/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ \¯¯\/¯¯/ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯| /¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯¯| /¯¯¯¯¯| | |¯¯¯¯¯|_| \ / | |¯¯¯¯¯|_| | | | /¯\ | | |¯¯| | \ \¯¯\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | ¯¯ | \ \ | |_____|¯| | | | |_____|¯| | |___ | \_/ | | |¯¯?__\ \ \________| |__| \________| |______| \_____/ |__| |_____/ ASCII by Freac. History ******************************************************************************* 11/4/2004: start of Cyclops FAQ. 11/6/2004: Fix grammar and spelling. 11/7/2004: Fix the combo damage chart. 11/8/2004: Added stat chart. 11/10/2004: Fix minor stuff. 11/12/2004: ASCII chart and updated miscellanous tip section. 11/14/2004: Added the good partner shot. 11/17/2004: Fixed errors. 11/18/2004: Added details on leadership. 11/20/2004: Fixed equipping section. 11/22/2004: Fixed the build section. 11/23/2004: Added to note section. 12/2/2004: Added to note section and update info on optic rage. 12/3/2004: Sample build added. Change name of combos thanks to Papagamer's faq. 12/8/2004: Added extraction point glitch. 1/3/2004: Added Alternative build. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Table of Contents. I. Notes and miscellaneous tips. II. Background. III. Strength of weakness. IV. Cyclops' stats and skill point guide. A. Priority Ranking. B. Mutant Abilities Chart. C. Skill Points D. Equipping. E. Strategies. V. Good partners for Cyclops. VI. Leadership VII. Thanks. VIII. Contact ******************************************************************************* I. Notes and miscallenous tips. ******************************************************************************* A. Notes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: You have a total 53 points to spent. If you somehow found additional skill points to dump, dump the rest on focus. Note: (thanks to shadowterp99 for this section). Clamping | Booster | Bridge | Switch | fire | weld | leaders | leechers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Storm | Storm | Iceman | Jean | Iceman | Storm | Storm | Wolverine. Jean | Jean | Jean | | Storm | Cyclops | Cyclops | Colossus. | iceman | magma | | | magma | | Emma Frost. | Cyclops | Storm | | | | | Beast. | Jubliee | Rogue | | | | | | Gambit | NightC | | | | | | Psylocke| | | | | | Note: by level 32 you should at least filled up the first five stats. Note: Do not read this guide, if you do not want enemies dying in average time of 3 seconds. Note: These strategies are for human control players. Note: I am assuming starting stat is 3 strike, 3 agility, 5 body, 5 focus. Note: You get +1 agiltiy and strike every level that is multiple of 5. Note: Its suggested that you read Storm faq. B. Miscallenous tips -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. To beat Cyclops challenge disk just stand on the rail, and blast the sentinel with optic blast. 2. It is a good idea to equipped Cyclop with hammer of nimrod for this scinearo. 3. Cyclops Challenge disk is located by the stairs in the juggernaut flashback. 4. You can hold up to X*level worth of health and energy pack. You get the bonus every 5 level. Level 1-9: carry 5. Level 10-14: carry 10. Level 15-19: carry 15. Level 20-24: carry 20. Level 25-29: carry 25. Level 30-34: carry 30. Level 35-39: carry 35. Level 40-44: carry 40. Level 45: carry 45. 5. One way to make a lot of money is to purposely fail combination 301 or 302 by not doing combos. Then sell the items you do not need such as energy packs and health pack. 6. You can get miss challenge disk from healer. The cost increases every 5 levels so it is best to get them as early as possible. One trick is to buy the bag, see if you get a challenge disc. If yes then save it, otherwise load it. a.) 18000 at level 30. b.) 32000 at level 35. c.) 50000 at level 40. 7. Here are the level you can use Cyclops. a. Haarp March. b. Right after defeating Mystique. c. Juggernaut Flashback. d. Sentinel Flashback. e. First visit to Morlock. f. USS arbiter. g. Right after defeating Mystique with Magma. h. Nuclear Plant. i. Invasion of X-Mansion part 1. j. Invasion of X-Mansion part 2. k. Second visit to Marrow. l. Juggernaut part II. m. Sentinel Parade. n. Third visit to Morlock. o. Dark enemies. p. Sentinel Factory. q. Last visit to Astral plane. r. Asteroid M. 8. Extraction point glitch. Well it seems that the game cancel the previous state of what is happening and restart it as a new state. Ignore the technicality of this but here are two examples of the use. a. When sentinel gets their homing missles on you and your near extraction point. Go to extraction point, change team, and change the team. This gets rid of any homing missle on you. b. When you fight master mold, once he turns on multiple resistance, run to extraction point, change team, press k, and change to whoever you want. (It can still be the same team). Master Mold's multiple resistance will be turn off. There are many more application of this glitch but these two are in my mind the most useful. ******************************************************************************* II. Background ******************************************************************************* Name: Scott Summers. Status: Married. Power: Solar beam that comes out of his eye. He wears the glasses to help control them. Cameo: Mvc2, Mvc1, Xmen vs. Sf. Height: 6' 3!