______________________ |2222222222222222222222| |2222222222222222222222| |2222| |2222| |2222| |2222| |2222| |2222| |2222| |2222| |2222| |2222| __, _ _, _ _, _, __, _, _, _ ___ _, _, , _ |_ | |\ | /_\ | |_ /_\ |\ | | /_\ (_ \ | | | | \| | | | , | | | | \| | | | , ) \| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) |2222| |2222| ~' |2222| |2222| |2222| |2222| |2222| |2222| |2222| |2222| |2222222222222222222222| |2222222222222222222222| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ An Unofficial FAQ and Strategy Guide on Final Fantasy II For the Super Nintendo Entertainment System by Brian Sulpher and Matt Hulbert and This document is © 2003 All Rights Reserved Version 6.9 – 12/18/13 Welcome to this comprehensive FAQ and Strategy Guide for Final Fantasy II, one of the greatest RPG’s on the SNES. If you have any questions regarding gameplay, the disclaimer, would like to contribute something, or correct a mistake, please feel free to email either Matt or Brian with your query. If information is already listed in the guide, and you ask for it, you will not receive a response to your message that would negate the point of writing a guide in the first place. Please enjoy the guide and have fun with the game. ----------- Version 6.0 ----------- -Submitted guide on March 19th, 2005 -I added in Honestgamers as a site allowed to use my FAQs -Added in a SLEW of changes/corrections (thanks to Simon Yip) ----------- Version 6.5 ----------- -Submitted guide on June 1st, 2006 -Moved the majority of the Version History to it's own section at the end of the FAQ -I fixed some spelling errors found through out the guide (thanks to Johan Sodling) -Added in a missing secret chest in Kokkol's house (thanks to James Nesbit for this tidbit of info) -Updated Thank Yous to include the two new contributors ----------- Version 6.8 ----------- -Submitted guide on November 16th, 2006 -Added in a section to the Miscellaneous Facts section about the Sylph Spell (thanks to Benjamin Gilbert) -Added in a strategy for the fight against the Warriors that hold the Defense Sword in the Cave of Summoned Monsters (thanks to Benjamin Gilbert) -Added in a Stronger Monsters Sooner portion to the Miscellaneous Facts section (Thanks to MeteoX9999) ----------- Version 6.9 ----------- -Submitted guide on Deceber 13th, 2013 -Corrected a small error (thanks to Ben W) =============================================================================== † TABLE OF CONTENTS † =============================================================================== 1.) Story Trailer 2.) Controls and Basics 3.) In-Depth Walkthrough (note: Side-Quests are marked) 4.) Int.-Game Statistics 5.) Magic Details 6.) Character Information 7.) Boss Compendium 8.) Miscellaneous Facts - Item Duplication - Game Genie Codes - Chocobo Information - Pink Puff and the Adamant Armor - Odd "Steal and Equip" Glitch - Zeromus VS Golbez/FuSoYa damage - 64 Door Warp Rumour 9.) Contributor Credits 10.)Version History 11.)Copyright/Disclaimer --------------- Authors Note #1 --------------- Well, this is a first time project set for me and Matt together. He and I have greatly enjoyed assembling this walkthrough, and if you have any questions, either one of us will be happy to try and help. Final Fantasy was the first game I ever played on my Super Nintendo, and it has remained a favorite to this day. I hope that anyone else who plays this game will also enjoy the rich story, the campy dialogue, and the cool characters that really are quite different from one another. This goes out to my love Jennifer Dixon. She is a continual supporter of me, and I appreciate all she does for me. I only hope that she can enjoy my company until the days we die. Also, for Cougar, Howler, and Koonce. I miss you, and I hope you are living it up in the afterlife as you did in this world. You will always be in my memories, and you will never be forgotten. ~ Brian --------------- Authors Note #2 --------------- Just wanted to give props out to Led Zeppelin, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd, and all the other bands who entertained me while compiling this guide. Also a shout out to Brian, whom I really enjoyed working with on this project. I think we’ve got the best Final Fantasy 2 guide out there right here, we hope you find it helpful. ~ Matt ******************************************************************************* 1.) Story Trailer ******************************************************************************* The world is once again in peril... After losing command of his Red Wings for questioning the King, the Dark Knight Cecil along with Kain have been sent to the Village of the Mist to deliver a mysterious package. Upon arrival he kills the girl named Rydia’s mother, and she joins him. Along the way you will make many friends and enemies, the likes of Edgar, Rosa, and Yang will all be in your company, but on what terms? Journey with Cecil and Kain the Dragoon to become the epic Paladin and save the world from the evil Golbez... or else? And so it begins... ******************************************************************************* 2.) Controls and Basics ******************************************************************************* _________ | | _________ /___L_____\____|_|____/____R____\ / _ SUPER NINTENDO \ | _| |_ |X| | | |_ D _| S1 S2 |Y| |A| | | |_| === === |B| | | ___________ | \__________/ \__________/ • BATTLE CONTROLS D-PAD: Use the D-Pad maneuver the hand and navigate your way through the menu sub-systems. The downside of this is you’re going to bust up your thumbs, and the upside is, you’re going to bust up your thumbs. L BUTTON: Use the L (left) button which is located on the top left shoulder of your SNES controller in conjunction with the R (right) button which is located on the upper right shoulder of your SNES controller to run. R BUTTON: Use the R (right) button which is located on the top right shoulder of your SNES controller in conjunction with the L (left) button which is located on the upper left shoulder of your SNES controller to run. X BUTTON: N/A Y BUTTON: N/A A BUTTON: Use the A button to confirm selections you have highlighted or input in the menu systems. Commonly confused with the start button in its function, the A button is located no where near start, so I have no idea why. B BUTTON: The fabulous B button, which is used to cancel your highlighted selection and move back throughout the menu sub-systems. START: Use the start button to pause the game, good for bathroom breaks, snacks and other various pit stops. SELECT: N/A • OVERWORLD CONTROLS D-PAD – Use the D-Pad to maneuver in what ever direction you desire: north, south, east or west. If you really feel like screwing your thumbs up, mash two directions and move diagonally! SELECT – N/A START – N/A L Button - N/A R Button – Use the R button to cycle through and change with team member sprite is currently displayed on the screen. Y Button – N/A X Button – Use the X button to call up the menu system whenever your heart desires. Note: You can only do this three times... wow just kidding. B Button – The B button is one again the reject of your SNES controller, doomed to forever to the cancel selection and back button for all eternity. A Button – The A button, which is like the prodigal son of your SNES controller, can be used to talk to people in towns and so on, as well as to confirm highlighted selections in the menu system. ******************************************************************************* 3.) In-Depth Walkthrough ******************************************************************************* ************************************ Getting Started ************************************ The game opens with the ominous music that always seems to accompany the mighty Red Wings of Baron. The five Airships rip through the sky at top speed. On board, the mighty forces of Baron are out on their latest mission... Crew: Captain Cecil, we are about to arrive. Cecil: Good. *crew on both ends of the Airship turn toward one another* Crew: Why are we robbing crystals from the innocent? Crew: That's our duty. *Cecil hangs his head* Crew: Do we really have to do this? *Scene changes to inside a yellow-tinged room with a shiny floor* Crew: Give us the Crystal of Water! Elder: What have we done? Cecil: The Crystal of your life! Black Wizard: Never! Cecil: Then, take the Crystal by force! *Crew advances to immediately kill both Black Mages* White Wizard: No! Don't! Crew: Dare to defy us? *Crew kills the White Wizard* Elder: My! All right... Take the Crystal! Crew: You should have said it earlier! *Crew knocks the Elder to the side of the room* Elder: Why is the King of Baron doing this? Why do you pursue the Crystals so eagerly? Cecil: ...... *Cecil starts to leave, stops, and then hangs head at the shame he feels for their actions.* *Scene changes to on board the Airship again where the Crew is once again talking amongst themselves* Crew: We take pride in being members of the Red Wings! Looting is out of the question! Cecil: Stop it! Crew: Captain! Crew: We can't stand it anymore! Cecil: Listen! Possessing the Crystal is an essential factor in our prosperity. Moreover, his Majesty judged that the Mysidains know too much about the secret of the Crystal. We are the Red Wings. The Air Force of the Kingdom of Baron! The Royal Command is absolute. Crew: Captain! *Cecil hangs head in shame once again as look-out walks toward Captin Cecil* Crew: Monsters!! Cecil: Take up fighting positions! *Cecil goes into battle against three Floateyes, which he FireBombs to death* Crew: Ouch! Cecil: You okay? Crew: More Coming! Cecil: Watch Out! *Cecil goes into battle against a Raven, which he Lit-Bolts to death* Cecil: Everyone okay? *Crew walks in to surround Cecil* Crew: Yes, Sir! Crew: But there are too many monsters these days... Crew: Too many, agreed. Cecil: What's happening? Crew: We are over Baron! Cecil: Make a landing. *The Red Wings land in Baron* *Ceicl enters the castle to meet Baigan* Baigan: Oh Cecil! Is it the Crystal of Water? Cecil: But Mysidians were so helpless. Baigan: What are you trying to say? This way, Cecil. *Baigan leads Cecil into the waiting area outside the Throne Room* Baigan: Please wait here. *Baigan enters the Throne Room to speak with King Baron* Baigan: Your Majesty! I'm afraid Cecil has developed quite a rebellious air. King: Truly? Well done, Baigan! We must do something. Call him in! Baigan: Yes, your Majexty. *Baigan goes to the door* Baigan: Cecil! His Majesty summons you. Please come in. *Baigan and Cecil approach the Throne* King: We thank you for successfully completing the mission. Now, where is it? Cecil: Here, my Liege. *Cecil hands over the Crystal to Baigan, who hands to it to King Baron* Baigan: Real Crystal... King: Godd! Cecil...... You may leave now. Cecil: Your Majesty! King: W... What? Baigan: W... What is it? Cecil: We do not understand the meaning of taking Crystals away from honest people. King: Disobeying me? Cecil: No, I don't. King: We know of your discontent, Cecil. If you can not trust me, I can no longer place the Red Wings in your command. You are dismissed from your post! Cecil: Your Majesty! *The guards rush down to prevent Cecil from reaching the King* King: Go hunt the Summoned Monsters of the Misty Valley! And... Take the package to the Village Mist. You may depart tomorrow morning! *Cecil continues to try and get to the King, but he is prevented by the guards. Suddenly, the door behind Cecil opens up.* Kain: Your Majesty! Cecil didn't... King: If you're concerned about Cecil that much, go with him Kain! Cecil: Your Majesty! King: Now! Leave with the Package! *Cecil and Kain get the Package* Cecil: Your Majesty! *The guards force Cecil and Kain out into the main hall where the fighters of the realm congregate* Cecil: Sorry, Kain. Kain: Don't worry. He'll put you back in command of the Red Wings after the mission. Cecil: But... Kain: Never mind! Go back to your room and take a rest. *The game advises you to walk with the control pad, and talk to people using the A Button* You should now walk out the door below you to enter the next room. Head down until the a hallway opens up to the right, which you should enter. When you are past the guard there, go up behind him to look at the mark on the wall, Press the A Button to trip the switch which opens the wall, and then grab the Treasure Chests (300 GP, Cure1, and a Tent left to right). Now head back into the hallway by the guard, turn left, and then cross the room to exit through the door located down the left hallway. Once you are outside, head across to the next set of stairs to enter the next building, and then head down from the stairs, when suddenly a voice comes from behind... Rosa: Cecil! You are not hurt? I was so anxious. Cecil: We are not hurt. How could we be? The Wizards did not even raise their hands. *Cecil walks away with his head down in shame once again* Rosa: Cecil! Can I see you later? Cecil: Yeah. Later. *Rosa will leave after giving Cecil a long look* Cecil should continue towards the door below him to go outside, and he should turn left. Following that, he will need to start moving upwards, when a voice will boom from up above... Cid: Hey! Cecil! *Cid will wave, and then come down to say...* Cid: How's my Airship doing? ...What's wrong? Cecil: I was... Cid: What?! Who's gonna command the Red Wings then? I'm not sure what the King is thinking. He ordered me to make an Airship, but I don't want it to be used as a weapon! Well, I gotta go home. I have been working all night, and my daughter is worried about me. *Cid will leave through the door Cecil came out of* Take Cecil into the tower above you, and make your way up the stairs. Talk to your maid, and then continue to the top room of the tower, and then enter your bed to sleep. Cecil: What happened to His Majesty? The Crystal of Mysidia... Did we really have to snatch it from the peace loving people? Never again! Even if ordered! *Cecil will settle down to sleep, when suddenly, Rosa will enter the room* Rosa: Cecil! What's wrong? You're not quite yourself lately. Cecil: Nothing. Rosa: Then... Please do not look away. Cecil: In Mysidia... We had to rob from the innocent people! Rosa: Oh dear... Cecil: I am just a Dark Knight with no courage to disobey His Majesty. Rosa: The real Cecil would never whimper like this! You are going to Mist tomorrow, right? If anything should happen to you... *Rosa starts to cry, and Cecil moves out of bed to comfort her* Cecil: Don't worry. Kain is coming, too. It's late. Go back to your room. Rosa: take care! *Rosa runs out still worried about Cecil* Cecil: Thanks Rosa. Still, I am just a Dark Knight. *Cecil continues to wallow in his self pity, and then the scene fades to the main hallways where Kain and Cecil meet one another* Kain: Let's go, Cecil! *The game will advise you to enter the city of Baron to learn about the game, but with this guide, there is no need to do so* *Cecil and Kain start to leave the castle, and then the Prologue comes into view* Thus, the Dark Knight Cecil was expelled from his command as a Captain of the Red Wings. And He and Dragoon Kain left Baron for the Village Mist in a valley enclosed in a deep fog. Airships had been a dream of many people... After the realization of that dream, came greed and ambition. Through its fleet of Airships, Baron became the most powerful nation. But why is Baron seeking the Crystals? Why do the monsters keep increasing...? The Crystal was shedding its light silently... ************************************ Onto Mist! ************************************ Kain and Cecil appear outside the castle, and they then are faced with the choice of venturing off into the wilderness, or heading to town. We will go to town, but not to learn from the Training Room (if you are new to the game, I suggest a quick stop in to learn some pointers). We have come to town to raid a few treasures from it, so listen carefully. Walk north from the gate, going to the right of the Training Room to the group of four pots above to look in the bottom pot (using the A Button) to get a Cure1. Now head right across the stream using one of the bridges, turn to go north to see a dancer and a small child, which you will pass to go into the pool via the steps into it. Now you have to walk down the stream through the waterfall and past the bridges to arrive in the pool outside of the wall. Walk back and forth through the water methodically (one row/column at a time) until you find spots you can not move through (press the A Button to get the treasures), which hold 2 Tents. Retreat back to the steps you used to enter the water, go east, go south across the bridge and down the path until you turn east where the bridge is going east across the stream you just walked through. Head north across the grass to see an old lady, which you will stand directly above before walking north until the tree line stops you. Walk east one square, walk north three squares, and then walk west until you can move no further. Walk south one square and then walk west one square to appear in the long grass, where you will do the same methodical search of the grass to get two Heals and a Life. Go out the hole in the treeline above to start on your journey. Once outside, SAVE your game before getting ready to head out to Mist. You are faced with two choices when heading out for Mist, and those are: to walk there, or to find the Chocobo Village nearby. If you are going to head to the Chocobo Village, go west from the castle while following the mountains to the south. When you see the circular forest to the west, just south of the desert, walk your party over the centre part of the forest to enter the Chocobo Forest. Once inside the village, walk through the long grass to find a Carrot, and then explore the village for the lay-out of most Chocobo Villages. By walking