_____ _ _ _ ______ / ____|| | (_) (_) | ____| | (___ | |__ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ | |__ ___ _ __ ___ ___ \___ \ | '_ \ | || '_ \ | || '_ \ / _` | | __|/ _ \ | '__|/ __|/ _ \ ____) || | | || || | | || || | | || (_| | | | | (_) || | | (__| __/ |_____/ |_| |_||_||_| |_||_||_| |_| \__, | |_| \___/ |_| \___|\___| __/ | |___/ _ _ ______ ____ | \ | | ____/ __ \ | \| | |__ | | | | | . ` | __|| | | | | |\ | |___| |__| | |_| \_|______\____/ ___ ___ ___ _ _ | __|__ _ _ __ ___ | __| _ __ _ _ __ ___ / __|_ _(_)__| |___ | _/ _ \ '_/ _/ -_) | _| '_/ _` | ' \/ -_) | (_ | || | / _` / -_) |_|\___/_| \__\___| |_||_| \__,_|_|_|_\___| \___|\_,_|_\__,_\___| Authors: Knavick & Crudmonk Temporary v0.95 Announcement -- Looking for anyone who can help fill in the missing levels to the force arts designated in the table of contests by markings after the quick search shortcuts. Feel free to send them to elrowen at gmail dot com with whatever name you wish to be known by in the credits section. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Version 0.95 Finished up secret arts locations with the help of someone in 05/24/2006 the forums. Sadly, I was an idiot and didn't write down their names before the thread disappeared. If you read this and can prove you were the one who sent me the locations I'll throw you in on the final upgrade to this guide. My e-mail is listed above Version 0.9 Most Placeholders filled in and added Locations to Secret Arts. 11/13/2005 Put what's missing in the Table of Contents as notes. Fixed mixup on Secret Arts sub categories. Removed the extra placeholders characters on completed parts. Changed around the format a bit width wise. Version 0.5 Placeholders added. 11/03/2005 Descriptions/levels added for all Arts. Checklist also added. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | Table of Contents | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Since this is such a big guide for such a statistical part of the game. We've included a table of contents with a "Quick Find" (Ctrl + F) shortcut to use, instead of having to shift throughout the mass of numbers trying to find one Art in particular. Force Arts --------------------- *FA00* - STR -------------------------- *FA01* - DEX -------------------------- *FA02* - INT -------------------------- *FA03* - Max HP ----------------------- *FA04* - Max MP ----------------------- *FA05* [Missing 6] - Conserve MP ------------------ *FA06* [Missing 3] - MP Rgn Spd ------------------- *FA07* [Missing 10] - Weapon Atk ------------------- *FA08* [Missing 10] - Stun Rate -------------------- *FA09* - Crtl Rate -------------------- *FA10* [Missing 7] - Crtl Atk --------------------- *FA11* [Missing 3] - Knckbk Atk ------------------- *FA12* - Attack Spd ------------------- *FA13* - Orc Killer ------------------- *FA14* - Harpy Killer ----------------- *FA15* - Lizard Killer ---------------- *FA16* - Wolf Killer ------------------ *FA17* - Naga Killer ------------------ *FA18* - Giant Killer ----------------- *FA19* - Dragon Killer ---------------- *FA20* - Devil Killer ----------------- *FA21* [Missing Everything] - Legion Killer ---------------- *FA22* [Missing Everything] - Golem Killer ----------------- *FA23* - Undead Killer ---------------- *FA24* - Weapon Killer ---------------- *FA25* - Armor Killer ----------------- *FA26* - Wing Killer ------------------ *FA27* - Scale Killer ----------------- *FA28* - Flame Pursuit ---------------- *FA29* - Lit Persuit ------------------ *FA30* - Frost Pursuit ---------------- *FA31* - Light Pursuit ---------------- *FA32* - Dark Pursuit ----------------- *FA33* - Protect ---------------------- *FA34* [Missing 10] - Resist Stun ------------------ *FA35* - Crtl Guard ------------------- *FA36* - Res Knckbk ------------------- *FA37* - Perfect Def ------------------ *FA38* [Missing 3] - Res Flame -------------------- *FA39* - Res Lightning ---------------- *FA40* - Res Frost -------------------- *FA41* - Res Darkness ----------------- *FA42* - Res Paralysis ---------------- *FA43* - Flame Spell ------------------ *FA44* - Lit Spell -------------------- *FA45* - Frost Spell ------------------ *FA46* - Light Spell ------------------ *FA47* - Drk Spell -------------------- *FA48* Secret Arts -------------------- *SA00* - Weapon ----------------------- *SA01* - Shield ----------------------- *SA02* - Helm ------------------------- *SA03* - Armor ------------------------ *SA04* Checklist ---------------------- *CL00* - Force Arts ------------------- *CL01* - Secret Arts ------------------ *CL02* *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | *FA00* Force Arts | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Force Arts are acquired throughout the span of the game from Monsters, Monster Gates, and Field Destructible items such as barrels and boxes. Once you collect one, you are able to return to town and enter the Force Shop and spend energy you've collected along the way to train in these abilities. Also, Force Arts are passive for Max and never need to be equipped. They also do not effect party members. So don't become too diverse or you may regret it later. To gain higher levels in Force Arts, you will either need to train previous levels or find them as Force Arts in the field. ____________ | *FA01* STR \______________________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises STR. Engraving this raises Weapon Attack, Stun Blow | | Time, Knockback Distance and other strength related combat | | abilities | | | | Recommended Jobs: Warrior with One-Handed Sword, Warrior with Two-Handed | | Sword, Archer | | | | Total Levels: 6 | | Total Energy: 1,708,000 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 09 500 17 900 25 1,300 02 150 10 550 18 950 26 1,350 03 200 11 600 19 1,000 27 1,400 04 250 12 650 20 1,050 28 1,450 05 300 13 700 21 1,100 29 1,500 06 350 14 750 22 1,150 30 1,550 07 400 15 800 23 1,200 31 1,600 08 450 16 850 24 1,250 32 1,650 Total Energy: 28,000 --- Level 02 01 400 09 2,000 17 3,600 25 5,200 02 600 10 2,200 18 3,800 26 5,400 03 800 11 2,400 19 4,000 27 5,600 04 1,000 12 2,600 20 4,200 28 5,800 05 1,200 13 2,800 21 4,400 29 6,000 06 1,400 14 3,000 22 4,600 30 6,200 07 1,600 15 3,200 23 4,800 31 6,400 08 1,800 16 3,400 24 5,000 32 6,600 Total Energy: 112,000 --- Level 03 01 800 09 4,000 17 7,200 25 10,400 02 1,200 10 4,400 18 7,600 26 10,800 03 1,600 11 4,800 19 8,000 27 11,200 04 2,000 12 5,200 20 8,400 28 11,600 05 2,400 13 5,600 21 8,800 29 12,000 06 2,800 14 6,000 22 9,200 30 12,400 07 3,200 15 6,400 23 9,600 31 12,800 08 3,600 16 6,800 24 10,000 32 13,200 Total Energy: 224,000 --- Level 04 01 1,200 09 6,000 17 10,800 25 15,600 02 1,800 10 6,600 18 11,400 26 16,200 03 2,400 11 7,200 19 12,000 27 16,800 04 3,000 12 7,800 20 12,600 28 17,400 05 3,600 13 8,400 21 13,200 29 18,000 06 4,200 14 9,000 22 13,800 30 18,600 07 4,800 15 9,600 23 14,400 31 19,200 08 5,400 16 10,200 24 15,000 32 19,800 Total Energy: 336,000 --- Level 05 01 1,600 09 8,000 17 14,400 25 20,800 02 2,400 10 8,800 18 15,200 26 21,600 03 3,200 11 9,600 19 16,000 27 22,400 04 4,000 12 10,400 20 16,800 28 23,200 05 4,800 13 11,200 21 17,600 29 24,000 06 5,600 14 12,000 22 18,400 30 24,800 07 6,400 15 12,800 23 19,200 31 25,600 08 7,200 16 13,600 24 20,000 32 26,400 Total Energy: 448,000 --- Level 06 01 2,000 09 10,000 17 18,000 25 26,000 02 3,000 10 11,000 18 19,000 26 27,000 03 4,000 11 12,000 19 20,000 27 28,000 04 5,000 12 13,000 20 21,000 28 29,000 05 6,000 13 14,000 21 22,000 29 30,000 06 7,000 14 15,000 22 23,000 30 31,000 07 8,000 15 16,000 23 24,000 31 32,000 08 9,000 16 17,000 24 25,000 32 33,000 Total Energy: 560,000 ____________ | *FA02* DEX \______________________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises DEX. Engraving this raises the Stun Blow, Knockback | | and Critical rates. Monsters are likely to be juggled when | | attacked quickly. | | | | Recommended Jobs: Warrior with One-Handed Sword, Warrior with Two-Handed | | Sword, Archer | | | | Total Levels: 6 | | Total Energy: 1,708,000 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 09 500 17 900 25 1,300 02 150 10 550 18 950 26 1,350 03 200 11 600 19 1,000 27 1,400 04 250 12 650 20 1,050 28 1,450 05 300 13 700 21 1,100 29 1,500 06 350 14 750 22 1,150 30 1,550 07 400 15 800 23 1,200 31 1,600 08 450 16 850 24 1,250 32 1,650 Total Energy: 28,000 --- Level 02 01 400 09 2,000 17 3,600 25 5,200 02 600 10 2,200 18 3,800 26 5,400 03 800 11 2,400 19 4,000 27 5,600 04 1,000 12 2,600 20 4,200 28 5,800 05 1,200 13 2,800 21 4,400 29 6,000 06 1,400 14 3,000 22 4,600 30 6,200 07 1,600 15 3,200 23 4,800 31 6,400 08 1,800 16 3,400 24 5,000 32 6,600 Total Energy: 112,000 --- Level 03 01 800 09 4,000 17 7,200 25 10,400 02 1,200 10 4,400 18 7,600 26 10,800 03 1,600 11 4,800 19 8,000 27 11,200 04 2,000 12 5,200 20 8,400 28 11,600 05 2,400 13 5,600 21 8,800 29 12,000 06 2,800 14 6,000 22 9,200 30 12,400 07 3,200 15 6,400 23 9,600 31 12,800 08 3,600 16 6,800 24 10,000 32 13,200 Total Energy: 224,000 --- Level 04 01 1,200 09 6,000 17 10,800 25 15,600 02 1,800 10 6,600 18 11,400 26 16,200 03 2,400 11 7,200 19 12,000 27 16,800 04 3,000 12 7,800 20 12,600 28 17,400 05 3,600 13 8,400 21 13,200 29 18,000 06 4,200 14 9,000 22 13,800 30 18,600 07 4,800 15 9,600 23 14,400 31 19,200 08 5,400 16 10,200 24 15,000 32 19,800 Total Energy: 336,000 --- Level 05 01 1,600 09 8,000 17 14,400 25 20,800 02 2,400 10 8,800 18 15,200 26 21,600 03 3,200 11 9,600 19 16,000 27 22,400 04 4,000 12 10,400 20 16,800 28 23,200 05 4,800 13 11,200 21 17,600 29 24,000 06 5,600 14 12,000 22 18,400 30 24,800 07 6,400 15 12,800 23 19,200 31 25,600 08 7,200 16 13,600 24 20,000 32 26,400 Total Energy: 448,000 --- Level 06 01 2,000 09 10,000 17 18,000 25 26,000 02 3,000 10 11,000 18 19,000 26 27,000 03 4,000 11 12,000 19 20,000 27 28,000 04 5,000 12 13,000 20 21,000 28 29,000 05 6,000 13 14,000 21 22,000 29 30,000 06 7,000 14 15,000 22 23,000 30 31,000 07 8,000 15 16,000 23 24,000 31 32,000 08 9,000 16 17,000 24 25,000 32 33,000 