___ __ __ / _ \/ / ___ ____ / /____ ______ __ / ___/ _ Y _ `/ _ Y __/ _ `(_-< // / /_/ /_//_|_,_/_//_|__/\_,_/___|_, / ______ ______/___/ / __/ /____ _____/ _/ _/ _\ \/ __/ _ `/ __// /_/ / /___/\__/\_,_/_/ /___/___/ FAQ/Walkthrough Author: The Spelunker Contact: lance3335@bellsouth.net This guide may not be used for any purpose other than personal use without the written consent of the author, and the only e-mail address which may give this consent is lance3335@bellsouth.net. Those who violate this should know that they are breaking US copyright law. If you see this guide being hosted on a site besides http://www.gamefaqs.com/ it is being done so illegally. Please contact me if this is the case. oo------------------oo |Contents | |-------- | |0 - Version Info | |1 - Introduction | |2 - Walkthrough | |3 - Tech List | |4 - Item List | |5 - Plot Analysis | oo------------------oo oo-------------------------------------------------------------------------oo | 0) VERSION INFO | oo-------------------------------------------------------------------------oo ___________ [Version 1.1] + 8/28/05 + 131 Kilobytes + Tech section now complete and fully alphabetized + Item section alphabetized ___________ [Version 1.0] + 11/1/03 + 131 Kilobytes + Plot analysis section and its surrounding area made more indicative of spoilers + Added more techs + Walkthrough fully complete + Plot analysis section complete + This is expected to be the final version of this guide, though the tech section is still incomplete for some characters. + Item section complete ____________ [Version 0.65] + 9/24/03 + 109 Kilobytes + Menobe walkthrough finished. + Fixed a capitalization error in the Tech section + Fixed some formatting in the version info section + Deleted some excess spaces + Changed introduction around + Finally added Antidote item info + Added more techs(NAZAN) -- more to come + FAQ is on hold for now. Very busy with job. Next update ETA is unannounced. ___________ [Version 0.6] + 9/20/03 + 101 Kilobytes + Walkthrough done up to Dezo dungeons + New tech added + Much more plot analysis(reminder: it is littered with spoilers) + This is the guide's 100kb special edition. It's to celebrate the guide reaching 100kb! Normally, I wouldn't submit such a small update, but I felt this was a special occasion. Expect the next REAL update sometime mid-October. ___________ [Version 0.5] + 9/7/03 + 90.5 Kilobytes + Walkthrough done up to Dezo + More techs + Added Star Mist info + Late update with little info, I know, but expect the next one within the month. ___________ [Version 0.4] + 08/15/03 + 74.7 Kilobytes + Fixed some formatting errors + Walkthrough done up to Yellow Dam. + More techs + Added Hidapipe info + Next update soon! ___________ [Version 0.2] + 08/04/03 + 56.8 Kilobytes + Structure/Format is completely finished + Walkthrough done up to Misty Island + All techs complete up to this point + Normal item info complete + Plot analysis accurate up to this point + Next update within the month oo-------------------------------------------------------------------------oo | 1) INTRODUCTION | oo-------------------------------------------------------------------------oo Phantasy Star II was one of the first great 16-bit RPGs. It resembles 8-bit RPGs a lot with its somewhat generic dungeon designs and abundance of palette swaps, but there are instances where its technological advantages shine brightly -- the dungeon overhead scenery would not be possible on the Master System or NES, for example. In addition to being one of the first 16-bit RPGs, PS2 is also an incredibly challenging one. A lot of people feel the need to use cheats, hacks, save states or what have you with these early RPGs, but let me tell you that doing these things is really detracting from the game; Phantasy Star II builds its enjoyment around the challenge. You're not supposed to be able to waltz through it; it makes things seem more rewarding once you reach them because it takes so much effort. Sure, you could edit or cheat your way to the end of the game easily, but why bother? The mystique will be lost, and that's no fun at all. In closing, I'd like to state that this guide was made without maps, official guides, web sites, filler or any of that other crap that other FAQers do. This is a collection of information from one gamer to the next. I try to be as down-to-earth as possible when I write, and my goal is to supply the reader(you) with enough information to complete the task, but also to actually be able to relate some of the pains and challenge we all endure in these types of games through my words. If you have any questions, comments, complaints or corrections, email them to me at lance3335@bellsouth.net. I will try to be as prompt as I can with a reply, but sometimes my inbox gets swamped and a reply will take longer. Please be patient. And, so, without further ado -- enjoy the guide! oo-------------------------------------------------------------------------oo | 2) WALKTHROUGH | oo-------------------------------------------------------------------------oo _______ |PASEO| | |______ |items: none| |___________| You awaken after a nightmare involving a demon battling a girl. It's a new day, and you have things to do. Upon arriving at the central area of town, the Commander will brief you on your latest job -- locate the recorder in the "Biosystems Lab". Nei will join up with you as you begin to leave your house after packing for the trip. You can go to the Library and read up on things currently pertaining to your mission, but you should eventually make your way to the item shop at the east side of town. Here you need to pick up some healing items for the journey that lies ahead. The Item Store is the red building with the bottles on its sign. Grab two monomates for Nei and two for yourself. Walk north to the Weapon Store, now, and pick up a Steel Bar for Nei. Don't forget to equip it from the menu, using the command "EQP". ******************* * Armor Store * * * *HEADGEAR - 120 * *CARBONSUIT - 128 * *CARBONVEST - 120 * *FIBERCOAT - 300 * *CRBNSHIELD - 540 * *CRBN EMEL - 420 * ******************* ******************* * Item Store * * * *MONOMATE - 20 * *DIMATE - 60 * *ANTIDOTE - 10 * *TELEPIPE - 130 * *ESCAPIPE - 70 * ******************* ******************* * Weapon Store * * * *KNIFE - 100 * *DAGGER - 200 * *SCALPEL - 180 * *STEEL BAR - 80 * *BOW GUN - 300 * *SONIC GUN - 640 * ******************* When you are ready, exit the town by way of the upper-left path out. The only way to go from here is through the northern pipe, so do so. You'll come out on the other side near a bunch of domes. Be warned that this area is inhabited by enemies and some of your first battles will occur here. Walk around for a little bit and fight. The monsters here are not terribly strong, but you will need to watch your health. Make sure to change Nei's "order" to attack if it isn't already. There are some rather irritating monsters lurking around town called Poisoners. These things will paralyze you and make life a living hell. Should both of your characters get paralyzed, it is best to leave battle rather than stick around. If either of your characters ends up dying, you can have them revived in the Clone Lab inside town. Also, you can heal yourself at the Doctor's Office for a minimal fee. It is okay to cross the northern bridge while leveling, but let us wait for a while before going across the one farther east and a little to the south. Much tougher monsters lurk in that area. Don't feel bad about using your Monomates; that's why we bought them in the first place. However, once you have amassed 80 meseta, you should return to town regardless of health. Grab another Steel Bar from the Weapon Store and equip it in Nei's left hand. You've just made life a lot easier for yourself. Nei will perform much more damage using two weapons as opposed to one, obviously. Return to the fields and proceed to level up some more, bashing the bugs and keeping an eye on your health at the same time. Our next goal will be to acquire 100 meseta. With this we can purchase a Knife for Rolf's left hand back in town. Do so and return to the fields(don't forget to save your game at Data Memory in town!) You'll begin to notice that battles are going by much quicker with each character wielding two weapons. This means faster leveling and more gold for us, but don't get too comfortable. We'll be heading to our next destination soon. When Rolf reaches level 3, it's time to save in town and cross the bridge east of the northern one that I told you not to before. Walk south along the forest's edge to reach a town. If you encounter any of those nasty frog creatures, be prepared to run if you get into trouble. You just might be able to take them, though. Go ahead and enter the town when you get to it. _______ |ARIMA| | |______ |items: none| |___________| It becomes apparent once you arrive and speak with several of the villagers that some "scoundrels" have blown up the town with dynamite. There is a Weapon Store, Clone Lab, Doctor's Office and Teleportation Service here, but that is all. ******************* * Weapon Store * * * *DAGGER - 200 * *STEEL BAR - 80 * *SWORD - 1200* *CERAM KNFE - 2800* *SONIC GUN - 640 * *SHOTGUN - 800 * ******************* After you're finished talking to everyone that you wish to, leave town and head to the left. A neat trick here is that you can enter the pipe from this side but not return without circling around, so do so. Return to the original town. _______ |PASEO| | |______ |items: none| |___________| Pay a visit to the house(the only building with a unique door in town). Sure enough, there will be a knock at the door a monster hunter named Rudo will join the team. Make sure to group him into the party by using the "REORGANIZE" command, or he will not follow you. Go out and hunt some more monsters until Rolf reaches level four. Then, return to the town and buy a Headgear for Rolf and restock up on Monomates(make sure to get an Escapipe, too) for each of your characters. Don't forget to equip the Headgear and save your game before leaving town. Head all the way back to Arima, but don't enter the town this time. Instead, cross the bridge to the east and head northeast to reach a new building. Keep an eye out for any "ArmorAnts" while you walk towards this building. They are very tough monsters, and you will need to keep a close eye on your health if you encounter them. Run if necessary. This building is where the "scoundrels" hang out, according to the villagers. Walk into it and get ready for some exploring. If you want to be on the safe side, you might gain a few more levels before entering, but it's up to you. _______ |SHURE| | |__________________________________________ ____________________________|items: 40 meseta, Dimate, Headgear, 200 meseta | |Sil Ribbon, Small Key, Letter, 150 meseta, Dynamite(x2) | |___________________________________________________________________________| As far as games' first dungeons go, Shure is rather difficult. But it will definitely be a sign of things to come in Phantasy Star II, so the sooner you get used to it the better. Hang left once you get in and follow the path as it goes upwards, ignoring the first turn-off to the right but taking the second(and last) one. Keep walking through the linear hallway. It will eventually curve downwards(feel like you're going in circles?), and you'll soon find yourself going left again. Here you can find a treasure chest containing 40 meseta in a southern niche. If somehow the frogs have worn you down and ran you out of Monomates, you should head back to the entrance use Ryuka to return to town, heal and buy some new gear(FIBERCOAT for Rolf is the most important on the list, restocking Monomates being second). Otherwise use the teleporter pad just a little bit to the left to find yourself in an unfamiliar area. The monsters get a little tougher in this area, so remember: if you get low on life, Nei's TP or healing items, go back to town via your Escapipe and heal/restock. IF YOU DIE YOU WILL LOSE ALL OF YOUR PROGRESS PAST THE LAST TIME YOU SAVED. Proceed to the southeast otherwise. Follow the path and take the first north curve you see. There are two teleporters here as well as a treasure chest containing DIMATE. After collecting the Dimate, step on the closest teleporter. Go upwards and enter the room with the treasure chest. It holds HEADGEAR. Exit the room and take the hallway left. This hallway circles around like most of the ones in this dungeon do. Just after rounding the corner, head south into the room with the teleporter in it. Step on this teleporter and then head up and to the right. You'll eventually come to a crossing; curve downwards. Here is another room with teleporters in it. Take the upper one to find yourself in a new area. Take the right path here, as the left is dead end. Head down it and hang south until you reach a partially hidden treasure chest at the bottom of a small room. Open it to procure 200 meseta. Go back north until you see a small crossing to the left. As you walk along this, use extra caution in navigating the path because falling means returning to the previous level and losing a lot of progress. That could be disastrous here because you're probably already hurting somewhat. Head upwards when you can and take the right path at the fork. Follow this for a while until you see a teleporter to your left. Step onto this, and you'll find yourself in a new area. You can just barely make out a dead body on the left side of your screen here. After inspecting it, it will become apparent that the "scoundrels" were wiped out by monsters. There is a smaller path just above the body; take this all the way to the left to find a chest. It contains SIL RIBBON. Have Nei equip this item, as it will boost her defense exponentially. The path below the body is the one you want to take now. Follow it for a while(it's pretty linear save the occasional dead-end turn off), and you'll eventually come to a fork--left or right. The left path should lead you to a spot just north of a room with a body in it. Circle around to enter the room and search the body to find a SMALL KEY and LETTER. It's time to do a wee bit of backtracking now. Our goal is to go all the way back through two teleporters until you're in a room with, well, two teleporters(not a very interesting dungeon, huh?). Once in this room, our treasure collecting begins. Take the lower teleporter to reach the first of several locked chests. "USE" your Small Key on the chest to withdraw 150 meseta. Step back on the teleporter and go left for a ways. Another two teleporter room will soon come into your sights. Step on the right one, open the locked chest and take its contents: a much appreciated MONOMATE. Go back on the teleporter, then take the other teleporter in the room. Walk up and left, circling around and entering the southern room. Step on this teleporter and then the opposite teleporter in the next room. Unlock the chest; it holds DYNAMITE. In the far southeast corner of this level is another chest with more DYNAMITE in it; go take it. Feel free to leave the dungeon after you have everything, either by using Rofl's Hinas technique or with an Escapipe if you don't have any TP or a sufficient level. Use Ryuka to get back to Paseo, now, or just walk. _______ |PASEO| | |______ |items: none| |___________| The first thing you should do is heal at the Doctor's Office. Next, go to the Item Shop and purchase three Dimates for each party member. Sell your Headgear and Ribbon here as well. Don't forget to save your game before taking off towards Arima, our next destination(you could teleport there, but why waste the money?) Your trip there should be pretty uneventful, as the wandering monsters in this area won't cause you much trouble anymore. _______ |ARIMA| | |______ |items: none| |___________| Our trip here will be a short one indeed. Visit the Doctor's Office in town and heal up. Next, go to the Weapon Store and purchase a Shotgun for Rudo. If you have any extra meseta, buy a Ceram Knife for Rolf. Otherwise leave the the store and the town as well. Don't forget to equip the Shotgun on your way out; it's a lot better than his old Bow Gun because it hits two enemies at once. Whether or not you had the meseta to buy a Ceram Knife, you're going to need two, so it's time to fight some monsters to save up for them. My favorite spot to fight at is past the bridge south of the Shure dungeon you were just in(cooincidentally where the next dungeon we need to go to is). There are some tougher monsters there, which means more meseta. Also, don't forget that you can sell your old Knives and Rudo's old Bow Gun to raise 200 meseta. After saving up 2800(or 4600 if you couldn't afford the one Ceram Knife earlier), head back to town and buy them. Now, after saving in Paseo again(use Ryuka for quicker travel), it's time to visit the dungeon, BUT ONLY IF ROLF IS LEVEL 10. There are some very deadly creatures in this dungeon that can wipe your party out faster than you can blink an eye. It's imperative that you get Rolf to at least level 10 before entering(I know it might take a while, but it's for your own good). You can go inside the dungeon to level if you want(it should be quicker), but don't go past the door yet. Once finished, heal and go back to where you were leveling and walk southwest to the Tower of Nido. _______________ |TOWER OF NIDO| | |__________________ |recommended level: Rolf 10 |_______________ |items: 100 meseta, Trimate, 20 meseta, Dimate,| |60 meseta, Teim | |----------------------------------------------| I bet this dungeon looks familiar! Sadly, this is the exact same dungeon scheme as the last. It is just as long as the last, too, and definitely more challenging. Keep yourself fully-healed as you walk through here because there is one very deadly type of creature called a 'Blaster'with an attack that causes at least 15 damage to each party member, and they travel in groups of two. As you proceed a little ways in the dungeon, you will bump into a door blocking your path. Remember that Dynamite we found in the earlier dungeon? Here is where it comes in handy. Go to your inventory and "use" it, but make sure not to accidentally use a Dimate instead(haha). The door will explode. Head to the right after you walk through it, and follow this path until you see a branch to the left. Go along this to find a teleporter. Step onto it, head north and open the chest. Bingo -- 100 meseta! The area you're in now is basically a confusing looking circle. It looks more complicated than it is. Head to the southeast of this area and you'll see a partially hidden teleporter. Take it; you're now in an area that looks like the one you just left, but it's not. Head to the left a little bit until you see a path leading up. Follow it and turn left to find another chest, with a TRIMATE inside. Going right will circle you around back to the teleporter, which you should take to return to the second level. Use the other teleporter on this level to return to the first level, now. Walk left and follow this hallway upwards. You might have to curve slightly right here, but you should see a teleporter soon. This will take you to the second floor yet again. A walk to the south and a few steps to the left will place you in front of another chest. Open it to procure 20 meseta. Walking back up and taking the first left will put you near a chest. Hang as far downwards as you can go so you won't miss it. It holds a DIMATE. If you continue left, you will eventually notice a turn-off above you. There are two teleporters facing each other at the top of this area. Take the right one first. Walk a little to the right and take the first hallway leading downwards that you see. Curve right when you hit a dead end to reach a chest with 60 meseta in it. Trek back to the teleporter from whence you came, now, and step onto it. We're back to the second floor again. Take a few steps to the left and use the opposite teleporter. Third floor! Journey to the right and take the southern path right before the dead end. Another teleporter is here; use it. Everything is linear from here, so just walk to the next teleporter and use it. Go down now and head right around the perimeter. Eventually you'll see a wide open area above you(right before the path you were on becomes narrow). This space holds Teim, the girl you were looking for. Rolf will put a veil over her head and bring her along. It's a good idea to use Hinas and Ryuka to return to town at this point, unless you want to walk out through the dungeon. _______ |PASEO| | |______ |items: none| |___________| There's not much to do here, now, except heal and save your progress(I recommend you save to a second slot just to be careful; I do this in all RPGs as a precaution). Once finished, you'll want to head out of town, go north through the pipe, cross the northern bridge and then walk upwards a little bit until you see a pipe to your left. As you enter this pipe, watch the scene that occurs(very sad) and then exit through the other side. Continue west and cross the bridge. On the other side of the bridge, walk towards the bottom of the screen. Eventually you will arrive in a small culdesac with a bridge on the right side. Just on the other side of this bridge is the town of Opta. _______ |OPTA | | |______ |items: none| |___________| Opta is a town much like Paseo, in that it has all of the same shops Paseo did. The first thing you should do when you get here is heal and then save your game. Next, go to the Armor Store and buy the following: 1 FIBERVEST for Nei, 1 FIBERGEAR for Rolf and 1 FIBERGEAR for Rudo. At the Weapon Store you need only pick up two CERAM BARs for Nei. You should be able to afford all of this easily, and you shouldn't need to restock items at this point, either, but if you do, you can find them at the Item Store. Don't forget to sell the old gear you aren't using anymore at the Item Store, as well. ******************* * Armor Store * * * *FIBERGEAR - 430 * *SIL RIBBON - 380 * *FIBERCOAT - 300 * *FIBERCAPE - 420 * *FIBERVEST - 280 * *FIBRSHILD - 1200* ******************* ******************* * Item Store * * * *MONOMATE - 20 * *DIMATE - 60 * *ANTIDOTE - 10 * *TELEPIPE - 130 * *ESCAPIPE - 70 * ******************* ******************* * Weapon Store * * * *SCALPEL - 180 * *CERAM BAR - 1200* *SWORD - 1200* *CERAM KNFE - 2800* *SHOTGUN - 800 * *SILENTSHOT - 920 * ******************* Go to the Teleport Station(the building with the sideways hourglass sign), now, and teleport back to Paseo. Visit your house again, and you'll find Amy here. She is a healer and will join up with you. Make sure to reorganize the party to include her. Use the Paseo Teleport Station to return to Opta. Amy starts out at level one, so she will severely weak. In this case, let us start by outfitting her properly. Stop at the Armor Store and buy a FIBERCAPE and FIBERGEAR for her and equip them. Get a SCALPEL from the Weapon Store, too. I'm afraid you know what comes next -- yes, a bit of leveling. Don't despair, though, Amy will level fast at the start because of her naturally low level. The area around Opta will be your prime leveling ground for Amy, for now. The creatures here aren't exceptionally tough(Fire Ant, Bee, Froggy, Locust and the occasional ArmorAnt, Waspy). Have Amy stay in a defensive position until she is up to at least level 5. Once you reach level 4 hanging around Opta, head southwest and cross the unvisited bridge. Walk west and north a little ways until you reach another bridge. Cross this one as well as the next one to the east to reach an a globe-shaped building. There should be some tougher competition in this area, which will help Amy level up faster. Don't enter the building yet, though. We'll do that later. Once Amy reaches level 6, head back to town, heal and save and then return to the Biosystems Lab, but enter it this time. _________________ |BIOSYSTEMS LAB | | |_____________________________ |items: Antidote, Scalpel, Dynamite, Trimate,| | Poisonshot, Antidote, Recorder_____________| |_______________________________| As you proceed through here, you should try to keep Amy's defense ability active in most combats because of Blasters and the like which can take her out fairly easily. Walk to the left, along the crumbled path and then continue left once you arrive in the area with the weird test tubes in it. Circle around these tubes, and you'll eventually find yourself heading right again. Soon you will arrive in another test tube area. Head upwards to reach a teleporter. Enter this and walk down and to the righ a little(those black rectangles are pits) and open the chest to find an ANTIDOTE. Head south until you hit a wall, then go west. You have a lot of walking ahead of you -- your basic goal is to circle around the whole perimeter of this room, as the center is blocked off or dead ends. Eventually you'll find yourself heading upwards instead of downwards or right for once, and you'll see a treasure chest off to your left. Take the SCALPEL from inside. From here, travel north and then west(passing yet another unreachable teleporter) to finally come to another teleporter. On the other end of this teleporter is an area you've already been to, but you're in the unreachable portion of it, which is nice. Go ahead eastwards to reach another room with dozens of those test tubes in it. You're going to have to circle around here(nothing is ever easy, is it?) by going east and then downwards. A little walk to the left once you hit a wall will reveal another teleporter. Take this one to reach a different floor. Taking the upper path will lead you to that teleporter you couldn't reach from before. You'll want to head a little bit to the left now. Here is a choice of paths you can take. Take the lower one and hang right until you hit a wall. There is a upper path(two of them actually) and a lower one here. We want to take the lower one. It will curve around for a little bit, but eventually you'll see a path just west of you with a treasure chest on it. This particular chest contains DYNAMITE. Backtrack all the way back to that crossroad earlier(the one right after you got to the current floor). Take the west path this time. Hang left to reach a hallway with many paths to the south. However, only the third leads anywhere. Follow this one down. The random encounter rate in this particular area seems to be rather high for some reason, so keep an eye on your health. Take the path closest to the western wall down and follow it around until you reach a barred door. This is where your Dynamite comes in handy. Use it on the door to open up a -- you guessed it -- path! Man, I use the word path too much. Yet this isn't much of a path; it's just a pit in the middle of a room. There's nothing to do but jump, so do so. You'll drop about four floors down to a strange room with a hint of glowing red stuff on the right. This is actually some form of chemical or perhaps lava(in a laboratory?), and it will hurt you if you walk over it, but this is unavoidable in most instances; you'll just have to tough it out. You should note that the monsters on this level get a bit tougher, so keeping an eye on your health in and out of battles will become crucial, as losing a character this far into the dungeon would be bad. Remember this room(you'll be backtracking to it soon) and head outside of it and to the south. If you make your way to the southeast, you will find a POISONSHOT(an item that Amy can equip but a rather useless one). To the southwest is an ANTIDOTE, as well as the only exit out of this dungeon(but we need to get the recorder first, and it's preferable to exit with an Escapipe or Hinas anyways). Backtrack to the room you were told to remember, now. Leave it and follow the northwest route through the damaging substance and continue trudging along the linear, chemical-soaked way until you see a treasure chest to the right. Opening it will give you custody of a TRIMATE. Return to the original route and continue following it. You're going to be soaking in this goo by the time you get to your destination -- there are some opportunities to skirt around it and take less damage but those are few and far between. Eventually the way you're traveling on will open up into a large room, with large amounts of the damaging substance! Find the way that causes you to take the least damage(duh) as you approach the obtrusive object in the midst of it all. Search it with the same button you use to open chests to find RECORDER. At this point you can either head all the way back to the southwest where I mentioned the exit was, or you can use an Escapipe or Hinas to make your escape. Do one of them because sticking around here for any longer is certain death and rather pointless. Walk or Ryuka back to Opta at this point. _______ |OPTA | | |______ |items: none| |___________| The first thing you should do is heal up in the northeast part of town(ah! refreshing). Next, head on over to the northwest portion of Opta(you'll need to walk through the western grass). This is where the musician Ustvestia lives. Say "no" to his first question and have him teach Rolf how to play the piano. This will come in handy later on. Go, now, to the Data Memory building and save your game. The last stop is the Item Store, where you will want to sell the Scalpel and PoisonShot you found in the dungeon. Visit the teleporter and head back to Paseo(we're quite a bit wealthier than we were some time ago, aren't we?) _______ |PASEO| | |______ |items: none| |___________| Your goal here is to return to the central building and deliver the Recorder to the Comma...er, I guess he's a Governor, now. Anyway, it will be delivered to him automatically. The Governor will hand the data over to the librarian, who will analyze it and give you the scoop: apparently the system overflowed with power and caused monsters to spread all over the land. Also, the tempatures have risen to high levels and the rainfall sunk to low ones. Your next task is to figure