================================================================================ 8XXX8M@2MM. MBBBM .MMM MMMM BM M888M MMM MMM SMMMMMMMa @MMMMMM7 WWM 8MMWa@@ 7@M8 MMi ;aW rSZ0 MW :BMMMMi M888M ;M@ M@M SM8M MM M8M MB @MM MMM @M8M BMM MMM MMMMMM ZM MMMS M M888MMMMM@ M8M MW8M XB @8M MM MWB M8M M88@MM2 M8M @W888@MZM M8M M888M ,MMM M8M M88MXMMM2 M8MSXMM2 0M8 M8M M880MMMM MMM @08MMMBWW M8M WMMM M888M M8M M8M MB8M MM M8M MM M8M 8MZ M88W8 MMM; BMN M08M MMWM MMM XM MMMMM MMM MMM 8MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMW MMM MMM MMMMM XMM irM MMMM WMM2 MMM0,MM ================================================================================ 01. Legal Disclaimer [LEGAL] 02. Introduction [INTRO] 02A. RibbitKing [RIBBK] 02B. Frolf [FROLF] 03. Controls [CNTRL] 04. Game Modes [MODES] 04A. Story Mode [SMODE] 04B. Multi-Player Stroke Play [2PSTR] 04C. Multi-Player Match Play [2PMAT] 05. Gameplay Features [GPLAY] 05A. The Goal [GOALS] 05B. Aiming/Hitting [AIMNG] 05C. Gimmick Bubbles [BUBBL] 05D. Springs [SPRNG] 05E. Flies [FLIES] 05F. Swimming [SWIMN] 05G. Other Animals [ANIMA] 05H. Ice/Mud Sliding [SLIDE] 05I. Portals [PORTL] 05J. Item Pads [IPADS] 05K. Misc. Features [MISCF] 06. Scoring System [SCORE] 07. Story Mode [STMOD] 07A. The Story [STORY] 07B. The F.U.V. [FUVSM] 08. The Planets [PLNET] 08A. Ribbetopia [PLAN1] 08B. Hypnotron [PLAN2] 08C. Planet Frosticle [PLAN3] 08D. Planet Techtron [PLAN4] 08E. Planet Lavatron [PLAN5] 09. Appendix [APPEN] 09A. The Items [ITEMS] 09B. The Frogs [FROGS] 09C. Bottlecaps [BCAPS] 09D. The Characters [CHARS] 10. Ribbit King Plus Movies [RPLUS] 11. Unlockables [UNLCK] 12. Frequently Asked Questions [FREQU] 13. Contributing [CONTR] 14. Version Info [VERSN] 15. Credits [CREDS] And for the people who may not know about the search funtion: If you press the Control + F keys on your computer, you'll get a search dialog. Put in one of the keys you see on the right, and you'll be brought directly to that section. For example, if you want to go to the Scoring System, you would type "[SCORE]". ================================================================================ __ __ / \ / \___ / | | \================================================================O \ () | () | \ 01. Legal Disclaimer [LEGAL] | /\__/ \__/ |==============================================================O \ |___ /\_____/ __ \ |__\__________ \ |__| / / ___/ / \__\ /_____/ This file may not be reproduced except for personal or private use. It may not be placed on any website, without consent from me. If you wish to host it, you must e-mail me and ask for permission. My e-mail is GermanDragon[at]gmail.[dot] com. Currently, the only sites that have permission to host this document, are the following: [ ] www.GameFAQs.com [ ] www.NeoSeeker.com [ ] www.IGN.com [ ] www.TheGenie.Net [ ] www.EvermoreForums.com [ ] www.GamerHelp.com Copyright (c)2004 Chris Quigley. All rights reserved. __ __ / \ / \___ / | | \================================================================O \ () | () | \ 02. Introduction [INTRO] | /\__/ \__/ |==============================================================O \ |___ /\_____/ __ \ |__\__________ \ |__| / / ___/ / \__\ /_____/ []============================================================================[] | 02A. Ribbit King [RIBBK] | []============================================================================[] Ribbit King is a strange game, produced by Bandai. It's one of those rare, but sweet games, that come out in America before other places, and not in Japan at all. It's like a freshing payback, for the great games Japan never sent us. Anyway, before I lose track of myself, this game is like a game in a game. You see, it's technically a sport game. However, the sport is Frolf, and I'm sure you won't see that at any nearby stadiums. Let's talk a little more about Frolf. []============================================================================[] | 02B. Frolf [FROLF] | []============================================================================[] Frolf is kind of like mini-golf, but with many strange features. First of all, you will be hitting frogs around with hammers - Which is obviously how you get the name "Frolf". But that's not even close to being the only difference. Some of the new features include the scoring system. Unlike golf, the idea is not to get it to the hole as fast as possible, but to collect as many points along the way. The frogs will interact with water, bugs, and spring pads, among other many things, and this all servers to make an interesting experience. For example, unlike golf, where water hazards cost you strokes, in Frolf, the frog will swim across giving you *more* points. This FAQ will show you the ins-and- outs of Frolf, so I believe this is enough of an introduction. __ __ / \ / \___ / | | \================================================================O \ () | () | \ 03. Controls [CNTRL] | /\__/ \__/ |==============================================================O \ |___ /\_____/ __ \ |__\__________ \ |__| / / ___/ / \__\ /_____/ [Y] - This button will togle overview mode on and off. [X] - This will open the Items and Frogs menu. [A] - Pressing this once starts the swing meter. Pressing it again stops it. [B] - Pressing this after starting a drive will cancel it. [L] - No use. [R] - No use. [Z] - No use. [Analg] - This aims the target, that you aim the ball at. [D-Pad] - This changes the height of the arc you are aiming the frog in. [C-Stc] - This moves the camera. [START] - This will pause the game. __ __ / \ / \___ / | | \================================================================O \ () | () | \ 04. Game Modes [MODES] | /\__/ \__/ |==============================================================O \ |___ /\_____/ __ \ |__\__________ \ |__| / / ___/ / \__\ /_____/ []============================================================================[] | 04A. Story Mode [SMODE] | []============================================================================[] In this mode, you'll be in a huge Frolf tournament, on a quest to win "Super Ribbinite" to save your planet (See the story section for more information on this.) You'll fly from planet to planet, in search of opponents to play Frolf with. When you beat everyone, you'll win the Frolf cup, becoming the Frolf Champion! This is the mode that you can unlock Characters and Frogs for use in the VS modes, with. []============================================================================[] | 04B. Multi-player Stroke Play [2PSTR] | []============================================================================[] In this mode, you and up to four players - Both human and computer - will select items, choose a planet, and play Frolf. You'll be playing four holes, and after all four are through, a random bonus will be given out. After this, a winner will be decided. []============================================================================[] | 04C. Multi-player Match Play [2PMAT] | []============================================================================[] In this mode, you and up to four players - Both human and computer - will select items, choose a planet, and play Frolf. You'll be playing four holes, jsut like in match play, but in this mode, the player with most points after each hole is the winner for that hole, and the player with most holes at the end, will be declared the winner of the game. __ __ / \ / \___ / | | \================================================================O \ () | () | \ 05. Gameplay Features [GPLAY] | /\__/ \__/ |==============================================================O \ |___ /\_____/ __ \ |__\__________ \ |__| / / ___/ / \__\ /_____/ []============================================================================[] | 05A. The Goal [GOALS] | []============================================================================[] The goal of Frolf is not to make it into the hole as fast as you can, but to end the match with as many points as you can. Getting it into the hole fast will help you out a lot, but don't rush it. Go for the gimmick bubbles (more on that later) and other ways to get points first, such as water, and springs: More on them later, as well. Note: If you do not make it into the hole by eight turns, you will give up. This will cause you to lose out on alot of points, so try not to do it. []============================================================================[] | 05B. Aiming/Hitting [AIMNG] | []============================================================================[] Now obviously, you'll have to hit you're frogs, before they go anywhere. Before you do that though, press the X button. Here, you can access the Frog and Item menus. These will allow you to affect how your swing will work. For examples, some frogs allow you to swim safely in water, and some items will allow the frogs to go father than usuall. After you use any special frogs or items, you will be ready to hit the frogs! Aim the direction that you'll hit the frog in with the control stick, and change the height of the arc with the D-Pad. It's a good idea to zoom in, using the C-Stick, to get a more accurate view of where your frog will land. Remember to take into consideration though, that your frog will hop two or three times when it lands - Unless affected by other circumstances. Now, to actually hit the frog, press the A button. The meter at