the man of the Blue Souvenirs Stall on Jubei's right several times. Then, talk to the man of the white stall 3 times beside the blue one. Talk to the man of the Blue Souvenirs Stall again to receive the 櫛 Comb. Give the 櫛 Comb to Oyu to receive the 超鬼薬 Super M. Medicine. After you are done with the item-exchange, go to the market place and *talk* to the "pretty" woman shaded by an umbrella. -=Scenario Triggered=- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Scenario # 35 ~ # 38, the route differs due to your DoF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***Important Notice*** ---------------------- For Scenario # 35 ~ # 38, you won't be able to trigger any of these scenes if you didn't give any items to any of the sub-characters, you'll just continue the game by slashing up some demons as usual. As of note, this is the *most important* moment that will determine the Scenario Route of whom the particular sub-characters appear for the rest of the game. Please ensure that you have the proper items/gifts given out to the particular sub-character who you wish to play his/her quest in the game later. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 35 - Triggerable alternatively: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第四章 二節 (一) オユウ参戦 US Inscription - CHAPTER 4 - 2 - 1 Oyu Helps Jubei -FAQ- ===== For this Scenario until Scenario # 38, it relies dependently to whom you gave the most items to with the Pair Ring at the last moment in the Wine House. Obviously, if you give the most items(including her equipments) to Oyu, this cut-scene is triggered after Scenario # 34. -Walkthrough- ============= After Jubei is teleported back to his hometown again, run down all the way across the bamboo forest to a wooden bridge. Some monsters will appear and see who comes to your assistance. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 36 - Triggerable alternatively: Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第四章 二節 (二) コタロウ参戦 二 US Inscription - CHAPTER 4 - 2 - 2 Kotaro Helps Jubei 2 -FAQ- ===== As mentioned before, the route alternates dependently to whom you gave the most items to with the Pair Ring at the last moment in the Wine House. Give him lots of precious items(including weapons and armors) if you wish him to be your battle partner later in the game. -Walkthrough- ============= Just simply run down to the bamboo forest to a wooden bridge. If your DoF is high with Kotaro, he'll appear to lend you a hand. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 37 - Triggerable alternatively: Magoichi's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第四章 二節 (三) マゴイチ参戦 二 US Inscription - CHAPTER 4 - 2 - 3 Magoichi Helps Jubei 2 -FAQ- ===== -Same explanation as Scenario # 35- Give him the complete Japanese History Books Set and the Pair Ring along with other precious items(including weapons and armors) before stepping out the door of the Wine House if you wish him to be your battle pal later in the game. -Walkthrough- ============= Run and clear all the way across the bamboo forest to a wooden bridge. Some monsters are itchy to fight and watch him steps into your aid. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 38 - Triggerable alternatively: Ekei's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第四章 二節 (四) エケイ参戦 二 US Inscription - CHAPTER 4 - 2 - 4 Ekei Helps Jubei 2 -FAQ- ===== -Same explanation as Scenario # 35- Give him items(including weapons and armors) to raise your DoF to have him fights by your side later in the game. -Walkthrough- ============= Boost all the way to the wooden bridge and watch the scene. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 39 - Triggerable: Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第四章 三節 オユウを見張る コタロウ US Inscription - CHAPTER 4 - 3 Kotaro Spies on Oyu -FAQ- ===== -High Degree of Friendship with Kotaro- This event connects and corresponds to Scenario # 36. After you wipe out all the monsters, simply leave the area to trigger the cut-scene. Kotaro suspiciously jumps up to a rooftop and watch Oyu while she's searching for Jubei. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 40 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第四章 四節 高女の最期 息子の腕の中で US Inscription - CHAPTER 4 - 4 Takajo's End Viciously, Jyujyudormah killed Takajo with her "blady-purse". The truth of Takajo being the mother of Jubei was realized back then. -Walkthrough- ============= Run into the cave where Jubei first met Takajo after Scenario # 39. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 41 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第四章 五節 母と父の出会い US Inscription - CHAPTER 4 - 5 Mother & Father This scenario connects to Scenario # 40. Jubei had a flashback about what Takajo told him at the first time he met her. Oyu rushed in to the scene and the past about Jubei's father was told. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 42 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第四章 六節 新たらな誓い US Inscription - CHAPTER 4 - 6 The Oath This scenario connects to Scenario # 41. Jubei vows to become an Onimusha and defeat all Genma as he could. ====================================================================================== |-----------| | CHAPTER 5 | |-----------| Scenario # 43 - Non-Triggerable: Manually done: Magoichi's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第五章 一節 マゴイチ 十兵衛に爆弾を渡す US Inscription - CHAPTER 5 - 1 Magoichi Gives a Bomb Event Items - 雑賀発破 Saiga Bomb Reward - 緑の首飾 Green Necklace -Walkthrough- ============= After the scene of Takajo and Jubei's parents' story, pick up the Ring of Takajo and head out back to the pond through the door. You will be able to see Magoichi standing next to the pond. *Talk* to him to receive the Saiga Bomb 雑賀発破. -FAQ- ===== This Scenario depends on your DoF with Magoichi. After you get the Saiga Bomb from him, use it to blow up the rock pile beside the Dragon Shrine. An item will reveal, it's the Green Necklace 緑の首飾. Note: Please note that this is a Magoichi's Scenario and you won't be able to trigger it if Ekei or Kotaro appear next to the pond. Also, none will appear if you didn't give any items to any of the sub-characters. Since this is a non-triggerable scenario, you must not forget to use the bomb beside the Dragon Shine. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 44 - Default: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第五章 二節 炉端でのひととき US Inscription - CHAPTER 5 - 2 Jubei and Oyu Talk by Fireside -FAQ- ===== Raise your DoF with Oyu before leaving Imasho by giving her all women's equipments. High Degree of Friendship with Kotaro will also trigger this event. -Walkthrough- ============= Run down the path all the way back to Yagyu's House and to the room where the 4 Guardians Puzzle is located in conjunction to trigger this event. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 45 - Triggerable: Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第五章 三節 友情に厚い コタロウ US Inscription - CHAPTER 5 - 3 Kotaro with Firm Friendship Necessary Items - 赤幻夢クサビ Red Wedge 青幻夢クサビ Blue Wedge 赤の石柱 Red Pole 青の石柱 Blue Pole -FAQ- ===== -High Degree of Friendship with Kotaro- As what's been told, raise your Degree of Friendship with Kotaro by giving him items before leaving Imasho. -Walkthrough- ============= Solve the 4 Gods Dresser Puzzle (Up 3 times[Black Turtle], Down 2 times[Red Phoenix], Left 2 times[White Tiger] and Right 1 time[Blue Dragon]) or alternately refer to the 4 Guardians Map to solve it. Go down and run all the way then cut the rope that blocks the way. There's a trap, run back to the spike trap area and jump across, push up, then turn around by pressing R2 button and jump back again, Jubei will hold up the edge. After the spiky thing passes by, push up and exit. Clear all your way to a Green Dragon Shrine and obtain the 旋風丸 Senpumaru. Then, rush back all the way to where you saw a Wind-Demon-Wall, break it with the Senpumaru and grab the 知略の信長像 Nobunaga's Knowledge Statue. Now, run back into the forest. Talk to Oyu after killing all the monsters at the wooden bridge to receive a Herb. Now, continue your journey to the forest/valley. Kill all the monsters and proceed to the next area. Here, if you DON'T see a Yellow Floating Creature ahead your way, that means Kotaro WILL appear when you're lost in the forest 3 times. Simply run around the forest 3 times at the divided path to trigger this event. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 46 - Triggerable: Kotaro's Event: Correspond to Scenario #45 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第五章 四節 コタロウ 十兵衛を助ける US Inscription - CHAPTER 5 - 4 Kotaro Saves Jubei -Walkthrough- ============= Now, you'll switch control to Kotaro, run forward and open the Silver Chest and grab the Blue Bracelet. Open another Silver chest to obtain the Red Wedge and clear all your way up to the wooden bridge and use the Red Wedge 赤幻夢クサビ on the red radiance to proceed into the Red Phantom Realm. Kill all the monsters inside then grab the Blue Wedge 青幻夢クサビ and the Red Stone Pole 赤の石柱. Exit and run all your way to the Dragon Shrine, check the valley path beside the signboard and jump up. Now, you're at the riverside, ignore all the monsters and take your armor 夜狐裝束 Stealth Costume. Equip the armor and exit the riverside and run across the pond and through the door, there's another Phantom Realm. Use the Blue Wedge 青幻夢クサビ to activate it. Kill all the monsters and grab the Blue Stone Pole 青の石柱. Run back to the Totem and use both the Red and Blue Stone Poles to break the curse. Run into the forest and kill the monsters to trigger this event. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 47 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第五章 五節 ジュジュド−マ と ンガンムファッツ US Inscription - CHAPTER 5 - 5 Jyujyudormah and Ginghamphatts Watch the cut-scene and Ginghamphatts will appear. Now, fight him! After he's defeated, Jubei will receive the 統率の信長像 Nobunaga's Reign Statue. -Tips- ====== Use your Oni-Power whenever possible. Always hold down the R1 button for auto-target when he runs around in the forest. Your ally will come to help when you're low at health depending on your DoF. Don't worry! ====================================================================================== Scenario # 48 - Triggerable: Magoichi & Ekei's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第五章 六節 男達の戦う理由 US Inscription - CHAPTER 5 - 6 Reasons to Fight -FAQ- ===== This scenario will be triggered if your DoF with either Magoichi or Ekei is high. This scenario is not default; therefore, you must raise your DoF with either of the 2 buddies in order to trigger this event. -Walkthrough- ============= Exit the area of where you fight Ginghamphatts (2nd encounter) to trigger this event. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Scenario # 49 & # 50, these 2 non-triggerable events differ depending on your Degree of Friendship with Oyu and Kotaro. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario # 49 - Non-Triggerable: Manually done: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第五章 七節 (一) オユウへの剣術指南 US Inscription - CHAPTER 5 - 7 - 1 Fencing Lessons for Oyu Event Award - 旋風丸奥義 Xの巻 Senpumaru Tech. 1 or 2 or others. -FAQ- ===== -High Degree of Friendship with Oyu- After battling Ginghamphatts ギンガムファッツ (2nd Encounter) in the forest, you will come to a swamp, save your game here. Then, go to the passage on Jubei's right, you should be able to see Oyu's standing there, *talk* to her and choose Yes はい as your response to trigger this event. (Special Case) You're advised to save your current progress at the Magic Mirror near the Swamp. This involves Scenario # 89 "Ekei's Last Moment". Which you'll need an Average Degree of Friendship with Oyu in order to trigger that event. This is for your advantage where you don't have to replay a whole new game to trigger all Oyu's events if you have not already, as you can simply reload the game from here to trigger those of hers that haven't been. -Advice- ======== Do what she tells you to. There'll be turns switch between her and Jubei. When she attacks you, just simply block. But when you see she's charging her weapon, immediately run out of sight to avoid her attacks. Then, she'll switch a turn that allows you to attack her. Attack her when she's standing, but DO NOT attack her when she falls. Do this until it's over and receive an item. If you do it perfectly _without_ taking any hits from her, she'll appreciate it and say "Thank You for your excellent lesson! That was very educational" and she'll give you the Senpumaru Combo Scroll. Note: If you attack her while she's down, you won't receive any items when this scene is over. You're not allowed to take too much hits from her too(it's best to be less than 5 hits), as she'll be disappointed about your performance if you receive more than 5 hits. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 50 - Triggerable: Manually done: Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第五章 七節 (二) コタロウの伝書鳩と優しい嘘 US Inscription - CHAPTER 5 - 7 - 2 Kotaro's Pigeon Event Item - 鳩の足筒 Tube for Pigeon Leg Event Award - 旋風丸奥義 Xの巻 Senpumaru Tech. 1 or 2 -FAQ- ===== -High Degree of Friendship with Kotaro- After battling Ginghamphatts ギンガムファッツ (2nd Encounter) in the forest, you will come to a swamp, go to the passage on Jubei's right, you should be able to see Kotaro's standing at a side instead of Oyu, *talk* to him and he'll tell you something about the 鳩 Pigeon. After that, head across the area and go to the riverside, you will be able to see a Bull there eating something with feathers coming out from its mouth, kill it with Issen and get the 鳩の足筒 Tube for Pigeon Leg in front of the broken wooden stairs. Then, head back and give the Tube to Kotaro, he appreciates it very much and vows to risk his life to help Jubei whenever he's in trouble. You'll receive a Combo Scroll in return. Note: For this Scenario and Scenario # 49, neither will appear if you don't tight your friendship with either the 2. If you DoF with Ekei is high, he'll appear to help you but that is not counted as an event. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 51 - Triggerable: Magoichi's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第五章 八節 マゴイチ 大砲をぶっ放す US Inscription - CHAPTER 5 - 8 Magoichi Shoots a Cannon Event Award - 旋風丸奥義 Xの巻 Senpumaru Tech. 1 or 2 -FAQ- ===== -High Degree of Friendship with Magoichi- As of what's been told earlier at the "Important Notice" section at Scenario # 35 onwards, the rest of the scenarios in the game will differ depending on your DoF. However, after battling Ginghamphatts ギンガムファッツ (2nd Encounter) in the forest, exit the area to a swamp, go forward and Magoichi will appear with his latest bomb destruction technology (a Cannon). However, cover him up by killing all the Fishy- Snakes (Mermaid monsters), after he has finished setting up his bomb, -=Scenario Triggered=- There's doom to the Fishy-Snakes' burrow. Get both the Power Jewel 力石 & Magic Jewel 鬼石 and *TALK* to him to receive a Combo Scroll. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 52 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第五章 九節 ジュジュド−マ 最期の接吻 US Inscription - CHAPTER 5 - 9 A Last Kiss of Jyujyudormah -Walkthrough- ============= During Scenario # 49 or # 50, break the Thunder-Demon-Wall and grab the last 威厳の信長像 Nobunaga's Dignity Statue. Exit the swamp by the door and go to Jubei's left and solve the puzzle box to get the Senpumaru Secret. Then, use all 3 Nobunaga Statues at the Trap to access the stone puzzle. Clear all the way and save your game there at the Magic Mirror if want before you're ready for the boss battle. Now, go through the door for the Boss Fight. -Tip for Nobunaga's Puzzle- =========================== When you pull the lever, keep your eyes opened and remember the side of 2 Nobunaga's Statues to put instead of all 3. This prevents confusion. It's best to watch and remember the Left and Middle one. Then, put them on to solve the puzzle. -Advice- ======== Block her Flower-Crisp attack whenever you can. Attack her with your Oni-Power for maximum damage. If you know Issen move, deal Issen/Flash attack against her for maximum damage. However, your ally will appear to help when you've taken a certain number of hits from her or when your health is low. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 53 - Default (Movie) Designation version: JP Inscription - 第五章 十節 一か八かの飛込み US Inscription - CHAPTER 5 - 10 Jump Over a Cliff -Walkthrough- ============= Receive the [和] Honesty Orb after the battle and examine the reddish light. Be ready! Open the treasure chest to receive a Herb and run as fast as you can to the edge of the mountain. Consume a Herb when your health is too low. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 54 - Default (Movie) Designation version: JP Inscription - 第五章 十一節 いざ鬼ヶ島へ US Inscription - CHAPTER 5 - 11 To Oni's Sacred Place Enjoy the CG Movie! -Walkthrough- ============= Open the treasure chest then examine the Ancient and use the [和] Charity Orb to proceed. ====================================================================================== |-----------| | CHAPTER 6 | |-----------| Scenario # 55 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第六章 一節 ゴーガンダンテス再戦 波打ち際の攻防 US Inscription - CHAPTER 6 - 1 Gogandantess Battle 2 -Advice- ======== Look out for the knives he throws at you. Hold the R1 button for the entire battle and use the D-Pad to evade them. He'll try to stinger you when you're at a distance, just dodge the attack. Good Luck! -Strategy- ========== As mentioned before: This time, equip the 氷刃槍 Hyoujin-Yari and keep performing this combo: Down, Up, Square = Slash, Slash, Slash*(press Square button at this * to execute the final slash). Do this combo when he's close to you, you'll sometimes be able to break his defense. Unfortunately, he's tougher now and he still can attack you eventhough you're attacking him, you'll also knock off his block if you can maintain this attack consistently. Consume a Herb if you find it necessary. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 56 - Default: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第六章 二節 高女の言付け US Inscription - CHAPTER 6 - 2 Takajo's Advice When Gogandantess is satisfactorily damaged, a cut-scene will be triggered. Now, you'll switch control to Oyu, -=Scenario Triggered=- ====================================================================================== Scenario # 57 - Default: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第六章 三節 破魔の笛を発見 US Inscription - CHAPTER 6 - 3 Oyu Finds the Sacred Flute -Walkthrough- ============= Run straight North and down the path until the end of the Giant God Statue room. Open the treasure chest and use the Key Plate 刻印板 in front of Earth Dragon Shrine. Go to the room on the right (not the one next to the Save Point) in the main hall and clear all your way to the lowest part of the Ancient Bone area. Now, some bulls will be interrupting your way. Defeat the bulls and grab the Sacred Flute 破魔の笛. -Advice- ======== Fully charge your weapon to execute a full 3 hit combo against them. Fall back while you're charging your weapon to avoid risk. Alternatively, kill them with Issen attack save you much time. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 58 - Default: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第六章 四節 オユウ 十兵衛に破魔の笛を届ける US Inscription - CHAPTER 6 - 4 Oyu Hands Over the Sacred Flute -Walkthrough- ============= Run all the way back out to the seaside to proceed the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Scenario # 59 ~ # 65, the events are done within The Oni's Sacred Place 鬼ヶ島 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario # 59 - Triggerable: Ekei's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第六章 五節 隱し部屋を発見するエケイ US Inscription - CHAPTER 6 - 5 Ekei Finds a Hidden Room Event Award - 黄の首飾 Yellow Necklace -Walkthrough- ============= After you switch control back to Jubei, take on the same track back to where Oyu has past until you come to The Oni's Sacred Place: Water Room. Defeat the Jelly-Fish-like Genma and grab the Circle Key 鉄の丸鍵 on the floor then run all the way to the main hall and take on the LEFT room (next to the Magic Mirror). Trigger the Oni-Power of Senpumaru 旋風丸 with the Triangle button under the Red-Fan Generator to activate the Elevator and proceed to the next area by the Elevator. Run straight and exit the Engine Room through the door. Here, you should be able to hear a very familiar voice, turn to the left and go straight to the end of the path to trigger this event. -=Scenario Triggered=- Simply kill the Bone Warrior and enter the now-revealed room and grab the Yellow Necklace from the treasure chest. -FAQ- ===== This scenario rewards you with the Yellow Necklace 黄の首飾. If your DoF with Oyu is high, she'll come to your assistance when you're fighting the monsters in the Oni's Sacred Place: Water Room where you take the Circle Key, also ensure that you *talk* to her before you leave the area to receive a Herb. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 60 - Triggerable: Oyu & Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第六章 六節 オユウの正体を看破するコタロウ US Inscription - CHAPTER 6 - 6 Kotaro Uncovers Oyu's Secret -FAQ- ===== -High Degree of Friendship with Kotaro- Set your Degree of Friendship with either Kotaro or Oyu in order to trigger this scenario. -Walkthrough- ============= After switching control back to Jubei, grab the 土荒槌 Dokoutsui and track your way back with the same route as Oyu like what you've done earlier. Run all the way to the second room and a cut-scene will be triggered. Kotaro tries to prevent Oyu from being together with Jubei. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 61 - Triggerable: Ekei's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第六章 七節 エケイの弱点 US Inscription - CHAPTER 6 - 7 Ekei's Weakness Event Award - 土荒槌奥義 Xの巻 Dokoutsui Tech. 1 or 2 -FAQ/Walkthrough- ================= After you switch control back to Jubei in Oni's Sacred Place 鬼ヶ島, go to the door on the right (not the one near the save point), take care of the monsters there and proceed to the second room, ignore the irritating arrows and proceed to the 3rd room. You'll be able to see Ekei's running in a hurry, then some rats rush out from the pit and Ekei's in fear. Kill all the Golem-Bull monsters and Ekei will sit down and rest, *TALK* to him and he'll ask Jubei to keep a secret, answer Yes はい to receive a Combo Scroll. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 62 - Triggerable: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第六章 八節 口ごもるオユウ US Inscription - CHAPTER 6 - 8 Oyu Hesitates in Speaking Event Award - 赤の首飾 Red Necklace -FAQ/Walkthrough- ================= After you switch control back to Jubei in Oni's Sacred Place 鬼ヶ島, go to the door on the right and clear all your way and grab the Circle Key 鉄の丸鍵. Then, run all the way back to the first room (the room with 2 eerie paintings on the wall) and Oyu should be there, *talk* to her to trigger this event. Kill the Golem-Bull to carry on the event and then, a hidden area will be revealed, simply kill the Yellow-Bull and grab the Red Necklace 赤の首飾 from the treasure chest. This scenario rewards you with the Red Necklace 赤の首飾. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 63 - Triggerable: Magoichi & Ekei's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第六章 九節 マゴイチを陥れる 藤吉郎 US Inscription - CHAPTER 6 - 9 Tokichiro Sets a Trap for Magoichi -FAQ- ===== This scenario is triggered if you have a high DoF with either Magoichi or Ekei. Raise your DoF with either Magoichi or Ekei before leaving Imasho to trigger this scenario. -Walkthrough- ============= After you obtain the Circle Key 鉄の丸鍵, go back to the Main Hall of Oni's Sacred Place and a scene will trigger. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 64 - Triggerable: Oyu & Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第六章 十節 コタロウ オユウに心を開かず US Inscription - CHAPTER 6 - 10 Kotaro Doesn't Open up to Oyu -FAQ- ===== -High Degree of Friendship with Kotaro- Increase your DoF with either Kotaro or Oyu before leaving Imasho in order to trigger this scenario. -Walkthrough- ============= Rush all the way to the room with the Elevator (the room beside the Save Point) after you have the Circle Key 鉄の丸鍵. Equip the Senpumaru 旋風丸 and trigger its Oni-Power under the Red-Fan Generator (it's a generator). If you read the 昇降台の書 Lift Instructions, simply follow the instructions to activate the Fan Generator, it needs the Wind Power to activate it. Now, use the elevator to go down to the next area (somewhere looks like an Engine Room). Ignore all the monsters and run all the way to the room with a Mathematical Puzzle Drawer, solve the puzzle (it's about Mathematics, you should not fail it) and receive the Golden Key 金文字の鍵. Boost your speed all the way back to the Engine Room and climb the ladder next to the door. Use the Golden Key to stop the conveyer and jump across it. Use the Circle Key to exit the area and a scene will be triggered. ====================================================================================== |-----------| | CHAPTER 7 | |-----------| Scenario # 65 - Triggerable: Ekei's Event (Appear at a Coincidence) Scenario's Quest Designation version: JP Inscription - 第七章 一節 十兵衛の頼み事を引き受ける エケイ US Inscription - CHAPTER 7 - 1 Ekei Does a Favor for Jubei At a coincidence, Ekei passes by the path while Jubei was locked in the room. It's triggerable if your Degree of Friendship with Ekei is high. -FAQ- ===== Raise your DoF with Ekei at Imasho at the very early stage of the game. If you don't give him any items, you'll just proceed through the game as usual. And; *Note* This is the hint that tells you whether or not this scenario will be triggered: a) If you can hear some Alligators bowing arrows at you in the room, that indicates that Ekei will not appear to help you, which means you won't be able to play his Quest. b) As a contrary, if you don't see/hear any Alligator monsters shooting arrows at you, then that's the good news. You'll be able to trigger Ekei's Quest when you try to exit through the door. -Walkthrough- ============= After exiting the Engine Room by using the Circle Key 鉄の丸鍵, you're now in a giant statue room, check the statue and yet, it's another puzzle. The key is you need to rearrange the O's and X's paddle to its respective order according to the array. It's simple, solve it and exit the area through the Light Hole. You're now teleported to the Gifu Castle: Star Tower 岐阜城. Simply turn back by pressing the R2 button and go down the ladder. Now, solve the puzzle box to obtain the Talisman 身代わりの木札 and run all the way down. Save your game if you wish, grab the Green Wedge 緑幻夢クサビ from the treasure chest and try to exit through the door. A scenario is triggered if your DoF with Ekei is high as explained in the *Note* section above otherwise as usual. -=Ekei's Quest=- ---------------- You're now taking control over Ekei, simply run to exit the area and take the Yellow Bracelet. Then proceed. Kill all the monsters in this area and grab the Cherry Key 桜の鍵 from the treasure chest and exit through the door. Run to the Gifu Keep Tower and kill all the monsters at the second partition, the room with the Jelly-fish-like Genma. Simply kill them all and go to the door on the right. Open the chest and equip the Nioh Protector 仁王肩当. Grab the Crescent Key 三日月の鍵 and everything that lies within the room. You can take the side trip to the Swirling Snake Hall to obtain the Medicine if you like, or just simply run back to the lake area. Use the Crescent Key 三日月の鍵 to open the door on the left side of the area and enter. Ignore all the demons you see along your way. Or, cut them up if you like. Run to the waterfall area and grab the Halberd ハルベルト behind the waterfall. Exit the area and shift the boat to the opposite side. Enter the room and kill the Red Bull to receive the Snake Key 蛇の鍵. Rush all the way back to Jubei's room and use the Snake Key. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 66 - Triggerable: Ekei's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第七章 二節 エケイと十兵衛 星見櫓でのひととき US Inscription - CHAPTER 7 - 2 Ekei and Jubei Talk -FAQ- ===== It connects after you use the Snake Key 蛇の鍵 on the locked room. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 67 - Triggerable: Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第七章 三節 コタロウ 風魔爆弾を使う US Inscription - CHAPTER 7 - 3 Kotaro Uses a Fuma Bomb -FAQ- ===== This scenario can be triggered either way. It's regarding to whether or not you have triggered both Scenario # 65 or # 66 or not at all. It depends. However, raise your DoF with Kotaro in Imasho Town at the very early stage in the game. -Proceed to Walkthrough- -Walkthrough- ============= In case Scenario # 65 and # 66 were triggered --------------------------------------------- After switching control back to Jubei, exit the door and break the Thunder-Demon-Wall with the Buraitou, see a strange radiance on the floor? Simply use the Green Wedge 緑幻夢クサビ to activate the Green Phantom Realm. Enter it and clear all the levels of the Green Phantom Realm. Exit. -Here's a Side Quest- (optional) Remember the Gold-Demon-Wall in the Gifu Keep Tower at the early stage in the game? Yes, there's where you're here to complete the side quest. Run all the way to the Keep Tower. On the way, you'll be able to trigger this event of Kotaro. When enter the first partition of the room, run straight to automatically trigger this event. After this event, go to the room with the Gold-Demon-Wall to complete your side quest. Solve the puzzle to get The Dokoutsui Secret and get the Medicine from the treasure chest. Else if Ekei doesn't appear to help; ------------------------------------ Then, simply exit through the door and clear the Green Phantom Realm if you want and then to the garden. Open the treasure chest to obtain the 桜の鍵 Cherry Key and run to the Gifu Keep Tower to trigger this event. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 68 - Triggerable: Magoichi's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第七章 四節 マゴイチ 十兵衛に銃を渡す US Inscription - CHAPTER 7 - 4 Magoichi Hands a Gun to Jubei -FAQ- ===== -High Degree of Friendship with Magoichi- This scenario will automatically trigger if your DoF with Magoichi is high. That's nothing very particular in this scenario. Magoichi gives a gun to Jubei as his hand- made gift. -Walkthrough- ============= In case Scenario # 65 and # 66 were triggered --------------------------------------------- Simply exit the door to the pond after you switch control back to Jubei. Turn to Jubei's left and use the Buraitou to unseal the Thunder-Demon-Wall and use the Green Wedge to activate and play the Green Phantom Realm available in the room if you like or simply exit the area to trigger this scenario. If neither Scenario # 65 and # 66 were triggered ------------------------------------------------ Just simply exit from the door then the other door by Jubei's right and to the pond area to trigger this scenario. Note: It's advisable that you help Magoichi to clear up that area. You can leave the area for Magoichi to fight all the demons by himself, but doing that causes your Degree of Friendship with him to drop. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Scenario # 69 ~ # 73, these scenarios are done in the Demon Cave 幻魔洞. They are Magoichi and Kotaro's events within this Demon Cave, therefore, you can trigger either of these 2 buddies' events depending on your Degree of Friendship. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario # 69 - Triggerable: Magoichi's Event (Appear at a Coincidence) Scenario's Quest Designation version: JP Inscription - 第七章 五節 石化する十兵衛 マゴイチ漢気に応える US Inscription - CHAPTER 7 - 5 Magoichi Works to Help Jubei -FAQ- ===== Raise your DoF with Magoichi before you leave Imasho. This event can also be triggered if you have an Average Degree of Friendship with all other sub-characters. -Walkthrough- ============= In case Scenario # 65 and # 66 were triggered --------------------------------------------- After Scenario # 68, exit directly through the door on the left side of the map after Scenario # 68 and break the Ice-Demon-Wall with the Hyoujin-Yari on the right side of the next area. Take the Gourd ひょうだん from the treasure chest and examine the Light Hole. You're traveled down to the Demon Cave 幻魔洞. Save your game here if you wish and go into the cave ahead of you from that camera angle. -=Scenario Triggered=- If neither Scenario # 65 and # 66 were triggered ------------------------------------------------ Exit to the pond area and grab the Cherry Key 桜の鍵 from the treasure chest and exit through the door. Run to the Gifu Keep Tower and clear all your way to the second partition, the room with the Jelly-fish-like Genma. Simply kill them all and go to the door on the right using the Cherry Key 桜の鍵. Grab the Crescent Key 三日月の鍵 from the treasure chest and everything else that lies within the room then run back to the former pond area and proceed to the door on the left side of the map. Use the Crescent Key 三日月の鍵 to exit the area then break the Ice-Demon-Wall using the Hyoujin-Yari and examine the Light Hole to proceed into the Demon Cave. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 70 - Triggerable: Magoichi's Event: Correspond to Scenario #69 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第七章 六節 マゴイチ 解れ粉竹筒発見 US Inscription - CHAPTER 7 - 6 Magoichi Finds Great Powder Tube -FAQ- ===== This scenario corresponds to Scenario # 69. Therefore, you'll only need Walkthrough here. -Walkthrough- ============= Ignore all the monsters and run all the way deeper into the Demon Cave 幻魔洞 until you come to a bridge area. Kill all the monsters with your Oni-Power especially the guardian, Jelly-Fish-like Genma. Kill it and check the lever to proceed. Here's a Save Point. I suggest you save your current progress here before heading forward. Grab and equip the Rasha Gloves 羅紗手袋 then proceed until you come to a wide area with a few explosives around. There's a Red Bull, equip the Goraishinki 五雷神機 simply trigger your Oni-Power and shoot constantly to kill all monsters then proceed. Open the Silver Chest to obtain the Flamethrower 猛火油櫃 and the Great Powder Tube 解れ粉竹筒. - =Scenario Triggered=- ====================================================================================== Scenario # 71 - Triggerable: Magoichi's Event: Correspond to Scenario #70 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第七章 七節 マゴイチ 十兵衛の石化を解く US Inscription - CHAPTER 7 - 7 Magoichi Releases Jubei -FAQ- ===== This scenario corresponds to Scenario # 70 after you've switched control over to Magoichi. -Walkthrough- ============= Boost all your way back to the Save Point area where you last received Magoichi's Rasha Gloves 羅紗手袋. See a petrified man? Cure him with the Great Powder Tube to receive a Medicine in return. Now, simply continue your way back to Jubei. Unluckily, a creature get in your way and steal your Great Powder Tube, trigger your Oni-Power and shoot him until it drops to the ground. Continue your journey back and cure Jubei with the Great Powder Tube to carry on the game. -=Scenario Triggered=- After Jubei regains consciousness, use the Great Powder Tube to cure all petrified men in the cave. Don't forget there's a puzzle box in there too, solve it to receive a Power Jewel 力石 then exit the cave through the Light Hole. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 72 - Triggerable: Kotaro's Event: Swap Event of Scenario #69 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第七章 八節 隱し扉を発見するコタロウ US Inscription - CHAPTER 7 - 8 Kotaro Finds a Hidden Door Event Award - 青の首飾 Blue Necklace -FAQ- ===== -High Degree of Friendship with Kotaro- In case Kotaro appeared to help you at Scenario # 36 after you left Imasho back to Yagyu's Village, it has indicated that you'll be able to trigger most of his events in a single game if you did give him the Pair Ring at the last moment before you leave Imasho. You'll need to have a high DoF with Kotaro in order to trigger this scenario instead of having a high DoF with Oyu. This scenario switches with Scenario # 69. If you get to trigger Scenario # 69 Magoichi's Scenario's Quest, you will not trigger this one and vice-versa. -Walkthrough- ============= Simply run deeper into the 2nd area of the Demon Cave 幻魔洞 to trigger this event. After the cut-scene, run straight into the now-revealed cave and go forward, open the treasure chest and receive the Blue Necklace 青の首飾. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 73 - Triggerable: Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第七章 九節 十兵衛に罠を教えるコタロウ US Inscription - CHAPTER 7 - 9 Kotaro Tells How to Avoid Traps Event Award - 土荒槌奥義 Xの巻 Dokoutsui Tech. 1 or 2 -FAQ- ===== -High Degree of Friendship with Kotaro- This scenario is automatically connected after Scenario # 72. Kotaro walks in a S curvy trail to avoid traps. Watch his track carefully and memorize them, you'll be given an option asking Kotaro to re-track the trail again, answer "No" if you want him to do so. Then choose "Yes" once you've memorized them. Actually, you can simply run through the traps since they don't really hurt much, but if you can avoid those traps successfully without getting hurt, Kotaro will give you a Combo Scroll. So, decide it for yourself. Now, avoid those traps and give Kotaro an item if you like then exit the area to proceed. -Trick- ======= Equip the Dokoutsui 土荒槌 and trigger its Oni-Power to unveil all the traps without any trouble. Simply avoid the now-revealed traps and talk to Kotaro to receive a Combo Scroll easily. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 74 - Triggerable: Magoichi & Ekei's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第七章 十節 真実を語るマゴイチ US Inscription - CHAPTER 7 - 10 Magoichi Tells the Truth -FAQ- ===== This is a Magoichi & Ekei event. Thus, this scenario will be triggered regardless either you have a high DoF with Ekei or Magoichi. Raise your DoF with either of the 2 at the early stages of the game. -Walkthrough- ============= Exit the cave through the Light Hole and follow North to the next area via the door. A scene will be triggered. Kill all the Mermaid monsters to continue the cut-scene. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 75 - Default: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第七章 十一節 十兵衛とオユウ 二人の愛の力 US Inscription - CHAPTER 7 - 11 Jubei Helps Oyu -FAQ- ===== Tight a close friendship with Oyu at Imasho by giving her Pair Ring as a "proposal" and give her all women's equipments in order to be able to trigger this scenario. -Walkthrough- ============= Clear all the way to the waterfall. Obviously, Oyu seems to need some helps. Help her with all you've got and *talk* to her after the battle to increase and refill your Life and Oni Gauges! ====================================================================================== |-----------| | CHAPTER 8 | |-----------| Scenario # 76 - Triggerable: Magoichi's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第八章 一節 刀と銃か マゴイチの誇り US Inscription - CHAPTER 8 - 1 Magoichi's Pride Event Award - 土荒槌奥義 Xの巻 Dokoutsui Tech. 1 or 2 Available Item - 黒の首飾 Black Necklace -Walkthrough- ============= Use the Great Powder Tube to cure both the petrified men that block the door and *talk* to the fat one to receive a Secret Medicine. Exit through the door and solve another Statue Puzzle to teleport to The Blood Pond 鬼ヶ島 血ノ池 under Oni's Sacred Place, go past the room with the Ancient Bone Door where you need 3 Fossilized Bone 化石骨 to activate it to obtain the Black Necklace 黒の首飾 or simply unlock the Ancient Bone Door and solve the puzzle to obtain the Black Necklace 黒の首飾. Next, you will come to the room with a Save Point on Jubei's right. Save your game if you wish and you will see Magoichi standing near the door to the Arena. -FAQ- ===== Again, raise your DoF with Magoichi by giving him items, his weapons & armors, the Complete Volume and the Pair Ring before leaving Imasho. *TALK* to him and he'll ask: Sword and Gun, which is stronger? Answer him by choosing Sword 刀, and then, he decided to challenge you with the former 20 kills runner up as the winner. Kill 20 enemies as fast as you can (you will surely win, no worries), after that, *TALK* to him to receive a Combo Scroll. If you agree with him by selecting Gun 銃, you'll receive nothing but agreement. Note: Pledge yourself not to leave the area before the scene is over, Magoichi will be gone when you re-enter that area and the scenario is uncounted. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 77 - Triggerable: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第八章 二節 命を賭けた解除 US Inscription - CHAPTER 8 - 2 Release at the Risk of a Life Event Award - 土荒槌奥義 Xの巻 Dokoutsui Tech. 1 or 2 -FAQ/Walkthrough- ================= -High Degree of Friendship with Oyu- Clear through the maze and use the power of Senpumaru to exit The Blood Pond 鬼ヶ島 血ノ池 in Oni's Sacred Place, (after obtaining Scarlet Key 紅玉の鍵), you'll unlock and exit the door from the 1st room in the Oni's Sacred Place, however, you will be able to hear screams, take care of the monsters there and proceed to the second room in the South, yet the same scream again, ignore the irritating arrows and proceed to the 3rd room. You should see Oyu is locked up, now, refill your health to the max and check the bar covered up by lightning (it sacrifices about 3/4 of Jubei's health by pushing the bar down completely), anyway, *press* and *hold* the action button to push the bar down until Oyu is released. *TALK* to her and receive a Combo Scroll. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 78 - Non-Triggerable: Manually done: Ekei's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第八章 三節 エケイの活力 US Inscription - CHAPTER 8 - 3 Source of Vitality for Ekei Quest Item - 精力剤 Stamina Drink -FAQ- ===== As what's been told earlier in the "Important Notice", this scenario is automatically available if you saw Ekei joint you in the battle at Scenario # 38. Which means that you have a high DoF with him. -Walkthrough- ============= Clear through the maze and use the power of Senpumaru to exit The Blood Pond 鬼ヶ島 血ノ池 in Oni's Sacred Place (after obtaining Scarlet Key 紅玉の鍵), go to the room with the Wind Elevator (the one next to the save point), you will see Ekei sitting down there hopelessly, talk to him and he will tell you about the Stamina Drink 精力剤, go to the room with the Snake Barrier Door where you need the Scarlet Key 紅玉の鍵 to unlock it. Pick up the Stamina Drink 精力剤 in front of the Mathematical Puzzle Drawer, head back to the Wind Elevator room and give Ekei the Stamina Drink 精力剤. The item setting here is random, he should give you Power Jewel 力石 or Magic Jewel 鬼石 or other stuffs. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 79 - Default: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第八章 四節 藤吉郎の罠 US Inscription - CHAPTER 8 - 4 Tokichiro's Trap -Walkthrough- ============= After Scenario # 78 or after obtaining the Scarlet Key 紅玉の鍵, exit the room and to the main hall. Head to the room next to the Magic Mirror and run all your way to the room with the Mathematical Puzzle Drawer. Use the Scarlet Key on the Snake Barrier Door and run straight. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 80 - Default: Oyu's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第八章 五節 小谷のお邑から お市の方へ US Inscription - CHAPTER 8 - 5 From Oyu to Oichi It appears to be a trap set by the mischievous Tokichiro. Watch the scene to discover Oyu's true identity. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 81 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第八章 六節 ゴーガンダンテス最終戦 US Inscription - CHAPTER 8 - 6 Gogandantess Final Battle -Advice- ======== Use the Sacred Flute 破魔の笛 to wear off his defensive aura. The camera seems quite quirky here. Be sure not to move around too much unless your common sense is very good or you know what you're doing. Else, you won't even know where he's attacking from, be alert! Look out for all his moves, they're fast but you can identify them very clearly what attacks they are. Kill him with 7-hit-Issen-Dance to finish the battle much faster. After all, kill him to end his legend! And receive the [礼] Respect Orb. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 82 - Default: Oyu's Event (Movie) Designation version: JP Inscription - 第八章 七節 古の飛空挺が飛ぶ US Inscription - CHAPTER 8 - 7 Ancient Flying Boat Flies -Walkthrough- ============= After defeating Gogandantess, explore the burnt area for a Power Jewel 力石, Medicine and a Herb. Then proceed through the door. Use the [礼] Respect Orb on the Woman Statue to trigger this event. Enjoy the CG movie! ====================================================================================== Scenario # 83 - Default: Oyu's Event: (Movie) Designation version: JP Inscription - 第八章 八節 飛空挺を追って US Inscription - CHAPTER 8 - 8 Chase the Flying Boat Save your game here if you like. And, give Oyu some items if you want. Then check the Ancient. Unfortunately, the main door is shut. Now, rotate both the L3 and R3 Analog stick outwards to open the main gate. Enjoy the CG movie! ====================================================================================== |-----------| | CHAPTER 9 | |-----------| Scenario # 84 - Default (Movie) Designation version: JP Inscription - 第九章 一節 藤吉郎との最後の攻防 US Inscription - CHAPTER 9 - 1 Battle with Tokichiro Watch what happen to Tokichiro! ====================================================================================== Scenario # 85 - Default (Movie) Designation version: JP Inscription - 第九章 二節 織田騎馬軍団の猛進? US Inscription - CHAPTER 9 - 2 Attack of Oda's Horse Soldiers Check the blinking light to proceed. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 86 - Default (Movie) Designation version: JP Inscription - 第九章 三節 織田騎馬軍団の壊滅 US Inscription - CHAPTER 9 - 3 Ruin of Oda's Horse Soldiers Enjoy the CG movie! ====================================================================================== Scenario # 87 - Default: Oyu's Event (Movie) Designation version: JP Inscription - 第九章 四節 飛空挺激突 US Inscription - CHAPTER 9 - 4 Crash of Flying Boat Watch what happen to Oyu! ====================================================================================== |------------| | CHAPTER 10 | |------------| Scenario # 88 - Triggerable: Ekei's Event: Swap Event of Scenario #89 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第十章 一節 (一) エケイとの別れ US Inscription - CHAPTER 10 - 1 - 1 Parting for Ekei -FAQ- ===== This scenario dues to the high Degree of Friendship with Ekei. As you know what to do, raise your DoF with him and play his part in the game until this scenario is automatically triggered. -Walkthrough- ============= At your final trip to the 岐阜城 Gifu Castle after the crash of the Flying Ancient, go to the main door on Jubei's left where there's a very familiar place you've seen in Onimusha 1. Go forward again to trigger this Scenario. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 89 - Triggerable: Ekei's Event: Swap Event of Scenario #88 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第十章 一節 (二) エケイの最期 家族のもとへ US Inscription - CHAPTER 10 - 1 - 2 Ekei's Last Moment Event Item - Ekei's Keepsake -FAQ- ===== -Average Degree of Friendship with *Oyu*- (Special Case) I suggest you save your game after Ginghamphatts' 2nd battle. Save your game at the Magic Mirror near the swamp as you're convenient and you can simply reload the game from there to continue triggering Oyu's Scenario # 49 "Fencing Lessons for Oyu". (Don't know what I'm talking about? Go to Scenario # 49). You need an Average Degree of Friendship with Oyu in order to trigger this event. As you already knew, raise your DoF with her at the beginning of the game before leaving Imasho and skip Scenario # 49 "Fencing Lessons for Oyu" by choosing "No" as your response. Why? Because this results your DoF with Oyu to drop drastically, which this scenario (Scenario # 89) will be available later in the game. In case you have a _high_ DoF with Oyu, you won't be able to trigger this scenario. Therefore, select not to give the lessons for Oyu to affect/decrease her DoF with you and play the game until here to trigger this event. Ekei decided to work for Nobunaga, give him a lesson by slashing him up until he remake his decision instead of giving Oyu a lesson for the game. He dies and leaves his amulet for you (Ekei's Keepsake). Note: You will not be able to trigger this scenario too if your Degree of Friendship with Ekei is high. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 90 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第十章 二節 ギンガムファッツ最終戦 US Inscription - CHAPTER 10 - 2 Ginghamphatts' Final Battle -Walkthrough- ============= Kill all the monsters that get in your way and enter the main door in the Gifu Castle at the top floor. Climb the ladder behind the narrow path and kill the Giant-Skull- Absorber to receive the Gold Scale. Use the Gold Scale on the golden design to unseal the curse. Run down all the way into the Snake-like Genma Arena and go up the stairs to trigger this event. Kill him and receive the [勇] Strength Orb. -Advice- ======== Use your Oni-Power whenever possible! Watch out for his Stunner Jump attack this time, you won't be able to identify his attack so precisely from some angles. Thus, keep your position at a camera angle where you can see him clearly and avoid his Stunner Jump attack whenever necessary. You can't rely on block, just a reminder. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 91 - Triggerable: Oyu & Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第十章 三節 コタロウ無残 US Inscription - CHAPTER 10 - 3 Kotaro's Tragedy -FAQ- ===== -High Degree of Friendship with Kotaro- Raise your DoF with Kotaro before leaving Imasho. During the midst of the battle, Oyu is stunned by Ginghamphatts' blow and falls back a distance, Kotaro appears to help Oyu but... -proceed to Scenario # 94- ====================================================================================== Scenario # 92 - Default Designation version: JP Inscription - 第十章 四節 (一) ギンガムファッツの最期 US Inscription - CHAPTER 10 - 4 - 1 Ginghamphatts's Final Moment Ginghamphatts has finally fallen! ====================================================================================== Scenario # 93 - Triggerable: Magoichi's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第十章 四節 (二) マゴイチとの別れ US Inscription - CHAPTER 10 - 4 - 2 Parting for Magoichi -FAQ- ===== -High Degree of Friendship- Again, as I keep repeating myself, raise your DoF with Magoichi and play his part until here. This scenario will automatically triggered if you did saw he came to your assist during Scenario # 37. As the battle begins, slash up Ginghamphatts until he receives certain damage and watch the scene for yourself. -=Scenario Triggered=- ====================================================================================== Scenario # 94 - Triggerable: Oyu & Kotaro's Event Designation version: JP Inscription - 第十章 五節 コタロウの最期 母のもとへ US Inscription - CHAPTER 10 - 5 Kotaro's Last Moment -FAQ- ===== This Scenario corresponds to Scenario # 91, after Kotaro was severely penetrated by Ginghamphatts Scythe, *talk* to Oyu to trigger this scenario. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 95 - Triggerable: Oyu's Event: Swap Event of Scenario #96 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第十章 六節 (一) オユウとの別れ 二人だけの世界 US Inscription - CHAPTER 10 - 6 - 1 A Word for Two -FAQ- ===== -High Degree of Friendship with Oyu- This event is triggered when if you have a high DoF with Oyu. Give her all her equipments and not to forget the Pair Ring at the early stages around your third visit at Imasho. Enjoy the scene for yourself! -Walkthrough- ============= This scenario switches between Scenario # 96 depending on your DoF with Oyu. Simply go in front of the ancient elevator and trigger it then use the [勇] Strength Orb. A scene will be triggered. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 96 - Triggerable: Oyu's Event: Swap Event of Scenario #95 Designation version: JP Inscription - 第十章 六節 (二) オユウとの別れ もう一息の通じ合い US Inscription - CHAPTER 10 - 6 - 2 Their Lines Crossed -FAQ- ===== -Average Degree of Friendship with Oyu- This Scenario is somewhat default too. If you don't give any items to any of the sub characters, that's a high opportunity to trigger this scene. By the same line, there's a different criteria that needs to be fulfilled in order to trigger this event. You need a _High Degree of Friendship_ either with Kotaro, Ekei or Magoichi instead of Oyu. Just try to give precious items to either of the 3 at your early visits at Imasho whenever possible and you'll get to trigger this event instead of Scenario # 95. -Walkthrough- ============= Use the [勇] Strength Orb in front of the Ancient Elevator to see them hugging. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 97 - Default (Movie) Designation version: JP Inscription - 第十章 七節 信長最終戦開始 復讐劇の終末へ US Inscription - CHAPTER 10 - 7 Battle against Nobunaga Watch the CG movie and the battle starts as soon as the movie is finished. -Advice- ======== Be prepared. Try to keep at his attack range, block and evade his attacks while you can. Equip the Purple Necklace 紫の首飾 you get from the Green Phantom Realm and use your Oni-Power against him for better advantage. If you like, you can refer to my current FAQ for the Japanese version of Onimusha 2 for a strategy to attack him with Flash attacks. Or, stick it to your toe and don't hesitate. Else, the consequence will be ugly. ====================================================================================== Scenario # 98 - Default (Movie) Designation version: JP Inscription - 第十章 八節 黄金魔神像降臨 US Inscription - CHAPTER 10 - 8 Advent of Golden Evil Statue Watch the cool CG and that's the Final Boss Battle! -Advice- ========== 1.) Stay far away from him to avoid him from triggering his Inferno attack(Jet Flame). 2.) It can be very annoying when he launches his Mask attacks, just maintain your patience and hold your breath until he's defeated! -Tips- ====== 1.) Press the L1 button to block his Homing Fires attack whenever possible. 2.) Shoot your energy blasts whenever you have the chance. 3.) Watch his left hand, if it turns red, look at Jubei's current position and it'll have a circular red light. Move away in any direction to avoid the columns. 4.) After a certain time, he'll move forward towards you, keep moving back to maintain your distance for safety guarantee. 5.) Move horizontally while having the R1 button held down all the time to avoid all his attacks. Good Luck! ====================================================================================== Scenario # 99 - Default (Movie) Designation version: JP Inscription - 第十章 九節 決着 US Inscription - CHAPTER 10 - 9 Settlement Enjoy the CG movie! ====================================================================================== |---------------| | FINAL CHAPTER | |---------------| Scenario # 100 - Default: Ending Designation version: JP Inscription - 終章 愛と哀しみ US Inscription - Final Chapter: Love & Sorrow Check it out for yourself! -=THE END=- After clearing the game for about 4-6 times, you've finally made it! You have eventually achieved a 100% Scenario Completion. May you take a short break and not least, Congratulation! You have unlocked Oyu's Alternate Costume!! You can now switch Oyu's Traditional Japanese Samurai's Suit to a Diva-ish Suit enclosed complete with a pair of sunglasses in the Special Features at the Main Menu. Enjoy the next game! * This FAQ/Walkthrough is mostly completed. The parts that due are some Japanese items' descriptions and the US'. And, I am now waiting for your(the readers) replies for suggestions, errors and any feedbacks to fix/improve on this FAQ/Walkthrough. * ====================================================================================== Contact Me ====================================================================================== Any errors, suggestions, compliments, misinformation, feedback, etc. should be sent to: ksiane2000@yahoo.com Please declare your topic properly before sending in your mail. I usually receive loads of junk mails and I used to ignore and delete them. In order for me to clearly identify your mail, please put "Onimusha 2" at the subject line so that I can notice them. It's best to declare your subject in a formatted layout: Example: (Related Topic): (Your Question) Please note that I will not reply a mail requesting personal information about me. I won't tell you no matter how you ask. And, I usually don't reply a mail with a repetitive same topics/questions requested from the same address. Thanks for your cooperation. ====================================================================================== Credits & Thanks ====================================================================================== Jeff "CJayC" Veasey of GameFAQs - for hosting this FAQ/Walkthrough at the most popular gaming community site, GameFAQs. Steven Ng of IGN - for being interested in my Onimusha 2 FAQs and now hosting this Scenario Route FAQ/Walkthrough at IGN. Muni Shinobu - for allowing me to use part of his information (Degree of Friendliness description) in my Scenario Route FAQ/Walkthrough. Olivier Hague - a user at GameFAQs' Message Board who voluntarily explained to me how the "Bond Rate" system works from his official guide upon my request. Tenchinin - for pointing out my mistakes, overlooks, and supports me in my work progress morally although it doesn't relate to this FAQ/Walkthrough. ShiroKage - for believing in me morally as a support for my FAQ/Walkthrough. Ng Kian Sen (me myself) - for writing this standalone Scenario Route FAQ/Walkthrough for the game, Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny. You - for checking out my Scenario Route FAQ/Walkthrough for the game entitled Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny. Hope you find it helpful! ====================================================================================== Copyright Notice ====================================================================================== This is a _unofficial_ standalone guide of the game Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny created by its original contributor. Efforts had been made to successfully create this FAQ by its original author. This document is copyrighted by international law and you are not allowed to use/modify the information in this FAQ without first requesting the permission from the author of this guide. You must not use it for any unauthorized publishing, profits gaining, reproduced, redistributed or duplicated in whole or in part. This document is for Private Use Only. This document is exclusively only available at http://www.gamefaqs.com (GameFAQs) and it must not be republished or posted on other sites. This document Copyright(c) 2002-2003 by Ng Kian Sen All Rights Reserved ---EOF---