out exactly why this is. The librarian ends the conversation by giving you a key that will allow you to pass through the pipe just south of the Biosystems Lab. Great! Visit your house, now, and a man named Hugh will join up with you. Hugh isn't that useful of a character in my opinion, and you'd do good to keep your original party intact. But, if you insist on getting him, you'll need to level him up some and buy him new equipment. Once you've made your decision(and done any necessary leveling up and equipping),leave town and use Ryuka to return to Opta. Go all the way back to where the Biosystems Lab is and enter the pipe to the south. Use they Key Tube on the door to open it, then proceed through the passage. Walk south out of here and go east until you see a pipe like the one you just came out of. Follow this pipe to the town on the other side. _______ |ZEMA | | |______ |items: none| |___________| I'm going to assume that you have the party of Rolf, Nei, Rudo and Amy right now. As such, I recommend you go to the Weapon Store in this town and purchase Laser Knfe x2 for Rolf and Cannon for Rudo. Make sure to equip them. It should be noted that this is the first Armor Store in the game you have come to with possible upgrades to your characters' Shoes, so you'll want to buy a pair of boots for Amy and Rolf, provided you have the funds. Any excess cash should go towards Titanigears to upgrade your characters' old helmets, but if you don't have any cash left, that's okay, too. ******************* * Weapon Store * * * *WHIP - 1400* *CERAM SWRD - 1200* *SLASHER - 1200* *LASER KNFE - 4400* *CANNON - 2200* *POISONSHOT - 1700* ******************* ******************* * Armor Store * * * *TITANIGEAR - 1400* *TITANIMET - 3700* *SHOES - 240 * *BOOTS - 1000* *FIBER EMEL - 1360* *MIR SHIELD - 4800* ******************* ******************* * Item Store * * * *MONOMATE - 20 * *DIMATE - 60 * *ANTIDOTE - 10 * *TELEPIPE - 130 * *ESCAPIPE - 70 * ******************* * Item Store * * * *MONOMATE - 20 * *TELEPIPE - 130 * ******************* Lastly, stock up on any Dimates you expended while in Biosystems Lab. These will come in handy for the next dungeon. We'll come back to buy more stuff later. Return to your house in Paseo at this point(yes, again) to get another character. This character is Anna, some generic hunter girl. I strongly recommend you take her with you to level up at this point because you never know when you might need a back-up character. For this purpose, leave Rudo at the house. Your party should be as follows: Rolf, Nei, Amy and Anna(Rolf sure is one lucky guy). It's a good idea to just start walking back towards Opta at this point because you don't want to Ryuka back to Zema -- its monsters would demolish Anna. Furthermore, you could definitely use the gold for new gear. _______ |OPTA | | |______ |items: none| |___________| Once you arrive here, head to the Armor Store and purchase a Fibergear for Anna and equip it. Sell any old gear you don't need(Rolf's old Ceram Knfes, Anna's old Headgear, old Shoes, etc.) Finally, heal at the Doctor's Office and save your game. We're going to do a bit of leveling and definitely save up some gold for our next big adventure, now. Hang around the city for the time being until Anna reaches level 4. At this point, head inside the Biosystems Lab and walk around the first room to level. The experience and meseta will be much better here and hopefully Anna won't get hit too hard at level 4. You should stick around the lab until Anna reaches level 7; at which point, you can head towards Zema. _______ |ZEMA | | |______ |items: none| |___________| In Zema, your main objectives are the usual: heal, buy equipment and save. The equipment you should get at this point is as follows(if you have the money): Slasher x2 for Anna, Titantigear for Anna and Amy, Titanimet for Rolf. Equip all of these and save the rest of your money for now. We still have a lot to buy, but this will serve us well for the time being because we're going to be fighting some tougher monsters outside of Zema to raise funds and levels. Save your game before leaving town. The area you want to fight in is just south of the pipe. We need some more cash, and we also need to bring up the levels of Anna. Once you've purchased all of the above items and have enough money to afford a Titanigear for Rudo, teleporter back to Paseo and drop Anna for now to get Rudo -- we need a more experienced party member for this next dungeon. You can use a Ryuka to get back to Zema. Here we only need to heal and save, then head off towards the next dungeon. A moderately short walk to the southeast will place you by Roron, garbage dump. Enter when ready. _______ |RORON| | |___________________ |items: Ceram Bar, Cannon| |_________________________ The main enemy group you will have trouble with here is the 3 Slugmess and 2 Spitkill combo. This is a nearly deadly encounter with the sleep-inducing ability of the Spitkills, the resurrection abilities of the Slugmess and just the power of them all combined. You will have to seriously keep an eye on your health should an encounter such at this occur. The first room is very linear(or so it appears). Just walk onto the teleporter for now, though. The second area is still linear, but has you walking a little bit more(and passing a treasure chest filled with garbage). Follow the narrow hallway until you reach a teleporter. Step onto this and once again follow a linear path, but this time it will lead you to a treasure chest. Lay claim the CERAM BAR inside, then head back to the teleporter you just came from. You should backtrack all the way to the first room you were in at this point(the one that looked linear). Don't see another way to go? Think again. That black area you appeared in when you first entered wasn't just a lazy excuse to not include an entrance tile; it's actually an indicator that you can walk around this whole room through the darkness. In fact, there is another room similar to thise one just to the south of here. Inside it is a teleporter which will take you further towards where you need to be. Take the southeast route until you see a western path leading to the left and then up a little. Follow this until you come to a teleporter. The path just before the teleporter has a CANNON on it it you follow it upwards. Further inspection of this path will lead you to a teleporter which you should use. It's all linear walking from here to next teleporter. After using that, though, you'll find yourself in a seemingly confusing area, but it's actually just one of those deceptive circle rooms. Either use the far left path or far right one to reach the middle row. To the far right you can descend even further towards the bottom of the screen, which you should. Eventually you'll reach some yellow men of Mota walking around a chest of garbage. Talk with them, and they'll mention something about a Jet Scooter. Make sure you've spoken with both, then Hinas out of the dungeon. Wow! To the north you'll see an unattended Jet Scooter with a note attached to it "We're content to smell garbage; anyone who finds this may keep it". It's your lucky day! This Jet Scooter will allow you to explore the waters all around Mota. We don't need it right this second, though. Instead, Ryuka back to Zema. _______ |ZEMA | | |______ |items: none| |___________| Visit the Doctor's Office first, of course, and heal your wounds. Next, stop by the Weapon Store to purchase Laser Knfe x2 for Rudo if you can afford them(if not, it's time to do a bit of you know what to raise some money). These will serve him much better than the old Cannon he was using(though they are a bit more costly) Equip them, then go to the item shop. You should sell your Ceram Bar and both Cannons here to get the load off your back and some cash in your pockets. After everything is completed, visit Data Memory and save your game. Walk south of Zema, now, and cross the bridge. You'll note that your Jet Scooter is parked nearby. Keep this in mind, as the Jet Scooter will always appear at the closest body of water when you Ryuka, use the Teleport Station or a Telepipe. Walk westerly to the next bridge. This will take you to an unexplored land. Be mindful of the stronger creatures here as you move around; they will zap your health pretty quick -- the Squat is an upgraded Froggy with a lot of hitpoints and some decent damage plus an all-party attack, the Terakite is a nasty bird-like creature that takes minimal damage from weapons. and the rest of the creatures will probably be old familiars to you. Find the northern bridge on this unexplored and cross that, too. Another town is just ahead of you! _______ |KUERI| | |______ |items: none| |___________| The general talk around town is all related to the water and, more importantly, how to breathe under it. A man in a partly hidden area at the southern edge of town says he needs the Maruera Leaves to make a gum that enables breathing underwater. He says they are to the south of here, on a place only accessible by Jet Scooter. Interesting. Kueri, like that past towns you've visited, has the full range of shops for you to explore. If you just blew all your money on the Laser Knfe x2, you'll be disappointed to know that there are a TON of upgrades here, and the stuff isn't cheap, either. But this can be remedied in time. You should also note that this is the first town you've come across which sells Trimates -- not that you need to buy any yet. ******************* * Weapon Store * * * *BOOMERANG - 480 * *LASR SLSHR - 6700* *LASR BAR - 3100* *ACIDSHOT - 4800* *SILENTSHOT - 920 * *LASER SHOT - 6200* ******************* ******************* * Armor Store * * * *TTNM ARMOR - 5600* *TTNM CAPE - 6300* *TTNM CHEST - 5400* *KNIFEBOOTS - 4200* *MIR EMEL - 5120* *CER SHIELD - 8300* ******************* ******************* * Item Store * * * *MONOMATE - 20 * *DIMATE - 60 * *TRIMATE - 160 * *ANTIDOTE - 10 * *TELEPIPE - 130 * *ESCAPIPE - 70 * ******************* Before you do anything else, heal and save your game at Data Memory. Travel to the Teleport Station afterwards. Choose Paseo as your destination and visit your house once you get there. A fellow with a strange way of speech named Josh Kain will join you here. Again, feel free to choose him for your party, but this walkthrough is going to assume that you're using the party of Rolf, Nei, Rudo and Amy(and sometimes Anna). Josh isn't a bad character; there's just not enough room for him, now, and kicking a well-advanced party member out for one who is simply average isn't worth it to me. Don't let that stop you, though, feel free to do what you want. Once finished, leave town and Ryuka to avoid having to pay a round-trip fee at the Teleport Station. Leave Kueri town as well. Don't worry about buying anything for now; we're going to raise some cash then come back for a huge shopping spree later. Venture west to to the coast, where you will see your Jet Scooter. Don't board it yet, though. Just walk around the coast and fight enemies; you'll probably discover several new enemies here. Have Nei and Amy on healing duty and Rolf blasting the Reptiles and Terakites with his damaging techniques. A creature called Fanbite, basically an upgraded Locust, will occasionally appear in groups of two. These might look like simple enemies, but they actually deal about 20 damage a hit and have a small chance of killing someone in a single hit. This won't be too much trouble if you are keeping up with your healing, but is one more reason to really pay attention and not low your characters' health drop to low amounts. I know leveling can be really monotonous at times and makes you just want to tap the button over and over, but having to blow your hard-earned cash on cloning is counter-productive. The greatest danger fighting here, by far, is the Head Rot, a combination of a Carrier and a Mushroom. These things have ungodly amounts of hitpoints, travel in groups of three and put out about 20 points of damage per hit. These will be some of your toughest battles since the Blasters in Tower of Nido. Be very careful when fighting these and don't be afraid to use some powerhouse techniques. Once you have nearly 20000 meseta(or are all out of TP) head back to town for a heal and a bit of shopping. Go to the Armor Shop and buy a Ttnm Armor for Rudo, a Ttnm chest for Rolf and a Ttnm Cape for Amy. If you don't have enough meseta yet, buy what you can, hunt some more monsters and come back to buy the rest. Whatever you do, head back to the field after saving because we still need to raise some more funds. Try to get as close as you can to 11000 meseta before going back to town this time, but if you run out of TP, head back anyway. We need to buy Amy two things, now. First, get her a Mir Emel from the Armor Store. Then, buy an Acid Shot from the Weapon Store. Equip each in one of her hands, then sell her old Scalpels at the Item Store. We're almost ready to go back out now, but we need to do one last thing. Go to the Teleport Station, teleport back to Paseo and visit your house. Switch out Rudo for Anna at your house, so she'll be able to receive some much needed experience while you hunt. Heal and save once you get back to Kueri(by way of Ryuka). Finally we're ready to earn some more meseta. We still have a ways to go in terms of shopping, but it should be easier going since you will be fighting with the knowledge that Anna is going to be gaining levels(at least that's the way it is for me). You should probably order Anna to defend until she gains some more levels, as some of the tougher monsters like Head Rots and Fanbites(though they can with any character) can kill her in a single hit. After getting about 6500 more meseta, head back to town and purchase 2 Lasr Bar for Nei and equip them. The only things we have left to buy now are 2 Lasr Slshr for Anna(we'll buy the Knifeboots later after we get a change of scenery), so head back out after healing and saving to save up the last bit of meseta. 