Phantasy Star 3: Generations of Doom Platform: GBA update via Phantasy Star Collection Author: Mewtwo64 (Aurabolt or Ted Toss for those who know me) Version 3.0 Introduction ============= This Guide is for PHS3 (my abbreviation) on GBA. For those who don't know Sega and THQ decided to do a remake on the GBA (Called the Phantasy Star Collection). You can buy it along with the first 2 on one cart for ($29.99) at select stores. If you really want the remake bad look in a used game shop like EB or Gamestop. They sell them used for 18 bucks or less. Since the Genesis is passing on its vast selection of titles to PC and the big 4 (Game Cube, GBA, PS2, and X-Box) This Guide will cover only the GBA update, unlike Voltron's Guide which covers the original Genesis cart. There isn't much of a difference between the two other than you can play it ANYWHERE, the controls are slightly different, The sound was toned down a bit (unless you use headphones) and by pressing Start you have option of quitting and going to the main title screen. Let's move on, shall we? Table of Contents ================== Intro (above) 1. Controls 2. Magic Techniques 3. Walkthrough (COMPLETE) 4. Final Battle + Endings (WARNING: SPOILERS!!) 5. Game Shark Codes 6. FAQ 7. Legal Stuff 8. Version History (This is 3.0) 9. Credits 1. Controls ============= Here are the controls for PHS3. If you played it on Genesis there won't but much difference except getting used to the fact that the screen and the controller are one in the same (think multi colored Game Gear, lol): On Field/In Towns/Caves/Dungeons: D Button: Move around A: Action Button-Talk to people, open Chests, interact with objects, etc. B: Cancel, View Party Start: Quit Game (Select Quit to go back to game selection screen) L, R, and Select: Not used* (See below for side note) In Battle D-Button: Make Battle selection A: Execute Attack (when either on Continuous attack or Large attack), Flee, Defend/Magic/Item/Choose target (Wren, Magic, Bow, and Slicer users can attack the back row) B: Cancel or Go back. Can also be used when party is fighting to choose another command after everyone has had a turn. Start: (See above) L, R, and Select: Not used* (See below) There is one exception to the select button not being used. Pressing Start/Select/A/B together will soft reset your game. There isn't much point to this since you can press start to quit THAT way. If only there was a sleep mode... 2. Magic Techniques ================ Like just about every other RPG you've ever played there's magic. Unlike the newer ones on PS2/X-Box/Game Cube where you have to memorize foot long incantations here you just pick the magic you want to use and your target. Magic is separated in 4 groups with 4 spells: Heal, Order, Time, and Melee. The Heal and Melee sets should be self explanatory of what they contain. Only the Heal Techs can be used outside battles. Here's a rundown on each group and their Technique Point (TP) cost. Heal Techniques-5 TP ---------------------------- Out of these 4 spells Anti and Rever are NOT Guaranteed to work. If you're running low on TP as it is this can be quite costly. Poison isn't as "deadly" as you would think. All it does is prevents the victim from getting healed. This is why you should have at least 2 antidotes on every party member. It'll cut down on the number of times you'll need to use Anti. Rever, if successful will full revive a person's HP (not TP) to max. Res: Restores HP. Gires: Restores HP to all living party members Rever: Revives fallen party members (If successful) Anti: Cures Poison (If successful) On a little side note, Rever should only used if you are far from a town (like in Dragonia or Frigidia). I've noticed it's more likely to work out of battle. Anti should be used only if you're fresh out of Antidotes and you're far from a town. For the first generation Mieu will be your only healer. You should visit a Technique Distribution Shop to optimize their strength. IMO it's cheaper to revive someone using Rever than it is to pay 50 Meseta (Money). You can revive them and then pay 10-25 Meseta to restore TP. Melee Techniques-2 TP ------------------------------ All are elemental spells. Unlike most traditional RPGs like Pokemon and Final Fantasy it's hard to guess who is weak to what just by looking. Unfortunately, that's the only way to find out. You should just use Gra and Zan, which attack whole rows. Tsu will attack monsters on one side of the screen. Here's a battle chart: C------------D A------------B --------------------------- H-M-W-L M/F-L/O F (Name) HP (Hit Points) TP (Technique Points) (After Last party member) Large attack-Inventory-Continuous attack-Run (Run ONLY if you're low on HP/TP or you're in a hurry) Key: C+D-Back Row enemies A+B-Front Row enemies H-Hero (Rhys, Nial, Ayn, etc.) M-Mieu W-Wren L M/F-Layan Male or female (Always female if Rhys marries Maia. If Rhys marries Lena Then there will be a Male Layan in the 2nd generation). O/L F-Layan or Orakian Female (After Lena if Rhys Marries Lena then it will be 2 Layan Females. If he marries Maia it will be an Orakian Female and then a Layan Female) Foi (Fire): Damages 1 target Zan (Wind): Damages 1 Row Gra (Gravity/Force): Damages both rows Tsu (Water): Attacks Enemies on one side (like B and D) Side Note: Also unlike most RPGs where Magic is needed to defeat powerful foes none of the magic attacks will do more damage than physical attacks. If you really want to attack with Magic use Zan or Gra. If you get lucky with matching types then use Foi and Tsu. It's really up to you. Time Techniques-1 TP ------------------------------ These are the more interesting Techs. If you can chain Shiza and Deban together on a Powerful enemy (Such as a Boss) then the hapless victim will just stand there. Deban has a higher success rate than Shiza, so use that first. Try it against Dark Force! Ner: Increase the Speed of a Party Member Remit: Increase chances of Running Away (use only as a desperation move) Shiza: Seals the Target's TP, preventing it from using Magic Deban: Prevents the Target from attacking ----- Side Note: When you optimize Time Techs Shiza and Deban are priority. You should tone those to the max to increase chances of success. Use Ner on Wren, as he's the slowest (can't wear Boots). Remit should be used Sparingly. If you can get this combo off on Dark Force then the battle will be a cakewalk. ----- Order Techniques-1 TP ----------------------------- These Techs are what I like to call desperation moves: Use them if you're losing the Battle (Except for Fandi and Shu). Nasak restores everyone's HP to max and kills the user. Forsa, if successful will kill a target in one hit. The only downside is you don't get Meseta or Exp. from who/whatever it worked on. Another FAQ on Gamefaqs mentions a tactic you can use concerning Nasak and Rever. Check it out for details (though I'll try to explain it below). Fandi: Increases Attack Power Forsa: Kills target in 1 hit (You won't get anything for targets destroyed in this manner) Nasak: Maxes out the HP of all Party members but kills the user (ONLY if it works. If it fails the User won't die). Shu: Raises Defense Power ----- Side Note: You can Combine Nasak and Rever (in that order) to Max out everyone's HP in one turn. Very handy in boss battles. Check out the Strategy guide at Gamefaqs for more details. Shu and Fandi can be used repeatedly to bulk up Attack and Defense. ----- 3. Walkthrough =============== Let's begin, Shall we? Before we start, I'd like to say that I will spoil as much of the game as I can. The reason is to help those who are trying to grasp the storyline. The guide for the Genesis version only has a walkthrough and nothing else. My guide is a combination of that and the strategy guide. Generation 1- Rhys ==================== You begin in the Orakian kingdom of Landen. Everyone in the kingdom is preparing for your wedding. Talk to the townspeople if you wish. You can't buy anything cause you don't have any money yet. When you're done enter the castle. The Guards will tell you to get your Bride, Maia in your room and escort her to the throne room. Go there to trigger a cutscene. Cutscene-Maia tells Rhys she is honored that he has chosen her hand in marriage. She then says that maybe they'll find out who she is and where she comes from someday. The two then go to the Throne Room. As they exchange vows before the king a Dragon Appears and grabs Maia. It calls the Orakians filthy and says that Rhys will never marry her before disappearing. Rhys (like any person who would have something like this happen on their wedding day) gets pissed and says he wants to take the Army and find Maia (Sentries face Rhys awaiting orders). The King says there is no proof the Dragon was Layan and no one has seen a Layan for Thousands of years (That's strange; It called you a filthy Orakian, grabbed Maia and disappears in an instant. Orakians can't use magic so it MUST have been Layan). He then tells Rhys he can spend some time in the dungeon until he cools off. Two Guards begin to escort Rhys to the dungeon. He stops a few times and says his father (the king) can't stop him. He'll find Maia himself and bring her back. After the cutscene you will be in the Dungeon. You can't get out cause you're locked IN (duh). Open the 3 Chests in your cell. One contains a Knife, one 300 Meseta, and the Monitor. The Monitor is a very handy device (you're stuck with it for the rest of the game, BTW). When you're on the world map you can see where you are. I still question its accuracy (though it is close). I'd also like to know HOW it works. It's the one device whose function isn't explained. Maybe they use some sort of highly advanced Global Positioning System? Anyway, after you open the chests go up to the bars and talk to the girl who's appeared at your cell. She'll introduce herself as Lena and will offer to help you escape. She'll lead you to the exit and will wish you luck in finding Maia. You will regain control outside the Tech Distribution Shop. Some of the towns people will mention that the Royal Family is in Mourning (though you're not told WHY). Others will wish you luck in finding your bride. Now that you have Money, Buy another Knife, an Antidote, and some Monomate. Save in the Inn (The building with a vase like