Total Energy: 560,000 ____________ | *FA03* INT \______________________________________________________________ | | | Description: Engraving this raises spell attack for ALL elements. | | | | Recommended Jobs: Mage | | | | Total Levels: 6 | | Total Energy: 1,708,000 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 09 500 17 900 25 1,300 02 150 10 550 18 950 26 1,350 03 200 11 600 19 1,000 27 1,400 04 250 12 650 20 1,050 28 1,450 05 300 13 700 21 1,100 29 1,500 06 350 14 750 22 1,150 30 1,550 07 400 15 800 23 1,200 31 1,600 08 450 16 850 24 1,250 32 1,650 Total Energy: 28,000 --- Level 02 01 400 09 2,000 17 3,600 25 5,200 02 600 10 2,200 18 3,800 26 5,400 03 800 11 2,400 19 4,000 27 5,600 04 1,000 12 2,600 20 4,200 28 5,800 05 1,200 13 2,800 21 4,400 29 6,000 06 1,400 14 3,000 22 4,600 30 6,200 07 1,600 15 3,200 23 4,800 31 6,400 08 1,800 16 3,400 24 5,000 32 6,600 Total Energy: 112,000 --- Level 03 01 800 09 4,000 17 7,200 25 10,400 02 1,200 10 4,400 18 7,600 26 10,800 03 1,600 11 4,800 19 8,000 27 11,200 04 2,000 12 5,200 20 8,400 28 11,600 05 2,400 13 5,600 21 8,800 29 12,000 06 2,800 14 6,000 22 9,200 30 12,400 07 3,200 15 6,400 23 9,600 31 12,800 08 3,600 16 6,800 24 10,000 32 13,200 Total Energy: 224,000 --- Level 04 01 1,200 09 6,000 17 10,800 25 15,600 02 1,800 10 6,600 18 11,400 26 16,200 03 2,400 11 7,200 19 12,000 27 16,800 04 3,000 12 7,800 20 12,600 28 17,400 05 3,600 13 8,400 21 13,200 29 18,000 06 4,200 14 9,000 22 13,800 30 18,600 07 4,800 15 9,600 23 14,400 31 19,200 08 5,400 16 10,200 24 15,000 32 19,800 Total Energy: 336,000 --- Level 05 01 1,600 09 8,000 17 14,400 25 20,800 02 2,400 10 8,800 18 15,200 26 21,600 03 3,200 11 9,600 19 16,000 27 22,400 04 4,000 12 10,400 20 16,800 28 23,200 05 4,800 13 11,200 21 17,600 29 24,000 06 5,600 14 12,000 22 18,400 30 24,800 07 6,400 15 12,800 23 19,200 31 25,600 08 7,200 16 13,600 24 20,000 32 26,400 Total Energy: 448,000 --- Level 06 01 2,000 09 10,000 17 18,000 25 26,000 02 3,000 10 11,000 18 19,000 26 27,000 03 4,000 11 12,000 19 20,000 27 28,000 04 5,000 12 13,000 20 21,000 28 29,000 05 6,000 13 14,000 21 22,000 29 30,000 06 7,000 14 15,000 22 23,000 30 31,000 07 8,000 15 16,000 23 24,000 31 32,000 08 9,000 16 17,000 24 25,000 32 33,000 Total Energy: 560,000 _______________ | *FA04* Max HP \___________________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Max HP. Very important to survive encounters with | | powerful monsters and to save Healing Water. You should | | engrave it when you have Force Energy to spare. | | | | Recommended Jobs: All | | | | Total Levels: 10 | | Total Energy: 597,500 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 08 170 15 240 22 310 02 110 09 180 16 250 23 320 03 120 10 190 17 260 24 330 04 130 11 200 18 270 25 340 05 140 12 210 19 280 06 150 13 220 20 290 07 160 14 230 21 300 Total Energy: 5,500 --- Level 02 01 100 08 240 15 380 22 520 02 120 09 260 16 400 23 540 03 140 10 280 17 420 24 560 04 160 11 300 18 440 25 580 05 180 12 320 19 460 06 200 13 340 20 480 07 220 14 360 21 500 Total Energy: 8,500 --- Level 03 01 100 08 310 15 520 22 730 02 130 09 340 16 550 23 760 03 160 10 370 17 580 24 790 04 190 11 400 18 610 25 820 05 220 12 430 19 640 06 250 13 460 20 670 07 280 14 490 21 700 Total Energy: 11,500 --- Level 04 01 100 08 380 15 660 22 940 02 140 09 420 16 700 23 980 03 180 10 460 17 740 24 1,020 04 220 11 500 18 780 25 1,060 05 260 12 540 19 820 06 300 13 580 20 860 07 340 14 620 21 900 Total Energy: 14,500 --- Level 05 01 100 08 450 15 800 22 1,150 02 150 09 500 16 850 23 1,200 03 200 10 550 17 900 24 1,250 04 250 11 600 18 950 25 1,300 05 300 12 650 19 1,000 06 350 13 700 20 1,050 07 400 14 750 21 1,100 Total Energy: 17,500 --- Level 06 01 200 14 980 27 1,760 40 2,540 02 260 15 1,040 28 1,820 41 2,600 03 320 16 1,100 29 1,880 42 2,660 04 380 17 1,160 30 1,940 43 2,720 05 440 18 1,220 31 2,000 44 2,780 06 500 19 1,280 32 2,060 45 2,840 07 560 20 1,340 33 2,120 46 2,900 08 620 21 1,400 34 2,180 47 2,960 09 680 22 1,460 35 2,240 48 3,020 10 740 23 1,520 36 2,300 49 3,080 11 800 24 1,580 37 2,360 50 3,140 12 860 25 1,640 38 2,420 13 920 26 1,700 39 2,480 Total Energy: 83,500 --- Level 07 01 200 14 1,110 27 2,020 40 2,930 02 270 15 1,180 28 2,090 41 3,000 03 340 16 1,250 29 2,160 42 3,070 04 410 17 1,320 30 2,230 43 3,140 05 480 18 1,390 31 2,300 44 3,210 06 550 19 1,460 32 2,370 45 3,280 07 620 20 1,530 33 2,440 46 3,350 08 690 21 1,600 34 2,510 47 3,420 09 760 22 1,670 35 2,580 48 3,490 10 830 23 1,740 36 2,650 49 3,560 11 900 24 1,810 37 2,720 50 3,630 12 970 25 1,880 38 2,790 13 1,040 26 1,950 39 2,860 Total Energy: 95,750 --- Level 08 01 200 14 1,240 27 2,280 40 3,320 02 280 15 1,320 28 2,360 41 3,400 03 360 16 1,400 29 2,440 42 3,480 04 440 17 1,480 30 2,520 43 3,560 05 520 18 1,560 31 2,600 44 3,640 06 600 19 1,640 32 2,680 45 3,720 07 680 20 1,720 33 2,760 46 3,800 08 760 21 1,800 34 2,840 47 3,880 09 840 22 1,880 35 2,920 48 3,960 10 920 23 1,960 36 3,000 49 4,040 11 1,000 24 2,040 37 3,080 50 4,120 12 1,080 25 2,120 38 3,160 13 1,160 26 2,200 39 3,240 Total Energy: 108,000 --- Level 09 01 200 14 1,370 27 2,540 40 3,710 02 290 15 1,460 28 2,630 41 3,800 03 380 16 1,550 29 2,720 42 3,890 04 470 17 1,640 30 2,810 43 3,980 05 560 18 1,730 31 2,900 44 4,070 06 650 19 1,820 32 2,990 45 4,160 07 740 20 1,910 33 3,080 46 4,250 08 830 21 2,000 34 3,170 47 4,340 09 920 22 2,090 35 3,260 48 4,430 10 1,010 23 2,180 36 3,350 49 4,520 11 1,100 24 2,270 37 3,440 50 4,610 12 1,190 25 2,360 38 3,530 13 1,280 26 2,450 39 3,620 Total Energy: 120,250 --- Level 10 01 200 14 1,500 27 2,800 40 4,100 02 300 15 1,600 28 2,900 41 4,200 03 400 16 1,700 29 3,000 42 4,300 04 500 17 1,800 30 3,100 43 4,400 05 600 18 1,900 31 3,200 44 4,500 06 700 19 2,000 32 3,300 45 4,600 07 800 20 2,100 33 3,400 46 4,700 08 900 21 2,200 34 3,500 47 4,800 09 1,000 22 2,300 35 3,600 48 4,900 10 1,100 23 2,400 36 3,700 49 5,000 11 1,200 24 2,500 37 3,800 50 5,100 12 1,300 25 2,600 38 3,900 13 1,400 26 2,700 39 4,000 Total Energy: 132,500 _______________ | *FA05* Max MP \___________________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Max MP. If you want to be a Mage then MP is a must! | | It would be wise not to forget to engrave this. | | | | Recommended Jobs: Mage | | | | Total Levels: 6 | | Total Energy: | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 08 450 15 800 22 1,150 02 150 09 500 16 850 23 1,200 03 200 10 550 17 900 24 1,250 04 250 11 600 18 950 25 1,300 05 300 12 650 19 1,000 06 350 13 700 20 1,050 07 400 14 750 21 1,100 Total Energy: 17,500 --- Level 02 01 100 08 800 15 1,500 22 2,200 02 200 09 900 16 1,600 23 2,300 03 300 10 1,000 17 1,700 24 2,400 04 400 11 1,100 18 1,800 25 2,500 05 500 12 1,200 19 1,900 06 600 13 1,300 20 2,000 07 700 14 1,400 21 2,100 Total Energy: 32,500 --- Level 03 01 100 08 1,150 15 2,200 22 3,250 02 250 09 1,300 16 2,350 23 3,400 03 400 10 1,450 17 2,500 24 3,550 04 550 11 1,600 18 2,650 25 3,700 05 700 12 1,750 19 2,800 06 850 13 1,900 20 2,950 07 1,000 14 2,050 21 3,100 Total Energy: 47,500 --- Level 04 01 100 08 1,500 15 2,900 22 4,300 02 300 09 1,700 16 3,100 23 4,500 03 500 10 1,900 17 3,300 24 4,700 04 700 11 2,100 18 3,500 25 4,900 05 900 12 2,300 19 3,700 06 1,100 13 2,500 20 3,900 07 1,300 14 2,700 21 4,100 Total Energy: 62,500 --- Level 05 01 100 08 1,850 15 3,600 22 5,350 02 350 09 2,100 16 3,850 23 5,600 03 600 10 2,350 17 4,100 24 5,850 04 850 11 2,600 18 4,350 25 6,100 05 1,100 12 2,850 19 4,600 06 1,350 13 3,100 20 4,850 07 1,600 14 3,350 21 5,100 Total Energy: 77,500 --- Level 06 01 ---,--- 14 ---,--- 27 ---,--- 40 ---,--- 02 ---,--- 15 ---,--- 28 ---,--- 41 ---,--- 03 ---,--- 16 ---,--- 29 ---,--- 42 ---,--- 04 ---,--- 17 ---,--- 30 ---,--- 43 ---,--- 05 ---,--- 18 ---,--- 31 ---,--- 44 ---,--- 06 ---,--- 19 ---,--- 32 ---,--- 45 ---,--- 07 ---,--- 20 ---,--- 33 ---,--- 46 ---,--- 08 ---,--- 21 ---,--- 34 ---,--- 47 ---,--- 09 ---,--- 22 ---,--- 35 ---,--- 48 ---,--- 10 ---,--- 23 ---,--- 36 ---,--- 49 ---,--- 11 ---,--- 24 ---,--- 37 ---,--- 50 ---,--- 12 ---,--- 25 ---,--- 38 ---,--- 13 ---,--- 26 ---,--- 39 ---,--- Total Energy: ---,--- ____________________ | *FA06* Conserve MP \______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Reduces MP cost for Spells. For each level you acquire in | | this art, MP consumption is reduced by 1/2/3* . Be sure to | | engrave this early on, as it's very useful for low level | | spells. | | | | * - Whether is says one,2,or 3 is determined by what level | | you are looking at(1 for 1,2 for 2,and 3 for 3.) | | | | Recommended Jobs: Mage | | | | Total Levels: 3 | | Total Energy: | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 400 05 1,200 09 2,000 13 2,800 02 600 06 1,400 10 2,200 14 3,000 03 800 07 1,600 11 2,400 15 3,200 04 1,000 08 1,800 12 2,600 16 3,400 Total Energy: 30,400 --- Level 02 01 800 05 2,400 09 4,000 13 5,600 02 1,200 06 2,800 10 4,400 14 6,000 03 1,600 07 3,200 11 4,800 15 6,400 04 2,000 08 3,600 12 5,200 16 6,800 Total Energy: 60,800 --- Level 03 01 ---,--- 09 ---,--- 17 ---,--- 25 ---,--- 02 ---,--- 10 ---,--- 18 ---,--- 26 ---,--- 03 ---,--- 11 ---,--- 19 ---,--- 27 ---,--- 04 ---,--- 12 ---,--- 20 ---,--- 28 ---,--- 05 ---,--- 13 ---,--- 21 ---,--- 29 ---,--- 06 ---,--- 14 ---,--- 22 ---,--- 30 ---,--- 07 ---,--- 15 ---,--- 23 ---,--- 31 ---,--- 08 ---,--- 16 ---,--- 24 ---,--- 32 ---,--- Total Energy: ---,--- ___________________ | *FA07* MP Rgn Spd \_______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises the MP Recovery Rate. It's also effective for | | Meditate, which is a *Wand* Weapon Skill. Engraving this | | is highly recommended, if you intend to raise Max MP. | | | | Recommended Jobs: Mage | | | | Total Levels: 10 | | Total Energy: | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 02 150 03 200 04 250 Total Energy: 700 --- Level 02 01 600 02 900 03 1,200 04 1,500 Total Energy: 4,200 --- Level 03 01 1,200 02 1,800 03 2,400 04 3,000 Total Energy: 8,400 --- Level 04 01 1,800 02 2,700 03 3,600 04 4,500 Total Energy: 12,600 --- Level 05 