Street Fighter 3: Third Strike(Dreamcast) Character FAQ Dudley FAQ,Copyright,TalbainEric 2001 Dudley and all related SF3 characters,copyright,Capcom,1997,1999. Disclamier: This FAQ is ONLY to be used at GameFaq' Do not steal without my permission. Do not alter,edit or modify it in anyway. Thank you! ------------------------------------------ 1.0-Dudley's Bio 2.0-Colors and Win poses 3.0-Moves List 4.0-How to use Dudley effectively 5.0-Thanks and Credits ------------------------------------------ This is just your basic FAQ on one of the coolest characters in Third Strike, Dudley! Man,is this guy suave,and strong and cool all at the same time! So,here we go,enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- QUICK MOVES LEGEND ------------------------------ D-Down F-Forward U-Up B-Back DF-Down-Forward HCF-Half-Circle-Forward HCB-Half-Circle-Back ------------------------------ 1.0-Dudley's Bio ------------------------ Dudley Country: England Status: Wealthy Style: Boxing(duh!) Dudley comes from a wealthy British family,and had a very good upbringing. His father was a successful athelete and businessman. But,soon after Dudley entered college,his father's business failed. And soon after,Gill stole hid dad's car. Outraged that a mockery was being made of his family, Dudley went out and entered the SF3 tournament,to prove himself as an established boxer,and get his dad's car back. Dudley has a pretty distinct style of fighting that is not to be taken lightly. You don't wanna cross this big bad wolf of the ring. He may have the stereotyped 19th-century-classy-British-look,complete with the moustache,but this guy's built like a tank,and will pummel you with his punches,gracefully and with strength,while still having style to get the kettle on for tea time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- 2.0-Colors and Win poses ---------------------------- Colors -------- Jab Button(X)-Regular outfit color,white shirt,blue gloves,green pants Strong Button(Y)-THE BEST COLOR FOR DUDLEY! dark red shirt,grey gloves,jet black pants Fierce Button(Top Left Button)-Pink shirt,light red gloves,white pants Short Button(A)-Off white shirt,beige gloves,beige pants,grey shoes Forward Button(B)-Dark Green shirt,red gloves,tan pants Roundhouse Button(Top Right Button)-white shirt,black gloves,black pants Win Poses ------------ 1.Throws a rose out,and says,"Gutter Trash!" 2.Throws some punches,then suave and smooth,gets his jacket and flings it on his back. 3.Stands in a cool pose,while his butler comes down from a helicopter with a tea set(no doubt for tea time). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 3.0-Moves List ---------------------- *all moves that have [EX] on them,means you can do a more powerful version of that particular move by pressing two buttons with the command the move needs. Standard Attacks ------------------- Body Blow-F+Forward Pile Driver-F+Roundhouse Leap Attack-F+Punch Regular Moves ------------------ Machine Gun Blow-HCF+Punch[EX] Dudley rushes at the opponent with style while he beats down on his opponent with some smoking punches. Cross Counter-HCB+Punch[EX] This is Dudley's counter move. Dudley appears to be a in stupid know- nothing state,until an opponent makes contact with him,then with lightning-speed,Dudley rushes at him/her with a powerful punch. Jet Uppercut-F,D,DF+Punch Dudley imitates the famous shoryuken,execpt he looks much cooler doing it than those loser shotos. Ducking Straight/Uppercut-HCF+K then P,or HCF+K then K Dudley does a typical boxing clothesline type of move. Short Swing Blow-HCB+Kick[EX] Dudley quickly advances back,then lunges at you with a powerful hook. SUPER ARTS --------------- 1.Rocket Uppercut-D,DF,F,D,DF,F+Punch Dudley does a more powerful version of the Jet Uppercut. Scoring maximum damage. 2.Rolling Thunder-D,DF,F,D,DF,F+P(Press Rapidly) Dudley's hard training paid off,as it shows in this move. Dudley lunges at you with an assortment of low punches,followed at the end by an uppercut. 3.Corkscrew Blow-D,DF,F,D,DF,F+Punch A slight imitation of Rose's Sprial Scarf move from Alpha 3,Dudley summons his strength into one punch,directed right at the opponent's abdominal area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- 4.0-How to use Dudley effectivley ------------------------------------ First off,before I go into the tactics. I'd like to tell you to use Dudley in his coolest color,the Strong button color,he looks so cool in it. Out of all Dudley's supers,try using the Corkscrew Blow for maximum results. You can store three,and it deals pretty good damage. Use this after you successfully land a combo in the air,or right when you see an opening,preferably right when they're about to do a move, and in the corner,for cheap and quick results. The Machine Gun Blow usually gets blocked a lot,but good for dealing good block damage off an opponent. The only time I'd recommend using Dudley's Short Swing Blow is when an opponent jumps at you. Make sure you do it about when they're right near you. Dudley's Cross Counter is awesome! Do this especially when you're fighting that cheap dick,Gill. Since Gill likes to constantly barrage you with jabs,forwards,and other basic attacks. Try Dudley's taunt every now and then. Not only is it mocking your opponenet,while still looking cool doing it,but it also hits, use it from far away if you know an enemy is going to attack. This way,it knocks them out of the attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- 5.0-Thanks and Credits ------------------------------ I'd like to thank GameFaq's for providing an excellent place to host and observe talented and well-thought out FAQ's. All my friends at the following forums: Forum of the Wolfman and Princess(which I own) MadMan's Cafe Rival Schools Network CammyFan's EZBoard The SF3:3rd Strike Manual for providing some moves. Capcom,for creating such wonderful games. Parents,who gave me money to get the games. To all the people I've battled at the arcades. You've been cool,well, some of you. Not all! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - And that's it! Later! COME VISIT MY SITE,TALBAIN AND CAMMY FOREVER! My e-mail is: