******************************************************************************* ------------------------------- S U P E R M O N A C O G P ------------------------------- Sega Master System FAQ, Version 1.0 Last Updated - 02/09/2004 By Crazyreyn (crazyreyn_faqs@hotmail.com) Copyright (c)2004 Matthew Reynolds. All rights reserved. ******************************************************************************* Legal Notice ------------ The ONLY sites that may have this FAQ and all my other FAQs are the following.. http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.neoseeker.com http://faqs.ign.com/ http://www.cheats.de http://www.cheathappens.com You will find the latest versions here. If you DO see this FAQ on a site other than those above, then please contact me straight away. Contact Details --------------- If you see a fault of ANY kind or you want to contribute some data to me, then either email me at crazyreyn_faqs@hotmail.com OR speak to me on MSN Messenger on crazyreyn_faqs@hotmail.com, or on AIM at Crazyreyn. If you are emailing me, then please have the subject title as 'Super Monaco GP FAQ' or something similar, otherwise it will not be opened. Full credit will be given in due course. =============================================================================== INTRODUCTION =============================================================================== Hello and welcome to the Super Monaco GP FAQ. This handy text document will tell you how to play this game, how to tune up your car correctly, and some hints and tips on the courses in the game and for playing the game in general. This is guide is part of the SMS Completion Project that was created by Masamune3 (and inspired by ASchultz's NES Completion Project). This is a project at the FAQ Contributor's board of GameFAQ's that aims to give EVERY Sega Master System game a full FAQ to it's name. =============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS =============================================================================== 1. Version History 2. Game Overview 3. Courses 4. Hints and Tips 5. Conclusion and Special Thanks =============================================================================== 1. VERSION HISTORY =============================================================================== Version 1.0 - 02/09/2004 ------------------------ The first complete version of this FAQ. Everything is complete. =============================================================================== 2. GAME OVERVIEW =============================================================================== This section is just a look over all things in the game, such as the controls, and generally how to play the game. Controls -------- D-Pad - Moves car left and right, Accelerate (Up direction, Manual) Button I - Accelerate (Automatic), Shift gear down (Manual) Button II - Brake (Automatic), Shift gear up (Manual) Name Entry ---------- When you start a new game in either Grand Prix or Vs. mode, you have to insert your name. Use the D-Pad to highlight the letter, and button II to select the letter and button I to erase a letter. The name can be up to 8 characters in length. Selecting END will enter the name, and you will move onto the first race. Grand Prix (1 Player Only) ---------- This mode is where you race on 16 courses against other competitors. Before each race you get a set of options to choose from on a preparation screen. This shows you what course you are about to race, a map of the course, it's best lap and three options; Machine Set, Test Run or Grand Prix. Selecting Machine Set allows you to tune your car (see the next section for more details on this), Test Run allows you to try out the track with your car (this allows you to practice and also to see if your tuned car works well or not) and Grand Prix starts the race. Each race lasts 3 laps, and you are against computer controlled racers and one main computer rival (present at the bottom of the screen). Once you finish a race, you will be presented with the scoring, where points are given to the racers depending on their rank. 1st Place - 9 points 2nd Place - 6 points 3rd Place - 4 points 4th Place - 3 points 5th Place - 2 points 6th Place - 1 points Ranks 7 and onward are awarded no points. You MUST rank within the top 10 to continue the game. You also see the overall ranking after a race too. Vs. Battle (2 Player) ---------- This is the two player mode where you are competing against a friend. The course you race on is randomly selected. You can choose how many laps you race (either 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9). You will also be able to enter your name and perform a Machine Set. Machine Set ----------- This is where you can tune your car and change various settings including Transmission, Wing, Engine and Tires. Transmission - 3 Speed Minimum Acceleration 5 Speed Medium Acceleration 7 Speed Maximum Acceleration This is where you can set either Automatic or Manual gears. If you select Automatic then gear changes are done for you, making concentrating on racing easier but gives you less control over the acceleration. However on manual, you have to change gears yourself, and from three different settings - 3, 5 or 7 speed. The higher the speed the more freedom you have over changing gears and you can control the acceleration better. Remember that Automatic and Manual has different control systems to one another. Wing - Type 1 Maximum Traction Heaviest Type 2 High Traction Heavy Type 3 Medium Traction Light Type 4 Minimum Traction Lightest The higher the traction, the faster the car goes. The heavier the wing the harder it is to turn. A course with lots of