"This document is copyright Aaron Baker 2003" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Multiplayer guide for Red Faction for the Playstation 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S - 1. Introduction 2. FAQ Intro 3. Game Modes/Starting 4. Setting up 5. Characters 6. Levels 7. Level Descriptions <-----[CONTAINS MORE] 8. Weapons 9. Alternative Fire 10. Hints & Tips <------[MUST READ] 11. Surviving 12. Damage 13. Heads up Display 14. Statistics 15. Weapon Preferences 16. Secrets 17. Frequently Asked Questions 18. Credits/Copyright/Closing Red Faction Multiplayer FAQ, for the Playstation 2. Written by Wayalla (Aaron Baker) Email: Wayalla1(at)yahoo.com.au Version 1.5 of the guide. Updates =================== VERSION 1.0: First release, posted on GameFAQs. Added allot of things including most of the levels, weapon descriptions and very fast kills with them along with things such as: Characters, setting up, hint's and tips and all that stuff. Some things are still missing though; they will come sometime this week if possible. VERSION 1.5: Added about 3 more tips to the Hints and Tips section. Just done some minor updates on sections throughout the guide. added the updates section and also put the credits section. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Red faction is a great game, and not just because of the actual story line game. I admit the storyline of the game is pretty good, but I have found something better that I like about this game, the multiplayer mode. I think it is great because of the intense action, and you actually don't have to verse someone else, you can just verse the computer-controlled bots. Also, the enemies have the same amount of health and armour as you, and their intelligence is absolutely excellent. This is my favourite multiplayer game on the Playstation 2. (I only have 8 games though) and it also beats all my other Playstation 1 games in the multiplayer section. All things listed above are why I like it. And because I think this mode is so good, I have decided to just write a quick Multiplayer guide for www.gamefaqs.com. All the information in this guide is written by me, unless the credits say otherwise. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 2: FAQ INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IT CONTAINS: This guide contains things like the Characters, Levels, descriptions, basic tips and an in-depth guides to the best weapons to use for killing people all based on facts. If you have any questions about Red Faction Multiplayer mode (Only this) or any contributions of tips, anything I have missed out etc. please feel free to send me an e-mail. My e-mail address is: Wayalla1(at)yahoo.com.au But make sure you replace the (at) with the '@' sign. The reason I didn't just put it above is that I like to keep my e-mail Spam free and this tactic works. E-MAIL POLICY: Please, when E-mailing me though, abide by a few rules: Put a title in the subjects line, Anything like "Red Faction" or "Multiplayer R.F" will do fine, but anything such as "No Subject" will be deleted on site and not replied to. Don't get mad at me if your e-mail isn't replied to and it has no subject. Think before you e-mail. And also, once again, don't send me Spam or viruses; I already get enough of that. If you can't contact me via e-mail, I am on the gamefaqs message boards as wayalla, but don't expect to find me on the Red faction boards. I can be commonly found on the FAQ Contributors board, or the Cricket 2002 board for Playstation 2. WEBSITES: Also another few notes: The only site that can host/use this FAQ is http://www.GameFAQs.com As far as i know, that is the only site that takes in depth FAQs. If you see this on any other site though, it has been used without my permission and is an illegal copy, if you see this, please e-mail me, and you will be credited. Oh, and for those stealers out there, would you rather risk being called a criminal over 1 FAQ and your reputation-gone sour and everyone spamming your e-mails so that no real messages will come through? I have friends you know. Basic rule, don't do it. COPYRIGHT: This Document Copyright Aaron Baker, 2003. This Document Copyright Wayalla, 2003. It may be used for Personal and private use only, and can't be put in a magazine, put on a site that you need to pay money to acces this FAQ or just generally sold. This guide is sole property of Aaron Baker. Only authorized websites can have this FAQ, but must not alter the copyright notice at all, or any of the text inside. This guide is availabe free of cost from sites authorized, and I am taking time out of my busy life to write this, so be thankful that I am helping you and writing this. Do not rip off this guide in Part or Whole, that is illegal and the appropriate steps will be taken if nessecary. I didn't wirte this guide so that someone could just come and rip it off. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 3: GAME MODES/THE START ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAYER VS PLAYER: Battle a fried/family memeber, or someone to see who is the best at Red Faction. If you want to, you can keep it as you vs someone else with the second controller, or add some computer bots in as well to make it more fun. It is split screen, but your hud and all is still up. PLAYER VS BOTS: now this is one reason why th multiplayer game is so cool, you don't have to vs a friend or someone if you don't want to, you can just verse a certain amount of enemy bots. HUD (Heads Up Display) is same as the one player game. PLAYER NAME: I really shouldn't explain this, but what the hell! You can enter your name in by selecting the letters and pressing X. Bakckspace by pressing rhe O button. Go to 'Accept' when you are done. CHARACTERS: Press left and right to switch between characters and press the X button to pick which one you want. For more info, see the characters sectio below for the names and things like that. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 4: SET UP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NO. OF BOTS: Select how many bots to verse. In a one player game, 6 bots are available to verse, meaning 7 people on the field in total. On a 2 player game, 5 enemy bots are allowed, meaninign 7 in total once again. It would be cool if you could have like 10 enemy bots on the field, that would be a massive blood match. DIFFICULTY: Select the difficulty for you of the game. The four different difficulties are: Easy Normal Hard Impossible. If you are new (or just want an easy win) select easy, if you think you are getting skilled, go to Normal. If you think your pretty good at this, select Hard. If you think your a professional at this game and are very expirienced, then play on Impossible difficulty. KILL LIMIT: Select what kill limit to play to. For example, if you want to play to a kill limit of 20, select 20 and then when you playu, the first player to kill 20 people wins the match. You can have it unlimited if you want. TIME LIMIT: This cannot be turned off, you have to play to a certain amount of time. If you want your match to go for 10 minutes, select 10 minutes and a timer will appear. If you only want to play to a certain amount of kills, lets says 40, put the time limit on 30 minutes so that you will reach the kill limit before the time limit. OPTIONS: Select all different options that make the game easier to play with your preferences. See the options section about that. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 5: CHARACTERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: the characters have no difference as their stats goes, they all fight the same, get the same weapons and have the smae health and armour. So this is just a list, not about their stats and all. MINER PARKER: MINER 2: ENVIROSUIT PARKER: ENVUROSUIT MINER: ULTOR GUARD: UNLTOR GUARD 2: ULTOR ELITE: ENVIROSUIT GUARD: ENVIROSUIT GUARD 2: ELITE GUARD 2: RIOT GUARD 1: SCIENTIST PARKER: SUIT PARKER: Thats it, all the ones that you can play as. I will say it again: None have special stats, and they are all the sma ein that region. The onyl thing that will make you select your character is probably the look of them. The name that you entered will appear above the characters picture. So really, decide for yourself who you want to pick. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 6: LEVELS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BLASTED CANYON: A really basic level, it aint that big at all, and is good for a nice simple battle. Not really many places to hide, but there is one really good sniper spot. Good for all out attacks with only afew weapons really available for use. Run around the rocks or whatever for a good game of cat and mouse. WATERLOGGED: This level is pretty big, not really many hiding spots, but the level is big enough that it can sometimes happen that you can never find an enemy. By the look of the level, I thought it would be under water with the vehicles, but obviuosly it's not. This was a research centre, but apparently has gone under water. MINE WARFARE: If youhave started playing th Red Faction storyline missions, then you will know where this came from. This place where you play is under mars in a mine. This doesn't have that many hiding spots, but afew good ambush locations as well. Also, you can find the rare Fusion Rocket Launcher in this level. A great place for a normal game. WARLORDS: This is just two fortresses opposite each other, with land in the middle. Seriously, this is best for one on one action. One player will take the first fortress and the other player will take control of the other one. It's great for hiding, as you can just peep through the holes of the fortress and sniper off your foe. Will you stay in your base or boldy assault your foe? THE LOBBY: In the real one player game, you have to cpature osmeone in the Ultor building, this is where this level comes from. It has a great snipering spit as well as the same locations to hide. If you want all out attack, go to the bottom floor, that will keep you busy for awhile, if you are a sniperer, garb a Rocket Launcher and stand up top shooting down. THE BADLANDS: This is a deep martian canyon, shrouded in fog. There are alot of paths here, ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 7: IN-DEPTH LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BADLANDS: ===================== SNIPERING SPOTS: The two places where you start are absolutely great for sipering down on your enemies with the Rocket Launcher. Fro where you start, you can see down out onto the canyons. The enemies are too busy with fighting each other to usually bother about getting you. The odd Bazooka bullet will come up now and again, but that can be avoided. Aim at the ground with your Rocket Launcher and pick off the people as they come around. RESPAWNING POINTS: There are only 2 in this level, and they are both up high looking down over the blasted canyon. The blasted canyon is like symmiterical, whcih means it is the same on both sides. The only difference between these re-spwaning locations is that one has a rocket launcher and a precision rifle, and the other has no weapon up there ate all. The main respawn location is the one with the bazooka, but I guess it is where you die that decides the respawning point. WEAPON LOCATIONS: ROCKET LAUNCHER: You will start up in a little room thingy, straight in front of you will be it. This is just by 1 of the re-spwning locations so when you die, you can just get one of these from the start. ROCKET LAUNCHER: From the seoncd re-spawn location which is the one without the the rocket launcher at the start, jump down out the room and run behind the second canyon on the right. PRECISION RIFLE: From the first re-spawn location (The one with the bazooka) strafe to the right and you will collect it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 8: WEAPONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PISTOL: This is just the basic pistol that you first get in the game. It is also the first weapon you obatin in multiplayer and you start off with this as well. The accuracy is excellent because of the lock on method. Fire rate is excellent if you know the trick and this can kill very easily and quickly. To get a quick kill, keep tapping SHOOT while locked onto someone and fire away. This will kill so quickly, this is why this weapon should be in your top 4 preferences because if you weigh up these facts, this weapon is better than the rail driver AND the rocket launcher. The bullets that are fired don't take away massive amounts of health, but keep firing and you will kill easily without losing much health. A great weapon, enemies have this weapon as their default as well, but may find other weapons on their travels, so when you kill an enemy, garb their weapon. SUB-MACHINE GUN: A short looking machine-gun that looks quite nice when your carrying it also, but the look doesn't make it good, it's what it does that makes it good. Ammo for this is large, and the weapon itself is available in most of the levels playable. The accuaracy is excellent just like the pistol, as it locks on to the enemy bot. And the fire rate is better than the pistol because, well it's a machine gun. Machine-guns fires rapid bullets. The only real problem with this weapon is that it can take just a tad more time than the pistol to kill someone, but is still right up there with that if you weigh up the facts. Also, this weapon should be up there in the top 5 of your preferences because of all these great things. Should defently be used if you feel like a change from the pistol, or run out of pistol ammo. There are better weapons, but this is still quite relyable. SNIPER RIFLE: Sniper Rifles are really ment to be for long distance kills and aiming looking through the scope, but the action packed multiplayer doesn't give you time to get a good shot like this because you will probably get shot and killed while aiming to perfection, and also because the speed of the enemies and you doesn't allow you for a decent shot. The fire rate is ok, ok meaning not real great, but not terribly bad as well. The only things worse than this in the fire rate section and the heavy weapons. Accuracy is bad as well, as it isn't lock on. The bullets can kill very quick though, but you will probably die by enemy gunfire before you can get the shot in the right place. To get a instant kill, you must get someone in the head, and with the speed of the game, this can be hard. If you want to continuos fire, hold down SHOOT, the bullets that come out are the fastest they can go. PRECISION RIFLE: Don't be folled by the name, this is easily the best weapon with all the facts weighed up. Lest start with the facts shall we? The fire rate is excellent, continously tap the X button to spurt out alot of bullets. This acts basically like the pistol in it's fire rate, but actually a bit better. Next, we will move onto the accuracy: Excellent, absouletly great, it is lock on, whcih gives it a big edge over someof the other weapons, and now the main reason you will want this weapon is for how fast it can kill. Lock on and fire about 4 or more bullets, the person will be dead, bang, gone! They die very quickly, and the sound of the bullets is nice for me. Weigh up all of these facts, and you will see that this is the best weapon to use. I guess no one gives a rats about my opinion, but I say that this weapon should be in the top 2 of your weapon preferences. Think about it: Excellent Fire Rate, Excellent accuracy, Excellent damage. ASSAULT RIFLE: Just a basic assault rifle, the Fire Rate is good, yes thats right, only good, and it's a machine gun. The only reason that i said it is good is because that after every about 5 bullets, it has to stop for about a second before shooting out some more bullets, this really lets it down, because in those seconds you can be shot to bits. Accuracy is the simple lock on method that most weapon have. The bullets damage isn't anything special as well, the bullets take ages to kill, and that stop in the middle (Which isn't the reload) is annoying and will most liely get you killed because those bullets in the time before the stopping wont kill the enemy. Easily, this should be avoided unless you like machine-guns or you just want a change from a different weapon or just run out of ammo on other weapons. This isn't high on my preferences list at all, I can tell you that. ROCKET LAUNCHER: Yes, the weapon of mass destruction. We