========================================================================================== [ R E D | F A C T I O N ] [ D E M O | F A Q ] [ V E R S I O N | 1 . 2 ] <<>> Created May 26, 2001 Last Updated: June 27nd, 2001 ========================================================================================== [ T A B L E | O F | C O N T E N T S ] ========================================================================================== [ 1 ] Contact Info [ 2 ] Game Info [ 3 ] Controls [ 4 ] Demo Walkthrough [ 4.1 ] Part One [ 4.2 ] Part Two [ 4.3 ] Part Three [ 5 ] Weapons [ 6 ] Vehicles [ 7 ] Enemies [ 8 ] 12 Ways to Not Get Killed [ 9 ] Version History [ 10 ] Disclaimer and Other Legal Crap •To find what you need easily, hit [Ctrl]+F and type in the number of each chapter of the FAQ (rather than scrolling). The format for searching should be: {Open Bracket} {Space} {Chapter Number} {Space} {Close Brakcet} Example: [ 5 ] ========================================================================================== [ 1 ] == [ C O N T A C T | I N F O ] ========================================================================================== E-mail: Viper70783@aol.com ICQ: 98977273 MSN Messenger: Viper0783@hotmail.com (Please don't e-mail this address) AIM: Viper7679 Online Alias: Viper (Can ya guess?) E-mail I would like to recieve: -Comments/Suggestions about this FAQ -Questions about this FAQ E-Mail I would not like to recieve: -Unintelligent hate mail (Example: "ur faq sux and ur mama iz fat and ugly") -SPAM (Advertisements and otherwise useless e-mails). This includes links to pornographic or "get rich quick" sites. -E-mails from people with poor grammar ========================================================================================== [ 2 ] == [ G A M E | I N F O ] ========================================================================================== Red Faction is a first-person shooter. You run around with an itchy trigger finger through the eyes of an abused, underpayed, rebellious miner on Mars. Basically, you and your miner buddies are pretty pissed off at your employor, Ultor, so you take up arms and decide to kick their asses bigtime. The game has a grand total of 15 weapons of minor and mass destruction and 5 vehicles for you to joyride in. However, only 4 weapons and 1 vehicle are available in the demo (See the aptly titled sections "Weapons" and "Vehicles" for more information). That's not it, though. Red Faction features a unique feature known as the GeoMod. Basically, this handy little feature allows you to destroy almost anything, granted you have enough fire power to do so. Locked door in the way? No problem! A well-placed bomb set next to the door and blow a hole around it. Enemy hiding behind a pillar? Grab a rocket launcher and permanently take care of his little hiding space. The GeoMod's usefulness is almost infinite, and so is its pleasure to the gamer! I recommend you play around with it. In the demo, you have to reach the communication facility and send a distress signal. There are three parts to this. ========================================================================================== [ 3 ] == [ C O N T R O L S ] ========================================================================================== These are the default controls: Move forward: Left Analog stick up Move backwards: Left Analog stick down Strafe left: Left Analog stick left Strafe right: Left Analog stick right Look/aim: Right Analog stick Primary Fire: R1 Secondary Fire: R2 Jump: L1 Crouch: L2 Reload: D-Pad up Holster Weapon: D-Pad left Sniper Mode: D-Pad down Message Log: D-Pad right Use: X Previous Weapon: Square Next Weapon: Circle Pause demo: Start Options menu: Select Exit Demo: [Start] + [Select] ========================================================================================== [ 4 ] == [ D E M O | W A L K T H R O U G H ] ========================================================================================== | [ N O T E ] | [ 4.1 ] == [ W A L K T H R O U G H | P A R T | O N E ] | This FAQ is | | used on the | | "Medium" | | difficulity | |_____________| You start out in a large room full of pillars, loaded with your trusty pistol. Right in front of you is a rocket turrent (what fun!). To your left is some Assault Rifle ammo and some Remote Bombs. You can grab these now or wait; I prefer to use my pistol for this part. Finally, to your right is some health (unless you are about to die, save the health until after you've killed all the enemies in this room). In front of you and to the left and right are doors where a seemingly endless amount guards will spill out of. You may use the rocket turrent if you wish. The guards may destroy it, though, in which case you'll have to take them on with your pistol. Or, if you want to, you can save the rocket turrent until after the enemies are gone and use to witness the powers of the GeoMod. If you wish, you can put a suppressor on your pistol by tapping R2. I have found that it makes no difference whether or not you have the suppressor. Needless to say, shoot the guards as they come in. They each take about 3-5 shots from medium range to the stomach/chest area, or (obviously) one shot to the head. On the easier difficulties, this is especially simple, since the enemies tend to walk right up to you, shoot you, miss, shoot at you some more, miss a lot and hit you once, and then they reload. They stay pretty still, so you can easily go into sniper mode and finish them in one quick, painless blow. Note that unlike other shooters, if you reload with bullets left in the clip, you lose those bullets. So, I