==================== Mark of Kri Sage FAQ -------------------- by mayonzebrachen ==================== Welcome to my fabulous FAQ. ...Enjoy. You may think this game is too straightforward to need this. To you, I say: the game proper may be, but the extras are not quite so obvious. Therefore, it is not a walkthrough, but a guide to the extras. There may be spoilers contained herein, I'm not good at judging what's a spoiler and what's not...mostly because I don't really care, personally. And, I pretty much made up the part about it being a FAQ, I don't really know how frequently these questions are asked. So sue me. Which brings me to... Legal ===== Use this however you like. I really don't care, as long as you don't alter it, and you give me credit for typing all this crap up. Making money off of other peoples' work: that's the American way! Disclaimer: I am not responsible for damage to any hardware, software, grey matter, or immortal soul that came about as a result of reading this FAQ. Q&A Time! ========= ...You know, to make it an actual pseudo-FAQ. So, like...where is this Sage? Go up the stairs to the left of the bar, go all the way to the end, and talk to the guy at the table. Pretty simple...except that he only shows up after you finish the first level. Guess he's off neutering his dogs, or something...that would explain why they look so pissed off. What does he do? Sits there, pets his dog, flips cards, looks creepy...and gives you access to all the extras in the game. Knows when to shut up, too. Pretty cool for an old guy, I'd say. Why does he sit there all day? Doesn't he have a job? This _is_ his job. You were supposed to pay him, you cheap bastard. Can I pet his dog? No. So, what's all this business with the cards? I thought you'd never ask. Here we go... Levels ====== Yes, the ones from the regular game, only...again. 1. Ruins of Tiru Baumusu's Challenge: -Rau'Usu combo with Sword -Defend 6 attacks from 6 different enemies -Use Kuzo to collect Save Scroll -Fua Toko Faahu with Sword -Kill 9 focused enemies Tuku Location: When you climb the second ladder of the game in an area with a waterfall (after a few wooden footbridges), turn right and climb the stairs. You'll see it. 2. Tapuroku Baumusu's Challenge: -Stealth Kill 9 individual enemies -Stealth Kill two groups of two enemies -Wall Stealth 1 enemy -Use Kuzo to discover and read an ancient writing -While unrmed, time your defense against a strike to disarm the enemy Tuku Location: In the second half (after the mid-level load screen), when you get to a large gate, don't climb the ladder, yet. First, go right beside it, around the corner that you (hopefully) wall-stealthed the Horn Blower. 3. Heiadoko Baumusu's Challenge: -Kill 9 enemies with your Bow -Distract an enemy with a boar, then stealth kill -Stealth kill 3 individual enemies -Find the Tuku -While unarmed, time your defense against a strike to disarm 3 enemies Tuku Location: In the second part (the middle of the level), on a log bridge. You'll see it for sure. Pass it, and in the next area, take the lower route to the right, through the door, up on the platform, and flip a switch. Then go all the way back to the wooden gate you saw just after the bridge (and just opened), and go through it. Climb some ladders, kill some more of these guys (do you hate them enough yet?), and you'll eventually get to the all-important Tuku. 4. Vaitaku Baumusu's Challenge: -Roof Stealth 6 enemies -Wall Stealth 1 enemy -Hit a close enemy behind Rau but continue to face the enemy in front using the Sword -Hit a close enemy behind Rau, combo to continue fighting that enemy using the Sword -Hit a close enemy to the left of Rau but continue to face the enemy in front using the Sword -Hit a close enemy to the right, combo to continue fighting that enemy using the Sword Tuku Location: About halfway through the first section, you will happen upon a flight of stairs to the left of a red banner (and a monkey) that turns left and into another flight of stairs, which turns right to yet another flight of stairs, which turns