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Over the course of my FAQ I will teach you various secrets that most people don't know about Gambit, I will outline his attacks, I will specify what I believe is the best way to raise his statistics and attacks throughout X-men Legends, and various other areas of vital importance. If you have anything to add to my FAQ, or a mistake in it to point out, please see my "contact me" section and I will credit any useful information to you. So without further ranting, here is my FAQ. ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ FROM THIS POINT FORWARD THERE WILL BE SPOILERS ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 1.1-Characters ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ Here is a list of all playable characters throughout X-men Legends, and how/when to unlock them. 1.Wolverine Begins in your party 2.Cyclops Unlocked after you defeat Mystique 3.Jean Grey Unlocked after completing the first mission 4.Storm Unlocked after completing the first mission 5.Iceman Unlocked after completing the first mission 6.Rogue Unlocked after completing the second mission 7.Beast Unlocked after completing the second mission 8.Nightcrawler Unlocked after completing the second mission 9.Jubilee Unlocked after completing the second mission 10.Gambit Unlocked after completing the third mission 11.Magma Unlocked after completing Magma's second Danger Room challenge 12.Colossus Unlocked after clearing Nuclear Facility level 13.Emma Frost In X-mansion after Nuclear Facility level 14.Professor Charles Xavier Used only for special missions 15.Psylocke Unlocked after beating NY Riot, third sewer level, and first manditory Juggernaut level ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 1.2-F.A.Q. ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ This is the beginning of the Frequently Asked Questions section of my FAQ. Here I will answer any questions that I personally had trouble with, or questions that I see popping up a little too often on the X-men Legends message board (not that any newbs will read this anyways, they never do =P). Question 1: How many playable characters are there? Answer 1: There are 14 main characters, along with a 15th available in a few special missions. Question 2: How do I use Gambit/Jubilee's Overload attack? Answer 2: Once you have at least one skill point on their Overload attacks, approach an object (such as a trash can) and use their basic R+A attack (like Gambit's "charged cards" attack). This causes the object to get "charged" and will henceforth explode in several seconds. Question 3: How do I cross large gaps with the holograph "X" marks? Answer 3: The ideal way to cross these gaps is with Iceman Jean Grey, or Magma's R+A attack. Standing a few feet away from the X, and make sure you're targeting it, use your R+A attack to create a bridge of a corresponding element. If you don't have either of these characters in your current party you can use any of the flying characters (Storm, Jean Grey, or Rogue) to pick up other characters and ferry them across the gaps (this only works if you have 3+ skill points on the "Fly" skill). The final way to cross gaps is to teleport characters across with Nightcrawlers R+A teleport attack (you can only carry other party members across if you have 4+ skill points on his teleport attack). Question 4: Beast did not join me after the second mission. Why? Answer 4: Apparently this is a somewhat common glitch. Don't freak out and restart your game, he will join you after the third mission once you talk to him at the mansion. Question 5: How many optional missions are there? Answer 5: There are 3 "flashback missions", eachof them can be activated by talking to a specific mutant after a specific mission. Question 6: How do I unlock extra costumes? Answer 6: At the main menu press up, up, right, left, down, down, start to unlock the Xtreme costumes. Additional costumes will be unlocked once you play through story mode. Question 7: What is the highest possible level? Answer 7: The highest possible level is 45. Question 8: How do I change costumes? Answer 8: Press X at any Xtraction point's "change team" menu. ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 1.3-Gambit's profile ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ I little info about Gambit from his various roles in the Marvel world. --- Code Name: Gambit Real Name: Remy LeBeau Height: 6'2 Weight: 180lbs Ethnicity: Cajun Place of Birth: Louisiana Mutant Powers: Can charge objects with kinetic energy to explode on contact, hypnotic charm causing others to be more trustful of him*, Kinetic Bo Staff, and super-human reflexes*. --- * Neither of these abilities come into play during XML, but can be seen in X-men comics/tv shows featuring Gambit. Short History**: Born on the streets of New Orleans, Remy was a homeless orphan when he was adopted by Luc LeBeau, leader of the Thievs Guild. Remy LeBeau proved to be an adept student - he soon learned to be every bit the master thief his stepfather was. Eventually though, Gambit turned his back on his old life of crime - for the most part. From time to time he still enjoys stealing from other thieves. **This information is exactly (unless I made a typo) as seen in X-men Legends. ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 1.4-Moves list ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ Here are all the tiers of Gambit's move list. I will refer to this list often in the main part of my FAQ. ATTACKS: ~ Charged Card (5 blocks) Throws 3 kinetically charged cards -Charged Shuffle (5 blocks) Throws 5 kinetically charged cards -Card Legend (1 block) Throws 7 kinetically charged cards ~ Staf Slam (5 blocks) A powerful staff attack -Staff Detonation (5 blocks) A powerful staff attack -Staff Legend (1 block) A powerful staff attack ~ Kinetic Boost (3 blocks) Gives damage bonuse for a time -Kinetic Amplification (3 blocks) Gives damage bonus for a time, affects nearby teammates -Kinetic Mastery (3 blocks) Gives damage bonus for a time, affects all teammates ~ 52 PICK UP (1 block) A flurry of kinetically charged cards dishes out extreme damage SKILLS: ~ Overload (5 blocks) Adds energy to charged objects STAT/DAMAGE INCREASERS: ~ Kinetic Strike (3 blocks) Adds kinetic damage to melee attacks, does not include staff attacks -Kinetic Fury (3 blocks) Adds kinetic damage to melee attacks, does not include staff attacks ~ Staff Master (5 blocks) Adds kinetic damage to non-power staff attacks ~ Toughness (3 blocks) Increases maximum health ~ Mutant Mastery (3 blocks) Increases maximum energy ~ Critical Strike (5 blocks) Increases chance of criticals for melee attacks ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 1.5-Stats & Attacks 101 ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ Here I'll explain some basic information that you must know while playing X-men Legends. Upping your attributes: Every level you gain you will get points, these points allow you to boost attributes. The four attributes are... Strike- Raises your attack rating Agility- Raises your defense rating Body- Raises your maximum HP Focus- Raises your maximum energy, and determines how fast you regenerate energy back. Normally you only get one point per level, but on every fifth level (5, 10 15 etc.) you get 2 points for upgrading stats. For almost all the mutants Focus is the most important stat, as you need Focus to use mutant abilities. Upgrading your attacks: As seen in the previous section, all mutants have various attacks to upgrade. Some of these attacks/skills are more important than others, so choose carefully. Just like with attributes you get one attack point per level (two on every fifth level), so you won't get new attacks very often. Most attacks have more than one level ("blocks" in the Move List section), so you can upgrade them more thanonce for better effects. For example: Upgrading Gambit's Toughness skillraises his HP 10% on the first block, then 15% on the second, and finally 20% on the third. Some attacks (like "Staff Slam") have more than one tier of blocks. After the first 5 blocks Staf Slam upgrades into Staff Detonation. In order to upgrade to Staff Detonation you must spend 2 points on that skill (only on it's first block, the other four only cost one). After you have all five Staff Detonation blocks filled you can upgrade to Staff Legend for two more points. I hope I've been clear enough on these areas, if you don't understand it all don't worry, they're easy to figure out once you start playing. ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 1.6-Recommended Skills ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ Early on the XML game gives you a hint that if you're having trouble picking stats to hit the "Y" button on the statistics screen, this will cause the game to automatically choose proper attacks/attributes for you. In my opinion all it does is screw the heck out of your character by giving them the wrong stats at the wrong time. So if you really don't know what stats to purchase I've made this list of what I believe are the best skills for melee with Gambit. For more information on these attacks see the "Move List" section. Gambit's recommended skills. Charged Card (4/5) -Charged Shuffle (0/5) -Card Legend (0/1) Staf Slam (5/5) -Staff Detonation (5/5) -Staff Legend (1/1) Kinetic Boost (3/3) -Kinetic Amplification (3/3) -Kinetic Mastery (3/3) 52 PICK UP (1/1) Kinetic Strike (3/3) -Kinetic Fury (3/3) Overload (1/5) Staff Master (5/5) Toughness (3/3) Mutant Mastery (3/3) Critical Strike (5/5) Of course these are all just my opinions, there isn't a best way to raise his attacks. Two questionable attacks in the list, Charged Cards and Overload, I have tried before. They weren't completely useless to me, but with the limited number of stat-points I thought they weren't worth leveling up. ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 1.7-Recommended stats ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ Just like the last section, except dealing with the stats (Strike, body etc.) Just like with attacks, you can press "Y" at the character screen to have the game automatically use your skill points, or you could just follow my suggestions. The automatic leveling system tends to be kinky, as it gives characters lots more strike/focus than agility/body (a big "no, no" for Gambit). >_< Sorry, i noticed a big error here...I'll fix it A.S.A.P. The reason he doesn't have as much Focus as some characters is because he doesn't need it. The only mutant skill frequently used with Gambit is Staff Slam. Again, these are my opinions, so don't go up the wall if you don't agree with them. I played through the game using all the same techniques I talk about in this FAQ and they worked GREAT for me. ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ¤1.8¤Recommended Equipment ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ Here I'll suggest all the best armour for Gambit to suit his specific needs. Backpack: Shi'ar Battle Implants (+3 to focus, strike, body, and agility) Obtained after completing "Nightmare-Colossus" or Dead Man's Hand (+20% to all Gambit's kinetic energy attacks, +5 Agility) Obtained after completing "Challenge - Gambit" Gear: Ultra Focus Enhancer (+8 Focus) Found on the ground, or bought from healer. Shield: Super Internal Deflector (+30% Chance to reflect 125-150 punch/kick damage). Found on ground, or bought from healer. ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 1.9-Gambit ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ Want to know how to raise Gambit, what type of fighter he is? Read this before getting into the nitty-gritty. Gambit is a basic melee character, not very complicated. He isn't a tank like Beast or Wolverine, he's more similar to Iceman in the way that he can put on heavy damage, but he can't take in as much as the tanks. He relies mostly on Agility and Focus, although he does need a good amount of body, too. Don't up strike with Gambit at all, his two moves that add kinetic energy damage to melee attacks (Staff master and Kinetic strike) are vital at first, as they're what makes him hit hard in place of strike. Long range isn't his specialty but he does have it in case of emergency. His special attack rocks, but more on that later. He won't start out in your party, you obtain him after the third mission (which is still very near the game's beginning). For more detailed info on these and more areas, read on to the next two sections, the main area of my FAQ. ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 2.0-Melee Combos/Attacks ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ This is Gambit's main use, right here. He's all front lines, and can do immense damage if leveled properly. I'll get to each of the points individually. Detailed Skill Purchasing: When you start out you'll notice Gambit doesn't have many attacks yet. It's a good idea to spend points on his more useful skills first, it'll make the game much easier. Once you're a high enough level it is best to buy the attacks Staff Master & Kinetic Strike, as soon as you have these fully leveled you can take control of Gambit's full strength (note that these skills take the place of strike, you do NOT need to put any points into strike at all so long as you have these skills). An important note about these attacks is that you will be able to fight Physical Resistant enemies effectively, but there is a minor draw-back: Although you can fight Physical Resistant enemies you won't be as effective against Energy Resistant enemies. Why? Simply Because it is an energy attack, since you are using kinetic energy to attack, so a character that uses strike instead will be more effective against Energy Resisters, but less affective against Physical Resistant. I don't consider this a good or bad thing, just something you need to know. After you've gotten a good start on these attacks I recommend focusing points on Staff Slam, a good knock-back attack, In my opinion the best mutant skill, and Critical Strike, which makes you much more likely to critical (which is a very good thing in XML, you do about 3x normal damage). Those three attacks are the main staples of Gambit's attacks, but since you should have all these moves by level 30 I recommend putting points into Toughness and Mutant Mastery until they're filled. Finally, I suggest winding up any loose points by purchasing Kinetic boost or Charged cards and their higher forms. Attack/Combo usage: When fighting with Gambit, much unlike other mutants, you shouldn't rely on mutant powers too much. Staff Slam comes in handy, but one deadly combo I use is A+B+A+Staff-Slam. There's something you have to know about Gambit that includes this combo. The final "A" attack in the combo does about 2.5x as much damage as any other A/B attack with Gambit. Every time. We're talking key-knowledge, Gambit just isn't the same without this combo. For me it was basically like using a mutant power without using any focus points, a very strong and useful combo. So basically you don't need to rely on powers too much because the A+B+A combo (called the "sweep", I believe) is just about as powerful as Staff Legend (impressive, eh?). The nice thing about this attack is that it has a very wide range, so you can smack baddies wherever they are. Staff slam also has a good range, when you use it you smake the ground via staff, sending a small shock-wave, with great knock-back and good range. The other combo attacks I like to use with Gambit are A+A+B (Uppercut) and B+B (Knock-back). Neither of these combos are unique to Gambit, many characters (such as Cyclops and Iceman) use these combos also, but that's beside the point. Uppercut is a reasonably strong combo that ends with the final "B" strike in an uppercut punch, sending the enemy into the air and on their back. It is somewhat strong, but the main reason I use it is if you need a thug out of your face you can get them on the ground easily to set up some recovery time for yourself. The Knock-back is similar, Gambit performs two round-house kicks, the second is pretty strong and it send the enemy flying back with some good speed. Like the uppercut, it does get the enemy on the ground, but it also adds nice additional damage if you can send them into a wall or car etc. Attack Charge: One thing you'll notice quickly is that every character has a mutant power that temporarily increases their stats, generally it increases the amount of damage you do, but in some cases it helps agility. Gambit's ability, Kinetic Boost, makes his attack damage go up, and at high levels it helps all your teammates also. This is a handy move, but I don't recommend puting points on it until you get to a very high level. Why? Mostly because XML is easy enough that you won't need the extra help, except possibly near the end of the game it may come in handy. It can also be a pain to use, remembering to use the same attack every 20 seconds. If you do decide to use this skill you'll notice that it adds even more damage to his melee attacks making him an awesome melee character. Useful, but not totally nescessary. Special Attack: The final area I'll touch down on for melee is Gambit's special attack. Every character has a special attack that can be bough for 2 points at level 15+. Most special attacks (like Gambit's) attacks all enemies in a small surrounding area. Gambit's special, called "52 PICK UP", is one of the best specials in my opinion. When you trigger the attack (R+Y) everything goes into slow motion, Gambit then shoots a ton of cards into the air and they come down in shiny beams of light on all surrounding enemies. It does about as much damage as one Staff Legend attack, and it hits all enemies at once (and it is impossible to miss). I highly recommend getting this attack at around level 25, it shouldn't be used as a main attack but rather saved for when you need to get out of a tough squeeze. ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 2.1-Ranged/Support Attacks ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ I strongly suggest NOT doing support with Gambit, as he isn't very good at it. Some better support characters are Iceman and Jean Grey. If you're still insistant on trying, I made these as best I could to help with Gambit's supporting needs individually. Ranged attacks: For Ranged attacks Gambit has Charged Cards, much like Iceman's Ice Spikes except considerably weaker (adding in the fact that Iceman has Point Blank Shot, Gambit doesn't). Charged cards can be a descent ranged attack, it sends out 7 cards in all, once you've leveled it up to Card Legend. The cards themselves are weak, but they do have more knock-back (something Gambit seems to specialize at) than Ice Spikes. So if you like Ice Spikes or Energy burst, Charged Cards isn't too far off the mark. I find them useful for when you see a dude with some huge gun you REALLY don't want to get shot by, shoot him via cards first and he'll get knocked back, hence messing up his aim until one of your tanks can go finish him off. Another ranged attack that comes in more handy than charged cards is Overload. Overload isn't one of the basic R+ moves, once you've put some points into it you can kinetically charge objects. To do this approach a small enough object for Gambit to pick up (i.e. trash can), press R+A once you're right next to it, and it'll become explosive, now hurry and chuck it at the enemy before it explodes! Once you've put lots of points into the move it makes bigger explosions, useful if you're stuck in a corner with fifty enemies hot on ya. Support: As far as support goes Gambit only has one really useful move. Once you've leveled Kinetic boost up to it's Kinetic Mastery form it increases all allies attack considerably for a short time. Using this move often will be a big plus later on. Special Attacks: Gambits only other ranged move is his specal attack, 52 PICK UP. This attack is incredibly useful for support or melee, when you start the move everything goes slow-mo and Gambit launches his deck of cards into the air, all the cards come crashing down on enemies in the form of light beams causing about as much damage as Staff Legend to every enemy in the surrounding area. If you plan on having Gambit as a support (this is possible, but not a good idea in my opinion) I recommend getting it at level 15 and using it to nuke stuff frequently. ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 2.2-Credit ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ PapaGamer & moot for suggesting I write this FAQ. Thanks again to moot for giving me tons of ideas of stuff to fill my FAQ with. Thanks to cablepuff for pointing out that the Shi'ar Battle Implants give +3 to all stats, not +4 Thanks to slobr, who told me I had used the wrong font in my ASCII, which is why it looked all jumbled. Thanks again to moot for pointing out that Jean Grey can also create bridges, I added this into Question 3 of section 1.2 Thanks to Suicidal Lemmings for suggesting I take the periods out of my ASCII. ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 2.3-Contact me ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ See anything wrong with my FAQ? Found something I should add/remove? Just think there's more info that needs to be covered (I do to, so Ideas are welcome)? Contact me. My AIM is Freaczorz, except I hardly ever use AIM anymore. The best way to contact me is to drop a line at my home board Board=1651; Dragon Ninja If you wonder why I don't just post my E-mail, that's because I know quite a few people who have gotten viruses this way, and I'd rather get no feed-back than a virus. ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 2.4-Updates ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 11/1/04-Submitted my FAQ for the first time, it was denied. 11/3/04-I made big changes to sections 1.3-2.0, and submitted the FAQ again. 11/4/04-Slightly changed sections 1.7, due to cablepuff who pointed out an error in my guide. Also changed section 2.1 to give him credit for this. I tried to fix my ASCII, also, which was totally screwed up. 11/5/04-I changed question 3 in section 1.2, due to advice I got from moot. Thanks, moot. 11/6/05-I noticed a layout error, so I fixed it. Added to section 2.5 11/9/04-Added a Q/A the the F.A.Q. section. Fixed many various errors I found. Changed the ASCII. ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ 2.5-Legal ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ None of the characters/trademarks belong to me (duh) they all belong to Marvel. You can't use any part of this FAQ without crediting it to me or the original source mentioned. If you credit it properly, go nuts....Oh, yeah, I'm also not responsible for any mental or physical trauma you experienced from reading my guide (due to my bad grammar or something). ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~