all know this weapons from just about every other shooting game out there, it is also called a Bazooka or a RPG which stands for Rocket Propelled Greande. Also if you are interested, Bazooka is called a Panzerfaust in German (And they say Video Games teach us nothing!!). On with the facts: The fire rate is bad, but what do you really expect from this weapon. The accuracy I guess you could call ok, it isn't lock on or anything, but the edge is that when you fire, the explosion can spread abit. And now to the main part, the damage: Excellent, aim, fire near the ground and everyone within a certain distance of the explosion will be dead. Even when you fire, a hole will be left in the ground where the bullet struck. Do not shoot someone who is right in your face unless you want to suicide yourself as well. Also don't hit the ground below you with it. I think you know why. HEAVY MACHINE-GUN: This weapon is basically what they use in the war in those bunkers, if you have every played something like Medal Of Honour 1, 2 or 3 you will know what I mean. Lets start with the facts. Fire Rate: Well, what do you expect from a machine gun, because it's called a heavy machine gun, this weapon has the best fire rate in the hole Multiplayer game. The accuracy of this weapon is nothing sepcial, it isn't lock on, so you have to do the aiming yourslef, damn, I'm too lazy though. The bulets from this really don't do much damage, but what would be the fun of a quick kill with the best fire rate stat in the game, it would kill too quick, which would be good, but obviously the makers don't think that. If you want to get a qucik kill, aim for the head. Reloading really lets it down as well, as you can waste ammo very quick, and then get drenched with bullets while reloading. It's still an alright weapon, but the accuracy and reloading let it down. RAIL DRIVER: The name doesn't sound like this is a powerful weapon, but really it can be if you get it on the right spot. In all games, the rail driver has been a really powerful wepaon, and one that kills instantly once the bullet hits, same with this game. The fire rate is nothing spectacular, as you fire 1 bullet, then you need to reload another rail, so it takes ages. The accuracy is crap, buut what do you expect from a heavy weapon. The damage it does is the thing to rave about, fire 1 bullet and if it hits someone, there gone, dead. But getting the accuracy staright on someone is very hard due to no auto aim and the game is so fast paced that the bots move too quickly to get a good shot on them. Also, while your reloading after every shot, it takes ages and you will probably get shot to bits while doing it. Avoid this weapon, unless you just want to have some fun. AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN: I think we all know what a shotgun is. A shotgun is a big gun that when it fires a bullet, that bullet breaks up into several other little bullets that in real life can kill instantly. The shotgun here is bascically like it, except automatic. Automatic means it can fire quicker than a normal shotgun, but for me, it doesn't seem that way. the fire rate is nothing to rave about, but still better than some other weapons. The accuracy is the standard lock-on thing which I guess is good enough. The damage it causes is slightly good. 2 body shots at someone and they are dead. But once again, reloading is a pain in the ass. After every shot you have to reaload, which makes you vulnerable for attack, this is a let down to the weapon, but everyw weapon has something bad about it right? This should be low on your preferences. FLAMETHROWER: Any person who loves the action fighting games and shoot em ups will know what this weapon is. It's a flamethrower, which the name suggests it "Throws" flames, but it actaully shoots them out. Fire rate is great, hold down SHOOT and flame will come out excessively. Reloading time is excellent as well, meaning that you really don't need to reload at all. Every time you pick up one of these, the clip has 10 in it, and when you wate the 10 seconds of flame, then you lose it, so really there isn't no reload time. Accuracy I guess you could say is ok, because just aim and fire and the flames will spread around about, catching on to people around. Damage is ok, because just you fire, and it catches on and they start running around on fire. I guess you could say this is a good weapon, you decide for yourself where it is on your preferences. FUSION ROCKET LAUNCHER: The big mamma, this is just like the rocket launcher, instead way bigger and packs more of a serious punch. Don't worry, you will find out what this is capable of when you obtain it in the game. Fire rate is Not Applicable, as the gun can only hold 1 bullet, so you can't continuous fire with a weapon with 1 bullet, so I really can't say. But if you did obtain 2 bullets, I would say that the fire rate would be the same as the Rail Driver, in another words: Poor. The accuracy type is the non- lockon, which means you have to aim yourself, which I guess is good with this weapon of mass destruction. The damage is the great thing, as you would expect for a weapon of mass destruction. If you see a pack of enemies, fire a bullet into the ground next to them, and make sure you stand back. Watch the explosion, it looks cool. This weapon is only available in about 2 levels, so it's rare really. But remember make sure you shoot it into the ground by a pack of enemies, otherwise the destructive bullet will be