the bottom of the screen will begin to fill. Try to press A when it reaches the end. The closer to the end it is, the closer to your target, the frog will land. If you can get it perfectly on the line, you'll do a super swing. This means it will land perfectly where you aimed it. And that's about it for aiming! []============================================================================[] | 05C. Gimmick Bubbles [BUBBL] | []============================================================================[] There are lots of bubbles around the courses. These are called gimmick bubbles, and they are a key aspect in racking up points. There are two kinds of them. There are multiplier bubbles, and point bubbles. You can "activate" them by popping them. You can pop them by smacking your frog through them. The point bubbles are easy to understand. You hit them, and get the points marked on the bubble. The number can be 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, or in rare cases, 200. Multipliers on the otherhand are a bit trickier to understand. They will have 2x or 3x written on them. By popping them, any points you get from landing on targets will be multiplied. More on targets later, but it works like this. If you hit a 2x bubble, and land on a 70 point target, you will earn 140 points. []============================================================================[] | 05D. Springs [SPRNG] | []============================================================================[] There are springs in every level, though the appearence differs in each. In some levels, it's a spider web, in some it's an animal hide, and in some it's a red circle. However, despite its appearence, its use is always the same. You get points, and are flung forward. The points you get are determined by how many springs you've already landed on in this string. If you land on one spring, you'll get 30 points. If you land on another one, before your frog stops, you'll get 60 points for that one. If you land on a third, you'll get 90 points. This pattern continues until you're frog stops. The distance and height you are flung after landing on one, depends on the type of swing you did. The higher the arc you made, the higher you'll bounce. However, the higher you go, the shorter distance that you'll be flung. So, if you want to go maximum distance, have a small arc. []============================================================================[] | 05E. Flies [FLIES] | []============================================================================[] Flies are a very unique part of this game. When a frog stops completely, a fly can allow him to begin moving again. You see, if the frog is close enough, he will jump for the fly, picking up points, and possibly entering into another combo of swimming, springs, and gimmick bubbles! There are two different kinds of flies. There are shiny ones, and there are black ones. The black ones are worth more, but both give points, that increase in a similair way to springs. That is, getting two or more in one swing results in more points, than two in seperate swings. Black ones evidently start at 20 or 30, while the shiny ones start at 10,15 or 20. There are evidently side effects though. Black ones make your frog a bit more tired - so he can't be hit as far - And gold ones make him a bit dizzier - So it is a bit harder to aim. This is uasually worth it, for the points, though. []============================================================================[] | 05F. Swimming [SWIMN] | []============================================================================[] This is another major aspect of the game, that seperates it from golf. When a frog is hit into water, it will begin to swim across. While swimming, a frog will gain 1 point each second. This number can be increased too. If you come out of the water, and use a spring, fly, or anything else like that, that gets you points, then go back in, the number will increase. For example, if I swim across a lake, at one point each second, then come up on shore to eat a fly, and boucne back in, I'll begin getting 2 points a second. If I then come up on another shore, bounce on a spring, and land back in the water once more, I'd be making 3 points each second! There are also lava pits that you can swim in - That is, if you're frog is one that is immune to lava. You can check this in the appendix section on frogs. If you're frog can't swim in lava, don't fret though. There are items that can help you out! Check the item appendix for more information on that. []============================================================================[] | 05G. Other Animals [ANIMA] | []============================================================================[] The first, and most common type of other animal that you'll meet, is the Snake. Snakes will play a big part of this game, as they are in almost every course. While aiming, sometimes you'll say a head pop up out of the ground. This will tell you that that area has a snake in it. However, they can appear in more areas as well. Now, about how they work. If you land in an area wqith one, they will pop up, and bite your frog! This can be a good thing or a bad thing. When this happens, you'll see a C-stick on the right-hand side of the screen. Press the C-stick in left-right motions, until the snake lets go. If you press it fast, you'll gain points! Sometimes it's 30, sometimes it's 100, but either way, it can launch you into a possible combo. If you don't push it enough, you will lose points - However, you can still continue your combo! Another common animal, is the elephant. Sometimes, they'll appear as Mammoths. These guys are huge, so you can easily spot them on the map. Like Snakes, they can be either good or bad. You see, they'll send you in a random direction, and either give, or take points from you. A bar on the right side of the screen will have an A button. When it lights up, hit the A button! If you time it correctly, you will gain points, from between 30 and 100. Another "animal" is a spiked-bomb creature. If you land near it, it will detonate. Like with the elephants, a bar with an A button will light up on the right. If you press A at the right time, you get points. If not, you lose them. Again, you will be blasted in a random direction. There are also tadpoles and Pterodactly. If you land on a tadpole in the water, he will give your frtog a ride, doubling the points you were getting each second, until you reach the shore. For example, if I was swimming at 4 points each second, and got a tadpole, I'd be getting 8 points each second. Pterodactlys are similair, except they will give you 10 points a second no matter what. You can ride the Pterodactly, by landing in its nest. Finally, there's the storm cloud. They are activated if you bump into them, or land below where they are floating. One of two things can happen, and you don't have control over it. Either they rain on you, giving 1,2,3, or 4 points per second, or they strike lightning at you, causing you to lose points, and be blasted in a random direction. []============================================================================[] | 05I. Ice/Mud Sliding [SLIDE] | []============================================================================[] In some levels - Mainly those on Frosticle - there are frozen lakes of either water or mud. If you hit your frog onto one of these, they will continue to slide, until they are off the ice. There are items that you can use to negate this effect, butt with some planning, it can be used to really help you. You don't get any points for it, however. []============================================================================[] | 05I. Portals [PORTL] | []============================================================================[] Portals are an interesting part of the game. If you hit your frog into one, you will gain 30 points, and make your frog a bit dizzier. However, that's not the interesting part. You see, any level with a portal in it, contains at least two seperate portals, and hitting your frog into one, will cause him to come out of the other one! This is a great way to string together combos, while moving your frog closer to the hole. []============================================================================[] | 05J. Item Pads [IPADS] | []============================================================================[] In most levels, you'll see large pads with question marks on them, on the ground. You can also identify them by the balloons floating above them. Well, these are item pads. When you land on one, the balloon will pop, and you will be rewarded an item! Besides the item yuou'll also get some points. The point total will be 10,20,30,50,100 or 200. []============================================================================[] | 05K. Misc. Features [MISCF] | []============================================================================[] Throughout the course of the game, you'll face many other features as well. These will include storm clouds, elephants, conveyor belts, and man-eating mushrooms. It's stuff like these that make up this game! Instead of making this section too long, I'll just list those special features in the Planets section. That will make things alot easier to find for you. __ __ / \ / \___ / | | \================================================================O \ () | () | \ 06. Scoring System [SCORE] | /\__/ \__/ |==============================================================O \ |___ /\_____/ __ \ |__\__________ \ |__| / / ___/ / \__\ /_____/ Now, I'm assuming you'd like to know how the scoring system works. Or at least you will if you plan to build those large combos! First, let's look at how the points you get for sinking the frog in the hole works. []==============================[ ]==========================================[] | FROG-IN-ONE | 1,500 Points | | First FROG-IN | 1,000 Points | | Other | 1,000 Points - (Number of turns since 1st) | []==============================[ ]==========================================[] Next, let's take a look at how springs give out points. []==============================[ ]==========================================[] | First Spring | 30 Points | | Other Spring | 30 Points x (Spring Number) | []==============================[ ]==========================================[] And Flies... []==============================[ ]==========================================[] | Fly | Varies (Based on Length of Combo) | | Shiny Fly | Varies (Based on Combo) (More than Normal) | []==============================[ ]==========================================[] * I am not sure about this. Any information would be appreciated. Gimmick Bubbles shown below. []==============================[ ]==========================================[] | Point Bubble | (Number Shown on It) | | Multiplier Bubble | (Multiplier Shown) x (Combo Score) | []==============================[ ]==========================================[] Now we look at the interaction with living creatures. []==============================[ ]==========================================[] | Snake | Random Points (Add or Subtract) | | Chomp | Random Points (Add or Subtract) | | Mammoth | Random Points (Add or Subtract) | | Salamanders |(Points per second swimming) x 2 x (Seconds)| | Pterodactly | 5 Points x (Number of Seconds) | | Storm Clouds (Raining) | 1/2/3/4 x (Number of Seconds) | | Storm Clouds (Lightning) | Random Points (Subtracted) | | Black Cloud | 100 Points | | Mine | Random Points (Add or Subtract) | | Blizzard Monster | Random Points (Add or Subtract) | | Tiny Tees | 10 Points x (Number of Seconds) | []==============================[ ]==========================================[] And now, let's look at swimming. Note, for the lava, this only applies if your frog can handle it. Most frogs will simply bounce out of the water. Four times like this, and you'll get an out of bound (shown a bit later.) []==============================[ ]==========================================[] | First Water Swim | 1 Point x (Number of Seconds) | | Other Water Swim | (Number of Swim) x (Number of Seconds) | | First Lava Swim | 1 Point x (Number of Seconds) | | Other Lava Swim | (Number of Swim) x (Number of Seconds) | | First Orange Water Swim | 20 Points x (Number of Seconds) | | Other Orange Water Swim | (40 x Number of Swim) x (Number of Seconds)| []==============================[ ]==========================================[] Portals work like so: []==============================[ ]==========================================[] | Portals | 30 Points | []==============================[ ]==========================================[] And getting out of bounds. []==============================[ ]==========================================[] | Our of Bounds | 50/100 (Subtracted) | []==============================[ ]==========================================[] Hitting a wall. []==============================[ ]==========================================[] | Hitting a Wall | 5/10/20/30/100 (Subtracted) | []==============================[ ]==========================================[] And landing on targets. []==============================[ ]==========================================[] | Targets with Points Marked | Points Shown | | Blue Targets | 30/40/60/100/140 (Random) | | Item Targets | 10/20/50/100/150/200/300 (Depends on Item) | | Clown Targets | 5/30 Points (Depending on Position) | | Smile Targets | 30/40/60/100/140 (Random) | | Arrow Targets | 10/20/30 x (Number of Bubbles You Get) | []==============================[ ]==========================================[] Finally, you will be given points as a bonmus, after 4 matches. []==============================[ ]==========================================[] | Swim King (Swimming Most) | 100/200 Points | | Drive King (Driving Farthest) | 100/200 Points | | Crash King (Crashing Most) | 100/200 Points | []==============================[ ]==========================================[] __ __ / \ / \___ / | | \================================================================O \ () | () | \ 07. Story Mode [STMOD] | /\__/ \__/ |==============================================================O \ |___ /\_____/ __ \ |__\__________ \ |__| / / ___/ / \__\ /_____/ []============================================================================[] | 07A. The Story [STORY] | []============================================================================[] Scooter, is a young boy, who evidently has a hammer. Due to this, he is summoned by the King. The king tells him, that the planet is low on Ribbenite - a substance needed to keep the planet going. Well, evidently, there's a Frolf tournament, with a supply of Ribbenite for the prize! Being as Scooter is the only one with a hammer, he is told to enter it. After a short dillema, of the King being too cheap to get him a good trainer, buying the one he did on a bargain sale, SCooter will be good to go Frolfing in the tournament! []============================================================================[] | 07B. The F.U.V. [FUVSM] | []============================================================================[] After the first match with Pickwich (don't worry, It's covered int hte section below) you'll be taken aboard a spaceship, known as the F.U.V. There are a few things that you can do in here. Let me go over these things: Gumbah-Goo: This is the gumball machine against the wall. For 2000 money, you can get a random gumball from this machine. You get money by winning Frolf matches. Note: You can shake it with the C-stick. Vend-o-Matic: You can buy three items here. Power-Fuel, for 1000 money, Frog- Fuel, for 500, and Beta-Ribbotin for 300. Pickwick: If youi talk to pickwick, you can view and setup the items and frogs that you'll be bringing along to your next Frolf game. You can also contact the king to save, view your bottlecaps, and quit back to the main menu. Slugger: If you talk to slugger, you'll be able to choose an opponent to face in a game of Frolf. Take a Nap: This isn't useful, and is just for a bit of fun. Don't press anything on the controller. Soon, Scooter will stumble, as if he was tired. Then, he'll fall down. After that, his head will bobble, and he'll take a little nap! Soon, he'll get up, slightly dizzy, and revert to normal. __ __ / \ / \___ / | | \================================================================O \ () | () | \ 08. The Planets [PLNET] | /\__/ \__/ |==============================================================O \ |___ /\_____/ __ \ |__\__________ \ |__| / / ___/ / \__\ /_____/ []============================================================================[] | 08A. Ribbetopia [PLAN1] | []============================================================================[] Theme : Grass and Water Difficulty : <> Description: This planet has lots of lakes and rivers. It also has a lot of trees. Due to the many green and lush environments, many species of animals make their homes here. Features : This planet contains elephants and mammoths that will try to step on you, and Pterodactly and Salamanders that can give you rides, which give you points. One of the courses in it involve pink "Tiny Tees" that will push oyu along like a conveyor belt. []============================================================================[] | 08B. Hypnotron [PLAN2] | []============================================================================[] Theme : Space and Ice Difficulty : <><> Description: This planet consists of broken shards of rock spinning around out in space. There's also one area covered in ice. There's not many living creatures n either, but it makes for a nice game of Frolf. Features : This planet has orange water, in some areas. This acts like normal water, but gives out many, many, more points. There are also craters, that will drop rocks on you if you land in. []============================================================================[] | 08C. Planet Frosticle [PLAN3] | []============================================================================[] Theme : Ice Difficulty : <><> Description: This planet is full of frozen lakes and puddles. Areas not covered in ice, will likely be full of slopes and crevices. There's even a big yeti in one stage that brings the whole effect together. Features : There's lots of ice in the areas, as well as a mammoth. There's also a conveyor belt leading up the mountain in one area. []============================================================================[] | 08D. Planet Techtron [PLAN4] | []============================================================================[] Theme : Machinery and Technology Difficulty : <><><> Description: Most areas in this planet are full of onveyor belts, and other