picture) and then head south. You will soon reach a town, Yaata. It's a port town, as that ship out front may indicate. Talk to the Townspeople and you will hear some interesting news. It seems someone stole a Gem that may allow you enter a cave to another world. You will also hear of a Dragon Carrying a Young Woman into a cave to the East. Could it be her? In order to find out, you'll need to reach that island cave and recover the stolen gem. In order to use the boat, you'll need to find a Cyborg. The Old Man is supersticious and won't sail without one on board. Maybe you can find more about his later. Head east and cross the bridge. You will be in the town of Ilan. People will mention not having seen a Layan for years. One man near the northern gate will mention seeing a Woman near the lake to the East who never blinked. It's something you need look into. Stock up on any items you need and buy a Claw. SAVE, head northeast and investigate the disturbance. When you arrive you will see a young woman. Talk to her and you will learn something interesting: She's a Cyborg! Her name's Mieu and she's been waiting 1,000 years for you (Wonder how she passed the time?). Now you've got a new party member. Mieu will also be your only healer for this generation so watch her TP. Give her the extra Claw I asked you to buy and equip it. Now both Party members can attack twice in a row. ----- Side Note (Expect to see these a lot!): From here on you will have the option of changing the Party order. It doesn't affect the game much, but that's if you want people in a certain order (Wren first, for example). Also, Rhys can be equipped with Swords. Swords won't really be needed until the final leg of his adventures but it's something to keep in mind. ----- With your new Cyborg return to Yaata. Speak to the Old Man and he will welcome you aboard. Buy an Escapipe and get on the Boat to trigger a Small Cutscene. Cutscene-As you sail toward the island you will pass what looks like a sunken temple. The Old Man will tell you Orakio trapped the Evil Dark Force there with his Sword. You won't have to worry about Dark Force until the 3rd Generations but it's something to remember. When you land go inside the cave. To find this Thief faster stay to the topmost part of the cave. Go down only when you have to. Watch yourself in here. The monsters may overwhelm you. When you find the man you're looking for (the only man in there, BTW) he will introduce himself to you as Lyle and says he has the Sapphire. He'll let you have it, seeing as he has no need of it (Funny, why'd he steal it then?). He'll bid you fare well and says he'll join you some other time. The chest where Lyle was standing contains the Sapphire. Use an Escapipe to leave the cave. Return to Yaata, Rest, SAVE (I'll cap it until the 2nd generation) and then restock. Head east until you reach a wall. Go north from there until you find the cave (There's a Layan temple near it). If you need help finding it use the monitor. When you enter the tunnel try to go northeast. The stairs are on the other side. When you emerge you will find this world covered in snow. Enter the small town nearby and you will learn of a crisis. It seems something is VERY wrong with the weather. People can't fish cause the lake is frozen and everyone is starving. The townspeople will beg you to do something before they all die. One person says the key is a tower in the desert world of Aridia. Now how to get there? Someone on the 2nd floor of one of the shops will mention there is a hidden gate to Aridia near some of Orakio's ruined forts to the south. Time to go! Stock up on Items, SAVE, and head south. Walk in between the old forts and you will enter a tunnel. Follow it towards the south West and you will be in Aridia. Head south West and enter the Town of Hazitak. Unlike any other town you've been to (or ever will) this town is populated by Cyborgs! Talk to the ones outside and you will learn that the weather control system in the weather tower to the southeast needs adjusting. Problem is, you'll need to find Wren first. One will advise checking out a cave to the west. Buy a Hunting Shot for Wren, restock, SAVE, and head West. Keep going west and you will find a mountain range. Enter the cave away from any of the temples nearby. You will find yourself in a cave. Fortunately it's easier to navigate. Just go northeast. You will see a large cavern below you. Go around to get in. Inside the cavern you will find Wren. Talk to him and he will introduce himself. He's a combat and Technical specialist who can also transform (in later generations). Give him the Hunting Shot and equip it. Use the Escapipe he has to exit the cave. ----- Side Note: Wren specializes in Guns and such, though he can also use magic. He has the Order and Melee techs. In later generations you can get special parts that will allow Wren to Swim, Fly, and Dive. He is a very good fighter and can attack the back row. ----- Return to Hazitak and regroup. When you're ready, head southeast. You will see a Layan temple. To the right of it is the Weather Tower. Enter and go up. Go past the stair and stay on the path. Ignore the next set of stairs. Keep going and you will see Lyle again. He will ask you to help him thaw out his homeland, Cilie and Shorshan. In return he'll join up with you. He'll tell you Wren can fix it and the Control panel is further down. ----- Side Note: Lyle uses Staves. These are slightly less plentiful than the other weapons. He can also use Melee and Time Techs. A bit later Lyle will leave and then rejoin your party. ----- Go past Lyle and take the first turn you see. Follow it and you will see a large Machine. Press A and Wren will fix it. Lyle will be so overjoyed that he will offer you a tour of his kingdom, saying he will forever be in your debt. Walk (or Escapipe) out the Tower and return to Hazitak. Rest up, SAVE, and head back to the last world. Enter the fishing town and restock supplies. The people will say that they will never forget what you did for them. The Old Man here will let you use his boat for free. One person will mention that some people across the sea worship Laya. It's worth investigating. Take the Boat and cross the sea. You will see two kingdoms: Agoe to the south and Shorshan to the north. Enter Agoe first. Here you will find some decent weapon upgrades. Give everyone Steel Weapons and Armor except Wren. The kingdom is at war with Neighboring Shorshan. Someone will mention that monsters appear in the fountains of Shorshan. Remember this when you enter the city. Others will say they should fight with Cyborgs like Orakio did in the past (they may get their wish...). Someone in the castle will mention seeing a young woman being taken into Shorshan. Time to investigate! Head north and enter Shorshan. Notice how the place looks deserted? It seems like the people knew you were coming.... Buy the Ceramic Shot for Wren here. It allows Wren to attack a whole row in one go. Keep it till the 2nd generations. Buy anything else you need and SAVE. Remember hearing about Monsters appearing fountains? Head to the fountain in the northwestern most part of town. Move in front of it and you will enter an underground labyrinth. The place is somewhat straightforward. Follow the Path to reach the next set of stairs. When you resurface inside the castle walls enter the castle and take the next set of stairs. Follow this path and you will be in another part of the castle. Keep going on your way and you will see Lena in the Throne Room. As you head for the room Lyle will suddenly stop you. Rhys will tell Lyle it's her (the girl who got him out of his dungeon) and will ask Lyle to help him get her away from here (returning the favor probably?). Lyle will say he found her and will say he has to go. He won't explain why but will say he will if things work out. When you regain control you'll see Lyle in the throne room. He'll hastily move in front of Lena. If you try to escape a Guard will block your way, saying you'll feel the Wrath of Prince Lyle. Notice on your way over that Lyle rarely took damage? Now you know why. Lyle is the Prince of Shorshan. When you talk to Lyle he will challenge you to a fight, saying that you'll have to beat him to save Lena. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Boss-Lyle Attacks: Magic and Physical Attacks Strategy-Rhys will have to fight Lyle by himself. If you trained him well then you should be fine. Lyle's Strength is decided on how he was when he left the group. He will use magic frequently, too. Use a Monomate when your HP runs low. Just keep attacking and you should win. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// After the battle Lyle will rejoin the group and will let you talk to Lena. Interestingly, Lyle's Health will be restored but everyone else's won't. That's strange since Lyle doesn't have Heal Techs. When you talk to Lena she will reintroduce herself to Rhys. She will offer to help you rescue Maia in Cilie, north of where you are. In order to get there you will need to bring the two moons Dahlia and Azura back into orbit. This will create a Sandbar that you can cross to Cilie. You'll have to backtrack to Aridia, though. Now the Castle drawbridge is open and there won't be any more random battles in Shorshan. Buy another Steel Knife for Lena and head back to Aridia. Return to the weather control tower. Take the 2nd staircase and find the control panel (looks like the weather one). Press A and Wren will insert Lyle's Moon Tear and Lena's Moon Stone into it. The two moons will then return. ----- Side Note: Little does any of them know, they've done more harm than good in doing this. Regardless of who you start the 2nd generation with the root of the problems is on one of the 2 moons. It ultimately paves the way for Dark Force to make his return. ----- Return to Shorshan. Head up past where you met Lena and out a back door. Go to the northernmost part of the island. A Sandbar will appear, bridging the two islands. Head up into Cilie. By now everyone knows you're Orakian. They're insulted you want to marry the fair princess Maia. One woman will even remark you're lucky it's against their beliefs to kill people (Funny, Orakians believe in the same). Someone will say a young woman was taken into the