wasted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 9: ALTERNATIVE FIRE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PISTOL: N/A, in the actual 1 player storline, it is used as a silencer, hbut you can pick up a silencer in the multiplayer game anyway. Even if you did, what would be the point of a silenced pistol. SUB-MACHINEGUN: One of the best, the sub-machine gun takes two types of ammunition. Pres the alt fire button and you can swtich between these bullets, thus guvung you plenty of ammo to swap between. Defently one of the better uses. Really, there is no difference between the bullets damage, but I guess it is just for if you run out of ammo. SNIPER RIFLE: Use to aim, aiming is pretty weak for the reason that the game moves too fast to get a good sniper shot on someone, so this is basically useless. It may be good if you want to ct sniper and sit somewhere and try and pick of people. PRESICION RIFLE: Same as above, it scope aims, but for some reason it always aims ahead of you at the ground, so you need to look up quickly to get the shot on someone. Press the fire button to fire alot of rounds and hope someone comes into the line of fire. ASSULT RIFLE: Better than the other use for it, press the alternatie fire button, and this just keep on shooting rounds, not stopping. Better than the other use, but the accuracy goes down about, which is the only fault, but once again, still better than the other use. ROCKET LAUNCHER: Apparently in goes into heat seeking mode, heck if I know what that means, maybe it is ock on or something or you can view enemy's through walls. If you know the correct thing for what this does, please e-mail me. HEAVY MACHINE-GUN: Fires slower, but more accuracy. This can also be uised for the sake to conserve some ammunition. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 10: HINTS AND TIPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION: This section is probably what people will mots read this FAQ for, the tips to win the multiplayer game. It includes tips to win, avoid dying, and all that sort of things. BEST WEAPON FIRST: An importent tip: If you grab a weapon that you like and is capable of mass destruction, use it. There is no point saying something like: "A wanna conserve ammo for this weapon" because if you don't use it and it's good at killing, you will probably die and lose the weapon, so use it while you have got it, and it may just bring your kills up. Whats the point of conserving ammo if you lose the weapon? BASIC KILLING: The most importent thing to do in Red Faction is to kill (Duh) To easily kill with a lock on weapon, get the lock on of an enemy, and then continuously tap or hold the fire button (Depends on the weapon). Thats how you kill, easy. If you have a non-lockon non heavy weapon (Like the Heavy machinegun for example) then aim for the enemies head, that will kill very quickly indeed. HEAVY WEAPON TRICK: Afew tricks with the Rocket Launcher here: Always fire it into the ground ahead of you, theres no use trying to hit someone full on with the rocket launcher, as you will defenetly miss your opponent. If you fire into the ground, the explosion may get to the enemy, giving you a better chance of killing someone. HEAVY WEAPON TRICK II: Next trick is that sometimes you wanna act like a ambusher or sniper with the rocket launcher, and due to the explosion, it is well used like this. But sometimes bots can be just beneath you or if you fire, you will probably hit the edge. What you can do is jump inthe air and fire down, because jumping will let you see abit more over the edge below. This can also avoid the explosion if you happen to fire the rocket into the groumd. SPEED: The main tip for staying alive is to race along. yes, thats right, speed. Speeding along is good for many reason, but the main fact is that you avoid enemy gunfire. Thats importent. Try to keep moving all the time, unless you know you are safe where you are positioned. But if your in the middle of the warzone, this will dodge gunfire. If the enemy carries a lock on weapon, bullets still MAY hit you. SECRET AREAS: Sometimes in the levels you see posters and drawings on the wall. Ever thought those were suspicious? Well you were right. Get something that causes an explosion (Like the remote chargers) and fire at the poster. Make sure you stand back, and then blow the hole in the wall. The poster will uncover a secret area, if you can't get in there, throw another remote charcge to destroy the wall abit more. I CAN'T SEE: A really useless tip, but still good for fun. If you find an enemy unaware to your presence, place a remote charge on his face or somewhere like that, so they are running around with a remote charge on them. If you want to, you can wait until the enemy approaches more enemies an then set it off in the group for a series of kills. This can be done to your firens game face as well. Place it on there, and they can't see whats going on. Plus, if the remote charge is shot, then it explodes, right in his/her face. STEALING: When you kill an enemy, they drop ammunition or the weapon from the last weapon they had selected before they died. For example, fi you die with a pistol selected, the pistol will appear above your body for taking. This is a great way to get some more ammo, if they ahve a rail driver and die, pick it up. STRAFING: Anothing importent thing to use often, is strafing. Strafing is basically walking side to side while looking in the one direction. To strafe, use the