twists and corners will be better off with less traction so it can take those corners easier. Engine - Lorry32 V10 290 km/h max speed Maximum Acceleration Vapor V8 300 km/h max speed Good Acceleration Lizzie24 V8 310 km/h max speed Medium Acceleration Firenze V12 320 km/h max speed Minimum Acceleration There are four different engines to choose from, each having a different top speed. Note that the higher the max speed, the poorer the acceleration will become, so choose wisely... a car with lots of twists and corners will be better off with a slower engine that has high acceleration. Tires - Super Soft Maximum Traction Minimum Durability Soft High Traction Medium Durability Middle Medium Traction High Durability Hard Minimum Traction Maximum Durability The softer the tires, the higher the traction and so the faster your car will be. However this means the tires will be less durable, which should mean they become less useful and lose traction as the race goes on but as far as I can tell this really doesn't apply in this game, so ignore the durability factor. :) =============================================================================== 3. COURSES =============================================================================== Here are the courses in order that you race them in Grand Prix mode. This section will give you hints and tips and ideal machine set ups for each course. 1. Brazil --------- Machine Set up - Type-3 Vapor V8 Middle A fairly tough course to begin with, with some really horrible turns. You will need to slow down a lot on most areas, but watch out for the hairpin before the long straight and also the S bend soon after the long straight (make sure you turn plenty before entering these corners). Also remember to slow down well in advance whilst leaving the long straight portions of this course. 2. San Marino ------------- Machine Set up - Type-3 Lizzie24 V8 Super Soft This course although it looks like it has plenty of opportunities to go fast, has loads of twists and turns throughout. On the first long gentle corner what you turn very early so you can go round it without much worry of coming off. From then on there are several sharp corners and loads of twists that lead into each other, so pay attention to the map and road signs. 3. Monaco --------- Machine Set - Type-4 Vapor V8 Hard An fairly hard track this; there are some nasty hairpins and S bend style sections (notably on the far left and right sides of the map) that you MUST take care with, but apart from that it's not to bad. Just keep your speed average apart from the straights and you should do alright. 4. Mexico --------- Machine Set - Type-4 Lizzie24 V8 Soft A surprisingly easy course. After the first straight, there is a tricky corner & S bend combo to tackle (the hardest part of the track) and the rest is a doddle. The top section looks hectic, and it is, but you should be going at an average speed so it's no problem. The final loop is very tame and you should have no problems with overcoming that. 5. U.S.A. --------- Machine Set - Type-2 Firenze V12 Super Soft A fast track with fairly easy corners, so a good ride! The right angle square corners are easy to take (and are not square in anyway); just go on the inside of the corner, slow down when the sign appears and go right, and you should exit on the other side of the track. The hardest corner is the one before the diagonal straight at the bottom right of the map, so apart from that this track is easy to navigate. One of the few tracks where the fastest settings apply! 6. Canada --------- Machine Set - Type-3 Vapor V8 Soft A very fun track, as you can go at a decent speed throughout. There are some pretty harsh corners close to the start, but after you start going right across the map it's a blast. That square right angled corner at the top of the map is just a hard right corner (not square at all) and isn't really much to be worried about. 7. France --------- Best lap time - Machine Set - Type 2 Lizzie24 V8 Soft Another fast and enjoyable course, this contains two rather large straights and overall the turns are rather tame. The worse corners are the starting few (after and before the straights) and the loop after the loonngg straight (which is quite hard to stay on) but apart from that, this track is a snitch. 8. England ---------- Machine Set - Type-2 Firenze V12 Super Soft Good old Blighty. ;) This course, as you can probably tell by the straights, is best attended to by fast settings. The vast majority of turns here are easy to handle, but you should watch out for the two on the far right, and the harsh final S bend. 9. West Germany --------------- Machine Set - Type-3 Lizzie24 V8 Middle Despite this course looking like it's rather linear, it's home to some nasty S Bends thoughout (present at the top, bottom right and last few corners at the end on the map). Go fairly slow through these. The rest is practically straights but I would still stick to reasonably average speed settings. 10. Hungary ----------- Machine Set - Type-3 Vapor V8 Hard Overall not a tough course; the only things that will pose a threat and the start and end sections (the U like sections and the bits before / after it). Be sure you take these corners correctly otherwise you could be in trouble. Thankfully the rest of the track is easy enough, nothing out of the ordinary. 11. Belgium ----------- Machine Set - Type-4 Vapor V8 Hard Not a tough course by any means... it's very busy, but as long as you keep to an average speed then you should be able to tackle the corners fine. The only real worry is the S bend like section just before the start / finish line, which is quite sharp in the middle. Apart from that, it's not bad (it helps to have a Type-4 wing here though for turning). 