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You might've seen their TV show on MTV before, which I'm sure was much more popular than their video games. This game lacks a good story, graphics, sound, and pretty much anything else you can think of that makes a good SNES game. Most people only bought this game because they love the TV show so much that they thought they'd check out the game. This game is very easy and you'll have it beat in no time. That being said, I'll move on to the story. ******************************************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* Beavis and Butthead want to go to a GWAR concert and the only problem is that they don't have any money. They think that if they take pictures of themselves doing cool things, they will be able to get in for free. You play through four levels and at the end of each level you get to take a picture and then go couch fishing. ******************************************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONTROLS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* Left/Right: Move character left or right Up: Enter doors, stick tongue out to eat falling food, interacts with various backround objects, makes a block move while fighting in certain levels Down: Duck, pick up things on the ground such as ammo, extra lives etc. A Button: Butthead leg-throws Beavis when close to each other B Button: Jump X Button: Run (while holding left or right) Y Button: Use weapons, if they have no weapons it does the same thing as the L button L Button: Butthead picks his nose or Beavis scratches his butt, if the two are close to each other, one will slap the other R Button: Nothing Select: Change characters between Beavis or Butthead in a one-player game, change words on password screen, change choices on options menu Start: Start, pause, enter ******************************************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GETTING STARTED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* When you first start the game, you get the little message that says: Beavis and Butt-head are not role models. They're not even human. They're cartoons. Some of the things they do would cause a real person to get hurt, expelled, arrested or possibly deported. In other words, don't try this at home. It then brings you to the Beavis and Butthead title screen. You can make Beavis laugh by pushing any button on the control pad and make Butthead laugh by pushing A, B, X or Y. To continue, push start. You will then go to the main menu. 1 Player Go: Starts a one-player game. You start out controlling Butthead, but you can switch to Beavis simply by pushing the select button. 2 Player Go: Starts a two player game. Controller one controls Butthead and controller two controls Beavis. The only way to switch characters is to switch controllers. Options: Brings you to get options menu. Here you can turn the music on or off, switch between stereo and mono, and select the difficulty level. The three difficulty levels are wimp, cool and dude with wimp being easy, cool being medium and dude being hard. Password: Lets you continue from a previous game. You get a password after each level you complete. Once you select a one or two player game, you pick which level you want to play in.When you first start out, you can choose from Highland High School, Streets of Highland, Highland Hospital or Turbo Mall 2000. Streets of Highland is probably the easiest if you're just starting out. ******************************************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COUCH FISHING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* After you beat a level, you'll get to go couch fishing. Couch fishing is to raise your health meter for the next level. You try to catch as much food as you can until either the time runs out or your line gets snagged. Your line can't be snagged while you are bringing food back up. You have to try to avoid the old lady and the dog. To avoid the old lady, just move your line over her head when you see her. The dog is very hard to avoid, though. If you practice it enough you'll be able to avoid it. ******************************************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* ----------------------------------- PART 1 ------------------------------------ Beavis and Butthead walk through the halls in this part. It is fairly easy. Check the first phone to get a coin. Get the paintball guns and all of the ammo that you can. Simply shoot the skateboarders that go through the hall and watch out for Todd kicking lockers over. A lot of times you can just jump over the skateboarders instead of shooting them to save some ammo, but we all know that it's more fun to shoot them. Ammo isn't really a problem in this part anyways. Make sure to check all of the lockers by pushing the up button because there is ammo in one of them. You can use your one coin to buy something from the vending machine for more health. Soon you will approach a door. Go through it. Check the phone to get another coin. Walk into Stewart and he will give you ammo. Make sure to jump over the janitor or he'll hit you with his mop. When you get to the end of the room, walk into Stewart again to get more ammo. Then exit the room. After you shoot a number of skateboarders, you will come to a second door. Walk past the door a tad and open up the second locker to get more ammo. Then walk back and enter the room. In this room you will see a number of skateboarders for you to shoot. Again, walk into Stewart and he will give you a piece of pizza. Check the phone to get three coins. Keep walking past the exit door to get an extra life. Then you can exit the room. When you exit the room, go to the second locker to get more ammo from it again. You will then see a vending machine that you can buy food from. If your health is low, use your coins to buy some food. Note that you can only buy three items from any vending machine. You will come to another door, and that is the end of part one. ----------------------------------- PART 2 ------------------------------------ This is the cafeteria part of Highland High School. In this part, you will get some kind of baseball bat with boxing glove on the end type weapon. You need to watch out for people throwing food at you in this part. If you hit the fat blue kid four times, two pieces of food will fly into the air that you can eat to bring up your health. He's usually hard to kill because a skateboarder will always come at you while you're hitting him. You can hit Daria and try to catch her piece of pizza. Also watch out for Butthead's dad flipping burgers at you. Just keep walking and they will go up a hallway. That is the end of part two. ----------------------------------- PART 3 ------------------------------------ They're back to walking through the halls. You can either have them get ammo or keep your previous weapon. I suggest that you just have one use the ammo and one keep the previous weapon if in a one-player game. You can switch between the two to use the different weapons as needed. If it's a two-player game, just do it however you want but remember that the ammo is more limited. After you walk a little bit, you will approach a door that Mr. McVicker comes out of. Shoot him and then go through his door. You will then be in this little room where you run back and forth getting food to fill up your health meter until the timer runs out. Just make sure you don't get hit by the falling objects while running from one side to the other. Once your health meter is full, it's best just to wait for the timer to expire so you don't get hit by a falling object at the last second and not have full health when you exit. Once the timer expires, you will be back in the hallway. You'll have to constantly turn around to either shoot or hit Mr. McVicker so he doesn't catch you. You'll also have to shoot a bunch of skateboarders and watch out for Todd, like normal. You'll go by a vending machine, but you'll probably only have one coin. If you do spend it in the vending machine, make sure it's right after you shoot Mr. McVicker so he doesn't catch you while you're getting your food. You will then come to another door. There's not very much in this room. You can get a different weapon here by pushing up by the little drawers in the counters. I suggest that you don't get it because you'll only get six shots and you'll lose all of your ammo if you decide to get it. Watch out for Earl throwing something at you and also watch out for Todd. The only thing that's useful in this room is the ammo that Stewart will give you. Once you exit the room you will have to continue to shoot Mr. McVicker, Todd and the skateboarders for a little ways. You will come to another door, and that is the end of part three. ----------------------------------- PART 4 ------------------------------------ This is the gymnasium part of Highland High School. Beavis will sit on Butthead's shoulder, swinging the baseball bat with boxing glove weapon. If you are in a two-player game, whoever controls Butthead will walk and be able to do the block move and whoever's controlling Beavis will swing the weapon. This is one of those few parts where the up button will do a block move. You will swing at basketballs, skateboarders, and Todd and Earl with their wrench in this part. You can do it so that if you hit a basketball it will go flying and hit a skateboarder or Todd and Earl. You can also just plain hit them without using the basketballs. You have to make sure that you don't get hit by the basketballs, though. If you see a basketball that's about to hit you in the head, push the up button to block it. Just keep going and the part will be over. ----------------------------------- PART 5 ------------------------------------ This is the locker room part of Highland High School. Both players start out with the baseball bat with boxing glove weapon. You will need to watch out for the lady that whips you with her towel. If you hit her, she will fall down for a couple of seconds, giving you enough time to get by her. You can also duck to avoid being hit. You'll then come up to some showers. The first couple showers turn on and off, so you can just walk through them when they're off. After that, you'll come to showers that stay on. You need to use the leg-throw to get them off. Have Butthead leg-throw Beavis over the shower and then have Beavis turn it off by pushing the up button by the lever. If you're in a one-player game, the computer player will automatically turn it off when you leg-throw him over. When you're past those showers, watch out for the coach. If he catches you, he will slam you against the floor a couple times, which really lowers your health meter. You will then come to a door that you should go through. Check the phone in the room to get a coin. You will see the coach a couple of times, so be ready to hit him. At the end of the room, Stewart will give you a piece of pizza. You can then exit the room. When you're out of the room, watch out for the little exploding things. As soon as you're by them, be ready to hit the coach. You will then have to leg-throw Beavis past two showers. Then you’ll come to a couple toilets with an alligator in one and a waterfall in the other, followed by some more exploding things and the coach again. You will go past a vending machine, but you shouldn't get anything from it since the towel lady is standing right next to it. Once you go past a few more toilets and the coach one last time, you'll be at the end of part five. ----------------------------------- PART 6 ------------------------------------ This is the final part of Highland High School. You're back in the gymnasium, just like in part four. You'll have to avoid basketballs and skateboarders until you get to the last fight against Todd and Earl. These two are by far the easiest level-ending enemies. You simply hit them with your weapon and hit basketballs at them. They'll try to hit you with their wrench, which never happens. You're more likely to get hit by the basketballs than by Todd and Earl. Beat them and you're finally done with Highland High School. Next, you will take a picture of them beating Todd and Earl. Then you'll get your password that you can write down if you want to. Make sure to go couch fishing next. You can read about couch fishing in the section I made called Couch Fishing! ******************************************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STREETS OF HIGHLAND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* ----------------------------------- PART 1 ------------------------------------ Streets of Highland is probably the easiest level in the game. When you first start, grab the baseball bat with boxing glove weapon. As soon as you grab it, duck so the old lady doesn't hit you with her cane. Walk a little further and have the other player grab the next weapon. You must watch out for skateboarders, shopping carts, birds, birds dropping eggs and dogs throughout the level. There is a lot of food on the sidewalks that you can eat to get more health. As you get further, make sure to jump over the rakes, otherwise you'll get hit by them. With all of the food, you shouldn't have very much trouble getting through this part. ----------------------------------- PART 2 ------------------------------------ You get to go clothesline jumping in this part! You have to time your jumps to avoid the big black dog and the little white puppy from getting you. There's no weapon to kill them with either. Make sure that you make every jump from clothesline to clothesline. That's all there is to this part, not too difficult. ----------------------------------- PART 3 ------------------------------------ You're back to walking on the sidewalks in this part. Have them each get the baseball bat with boxing glove weapon in the beginning. Have the one that gets the first weapon hit the kid in the car that you'll see just before you get to the second weapon. As you keep walking, hit the cart and jump over the water fall. Slide forward on the slippery stuff, not backwards. Then you'll come to some sewers. Hit the sewer lid as soon as it flies off, sprint and hit the next sewer lid before it flies off, etc. If you wait too long, alligators will pop out of some of the sewers and try to bite you. Just avoid a couple of waterfalls towards the end of level and that's about it. ----------------------------------- PART 4 ------------------------------------ In this part, you clothesline jump some more, but you get to use weapons. Hit the big black dog with your baseball bat with boxing glove weapon and avoid the birds that fly on the top of the screen. After the first set of clotheslines, you'll jump onto land and have to hit some birds until you get to the next set of clotheslines. The second set is harder since the birds will fly in the middle of the screen also. The part is over once you get past the second set of clotheslines. ----------------------------------- PART 5 ------------------------------------ This is the final part of Streets of Highland and probably the most difficult. There are a lot of birds that drop eggs and swoop down at you. You'll also have to watch out for a couple of dogs and rakes before you get to Mr. Anderson. You might not have very much health left if you haven't died during the entire level yet, so don't worry if you die once. Pick up the first three apples that you see. Keep walking and try to get as many of the next three as possible. Walk back a little bit and throw all of the apples at him using the Y button. Jump to the right side and pick up the apples that he throws and that don't break. When he shoots one at you, jump to avoid getting hit. He will then turn around and shoot apples towards the left. If you're on a one-player game, the computer player will throw the apples that don't break back to you. Pick up all of them and wait for him to face you again. As soon as he faces you, run up to him and throw all of your apples at him. If he's not dead yet, stay on the same side that you're on. Wait for the computer player's apples and throw them all at him as soon as he faces you again. He should then be dead. Beavis and Butthead will then go inside his tool shed and take his chainsaw. You'll get to take a picture of them cutting down all of the trees on the block. Write down the password if desired, go couch fishing and you're done with Streets of Highland. ******************************************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HIGHLAND HOSPITAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* ----------------------------------- PART 1 ------------------------------------ When you first start, walk through the first door. Have both Beavis and Butthead check all of the four phones. You should find a total of 12 coins. Don't buy anything