13400 meseta is our final goal for now. Once we have this, we're ready to buy the 2 Lasr Slshrs and head off on the Jet Scooter. Let us heal and save first, though. Board your Jet Scooter and sail(or whatever you do on one) directly west. You'll hit a small island with a mountain in the center. This is the next dungeon we'll be going to, but let us circumvent it for now. Circle around it and continue due west. Eventually you'll come to land. There are many different landing points here, but only one is the correct one. You'll know it because it is the only one with a bridge. Trek over the next few bridges(this way is very linear), and you'll soon find yourself outside the walls of a town. This town is called Piata; enter it. _______ |PIATA| | |______ |items: none| |___________| In the northwest portion of the town is a Doctor's Office. Use this to recover any missing health. Then, return near the entrance where you saw the Data Memory and save your progress up to this point(remember to keep progress saved to multiple files just in case). ******************* * Item Store * * * *MONOMATE - 20 * *DIMATE - 60 * *TRIMATE - 160 * *TELEPIPE - 130 * *ESCAPIPE - 70 * *HIDAPIPE - 280 * ******************* ******************** * Weapon Store * * * *LASR SWRD - 5400 * *LASR BAR - 3100 * *ACIDSHOT - 4800 * *VULCAN - 12600* *LASER SHOT - 6200 * *LSR CANNON - 20000* ******************** ******************** * Armor Store * * * *SIL CROWN - 470 * *JWL RIBBON - 4700 * *CRMC ARMOR - 11700* *CRMC CAPE - 12400* *CRMC CHEST - 10000* *LONG BOOTS - 6800 * ******************** Don't fret after seeing the prices; we're not going to be buying anything here yet. Just head over to the Teleport Station and visit Paseo. Go back to your house to find someone waiting there. A female thief named Shir will join the party now(there sure are a lot of females waiting at your house!). Know that she is capable of stealing items from stores, which is a very neat and useful ability, but one that we're not going to explore just yet as we have more pressing business to attend to. For the purposes of this walkthrough, leave Shir at the house unless you really want to bring her along and level her up(in which case you're on your own for the leveling and equipping part). Either way, leave town and Ryuka back to Data Memory in Piata. Our business here is done, but we're required to go to that mountainous island from earlier, now. Stock each character up with four Dimates each, if possible, and then locate your Scooter. In case you don't remember, the island is due east of where you landed. It will probably on the northern edge of your screen once you get near it. First, land where it's clear. Then, enter the island proper through the center of the dirt up against the mountain. ____________ |MISTY ISLE| | |_______ |items: Mrura Leaf| |_________________| This is a pretty cool looking island and, more importantly, a well-appreciated change from all of the past dungeons you've been in. The creatures here a step up from what you've been fighting, but should be beatable with your current equipment setup(then again, so should everything in the game, ideally; hahaha). Be warned, though, they will wear you down after a while. If you do have to exit the area, it's a good idea to buy Anna some Long Boots while in Piata, as they're only 6800 meseta. Note: MAKE SURE to reserve some of Rolf's TP in case you need to use a Hinas/Ryuka to make it to safety. Using all of his up could be disastrous if you get stuck in the middle of the island with no healing items, TP and low on health. When you first get on the island, head right and climb the stairs. Head left at the fork, and climb those stairs as well. This is the part where it gets confusing. The basic idea is to hang to left. If you reach water, you know you've gone too far. There should be a turn off to the right just before the path which leads down to the stream's edge, and this will take you to a cave. From here it gets a bit easier. Ascend the stairs to the right until you no longer see one directly above you. Walk right, now, to come to a fork in the path. Take the south passage for now and then head up to reach a cave. This cave will lead you to a small outcropping on the mountain. Just go left here, and you'll reach a mountain-top with the tree you were looking for on it. Examine the tree to collect your reward. All you need to do is head back to Kueri, now, but in case you were wondering why I said that island was tough, I'll tell you. There are so many different ways to go and many phoney trees and dead ends. It's actually fairly easy if you know the way, but brutal if you don't, especially with non-stop monsters pounding you. Hop on your Scooter once outside the mountain and zoom your way back to Kerui -- full speed ahead! _______ |KUERI| | |____________ |items: MarueraGum| |_________________| Finally, we're back in town! The first orders of business should be to heal and save, as usual. Nex, we'll want to buy Knifeboots for Nei at the Armor Store and restock any Dimates we expended during our earlier excursion on the island. Once all of this is finished, visit the isolated southern house. Here we will hand over the leaf and have MarueraGum made for us. Great! At this point we have preparing to do. Remember those expensive items you saw earlier in Piata? Well, I hate to say it, but we're going to have to save up for those, now. A good way to do this would be fighting on the Misty Island, but we should be able to afford some things currently, so let us pay a visit to Piata first. In case you've forgotten, Piata is directly west of Kueri, across the ocean and around the Misty Island. _______ |PIATA| | |______ |items: none| |___________| Once you arrive, you should first heal and save(of course) and then enter the Armor Store. Here you're advised to purchase Long Boots for Anna(if you didn't already), a Jwl Ribbon for Nei and a Crmc Chest for Rolf. This is all you need(and probably are able) to buy at this point, so journey to the Misty Isle for some adventure and profit! The monsters should be a lot easier there, now that you've raised some levels and bought better equipment. Still, it's highly unlikely that you'll go above 25000 meseta before running out of TP. Make sure to save enough of Rolf's TP for a Ryuka once you get as close to this amount as possible. Don't try using Dimates because that isn't a cost efficient way to raise cash, and you'll end up having to restock yet again before we leave for Climatrol later. Back in Ryuka, with as close to 25000 meseta as possible, heal and save. Then, go to the Armor Store, where we will buy a Crmc Cape for Amy and a Crmc Cape for Anna, concluding all of our armor purchases in this town. If you don't have enough to afford the second, just leave town and fight for a bit. The monsters here will be about like they were over by Kueri, which means Head Rots and other good cash crops abound. Lastly, make sure every single member of your party has at least four dimates. This is crucial because the next dungeon we're going into is incredibly though. MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS! When prepared, head towards the Jet Scooter. Board it and navigate eastwards towards Uzo Island. Once you're lined up with the western shore, you'll want to zoom south on your scooter. To the south and a little bit to the left will be an odd spot in the sea. This is the entrance to Climatrol, so start chewing some gum! ___________ |CLIMATROL| | |____________________________________ |items: Jwl Ribbon, FiberVest, Ceram Bar, Sil | | Ribbon ____________________________| |_________________| ================ =Ocean Basement= ================ Nice dungeon look, huh? Except for the diffulty seeing and the high risk of epileptic seizures in those who are prone to them(!), it's a pretty neat look. But don't be deceived; it is hard, too! Also, note that chemicals have been spilled down here, much like in the Biosystems Lab(wouldn't they float to the top of water?). You'll want to head left as you enter, ignoring all of the turn-offs until you reach the one BEFORE the last. This is actually something of a split turn-off, but you'll want to take the left one, as that's the second to last. Follow this path where it goes, taking massive chemical damage(but trying to minimize it!) and hang towards the top of the screen as much as possible. You should continue going left once you hit the highest wall on this level. If you go to the very end, it will be a dead end, but the passage before that leads somehwere. Continue to hang left here, but not north anymore, as you will be heading at a somewhat diagonal angle southwest. Eventually, some stairs will show up just ahead. Yay! ======= =Tower= ======= The first floor is laughably easy. Head immediately south, then turn west when the path bends and continue west until you hit a wall. Go south when this path bends and then west once you connect with another wall. Bingo -- floor 2. Easy, wasn't it? Floor 2? You mean this short walk from one side of the room to the other? Oh, going up! The monsters will get a bit tougher, now that you're on floor 3. South from the teleporter you came up on and to the left is a chest. A JWL RIBBON may be procured from it. The north side of this room(all the way around the pit) has a teleporter against its wall. This one will send you up to floor 4. A FIBERVEST may be found on the southern side of floor 4, as well as a teleporter. You're now at floor 5, and this is where things are no longer linear, and this is also where the monsters get even tougher(a new creature called Blastoid, 20 dmg per attack and the ability to regen like Slugmess, lurks on these upper floors). Walk southwest when you arrive on floor 5, navigating your way between the two pools and then board the teleporter. Move right until two teleporters come into sight. The upper one is the one you want to visit now. It will take you to an enclosed area. To the west is a chest with a CERAM BAR inside. Take the teleporter to the east back down and then take the one below it back down. You're now back on floor 5; move towards the center and then the northwest. *** You might be getting low on TP at this point with your healers, Nei and Amy. That's fine; start dipping into your Dimate reserve, but DO NOT use Rolf's TP at all. It will be necessary later; trust me. *** There are two teleporters in the northwest, but one requires you to walk a long ways west to get two, so you should reach the first naturally if you are, in fact, heading northwest. It will be in a small nook. Once you step on it, you will see another teleporter right beside it. Step on this one as well. Go south and follow the linear path until you get the option to turn south or east. You want to go south now, and you want to enter the next teleporter when it comes into your sights. To the west from here(watch out for the pit) is a SIL RIBBON. Backtrack to the east and then go south(where you haven't been) to find another teleporter. This one will place you in a pretty linear area. All you need to do is head west, and you'll be on the eighth and final floor. ** !! LAST MINUTE CHECK !! ** A boss is up ahead. You should have all of Rolf's TP left, and at least 6 Dimates remaining on some of your characters. If you don't, well, you had best head back to town because this will be a tough fight otherwise. Put all Dimates/Trimates on Amy and Anna. ***************************** Go to the east and take the second path up. This one will take you due east and then curve upwards. After walking up a bit, you will begin to see someone's body. It is a girl. She looks just like Nei. This is when you want to heal fully and get ready to fight. ---------------- |BOSS: NEIFIRST| ---------------- Nei will be defeated in the first battle, as she is by herself and there is virtually no chance of her winning. Just keep attacking; it doesn't matter what you do. After she is defeated, the real battle will finally begin. This is almost guaranteed to be a deadly close battle if you've been following my guide and haven't leveled up any higher than required to purchase the right equipment. Rolf should IMMEDIATELY begin throwing NAFOI after NAFOI at Neifirst. Each will do over 100 damage easily. Amy and Anna should attack, but be prepared to use a Dimate or Trimate or ANYONE who is injured. In this close of a battle, a few hitpoints could be the difference between life or death. Make sure to constantly press the "action button" to acknowledge that you want to change your actions on the next turn. Otherwise turns will be wasted, and that isn't good at all. Rolf should be the top priority guy to be healed and then Anna. Amy just doesn't do enough damage to warrant a higher priority. You should be able to win this battle if you started with at least 6 Dimates between Amy and Anna and full TP for Rolf. If you do lose, it's okay. At least now you will probably have a good memory of the level layout and can try it again. ----------------- _______ |PASEO| | |______ |items: none| |___________| When you finally regain control of the party, you will find yourself back at Paseo. You should heal at the Doctor's Office, pick up Rudo from the house(I told you a backup member would come in handy) and save first thing. Walk to the Teleport Station to catch a ride all the way back to Piata, now. Stock up all of your characters on Dimates and then leave the Piata Item Store. Outside, we want to go to the north part of town and edge our way down to a hidden part in the south by hanging close to the western edge of town. Eventually you will come to a body of water just west of the Doctor's Office. Continue west to see a dirty and disheveled part of town. There are three towers here. The center one may be entered. _______________ |CONTROL TOWER| | |______________________________ |items: Blue Card, Green Card, Yellow Card, | | Red Card __________________________| |_________________| Note that in this portion of the game all of your enemies will be robots. Bio-monsters have ceased to exist(or at least attack) you at this point in the game. Take the right passage as you enter the tower. It will curve a little and then lead to a path which goes straight forward. This path eventually forks up ahead. The left path is the one you need to follow. Go all the way to the end of this path, but don't turn southward. Instead, backtrack to the fourth teleporter from the left. Walk down past the teleporters until you see one to the left by itself. Take the next teleporter immediately south of here. Now, keep stepping onto teleporters until you reach the area with four teleporters arranged horizontally. The third teleporter from the left will take you where you need to be. Another one rests just above where you are now. After teleporting, you'll be in an open space with a pit to the right. Circle around the pit to the southeast and cross the land bridge up ahead to reach a piano, but don't touch it yet. Instead, walk up to it and use Rolf's Musik technique that you learned in Opta. A funny tune will play. Go outside this room and use the path surrounding it to circle around towards the north. In the room ahead are four objects. Search each one for a different colored card. You should find a BLUE CARD, GREEN CARD, YELLOW CARD and RED CARD. You're done here for now, so use a Hinas and Ryuka to return to town. Healing and saving, of course, are our first priorities when entering town. If you're not in Piata, you should be because that's where we need to be to reach our next destination. Leave Piata and travel towards the coast, as though you were going to Misty Isle or Kueri, but instead go south once you get on your Jet Scooter. Circle around the edge of the land until you reach a big, open canal. Take your scooter straight up through it to reach the Red Dam. _________ |RED DAM| | |___________________________________ |items: Fire Slshr, Fire Staff, Swd of Ang | |__________________________________________| This is the first dam we need to open. Although they can be done in any order, the other