to the large open space at the top of the village, you will see it "Smells Like Chocobs" when the A Button is pressed there, followed by an item screen. By using your Carrot, a Big Chocobo will appear to store any excess items for you (not useful now, but it will be later). This village has a White Chocobo and three Yellow Chcobos. White Chocobos will restore your Magic Points for you (not useful now, but it will be later on), and Yellow Chocobos will give you a free lift to where ever you wish to go (free of enemies as well). Either way, you will have to head west from Baron, turn north when you see the two bridges to the north, and then go west across the one on your left. Once across, continue west into the opening between the two mountain groups, and then head north through the canyon to arrive at a cave entrance. If you came on a Chocobo, press the A Button to get it to leave, SAVE the game, and then enter the Misty Cave. This cave has a slight haze over it, making the visibility reduced slightly. Head to the right upon entering, and continue along the path in front of you until a ladder appears (go up it). Turn left once you have scaled the ladder to the ledge above, and continue left across a small ladder to climb the next small ladder. From there, head upwards to climb a ladder, when suddenly an ominious voice will decree: "Go Back...!" Cecil: Who is it!? Continue up the ladder in front of your party to get a Cure1 from the Treasure Chest, and then go back down the ladder and turn right. Head across the bridge to go up the first ladder you come across, and head right till you find a Treasure Chest with a Heal. Retreat back to the ladder which you used to reach this ledge, and then head down until you have used two ladders. turn left once you pass the chasm on your left, and then go up the ladder in front of you to get yourself a Tent from the Treasure Chest. Go down the ladder as you head back towards the ladder previous, where you will turn right to head deeper into the cave. Grab the Cure1 from Treasure Chest in the wall before heading up again to cross the bridge. When you get across, the ominious voice will once again speak: "Leave Now...!" Kain: Is it a monster? Continue walking up towards the cave's exit, and suddenly the voice will once again adress Cecil and Kain. After debating with it for a bit: "Do you still wish to go on?" YES/NO (say YES to continue on) Cecil: We must deliver this Package to the Village of Mist! "Then I must!" The mist is gathering! At this point, the swirling mists will gather to from the Boss, the D. Mist! ------- D. Mist ------- H.P.: 450 Gold: 200 Exp.: 700 To win this fight, you will start off by attacking with Cecil and jumping with Kain to deal out as much damage as possible. The Mist Dragon will attack periodically, so if the Hit Points of either Cecil or Kain drops below 100, you may want to use a Cure1 to heal them. When the D. Mist "Turns to mist", you should just Parry (press RIGHT on the Directional Pad to show the option) until the message "Now, get ready to fight" appears (at which point the D. Mist will reassemble). If you did not wait for the D. Mist to reassemble, you will get blasted for a out a 30 Hit point loss with ColdMist (counter attack for every attack you do). Continue using your attacks, and the D. Mist should not have time to turn into a mist cloud again as it will be defeated! Once you have returned to the overhead view, Go into the Menu Screen, select Equip, and then go into kain's equipment screen to unequip his armor and weapon (choose the armor/weapon, and then choose a blank space on the item screen). Go straight up to exit the cave! SAVE the game immediately upon exiting, and then head east to find Mist! Once you are in the Village mist, head right until the Package you were carrying from King Baron opens automatically! It is full of Bombs that will burn the village to the ground while slaughtering the inhabitants! you will be thrown into a fight with the Girl who will be so threatened by Cecil and Kain that she will Call upon the monster Titan, and he will cause an Earthquake that severely damages Cecil and Kain, as well as causing the re-arranging the mountains (the town will no longer be accessible). When Cecil awakes, he will see the Girl lying on the ground, but she is alright. Cecil will then realize that Kain has gone missing! Cecil will then decide that it is too dangerous to linger as Baron will be looking for survivors. He takes the Girl with him as he sets off. ************************************ Off to Damycan ************************************ Cecil has appeared beside the recently closed in mountain range, and there is just one path to follow up the canyon to the north. When the desert becomes the dominant feature of the landscape, head northeast to see an oasis where the small Town of Kaipo resides. Enter Kaipo so Cecil can find the Inn, and give the Girl the rest she needs. Cecil will ask her name and inquire if she is ok, but the Girl will continue to remain quiet. Cecil can not apoligise again for his actions, but begs for her to let him protect her. He then goes to bed, and she looks once before nodding off herself. In the middle of the night, the door to the Inn crashes in, and soldiers rush in! Cecil will jump to the defense of Rydia! ------- Officer ------- H.P.: 200 Gold: 80 Exp.: 400 ------- Soldier ------- H.P.: 25 Gold: 55 Exp.: 160 In this battle, there are two ways to go about winning. The easier way to win is to take down the three Soldiers as fast as you can, which will cause the coward Officer to retreat because his bodyguards are gone. The other method takes longer, Cecil takes a beating, and it can be annoying, but if you take the Officer out before finishing off the final Soldier, you will receive more Gold and Experience. This is the point that Caller Rydia will join the Party! You will then go to the front desk of the Inn, and you are ready to explore this new town. you can purchase some supplies from the Item shop to the right of the Inn desk, and once you are done with that, exit the Inn. Go left to enter Armor Shop, and purchase a Cap, and an Ironring. Following that, sell all of Kain's equipment since you took it form him before he disapeared, and then head out of the Armor Shop to go right to find two pots beside the Weapons Shop, the top one contains an Ether1. Head up to the building above the Weapons Shop, go inside, and then walk to the back of the house to see Rosa lying in bed! Talk to the man on the left side of the room to discover that the SandRuby is required to break the fever of Rosa. With this knowledge in hand, head outside Kaipo, SAVE the game, and then raise Rydia's level by a few spots on the monsters in the desert. The best method to doing this is to Parry with Rydia, and let Cecil fight all the enemies. After Rydia has been given some training (usually till she learns the Black Magic spell Lit-1), go to the Inn to fill up your HP and MP, and then go outside to SAVE once more. Now you will need to go north from the oasis to reach the mountains, and then head to the east along the base of the mountains to reach a cave mouth. SAVE your game before entering, and remember that most enemies inside this cave are weak against Lit spells. When you are inside, take the bridge to your right. Once you are across, go up the small ladder above you, collect the two Treasure Chests (left one has Caure1 and the right one has Heal), and then go back across the bridge to the entrance. Head left to find a long bridge for you to cross, and when you make it across, go down to get a Tent from a Treasure Chest. Head up across the bridge to see a white-haired man blocking the path! Talk to him to learn of each others needs, and an understanding will be reached! With that, Sage Tellah joins your party. before heading out further into the cave, go tot he menu screen, choose Form, and make sure Rydia and Tellah are in the back row with Cecil in the front row (Cecil will appear to be further left than the other two). Once that is done, go to Equip to give Tellah the equipment that was purchased in Kaipo, and then we are ready to continue on the journey to Damycan! Go up to the bridge on your right, cross it, and grab the 120 Gold Pieces before going across the two bridges on your right. Climb down the ladder to the water below, and then go up the mini-waterfalls towards the Treasure Chest to get yourself an Ironring. Head down to the main area of water, but continue down and to the left instead of going back to the ladder. When you see a waterfall above a bridge, walk into the centre of the waterfall to enter a secret room! Grab the Elixer, the Cure2, and the 1000 Gold Pieces before exiting. Head back to the ladder (up and to the right), climb it, and then head left across two bridges, and then Use the small ladder to get to the bridge above. Go across the bridge, go down the ladder to your left, and then go up to the stairs above to go to the next area. Go up the path above you to cross a bridge, and then use the ladder on your left to go into the water. Go down until you see a ladder on the left, which you should then climb up to find a Cure1 in a Treasure Chest. Go back into the water, continue downwards, and use the ladder there to climb out of the water. Go left past the birdge to a Treasure Chest that contains an Ether1, and then return to the birdge you passed to go across the water to the next section of land. Head left to find a bridge which you will cross, and then go up to the door. Enter the door to find your first SAVE CIRCLE. When inside the barriers, no enemy may attack you, and the "S" will allow your party to use a Tent/Cabin to heal themselves as well as allow you to SAVE your game. Tellah will volunteer a Tent to heal your party with, and then Cecil and Tellah will have a conversation. Tellah says that Rydia has potential as a spell caster, and that his only daughter Anna started the same way. She became rebllious and ran away when Tellah did approve of her marriage. Tellah learns that Cecil needs a SandRuby to heal Rosa, and realizes the hurry that Cecil is in. Tellah will then tell you of the horrifying monster that inhabits the cavern ahead with multiple tentacles. Once the camping ends, SAVE your game, and then head out the stairs above you. Go right across a bridge, cut up to get an Icerod from the Treasure Chest, and equip said Icerod on Rydia. Head down to find and take two ladders to the water below, and then walk right. Take the small ladder up onto land, and continue up to go thorugh the doore to the next area of the cave. Walk down to the bridge, head left across the bridge, go down, and then go right to go across the bridges as they appear while collecting from the two Treasure Chests (200 Gold Pieces and a Cure1). head back to the fork in the path where you will continue to the left across a bridge to find a ladder. Go straight up the ladder to find a door that will take you to the next section of the cave. When you first step into this area, go up the ladders, grab the Cure1 from the Treasure Chest, and then take the blue path in the wall. go up and then left to cut above the exit off the floor, and continue through the wall to arrive at a ledge over looking the water. Head down along the ledge to find a Leather Hat for Rydia, and then you should back track through the secret passage to come out near the stairs, which you will take to the next floor. Walk up the path in front of you, but you need to cut leftt to go down the ladder. Head down the path to get two Ether1's from the two Treasure Chests down there, and then go bac up the ladder you came down so you can go across the bridge over the large ravine. You will see the exit of the cave when you cross, but you need to go down the ladder set below it to get the Heal and the Darkness Sword from the two Treasure Chests. Equip the Darkness Sword on Cecil to recieve a 10 point attack power boost, and then head back up the ladder set to exit the cave! Walk left from the cave mouth, go up, stop just outside the next cave mouth, use a Tent, SAVE, and then head into the darkness to go find the Tentacled terror that Tellah mentioned previously. Walk down off of the land into the water, where the waterfall's suction will pull yuor party into the long fall, and the party will land just past some rocks. Take the ladder on your right to get out of the water before you rust, and then head down the path in front of you. When you see the ladder leading down to two Treasure Chests, go down to get a Darkness Helmet and a Darkness Gauntlet for Cecil (be sure to equip the two pieces of armor immediately to reap the benfits of their protective goodness). Head back up the ladder, turn left to see a bridge, which you will go up and across to the door that takes you to the next section of the cave. Head right from the door to go across a bridge where you will see two Treasure Chests (Darkness Armor you should eqip right away and an Ether1), and then you should go across the bridge above you. Go down into the water, and then go up towards the tentacles sticking out of the water near the waterfall to fight the terrible monster that Tellah warned you about! -------- Octomamm -------- H.P.: 700 Gold: 500 Exp.: 1200 -------- Tentacle -------- H.P.: 250 This tentacled monster will attack you repeatedly while you take it down, one tentacle at a time. To beat this baddie, attack with Cecil's newly aquirred Darkness Sword to really hit hard (for around 185 Hit Points per hit), and cast Lit-1 with both Tellah and Rydia (occasionally taking time out to cast a Cure spell when needed). When Octomamm is knocked down to two tentacles, it will slow down, and attack less often. Once it is down to a lone tentacle, you just need to hit it for 700 Hit Points, and it will fall into the dpeths permanently! Head out thorugh the hole in the waterfall that Octomamm was camped on, SAVE your game, and then head north thorugh the narrows of the mountains, where the view will go to a very high vantage point, and the Red Wings will bomb Damycan unmercifully! ************************************ The Sand Ruby Saga ************************************ You have just witnessed the horrific bombing of the desrt castle, so you should rush north to get to the castle right away. Once you enter, go straight up past the dead guards to enter the door, and then go straight up the stairs above. Grab the Tent from the lone remaining Treasure Chest, and then take the stairs on the south side of this room. You will step forward into this room to see a red-headed girl lying on the ground, and Tellah will proclaim it is his Anna! A Bard will come walking in from the right, and Tellah will attack him in a rage. The two will exchange dialogue, including the now infamous "Spoony Bard" remark from Tellah, and the fight ends when Anna begs them to stop! Anna will reveal that Edward (the Bard) is really the Prince of Damycan! Anna also reveals that Golbez was in charge of the Red Wings when they attacked, and not even Cecil knows who he is. The forces of Baron took the Crystal of Fire before they bombed the castle, and it was then that Anna shielded Edward from the arrows. Anna then passes away, and Tellah vows he will get Golbez, which is why he leaves immediately after! Edward continues to be a broken wreck over Anna, and Rydia calls him a crybaby. Rydia will call Edward a coward, and he says he will remain with Anna, which causes Cecil to slap him. Cecil explains to Edward that he owes Anna better than that, and that he and Rydia need his help. Cecil explains that he needs the SandRuby for Rosa, and Edward decides to help. He knows where the Antlion's cave is, and he volunteers his hovercraft to go across the shallows in the water to get there. Edward will then join your group! You will appear outside in the Hovercraft, but you should park it in front of the castle first. Go back inside the castle to the room where Anna was lying, and then go left to refill your Hit Points from the pot there, followed by a trip right to refill your Magic Points form the pot there. Now you need to head to the exit, take one step onto the sand of the desert, and then walk right while hugging the wall. As you go along the wall, you will arrive at a building, so go inside. Talk to the guard who was mortally injured in the attack on the castle, and once he dissapears, flip the switch so you can go through the opened passage to get a Crossbow, Leather Hat, and a RubyRing! Go back to where you saw the guard, turn left, go down the stairs to find six Treasure Chests! Get the 500 Gold Pieces, two Cure1's, Life, and Ether1 the Treasure Chests have, as well as looking in the pots for 20 White Arrows and 10 Iron Arrows! Head back outside the castle to get back into your Hovercraft, head north to the moutains above Damycan, and then turn east to go across the reefs until you reach the far side of the water. Now you need to head south until you see a cave mouth where you will park your Hovercraft, SAVE your game, and then enter the Antlion Cave. Go left from the entrance to cross a small bridge, and then continue left to find a Treasure Chest with 190 Gold Pieces inside. Go down the ladder to your right, go right around the ledge to head up underneath the bridge you used earlier, and grab the contents of the Treasure Chest (it is a Cure1). Go back down the narrow path into the open area where you will continue down until you hit the edge, which is where you will go down the ladder to your right. Go down the path to your left, turn left at the wall, and then head up the ladder to a path with a Tent and a Cure1 waiting to be plucked from two Treasure Chests. Back track to the ladder you used to get to this branch of the cave, and then head right until you see a bridge. Go under the bridge to get a Cure1 from the Treasure Chest, go back down, turn right, and climb