__ __ __ __ _ _ \ \ / / | \/ | | | | | \ V /_____| \ / | ___ _ __ | | ___ __ _ ___ _ __ __| |___ > <______| |\/| |/ _ \ '_ \ | | / _ \/ _` |/ _ \ '_ \ / _` / __| / . \ | | | | __/ | | | | |___| __/ (_| | __/ | | | (_| \__ \ /_/ \_\ |_| |_|\___|_| |_| |______\___|\__, |\___|_| |_|\__,_|___/ __/ | |___/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( Table of Content ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Story 2. Controls and Attacks 2.1 Controls 2.2 Attacks 2.3 Enviormental Abilities 2.4 Fun Abilities 2.5 X-Treme attacks 2.6 Combined Powers 3. Stuff to know before you start 3.1 Terms 3.2 RPG Basics 4. Walkthrough 4.1 Level 1: New York City 4.2 X-Mansion 4.3 Level 2: HAARP Facility 4.4 X-Mansion 4.5 Level 3: Sewers 4.6 Level 4: Arbiter 4.7 X-Mansion 4.8 Level 5: Nuclear Plant 4.9 Muir Island 4.10 X-Mansion 4.11 Level 6: Assault on X-Manison 4.12 X-Mansion 4.13 Level 7: Astral Plane 4.14 Level 8: Weapon X 4.15 X-Mansion 4.16 Level 9: Sewers Again 4.17 The Mount 4.18 X-Mansion 4.19 Level 10: Defeat Juggernaut 4.20 Level 11: Stop the Riots 4.21 Level 12: Defend the Morlocks 4.22 X-Mansion 4.23 Level 13: Astral Plane 4.24 Level 14: Factory 4.25 Level 15: Astral Plane 4.26 X-Mansion 4.27 Level 16: Astroid M 5. Characters 5.1 X-Men 5.2 Brotherhood of Mutants 6. Enemies 7. Items and Equipment * 7.1 Items 7.2 Equipment 8. Forge and Morlock Healer* 9. Powers and Upgrades * 10. Unlockables 11. Cheats 12. Danger Room * 12.1 Danger Room Disc locations 12.2 Danger Room Programs 13. FAQ 14. Credit 15. Version History 16. Contact 17. Disclaimer *Note* To reach a section quickly press and hold CTRL and F on the keyboard to open a search window. Then copy and paste the section you are looking for into the box to quickly jump to it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 1. Story ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Note* I just copied this word by word out of the game's Instruction manual. The first flakes of winter fluttered down on a biting breeze. Betsy Braddock stepped out onto her balcony and stared up at the charcoal New York City skyline in wonderment. Where had all the stars gone? There was no moonlight glow casting long shadows along the rooftops this night. There was, however, enough falling stars to answer the wishes of every child in midtown Manhattan. She had been awaken by a terrible nightmare that the city had gone mad. Screams of terror lingered and seemed to echo in her head. No! Those weren't echos in her head at all...those screams were real! Fires burned, down on thirty fourth street. Somewhere nearby, a car screeched and slammed into the side of a building. A female voice cried out in the darkness, mingling with cries of glee and screams of anguish... ...And in the next moment, like the last rays of moonlight, Betsy, the woman known as Psylocke was gone, lost among the embers and city lights below. This was not how anyone thought it would be. Least of all, the X-Men. Just then, Betsy's apartment shook as a large shadow the length of five cars passed two stories beneath, through the darkness of the night. What was already a dark sky was further darkened further by dozens of mechanized beasts flying above, the man hunting Sentinel swarm, circling about like vultures waiting to feast in the streets below. ...Several blocks away, a car exploded, rocking the street and sending bodies flailing to the ground like dominos. The joints of a fifty foot steel behemoth creaked as it rose above the city lights and awnings in the middle of the six lane street. A small girl hunched over a doll crouched behind a car, screaming for her mother. "Mutant DNA identified...prime objective, terminate," a pair of inhuman eyes the size of of street lamps glared from above and glowed with white hot fury. Just then, a large gloved hand grabbed the child like a doll and lifted her onto the massive shoulders of a mighty, metallic-skinned mutant. Out of the shadows of the X-Jet, a ruby quartz visor burned fiery hotand almost instantly six razor sharp admantanium claws extended, reflecting the monster's yellowish gaze. "Not tonight bub..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 2. Controls and Combat ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Note* I copied the controls word by word from the game's Instruction Manual. -=-=-=-=-=-=- 2.1 Controls -=-=-=-=-=-=- D-Pad - Switch between available team mates Start - Pause Select - Team Information Right Analog Stick - Camera control Left Analog Stick - Moves character R3 - Opens up the map L3 - Not used Triangle - Jump, Special X - Punch Square - Use/Pick up/Thow Circle - Smash L1 - Uses health pack L2 - Calls allies, Targeted enemy will be attacked by allies special, Good for combos. R1 - Uses energy pack R2 - Superpower selector, Use Triangle, X, Square, and Circle to pick which power you want. -=-=-=-=-=- 2.2 Attacks -=-=-=-=-=- These are just simple attacks you can use in combat. They don't consume any EP so you can use them as much as you want. They only attacks that will though are if you use someone who knows fly and do the Head Basher. Triple Hit - X, X, X Knockback - Circle, Circle Pop-up - X, X, Circle Trip - X, Circle, X Stun - Circle, X, Circle, Circle Unnamed combo - X, Circle, Circle, X, X, X Unnamed combo - X, X, Circle, Triangle, Circle Head Basher - Triangle, Circle -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2.3 Enviormental Abilities -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Enviormental Abilities are abilities that affect the enviorment. The abilities somehow alter the surroundigs whether it be putting out a fire or making a bridge. Fire Extinguisher - The fire extinguisher is one of those abilities that is crucial in some missions and not in others. With either Storm or Iceman you can put out most of the fires in the game by using Storm's whirlwind and Iceman's Ice Blast. In missions where you need to put out fires in order to progress is where these abilities come in handy. An example of its usefulness is during the arbiter mission where you need to put out some fires that block your path in a doorway or narrow hallway. Bridge - This an extremely useful ability. Jean Grey, Iceman, and Magma are all able to use this ability. Jean Grey makes bridges by using telekinesis. For Iceman its Ice Blast. And for Magma she uses fiery blast. This ability comes in handy for when you reach a cliff and must make a bridge in order for all of your characters who are unable to fly to cross. Weld - A crucial ability to have during the Arbiter mission! The team mates who know this ability are Storm, Cyclops, and Magma. For Storm she uses Lightning Strike. Cyclops uses Optic Blast. And Magma uses Fiery Blast. Weld is used to close metal objects together such as the breaking walls of the arbiter and to fix broken metal latches at the Nuclear Plant. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2.4 Fun Abilities -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These abilites are fun to mess around with. Some are character restricted and some can be used by multiple team mates. Some are useful some are useless. Its really just for fun most of the powers are used for and that they're that mutants main power. Charger - This ability is a Gambit and Jubilee exclusive ability. As Gambit pick something up and then charge it by using Charged Card. This will charge the item so upon throwing the item it will explode. Also standing by something and not picking it up but using the Charged Card attacks will make Gambit charge the item making it explode. As Jubilee its basically the same process but by using Detonate. Fastball Special - This ability is used by basically everyone who knows Might. As Rogue, Beast, or Colossus you can go up to Wolverine and pick him up and throw him like a dart. To pick him up just stand next to him and press Square to pick him up and you will then automatically throw him. When you throw Wolverine he will extend his claws and smash into any near-by enemies taking them down. This is helpful if you have to cross a gap but you don't have a high level flyer who could just lift him and fly him across the gap. For more on flight carries refer to Flight. Teleport - This is a Nightcrawler exclusive ability. With this you can teleport through walls and get far ahead of your team mates or across cliffs. You can teleport allies too by standing next to them and then using teleport while moving in the direction you are facing them and where you want to go. Flight - This ability isn't necessary to beat the game but it does help out if you get in a tricky situation. The characters who can use this ability are Jean Grey, Rogue, and Storm. To use it just fill in one box in the powers section under flight to unlock it. Once unlocked double press triangle to fly. At first you won't be able to fly for very long because it will consume a large amount of ep. As you strengthen it, it will become much more useful. You will be able to fly for longer and then you will be able to pick anyone up. For example there are three types of people you can pick up. The first is enemies, second is team mates, and thirdly NPCs. NPCs are non-playable characters like the crewman from the arbiter. To pick someone up just hover above them and press square to decsend above them and pick them up. This is helpful for when you reach a cliff with no one to make a bridge. For you can just pick up the NPC or team mate and fly back and forth ferrying people to the other side. For enemies you can lift them up and drop them off of cliffs and into water with spikes or any other hazards. The controls for flight are triangle to go up and square to go down. Telekensis - Telekensis is very similar to that of Psi-Ops for those familiar with it. You use it by using Telekensis and you can move enemies around by levitating them from the ground. This comes in handy to use the enemy as a human wrecking ball smashing them into everything. A quick kill would be to levitate them over a cliff then to drop them. You can also levitate any boxes or small things you could lift. Tracks - Tracks are only useable through Iceman and Magma. Tracks enable you to slide along the top of a wave of fire or ice. Its not as good as flight and its very useless. To use it first fill in one box under the tracks ability in the Character menu. With tracks enabled you can now double press triangle to surf on a wave of fire or ice depending on who you use. Like flight, in the beginning you can't go very far before you run out of ep. I recommend you boost other abilities first before getting this ability. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2.5 X-Treme Attacks -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The X-Treme attacks are the most powerful attacks you can get. Its usually just a stronger version of your starter abilities. To use an X-Treme attack you must first fill up one of the circles at the bottom of the screen by collecting four pieces of circle by defeating enemies and breaking boxes. You can fill up to five circles. Once full press R2 + Triangle to use the ability. After using it one of the circles will be emptied. I will list each characters ability and give a description of each. Wolverine: Savage Rampage - Wolverine will go into a beserker state and will run to each enemy and attack them with a devistating claw attack. Cyclops: Optic Rage - Helpful when in a room filled with enemies. Cyclops emits a large beam from his eyes hiting multiple enemies and knocking them back. Jean Grey: Phoenix Force - Jean will be taken over by the Phoenix and will use her teleknetic power to lift up all close by enemies and smash them into the ground. Emma Frost: Psychic Bedlam - This attack damages all enemies within 50 feet and an close by enemies will be inflicted with Fear. Jubilee: Indepenedence Day - The screen will fill up with bright fireworks damaging all close by enemies. Gambit: 52 Pick Up - Gambit sends out 52 charged cards damaging any enemies in front of him. Beast: Orbital Bombardment - One of Beast's inventions helps him. Beast's satelite will shoot down lasers damaging any nearby enemies. Psylocke: Psychic Onslaught - Pslocke will make daggers rain down from the sky hitting any enemies that are currently on screen. Nightcrawler: Blindside Blitz - This is just a stronger version of Nightcrawler's Teleport Flurry Magma: Volcano - A volcano rains fire and rocks and down from the sky. Hits all enemies present. Iceman: Freeze Frame - A status inflicting attack. Freezes all enemies within 12 feet and slows down all enemies within 33 feet. Storm: Cyclone Fury - Storm fills up the screen with wind and lightning do a punishing amount of damage to all enemies on screen. Rogue: Energy Drain - Saps energy from all enemies, stuns them, and prevents them from using their abilities for a time. Colossus: Seismic Smash - A strong concussion attack. Knocks most of the enemies back and does quite a bit of damage. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2.6 Combined Powers -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sometimes when fighting enemies you may hear Wolverine yell Combo and might wonder as to what that means. What it means is that you and a team mate have just combined powers to do devestating damage to an enemy. Combining powers puzzled me and my friends for quite some time before we realized its true meaning. We had originally thought in order to perfrom the combo that we must press a certain button. This is not correct. We later realized that the Combo is when you and your team mate both attack the same enemy at the exact time. But for it to be a Combo it must be your mutant power and the team mates mutant power. To do this while the game's AI is controlling your team mates just start attacking one particular enemy and then when you use your mutant power press L2 and your team mate will also use their mutant power and if done correctly the combo will happen and extra damage will be done. Also I've noticed that extra EXP is gained after defeating the enemy. By using different combinations of team mates different Combos will occur. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 3. Stuff To Know Before We Start ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=- 3.1 Terms -=-=-=-=- HP: Hit/Health Points. This will tell you how much health you have and how much you have over all. An example is 34/100. EP: Energy Points. In RPGs like Final Fantasy this is refered to as MP, magic power. Anyways same system as HP. An example is 78/200. Leveling Up: Leveling up is what it says when you level up. As you gain EXP and reach a certain goal your character will rise to a higher level rewarding you with ability points to use to strengthen your character. Ability Points: These points are awarded after every level up. They can be used on different abilities in the Character menu. EXP: EXP stands for experince points. You are awarded these whenever you defeat an enemy. You are awarded more if you do a combo. Gain enough EXP and you will Level up. NPCs: NPCs are non-playable characters. Sometimes you have to talk to them or save them an example of NPCs are the crewman from the Arbiter mission and Moira from Muir Island. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.2 RPG Basics -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- If you are new to RPGs I guess you should read this. Legends plays out like Gauntlet, where you have a team run around attacking enemies. The RPG elements are how you level up. You level up like you would in an RPG which would be to fight a lot of enemies to gain EXP until you reach a certain amount then you finally level up. RPG stands for Role Playing Game which is just what you do. You take on the role of most of the X-Men and you go one an adventure in order to stop some sort of evil affecting the world. You also go around collecting money in order to buy equipment to strengthen your characters. Stat raising also plays a major role in RPGs as you raise your character and their stats strengthen as you travel through the game world. This is a different type of RPG than what other RPGs series like Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy has battles that switch to your team team on one side and enemies on the other. The fighting for this game is in real time. Real time battles are just battles where either you or your enemy can make attacks whenever. Well thats all I have on the type of RPG X-Men Legends is. Now for the Walkthrough. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 4. Walkthrough ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.1 Level 1: New York City - Available Team-mates: Wolverine and Cyclops - Level Bosses: Mystique, Blob - Hidden Items: Comic book, Danger Room disc - Objectives: Defeat Blob Defeat Mystique Get to the X-Jet Find Blob ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The level begins and you start as the claw wielding Wolverine. Move forward and you will encounter the first of many hint markers. This one says to toggle the World Map, press the R3 button. You can resize the World Map by pressing it a second time. Continue in forward and you will face your first enemy, An anti-mutant troop. These guys are easy a couple of hits and there done. Also you gain extra exp for every time you throw them into a wall or of a ledge. Make sure you break any destrucables becaues most of them contain money, health, or equipment. Continue along fighting anti-mutant troops until you come to another help marker surrounded by two barrels and an energy pack. This help marker says: " Many objects in the X-men universe cna be damaged or destroyed. Some objects will drop useful items when destroyed." Continue along this path until you can't go any farther you should see a stairwell leading down into the subway by now. Take this stairwell to the subway. Now you will have to fight a few more. For an easy victory you can just toss them into the lava but this will cause you to miss out on some health packs but you will still gain, if any, money that they drop by moving close to it. Once you exit out onto the streets you are instantly attacked by two anti-mutant troops so be ready to fight. With them gone head up that ramp to the right of the entrance of the subway. On the way up collect the health pack. On the way up you will come across another anti-mutant troop, some garbage barrels and a hint marker. Break the barrels kill the troop and read the marker. The marker tells you how to pick stuff up using square and to toss it using square, or X. Head up the next ramp collecting the health pack and then jump off when you reach the end onto the next ramp right after the hint marker telling you how to jump using triangle and attacking whlie jumping with circle. After jumping to the lower level collect the health pack and read the hint marker on how to use health and energy packs by using L1 and R1. Then continue along the ramps getting the health pack until you reach the street and have to fight two more anti-mutant troops. If you head to the left you will come across two more anti mutant troops. Continue on forward to the left if you want to get a health and energy pack at the top of a set of stairs. Then go back to the bottom of the ramp where you came from and follow the footsteps to the top of the screen. Now go forward till the screen says Sqaure West Manhattan. Press square to continue. As soon as you go forward a Brotherhood mutant will appear and make things harder. He will make a wall in front of you causing you to look for another way around...or under. Head to the left of the screen to find a set of stairs leading to the subway. Also if you head to the far right in the screen where that large wall is in your way you will find a set of stairs connected to the building going down allowing you to find a health pack and an energy pack. In the subway a large mob of anti-mutant troops will attack you. For an easy kill and extra exp just toss them into the train tracks. You will also come across a hint marker telling you that square will allow you to grapple. Its around this time that you should level up. To level up press start and go down to characters then select the mutant you want to level up and press circle to open up their details then press X to add a point that you gain from the level up onto the attribute or power you want. You can only select the powers that are named in white. Also if you press select it will bring you to this menu directly. Continue through the subway. On the street you will have to fight another mob of the anti-mutant troops continue on forward until you reach yet another hint marker, this one telling you about basic sequences for attacking. Now go right continuing past the hint marker. You can continue to go straight forward from the subway exit to fight more troops and then head right to go up a stairwell and you will get more exp from fighting another troop and a health and energy pack. Once done head back to the hint marker and go right continuing past it. Keep going right until you reach another street where three more troops will attack. If you move to the far right of this screen two more troops will attack. Now go back to where you entered the street and continue on forward into Central Park. Oh cool Cyclops is here to help. What! he attacks you and then turns back into Mystique. She then turns into your new enemy and runs off. Leaving you to fight two Brotherhood thugs. Now contine down the stairs to the left fighting any thugs that appear and head to the left. There will be a bridge that has been destroyed forcing you to look for an alternate route. If you keep going past the fountain you will come to a smaller bridge so head across it. After you get to the other side a cut scene starts of the Brotherhood mutant known as Pyro and he will make a large firey barrier forcing you to once again find an alternate route. Head to the left of the screen and fight the thugs along the way and a small stairwell will be to your right. If you want an extra health and energy pack keep heading forward till you reach the other side of that destroyed bridge to find the two packs. Now head back to that stairwell that I mentioned above. Jump down into where the sewers empty out and break the bars covering the sewer and head through. On the other side you will have to fight a thug. The fire on the left side of you when you emerge from the sewer is blocking your way. There should be a fire hydrant close to that fire with a blue X above it. Break that fire hydrant to have it hose off the fire allowing you to continue along. With the fire gone you can head forward to an X-traction point. These are points where you can save your game,change your team members, buy stuff from Forge or the Morlocks (Forge and the Morlocks are not available till later on), or load a game. So save your game now and continue along the path fighting the thugs until you go through a gate. Be fully healed before you go through the gate because now its time for the first boss fight. The gates are locked and now you have to fight Mystique. Keep hitting her and when her thugs come onto the screen take them out and continue to fight Mystique. Pressing R2 and using your abilities works well in this fight. When the fight is won Wolverine will question Mystique on where Allison, the girl the Blob kidnaped, is being taken to and why they want her. When you are done click on the option It's time to save Alison. Now head past Mystique to East Manhattan. Now you will mee the real Cyclops and he will join you. Now continue on forward. If you want to switch to any other mutant just press the d-pad in the direction that there face is in on the bottom left of the screen. An example is if Cyclops' face is on the right of the circle then press right on d-pad to switch to him. Now after fighting some thugs you will find another X-traction point so save now. Then keep going forward fighting thugs along the way. Once you reach the street keep following the giant footsteps. Once you reach narrow passage with a truck on one side you have reached the Blob. Make sure to be fully healed and continue on through. Here you find Allison and Blob and Allison hits him and runs off leaving Cyclops and Wolverine to fight the Blob. This is a bit tough. The blob will not be that badly damaged by being hit so you will have to use your mutant abilities. Throwing boxes and anything else that you can at him does a bit of damage too. Make sure to heal yourself and Cyclops once and awhile because the Blob will do some devistating attacks. For more in depth on the Blob refer to the Enemies section and look under Level 1 Bosses. I will always put more on the bosses under the enemies section then in the walkthrough so if you want more help refer to that section. With the battle won you and Jean will talk through telepathy about an escape route to the X-Jet. Now you will have to go to the roof-tops. Once you start you will be on the roof-tops after moving from the fight with Blob. Head over to the X-traction Point and save then head to the left part of the screen to fight some thugs. Then head past the X-traction point. You will now fight a new enemy Brotherhood Insurgent. They are not hard they just have a long distance weapon now. With the insurgent gone head into the building and get your first comic book. Then head to the left of this part and head up the stairs to the roof. Fight your way to the right of the screen. Then head up the flight of stairs and head to the right again. Head up the stairs on the right if you want to get two health packs then go straight to the stairs and continue fighting against the thugs and insurgents. Notice what the large signs says when you go to get those two health packs said above? Then keep going along the stair until you come to a ramp with a health pack on it. Go across this ramp now you will be brought to North Roof-tops. Keep going forward across the ramps until you come to a set of stairs leading down on the left. Go down and keep fighting the Brotherhood enemies. Now keep going forward untill you reach a ramp going to the right you can take this ramp to a health pack and an energy pack down a long path or go down a set of stairs on the side of the building the ramp brings you onto to get a health and energy pack. When you are done head back across the ramp and head up the stairs. If you go behind the stairs this will bring you to another long path that leads to another health and energy pack. When you are done go up te stairs. When you go up a bit you will find a Danger Room Disc of Teamwork 101. Then continue up the stairs. Once you reach the top you've made it to the X-Jet. Mission Complete! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.2 X-Mansion -Available Team-mates: Alison -Level Bosses: None -Hidden Items: Danger Room Disc -Objectives: Tour the X-Mansion Explore the subbasement Contact Forge ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Time for a bit of R and R from that mission we had just done.Just make your way around the mansion and Jean will tell you about each room. Also you can ask Jean and Professor Xavier some questions about the Mansion, themselves, the Brotherhood, and their intrest in you, meaing Alison. The library has all the comics that you find through out the game. The Day room has all the cinematics. Proffesor Xavier's computer has a bio on the X-Men. In the dormitories you can go into the X-men's bedrooms and learn a bit about each one. In Storm's room on the far left of the dormitories you can read a letter from Storm to Forge. In Wolverine's room still on the far left if you read his flag its a message from a varsity team called the Alpha Flight. In Colussus room you can look at concept art or at a picture that he is painting on the easel. Then in the room at the far back of the left side dormitories is where you can play the trivia question's game and gain some easy EXP. Look at the cheats section for the answer to all the questions. On the right side of the dormitories are Cyclops, Jean Greys, and Beasts' rooms. In Scott's room is a picture of Jean Grey. In Jean's room is a picture of a rose from Scott. In Beasts' room is a very cluttered chalkboard. And the two final rooms are yours, if you choose to accept it and a large room in the back that has a computer with all of the screen savers on it. When you're done with Jean's tour you can return to Professor Xavier for a subbasement tour. You start you're in the war room. In the War room is a computer that can be used to get missions and a bigger computer to contact Forge with. After talking with Forge a new mission is available. Now you can explore the subbasement's rooms like Cerebro, the X-Jet hangar, the labs, the med-room, and the Danger Room. In the Danger Room you can do missions and gain easy exp. Also in the Danger Room in the left corner is another Teamwork disc for the Danger Room. Also note that in the brig is an enemy bio computer. When you are done tell Professor X you are done with the tour and then go to the war room and select the mission from the computer. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.3 Level 2: HAARP Facility -Available Team-mates: Wolverine, Cyclops, Rogue, Storm, Jean Grey, and Iceman -Level Bosses: Tank I, Tank II, Pyro -Hidden Items: Comic Book, Danger Room disc -Objectives: Shutdown Surveillance System Destroy tank defenses Find Door Investigate the Brotherhodds activities Find Mystique or Toad ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ If there is one character you must have its Iceman. You will need Iceman to put out fires that enemies will set up to block your path and also Iceman can make an ice bridge as a short cut later on. When the level start you are below the X-Jet near an X-Traction point I highly recommend you save now. When ready head past the barrel and you will encounter a new enemy, HAARP Soldier. Conintue along untill you reach the water and keep killing any soldiers in your way. When you reack a cliff with an X at the edge you can use Iceman to make an ice bridge that will be a helpful short cut. Also any soldiers mear the cliff's edge you can toss off to make some extra exp in an easy victory. If you had used the ice bridge it will bring you to the front door of a large base. You can not go through here untill you take out two transformers. Transformers are those metallic boxes next to the large towers. Next to the large door is one of those boxes it will have a large read arrow above it. If you hadn't taken the ice bridge then you can take the path to the left past that hint marker. Continue along this path untill you reach another transformer thats two down three to go. Tha is if you had gone across the ice bridge then crossed back over it. With both transformers gone you are now able to go through the once locked door that was across the ice bridge. Through the door you are brought to the bridge. When you start head to the left and take out the group of HAARP soldiers. Then keep making your way left untill you come across a large opening on the side of the road. Head up through here untill you find another transformer. Two left now. Return to the road and keep making your way around. You should come to a little area where there is a wall with a soldier hiding behind it and several soliders surrounding this wall if you head to the far left up this slant into a small iscolated area among the trees next to the wall there is another comic book. From that large gap you had just came from to destroy transformer number three if you go about five steps forwar you will see this wall and on the left side a slant leading to the comic. Next to the camp-like area is another transformer. That makes four. Keep going along this path untill you reach a fork in the road. If you go to the right it will bring you back to the beginning. So naturally head left. You will pass under a bridge. You will need to get onto that bridge. Keep going forward untill you can't go forward anymore then head right to find you're last transformer. Now for a boss fight. Head to the left now from the main path and head up the hill. At the top of the hill is a street. On the street is a X-traction point. Save you're game and swithc team members if you need to. Also if you want to make some more health packs or exp then you can always do some of the Danger Room missions. When you are ready head across the bridge to fight Tank I. When you move towards the door three HAARP soldiers accompained by a Tank. Take out the three HAARP guards first then take out the tank so that you will be able to direct all your attention to the tank. With the tank destroyed enter into the Outer Grounds. Head up along the road untill a large group of soldiers attack you. Watch out for the large orange colored barrels with the symbols on them. If you throw these ones they will explode. The broken train prevents you from continuing on forward so head up the pile of snow on the left. As Iceman take out the fire then continue on past it. Follow the train tracks untill you reach a building's roof you can jump onto then down onto the ground. Beat up all of the soldiers here remember for an easy win toss the soldiers off the cliff. Now on the other side of the broken train there is another transformer. Destroy it now for five more to destroy. Now for a Danger Room disc. Jump on top of the broken train that was blocking your way and run along it to the left and onto the roof of a building to find a Danger Room disc. If you try to cross the bridge some soldiers will croos it and blow up the bridge forcing you to find another way around. When the soldiers are on the same side as you just push them off the cliff. Head to the left and look for a ramp leading to the other side. Now on the other side head forward and destroy the transformer then head to the right. Destroy the transformer on this side too. When ready head through the door to the Inner Grounds. At the right of the start point head to the right for an X-traction point. Next head up to the left and clinp up on top of the building and move to the left and destroy the transformer. Keep on the top part and put the flames out using Iceman. Continue on through and destroy the next transformer. In this area you meet a new type of enemy, HAARP Flamethrower. They are the same as regular HAARP Soldiers except now they use a flamethrower. When ready return to the start point and save if you want to. Then continue along the road. When you see a large gap between tow buildings on the right side of the road go through it and up the hill so that your are on top of the building where a group of security attack. Kill them all and get the Danger Room disc from on top of the building. Then chead through the back part of the building adjacent to the building with the Danger Room disc on top of it. A flamethrowerer will light the longs in the narrow passage way on fire so use Iceman to put it out then continue through and kill all the HAARP enemies and destroy the transformer. With all objectives complete conitnue along the road. Now you will have to fight Flamethrower guards and a tank. First douse those fires as Iceman. Then kill the guards and then go for the Tank. With the tank destroyed enter into the base. You start immediately next to a X-traction point so take this time to save an visit the Danger Room if you want to. You start in a tank hangar with lots of boxes so break through a bunch to gain money, health and energy packs, and maybe even equipment. Head through the door way at the top of the stairs. As soon as you go a little bit down the hallway you encounter a wall of laser beams. Head through door to the right. In this room go to your left when you enter the room and punch the wall out between those two metal cabinets to get past the laser wall. Head into this room then go through the door on the right. Now a new much stronger enemy is to be fought HAARP Officer these guys are physical resistant like Blob so you will have to use superpowers or throw things at him. Now go into the left room to get a keycard near the end of the hallway with the laser wall. *Note* You can deactivate the laser wall by using the control panel for fast access to the X-traction point.* You will have to kill the officer to get the keycard. When you are ready head through the door at the end of the hallway. Now you are in the mess hall. Head down the hall fighting enemies and take the first door on the left. Now you will be in the cafeteria. Fight your way to the other end. When the room has been cleared head back to the door you came through into the mess hall. There should be a room on the side and in that room in a corner is another Danger Room disc. Then you can go up into the other part of the room and find more health, money, annd equipment. When ready head out through the other side. On the other side the way is blocked by another laser wall. Head into the room at the top part of the wall and smash your way into the room past the laser wall on the right. In the other room disable the laser wall. Then continue to the left. When walking along this corridor watch out when the left wall explodes. Fight the officer, soldiers, and flamethrower guard then continue along the corner into Systems Operations. Head through the corridors untill you reach the bridge thats above an electrified floor. Head across the bridge to the next room. Fight your way through the computer room and into the room on the left. Move around the corridor and then fight the enemies in this room then head to the room facing the entrance to the room you just came from. Take out the enemies on both sides and in the center part then head through the door on the right. Head down the stairs next to the generator type object then continue up the stairs and go down the corridor fighting soldiers and a flamethrower along the way to the door in the center to the satellite control room. Head around the corner to find an X-Traction point so save and take care of any other business you might have then continue on. Head through the door opposite to the X-Traction point and kill any enemies in this room. Then head up the stairs to find a lab tech. Oh no its Mystique. Then Toad comes in and joins Mystique and talks about the mutant hunting setinels. Then its time to fight Pyro. Since Pyro is a fire based mutant attack him with Iceman. Keep attacking him untill you win. With Pyro gone head through the door on the right. You may want to return to the X-Traction point first before contiuning on. Don't bother trying to put out the fire in the room you fought with Pyro in it can not be put out or jumped over or flown over. Head to the door on the right instead. Now for a new enemy, Brotherhood Marauder. These guys are energy resistent so you mostly physical attacks. When done go down the corridor and through the door on the right. In the next room the left wall explodes and a Marauder comes through the wall. When done head through the door on the far left. You will be in a room with an elevator in the middle and a bunch of Marauders to fight. When done go in the little gap between the stairs and the wall when you first enter the room its on the left. Go down here and break the big green box to find a comic book. When ready take the elevator to the main tunnels. In the ice tunnels you start at the bottom of the elevator. On the elevator is an X-traction so save now then head to the left to fight a new enemy, Brotherhood Revolutionary. Keep heading left and head down the stairs. For an easy kill just toss any enemies you encounter over the ledge. Once you reach the bridge you will have to make an ice bridge. Once you reach an elevator head to the left side of it to find another Danger Room disc. When ready head on the elevator. Again you start right next to an elevator with an X-traction point in it so take this time to save and use the Danger Room if you feel the need to. When ready head down the stairs fighting enemies along the way. Once you reach another broken bridge head to the right to find a sketch book. Then make an ice bridge to the other side. Keep going till you reach an extraction point next to an elevator. Save your game then head up the elevator. Looks like the Brotherhood has abandoned Toad. Leaving you to fight him. Whenever a jet is about to take off keep hitting it till it falls off the building keeping Toad from escaping. Fight the HAARP soldiers that will occasionally come up on elevators. When the battles complete its time to head back to the X-Mansion. Mission Complete! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.4 X-Mansion -Available Team-mates: Alison; Flashback: Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Wolverine, Jean Grey, Beast, Iceman -Level Bosses: None; Flashback: Sentinels, Juggernaut -Hidden Items: None -Objectives: Sentinel flashback Magma Test Locate Professor Charles Xavier and speak with him Protect the city Battle the Sentinel Find escape route Hold out against the sentinels Meet in War Room Play Juggernaut flashback ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You start outside by the pool. If you head to the other side you can talk with Iceman about the mssion he just got back from. Head up to the back door to speak with Jubilee. When done head through the door. Head to the room next to Professor Xavier's room to meet Nightcrawler. Talking with him will open the Sentinel Danger Room sequence. When you leave him you can either select or not the Sentinel flashback. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sentinel Flashback -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When the flashback starts you are in the original X-men suits. Your team for this flashback is Jean Grey, Cyclops, Wolverine, and Nightcrawler. Fight the first sentinel then head down the street to reach an X-traction point. Save your game then continue down the street to eighth avenue. Continue down the street till a cutscene comes on. Two sentinels come to attack. When done fighting head down the ally on the left, to ninth avenue. Go down the ally untill you can go right. Head down here untill you reach the street to fight more sentinels. In this area you will have to at first fight five sentinels. Head back the the ally and follow it to the other end. Once you reach the street you will have to fight another two sentinels. When they have been defeated head to the other side and down the ally. Once you reach the street you fight another two sentinels. When theyy have been killed continue down the street to tenth avenue. When you start use the X-traction point on the right to save. When ready you will have to fight waves of sentinels. You will have to defeat eight sentinels before you beat the level. You return to the Mamsion. Now head to the elevators and go to the subbasement. You can go to the brig and talk with Toad or you can go to the War Room and talk with Cyclops. When you are ready head into the Danger Room. Talk with Professor Xavier to take a test to see the strength of your power. -=-=-=-=-=- Danger Room -=-=-=-=-=- You start with two of both Health Packs and Energy Packs. When ready head down the hall. When you open the character menu a notice will tell you that you can now carry fifteen health and energy packs. Head down the hallway to fight the first three of twenty two robots. Head down both paths in the hallway to get more energy and health packs. Then continue down the hall. Keep going down the side rooms getting all the health packs and fighting robots. At the end of the hall a large mob of the robots attack. Once you reach the last room you fight the last of the robots. Now you fight in a small room against Danger Room Sentry. After awhile Alison will release a wave of energy destroying the Danger Room. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Juggernaut Flashback -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Head into the lab near the X-traction point to talk with Beast. Beast will give you the Juggernaut flashback. For your team you will have Beast, Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Iceman. Juggernaut will run through the mansion causing havoc. The bar on the right represents the levels life. When that bar fills up and Juggernaut is not defeated its game over. Once the flashback is over head over to the War Room to get your next mission. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.5 Level 3: Sewers -Available Team-mates: Wolverine, Beast, Rogue, Jean Grey, Jubilee, Iceman, Storm, Cyclops, Nightcrawler -Level Bosses: Marrow -Hidden Items: Comic Book, Sketch Book, Danger Room Disc -Objectives: Rescue Gambit Shut off water flow from reservoir Find Healer Find Marrow ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ As the level starts head down the corridor. Head up the stairs to find a X-traction point. Save your game then continue on. Head to the door on the left side of the room. Throw the exploding barrel at the wall facing the door you came in through. Head through the hole to fight two new types of enemies, Morlock Brute and Morlock Claw. Brutes are very strong while Claws are good at melee attacks. Head through the door at the top of the room. Then head over the bridge over the floor of spikes. On the other side head through the door on the left. In the next room if you go far left you can use Cyclops to weld the sewer lid down to keep more enemies from coming through. Then head over the bridge to the other side. On the other side head through the door. Make your way around the room killing enemies then head through the door on the right side of the screen. This door leads to Mainline Reservoir. In this area kill all enemies then cross the bridge to the others side in the middle of the room. Next go down the corridor and go either left or right. Both rooms lead to the back so i recommend you go through both collecting items and killing any enemies. In the back room head through the door in the center of the back wall. In this room there is a hole filling up with water and many enemies around. Your new objective is to shut off that water flow. Take out any enemies first then head to the far right corner for an X-traction point. Save your game and take care of any other bussiness then head to the door on the left for the East Trunk line. Head down the corridor and take out the Claws then go up the stairs and make an ice bridge to the other side across the water. When over the bridge head to the right to get a comic book. Now head back across the bridge and go through the door on the right wall. Head down the corridor and through the door and into the next room. In this room fight your way across the bridge. Now go through the next room and head for the door in the far left. In the next room head across the bridge and fight the enemies. When done go to the right and behind some boxes will be a sketch book. Now head into the back room and smash through the wall on the left to reach the water pump. Now for pump number two. Return to the room where the water was filling into the hole and now head to the door on the right to West Trunk Line. After clearing out the first room, go up the left wall to find another Danger Room disc. If you take the first door to the right there is a spike trap. So you can either jump over it or take the second door on the right. After the room has been cleared go through each of the rooms on the other side. You will want to make your way to the far back wall. In the far back room is the second and final water pump now retrunr to the room where the water was flooding into the hole. Now would be a good time to save your game and take care of any other bussiness with the X-traction point near. When ready head into the once water filled hole. Now to Morlock Haven. You are in a community now so that means no fighting...for now. First thing go around the area talking to people. They all pretty much say the same thing. When you are done head up to the area in the middle and go to the right corner to talk to the healer. It will say his name and he will be in a purple gown. After talking with Healer you can now buy items from him at an X-traction point. When ready go to the middle part of where yu talked to the Healer to find Marrow. Head to the door near the one you came through. You will now be in Mainline North. You will meet a new and powerful new enemy, Morlock Goth. Goths have the ability to revive any of their fallen Morlock members. Head across the bridge in the middle part of the room first to reach an X-traction point. When ready go through either the door at the far right or at the top of the screen. They both connect to one another but the one at the far top has a sketch book hidden in a room in the top left corner. To get to it knock out the walls surrounding it. When ready head to the far right to get to another door. Head around the corner and continue down the path. Head through the door at the end to the Filtiration Reservoir. Head through this hall into the next room. Continue down the corridor into the next room. In this room you will have to go down the bridge and jump to the left and right side platforms to fight two Goths. You will have to kil these guys first. On the left platform get the Danger Room disc. In the next corridor you can either head down the left or right path. Both paths lead to the back room, your next destination. In the back save your game and take care of any other business then head through the door in the back wall. Now we are in Twenty Second Street Steam Works. Head to the right and take the ramp to the middle room to find Gambit imprisoned. Now for a fight. This will be tough. For more info on this boss go to the enemies section. When done get Gambit out. Mission Complete! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.6 Level 4: Arbiter -Available Team-mates: Wolverine, Cyclops, Iceman, Storm, Beast, Gambit, Jubilee, Nightcrawler, Rogue -Level Bosses: Sentinel Controller -Hidden Items: Danger Room disc, Sketch Book -Objectives: Stop the Brotherhood Disable Sentinel launchers Get to lower decks ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The level starts with you right next to an X-traction point so save now and take care of any other business you might have. A new type of solider is now a threat, GRSO Soldier. These guys are the same as the HAARP Soliders except slightly stronger. First things first destroy the Sentinel launching pads. There are only four tubes to destroy so just attack them quickly. Head down the stairs on the left to get some energy packs and health packs. When ready head up the stairs. If you head up the left side the ground will break leaving you to either jump the fire or go the right path. When you reach the second screen destroy the last two tubes. When ready head down the left path and down the stairs to the right, to the Aft Flight Deck. It makes sense now why the Brotherhood attacked Muir Island and stole the Mutant DNA concealer. Blob jumps off to the right and makes a getaway. A new enem is in this area GRSO assult. They are skilled soliders in melee attacks and they have a long laser sword. Head to the other end of the boat. At the other end a Sentinel Controller comes down to fight. He is very powerful attack him with full strength. Also you can save your game on the right platform. Head up the stairs on the left to the top then use the crane to suspend a sub above the ground then attack the sub to drop down to the floor below. You start right next to an X-traction point. Fight your way forward to the other side of the room. When you go up the stairs for an easy victory throw any enemies into the blue electric current. Don't you go in it or you will lose health. Head to the right and through the door to Aft Hatchway. For the next part open your map by pressing the right analog stick in then go to each yellow X on your map to find a sentinel dispatcher. When you get to each one destroy the computer with the red arrow above it. If you come across another one of those beams like the blue one this time red it will drain you of your ep. I went through the back door at the start and then went through the right door to find an ep draining ray. Beat up the enemis then head through the back door watch out for a turret on the far right in the next room. When ready go past the turret you will need to destroy then head through the door to the right. In the next room disable the ray wall and then head across the hall. This door will bring you to Starboard Launch Bays. At the start use the X-traction point then head through the door. Head down the stairs and to the right to find another sentinel dispatcher. Destroy the sentinel first then the computer next to the dispatcher. Head to the other end of this room and head up the stairs. Head down the hall and destroy the ep ray and then head through the door on the right. Head down the stairs and destroy the sentinel dispatcher and sentinel then head up the stairs. You can go through the doors on the left to pick up some money and health. Head through the doors on the right to pick up a sketch book. In the first room on the right do not break the two missle like objects up against the wall. They will cause a large explosion giving anyone near a lot of damage. When ready head through the door at the end of the hall to Fore Launch Bays. Head through the next room and destroy the sentinel dispatcher and sentinel then head up the stairs and go through the first door on the left. Head through the next room and head through the door on the right. Continue down the hallway You can head through the first door on the left to get more items. Continue down the hallway and go through the door on the left. Head down the stairs and once again destroy the sentinel dispatcher and sentinel. Head up the stairs to the next room. In the room before the hp ray stay here and let some of the enemies come to you first. Then as someone with a long distant ability shoot out the hp ray. Then head to the elevator to the Brig. +NOTE+ This is a timed mission! Therefore save as soon as this part starts. Do NOT save over this beginning file until you beat the whole level. You WILL get messed up if you save with a few seconds left because theres no way to restart the level. For the next area you will need someone who can weld, somone who can put out fires, and someone who can build bridges. Your team mates who can use these are Cyclops and Storm to weld. Storm and Iceman to put out fires.Iceman to make bridges. Refer to to the section Controls and Attacks for more help with these abilities. Now its time to save the crew members before Blob cracks the hull. There are certain characters that are a must for this level. You must have Cyclops, and either Iceman and Storm. Its a good idea to have a very strong character too like Wolverine or Rogue. You can use Cyclops to weld cracks up to gain some extra time. First head to the far left side and lead the crewman to the center door to a lifeboat. You will know it by the red arrow. Next head to the far right to the next yellow X on your map. Note you WILL need your map out for this misson make it big and use it to get everyone. In the same room as the crewman on the far right is a switch that makes the laser wall go away allowing access to the Infirmary. Avoiding fights is the best way to get through this level.Try not to fight anyone unless you have to. Head into the next area and go to the far left and up. Use Iceman to make an ice bridge to save the stranded crewman. Then use Cyclops to weld the cracks. Head through the door on the right wall and they go through the first door on the right and break a hole in the wall behing the beds. Head through to get the crewman to safety. Next move towards the large fire to the left. While standing in front of the large fire head left into the room and break a hole forward to bypass the flames. Once on the other side of the flames go up to the control panel to disable the flames. Then head down the rest of the hallway. In the next room head left then go to the left side of the room and head down through the hallway to reach a room disabling a laser wall. Get the crewman back to the lifeboat then go back up the hallway and head right and up to the next room. You should now be in the galley. When you start is another X-Traction point save your game only if you have a lot of time left. A lot of time would be about ten minutes and up. Go into the room on the left and destroy the ep ray if you want but head through the door on the right side of the hallway to find a control panel that disables the laser wall. Go down the once blocked hallway and head through the door at the top of the hallway. Once you go through the door jump onto the platform to the right of the entrance and punch out the wall next to the platform at the end of the platform to enter the room and get a sketch book. Then go to the broken bridge to have Iceman make a bridge across. On the other side head through the door into the large room. Go down the corridor past the caved in door in the previous room we came from after the bridge. Anyways go down the dead end and punch out the wall to find another crew mate. Go down the corridor and around the corner to get him to a lifeboat then go through the door oposite of the lifeboat. Go down the corridor to a door and then go through it to find a door blocked by fire. As Iceman or Storm put out the fire then head through the door to find another crew mate. Bring him to the lifeboat as well. Retrun to the room where the fire blocked the door just a moment ago and head through the door on the left. Go down to get to a door leading to Maintenance. When the level starts head down the hall and to the left. Head down the hall and go up the little hallway and go through the door on the right. Go to the next room through the door at the other end of this room. Go down the hall and go through the left door till you reach a room full of water. Go to the top of the room and make an ice bridge. Then as Cyclops weld the cracks shut while standing on the bridge. Head into the next room and at the top burst into the next room by smashing out the wall. Then go into the room on the left and put out the fire and head down the hall. Go into the room on the right to find a crewman then head to the left and disable the laser wall. Continue down the hallway. Take the first right down the hall to reach the lifeboat. One crew mate remains. Continue down the hallway basically following the map. Go through two rooms untill you reach a door blocked by fire. Put out the fire and head into the room. In this room break the left wall to find a Danger Room disc. Bring the last crew mate to the lifeboat and a movie will play. It seems Blob is attacking all the troops while Mystique slips by unnoticed. Mystique frees the leader of the Brotherhood, Magneto. Mission Complete! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.7 X-Mansion - Available Team-mates: Alison, Cyclops, Wolverine - Level Bosses: none - Hidden Items: Danger Room disc - Objectives: Locate Storm and Wolverine Explore the X-mansion Find Blob Defeat Mystique Find Wolverine and talk to him Meet in War Room Catch the director ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You start out in your room with the option to examine your suitcase. Do so if you wish. When done exploring the dormitories head to the Ground Floor. Head to the couches near the back door to find Nightcrawler. You can talk to him if you want to. Jubilee is in the T.V. room if you want to talk to her also. Across from the T.V. room in the Dining room is Iceman. Again talk to him if you want to. When ready take the elevator to the subbasement. When you get off the elevator use the X-traction point. You can go to the lab and talk with Beast. He will tell you a bit about Magneto. Jean Grey is in Cerebro if you want to talk to her about controlling powers. Head into the Danger Room to find Storm and Wolverine. Talk to whoever you want first. If you talk to Storm first you can do a Danger Room mission. -=-=-=-=-=- Danger Room -=-=-=-=-=- The mission is Level 1 again. This time you play through it as Alison. Exactly like Level 1. Go forward and then down into the subway. I won't bother listing enemies again just refer to the Level 1 enemies if you need help. When you exit the subway fight the two troops and head to the left. Go up the ramp and continue along the ramps making your way to the street. Go to the far left to get a health and energy pack. Continue down the street to West Manhattan. As soon as you go forward a Brotherhood mutant will appear and make things harder. He will make a wall in front of you causing you to look for another way around...or under. Head to the left of the screen to find a set of stairs leading to the subway. Also if you head to the far right in the screen where that large wall is in your way you will find a set of stairs connected to the building going down allowing you to find a health pack and an energy pack. In the subway just toss the enemies into the train tracks. Bust up any destructables to get more money, health packs, energy packs, and equipment. When you are ready head up the stairs to the street. On the street you will have to fight another mob of the anti-mutant troops continue on forward until you reach yet another hint marker, this one telling you about basic sequences for attacking. Now go right continuing past the hint marker. You can continue to go straight forward from the subway exit to fight more troops and then head right to go up a stairwell and you will get more exp from fighting another troop and a health and energy pack. Once done head back to the hint marker and go right continuing past it. Keep going right until you reach another street where three more troops will attack. If you move to the far right of this screen two more troops will attack. Now go back to where you entered the street and continue on forward into Central Park. Oh look it Cyclops. You know what happens. Punch, reveals herself, disguises again, runs off. Leaving you to fight two Brotherhood thugs. Now contine down the stairs to the left fighting any thugs that appear and head to the left. There will be a bridge that has been destroyed forcing you to look for an alternate route. If you keep going past the fountain you will come to a smaller bridge so head across it. After you get to the other side a cut scene starts of the Brotherhood mutant known as Pyro and he will make a large firey barrier forcing you to once again find an alternate route. Head to the left of the screen and fight the thugs along the way and a small stairwell will be to your right. If you want an extra health and energy pack keep heading forward till you reach the other side of that destroyed bridge to find the two packs. *Note* Go to the other side of the broken bridge to find a comic book. Now head back to that stairwell that I mentioned above. Jump down into where the sewers empty out and break the bars covering the sewer and head through. In this area fight the enemy. Then break the fire hydrant and continue down the path. Once you go through the gate its time to fight Mystique. Quickly win the fight now its time for Blob. Conintue on to East Manhattan. Now you will meet the real Cyclops(again) and he will join you. Now continueon forward. Now after fighting some thugs you will find another X-traction point so save now. Then keep going forward fighting thugs along the way. Once you reach the street keep following the giant footsteps. Once you reach narrow passage with a truck on one side you have reached the Blob. Make sure to be fully healed and continue on through. Now fight Blob. Its an easy fight. IF you need help refer to Level 1 enemies section. Mission Complete! You return to the Danger Room. You are now an X-men. You return to your dormitory now as an X-Man. Time to find Wolverine. You can talk to Nightcrawler, Jubliee, and Iceman about becoming an X-man. They say the same things but will say congradulatons upon intitating conversation. Head to the subbasement. You can talk to Storm in the War Room. You can find Wolverine in the X-Jet hangar in the corner with his motorcycle. Wolverine will tell you about his past. Then you can start his flashback. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Weapon X Flashback -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- It starts in the Weapon X instillation in Canada. Break out of the tank and jump through the window on the left to find an X-traction point. Head through the door on the left into the hallway. Head through the door down the hall to the left. In here is a very powerful enemy called Weapon X security. They have a strong laser gun. Take these guys out first. Head through the door on the right in the next room. Go through the hallway and keep following the path until you are behind the laser wall that was blocking your path. Head to the left from here. The director gets away behind a laser wall. Head left then up the corridor and through the door on the right at the end of the hall. Go through the rooms until you are behind the laser wall. Head down the hall. Head right at the end of the hallway and go through the door. Go down the stairs and jump up on the pipe and break through the glass. Next get through the room and into the hall. Run down the hall and go left. When you go down through the doorits the director again. Keep heading down and fight any enemies that get in your way. When you reach the farthest down you can go, go through the door on the right. Head down the stairs and then back up them on the opposite side. Go straight into the room infront of you to get a Danger Room disc. Head to the room on the far right and enter the door on the far right of this room to get to Fission Gate. From your starting point go left down the hallway. Go through the door on the left and go forward through several rooms. When you reach an X-Traction point you will find the Director. In this room head left and jump over the pits with the green laser stream going through it. Make your way all the way to the end of this hallway to reach Automated Defense Control. The turrets on the right side will be disabled now so go to the right and continue to jump over the pits. At the end of this hallway are a set of stairs on the left. Go down them and make your way around the corridor. Watch out for the flames that come out of the wall. At the end of this hall is another set of stairs leading down. Continue down to the center of the area and watch out for the green energy pulses. Jump over the gap and go up the stairs on the other side. On the other side you will have to deal with the flamethrowers again. Head to the end of the hall and head up the stairs again. Head up to the next platform and jump over the green pits again. In the room at the end of the hall you will find the director after Wolverine's vengence its back to the X-Mansion. When ready save your game and head to the War Room. And use the War Room computer to get your next mission. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.8 Level 5: Nuclear Plant - Available Team-mates: Wolverine, Storm, Iceman, Cyclops, Beast, Gambit, Jubilee, Magma, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, and Rogue - Level Bosses: none - Hidden Items: Danger Room disc(2), Sketch Book, Stat Point - Objectives: Stop the Brotherhood Locate Colossus Redirect coolant Raise coolant level Locate a helpful scientist ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ When you start you start next to an X-Traction point. Do what you gotta do then continue down the hall. In the next room is a lab tech. Talk to him about the location of the mutants. If you ask this he metions a metal mutant. It must be Colussus. In the center of the room behind a box in that hole in the bottom part down the stairs is a Danger Room disc. From here go down the hallway on the left. At the end of the hallway is a door leading to Turbine Facility. In the next area is an X-Traction point to the right of the start point. Take care of any business you might have with the X-traction point then head across the bridge. In the next room go left on the upper platform and into the room. Run across all of the bridges until you reach a broken bridge. You will have to have Jean Grey or Iceman in your party. If you don't run back to the X-Traction Point and trade in one of your current party members for either one. Once you cross the bridge you enter into a big room. In the middle is a bridge that leads to the other side of the room. Watch out though because a large electic field will come up and down on the bridge. Wait until the electric field goes down before you cross the bridge. On the other side go left to disable the green laser wall by using the computer. Go to the right and head into the once blocked room. Head across the bridge and into the next room and then continue through the hall and into the next area, Reactor Core. Head across the bridges until you reach a lab tech. He tells you that you will need to redirect coolant by redirecting it. This will require four pumps to be redirected. Head past the lab tech. Keep going forward until you reach a control panel to call in elevator up to your level. Also in this area is a new very powerful enemy. When all the enemies have been killed press the control panel then get on the elevator. On this floor are some boxes to destroy and items to collect. Baiscally follow the yellow Xs on the map to get all the pump controls. Theres a pump on the top floor to the right of the area. But you won't be able to access it without first hitting the switch at the other end of one of those bridges with the electric current that goes up and down. After pressing the switch return to the area that I described above. Then go through the door behind the pump control. You wont be able to use the pump control just yet so don't worry about it for now. Just head into the next room which is Coolant Pumps. In this room you start next to an X-Traction point so use it to your liking then continue down the right hall. When you reach an area with stairs on the left and a broken bridge on the right fix the broken bridge first and move on across it to get two of the pump controls. When you are done head down the stairs on the left path and you will now be thrown into a mini battle. The Nuclear security is fighting against the Alcoytes and now you get pulled into the mix. Oh well, take 'em all out and then there should be a bridge on the right that is broken. Repair it, go across it, and press the final two pump controls. Then go donw the path that you hadn't explored when you come up the stairs head the the left to find a control panel and the green laser wall. Use the control panel to disable the wall. Then use the X-Traction point if you feel the need to do so. Then return to the room from before. Go straight forward to find a control panel that was previously unaccessable. Now press it to complete another objective. Return to the lab tech and he will tell you that Colussus is in need of help. Return to the other side of the bridge, the side you had just came from and go to the elevator control. Behing the control is a door leading to Conversion Sequencer. In this room there is only one way to go, down. Go across the bridge to find Colussus struggling to keep a nuclear explosion from happening. You will have to get to a control room now and repair brakets to keep the explosion from happening. Continue across the bridge and hurry because you are being timed again. When you reach stairs go down them first to disable a fire current at the top of the stairs going up. Once disabled go up the stairs and then back down them on the other side. Keep going forward onto the ground again and off the bridge to get to another set of stairs leading to a door that goes to Secondary Control Center, and your next objective. When the level starts use the X-Traction point,if you gotta, also make sure to have either Cyclops or Storm. Storm may be the better choice because there will be a fire that you will need to put out to continue. If you wana have Iceman and Cyclops that works to just make sure to bring Iceman if you do bring Cyclops.When ready with your team selection continue on down the hall. Go into the room on the right and cross over the bridge. There will be some Acolytes in this room. Fight only if you need to. Once you reach the other side of the bridge and go down the sets of stairs you reach another broken bridge repair it and head across. On the other side keep running up the sets of stairs. On the platform on the left if you have someone who can fly they can get on that platform to get a sketch book. At the top room you find a lab tech. Looks like you need someone you can weld. In the same room go up to the control panel with the large green arrow above it to disable the green laser wall at the bottom of the stairs. When ready go into the room that was once blocked by the laser wall. From here you can go to the Consender Corridor. From the start point go through the door and continue on through the next room. Go down into the lower part where a small army of Acoyltes are waiting for you. When they have all been taken care of head up the stairs to the right. At the room at the top of the stairs go into the room on the left. In this room break the boxes on the right to find a Danger Room disc. Then go back to where you entered the room go down the stairs to the control panel. The control panel puts the fire out if you don't have Iceman or Storm. Go through the door. Into Conversion Sequencer. Use the X-Traction point only if you have a lot of time left. When ready continue on through the room. Use the control panel at the left corner to open the door on the right. You will need Jean Grey to push the large bar into the energy generator and weld it. Fly over to the left to find a Danger Room disc and an extra stat point Then go through the door on the right. Then make your way around to the other side of the generator and push the bar over and do the same thing again to beat the mission. Mission Complete! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.9 Muir Island - Available Team-mates: Alison - Level Bosses: none - Hidden Items: Sketch book - Objectives: Talk to Forge Reboot mainframe ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You assume the role of Alison again, talk to Moira if you want. On the left side is Multipleman and on the right is a X-traction point. Talk to Multipleman about controlling your powers. When ready head down the hall. The door on the right brings you onto a platorm where Colussus is. Continue down the platform to get to a set of stairs ledaing to the ground part of the room. Continue around the curve of the room to the left to find a sketch book. In the room to the left of the Sketch Book is Forge. I guess you have to go to the Primary Core. Continue into the next room. There are a lot of Danger Room sentries in this room to deal with. Go up either the left or right side of the platform to get to get to the System Monitor. Upon using it qon't resond until you clear the bridge off. Go to the door you came through and go down the stairs in the center. Defeat all the enemies then return to the System Monitor and jump through the glass to the right of it. In this area kill all the sentries then use the control panel on the right side of this area. This will lift a bridge up and jump up on the to the lifting bridge to reach the main console. Retunr to the first are and access Alighnment console A and B on the bottom right and left of the area. Now return to the main console thats across the bridge. Mission Complete! You return to Moira. Go up to her for a conversation between Forge and Moira to strike up. Cyclops will phone in and ask for everyone to return to the X-Jet and will invite Colussus to join. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.10 X-Mansion - Available Team-mates: Alison - Level Bosses: none - Hidden Items: Comic Book - Objectives: Meet in War Room ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You start out by the pool. Head back into the X-Mansion and you will talk to Emma Frost. Head down the left corridor to find Cyclops. He tells you he is leaving for a while. On the right side in the T.V. Room to find Rogue and Gambit discussing Rogue's past relationship with Magneto. When ready head to the subbasement. Beast is in the lab if you feel like talking to him. In the brig is another comic book so make sure to stop by and pick it up from in front of the laser wall. The X-Jet Hangar is unaccessible for the moment. In the War Room you can find Nightcrawler. Access the War Room Computer when you want to do the next mission. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.11 Level 6= - Available Team-mates: Wolverine, Colussus, Storm, Cyclops, Beast, Emma Frost, Gambit, Iceman, Jubilee, Magma, and Rogue - Level Bosses: none - Hidden Items: none - Objectives: Search for GRSO soldiers ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This mission takes place in at the X-Mansion. The mission starts you in the Basketball court with an X-Traction point. When you leave the Basketball court two GRSO Infiltrators attack and two Infiltration Droids. There are at first ten of the GRSO enemies to kill. Move to the left path and then go left into the large open area to find another infiltrator. Go to the Manison's back door to find another three infiltrators. Head to the Basketball court on the right to find another Infiltrator. Head around the pool to find some more infiltrators around the pool and the grassy area surrounding the pool. With all ten infiltrators killed in this area head into the next area through the entrance on the left part next to the Mansion. When you start there will be three energy and health packs on both your sides. Now you will have to find twelve infiltrators move forward in this area to find a group of them. Continue moving forward into the top left corner to find another infiltrator. Head to the fountain in the middle of the area to find another three infiltrators. By the front door is another two infiltrators. Head to the right to get the last few infiltrators. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.12 X-Mansion - Available Team-mates: Alison - Level Bosses: none - Hidden Items: Danger Room disc - Objectives: Locate Jean Grey Explore X-Mansion Mission Selection ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Back to the X-Mansion. You start in the lab so talk to Beast if you want to and head out to the X-Traction point. Jean Grey will be in Cerebro so talk to her first. Jean will tell you some more about the Astral Plane. If you return to the dormitories and look on the balcony overlooking the ground floor on the right of the stairs there will be a Danger Room disc. When you are ready head to the War Room. In the War Room go to the computer to pick which mission you want to do. The choices are Astral Plane and Weapon X. I picked to do Astral Plane first. If you want to do Weapon X first press CTRL+F and type in Level 8: Weapon X to get to that section. Or scrolling down works too. Whatever floats your boat. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.13 Level 7: Astral Plane - Available Team-mates: Professor Xavier(!), Jean Grey, Emma Frost - Hidden Items: Danger Room disc, Comic Book - Level Bosses: none - Objectives: Rescue Illyana ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Ok for this misson you have the very powerful Charles Xavier. When the level begins head over to the X-Traction point on the left. Move towards the object with a green arrow to the right of the door for it to disappear. Then go up the stairs on the right to reach another object with a green arrow above it. Upon touching it, it disappears continue forward to reach another one that too disappears. Jump up the platforms to the right all the way to the top to reach another object. This time you can use it so press the switch. Now go along the left path until you reach a gap and a switch on the other side use telekenesis on the switch. Then return to the once blocked door. In the next area some enemies attack so attack back. They are called Astral shade and Charles is able to kill them with two punches. Head to the right and down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs keep fighting the Astrals until a switch appears to open the door. In the next large roomhead down the left stairs to reach a Danger Room disc. In the right room are just a bunch of astrals to kill. Head into the room in the center and kill all the astrals and head through the glowing blue door on the right. The door will have brought you to the Chamber of Echos. In this area you can head down either right passages to get into a much larger room full of enemies and the left path brings you to a room that connects to a corridor that brings you back to the room you started in. Go to the far up top of the room on the right to get into a new room. Use the stairs on the left to get to the room below and to get to another X-Traction Point. Then go down the right stairs to find another Danger Room disc. Return to the X-Traction point and then go down the stairs on the left. At the bottom of the stairs you will be attacked again by enemies head over to the ledge and wait for the platform to return to your side. Once it does quickly get on it and ride it to the other side. On the other side press the switch that will make a bridge for the rest of your team to follow. Then go into the room on the left of the switch. In this room go through the door to the Endless Stairs. Go to the back part and down the stairs into the next area. Go to the far right and down the ses of stairs until you come to another one of those platforms. Jump on it to the other side to press a switch to make a bridge to reunite with your team mates. Then go to the left onto another one of the moving platforms. On the other side you will find a Warped Synapse. They make the Astral enemies. A few hits and they die. Press the switch to, again make a bridge and open a door to the left of the switch. Go through the door and up the stairs. In the next room after killing a certain number of wardens a switch will appear to open the door. With the door open the Astral Plane starts to fall apart. The Shadow King will show himself. He looks like Venom's brother. After the cutscene its just Jean and Emma. Move foward and go right first to get a comic book. Go the left path and go through each room to right any enemies if you don't want to then go to the room at the top and take the stairs up to the top. At the very top is an X-Traction point. On the right side of the room with an X-Traction point infront of a statue is an Astral Stone. When ready take the stairs down then at the bottom cross over to the other side of the room and then go all the way up the stairs. In the room at the top its Illyana. Kill all the enemies around to save Illyana. Mission Complete! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.14 Level 8: Weapon X - Available Team-mates: Cyclops, Wolverine(after Havoc fight) - Level Bosses: Havok - Hidden Items: Danger Room disc, Sketch Book - Objectives: Explore facility Locate Havok Defeat Havok Free the mutants ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The level starts with Cyclops. Go up and in the next room jump in between the large metal thing to find a Danger Room disc. Then go left into the next room. At the end of the hallway go into the room on the left to find an X-Traction point. Then continue on into the next room. You will have to jump through the window to get into the next room. Go into the room on the left and continue on down the hallway. At the end of the hall is a computer you will have to weld. With it welded the door next to it will now open. Exit through the door on the right into the hallway. Go into the room across the hall from the room you had just came from go to the other end of this room and break the glass and drop down into the room. Go up the stairs on the right and jump over the gap to reach another computer that needs to be welded. Shoot the computer then head through the door on the left to the computer. In this room is an icon calle XP that awards you with thirty thousand XP. Now return to the hallway before the room you broke through the glass in and go down the hall to go into the next area, which is Lab Support Ruins. Continue down the hall and enter the room at the end of the hall. In the room shoot the two computers. The room on the left has a energy pack. The room next to it has a health pack. Continue to the other end of the room to find Havok. You will now have to chase Havok down and beat him. For more information on this fight refer to the enemies section. After the fight Wolverine comes out and stops the fight. Now you have to explore the rest of the area. Move around a little to hear Cyclops' impressions of the area. Continue through the area. Go up a set of stairs into a small room with an elevator. Hop on it to get to the next area. In the next area you can now switch between Wolverine and Cyclops. Head into the room infront of you when you start. There will be some new enemies here but nothing to tough. Also by the elevator you came off of there is a X-traction point. Continue through the rooms. Once you reach a room with a blue laser room head through the door at the top right corner. Go down the stairs and then up the set of stairs on the right side. Go into the room at the top of the stairs. In this room is a ep draining ray. Take it out then concentrate on the enemies. In the next room there are two ep drainers and a lot of enemies. The room in the middle doesn't have anything too important. Look on the map and go to the yellow X to find a GRSO Contol Panel. This disables the blue laser wall. Move to the right in this room to get a Danger Room disc. Go through the once blocked door on the left part of the room. In the next room move into the room on the right to get to D-Block Ruins. Move forward into the hallway killing enemies along the way. Go through the door on the right first to get another Danger Room disc. Then in the same room go through the door on the left. In this room is yet another ep drainer. Take it out then kill any enemies in this room. When ready go through the the door at the top of the room. In this hallway the master sniper shoots a hole in the pipe causing a stream of fire to come from it. As Cyclops weld the pipe then kill the sniper. Go into the room on the left and then break through the room at the top wal. In the next room go through the door. So by now you will have bypassed the blue laser wall. Go to the right side of the laser wall as if you were on the opposite side and go into the room and then break through the wall on the left. Continue on through the next set of rooms. In the next big room there is a strange lookig purple thing in a corner. Approach it and a lab tech will talk to you. Continue up the stairs oppoite of the astral gate. At the top of the stairs is a ep drainer. Destroy it and head through the door next to it to get to Holding Cells. When you start go forward to reach an X-Traction point. The left side is blocked by a blue laser field so head right instead. In the next room break a hole in the left wall. Go through the door at the top of the screen. Go down the right corridor. At the end of the corridor your objectives get updated. You now have to free mutants from their cells. There are a total of two cells to open. Continue down the hall and around the corner until you reach a set of stairs. Continue along the path taking out any ep drainers you come across. Follow the map to the yellow X to get to the cell controls. Go around the corner to the next set of controls. Remember to kill all of the enemies because one of them carries a proximity keycard that you will need. Go through the door on the right before using the last controls to get a sketch book. Then go back and press the controls. With the mutants released they talk to you about their treatment. Head to the far left and go forward to go through the door. Refer to the map for more info. Mission Complete! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.15 X-Mansion - Available Team-mates: Wolverine, Iceman, Rogue, Cyclops, Beast, Colussus, Emma Frost, Gambit, Jubilee, Magma, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, and Storm - Level Bosses: none - Hidden Items: none - Objectives: Defeat the Sentinels Meet in War Room Locate Emma and Jean Talk to Beast and Storm Find Wolverine and talk to him Locate Cyclops ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ With your team selected you go out to meet Magneto. Then all of a sudden sentinels come from the sky. There are only twelve to defeat now so get a crackin'. There is an X-Traction point behind you when you start so quickly run over and use it. After each wave of sentinels has been destroyed a new wave comes to take its place. I won't bother making another enemy section for sentinels just refer back to previous enemy sections should you require help. With the last of the sentinels defeated a cool cutscene comes about. The sentiels are gone with Magneto. Back to Magma now. You sart at the front door. Go to the T.V. room to find Wolverine relaxing. Talk to him about the Sentinels and Magneto. Then go to the subbasement. Use the X-Traction point if you want to. Go into the medical room to find Beast and Storm. Upon talking to them they tell you about Xavier's condition. Also in the medical room is Colussus and Illyana. Go into cerebro next to find Jean and Emma. In the War Room you will find Cyclops. When done access the War Room computer. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.16 Level 9: Sewers Again - Available Team-mates: Wolverine, Iceman, Rogue, Cyclops, Beast, Colussus, Emma Frost, Gambit, Jubilee, Magma, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, and Storm - Level Bosses: none - Hidden Items: Sketch Book, Comic Book, Danger Room disc - Objectives: Find Healer Rescue Healer Free Healer Find Gateway Go through the portal ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You start directly in the Morlock village. If you head up the stairs in the center and go to where the Healer was you will meet a suspicious looking morlock. Ask him where Healer is to find out he is with Marrow. After talking with him a door will open. That is your next destination. Open the map for a more direct route to the door. The door brings you to the Storm Drain. Continue down this corridor for about a second until you reach an X-Traction point. Head through the door at the end of the hall and a mob of Morlock Brutes will rush through. In the next room there is not much to do. A few barrels, boxes, and other destructibles if you need the cash, health, or energy packs. Go through the door on the left. In the next room just go through the door and into the next room. In here go across the bridge first to get a Sketch Book. Then go down the stairs to the left of the bridge and go left all the way down. When you reach a set of stairs on the right go up them and then through the door on the right corner. In the next corridor it looks as if you have reached a dead end. Break through the bookshelf and then through the wall behind it to continue your search. Exit through the door on the right and cross the bridge. Keep going along the path going through rooms until you reach a door to the left. Go across the bridge and then into the small corridor and to the right to enter into Influent Bypass. From the start point head left. Keep going left till you reach an X-Traction Point. Go into the room through the door that is diagonally facing the X-Traction point. Continue to the other side of this room. Keep making your path along the corridor until you come to a set of bridges. Once you reach the bridge fight your way across the first one then go left onto the second bridge. When you reach a door don't go through it just yet. Instead go to the left and down the corridor. There will be a goth along here so kill him first. Keep forward along the path. At the end of the hall go into the room to find a comic book. Then go back to the door I told you not to go through. Go on through now. Go to the other side of the caged in area to find a set of stairs leading down to the switch. With all the enemies defeated head over and use the lever. The lever opens a door on the left side of the room. Go through the door and then the one on the right to get to Wastewater Basin. Go along the starting hallway into a large room with a bridge suspended above a floor of spikes. In the next room past the bridge is a goth and two giants, nothing tough. Kill them and continue along the left or right side of the room. When you reach the top center there is a door. Go ahead and enter into the next room. Continue through the corridor until you reach the door at the end. This door leads into another one of those rooms where a bridge is suspended above a floor of nails. Once you get off the bridge you find the next area has been locked up. With no other choice go to the left from the door. In the next room theres an X-Traction point and a lever. Use the X-Traction point first then the lever. With the door unbarred go back to it and through to Overflow Reservoir. Keep going down the corridor until you have the option of going either left or right. If you go to the right door a huge mob of enemies will attack and there will be two goths with them. The left path is relatively clear but if you want te exp then go right. Also if you go the left path and go into the first room on the right, theres a Danger Room disc. The bridge in the center is what you will have to cross next. On the other side go into the corridor on the right via the door. If you continue on the corridor's path it will bring you to a large room with the healer trapped in cage. Now you will have to look for a way to free Healer. Behind Healer is a door to another corridor. Well of course take the path. Go through the big room to the left room after the corridor. In the room to the left is the lever so go aheand and use it. Return to Healer and he will thank you. Healer will also tell you about the transportation methods of the Brotherhood. It seems they use something called a Gateway. Go up the stairs from before you found Healer and go right. For more info refer to your map. When you enter you find someone named Gateway. Gateway will then open a portal to The Mount. Walk towards it to automatically teleport. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.17 The Mount - Available Team-mates: When you start you will still have whoever you had in sewers until you reach an X-Traction point. - Level Bosses: Avalanche and Sabertooth - Hidden Items: Sketch Book, Comic Book - Objectives: Stop the Brotherhood ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ I will just keep this under the Level 9 section because the two levels are connected. Similary to the New York rooftops thing. You start on a large grate. Go along the lava side. go a little further to find some Acolytes, for a quick kill throw them into the lava. Go up the right path to reach an X-Traction point. Then go along the left path. If you far enough a large door will be locked on your right side. Before the bridge is a path on the side of the lava you start on. There is a very narrow path that will bring you to a comic book. Use the map near the bridge for a better idea of where the path is located. Go across the rock bridge. On the other side is a Sketch Book surrounded by computers. When you obtain it go up the path on the right. At the very top of the path use the computer to open the door. Return to the door and go through to Transport Conduct. Head across the rock bridge to find two Brotherhood mutants, Avalanche and Sabertooth. Pretty straightfoward just keep fighting them. For more info refer to the enemies section. After the fight the only way to Astroid M is gone. Return to the X-Mansion. Mission Complete! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.18 X-Mansion - Available Team-mates: Alison - Level Bosses: none - Hidden Items: None - Objectives: Explore the X-Mansion Go to the War Room ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You start in your room again. Go into anyone elses room you want. When ready go to the ground floor. In the ground floor you can take care of any bussiness you might have then go to the subbasement. In the lab is the Astral Portal. Talk to Beast about it. In the medical lab is Jean Grey. Emma Frost can be found in Cerebro. Talk to her about Professors well being. Wolverine is outside the Danger Room talk to him about the happenings in the world. When all done talking to everyone head into the War Room and access the computer for your next mission. You will have three missions to select from now which are Stop the riots, Defend the Morlocks, or Defeat Juggernaut. I chose to dfeat Juggernaut first. If you want to do another mission first press CTRL+F and paste in the mission you want. The missions are Level 11: Stop the riots and Level 12: Defend the Morlocks. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.19 Level 10: Defeat Juggernaut - Available Team-mates: Wolverine, Iceman, Rogue, Cyclops, Beast, Colussus, Emma Frost, Gambit, Jubilee, Magma, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, and Storm - Level Bosses: Juggernaut - Hidden Items: Danger Room disc, Comic Book - Objectives: Defeat Juggernaut ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ When you arrive on Muir Island the whole place has been destroyed. It seems Juggernaut is out to kill Forge. When you start theres a Danger Room disc to your left. Go through the broken glass behind you when you start and go up to find a comic book. Refer to the enemies section should you require any help during this fight. Once defeated Forge thanks you for the help. Juggernaut is now in captivity for you to ask him some questions. After questioning him talk to Forge to your right. Moira is to the left side of you when facing Juggernaut so talk to her next. Head to the back corner to talk with Multipleman. After talking with everyone head through the door to the next area. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.20 Level 11: Stop the Riots - Available Team-mates: Wolverine, Iceman, Rogue, Cyclops, Beast, Colussus, Emma Frost, Gambit, Jubilee, Magma, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, and Storm - Level Bosses: none - Hidden Items: Danger Room disc, Sketch Book - Objectives: Save Mutants 3rd Street(3) 4th Street(4) 5th Street(5) 6th Street(6) Sentinels 3rd Street(7) 4th Street(11) 5th Street(13) 6th Street(15) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ When the level starts you are next to an X-Traction point so take care of anything you might have to do. Then go fight the seninels. Move forward to fight another two sentinels. Go to each yellow X on your map. If you had kept going forward you will come to the first X. Each X is a mutant in need of help. From the first X go right to the yellow X on the far right of the screen to get to an ambulance. There are a total of three mutants to save. If you go right from the ambulance another sentinel attacks. Go down the ally to the left of the X-Jet to fight another sentinel. Go down an ally to the far left to find another mutant. Refer to the map for a more precise location. Bring the mutant to the ambulance. From the ambulance go up to find another mutant. Upon finding him the last sentinel will attack. You will now move onto the Fourth Street. At the top of the screen in the middle part behind some barrels is a Danger Room disc. Go up the street on the far left. Move down the street to find an amublance and two sentinels will attack. On the left side of this street is a mutant so bring him over to the ambulance. Go down the street to the left and another two sentinels come to fight. Go down the ally on the right side of the street to find another mutant and a sentinel. Half way down the street two more sentinels attack and theres a mutant on the right side of the street. When you make it close to the end of the street you spot Psylocke in need of help. With all the sentinels defeated you can talk to Psylocke. Theres a mutant on the right side of the street in a small ally. Now you will have to go to Fifth street. Go down the street until you reach the screen saying press square to go to Fifth Street. On this street there is a new enemy. Its a sentinel that looks like a spider. At the top of the street you will have to fight two sentinels. On the left side of the street is both a X-Traction point and a ambulance. Go down the right street first. Down here you will fight many sentinels. Also on the right side of the street look in the first gap behind a tree to find a Sketch Book. Continue down the street to get another mutant. After returning them to the ambulance go bac down the street and down the ally on the fight. Here three sentinels will attack and there will be a mutant on the right side behind some barrels. After returning him to the ambulance go down the street pass the ambulance to fight more sentinels. There will also be a mutant on the right and left side of the street. After bringing both to the ambulance continue on down the street. Once you reach a mutant on the left side another two sentinels attack. Continue down the street to fight the last sentinel. On to the Sixth Street. Move forward to find another two sentinels and an amnulance. Move down the the right street to find another three sentinels and a mutant in need. Destroy the sentinels then bring the mutant to the ambulance. Go down the left street to find another mutant. Move down the street pass the ambulance to find another two sentinels. At the end of the street a sentinel is attacking a kid. Fight the sentinel to save the kid who you find out is Bishop. Then go on the right side of the street to find another mutant. Go down the ally on the right near the ambulance to find yet another sentiel and mutant. After bringing the mutant to the ambulance go back to the ally and jump the fence to fight a sentinel and find another mutant. Head out of the ally and another two sentinels will attack. On the street going past the ambulance go down the stairs to the subway to find a skill point. At the end of the street past the ambulance go to the right street to find the last mutant and the last two sentinels. With all the sentinels destroyed and all the mutants saved its time to leve for the next area. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.21 Level 12: Defend the Morlocks - Available Team-mates: Wolverine, Iceman, Rogue, Cyclops, Beast, Colussus, Emma Frost, Gambit, Jubilee, Magma, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, and Storm - Level Bosses: Marrow - Hidden Items: Sketch Book, Danger Room disc - Objectives: Destroy the ladders Destroy the teleporters ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ When the level starts the Healer greets you. He will tell you about the current situation of his people. When done go down the corridor. Go into the room on the right to find an X-Traction point. Then go down the corridor on the right. Down this corridor is the first teleporter. Destroy it then continue down the path. Go through the first door on the left. In this room there are two enemies on the other side of the door. Try killing them using long distant attacks. Once they have been killed use the lever to open the door. Go through the once locked door and go across the bridge. On the other side break the ladder on the left and use the lever on the right to open the door on the right in the previous room. Go across the bridge and into the room on the left to find a lever. Use the lever to open the door to open the door on the far left. Go up the corridor and to the right to open the door to the room with a ladder in it. Destroy the ladder and exit into the corridor on the right. Go around the corner to find a teleporter. Go to the other side of the room and up the stairs on the left. Go into the corridor to first find a teleporter and then a ladder. On the left side in the room with a ladder is a sketch book. Go to the right side of the ladder and around to find another soldier and a door. In the next room you enter into a large hall. On the left side is a teleporter. Destroy the teleporter than go into the room at the end of the hall. Go through the door to reach the Grit Flowage. In the next area you have to destroy four ladders and four teleporters. Head down the corridor and to the left. Go into the room at the bottom. Go to the far end of the room to find another teleporter. Then go across the bridge and down the stairs into the water. On the other side of the water on the land go to the left to find another ladder. Once its destroyed go to the right. On the right theres a teleporter so destroy it and go through the door next to the teleporter. Go down the stairs into the water. Then go up the stairs to get to a p drainer. Destroy it then kill any enemies. Break the ladder on the left side of this room. Then go right. Go across the little bridge thing in between the two cages and break the boxes to reveal a Danger Room disc. Then go to the left of this path and go across the bridge. Once you get off the bridge head left to find another teleporter. Go into the next room and break the ladder. Then go along the right path. Go across the bridge to reach another room. In this room theres a teleporter. Go to the right and get to the other side. Go to the left side and down to get into the locked room. In here break the ladder then go through the once locked door. Then go through the door at the back of the room. The door will bring you to the Sedimentary. Another four teleporters and ladders to destroy. Head down the hall and into the room on the right. Head into the center of the room to find a ladder. Go across the bridge and go into the first room as soon as you cross the bridge to find a teleporter. Go through the door at the back of this room. In the next room I hope you brough along someone who can make a bridge or fly. Make a bridge or fly back and forth carrying team mates across. On the other side take the bridge to the left. On the other side go into the room on the left. Keep crossing over bridges till you reach the back room. In the back is a ladder so go ahead and break it. Go down the left corridor of the ladder. Go down the stairs into the water. Go to the far left and up the stairs. On the left is an X-Tracion point and on the right there is a teleporter. Go down past the teleporter to reach a ladder. Destroy it and head into the room on the left to reach the Healer. He will thank you for helping destroy the teleporters and ladders. Continue forwar to reach Dechlorination Area. Go down the corridor. Watch out for the spike trap near the end of the hall near the door. When you enter through the door you will find Marrow. It seems simple talking won't help so its time to fight. I will say how to beat Marrow in the enemies section. A brief way to defeat her is by defeating the Levithan first then attack Marrow. Repeat this pattern. After the fight Marrow will bring peace back to the Morlocks once more. Mission Complete! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.22 X-Mansion - Available Team-mates: Alison - Level Bosses: none - Hidden Items: none - Objectives: Explore the X-Mansion Go to the War Room ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You return to the Mansion to devise a plan on how to save Professor X and get to Astroid M. Leave the War Room and use the X-Traction point first.In the Medical Room you can talk to Jean about the Professor's condition. Emma Frost can be found in cerebro. You can talk to her about the Astral Plane. Psylocke can be found in the T.V room talk to her to learn more about her. When done exploring go to the War Room computer to accept your next mission. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.23 Level 13: Astral Plane - Available Team-mates: Wolverine, Iceman, Rogue, Cyclops, Beast, Colussus, Emma Frost, Gambit, Jubilee, Magma, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, Storm, and Psylocke - Level Bosses: none - Hidden Items: Danger Room disc, Sketch Book, Comic Book - Objectives: Rescue Professor Xavier Retrieve Xavier's Honor, Wisdom, and Justice Gain access to Xavier's mind ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ When the level begins you start on a set of stairs. Go on up them. At the top go either left or right. on the top part make your way to above the stairs to reach an X-Traction point. On the far right and left are sets of stairs. Go up either set to reach the top area. It looks like the door to Professor Xavier's mind has been locked. To unlock it you must go through three portals to collect parts of Xavier's mind. The parts are Honor, Wisdom, and Justice. Go back to where the X-Traction point was to find the three portals. Go through the far left one first to reach the Guardian Statues. In the next room move forward and some Astral enemies will attack. When they have been defeated go through the door on the left. Continue down the stairs to the very bottom. Along the way you will fight some more Astral enemies. Continue along through the hall with statues on both sides to reach another room. In here when you move to the right several more Astral enemies will attack. Head across the small bridge and up the stairs to enter another room. Here you will have two options either to go left or right. Go left first. In this room a few Astral enemies will attack. In the top right corner is a Danger Room disc. Grab it then go to the room on the right. In this room move towards the yellow X on your map to find a shield. One piece down two to go. Return to the door you came through in the beginning. Along the way some more Astral enemies will attack. Once you reach the bridge with the statues on both sides Dark Blob will attack. Nothing to hard. Exactly like the original Blob. I won't bother adding him again to the enemies section. If you have a problem refer to the Blob section in the enemies section. One side note though is that when the purple ring is around him he becomes immune to all attacks. To get rid of this ring you must destroy the statues with the large glowing sword on them. Once the shield is gone attack with full force. With him defeated continue to the door. Back at the main room with the X-Traction point take this time to save and take care of any other bussiness you might have before heading into the next door. I picked the middle one for my next door. This door leads to The Chamber of Earth. When the area starts go down the left stairs to reach another one of those Astral enemy spawners. After defeating it head past it to find a switch. Return to where you started and go down the right side. On this side that switch you pressed moves a platform back and forth. Jump on it to get to the other side. Head through the door and go straight to get to another switch. This one will make a bridge for you team mates to cross over. On the right side of this room is a sketch book. On the left jump onto the next moving platform. In the next room press the switch in the middle of the room to make another bridge. You allies will come to help you fight off the enemies that attack. Then go through the door on the right. Continue to the last room you can go forward. Now go right. Go up the stairs into the next room to find the next piece of Charles' mind. In the top corner of the room is a Astral spawner. Grab the second piece then return to the entrance. About halfway back Dark Avalanche attacks. This battle is pretty long. Just keep attacking refer to Avalanche in enemies section for help. I didn't make another boss info for him ecause he only has two new attacks. He will surround him self with a spike wall and will lift the ground up. With him defeated return to the door. One door left. Go to the X-Traction point and do what you gotta do. Then go to the last door on the far right. This door leads to The Hall of Fire. In the next room go forward till you can go either left or right. Then go either left or right. OIn the right side in the top right corner is a Comic Book. Go up the stairs behind the portal and into the next room. Go around the corner and into the next chamber to get the last piece of mind. Head bach to the door and Pyro will attack. Again I will just put the basics to fighting him here and if you have a probelm refer to the the previous Pyro fight. Long distant attackers work well in this fight. When fire isn't surrounding Pyro that is the only time you can attack him. Return to the main area. Now the once locked will be open so go through. Go to the altar and place the objects on it and go on through. Now you will go to the Colleseum. It seems the Professor has been brainwashed. Fight the enemies he has attack you. They are like Jean Grey, Colussus and Wolverine. Once they are defeated. Shadow King teleports with Xavier away. You can return to the Mansion now. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.24 Level 14: Factory - Available Team-mates: Wolverine, Iceman, Rogue, Cyclops, Beast, Colussus, Emma Frost, Gambit, Jubilee, Magma, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, Storm, and Psylocke - Level Bosses: none - Hidden Items: Sketch Book, Danger Room disc - Objectives: Destroy tank defenses Locate Sensor Destroy the prdouction machinery Find Controller Disable leg placement machinery Shut down are machinery Battle Sentinels Fight the Bio-Sentinels Investigate the lower levels Locate Kincaid Liberate Gateway Free Morlocks Get Kincaid ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You start out outside near an X-Traction point. Move up the road on the right. Up along the path you will have to fight a tank and a small army of GRSO enemies. Jump over the tank and continue up the road. Move in through the gate. Move a bit further for another tank and small army of GRSO enemies to attack. Jump over the tank and move around the corner for another tank to come out. Jump over the tank and continue downt the street. When you move a little bit further another tank emerges. At the end of the street move to the left in between the truck. At the end of the street move right. Go in the open box to find a Sketch Book. One of the enemies you kill has a card you will need to open a door. Look on the map to find the red arrow. Go here and open the door to reach Facility Entrance. Move forward and use the X-Traction point. Move forward to discover the military base to actually be a factory. Head down the stairs on the right. Move to the far right and go up the stairs. Go across the wooden bridge into the room. In the room move forward and break down the wall to find a Danger Room disc. Go into the room on the left. Keep moving through rooms on the left until you come to a door on your left and one in front of you the one on the left leads to a room with a few enemies in it. Go through the one in front of you to continue on. Move across the bridge and go into the small room and down the stairs on the right when you enter. At the bottom go to the left and break the large computer. Go up the stairs on the far left corner. Keep moving to the left and go up the stairs. At the top a flamer blocks the path. Put the fire out and move forward. Go right at the end of the hall and down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs break the large platform at the bottom of the stairs on the left. Move forward and break the second platform. Then go up the stairs and through the door on the left. Move forward and down the stairs on the right. Destroy the large machine at the bottom of the stairs. Then go up the stairs to the right of the machine. Go down the staris to get to the other side. Go up the stairs on the far left. Keep going through the rooms on the left. At the last room you will find a Lab tech. He will tell you about the factory. Move right from the lab tech into the next room. Jump over the large machine and go up the stairs on the far left. Keep moving through the rooms. Break through the wall and continue through the rooms. When you reach a room with a set of stairs on the left go down them and destroy the machine then go up the stairs to the right of the machine. The stairs will bring you to the other side of the machine. Go up the stairs on the right. At the top of the stairs go through the door into Leg Attachment. Move through the door and use the X-Traction point on the right. Move across the bridge into the room. At the end of the room will be a door leading to the right. Enter and go through this room and go through the door at the top and enter the next room. Go down the stairs. Move across the room to the stairs at the top left corner. In the room at the top use the computer in the corner. Exit out the door on the other side of the room. The bridge on the other side of the room gets destroyed by a flamer so use someone who can make bridges and cross over to the other side. Head through the door on the left. Keep going left until you find a set of stairs on the right leding to the ground. Go down them. Move to the far left and find a set of stairls leading up into the room with a computer in it. Use the computer to disable the last leg placement machinery. Exit the room and go up the stairs on the far right. At the top of the stairs go into the room on the left. Then go into the next room on the right. At the end of the room go through the door on the left. This will bring you to Arm Attachment. Move forward into the next room. Move into the room on the left and exit out onto the other side. Go down the stairs move to the right side and down the stairs. Keep going down the stairs and use the computer on the left. On the right from the control panel when facing it there is a door where setinels will keep coming out from. Use someone who can weld to lock it. Go to the right side of the room to find another door to weld and computer panel to use. On the left wall while facing the left side contol panel go up the stairs on the left. Take the stairs to the very top. At the end of the platform you will reach a set of stairs on the left and right sides. The right side leads to a room. The left side leads to a room where you must knock a wall down to reach this area exit. The next area is the Head Attachment. Move forward down the stairs to find an X-Traction point on the left. Head to the far left. Go up the stairs. At the top of the stairs move down the stairs on the left. When you have the option to go right or continue forward go right and then go up the stairs on the far right. In the next room use the guidance system error on the floor with the red arrow above it. tHe door on the left of this room just leads to a bridge which leads to an empty room. Go back down the stairs. Now go down stairs. To the left of the stairs leading up. In the next room go to the far right. On the far right wall is another door where sentinels will come from so weld it shut. Go up the stairs on the left and through the door to Storage Warehouse. When the area starts go through the door. Go up the stairs on the left. At the top of the stairs keep going through the rooms. Till you reach the far back staircase. Once you go down the stairs keep killing sentinels till you defeat eight of them. Once you reach the stairs at the other eend go up them and into the room on the left. Use the Navigational Controller. Go through the door on the right fight the sentinels all the way down to the other end. With all the sentinels defetaed a new enemy comes through the door. Half human half machine. They are called Sentienl Advanced. With the Advances destroyed head through the door they came through. Go down the stairs and then up the set on the oppsoite side of the room. At the top room is an elevator. Jump on it to go down to the underground. Exit through the door into the next room. Use the X-Traction point. Go across the room and go across to the other hall and head down it. Go into the room on the left and cross over to the other side. On the other side go through the door on the left. In the next room is another one of those sentinel spiders so defeat it and continue to the right. Go up the stairs. At the top of the stairs is a hp drainer. Destroy it and go into the room it was blocking. In the next room you find where humans are being mixed with machine. Go left. Keep going left until you no longer can then go through the door at the top of the screen. This door will bring you to Bio Lab Workshop. Go ahead through the door and go through the next door on the left. In the next room through the wall in front of you is another hp drainer go into the room via the door on the left and destroy it. Go down the hall and into the next room on the left. In here go down the stairs and to the left is another X-Traction point. Do what you gotta do then head up the stairs next to it into the next room. In this room the door on the left is locked so you will have to improvise. Smash down the wall next to the door to continue on. In the next big room head to the door in the far back on the right side. In the office you learn some agrivating news about Kincaid. Exit his office to the left. In the next room fight your way across to the other side. Exit through the door to get to Bio Lab Gallery. Run through the next two rooms. Then when you can't go forward go right into the next hall. In the right corner is an X-Traction point so make use of its availability. When ready continue to the left. At the bottom of the stairs there is another hp drainer so destroy it and continue across the room. Watch out for the sentinel spider in this room. With hi defeated continue across. At the top of the stairs and down the hall there is a lot of boxes and barrels in your way so smash them any way you see fit and then enter into the next room. Continue to the back of this room and go through the door in the back. In the next room move along the left wall then go into the room on the left. Go forward and break a hole in the wall on the left. In this room there is a hp drainer so quickly dispose of it. Then continue to the left. Go through this room and use the door at the top. Go down the stairs to fight another Sentinel spider. Afterwards go up the stairs on the right to get to Subject Retention Center. As soon as you go forward theres an X-Traction point to the left. Then go down the stairs on the right, Go up the stairs on the right and through the door. It appears Gateway has been captured. You must now releas him to do that you ust destroy one of the towers in the corner of the energy field. Talk to Gateway. Your nes objective is to free the Morlocks and bring them to the portal. There are a total of five to find. With that said go up the stairs and head to the right. Once you reach a fork in the road go left. In the next room break the same thing you did last time to save the Gateway. Bring the morlock back the the portal. Go back to the left room again and get the other morlock. Now go to the right path. At the far end on the right side you will need someone who can make bridges to get across the electrified floor to get two imprisoned morlocks. With all the Morlcoks rescued Kincaid shows himself. Hes gradually getting away! Go into the room on the far left. Continue along through the rooms until you reach a blocked way. Luckily Gateway comes through. When you can move again go forward and use the X-Traction point. When ready head on through the door and down the hall. Start busting through rooms until you reach the far left. Go up through the door and across the bridge. Once you get to the lower level our good pal Kincaid shows up again. Destroy the ep drainer then destroy the Advacne generators. There are a total of three to destroy. When done go up the stairs on the right. Keep going through rooms till you reach another blocked hall. Mission Complete! (about time) _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.25 Level 15: Astral Plane - Available Team-mates: Wolverine, Iceman, Rogue, Cyclops, Beast, Colussus, Emma Frost, Gambit, Jubilee, Magma, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, Storm, Xavier, and Psylocke - Level Bosses: Shadowking - Hidden Items: Comic Book, Danger Room disc - Objectives: Rescue Professor Xavier Release Xavier's trapped mind ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Third mission in a row. Whipe off the sweat and get ready to go again. When the level starts head forward. Once you reach the top of the stairs go right to find an X-Traction point. Do what you gotta do then go left. Make your way to the top platform. At the top some Spectral enemies attack. They're level two versions of Astral enemies. Head all the way to the last room. On the left side is a comic and on the right is a doorway. Grab the comic and go into the next room. Head across the bridge and down to the other side. In the big room at the end of the bridge you can either go left or right. Go left first and grab the Danger Room. Then go right. On the right side you will have to use telekenesis on the switch. For a short cut you can just jump off the cliff overlooking the locked door. Now return all the way back to the X-Traction point and head up the next flight of stairs. Go through the once locked door. Keep moving forward to reach another X-Traction point. Use it however you wish then go through the portal to The Forbidden Halls. Move forward up the stairs. At the top kill all the enemies to reveal a switch. The right path leads to nothing important. The left leads to also nothing of importance. So just head through the door. Keep moving through rooms until you have to go right. Again just keep going through room after room until you go down some stairs. At the bottom is one of those moving platforms. Jump on and ride it over. You will have to ride over as Jean in order to press the switch. After pressing the switch the door opens and a bridge is formed. Move into the portal to go to The Lost Passage. Move forward and fight any enemies. Move to the left and in the next room another locked door. Go down the stairs on the right and move upwards. When you can move left. You will now be on the other side of the door. Keep going left. Another locked door. This time go to the left and around the door. Once on the other side of the door go right. Keep your path till you reach another moving plaform. Ride it across and run forward to use the switch. Use the switch first so that your team mates can come to help you fight any enemies. Head through the door on the left and use the X-Traction point. When done go break the large crystal. You will now fight the Shadowking as Charles. For more help refer to enemies section. With the battle won you return to the X-Mansion one last time. Mission Complete! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.26 X-Mansion - Available Team-mates: Alison - Level Bosses: none - Hidden Items: Sketch Book, Danger Room disc - Objectives: Prep the X-Jet Explore the X-Mansion Meet in the War Room ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ When the level starts Cyclops is right next to you. Next talk to Gambit who is outside the Danger Room. In the Medical Room talk to Jean about the Professor's current condition. In the Dining Room a sketch book can be found. Go in to the X-Jet hangar to talk with Wolverine and Beast. In the far left corner in the X-Jet hangar is a Danger Room disc. When ready do the War Room computer to select the next, and final, mission. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.27 Level 16: Asteroid M - Available Team-mates: Wolverine, Iceman, Rogue, Cyclops, Beast, Colussus, Emma Frost, Gambit, Jubilee, Magma, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, Storm, and Psylocke - Level Bosses: Magneto and Mastermold - Hidden Items: Danger Room disc - Obectives: Gather Info Find Aesteroid M control center Battle Magneto Find the Gravitron Defeat the Sentinels ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Emma manages to manipulate Toad into opening the door for you. With that done head on in. Theres an X-Traction point a little bit into the room. Use it and then go into the room on the left. Go down the stairs in the last room you can continue to go left in. Keep going right and down the stairs. Eventually you will reach a set of stairs that will bring you up to the clear walkway. Go along this path to the far right. Once you reach the end of the walkway go right and into the the next set of rooms until you reach a mutant you can talk to on the right. Once you reach the next big room go down the stairs. Go to the far back and down the stairs. Go right to reach a set of stairs leading up. Keep going up till you reach a door on the far left. Keep along the path till you reach the way to the Power Station. Talk to the mutant as soon as the level starts. Keep along the corridor and until you enter the next big room go down the stairs on the left. Turn left at the bottom of the stairs. Go down the stairs on the right. Then on the opposite side of the stairs you just came down go up the stairs. Keep going up until you reach another corridor. Continue down here. At the end of the corridor go down the stairs all the way to the bottom. Upon reaching the bottom go up the stairs again and go through the corridor. At an intersection where you can go forward or right go forward and into the room to talk with the mutant. Afterwards go right. You will meet Mystique again. She will tell you her motives for attempting to kidnap Alison and then runs off again. Go left and down the stairs. Down here you will have to find a keycard. As soon as you get of the stairs continue forward to find a Danger Room disc. Kill the red Acolyte to get a keycard. Go cross the bridge and go through the door on the left. Take the elevator to the Interior Quarters. As soon as you get off the elevator use the X-Traction point. Have your best fighters ready. Head through the door and fight the Acoyltes. Then go down the hall to the right. Contine you down the hall. In the next big room kill all the Acolyte and then go up the stairs. Keep going down the corridors. Go through one more big room and go through the left door and go up the elevator to get to Command Center. Get off the elevator and fight another mob of Acolytes. Then go through the door at the top of the room. In this room make a bridge across to the wall and break through. Continue to the left and go into the room to fight Magneto. I will put how to fight Magneto in the enemies section. Use the X-Traction point then head on in. With Magneto killed sentinels begin to attack. Go through the door at the top left. Keep going until you reach an elevator to Lounge Deck A. Move forward and then head right. In the next room put out the fire in front of the door on the right. It will also require a keycard to open. Go inot the room on the left to find the keycard. Talk to Havok. Move to the left corner of his room to find an id card. Continue through the room and down the hall. In the next room make a bridge on the far right of the screen to the other side of the room. In the center of the room is an X-Traction point. Head into the next room and run across the bridge into the next room. Continue on through this room to the other side and go left. Using anyone who can make brdiges, use them to make a bridge at the far end of the next big room and walk up it. On the upper platform make another bridge on the left side. In the next room defeat any sentinels then go into the romm across from the door you had just came from. In this room watch out for the jets of fire that come out of the roof and floor. Go onto the elevator and take it up to Lounge Deck B. Go left from the start point. Put out the fire and continue to the other side of the room. Then go through the left door. Move through the next couple of rooms until a X-Traction point comes up on your right. Move to the top of the screen and go in the room on the right to find the X-Traction point. You know the drill by now. When done go down the hall to the left. Once you reach a small room open the door infront of you and make a bridge across. In the middle of the bridge you can make two more one to the center where theres another Danger Room disc and one down. Continue across the bridge and go into the room at the top. Follow your map to get to the red arrow. Take the elevator to the Main Power Core. *WARNING* Once you go into the last area there is no turning back. There is an X-Traction point in there but you are unable to visit the Danger Room Healer, or Forge. You can save your game and change teams. If you want to finish some of the Danger Rooms then make a differnt save file for once you get into the last area. As soon as the screen loads you fight again. Use the X-Traction point on the far left. Go to the back of the room and go up the stairs. Look for the consoles below the large generators and use them. You must do this three times. Now start clearing out the sentinels. After a while three platforms will join the party. With the last of the sentinels defeated a new sentinel is revealed. For more on this fight I will add it all to my Enemies section. After you have won the fight Magma does what she does. Congradulations you just beat X-Men Legends....now go do it again. A sent in strategy from David DeKorte was: When I beat the game, I used Nightcrawler against the ENTIRE last level. I leveled him up to Legend Frenzy, and just did that repeatedly. I had Ice, Wolverine, and Magma with me to do extra damage (and Ice’s freeze ability), but by repeatedly using Nightcrawler’s Frenzy attack, he totally cut through the enemies very quickly. Also, as far as the platforms go, they kept trying to lock onto Nightcrawler, but with the frenzy teleporting him back and forth, they couldn’t get a lock on him. Long story short, the other three could completely knock them down. I think I used 4 health packs the entire time before Master Mold. When Master Mold came out, same thing. He couldn’t get a lock on me, and I just kept using the Legend Frenzy. When the Controllers came out, I ran up to them and frenzied them took One Legend Frenzy killed a Controller in one shot. Then knocked the generators off, and back to the big guy again with Nightcrawler. After several tries through with different combinations, I was surprised at how easy it was with Nightcrawler. I didn’t even lose a single ally! Nightcrawler should also have the Mask of Xorn equipped so he won't lose any energy. Mission Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 5. Characters ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=- 5.1 X-Men -=-=-=-=- --------- Wolverine --------- ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ First character you start with in the game. ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Healing factor and projecting a set of claws from his hands. _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Logan from the original comics and James Howlett from the newer comic series. __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ +Note+ This was taken from the X-2 Wolverine's Revenge Instruction Manual James Howlett was born into privilege in Canada during the late 19th century, the second son of John and Elizabeth Howlett. At the shock of seeing his father shot and killed, young James manifested his latent mutant abilities when bone claws jutted from the back of each hand. The beast unleashed, James attacked and killed his father's murderer, then fled to British Columbia with Rose, the young woman he loved Under the identity of Logan he discovered that he had other mutant abilities including animal-keen senses and an accelerated healing factor. Due to his tenacity and refusal to back down from a challenge, Logan acquired the nickname Wolverine. When Wolverine confronted the son of his father's murderer, a battle ensued, tragically ending with Rose impaled on Wolverine's claws. Wracked by grief over the death of the woman he truly loved, Wolverine fled into the woods He was not seen for a long time and due to his healing factor, even after 100 years Wolverine appeared to be in his mid-30s. During that time his life became shrouded in mystery, peppered with half-truths and anecdotal reports of unconfirmed sightings. The legend of the man named Wolverine was slowly taking form In the latter half of the 20th century, the government subjected Logan to a bizarre battery of experiments intended to forge the ultimate killing machine. Weapon X scientists grafted the indestructible metal adamantium to Logan's skeleton and bone claws, and introduced memory implants the shaped his past to suit their ends. Combined with the earlier effects of his healing factor, these false memories have made it impossible for Logan to discern fact from fiction when recalling his former life. He now knows little of his past, save that it was fraught with pain and loss Wolverine was working as an operative for the Canadian government when he accepted Professor X's offer to join the X-Men. Logan chose to stay; on partly due to his belief in Xavier's vision for the co-existence of humans and mutants, and partly because of his attraction towards Jean Grey. During his time with the X-Men, Logan has worked to regain his lost memories, but virtually every answer leads him to even more questions. ------- Cyclops ------- ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After beating Mystique. ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Is able to shoot high powered optic blasts from his eyes BY ABSORBING ENERGY FROM THE SUN. HE CANNOT CONTROL THE BLASTS WITHOUT HIS VISOR. IMMUNE TO HIS AND HIS BROTHERS BLASTS. _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Scott Summers __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ SCOTT SUMMERS MUTANT POWERS ERUPTED WITH A SUDDEN BURST ONE DAY THAT DEMOLISHED A CRANE. AS THE DESTROYED CRANE'S CONTENTS HURTLED TORWARDS ONLOOKERS, SCOTT FIRED ANOTHER BLAST AND OBLITERATED THE DEBRIS. BUT, SCOTT COULDN'T CONTROL HIS POWERS BECAUSE OF A PLANE CRASH IN HIS YOUTH THAT STRIPPED HIM OF HIS PARENTS, WHO DIED, AND ALEX, WHO WAS LATER ADOPTED. AN ANGRY LYNCH MOB CHASED THE SCARED MUTANT, BUT PROFESSER X RESCUED CYCLOPS AND INVITED HIM TO BECOME THE FIRST OF THE NEW X-MEN. BUT PROFESSER X DIDN'T STOP THERE. HE ALSO FIGURED OUT A WAY TO CONTAIN SCOTT'S RAYS BY SHIELDING HIS EYES WITH RUBY QUARTZ. CYCLOPS EAGERLY ACCEPTED. THEIR RELATIONSHIP WENT FROM STUDENT AND TEACHER TO SOMETHING LIKE FATHER AND SON. HIS DEDICATION TO PROF. X IS UNWAVERING. AS THE YEARS PASSED, MORE X-MEN WERE RECRUITED AND TRAINED AND SCOTT DISCOVERED SOMEONE IRREPLACEABLE IN HIS LIFE: JEAN GRAY. CYCLOPS WAS CONVINCED HIS POWERS COULDN'T MAKE LOVE POSSIBLE. BUT WITH TIME, THIS GAVE WAY. BUT AFTER THE PHOENIX FORCE TOOK JEAN'S IDENTITY AND COMMITED SUICIDE, CYCLOPS THOUGHT JEAN HAD DIED. HE SOON MET AND MARRIED MADELYNE PRYOR, A CLONE OF JEAN CREATED BY MR. SINISTER. THEY HAD A SON, NATHAN SUMMERS. BUT JEAN WASN'T DEAD, BUT IN SUSPENDED ANIMATION. WHEN SHE EMERGED, CYCLOPS LEFT HIS WIFE AND EAGERLY WENT BACK TO HIS TRUE LOVE. WHEN MADELYN DIED IN BATTLE against THE X-MEN, CYCLOPS MARRIED JEAN. HIS DESIRE TO SEE PROFESSER X'S DREAM REALIZED IS HIS PRIMARY FOCUS EVEN ABOVE HIS WIFE"S WISHES ----- Storm ----- ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ At the beginning of the second mission. ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ She is able to control the weather. _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Ororo Munroe __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ DAUGHTER OF N'DARE, A PRINCESS OF AN AFRICAN TRIBE, YOUNG ORORO BORE ALL THE TRADEMARKS OR THE LONG LINE OF AFRICAN PRIESTESSES BEFORE HER: CLEAR BLUE EYES AND WHITE HAIR. WHEN STORM WAS 5 A TERRORIST BOMB EXPLODED IN THIER HOME KILLING ORORO'S MOTHER AND FATER. TERRIFIED, BUT STILL ALIVE, ORORO WAS TRAPPED UNDER TONS OF RUBBLE. THIS EXPERIENCE HAS LEFT HER WITH EXTREME CLAUSTROPHOBIA. ORORO NOW AN ORPHAN, WANDERED THE STREETS AND CAME UNDER THE CARE OR A MASTER THIEF, ACHMED EL-GIBAR. EL- GIBAR OFFERED THE YOUNG GIRL MORE THAN A HOT MEAL AND A SAFE PLACE TO STAY-HE OFFERED HER A TRADE, AND ORORO QUICKLY BECAME THE BEST PICKPOCKET AND THIEF IN ALL OF CAIRO. YEARNING FOR HER TRUE HOMELAND, ORORO ENDED HER LIFE OF CRIME AT AGE 12 AND LEFT THE CITY. TRAVELING BY FOOT SHE CROSSED THE SAHARA DESERT ALONE, BOUND FOR HER ANCESTRAL HOME ON THE SERENGETI PLAIN. IN THE SHADOW OF MOUNT KILIMANJARO, ORORO CAREFULY HONED HER ABILITY TO MANIPULATE THE WEATHER. SO ADEPT HAD SHE BECOME THAT SHE AIDED THE LOCAL TRIBES, ENSURING THEY SUFFERED NEITHER DROUGHT NOR FLOODS. WITH HARVESTER PLENTIFUL, THE LOCALS WORSHIPPED ORORO AS THE STORM GODDESS. KNOWING OF HER WEATHER-ALTERING ABILITIES WITH THE PEOPLES OF THE PLAIN, PROFESSOR X APPEALED TO ORORO TO HELP RESCUE THE X-MEN, WHO WERE TRAPPED ON THE MUTANT ISLAND OF KRAKOA. SHE AGREED AND QUITE ABLY ASSISTED THE X-MEN IN THEIR TIME OF NEED. ONCE HER MISSION HAD BEEN COMPLETED, PROFESSOR X ASKED HER TO JOIN THE SECOND GENERATION OF THE X-MEN. ORORO, SENSING SHE COULD USE HER POWERS ON A MUCH BROADER SCALE AND REACH MANY MORE PEOPLE IN NEED, ACCEPTED HIS KIND OFFER. STORM'S POWER OVER THE WEATHER IS DICTATED BY HER EMOTIONS. ANNOYED, SHE CAUSES STORM CLOUDS TO GATHER; ANGRY, SHE CAN SUMMON WINDS THAT CARRY HER HIGH IN THE SKY WHERE SHE COMMANDS THUNDER TO RUMBLE AND LIGHTNING BOLTS TO CRACKLE. BUT THESE EPISODES OF FUTY BELIE HER TRUE NATURE-A PEACEFUL WOMAN CONTENT TO SURROUND HERSELF WITH THE BEAUTY OF NATURE. HATED AND FEARED FOR HER STRANGE AND FRIGHTENING ABILITIES, STORM HAS STOOD FAST WITH THE X-MEN IN THIER ATTEMPTS TO PROMOTE PEACE BETWEEN HUMANS AND MUTANTS. EXCEPT FOR THE BRIEF PERIODS WHEN SHE IS AWAY FROM THE TEAM, STORM HAS REMAINED A MEMBER, AND THE X-MEN HAVE STUCK WITH HER, EVEN DURING THE TEMPORARY LOSS OF HER POWERS. --------- Jean Gray --------- ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ At the beginning of the second level. ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Has the ability to use telepathy. Is also {a} telekinetic. CAN TAP INTO THE ALL-POWERFUL PHOENIX FORCE. _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Jean Gray __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ WHEN JEAN GRAY WAS JUST TEN YEARS OLD, SHE SAW HER BEST FRIEND GET STRUCK AND KILLED BY A CAR. WHEN SHE TOUCHED HER DYING FRIEND, JEAN'S EMOTIONS AWAKENED HER TELEPATHIC POWERS AND EXPERIENCED ANNIE'S DYING THOUGHTS AS IF THEY WERE HER OWN. JEAN, UNABLE TO COPE WITH THIS, BECAME EXTREMELY DEPRESSED. HER PARENTS SOUGHT OUT THE HELP OF PROFFESSOR CHARLES XAVIER, WHO TREATED JEAN BY PUTTING IN PSYCHIC SHIELDS IN JEANS' MIND SO SHE WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO USE HER POWERS UNTIL SHE MATURED AND COULD CONTROL THEM. JEAN'S PARENTS ENROLLED JEAN IN XAVIER'S SCHOOL AND JEAN BECAME THE FIFTH X-MEN, EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS THE FIRST ONE ENROLLED IN THE SCHOOL. AS A TEEN, JEAN FELL IN LOVE WITH FELLOW X-MAN CYCLOPS, BUT WAS TOO SHY TO ADMIT IT. BUT ONE EVENT ALMOST TORE THEM APART FOREVER: AFTER A MISSION IN OUTER SPACE, JEAN AND THE OTHER X-MEN WERE FORCED TO FLY BACK TO EARTH DURING A POWERFUL RADIATION STORM. BECAUSE THE PILOT'S CABIN LACKED SUFFICIENT SHIELDING, JEAN INSISTED ON FLYING THE CRAFT, ASSUMING THAT HER POWERS WOULD PROTECT HER. DIDN'T WORK. HOWEVER, JEAN WAS TOUCHED BY A COSMIC BEING KNOWN AS THE PHOENIX FORCE. PHOENIX (FOR SHORT) DUBLICATED JEAN'S BODY, HER MEMORIES, HER PERSONALITY, AND SOME OF HER CONSCIOUSNESS. IT THEN CRASH-LANDED THE PLANE IN THE JAMAICA BAY, NEAR NEW YORK CITY. PHOENIX PLACED JEAN (IN A STATE OF SUSPENDED ANIMATION) INSIDE A COCOON-LIKE POD AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BAY. THE PHOENIX FORCE WENT INSANE AND, AFTER DESTROYING COUNTLESS LIVES, WAS FORCED, BY JEAN'S PERSONA, TO COMMIT SUICIDE. SCOTT WATCHED IN HORROR, THINKING JEAN WAS DYING. JEAN EVENTUALLY WAS FREED FROM THE COCOON. SHE RACED BACK TO SCOTT AND MARRIED HIM. ----- Rogue ----- ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ At the beginning of the second level. ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To drain the powers out of any mutant BY TOUCH and takes their memories as well. SHE CANNOT CONTROL THIS ABILITY. Is able to drain a human of their life force. INVULNERABILITY. FLIGHT. SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH. WHEN A MUTANT'S POWERS ARE GIVING WILLINGLY, ROGUE HAS NO PROBLEMS CONTROLLING THEIR PERSONALITY. _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Anna Marie (Name from movie) (THIS IS A FAKE NAME USED ONLY IN THE MOVIES. ROGUE'S REAL NAME IS UNREVEALED.) __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ROGUE GREW UP ALONG THE BANKS OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER IN THE DEEP SOUTH, BUT REMEMBERS LITTLE ELSE. WHEN SHE WAS A TEEN, ROGUE AND HER BOYFIREND, CODY, SNUCK AWAY TO STEAL A KISS. AS THEIR LIPS TOUCHED, ROGUE MOMENTARILY BECAME CODY (ONLY MENTALLY AND EMOTIONALLY, NOT PHSYICALLY), PANICKED, AND RAN AWAY, LEAVING THE REAL CODY IN A COMA. DESPERATE TO KEEP HER REAL NAME A SECRET, SHE CALLED HERSELF ROGUE AND DECIDED TO LIVE AS A HERMIT, TO KEEP HER MUTANT POWER IN CHECK. SHORTLY AFTERWARDS, MYSTIQUE CAME ACROSS YOUNG ROGUE AND RAISED HER AS HER FOSTER DAUGHTER. THE TWO BECAME VERY CLOSE. WHEN ROGUE HAD MATURED, MYSTIQUE INTRODUCED HER TO THE BROTHERHOOD OF EVIL MUTANTS. WHILE FIGHTING A SUPERHERO, MS. MARVEL, ROGUE PERMANATLY ABSORBED HER FLIGHT, SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH, INVULNERABILITY, AND (TO ROGUE'S HORROR) HER PERSONALITY. HER MIND HAD BECOME A WAR ZONE OF COMPETING THOUGHTS AND MEMORIES AS SHE STRUGGLED TO MAINTAIN HER OWN IDENTITY ALONGSIDE THAT OF MS. MARVEL. HER POWERS WERE OUT OF CONTROL, AND A DESPERATE ROGUE TURNED TO HER ENEMIES FOR HELP - PROFFESSOR XAVIER. PROFFESSOR XAVIER DECIDED THE BEST WAY FOR HER TO MAINTAIN HER POWERS WAS TO JOIN THE X-MEN. THEY DISAGREED, HAVING FOUGHT HER, BUT SOON REALIZED ROGUE HAD CHANGED, AND BECAME LEADER OF MANY MISSIONS. ONE X-MAN STOLE ROGUES HEART: GAMBIT. GAMBIT AND ROGUE FELL DEEPLY IN LOVE. THE ONLY THING THAT SEPERATED THEM WERE HER POWERS. IN A MOMENT OF WEAKNESS, HOWEVER, ROGUE KISSED GAMBIT AND LEARNED OF HIS DARKEST SECRETS: THE UNKNOWING MURDER OF COUNTLESS MORLOCKS. GAMBIT LEFT THE TEAM, BUT CAME BACK MONTHS LATER. ROGUE WAS THERE AT THE FRONT DOOR WAITING FOR HIM. ------------ Nightcrawler ------------ ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After beating the second level. ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Able to teleporte{r} and has gone through physical changes to Resemble that of a demon (HE WAS BORN THAT WAY). {Sort of a skinnier Beast. } Able to crawl on walls. Also has super-agility. WHEN IN SHADOWS, IS INVISIBLE, SAVE FOR HIS EYES. HE IS A MASTER FENCER AND ACROBAT. _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Kurt Wagner __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ NIGHTCRAWLER HAD A ROUGH START IN LIFE. WHEN HE WAS IDENTIFIED AS A MUTANT, AN ANGRY MOB TRIED TO KILL BOTH HIM AND HIS MOTHER, MYSTIQUE. TO SAVE HERSELF, MYSTIQUE THREW THE BABY NIGHTCRAWLER OVER A WATERFALL. NIGHTCRAWLER SURVIVED THE FALL, AND WAS FOUND BY A GYPSY QUEEN, MARGALI SZARDOS, WHO RAISED HIM IN A CIRCUS, WHOSE AUIDIENCE THOUGHT KURT WAS A HUMAN IN A COSTUME. NIGHTCRAWLER FLED TO GERMANY WHEN A TEXAS MILLIONARE WANTED TO BUY KURT FOR HIS FREAK SHOW, AND WAS BLAMED FOR MURDER THERE. PROFFESSOR X, WHO HAPPENED TO BE THERE AT THE TIME, PSIONICALLY FROZE THE MOB, AND OFFERED KURT A CHANCE TO ESCAPE- INTO THE RANKS OF X-MAN. NIGHTCRAWLERS FAITH ALLOWS HIM TO BELIVE THAT PROFFESSOR XAVIER'S DREAM WILL COME TRUE ONE DAY, BUT UNTIL THEN, HE WILL KEEP BELIVING. ------ Gambit ------ ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After the third level. ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Is able to CHARGE OBJECTS HE TOUCHES WITH HIGHLY-EXPLOSIVE KINECTIC ENERGY. {make anything explode just by touching it.} _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Remy Lebeau __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ORPHANED IN INFANCY, A YOUNG GAMBIT TRYED TO PICKPOCKET A YOUNG MAN. THE MAN WAS JEAN-LUC LEBEAU, MASTER OF THE THIEFS GUILD. IMPRESSED, LEBEAU TOOK GAMBIT IN AND TAUGHT HIM TO BECOME A MASTER THIEF. IT ALSO HELPED THAT GAMBIT HAD ONE OTHER SPECIAL TALENT: THE ABILITY TO CHARGE OBJECTS WITH KINETIC ENERGY. GAMBIT RAN AWAY FROM NEW ORLEANS TO PREVENT A GUILD WAR AND CAME UNDER THE TUTELAGE OF MR. SINISTER, WHO DUPED GAMBIT INTO FORMING A GROUP OF MUTANTS CALLED THE MARAUDERS. GAMBIT THEN LED THE MARAUDERS INTO THE MORLOCKS TUNNELS, WHICH THE MARAUDERS RESPONDED BY KILLING EVERY MORLOCK IN SIGHT- MUCH TO GAMBIT'S HORROR. RUNNING AWAY, HE CAME ACROSS STORM BATTLING S HADOW KING AND DECIDED TO HELP. IMPRESSED, STORM SPONSERED GAMBIT TO THE X-MEN. GAMBIT SAW THIS AS A CHANCE TO ATONE FOR HIS SINS. HE KEPT THE MARAUDERS A SECRET FROM THE X-MEN UNTIL ROGUE PRYED HIM FROM IT. GAMBIT WAS FILLED WITH SHAME, AND LEFT THE X-MEN. MONTHS LATER THOUGH, GAMBIT RETURNED AND MADE PEACE WITH THE TEAM. ------ Iceman ------ ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ At the start of the second level. ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Has the ability to FREEZE MOISTURE IN THE AIR TO CREATE (AND CONTROL) ICE. {conjure ice.} _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Bobby Drake __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ In his early years Bobby Drake kept his mutant powers a secret confined only to his family out of fear that people would hate Bobby for his mutation. After a date one night a boy name Rocky Beasely and his friends attacked Bobby and his date. In order to save himself and his date he used his powers on Rocky. When news of this spread through out the town angry mobs attacked the Drake household. Bobby used his powers to save his family but the mob was too much and the local sheriff brought Bobby into custody for his own protection. When Charles Xavier heard of this incident he sent Cyclops inorder to recruit Bobby to the X-Men. Cyclops helped Bobby escape and he became the second member of the X-Men and took the codename Iceman. After many years with the X-Men learning to control his power he left to join the Champions of Los Angeles. Then after the Champions Drake then went to college. Iceman reunited with the X-Men inorder to combat Arcade. When Xavier returned from a trip in outer space the X-Men were reunited under their leader. Emma Frost was able to open the full potential of Iceman's powers and even enabled him to turn his body into ice with the help of her powers. He then was able to turn into ice on his own command. Iceman has since remained on the X-Men since Professor Xavier has remained as their leader. ------- Jubilee ------- ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After beating second level. ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ GENERATE ENERGY BURSTS SIMILAR TO {Shoots out} fireworks. _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Jubilation Lee __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ When Jubilee's parents were murdered, after being mistaken for their neighbors by hitmen, she was sent to Juvenile Hall. From living in Jvenile Hall she learned to live for herself and became rebellious against authority. Jubilee feared being sent to live with her relatives in communist China she ran away and lived at the mall. It was here that her mutation manifested. When she was caught by mall security her power manifested, allowing her to escape. She then used her power to make money by performing shows. After giving up hope of capturing Jubilee on their own mall security called in mutant hunters. It was by chance that several of the woman members of the X-Men were shopping at the mall by chance. They were able to stop the mutant hunters from capturing Jubilee. When they were leaving the mall via teleporter Jubilee followed them through. She landed in the X-Men's Austaralian base. She then lived in the base secretly living off scraps. When Wolverine was captured Jubilee helped him escape captivity and then became his "unofficial sidekick". Jubilee met Professor Xavier after being captured by an alien known as Warskull. Then after escaping and returning to earth Xavier re-established the X-Men and made Jubilee a full memeber. ----- Magma ----- ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Level 5 and for the X-Mansion levels. ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Is able to GENERATE AND PROJECT INTENSE HEAT FROM HER BODY. CAN ALSO CREATE (AND CONTROL) MAGMA. {conjure magma.} _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Alison Crestmere __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Magma thought that she was the daughter of the first senator of Nova Roma, a hidden city in the Amazon Jungle. She was captured by the New Mutants. Magma and the New Mutants were captured by soldiers of Nova Roma. Magma fell into lava and her mutant powers were awakened. She then went with the New Mutants after escaping imprisonment to the United States. While with the New Mutants is when she used the code name Magma. Magneto then became the new leader of the New Mutants. Magma then left the New Mutants to go to Emma Frosts' academy. Magma then returned to Nova Roma with a mutant known as Empath. While they were there they were captured by High Evolutionary, a criminal geneticist with the intention of permanently removing her powers. Emma Frost contact Magneto about Magma and Empath being kidnapped. Magneto arrived and rescued Magma before her powers were removed. Years later Magma returned home to realize that she had been living a lie. She then began to regain some of her memories. She learned that her name was Allison Crestmere and that she is of British descent. -------- Colossus -------- ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Upon completion of level 5 ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Is able to turn his FLESH {skin} into ORGANIC STEEL making him very powerful and indestructable. _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Peter Rapsutin __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Peter was born on a farm called Ust-Ordynski Collective in Russia. Like most other mutants, Peter's emerged during his adolescence. Peter used his powers to help everyone in his farming community. When the original X-Men were captured Professor Charles Xavier enlisted the help of Peter to rescue them from the island Krakoa. Peter agreed to go with Xavier to America to help rescue the X-Men. It was on the way to America that Professor Xavier gave Peter the code name Colossus. After saving the X-Men Peter stayed on with the X-Men. A woman known as Miss Locke kidnapped many of the X-Men's loved ones, including Peter's sister Illyana. With the help of the X-Men Peter was able to rescue his sister and she then lived with Peter at the X-Mansion. Peter wanted to return his sister to the farm in which they grew up on after rescuing Illyana from a dimension known as Limbo where she became a sorceress. When he returned home he found his parents killed and Illyana was kidnapped by a mutant known as Soul Skinner. Illayan was then rescued by the X-Men once more. Later on she developed a virus known as the Legacy Virus. This caused Peter to reconsider the X-Men's way of acheiving peace. He then went with Magneto on Avalon but didn't stay there long before realising this was not his home. After returning to the X-Men, Beast found a cure for the Legacy Virus. Peter tested it on himself but found the results to be deadly and died from the virus. -------- Psylocke -------- ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ At the start of Level 13 ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Telepathy. CAN CREATE A "PSYCHIC KNIFE" PROJECTED FROM HER HAND. _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Elizabeth Braddock __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Her father is is from another dimesional realm. He then married a woman named Elizabth. When their daughter was born they named her Elizabeth, although she had the nickname Betsy. Betsy also developed a psychic ability. Betsy later on became the new Captain Britain. When she went up against two of the former Captain Britains arch-enemies she was brutally beaten and blinded. She would have died had her brother not felt her psychic calls and came to her aid. While recovering Betsy was taken prisoner by a creature known as Mojo who gave her artifical eyes allowing her to see again. Betsy was then rescued by the New Mutants and she then chose to remain at the X-Mansion with Charles Xavier. Betsy became a member of the X-Men after a confrontation with Sabertooth. When Sabertooth made an attack on the X-Mansion Betsy was able to hold him off. Enabling her to enter into the ranks of the X-Men and giving her the code name of Psylocke. Psylocke was captured by a crime lord in order to have his love enter and take control of Psylocke's body. The body switch gave them both the same abilities and memories. Later on Psylocke's original body would die as an effect of the Legacy Virus. Psylocke would continue to live in the body she had been transferred into working with the X-Men. ----- Beast ----- ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ At the lab in the subbasement in the X-mansion. ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ HAS SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH, AGILITY, AND SPEED. Has taken on the characteristics of an ape. Although his Current features make him look ferocious he is a genius in sciences. _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hank Mackoy __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ While working at a nuclear power plant, Hank's father was exposed to a large amount of radiation. Although the radiation had no harmful effects it did alter his genes. This caused Hank to be born with the early signs of being a mutant. Because of his super power strength and speed he was the best football player on his team. This publicity put him into the spotlight of Professor Xavier and a criminal named El Conquistador. Conquistador captured Hank's parents and forced Hank to work for him. With the help of the X-Men, Hank was able to stop the Conquistador and save his parents. Hank then worked with the X-Men and took the code name of Beast. After many years Beast left the X-Men to work as a genetic researcher. Beast was able to create a serum that acts as a catalyst for activating mutations. After taking the serum Beast developed animal characteristics such as pointed ears and fang like teeth. Beast then left to work with several different mutant teams. Beast returned to the X-Men after Professor Xavier returned to Earth and became the leader of the X-Men once more. ---------- Emma Frost ---------- ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Astral Plane ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Telepathy _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Emma Frost __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From English descent, Emma Frost has inherited much wealth over the years from her family and along with her psionic abilities she has become very wealthy. She even opened up an academy in Massachusetts and is the headmistress. Frost first encountered the X-Men when trying to recruit Kitty Pryde for her school and ended up capturing many of the X-Men. Since then Frost has often been an adversary to the X-Men. While in a coma Frost gave power to the academy to Professor Xavier. Frost then recovered in the X-Mansion's Med-Bay. While in the coma she was able to switch bodies with Iceman and during this switch allowed him the new ability of turning into ice as Iceman was trapped in Frost's body. After recovering from the coma and returning to her own body Frost continued to work alongside Xavier. ------------------------ Professor Charles Xavier ------------------------ ________ (Acquired) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Astral Plane (Only is he useable here. He is also the fifteenth slot holder in the change team section). ______________ (Mutant Ability) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Is the worlds' most powerful telepath{y user.} _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Charles Xavier __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Xavier is the son Brian Xavier and Sharon. After Brian died Sharon remarried to Dr. Marko who had a son named Cain. Cain constantly bullied Xavier because he thought Xavier was loved more by their parents. After graduating from Oxford Xavier and Cain were drafted to Asia. Xavier wished to remain home and marry Moria MacTaggert. While in Asia Xavier witnessed Cain finding a ruby in the temple of Cytorrak which changed him into the invincible Juggernaut. Upon returning home Moria broke off the engagement. This left Xavier crushed. He then travelled around the world. He was then brought to Egypt where he battled against the first evil mutant he has ever met, Amahl Farouk also known as the Shadow King. This meeting led Xavier to the life changing descision to protect humanity from evil mutants and protect and teach mutants. Xavier then travelled to Israel where he became friends with Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, who would later take the name Magneto and face of against Xavier and his team of X-Men. In London Xavier reunited with Moria once more. They then discussed plans to open a school to train young mutants in order to use their mutant abilities. Xavier then helped his first student, Jean Grey. Over the next years Xavier would continue to help more and more mutants and some mutants would be come X-Men in order to protect humanity from evil mutants as Xavier had vowed to do. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Brotherhood of Mutants: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------- Magneto ------- _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Erik Magnus Lehnsherr ____________ (Mutant Power) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Able to MANIPULATE {make} magnetic fields. __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ As a teenager Magnus was in a concentration camp. After World War II Nagnus married a woman and they had a daughter named Anya. Anya was trapped during a fire and a mob prevented Magnus from saving her. He then used his powers on the mob, killing them all. After seeing Magnus' power his wife ran off, never telling him that she was pregnant. She died soon after delivery to a set of twins named Pietro and Wanda. Magnus went to Israel where he met a young Professor Xavier. They became friends quickly and often debated over humans and mutants co-existing. After being betrayed by men he worked for, Magnus began planning a campaign against the human race. Years after isolation from the world Magnus then emerged under the name Magneto, set on the destruction of humanity. Xavier's X-Men were able to thwart Magneto's attempts of the genocide of humans. Over the next several years Magneto would battle against the X-Men for what they both believed in. -------- Mystique -------- _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Raven Darkholme ____________ (Mutant Power) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Able to shapeshift into anyone she wishes to. CANNOT CHANGE HER WEIGHT. IS UNCOMFORTABLE FOR MYSTIQUE TO SHAPESHIFT INTO ANYONE BIGGER OR SMALLER THAN HERSELF. __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ It is determined that Mystique has had the power to shapeshift at an early age. Over her life time she had an affair with the mutant known as Sabertooth and they had a child together named Graydon Creed. Mystique is also believed to be the mother of the X-Man known as Nightcrawler and raised the other X-Woman named Rogue. Mystique has worked with Magneto and even formed the third incarnation of his original group of mutants known as the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Mystique has also disguised herself as the wife of Senator Ralph Brickman and has gained so much trust that she was made Deputy Director of the Defense Advanced Research Planning Agency in the Department of Defense. ---- Blob ---- _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Fred Dukes ____________ (Mutant Power) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ IMMOVABLE, AS LONG AS HE IS IN CONTACT WITH THE GROUND. SUPERHUMANLY RESISTANT TO INJURY. {Is a huge, invincible, moving blob} __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The Blobs powered manifested at puberty like most other mutant's. He then joined the circus and he displayed his super human strength publicly. When Xavier learned of the Blob's existence he sent the X-Men to recruit him. The X-Men talked to Blob and asked for him to join them. When the Blob saw Jean Grey he agreed to go with them to meet Professor Xavier. After meeting with Professor Xavier Blob didn't want to join the X-Men. Xavier wanted to erase Blob's memory of the X-Men but he escaped the X-Mansion before Xavier could erase his mind. Now with a hatred towards the X-Men, Blob asked the help of the other carnival's mutants to make an attack on the X-Mansion. The X-Men were able to defend the Mansion against the mutants attacks. Xavier then erased all of their memories of the X-Men. A while later Magneto then recruited the Blob to the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. After receiving a sharp blow to the head the Blob's memories of the X-Men returned to him and he joined the Brotherhood. ---- Toad ---- _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Mortimer Toyenbee ____________ (Mutant Power) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ SOME SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH. LEAPING ABILITY. REALLLLLLLLY LONG TONGUE. {Has taken on the same traits as a toad.} __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ As a child Toad was abandoned by his parents at an orphanage. It was here that he was treated as an outcast because of his looks. This caused him to do poorly in school and the teachers thought that he had a mental defect. As Toad grew up he began to attach to anyone that showed any affection towards him with a subservient personality. Doing anything they ask. When he became an adult Toad met Magneto and was recruited to the Brotherhood or Evil Mutants. His true name was changed to the code name Toad because of his physical apperance and strength. Toad then looked at Magneto as a new father and did everything he was asked and was blinded to Magneto's hatred of himself. Although Toad was betrayed by Magneto any times he continued to follow him like he was his father. ---- Pyro ---- _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ St. John Allerdyce ____________ (Mutant Power) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Can manipulate fire. __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Like many other mutants, John's powers emerged during puberty, John didn't know anyway to use his powers other than profit so decided to not use them unless it was an emergency. John drifted around the world for the next couple of years. He went to Vietnam and Indonesia. He then began to write novels based around some of the things he saw during his travels around the world. Critics and serious novel writers hated his work but it attracted readers none the less. Mystique then noticed John's mutant power and met with him. She asked him if he wanted to join the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and he agreed to do so. After joining the Brotherhood of Mutants, John took the code name Pyro. ----- Havok ----- _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Alexander Summers ____________ (Mutant Power) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Has the ability to absorb ambient cosmic energy into the cells of his body, transform it in an unknown manner, and release it as waves of energy that heat the air in their path enough to turn it into plasma. __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Alex is the brother of Scott Summers, known as Cyclops on the X-Men. While in their early childhood Alex and Scott were in a plane that was about to crash with their parents. In desperation their mother pushed them out of the plane with the only parachute. After they landed they were both hospitalized. Alex and Scott were then seperated and both suffered from severe amnesia. Several years after being seperated the two were reunited. A professor of archeology named Ahmet Abdol discovered that Alex was jamming his latent mutant powers. Abdol found a way for Alex to stop affecting his own body to allow him to fully mutate. When he was successful he then called himself the Living Monolith. The X-Men were then able to save Alex and during the confusion Alex's latent mutant powers fully emereged. Alex then chose to stay in Egypt rather than return with the X-Men to America. After being captured by sentinels and being freed by the X-Men, Alex then decided to return with the X-Men to learn how to control his powers. Alex took the code name of Havok. After being used by several different groups of people Alex then went to work with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Although Alex was on their team he wasn't totally evil. He joined the Brotherhood only to take down an evil mutant called Black Beast. --------- Avalanche --------- _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Dominic Petros ____________ (Mutant Power) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Has the ability to project shockwaves __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Avalanche's history is unknown. The most of his life before he had joined the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is that he immigrated from somewhere in Greece. His first public act that showed his association with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants was when the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants attempeted to assasinate Senator Kelly while he was making a statement that all mutants were evil. The assasination was unsuccessful though. He then left the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. He then black mailed the whole state of California. He black mailed them by saying he would use his powers to trigger a major earthquake. While he was threatening California he had a fight with the Hulk and took very severe damage which left him somewhat crippled. After the failed black mailing he then returned to the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. ---------- Sabertooth ---------- _________ (Real Name) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Victor Creed ____________ (Mutant Power) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hightened senses and a healing factor. Has same characteristics of a cat. ALSO HAS ADAMANTIUM CLAWS (HIS FINGERNAILS) AND SKELETON. NOT AS PRONOUNCED AS WOLVERINE'S CLAWS. __________ (Background) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ As a child Victor was abused by his father. His father forced Victor to live in the basement of their house and often beat him. Victor hated the love he saw between Logan and an Indian girl named Silver Fox. Victor attacked and left Silver Fox. This enraged Wolverine and a battle ensued. Years later Victor worked for the CIA and took the name Sabertooth. Victor worled on the CIA's team called the Team X which reunited him with Wolverine and Silver Fox. Because of their treatments in the Weapon X project which put memory implants in them neither of them remembered the past experience. During a mission in Berlin Sabertooth fell in love with an operative named Leni Zauber, unaware that it was actually Mystique. Mystique then gave birth to a boy named Graydon Creed. Sabertooth later joined with the Brotherhood of Mutants. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 6. Enemies ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Level 1: New York City ---------------------- ______________ (Common Enemies) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Anti-Mutant troops - These guys are easy a few hits to them and they are killed. Half of the time they drop health and on rare occasions they drop armor and money. Brotherhood thugs - These thugs are harder than the troops but are basically the same. They don't drop items or equipment that often. Brotherhood Insurgent - These members of the Brotherhood have a long distance weapon. They have about the same health as the other Brotherhood thugs. They also have the power to stun you. Rarely drops anything. ______ (Bosses) ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Mystique - Mystique is pretty easy. Just keep attacking at her. Eventually she will disappear from the screen and her thugs will attack once you kill them Mystuque will reappear again. Also in a taunting way Mysitque will change her shape to make herself look like Wolverine. Just keep attacking and healing when your health gets dangerously low. Using your superpowers by pressing R2 and whatever button the attack is binded to. If an attackin on the bottom of the superhero selector then the attack is binded to X. When Mystique points her guns in the air that means she is about to sweep the area with bullets so jump above the bullets or hide behind cover. Also note that when fighting her thugs Mysique will start throwing grenades at you. Blob - The Blob is physical Resistant making your regular punches very weak to him. The best idea is to hit him with your superpowers and to throw random objects at him. The Blob has some powerful attacks on of them is a belly flop that will do a lot of damage. You can dodge this attack by jumping above him or by being far away from him. The Blob is also able to throw cars at you so watch out for those too. ----------------------- Level 2: HAARP Facility ----------------------- ______________ (Common Enemies) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ HAARP Soldier - These soldiers come equipped with a machine gun and are very easy to kill. They rarely drop anything. They will also occasionally throw grenades at you. HAARP Flamethrower - These guys have flamethrowers and shoot out the flames in a sweep. HAARP Security - Just the same as any other HAARP enemy but they use a night stick. HAARP Officer - These guys are physical resistant just like Blob. But it doesn't mean they still can't be hurt by attacks. They will just take less damage. Superpowers work well against them. They use a gun that shoots out ice spikes that shoot out in three directions. Brotherhood Marauder - Not to tough. They are energy resistent. So throwing explodable barrels or any energy attacks won't hurt them to much. Use all physical attacks. They have one really anoying attack. They will send out this large ring of fire knocking all of your team mates onto their backs. Then allowing them to attack you while you are down. Brotherhood Revolutionary - These guys are a stronger version of the HAARP Officer. They shoot out a green beam making your character temporarly stunned while they attack you. They are also physical resistent. ______ (Bosses) ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Tank I - First of all take out the accompanining guards before you take on the tank. This way you will be able to direct all of yours and your teams attention to the tank. To win this fight you have to attack the turret directly. Jump onto the base of the tank and start attacking the turret. Using your superpower attacks works well. Watch out gor when the tank shoots out rockets taking half of your health out. Tank II - This is more or less the same as Tank I. Except now Flamethrower wielding guards are thrown into the mix. Firstly take out the flames so that you don't get thrown into the fire. Then go and kill the enemies. Now for the tank again just put all force into the turret. The superpowers work best. Also run behind the long cannon whenever it starts to look your way so that it won't be able to shoot at you. Pyro - Pyro is one of the strongest bosses so far. He will make this ring of fire come out of the ground hurting anyone surrounding him. Cyclops is good to have in this fight to help take him out from a distance. Some times Pyro will summon these Fire Demons to help him fight. They are very easy to kill. A few hits usually kills them. Pyro will sometimes shoot balls of fire at you in three different directions so thats another hazard to watch out for. Iceman works well if he has ice attached to his attacks in his powers section. He will also shoot out a large flame from his hand sweeping back and forth so move away from him or behind him continuing to attack. Remember to keep switching mutants making sure everyones health is up. Toad - Toad is extremely fast and will occasionally shoot acid or spin his tounge around hitting everyone close by. When the screen goes black and Toad is about to whip his tounge around switch to all your characters and make them jump to avoid being hit by Toad's tongue. Toad s also multiple resistent making him very strong. Also he will try to make an escape in one of the jets to prevent that from happening attack the jet he is on at full power. Occasionally HAARP soldiers will come to join Toad so kill them and continue attacking Toad. --------- X-Mansion --------- ______________ (Common Enemies) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Sentinels - These guys are strong. They are mutant hunters. If you see a blue light come out of their eyes run away because if you go through that light they will shoot missles out at you. They also have a flamethrower attack. Sentinels are mental resistent so Jean Grey's attacks will be weak to them. They also shoot out a green smoke. Danger Room Robots - These are easy a few hits and they are dead. Then will shoot a blue blast at you so jump or dodge it. Danger Room Sentry - Slightly stronger versions of the robots. Still an easy opponent. ______ (Bosses) ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Juggernaut - Juggernaut is a lot like Blob. After awhile his helmet will be "removed" allowing for mental attacks. The bar at the right is manison's damage meter. When it fills all the way up its game over. Keep attacking at Juggernaut till he is finished. Use Iceman to slow him down. When he glows red that means he is about to run through a wall, so watch out. --------------- Level 3: Sewers --------------- ______________ (Common Enemies) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Morlock Brute - These guys are very tough. They are sort of like a minature Juggernaut. Morlock Claw - Claws are good at melee attacks and don't have too much health. They will throw daggers as soon as they jum so either jump or dodge. Morlock Giant - These are a stronger version of the Brutes. Just pound away at them. Morlock Goth - If you enter any room with one of these guys take them out first. If you don't they will make any other an enemy killing useless. They are not very strong. Just annoying. ______ (Bosses) ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Marrow - Her attacks are that she will shoot spikes at you. She rolls into a ball and shoots out spikes in all directions. Marrow is mental resistent so Jean Grey is not too much help in this fight. ---------------- Level 4: Arbiter ---------------- ______________ (Common Enemies) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ GRSO Soliders - These soldiers are almost exactly like the HAARP soldiers except slightly stronger. Sentinels - These guys are strong. They are mutant hunters. If you see a blue light come out of their eyes run away because if you go through that light they will shoot missles out at you. They also have a flamethrower attack. Sentinels are mental resistent so Jean Grey's attacks will be weak to them. They also shoot out a green smoke. GRSO Assult - They are skilled soliders in melee attacks and have a long laser sword. They don't require that much energy to defeat them. Sentinel Controller - Has basically the same attacks as a Sentinel, except stronger. GRSO Officer - Very strong almost identical to HAARP Officer. --------- X-Mansion --------- ______________ (Common Enemies) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Weapon X Security - These guys are easy a few hit and they are dead. Weapon X Officer - These are powerful soldiers. They're ray gun will do a lot of damage. ---------------------- Level 5: Nuclear Plant ---------------------- ______________ (Common Enemies) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nuclear Security - Easy enemies. Take them down any way you see fit. Nuclear Guards - Slightly stronger than security still easy though. Acoylte - They are very strong. They also have a gun that will stun you. Acoylte Warrior - Very powerful. Has n attack that sends out a wave hitting any surrounding team mates. Acoylte Adept - These guys can teleport and are sort of like mutants with limited powers. Acoylte Master - A much stronger version of an adept. They are annoying too because every time you kill them they reivive themselves. After killing them a few more times they will finally die. They drop a lot of health and energy packs along with equipment. ----------------------------- Level 6: Assault on X-Mansion ----------------------------- ______________ (Common Enemies) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ GRSO Infiltrator - Real easy to kill. Does quite a bit of damage to you though. Infiltration Droids - Despite their size they can do a lot of damage to a mutant. --------------------- Level 7: Astral Plane --------------------- ______________ (Common Enemies) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Astral Shade - Nightmarish creatures that shoot green plasma at you. Not to tough but still a threat. Astral Fiend - Not as swift as shades but much more powerfuller. Astral Shadow - One of the most defensive of the Astral forms. Warped Synapse - They spawn astral enemies. Astral Warden - These are very powerful and very swift enemies. Still can be destroyed but will just take a while. Astral Goliath - These guys are very powerful. They will crush you like a tank if you are not careful. ----------------- Level 8: Weapon X ----------------- ______________ (Common Enemies) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Patrol Drone - Real easy just annoying. They can stun you and don't do too much damage. GRSO Skirmisher - These guys have electrified fists making their punches even more lethal. Thy are not that difficult of an opponent. GRSO Expert Sniper - A powerful long distance attacking enemy. GRSO Commander - They have a lot of health and do a lot of damage. GRSO Master Sniper - An even more powerful long distance attacking enemy. They throw grenades and their gun is rapid firing. GRSO Line Officer - They have powerful gun that take a few seconds to charge up. They also have a high defense. ______ (Bosses) ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Havok - Cyclop's own flesh and blood. Your optic beams will be no good in this fight so use your own hands and whatever you can throw at him. You can still shoot at him and send him through the wall. Its best to just punch him. --------------------- Level 9: Sewers Again --------------------- ______________ (Common Enemies) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Morlock Blades - Much like Morlock claws in the attacks but these guys are stronger. ______ (Bosses) ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Avalanche & Sabertooth - You have to fight both of them at the same time. Sabertooth will do a propellar kick similar to Beast's. Whenever he does this get away and have a long distance attacker attack. Avalanche will shoot out a beam that when it reaches where you stand a spike shoots out from the ground. Just move to the the other side when this happens. Both of them are physical resistent making regular attacks do little damage. If you are lucky and get one of them to fall in the lava it is indeed lucky. Another of Avalanche's attacks are that he sends out a wave of rocks that knocks back anyone close. Avalanche's special is quake. When he does this A huge wave comes out. The only way to dodge this is to either jump it or be on the other side of the map. Then rocks will start to fall from the sky as an after affect of quake. Sabertooth's attacks are almost identical to Wolverine's. Avalanche also has the ability to make a rock prison for your team mates. When this happens just break out. If you kill one the fight is over. --------------------------- Level 10: Defeat Juggernaut --------------------------- ______ (Bosses) ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Juggernaut - He is mental resistent and is like a raging bull. Has very powerful punch attacks. When he turns red that means he is about to crash through a room. When his helmet is removed he is no longer mental resistent. Use fighting tactis used on Blob for Juggernaut. Your superhero powers work well in this fight. ------------------------ Level 11: Stop the riots ------------------------ ______________ (Common Enemies) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Sentinel Mark II - This is the same as a sentinel just has a different name. ----------------------------- Level 12: Defend the Morlocks ----------------------------- ______________ (Common Enemies) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ GRSO Captain - These enemies are physical resistent. Not to hard just takes a while to kill. They throw flashbang grenades. GRSO Flamer - The level two form of the flamethrower. GRSO Elite Skirmisher - The level two form of skirmisher. ______ (Bosses) ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Marrow - This fight is really tough. The Levithans will revive Marrow every time you kill her making this battle hard. Keep defeating the Levithans and then attack Marrow. Marrow has the same attacks as she did during the last fight. You will have to defeat the four revivers in the corners before you can really kill her. It helps to have Iceman in your team so that he can freeze the Reviver so you can kill him before he disappears. The reviveres first appear from the door you cam from in the upper top right corner and they go clockwise. Heres a map: ================= ================= = = = = = 1 = = 2 = = = = = = = = = = =============== = ==== ==== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ==== ==== = ================ = = = = = = 4 = X = 3 = = = Entrance = = = = = = ================= ================= They will keep going in this pattern until you defeat five of them. After defeating each reviver Marrow will start to revive with less and less health. After the fifth reviver is defeated just attack Marrow until its all over. ---------------------- Level 15: Astral Plane ---------------------- ______ (Bosses) ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Shadowking - You won't be able to hurt him from the front because of his shield so run behind him and attack. Shadowking's attacks are that he will throw spears at you. He will also spin a scythe around his head. Knocking you on your feet. Also Shadowking will conjur bats. The bats are more annoying than harmful. After destroyung his armor he starts with melee attacks. Keep your distance and watch your health. He also has a long distance attack where he breathes out toxic fumes. This attack leaves him open for attacks from behind. After a few hits the Shadowking will make two more copies of himself. If you find yourself in need of health and energy packs then take the time to fight some bats to see if they drop any health or energy packs. Remember to level Xavier up. He is going to have a lot of points to distribute since you last used him. -------------------- Level 16: Asteroid M -------------------- ______ (Bosses) ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Magneto - Magneto isn't as hard as I expected him to be. AS soon as you begin to fight run up to Magneto to get a few good hits in. When he forms a barrier around himself you must attack any enemies on the screen. Magento also fights with Sabertooth. Sabertooth is the hard part about this fight. Keep pounding away at Sabertooth until he dies now start to attack Magneto again. After defeating Sabertooth and doing some damage to Magneto Mystique runs in. Now kill her for the shields to disolve from Magneto. After killing Mystique, Sabertooth will revive again. So attack him now until he dies making Magneto vulnerable again. His two attacks are he will incase in a metal ball them shoot out metal in every direction. And also he will throw large pieces of metal at you. Master Mold - This is a tough battle naturally because its also the last one. His attacks are that he shoots out rockets. Use a long distance attacker to attack from a distance away and have melee fighters get inclose and personal. If you use Wolverine have him retreat once and a while to regain some health and ep whenever he gets low. Once and a while he will start breaking off parts of the platform. Just stay out of the way. Once he is free to move this is when it gets hard. If any of your team mates die run over and use the X-Traction point. After awhile some sentinels will come to join. Have someone concertrate on them while having a contious long distance attacker hit Mold. A good person to do this is Cyclops. Another weapon he will use is a spider mine. These will chase you down and explode. He also shoots out flames from his hands and green lasers from his eyes. If he stops taking damage use the three generators. Now just attack at full force. A sent in strategy from David DeKorte was: When I beat the game, I used Nightcrawler against the ENTIRE last level. I leveled him up to Legend Frenzy, and just did that repeatedly. I had Ice, Wolverine, and Magma with me to do extra damage (and Ice’s freeze ability), but by repeatedly using Nightcrawler’s Frenzy attack, he totally cut through the enemies very quickly. Also, as far as the platforms go, they kept trying to lock onto Nightcrawler, but with the frenzy teleporting him back and forth, they couldn’t get a lock on him. Long story short, the other three could completely knock them down. I think I used 4 health packs the entire time before Master Mold. When Master Mold came out, same thing. He couldn’t get a lock on me, and I just kept using the Legend Frenzy. When the Controllers came out, I ran up to them and frenzied them took One Legend Frenzy killed a Controller in one shot. Then knocked the generators off, and back to the big guy again with Nightcrawler. After several tries through with different combinations, I was surprised at how easy it was with Nightcrawler. I didn’t even lose a single ally! Nightcrawler should also have the Mask of Xorn equipped so he won't lose any energy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 7. Items and Equipment ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=- 7.1 Items -=-=-=-=- ____________ (Health Packs) These packs will restore some of your health. You can only carry ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ten at a time. Later on you will be able to carry fifteen. Then even further on you can carry twenty. ____________ (Energy Packs) These packs will restore some of your energy power. You can only ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ carry ten at a time. Later on you will be able to carry fifteen. Then even further on you can carry twenty. _________ (Tech Bits) The games money. You can use these to buy stuff from Forge and the ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Morlock Healer. Also used to revived killed allies. -=-=-=-=-=-=- 7.2 Equipment -=-=-=-=-=-=- --------- Backpacks --------- _______________ (Basic Equipment) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Basic Targeting Implant - +2% chance of criticals during a ranged attack. Basic Weakness Analyzer - +2% chance of criticals during a melee attack. Basic Power Enhancer - +9-11 damage to mutant power attacks. Basic DNA Generator - (Rare) Generate energy 25% more quickly. Basic Tissue Generator - (Rare) Regenerates 2 health/sec up to 25% after 5 idle seconds. Basic Muscle Accelerator - (Rare) Attack and run speed +10%. _________________ (Regular Equipment) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ DNA Generator - (Rare) Generates energy 50% more quickly. Tissue Generator - (Rare) Regenerate 4 health/sec up to 50% after 5 idle seconds. _______________ (Super Equipment) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Super DNA Generator - (Rare) Generates energy 75% more quickly. ________________ (Unique Equipment) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Dead Man's Hand - +20% damage to Gambit's kinetic attacks. +5 agility. Requires Gambit on level 20. Luck of Longshot - +1 Atrike +1 Agility +1 Body +1 Focus 5% chance to reflect punch/kick for 125-150 damage. Requires Level 17. Exodus Cloak - 30% chance to deflect mental damage back at attacker. +80-100 damage vs humans. Requires level 18. Claws of Rage - +20% Wolverine Claw Damage. +5 striking. Requires Wolverine on level 20. Shadowcat's Touch - -5 damage +25-31 to punch and kick attacks vs Robots. Requires Level 15. Bands of the Beast - +20% damage to Beast's mutant attacks. Requires Beast on level 20. Sunfire's mask - -20% damage from fire +9-11 fire damage to mutant's attacks. Requires Level 16. Goddess Medallion - +20% to Storm's wind and electricity. +5 agility. Requires Storm on level 29. Wrath of Wendigo - -5 damage -60% pain. Requires Level 14. Crown of Apocalypse - +4 strike, +4 agility, -2 body, -2 focus. +12% chance for melee critical. Requires level 35. Manual of the Puck - +1 Agility. +15-18 damage to kicks. Requires Level 13. Gauntlets of Wrath - +20% damage to Rogue's power attacks. +20% Rogue stun duration. +5 body. Requires Rogue on level 20. Deathbird's Javelin - Attack and Run speed =20%. +9-11 bleed damage for 5 seconds for projectiles. Requires level 20. Cannonball Flame - -8 damage +100-125 damage to flying melee attacks. Requires Level 15. Eric the Red's Armor - -8 damage. +100-125 to energy attacks vs Magneto. Requires level 29. Heart of the Assassin - +20% damage to Psylocke's psychic attacks. +5 strike. Requires Psylocke on level 20. Agility of the Acrobat - +20% damage to Nightcrawler's teleport attacks. +5 agility. Requires Nightcrawler on level 20 Belt of Unus - -13 damage. +20% chance of deflecting beam damage back at attacker. Requires level 32. Callisto's Eye Patch - +2 Strike +15-18 damage to melee attacks vs Morlocks. Requires Level 15. The X-Cutioner Hood - Generates energy 50% more quickly +80-100 damage vs Mutants. Requires Level 20. The Hammer of Nimrod - +125-150 damage to mutant attacks vs Sentinels. Requires Level 13. Diamond's Aura - +50 damage to Emma Frost's punch and kick attacks. +5 body. Requires Emma Frost on level 20. Astral Stone - +3 Focus. +9-11 damage vs Shadow Creatures. Flight of Northstar - 30% longer flying time. +20% knockback to attackers. Requires level 10. Vinidicator's Gauntlets - +10% experience. -20% beam damage. Requires Level 14. Calban's Shroud - +2 Focus. +25-31 damage to punches. Requires level 19. Cyber's Revenge - -8 damage. +4-5 damage to punches for 5 seconds. Requires level 30. ----- Belts ----- _______________ (Basic Equipment) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Basic Strike Enhancer - Striking +1. Basic Agility Enhancer - Agility +1. Basic Focus Enhancer - Focus +1. Basic Body Enhancer - Body +1 _________________ (Regular Equipment) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Strike Enhancer - Striking +2 Agility Enhancer - Agility +2 Focus Enhancer - Focus +2 ----- Armor ----- _______________ (Basic Equipment) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Basic Nanofiber Armor - -5 damage Basic Harmonic Deflector - +10% chance to reflect 15-18 beam damage. Basic Inertial Dampener - -20% knockback. Basic Elemental Deflector - +10% chance to reflect 15-18 elemental damage. Basic Inertial Deflector - (Rare) +10% chance to reflect 15-18 punch/kick damage. Basic Psionic Deflector - +10% chance to reflect ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 8. Forge and Morlock Healer ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forge becomes available after the first mission. You can visit him anytime in a mission. Pending that you are near a X-traction point. Heres what Forge sells. Basic Tissue Generator - 1000 Basic DNA Geneartor - 2000 Basic Nanofiber Armor - 2500 Basic Power Enhancer - 2000 Basic Strike Enhancer - 1000 Basic Agility Enhancer - 1000 Basic Focus Enhancer - 1000 Basic Targeting Implant - 1500 Basic Weakness Analyzer - 2000 Basic Muscle Accelerator - 2000 Black Tom's Cane - 2500 Thunderbird's Beads - 5000 Manual of the Puck - 4000 Flight of the Northstar - 2500 Wrath of Wendigo - 4000 Shadowcat's touch - 4500 Morlock Healer is available once you beat the first sewer mission and reach him in the Morlock Village. Heres what Healer sells: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 9. Powers & Upgrades ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Wolverine -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------ Powers ------ Brutal Slash: Brutal claw slash and stab. Eviscerate: Claw Flurry: Multiple Slashing attacks. Claw Frenzy: Feral Rage: Enters a raged state. Berserker Rage: Unstoppable Rage: Savage Rampage: Dashes from enemy to enemy brutally slashing them. Healing Factor: Heals over time. Sharpness: Adds damage and destruction to all claw attacks. Toughness: Increases maximum health. Mutant Mastery: Increases Maximum Energy. Critcal Strike: Increases chances of criticals for melee attacks. Expertise: Adds Striking and Agility. -------- Upgrades -------- Strike: Combines with your level to increase your attack rating. Agility: Combines with your level to increase your defense rating. Body: Combines with your level to increase your maximum health. Focus: Combines with your level to increase you maximum energy and energy regenration rate. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Cyclops -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------ Powers ------ Optic Beam: Improves optic beam. Can weld. Optic Blast: Improves optic beam. Can weld. Opic Sweep: A wide beam attack. Optic Slam: Tactics: Improves fighting effectiveness. Strategy: Command: Optic Rage: An X-Treme arc spray attack. Toughness: Increases Maximum health. Mutant Mastery: Increases Maximum energy. Accuracy: Increase chance of criticals for ranged attacks. Critical Strike: Increase chance of criticals for melee attacks. Leadership: Damage and combo experience bonus to any combo done while on team. Point Blank Shot: Increases damage done by ranged attacks within ten feet. -------- Upgrades -------- Strike: Combines with your level to increase your attack rating. Agility: Combines with your level to increase your defense rating. Body: Combines with your level to increase your maximum health. Focus: Combines with your level to increase you maximum energy and energy regenration rate. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Storm -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------ Powers ------ Lightning Strike: Casts lightning bolts down on enemy. Can weld. Chain Lightning: Casts lightning bolts down on enemy. Can weld. Legend Lightning: Casts lightning bolts down on enemy. Can weld. Whirlwind: Creates a powerful wind vortex lifting and throwing objects and enemies around. Tornado: Creates a powerful wind vortex lifting and throwing objects and enemies around. Legend Vortex: Storm Shield: Creates a protective vortex from physical attacks. Hail Shield: Blizzard Shield: Cyclone Fury: X-Treme wind and lightning attack. Lightning Fury: Adds lightning damage to melee attacks. Lightning Rage: Adds lightning damage to melee attacks. Toughness: Increases Maximum health. Mutant Mastery: Increases Maximum energy. Flight: Allows flying and improves mastery over it. Critical Strike: Increase chance of criticals for melee attacks. Leadership: Damage and combo experience bonus to any combo done while on team. -------- Upgrades -------- Strike: Combines with your level to increase your attack rating. Agility: Combines with your level to increase your defense rating. Body: Combines with your level to increase your maximum health. Focus: Combines with your level to increase you maximum energy and energy regenration rate. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Jean Grey -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------ Powers ------ Telekinesis: Uses telekinesis to throw enemies and objects about. Telekinetic Mastery: Uses telekinesis to throw enemies and objects about. Telekinetic Legend: Psychic Shout: Radial mental attack crippling and slowing enemies while damaging them. Psychic Scream: Radial mental attack crippling and slowing enemies while damaging them. Psychic Legend: Telekinetic Shield: Creates a pschic field of protection. Telekinetic Shell: Telekinetic Armor: Phoenix Force: Possesses Jean and lifts all targets up and smashes them into the ground. Psionic Strike: Adds mental damage to melee attacks. Psionic Fury: Adds mental damafe to melee attacks. Telekinetic Combat: Increases damage to all mental attacks. Toughness: Increases Maximum health. Mutant Mastery: Increases Maximum energy. Flight: Allows flying and improves mastery over it. Critical Strike: Increase chance of criticals for melee attacks. -------- Upgrades -------- Strike: Combines with your level to increase your attack rating. Agility: Combines with your level to increase your defense rating. Body: Combines with your level to increase your maximum health. Focus: Combines with your level to increase you maximum energy and energy regenration rate. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Gambit -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------ Powers ------ Charged Card: Throws kinetically charged cards. Can also destroy objects with touch. Charged Shuffle: Throws kinetically charged cards. Can also destroy objects with touch. Card Legend: Staff Slam: A powerful staff attack. Staff Detonation: Staff Legend: Kinetic Boost: Gives damage bonus for a time. Kinetic Amplification: Gives damage bonus for a time. Kinetic Mastery: 52 Pick Up: A flurry of kinetically charged cards dishes out extreme damage. Kinetic Strike: Adds Kinetic Damage to Melee Attacks. Does not include Staff Attacks. Kinetic Fury: Adds Kinetic Damage to Melee Attacks. Does not include Staff Attacks. Overload: Adds energy to charged objects. StaffMaster: Adds Kinetic Damage to Non-PowerStaff Attacks. Toughness: Increases Maximum health. Mutant Mastery: Increases Maximum energy. Critical Strike: Increase chance of criticals for melee attacks. -------- Upgrades -------- Strike: Combines with your level to increase your attack rating. Agility: Combines with your level to increase your defense rating. Body: Combines with your level to increase your maximum health. Focus: Combines with your level to increase you maximum energy and energy regenration rate. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Emma Frost -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------ Powers ------ Confuse: Confuses enemies into becoming non-hostile for a time. Upgrade to convert them. Command: Confuses enemies into becoming non-hostile for a time. Upgrade to convert them. Legend Command: Confuses enemies into becoming non-hostile for a time. Upgrade to convert them. Fear: Causes foes to flee in terror. Terror: Legend Terror: Psychic Shell: Changes into protective shell form for a time. Diamond Shell: Changes into protective shell form for a time. Impervios Shell: Changes into protective shell form for a time. Psychic Bedlam: Damages all enemies within 50 feet with a psionic attack and paralyzes nearby enemies with fear. Psionic Strike: Adds mental damage to melee attacks. Psionic Fury: Adds mental damage to melee attacks. Hardness: Reflects physical damage back at foes. Shell Might: Increases lifting strength, and damage of melee attack while in shell form. Toughness: Increases Maximum health. Mutant Mastery: Increases Maximum energy. Critical Strike: Increase chance of criticals for melee attacks. -------- Upgrades -------- Strike: Combines with your level to increase your attack rating. Agility: Combines with your level to increase your defense rating. Body: Combines with your level to increase your maximum health. Focus: Combines with your level to increase you maximum energy and energy regenration rate. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Beast -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------ Powers ------ PinBall: Pinballs through the area at incredible speed. Canon Ball: Pinballs through the area at incredible speed. Legend Ball: Pinballs through the area at incredible speed. Propeller Kick: Spins legs around kicking any enemies within range. Propeller Lash: Spins legs around kicking any enemies within range. Legend Propeller: Bestial Feats: Mentally focuses body and mind to react to anything. Bestial Instinct: Mentally focuses body and mind to react to anything. Bestial Soul: Orbital Bombardment: Call powerful laser down to smite enemies. Toughness: Increases Maximum health. Mutant Mastery: Increases Maximum energy. Acrobatics: Unlocks acrobatic moves. Grappling: Iproves Strike nd reflects damage from punches and kicks. Critical Strike: Increases chance of criticals for melee attacks. Might: Increases lifting strength, damage of melee attacks and damage level of melee attacks. -------- Upgrades -------- Strike: Combines with your level to increase your attack rating. Agility: Combines with your level to increase your defense rating. Body: Combines with your level to increase your maximum health. Focus: Combines with your level to increase you maximum energy and energy regenration rate. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Colossus -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------ Powers ------ Power Smash: Extra heavy lunge punch. Titanic Smash: Extra heavy lunge punch. Titanic Legend: Concussion Slam: A colossal clap that projects a blast arc. Concussion Blast: A colossal clap that projects a blast arc. Concussion Legend: Steel Skin: Colossus generates steel armor around his body. Titanium Skin: Osmium Skin: Seismic Smash: An X-Treme concussion attack. Colossus Charge: A heavy charge attack that can be performed from a jump. Toughness: Increases Maximum health. Mutant Mastery: Increases Maximum energy. Critical Strike: Increases chance of criticals for melee attacks. Knockback: Adds extra knockback to all physical knockback attacks. Might: Increases lifting strength, damage of melee attacks and damage level of melee attacks. -------- Upgrades -------- Strike: Combines with your level to increase your attack rating. Agility: Combines with your level to increase your defense rating. Body: Combines with your level to increase your maximum health. Focus: Combines with your level to increase you maximum energy and energy regenration rate. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Magma -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------ Powers ------ Fiery Blast: Improves fiery blast. Can build molten rock bridges. Welds. Magma Blast: Improves fiery blast. Can build molten rock bridges. Welds. Magma Legend: Lava Fissure: Molten rock erupts from the cround. Can be used to build molten rock bridges. Lava Rift: Legend Rift: Fiery Form: Improves fiery form. Magma Form: Improves fiery form. Atlas Form: Volcano: A volcano erupts and rains rocks. Burning Rage: Adds fire damage to melee attacks. Erupting Rage: Lava Tracks: Allows use of lava skating. Magma Might: Increases lifting strength, damage of melee attacks and damage level of melee attacks. While in Magma Form. Toughness: Increases Maximum health. Mutant Mastery: Increases Maximum energy. Critical Strike: Increases chance of criticals for melee attacks. -------- Upgrades -------- Strike: Combines with your level to increase your attack rating. Agility: Combines with your level to increase your defense rating. Body: Combines with your level to increase your maximum health. Focus: Combines with your level to increase you maximum energy and energy regenration rate. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Jubilee -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------ Powers ------ Energy Burst: Throw a charged enemy globule. Energy Blast: Throw a charged enemy globule. Legend Blast: Throw a charged enemy globule. Photo Flash: Radial light attack confuses enemies. Strobe Flash: Radial light attack confuses enemies. Legend Flash: Radial light attack confuses enemies. Bait: Penalizes enemey's attack. Taunt: Pep Rally: Independence Day: Fills the sky with brilliant fireworks. Detonate: Adds energy to Charged Objects. Toughness: Increases Maximum health. Mutant Mastery: Increases Maximum energy. Accuracy: Increase chance of criticals for ranged attacks. Critical Strike: Increases chance of criticals for melee attacks. Point Blank Shot: Increases damage done by ranged attacks within ten feet. -------- Upgrades -------- Strike: Combines with your level to increase your attack rating. Agility: Combines with your level to increase your defense rating. Body: Combines with your level to increase your maximum health. Focus: Combines with your level to increase you maximum energy and energy regenration rate. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Iceman -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------ Powers ------ Freeze Blast: Blast of ice that slows enemies, higher levels will freeze. Can build ice bridges and alter enviorment. Deep Freeze: Blast of ice that slows enemies, higher levels will freeze. Can build ice bridges and alter enviorment. Legend Freeze: Blast of ice that slows enemies, higher levels will freeze. Can build ice bridges and alter enviorment. Ice Shards: Throws ice projectiles. Ice Spikes: Throws ice projectiles. Legend Spikes: Ice Armor: Adds ice armor bonus. Ice Equipment: Ice Forge: Freeze Frame: Freezes enemies within 12 feet, slows enemies within 33 feet. Cold Smash: Adds cold damage to melee attacks. Cold Crush: Adds cold damage to melee attacks. Ice Tracks: Allows Iceman to use air skating. Toughness: Increases Maximum health. Mutant Mastery: Increases Maximum energy. Accuracy: Increase chance of criticals for ranged attacks. Critical Strike: Increases chance of criticals for melee attacks. Point Blank Shot: Increases damage done by ranged attacks within ten feet. -------- Upgrades -------- Strike: Combines with your level to increase your attack rating. Agility: Combines with your level to increase your defense rating. Body: Combines with your level to increase your maximum health. Focus: Combines with your level to increase you maximum energy and energy regenration rate. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rogue -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------ Powers ------ Southern Strike: Mutant powered smash punch. Southern Smash: Mutant powered smash punch. Southern Legend: Mutant powered smash punch. Ability Drain: Stun attack that steals powers from victim. If no victim is nearby Rogue will taunt. Ability Sap: Stun attack that steals powers from victim. If no victim is nearby Rogue will taunt. Consume Ability: Bullet Proof: Boosts defenses and resistances. Iron Maiden: Invulnerability: Energy Drain: Saps energy from all enemies, stuns them, and prevents them from using their abilities for a time. Toughness: Increases Maximum health. Mutant Mastery: Increases Maximum energy. Flight: Allows flying and improves mastery over it. Grappling: Improves Strike nd reflects damage from punches and kicks. Critical Strike: Increases chance of criticals for melee attacks. Might: Increases lifting strength, damage of melee attacks and damage level of melee attacks. -------- Upgrades -------- Strike: Combines with your level to increase your attack rating. Agility: Combines with your level to increase your defense rating. Body: Combines with your level to increase your maximum health. Focus: Combines with your level to increase you maximum energy and energy regenration rate. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Psylocke -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------ Powers ------ Psychic Slash: Powerful Psychic Blade attack. Psychic Hammer: Powerful Psychic Blade attack. Hammer Legend: Psychic Bolts: Throws pychic bolts. Psychic Spikes: Throws pychic bolts. Legend Bolts: Psychic Defense: Psychic Energies surround you increasing defense. Psychic Armor: Psychic Wall: Psychic Onslaught: Psychic Blades strike down your enemies. Psionic Strike: Adds mental damage to melee attacks. Psionic Fury: Blade Master: Psychic Dagger increases in power and size. Toughness: Increases Maximum health. Mutant Mastery: Increases Maximum energy. Critical Strike: Increases chance of criticals for melee attacks. -------- Upgrades -------- Strike: Combines with your level to increase your attack rating. Agility: Combines with your level to increase your defense rating. Body: Combines with your level to increase your maximum health. Focus: Combines with your level to increase you maximum energy and energy regenration rate. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Nightcrawler -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------ Powers ------ Teleport Leap: Teleport ahead for a distance. If an enemy is ahead teleport behind him and strike. Teleport Strike: Teleport ahead for a distance. If an enemy is ahead teleport behind him and strike. Legend Strike: Teleport ahead for a distance. If an enemy is ahead teleport behind him and strike. Teleport Flurry: Teleport around an area, hitting enemies then teleport back to start position. Teleport Frenzy: Teleport around an area, hitting enemies then teleport back to start position. Legend Frenzy: Shadow Blend: Becomes nearly invisible making it hard for enemies to target you. Shadow Arts: Shadow Mastery: Blindside Blitz: Unrelenting teleport attack frenzy. Leap of Faith: Chance that Nightcrawler will rescue friends from death as they die within range.(Once per minute) Sucker Punch: Bonus to Critical Chance if executing a teleport attack. Toughness: Increases Maximum health. Mutant Mastery: Increases Maximum energy. Acrobatics: Unlocks acrobatic moves. Critical Strike: Increases chance of criticals for melee attacks. -------- Upgrades -------- Strike: Combines with your level to increase your attack rating. Agility: Combines with your level to increase your defense rating. Body: Combines with your level to increase your maximum health. Focus: Combines with your level to increase you maximum energy and energy regenration rate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 10. Unlockables ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bobby Drake, Original Iceman = Beat the game Colussus without metal, Colussus 90's = Beat the game Original Beast = Beat the game Original Cyclops, Cyclops 90's = Beat the game Original Jean Grey, Phoenix = Beat the game Original Nightcrawler = Beat the game Storm's white outfit = Beat the game Street Clothes Magma = Beat the game Wolverine 90's, Weapon X = Beat the game ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 11. Cheats ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Unlock Costumes -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- At the main menu press Up, Up, Right, Left, Down, Down, Start. This will unlock the Xtreme Costumes. To select them go to the change team part of the X-traction point and an option there is square for skin. This will change your selected characters outfit. Some characters don't have other outfits. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trivia Quiz Questions and Answers -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1) Q: Rogue had once been romantically involved with which evil mutant? A: Magneto 2) Q: The address for the X-Mansion is A: 1407 Graymalkin Lane 3) Q: Of these characters, which was the first X-Man A: Cyclops 4) Q: Who isn't a member of the Brotherhood? A: Gateway 5) Q: Name the machine Xavier uses to augment his psychic powers. A: Cerebro 6) Q: Why can't Cyclops control his optic blast? A: Head trauma suffere as a child. 7) Q: Gambit's father trained him to be a A: Theif 8) Q: Nightcrawler is originally from A: Germany 9) Q: When Jean Grey is overwhelmed by her powers she becomes A: The Phoenix 10) Q: Who is Cyclops's brother? A: Havok 11) Q: Moira MacTaggert runs what facility? A: Mutant Research on Muir Island 12) Q: Who is not truly a mutant? A: Juggernaut 13) Q: Wolverine was forced to slay the father of the woman he loved. What was the father's name? A: Shingen 14) Q: Cyclops's father was the leader of which group? A: The Starjammers 15) Q: Who Developed Sentinels as a deterrent to mutants? A: Bolivar Trask 16) Q: The original X-Men went to he Coffee A-Go-Go to listen to a beatnik known as A: Bernard the Poet 17) Q: Magneto's outer space base, Asteroid M, has also been referred to as A: Avalon 18) Q: Who wears a helmet to protect against psionic attacks? A: Juggernaut 19) Q: The metal bonded to Wolverine's bones is A: Adamantium 20) Q: Which is a codename for Kitty Pryde? A: Sprite 21) Q: Toad's real name is A: Mortimer Toynbee 22) Q: Aside from being a powerful telepath, Emma Frost can also A: Change to diamond hard substance 23) Q: Moira's son, Kevin MacTaggert, was also known as A: Proteus 24) Q: For a short time, Jean Grey was a member of A: The Hellfire Club 25) Q: Which X-Man is immune to Rogue's power? A: Collossus 26) Q: Storm's biggest fear is A: Enclosed spaces 27) Q: Who in this group is a mutant? A: Bobby Drake 28) Q: What is the Xavier Protocol? A: Files listing the secret identities of all known mutants 29) Q: Professor Xavier buil Cerebro with the aid of A: Magneto 30) Q: Forge is a member of which Native American tribe? A: Cheynene 31) Q: The comic book X-Men #1 featuring the X-Men and Magneto appeared in A: September 1963 32) Q: Who is next in line to lead the X-Men if Cyclops is unable to? A: Storm 33) Q: Psylocke is from A: England 34) Q: Where did Jubilee live for a short time? A: Hollywood shopping mall 35) Q: Cyclops derives the energy for his optic blast from A: Solar Energy 36) Q: When Shadow King first met Professor Xavier he was known as A: Amahl Farouk 37) Q: The Morlock took their name from A: The underground race in H.G. Wells' novel "The Time Machine" 38) Q: Gambit's power is the ability to A: Charge objects with kinetic energy 39) Q: Jubilee is the unoficial side kick of which X-Man? A: Wolverine 40) Q: Against her will, Psylocke's mind was transferred into the body of A: A ninja 41) Q: Juggernaut received his fantastic powers from A: A gem of Cyttorak 42) Q: A nickname for Cyclops is A: Slim 43) Q: Sabretooth and Wolverine worked together doing covert operations for A: The CIA and Weapon X 44) Q: Kitty Pryde has a pet dragon named A: Lockheed 45) Q: One name Mystique goes by is A: Raven Darkholme 46) Q: One of Storm's favorite hobbies is A: Gardening 47) Q: In addition to Wolverine, who has been an experiment of the Weapon X program? A: Sabertooth 48) Q: When did Colossus first turn into his metal form? A: Stopping a runaway tractor. 49) Q: The first five members of the X-Men were A: Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast and Jean Grey 50) Q: When do a mutant's powers normally first activate? A: During the teenage years. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 12. Danger Room ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Danger Room is a great way to make some extra exp when the going starts to get tough. If you feel like you are being pummeled by enemies you can always return to the closest X-traction point and visit the Danger Room to level up. You can unlock some more of of the missions in the Danger Room by finding the Danger Room discs scattered through out each level. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 12.1 Danger Room Disc locations -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------- Level 1: New York City ---------------------- 1) Near the end of the level on the last set of stairs you have to take when going to reach the X-Jet. --------- X-Mansion --------- 1) In the Danger Room in a corner. ----------------------- Level 2: HAARP Facility ----------------------- 1) On top of a roof in the Upper grounds. You reach this by running along the roof of the broken train to get on to the roof. 2) Inside a room located to the left in the mess hall. --------------- Level 3: Sewers --------------- 1) In the West Trunk Line, in the first room on the left side of the room. 2) In a room on the left platform with a Goth on the platform too. ---------------- Level 4: Arbiter ---------------- 1) In the room where the very last Crew mate is break the left wall in that room to discover a Danger Room disc. --------- X-Mansion --------- 1) During the Weapon X flashback. Its not hard to miss. ---------------------- Level 5: Nuclear Plant ---------------------- 1) In the first big room in the center area behind boxes. 2) In the last area, as soon as you enter the room move forward to the broken bar and fly to the left. ----------------------- X-Mansion after Level 6 ----------------------- 1) On the second floor of the mansion on the right side of the stairs. --------------------- Level 7: Astral Plane --------------------- 1) In the first area move into the second big room where there are stairs going left and right go down the stairs to the left. 2) At another stair intersection where the stairs on the left lead to a X-Traction point go down the right stairs to reach a Danger Room disc. ----------------- Level 8: Weapon X ----------------- 1) In the first area in the room next to where you start move in between a large metal device to find the Danger Room disc. --------------------- Level 9: Sewers Again --------------------- 1) In the fifth area down a long corridor there will be a door leading into a room on the left. Go into the room then go into a room on the far left of this room to find a Danger Room disc. --------------------------- Level 10: Defeat Juggernaut --------------------------- 1) As soon as you gain control of your team move to the left to find the disc. ------------------------ Level 11: Stop the riots ------------------------ 1)In the first area near the end of the first area behind some barrels at the top of the screen in the middle is the disc. ----------------------------- Level 12: Defend the Morlocks ----------------------------- 1) In the second area on the other side of a small bridge between two cages are some boxes destroy them to find the disc. 2) In the overflow Resevoir located near Healer is a Qualifying Exam 400. ---------------------- Level 13: Astral Plane ---------------------- 1) In the second area across a bridge where you can go either left or right. Go left and at the top right corner is the disc. ----------------- Level 14: Factory ----------------- 1) ---------------------- Level 15: Astral Plane ---------------------- 1) --------- X-Mansion --------- 1) In the far left corner of the X-Jet hangar. -------------------- Level 16: Asteroid M -------------------- 1) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 12.2 Danger Room Programs -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To start you have different grades to pick. The grades change the difficulty of each program and how many points you are rewarded. -------------------------------------------------------- |Extra Credit: Efficiency- Succeed with time left over | |Demolitionist- Lots of power combos | |Tactician- Uses all heros equally | |Untouchable- Takes very little damage | -------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Setting 101 ----------- Hidden Goods: Extra Credit - Efficiency Description - Destroy all crates within 30 seconds. ----------- Setting 102 ----------- Throwing: Extra Credit - Efficiency Description - Execute a Pickup and Throw Move 5 times within 30 seconds. --------- Moves 101 --------- Triple Hit: Extra Credit - Efficiency, Untouchable Description - Strike enemies withe The Triple Hit 3 times within 1:00. --------- Moves 102 --------- Knockback: Extra Credit - Efficiency, Untouchable Description - Strike enemies with The Knockback Attack 3 times within 1:00. --------- Moves 103 --------- Pop up: Extra Credit - Efficiency, Untouchable Description - Strike enemies with The Popup Attack 4 times within 1:00. --------- Moves 104 --------- Trip: Extra Credit - Efficiency, Untouchable Description - Strike enemies with The Trip Maneuver 5 times within 2:00. --------- Moves 105 --------- Stun: Extra Credit - Efficiency, Untouchable Description - Strike enemies with The Stunning Blow 6 times within 2:00. --------- Moves 106 --------- Throw: Extra Credit - Efficiency, Untouchable Description - Execute throwing an enemy 7 times within 2:00. ------------ Teamwork 101 ------------ Extra Credit - Efficiency, Demolitionist, Tactician, Untouchable Description - Call for help from allies 10 times within 2:00. ------------ Teamwork 102 ------------ Extra Credit - Efficiency, Demolitionist, Tactician, Untouchable Description - Call for help from allies 10 times within 1:00. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 13. FAQ ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How do I access the Extreme Gear? A. After beating the game for the first time a message will appear saying that you have unlocked some Extreme Gear. To use it start a new game and go to an X-Traction Point and going to the character selection screen. Select a character and press square to change their outfit. Only a few characters will have a different costume though. Q. Is there a New Game+? A. Nope. Once you beat the game thats it. You have to start all over anew with only the costumes you had unlocked. Q. Who is the fifteenth character in the change team menu? A. It is Professor Xavier from when you used him during the Astral Plane levels. Q. Isn't Wolverine's first name Logan? A. From the older comic series it is Logan. According to several Marvel websites James Howlett is Wolverine's true name. In the Wolverine section I will list both names. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 14. Credit ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to: cowceda@gmail.com for the two combos. Silent Squall for telling me that Wolverines first name is James. crimsonassassin@gfmods.com for telling me that Beast can be aquired in the X-mansion before the second level. lock97@yahoo.com for telling me that Jean Grey is able to make briges and that Storm can put out fires using whirlwind. Special thanks to Devine27 for the help with the ASCII art. spidey4103@aol.com for Wolverine's last name. tangers17@hotmail.com for the info that Magma, too, can make bridges. blkhardcore@yahoo.com for telling me what Sabertooth's real name and mutant power was. thom@eatthemeek.com for the info on Magma, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey and Avalanche. Mike Weaver for the info on how to find the Gambit comic on the Mount Level. BloodLetterX@netscape.net for the Sabertooth correction. Kylerson14@wmconnect.com for pointing out I didn't have Collusus acquire point. pinekones@ideastar.com for the danger room disc location on the arbiter and the nuclear facility and the stat point location. panterac6f6h6@yahoo.com for the correction on Gambit's real name. pjaynyc10014@yahoo.com for the qualifying exam 400 disc loaction. Special thanks to: Gardevior for the highly impressive work on the bios and other tibits of info in the character section. Tormenta, tigerbtl, aton_ra, and _BlackPool_ for bringing to my attention that I was spelling "Rogue" incorrectly. David DeKorte for the helpful strategy on the last level. Thank you so much. I really appreciate the help you have given. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 15. Version History ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0- 10/1/04 Bought the game and set up some of the basics such as the story, characters, and controls. Started the walkthrough. 1.1- 10/4/04 Got more of the walkthrough done added in to the Danger Room section. 1.2- 10/5/04 Added a lot. Mostly to the walkthrough. 1.3- 10/7/04 Added a lot. Again mostly to walkthrough. 1.4- 10/10/04 Gah this weekend sucked. Got really far behind. Reformated my pc and then accidently saved over my save file in X-men Legends causing me to start all over from Level 3. Sorry for the delay on this thing. Hope I made up for it by adding levels 5 through 8 and some of 9. 1.5- 10/13/04 Finished the walkthrough. I'll get all the extra stuff in later on. 1.6- 10/28/04 Now for the details of the game. I added a FAQ to answer some commonly asked questions. Laid out the idea of a background of each character. Added more bits and pieces to each section. I'll try to get another update in by November 9-10 mostly on character abilities and items. 1.7- Sorry for the delay. I had some extra time and I wanted to add a lot more. I added a James Howlett bio. Put in all the characters and their abilities. I will add the info for current level under the abilities in the character menu next. Thanks to everyone who emailed me with corrections or item locations. I've added in the latest ones. Thanks a lot. I listed all the items I had during the last boss fight along with its info. Added better descriptions for the controls. I also changed the Controls section into Contols and Attacks because I had a lot to write about. I also added an intro before the Walkthrough on some common terms and and RPG basics. Sorry to all from when I had James Howlett as solely Wolverine's name. I added in Logan too and will add the bio for that name later on with the other X-Men. For more info on what the Wolverine's name problem was you can refer to the FAQ section. Other than the big stuff I fixed or added some smaller things. Too many to mention. I won't set another update date as I was unable to get this one in by the 9th or 10th but I should have one in either last week of November or first week of December. A couple of last minute updates are that I added in almost all of the Danger Room disc locations in the Danger Room section. 1.8- 1/23/05 I finally updated! I got some some more info from various e-mails. The most impressive being from Gardevior who provided all the info in the character's section with all capitals is from him which is nearly all of it. Thanks a lot for all your hard work Gardevior. 1.9- 6/8/05 Ah with Summer finally here I have free time in order to get back to work on my FAQ writing. And as promised I have begun work on X-Men Legends. I overhauled much of the layout and tried not to change too much of the walkthrough. This is just a small taste as to the rest of the work to come. 1.95-6/13/05 Minor update. Did some reformating of different sections and completely finished the Characters section with all Bios now complete. More to come over the following weeks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 16. Contact ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some quick guide lines for e-mailing me: 1. Put a subject on which game you are referring to. No subject means I WILL NOT LOOK AT YOUR E-MAIL! For the subject simply put: X-Men Legends 2. I'm typing this FAQ/Walkthrough as I play the game for the first time. If I am not up to a certain point in the Walkthrough section it means I am not up to that part in the game. 3. Please, Please, PLEASE! Look at the guide first before e-mailing me with a question. Most of the time your question has already been answered. Other than these three points feel free to send me an e-mail with any tips, hints, suggestions, corrections on errors, questions, etc. to my e-mail address: darknight42189@gmail.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 17. Disclaimer ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2005 to merc for hire. This FAQ/Walkthrough is the sole work of merc for hire A.K.A. Merc For Hire and is protected by International Copyright laws. No other websites are able to post this FAQ/Walkthrough without my written consent and this FAQ/Walkthrough can not be plagarized in any form. You have full permission to print out this FAQ/Walkthrough in its entirety or in sections. If you do wish to post this guide on your site you can e-mail me with the e-mail address provided in the CONTACT section. This FAQ/Walkthrough will only be updated on www.Gamefaqs.com