analog stick left to move arond. this is good for many things, just to name afew 1: Avoiding bullets, by keep moving, somtetimes the enemy wont get a lock on and it will make it harder to hit you, and also, 2: use it while going around corners so you get a good lock around the corner. Otherwise, if you turn it normally, you will be wide open for shots before you get your view centered around the corner. RELOADING: I never see any of my friends or anyone doing this in this game, but reload when you have the time to. If you have 1 bullet left in your clip and no enemies are around, thn reload while you have the time. there is no use going into a battle with 2 bullets left in the clip, because while your fumbling trying to reload, you will be dead. Try to keep a decent amounf of bullets in your clip. RELOADING IN FIGHTS: Simple enough, try not to do it. If you happen to waste the entire clip, then hide somewhere, don't stay out in the open, otherwsie you will probably be shot to pieces. If you can't hide, just simply strafe and keep moving so the enemy wont have time to shoot you. If you are using a heavy machine-gun, that has alot of ammo in it's clip, so don't bother about reloading until it is nearly empty. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 11: SURVIVING ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO TO AVOID: These are the people with guns to avoid and not to avoid. So this next bit is how to survive someone with a weapon. SURVIVING ENEMIES WITH A RAIL DRIVER: you see anyone with this, back off and pick a fight with someone else, only ever attack the bot if they are distracted by someone else. If you do find yourself looking at a rail gun, keep on moving to duck the fire and fire your, pistol at the same time. If the enemy fires and misses you, quickly fire back at the opponent before they have time to load another shot. SURVIVING ENEMIES WITH A PISTOL: Talk about easy, hit head on no troubles at all. They pistol shots of yours can kill quickly, they are too dumb to realise this and there bullets take ages to even get to you. Easily can be avoided, and once again, alright to fight head on. SURIVING ENEMIES WITH A ROCKET LAUNCHER: Once again they are pathetic with this weapon. If you see someone with a rocket launcher, don't be afraid to go to them head on. The reasoon for this is the rocket launcher isn't accurate, so if an enemy bot fires, just move a little to the left or right and the bullet will miss you, leaving the bot open for a good attack by you. SURVIVING ENEMIES WITH A HEAVY MACHINEGUN: This can seriously pack a punch, try and aviod head on fighting. Pop around corners if you must and then quickly fire and kill the opponent. Also you can just wait to the enemie's back is pointed towards you and then shoot them quickly. The accuracy with this weapon is off abit, but when thewy do get it right, it can hurt. SURVIVING ENMIES WITH A FLAMETHROWER: Pretty easy this, just keep on moving while shooting the enemy. the flames don't go far at the accuracy isn't the best either. Just avoid the flames and shoot and you will be right. SURVIVING ENEMIES WITH A SNIPER RIFLE: Believe it or not, they pack a serious punch. 1 bullet and you havwe 10 health left, another bullet from any gun and your dead. Defently avoid head on fights, and try and kill the enemy with a pistol or a sub- machine gun or something like that. Make sure the enemy is distracted by another bot, and then kill them both with the weapon. SURVIVING ENEMIES WITH OTHER WEAPONS: For an Assault Rifle, do the same tactic as the Heavy Machine-gun, because they are actually the same. If someone has a Automatic Shotgun, then keep on moving away while firing. I have never seen an enemy with a precision rifle, so I really couldn't include it here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 12: DAMAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ever wanted to know how much damage a certain weapon does so you know what weapon to pick for the best kill? some stats are here: * THIS SECTION IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION * PISTOL: One bullet takes away 19 health and 21 armour SUB-MACHINEGUN: SNIPER RIFLE: PRECISION RIFLE: One bullet takes away 36 health and 39 armour ASSAULT RIFLE: ROCKET LAUNCHER: HEAVY MACHINE-GUN: RAIL DRIVER: AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN: FLAMETHROWER: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 13: HEADS UP DISPLAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPON: The weapon is at the bottom of the screen, as your player holds the weapon. AMMO: Your ammo for the weapon appears in the top right hand corner of your secreen. The first slot is how much ammo in the clip, and the second slot is how much is left in total ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 14: STATISTICS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTODUCTION: Statistics come up at the end of the game, they show the information that happened, for example, look at this table: _____________________________________________________ | PLAYER NAME KILLS DEATHS KILLING SPREE ACCURACY | | Aaron 35 10 10 32.00% | | Willis 27 21 9 27.50% | | Tyler 15 25 3 21.00% | | Myles 8 29 2 26.00% | | Abriham 2 29 1 30.00% | |_____________________________________________________| PLAYER NAME: Displays the name of your character and all of the other people that you played against. KILLS: How many times you killed someone, to get a kill, be the last shot on a person that dies. DEATHS: How