from the vending machines that follow, since they should have a full health meter. You'll then come to a machine where you can change the music by turning the lever. I recommend changing it, since the other music kind of sucks. Just before the exit door, grab the two gas weapons that are on the wall. Continue to walk past the door and get the extra life. You can then exit the room. Avoid buckets on the floor, doctors throwing carts at you from the hallways, and doctors jumping out at you from behind curtains. The best way to avoid getting hit by the doctors is to wait for them to jump at you and then just keep walking and spray them from behind. Continue walking right and you'll come to another door. Spray the two doctors and grab Stewart's pizza in this room. It's not worth going in if your health meter is full. After you spray a couple more doctors, jump over a cart and get more gas weapons, you'll come to the third door. Avoid getting plunged by the man with the plunger. Simply duck and spray him when he's close to you. You can then eat Stewart's pizza. Keep walking until you come to two cabinet doors that contain food in both doors. After that you'll come to three more cabinet doors. In the third door, there is more gas weapons. If your health meter isn't full, leg-throw Beavis on top of the cabinet and eat the soda up there. That's all for this room. Just keep spraying the doctors, jumping over buckets and carts and you'll come to an elevator door. That is the end of part one. ----------------------------------- PART 2 ------------------------------------ You drive a cart down a room in this part. If you're in a two player game, Beavis will spray the doctors and Butthead will drive the cart and jump over buckets. You will see a lot of packets hanging off racks that will give you five more sprays. My strategy would be to spray just before you jump over every bucket because there's usually a doctor that tries to hit you right after you jump over a bucket. You'll hit a doctor most of the time when you spray before each bucket. Don't worry about running out of shots because you'll have more than enough if you get all of the little packets. Also, watch out for the buckets while running through the X-ray machines. ----------------------------------- PART 3 ------------------------------------ This part is fairly simple. All you do is jump from platform to platform. Just don't stand on them too long or they will keep going down and you will eventually fall. Some of the jumps are kind of long, so don't jump until you're on the very edge of each platform. ----------------------------------- PART 4 ------------------------------------ At the beginning, grab the gas weapon. When you hit the sticky goo, make sure to jump over the buckets. Just duck to avoid the plunger men. All you'll see for awhile are plunger men that you can either spray or just duck to avoid and the sticky goo with buckets. You'll eventually come to a door. You mind as well not even go in this room. There's some sticky goo and two hospital workers that you'll have to spray. You can't gain anything from this room. Keep walking and you'll come to four cabinets. There is nothing in any of them. Have Butthead leg-throw Beavis on top of the cabinets and open the little vent. This is similar to the cafeteria when you go through Mr. McVicker's door. Run across the room to get the food but watch out for the bombs that fall in the middle. You should stop and wait for the time to expire once you're health is full to make sure you come out with full health. Once you're out of there, walk a little ways and you'll come to an elevator door. That's the end of part four. ----------------------------------- PART 5 ------------------------------------ You're back to riding in the cart in this part. Beavis shoots, Butthead drives and jumps over the buckets. Only this time you'll have to watch out for Todd wheeling up behind you in his wheel chair and hitting you with his wrench. Just spray before every bucket and jump over the bucket as soon as you spray. If you do that, you should be fine. ----------------------------------- PART 6 ------------------------------------ This is the final part of Highland Hospital. You'll have to take out the mad nurse. Simply hit the nurse and as soon as she gets up, hit her again. If your timing is perfect, you will have her dead in no time. Otherwise, she'll jump up and try to hit you with her butt. Just get your timing down and you won't have to worry about that. You will get a picture of them beating up the mad nurse. Write down the password, go couch fishing, and that's all for the Highland Hospital. ******************************************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TURBO MALL 2000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* ----------------------------------- PART 1 ------------------------------------ At the beginning, grab the baseball bat with boxing glove weapon. Duck when the lady tries to hit you with her cane. You'll have to hit a few cops and watch out for falling grocery bags. When the last bag falls, food will fly in the air that you shouldn't need to eat unless you already got hit. You'll then enter the Pet Store. ----------------------------------- PART 2 ------------------------------------ Have the other player grab the second baseball bat with boxing glove weapon after you hit the cop and the dog. You'll then come upon a few snakes. The best way to get by these is to walk up to them and as soon as it bites, walk back a second so that it doesn't eat you, and then run by. Grab Stewart's pizza, hit another dog, and then you'll