the double ladder to go up to get the 210 Gold Pieces in the Treasure Chest located there. Head down until you use the double ladder to go to the stairs to the next level. Head down until you open a Treasure Chest for a Life Potion, and then go down the ladder below you before going left to take the next ladder up to the door. In this room, go left or right to find a ladder to find a Charm Harp, which is a more powerful weapon for Edward (Equip it on him immediately). Exit the room from the same way you came in, and go left (while ignoring the secret passage below) until you have yo head up. When you see the stairs, ignore them as you continue up just to the left of that rock wall to climb a ladder. Go right to grab the Heal from the Treasure Chest, and then go left back down the ladder to head left across a small bridge to get 250 Gold Pieces from the Treasure Chest. Now you should head right to come back to that stairs you passed earlier. Go left upon appearing to enter a door. Once inside the room, you will see a SAVE CIRCLE, but you should first grab the Life Potion, the Ether1, and the Tent before using a Tent to recover your HP/MP, followed by using the SAVE on your game. Once you are ready, head back out the door, go right, and go back to B2. When you appear, you have to go left to find a small ladder, which you should go down. Now you should continue downward to use another small ladder, cut left, use the small ladder you see, and then go between the two rocks on the ground to the stiarcase to the lower floor. You have arrived in the Antlion's Nest where you just need to walk straight down until Edward steps forward from the group to try and grab the SandRuby. However, the Antlion will attack Edward (who dodges nimbly), and Cecil and Rydia will charge forward to join Edward in battle! ------- Antlion ------- H.P.: 1000 Gold: 800 Exp.: 1500 For this battle, if you use regular attacks on the Antlion, he will use a viscious counter attack on a party member for abnout 20 damage each time. You have the option of attacking with all party members, followed by curing the hurt party members, or you can just use Rydia's Call Magic to summon Chocobo to deal about 150 to 200 damage each time (with no COunter used against you). If her Magic runs out before the Antlion dies, start using conventional attacks with Cecil to finish it off (it will be near death). Once you win, the SandRuby is yours! Edward will reflect on how the Antlion is not a violent creature, but Cecil thinks that with the world having an increase of other monsters, the Antlion has been affected by their presence somehow. Once the conversation finishes, move straight up to get to the stairs to B2. Go up to the ladder on your left, turn right, and then go up two small ladders. Turn right, go down the tall ladder, and continue down until you hit the wall. Go right past the first ladder, climb the second ladder, and then continue upwards over the next two ladders to get to the stairs to B1. Head up the double ladder, turn left to cross the bridge, and go down the small ladder. Walk left to take the ladder above you to the next ledge, where you should head up to reach the stairs to reach the outside world! Get in your Hovercraft, go north to the shallows, cross the water, and then make for Damycan. Go inside to the top floor to fill up your Hit Points and Magic Points from the two pots up there, and the old man that is there will tell you that the Hovercraft can take you to Kaipo over the shallows! Head back out to the Hovercraft, take it west to find shallows on the coast, and go south along the shallows to bypass the massive mountain range in your way. Once you are in the desert, head to Kaipo, and take the SandRuby into town. Head right towards the weapon shop, and then follow the stream until you pass a bridge, at which point you will go right into the small building. Walk to the back room where Rosa is, and talk to her. this will bring an item screen up, which is where you should select the SandRuby, and voila, Rosa is cured! ************************************ Warning Fabul! ************************************ When Rosa is awake, you will discover that Golbez was invited by the King of Baron to take command of the Red Wings, and you now know that Golbez is to blame for the masacre at Damycan. you also learn that Golbez appears to be controlling the King, in an effort to get all the Crystals (Crystal of Fire from Damycan, Crystal of Air from Fabul, and Crystal of Earth from Toroia). Since Damycan has already been attacked, Fabul is the next logical target for Baron, but the path to Mt. Hobs is blocked by a thick ice, which Rydia should be able to melt, but she is severely afraid of fire since her village burned down. Rosa will then let Cecil know she is joining them on the journey, regardless of what he thinks. That night... Edward goes outside to play his harp and think of how much he misses Anna, when suddenly, a monster attacks! -------- WaterHag -------- H.P.: 60 (three hits in actuality) Gold: 100 Exp.: 800 Choose to fight the whole time, and Anna (her ghost) will offer her encouragement until Edward has finished the WayerHag off! Edward and Anna (her ghost) will say goodbye to one another, and Anna will charge Edward with helping to stop the evil movement of Golbez before she leaves for good. Edward swears to do what he can, but he still harbours doubts on what he should do. The group be already to go in the morning, but enter the menu screen first. Make sure that Rosa, Rydia and Edward are all in the back row, with Cecil in the front row. This allows them to have maximum use of their attacks, and avoids any problems they have with their Hit points and Armor. Now you should go to equip, take off Rosa's Shortbow in favour of the Crossbow, and then equip the 20 White Arrows you found in Damycan instead of the 50 Iron Arrows. Now you should look at her Armor to see if you can improve upon what she is wearing already (Leather Hat for her Cap is a good example), and then head out of kaipo, SAVE your game, and then hop in the Hovercraft. Go back through the shallows around the huge mountain range, go past Damycan, across the shallows, and park your Hovercraft right near the mountain pass to the east. SAVE your game, and enter the mountain pass. Walk forward, and the group will split apart to reveal Rosa encouraging Rydia to cast Fire1. Rydia is still frightened of fire, but thanks to some encouragement from the rest of the group by telling her how many more people could suffer at the hands of Baron (like she and her village did), she casts Fire1 to melt the ice ahead of the group. Rydia will learn Fire1 permanently, and the group is grateful to her for her help. Go up through the now opened path, go left, climb the stairs, and go into the door ahead of you. Go left and down the path in front of you in the new area to see a SAVE CIRCLE, which you should continue past along the path to see four Treasure Chests. Grab the (from left to right) Tent, Cure1, Heal, and 350 Gold Pieces, and then head eft once again to SAVE on the SAVE CIRCLE. Now you should head back to the door, go through, go right, and then go through the door you find there. You will find yourself on the Summit, so head right past the stairs to find 10 White Arrows (equip them on Rosa to add to her total), and then head up the various set of stairs to see blue-robed bad guys and a Karate Master entering battle with one another. He will take two down, and then engage the three Imp Captains in battle, which he will dispose of rather easily. Once this battle ends, a rather large enemy will approach, and your party decides to help the man out. When you appear, you will find out his name is Yang, and he has two attacks: Fight (single target), and Kick (multiple targets). ------- MomBomb ------- H.P.: 1500 (to cause metamorphisis) Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 You first step in this fight is to start taking this MomBomb down. Attack with Cecil, Edward, and Yang (his FIght, not Kick), while Rydia and Rosa Cure wounds while throwing their attacks in (Rosa should Aim and Rydia should Call Chocobo). When the MomBomb starts to grow, stop using magic attacks, and then make sure your party has as many Hit Points as possible because the MomBomb will explode after a short time! This will lead into an all new battle... ---- --------- Bomb Grey Bomb ---- --------- H.P: 50 H.P.: 100 Gold: 240 Gold: 150 Exp.: 370 Exp.: 450 You will be penalised about 60 to 80 Hit points on each member of your team, so get them to Cure each other up as fast as possible (especially Ryida, Rosa, and Edward with their low Hit Points). Once you have done that, get Edward to attack the Bombs (he should be able to charm them, and thus add attacks to your side while lessening theirs), get Cecil, Rosa and Yang to double team a Grey Bomb, and have Rydia Call a Chocobo to kill a Grey Bomb off herself. If done correctly, none of the opposing forces will be able to get their Explosion attacks off, and you will win easily! After the batlle Yang will formally introduce himself, and tell you that the main forces of Fabul were wiped out by the attacking force you and he just fought off. With mere trainees remaining at the castle, all appears lost, but Cecil and company are ready to rush to Fabul to help defend it from Golbez and Baron. Yang will then join your party, fix his equipment (give him anything that will improve his defense), and head out the door above you to start down the other side of the mountain! Head right across the bridge, and then head down the windy path to arrive at the exit off the mountain pass. Once on the overworld screen, use a Tent if your team is badly beaten up (they likely will be), and then SAVE the game. Start your trek to Fabul by heading north-east up the skinny section of land between the water, and then cut southeast between the opening of the two different mountain ranges. Continue along the base of the lower mountain range of the two you just walked between until you can cut south between the mountain range to your left and your right. Head directly east once the mountain range on your right stops being on your right, and you will find a bridge across the water to the castle of Fabul (be sure to SAVE your game before entering the castle)! Before you enter, unequip all of Rosa's equipment, as well as Rydia. Check to see if they are wearing anything that can be used on Edward or Yang to improve their equipment, and then enter. Walk straight up to go through a door, cut right to enter the door with the two swords above it. Buy a second claw for Yang, and then buy all three Black armors for Cecil (Helmet, Armor, and Gauntlet). Equip these items, sell your excess weapons and armors, exit the room, cross the hallway to go to the Inn, and stay the night. Now head back outside to SAVE your game with your refreshed troops. Head straight back up through the door, straight up past the Inn/Armory Shop soors to take the stairs, and go straight up once more to the next floor. You will arrive in the King's Room, so walk forward till Yang steps in front of you. He will explain that Golbez has mobilized Baron against the forces of Fabul in an attempt to get the Crystal of Air. The King will then ask who brought this warning, and he will question if Cecil is trustworthy, which Yang assures the King he is. Edward will then step forward to throw his royalty power behind the warning, and the King will then request the help of the group to work against Baron. After saying YES, the King will give your fate over to Yang to defend the strategy, and the girls opt to sit this one out, which means you lose your Cure magic (you will need to use the Cure1's you have been amassing as you go). Rosa wil warn Cecil to be careful, and Cecil will do the same. The scene will cut to the entrance, and the enemy will be charging the castle! ------- ------- General Fighter ------- ------- H.P.: 320 H.P.: 65 Gold: 155 Gold: 100 Exp.: 608 Exp.: 410 Take the fighters out quickly with your attacks, and the General will quickly retreat, giving you the win! The other option is to kill the General first, and then the Fighters, but this will take longer, and more of your Hit Points, which are only refillable during battle in this melee. The Red Wings will start to bomb the outside of the castle, so you will be forced to retreat to the inside of the castle. Yang will apoligize, but Cecil thinks not all is lost yet. The enemies will knock the gate down, and a group will attack your team! ------ ----------- -------- Weeper Imp Captain WaterHag ------ ----------- -------- H.P.: 100 H.P.: 37 H.P.: 48 Gold: 30 Gold: 20 Gold: 80 Exp.: 120 Exp.: 189 Exp.: 180 Get Yang to Kick, Edward to attack the WaterHag, and set Cecil to attacking the Weeper. When the Weeper is all that remains, set all three of your party to attacking it for the victory! Two more teams for the enemy will rush in to kill the two teams guarding the Inn and Shop Armory, so Yang decides it is time to withdraw. As your team withdraws, two teams of guards will be left behind to fend for themsleves. Yang informs you in the next room that the King has withdrawn to the women and childrens quarters. Following this, the enemies will have finished the guards in the previous room, and they willbreak the door down to attack your party! ------- ------- General Fighter ------- ------- H.P.: 320 H.P.: 65 Gold: 155 Gold: 100 Exp.: 608 Exp.: 410 Take the fighters out quickly with your attacks, and the General will quickly retreat, giving you the win! The other option is to kill the General first, and then the Fighters, but this will take longer, and more of your Hit Points, which are only refillable during battle in this melee. Edward will see that more forces are charging in, and he will call for the retreat to the Throne Room. Yang locks the door as he enters, so he hopes this will help hold the enemies off. The guard with Yang will unlock the door, and he will change into an enemy as Yang demands to know what the guard is doing. -------- Gargoyle -------- H.P.: 160 Gold: 100 Exp.: 320 Just attack to quickly knock this sneak of an enemy into out. Another team of enemies will quickly charge into the room to engage your team in battle to the death! ------ ----------- -------- Weeper Imp Captain WaterHag ------ ----------- -------- H.P.: 100 H.P.: 37 H.P.: 48 Gold: 30 Gold: 20 Gold: 80 Exp.: 120 Exp.: 189 Exp.: 180 Get Yang to Kick, Edward to attack the WaterHag, and set Cecil to attacking the Weeper. When the Weeper is all that remains, set all three of your party to attacking it for the victory! Yang will suggest a tactical retreat to the Crystal Room upstairs, but suddenly Edward will trip! He will be jumped on by the approaching enemies, and Cecil and Yang will immediately rsh to his aid! ------- ------- General Fighter ------- ------- H.P.: 320 H.P.: 65 Gold: 155 Gold: 100 Exp.: 608 Exp.: 410 Take the fighters out quickly with your attacks, and the General will quickly retreat, giving you the win! The other option is to kill the General first, and then the Fighters, but this will take longer, and more of your Hit Points, which are only refillable during battle in this melee. Your team will then complete their retreat to the Crystal ROom, and just as they turn to defend against the next monster team, Kain will wander in to the room! You will then go into battle with Kain, who will taunt you as he rips Cecil down to near death, and the fight will end there. Kain threatens to put Cecil down for good, when Rosa runs in to stop Kain. Kain feels absolutely terrible when Rosa realizes Kain has betrayed his best friend. Following this, a mysterious voice will boom out... "Why so upset, Kain?" This is when the evil organ music will hit, and Golbez will saunter in wearing his dark clothing. Edward and Yang will block Golbez from reaching the Crystal, but he easily blasts them to the side with an energy blast! Golbez will command Kain to take the Crystal of Air, which Kain will do eagerly for his Master. Rosa begs Kain not to, and when Cecil tries to warn Rosa to not get involved, Golbez will take her into his custody as a token of a promise to Cecil that they will meet again! Kain will warn Cecil he will not be so lucky next time, and leaves with the Crystal. Rydia will cast Cure to get the party back onto it's feet. The group will despair at the loss of the Crystal and Rosa. They will not give up, and they decide that they should rest and figure a plan out for rescuing Rosa from Golbez! ************************************ The Ordeal ************************************ Head out of the Crytsal Room, go examine the pot on the left for a Cure1, and then talk to the man in front of the throne to learn that the King was wounded, and he is resting in his bedrrom. Go right to the top right conrer of the room, step on the switch, and go into the secret passage that opened up. Go right till you stop, head down till you stop, and then head right to find a Cure1, a Black Shield (equip it on Cecil), and an Ether1. Now head back to the Throne Room, and exit. Go down through this room to the next floor, and go into the Inn to spend the night for free. Before you go to sleep however, the party decides that they need an Airship, but only Baron has them. Cecil reveals that Baron has a weak Navy, thus that would be an excellent way to sneak into Baron. Yang says that he can convince the King to give him a ship, and then Cecil explains who Kain is. The group will rest, and when they awaken, the King will have summoned them to his chamber. He will give the ship to the group, and he will offer Cecil the ultimate weapon of any Dark Knight (it was left by a Dark Knight who came to Fabul many years ago). The ship is waiting for your team out in the harbour to the east of town whenever they wosh it, and then the King leaves them with the charge of