12. Italy --------- Machine Set - Type-3 Lizzie24 V8 Middle Rather tame this, most of the corners are bland and can be done easily, and there is some nice straights to gain speed at. The only things to look out for are, you guessed it, the dreaded S bends that are located after the start / finish line and also on the far right of the map. Both are after straights so make sure you slow down in time. Apart from that, it's rather easy. 13. Portugal ------------ Machine Set - Type-3 Lizzie24 V8 Middle A very tough track with some nasty loops but has some good straights inbetween. The first two corners are very gentle, take them at almost full speed. However when you enter the number 2 like shape, the corners get very tough so slow down and take it easy throughout this 2. The section between the 2 and S shapes is simple so go full speed there, but the two corners of the S are VERY long so get very close to the inside and stay on the track. The next corner is simple though, but the L shape and final loop are tough to deal with... overall a pretty tough track and if you hate loops, you are gonna struggle here. 14. Spain --------- Machine Set - Type-3 Lorry32 V10 Middle A VERY tough course, with some really nasty corners and annoying long gentle bends. Put on the slowest settings for this one. The two straight looking slightly tilted straights (below the start / finish lines) are in fact long gentle bends that will break your balls, so make sure you go in early and ride them out to the end. Good luck! 15. Japan --------- Machine Set - Type 4 Vapor V8 Hard This track looks hellish, but if you are awake and concentrate, it's not so bad after all. Just insure that you slow down in enough time after the long straights, and that you watch out for the first few corners, those two hairpins (after the underpass and before the long straight) and the final S bed and you will do swell. 16. Australia ------------- Machine Set - Type-3 Lorry32 V10 Super Soft What looks like a fast and rather straight forward ordeal turns out to have some tricks up it's sleeve (not that racing tracks have sleeve's by any means). The starting section, with the small jolt left and triangle sections look pedestrian but those turnings are fairly sharp, so be aware of that. There is also a sharp right (far left of the map) that could cause trouble, and two very evil loops at the end of the track which you need to prepare well before; and to add to the loops there is a huge straight before (ensure you slow down in time) and the exit of the last loop is VERY sharp, so I hope you turn enough to get over that... fairly tough overall. Good luck! =============================================================================== 4. HINTS AND TIPS =============================================================================== • Practice on Test Runs before racing the Grand Prix. • Make sure that you set your machine up differently for each different race (use the advised setups I have provided in the above Courses section) and you will perform better. Use the Test Runs to ensure that the set up you have chosen is the correct one. • To prepare for a corner, go onto the inside edge and turn with the corner, this will keep you on the track. You cannot go by a normal racing line in this game, so don't try to. • Slow down at corners ALWAYS otherwise you will spin out of control. When approaching any corner, when you see the sign on the outside of the turn (the one showing arrows pointing the direction the corner is going) start slowing down then. After long straights, always slow down a little sooner. • For turning, when you see the corner appear ahead START TURNING THEN. This will get you round easier, otherwise you run the risk of over-steering and going onto the grass. • Don't hit other racers at any time, otherwise you will stop dead in your tracks. Don't overtake on corners either. • When turning, there are two animations to look out for. There is the slightly turned animation, and also one where the car is turned even more so - if when going round a corner and your car goes into that other animation, let go of the acceleration, or brake or do whatever to slow your car down otherwise you WILL crash. You may have to tap acceleration round corners or whatever and go round them very slowly, but in the end this is better than crashing. • Hitting the signs at the side of the roads will cause you to spin out, so don't hit them! (this goes without saying really). =============================================================================== 4. CONCLUSION AND SPECIAL THANKS =============================================================================== If you could, please either ask me questions, suggestions, comments or contributions at crazyreyn_faqs@hotmail.com. Also could you rate this FAQ so I could get some feedback. Thank you for reading. Thanks to CJayC, IGN, Neoseeker, and the lot at the FCB. Thanks to Masamune3, for setting up the SMS Completion Project. Thanks to Defcon999, SayainPrince, djg40, namod65 and strawhat for their help and opinions about this new shorter format. Thanks guys! If I have forgotten you, then please contact me and I'll fix your name up here! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C R A Z Y R E Y N - http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/27600.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Crazyreyn (crazyreyn_faqs@hotmail.com) Copyright (c)2004 Matthew Reynolds. All rights reserved. Copyright Notice ---------------- This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ======== END OF DOCUMENT ========