left to bring you to...even more stairs. at the top, you will be on a platform in a large open area, and across the way you should see a Horn Blower, which you should promptly shoot in the head. There should also be a gong (one of those large bells), which you should also shoot, then Roof Stealth the two guys that come out from under the platform. Now, go back under the platform and look for a passageway, which leads to another guy, who has his back turned to you. Kill him and all his buddies, then climb the ladder. Remember to Wall Stealth, or you'll be in trouble here. Eventually, this path will lead to the almighty Tuku, and it will be on your left, just before a dropoff...and an upwards of 10 armored soldiers, if you're not careful. 5. Meifiti Baumusu's Challenge: -Stealth Kill two groups of two enemies -Strike two enemies at the same time using a single Taiha back attack -Strike two enemies at the same time using a single Taiha left attack -Fua Usu Faahuu combo with Taiha Tuku Location: After you cross a bridge, in the distance you will see the first gong of the level, and in the foreground to the right will be a locked gate. Go past the gong and across the bridge, and on the right should be an archway leading to nowhere. Send Kuzo out to the perch, and then have him hit the switch for you. Now return to the locked gate, cross another bridge, and the Tuku should be on the other side of a pole, amongst other items. 6. Rahtutusai Baumasu's Challenges: -Fua Toko Rutu combo with Axe -Fua Toko Faahuu combo with Axe -Fua Usu Rutu combo with Axe -Fua Usu Faahuu combo with Axe -Ground Impale 10 enemies with Axe -Remove 20 legs -Remove 40 heads -Split 60 torsos Tuku Location: Many, many rooms into the level, you will find a switch to the right of the exit to the room (and entrance to yet another room). Pull it, then go to the left of the exit, and you should find a small, newly-opened door, leading to a semi-secret room. It's in there. Rewards ======= So many choices. Arenas ------ When you just can't get enough decapitations. And who can? Arena Challenges: 1. Ruins of Tiru Time Attack: Kill all enemies in 60 seconds Body Count: Kill 15 enemies in 2 minutes 2. Tapuroku Time Attack: Kill all enemies in 60 seconds Fua Toko Faahu with Sword Body Count: Kill 18 enemies in 5 minutes Fua Toko Rutu with Sword 2 Ground Impale with Sword 3. Heiadoko Time Attack: Kill all enemies in 1:45 seconds Fua Usu Rutu with Sword Fua Usu Faahu with Sword 1 Head Shot with Bow Body Count: Kill 28 enemies in 5 minutes 2 Fua Toko Faahu's with Sword 2 Fua Usu Rutu's with Sword 2 Fua Usu Faahu's with Sword 4. Vaitaku Time Attack: Kill all enemies in 1:30 seconds 2 Fua Usu Rutu's with Sword 2 Fua Usu Faahu's with Sword 2 Head Shots with Bow Body Count: Kill 30 enemies in 5 minutes Hit a close enemy to the right of Rau with Sword, but continue to face enemy in front Hit a close enemy to the left with Sword, combo to continue fighting that enemy 2 Ground Impale with Sword 5. Meifiti Time Attack: Kill all enemies in 1:30 seconds 2 Fua Usu Rutu's with Taiha 2 Fua Usu Faahu's with Taiha 2 Head Shots with Bow Body Count: Kill 31 enemies in 5 minutes Strike 2 enemies to the right at the same time 2 Fua Toko Rutu with Taiha 2 Fua Usu Faahu with Taiha 6. Rahtutusai Time Attack: Kill all enemies in 50 seconds Fua Usu Faahu combo with Axe Fua Toko Rutu combo with Axe Fua Usu Rutu combo with Axe Body Count: Kill 55 enemies Strike 3 enemies behind Rau with the same strike Ground Impale 3 enemies with Axe Split 30 torsos Movies & Art ------------ Ah...memories. 1. Credits You can get this by merely starting a game. 2. The Beginning It's that lovely FMV from before you start a game. Just as easy to get as #1. I mean...you know what I mean. 3. Rongo's Chores Talk to the barkeeper, Rongo. 4. Concept Art 1 Complete the Time Attack arena challenge for the Ruins of Tiru arena. 5. Mauruku's Favor Talk to the fat guy, Mauruku, after finishing the Ruins of Tiru. 6. Concept Art 2 Complete all Time Attack arena challenges for the Tapuroku arena. 