dams are a bit more difficult than this one, so it's a good start. Use the red key on the upper door when you arrive in the complex. In the northwest corner of this room is a teleporter; take it. From here it's a linear jaunt to the next teleporter. South of east of where you come out, yet another teleporter lies. This one will take you to a treasure chest. Open it for FIRE SLSHR. Anna should equip that, and then you should use the teleporter to return to where you just were. Walk straight west from here until you see another teleporter in the lower left corner of this floor. Our next target teleporter lies a little bit to the north and a little to the east. On this floor, take the teleporter up that is just nearby you. Circle around the big pit in this room, and pass by the outside of the room where you found the FIRE SLSHR. Go up and right past that. At the first branch to the south, follow it to a treasure chest nestled in a corner. It contains FIRE STAFF. Have Amy equip this over her previous weapon(probably an ACIDSHOT) immediately. Enter the teleporter to the right, now. Take the southeast teleporter once you get to the next room. Just a tiny bit to the northwest is a chest containing SWD OF ANG, a weapon that Rolf should definitely equip as soon as possible. Walk down and to the left. Follow this linear path for a while until you reach a teleporter. This next area is linear as well. Just walk to the next teleporter. The left passage in the following area is the last one you will need to take -- yay! The dam controls are up ahead, and using them will open the dam. Return to town, now, so we can heal and save. After restocking any necessary healing items, we'll want to depart for the Yellow Dam. Walk out of Piata and to the shore to board your Jet Scooter. Go as if you were heading to the Red Dam, but avoid the little inlet that actually contains the path leading to the Red Dam. Instead, circle around the piece of land that Roron, garbage dump, is on. On the left side of this landmass, after passing three unaccessible canals, you'll reach a large one much like the one you reached Red Dam from. This particular one leads to Yellow Dam, your next objective. ____________ |YELLOW DAM| | |______________________________ |items: Crystanish, Escapipe, Crystcape, | | Amber Robe, Crystchest | |________________________________________| Yellow Dam is a little bit tougher than the Red one(and also a much farther distance), so this is why we've decided to do it second. As with the Red Dam, you'll need to open the initial door with your Yellow Card. Pass by the first two teleporters you see and walk towards the northeast. Once you hit the northeast corner, you'll realize you can't go any further and nothing is there. That's okay; walk just a little bit to the south to find some new teleporters. Use the top one. In this area, go left as much as possible. You should pass by a few teleporters then come to a dead end with a single teleporter. This is the one you want to use. It will take you to a chest holding CRYSTANISH, some nice armor. Equip it on Rudo to watch his defense soar. When done, exit back through the teleporter you arrived by. Backtrack to the first floor that you arrived on(straight right and then down at the fork). Use the lower teleporter once you're back on ground level. Just south of this new area is a treasure chest. In it, you will find ESCAPIPE. The narrow left passage near here is the one you need to follow next. It will take you into an open room, but just before that open room is a path to the north. Use the teleporter on this path to descend once again. Go left(it's linear) to the next teleporter. We're back on the second floor again! Up and to the left is another teleporter which will take you to the third floor! Now, a linear path south will be ahead of you, and a teleporter lies in the middle of it. This one will take you to the top floor -- number four. This is a confusing and oddly designed floor, but the good thing is that there is a lot of treasure accessible from it. As you leave the first weird, linear maze area, you'll see a teleporter leading down nearby. Use this to arrive at a CRYSTCAPE. Step back on the teleporter and go directly north until you can't anymore. Take the right path when presented with an option. AMBER ROBE, a useless item, lies here. You should equip the Crystcape on either Amy or Anna and then walk southeast, east past the teleporter you descended with earlier. The very next teleporter you see leads to another treasure chest -- wow! This one has a CRYSTCHEST in store for you. Equip it on Rolf immediately. The basic idea now is to circle around the wall just to the north of you. There is a teleporter in the southeast corner, but ignore it. As you reach the top of this wall, the path will continue left, and you'll soon see a branch off to the south. Take this to find yourself in another one of those weird, spiraling passageways. Eventually, you'll be able to access the center teleporter -- don't worry; there isn't much further to go. In fact, on the other side are THE DAMN CONTROLS! Err, the dam controls. Get the hell out of this place now. Have Rolf use a RYUKA after using the Escapipe you found in Yellow Dam(you did find one right?). If Rolf doesn't have enough TP, well, you're going to have to use your Jet Scooter to find a town. If you don't have a Escapipe and Rolf has no TP, I feel very sorry for you. Regardless of what you do, try to make your way to Kueri. _______ |KUERI| | |______ |items: none| |___________| First things first -- heal and save. Also, now is the perfect opportunity to get rid of all the junk in your characters' inventories. Sell all the crap you don't need(characters don't need more than one antidote, if that, and any equipment not being worn is scrap). When done, make sure to buy at least five Trimates for each character, as the next dam will be even tougher than the last. You might even want to save again to a different file before leaving town, if you had to sell A LOT OF STUFF. Outside of town, head to your Jet Scooter. Head up the western coast, passing where the Yellow Dam is(the water-filled canal). Eventually, you'll reach the northern coast, on which will be a dry canal that leads to the Green Dam. This isn't where we want to go yet, though, so continue. On the east coast, you'll finally see the Blue Dam canal. This is where you want to go. __________ |BLUE DAM| | |________________________________ |items: Antidote, Crescegear, Storm Gear, |___ |Colorscarf, Snow Crown, Wind Scarf, Trimate | |____________________________________________| Entering the Blue Dam, you'll see the quintessential Blue Door. Open this with your Blue Card, and walk along the Blue Floor(okay, I'll stop now) towards the area south of the room you just left. Take this teleporter up. You'll soon see a chest in this area, containing ANTIDOTE. Backtrack to the entry level and hang northwest until you reach another teleporter. The room ahead is fairly linear, and only requires you to go a little south a little east to reach your destination -- a teleporter up. Walk south in this area. Then, walk west. When you get the chance to turn north, take it to reach the desired teleporter. Ignore the first one you see on the left. Instead, continue upwards and use the one in the northeast corner. This will place you in a room with a treasure chest in the southern section of it. CRESCEGEAR! Backtrack once more and make use of the previously ignored teleporter to the southwest. This is another linear area. Make your way to the next teleporter. Just to the southeast, a STORM GEAR sits inside a chest. This item is unusable by your party, but the Crescegear you got earlier isn't. Go ahead and equip that on Rudo. Step onto the teleporter slightly south of the now empty chest. Travel along the north edge of the pits in this room to find yet another chest. This particular chest is home to COLORSCARF. Equip this scarf on Anna right away and then fall down the pit to the south -- yes, you heard me right. A chest will be right in front of you, containing a SNOW CROWN, a good head piece for Amy. Use the teleporter to the south and head west in the next area(a linear one). There is only one teleporter here, so once you see it, use it. The next part is rather long. Head north until you reach a branch in the path. Take the southern branch. You'll want to go south for a while, ignoring the first path east, but after seeing the mechanical square, you should take the slender path just north of it. A teleporter is dead ahead. In this area, the teleporter to your immediate northeast leads to a a treasure chest. Inside the chest is a WIND SCARF; backtrack afterwards. The northwest corner is your next destination. There lies another teleporter, which you should step on. Due north is the way to go, now. Use the next teleporter you see. Head south in the next area and go east when possible. You should be walking north of a pit if you've followed the directions right. When you reach the teleporter, step onto it. Going south a little ways will reveal a teleporter, and after stepping on this teleporter, the dam controls will be in sight! Head southwest a little ways to reach a TRIMATE concealed in a chest. Now, go up a little(not in the pit!) and to the east. This is a bit of a walk, but it leads to the next teleporter. Go southwest in this next rea to reach yet another teleporter. There are two possible teleports, now. The one to your immediate south leads to a chest with STAR MIST inside. Go here first. Backtrack once you get the item and use the southwest teleporter this time. Walk northeast to reach a pit. This is another one of those pits that you need to fall into. Walk aroundt he pit and go in between the pits through the top. The pit you want to fall down into is the one closest to the center on the east side. After a short fall, the dam controls will be in sight! Use the Blue Card on the console as usual. If you don't have an Escapipe and have no TP with Rolf, fall down the pit and walk southeast. This path will curve a bit to the north and then you'll reach a teleporter. Using this one will put you very close to the entrance. A linear walk to the west puts you near another teleporter, and now you're almost out! Simply walk to the southeast until you see the door you first opened when you came in. Use the teleporter nearby, and you're free! Simply go to a town now and heal, clone, RESTOCK TRIMATES, save, etc. The closest choice is probably north along the coast and docking by the dry canal that leads to the next dam. This is where Paseo is -- a short walk to the south. You'll have to go to Piata to get more trimates, though. To get to the next and final dam from Piata, head to your Jet Scooter. Go up along the east coast for a while until you see a large, open canal, just like the three other dams. Green Dam is at the end of it. ___________ |GREEN DAM| | |______________________________________ |items: Truth Slvs, Telepipe, Aegsis, Star Mist | |_______________________________________________| Green Dam will be the hardest dam yet by far. It's incredibly confusing, irritating and packed to the brim with tough monsters. It'll also be one of the first dungeons where you'll really have to start paying attention to healing your party members during battle. Start out by going south, opening the door with your Green Card(haha, like welfare huh?) and using the teleporter just past it. Walk up and to the left to reach another teleporter, now. Straight left is another teleporter from here. Use this one, and you'll be adjacent to a treasure chest once you reach the next area. TRUTH SLVS! Although you can't use this item with your current(and my recommended) party, it can be sold in town. To the northwest is another teleporter; take it. Head west, now, but curve south a little. Your next teleporter is up ahead! After using it, go southwest in the next area. You have a little walk ahead of you here, but eventually you should reach a teleporter tucked away in a small pocket. Make use of it. Journey northeast here. You'll circle around for a little bit and eventually arrive at a treasure chest, containing TELEPIPE. Backtrack to the previous teleporter, now. Walk northeast until you see a teleporter. Beside this teleporter, there should be a small pathway that runs alongside a pit. This is the pathway you want to be walking on! As you walk along this thin path, be careful not to slip into the pit! It goes on for a very long ways to the east, which means a lot of random encounters. Keep an eye on your health; losing a party member this soon could prove to be fatal. At the end of the walkway, you will see a teleporter to the east. This one leads to a nice treasure, so take it. After a linear walk in the next area, a treasure chest will become visible. AEGIS is inside -- a useless item! It may sell for a bit, though. Head northwards and backtrack to the teleporter you came from. Go west and then south; you should see a treasure chest to your right as you walk southwards. Ignore the two teleporters and continue east once you can't go south anymore. The path will curve north for a little ways, and then you'll see a treasure chest ahead -- the same one from before. Open it to get GR Sleeves. These are more of a sell item than anything else. Travel back to the two teleporters from before(that means go south and west). Use the right one first. Head north(lean west) to find STAR MIST inside a treasure chest. Backtrack to the previous teleporter and use it, now. Use the left of the two teleporters in the next area. Just left of where you arrive is another teleporter. Use this one as well. Walk westwards until you reach the dam controls. Heal all of your characters fully and then use the Green Card. All you need to do in the next battle is put all of your characters on defense and wait it out. Eventually, you'll be captured(there was no way you could win) and taken to a satellite. _________________ |GAIRA SATELLITE| | | |items: none | |_______________| Your party is bound by plasma rings, so you'll be unable to fight as you walk along here. That's okay because the enemies are incredibly weak. Make your way to the southeast. It will be a slightly long walk before you soon see a control panel right near a branch in the path. Take the northern path, crossing several damage zones(there are a lot of these around, actually), and you'll soon be next to the control panel. Use it to learn the shocking truth about the satellite's destination. When you regain control of the party, you'll be in Paseo. Save your game first thing and then teleport to Piata to pick up some Trimates for all of your party members. Return to Paseo by way of the Teleport Station when finished. Visit the central building once you get there. Select "roof" from the menu to reach Dezo. _______ |SKURE| | |__________________________________________ |items: Magic Cap (x2), Mogic Cap, 5600 meseta, | | LaconChest, 7800 meseta, 8600 meseta | |_______________________________________________| Haha! You thought you were going to a new planet, but you're just in another dungeon! Oh well, at least it looks neat and has different music(it was about time for some new tunes). Circle around the obstacle and take the northern path. Continue north until you can't go north anymore; at which point you should curve west. There is an odd-looking hatch thing here, which is basically another type of teleporter. You must enter it from the bottom. On the other side of the hatch, there is a four-way road just west of your starting point. Take the northern path to reach a chest. Open it to gain custody of MAGIC CAP. Take the south path at the four-way road, now. Go through the hatch at the end of it. Circle around to the north. The first thing you will see is three treasure chests; however, they all don't contain treasure. Open the right one first for another MAGIC CAP. The left one holds a MOGIC CAP, a handy item that allows you to speak to Dezolians. On the top level, the middle chest holds 5600 MESETA. Go east out of the pin and continue east, taking the first path south that you come to. At the end of this path is a treasure chest. Opening it will yield you LACONCHEST. Equip this great armor on Rolf immediately! After doing so, it's time to do a little bit of backtracking. Remember the four-way road from earlier? Well, there's only one way LEFT to go on it. So, go LEFT on it! Keep going left until you're at a hatch. Enter the hatch and follow the linear path to reach yet another treasure chest. 