many times you died yourself, including if you kill yourself. KILLING SPREE: Your biggest amount of kills before being killed ACCURACY: How many bullets hit a traget. This is always in-accurate because you are probably still shooting someone when they are dead, but you don't know it. DRAW: Look at this table below: Aaron 6 5 2 20.00% Willis 5 4 2 40.00% Tyler 5 5 2 30.00% Myles 5 5 1 60.00% Extra 5 5 1 10.00% Abraham 4 6 1 40.00% The first row is the kills of course, and then the next row is the deaths and then the next is the longest killing spree and then finally the accuracy. This chart was made just to show you waht would happen if a draw occured. Lets start off. No matter what, whoever has the best kils wins. It doens't matter about anything else, the kills are what matter to win. But if there is a draw in the kills for different places as you can see in the table. Willis, Tyler, Myles and Extra all drawed wih the kill amounts. So to determine who comes the better position, it moves into the next row, which is the deaths. Here, the lower the better. Willis was killed less times than Tyler, Myles and Extra, so he nabs second place. But Tyler, Myles and Extra all drawn with the kills and deaths. So next, it moves into the Killing Spree section. Tyler has a better number than Myles and Extra, so he nabs thrid place, but Myles and Extra drew again. It moves into the next colum and Myles has a better accuracy, so he gets a higher position. It all might seem a bit comlicated, but you will get it soon enough. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 15: WEAPON PREFERENCES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to options and select Weapon PReferences. Then go to change prorities for the weapon. Here you can put your favourite weapon first, so that when you pick it up in the multiplayer game, it will automatically switch to it. Lets say this is your preferences: 1: 12mm Pistol 2: Sub-machinegun 3: Precision Rifle 4: Rocket Launcher 5: Fusion Rocket Launcher 6: Rail Driver 7: Remote Charge 8: Heavy Machine-gun 9: Assault Rifle 10: Automatic Shotgun 11: Sniper Rifle Lets just say that you have a Sniper Rifle selected (Which is your worst priority) and then you pick up a 12mm Pistol, it will automatically swap to your newly aquired 12mm Pistol. If you are carrying a 12mm Pistol and you pick up a Precision rifle, then it wont swap, but just add the Precision Rifle to your inventory for later use. One more example: if you have a Sniper Rifle, and you pick up a Shotgun, then it will change. I think you get it know. You can change all of these settings by prssing X and moving the weapons upand down. Note that the Control Batton isn't used in the Multiplayer mode. Here are my top weapons to use in the Mult-player mode: here are my top weapon category choices: EXPLOSIVE: (Out of: Fusion, Rocket, Remote, Driver) 1. Fusion - Due to the power 2. Rocket - Great for explosions 3. Remote - Only good for opening secrets 4. Driver - Poor accuracy, bad with the game speed MACHINE-GUN: (Out of: Sub, Assault, Heavy) 1. Heavy Machinegun - Can kill in one shot with the 'alt fire' button 2. Sub - Easy to use, great accuracy 3. Assault Rifle - Great weapon OTHER: (Out of: Precision, Sniper, Shotgun, Pistol, Shield) 1. Precision - Great accuracy, VERY quick kills 2. Pistol - Great accuaracy, very quick kills 3. Shotgun - Not good, but still ok for killing 4. Sniper - Bad weapon, kills quick, but accuracyu is a problem 5. Shield - Useless ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 16: SECRETS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ROOF IN LOBY: The roof in the Lobby level can be accessed using Geo Mod. Ge Mod in case you don't know lets you destroy part and ulter the enviroments around you. You can see a ramp on one fo the sides up the top. Grab yourself the bazooka that appears there and start blasting away at the posts there. Keep blasting away with you rocket launcher, uncovering spaces where you can jump through to the roof. You must shoot the wall alot though to get up there. Up top on the roof there is Rail Driver and also a Fusion Rocket Launcher. You can walk all over the plave because of the glass to protect you, but once it is broken, then you will fall down. If you shoot a fusion rocket-launcher bullet at the glas, it will shatter the glass, and the bullet will keep on going. The Fusion rocket launcher is capable of mass destruction, so only use it good when LOTS of people are below you, otherwise the bullet would be wasted, and you only get about 1 so then you have to wait for it to re- spawn. the other weapon up here is the Rail Driver, which can shoot through walls, but otherwise due to the crap accuracy of it and the speed of the game, it is useless. Better take more weapons up withyou here if you want some kills. Also, if you don't feel like fighting, you can come up here for a look down and watch some of the killing that goes below on the main floor of the lobby. POSTERS: Alot of the time during the multi-player levels, you will find some posters on the wall. Most of them say something about ultor or something else, but did you ever think there was something suspicious about them, well you were right. Grab yourself a rocket launcher or a Remote charge. Approach any of the posters that you want a secret area to uncover, then fire at the wall. Make sure you stand back with either of these weapons, because the blast can sometimes get to you, and that is bad. Once the poster is blown up, the