such things that make aiming difficult. There's one course that's a noticable exception, but it still has a few spinning machines. Features : There are lots of conveyor belts, and in one stage, a spinning machine with gimmick bubbles on it. If you land on it, though, a mine might blow you off of it. []============================================================================[] | 08E. Planet Lavatron [PLAN5] | []============================================================================[] Theme : Volcanic Rock and Lava Difficulty : <><> Description: This planet mainly takes place inside what appears to be a volcano. There's lots of lava in these areas. One stage, though, takes place outside, in a desert. There's jsut lots of sand, here. Features : There's lava that will burn most frogs, and that's about it. __ __ / \ / \___ / | | \================================================================O \ () | () | \ 09. Appendix [PLNET] | /\__/ \__/ |==============================================================O \ |___ /\_____/ __ \ |__\__________ \ |__| / / ___/ / \__\ /_____/ []============================================================================[] | 09A. The Items [ITEMS] | []============================================================================[] You can get items in several ways. You can get them from the gumball machine, or th store in the F.U.V. , you can land on an item pad during a match, or you can buy them from an opponent after a match is over. AS for using them, press the X button before you hit your frog, and you'll be able to select one to use. They will effect the outcome of your swing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Frog-Fuel Description: Heals frogs and makes them fly further. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Power-Fuel Description: Doubles the energy frogs get from Frog-Fuel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Beta-Ribbotin Description: Returns tired frogs to normal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Jump-Pump Description: Makes frogs fly further but feel tired afterward. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Wing Description: Makes acurve tighter than usual. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: FlyDar Description: Allows frogs to eat a faraway frog. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Frog-Gaurd Description: Protects frogs from impact shock. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Slo-Mo Maker Description: Slows down the speed gauge. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Super-Spring Description: Makes frogs hop further after landing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Insta-Ice Description: Allows frogs to swim in lava. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Fly-Bye Description: Keeps frogs from eating flies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Frocket Description: Makes frogs fly further but feel dizzy afterward. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Scuba-Frog Description: Allows frogs to dive in rivers and lakes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: De-Bouncer Description: Makes frogs hop less after landing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Power-Star Description: Makes frogs invincible -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Rock Description: Makes frogs so heavy, they don't slip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Lucky Plaque Description: Makes frogs luckier. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Big 10 Bang Description: Makes items 10 times bigger. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- []============================================================================[] | 09B. The Frogs [FROGS] | []============================================================================[] There are lots of Frogs in Ribbit King. Some of them have special attributes, such as the ability to swim faster, or to safely swim through lava. You can unlock frogs, by buying their eggs from characters who offer them. After one match of Frolf, the egg will hatch into a tadpole. After one more match, they will evolve into a useable frog! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Name: Skitter Description: Scooter's frog purchased during a bargain sale by the King. How To Unlock: Skitter is always unlocked. Special Attributes: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Name: Sebastian Description: A hand-crafted frog made of wicker. How To Unlock: Get it from the gumbah-goo machine. Special Attributes: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Name: Slugger Description: Sluggy's frog hates water for some reason. How To Unlock: Get it from the gumbah-goo machine. Special Attributes: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Name: Pouncer Description: Born in China, this frog loves Bamboo leaves! How To Unlock: Buy it from Pan-Pan. Special Attributes: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Name: Dipsy Description: Don't be fooled by this frog. She'll swim laps around you! How To Unlock: Sold by Princess Tippi. Special Attributes: Fast Swimmer - And can dives underwater. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Name: Li'l Lunk Description: This frog can handle lava with its tough exterior! How To Unlock: Buy this from Lunk. Special Attributes: Immune to Lava -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Name: Blinky Description: This frog is small, but it does wonders in the water. How To Unlock: Buy it from Peppy. Special Attributes: Fast Swimmer - And can dives underwater. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Name: Wadsworth Description: This mechanical frog loves oil and electricity! How To Unlock: Buy from Sir Waddlelot Special Attributes: Oil and Electricity give him energy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Name: Shakey Description: This frog is a ghost, so lava won't affect it at all! How To Unlock: Buy it from Sparky & Whoosh. Special Attributes: Immune to Lava -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Name: Atom Description: His antennas supposedly emit beams, but I have yet to see it. How To Unlock: Purchase it from the third Kosmo. Special Attributes: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Name: Flippy Description: A capsule frog! Find anything good inside? How To Unlock: Purchase it from the second Gumbah-Goo. Special Attributes: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Name: ??? Description: ??? How To Unlock: ??? Special Attributes: ??? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Name: Scrappy Description: A creepy looking frog... Not very pleasing to look at. How To Unlock: Become Frolf Champion (?) Special Attributes: Can't get tired or gizzy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- []============================================================================[] | 09C. Bottlecaps [BCAPS] | []============================================================================[] Bottlecaps aren't really important, but they can be pretty cool. You'll be given bottle caps for doing random tasks, which you can see in their caption, before you unlock them. If you've ever played Super Smash Brothers Melee, you will know what the Trophies are. You can compare Bottlecaps to Trophies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 01 Bottlecap Name: Scooter How To Unlock: Beat Sparky & Whoosh for the third time, and Watch the credits. Caption: Rescue Planet Hippitron in the crunch! Description: I'm the little carpenter from Planet Hippitron - And I AM the Ribbit King! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 02 Bottlecap Name: Pickwick How To Unlock: ??? Caption: We'll always play fair. I've got you covered! Description: ??? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 03 Bottlecap Name: Pan-Pan How To Unlock: Beat Pan-Pan Caption: Tahh! If you think you can beat me - just try! Description: I am a Kung-Fu Frolf expert frp, Planet Pow-Pow. I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 04 Bottlecap Name: Pan-Pan How To Unlock: Beat Pan-Pan 2 Caption: Ki-yah! Revenge is mine! I'm harder to beat now! Description: I'm a mutant super-panda bear with amazing powers...Nah! I just put on a space suit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 05 Bottlecap Name: Princess Tippi How To Unlock: Beat Princess Tippi Caption: Do you think you can beat a dizzy gal like me? Description: My real name's Anastasia, princess of Planet Tippi Toenal. I feel woozy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 06 Bottlecap Name: Princess Tippi How To Unlock: Beat Princess Tippi 2 Caption: Check out my "Dizzy Missy" Super Shot! Oooh... Description: She's wearing a fish hat on her head. It's her alter ego. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 07 Bottlecap Name: Kosmo How To Unlock: Beat Kosmo Caption: I just love a ray gun! Rzzzzzz! Take that! Description: He's from the Area 21 Galaxy. He always shoots his ray gun when he first meets someone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 08 Bottlecap Name: Kosmo How To Unlock: Beat Kosmo 2 Caption: I'm so cool strumming my ukelele in my Aloha shirt! Description: Kosmo's seriously into fashion now because he's looking for a girlfriend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 09 Bottlecap Name: Sir Waddlelot How To Unlock: Beat Sir Waddlelot Caption: I'm a wind up robot, so I stop moving alot. Description: Dropsie invented this special Sir Waddlelot Spanner-Hammer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 10 Bottlecap Name: Sir Waddlelot How To Unlock: Beat Sir Waddlelot 2 Caption: Please wind my spring gently, or it might break... Description: He's a penguin, but he'll get rusty if he swims. He's a Fish Hammer Model. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 11 Bottlecap Name: Sparky & Whoosh How To Unlock: Beat Sparky & Whoosh Caption: Games are our life! But we're not alive... Description: Big-time gamers from the under-world. Sparky's an action game expert, and Whoosh is an RPG ace. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 12 Bottlecap Name: Sparky & Whoosh How To Unlock: Beat Sparky & Whoosh 2 Caption: We can't live without games - but we're nor alive! Description: It's tough playing Frolf and videogames at the same time. Can't wait for a Frolf game! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 13 Bottlecap Name: Lunk How To Unlock: Beat Lunk Caption: Me love surprising people. Rrrarr! ... Gotcha, huh?! Description: The big dude from Planet Rock-N-Roll is strong, but really gentle@ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 14 Bottlecap Name: Lunk How To Unlock: Beat Lunk 2 Caption: Me even make disguise to surprise you. Description: He looks tough, but he knits toy animals for fun. He's had sore, stiff shoulders lately. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 15 Bottlecap Name: Pappy How To Unlock: Beat Pappy Caption: I'm still tiny, even when I'm 10 times bigger. Description: He's a seed from, the Yaka-Yaka plant on Ribbetopia. He's cranky but he's generous. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 16 Bottlecap Name: Pepe, Pappy & Papoo How To Unlock: Beat Pepe, Pappy, and Papoo Caption: When you have all 3 colors, we're pretty tough. Description: Three seed brothers - pink seed Papoo is the middle kiod, and blue seed Pepe is the youngest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 17 Bottlecap Name: Gumbah-Goo How To Unlock: Beat Gumbah-Goo Caption: I'm the Ribbit King! My true identity is secret! Description: Is he great at Frolf because he can dispense all kinds of items? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 18 Bottlecap Name: Bubble How To Unlock: Get all the bubbles on a single planet. (?) Caption: Let's get the biggest bubble! Description: When it rains on Planet Soap, these mysterious bubbles come to life, one after another. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 19 Bottlecap Name: Fly How To Unlock: Get all the flies on a single planet. Caption: Frogs love them. Keep feeding them to the frogs! Description: Gold and Poison Flies are very different. When they fly around a dirt clod, you can score BIG! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 20 Bottlecap Name: Spider & Web How To Unlock: Get all spider webs on planet Ribbetopia. Caption: It's just like a frog trampoline. Description: He's no ordinary spider - He's an alien spider! He just loves to catch frogs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottlecap Number: 21 Bottlecap Name: Snake How To Unlock: Get all the snakes on a single planet. Caption: When he bites, shake the C stick to get away! Description: He's an alien snake who's got a big appetite for frogs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bottlecap Number: 22
Bottlecap Name: Pterodactly
How To Unlock: Ride both Pterodactyls in Ribbetopia in one match.
Caption: Use the egg as a landmark when climbing the hill.
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 23
Bottlecap Name: Chomp (?)
How To Unlock: Get all Chomps on a single planet.
Caption: Chomp! Launch! And fly away!
Description: ??
Bottlecap Number: 24
Bottlecap Name: Salamander
How To Unlock: Ride all four Salamanders in Ribbetopia in one match.
Caption: I suddenly come out of the water and bite you!
Description: Lives in a pond on Planet Ribbetopia. He bites frogs but spits 
             them out. They taste bad!
Bottlecap Number: 25
Bottlecap Name: Blizzard Monster
How To Unlock: Get into all the Blizzard Monsters (Tornados) on Planet Frosticle
Caption: I like to spin frogs around and fling them away.
Description: Creatures evolved from a tornado. They must be smart, because they
             love to read!
Bottlecap Number: 26
Bottlecap Name: Tiny Tees
How To Unlock: Land on both sets of Tiny Tees in the same match.
Caption: Amazing creatures in Planet Ribbetopia's forest.
Description: They gather together and do a special ritual to keep planet 
             Ribbetopia going strong.
Bottlecap Number: 27
Bottlecap Name: ???
How To Unlock: ???
Caption: Don't be scared. Go ahead - let me eat you!
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 28
Bottlecap Name: ???
How To Unlock: ???
Caption: I'll suck you in if you go near it.
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 29
Bottlecap Name: Woolly (?)
How To Unlock: Get all Woollys on Ribbetopia.
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 30
Bottlecap Name: ???
How To Unlock: ???
Caption: This guy is helpful, lying flat or standing up.
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 31
Bottlecap Name: Dropsie
How To Unlock: Use the conveyor belt, landing on the target on the top of the Mt
Caption: Have you been to top of Planet Frosticle's mountain?
Description: A super-smart creature trying to turn Planet Ribbetopia into a
             dinosaur paradise.
Bottlecap Number: 32
Bottlecap Name: ???
How To Unlock: ???
Caption: I'll use bubbles as bait and... hee,hee,hee!
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 33
Bottlecap Name: ???
How To Unlock: ???
Caption: Frogs get happy when they're blown up by it's gas!
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 34
Bottlecap Name: ???
How To Unlock: ???
Caption: A mysterious, glowing flying object. Don't touch!
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 35
Bottlecap Name: Carousel (?)
How To Unlock: Get all Carousels on planet Hypnotron.
Caption: A spinning bubble carousel. Would you like a ride?
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 36
Bottlecap Name: ???
How To Unlock: ???
Caption: It floats around and gets in the way. Friend or foe?
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 37
Bottlecap Name: Yeti
How To Unlock: Get all Yetis on planet Frosticle.
Caption: One swing of his club makes the earth shake!
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 38
Bottlecap Name: ???
How To Unlock: ???
Caption: 2 types of whale icons! How many whales in all?
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 39
Bottlecap Name: Mine (?)
How To Unlock: Get all the mines on planet Hypnotron.
Caption: First it puffs up, and then it blows up!
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 40
Bottlecap Name: Boulder (?)
How To Unlock: Get all the boulders on planet Hypnotron.
Caption: Look out for pot-holes! You'll get squished!
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 41
Bottlecap Name: Sluggy
How To Unlock: ???
Caption: Practice by yourself to get better at Frolf!
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 42
Bottlecap Name: King
How To Unlock: Save the game 50 times.
Caption: Do you want to save the history of your life?
Description: King of Planet Hippitron. He may look dignified, but he's always
             whining about something!
Bottlecap Number: 43
Bottlecap Name: ???
How To Unlock: Lose a set number of matches. (?)
Caption: Remember - losing is sometimes the best way to win.
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 44
Bottlecap Name: Captain Oinka
How To Unlock: ???
Caption: Stay in the tournament to get really good at Frolf!
Description: ???
Bottlecap Number: 45
Bottlecap Name: Snork
How To Unlock: Beat the second Sir Waddlelot
Caption: Keep playing the games and keep winning!
Description: He's no good at ganes but plays them every day to get Hints and
             Clues for Capt. Oinka.
Bottlecap Number: 46
Bottlecap Name: Skitter
How To Unlock: Play a large amount of matches. (?)
Caption: Choosing the right frog for Frolf is a key skill.
Description: He was part of the cheap Frolf Kit bought by penny-pinching King
Bottlecap Number: 47
Bottlecap Name: Blaster II
How To Unlock: Practice alone on each planet.
Caption: Let's fly to different places and practice alone.
Description: Scooter's spaceship. It flies at twice the speed of light and
             uses water & sugar for fuel.
Bottlecap Number: 48
Bottlecap Name: Vend-o-matic
How To Unlock: Spend a huge amount of money at the Vend-o-matic.
Caption: Always great doing buisness with you.
Description: It's items are made out of bait and medicine. The bait's made from
             ground flies. Gross, huh?!
Bottlecap Number: 49
Bottlecap Name: F.U.V.
How To Unlock: Get Sebastian and Sluger from the gumbah-goo machine.
Caption: Maybe play with the gumball machine if you're bored?
Description: It takes Frolf players to the courses, but no one uses it. Maybe
             the guide is too wierd?
Bottlecap Number: 50
Bottlecap Name: The Frolf Cup
How To Unlock: Beat Gumbah-Goo and watch the credits.
Caption: Super-Ribbinite isn't the only thing you can win.
Description: A Ribbinite-plated trophu, woth 100 million Ribbits. Sluggy 
             polished it to a shine.