7800 MESETA is your prize! Backtrack back to the previous hatch and head towards the area just southeast of you. There is another hatch at the end of it. A linear path lies ahead. Follow it for a ways until you see yet another hatch, which you should enter. Head left out of this area and go downwards the first chance you get. ANOTHER TREASURE CHEST IS HERE! It holds 8600 MESETA! Go back up and to the left to find yourself near the final hatch. After entering this, you appear on the actual surface of Dezo. Journey to the northeast for a good ways until you see a greenish object to your easy. Walk over to this to find out that it's actually a town! _______ |AUKBA| | |______ |items: none| |___________| Have Rolf equip the Mogic Cap as you enter here, so you'll be able to speak with the villagers. First, use Data Memory, which is conveniently located right by the entrance. Remember, you should be saving to two slots as a precautionary measure! ********************* * Weapon Store * * * *CERAM SWRD - 3200 * *LASER KNFE - 4400 * *LACN MACE - 16800* *AC SLASHR - 24000* *LASER SHOT - 6200 * *PLS CANNON - 32000* ********************* ********************* * Armor Store * * * *LACONIGEAR - 28000* *LACONCAPE - 36000* *SANDALS - 180 * *HIRZABOOTS - 9800 * *CER EMEL - 9700 * *LAC SHIELD - 13000* ********************* ******************* * Item Store * * * *MONOMATE - 20 * *TELEPIPE - 130 * ******************* Visit the hospital to heal your party next. Now, it's time to do a bit of shopping. At the Armor Store(northeast part of town), purchase the following, assuming you're using the suggested party of Ann, Amy, Rolf and Rudo: LaconiGear - Rudo HirzaBoots - Amy LaconCape - Anna Next, let us sell some things. The following is a list of items that you probably have right now and should sell(unless you've sold them already!. Of course, don't sell them if you're using them as primary equipment :) Truth Slvs, ONE Magic Cap, Titanimet(Rolf's old equipment), any antidotes you have, TitaniGear (Rudo's old suit), CresceGea, Aegis, GR Sleeves and Wind Scarf. Our final stop in this town will be the Weapon Store in the southwest sector: AC SLASHR x2 - Anna PLS CANNON - Rudo That should about do you in as far as meseta goes. That's okay, though. We're finished shopping -- in this town at least. Alas, Dezo is a big place and another town is our next destination, where we will need to purchase more equipment for the upcoming dungeons! Go the Teleport Station when ready. There, teleport to Skure. _______ |SKURE| | |_________________________ |items: 6400 meseta, GardaBoots| |______________________________| Like last time, go north from the main chamber. Take the first west passage you see. It will curve south, and you should, too. Ignore the left corridor. Go south until you hit a wall and then turn east. Go down the eastern corridor to reach a hatch, which you should enter. Go north from here to locate a treasure chest in the middle of a nearby room. Inside you will find 6400 MESETA. North of this chest is the next hatch you should step into. The way is strictly linear from here to the next hatch. On the other side of that hatch, go north and then east at the fork. You'll wind up in front of a treasure chest soon enough. This particular one contains GARDABOOTS. Equip these on any of the guys. They are a lot better than the obsolete boots you're using, now. Continue to the east to reach the planet Dezo's surface once again. Once on the surface, go DEAD east. You'll pass between two small groups of trees, at which point you should curve north. Going north a little ways through the snow will bring you to the next town, Zosa. ______ |ZOSA| | |_______ |items: none| |___________| Like the last town, this town has Data Memory right beside where you enter. Make use of it for convenience's sake. ********************* * Weapon Store * * * *BOOMERANG - 480 * *CERAM SWRD - 3200 * *LACN MACE - 16800* *AC SLASHR - 24000* *ACIDSHOT - 4800 * *PULSE VLCN - 48000* ********************* ********************* * Armor Store * * * *LACONIAMET - 29000* *LACONINISH - 35000* *LACONCAPE - 36000* *LONG BOOTS - 6800 * *SHUNEBOOTS - 7500 * *LACON EMEL - 12000* ********************* ******************* * Item Store * * * *DIMATE - 60 * *HIDAPIPE - 280 * ******************* As you can see, there is some good equipment to be purchased here. Sadly, we don't have the meseta to do so right now. However, there is a way to remedy that! It's been a while since we've gone meseta hunting, anyway, so let's go! A good place to hunt will be outside of Zosa itself on the snowy planet, Dezo. Don't forget to visit the hospital to heal before you leave. The monsters around the town are kind of tough, but they're still the typical things you've been fighting in Skure. They can kill easily if you aren't paying attention, so watch your health! Head back to the town to heal once Amy and Rolf run out of TP. Using Trimates is too costly. Save up until you get 57000 gold. At this point, return to town and visit the armor shop. Buy the following: Rudo - Laconinish Amy - Lacon Emel Anna - ShuneBoots This should drain you of gold once again. Head to the Teleport Station after healing at the Hospital and saving. Your destination, once again, is Skure. _______ |SKURE| | |_________________________ |items: 15000 meseta | |______________________________| Up ahead is the final town! Take the north path yet again this time. Also, follow the first western branch. Continue south through the next corridor until you hit the wall. Curve east at this point to reach a hatch. Go north on the other side and pass the empty treasure chest(we opened that earlier!) Go down the next hatch. The following passage will be a linear jaunt until you reach yet another hatch. Go north out of that hatch until you reach a branch. Take the left path here and leap into the hatch! Go east out of here and continue your trek as the corridor curves southward. Turn left the first chance you get to reach a treasure chest, holding 15000 MESETA! Revisit the original path and continue in the direction you were going. You should soon see another path branching off to the left. Down this path is your destination, so go towards it! The hatch visible just to the south of where you come in will take you to THE PLANET'S SURFACE! Ah, it feels good to be back. Go south but turn east just before reaching the trees. From here, you can go dead southeast, and you'll invariably reach the town of Ryuon. _______ |RYUON| | |______ |items: none| |___________| Use the Data Memory just inside town when you enter. These Dezolians sure know where to place their save points! ********************* * Weapon Store * * * *KNIFE - 100 * *LASR SLSHR - 6700 * *LAC DAGGER - 18400* *LAC SWORD - 22000* *VULCAN - 12600* *LSR CANNON - 20000* ********************* ********************* * Armor Store * * * *RIBBON - 80 * *LACONINISH - 35000* *LACONCHEST - 28000* *GARDABOOTS - 12400* *LACON EMEL - 12000 * *LAC SHIELD - 13000* ********************* ******************* * Item Store * * * *TRIMATE - 160 * *ESCAPIPE - 70 * ******************* You'll want to buy GardaBoots for 12400 from the Armor Store. Rudo could use a pair. If you don't have the meseta, go out in the field and hunt for a bit. It shouldn't take long, since that's very little meseta! Once finished, spend extra money on restocking Trimates! Each character should have AT LEAST 5 TRIMATES!! Visit the Teleport Station lastly and head to Aukba! Leave the town immediately once you get there. Head due west to reach a small grove of trees. Head southwest from here, but hang on the eastern wall as you go south. An entrance to the underground is at the bottom. Enter the small opening, which is right on the edge of the giant hole. _______ |Hole | | |______ |items: none| |___________| Once inside, make your way west until you see a pit. Edge your way north along the outskirts of it. The path will curve upwards soon. It leads to a dead end. The only way to go is down. After descending the stairs, go southwest and ignore the first stairs you see. Keep going and going for a ways until you reach some stairs at yet another dead end. Guess what? Descend them! A brief stroll to the west, and the path will curve north. Continue following it as it curves east, and you will arrive at a fork in the tunnel. Take the stairs towards the top. At the top, head south at the fork you start beside. Ascend the next stairs you come to. Now, follow this path until you reach a final staircase. Climb this, and you're out!!! Follow the linear snowy way to reach an immaculate palace!!!! ________ |Palace| | |______ |items: PRISM| |____________| Here, you will meet a special person below the staircase. After speaking with him, open the treasure chest nearby to grab PRISM. Great! This will allow you to see some dungeons that you're about to go explore. There's nothing left to do, now, so leave the palace. Ryuka out of here if you want, or you can hoof it all the way back to Aukba(not recommended). Heal at whatever town you arrive in and save. Teleport to Aukba if you aren't already there and leave town. Take a western course as you make your way along the land outside town. You'll see what is your target dungeon in no time! Make your way into this new and unfamiliar structure. The music will change to a fabulous tune once you enter. This is quite a unique dungeon layout. ________ |Menobe| | |_________________________________________ |items: Storm Gear, ColorScarf, NeiCrown, NeiMet| |_______________________________________________| This dungeon will be slightly tough, but it is the easiest of the four so now is as good a time as any to get used to it. We'll be taking two trips into the dungeon; depending on how many healing items you have on hand, you might need to rest in between. The next town, Aukba, is only a short walk anyways. Either way, we'll need to use a Hinas or Escapipe after acquiring the first item we're here for -- a fantastic head piece for Anna. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X MISSION 1: OBTAIN NEICROWN X X X X X X X X X X X ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll bump into a wall, behind which is a staircase, if you head due north upon entering. For now, let us take the left route to the staircase beyond. After climbing it, you'll find yourself in an area overlooking the sky with a bunch of those odd statues around. Ignore the eastern way here, and head south and just a tiny bit to the west. Continue going alongside the sky until the path curves west. When it does, continue following it. Up ahead, past a long stream of gargoyles, is a new-looking chest. Open it to procure STORM GEAR. As Tony the Tiger would say, "Grrrrrrrreat!" Sadly, you can't use it. Hahaha :) Oh well, it's a decent sell at least. It's time for a little backtracking, well, a lot of backtracking but at least you have a Storm Gear, now -- whatever that is. As you proceed through this new and unfamiliar dungeon, keep a watchful eye on your character's health! Should you lose a character this early on, the results could be disastrous. Anyhow, we want to go right at the branch we went left at earlier. That means backtracking all the way to the previous stairs. On the right branch will be a matching staircase. Go the same way you went on the other side(south east and then down) and then east; it's just the opposite. Don't mess with the first staircase for now. Go dead north of the first statue you see into an area with two staircases. Ascend the one leading up to find yourself adjacent to a treasure chest, which contains COLORSCARF. Go back down the stairway. Head southeast out of this room and follow the skyside walkway as it curves northeast, past the staircase. The path will eventually reach a peak to the northeast and then curve abrubtly to the west. A room is just to the south. Continue by these stairs like the last, and you'll come to some statues lined up, which appear to be blocking the passage. This is not the case, though. Head to the far right and just take the side path below the two statues -- bingo! You're through, so continue onwards. You'll pass a flight of stairs leading up, which you should ignore. Instead, just to the north of them is a flight going down; take these. Now it's just a little ways to our first objective: NEICROWN. Congratulations. You've done good! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X MISSION 2: OBTAIN NEIMET X X X X X X X X X X X X ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After resting and saving at Aukba(and maybe purchasing some Antidotes if you don't have any), which I suggest you do, return to Menobe once again. The staircase we want to go to this time is the one behind the wall. To get there, just circle around above the enclosure and then descend into the room. On the next level, another sky-side area, go up and left when the path ends. Pass the first staircase you see in the room as you follow this linear path. Soon, you'll be above a treasure chest you opened earlier. Enter the room to the east instead of going south, but ignore the staircase leading up in the room. Instead, head north to reach another staircase. This is the one to take. Go east after climbing the stairs. You'll be following this way for a while. You should always be adjacent to the sky as you walk; never branch off until the very end. Here, curve in to the west(the only way you can go) and proceed to the stairs leading up. You'll be in a different looking part of the dungeon, now, with snowy tree tiles -- cool! Haha, get it? The snow tiles are COOL. Hahaha.... oh.... nevermind. Ahem! Just to your right and down in this new area is the way you should follow, and it is yet another sky-side route. Enjoy the scenery; it's a bit of a walk. You'll soon cross a land bridge over a big chunk of sky that you've been walking along. On the other side, take the first left turn you see. Follow this path to the south and you will reach a staircase leading down. Take these stairs; at the foot of them is NEIMET!!!!!! EQUIP THIS ON ROLF IMMEDIATELY!!!!!! IT IS THE BEST HEADPIECE IN THE GAME FOR HIM!!!!!!!! Wow! A boost of 50 defense; plus, we're now through with this WHOLE dungeon. Remember, though, that you will need to re-equip the Mogic Cap to speak with Dezolians and use shops. Hinas out of Menobe and strut back to Aukba. Heal and save here and when ready, make your way to Ryuon by way of Teleport Station. _______ |RYUON| | |______ |items: none| |___________| I strongly suggest you restock on Trimates here. The next dungeon is a bit trickier, and I'm sure you used a lot during your last excursion. Also, be sure to save, since the next dungeon is only a hike outside of town. Try not to let any excess equipment pile up in your inventory, either. Sell all the stuff you don't need. When ready, exit town. Head west out of town and around the mountain bend. Make your way north, now. There is another small bend up ahead, and then you will reach a small, enclosed path leading northeast. Soon, the path will broaden greatly. Go north and a little bit to the west at this point. A small patch of trees will be up ahead. Past that and to the northeast is the next dungeon, GUARAN!!! ________ |GUARAN| | |___________________________________________ |items: Laconinish, Amber Robe, NeiCape, CrysCape,| |NeiArmor | |_________________________________________________| This will be a little bit tricker than Menobe, but still not too bad. Just keep an eye on your health as usual. Walk immediately to your west(under the statues) and continue west under the trees as well. Eventually, you'll hit a wall and not be able to go west anymore. When this happens, curve south into the next area, but don't enter any of the rooms until you hit the west wall again. In the far southwest room, a treasure chest lies in wait, holding LACONINISH. Now, backtrack all the way to the entrance. Continue north down the narrow path(past the first statues and into the dungeon proper). Take the FIRST corridor you see on the right and follow it as it curves around the outer edge of the dungeon. At the end, you will find AMBER ROBE, concealed in a red treasure chest. A little bit of backtracking is obviously in order, now, so make your way towards the entrance hall of the dungeon proper. Back in the first room, pass the next four statues and take the western way at the top crossing. Branch off to the north as soon as possible. Make your way westwards now, as the east is obviously a dead end. Ahead is a large area full of trees. Continue west through them for a while until the screen stops scrolling and then go south. Ignore the first hallway you see and continue right. You'll find yourself at a crossing -- east or south. South leads nowhere, so go east to reach a staircase. Ascend it, and you'll find yourself alongside a large pit in a circular room. It's obvious that this is a tower-like area. You'll be ascending a lot of stairs, but on one particular floor you will see two statues in the southwest. There are actually two whole passages behind them. Take the western one instead of ascending the stairs. As you walk along this way, you'll notice a treasure chest just below you that is currently inaccessible, but that's cool. You will soon come to a fork, at which you should take the obvious left path to reach the chest. Well, well, what do we have here? None other than the best cape in the game, NEICAPE! Equip it on Amy immediately; she needs all the defense she can get being the wimpy healer type she is. Make the journey all the way back to the circular area with the pit where you were climbing stairs and climb to the next floor. Walk east in this area and south at the wooded section. When you hit the sky, turn right and follow the path UNDER the trees and not the one over them. Circle around the perimeter of this floor as it curves north and then west. After the western bend, you will be in a room with statues. Walk all the way to the west, to locate a chest. *hip-hop beat kicks in* It may not be the best, but it's Crystal and worn on the breast. It's CRYSCAPE. CRYSCAPE! CRYSCAPE!! *drums on a trashcan lid* *clears throat* Ahem... so, as I was saying, we have some backtracking to do. Head back to the stairway room and continue climbing the tower-like Guaron dungeon until you reach the very top. Once here, circle around to the right and enter the center room from above. A treasure chest is here, and it contains NEIARMOR, the last objective in Guaran. Equip it on Rudo and then make haste -- or HINASte(HAHAHAHA :), I should say -- out of the dungeon. Once outside, preferably use Ryuka, but if Rolf is out of TP, hoof it back. Rest, revive, save, etc. and then prepare for your next journey to another of Dezo's rough, rough dungeons! If you aren't fully stocked with Trimates, you need to do so NOW! They're sold in Ryoun so there is no excuse why you shouldn't have a full inventory of them. Sell any old, useless equipment, too. Only keep with you what you have equipped or plan to use in battle(Trimate, Antidote, etc.) The next dungeon is a nasty little locale called Ikuto. To get there, teleport to Zosa and walk west. Once you see the Skure entrance, begin heading north and then take the west path up ahead. Continue west until the path curves north as well as opens up. Go north and a little bit to the east to see another factory-looking building. Enter. _______ |IKUTO| | |_____________________________________________ |items: Lac Dagger, Pls Cannon, NeiShot, NeiSlasher| |__________________________________________________| The monsters in Ikuto are easily the hardest you've faced yet. That said, WATCH YOUR HEALTH AT ALL TIMES! This is the principle rule of Ikuto!! You can die in a single round to some of these creatures if you aren't paying attention. Losing a character means a long walk back to town(unless you have Rever) or else a risky press onwards(not recommended!!!) The first thing you will notice in Ikuto is a bunch of statues and some pits. What to do...? Well, just walk straight forward and fall down the middle pit. Try to conserve Rolf's TP as you progress through here, as you will need to use Hinas multiple times to exit the dungeon. Go directly south after falling and step into the next center pit. Obviously, gather the contents of the treasure chest to your northeast: LAC DAGGER. Up and a little to the west of the treasure chest you just opened is another pit. Fall down this one, too. Make your way westwards, now, curving south as the corridor does. After a rather long walk, the hallway you're walking in will bend yet again; this time to the left. Before too long, you'll bump into the last destination, a treasure chest containing PLS CANNON!! Go ahead and use a Hinas at this point. Back outside, look at your health and make sure you're good to go. Town isn't THAT far away, and going back and healing is certainly preferable to dying and losing ALL progress. Once back inside Ikuto, fall down the center pit for a second time. Walk south a little bit and fall down the far left of the three pits. Walk downwards and slightly to the east to escape the room you're in, now, and then follow the path as it curves north and bends back around to the west. IGNORE the first pit you see and continue left on the screen until the path comes to an end. Fall into the pit in the very back, against the wall. To your immediate north is yet another pit which you should plummet into(this must become painful for our heroes after a while!) Now, directly to your west is another chest. This one happens to hold NEISHOT! Drop everything you're doing and equip this on Rudo IMMEDIATELY!!!! It, like the rest of the Nei equipment, is the best of its kind in the game(gotta love that huge fireball it shoots out, too). When you're outside again, make sure you have the health and Trimates to continue just a little bit longer in the dungeon(you should easily if you've rested once already in between Ikuto excursions). Then, enter once again, but this DON'T fall in the center pit. Instead, walk to the west and drop into that pit instead. Now, walk directly south and fall into the next pit you come to. Travel carefully to your left, avoiding the first two pits and falling in the third and final one. You will now be near two statues. Trek to the southwest, ignoring all of the pits you see. Soon, the hallway will shrink into a straight and empty corridor as you progress to the west. A sizeable but linear walk awaits ahead but eventually you will come to a pit at the end of the corridor. Fall down this, too. Go upwards now for a ways, and you'll find that the path curves east. Here we have a really long walk to the other side(you're literally crossing a whole floor of the Ikuto dungeon here!) When the room opens up, go south for a ways and fall into the pit just to the south of the long row of statues. This is a gigantic area you're in, now. Your main goal is to proceed to the south. If you just stick to the middle(finally going to the southeast) you will reach your destination, the final treasure chest needed in Ikuto(there are a few other treasures, but they're useless). This particular chest contains NEISLASHER, the best weapon in the game for Anna. Get the hell out of here now! Use Hinas and then Ryuka or walk if you have to. We have one last dungeon to go to before we reach the final dungeon of the game. Rest and restocking Trimates is vital. Teleport to Skure when ready. _______ |SKURE| | |_____________________________ |items: 18000 meseta, 12000 meseta | |__________________________________| When you arrive in Skure, go to the north and left as you have several times before. Head south through this corridor taking either west passage(they both meet up but making sure to veer towards the southwest. Hop into the hatch in the southwestern sector. Go south on the other side and enter the hatch you see there. In this area, follow the corridor, taking the first branch off to the south that you see. A treasure chest is here. Inside, you will find 18000 MESETA. Backtrack to where you branched off from the main path and head west this time. Dive into the hatch here to reach a new area. Walk to the right and down in the next area to locate an area with yellow cat-things and treasure chests. The one on the left holds 12000 MESETA. Go back to the hatch you entered this floor of Skure from, but don't enter it; instead, go to the north and straight through the intersection, entering the final hatch before... the surface!!! On the surface, start to make the journey southwards and you'll begin to see the trail you are walking on broaden to the east. Start edging your way southeast, now, and walk UNDER the trees to reach the next to last dungeon in the game, Naval. _______ |NAVAL| | |_________________________ |items: NeiEmel, NeiShield | |______________________________| Naval contains mostly enemies that you've dealt with before and is as confusing as Ikuto, but is still tough -- plenty of pitfalls still await :) When you start out, you won't be inside Naval itself. You'll have to journey northwards throuh the snow to enter the opening in the wall. It isn't too long of a walk. Now, you're in the actual dungeon. Walk to the north and enter the stairs you see against the wall. It's a linear walk along the sky to the next staircase, which takes you up to a higher level of Naval. Another linear sky-side walk is ahead. You'll find a staircase once more, just like you did BEFORE... the next walk is much the SAME, this is feeling kind of LAME... yet just before it gets TIRING, some change is TRANSPIRING(haha okay, let me stop :) Anyway, eventually you'll come to a new area which is basically a narrow walkway between some statues and stuff and looming over a pit. Walk north and to the very edge of the catwalk -- BUT DON'T FALL!!! Now, approach the western edge and drop down OVER THE WESTERN SIDE; no other side will do. Do this exact same thing(walking off the west edge of the platform in the northern corner) some more times until you see a treasure chest to your southeast, containing NEIEMEL, a good shield for Anna that should be equipped immediately! Just fall off the platform again. You're back at ground level. Climb the southeastern stairs this time. Ascend the facility as before. You'll come out by the north catwalk after climbing several stairs. Walk out to the end and drop down the east side this time. Do this several times until you see a treasure chest. Open it to find NEISHIELD. Congratulations! You're through with Naval! Use a Hinas and follow it up with a Ryuka! =============================================================================== PREPARING FOR THE FINAL ENCOUNTER =============================================================================== Alright, save and heal at whatever town you can get to. What we need to do now is prepare to enter the last dungeon in the game and take out its respective bosses. This will require a healthy amount of leveling up, especially if you've been using this walkthrough the whole time and not stumbling around dungeons aimlessly :) That's okay, though, we actually haven't had to any leveling up at all in a very long time. Teleport to Zosa when you're ready for some action. Don't forget to save at Zosa before heading out. OUR TARGET LEVEL IS GOING TO BE 35, and we're going to be fighting at the Ikuto dungeon. Leave town to the south and keep going. Walk west through the trees. Head north when you see the Skure hatch and go west through the small crevice in the mountains. In the eastern area of the trees not too far ahead will be the dungeon, Ikuto. You will want to fall down a few floors to get to the real nasty monsters, but make sure to save Rolf's TP for a Hinas and Ryuka when the time comes to leave. The GloSwords a few levels down are very tough challenges but also incredibly good experience. At this point in the game, your optimum equipment(with the optimum characters I suggested) should be as follows: Rolf: NeiMet, Swd of Ang, LaconChest, GardaBoots Rudo: LaconiGear, NeiShot, NeiArmor, GardaBoots Amy: NeiCrown, Fire Staff, Lacon Emel, Neicape, HirzaBoots Anna: ColorScarf, NeiSlasher, NeiEmel, LaconCape, ShuneBoots If you're low level in Ikuto, you will raise levels quickly. However, you will also need to make frequent trips back to town. Always make sure to conserve enough of Rolf's TP to use a Hinas/Ryuka at any point. Also, having 30 of Amy's TP will be crucial to reviving Rolf if he dies, which is quite possible with some of the nasty creatures down there. Be careful and persevere! If