01 2,400 02 3,600 03 4,800 04 6,000 Total Energy: 16,800 --- Level 06 01 3,000 02 4,500 03 6,000 04 7,500 Total Energy: 21,000 --- Level 07 01 3,600 02 5,400 03 7,200 04 9,000 Total Energy: 25,200 --- Level 08 01 4,200 02 6,300 03 8,400 04 10,500 Total Energy: 29,400 --- Level 09 01 4,800 02 7,200 03 9,600 04 12,000 Total Energy: 33,600 --- Level 10 01 ---,--- 03 ---,--- 05 ---,--- 07 ---,--- 02 ---,--- 04 ---,--- 06 ---,--- 08 ---,--- Total Energy: ---,--- ___________________ | *FA08* Weapon Atk \_______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Attack Power for Weapons. The higher the rating for | | this Art, the more a weapon's Attack stat is increased. | | | | Effected Equipment: One-handed Sword, Two-Handed Sword, Wand, Bow | | Recommended Jobs: Warrior w/ One-Handed Sword, Warrior w/ Two-Handed | | Sword, Archer | | | | Total Levels: 10 | | Total Energy: | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 05 300 09 500 13 700 02 150 06 350 10 550 14 750 03 200 07 400 11 600 15 800 04 250 08 450 12 650 16 850 Total Energy: 7,600 --- Level 02 01 300 05 700 09 1,100 13 1,500 02 400 06 800 10 1,200 14 1,600 03 500 07 900 11 1,300 15 1,700 04 600 08 1,000 12 1,400 16 1,800 Total Energy: 16,800 --- Level 03 01 600 05 1,400 09 2,200 13 3,000 02 800 06 1,600 10 2,400 14 3,200 03 1,000 07 1,800 11 2,600 15 3,400 04 1,200 08 2,000 12 2,800 16 3,600 Total Energy: 33,600 --- Level 04 01 900 05 2,100 09 3,300 13 4,500 02 1,200 06 2,400 10 3,600 14 4,800 03 1,500 07 2,700 11 3,900 15 5,100 04 1,800 08 3,000 12 4,200 16 5,400 Total Energy: 50,400 --- Level 05 01 1,200 05 2,800 09 4,400 13 6,000 02 1,600 06 3,200 10 4,800 14 6,400 03 2,000 07 3,600 11 5,200 15 6,800 04 2,400 08 4,000 12 5,600 16 7,200 Total Energy: 67,200 --- Level 06 01 1,500 05 3,500 09 5,500 13 7,500 02 2,000 06 4,000 10 6,000 14 8,000 03 2,500 07 4,500 11 6,500 15 8,500 04 3,000 08 5,000 12 7,000 16 9,000 Total Energy: 84,000 --- Level 07 01 1,800 05 4,200 09 6,600 13 9,000 02 2,400 06 4,800 10 7,200 14 9,600 03 3,000 07 5,400 11 7,800 15 10,200 04 3,600 08 6,000 12 8,400 16 10,800 Total Energy: 100,800 --- Level 08 01 2,400 09 8,800 17 15,200 25 21,600 02 3,200 10 9,600 18 16,000 26 22,400 03 4,000 11 10,400 19 16,800 27 23,200 04 4,800 12 11,200 20 17,600 28 24,000 05 5,600 13 12,000 21 18,400 29 24,800 06 6,400 14 12,800 22 19,200 30 25,600 07 7,200 15 13,600 23 20,000 31 26,400 08 8,000 16 14,400 24 20,800 32 27,200 Total Energy: 473,600 --- Level 09 01 3,000 09 11,000 17 19,000 25 27,000 02 4,000 10 12,000 18 20,000 26 28,000 03 5,000 11 13,000 19 21,000 27 29,000 04 6,000 12 14,000 20 22,000 28 30,000 05 7,000 13 15,000 21 23,000 29 31,000 06 8,000 14 16,000 22 24,000 30 32,000 07 9,000 15 17,000 23 25,000 31 33,000 08 10,000 16 18,000 24 26,000 32 34,000 Total Energy: 592,000 --- Level 10 01 ---,--- 09 ---,--- 17 ---,--- 25 ---,--- 02 ---,--- 10 ---,--- 18 ---,--- 26 ---,--- 03 ---,--- 11 ---,--- 19 ---,--- 27 ---,--- 04 ---,--- 12 ---,--- 20 ---,--- 28 ---,--- 05 ---,--- 13 ---,--- 21 ---,--- 29 ---,--- 06 ---,--- 14 ---,--- 22 ---,--- 30 ---,--- 07 ---,--- 15 ---,--- 23 ---,--- 31 ---,--- 08 ---,--- 16 ---,--- 24 ---,--- 32 ---,--- Total Energy: ---,--- __________________ | *FA09* Stun Rate \________________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Stun Rate for Weapons. The higher the rating for | | this Art, the greater the chance you have to stun a monster | | while attacking with weapons. | | | | Effected Equipment: One-handed Sword, Two-Handed Sword, Wand, Bow | | | | Total Levels: 7 | | Total Energy: 1,135,600 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 05 300 09 500 13 700 02 150 06 350 10 550 14 750 03 200 07 400 11 600 15 800 04 250 08 450 12 650 16 850 Total Energy: 7,600 --- Level 02 01 400 05 1,200 09 2,000 13 2,800 02 600 06 1,400 10 2,200 14 3,000 03 800 07 1,600 11 2,400 15 3,200 04 1,000 08 1,800 12 2,600 16 3,400 Total Energy: 30,400 --- Level 03 01 800 05 2,400 09 4,000 13 5,600 02 1,200 06 2,800 10 4,400 14 6,000 03 1,600 07 3,200 11 4,800 15 6,400 04 2,000 08 3,600 12 5,200 16 6,800 Total Energy: 60,800 --- Level 04 01 1,200 05 3,600 09 6,000 13 8,400 02 1,800 06 4,200 10 6,600 14 9,000 03 2,400 07 4,800 11 7,200 15 9,600 04 3,000 08 5,400 12 7,800 16 10,200 Total Energy: 91,200 --- Level 05 01 1,600 05 4,800 09 8,000 13 11,200 02 2,400 06 5,600 10 8,800 14 12,000 03 3,200 07 6,400 11 9,600 15 12,800 04 4,000 08 7,200 12 10,400 16 13,600 Total Energy: 121,600 --- Level 06 01 2,000 05 6,000 09 10,000 13 14,000 02 3,000 06 7,000 10 11,000 14 15,000 03 4,000 07 8,000 11 12,000 15 16,000 04 5,000 08 9,000 12 13,000 16 17,000 Total Energy: 152,000 --- Level 07 01 2,400 09 12,000 17 21,600 25 31,200 02 3,600 10 13,200 18 22,800 26 32,400 03 4,800 11 14,400 19 24,000 27 33,600 04 6,000 12 15,600 20 25,200 28 34,800 05 7,200 13 16,800 21 26,400 29 36,000 06 8,400 14 18,000 22 27,600 30 37,200 07 9,600 15 19,200 23 28,800 31 38,400 08 10,800 16 20,400 24 30,000 32 39,600 Total Energy: 672,000 __________________ | *FA10* Crtl Rate \________________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Critical Rate for Weapons. The higher the rating for | | this Art, the greater the chance your weapon can perform a | | Critical Blow against the Enemy. | | | | Effected Equipment: One-handed Sword, Two-Handed Sword, Wand, Bow | | | | Total Levels: 7 | | Total Energy: | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 600 03 1,200 05 1,800 07 2,400 02 900 04 1,500 06 2,100 08 2,700 Total Energy: 13,200 --- Level 02 01 1,200 03 2,400 05 3,600 07 4,800 02 1,800 04 3,000 06 4,200 08 5,400 Total Energy: 26,400 --- Level 03 01 1,800 03 3,600 05 5,400 07 7,200 02 2,700 04 4,500 06 6,300 08 8,100 Total Energy: 39,600 --- Level 04 01 2,400 03 4,800 05 7,200 07 9,600 02 3,600 04 6,000 06 8,400 08 10,800 Total Energy: 52,800 --- Level 05 01 3,000 03 6,000 05 9,000 07 12,000 02 4,500 04 7,500 06 10,500 08 13,500 Total Energy: 66,000 --- Level 06 01 3,600 03 7,200 05 10,800 07 14,400 02 5,400 04 9,000 06 12,600 08 16,200 Total Energy: 79,200 --- Level 07 01 ---,--- 05 ---,--- 09 ---,--- 13 ---,--- 02 ---,--- 06 ---,--- 10 ---,--- 14 ---,--- 03 ---,--- 07 ---,--- 11 ---,--- 15 ---,--- 04 ---,--- 08 ---,--- 12 ---,--- 16 ---,--- Total Energy: ---,--- _________________ | *FA11* Crtl Atk \_________________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises the Damage Ratio of Critical Blows. Since it's | | effective when a Critical Blow lands, it's better to | | engrave this after raising the Critical Attack rate. | | | | Effected Equipment: One-handed Sword, Two-Handed Sword, Wand, Bow | | | | Total Levels: 3 | | Total Energy: | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 800 03 1,600 05 2,400 07 3,200 02 1,200 04 2,000 06 2,800 08 3,600 Total Energy: 17,600 --- Level 02 01 3,200 03 6,400 05 9,600 07 12,800 02 3,800 04 8,000 06 11,200 08 14,400 Total Energy: 70,400 --- Level 03 01 ---,--- 04 ---,--- 07 ---,--- 10 ---,--- 02 ---,--- 05 ---,--- 08 ---,--- 11 ---,--- 03 ---,--- 06 ---,--- 09 ---,--- 12 ---,--- Total Energy: ---,--- ___________________ | *FA12* Knckbk Atk \_______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Knockback Rate for Weapons. Since it raises the how | | often a Knockback can occur, it is recommended that you | | engrave this on a weapon with an already high Knockback | | rate. | | | | Effected Equipment: Two-Handed Sword, Bow | | | | Total Levels: 7 | | Total Energy: 1,135,600 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 05 300 09 500 13 700 02 150 06 350 10 550 14 750 03 200 07 400 11 600 15 800 04 250 08 450 12 650 16 850 Total Energy: 7,600 --- Level 02 01 400 05 1,200 09 2,000 13 2,800 02 600 06 1,400 10 2,200 14 3,000 03 800 07 1,600 11 2,400 15 3,200 04 1,000 08 1,800 12 2,600 16 3,400 Total Energy: 30,400 --- Level 03 01 800 05 2,400 09 4,000 13 5,600 02 1,200 06 2,800 10 4,400 14 6,000 03 1,600 07 3,200 11 4,800 15 6,400 04 2,000 08 3,600 12 5,200 16 6,800 Total Energy: 60,800 --- Level 04 01 1,200 05 3,600 09 6,000 13 8,400 02 1,800 06 4,200 10 6,600 14 9,000 03 2,400 07 4,800 11 7,200 15 9,600 04 3,000 08 5,400 12 7,800 16 10,200 Total Energy: 91,200 --- Level 05 01 1,600 05 4,800 09 8,000 13 11,200 02 2,400 06 5,600 10 8,800 14 12,000 03 3,200 07 6,400 11 9,600 15 12,800 04 4,000 08 7,200 12 10,400 16 13,600 Total Energy: 121,600 --- Level 06 01 2,000 05 6,000 09 10,000 13 14,000 02 3,000 06 7,000 10 11,000 14 15,000 03 4,000 07 8,000 11 12,000 15 16,000 04 5,000 08 9,000 12 13,000 16 17,000 Total Energy: 152,000 --- Level 07 01 2,400 09 12,000 17 21,600 25 31,200 02 3,600 10 13,200 18 22,800 26 32,400 03 4,800 11 14,400 19 24,000 27 33,600 04 6,000 12 15,600 20 25,200 28 34,800 05 7,200 13 16,800 21 26,400 29 36,000 06 8,400 14 18,000 22 27,600 30 37,200 07 9,600 15 19,200 23 28,800 31 38,400 08 10,800 16 20,400 24 30,000 32 39,600 Total Energy: 672,000 ___________________ | *FA13* Attack Spd \_______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Attack Speed for Weapons. Engraving this raises the | | Attack Speed of not only regular attacks, but special | | attacks too! Since this ability works proportionately, it | | can be very effective if put on slower weapon types. | | | | Effected Equipment: One-handed Sword, Two-Handed Sword | | | | Total Levels: 2 | | Total Energy: 156,000 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 400 04 1,600 07 2,800 10 4,000 02 800 05 2,000 08 3,200 11 4,400 03 1,200 06 2,400 09 3,600 12 4,800 Total Energy: 31,200 --- Level 02 01 1,600 04 6,400 07 11,200 10 16,000 02 3,200 05 8,000 08 12,800 11 17,600 03 4,800 06 9,600 09 14,400 12 19,200 Total Energy: 124,800 ___________________ | *FA14* Orc Killer \_______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Orcs by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: Orc Slave / Orc Vulgar / Orc Slinger / Orc Champion | | Orc Force | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 132,500 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 200 14 1,500 27 2,800 40 4,100 02 300 15 1,600 28 2,900 41 4,200 