¢D!¢D Weight: 175 lbs. Family: Brother: Alex (Havok). Son: Nathan (Cable). Wife: Jean Grey (Phoenix). Madelane Pryor. Daughter: Rachel Summers. ******************************************************************************* III. Strength and weakness. ******************************************************************************* A. Danger room mode. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last man standing or brawl: The optic blast has good enough distance to take down almost any character. Just learn to aim with it. It has no startup time and the damage done are worth the energy requirement. B. Story mode. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Strength. a. Lots of damage with legend blast. b. Cyclops can solve any puzzle that requires welding. c. Support for others. 1. Leadership. 2. Command for melee characters or anybody in general. 2. Weakness. a. Energy resistance. b. Requires high level of focus and energies. c. Totally useless in crossing bridge. The best thing Cyclops can do is stare dumbly at it. ******************************************************************************* IV. Cyclops' stat and skill point guide. ******************************************************************************* A. Priority ranking. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * First is full leadership since it will help you level up faster and deal more damage in combos. * Second is legend blast with at least 2 on optic sweep so you can do combos. The optic beam tree can weld, while optic sweep is for early knock back. I find optic sweep useful only on the USS Arbiter level where you don't want to fight people and get past with time to spare. * Third is full point blank shot because sometimes bad aiming could be an advantage to you. You may want to invest some in strategy and command because you are going to fight Alex. * Fourth is full accuracy since you will be spamming optic blast more than you think raising the chances of critical to happen more often. * Fifth is Optic rage because super combos are better than combo. * Sixth is Mutant mastery and Toughness because it gives you 20 percent more energy and 20 percent more life and you will be spamming energy more in late game. Also enemies deal more damage in late game. * Seventh is full command. Adding bonus of +18 agility for the whole team is better than a trivial knock back which only delays the inevitable. Orders are sort of interchangeable, but avoid optic sweep in general (put anything left over on optic sweep). Definitely avoid critical strike. For Cyclops, staying away and shooting does WAY better in the long run. B. Mutant abilities chart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optic blast (4 points), Optic beam (6 points), Legend blast (2 points): 12 pts. Feature. 1. Piercing: It can go through several people connected in a row like Claw Frenzy. 2. Weld: Needed for USS arbiter mission and nuclear plant facility where you need to weld the leaks and clamps. 3. Destruction. Starting level: 1 Optic sweep (6 points), Optic Slam (6 points), Legend Slam (2 points). : 6 pts. Feature. 1. 90 percent arc hit box. 2. Knock back: Sends enemies away in a mission in which you do not want to fight. Like USS arbiter mission. 3. Does too few of a damage for its energy cost. Its not worth it IMO. 4. As the key difference, optic sweep is easier to hit then optic blast, but unlike whirlwind of Storm, it isn't easier to combo off of. Instead its easier to combo into. Example, have Jean grey do telekinesis and have Cyclops do Optic sweep. Starting level: 1 Tactics (4 points), strategy (4 points), command (4 points): 12 pts. Feature. 1. +18 strike and +18 agility. 2. Last 36 seconds when the tree is full. 3. Very important in fighting Havok, especially if you still want to be able to spam Legend blast with mutant power enhancer backpack equipped. Starting level: 5 Optic rage (2 points): 2 pts. Feature. 1. An improved Optic Sweep. 2. Super Combos. 3. Uses extereme tokens instead of energy. Starting level 15. Toughness (3 points): 3 pts. Feature. 1. More hit point. 2. +5%, +10%, +20% hp per block. Starting level 10. Mutant mastery (3 points): 3 pts. Feature. 1. More energy point. 