enter the aquarium. The aquarium can be fairly difficult. You'll have to hit any fish that you see. To hit some fish, you'll have to jump just a little bit off the ground and swing. Eat any food that you see on the ground and make sure to get the extra life. Once you're out of the aquarium, you'll go by a vending machine. Buy something from it if you need to. Then just go through the exit door to leave the Pet Store. ----------------------------------- PART 3 ------------------------------------ Once you're out of the Pet Store, you'll see another baseball bat with boxing glove weapon. You should both already have it, so there's no need to grab it. There are no coins in the phone that you will then come up to. After you pass a snake, you will see a phone that has a coin. Have Butthead check it to get the coin. You'll then come up to Earl. He throws these little ball things at you that you should hit back at him. After you hit so many at him, he will fall down and you can then kill him. Next, you'll see the whipping lady. She can be hard to hit if you've had no practice doing it in the past. As soon as she raises her whip, run at her and swing. She will then fall over and you can walk away. After you hit a dog and pass a snake, you'll come to three phones. Butthead should get a coin out of the first one and Beavis should get a coin out of the second one. Proceed to go up the elevator. Once up the elevator, you will have to kill Earl right away. Next, you'll have to hit a dog, avoid falling groceries, pass a snake, and finally hit the whipping lady. There will then be more falling bags. Food will come out of the third one that you can eat if you need it. After you pass a snake and avoid a falling bag, you'll come to a vending machine. You should not buy anything unless your health is very low. If you're health, however, is very low, make sure to kill the dog by the vending machine before you buy something. Have Butthead check the phone after the vending machine to get another coin. I told you not to buy anything from the vending machine because there will be a bunch of falling bags that you can get a bunch of food from. You will then see two pogo sticks that you can get on. Now you get to go ant squishing! Press B to jump really high or don't press B for a lower jump. These are some huge ants! Just make sure that they don't hit you when they jump at you. A little bit after you get on the pogo stick, you'll come to water with alligators in it. I just take full jumps through all the water and usually only get hit once. Once you pass the water, you'll have to squish some more ants and then you'll get off the pogo sticks and go up an elevator. There are no coins in the first phone you see there. Grab the baseball bat with boxing glove weapon and have Butthead get the coin in the next phone you see. After you hit dog and pass the snake, you'll head down a hallway. ----------------------------------- PART 4 ------------------------------------ In this part, Beavis will ride in a cart and Butthead will push. It's similar to part two in Highland Hospital. If in a two-player game, whoever is Butthead drives and whoever is Beavis shoots. You will have 50 shots with the squirt gun to squirt any cops you see. You'll also have to jump over the plants you see on the ground, avoid falling grocery bags, and drive fast enough so that the cops can't hit you from behind. ----------------------------------- PART 5 ------------------------------------ This is the arcade part. Check every machine for coins with both Beavis and Butthead, switching between them with the select button, except for Butt Fighter. Also don't check Spacerdid for coins if in a two-player game. You can play Butt Fighter in a one or two-player game and you can only play Spacerdid in a two-player game. In Butt Fighter, you battle the other player or computer. Butthead kind of punches and Beavis can knock you out with his breath and then jump and hit you with his little weapon. I'd say that Butthead has the advantage. I found Spacerdid to be a fun two-player game. You're both in spaceships and you drive around trying to blow each other up. Whoever blows up three times first losses. TIP: To get an infinite number of coins, go by the third coin machine and play Spacerdid. After every game, check the coin machine by the game to gain two coins. It only costs once coin to play. Keep doing it to get a lot of coins. This only works in a two-player game. After you walk by all the arcade machines, you can buy some food in the two vending machines that you'll see. You will then exit the arcade. ----------------------------------- PART 6 ------------------------------------ You get to go ant squishing in this part again. After the first two cops try to hit you, it's all ant squishing. Look back at the end of part three for tips on ant squishing. After you squish a lot of ants, you will get off your pogo sticks and go through a hallway. ----------------------------------- PART 7 ------------------------------------ This is the final part of Turbo Mall 2000. You have to fight Billy Bob here. Get some food from the vending machine if you need it. Once Billy jumps, hit him just before he hits the ground to prevent plants from falling. As soon as you hit him, run to other side side and jump so that when he swings his sausage at you, he will miss. Just repeat that until he's dead. You will now get to take your picture and go couch fishing, like you always do when you beat a level. But now that you've beat all four levels, a fifth level opens up, which is the Gwar Concert. ******************************************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GWAR