keeping all four Crystals from Golbez, or he will attain power enough to plunge the entire world into an incredible crisis! Grab the Tent from the Treasure Chest in the King's Chamber before you exit, and then in the next room, examine the lowest pot for 500 Gold Pieces. Go down to the next room, and then out the door. Go down and right to the door below you, and enter. Walk around the walls to take the stairs down to the next floor, and then walk staright down to go outside. Once outside, go down to exit the castle completely. Head east to stop just short of the harbour where the ship awaits, SAVE your game, and take all the equipment from Yang and Edward. Step into the harbour to have Yang's Wife send the troops off in style. you will sail out into the open sea, and the team will discuss what they should do at Baron when they arrive. Cecil says they should seek out Cid, and the trip continues. Suddenly, the sea will become extremely rough! Leviathan has created a whirlpool, and your ship is being dragged into it! The Sailors panic, and they can do nothing to stop the happenings. Rydia will be hurled overboard on the first jolt from Leviathan, and Yang will immediately dive in to save the poor girl. The attacks will continue from Leviathan, and the ship will be dragged in. The scene blacks out, and then returns to reveal Cecil all lone on the beach. Once again Cecil has been left with no one to help him. Head into the nearby town to get some idea of where you washed up. you will enter the town to discover that you have washed uo near Mysidia! This is the town where the Red Wings, under the command of Cecil, pillaged Mysidia of their Crystal of Water while wiping out some White Wizards and Black Wizards. Many of the townfolk hold a rather large grudge, and some will even change you into a Toad, Pig, or Tiny Person depending on what spell they use. For now, you should just straight up through the middle of town to arrive in a building with the Elder you threatened on your last visit here! The Elder will be extremely suspicious of your motives, but Cecil will explain that he no longer is associated with the Kingdom of Baron. The Elder hears the story of how Cecil has lost his friends, and realizes that this makes it his trial, but he will never succeed while depending upon such a Dark Sword. He will charge Cecil with going to Mt. Ordeals in the east, where Cecil will be able to renounce his dark ways and embrace the light. If he manages to do this, he will become a Paladin, which is a knight of the light. He decides that Cecil would be in too much danger to go by himself, so he summons two Wizards to assist him. Parom will appear, but her twin Palom will goof off and not appear directly. Cecil can not believe that the Elder would assign him these children, but the Elder assures them that they are powerful, and they will join your team. With their joining, Cecil is now free to start his trip to Mt. Ordeals to wash himself of his darkness. Go into the town, and cut left to go to the Armor Shop. Buy 2 Gaea Helmets, 2 Gaea Shirts, and 2 Silver Rings, which you should equip on Palom and Parom. With any left over cash you may have, buy some Paladin armors, even though no one can equip these pieces at the present moment (the Black Mage to the left of the counter will tell you that these Paladin pieces wil be usable if you return successfully, but he doubts you wil make it back!). Go outside town, SAVE your game, and then head out into the wilderness of the east. Once you can go no further east, go south until the water to your right stops, and go right before heading north up the narrow land to end up in the forest. Once the water on your right stops, walk to the east until a mountain in the south-west appears with a path winding into it. Walk down to the base of the mountain, use a Tent to regain your Hit Points and Magic Points, SAVE your game, and then enter Mount Ordeals. Go left to discover a wall of Fire, which will prompt Parom to remind her brother it is his turn (what dies that mean exactly?), and Palom will cast Ice1 to knock the wall of flame down. Palom will celebrate his skills, but Parom will use a tap to his head to remind him they must be humble. Meahwhile... Golbez, Kain, and the captive Rosa will be scene in a very odd looking setting. Golbez will summon Milon of Earth, who is a master of the undead as well. Although Cecil can not damage the Undead well due to his Dark Sword, Golbez fears Cecil becoming a Paladin, so Milon has been commanded to stop him. Kain thinks that Cecil is formidable, and Golbez agrees. However, he sent Milon, and that should be enough because Milon is one of the Four Elements. Kain wants to go and finish Cecil off, but Golbez decides Kain is too imcompentent to do it, so he will remain to watch over Rosa. Back to Mount Ordeals, where Cecil should head right past the stairs to get a Cure1 from a Treasure Chest. Go up the stairs to your left, go right to get another Cure1 from a Treasure Chest, and then head left to climb the stairs so you can reach the door above to reach the next section of the Mount Ordeals. You will arrive at the 3rd Station of the mountain, so go left to climb the stairs. Go right to see a path up to the next ledge where Tellah will suddenly wander out od the door above you! Cecil and Tellah will greet one another, and Tellah reveals he hunts for the legendary spell Meteo! The twins realize they are in the presence of a legend among magic users, and they greet him. DUring their conversation, Palom says their Elder sent them to spy on... which prompts Parom to hit Palom (spy on what?). They are Cecil's guide to Mount Ordeals, and Tellah realizes their power. He then asks about Rydia and Edward, and Cecil tells of losing them at sea, as well as Golbez taking Rosa. Tellah reveals he will use Meteo at the cost of his own life if necessary to defeat Golbez to avenge his daughter. Cecil reveals his quest to be a Paladin, so Tellah agrees to come along as he senses great power in this mountain. Head through the door above you to move into the next area. You will appear at the 7th Station of the mountain, so go left past the narrow path gping up tot he next ledge so you can climb the stairs to get an Ether1 from the Treasure Chest. Go back to the narrow path on the right, climb to the next ledge, and then head right to climb up the two sets of stairs. Walk left across a bridge to go down a narrow path to get an Ether1 from the Treasure Chest, and then go thorugh the door that is up and to the right (it willget you to the next area). You have arrived at the Summit, so step down from the door to hear hissing, and Palom gets the blames despite his claims of innocence. Go up to the right of the door to see a small bridge on your right, which you will cross to use a Tent in the SAVE CIRCLE, SAVE your game, and then head left across the birdge once more. More hissing will get more Palom claims of innocnece, and then you should climb the stairs to head left across the bridge. The hissing will happen once again, but this time Tellah senses the evil responsible for it. Milon wil then appear to start his attacks! ----- ----- Milon Ghast ----- ----- H.P.: 3100 H.P.: 170 Gold: 3300 Gold: 0 Exp.: 3800 Exp.: 0 Milon will appear with 4 Ghasts ready to back him up. Since Cecil's sword is utterly useless on Undead enemies, get him to focus his attacks on the Fiend of Earth. Palom and Parom should use their Twin attacks (Flare and Comet), and Tellah should use Fire1 and Cure2 when necessary. Make sure to keep the Twin's Hit Points up to end this battle quickly! Once the battle ends, head back down the stairs, right across the bridge to the SAVE CIRCLE, where you should do the Tent and SAVE scenario. Now go right across the bridge once more, climb the stairs, and then stop when you reach the bridge. Go into the menu, toggle Change so your three magic users will be in the front row, with Cecil in the back row. Continue across the bridge, and just as you get across, Milon will attack from beyond the grave, as it is where his greatest power lies! ------- Milon Z ------- H.P.: 3000 Gold: 3000 Exp.: 4000 He will attack from behind, so it is good that you have already switched your party's positions around to compensate. This time he has no helpers, so just have Cecil attack Milon, have Palom and Parom use Twin attacks, and then have Tellah act as your Cure man as well as Heal the poison that Milon Z will inflict upon your team. You can also use Cure spells to harm Milon Z because he is Undead. Not a difficult battle, but his frequent poisoning of your team can be irratating. Milon will be astonished you kicked him around twice, and suddenly the ground will shake, causing Milon to fall off the bridge into the deep chasm below! Heal any posion cases that you still have, and then unequip all of Cecil's armor and his weapon. Now walk to the monolith on your left, and suddenly a voice will decree... "My son..." Cecil: Son!? Who are you? With that, a bright light will take Cecil and the party inside the powerful structure. "I've been waiting. Sorow fills me. I shall entrust you with my power. And grieve that no other way remains. A sword will come down to Cecil, who grabs it, and he is transformed into a Paladin! "Part from your past! Conquer the Darkness within! If you can't overcome your past self, the sacred power of Light will not accept you!" All of a sudden, Cecil's reflection comes from the Mirror, but is his him as a Dark Knight! The party wants to help, but Cecil insists that he fight this battle on his own to amend for his transgressions in the past on the side of darkness. --------- D. Knight --------- H.P.: 1000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 You have two options for fighting this inner evil of Cecil. you can do the preferred method of parrying and using your recently aquirred Cure magic until the Dark Knight quits his attacks (this is the easiest method), or you can attack and use Cure2 itmes to beat the 1000 Hit Points out of the Dark Kinght (exceptionally difficult to do). If you shoose the beat him up method, and you bought the Paladin Shield before coming to Mount Ordeals, go into Item on your first turn, press up to see Cecil's hands, select the empty spot, and then go down the list to put the Paladin Shield on him to increase his defense. Either method works, but choose one that you feel the most comfortable doing. The presence will leave, and Cecil will wonder who that presence was as it seemed so familiar. Tellah will then remember his forgotten spells (he forgot a lot fo them!), and then he will suddenly learn the spell of Meteo as well. The Light has not only helped Cecil overcome his Darkness, but it also bestowed upon Tellah the ultimate Black Magic as well! Palom and Parom will want to tell Cecil something, but Tellah will want to leave. Cecil will wonder who addressed him as "My Son", and the team will leave the monolith to head back to Mysidia. ************************************ The Price of an Airship ************************************ Go into the Menu, toggle Chnage to switch the party to proper alignment, Equip any other armor you have for Cecil, and then go right across the bridge to take the stairs before you cut right across the small bridge to SAVE your game. Now head down to go through the door below to start your descent to the bottom of the mountain. Head right across the bridge, down the two flights of stairs, and then left to take the narrow path down. Go right to go through the door to go to the next area of the mountain. Go down the narrow path, walk left, and then go down the stairs to head right to go through the door. Now you just need to go down the stairs on your left, followed by using the the stairs to your right. Next you need to walk left, down, and then right to reach the exit from Mount Ordeals. Once outside, you are faced with two choices of how to get back to Mysidia. You can use the conventional way of walking back (not a bad idea for raising Cecil some levels), or you can go to the Chocobo Village that is nearby (free ride back to town). To get to the Chocobo Village, walk straight down from Mount Ordeals, and just to the west, yuo will see a circular forest, which is where you need to walk into the middle of the circle. Walk west to leave the forest behind, and once you enter the next forest, start walking south. When the land bridge turns west, you have to do the same, followed by a turn north, Now you have reached a part where the land branches left, so follow suit by heading west until you see Mysidia to the north of your location. Go into Mysidia to immediatly go to the Armor Shop to get Cecil the rest of the Paladin armor pieces he needs to complete his set. Now remember that you excess Dark Knight equipment you no longer need, so sell it for cash, as well as some of your lesser equipment left over from previous party members. You should also think about getting Tellah a Gaea Hat and a Silver Ring. you should now head for the Inn if you are weakened, and following that, head to the Elder's house in the centre of town. The Elder will be happy to see you have changed your ways, but he also feels guilt about sending Parom and Palom along to spy on your progress (that is what Palom kept slipping up on)! Palom and Parom will apoligize, but Cecil does not mind. The Elder then notices the Sword in the hands of Cecil, and exclaims that it is inscribed with the Mysidian Legend! One to be born from a dragon hoisting the light and the dark arise high up in the sky to the still land. Veiling the Moon with the light of eternity, it brings another promise to mother earth with a bounty and mercy. Mysidians have wished for their legend for generations, and in the one who has the Sacred Light. Cecil appears to be the one with the Sacred Light! Tellah is still bent on destroying Golbez, and the Elder recognizes Tellah immediately, but warns Tellah againstusing Meteo at his advanced age and condition. The next step however, is to get to Baron to locate an Airship so the Red Wings will be neutralized in their power. The Elder responds by opening the Serphent Road for Tellah and Cecil to use to get to Baron. Palom and Parom have decided to go along, and the Elder decides that it is their destiny to go along. The group is told to go to the east side of town to find the Serphant Road, and with that the Elder heads into the Crystal Room to start praying for the legend to come true. Head out into the two common area, go right to enter the building above the well, and then step foot onto the white circle to be transported to Baron! When you appear, walk at the door tyo pen it, and head outside the building. A quick little walk and talk with the townspeople will let you know that Baron has become a very bad place to live, and that your good friend Cid has been imprisoned! Head to outside of twon, SAVE your game, and then head for the Inn. Walk past the counters on your left as you enter, press the A Button while facing the crossed over swords on the wall to open the door to your right, and grab the Tent, Heal, and Cure1 from the Treasure Chests. If you have been looking elsewhere in the room while doing this, you will have noticed Yang is sitting at the table to your left with some soldiers! Go over and try to talk to him, he will suddenly send the Soldiers into battle with you! ----- Guard ----- H.P: 200 Gold: 500 Exp.: 720 Attack with Cecil, use Twin with Palom and Porom, and cast Size on anyone who the guards shrink in size with Tellah. Not a tough battle, but you will likely have at least one midget on your team after the battle. Yang does recognize Cecil, but he still attacks regardless of that fact. ------------- Yang (Karate) ------------- H.P.: 4000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 Have Cecil attack, Palom and Parom should use Twin repeatedly, and Tellah should keep your health high while attacking with hard hitting spells like Virus, and level 3 elemental spells (Ice, Fire, Lit). It is also a good idea for Tellah to cast Size on anyone who is still small fromt he Guard battle. Yang will use regular attacks, as well as his Kick (this does considerable damage to each party member). Just make sure to keep the Twin attacks coming, and you will romp to vicotry. Yang will reveal he remembers nothing after diving into the water, but he now can. Cecil inquires about Rydia and Edward, to which Yang says Rydia was swallowed by Rydia (poor girl) and Edward he knows nothing of. Cecil suggests they relocate their conversation, and Yang joins the party! They go to the Inn keeper, who allows them to stay for free because the awful guards are gone. They realize getting tot he castle to free Cid is going to be a tough chore, but Yang find the Key of Baron on his person, which allows the party to open the doors in the City of Baron that were locked previously! Take a look at the equipment of Yang before going anywhere in the morning, and equip him with the best possible stuff. If you need Claws, go to the weapon shop to get him some. Now you should get a Headband and a Karate Gi for Yang from the Armor counter, and then go outside of town to SAVE the game. Now you need to go into the secret waterway that is behind the other locked door in town. This building is located in the south-west corner of town, and when you enter town, just head left till you can go no further, followed by cutting up the wall to see a door by the long grass. At this point, you will see a small door beside you, and this is where you need to go. Use the Baron Key to enter, and prepare to battle your way inside the Castle walls! When you first enter theroom, it appears to be a simple room, but where the room juts to the right, walk through the wall and the secret passage to find a Treasure Chest with 1000 Gold Pieces inside of it! Head back to the main room, and go down the stairs to the next