would recommend you fire until you run out of bullets, jump behind a pillar while you reload, and jump back out. After you kill an enemy, run over their body to collect ammo. After you kill all the enemies (you'll know you've killed them all when Hendrix messages you again), go to the door directly in front of where you started, in the outer hallway. The door will be locked, but that's not a problem. Remember those remote bombs to the left of the starting position? Yep, time to use 'em. Place one either to the left or right of the door, back up a good distance (ten feet should be safe), and blow it up. You'll see a hole where the bomb blew up the wall. Try to squeeze through the hole to bypass the door. If the hole isn't large enough, another well-placed bomb or two should do the trick. After the get through, follow the hallway until you reach the hatch. Hit the Use button (default is X) to open it, and climb down the laddar (don't *drop* down the hatch. Use the laddar instead, unless you want a premature demise). When you hit the sub- level, the next section will load. On to Part Two! ============================== [ 4.2 ] == [ W A L K T H R O U G H | P A R T | T W O ] Enter the door in front of you. You have now entered what appears to be a mini-submarine dock, though the water has been iced over. You'll see a man in red trying to warm up. He tells you to make an opening in the ice for the mini-sub. Next to him are two cases of remote bombs. You could make an opening and successfully waste a remote bomb or two, or you can just release the mini-sub and let it crash through the ice (the prefered method here). Enter the room next to the man and hit the switch on the console. There are some Med-packs directly behind the console, in a white storage case on the wall. Grab that if needed. Note: You can kill the man without any penalty, but that would be a waste of ammo. If you want a laugh, put a remote bomb on him (you don't *really* need them anymore, but they're helpful [but not needed] in two situations after this). He'll run around frantic, waving his arms like a lunatic. After you are done making fun of him, you can just blow up the bomb (make sure you're far enough away). Whether you kill the bloody wanker or let him live, hop into the water near the mini-sub and hit the Use button. You'll enter it. The controls for the mini-sub are the same as walking on foot. Hitting R1 or R2 fires a torpedo (of which you have 20). Enter the tunnel ahead of you. When you exit the tunnel and enter the large underwater cavern, go up a little bit. Behind the stalagmite is another mini-sub which happens to not like you. Peek around the stalagmite, fire a torpedo, and go back behind the stalagmite. Hopefully, your first hit will take him out. If not, keep firing. Note that his torpedos are homing (so are yours, though), but even a direct hit won't kill you. If you kill him fast enough, you can get away unscathed. Afer he is dispatched, continue onward into another tunnel. When you exit this tunnel, another enemy awaits you, though it isn't like your previous opponent. Rather, it is a large fish...thing. It looks like a cross between a deformed whale and a crippled manatee. Whatever it is, fire a torpedo and back up into the tunnel. If you miss, or if it doesn't kill it, fire again while continuing to back up. After it is killed, go up, shoot through the ice with your torpedo, get out, and climb up the laddar leading to land (its on the left, facing the dock). If you don't have any torpedos left, just get out of the mini-sub underwater and swim to the laddar. As you get off the laddar, go into the caged area and aim at the barrels. Before firing, make sure you are out of the blast radius (about five to ten feet away). Finally, shoot the barrels. In the box that is revealed is some health. Leave the caged area and enter the door on the left, go onto the lift, and hit the button to start your ascent. When you reach the top, the game loads the next part. ============================== [ 4.3 ] == [ W A L K T H R O U G H | P A R T | T H R E E ] Enter the door...and then stop in the walkway. Take out your pistol, tap R2 for the silencer (not required, but it adds to the sniper effect), and hold the Down button on the D-Pad. A man dressed in yellow will exit the cargo ship. If you can, shoot him in the head. If you miss, whip out your assault rifle (you should have 42 rounds in the clip and 200 extra rounds, the maximum) and shoot the guards that come out. The man in yellow isn't armed, so the guards take priority. Then, shoot the man in yellow. Shooting him has no real effect, but you get to see him cower and duck his head, as if that'll actually protect him from the bullet. This part seems similiar to Syphon Filter, where you have to chase down the evil scientists and when you catch them, they duck and plead for their life. If you *did* manage to kill the man in yellow in one hit, congratulations. Now take out your assault rifle and kill the guards. Whatever the outcome of your attempt at sniping, enter the cargo ship and stock up. You should have max health and max ammo for both your pistol and assault rifle. Enter the large door across from the door you entered the room from. A guard will spot you and hide behind a corner as he yells "Miner!" Take him out, but don't go around the corner just yet. There's a mounted machine gun on the ceiling in the center of the hallway. Hide behind the crates, peek around, and kill the other guard. You know have three ways to deal with the mounted gun, in my personal order of preference: A) Sneak up towards the mounted gun, taking cover behind the various