03 400 16 1,700 29 3,000 42 4,300 04 500 17 1,800 30 3,100 43 4,400 05 600 18 1,900 31 3,200 44 4,500 06 700 19 2,000 32 3,300 45 4,600 07 800 20 2,100 33 3,400 46 4,700 08 900 21 2,200 34 3,500 47 4,800 09 1,000 22 2,300 35 3,600 48 4,900 10 1,100 23 2,400 36 3,700 49 5,000 11 1,200 24 2,500 37 3,800 50 5,100 12 1,300 25 2,600 38 3,900 13 1,400 26 2,700 39 4,000 _____________________ | *FA15* Harpy Killer \_____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Harpies by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: Harpy Knight / Harpy Hunter / Iron Harpy | | Harpy Force | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 132,500 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 200 14 1,500 27 2,800 40 4,100 02 300 15 1,600 28 2,900 41 4,200 03 400 16 1,700 29 3,000 42 4,300 04 500 17 1,800 30 3,100 43 4,400 05 600 18 1,900 31 3,200 44 4,500 06 700 19 2,000 32 3,300 45 4,600 07 800 20 2,100 33 3,400 46 4,700 08 900 21 2,200 34 3,500 47 4,800 09 1,000 22 2,300 35 3,600 48 4,900 10 1,100 23 2,400 36 3,700 49 5,000 11 1,200 24 2,500 37 3,800 50 5,100 12 1,300 25 2,600 38 3,900 13 1,400 26 2,700 39 4,000 ______________________ | *FA16* Lizard Killer \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Lizards by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: Lizard Knight / Lizard Mage / Lizard King | | Lizard Force | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 132,500 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 200 14 1,500 27 2,800 40 4,100 02 300 15 1,600 28 2,900 41 4,200 03 400 16 1,700 29 3,000 42 4,300 04 500 17 1,800 30 3,100 43 4,400 05 600 18 1,900 31 3,200 44 4,500 06 700 19 2,000 32 3,300 45 4,600 07 800 20 2,100 33 3,400 46 4,700 08 900 21 2,200 34 3,500 47 4,800 09 1,000 22 2,300 35 3,600 48 4,900 10 1,100 23 2,400 36 3,700 49 5,000 11 1,200 24 2,500 37 3,800 50 5,100 12 1,300 25 2,600 38 3,900 13 1,400 26 2,700 39 4,000 ____________________ | *FA17* Wolf Killer \______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Wolflings by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: War Wolf / Shield Wolf / Wolverine / Wolf Force | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 198,750 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 300 14 2,250 27 4,200 40 6,150 02 450 15 2,400 28 4,350 41 6,300 03 600 16 2,550 29 4,500 42 6,450 04 750 17 2,700 30 4,650 43 6,600 05 900 18 2,850 31 4,800 44 6,750 06 1,050 19 3,000 32 4,950 45 6,900 07 1,200 20 3,150 33 5,100 46 7,050 08 1,350 21 3,300 34 5,250 47 7,200 09 1,500 22 3,450 35 5,400 48 7,350 10 1,650 23 3,600 36 5,550 49 7,500 11 1,800 24 3,750 37 5,700 50 7,650 12 1,950 25 3,900 38 5,850 13 2,100 26 4,050 39 6,000 ____________________ | *FA18* Naga Killer \______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Snakelings by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: Naga / Medusa / Stone Force / Sand Worm | | Greater Worm / Worm Force | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 198,750 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 300 14 2,250 27 4,200 40 6,150 02 450 15 2,400 28 4,350 41 6,300 03 600 16 2,550 29 4,500 42 6,450 04 750 17 2,700 30 4,650 43 6,600 05 900 18 2,850 31 4,800 44 6,750 06 1,050 19 3,000 32 4,950 45 6,900 07 1,200 20 3,150 33 5,100 46 7,050 08 1,350 21 3,300 34 5,250 47 7,200 09 1,500 22 3,450 35 5,400 48 7,350 10 1,650 23 3,600 36 5,550 49 7,500 11 1,800 24 3,750 37 5,700 50 7,650 12 1,950 25 3,900 38 5,850 13 2,100 26 4,050 39 6,000 _____________________ | *FA19* Giant Killer \_____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Giants by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: Cyclops / Titan / Gigandeth / Titan Force | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 331,250 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 500 14 3,750 27 7,000 40 10,250 02 750 15 4,000 28 7,250 41 10,500 03 1,000 16 4,250 29 7,500 42 10,750 04 1,250 17 4,500 30 7,750 43 11,000 05 1,500 18 4,750 31 8,000 44 11,250 06 1,750 19 5,000 32 8,250 45 11,500 07 2,000 20 5,250 33 8,500 46 11,750 08 2,250 21 5,500 34 8,750 47 12,000 09 2,500 22 5,750 35 9,000 48 12,250 10 2,750 23 6,000 36 9,250 49 12,500 11 3,000 24 6,250 37 9,500 50 12,750 12 3,250 25 6,500 38 9,750 13 3,500 26 6,750 39 10,000 ______________________ | *FA20* Dragon Killer \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Dragons by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: Red Wyrmling / Blue Wyrmling / Gold Wyrmling | | Red Dragon / Blue Dragon / Gold Dragon | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 331,250 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 500 14 3,750 27 7,000 40 10,250 02 750 15 4,000 28 7,250 41 10,500 03 1,000 16 4,250 29 7,500 42 10,750 04 1,250 17 4,500 30 7,750 43 11,000 05 1,500 18 4,750 31 8,000 44 11,250 06 1,750 19 5,000 32 8,250 45 11,500 07 2,000 20 5,250 33 8,500 46 11,750 08 2,250 21 5,500 34 8,750 47 12,000 09 2,500 22 5,750 35 9,000 48 12,250 10 2,750 23 6,000 36 9,250 49 12,500 11 3,000 24 6,250 37 9,500 50 12,750 12 3,250 25 6,500 38 9,750 13 3,500 26 6,750 39 10,000 _____________________ | *FA21* Devil Killer \_____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Devils by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: Succubus / Life Drainer / Queen Force / Devil Son | | Devil Daughter / Devil Brother / Devil Mother | | Devil Father / Balrog / Ice Demon / Spark Demon | | Franken / Connect Dead / Fusion Dead | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 ---,--- 14 ---,--- 27 ---,--- 40 ---,--- 02 ---,--- 15 ---,--- 28 ---,--- 41 ---,--- 03 ---,--- 16 ---,--- 29 ---,--- 42 ---,--- 04 ---,--- 17 ---,--- 30 ---,--- 43 ---,--- 05 ---,--- 18 ---,--- 31 ---,--- 44 ---,--- 06 ---,--- 19 ---,--- 32 ---,--- 45 ---,--- 07 ---,--- 20 ---,--- 33 ---,--- 46 ---,--- 08 ---,--- 21 ---,--- 34 ---,--- 47 ---,--- 09 ---,--- 22 ---,--- 35 ---,--- 48 ---,--- 10 ---,--- 23 ---,--- 36 ---,--- 49 ---,--- 11 ---,--- 24 ---,--- 37 ---,--- 50 ---,--- 12 ---,--- 25 ---,--- 38 ---,--- 13 ---,--- 26 ---,--- 39 ---,--- ______________________ | *FA22* Legion Killer \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Legions by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: Legion Egg / Legion Scout / Legion Command | | Legion Driller / Legion Mother / Legion Wing | | Arc Legion / Legion King | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 ---,--- 14 ---,--- 27 ---,--- 40 ---,--- 02 ---,--- 15 ---,--- 28 ---,--- 41 ---,--- 03 ---,--- 16 ---,--- 29 ---,--- 42 ---,--- 04 ---,--- 17 ---,--- 30 ---,--- 43 ---,--- 05 ---,--- 18 ---,--- 31 ---,--- 44 ---,--- 06 ---,--- 19 ---,--- 32 ---,--- 45 ---,--- 07 ---,--- 20 ---,--- 33 ---,--- 46 ---,--- 08 ---,--- 21 ---,--- 34 ---,--- 47 ---,--- 09 ---,--- 22 ---,--- 35 ---,--- 48 ---,--- 10 ---,--- 23 ---,--- 36 ---,--- 49 ---,--- 11 ---,--- 24 ---,--- 37 ---,--- 50 ---,--- 12 ---,--- 25 ---,--- 38 ---,--- 13 ---,--- 26 ---,--- 39 ---,--- _____________________ | *FA23* Golem Killer \_____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Golems by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: Steel Golem / Ice Golem / Blaze Golem / Mithril Golem | | Hell Golem | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 331,250 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 500 14 3,750 27 7,000 40 10,250 02 750 15 4,000 28 7,250 41 10,500 03 1,000 16 4,250 29 7,500 42 10,750 04 1,250 17 4,500 30 7,750 43 11,000 05 1,500 18 4,750 31 8,000 44 11,250 06 1,750 19 5,000 32 8,250 45 11,500 07 2,000 20 5,250 33 8,500 46 11,750 08 2,250 21 5,500 34 8,750 47 12,000 09 2,500 22 5,750 35 9,000 48 12,250 10 2,750 23 6,000 36 9,250 49 12,500 11 3,000 24 6,250 37 9,500 50 12,750 12 3,250 25 6,500 38 9,750 13 3,500 26 6,750 39 10,000 ______________________ | *FA24* Undead Killer \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Undead by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: Ghost / Phantom / Samurai / Samurai King | | Samurai Lord / Skeleton / Skeleton Archer | | Skeleton Mage / Skeleton King / Lesser Vampire | | Vampire / Vampire Lord / Franken / Connect Dead | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 331,250 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 500 14 3,750 27 7,000 40 10,250 02 750 15 4,000 28 7,250 41 10,500 03 1,000 16 4,250 29 7,500 42 10,750 04 1,250 17 4,500 30 7,750 43 11,000 05 1,500 18 4,750 31 8,000 44 11,250 06 1,750 19 5,000 32 8,250 45 11,500 07 2,000 20 5,250 33 8,500 46 11,750 08 2,250 21 5,500 34 8,750 47 12,000 09 2,500 22 5,750 35 9,000 48 12,250 10 2,750 23 6,000 36 9,250 49 12,500 11 3,000 24 6,250 37 9,500 50 12,750 12 3,250 25 6,500 38 9,750 13 3,500 26 6,750 39 10,000 ______________________ | *FA25* Weapon Killer \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against those who wield weapons, | | by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: Harpy Knight / Harpy Hunter / Naga / Orc Slave | | Orc Vulgar / Lizard Knight / Titan / Gigandeth | | Samurai / Samurai King / Samurai Lord / Skeleton | | Skeleton Archer / Skeleton Mage | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 331,250 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 500 14 3,750 27 7,000 40 10,250 02 750 15 4,000 28 7,250 41 10,500 03 1,000 16 4,250 29 7,500 42 10,750 04 1,250 17 4,500 30 7,750 43 11,000 05 1,500 18 4,750 31 8,000 44 11,250 06 1,750 19 5,000 32 8,250 45 11,500 07 2,000 20 5,250 33 8,500 46 11,750 08 2,250 21 5,500 34 8,750 47 12,000 09 2,500 22 5,750 35 9,000 48 12,250 10 2,750 23 6,000 36 9,250 49 12,500 11 3,000 24 6,250 37 9,500 50 12,750 12 3,250 25 6,500 38 9,750 13 3,500 26 6,750 39 10,000 _____________________ | *FA26* Armor Killer \_____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises the Power [to increase the damage by piercing | | through armor] of a Weapon by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: Harpy Knight / Harpy Hunter / Shield Wolf / Wolverine | | Naga / Orc Slave / Orc Slinger / Lizard Knight | | Lizard King / Samurai / Samurai King / Life Drainer | | Devil Brother / Fusion Dead / etc. | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 331,250 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 500 14 3,750 27 7,000 40 10,250 02 750 15 4,000 28 7,250 41 10,500 03 1,000 16 4,250 29 7,500 42 10,750 04 1,250 17 4,500 30 7,750 43 11,000 05 1,500 18 4,750 31 8,000 44 11,250 06 1,750 19 5,000 32 8,250 45 11,500 07 2,000 20 5,250 33 8,500 46 11,750 08 2,250 21 5,500 34 8,750 47 12,000 09 2,500 22 5,750 35 9,000 48 12,250 10 2,750 23 6,000 36 9,250 49 12,500 11 3,000 24 6,250 37 9,500 50 12,750 12 3,250 25 6,500 38 9,750 13 3,500 26 6,750 39 10,000 ____________________ | *FA27* Wing Killer \______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises the Power [to increase damage by slashing wings] of | | a Weapon by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: Harpy Knight / Harpy Hunter / Pheonix / Freezer | | Thunder Bird / Succubus / Devil Son / Devil Daughter | | Legion Command / Legion Wing / Red Wyrmling | | Red Dragon / etc. | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 331,250 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 500 14 3,750 27 7,000 40 10,250 02 750 15 4,000 28 7,250 41 10,500 03 1,000 16 4,250 29 7,500 42 10,750 04 1,250 17 4,500 30 7,750 43 11,000 05 1,500 18 4,750 31 8,000 44 11,250 06 1,750 19 5,000 32 8,250 45 11,500 07 2,000 20 5,250 33 8,500 46 11,750 08 2,250 21 5,500 34 8,750 47 12,000 09 2,500 22 5,750 35 9,000 48 12,250 10 2,750 23 6,000 36 9,250 49 12,500 11 3,000 24 6,250 37 9,500 50 12,750 12 3,250 25 6,500 38 9,750 13 3,500 26 6,750 39 10,000 _____________________ | *FA28* Scale Killer \_____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises the Power [to increase damage by piercing through | | scales] of a Weapon by 5% | | | | Effected Monsters: Naga / Medusa / Lizard Knight / Lizard King | | Sand Worm / Greater Worm / Red Wyrmling | | Gold Wyrmling / Red Dragon / Blue Dragon / etc. | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 331,250 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 500 14 3,750 27 7,000 40 10,250 02 750 15 4,000 28 7,250 41 10,500 03 1,000 16 4,250 29 7,500 42 10,750 04 1,250 17 4,500 30 7,750 43 11,000 05 1,500 18 4,750 31 8,000 44 11,250 06 1,750 19 5,000 32 8,250 45 11,500 07 2,000 20 5,250 33 8,500 46 11,750 08 2,250 21 5,500 34 8,750 47 12,000 09 2,500 22 5,750 35 9,000 48 12,250 10 2,750 23 6,000 36 9,250 49 12,500 11 3,000 24 6,250 37 9,500 50 12,750 12 3,250 25 6,500 38 9,750 13 3,500 26 6,750 39 10,000 ______________________ | *FA29* Flame Persuit \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Flame Forces by 5%. | | | | Since it has no effect against *regular* monsters, there's | | no need to engrave this unless you go up against Forces. | | | | Effected Monsters: Monsters with Flame Force | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 397,500 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 600 14 4,500 27 8,400 40 12,300 02 900 15 4,800 28 8,700 41 12,600 03 1,200 16 5,100 29 9,000 42 12,900 04 1,500 17 5,400 30 9,300 43 13,200 05 1,800 18 5,700 31 9,600 44 13,500 06 2,100 19 6,000 32 9,900 45 13,800 07 2,400 20 6,300 33 10,200 46 14,100 08 2,700 21 6,600 34 10,500 47 14,400 09 3,000 22 6,900 35 10,800 48 14,700 10 3,300 23 7,200 36 11,100 49 15,000 11 3,600 24 7,500 37 11,400 50 15,300 12 3,900 25 7,800 38 11,700 13 4,200 26 8,100 39 12,000 ____________________ | *FA30* Lit Persuit \______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Lightning Forces by 5%. | | | | Since it has no effect against *regular* monsters, there's | | no need to engrave this unless you go up against Forces. | | | | Effected Monsters: Monsters with Lightning Force | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 397,500 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 600 14 4,500 27 8,400 40 12,300 02 900 15 4,800 28 8,700 41 12,600 03 1,200 16 5,100 29 9,000 42 12,900 04 1,500 17 5,400 30 9,300 43 13,200 05 1,800 18 5,700 31 9,600 44 13,500 06 2,100 19 6,000 32 9,900 45 13,800 07 2,400 20 6,300 33 10,200 46 14,100 08 2,700 21 6,600 34 10,500 47 14,400 09 3,000 22 6,900 35 10,800 48 14,700 10 3,300 23 7,200 36 11,100 49 15,000 11 3,600 24 7,500 37 11,400 50 15,300 12 3,900 25 7,800 38 11,700 13 4,200 26 8,100 39 12,000 ______________________ | *FA31* Frost Persuit \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Frost Forces by 5%. | | | | Since it has no effect against *regular* monsters, there's | | no need to engrave this unless you go up against Forces. | | | | Effected Monsters: Monsters with Frost Force | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 397,500 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 600 14 4,500 27 8,400 40 12,300 02 900 15 4,800 28 8,700 41 12,600 03 1,200 16 5,100 29 9,000 42 12,900 04 1,500 17 5,400 30 9,300 43 13,200 05 1,800 18 5,700 31 9,600 44 13,500 06 2,100 19 6,000 32 9,900 45 13,800 07 2,400 20 6,300 33 10,200 46 14,100 08 2,700 21 6,600 34 10,500 47 14,400 09 3,000 22 6,900 35 10,800 48 14,700 10 3,300 23 7,200 36 11,100 49 15,000 11 3,600 24 7,500 37 11,400 50 15,300 12 3,900 25 7,800 38 11,700 13 4,200 26 8,100 39 12,000 ______________________ | *FA32* Light Persuit \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Light Forces by 5%. | | | | Since it has no effect against *regular* monsters, there's | | no need to engrave this unless you go up against Forces. | | | | Effected Monsters: Monsters with Light Force | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 397,500 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 600 14 4,500 27 8,400 40 12,300 02 900 15 4,800 28 8,700 41 12,600 03 1,200 16 5,100 29 9,000 42 12,900 04 1,500 17 5,400 30 9,300 43 13,200 05 1,800 18 5,700 31 9,600 44 13,500 06 2,100 19 6,000 32 9,900 45 13,800 07 2,400 20 6,300 33 10,200 46 14,100 08 2,700 21 6,600 34 10,500 47 14,400 09 3,000 22 6,900 35 10,800 48 14,700 10 3,300 23 7,200 36 11,100 49 15,000 11 3,600 24 7,500 37 11,400 50 15,300 12 3,900 25 7,800 38 11,700 13 4,200 26 8,100 39 12,000 _____________________ | *FA33* Dark Persuit \_____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Weapon Attack Power against Dark Forces by 5%. | | | | Since it has no effect against *regular* monsters, there's | | no need to engrave this unless you go up against Forces. | | | | Effected Monsters: Monsters with Darkness Force | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 397,500 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 600 14 4,500 27 8,400 40 12,300 02 900 15 4,800 28 8,700 41 12,600 03 1,200 16 5,100 29 9,000 42 12,900 04 1,500 17 5,400 30 9,300 43 13,200 05 1,800 18 5,700 31 9,600 44 13,500 06 2,100 19 6,000 32 9,900 45 13,800 07 2,400 20 6,300 33 10,200 46 14,100 08 2,700 21 6,600 34 10,500 47 14,400 09 3,000 22 6,900 35 10,800 48 14,700 10 3,300 23 7,200 36 11,100 49 15,000 11 3,600 24 7,500 37 11,400 50 15,300 12 3,900 25 7,800 38 11,700 13 4,200 26 8,100 39 12,000 ________________ | *FA34* Protect \__________________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Defense for Armor. This Art reduces the damage taken | | for regular attacks. Magic and Elemental attacks are | | excluded. Since it raises the effect of equipped armor, | | its effect is increased if you wear armor with high | | Defense. | | | | Effected Equipment: Armor, Shield, Helmet | | | | Total Levels: 10 | | Total Energy: | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 05 300 09 500 13 700 02 150 06 350 10 550 14 750 03 200 07 400 11 600 15 800 04 250 08 450 12 650 16 850 Total Energy: 7,600 --- Level 02 01 300 05 700 09 1,100 13 1,500 02 400 06 800 10 1,200 14 1,600 03 500 07 900 11 1,300 15 1,700 04 600 08 1,000 12 1,400 16 1,800 Total Energy: 16,800 --- Level 03 01 600 05 1,400 09 2,200 13 3,000 02 800 06 1,600 10 2,400 14 3,200 03 1,000 07 1,800 11 2,600 15 3,400 04 1,200 08 2,000 12 2,800 16 3,600 Total Energy: 33,600 --- Level 04 01 900 05 2,100 09 3,300 13 4,500 02 1,200 06 2,400 10 3,600 14 4,800 03 1,500 07 2,700 11 3,900 15 5,100 04 1,800 08 3,000 12 4,200 16 5,400 Total Energy: 50,400 --- Level 05 01 1,200 05 2,800 09 4,400 13 6,000 02 1,600 06 3,200 10 4,800 14 6,400 03 2,000 07 3,600 11 5,200 15 6,800 04 2,400 08 4,000 12 5,600 16 7,200 Total Energy: 67,200 --- Level 06 01 1,500 05 3,500 09 5,500 13 7,500 02 2,000 06 4,000 10 6,000 14 8,000 03 2,500 07 4,500 11 6,500 15 8,500 04 3,000 08 5,000 12 7,000 16 9,000 Total Energy: 84,000 --- Level 07 01 1,800 05 4,200 09 6,600 13 9,000 02 2,400 06 4,800 10 7,200 14 9,600 03 3,000 07 5,400 11 7,800 15 10,200 04 3,600 08 6,000 12 8,400 16 10,800 Total Energy: 100,800 --- Level 08 01 2,400 09 8,800 17 15,200 25 21,600 02 3,200 10 9,600 18 16,000 26 22,400 03 4,000 11 10,400 19 16,800 27 23,200 04 4,800 12 11,200 20 17,600 28 24,000 05 5,600 13 12,000 21 18,400 29 24,800 06 6,400 14 12,800 22 19,200 30 25,600 07 7,200 15 13,600 23 20,000 31 26,400 08 8,000 16 14,400 24 20,800 32 27,200 Total Energy: 473,600 --- Level 09 01 3,000 09 11,000 17 19,000 25 27,000 02 4,000 10 12,000 18 20,000 26 28,000 03 5,000 11 13,000 19 21,000 27 29,000 04 6,000 12 14,000 20 22,000 28 30,000 05 7,000 13 15,000 21 23,000 29 31,000 06 8,000 14 16,000 22 24,000 30 32,000 07 9,000 15 17,000 23 25,000 31 33,000 08 10,000 16 18,000 24 26,000 32 34,000 Total Energy: 592,000 --- Level 10 01 ---,--- 09 ---,--- 17 ---,--- 25 ---,--- 02 ---,--- 10 ---,--- 18 ---,--- 26 ---,--- 03 ---,--- 11 ---,--- 19 ---,--- 27 ---,--- 04 ---,--- 12 ---,--- 20 ---,--- 28 ---,--- 05 ---,--- 13 ---,--- 21 ---,--- 29 ---,--- 06 ---,--- 14 ---,--- 22 ---,--- 30 ---,--- 07 ---,--- 15 ---,--- 23 ---,--- 31 ---,--- 08 ---,--- 16 ---,--- 24 ---,--- 32 ---,--- Total Energy: ---,--- ____________________ | *FA35* Resist Stun \______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Increases Stun Resistance. Stun recovery time is also | | shortened. Since it raises the effect of equipped armor, | | its effect is increased if you wear armor with high Defense.