floor. Head down across the bridge, continuing down into the narrow passage below where you should take the first right. Grab the three Treasure Chests for the following items (left to right on screen as listed): Cure2, Ether1, and Life Potion, which is followed by you continuing along the detour path to rejoin the main path. Head up across the waterway via the three bridges to continue through the path to the next bridge set. Go across it to arrive at the entrance to the next floor. Walk into the water via the ladder, go through the secret passage below you, and grab the 500 Gold Pieces from the Treasure Chest. Head through the secret passage at the bottom of that small room, grab the Life Potion in the Treasure Chest, and then take the secret passage to your right. In this room you have the one option of going to the next secret passage, but go straight up when the path branches so you cone out in the water near a small ladder, which you should climb so you can claim a Life Potion. Head back into the secret passage you just exited, take the branch you ignored (it goes to the right), and then head up the narrow water passage to climb a ladder to the stairs to the next floor. When you arrive at this floor, go straight up and right as you walk until you climb a ladder. Before you take the stairs to B1 however, go left through the secret passage to get an Ether1. When you arive here, go left from the stairs to find a door, which you should enter immediately. Go past the SAVE CIRCLE to the secret passage in the right wall to find an Ancient Sword. Now your party should go to the SAVE CIRCLE, use a Tent, SAVE, and then exit the room. From here on when you enter Random Battles, you should run to minimize Hit Point loss and to conserve Magic Points for the battles ahead. Head right to find a ladder that takes you to the stairs that will get you out of the cave! You will appear to be in Baron's moat, so you should get out of it as fast as you can. Head left till the moat starts to flow down, which you will follow. When you reach teh south-west corner of the castle, an entrance into the castle will be visible in the wall, so go through it. If you have been hurt on your way here, go to Cecil's tower (head straght up till a door at a base of a tower is there), and use his bed to recover your Hit Points and Magic Points. Now head for the Throne Room through the door linked to the centre structure of the castle (it is to the right of the jail). Go straight up in this room to exit to the top of a wall, where you head right to go down some stairs back into the castle. Head down and to the right, when a voice will yell out to your party! It is Baigan! He will join your party as he says he has not been corrupted! However, Palom and Parom smell something... something like a MONSTER! Baigan plays innocent, but the twins are not fooled. this will send Baigan into a rage and he attacks! -------- ------ --------- Left Arm Baigan Right Arm -------- ------ --------- H.P.: 350 H.P.: 3500 H.P.: 350 Gold: 0 Gold: 3000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 Exp.: 4830 Exp.: 0 Baigan has three parts to him, his Left Arm, his Right Arm, and Baigan himself. You will need to kill the Baigan pat before you can kill the Arms off (Baigan wil continually revive them). Use the Twin attack for Palom and Parom, attack with Cecil and Yang, and Tellah will be a healer and Ether distributor for the Twins. Baigan has an extra trick he can use, but only if he is prodded to do so. Any magic attack against him, with the exception of the Twin attacks, will cause him to cast Wall on the Baigan part of the Boss. After he does this, no magic will be able to penentrate his wall (including Twin attacks). Be sure to not use any magic directly on Baigan, because this will greatly complicate the battle. Otherwsie, Baigan will use physical attacks only, along with the occasional Recover to cause his Arms to reappear. his Arms can use Vampire (a drain spell) and Entangle (a Hold spell). After the battle, you should head for Cecil's tower to sleep a night to get your Magic Points and Hit Points refilled. Now you should manuveur back into the room you fought Baigan in, and then you should head up to the door above. Continue up through the next two rooms to arrive in the Throne Room, who you should immediately talk to. The King does not like your change in occupation, and he then he remembers the old King, who he disposed of when he refused to surrender! He then says he is nothing like Milon, and he reveals himself as Kainazzo, the Fiend of Water! -------- Kainazzo -------- H.P.: 4000 Gold: 4000 Exp.: 5500 Kainazzo has two different attacks poses. I will give strategies to fight both forms. REGULAR Attack Kainazzo with Cecil and Yang, Twin attack with Palom and Parom, and use Tellah as part healer, part Ice3 caster. Kainazzo is weaker against Ice when he is in this form. WATER GATHERING When he has built a wall of water around him, the attacks stay the same for every one but Tellah. Get him to use Lit-3 on Kainazzo. Kainazzo is weaker against lightning when water is gathering, and it will also disperse the water, sending Kainazzo back to regular form. Kainazzo is rather easy to defeat, but be sure to watch out for his Wave attack, which will remove over 100 Hit Points from each of your party members. You should be able to wipe this guy out quickly, and with minimal fuss. Immediately after finishing kainazzo off, a voice will boom from behind you as the doors to the Throne Room crash open to revel a rather mad Cid. After realizing that he was avenged by Cecil, he will lead the troup towards his hidden Airship! However, Kainazzo will have one final ace in his sleeve as he attacks from beyond the grave! The walls are closing in, and both doors are locked! Palom and Porom will look at one another, and they will position themselves one to each side of the group. After saying how much they enjoyed helping out, they will turn themselves to stone just as the walls start to really draw near. They become Stone Statues, and the group will grieve as they admire the courage of such young people (even Tellah can not remove the spell). Cid will continue the group to the Enterprise, which is his most recent Airship! Before that happens however... Meahwhile... Golbez and Kain plot on how to get the final Crystal. They decide to make Cecil fetch it as it is in a hard to get to area. Cid takes the remaining party members to the hidden location of the Enterprise. Cid will then take her into the air... ************************************ The Crystal of Earth ************************************ The newly christened Airship will go into the air above Baron, and the enemy will approach quickly in their own Airship. They are flying a white flag however, and Kain will pilot up beside the Enterprise. Kain says to Cecil he must get the Crystal of Earth from Toroia to exchange for Rosa. The party can not believe the depths to Golbez's evil, and how far Kain has sunk into darkness. The party is left with no choice but to go to Toroia to get the Crystal of Earth. Before you head there however, you may want to explore the world a bit. this will give you an idea of some locales you will visit later, and it might also yield some Weapons and Armors that will be of use to you. First, head north to look at what is available in Mist. When you first go into town, head towards the area that you found Rydia and her mother, and look around in the grass for a hidden Treasure Chest to get 100 Gold Pieces. Go left and into the building in the north-west section of town, and walk through the burned out fireplace to find three treasure Chests containing a Tiara, Cloth, and a RubyRing. Next you should head right to pass through the wall and into a hidden path that leads to a Treasure Chest holding the CHange Rod. Head down to the bottom of town to find the Wepaon and Armor building, find the well, and then walk right into the trees. Manuveur your way to the grass section in the trees, and find the two hidden Treasure Chests to get a Cure1 and a Heal. Now that you are done here, our next stop should be Silvera. First you need to fly down to the lake in the mountains below Mist (this is the part higher than the waterfall), and then fly west to arrive at Silvera. This is a town of small people, toads, and pigs (spells that change your shape in the game). Head up between the two buildings on the path, and then cut right to enter the grass where a Silver Staff awaits you in a hidden Treasure Chest. Now head left on the path, cut between the empty building and the Weapon and Armor Shop to go right to the small grass area to find a Silver Dagger in a hidden Treasure Chest. Walk left to the other patch of grass you can see to find 5000 Gold Pieces in a hidden Treasure Chest, and then you should enter the Weapon Shop. Sell the Silver Dagger and Silver Staff (Tellah never attacks, so sell his costly weapon), and then buy a Silver Hammer for Cid. Make your way to the Armor section of the building so you can buy Silver armor wares for Cid who has basically no equipment (he is wearing a Prisoner outfit!). If you have any money left over, buy Cecil some of the Silver armor wares to slightly improve his defenses. Now head out of town, and we can head for Toroia. Fly north from Silvera, and when you hit the mainland (no longer seeing a chain of islands), start going east to come across Toroia. Land beside the Castle on the ONLY spot near the living space. You should then enter the castle to present yourself before the leaders of Toroia so you can request the use of their Crystal of Earth. Head up the path past the four guards to find the Clerics who rule this nation (enter the door). Continue up the red carpet to take the stairs to the next floor to find the eight Clerics. You will learn that you are too late in acquiring the Crystal of Earth as the Dark Elf took it to his cave in the north-west! To make matters worse, the cave has a heavy magnetism pull on metals, making it near impossible to move when you enter. You have been given permission to use the Crystal of Earth for a purpose of good, but only if you collect it from the Dark Elf first. With this knowledge in hand, we should explore the castle to see if we can locate some Treasure to help you. Head out of the Cleric's room, go left to go outside via the door there, and then go down the path to the door below. You will enter a sick room, and you will see Edward lying in bed! Edward wants to join your team, however he much too weak to do so. Edward meets Cid and asks about things, which prompts Cecil to mention the Dark Elf. Edward recalls something, but only elaborates by saying this TwinHarp might help in the future... For now there is nothing that Edward can do for you or vice versa, so head back out the door, up to the other door, cut right across the room to the door on the far right, and then go down to the door below you. You will see three sets of stairs leading down a floor, but you only need to worry about going down the middle stairs to find an Ether1 in a pot, and then go down the right stairs. In this room, walk back and forth across the switch in plain sight to open all four doors so you can collect the following Treasure Chest goodies (from left to right): Tent, Tent, Cure2, Cure2, Ether1, Ether1, RubyRing, and RubyRing. Now you should leave the castle by going back to the main area, and heading down out the gates. Our next stop is to go into town to get some supplies. Head straight up to cross a bridge to find the Item Shop, which you should enter so you can buy some Cure1's and Tent's if you need any. Now you should roam town talking to the citizens to see if they have any useful information as you scavenge for items. Also be sure to seek out everyone, as an old friend lurks in this castle! Go right past the Inn to find a staircase going into a pond, which contains the two bathing ladies. Go past them to walk up the narrow stream past three bridges, and you should continue straight up (instead of the left branch) until you see another staircase for you to use to get out of the water. Head left and down through the trees to arrive in a long grass area that has 1000 Gold Pieces, Ether2, Ether1, and Cure2 in hidden Treasure Chests. Walk all the way back into the town area. Head outside of town to get ready to set off for the Dark Elf's cave! His island is in the north-west, and is easily found. However, you will notice a slight problem with the Airship being unable to land on forest or mountains! Remember what the people said about Black Chocobo's in town (you may have missed them, but no worries)? Well they can fly, and they land in forest! This means we have to locate the Chocobo Village rumored to exist north of Toroia, so fly your ship east. You will see a patch of forest that is separate from the large sprawling forest near Toroia, so you found the Chocobo Village. Again, you can only land near Toroia, so head back there to put Enterprise down on the ground. Head north along the mountain range to your west, and when you enter the Chocobo Village, go talk to a Black Chocobo to take to the air, and head south for a few spaces, followed by an east setting. Black Chocobo can not fly over mountains, so you need to fly through the opening in the mountain cover on the island to land your Chocobo right at the entrance to the Dark Elf's cave. Before you enter, you must remove all metal equipment from your party, so Cid and Cecil will have to drop off most of their equipment, Tellah must lose his Gaea armor and Silver Ring, and Yang must drop his Silver Ring to your Item inventory. Equip these fellows with any left over Leather armors you have, and then head into the cave. With Cid and Cecil (a large part of your offensive punch) out of commission with their usual power attacks, you will need to fight more cautiously. If you face a small amount of enemies, let Tellah and Yang deal with them, but you should just run from your battles for now. This walkthrough is going to leave any out of the way Treasure Chests for the trip out of the cave. Walk right from the start, go down the branching bridge, and then head right to take another bridge down. Head left across another bridge, go up the right side of the rock formation, go left past the stairs to get a Heal, and then take the stairs to the next floor. Head left from the stairs, head up ast the hole to find a bridge to cross, and then go right to enter a door. In this room, collect the 500 Gold Pieces and an Ether1 from the two Treasure Chests, and then exit the room to head left to find the stairs to the next floor. Head down to the door you see, and enter to to find a SAVE CIRCLE. Use a Tent if necessary, SAVE, and then head back out into the cave. Head across the bridge set in front of you, enter the door at the bottom of the rock formation, and get the Cure2, Cure3, and Life from the three Treasure Chests before you head back onto the main path. Head left across the bridge to see a path between two rock walls, which is where you till walk up to enter the door there. Walk straight up upon entering the room to get a Charm Claw (Equip on ang right away), and then go down and left to the stairs to go to the next floor. Head left across the bridge to connect to the bridge going up which is where you go right across a bridge set to enter a door. Here is a SAVE CIRCLE for you to use. Once you finish there, go left across the bridge set again, and go up to take you into the door directly above you. It is a Crystal Room, and you will find the Dark Elf contained within! Talk to him, and he declares you can not have his Crystal because you lack Metallic Weapons to truly hurt him! -------- Dark Elf -------- H.P.: 22000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 Although you can win this fight with some creative team work, it will gain you nothing. Instead, just attack him as he wipes your party out. Just as he is about to finish your party off, the scene cuts to Toroia where Edward sense the danger the party faces! He starts to leave his bed, but falls from being too weak after a couple steps, prompting the docter and nurse to try and stop him. Edward will insist he has to do it, throws the two off of him, and then limps to his harp to start playing... Back in the Crystal Room, the TwinHarp synchronizes the tune exactly, which causes the Dark Elf to lose his concentration. This means that he can no longer hold metallic weight down! Your team will stand again, be healed, and then step back so you can equip their best weapon and armors. Now you should step forward to round 2 with the Dark Elf! ----------- Dark Dragon ----------- H.P.: 3000 Gold: 5000 Exp.: 6000 He will start out in his Dark Elf form, but he will quickly transform into a more powerful form in the Dark Dragon. Have your three muscle heads (Cecil, Yang, and Cid) attack while Tellah casts Virus for attacking, and Cure spells for healing. This form has a better command of magic than the weakened Dark Elf did, so keep your Hit points high. He also has a brutal D. Breath attack that removes anywhere from 125 to 250 Hit points per person. If you want to win this battle REALLY EASILY, just wait for the transformation to occur so he is the Dark Dragon, and have Tellah cast Weak. It should hit the Dark Dragon, causing it's Hit Points to drop below 10 total, making your next attack deadly to it! The Dark Elf will fade away, and you can claim the Crystal of Earth. Now head out of the Crystal Room to start the journey out. Head right and up around the rock formation to get the Treasure Chest on the left, which is an Ether2. Now walk back around the rock formation, walk down till you see a bridge going down, which you should take. Cut right when the bridge turns, and go up the stairs. Go right to take the door out of this room, and head straight down till you see a torch, which is where you