| 09D. The Characters                                                 [CHARS]  |

As you progress through Story mode, you'll meet different opponents. When you
beat one, you'll unlock them for use in VS mode.2:41 PM 7/28/2004 This holds 
true for all except Pickwick, and Pan-Pan, who you'll have from the start. 
You'll also have Sluggy, and Scooter (obviously) from the start. If you want 
more, though, you better get playing!

Character Name: Scooter
Description: Scooter is a boy, that you'll play as in story mode.
How To Unlock: Scooter is always unlocked.
Character Name: Pickwick
Description: Pickwick is a basket, that trained Scooter to Frolf.
How To Unlock: Pickwick is always unlocked.
Character Name: Sluggy
Description: Sluggy is the Frolf tournament judge.
How To Unlock: Sluggy is always unlocked.
Character Name: Pan-Pan
Description: Pan-Pan is a panda in a caveman suit.
How To Unlock: Pan-Pan is always unlocked.
Character Name: Pan-Pan 2
Description: Pan-Pan 2 is a Pan-Pan in a space suit.
How To Unlock: Beat Pan-Pan 2 in story mode.
Character Name: Princess Tippi
Description: Princess Tippi is a girl in a blue spotted dress, with a crown.
How To Unlock: Beat Princess Tipi in story mode.
Character Name: Princess Tippi 2
Description: Princess Tippi 2 is a girl in a red spotted dress, with glasses.
How To Unlock: Beat Princess Tipi 2 in story mode.
Character Name: Lunk
Description: Lunk is a one-eyed golem.
How To Unlock: Beat Lunk in story mode.
Character Name: Lunk 2
Description: Lunk 2 isLunk with a plant on his head.
How To Unlock: Beat Lunk 2 in story mode.
Character Name: Pappy
Description: Pappy is a seed, magnified ten-times her normal size.
How To Unlock: Beat Pappy in story mode.
Character Name: Pepe, Pappy & Papoo
Description: Pepe, Pappy & Papoo are three seeds magnified 10 times their size.
How To Unlock: Beat Pepe, Pappy & Papoo in story mode.
Character Name: Sir Waddlelot
Description: He is a robotic penguin with a fish skeleton.
How To Unlock: Beat Sir Waddlelot in story mode.
Character Name: Sir Waddlelot 2
Description: He is a robotic penguin with a fish.
How To Unlock: Beat Sir Waddlelot 2 in story mode.
Character Name: Sparky & Whoosh
Description: They are video-gamer ghosts. Sparky resembles a dog.
How To Unlock: Beat Sparky & Whoosh in story mode.
Character Name: Sparky & Whoosh 2
Description: They are the same as the original, but now Sparky has a hat.
How To Unlock: Beat Sparky & Whoosh 2 in story mode.
Character Name: Kosmo
Description: Kosmo is an alien with no clothes on.
How To Unlock: Beat Kosmo in story mode.
Character Name: Kosmo 2
Description: Kosmo 2 is Kosmo in Hawaiin clothes.
How To Unlock: Beat Kosmo 2 in story mode.
Character Name: Gumbah-Goo
Description: Gumbah-Goo is a gumball machine.
How To Unlock: Beat Gumba-Goo in story mode.
Character Name: King
Description: This is the King of Hippitron
How to Unlock: Save fifty times, unlocking the King's trophy.