| | | | Effected Equipment: Armor, Shield, Helmet | | | | Total Levels: 6 | | Total Energy: 871,600 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 05 300 09 500 13 700 02 150 06 350 10 550 14 750 03 200 07 400 11 600 15 800 04 250 08 450 12 650 16 850 Total Energy: 7,600 --- Level 02 01 400 05 1,200 09 2,000 13 2,800 02 600 06 1,400 10 2,200 14 3,000 03 800 07 1,600 11 2,400 15 3,200 04 1,000 08 1,800 12 2,600 16 3,400 Total Energy: 30,400 --- Level 03 01 800 05 2,400 09 4,000 13 5,600 02 1,200 06 2,800 10 4,400 14 6,000 03 1,600 07 3,200 11 4,800 15 6,400 04 2,000 08 3,600 12 5,200 16 6,800 Total Energy: 60,800 --- Level 04 01 1,200 05 3,600 09 6,000 13 8,400 02 1,800 06 4,200 10 6,600 14 9,000 03 2,400 07 4,800 11 7,200 15 9,600 04 3,000 08 5,400 12 7,800 16 10,200 Total Energy: 91,200 --- Level 05 01 1,600 05 4,800 09 8,000 13 11,200 02 2,400 06 5,600 10 8,800 14 12,000 03 3,200 07 6,400 11 9,600 15 12,800 04 4,000 08 7,200 12 10,400 16 13,600 Total Energy: 121,600 --- Level 06 01 2,000 09 10,000 17 18,000 25 26,000 02 3,000 10 11,000 18 19,000 26 27,000 03 4,000 11 12,000 19 20,000 27 28,000 04 5,000 12 13,000 20 21,000 28 29,000 05 6,000 13 14,000 21 22,000 29 30,000 06 7,000 14 15,000 22 23,000 30 31,000 07 8,000 15 16,000 23 24,000 31 32,000 08 9,000 16 17,000 24 25,000 32 33,000 Total Energy: 560,000 ___________________ | *FA36* Crtl Guard \_______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Resist Critical. This art reduces the chances of | | being hit by a Critical Blow (indicated by yellow damage | | points). Its effect is further increased if you wear armor | | with a high (Res. Critical) rating. | | | | Recommended Jobs: All | | Effected Equipment: Armor, Shield | | | | Total Levels: 6 | | Total Energy: 871,600 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 05 300 09 500 13 700 02 150 06 350 10 550 14 750 03 200 07 400 11 600 15 800 04 250 08 450 12 650 16 850 Total Energy: 7,600 --- Level 02 01 400 05 1,200 09 2,000 13 2,800 02 600 06 1,400 10 2,200 14 3,000 03 800 07 1,600 11 2,400 15 3,200 04 1,000 08 1,800 12 2,600 16 3,400 Total Energy: 30,400 --- Level 03 01 800 05 2,400 09 4,000 13 5,600 02 1,200 06 2,800 10 4,400 14 6,000 03 1,600 07 3,200 11 4,800 15 6,400 04 2,000 08 3,600 12 5,200 16 6,800 Total Energy: 60,800 --- Level 04 01 1,200 05 3,600 09 6,000 13 8,400 02 1,800 06 4,200 10 6,600 14 9,000 03 2,400 07 4,800 11 7,200 15 9,600 04 3,000 08 5,400 12 7,800 16 10,200 Total Energy: 91,200 --- Level 05 01 1,600 05 4,800 09 8,000 13 11,200 02 2,400 06 5,600 10 8,800 14 12,000 03 3,200 07 6,400 11 9,600 15 12,800 04 4,000 08 7,200 12 10,400 16 13,600 Total Energy: 121,600 --- Level 06 01 2,000 09 10,000 17 18,000 25 26,000 02 3,000 10 11,000 18 19,000 26 27,000 03 4,000 11 12,000 19 20,000 27 28,000 04 5,000 12 13,000 20 21,000 28 29,000 05 6,000 13 14,000 21 22,000 29 30,000 06 7,000 14 15,000 22 23,000 30 31,000 07 8,000 15 16,000 23 24,000 31 32,000 08 9,000 16 17,000 24 25,000 32 33,000 Total Energy: 560,000 ___________________ | *FA37* Res Knckbk \_______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Resist Knockback. This art reduces the chance of | | being knocked back when hit. Its effect is further | | increased if you wear armor with a high (Knockback | | Resistance). | | | | Recommended Jobs: Warrior w/ One-Handed Sword and Shield, Mage w/ Shield | | Effected Equipment: Shield | | | | Total Levels: 6 | | Total Energy: 871,600 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 05 300 09 500 13 700 02 150 06 350 10 550 14 750 03 200 07 400 11 600 15 800 04 250 08 450 12 650 16 850 Total Energy: 7,600 --- Level 02 01 400 05 1,200 09 2,000 13 2,800 02 600 06 1,400 10 2,200 14 3,000 03 800 07 1,600 11 2,400 15 3,200 04 1,000 08 1,800 12 2,600 16 3,400 Total Energy: 30,400 --- Level 03 01 800 05 2,400 09 4,000 13 5,600 02 1,200 06 2,800 10 4,400 14 6,000 03 1,600 07 3,200 11 4,800 15 6,400 04 2,000 08 3,600 12 5,200 16 6,800 Total Energy: 60,800 --- Level 04 01 1,200 05 3,600 09 6,000 13 8,400 02 1,800 06 4,200 10 6,600 14 9,000 03 2,400 07 4,800 11 7,200 15 9,600 04 3,000 08 5,400 12 7,800 16 10,200 Total Energy: 91,200 --- Level 05 01 1,600 05 4,800 09 8,000 13 11,200 02 2,400 06 5,600 10 8,800 14 12,000 03 3,200 07 6,400 11 9,600 15 12,800 04 4,000 08 7,200 12 10,400 16 13,600 Total Energy: 121,600 --- Level 06 01 2,000 09 10,000 17 18,000 25 26,000 02 3,000 10 11,000 18 19,000 26 27,000 03 4,000 11 12,000 19 20,000 27 28,000 04 5,000 12 13,000 20 21,000 28 29,000 05 6,000 13 14,000 21 22,000 29 30,000 06 7,000 14 15,000 22 23,000 30 31,000 07 8,000 15 16,000 23 24,000 31 32,000 08 9,000 16 17,000 24 25,000 32 33,000 Total Energy: 560,000 ____________________ | *FA38* Perfect Def \______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Damage Reduction. This powerful art reduces the damage | | taken by all Attack Types. While it does consume a great | | amount of Force Energy, it's clear that all jobs will | | benefit from its vital power. | | | | Recommended Jobs: All | | | | Total Levels: 3 | | Total Energy: | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 1,600 05 4,800 09 8,000 13 11,200 02 2,400 06 5,600 10 8,800 14 12,000 03 3,200 07 6,400 11 9,600 15 12,800 04 4,000 08 7,200 12 10,400 16 13,600 Total Energy: 121,600 --- Level 02 01 3,200 05 9,600 09 16,000 13 22,400 02 4,800 06 11,200 10 17,600 14 24,000 03 6,400 07 12,800 11 19,200 15 25,600 04 8,000 08 14,400 12 20,800 16 27,200 Total Energy: 243,200 --- Level 03 01 ---,--- 07 ---,--- 13 ---,--- 19 ---,--- 02 ---,--- 08 ---,--- 14 ---,--- 20 ---,--- 03 ---,--- 09 ---,--- 15 ---,--- 21 ---,--- 04 ---,--- 10 ---,--- 16 ---,--- 22 ---,--- 05 ---,--- 11 ---,--- 17 ---,--- 23 ---,--- 06 ---,--- 12 ---,--- 18 ---,--- 24 ---,--- Total Energy: ---,--- __________________ | *FA39* Res Flame \________________________________________________________ | | | Description: Reduces 1% of Flame Element Damage. All Flame Element | | attacks are reduced by this Resistance ability. It's a | | Necessary Art for all jobs. | | | | Recommended Jobs: All | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 275,000 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 600 14 3,200 27 5,800 40 8,400 02 800 15 3,400 28 6,000 41 8,600 03 1,000 16 3,600 29 6,200 42 8,800 04 1,200 17 3,800 30 6,400 43 9,000 05 1,400 18 4,000 31 6,600 44 9,200 06 1,600 19 4,200 32 6,800 45 9,400 07 1,800 20 4,400 33 7,000 46 9,600 08 2,000 21 4,600 34 7,200 47 9,800 09 2,200 22 4,800 35 7,400 48 10,000 10 2,400 23 5,000 36 7,600 49 10,200 11 2,600 24 5,200 37 7,800 50 10,400 12 2,800 25 5,400 38 8,000 13 3,000 26 5,600 39 8,200 ______________________ | *FA40* Res Lightning \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Reduces 1% of Lightning Element Damage. All Lightning | | Element attacks are reduced by this Resistance ability. | | It's a Necessary Art for all jobs. | | | | Recommended Jobs: All | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 275,000 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 600 14 3,200 27 5,800 40 8,400 02 800 15 3,400 28 6,000 41 8,600 03 1,000 16 3,600 29 6,200 42 8,800 04 1,200 17 3,800 30 6,400 43 9,000 05 1,400 18 4,000 31 6,600 44 9,200 06 1,600 19 4,200 32 6,800 45 9,400 07 1,800 20 4,400 33 7,000 46 9,600 08 2,000 21 4,600 34 7,200 47 9,800 09 2,200 22 4,800 35 7,400 48 10,000 10 2,400 23 5,000 36 7,600 49 10,200 11 2,600 24 5,200 37 7,800 50 10,400 12 2,800 25 5,400 38 8,000 13 3,000 26 5,600 39 8,200 __________________ | *FA41* Res Frost \________________________________________________________ | | | Description: Reduces 1% of Frost Element Damage. All Frost Element | | attacks are reduced by this Resistance ability. It's a | | Necessary Art for all jobs. | | | | Recommended Jobs: All | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 275,000 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 600 14 3,200 27 5,800 40 8,400 02 800 15 3,400 28 6,000 41 8,600 03 1,000 16 3,600 29 6,200 42 8,800 04 1,200 17 3,800 30 6,400 43 9,000 05 1,400 18 4,000 31 6,600 44 9,200 06 1,600 19 4,200 32 6,800 45 9,400 07 1,800 20 4,400 33 7,000 46 9,600 08 2,000 21 4,600 34 7,200 47 9,800 09 2,200 22 4,800 35 7,400 48 10,000 10 2,400 23 5,000 36 7,600 49 10,200 11 2,600 24 5,200 37 7,800 50 10,400 12 2,800 25 5,400 38 8,000 13 3,000 26 5,600 39 8,200 _____________________ | *FA42* Res Darkness \_____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Reduces 1% of Darkness Element Damage. All Darkness Element | | attacks are reduced by this Resistance ability. It's a | | Necessary Art for all jobs. | | | | Recommended Jobs: All | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 275,000 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 600 14 3,200 27 5,800 40 8,400 02 800 15 3,400 28 6,000 41 8,600 03 1,000 16 3,600 29 6,200 42 8,800 04 1,200 17 3,800 30 6,400 43 9,000 05 1,400 18 4,000 31 6,600 44 9,200 06 1,600 19 4,200 32 6,800 45 9,400 07 1,800 20 4,400 33 7,000 46 9,600 08 2,000 21 4,600 34 7,200 47 9,800 09 2,200 22 4,800 35 7,400 48 10,000 10 2,400 23 5,000 36 7,600 49 10,200 11 2,600 24 5,200 37 7,800 50 10,400 12 2,800 25 5,400 38 8,000 13 3,000 26 5,600 39 8,200 ______________________ | *FA43* Res Paralysis \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Reduces Time Petrified. Petrify is an attack that can't be | | dodged. Your sole defense is to engrave this Art as many | | times as you can to soften it's brutal effect! | | | | Recommended Jobs: All | | | | Total Levels: 1 | | Total Energy: 637,500 | |___________________________________________________________________________| 01 500 14 7,000 27 13,500 40 20,000 02 1,000 15 7,500 28 14,000 41 20,500 03 1,500 16 8,000 29 14,500 42 21,000 04 2,000 17 8,500 30 15,000 43 21,500 05 2,500 18 9,000 31 15,500 44 22,000 06 3,000 19 9,500 32 16,000 45 22,500 07 3,500 20 10,000 33 16,500 46 23,000 08 4,000 21 10,500 34 17,000 47 23,500 09 4,500 22 11,000 35 17,500 48 24,000 10 5,000 23 11,500 36 18,000 49 24,500 11 5,500 24 12,000 37 18,500 50 25,000 12 6,000 25 12,500 38 19,000 13 6,500 26 13,000 39 19,500 ____________________ | *FA44* Flame Spell \_______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Flame