cut right across a bridge. Go up around the rock to go up across a bridge set, and then you can go through the door to SAVE if you wish before you go right to get off this floor. Go right, cut down on your first opportunity, and then go left to get an Ether1 from a Treasure Chest. Now head right once more, go down on the first chance you have, and then right again to find the stairs to go up a floor. Go down to the bridge, go right till a bridge appears above you, which is when you should go up across it. Head left till a bridge is visible, go up it, and go left to exit the cave. Get on your Black Chocobo, it will fly back to it's village (they always do that), and then get another Black Chocobo to fly south to Toroia. Enter the Castle, and go straight up till you enter the Eight Cleric's Chamber. They will surround you in congratulations and celebrations, but suddenly... "Looks like you've got the Crystal, Cecil... Cid: ...Kain!? Kain: Go outside and get on your Airship. I'll take you to where Rosa is. ************************************ Rescuing Rosa! ************************************ The Eight Cleric's will be in complete disarray about what just happened, but they will give Cecil the Crystal of Earth to use as well as permission to go after that Treasure in the basement that we ignore earlier. Head down through the door, go right, and then head down to the door below you. Go down the left staircase, go down, right and then up to talk to the guard. She will open the secret passage to the Treasures, which are the following: Cure2, Cure2, Heal, Heal, Ether1, Ether1, Ether2, Ether2, Elixer, Elixer, 1000 Gold Pieces, 1000 Gold Pieces, GreatBow, 20 Fire Arrows, 20 Ice Arrows, and 10 Lit Arrows. Once you have finished here, go back into the main hall to cut to the left door, and go visit Edward. Edward plays down his role in your great victory, but the whole party lets him know that he was the deciding factor in the battle. Tellah forgives Edward for running off with his daughter as he thinks Edward is a brave man. Tellah then swears he will avenge Anna for Edward's sake as well, but that is when poor Edward passes out. Leave the castle, go into town, use the Inn if you need to, and then go outside and SAVE. Keep in mind that until you rescue Rosa, your Airship will not be available to flying around the worls to any other locations, so to travel to these places, you have to use Black Chocobo. This means some areas are inacessible because of the terrain limits on a Black Chocobo, but you can go to some locales. Once you lift into the air, Kain will appear to tell you to follow him, and he takes you high into the air to come aboard a strcuture in the sky. When the party steps foot on the structure however, Kain says that Golbez wants to meet them, followed by Golbez saying they better hustle to to the top of the tower to assure Rosa's life! Keep in mind you can leave, but you will just land at Toroia again. Go up and to the left through the narrow passage, and then take the wider corridor up. When you reach the top wall, go left to get Fire Armor (Equip it on Cecil), and then go right to find the door to the floor 2F. Go down, turn left at first fork, down at second fork, and then go down to the wall below you. Walk left till the first path goes up, which you will take to get a Treasure Chest full of MONSTERS! After you take the Flame Dog down with Ice attacks from Tellah and regular attacks from your party, you will win a Fire Sword for Cecil to equip. now head back down the hallway, turn left, and then go up through the door to go to floor 3F. Head down till you have to choose between up or right paths, and you should take the right path. Continue right till you are forced to go up, and then when you can go up no longer, head left. Continue on this path to reach the door to floor 4F. Head down the path until it cuts right, and you will follow suit. Continue right till the fork going up, which you should take. Start by going to the right path to enter a door that take you to 6f and a Treasure Chest that contains a Wizard Robe (Equip Tellah with it). Go back to 5F, take the centre fork to go to 6F once more to get an Earth Hammer from a Treasure Chest for Cid (Equip it for him as that is the best weapon he can use). Return to 5F again, take the left fork to get to a door that takes you to 6F where a Posion Claw and a Fire Shield await pick up from Treasure Chests. Now you should head back to 5F, go back down to the bottom path, and then go right to find a path going up to another door to 6F. Go down and then to the left to enter a door where a SAVE CIRCLE awaits you. Use a Tent (you are pretty beat up after battling your way to this point), SAVE your game, and then head out the door to the left. Walk toward the door above you, when suddenly... *Girl One appears* "Welcome to the Tower of Zot!" *Girl Two appears* "Glad to see you" *Girl Three appears* "We are the minions of Valvalis of the Air" "I am Sandy!" "I'm Cindy!" "And Mindy!" "We're the Magus Sisters!! Sorry but your quest will be over here. Take our Delta Attack and farewell!!" ----- ----- ----- Sandy Cindy Mindy ----- ----- ----- H.P.: 2500 H.P.: 4300 H.P.: 2200 Gold: 4000 Gold: 4000 Gold: 4000 Exp.: 5000 Exp.: 5000 Exp.: 5000 These three are the infamous Magus Sisters, and they all are quite different from one another. Sandy is tall and skinny, Cindy is short and stalky, and Mindy is tiny. While all three remain in the battle, the Sisters will use their Delta Attack on your party. The following bit will look at what each Sister does with their attacks: Sandy: Casts Wall on Cindy. Cindy: Revives her fallen Sisters with Remedy. Mindy: attacks. The Sisters will do other actions, but these are the main ones for individual moves. After two sets of turns, the Sisters will use their Delta Attack on you to deal massive damage (be sure to cure any damage you recieve). To beat the Sisters easily, pound on Mindy with Cecil, Yang and Cid while Tellah casts Virus on her. When she falls, the Sisters are no longer able to do their Delta Attack, and it will leave Cindy completely undefended from head on physical attacks. Once Cindy revives the fallen Mindy, take Mindy out again quickly, and pound on Cindy once more. Keep this up till Cindy falls, and then you can finish off the remaining Sisters with relative ease (although Sandy does cast an irritating Charm Spell). Go back to the SAVE CIRCLE room, use a Tent to fill up, unequip Tellah of his possessions, SAVE, and then head back to the door that the Magus Sisters were guarding. You will enter a room where you are required to go up to find Golbez and Kain! Cecil will give the Crystal of Earth to Golbez, who will then claim to not know who she is. Tellah will choose this moment to rush forward, and engage Golbez in battle! Tellah will try Virus, Fire3, Lit3, and Ice3, but these will have little effect on Golbez. Tellah will then utters the word Meteo, which has the party objecting. Tellah then trades his life for the power to cast Meteo, and it does hurt Gilbez badly, but does not kill him. Tellah will fall down, Golbez will try to flee with Kain, but his hold on Kain was severed by Meteo. Cecil will try to stop Golbez from leaving, but he gets blasted as a result. Golbez has an odd feeling when he goes to kill Cecil, so he leaves Cecil be for now and takes his leave. Cecil will regain his feet because Golbez was weakened considerably by Meteo, and Tellah will get to pass his message of fighting with justice and not vengance to truly defeat evil. Tellah will die, and the group will then check on Kain. Kain will let Cecil know that he does remember his actions, but Cecil does not blame him. Suddenly, they both realize that Rosa is stillin danger, and they will rush into the next room! Cecil will pull Rosa off her chair just before the large iron ball above falls to splinter the chair! Rosa and Cecil will share a very friendly embrace while Kain looks away in dismay, and then admits that he wanted to be close to Rosa (part of the reason he was kept under the influence of Golbez). Cecil will convince Kain to join the group to fight against the evil that held him in slavery. Once the new party is formed, be sure to equip Rosa and Kain with any weaponry that might be better than what they have (be sure to give Rosa the Lit Arrows). Now walk down a suquare, and you will suddenly hear from the Fiend of Air! -------- Valvalis -------- H.P.: 6000 Gold: 5500 Exp.: 9500 Valvalis will have two forms for you to fight you in. When she is wrapped up in her hair and spinning like a whirlwind, you will need to have Kain try a Jump attack to make her stop. When she is in a whirlwind, it is extremely hard to hit her, and when you do, the damage will be less than usual. When she is in her normal position, she takes a lot more damage. She will use Weak periodically, so Cure whoever lost their Hit Points quickly so you will not lose them on the next attack. Have Cecil, Cid and Yang attack all the time (except when required to use a Cure2 on someone), have Kain jump the whole time, and have Rosa do healing duties while throwing the odd Aim in the mix. A battle that rewards patience as you must wear Valvalis down when she is not in her whirlwind. Immediately following the battle, Valvalis will get the last laugh in as her last act was to set the destruction of the Tower of Zot in motion! Rosa will then command everyone to grab a hold of her, and she casts Exit! They will land in Cecil's Room in Baron, and Kain will then drop a bomshell of information that changes the whole situation of their quest... ************************************ To The Underworld ************************************ Kain will reveal that there are not just the four Crystals, but four Dark Crystals as well! Kain says that Golbez knew this, and his next goal was to find these Dark Crystals, which are supposedly located underground. If Golbez collects all eight Crystals, the way to the Moon will open (what the heck does that mean?). Kain wil then give Cecil the "key" to the entrance to the Underworld, the Magma Key! The group does not know where to look, and they know it will take a while without the Enterprise to help, but Cid reveals he has a remote control on it which he used to save it from the falling Tower of Zot! The crew will then take a rest, and then head outside Baron to find the Enterprise, but SAVE your game first before heading off into the blue sky. Head directly south of Baron to happen upon a small island with a town located by a relatively small mountain range. Land your ship and head into town. You have arrived at Agart, so walk around and talk to the people to hear some interesting things. The people speak of relatives of theirs that lived without sun, the observatory is concerned about one of the two moons in orbit turning the colour of rubies, how the world has a reverse just like everything else, and the most interesting piece of info is how the ancestors of this town came from a northern crater in the mountains that is now blocked! It seems we found the area of the entrance to the UnderWorld, but how do we get there? There is a lady in the Inn who tells you to return the Magma Key to where it belongs, and the path to their homeland will open. When you came into town, you passed the enshrined old well, and it is claimed that it is bottomless. Make a trip to the old well, examine it, and then select the Magma Key from your inventory to throw it down the well. The ground will start to shake violently, and a huge earthquake will cause the crater of old to rip open for passage to the Underworld. Make a quick trip to the grass patch on the left of town for a Cure2 from a hidden Treasure Chest, and then exit town to get into your Airship. Fly your ship over the crater, and press the A Button to jounrey into the Underworld! ************************************ Lali-Ho! ************************************ You will appear on autopilot, and you will be carried to the south end of the Underworld, when Kain spots the Red Wings and some Tanks fighting a viscious battle! Unfortunately, they convene the battle with the Enterprise in the middle, and despite some expert flying by Cid, the Enterprise crashes. Cecil awakens to realize that he was knocked unconcious by the crash. You will appear to have landed beside a castle, so the wise idea is to SAVE. Before you do that however, take away all of Cid's equipment, and then SAVE. Now enter the castle to try and find out what the situation is down here. You will quickly learn from the guards that Golbez has been attacking them, and that King Giott of the Dwarves wants to mett them. Head straight up thorugh a couple doors to arive in the King's Room, and you should immediately go present yourself to King Giott. After brief introductions, King Giott will reveal that Golbez has already acquirred two of the four Dark Crystals! The Dark Crystal in this Palace remains safe because of the Dwarven Tanks, but he wishes to add your Airship to their defences. Cid reveals that the Airship is too badly damaged to help right now, and without a wrap of silver on the hull, the Airship will not hold up long over the heat of all the lava. Cid leaves, promising to return soon, and King Giott reveals that the Crystal is safely hidden away in the Crystal Room behind his Throne Room. Yang will then sense someone eavesdropping on the conversation, and someone hops to look over the wall before hopping left behind the wall! King Giott will immediately open the door to the Crystal Room, and your party will rush right in to look. The door will lock behind your party, meaning that the Dwarves can not follow to help, which is followed by some dolls on the floor starting dancing to an ominous sounding organ tune! They will position themselves between your party and the Dark Crystal, and then say: "We're the Calbrena! You fools! You've doomed yourselves! We're gonna getcha! We'll take this good news as presents to Master Golbez! Yip-ho-ho-ho!" --- ----- Cal Brena --- ----- H.P.: 1000 H.P.: 300 Gold: 500 Gold: 500 Exp.: 1250 Gold: 1250 You will be faced with 3 Cals and 3 Brenas, who will attack you physically the whole time. Start off by whacking 2 of the Brena (the ornage coloured dolls), and then start working on the three Cals in the back row. Attack with Cecil and Yang, Jump with Kain, and Rosa will do her usual part time Cure, part time attack methods. If you follow this method, you should not have to face the following enemy. Be advised that time is also a factor in this happening... -------- Calbrena -------- H.P.: 4600 Gold: 7000 Exp.: 19000 The Calbrena will not only attack you physically (with more power than it's smaller counterparts), but it will also use attacks like Glance (Charm Spell). Keep Cecil and Yang pounding away, have Kain jump like a maniac, and have Rosa keep the Hit Points high as she hits her Charmed team mates with an Arrow so they regain their senses. After the battle, the Calbrena will leave, but not before letting you know that Golbez knows the location of this Crystal, and he is on his way! Golbez will show up and taunt the group about how without Tellah, they have no chance of defeating him! He will also reveal that when he has acquirred all the Light Crystals and Dark Crystals together, the Tower of Bab-il will lead him to the moon! For finding the third Dark Crystal, Golbez will then enter battle with you to give you your final reward! ------ Golbez ------ H.P.: 22000 Gold: 11000 Exp.: 20000 A tall task to say the least. Start by getting Kain into the air as fast as you can, and have everyone else attack Golbez. Golbez will then start to laugh as he casts Hold Gas on your whole party, causing them to be paralized! He will then summon Shadow (a large dragon) who immediately starts using a "Demolish" attack, which he uses to wipe out Yang, Rosa, and Kain (only if he is on the ground at the time of the attacks). Golbez is all ready to Demolish Cecil, but suddenly a D. Mist will appear to wipe out Shadow and hurt Golbez for around 900 Hit Points! Golbez will be in shock at this turn of events, and a mysterious voice will say you can move now to Cecil as the paralisis is Healed. This is the point that Rydia will run in to join her team! Now that we have a new fight scenario, here is the battle plan! Have Cecil attack and have Rydia call Titan. If you have Kain still, get him to Jump. Cecil should also be ready to cast Cure2 if Rydia starts to get low on Hit Points. The fight will not require you to remove 22000 Hit Points from Golbez as he seems shaken over the D. Mist incident. After one Call Magic attack, Golbez will fall! The team will celebrate over the defeat of Golbez, and then they thank Rydia. Rydia reveals that Leviathan swallowed her and took her to the Land of the Summoned Monsters. Rydia will reveal that as she studied there, she lost the use of White Magic, but came much more deadly with Call and Black Magics. She is also a young woman instead of a small child, but that is due to a different time flow in the monster world. Rydia will then join the party officially! Golbez interupts to proclaim he is not dead, and he uses some magic to turn into a hand and takes the Crystal before jetting off to leave Cecil and company in despair. Giott will reveal in the Throne Room that the last Crystal is safely tucked away in the Sealed Cave, so Golbez can not get it. Yang suggests that this is an excellent time to try and regain some Crystals while Golbez is distracted with the Sealed Cave, and the King authorizes the use of his Tanks as a distraction so your team can sneak into the Tower of Bab-il! When you are ready, go through the secret passage in the basement of the Castle. WARNING! WARNING! SEVERE CHEAT WARNING! The following is not for those who want to play the game the way it was programmed. If you do not wish to know about how to lessen the time of