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 \ () | () |   \  10. Ribbit King Plus Movies                          [PLNET] |
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Now, you see that second disk in the box, titled Ribbit King Plus? This is a 
movie disk. It contains lots of cutsdcenes, that are not in the game, some that
are funny. However, you don't have them from the start! Put in your original
Ribbit King disk, and play the stroy mode, to unlock them. See, this disk reads
the same save file, and without it, you'll see no movies. However, looking at
the caption of a movie you haven't unlocked yet, may give you a clue on how to
unlock it.

Movie Number: 01
Movie Name: Frolf Intensive Training
How To Unlock: This is always unlocked.
Description: Scooter and Pickwick go to an amusement park to train at Frolf.
Movie Number: 02
Movie Name: Ribbit King Band
How To Unlock: Visit all five planets
Description: Scooter, and the other Frolfers rock out on stage.
Movie Number: 03
Movie Name: Confession
How To Unlock: Score 10 Frog-In-Ones
Description: Peppy Proclaims his love.
Movie Number: 04
Movie Name: Ribbit King Shopping
How To Unlock: Visit all five planets
Description: Sparky goes crazy over a limited edition Frolf Hammer.
Movie Number: 05
Movie Name: Gone Fishing
How To Unlock: Win 10 matches in a row
Description: Scooter & Kosmo are fishing. They hit eachother with  their catches
Movie Number: 06
Movie Name: Sluggy After Work
How To Unlock: Win 5 matches in a row
Description: Sluggy has a daydream of getting on a train and going home.
Movie Number: 07
Movie Name: Frolf Dance
How To Unlock: Score 10 Frog-In-Ones
Description: Moves to help you at Frolf.
Movie Number: 08
Movie Name: Fun With Hammers
How To Unlock: Collect 20 bottlecaps
Description: Gumbah-Goo and Waddlelot play a flag game. Both have tech problems.
Movie Number: 09
Movie Name: Ribbit King Shopping Part 2
How To Unlock: Collect 10 bottlecaps
Description: The King watches a commercial for a massage chair that explodes.
Movie Number: 10
Movie Name: Frolf Beach Party
How To Unlock: Win 5 matches in a row
Description: The Frolfers are in a "sunglass competition" at the beach.
Movie Number: 11
Movie Name: Ribbit King Band Part 2
How To Unlock: Collect 10 bottlecaps
Description: Scooter and the band play for a croud, but Tippi forgets her words.
Movie Number: 12
Movie Name: Ultra Seed Grow
How To Unlock: Get 30 bottlecaps
Description: Pappy and his friends drink "Ultra Grow" and end up looking funny.
Movie Number: 13
Movie Name: The Secret of Sir Waddlelot
How To Unlock: Get 10 Frog-In-Ones
Description: Sir Waddllot has a problem.
Movie Number: 14
Movie Name: Frolf-Man to the Rescue!
How To Unlock: Win 10 matches in a row
Description: Sluggy dressed as "Frolf-Man" saves the F.U.V. but is lost to space
Movie Number: 15
Movie Name: Frog Work-Out!
How To Unlock: Visit all five planets
Description: Frogs do an excercise routine.
Movie Number: 16
Movie Name: Frog Revolution!
How To Unlock: Win 5 matches in a row
Description: Frogs gather around a table, and debate - Until a fly comes by...
Movie Number: 17
Movie Name: Frolf Hip-Hop
How To Unlock: Get 30 bottlecaps
Description: The Frolfers do some kind of Fan-Dance while singing.
Movie Number: 18
Movie Name: Ribbit King Shipping Part 3
How To Unlock: Get 20 bottlecaps
Description: Scooter watches a commercial for the Ribbit Kig game for Gamecube.
Movie Number: 19
Movie Name: The Great King
How To Unlock: Collect 10 bottlecaps
Description: The King tries to be serious, but keeps reverting to being a fool.
Movie Number: 20
Movie Name: TV Commercial
How To Unlock: Win 5 matches in a row
Description: A commericial for "Sloppy Soda" which has Ribbit King bottlecaps.
Movie Number: 21
Movie Name: The Frogs Strike Back
How To Unlock: Win 10 matches in a row
Description: The frogs hit the Frolfers off the targets! Very funny!
Movie Number: 22
Movie Name: Chomp's Big Date
How To Unlock: Visit all five planets
Description: Chomp goes on a date with Chompfina in a soap opera Tippi watches.
Movie Number: 23
Movie Name: When We Were Kids
How To Unlock: Get 30 Bottlecaps
Description: The Frolfers (and a fly) trade baby pictures.
Movie Number: 24
Movie Name: Fast Food Surprise Part 2
How To Unlock: Get 10 bottlecaps
Description: Sparky & Whoosh attempt to eat at a restaunt full of bathing frogs.
Movie Number: 25
Movie Name: Ribbit King Band Live
How To Unlock: Get 20 bottlecaps
Description: The Ribbit King band plays one more song - But there's a blackout.
Movie Number: 26
Movie Name: Scooter Gets Serious
How To Unlock: Get 10 Frog-In-Ones
Description: Scooter trains into the night and is called by his mom.
Movie Number: 27
Movie Name: Goodbye Frolf Tour
How To Unlock: Protect Hippitron from the fearful king.
Description: A Potluck with a big surprise.
Movie Number: 28
Movie Name: Special
How To Unlock: Become the Frolf Tour Champion
Description: A collection of clips seen throughout story mode put to music.

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There are five different types of things that you can unlock in this game. They
are Characters, Frogs, Items, Movie Clips, and bottlecaps. You can unlock the
characters by beating them in story mode. You can unlock items by either 
landing on item pads during matches, getting them randomly from the gumbah-goo
machine, buying them from the vend-o-matic, or buying them from an opponent
after a match. You unlock frogs by buying them from opponents after a match
(see the frogs section for more detail). There are also two rare frogs, that
can only be got through the gumbah-goo machine. You unlock bottlecaps for
doing many different things. Theree are just too many to list, so check the
bottlecaps section for more details on unlocking them. Finally, movie clips.
Again, you have challenges. Put in the second disk (Ribbit King Plus) and 
scroll over a movie you didn't have yet, for how to unlock it. The goals are
also in the Ribbit King Plus section of this FAQ.

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 \ () | () |   \  12. Frequently Asked Questions                       [FREQU] |
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Asked By: RC Cruz me (GCN Ribbit King Message Board)
Q:    Is the bonus disc only for the Gamecube version?
A:    This is probably the most asked question on the game. And the answer is
      yes. While at the store buying this, I saw both cases, and both of them
      have the two disks.

Asked By: CPFace (GCN Ribbit King Message Board)
Q: Is it just me, or are the CPU opponents' drives always the same when you 
   replay them? It seems like they programmed in pre-determined shots instead 
   of making an AI for the CPU opponents. 
A: The shots are generally in the same pattern, but they are not the same. For
   example, sometimes the opponent will get a Frog-In-One on a course, and the
   next time, they won't. Although yes, they go generally choose the same 

Asked By: ShadowZora13 (GCN Ribbit King Message Board)
Q. I just beat Sparky & Whoosh 2, and they offered me a hints & help (or 
   something like that) for 100,000c. I had heard about the item but all it
   says is that it is only obtainable that one time. But I want to know what it
A: The item has no real use, it is just part of the story. You actually can't
   purchase it, as they will change their mind if you select yes. However, 
   later in the game, when Captain Oinka comes, Scooter will remember them. So,
   basically, it's jsut there as part of the plot. 

Asked By: Seiryu Seikun (PS2 Ribbit King Message Board)
Q: I just beat Sparky and Whoosh 2 and they had a item called Cheats and Tips 
   or something for 100,000, I didn't have enough so I was wondering if I go
   against them again will they offer the same thing?
A: Like I said to ShadowZora13, you don't need that item. However, that was
   not your question. You wanted to know if they'll offer it again. The answer
   is no. The opponents will only try to sell you an item once.

Asked By: Stillnotelf (GCN Ribbit King Message Board)
Q: Has anyone else had any clipping issues? I've played the first 5 levels or
   so, and a lot of multiplayer, without having any problems. Then, today, I 
   hit a frog clear through a mountain on Frosticle...
A: Unfortuneately, yes. I've gotten frogs through conveyor belts on planet
   Techtron. It's just a glitch we'll have to deal with.

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This game has a simple concept, but the game itself is not as simple. There are
still lots of scoring algorithems that I don't know, and possibly even frogs,
characters, or items. Any information not present in this guide during it's 
time of you reading it, is valuable to me. Please e-mail me if you know 
anything not here yet. I'll also accept, any strategies other than my own, for
matches already listed, in the walkthrough section. My e-mail is 
GermanDragon[at]gmail[dot]com. You're name will of course be put in the credits,
if you are kind enough to contribute.

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| Version 0.25 | New This Version:                                             |
| 7/27/04      | + Bottlecaps, Movies, and Characters added. I'll need to fill |
+==============+   in lots of gaps in these sections, though.                  |
| 58KB         | + Planet Information                                          |
+==============+ + Description of Story                                        |
               | + Controls listed                                             |
               | + Description of Gameplay Features                            |
               | + Description of Game Modes                                   |
               | + Description of Planets                                      |
               | + Boring stuff, like Legal Disclaimer, Intro, and Credits     |

| Version 0.50 | New This Version:                                             |
| 7/28/04      | + Added the Frog and Item lists - I'll have to fill in gaps   |
+==============+   for these, as well, though.                                 |
| 70KB         | + Fixed up some information in the scoring section            |
+==============+ + Added a section on the F.U.V.                               |
               | + Added information on frogs, items, movies, and characters.  |
               | + Filled in all "How to Unlock" gaps in the movie section.    |
               | + Took care of all the Bottlecap captions.                    |
               | + Added my e-mail to the guide's legal section. Forgot before.|
               | + I rewrote the game modes sections, describing them better.  |

| Version 0.60 | New This Version:                                             |
| 7/30/04      | + Finished the Frogs section (From what I can tell.)          |
+==============+ + Finished the Items section.                                 |
| 77KB         | + Added to the bottlecaps and movie sections.                 |
+==============+ + Added a contribution section.                               |
               | + Added a Frequently Asked Questions section.                 |
               | + Added to the Scoring System section.                        |
               | + Added descriptions to the bottlecaps.                       |
               | + Changed "Item Machine" to "Vend-o-Matic" in F.U.V. section. |
               | + Changed "Flowers" to "Tiny Tees" in two sections.           |
               | + Changed "Tadpoles" to "Salamanders" in two sections.        |
               | + Changed "Tornado" to "Blizzard Monster" in two sections.    |
               | + Fixed a few typos.                                          |

| Version 0.70 | New This Version:                                             |
| 8/06/04      | + Added two more FAQ questions.                               |
+==============+ + Credited the people asking the questions. I forgot to before|
| 90KB         | + Renamed the "Competition Guide" section.                    |
+==============+ + The first three walkthrough mode matches are complete.      |
               | + Added some information to the Contributing section.         |
               | + I wrote a little something in the Unlockables section.      |
               | + I added GCN or PS2 to the FAQ questions, so you know which  |
               |   board I picked them from.                                   |

| Version 0.90 | New This Version:                                             |
| 8/09/04      | + I've completely removed the walkthrough section. I've       |
+==============+   decided that it'sa bit too random, and since it's such a    |
| 82KB         |   siple concept, you should be able to handle it.             |
+==============+ + I added another FAQ question.                               |
               | + Added information on the King in multiplayer.               |
               | + This guide should now be listed as a Strategy Guide.        |
               | + Filled in some gaps in the bottlecap section.               |
               | + Fixed a couple of typos.                                    |

| Version 1.00 | New This Version:                                             |
| 8/10/04      | + Evidently, this guide has enough information to be complete.|
+==============+ + If you still have any information to submit, I'll gladly add|
| 83KB         |   it. Until then, this guide is finished.                     |
+==============+ + I added my IRC chan to the credits.                         |

| Version 1.10 | New This Version:                                             |
| 8/16/04      | + Movie section complete, thansk to LilChao66!                |
| 84KB         |
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SayainPrince:      This is me. I wrote the guide.
Irc Chan #GGG:     Awesomeness, I ramble on in here while FAQing / Stalling.
Cyberlink420:      He posted very useful information on the Ribbit King board.
Gizzmonic:         His guide is great. I leqarned some stuff I didn't know.
RC Cruz me:        I took a question of his for the FAQ section.
CP Face:           I took a question of his for the FAQ section.
ShadowZora13:      I took a question of his for the FAQ section. (Editing it.)
Seiryu Seikun:     I took a question of his for the FAQ section.
Stillnotelf :      I took a question of his for the FAQ section.
LilChao66:         Information on movies 3,7,13,26, and 27.