7. The Dark One Talk to...you guessed it, The Dark One. He's off sitting in a booth, away from everyone else... the anti-social freak. 8. Tomb of SumbuUsu Finish the Heiadoko level. 9. Concept Art 3 Complete all Time Attack arena challenges for the Heiadoko arena. 10. Simka's Vision Yeah, yeah...talk to Simka. 11. The Oracle Finish the Vaitaku level. 12. Concept Art 4 Complete all Time Attack arena challenges for the Vaitaku arena. 13. Revelations Talk to Baumusu. 14. Deception Finish the Meifiti level. 15. Concept Art 5 Complete all Time Attack arena challenges for the Meifiti arena. 16. Baumusu's Death Again, just finish the Meifiti level, and it will present itself...eventually. 17. Darkness Defeated Yep, you guessed it again... defeat Darkness. You can do this by finishing the Rahtutusai level. Best ending I ever saw... 18. Concept Art 6 Complete all Time Attack arena challenges for the Rahtutusai arena. 19. Concept Art 7 See 18. Yes, two for the price of one! Either that, or you get it for completing all Time Attack arena challenges for every arena. Not sure which, I'd have to test it...and that's too much work for something I don't really care about. Outfits ------- Time to play dress-up. 1. The original. Who can pull off this ensemble better than Rau? You get it at the start of the game, just like access to the Ruins of Tiru. Isn't that great? Now Rau won't have to go au naturale. 2. I like to call it Evil Rau. I tell you, this is one bad-ass looking outfit. Full-body black and white war paint and a black loincloth to match. You get this bad mother by completing the Body Count arena challenge for the Ruins of Tiru arena. 3. Heiadoko style. Want Rau to wear a cool mask and walk around barefoot? Don't we all. You get this one by completing all Body Count arena challenges for the Tapuroku arena. 4. Vaitaku style. Rau sports a nice black fur coat over his normal outfit. Makes him feel pimp-like, and keeps him warm on his trip to Vaitaku. Of course, you get a coat anyway...but this one's so much more posh. Probably my favorite. You get this one by completing all Body Count arena challenges for the Heidoko arena. 5. Meifiti style. Sadly, it's not all face masks and leather straps and such (probably shouldn't say what I think those guys' outfits actually look like...), like I had hoped. Instead, Rau gets red and black body paint, and a little too naked for my taste. You get this one by completing the Body Count arena challenges for the Vaitaku arena. 6. Rahtutusai style. I'll refrain from the obvious Callista Flockheart joke. Rau gets all undead and such. Kuzo, too. You get this one by completing the Body Count arena challenges for the Meifiti arena. 7. If you don't know, I'll just let you find out. When you do, be sure to check out Kuzo. Worth getting, just to see it. ...Which you can do by completing the Body Count arena challenges for the Rahtutusai arena. Cheats ====== So, you wanna cheat, do you? Good for you, stress sucks. Perform all codes at the "Press Start Button" screen. Oh yeah, # = square. 1. Arena Enemies AI Off Makes all the arena guys stand still for you to dismember them at your leisure. X O O O X # # # X O # X 2. Tougher Enemies Makes the enemies even...tougher. Yeah, I don't get it. X O # # X # O O X O O X 3. Unlimited Arrows I wonder... X O # # X # O O X # # X 4. Wimpy Enemies Gives your enemies less strength or health or whatever. X O O # X # # O 5. Full Health Power Makes every Health Icon give 100%. X X X X # # # # O O O O 6. Invincible Rau For when you just can't not suck. # O X # O # X O X # O X Is that all the Sage does? You mean, besides smell of dog, ale, and old guy? Yeah, that's all. Is this thing over yet? Shut up, you know you want more. But...yeah. Thanks ====== Sony, for producing such great hardware and software. CJayC, for making the best gaming site ever, GameFAQs.com. Coffee, which made this all possible. And, of course, I have to thank myself, for being so cool as to organize all this crap and find all the Tukus for you. Egomaniac? Who, me? Whatever do you mean...? Hey look, it's the end.