2. +5%, +10%, +20% energy point per block. Starting level 10. Accuracy (5 points): 5 pts. Feature. 1. Increases chances of tripling the damage for mutant power attack. 2. +2%, +4%, +6%, +8%, +10% chance of critical. Leadership (5 points): 5 pts. Feature. 1. Combo damage bonus. --> kill people faster. a. +25 percent damage. b. +50 percent damage. c. +75 percent damage. d. +100 percent damage. e. +150 percent damage. 2. Combo exp bonus. --> level up faster. a. +2.5 percent exp. b. +4 percent exp. c. +7.5 percent exp. d. +10 percent exp. e. +12.5 percent exp. Starting level 4. Point blank shot (5 points): 5 pts. Feature. 1. Enemies wouldn't want to get too close. 2. +10%, +20%, +30%, +40%, +50% damage to optic blast within ten feet. Critical Strike (5 points): 0 to 1 pts. Feature 1. Increase chances of getting triple damage for physical attack. 2. +2%, +4%, +6%, +8%, +10% chance of critical C. Skill points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +33 on focus (62 %). +12 on agility (23 %). +8 on body (15 %). Cyclops' comic is found in Bridge level in HAARP facility level. It is at the end of a small curve. It gives +2 focus and +2 agility, which is very useful. D. Equipping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backpack: Visor of Retribution (+20 percent optic damage, +5 focus). You can replace Visor of Retribution with ultra power enhancer (+125 to 150 damage for mutant power attack). Belt: Ultra focus enhancer (+8 focus). Body: ultra nanofiber armor. (-13 damage taken). Now here are Cyclops stats after he equips the items or ultra power enhancer and comics. This does not include mutant mastery and toughness. +0 on strike = 0 * (attack) + level (45) * 1 = +45 attack. +14 on agility = 13 * (1 defense) + level (45) * 1 = +59 defense. +8 on body = 10 * (10 hit point) + level (45) * 5 + 25 = +330 hit point. +43 to 48 on focus = 4 * level (45) + 7 * (43) + 30 = 511 energy point with additional (0.43 * 511)/10 or 21.9 energy point regenerated per second to 4 * level (45) + 7 * (48) + 30 = 546 energy point with additional (0.48 * 546)/10 or 26.2 ep regenerated per second. Final stats with full mutant mastery and toughness. +54 attack or +9 strike. 68 defense or +23 agility. +396 hit point or +8 body. +613 energy point with additional 26.3 energy point regenerated per second to 655 energy point with additional 31.4 energy point regenerated per second or +43 to 48 focus. Little math calculation. Cyclops Optic blast does an average of 250 to 310 damage. Multiply it by 1.2 and it does 300 to 372 points of damage. 2 shots is enough to take down sentinel controller. Add the point blank shot bonus, and he does 450 to 558 damage point blank. That is about 35 to 93 points of extra damage. Also having +5 focus does not hurt. This is why I opt not to have Ultra DNA Generator. Mask of Xorn on the other hand is a different question. * Cyclops with Ultra power enhancer does 375 to 460 point of damage. E. General Strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For Cyclops distance and aiming is the key. Learn to run, run, run and shoot. Think of it as playing laser tag. * Cyclops should stand in the back and hide behind doors, cars and walls. * You have tactics chart level up so he can fight if he needs to. * Remember; fight only when necessary, otherwise you can avoid wasting health pack by playing laser tag. * On NYC riot level use the ambulance to get rid of targeted missile. * Destroy energy sucking generators with optic blast. * When fighting Havok, throw him near the wall. Jab, throw, jab, ... repeat. * most extreme can be avoided by jumping. * Cyclops has an infinite combo on normal characters. I.E. Nonboss, non-sentinels. It is ABBAABBA. Start with ABB then repeat AABBAABB. It is not worth learning imo. Its better to learn to aim with optic blast. Do not be afraid to use her Optic Rage on bosses. Combo that with nightcrawler's blindside blitz or Storm's Cyclone fury for some "real action". Also you may want to use your extereme before the boss decides to do their exterme using YOUR hard earned extereme tokens. F. Sample build. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Main build. Level 5: (5 points) Skills: 3 on focus. 1 on agility. 1 on body. Stats: 1 on optic beam. 1 on accuracy. 1 on leadership. 2 on tactics. Level 10 (6 points). Skills: 3 on focus. 2 on agility. 1 on body. Stats: 1 on leadership. 1 on accuracy. 2 on optic beam. 1 on point blank shot. 1 on tactics. Level 15: (6 points). Skills 2 on focus. 2 on agility. 2 on body. Stats. 1 on optic beam. 2 on optic blast. 1 on leadership. 1 on mutant mastery. 1 on tactics. Level 20: Skills 3 on focus. 2 on agility. 1 on body. Stats 1 on leadership. 1 on optic blast. 1 on point blank shot. 1 on accuracy. 2 on strategy. Level 25: Skills 3 on focus. 3 on agility. Stats 1 on leadership: Filled. 3 on optic blast. 1 on mutant mastery. 1 on point blank shot. Level 30: (6 points) Skills 6 on focus. Stats 2 on legend blast: filled. 1 on mutant mastery: filled. 1 on strategy. 1 on point blank shot. 1 on accuracy. Level 35: Skills 5 on focus. 1 on body. Stats 2 on optic sweep. 3 on toughness. // filled. 1 on strategy. Level 40: Skills 6 on focus. Stats 4 on command. (filled). 1 on point blank shot. (filled). 1 on accuracy. (filled) Level 45: Skills 6 on focus. Stats 2 on optic rage. 4 on optic sweep. 2. support build. Level 5: (5 points) Skills: 3 on focus. 1 on agility. 1 on body. Stats: 1 on optic beam. 1 on accuracy. 1 on leadership. 2 on tactics. Level 10 (6 points). Skills: 3 on focus. 2 on agility. 1 on body. Stats: 1 on leadership. 1 on accuracy. 2 on optic sweep. 1 on point blank shot. 1 on tactics. Level 15: (6 points). Skills 2 on focus. 2 on agility. 2 on body. Stats. 3 on optic sweep. 1 on leadership. 1 on mutant mastery. 1 on tactics. Level 20: Skills 3 on focus. 2 on agility. 1 on body. Stats 1 on leadership. 1 on optic sweep. 1 on point blank shot. 1 on accuracy. 2 on strategy. Level 25: Skills 3 on focus. 3 on agility. Stats 1 on leadership: Filled. 1 on mutant mastery. 1 on point blank shot. 3 on optic slam. Level 30: (6 points) Skills 6 on focus. Stats 2 on optic slam. 1 on mutant mastery: filled. 1 on strategy. 1 on point blank shot. 1 on accuracy. Level 35: Skills 5 on focus. 1 on body. Stats 1 on optic slam. 1 on optic beam. 3 on toughness. // filled. 1 on strategy. Level 40: Skills 6 on focus. Stats 4 on command. (filled). 1 on point blank shot. (filled). 1 on accuracy. (filled). Level 45: Skills 6 on focus. Stats 2 on legend slam (filled). 4 on optic beam. ******************************************************************************* V. Good Partners for Cyclops. ******************************************************************************* A. Storm. 1. What is good about them? a. Double leadership means anything goes down within 45 seconds max. Even Mastermold went down in that amount of time. b. Shield + Command. c. Sentinel killers. 2. Sample Combos. a. Optic Surge or Electric Beam. 1. Damage effectiveness: 10. 2. Difficulty in landing: 8. 3. # of Target: 1-3 4. How? Storm should do lightning first. Now while you see the hand coming down, look carefully at the screen to see where the spark is coming down. You can see the lightning before it comes down, now immediately face that character and do an optic blast. Luckily Storm's lightning has enough stun box that you can react to it. It requires fast reaction. b. Electric Shockwave or Immobilizing Surge. 1. Damage effectiveness: 8. 2. Difficulty in landing: 5. 3. # of Target: 1. 4. How? Storm should do lightning first. Now while you see the hand coming down, look carefully at the screen to see where the spark is coming down. You can see the lightning before it comes down, now immediately face that character and do an optic blast. Luckily Storm's lightning has enough stun that you can react to it. It requires fast reaction. c. Tempestuous Beam or Electric Twister. 1. Damage effectiveness: 8. 2. Difficulty in landing: 6. 3. # of Target: 1-3 4. How? Have Storm do her tornado first. Now unlike chain lightning it has lesser startup time, and it holds them in place for longer than 1.5 seconds. Now while the enemies is spinning in the air, you can hit them with an optic blast. d. Tempestuous Shockwave or Immobilizing Twister. 1. Damage effectiveness: 7. 2. Difficulty in landing: 4. 3. # of Target: 1 4. How? Have Storm do her tornado first. Now unlike chain lightning it has lesser startup time, and it holds them in place for longer than 1.5 seconds. Now while the enemies is spinning in the air, you can hit them with an optic slam. B. Jean grey: 1. What is good about them? a. You can solve nearly all the puzzles in this game except the USS Arbiter level. b. Shield + Command. c. Cyclops kill sentinels while Jean grey kills everyone else with Legend shout. 2. Combos. a. Lifting Beam or Optic Kinetics. 1. Damage effectiveness: 6 2. Difficulty in landing: 6 3. # of Target: 1. 4. How? Have Jean grey do her telekinesis. Then hit the enemies with optic blast. You have more time to react with Jean Grey's telekensis then with Storm's whirlwind. b. Lifting Shockwave or Immobilizing Kinetics. 1. Damage effectiveness: 6 2. Difficulty in landing: 5 3. # of Target: 1. 4. How? Have Jean grey do her telekinesis. Then hit the enemies with optic sweep. You have more time to react with Jean Grey's telekensis then with Storm's whirlwind. C. Wolverine: 1. What is good about them? a. Combos. b. Sentinel killers. c. One person annoys the enemies with shots while the other annoy them with in your face moves. 