your game, please do not read this! Thank you... Once the King has stopped speaking, cast Warp while still in the Throne Room. The screen will mostly be blcacked out, and your team will appear in a Crystal Room, with a Crystal sitting there. Grab the Crystal and leave the Crystal Room to end up in King Giott's Throne Room. However, their Crystal is gone due to Golbez stealing it mere minutes ago, so the only Crystal it could be is the one from the Sealed Cave! When you head for the Sealed Cave in the future, you will only have to set foot inside the cave for the happenings due to happen to occur! WARNING! WARNING! END SEVERE CHEAT WARNING! So now you have to explore the castle to find Treasure and to visit the Dwarf's shops. Give Rydia any improvements you can upon her Armor, head down out of the Throne Room, go left to find some stairs leading up one floor. Go to the Item Shop to purchase some Life and Cure2s, followed by selling all the excess Weapons and Armors you have. Now revive your teammates who are down, take the 1000 Gold Pieces in the pot to your left, and stay at the Inn to refill your Hit Points and Magic Points. Now head down the stairs to your right, walk right past everything on this floor to the stairs on the far side of the room. Go to the Wepaons counter to get Kain a Flame Spear and Rosa about 20 to 40 Dark Arrows to improve her offensive punch (just remember that in mid-battle Rosa can switch to whatever type of Arrow she wishes to use). Now you should buy two sets of Wizard Hats, Wizard Robes, and Rune Rings for Rosa and Rydia. Equip that stuff on those two, sell your excess Armors and Weapons, and then buy some Flame Armors for Kain and Cecil if you want to (there is another place to buy for them in th enot so distant future however). Once you have finished with your spending spree, head up the stairs to your right to enter the Right Tower, which has Treasures littered through out it. Get the Dwarf Axe on the third floor, and then head for the fifth floor. Go right to get the Ether2 from the Treasure Chest, then up to get a Strength Ring (Equip it on Yang), then left to get an Ether1, and finally down to get an Elixer. Now head back down to the third floor once more, walk straight down from the stairs, and go out the door. Head down, left, and then up to enter the Left Tower. Go up to the fourth floor, walk right intot he small cubby, walk down behind the wall, and then left to get 500 Gold Pieces from a pot. Now head up to the fifth floor, where you have to walk behind the walls on hidden paths. Start by walking left for a Cure2, walk two psots right, walk up, and then left. Walk up till you stop, walk right one square, walk up one square, right three squares, up one square, right four squares, down three squares, and then go one square left to get an Elixer. Go down one square, right four squares, down three squares, turn left, grab the Ether1, and then down one more square. Head left four squares, down three squares, followed by left one square to get a Black Belt Gi for Yang to Equip. Now you should wander back around the hidden paths on this floor, go down to the third floor, and then take the stairs located there to arrive back near the Item Shop and Inn area. Head down a floor by using the stairs to the right of the Inn desk, head right past the three Dwarves on this floor, look in all the pots you can to find three Carrots, and then go to the Dwarf guarding the secret passage to get him to open it. Head up and to the left behind the wall to enter, where you should head left until you see two guards to walk between going down. Turn right at the first opportunity to go get three Cabins from three Treasure Chests, and then head left and then down. Go left to take the stairs to arrive in the Dwarf Base, where you hear that Rubicant, the FIend of Fire remains in the Tower of bab-il while Golbez is away! Head left to find a door leading out, and before you leave, a Dwarf will allow you to take a drink of the pot of life, which restores both hit Points and Magic Points! Head out the stairs below to start your trek to the Tower of Bab-il. Head west from the cave mouth until the lava field forces you to go on a north-west route, followed by cutting straight west when presented with a choice of west and north. Go north when the lava fields cut you off once more, and take the left fork when the lava splits the land into two parts. Continue north until you have to go through a narrow place in the mountains, followed by going north once more to see the Dwarf Tanks. They will start to blast the Tower of Bab-il as you approach, so get yourself to the base of the Tower, SAVE your game, and then enter the famed Tower of Bab-il... ************************************ The Tower of Bab-il ************************************ Walk up the bridge and onto the floor tiles till you arrive at a crossroads where you should head left to find 10 Ice Arrows in a Treasure Chest. Go down to get another 10 Ice Arrows, followed by going up and turning right to cross the path you came up on. Go up past the wall to go down the windy path for an Ether1. Head back tot he main path, and go up to the door to head off to floor 2F. Head left to get a Bandana from a Treasure Chest (Equip on Yang for a strength increase), and then go down the narrow path to go in the first door you see. Open the Treasure Chest to find MONSTERS! ----- Alert ----- H.P.: 1425 Gold: 380 Exp.: 2100 The first time you hit an Alert, it will call up a monster to aid it. If you kill the called monster, and you hit the Alert again without killing it, another will show. Alerts also use Beam attacks, but they sometimes fail to hit any of your team members. Start by killing the Alert after it calls his friend, and then whack the remaining monster. Equip the Blizzard Spear on Kain, go out the door, go right to enter the door on the right, and open the Treasure Chest to find MONSTERS! ----- Alert ----- H.P.: 1425 Gold: 380 Exp.: 2100 The first time you hit an Alert, it will call up a monster to aid it. If you kill the called monster, and you hit the Alert again without killing it, another will show. Alerts also use Beam attacks, but they sometimes fail to hit any of your team members. Start by killing the Alert after it calls his friend, and then whack the remaining monster. Equip the Icebrand on Cecil, head out the door, and go left to go through the door to floor 3F. Go left and up to get a CatClaw for Yang (his most powerful weapon), and then go right past the door. Go down to the door below, enter 4F, get Archer Bow to the right of the door (this is for Rosa), and then head right to get a Life Potion. Head back to 3F via the door, go down to get the Life Potion from the Treasure Chest, and then go up till you can take a left, followed by a down movement to the Treasure Chest below to get a Cure2. Head back to the main pathway so you can go left, followed by going down and then right to the door to 4F. Go left to the door, which contains a SAVE CIRCLE, so use a Tent if you desire too, SAVE, and then head back out the door. Go up the narrow path, follow it to the right where the floor widens again, and go down into the first door you see. The Treasure Chest contained within has MONSTERS for you! ----- Alert ----- H.P.: 1425 Gold: 380 Exp.: 2100 The first time you hit an Alert, it will call up a monster to aid it. If you kill the called monster, and you hit the Alert again without killing it, another will show. Alerts also use Beam attacks, but they sometimes fail to hit any of your team members. Start by killing the Alert after it calls his friend, and then whack the remaining monster. Equip the Ice Shield you win from the Alert on either Kain or Cecil, and then head out the door. The door to the right leads to an empty room, so go left to get back to the main hallway of the floor, where you go right to enter the door there. The Treasure Chest inside contains MONSTERS! ----- Alert ----- H.P.: 1425 Gold: 380 Exp.: 2100 The first time you hit an Alert, it will call up a monster to aid it. If you kill the called monster, and you hit the Alert again without killing it, another will show. Alerts also use Beam attacks, but they sometimes fail to hit any of your team members. Start by killing the Alert after it calls his friend, and then whack the remaining monster. Go out the door, go left, go up onto the narrow path, and then head left along with the narrow path to get to 5F. Go down till the narrow bridge to your right appears, which you cross, and then head up the winding path above you to get to a Treasure Chest with 2000 Gold Pieces. Head down the path, go right past the opening above you (can not do anything there right now), and then head up the right path. Take the right to go down the path to a Treasure Chest with a Cure2. Go up again, get back onto the main path, and then go up to make it to 6F. Head left to go through a door to 7F. Go right from the door, go down and left to enter a door, where a SAVE CIRCLE awaits you. After you do the usual, head back out to the main area, go left, and then head down across a birdge. Go left to get an Ether2 from a Treasure Chest, and walk right and up to go through the door to 8F. Go down and leftto find a bridge, which you should cross, and then continue straight up to see Dr. Lugae and Rubicant talking. Rubicant is off somewhere after he destroyed Eblan, and he is leaving Dr. Lugae in charge of the Tower of Bab-il. Lugae will becom flustered at the sight of your party, and he and his "child" Balnab will enter battle against you! --------- ------ Dr. Lugae Balnab --------- ------ H.P.: 4416 H.P.: 3927 Gold: 0 Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 Exp.: 0 After some initial problems with Balnab being unable to move and attacking his creator, Balnab will turn to attacking your party with some ferocity. Dr. Lugae will not do a whole lot in this battle. Attack Balnab with Cecil and Yang, Jump with Kain against Dr. Lugae, Rydia should cast a second level elemental spell against the good docter (Ice2, Lit2, Fire2), and Rosa should Aim at Lugae when no Curing is required. If you defeat Balnab first, you will have to fight... -------- Balnab-Z -------- H.P: 4000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 Balnab-Z is a slgihtly stronger version of Balnab (which is being operated by Dr. Lugae). Cecil and Yang should attack, Kain should Jump, Rydia should use second level elemental spells (Ice2, Lit2, Fire2), and Rosa should Cure her teammates the whole time. After the battle ends, Dr. Lugae says he will break out his true strength, which starts the real Boss Fight! --------- Dr. Lugae --------- H.P.: 6600 Gold: 4000 Exp.: 15000 Dr. Lugae will quickly transform into a horrific metallic skeletal monster right before your very eyes! He will use a Poison Spell to cause minimal damage to your team, but it will also cause your whole team to be poisoned (they will drop Hit Points every so often). He will also attempt to use Gas, which is a Sleep spell (it rarely works however). One of his offensive attack is Laser (as well as the less powerful Beam), which is a deadly attack for lower Hit Point members of your team like Rydia and Rosa (it does somewhere in the neighborhood of 700 to 800 damage). Dr Lugae also uses Emission, a low power fire attack, which he usually follows up with Heal on all your teammates (curing all the status effects he inflicts upon you). Cecil and Yang should attack, Kain should Jump, Rydia should use second level elemental spells (Ice2, Lit2, Fire2), and Rosa should Cure her teammates the whole time. If someone falls down, let Rosa bring them back with Life1, and have the next person in line use a Cure2 on her (Yang, Kain, Rydia) or cast Cure2 (Cecil). You will win the Tower Key from Dr. Lugae, but he will reveal that Rubicant moved the Crystals to the Upper World portion of the Tower of Bab-il! Dr. Lugae will also reveal that his Super Cannon is about ready to annihalate the Dwarves! Remember that locked door we passed earlier in the Tower? Behind it is the control room for the Super Cannon. Head down across the bridge, head up and right to get to the door to 7F, and then head down. Go left to cross the bridge, go up and left to the door on 6F, and then head right to the door to 5F. Go down, followed by going left, and then go up across the long bridge to come to the locked door, where you will use the Tower Key to gain entry. Before you go in, take all of Yang's equipment off. The operators are taking great glee in preparing to blow the Dwarves away, but you and your teammates will speak about their objections. A fight will ensue -------- Dark Imp -------- H.P: 199 Gold: 45 Exp.: 1940 Attack these guys to finish them off quickly, and they should not even get an attack in on your team (they use physical attacks only). The enemies will respond by locking the controls through destroying the control panel as they die, which makes your party fret about what to do. Yang will step forward, and when Cecil and company try to stop him, he knocks them out the door as he locks it behind them. Yang will tell Cecil to tell his wife that he loves her, and then while the gang pleads to get inside the Cannon self destructs. You are left with no choice except to go back to the entrance, so head down the bridge, go left to the left wall, and then head up to the door to go to 4F. Go right across the narrow path, go down to the next narrow path where you go left across it, and then go down to take the door on the right to 3F. Go left and up along the path, followed by right and down to come down beside a door, which you will take to 2F. Go down past the door on the right, go left past the door, and then go up to find the door to 1F. Walk straight down to start across the bridge, when suddenly Golbez will show up and say he has had enough of folling around with Cecil and everyone, so he starts to disenegrate the bridge from behind you, causing you to fall fast towards the ground... ************************************ Going out and Back In ************************************ As you are falling to certain death, Cid and the Enterprise make the save! Cid will learn of Yang's unfortunate loss, and he will meet Rydia. All of a sudden, he will see the Red Wings come out to get him. Cid is unable to shake them as the enemy appears to have modified the Red Wings to a level that not even Cid has out designed yet! After being chased around the underground, Cid will realize the engines are not going to hold, and gets Cecil to take the controls. Cid decides he is going to plug the hole between the over world and the underworld with a bomb, and he hopes that Cecil and Rosa have a wonderful life. He then tells Cecil to go visit his workers at Baron, and then as the Enterprise flies out of the hole, Cid makes an eloquent speech as he blows the bomb: "Golbez! I'll show you the great fire works of Cid, the Master Engineer!" With that, the Enterprise will fly out of the hole, and the hole closes up behind them! After a brief time of thought on Cid, Cecil decides they must head toward Baron. Go north to arrive at Baron. Head into the castle when you arrive, going up through the first two sets of doors to get inside the inner walls. Go right to the stairs, go across the abttlements to the next stairs, and then go down to open the the door via the secret switch. Go through the secret passage to get two of each of the following: Cure2, Ether1, and Life. Go back to the mian hall, go down out the door, and speak to the blue wearing fellows, as they are Cid's workers. The two workers will then get to work on attaching a hook to the Enterprise, which has one worker being rather imcompentent. Once they finish their job, you will learn that this hook will allow your team to use the Enterprise to air lift the Hovercraft to anywhere they wish to drop (including near Eblan so you casn go through the cave there to the Tower of Bab-il! Head north to find Damycan, and then head east towards Mount Hobs, where you can find the Hovercraft just where you left it. You might also consider going to Fabul to tell Yang's Wife about the occurences in the Tower of Bab-il. She says that her husband has not yet perished, despite the fact that the Super Cannon room blew up quite convincingly. You may also recall a cave below Silvera that appeared to have no lnading spots for an Airship, so take the Hovercraft south with you till you see Silvera, where you frop the Hovercraft and land. Take the Hovercraft across the shallows to the cave and enter to find a man who has a "funny ore". However, he will only talk to you if you have a tail for him (and at this point you do not). So it appears that you should keep an eye out for tails if you want to get some of the "funny ore". Now that you have toured around a bit, head south to find Mount Ordeals, head east to find the Tower of Bab-il, and you have the option of going into the cave, ro going into Eblan itself. Eblan is first on our list to go to. Head straight through the gate to continue up to the double doors, which you should enter. Go up through the room, grab the Cure2 from the Treasure Chest on the right, and then go up the stairs. Just go through this room, and go to the top left of the Throne Room to walk left through the wall to a stairway going down. Grab the Heal and Cure2 from the Treasure Chests, go back up the stairs, and head to the right of the Throne Room to go down some stairs through the secret passage to get Cure2, Cabin, and Life from the three Treasure Chests. Now you should head back outside into the courtyard. Go left at first opportunity to find your way into the Left Tower. Go up the stairs in front of you, grab the Cure2 from one of the pots on the floor, and then walk down between the split in the pots near the bottom of the room, followed by going right to find 2000 Gold Pieces and 10 Mute Arrows (give them to