castle. Problem is the castle drawbridge is down. You'll have to (you guessed it) use the fountains. Enter the 3rd fountain from the left. Navigate the maze until you are in the castle. Follow the path and enter the castle. Go into the Throne room and talk to the king. He will say you will never have Maia and will show you what he does to spies in his country (Boss Battle!). //////////////////////////////////////////////// Boss-King of Cilie and 6 Dryads Attacks: Magic and Physical attacks Strategy-This is the last battle of this generation. Have Wren target the King and everyone but Mieu attack the Dryads. Use Mieu's Gires technique to heal. Try to kill the Dryads quick-they ALL know Gires and uses it randomly. Once they're gone the battle should be easier. Have everyone attack and Mieu heal. Just watch the King's Zan tech. It causes 15-25 HP damage to everyone. Continue doing this and you should win. //////////////////////////////////////////////// After the battle the King will finally let you Marry Maia. However, there's a problem: Lena also wants to marry you! You will now have a choice: Marry Lena and become king of Landen or marry Maia (his first love) and become King of Cilie and Shorshan. The storyline and enemies changes completely depending on who you pick: Marry Lena (Start as Nial) ---------------------------------- -You fight Monsters -You get the Sub Parts -You Meet Lune -You visit Dahlia -Laya, sister of the legend with the same name joins your party Marry Maia (Start as Ayn) ---------------------------------- -You fight Cyborgs -You get the Power Topaz, Dragon Tear, and Twins Ruby -You learn Lyle's secret -You visit Azura -You Meet Siren Regardless of whom you Start with the hero will begin with Mieu and Wren. Don't worry I'll cover both sides. First the 2nd generation with Nial (Rhys and Lena's Son). Generation 2-Nial =================== Ending to Previous Generation: Even though he sought Maia Rhys decided to marry Lena instead. This created an alliance between Landen and Satera (Lena's Home). In time they had a Son, Nial. Landen enjoyed 18 years of peace. Then evil threatened the land once again. Powerful monsters are attacking Satera, Lena's Homeland. No one seems to know where these monsters are coming from... Rhys, the King of Landen will ask his son Nial to find out who is attacking Satera. He will order Mieu and Wren to assist you on your quest. Head into the square and buy some healing supplies. Mieu will be the only healer until later on so recalibrate her Heal Techs. You will get hints of where to go from the townspeople. ----- Side Note: Since Mieu and Wren are in all Generations they will have whatever they had when the last generation ended. You can buy something in one generation and save it for someone in the next. For example: You can buy the Ceramic Knives in the 1st generation and give it to Sari who joins you in the 2nd generation with Rhys and Maia. ----- It seems Lune, Laya's most trusted General is back. He was banished to Dahlia by Orakio and spent 1,000 years in Cryogenic sleep. Now he is looking for Laya's treasure in Aridia. Cross the bridge over the river and visit the ruined city. The lone Solider will say Landen may be next if Lune isn't stopped. Head south West and enter a cave. It's a passage to the Dome World of Divisia. When you emerge on the other side head southwest. You will arrive in the Northern part of Divisia. Divisia is made up of 3 parts: North, the castle, and South. After you upgrade your weapons and restock your supplies enter the castle. Now here's a funny scene: It seems the Soldiers have captured Alair, Lune's Sister. They seem very proud of themselves, huh? Let's get her out, shall we? Go left from the throne room. Go down the stairs and follow the path. Be careful; it seems these monsters were sent by Lune to rescue Alair. Fight your way to Alair's Cell. Press A in front of the gate to open it. Talk to Alair and she will tell Nial her plight. It seems her brother is hell bent on taking revenge on all Orakians. She says her brother has lost it and must be stopped. She will then leave to try and reason with him. Continue on your way and up the stairs. Go out the gate and you will be in South Divisia. Restock, Save, and get ready to go. If you talk to the people you will hear of a rebel (Layan) army training in a cave to the west. Another will mention the Sub Parts for Wren are also in that cave. Let's go get them! Leave the town and go west. As you're going through the forest go up through a clearing. Keep along the Northern part of the forest until you can go south. Follow the trees and you will see a cave. Enter the cave and go northeast. Stay close to the top. You will see a large tunnel to the south. Take it and you will trigger a Cutscene at the end. Cutscene-Nial and the Cyborgs will have stumbled upon a rebel army. Their leader, Ryan will accuse them of being Lune's Spies. Just as he is about to attack Lune himself appears! He will call Ryan a fool for thinking he can stop him and says he can never defeat him. He says he will have his revenge and no one will stop him. He then disappears. Ryan will turn to Nial and apologize for mistaking him for a spy. He will then join your party, saying the Sub Parts for Wren are in a chest nearby. ----- Side Note: Like Lyle, Ryan uses Staves. Equip him with good staves as you get them. ----- Open all the chests and you will find the Sub Parts. Now Wren can transform into a Submersible. Give it to Wren and exit the cave. Lune was supposedly looking for something in Aridia, right? Let's go check it out. Return to Divisia and restock. Go back through the castle and into Northern Divisia. Exit North and go east. You will find a cave. Enter and go east (again) until you find the stairs to Aridia. When you resurface go (you guessed it) east to Hazitak. Save and buy fresh Supplies. Talking to the Cyborgs this time will bring about interesting info. It seems a whirlpool has appeared to the southeast. In order to enter it you will need the Sub Parts (which you now have). ----- Side Notes: One of the Cyborgs will tell you an old Cyborg wanders the desert to the north. If you try to talk to her (name's Miun) she will ask where Orakio is, saying 1,000 years may have passed but she'd recognize his black sword anywhere. If you remember stories from different towns Orakio carries a black sword. This isn't important now but you'll need to remember this later. Also, you may have been wondering what those runway-looking things are. They're used when Wren gets the Aero Parts (for Flight!), something that you will get in all of the 3rd generations. ----- When you're ready, exit the town and walk along the right side of the river. About 1/8th way down Wren will transform into a Submersible. He'll then say it's time to see where this passage goes. When you emerge you will find yourself in another world deep within Aridia. Don't worry there's no random battles. Go west and you will see a Layan Temple. Enter it. It seems Laya, sister of the legendary sorcerer is in cryogenic sleep here (She's also named Laya!). Talk to the priests and they will tell you to take Laya to Mystoke in Frigidia (It's Laya Sr.'s Kingdom). There you will find the Laya's Pendant. With it you and Laya will learn the truth. Go toward the back of the room. You will see a blue square. Approach it and Laya will appear. Talk to her and she will tell you before she was frozen her sister left with a knight with a black sword. Orakio and Laya TOGETHER? Weren't they enemies? It seems they decided to work together to fight something very powerful. She will ask to join you so she can find out the truth. ----- Side Note: Laya specializes in using the Bow and Arrow. When you get her she will be carrying Laya's Bow. Yes, it's the same one her sister used in the Layan-Orakian war 1,000 years ago. It's not as potent as it was in the past but in the 3rd generations you can get it powered up. Until then get another Bow as soon as you can. In the final generation you will need 5 legendary weapons to combat an ancient evil... ----- Take Laya and return to the desert. Save, restock supplies and then head to a cave to the southwest. You will be able to enter with Laya's Mystery Star. When you get through you will be in the Ice world of Frigidia. Head south until you reach a bridge. Cross it and go west. Keep going west until you see a strip of land to the north. Go up it. You will reach Mystoke, Laya's hometown. When you enter it seems everyone in town has been expecting you. They've been waiting centuries for Laya's kin (the one with you) to come. They will tell you that you will be tested within the castle's gates. If you pass then you will get the Laya's Pendant. You will be able to use it to hear Laya's (the now dead one's) final words. Stock up on items, weapons, armor, and Save. When you're ready enter the castle. The place is a maze (um, labyrinth for lack of better term). If you take too many wrong turns you won't survive. Its kind hard to put this into words even with my GBA in front of me. I'll try to be as detailed as possible. There are also random battles. Make your way to the topmost wall and go right. Go down the 2nd path from the right when you reach several pathways. Go down the stairs. Follow the tunnels until you find more stairs. Follow it and you will go back into the Labyrinth. Keep going and you will see a set of stairs blocked off. Go around several paths and you will see some stairs next to it. Take it and you will be in the throne room. The Laya's Pendant is in the chest. Give it to Laya and use it as an Item. Here is what it says: "Sister, it's time for you to know the truth. Though Orakio and I have fought for many years, we finally realize that we have been deceived. An evil force from times beyond legend is using us to satisfy its desire for pain and suffering. We are joining forces to fight this ancient evil. In case we never return, I leave you the Pendant; You will hear this when you are ready. Goodbye!" Note: I didn't add the "Goodbye!" part. It actually says that. XD Now you know the truth. Orakio and Laya realized their fighting was satisfying some evil being. They realized this and decided to do something about it. Laya left the future in her sister's hands. Now you must finish on what she and Orakio started. Lune must be stopped! Unless you're feeling lucky, use an Escapipe to get out the castle. Rest up and return to Southern Divisia. This may take awhile so pace your self. When you get there go around the forest. Enter the Layan temple and to go onto the blue square. If you tried to come here before you will get a message saying you may not enter. Now you can. When you get through enter Aerone. From here you can reach Dahlia, location of Lune's Palace. Here is the last known home of Pilots. You can grab a few decent weapons and armor here. Restock your supplies before you move on. One of the townsfolk will say from space you can see what your world really looks like. When you're ready go to the entrance to Aerone. Walk East (right) on the stone path and you will find yourself in an underground hangar. Go up and around the "box". Follow the hall and everyone will automatically board the spaceship. It will blast towards space. When you reach space you will see a large spaceship. So this is what your world really is: a giant starship! Some questions you must be wondering are who built it, where did it come from, and where is it going? Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough. When you land on Dahlia you will find that it too is a spaceship. Follow the stairs to the "throne room". It has a large glass floor. Take the stairs in the room to the dungeon. Follow the path and you will soon reach Lune, who is looking for a fight. ----- Side Note: You will be back in this dungeon in either 3rd generations (all 4, actually) looking for the Aero Parts. Although you don't go far this is a general path to reaching the Aero Parts. Remember this! ----- ///////////////////////////////////////// Boss: Lune and 6 monsters (from the dryad family, can't remember the name) Attacks: Magic and Physical attacks Strategy-Between Lune and Siren, Lune is the easier of the two. Have Wren and Laya attack Lune directly (YES, they can do that!) and everyone else take out the 6 monsters. Although Lune is wielding his Lune Slicer it doesn't do that much damage. He will usually attack you with the Zan Tech, anyway. Don't be surprised if you get that "winning" music very fast. You know, that music you get when your team has the upper hand during fights? I dunno if making Lune easier than Siren was intentional or not but Lune is pathetically EASY. The only way you could lose is if you come to Lune poorly equipped or you exhaust your TP early. ///////////////////////////////////////// After Lune has been "defeated" he will come to his senses and call off the war. He will realize that his way had been wrong and innocent lives were lost in senseless bloodshed. Lune will then tell you something you already may know: both Alair and Laya want to marry you! Unlike the 1st generation the story doesn't change too much. In both you begin with Adan/Aron, Mieu, Wren, and Gwyn/Kara. You start with 4 people instead of 3. There are some key differences, however: Marry Laya (Start with Adan and Gwyn) =============================== -You begin in Landen -You will have Laya's Bow -Lune's Daughter, Kara joins you -Kara has Lune's Slicer (when she joins you) -According to the opening story, The Alisa III (your starship) is headed for a black hole Marry Alair (Start with Aron and Kara) ============================= -You begin on Dahlia -You will have Lune's Slicer -Laya rejoins you (go to where you first met her) -Laya (still) has the Laya's Bow -According to the opening story, the shock of the explosion of the Neo Palm has sent The Alisa III spiraling into a Black hole And of course Mieu and Wren will be with you in both. Since you have the Sub Parts for Wren, you will only need to find 2 more parts for him. The Aero Parts are in Lune's Dungeon. They allow you to fly. Now the story (from the Orakian side) is starting to come into focus. Some evil force is threatening the free world. You must do something about it! But what about the Layans? What do they have to do with this? The following is from Rhys' other son, Ayn. Generation 2-Ayn ================== Ending to previous Generation: Rhys renounced his claim to the throne of Landen and married his first love, Maia, becoming King of Cilie and Shorshan. In time they had a son whom they named Ayn. They Enjoyed 16 years of peace. Suddenly a powerful Cyborg army has risen up and is attacking Layans. No one seems to know where they are coming from... Note: I probably should've mentioned this before but I'm not quoting the game in this case. I probably should for accuracy but then I'd have to erase one of my saved games, which I need to do a later part of the Walkthrough. When you begin a few messengers will come in and speak to the king, Rhys. A powerful Cyborg army is attacking the kingdom and they've destroyed all the monsters (They WERE designed to do that). Lyle, who is ruler of Shorshan, is asking for help. Rhys will then speak to Ayn. He will tell you that you should find your way to Landen (his previous home) and get help. He'll instruct Mieu and Wren to accompany you on your trip. ----- Side Note: As with Nial Ayn will have everything his father had. The same goes with Mieu and Wren. If Rhys had any healing items or stuff like that Ayn will have them. ----- You will now have control of Ayn (as well as the Cyborgs). If you talk to people around the castle they'll say that they will hold off the Cyborgs. In Shorshan you will meet Lyle's daughter, Thea. At a later point she will join your party. Head into Agoe (the southern Orakian Kingdom) on the isle). It seems no one knows who is leading the Cyborgs. Take the boat and go to Rhysel (the town Rhys helped before). In there you will see a messenger from Cilie. The Cyborgs are attacking and they need your help! Get on the boat and head back. If you stop to go into Agoe you will learn both Layan kingdoms are in flames. The Cyborgs have besieged the cities. When you enter Shorshan you will see that it is not burning at all. The place IS deserted, however. ----- Side Note: Maybe something Sega overlooked? The same thing is in the Genesis version. There's no fire. I was hoping they'd add flames to the GBA update but oh, well. It'd be cool in a way and you'd have to keep from touching the fire or you'd take damage or something. ----- When you enter the castle, be careful. The place is crawling with Cyborgs. Have Wren attack whole rows and Ayn and Mieu attack normally. When you reach Cilie you will see one lone citizen. He will tell you the Cyborgs were too powerful to be resisted. The cities fell and everyone fled to a cave in Aridia. That is your next stop. Oh, and in case you were wondering the shops are deserted here, too. I hope your party's vitality and TP is adequate for the return trip through Shorshan castle. Even though I've done it 3 times already I always find it a bit overwhelming. When you make it through rest up at Agoe, grab some more supplies and head to Aridia. Make sure Ayn and Mieu's Gires and Res techs are at optimum performance. You're going to find yourself in need of healing every 2-3 fights. When you get to Hazitak the Cyborgs (the residents) will tell you that your family is in a cave to the west. Don't worry you've been there before. It's the same one you found Wren in. Save, restock supplies, and head over there. ------ Side Note: When you get in the cave go to the same area you found Wren. Apparently Rhys and Lyle decided it would be the best place to hide from the Cyborgs. ------ When you get there you will learn Thea, Lyle's daughter was captured by the Cyborg army. You will learn she was taken to Dragonia, to the East. In order to get there you will need the Dragon Tear. Fortunately Lyle has it and will give it to you (in a chest). Talk to Rhys and he will tell you about Satellite, a place of peace. You will be asked to try and find it. First you will need a few things. Return to Hazitak and re-supply (I will be saying this over and over cause it's important). One of the Cyborgs will mention Sari, Lena's daughter has the Power Topaz, an item you will need later. When you exit the town, go East. Enter the Easternmost cave. Just keep trying to go east and you will get through. There's a few handy items in here if you want to explore. When you get out you will be in Dragonia. Head east and you will see a bridge. Cross it and enter the town. Save, but don't buy any of the weapons or armor here. You can get better ones in another town. Notice there is no one around. It seems this place is deserted. Guess you should go then. Cross the bridge and go east. Keep going until you reach the bottom of Cape Dragon Spine. Use the monitor to find it. Go up the Cape and cross the bridge. You will reach the town of Endora. Here you will learn a princess is being help against her will in Lensol, to the southwest. That's the town you just came from. One of the townspeople will say he tried to rescue her but didn't get far. He did manage to open the castle for you, though. Here you will find some pretty decent weapons and armor. Buy as much as you can afford. If need be, sell off anything you won't be using or needing. Be sure to buy some Slicers (either here or in Lensol) for Thea when you get her. When you're ready go back to Lensol. Walk into the castle and prepare for continuous Fights. Resistance is fierce the further you get. To conserve TP, use Gires/Res only when the next hit or two will take out one of your party members. You will weave through the castle and an underground labyrinth. When you emerge you will come to another underground labyrinth. Enter it and follow the path until you see a cell. Press A to open it. Repeat until you find a young woman. Congratulations, you've rescued Thea! She will join your party. Giver her the Slicers I asked you to get beforehand so she can attack twice. Thea also has the Twins Ruby, a Gem you need to reach Landen. Use an Escapipe to escape the castle (it's too dangerous to go back through the castle-only for hardcore PS3 gamers). Heal everyone and return to The Cave in Aridia. ----- Side Note: As I mentioned before, Thea fights with Slicers. She can attack whole rows with it. She is also a good healer. Have her target the Back row to soften the load for everyone else. ----- Everyone will celebrate her safe return. Lyle will tell you to take Thea with you on your quest. Your next stop is Landen, Rhys' old home. Upon exiting the cave, go northwest. Enter the cave and you will be in another passage. You will find some more decent weapons in here. Go northwest and you will find your way out. When you emerge you will find yourself in a southeastern part of Landen. Unless you want to heal at an Inn skip Ilan and Yaata; there's nothing for you in either town. When you reach Landen it will look like the place is deserted. Remember the Tech shop from the first generation? Go in there. The shopkeeper isn't there now so you can enter. Go up and take the first turn down you see. You will come to a different part of the dungeon. Follow the dungeon and you will run into a woman. Her name is Sari, ruler of Landen. She is also Lena's daughter. She has the gem, but being the stubborn $&^@* that she is you'll have to fight her for it (Boss battle!). ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Boss-Sari and 6 Cyborgs (don't remember their names) Attacks: Physical attacks and Magic attacks (the Cyborgs know magic) Strategy-Take out the Cyborgs quick. They all know Gires and use it randomly. Once they're down then the battle becomes easy. Don't let the knives she's wielding scare you. Just attack Sari until she gives in. You only get Exp. for killing the Cyborgs, though. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// After the fight her Sari will let you "borrow" the Power Topaz on one condition: She must come with you (sore loser!). Now you have a full 5 Person/Cyborg party. Return to Lyle and he will tell you to hurry to the edge of Cape Dragon Spine. Do as he asks. When you get there you will see a very familiar-looking Dragon. He will tell you to get on his back. He'll take you to Techna. When you cross the water the dragon will turn into a person. It turns out this dragon is really Lyle. He'll admit he has the power to transform into a dragon and he kidnapped Maia all those years ago. He'll tell Ayn to take care of Thea and not to tell Lyle his secret. Then he dies (from his battle wounds). ----- Side Note: This must explain how Lyle got around so quickly. Think back to the 1st generation. He grabbed Maia and Flew into a cave. He dropped her off at Cilie and then flew to the Island Cave in Landen in time to give Rhys the Sapphire (He still had the Dragon Tear at the time so he could go to Aridia). He then left after that and went to the Weather Tower to wait for Rhys and the Cyborgs. You pretty much know what Lyle was doing for the rest of that generation. In the 2nd Generation He probably turned into a Dragon and flew everyone to the cave in Aridia. He then flew to Cape Dragon Spine after talking to Ayn. Since he was mortally wounded he only had the strength to get the Party to Techna. ----- When you enter Techna you will get some interesting info. Only in legend is Satellite, also known as Azura a place of Peace. On top of that Azura is where the Cyborgs are coming from! You will get all the weapons and armor you will need here. I hope you have at least 1 Escapipe in your party. You can't buy any here and you will need one in case of an emergency to return to town. Make sure you give Ayn, Mieu, and Thea's Heal TP a good tune-up. ----- Side Note: Like Aerone you will find almost the same variety of weapons and armor. They're a bit more expensive as well. ----- When you're ready, enter the castle go around on the Right and enter the "back door". Go inside and down the stairs. You will find yourself in an underground hangar. Go to the right of the stairs and take the next turn down. Go down and take the 2nd left (I'm doing this part from memory). You will be led to a guy standing in front of a runway. He will say you're the first of your people (Referring to Ayn and Thea as Layans) to come here. He will say that you will then get to see what your world really looks like. When you go on the Plane it will launch into space. When you reach space you will see a large spaceship. Now you know the truth: Your world a huge starship! But who built it, where did it come from, and where is it going? You'll get these questions answered in the 3rd generations. When you land you will find out Azura is a spaceship too. Go to the "throne room". It's the room with a large glass floor. ----- Side Note: It's basically Lune's palace in reverse. ----- You will see some stairs there. Go down the stairs. You must find your way to the other side. Try to get all the items in here. When you finish here you won't get another chance to come back. The Cyborgs here are pretty strong. If the Sliders use Zan (they look like a bunch of signs strewn about) then prepare for a long (and boring) fight. If you get fatigued do not hesitate to turn back. Your TP will get exhausted fast if you're not careful. When you get to the other side you will see a Cyborg that looks a lot like Wren, only he has red hair. His name is Siren. He will tell you Laya banished him to Azura and some how moved it away from the starship. He's been waiting 1,000 years to have his revenge and won't let anyone stop him. Boss battle! //////////////////////////////////////// Boss: Siren and 6 Cyborgs (again, I don't remember their names) Attacks: Physical and Magic attacks Strategy-Even without the Cyborgs Siren is one tough Boss. As you can see his weapon of choice is his Siren Shot. He even has the same Techs as Wren (they're the same kind of Cyborg). Take out the 6 bots first cause they know Gires. After that have everyone but Thea Attack Siren head on. Use Thea for Gires. Use Mieu for that too if Siren uses Zan two turns in a row (does 35-50 HP damage). Lather, rinse, and repeat until Siren falls. //////////////////////////////////////// After the fight Siren will say you have but won one battle and that he will return. He will then disappear. Ayn's quest is now over, and the citizens of Cilie and Shorshan move to Azura. Soon two women make it known that they are interested in marrying Ayn: Thea and Sari! Unlike the Orakians the story changes with both 3rd generations. Marry Thea (start with Sean) ====================== -The story begins on Azura -Ayn and Thea die (!) -You find Laya in Aridia -You meet Lune on Dahlia -You have to find all 3 Special parts for Wren -According to some townsfolk the cause of the destruction of Azura came from the Dome World of Terminus. Marry Sari (start with Crys) ===================== -The Story begins in Landen -Siren is still alive (!) -You find Laya in Aridia -You meet Lune on Dahlia -You have to find all 3 Special parts for Wren -According to the opening Story, Siren has set the Alisa III on a collision course with the Sun And of course Mieu and Wren are with you in both generations. Now you know the story from the Layan side (and the Orakian side above). Both Siren and Lune wanted revenge against Layans and Orakians. It's like history is repeating itself. What about this ancient evil mentioned before? Let's see how things go in the last generations. Since there are 4 and they all are different I'll cover them separately. First with Adan and Gwyn. Generation 3-Adan ================== Ending to previous generation: Nial married Laya, ending a longtime hatred between Orakians and Layans. In time Laya gave birth to twins, whom they named Adan (a boy) and Gwyn (a girl). As the twins grow up, Gwyn begins to have horrible nightmares. In it everything is swallowed into darkness and there is no way out. People begin to suspect these nightmares are a horrible Omen to something catastrophic... When you begin a powerful earthquake will hit Landen. As Nial and Laya inspect the damage Nial will instruct Adan to visit their old friend Lune to find out the cause of the earthquake. As Adan is about to go Gwyn insists you take her along. Now you have 4 party members. If you talk to Laya she will tell you to be good and mind your manners (LOL). Be warned that you will fight both Cyborgs and Monsters. People say no Layan or Orakian can do that. Something is seriously wrong. Gwyn happens to be wielding the Laya's Bow, a weapon that will be key to completing the game. Although it's not strong now you'll be able to remedy that later on. Just get a Lacon Bow as soon as you can. Adan will have whatever Nial was equipped with as well as the Laya's Pendant. Go to Aerone using the Layan Temples. Now you can go anywhere on the Alisa III. When you arrive you will learn the Alisa III had a firefight with another starship similar to the Alisa III. The two exchanged shots and the other starship was blown up. The Alisa III was damaged in the fight and is now headed for a black hole! May this be Gwyn's nightmare becoming a reality? Go to Lune's palace on Dahlia. He will tell you evil threatens the world once more. He will tell you to go to a floating city in Frigidia called Sky Haven. You will need the Aero Parts to get there, which can be found in Lune's dungeon. Talk to the girl in the room. She is Kara (1), Lune's daughter. She will join you on your adventures. Now you have a Party of 5. ----- Side Notes: Kara, like Her father and Thea uses the Slicer. In fact, she has her father's Lune Slicer. Unfortunately it's very weak in strength. It's mostly due to old age, though. As with Laya's Bow you can get it upgraded. Just replace it with two Lacon Slicers (and later Planar Slicers) until you can do that. This Kara (you have a completely different one with Ayn's sons) also has Heal Techs. ----- When you enter the dungeon go the same way you went to fight Lune. Make your way in a spiral-like fashion to find the Aero Parts. Give them to Wren and use an Escapipe. When you return to Aerone enter the southeastern most Layan Temple. You will resurface in Frigidia. Go northwest of there and into the small area surrounded by mountain. You will see a runway. Walk on it and Wren will turn into an Aerojet. Fly over to where Mystoke is. Don't worry, no fights while flying (the enemies can't FLY, which is weird since some are airborne when you fight them) so have fun while you're at it. From there fly north towards the frozen river. You will see something floating in the air. That is Skyhaven. Fly into it and you will land. The Cyborgs will greet you warmly. Follow the stairs to reach the Wise Men who live here. As