2. Combos. a. Optic Claw or Adamantium Beam. 1. Damage effectiveness:7.5 2. Difficulty in landing:5 3. # of Target: 1 4. How? Do the Optic blast first since it has stun. Then immediately do Claw Slash. The combo is pretty easy to land since Claw Slash has no startup time and its one of the fastest move in the game. b. Immbobilizing Claw or Adamantium Shockwave. 1. Damage effectiveness: 5 2. Difficulty in landing:5 3. # of target: 1 4. How? Always do legend slash first, so you can knock them right into optic sweep. D. Jubliee: 1. What is good about them? a. In your face point blank shot combo. b. Kill Bosses easily. c. Enhances the whole team melee skill. 2. Combos. a.Dazzling Beam or Optic Sparkler. 1. Damage effectiveness: 8. 2. Difficulty in landing: 7. 3. # of target: up to 3. 4. How? Go right up to anybody up close and have Cyclops do his Legend blast first and immediately follow by Jubliee's. Now, while in close Jubliee Gobules does full damage and everything will hit. You can then double the damage done by double point blank shot and add the 1.5 full leadership bonus. b. Command to Rally. 1. Damage effectiveness: NA. 2. Difficulty in landing: 2. 3. # of target: NA. 4. How? Always do Cyclops' Command first. Then immediately do Jubliee pep rally. Here is why you do Cyclops' Command first. Assume you have strike of 10 and agility of 10. Doing Pep rally first then Command will give you a resulting strike of 10 strike + (1.2 * 10 strike) + 18 strike or 30 strike. Doing Command first then Pep rally will give you a resulting strike of 10 strike + (10 + 18 strike) * 1.2 or 34 strike. ******************************************************************************* VI. Leadership ******************************************************************************* * Most people I talk to, at least my friends, do not know that leadership applies to ANY combos done while Cyclops or Storm is on the team. Example, if Cyclops or Storm is alive and is active member of the team, you can do Claw Furry + Staff Slam combo and you will get the damage bonus. Also the damage stacks up but the experience does not! Leadership bonus do not apply to batter up combo. So level 5 leadership does 6 times the amount of combine damage and 12.5 percent extra experience. A. Now take the case of combos for storm and Cyclops (unique). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-Point blank non critical | Point blank from Cyclops and non critical -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before | 1500 to 1860 (1680) | 1875 to 2325 (2100) After | 1800 to 2232 (2016) | 2250 to 2790 (2520) Non-Point blank and critical | Point blank from Cyclops and critical ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before | 4500 to 5580 (5040) | 5625 to 6975 (6210) After | 5400 to 6696 (6048) | 6750 to 8370 (7560) B. Now take the case of combos for storm and Cyclops with ultra power enhancer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-Point blank non critical | Point blank from Cyclops and non critical -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before | 1500 to 1860 (1680) | 1875 to 2325 (2100) After | 2250 to 2760 (2505) | 2812 to 3450 (3131) Non-Point blank and critical | Point blank from Cyclops and critical -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before | 4500 to 5580 (5040) | 5625 to 6975 (6210) After | 6750 to 8280 (7515) | 8437 to 10350 (9393) C. Other Examples. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Legend slash + legend Propeller: 2250 to 2775 (2513). * Titanic legend + southern legend: 3150 to 3900 (3525). * Legend terror + psychic legend: 975 to 1200 (1088). Note: this is to the whole screen. * Staff legend + legend hammer: 1200 to 1500 (1350). * Legend freeze + legend rift: 600 to 750 (675). * Legend flurry + legend blast of Jubilee: 480 to 594 per globule. Kill almost any enemies with in 2 seconds. NICE. This shows how powerful Storm and Cyclops together are for the team. Offensively they have Leadership, defensively they have commands and shield. ******************************************************************************* VII. Thanks and credits. ******************************************************************************* magcablesent & lovelessemotion for giving me advice. The people that I test with. Gustavo Alvarado. Nelson Han. Eddy Alvarado. Sho pan Yu. Chaap for fast fly trick. jeromycraig for his formula. Moot for his suggestion. Freac for his advice and ASCII. All the people at gamefaqs. Thanks to Angelo Heartily for showing me what a fool I am!!! Gundamtotoro for the items FAQ. ******************************************************************************* VIII. Contact ******************************************************************************* Aim, Msn, Yahoo: User name is cablepuff. This is actually a collaborate FAQ. Please add to it. *******************************************************************************