CONCERT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* ----------------------------------- PART 1 ------------------------------------ At the beginning, this plane will try to drop these things that explode on you. You'll have to avoid them. Pick up the baseball bat with boxing glove weapon. Hit the fat dude that trys to shoot you and grab the other baseball bat with boxing glove weapon if in a two-player game. Then hit the whipping lady, skateboarder, and fat dude again. Make sure the fat dude doesn't catch you, or he will beat you until you're dead. Buy something at the vending machine if your health is low. Once you get past the whipping lady, skateboarder, and fat dude again, you will be through part one. ----------------------------------- PART 2 ------------------------------------ Watch out for Butthead's dad flipping burgers at you in the beginning. Get the paintball guns that you will see. It will be much easier to kill the people with a paintball gun rather than the other weapon. You'll then pass a couple arcade machines that you can play if you feel like it. Buy some food from the vending machines if you need the health. Shoot the fat dude that comes out of the curtains when you see him, and get any paintball guns you see. The rest shouldn't be too hard. ----------------------------------- PART 3 ------------------------------------ Do not get the baseball bat with boxing glove weapon you see at the beginning if you have the paintball guns. It will make it much more difficult. You'll have to keep shooting the fat dude and any skateboarders you see. Also, watch out for falling objects. ----------------------------------- PART 4 ------------------------------------ You'll have to constantly shoot the fat dude behind you. Also, watch out for a guitar player that will jump up and try to hit you with his guitar thingy. The last dude you see on the stage can kick you also. After you shoot the fat dude many times, the game's over. You then get to take a picture of them with Gwar and see all of the ending credits with the previous pictures that you took. ******************************************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TIPS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* The only way to get items that are out of jumping range is to use the leg- throwing method. Get them close to each other and have Butthead leg-throw Beavis to wherever the item is. Push select to switch between characters when needed if you are in a one-player game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure to interact with background objects. You'll find a lot of coins in the phones, and sometimes ammo in lockers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go couch fishing as soon as you can. If you decide not to go couch fishing after one level, you can't go back and do it. For example, you can't save up your couch fishings and just do them all at once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure that you have both Beavis and Butthead check every phone for coins. Sometimes only Beavis will find coins, and sometimes only Butthead will find them. You can switch between the two by pushing the select button if in a one- player game. ******************************************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAQs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* Q. How many different Beavis and Butthead games are there? A. From what I know, there's a Beavis and Butthead for the Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, and Game Boy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Which version is the best? A. The only version I've played is the SNES version, so I really don't know what to tell you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Is there a big difference in the difficulty levels? A. No. The only difference in difficulty levels is that you start out with five lives in wimp, four lives in cool, and three lives in dude. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How come you spell it Butthead instead of Butt-head, which is how it's suppose to be spelled? A. It's spelled Butthead on GameFAQs, and it's a lot easier to type Butthead instead of Butt-head. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Which level do you think is the easiest one in the game? A. I found Streets of Highland the easiest level. If you're new to the game, I suggest you start there. ******************************************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CREDITS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* Viacom Newmedia for making the Beavis and Butthead video game Mike Judge for creating Beavis and Butthead Me for writing this FAQ You for reading this FAQ ******************************************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEGAL INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* If you see any errors, have any questions, comments, or if you just think that I’m missing something in my FAQ, E-mail me at Kobe_5@hotmail.com and I’ll give you credit for any information that you might have. If you have MSN Messenger, feel free to add me. My messenger name is the same as my E-mail. If you’d like this FAQ on your website, E-mail me along with the address of your site. You must have my permission before posting this FAQ on any website. Be sure to put something about Beavis and Butthead in the topic of any E-mails that you send me to make sure that they get read. The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at www.GameFAQs.com. This FAQ/Walkthrough is Copyright ©2002-2003 Zzyzzyxx.