you talk to them, the Old Sages they will tell you about the history between Orakio, Laya and Dark Force. They will also tell you a bit about the weapons they used: Orakio's Sword, Miun's Claw, Siren's Shot, Lune's Slicer and Laya's Bow. These 5 weapons (there is only one Lune Slicer and Miun Claw) were used to defeat Dark Force 1,000 years ago and will be needed again. You will need to collect all 5 legendary weapons, which thankfully are all aboard the Alisa III. You already have Laya's Bow and Lune's Slicer so you will need only find 3 more. One of the Sages will mention that after you get all 5 you should visit Sage Isle in Aquatica to power up the weapons. It's a cave east of where Agoe is located. You will need the Aqua Parts to reach it, which thankfully are on Sky Haven. Enter the Dungeon (which does have monsters, strangely) and retrieve the Aqua Parts. Once you find it, it's time to start hunting weapons! Orakio's Sword ----------------------- Think back to the First Generation. You may remember that boat captain talk about Dark Force being sealed inside Orakio's Black Sword in the Underwater Temple. Why don't we go see if it's still there? From Sky Haven, go east to the Easternmost Layan Temple. This will take you to Aridia. From there, walk north to the North Western Temple. Go inside and you will reappear in Landen. Go to the pier (looks like a real one, actually) and Wren will transform into an Aqua Skimmer (looks just like a jet ski!). Like The Aero Jet there's no random battles. Move across the lake and right into the ruined temple. Wren will turn into a Submersible. The view is pretty cool considering this used to be on a 16-bit system. Make your way to the Altar in the rear of the building. There you will find Orakio's Sword. As you wrest the ancient weapon from its watery grave, Dark Force will become free to wreak havoc on the occupants of the Alisa III. Now that you have Orakio's Sword, it's time to go to Aridia. Miun's Claw ------------------- Remember when I mentioned in the 2nd Generations a Cyborg who said it would know Orakio's Sword? Well, she's who you need to see next. From Landen, take the south easternmost Temple and you will be in Aridia. Go to where Hazitak is but don't go in. From there, walk directly NORTH of the town. Do not turn or you might miss her. If Adan doesn't have Orakio's Sword in his inventory then move it there before you talk to her. It doesn't need to be equipped, though. When you see her face, notice the resemblance with her and Mieu. Aside from half of it being missing they're identical. She is a Cyborg of few words, it seems. After saying she always thought you'd come back (referring to Orakio, who she thinks Adan is) she dies. Right where she was standing you will see a Chest. Open it and you will receive Miun's Claw. Give it to Mieu and use it well. You next stop will be Sage Isle. Siren's Shot ------------------ Why, you may ask? The last weapon and the Sages who can power up all 5 Weapons are there! From Aridia, go east to the Northeastern Most Temple. You will be in Aquatica. Take the Aero Jet or Aqua Skimmer (your choice) to the Island with Agoe and Shorshan. Go in the town and you will learn that a lot of Cyborgs have been seen crossing the sea to an island to the northeast. Go to the dock and visit this isle. It is the one with a cave opening. Upon entering, turn right at the fork and then go down. Follow it to the end and turn right. Go to the end and you will see Siren. Talk to him and he will tell you he did indeed fight Dark Force 1,000 years ago with Orakio and Miun. He will say he nursed his hatred towards Layans recently. He will then say that when he came to Sage Isle he learned that Laya's kin aren't the real enemy. He dies, leaving his Shot as a memento. The weapons have now all been gathered! Now it's time to get them powered up! Regardless of what generation you are playing the final destination is Sage Isle. From the cave entrance, go to the fork and turn left. Take the 2nd turn and you will be in a room with a lot of-ah, well-old guys (no pun intended). Talk to all of them. They will tell you that for the first time in 1,000 years, all 5 legendary weapons have been gathered. You can use them to defeat the evil that is Dark Force. If you are missing any (which I doubt as you should come here ONLY if you have them all) one of them will tell you. The man will also point you in the direction you should go. After getting the word of power (which, mind you I will not say for the sake of spoilers) you will be instructed to return to Skyhaven in Frigidia so the can be transformed. Use an Escapipe to leave the cave. Go to the mainland by either sea or air and take the Layan Temple to Aridia. Transfer to the one that goes to Frigidia and fly to the floating city. When you talk to the Sages there again, you will be instructed to equip the Legendary Weapons. NOW. Mieu and Kara can both use two weapons so give them a Planar Weapon to complete the set. Another of the sages will tell you that you should investigate Lashute, a floating engine of death in the barren dome world of Terminus. That sounds like fun! ----- Side Note: You've probably been to all 7 sections of the Alisa III by now. As a sort of refresher, here is the names of all 7 plus the name of one major landmark in each one: 1. Landen-City of same name 2. Aquatica-Cilie/Shorshan, Sage Isle 3. Aridia-Miun (no, really!) 4. Divisia-Aerone 5. Dragonia-Techna 6. Frigidia-Mystoke 7. Terminus-Lashute (Final Area!!!) Moons Dahlia-Lune Azura/Satellite-Siren (no, really!) A bit later in the Guide I will post a complete list of everything each Dome World has to offer except Terminus, which has just one (Lashute). I included the 2 Moons because you DO go there. ----- This concludes Adan's Quest. For info pertaining to the last 2 major battles, go to the next section. Generation 3-Aron ==================== Ending to Previous Generation: Nial married Alair and became ruler of the Purple Moon. In time they had a son, whom they named Aron. Lune also married and had a daughter, whom he named Kara. As the two cousins grew up together their parents told them about the evil being the promised to return someday. When the game unfolds a guard will rush in and instruct everyone to look outside. When everyone does, they see another ship identical to the Alisa III. Both ships exchange fire but the 2nd ship is destroyed. The force of the 2nd ship's explosion sends the Alisa III off course and right into the path of a black hole! At this point, Nial will ask Aron (and The Cyborgs) to investigate the mysterious space melee and correct the ship's course. Before heading out Kara (1), Aron's cousin insists she go with you. Just like with Adan you will start the story with 4 people, a far cry from the usual 3 in the 2nd Generations and with Ayn's Sons (Crys and Sean). Kara also has Lune's Slicer! Talk to everyone in the "Viewing Room" (Yes, I am aware it is also the Throne Room but since it is the room where everyone is this name sounds better). They will tell you some useful info on where to go next. Lune will even suggest you go find Laya, who returned to the freezer when Nial married Alair. You might want to grab the Aero Parts for Wren, first. They're in the (now) monster-infested dungeon. Once you get them, take the shuttle to Aerone on Divisia. When you arrive you will learn the ship's steering mechanism was damaged and they will need time to fix it. You will also be asked to investigate a more serious matter: Monsters are attacking Layans and Cyborgs are attacking Orakians! Looks like a bad Omen, for no Layan or Orakian can do that. Follow a lead to check out Skyhaven, a floating City in Frigidia (Ice World where you got the Laya's Pendant). Before you do that, go to Aridia and get Laya! From Aerone, Fly via Aerojet to the East until you see a landing pad. Walk east until you find a Layan Temple. You should emerge in Aridia. Go to Hazitak, heal/restock items and then save. Go to the top of the river and along the right side. You will end up in another world inside the Submersible. Like before there's no random battles. Go inside the Layan Temple and talk to Laya (the Priests say the same stuff as before). She will say that after Nial choose Alair she decided to return to Cryogenic Sleep. Now that she is awakened (again) she is looking for some adventure! ----- Side Note: You now have 2 of the 3 Legendary Weapons. ----- Yout next mission is the hunt for the Legenadry Weapons. Here is how to get them all again: Orakio's Sword ----------------------- From Sky Haven, go east to the Easternmost Layan Temple. This will take you to Aridia. From there, walk north to the North Western Temple. Go inside and you will reappear in Landen. Go to the pier and Wren will transform into an Aqua Skimmer. Like The Aero Jet there's no random battles. Move across the lake and right into the ruined temple. Wren will turn into a Submersible. The view is pretty cool considering this used to be on a 16-bit system. Make your way to the Altar in the rear of the building. There you will find Orakio's Sword. As you wrest the ancient weapon from its watery grave, Dark Force will become free to wreak havoc on the occupants of the Alisa III. Now that you have Orakio's Sword, it's time to go to Aridia. Miun's Claw ------------------- From Landen, take the south easternmost Temple and you will be in Aridia. Go to where Hazitak is but don't go in. From there, walk directly NORTH of the town. Do not turn or you might miss her. If Aron doesn't have Orakio's Sword in his inventory then move it there before you talk to her. It doesn't need to be equipped, though. When you see her face, notice the resemblance with her and Mieu. Aside from half of it being missing they're identical. She is a Cyborg of few words, it seems. After saying she always thought you'd come back (referring to Orakio, who she thinks Aron is) she dies. Right where she was standing you will see a Chest. Open it and you will receive Miun's Claw. Give it to Mieu and use it well. You next stop will be Sage Isle. Siren's Shot ------------------ From Aridia, go east to the Northeastern Most Temple. You will be in Aquatica. Take the Aero Jet or Aqua Skimmer (your choice) to the Island with Agoe and Shorshan. Go in the town and