crates in the hallway, and chuck a remote bomb torwards the ceiling so it sticks near the mounted gun. Then, kindly detonate the bomb, Please be wary of the fact that if the gun shoots the bomb as you throw it, it will detonate prematurely and most likely kill you. B) Simply take out the mounted machine gun with your assault rifle (Or pistol). I find this to be a great way to reduce your ammo. C) Simply ignore it. This isn't entirely recommended. Whichever choice you make, go into the second row of doors on the left. This stop isn't necessary, but unless you would like your body turned into a bloody piece of swiss cheese, its a smart choice. On the bottom level of the room, go around some crates in the leftmost corner farthest away from you to get your hands on the weapon any FPS cannot live without: the rocket launcher. You have twelve glorious shots with this baby. You can explore the other three rooms, but they wield nothing but more health and more guards to waste ammo on. Just be wary that if you explore the air duct, there will be two guards below you that will shoot you when you go over one of the two grates in the duct. After your done, continue down the hallway (with a non-rocket-launcher weapon, preferably). You will meet two more guards who have made the rather deadly mistake of making enemies of you; extract your revenge by pumping pieces of lead into their unholy bodies. Be wary of a second mounted gun here. Take it out however you like. Also be wary of the hole in the floor (and the long, fatal drop that occurs if you manage to successfully fall into it). Take out your rocket launcher and enter the door. You will almost immediatly notice two guards on the second floor. Ignore them, for now. Behind the pillar is a rather large robot who will present to you a plethora of automatic fire and rockets. Its takes three shots from the rocket launcher to down this guy; you should get away nearly unscathed if you keep moving and don't just stand still. Now divert your attention to the other guards and dispatch them however you wish to: rocket launcher, pistol, assault rifle, or remote bombs. This is the last room in the game, so it's the last chance you'll have to explore the powers of the GeoMod. If you wish, unload the rest of your rocket launcher ammo onto the room. Watch in awe as the pillar crumbles and the walls disintigrate before your very eyes. Don't use up all your ammo, though; there still lies one more enemy. Go into the door on the right, climb up the laddar, follow the path, enter the door...and quickly back up as the final enemy tries to beat you with a club. Shoot the mother down while running backwards. When his corpse touches the ground, the demo is almost over... Enter the room he came from, turn left, go up to the console, and hit the Use button to finish this wonderous adventure. ========================================================================================== [ 5 ] == [ W E A P O N S ] ========================================================================================== *=There isn't enough ammo in the demo to accurately determine this figure. [ P I S T O L ] Firing Rate: Semi-automatic Clip Size: 16 Max Ammo: 125 Primary Fire: Fires a bullet Secondary Fire: Puts on/takes off suppressor Description: Your trusty pistol is one of the most reliable weapons you have available, though the clip runs out of bullets more quickly than the assault rifle, and it seems to do so at the worst times it can. Nevertheless, a sturdy weapon with nice accuracy. ============================== [ A S S A U L T | R I F L E ] Firing Rate: Automatic Clip Size: 42 Max Ammo: 200 Primary Fire: A burst of three bullets; semi-automatic Secondary Fire: Full automatic Description: Great stopping power and a good clip size make this the ideal weapon throughout most of the demo. ============================== [ R E M O T E | B O M B S ] Firing Rate: N/A Clip Size: 1 Max Ammo: Unknown* Primary Fire: Tap once to throw bomb; tap again to make it explode Secondary Fire: Tap once to throw bomb; tap again to make it explode Description: The remote bombs are only useful in a handful of scenarios, but usually there's no other way to go than to use these puppies. If a locked door is blocking the way, you can most likely blast around it with two or three bombs. ============================== [ R O C K E T | L A U N C H E R ] Firing Rate: Non-automatic Clip Size: 1 Max Ammo: Unknown* Primary Fire: Fires a rocket Secondary Fire: Fires a rocket Description: Although extremely useful for taking out larger, tougher enemies, the rocket launcher is inaccurate, inconvienent, and cumbersome in normal combat. Still, like the remote bombs, there are certian situations where it is a must. ============================== [ R O C K E T | T U R R E N T ] Firing Rate: Automatic Clip Size: N/A Max Ammo: 50 (Non-replenishable) Primary Fire: Fires a rocket Secondary Fire: Fires a rocket Description: This is the stationary gun you find right in front of you in the beginning. It's extremely handy for taking out the guards, and it fires rockets faster than the rocket launcher does. ========================================================================================== [ 6 ] == [ V E H I C L E S ] ========================================================================================== [ M I N I | S U B ] Terrain Type: Underwater Weapon Type: Torpedo (homing) Weapon Stock: 20 Maneuverability: Good Description: The only vehicle available in the demo, the mini-sub, like its name implies, is a smaller version of a submarine. You control this baby for a brief period of time, in which you get to