wall will blow up. If the wall isn't blown up enough to get it, hit for another spot in the wall to destroy that, this will destroy more of the wall, leaving more space to get in. Hidden ereas usually contain explosives. The secret areas can also be used for great sniper spots. If someone comes around the corner, pick em off. TRICKY VIOLATION: Go to the area called the blasted canyone Multi-player level. Personally, this is a great level, because it is just basic and great for some quick kills. Anyway, when you start, you will notice that you are up high, deserted from the rest of the people below. In order to get down, you have to jump, and you are up high. If you fall from a high spot, you will know that you lose health. Violition have made it that you have to lose health before you are actually in a battle. Maybe this is just to make it harder or something, who knows?! This can also be used as a sniper spot if you want. And i guess if you really don't wanna lose health everythime you re-spawn, there is a rocket launcher there, so you can use Geo-Mod to your advantage. Really, it's not worth it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 17: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION: Man, that heading took longer than usual. I thought I should bareviate it, but then people would think iot's something to do with the guide not the game. FAQ has several different meanings. The most common one is Frueqently Asked Questions, but it can mean alot of things, one of those things is called a strategy guide. So tmy guide and the F.A.Q are different. Frequently Asked Questions are deigned to reduce the amount of mail that I get, as most questions about Red Faction Multi-player can be answered here. If the question cannot be answerwed here, then feel free to e-mail me (See above "FAQ Intro") If the question is in here that you sent me, I will probably not reply, or just say the answer is in the F.A.Q section. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Can you use the vehicles of the game in teh Multiplayer mode? ANSWER: No, no you can't. I can't see the animation of the enemy bots in Vehicles driving around shooting in things like the APC and such. Also, there would really be no fun at all with it, because of your vehicle was destroyed, you wouldn't be killed yet becuase you can just get out. Vehicles have much armour, and it would be hard to kill them. So, I really would like this multiplayer better without vehicles. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: How do I complete the X section in the Multiplayer mode? ANSWER: This is a Multiplayer guide. Here are afew guides that will help you with these questions. Here are the links to any 1 player walkthrough information and al those sorts of things: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/red_faction_a.txt ~ TCovert's ----------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: Can I add stuff to the guide, as in Tips and Secrets? ANSWER: Yup, of course. My e-mail is Wayalla1(at)yahoo.com.au Just replace the (at) with @. As long as the information is true, then you will be credited and the Information will go into this guide. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 18: CLOSING ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS: Volition: For making this Kick Ass game. This is one of my favourite games, and will probably remain that way. You have done well. CjayC: The webmaster on gamefaqs, thanks for posting my guide on your great site. Gamefaqs is alos the host of all of my guides. Once again, well done for being my favourite site for Guides, Reviews, Cheats and the message boards. Wayalla: Thats me, for creating this guide. Pretty good don't you think :) Anyway, I deserve some credit in this section too. Inferno: He who was going to work on a joint guide with me, but then it didn't turn out. STILL TO COME: This section just describes to you what you will find in later updates of this guide. I still have many more things to do, and it isn't finished yet. - The rest of the level descriptions, I'm mission only afew - The last of the weapon descriptions, only the ones in the multiplayer mode, cos that is what this guide os for. - More tips, I find usefull tips every day - The rest of the damage of bullets section done - Might add a section labelled something like "Weapon Locations" and list the locations of the weapons in the level COPYRIGHT: This Document Copyright Aaron Baker, 2003. This Document Copyright Wayalla, 2003. It may be used for Personal and private use only, and can't be put in a magazine, put on a site that you need to pay money to acces this FAQ or just generally sold. This guide is sole property of Aaron Baker. Only authorized websites can have this FAQ, but must not alter the copyright notice at all, or any of the text inside. This guide is availabe free of cost from sites authorized, and I am taking time out of my busy life to write this, so be thankful that I am helping you and writing this. Do not rip off this guide in Part or Whole, that is illegal and the appropriate steps will be taken if nessecary. I didn't wirte this guide so that someone could just come and rip it off. ADIOS: I say goodbye. Like my work? Check out this link to see other FAQs/Guides written by me, Wayalla. http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/24572.html Any information you want to send, please send it to: Wayalla1(at)yahoo.com.au =======================================================================