you will learn that a lot of Cyborgs have been seen crossing the sea to an island to the northeast. Go to the dock and visit this isle. It is the one with a cave opening. Upon entering, turn right at the fork and then go down. Follow it to the end and turn right. Go to the end and you will see Siren. Talk to him and he will tell you he did indeed fight Dark Force 1,000 years ago with Orakio and Miun. He will say he nursed his hatred towards Layans recently. He will then say that when he came to Sage Isle he learned that Laya's kin aren't the real enemy. He dies, leaving his Shot as a memento. Laya's Bow ------------ Laya has it when you get her. Lune's Slicer -------------- Kara has it when you get her. The weapons have now all been gathered! Now it's time to get them powered up! Regardless of what generation you are playing the final destination is Sage Isle. From the cave entrance, go to the fork and turn left. Take the 2nd turn and you will be in a room with a lot of-ah, well-old guys (no pun intended). Talk to all of them. They will tell you that for the first time in 1,000 years, all 5 legendary weapons have been gathered. You can use them to defeat the evil that is Dark Force. If you are missing any (which I doubt as you should come here ONLY if you have them all) one of them will tell you. The man will also point you in the direction you should go. After getting the word of power (which, mind you I will not say for the sake of spoilers) you will be instructed to return to Skyhaven in Frigidia so the can be transformed. Use an Escapipe to leave the cave. Go to the mainland by either sea or air and take the Layan Temple to Aridia. Transfer to the one that goes to Frigidia and fly to the floating city. When you talk to the Sages there again, you will be instructed to equip the Legendary Weapons. NOW. Mieu and Kara can both use two weapons so give them a Planar Weapon to complete the set. Another of the sages will tell you that you should investigate Lashute, a floating engine of death in the barren dome world of Terminus. That sounds like fun! This concludes Aron's Quest. For info pertaining to the last 2 major battles, go to the next section. Generation 3-Sean =================== Ending to Previous Generation: Ayn and Thea settled on Azura along with the rest of the survivors of Shurshan and Cilie. There they lived in peace. In time they had a son whom they named Sean. 16 years later, Sean would become the lone survivor of the entire kingdom... Sidenote: Ayn's Sons' storylines are almost identical though alot of people find Sean's story more tragic than the others. I won't post the guide to getting the weapons after the next few paragraphs so scroll back up as getting them is the same. The Game begins with news that Azura is being attacked. It has taken a fatal hit from somewhere on the Alisa III. Ayn realizes there will be no time to evacuate everyone. He orders Mieu and Wren to take Sean and haul ass. He and Thea will remain behind. Wren practically carries the distraught prince to safety and they escape seconds before it explodes. The force of the explosion makes the space shuttle crash land in the desert on Aridia. From there go to Hazitak to save and restock healing items. The citizens will tell you that you should go to Frigidia to finds out what happened. However, you will need to go to Landen First. Travel through the tunnels until you reach the Kingdom. Speak to Sari (who is queen) and she will tell you a but of her Kingdom's struggle with the Forces of Lune. A guard in the castle will point you in the direction of a cave to the south west. The rest of the way is the same as Nial's quest minus Ryan. Once you have the Sub Parts your next stop will be Aridia to get Laya. Once you have Laya go to Frigidia to accquire the Laya's Pendant. As a refresher, here is a guide to getting the Wren Parts again: Sub-Parts ----------- Located in a cave in Divisia. You get it during Nial's Quest but you will also have to get it with Sean. From Divisia, walk through the woods until you enter a cavern. follow the trail until you enter a chamber with 4 chests. The middle one has the Parts. Use an Escapipe to exit. Aero Parts ----------- You will need Laya's Pendant to reach Aerone. from there go to Dahlia. Speak to Lune and he will tell you Orakio banished him there 1,000 years ago and recently he went to war with some of his deceendants. During this time he realized it was a mistake and now regretted being so vengeful. Speak to Kara and she will join you, saying her father is no longer able to fight. She will call on the power of the Lune Slicer in battle. Go into the dungeon and you will find the Aero Parts in a chest. You can use them to fly all over the place. Aqua Parts ----------- With the Aero Parts fly to Sky Haven in Frigidia. After you speak to the Elders go into the dungeon. The Aqua Parts are in a chest. You can use them to cross water and more importantly, reach Orakio's Sword. Once you have all the Sub-Parts and Legendary Weapons you next stop is Lashute. Thus concludes Sean's quest for now. Generation 3-Crys ================== Ending to Previous Generation: Ayn and Sari married and Ayn became king of Landen (which his father gave up to marry Maia). Together they foiled Siren's many schemes. In time had a son whom they named Crys (pronounced "Chris"). 17 years later they learn some horrible news... At the start a Guard will run in and tell Ayn that Siren set the Alisa III is on a collision course with the sun! Ayn will instruct Crys to find away to fix the ship's course before they are all killed. When you reach Aerone you will learn something is preventing them from changing course. SIREN! ----- Sidenote: See Sean and to find out about how to get the Wren Parts and the Legenary Weapons. ----- When Crys meets Siren he will tell you his story. Apparently he realized his mistake but there is nothing that can be done. If you want to learn of the history the people of the Alisa III origins visit New Mota on Frigidia. You will get a clue about something being up on the floating city of Lashute. That would be the place to go next, don't you think? Read below for info on the final battle! 4. Final Battles + Endings ============================= The Final Battles of the game is the same with all 4 of Rhys' Grandchildren. In it Sean, Adan, Crys or Aron and their respective party members go head to head against Rulakir and the Master of Death, Dark Force. ------Rulakir----- Rulakir and 6 monsters Strategy: Destroy all monsters as soon as possible. Once you do that, have everyone but Kara Laya/Gwyn attack Rulakir directly. Use the Bow user for Healing. Rulakir likes to use Magic so you may have to double up if he uses Foi in addition to Zan. Attack hard and fast and eventually he will fall. That's it. After being defeated, Rulakir will regain his sanity. Alas, it comes too late. He will ask you to destroy Dark Force. After his body vanishes, it's time you honor that request! Go downstairs and make your way to the far right part of the room. The middle chest contains the Evil One. -----Final Battle----- Dark Force (Left Hand) (Physical and Magic Attacks) Dark Force (Right Hand) (Physical, Magic, and Healing Attacks) Dark Force (Head) (Physical Attacks and Magic Attacks) Strategy: It's like fighting Dark Dragon from Shining Force (if you've ever played that) with the difficulty of Emerald Weapon from FF7 cranked all the way up. In order to even get a foothold in this VERY STIFF fight, DESTROY THE RIGHT HAND FIRST. It can heal itself and the other parts with Gires plus it can use Rever to bring back the Left Hand. Once you take it out destroy the Left. Each Hand has about 200HP. The Head always uses either Zan, Gra, or a Physical Attack that, if it isn't fatal it'll reduce the target's HP to the double or even the single digits. It has about 350HP. I advise using the Super Gires Tactic in the battle if you haven't yet. It'll really help. Have the swords person target the Head and Mieu target the Right Hand. Have Wren Target the Head as well. Unless you're using them for the Super Gires Tactic have Laya or Gwyn and Kara (doesn't matter which) attack the Left Hand. After that have them attack the Right, then the head. You will want to use the S.G.T if Dark Force uses Tsu or Zan twice in a row, so be prepared for that. Attack or heal simultaneously when only the Head is left. You may get lax when it becomes 5 on 1 but he is still no pushover. When you finally beat Dark Force you won't get any EXP or Meseta (it being the final battle and all) but he does have 4 different final messages before disappearing for another 1,000 years (apparently he "dies" for good in 4, but where did Phantasy Star Online's plot come from?). I will not quote the actual sayings but will summarize it cause I don't have access to all 4 endings simultaneously right now. Adan: Dark Force will say that you may have won this time but he'll be back in 1,000 years. He will then say it was he that destroyed The Neo Palm Starship. Aron: He will say that he destroyed the Neo Palm starship and will be back in 1,000 years to finish the job. Sean: He will say he regretted destroying only one Moon and says he'll be back in 1,000 years to destroy the other. Crys: He will say you may have thwarted his plan to have Siren and Lune start another war but say he'll be back in 1,000 years to stir up more trouble. The Endings up to the main character destroying The Floating City are the same. The final sequence is different, however. I probably shouldn't need to say so but this contains MAJOR Spoilers. Adan: The Alisa III pulls away from the Black hole just in time. It then heads towards a planet similar to Palm. It's the 3rd one from its Sun. Aron: This time instead of avoiding the Black Hole the Alisa III goes into it and is teleported to someplace on the other side of the Galaxy. It finds a planet they can settle on. It's the 3rd one from its Sun. Sean: In this one The Neo Palm (the other surviving starship) appears to lend a hand. It saw Azura blow up and tried to come help. Seeing as you already took care of Dark Force their help wasn't needed, was it? Crys: After beating Dark Force the pilots of Aerone manage to steer The Alisa III away from the Sun just in time. It soon finds a planet it can