Spell Power. The higher the rating for this | | Art, the stronger your Flame Spells will be. It's an | | essential art for a Mage. | | | | Recommended Jobs: Mage | | | | Total Levels: 6 | | Total Energy: 1,227,600 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 05 300 09 500 13 700 02 150 06 350 10 550 14 750 03 200 07 400 11 600 15 800 04 250 08 450 12 650 16 850 Total Energy: 7,600 --- Level 02 01 500 05 1,500 09 2,500 13 3,500 02 750 06 1,750 10 2,750 14 3,750 03 1,000 07 2,000 11 3,000 15 4,000 04 1,250 08 2,250 12 3,250 16 4,250 Total Energy: 38,000 --- Level 03 01 1,000 05 3,000 09 5,000 13 7,000 02 1,500 06 3,500 10 5,500 14 7,500 03 2,000 07 4,000 11 6,000 15 8,000 04 2,500 08 4,500 12 6,500 16 8,500 Total Energy: 76,000 --- Level 04 01 1,500 05 4,500 09 7,500 13 10,500 02 2,250 06 5,250 10 8,250 14 11,250 03 3,000 07 6,000 11 9,000 15 12,000 04 3,750 08 6,750 12 9,750 16 12,750 Total Energy: 114,000 --- Level 05 01 2,000 05 6,000 09 10,000 13 14,000 02 3,000 06 7,000 10 11,000 14 15,000 03 4,000 07 8,000 11 12,000 15 16,000 04 5,000 08 9,000 12 13,000 16 17,000 Total Energy: 152,000 --- Level 06 01 3,000 09 15,000 17 27,000 25 39,000 02 4,500 10 16,500 18 28,500 26 40,500 03 6,000 11 18,000 19 30,000 27 42,000 04 7,500 12 19,500 20 31,500 28 43,500 05 9,000 13 21,000 21 33,000 29 45,000 06 10,500 14 22,500 22 34,500 30 46,500 07 12,000 15 24,000 23 36,000 31 48,000 08 13,500 16 25,500 24 37,500 32 49,500 Total Energy: 840,000 __________________ | *FA45* Lit Spell \________________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Lightning Spell Power. The higher the rating for | | this Art, the stronger your Lightning Spells will be. It's | | an essential art for a Mage. | | | | Recommended Jobs: Mage | | | | Total Levels: 6 | | Total Energy: 1,227,600 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 05 300 09 500 13 700 02 150 06 350 10 550 14 750 03 200 07 400 11 600 15 800 04 250 08 450 12 650 16 850 Total Energy: 7,600 --- Level 02 01 500 05 1,500 09 2,500 13 3,500 02 750 06 1,750 10 2,750 14 3,750 03 1,000 07 2,000 11 3,000 15 4,000 04 1,250 08 2,250 12 3,250 16 4,250 Total Energy: 38,000 --- Level 03 01 1,000 05 3,000 09 5,000 13 7,000 02 1,500 06 3,500 10 5,500 14 7,500 03 2,000 07 4,000 11 6,000 15 8,000 04 2,500 08 4,500 12 6,500 16 8,500 Total Energy: 76,000 --- Level 04 01 1,500 05 4,500 09 7,500 13 10,500 02 2,250 06 5,250 10 8,250 14 11,250 03 3,000 07 6,000 11 9,000 15 12,000 04 3,750 08 6,750 12 9,750 16 12,750 Total Energy: 114,000 --- Level 05 01 2,000 05 6,000 09 10,000 13 14,000 02 3,000 06 7,000 10 11,000 14 15,000 03 4,000 07 8,000 11 12,000 15 16,000 04 5,000 08 9,000 12 13,000 16 17,000 Total Energy: 152,000 --- Level 06 01 3,000 09 15,000 17 27,000 25 39,000 02 4,500 10 16,500 18 28,500 26 40,500 03 6,000 11 18,000 19 30,000 27 42,000 04 7,500 12 19,500 20 31,500 28 43,500 05 9,000 13 21,000 21 33,000 29 45,000 06 10,500 14 22,500 22 34,500 30 46,500 07 12,000 15 24,000 23 36,000 31 48,000 08 13,500 16 25,500 24 37,500 32 49,500 Total Energy: 840,000 ____________________ | *FA46* Frost Spell \______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Frost Spell Power. The higher the rating for this | | Art, the stronger your Frost Spells will be. It's an | | essential art for a Mage. | | | | Recommended Jobs: Mage | | | | Total Levels: 6 | | Total Energy: 1,227,600 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 05 300 09 500 13 700 02 150 06 350 10 550 14 750 03 200 07 400 11 600 15 800 04 250 08 450 12 650 16 850 Total Energy: 7,600 --- Level 02 01 500 05 1,500 09 2,500 13 3,500 02 750 06 1,750 10 2,750 14 3,750 03 1,000 07 2,000 11 3,000 15 4,000 04 1,250 08 2,250 12 3,250 16 4,250 Total Energy: 38,000 --- Level 03 01 1,000 05 3,000 09 5,000 13 7,000 02 1,500 06 3,500 10 5,500 14 7,500 03 2,000 07 4,000 11 6,000 15 8,000 04 2,500 08 4,500 12 6,500 16 8,500 Total Energy: 76,000 --- Level 04 01 1,500 05 4,500 09 7,500 13 10,500 02 2,250 06 5,250 10 8,250 14 11,250 03 3,000 07 6,000 11 9,000 15 12,000 04 3,750 08 6,750 12 9,750 16 12,750 Total Energy: 114,000 --- Level 05 01 2,000 05 6,000 09 10,000 13 14,000 02 3,000 06 7,000 10 11,000 14 15,000 03 4,000 07 8,000 11 12,000 15 16,000 04 5,000 08 9,000 12 13,000 16 17,000 Total Energy: 152,000 --- Level 06 01 3,000 09 15,000 17 27,000 25 39,000 02 4,500 10 16,500 18 28,500 26 40,500 03 6,000 11 18,000 19 30,000 27 42,000 04 7,500 12 19,500 20 31,500 28 43,500 05 9,000 13 21,000 21 33,000 29 45,000 06 10,500 14 22,500 22 34,500 30 46,500 07 12,000 15 24,000 23 36,000 31 48,000 08 13,500 16 25,500 24 37,500 32 49,500 Total Energy: 840,000 ____________________ | *FA47* Light Spell \______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Light Spell Power. The higher the rating for this | | Art the stronger your Light Spells will be. It's an | | essential art for a Mage. | | | | Recommended Jobs: Mage | | | | Total Levels: 6 | | Total Energy: 1,359,600 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 05 300 09 500 13 700 02 150 06 350 10 550 14 750 03 200 07 400 11 600 15 800 04 250 08 450 12 650 16 850 Total Energy: 7,600 --- Level 02 01 600 05 1,800 09 3,000 13 4,200 02 900 06 2,100 10 3,300 14 4,500 03 1,200 07 2,400 11 3,600 15 4,800 04 1,500 08 2,700 12 3,900 16 5,100 Total Energy: 45,600 --- Level 03 01 1,200 05 3,600 09 6,000 13 8,400 02 1,800 06 4,200 10 6,600 14 9,000 03 2,400 07 4,800 11 7,200 15 9,600 04 3,000 08 5,400 12 7,800 16 10,200 Total Energy: 91,200 --- Level 04 01 1,800 05 5,400 09 9,000 13 12,600 02 2,700 06 6,300 10 9,900 14 13,500 03 3,600 07 7,200 11 10,800 15 14,400 04 4,500 08 8,100 12 11,700 16 15,300 Total Energy: 136,800 --- Level 05 01 2,400 05 7,200 09 12,000 13 16,800 02 3,600 06 8,400 10 13,200 14 18,000 03 4,800 07 9,600 11 14,400 15 19,200 04 6,000 08 10,800 12 15,600 16 20,400 Total Energy: 182,400 --- Level 06 01 3,200 09 16,000 17 28,800 25 41,600 02 4,800 10 17,600 18 30,400 26 43,200 03 6,400 11 19,200 19 32,000 27 44,800 04 8,000 12 20,800 20 33,600 28 46,400 05 9,600 13 22,400 21 35,200 29 48,000 06 11,200 14 24,000 22 36,800 30 49,600 07 12,800 15 25,600 23 38,400 31 51,200 08 14,400 16 27,200 24 40,000 32 52,800 Total Energy: 896,000 ___________________ | *FA48* Dark Spell \_______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Darkness Spell Power. The higher the rating for thi | | Art, the stronger your Darkness Spells will be. It's an | | essential art for a Mage. | | | | Recommended Jobs: Mage | | | | Total Levels: 6 | | Total Energy: 1,359,600 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Level 01 01 100 05 300 09 500 13 700 02 150 06 350 10 550 14 750 03 200 07 400 11 600 15 800 04 250 08 450 12 650 16 850 Total Energy: 7,600 --- Level 02 01 600 05 1,800 09 3,000 13 4,200 02 900 06 2,100 10 3,300 14 4,500 03 1,200 07 2,400 11 3,600 15 4,800 04 1,500 08 2,700 12 3,900 16 5,100 Total Energy: 45,600 --- Level 03 01 1,200 05 3,600 09 6,000 13 8,400 02 1,800 06 4,200 10 6,600 14 9,000 03 2,400 07 4,800 11 7,200 15 9,600 04 3,000 08 5,400 12 7,800 16 10,200 Total Energy: 91,200 --- Level 04 01 1,800 05 5,400 09 9,000 13 12,600 02 2,700 06 6,300 10 9,900 14 13,500 03 3,600 07 7,200 11 10,800 15 14,400 04 4,500 08 8,100 12 11,700 16 15,300 Total Energy: 136,800 --- Level 05 01 2,400 05 7,200 09 12,000 13 16,800 02 3,600 06 8,400 10 13,200 14 18,000 03 4,800 07 9,600 11 14,400 15 19,200 04 6,000 08 10,800 12 15,600 16 20,400 Total Energy: 182,400 --- Level 06 01 3,200 09 16,000 17 28,800 25 41,600 02 4,800 10 17,600 18 30,400 26 43,200 03 6,400 11 19,200 19 32,000 27 44,800 04 8,000 12 20,800 20 33,600 28 46,400 05 9,600 13 22,400 21 35,200 29 48,000 06 11,200 14 24,000 22 36,800 30 49,600 07 12,800 15 25,600 23 38,400 31 51,200 08 14,400 16 27,200 24 40,000 32 52,800 Total Energy: 896,000 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | *SA00* Secret Arts | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Secret Arts are something that can be obtained towards the end of the game. Most of them are optional and require you to fight some difficult bosses, even at high levels. They can be added to the third slot in the type of equipment it was designed for freely. So don't worry about "using them up" because it's impossible. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | *SA01* Weapon | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* _______________ | Hymn of Power \___________________________________________________ | | | Description: Secret Art that raises Attack, and Stune Blow | | ability | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Flame | |___________________________________________________________________| ______________ | Giant's Rage \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Secret Art that knockbacks and knocks down all like | | a giant | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Giant | |___________________________________________________________________| _____________________ | Power of the Dragon \_____________________________________________ | | | Description: Secret Art that flings all up. Also raises Stun Blow | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Y-Arm | |___________________________________________________________________| ________________ | Heaven & Earth \__________________________________________________ | | | Description: Secret Art that gives extra hits to those who dwell | | in sky | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Ice | |___________________________________________________________________| ______________ | Demonic Pact \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Secret Art that raises HP at the sacrifice of MP | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Legion King | |___________________________________________________________________| _________________ | Nihilistic Blow \_________________________________________________ | | | Description: Secret Art that raises damage of Critical | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Stalker | |___________________________________________________________________| ______________________ | Swordmaster's Secret \____________________________________________ | | | Description: Sword Master's secret that raises the rate of | | Critical | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Devil | |___________________________________________________________________| _____________ | Devil Spark \_____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Quick like lightning Secret Art that raises attack | | speed | | | | Found: Legion Hive - War Wolf | |___________________________________________________________________| ____________ | Orc Slayer \______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Slays Orcs with one hit | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Orc | |___________________________________________________________________| _______________ | Lizard Slayer \___________________________________________________ | | | Description: Slays Lizards with one hit | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Lizard | |___________________________________________________________________| ______________ | Harpy Slayer \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Slays Harpies with one hit | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Harpy | |___________________________________________________________________| __________________ | Feat of Striking \________________________________________________ | | | Description: Boosts attack for every hit. Not compatible w/ bows | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Lightning | |___________________________________________________________________| _______________ | Reincarnation \___________________________________________________ | | | Description: Ultimate Secret Art. Turns fallen foes into energy | | | | Found: Green Graveyard - Top of the Temple (Post-Game Complete) | |___________________________________________________________________| ___________________ | Darkness Awakened \_______________________________________________ | | | Description: Dark Secret Art. Damage done is given to HP | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Vampire | |___________________________________________________________________| *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | *SA02* Shield | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ______________ | Quick Reflex \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Secret Art that avoids Stun Blow. Rare to be stunned | | | | Found: Dark Castle - Central Tower on the 1st floor | |___________________________________________________________________| _________________ | Oracle's Shield \_________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises all Resistance | | | | Found: Trial of Light 3 | |___________________________________________________________________| _______________ | Knight's Code \___________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Res. Knockback. A knight never runs from | | powerful enemies | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Sinistry - Upper Valley | |___________________________________________________________________| ______________ | Golem's Soul \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Secret Art that won't let you get knocked down, like | | a golem | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Golem | |___________________________________________________________________| *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | *SA03* Helm | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* _________________ | Wizard Folklore \_________________________________________________ | | | Description: Secret Art that raises INT and Magic Power | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Ghost | |___________________________________________________________________| _______________ | Divine Spirit \___________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises MP greatly by a divine spirit | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Succubus | |___________________________________________________________________| ________________ | Earth Talisman \__________________________________________________ | | | Description: Secret Art that raises resistance to all spells | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Legion | |___________________________________________________________________| ___________________ | Magic of Insanity \_______________________________________________ | | | Description: Insane Secret Art that sacrifices HP to raise all | | Magic Power | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Trial of Light 2 | |___________________________________________________________________| *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | *SA04* Armor | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ______________ | Sign of Life \____________________________________________________ | | | Description: Gushing sign of life raises HP healing amount | | greatly | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Worm | |___________________________________________________________________| _____________________ | Blessing of Goddess \_____________________________________________ | | | Description: Secret Art, gives you enormous Defense by grave of | | the Goddess | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Stone | |___________________________________________________________________| ____________________ | Unbeatable Courage \______________________________________________ | | | Description: Unbeatable Courage boosts stun recovery time greatly | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Impact | |___________________________________________________________________| ___________ | Third Eye \_______________________________________________________ | | | Description: Raises Res. Critical by using the Third Eye | | | | Found: Legion Hive - Skeleton | |___________________________________________________________________| ________________ | Source of Life \__________________________________________________ | | | Description: Mana, source of life, raises HP and MP | | | | Found: Trial of Light 1 | |___________________________________________________________________| *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | *CL00* Checklist | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | *CL01* Force Arts | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ ] STR [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] DEX [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] INT [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Max HP [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Level 7 [ ] Level 8 [ ] Level 9 [ ] Level 10 [ ] Max MP [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Conserve MP [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] MP Rgn Spd [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Level 7 [ ] Level 8 [ ] Level 9 [ ] Level 10 [ ] Weapon Atk [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Level 7 [ ] Level 8 [ ] Level 9 [ ] Level 10 [ ] Stun Rate [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Level 7 [ ] Crtl Rate [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Level 7 [ ] Crtl Atk [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Knckbk Atk [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Level 7 [ ] Attack Spd [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Orc Killer [ ] Harpy Killer [ ] Lizard Killer [ ] Wolf Killer [ ] Naga Killer [ ] Giant Killer [ ] Dragon Killer [ ] Devil Killer [ ] Legion Killer [ ] Golem Killer [ ] Undead Killer [ ] Weapon Killer [ ] Armor Killer [ ] Wing Killer [ ] Scale Killer [ ] Flame Pursuit [ ] Lit Persuit [ ] Frost Pursuit [ ] Light Pursuit [ ] Dark Pursuit [ ] Protect [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Level 7 [ ] Level 8 [ ] Level 9 [ ] Level 10 [ ] Resist Stun [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Crtl Guard [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Res Knckbk [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Perfect Def [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Res Flame [ ] Res Lightning [ ] Res Frost [ ] Res Darkness [ ] Res Paralysis [ ] Flame Spell [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Lit Spell [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Frost Spell [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Light Spell [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 [ ] Drk Spell [ ] Level 1 [ ] Level 2 [ ] Level 3 [ ] Level 4 [ ] Level 5 [ ] Level 6 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | *CL02* Secret Arts | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ ] Weapon Arts [ ] Hymn of Power [ ] Giant's Rage [ ] Power of the Dragon [ ] Heaven & Earth [ ] Demonic Pact [ ] Nihilistic Blow [ ] Swordmaster's Secret [ ] Devil Spark [ ] Orc Slayer [ ] Lizard Slayer [ ] Harpy Slayer [ ] Feat of Striking [ ] Reincarnation [ ] Darkness Awakened [ ] Shield Arts [ ] Quick Reflex [ ] Oracle's Shield [ ] Knight's Code [ ] Golem's Soul [ ] Helm Arts [ ] Wizard Folklore [ ] Divine Spirit [ ] Earth Talisman [ ] Magic of Insanity [ ] Armor Arts [ ] Sign of Life [ ] Blessing of Goddess [ ] Unbeatable Courage [ ] Third Eye [ ] Source of Life *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | Credits & Thanks | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* GameFAQ's - For hosting this FAQ. CJayC - For Hosting the site to host the FAQ. ;) Neverland - For creating such an addictive game. SEGA - For localizing the game for North America. Unknown - Temporary placeholder as I lost the name of who had given the locations of most of the secret arts. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | Copyright & Legal Information | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* This FAQ is Copyright 2005 Knavick & Crudmonk. This FAQ may not be modified, edited, reproduced, or otherwise distributed through any form of media other than GameFAQs dot com without prior written consent.