play around with the torpedos. Not much to say, since you can't really compare it to anything. ========================================================================================== [ 7 ] == [ E N E M I E S ] ========================================================================================== [ G U A R D | A ] Weapons: Pistol Durability: 2/5 Stupidity: 5/5 Appearance: Blue uniform Description: This grunt isn't too hard to deal with: a couple shots to the chest, or one to the head, and he's done with. He's so stupid, he'll run right up to you, fire his entire clip (only hitting you once or twice, mind you, if given the chance), and he doesn't even bother to take cover as he reloads. He is the scum of the enemies. ============================== [ G U A R D | B ] Weapons: Assault Rifle Durability: 2/5 Stupidity: 5/5 Appearance: Blue uniform. You can tell the difference between Guard B and Guard A easily by how large the weapon is that they are holding. Description: Exactly the same as Guard A, except he carries heavier firepower. His death should take preference over Guard A's. ============================== [ M I N I | S U B ] Weapons: Torpedos (homing) Durability: 1/5 Stupidity: 4/5 Appearance: The big thing in the water with the four bright lights. Is it really that hard? Description: The enemy counterpart of your own mini-sub, a single torpedo does him in. ============================== [ L A R G E | W A T E R | T H I N G ] Weapons: The behemoth tries to ram you Durability: 3/5 Stupidity: 4/5 Appearance: The cross between a deformed whale and a crippled manatee. Kinda hard to miss. Description: This guy tries to ram into your mini-sub, but you have nearly all the time in the world to unload a bunch of torpedos at this guy before he even touches you. ============================== [ G U Y | I N | Y E L L O W ] Weapons: None Durability: 1/5 Stupidity: 5/5 Appearance: Judging from the name I gave him, it should be self-explanatory. Description: Could somebody please enlighten me to his reason for existance? All he does is run from you, and when you corner him, and ducks and whimpers. ============================== [ M O U N T E D | G U N ] Weapons: Automatic gun Durability: 2/5 Stupidity: 3/5 Appearance: The big metallic thing thats stuck to the ceiling. Description: Easily taken out with a couple bursts from the assault rifle, or from a single remote bomb. ============================== [ R O B O T ] Weapons: Some gun of an automatic nature, and a nice load of rockets to compliment it Durability: 5/5 Stupidity: 2/5 Appearance: Uhhh...the big, yellow, floating, metallic thing that trying to blow you up? Description: Requiring three well-aimed rockets, this bad boy is the toughest enemy you'll face, but you'll have no trouble with him, unless you can't aim a gun for your life. To kill him, just fire, take cover, fire, take cover, fire, celebrate. Just try to dodge the rockets he shoots at you. ========================================================================================== [ 8 ] == [ 1 2 | W A Y S | N O T | T O | G E T | K I L L E D ] ========================================================================================== Here are some univeral tips to surviving first-person shooters: [1] If you have time, go for the head shot. [2] Circle strafe your opponent (strafe and turn at the same time so that you circle him, while continuously keeping him under your crosshairs) [3] Needless to say, take out the guy with the larger firepower first. [4] Wait until an area is cleared of enemies until you grab the health. [5] Save your larger weapons for when you need them. [7] Take things slowly. There's no rush. [8] Learn your terrain. [9] If your gonna reload, don't do it out in the open, where you can get shot. Take cover, then pop back out. [10] If you're under heavy fire, take cover, let things calm down, then systematically take out the opposition. [11] Don't loose sight of the enemy. [12] Keep an eye on your ammo supply. ========================================================================================== [ 9 ] == [ V E R S I O N | H I S T O R Y ] ========================================================================================== [ V E R S I O N | 1 . 0 ] The first version. ============================== [ V E R S I O N | 1 . 2 ] I had to fix some grammatical errors and a not-too-minor error in content, which I made in my rush to make this FAQ. My apologies for anyone who was seriously confused in Part Three of the walkthrough. ========================================================================================== [ 10 ] == [ D I S C L A I M E R | A N D | O T H E R | L E G A L | C R A P ] ========================================================================================== This completely unofficial guide is copyright (c) by me, myself, and I. It may not be sold for profit. Only one copy per household. If it is reproduced, it must be reproduced in whole, with nothing missing, including thing disclaimer. You may not change this guide in any way, including (but not limited to) grammatical errors. If you wish to link to this guide, please contact me (Viper70783@aol.com). You must have my permission in order to link to this guide. You may not take credit for this guide. This guide must remain in text format (.txt), unless I myself come out with another version (such as an HTML version). This guide may not be converted to another format, unless I have given you permission. Red Faction copyright (c) Volition ========================================================================================== [ E N D | D O C U M E N T ] END DOCUMENT