things get real hairy, you can always escape by foot. This involves climbing the stairs on the very bottom level of Ikuto, which is the easiest level to reach since it only involves stepping in the "wrong" pit. There are lots of staircases to ascend, but they're all right beside each other(giving an impression of a spiral, I suppose). This will put you back on Dezo's surface, where it's only a short walk to Zosa. When you hit the suggested LEVEL OF 35, teleport over to Ryuon and restock Trimates on EVERY character. Then, teleport to Aukba. There, save your game at Data Memory in the northwest part of town. We're heading out, now! Leave town and go to the west. Walk south when you see the dungeon and navigate your way down to the Hole. _______ |Hole | | |______ |items: none| |___________| Once inside, make your way west until you see a pit. Edge your way north along the outskirts of it. The path will curve upwards soon. It leads to a dead end. The only way to go is down. After descending the stairs, go southwest and ignore the first stairs you see. Keep going and going for a ways until you reach some stairs at yet another dead end. Descend them! A brief stroll to the west, and the path will curve north. Continue following it as it curves east, and you will arrive at a fork in the tunnel. Take the stairs towards the top. At the top of the stairs, head south at the junction you start at. Ascend the next stairs you come to. Now, follow this path until you reach a final staircase. Climb this, and you're out!!! Travel to the Palace, now. ________ |Palace| | |_________ |items: NeiSword| |_______________| Speak with Lutz on the throne and take the NEISWORD from the chest when the conversation ends. Talk to Lutz once again after obtaining the sword and select "yes". You'll be transported to the final area. ______ |NOAH| | |___________ |items: | |_______________| Conserve Amy's and Rolf's TP as you go through here. You will need it at the end; trust me. Head right when you arrive in the last dungeon. You'll come to some stairs, which you should ascend. To your immediate west will be a set of stairs down; take these. In an open room, now, head left. The hallway will curve up and to the east as you follow it. Ignore the southern stairs and take the left path just above the barrier wall. You'll soon come to some stairs up, which you should climb. Some stairs are just ahead up ahead in this area, to the north. Take these, and you'll be in a part of the dungeon overlooking the sky once again. Walk to the left a little bit to reach some stairs leading up; ascend them. Up ahead, you will eventually bump into a wall and be presented with a split in the path. Go east here, ignoring the first set of stairs you see. At the end of this path is a room with some stairs leading down. These are the ones you want to go down. In this area, go to your immediate north, where the next target staircase will be. On the other side of these stairs you will find a simple room with stairs visible across a gap. Go down these, too. Climb the next stairs you see to the north. Yet more stairs wait ahead. Soon, you'll be in an area with two staircases immediately visible, one of which you just came from. Walk west towards the other staircase, but don't climb it. Instead, go north of it to find a concealed staircase. Go west once at the top of stairs. This will put you in a very long and narrow hallway. Traverse it to reach more stairs(talk about an exercise! Whew!) After climbing these, journey west and follow the linear corridor. When the corridor opens up into a room, you need to heal the party COMPLETELY! A boss is ahead. Amy should have TP, so transfer any of her Trimates to those party members lacking them. When fully healed, proceed forward, to the north. Open the chest to discover Dark Force. ------------------ |BOSS: DARK FORCE| ------------------ Unfortunately, there's no "easy" way to beat Dark Force. He is a very tough boss, and that is why I suggested you be level 35 with your whole party before even attempting him. Even at that level, you can still be creamed easily!! He will do one of two things on his turn: inflict the "Evil" status affect on a character or spew a static-electricity breath attack that causes significant damage to all party members. The Evil status affect normally immobilizes a character until the NeiSword decides that it wants to cure the darkness, which seems to be based on luck. Occasionally, the Evil affect will only hamper a character's ability to fight effectively, and in this case you should order the character accordingly. Really, skillful combat ordering is what is going to win this battle for you. You need to have everyone doing something and minimize/maximize damage effectively. Dark Force doesn't have as many HPs as you might expect(you can't even see how much damage you're inflicting on him), but he still has a lot. I suggest that you have Amy use GISAR techniques and have at least one or two Star Mists among your party to use as back-up healing. Rolf should constantly be casting Nafoi while Rudo and Anna dish out a pounding and Amy sticks to a support role -- at least when she's not completely immobilized by "Evil" :) Persevere(it took me five tries to beat him at level 35) and eventually you will come out victorious. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't push it; after the fight, use the NeiSword to return. Talk to the guy again and say "no" this time to get a free heal. Then return to the dungeon once again. Just past where you fought Dark Force, follow the path, hanging right, and you will eventually reach Mother Brain. -------------------- |BOSS: MOTHER BRAIN| -------------------- Mother Brain is another toughie, but not as tough as Dark Force. Still, the same tactics apply here. You're probably out of Star Mists, now, so you'll need to improvise with Trimates and Amy's Gisar. Don't worry; you should find this battle to be much easier than your last boss battle. After beating Mother Brain, you will have beat the game. oo-------------------------------------------------------------------------oo | 3) TECH LIST | oo-------------------------------------------------------------------------oo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spell Name | Effect ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ANTI) Cures one ally's poison. (BROSE) Instantly kills a robot. (CONTE) Silences single robot enemy. (DEBAN) Prevents single enemy from attacking. (DORAN) Confuses single enemy. (EIJIA) Minor damage to group of robot enemies. (FANBI) Minor acid damage to single enemy. (FOI) Minor fire damage to single enemy. (FORSA) Confuses single robot enemy. (GAJ) Minor damage to single robot enemy. (GIFOI) Medium fire damage to single enemy. (GIGAJ) Medium damage to single robot enemy. (GIGRA) Medium lightning damage to all enemies. (GIRES) Heals medium amount of hitpoints. (GISAG) Medium damage to all robot enemies. (GISAR) Heals medium amount of hitpoints for whole party. (GITHU) Medium lightning damage to single enemy. (GIZAN) Medium wind damage to group of enemies. (GRA) Medium lightning damage to multiple enemies. (HINAS) Exits dungeon. (MEGID) Causes great damage to foes at the cost of some hitpoints. (MUSIK) Allows user to manipulate pianos. (NAFOI) High fire damage to single enemy. (NAGAJ) High damage to single robot enemy. (NARES) Heals high amount of hitpoints. (NASAG) High damage to all robot enemies. (NASAK) Sacrifices life to fully heal all allies. (NASAR) Heals high amount of hitpoints for whole party. (NATHU) High lightning damage to single enemy. (NAZAN) High wind damage to group of enemies. (NER) Increases agility of one ally. (RES) Heals minor amount of hitpoints. (REVER) Revives dead ally or heals minimal hitpoints of live one. (RIMET) Paralyzes single robot enemy. (RIMIT) Paralyzes single monster. (RYUKA) Recalls to last visited Data Memory. (SAG) Minor damage to all robot enemies. (SAK) Sacrifices life to fully heal one ally. (SANER) Increases agility of all alies. (SAR) Heals minor amount of hitpoints for whole party. (SASHU) Increases defense of whole party. (SAVOL) Instantly kills one group of bio-monsters. (SHIFT) Increases fighting ability. (SHIMB) May make an enemy flee. (SHIZA) Silences a single enemy. (SHU) Increases defense of one ally. (TSU) Medium lightning damage to single enemy. (VOL) Instantly kills one bio-monster. (ZAN) Minor wind damage to group of enemies. oo-------------------------------------------------------------------------oo | 4) ITEM LIST | oo-------------------------------------------------------------------------oo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name | Effect ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Antidote) Cures poison. (Dimate) Heals medium amount of hitpoints. (Escapipe) Exits dungeon. (Hidapipe) Repels weak monsters; they will not attack. (Star Mist) Heals all HP for all allies. (Monomate) Heals minor amount of hitpoints. (Telepipe) Recalls to last visited Data Memory. (Trimate) Heals large amount of hitpoints. oo-------------------------------------------------------------------------oo | 5) PLOT ANALYSIS *spoilers* | oo-------------------------------------------------------------------------oo Before the game starts ---------------------- Mother Brain has made the planet Mota a glorious place to live in, spreading fresh, green agricultural centers about its landscape. But, on one fateful day, something happened and monsters began roaming the lands. Turmoil erupted throughout Mota: bands of scoundrels formed, monsters made the land dangerous to travel in, towns were leveled and people turned to crime. Rolf's Mission -------------- Rolf is asked by the commander of Mota to retrieve a recorder from the Biosystems Lab in order to determine what is going on with the planet. His friend(girlfriend?) Nei joins up with him as he goes to Arima to find out what is going on and to find out info about the man guarding the bridge(anyone know his name?). He learns that the town has been ravaged by scoundrels and goes to Shure dungeon(known scoundrel hideout) to find out what is going on. When he gets there, he finds that the scoundrels have been killed by Biomonsters(this certainly clears up the previously thought-plot hole of why monsters were living alongside humans). So, upon finding a letter in the dungeon, he goes to the Tower of Nido to locate Teim, the daughter of the guy guarding the bridge. He finds her and places a veil over her face so she won't be targetted beecause to her father's villainous lifestyle. When Rolf and company arrive at her father's hideout, Teim goes up to him, possible forgetting that she has a veil over her head or possibly just being foolish and tells him that she has no money when he requests it of her. Her father kills her and then finds out that he had killed his own daughter. At this point, he commits suicide with an explosive. The Truth and the Tragedy ------------------------- Rolf goes to the Biosystems Lab and brings the recorder back to the Commander in Paseo. It is analyzed, and it turns out that the cause of the disruption was a massive surge of power to the system all at once, causing the monsters to spread all over Mota. Because the creatures were unnatural, or at least because the system recognized them as that, the natural cycles were disrupted. In turn, the tempatures on Mota rose to extremely high levels and the rainfall became non-existent. He is asked by the Librarian to investigate exactly why this is happening. After arriving at a town called Kueri, Rolf and co. are informed that they must procure a leaf of the Maruera Plant from an island to the west in order fot the doctor to make a unique kind of gum. It is told that this gum will allow breathing underwater, and so the party believes it essential to reach Climatrol, the control tower for the climate. Once at the top of Climatrol, Rolf and friends encounter Neifirst, the product of a Bio-systems experiment combining humans with animals. The truth is learned that Neifirst has been causing the trouble, and that Nei was once a part of her. Nei valiantly tries to stop her, but is cut down and murdered. Rolf lays her to rest on the ground. Neifirst is defeated in battle by the three remaining group members, and Climatrol begins to tremble violently as her energy is released all at once. The system goes into chaos. The Aftermath ------------- After the events at Climatrol, Rolf and his remaining two friends make a hasty retreat to Paseo. There they confirm that Nei is, in fact, gone for good. Back at headquarters, Rolf is informed that a calamity is brewing -- "the lake is overflowing," proclaims a hysterical man. The commander hesitantly assigns Rolf and his team the task of opening the dams, knowing at the same time that he is now a wanted man due to the incident at Climatrol. Rolf and friends opened all of the dams, at the commander's order. Upon opening the fourth and final dam, they were assaulted by Army Eyes, sent to capture them. Their efforts against the enforcers were futile; they were captured and taken to Gaira Satellite. Their sentence: death. Rolf was determined to escape, though, and reached the control panel, right as the satellite began to malfunction seriously. He saw the satellite's destination: straight for Parma. There was no time. All they could do was wait. They blacked out. When they awoke, they were in front of Tyler, the space pirate. Palma was destroyed. Tyler took them back to the commander's place. There, the commander debriefed the party. They boarded a spaceship headed for Dezo. Dezo, the icy planet -------------------- Rolf encounters Lutz, a legendary man, at a palace in Dezo. He informs Rolf that it was himself who saved Rolf from death after an accident while flying through space with his parents. He mentions Alis, and that her scream woke him. He then states that Rolf is the last descendant of Alis who fought to defend Algo. Lutz also recalls a battle where Alis fought the dark force, from a previous dream he had. It turns out that the dark force was trying to destroy Algo, but what it actually did, in the end, was bring about its own demise. He hints that Rolf has a great battle ahead of him as well. Rolf is advised to seek out the Nei items on Dezo, in four different dungeons. He is dismissed. After collecting all Nei items, Rolf returns to Lutz's quarters. Lutz acknowledges Rolf as a descendant of Alis. Lutz recalls the story of when Mother Brain arrived in Algo and how everyone became confused because of all the things created. Lutz also theorizes that he believes a "devil's trap" is behind Mother Brain and that this caused the people's mind to weaken. Finale ------ Rolf and company arrive at the home of Mother Brain and slay her. After that.... what, you thought I was going to spoil the ending for you?! Pfft. Beat the game and find out... **spoilers above** **spoilers above** **spoilers above** **spoilers above** **spoilers above** **spoilers above** **spoilers above** **spoilers above**