live on. It's the 3rd one from the Sun. I think after hearing it 3 times we all pretty much know they're referring to Earth. Interestingly, it's the people of Earth who try to colonize Mota in Phantasy Star 2 (that's another story, anyways). If you want to know what happens next, play Phantasy Star 4. If you can't find the Genesis version either wait for a GBA release (if they do that) or download the Rom. 5. Gameshark Codes =================== I've only used these codes with a GS 1.2 and don't know what effect they'll have on an Action Replay or Code Breaker Cheat Device. These all work and will not screw up your game. Must be on (M): 005f4f77 737d0be8 9166410f f588047e Inf. Meseta: C560f1fc 19b154c7 No Random Battles: A483c784 D0e9c99e Max EXP Gain: D2047a1d 62158df8 12ffa6d2 ff9352f7 Note that you obviously can't have No Random Battles on in order to use Max EXP Gain. Also with Inf. Meseta you can buy all of the best everything VERY EARLY. Since there's no Stat modifier codes (that I know of) I can't really say using a GS will take ALL the fun out of the game. 6. FAQ ======= What can I say other than I like answering people's Most Asked Questions! Send me a question pertaining to this game or the genesis version and I will answer it here. It has to have good grammar in order be accepted as well. Q: Okay, I just beat the King of Cilie. Who should I marry? A: It's all up to you. I can't make the decision for you. The same goes with the 3rd generations. I only provide info about each generation. It's for you to decide who you want to go with. Q: Ayn's story is so much cooler than Nial's! It would make for a great fanfic! A: I'm glad you feel that way. I thought so, too and made a fanfic based on it. You can read it at Q: Is there any way of getting Orakio's Sword without summoning Dark Force? A: No, unfortunately. He arises the moment you grab the black blade. Q: I wonder how Orakio and Laya died? A: No one knows for sure. Several authors at have made stories on how they think it went down. The only ones who know for sure are Siren and Mien, but they took whatever they knew with them to the grave. Q: Did you know notice How Lune and Alair have the same colored hair? A: Uh, yeah. That's cause they're brother and sister. Each Kara also have the same green/yellow hair, as does Aron. If Lune's hair were blonde he'd look almost exactly like Hercules (well, the guy who played him on the WB), or maybe even Triple H of the WWE. Q: Why do Mieu and Miun and Siren and Wren look so much alike? A: They're the same type of Cyborg, but Miun and Siren are much older. You can also see the exposed circuitry on Miun's face. I can only assume she got that from Dark Force. Q: How is it you don't fight anything while flying but there are flying enemies? A: You got me. In all seriousness, you should be happy! In almost every other kind of environment you have random fights. Q: Not all places! You don't fight in towns! A: If only that were true! You will fight in every environment other than while Wren is transformed into something (or riding a ship or space shuttle). During the first part of Ayn's quest you will fight in the castles as well as in towns. In all 4 final generations you will have to fight a demon infested Lashute (after getting all the Nei Weapons). Q: Who or what is Nei? A: I would've asked the same thing if I didn't have The Phantasy Star Collection on GBA. It comes with Phantasy Star I, II and III. In PHSII one of the characters in your group is a half human half monster named Nei. During the course of the game she dies (I won't say any more than that). Her dying wish was that she not be forgotten by her friends. When PHSIII was released Sega decided to honor that request by passing on her name in the 5 All-Powerful Nei Weapons (Sword, Claw, Shot, Bow and Slicer). Q: How do I get these weapons? A: In order to get the 5 Nei Weapons you will need to collect the weapons of the 5 heroes who fought Dark Force before: Orakio's Black Sword, Miun's Claw, Siren's Powerful Shot, Laya's Bow, and Lune's Fast Slicer. If you do Nial's generation you will automatically get Laya's Bow, taking care of one of them. Otherwise you'll have to wait until the final generations. In order to get Miun's Claw you will need Orakio's Sword. In order to get that, however you will need both the Submersible and the Aqua Skimmer. You can get the Sub Parts in the Western Cave of Divisia and Aqua Parts on Sky Heaven in Frigidia. In order to get to Sky Haven you will need the Aero Parts, which for some reason are on Dahlia (one of the Starship's 2 moons). You will need the Laya's pendant in order to get there, which you will eventually get no matter which way you go. Once you have all the parts plus the pendant you can go pretty much anywhere on the Alisa III. After you get everything but Siren's Shot go to Sage Isle in Aquatica (the dome world with Cilie and Shorshan). Inside the cave you will find Siren. He will give you his weapon. After that, talk to the Sages that are also in that cave. From the cave entrance turn left and take the 2nd turn to get to their room. They will give you "The Lost Word", Nei. Mieu will learn the Grantz tech, which along with Megido (which the hero gets for getting Orakio's Sword) will automatically be used when you beat the game. Go to Skyhaven and talk to the Sages there again. After talking to all of them the legendary weapons will turn into the Nei Weapons. Note that Mieu and Kara (1 and 2) can hold another Claw/Slicer. I advise Planar (the strongest ones next to the Nei Weapons themselves) to go with their Nei Weapon. You will also need all 5 Nei Weapons in order to fight Rulakir (the king of Lashute) so getting them all is a must to finish the game. After besting him your next opponent is Dark Force! Q: Megido...Why does that sound so familiar? A: It was one of the techs you could use in PHSII. It was the most powerful elemental spell--it automatically killed non-bosses. That's probably why you can't "use" it in this one. :p Q: Is there a sequel to this game? A: Yes, 4. I have no idea if it will be re-released, either. Everyone of the Collection Board and PSIV Board are hoping for one. Q: How long is the game? A: I can go through it once (no matter who I pick) in 6 hours (total playing time). To go see all 4 endings, let's see. 6x4=24, so it will take you 24 hours to beat the game 4 times. I advise you use both save slots for both of Ayn or Nial's sons for that to work, though. Q: Is it possible to beat the game without saving? A: Uh, yeah. I would only advise doing it with an SP or a solar pak for the GBA for power issues. I haven't gotten that bored but I know you don't have to "force save" at any time in the game. To be more direct, YES, it is possible. Q: Are there any Easter Eggs? A: Yes. The most known one is at the beginning of the game. To see it, start a new game. Sell the Boots and Garment and then buy an Escapipe. Continue the game until you are put in jail. Once there, use the Escapipe. You will be in the hall before the throne room. If you try to talk to any of the guards there will be no respond. Go speak to the king. He will say: "You used an Escapipe! Normally a smart move, but now you can't continue. Please restart the game." Unless you have GS/AR codes you have no choice. There is no way to continue. Another Easter Egg is the Super Gires Tactic. That's already been explained, though. Q: Has anyone ever tried to beat the game with the lowest everything? A: Looks like someone has been hanging around the FF7 and LTTP forums! It really Isn't possible. You actually NEED the Nei Weapons equipped to beat the Game. Sure, it would make the game longer and harder but oh, well. It IS possible to beat the game without healing items, though. I have done it before. I highly advise waiting until the 2nd Generations so you have enough healers to do the Super Gires Tactic. You would also need to optimize Rever and Gires so they work more. Note that this makes the game 75% harder and I advise doing it ONLY if you've already beaten the at least game four times. You will have to know where healing items are in chests so you know not to get them. Q: Is this game related to the PSO Games? A: NO! PHS4 was the last true game of the series. It was NOT meant to be continued after 4. An Online version was a nice idea, but off of what guise? Dark Force, the main villain in all 4 games was destroyed forever in 4. I never played a PSO game but I know it has nothing to do with the original series. Q: Why is it I can't buy stuff from Cilie and Shorshan anymore? A: After you get to a certain point in Ayn's quest you will not be able to buy anything anymore. You can get them all later on, though. As for the Star Mist and Moon Dew you can find them if you don't have the cash. If anyone has more questions, send them to me. Just make sure it hasn't been covered in My Guide yet. 7. Legal Stuff ================ This guide may only appear on My Website and Gamefaqs. In order to use this guide you will need to get my permission. If you steal my work I get to sue you! It's the law. If you don't want to have a judge make you give me money you don't even have, don't do it! This Guide is Copyright of Mewtwo64 (Aurabolt), aka Brendan Thomas, 2003-2005. All rights reserved. Phantasy Star 3 is copyright of Sega, 1991-2005 Phantasy Star Collection is Copyright of Sega, Nintendo and THQ, 2003-2005 Wow, I kept that legal short this time! 8. Version History =============== 1.5 3/23/04-Did everything, pretty much. 80% of the guide is complete. Will finish walkthrough and (hopefully) add Shop Section in future update. 2.4 7/20/04-Updated Guide to the end of Adan Quest. Added Final Battles section for Dark Force and Rulakir. Walkthrough now 70% Complete. 3.0 Finished the walkthough! WHEW! Next update will have Key Items List and a Synopsis of the whole game from beginning to end. 9. Credits ========= This is the end--for now, anyways. I want to thank the following people: Me-Writing it of course Sega-For making my most favorite RPG of all time THQ-For re-making it on the GBA so I could finally beat it Nintendo-For putting it on the GBA The various Phantasy Star 3 Authors at guys did some awesome follow up stories for this game. I hope to see updates and more in the near future! --Aurabolt