Rosa). Go back out into the main area of the floor, go left and then down towards the wall to find a transport to go through to get an Ether1. Now walk back onto the transporter to get back to the floor above, where you should head back down the stairs in the middle of the room. Head out of the Left Tower, go right across the battlements to go find the Right Tower. Walk up as far as you can inside, turn left to go behind the top-left pillar, walk left, walk up one square, walk left, walk down, and then walk right to find 600 Gold Pieces in the Treasure Chest. Maneuver back into the main area of the floor, and head up the stairs. Open the switch on the right, walk down and left around the stairs, and then go up and then to the left to get an Ether1 and a Cure2 from the two Treasure Chests. Now head right to get a Life Potion from the pot on the right, and then grab the Treasure Chest below the hole to find a Cabin. If you want to fight some incredibly tough MONSTERS, go right through the wall to the right of the pots to get to the Treasure Chest protected by the hole to enter a battle! ----- --------- Lamia Black Cat ----- --------- H.P.: 1200 H.P.: 593 Gold: 1210 Gold: 345 Exp.: 2060 Exp.: 2800 You will face one Lamis and two Black Cats. Eliminate the Black Cats first as they are the more dangerous threat with their powerful physical attacks (but be wary of their counter attack which is a Hold attack). The Lamia can be annoying when she uses Charm on your people. Not a difficult battle, but their attacks can be quite annoying. You will win a Drain Spear for Kain (useful if used properly). Now go drop down the hole to get 800 Gold Pieces from a Treasure Chest, and then walk down until you fall through another hole to land in the Eblan Basement. Go down to find two Ether1's in two Treasure Chests on the left, and then go open the Treasure Chest on the right for a rather difficult MONSTER find if you dare to. -------- Mad Ogre -------- H.P.: 1700 Gold: 270 Exp,: 2370 You will fight around three of the Mad Ogres, which are offensive powerhouses. Have Cecil attack and use Cure2 occasionally, have Kain Jump, have Rydia cast Virus once on the enemies (so they lose Hit Points continually despite only being damaged for 1 Hit Point) which should be followed by Rydia using items to Cure her teammates (magic does not damage these guys), and have Rosa keep the Hit Points as high as possible but do not be afraid to use her Aim so she can damage the enemies with her Arrows (Mute Arrows work extremely well). When you win the battle, take your Elixer, and head out of the basement via the stairs below. Now you should get in your Airship, fly to a town with an Inn, fill up, and then come back to Eblan to get in the Hovercraft. Start across the shallows from Eblan Castle, and make your way west until you have to cut north to arrive at the entrance Cave Eblana. SAVE your game, and then enter to start your journey back to the Tower of Bab-il. Head right off the start to go through a secret passage to get a Shuriken, and then go right through another secret passage to find another Treasure Chest which has a Heal. Now go left to go back one chamber, go down the ladder to the water, and then go right through the secret passage. Go down the water to find a ladder leading up to dry land, and then go down to get the 1200 Gold Pieces contained within the Treasure Chest. Now head left across the bridge above you, then down across the bridge below you, and then walk left once more to find the stairs to the next level of the cave. B2F is home to the remaining survivors of the people of Eblana, after Rubicant's forces had overrun their home castle. Go into the first door you come across to find the Inn and Item Shop, the second door has Weapon and Armor for sale (buy Black Robe for Ryida, Ice Armor for Cecil/Kain, and 30 Poison Arrows for Rosa), and the third door contains the infirmary (it has two Cure1's waiting in pots for you to find). You will learn that the Prince of Eblana has gone ahead of the main forces to try and find a way to get at Rubicant (by tunneling to the Tower of Bab-il so he can recover his parents)! Head down the stairs to level B3F when you are all stocked and ready to go. Grab the Ether1 from the Treasure Chest (despite the fact both monsters and the Eblan people have been wandering through here recently), and then go up the ladder set to find a Tent in a Treasure Chest. Talk to the guard on the ground to discover that the Prince went off by himself, and then take the secret passage below you down to find a Cure2 from a Treasure Chest, after which you go though the secret passage again and down the stairs to the other level of the cave. Go up to learn that the fallen soldier hopes you can stop the Prince, and then turn right to go up the ladder above you to get a Cure3 from the Treasure Chest on the ledge. Head down again until you see a secret passage in the wall to your right, which you will take to get another Shuriken. Go through the secret passage again, go down to talk to the Soldier to learn that the Prince is going after Rubicant (although we knew that previously), and then up the stairs to go back to the previous level of the cave. Go through the secret passage on your right to get two Elixers, go back through the secret passage, and then open the three Treasure Chests below you to get two Cure2s and a Cabin. Walk down to find a soldier who tells you of the Prince's short temper, and then go down, followed by going left to get 800 Gold Pieces from a Treasure Chest. Head right to get 850 Gold Pieces, and 2 Lives from the three Treasure Chests, followed by moving up the path and ladders to reach the stairs to the other level if the cave. Go right to enter the door to find a SAVE CIRCLE, but go past it to enter a secret passage on the right to find MONSTERS! -------- Staleman -------- H.P.: 2000 Gold: 890 Exp.: 2100 You face two Stalemen here, and they have some powerful physical attacks, and those hits can sometimes cause your party member to fall asleep. Since the enemy is weak against Ice, let Kain Jump with his Blizzard Spear to kill one himself, and have Cecil attack and Rydia cast Ice2 to kill the other. Rosa is nothing mroe than a spectator in this fight. You will win a Drain Sword (very useful if used properly), and then head through the passage tot he left, use a Tent to recover your Hit Points and Magic Points, and then SAVE before exiting the room. Walk left to find a ladder which goes up to a Treasure Chest that contains a Life Potion, and then go back towards the door, but go up instead of back to the door. You will then come across Rubicant, and a person who can only be the Prince of Eblan! The Prince reveals his name as Edge, and he will quickly go after Rubicant in battle! After Edge futily attacks, Rubicant will use a very powerful spell called Glare to knock Edge down. Rubicant will challenge Edge to try again once Edge is more powerful. Cecil and company will rush forward to see if Edge is alright, to which he replies he does not need them. Everyone will start arguing with him, and then Rydia will plead for some sanity. She says they have lost friends on this fight (Tellah, Yang, and Cid), and this will convince Edge to join the party to fight against Rubicant! Go down to enter the secret passage below to get the Ether2, and then head up through the stairs to arrive at... ************************************ Tower of Bab-Il Revisited ************************************ Head up the walkway to the very top it, and as Cecil wonders how they will get in due to the wall being in the way, Edge will hop the entire group through the wall to the inside. Go up to the left to get a Cure3 from the Treasure Chest, followed by going down and then left. Once you reach the left wall, head down the winding path, turn right to walk past the door on the far side of the room, so you can go up the narrow path to get a Cure3. Now go back down to go through the door to go to floor B2F. Head rihgt from the door to arrive at a turn to go up, and then go left till you see a bridge belwo you, which you should cross. Open the Treasure Chest to find MONSTERS! -------- Mad Ogre -------- H.P.: 1700 Gold: 270 Exp,: 2370 You will fight around three of the Mad Ogres, which are offensive powerhouses. Have Cecil attack and use Cure2 occasionally, have Kain Jump, have Rydia cast Virus once on the enemies (so they lose Hit Points continually desite only being damaged for 1 Hit Point) which should be followed by Rydia using itemns to Cure her teammates (magic does not damage these guys), and have Rosa keep the Hit Points as high as possible but do not be afraid to use her Aim so she can damage the enemies with her Arrows (Mute Arrows work extremely well). An Ogre Axe is your reward, which is quite powerful (not to mention worth a LOT of Gold Pieces). Head back across the bridge again, turn left, and then head down when the path turns. You will arrive at the door that takes you to B3F. Head across the bridge belwo you, turn right to walk past the door, and then go up thebridge to turn right to get 2000 Gold Pieces from the Treasure Chest. No go left again to go through the door to B4F. Start off tot he right when you appear, then go up the narrow path to arrive at a wall where you nedd to turn left. Head up the path when it turns that way, and then left before cutting across the narrow path. Walking down to take the fork to the right will yield a Middle Sword (Equip it on Edge), and then take off to the left, followed by going up to get to B3F. Go right past the wall, continue right past the bridge leading down, and enter the door you come to to find a SAVE CIRCLE. Use a Tent/Cabin to fill your Hit Points and Magic Points, SAVE, and then head out the door to go right to go through the door there to go to B4F where you cut left to go through the door there to go to B5F. Take the left path down, where you will walk left past the bridge above you to take the path leading off the screen to find a Treasure Chest with an incredible 82000 Gold Pieces inside! Go back doqn the long narrow path, go right to find the bridge again, and set off across it to see the King and Queen of Eblan appear out of nowhere! After a very brief reunion with his parents, Edge will be asked by his parent's to join them... IN THE DARK WORLD!!! ---------- ----------- King Eblan Queen Eblan ---------- ----------- H.P.: 60000 H.P.: 60000 Gold: 0 Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 Exp.: 0 Although Edge's parents have been horribly mutated, Edge will still try and reason with them. This fight does not require any attacks from your side, so just use regular attacks to conserve Magic Points, and be sure to not let anyone swoon. After a while, Edge's parents will realize what they have become, and they will then banish themselves from this world to Hades (despite Edge pleading for an alternative). At this point Rubicant will show up, and he will be quite upset with Lugae who altered the King and Queen of Eblan into such terrible creatures. Edge wants to fight Rubicant, but Rubicant says that his emotions keep Edge from achieving his ultimate skills, to which Edge releases his massive anger to learn Flood and Blitz for his Ninja abilites! Rubicant will cure your party to full, and then the battle with the lone remaining Elemental Fiend can commence! -------- Rubicant -------- H.P.: 25000 Gold: 7000 Exp.: 25000 As you might expect, Rubicant is weak against Ice/Water attacks, so they are excellent ways to bring him down quickly. However, when his cloak is closed, Ice Spells will heal him. When his cloak is closed, hold off on Ice Spells (as well as the Shiva Call spell) and use regular attacks. Rubicant uses an incredibly powerful magic spell by the name of Glare which does over 1000 Hit Points of damage easily (Revive/Cure the victim). Rubicant will also use Fire2 on the whole party (it will do about 100 to 150 Hit Point damage to each member). To beat this monster easily, have Cecil attack, Kain Jump, Edge Dart extra swords and Spears (as well as Flood with his Ninja ability), Rydia should Call Shiva, and Rosa will be the Curing and Reviving member of the team. Do not be afraid to use a Life on a fallen member with someone else so Rosa can then Cure them back to full health right after. Rubicant will admit his respect for your team, and he now understands why Golbez has struggled against Cecil and company. He will then disapear, and you will be rid of the Four Fiends of the Elements! Edge will be proud he avenged his parents, and then the back-up will arrive from the Eblan forces. Edge will learn that Golbez was the real power behind Rubicant, so he will vow to get Golbez. His Chamblerlain is put in charge of rebuilding their ravaged castle to the former glory it once was. Once the Eblan warriors leave, Cure your wounds, and head through the door above to arrive in the Crystal Room with the seven missing Crystals! Head up to collect the prizes, but the floor will suddenly open up underneath your party as they fall to the underground portion of the Tower of Babil! Go up to grab a Cure2 from a Treasure Chest, and then head down to find a door leading to 7F. Head up a diagonal path going up and right to find the door to 6F. Head right and then down til the floor opens up, whee you should head right to find a bridge. Go up across the bridge to find a Cure2 in the Treasure Chest, and then go down the bridge, followed by turning left to walk until you find a bridge to cross to enter the door above! You will enter a docking area, and Edge decides that this Airship would be great for your party to... ahem... "borrow". Edge christens it "Falcon", and the party will then take flight from the ground... ************************************ The Sealed Cave ************************************ Since the new Airship does not have the Silver lining on it's hull like the Enterprise does, you can not fly over the lava. Head on a south-east route to arrive at King Giott's Dwarf Castle. Land the Airship, and head inside. Walk straight up through the castle to go through a couple doors until you arrive in the King's Room. Go to Giott to report that you were unsuccessful, which Giott replies that Golbez is trying to force his way into the Sealed Cave. King Giott will then charge you to go into the cave to retrieve the Crystal before Golbez can. Giott will then get the Luca Key from his daughter Luca so your party can enter the Sealed Cave. You still have a problem that you can not fly over the lava, but the only person you knew who could do such a thing was Cid (and he has not been seen since he bombed the crater closed). Head out of the Throne Room, turn left to go to the next floor where the Inn and Item Shop are (stay the night and pick up supplies for your journey to the Sealed Cave). Now walk to the stairs to the right of the Inn desk, go right, and enter the first door you see. Inside is the infirmary, and one of the beds will be occupied by Cid! Cid will come awake to ask how things are going, to which he learns that Golbez has nearly succeeded in getting the last Crystal. Cid also learns that altough the team has acquirred a new Airship in the Falcon, they can not fly over Magma, so he is now ready to do his part! He heads off to the Falcon despite objections from the Docters, and then Cid hauls the same two Doctors off to help work on the Airship! He will also get Edge to help, and it will be completed successfully. However, the activity will have tired Cid out as he is not completely recovered from his heroic act with the Enterprise earlier in the adventure. Now that you can fly over Magma, take the Falcon into the air to cruise all around the Underground to see what there is to investigate. You will see three caves, a small house, and another town to go to. Land outside the other town to go in and see what it has to offer. Go south-west until you see a cave enclosed by mountains and a town to the south-east of it. Land near the town and head inside. The town's name is Tomra, and you should head left to the Item Shop if you need supplies still, and then head up to the Weapon and Armor Shops. Buy 30 Mute Arrows for Rosa, a Middle Sword for Edge, and a Chain Whip for Rydia from the Weapon Shop. In the Armor Shop, buy a Tiara (Rosa), three Diamond Rings (Edge, Rosa, and Rydia), and then two of each of the Diamond Armors (Cecil and Kain). Then sell your excess Items (leave the Swords for Edge to Dart at enemies). Now head out into town once more to go to the top left corner of town to raid the Treasure Chests and pots for Gold Pieces and Cure2's. Now you are ready to head into the Sealed Cave. Get into your Airship, fly to the cave in the north-west, land near the entrance, SAVE your game, and then get mentally ready to step foot inside. Now, there are a few ways to go about doing the Sealed Cave. One method is to empty the entire cave of as much Treasure (up to all of it) as you wish to. Another method is to just go through the cave as fast as possible, dealing with as few of the dangers present as possible while collecting the Treasure Chests in the open as well as the powerful Treasure (if you wish to). The third method is to use the cheat method mentioned earlier to attain the Crystal within. The walkthrough will list these methods in the order of: 1) every Treasure being collected, 2) fast path through, and 3) the cheat method. Once you have done your Method, go to the next section of the walkthrough for more assistance on your journey. Also note that I will list the Trap Door stats only once per method to conserve space as you fight more than few of each (plus after a couple you will know what the Trap Doors have in store for you). METHOD ONE (getting everything) Walk forward to hit a door that will not budge, and when you examine it, you should use the Luca Key to break the seal. now step inside. Head to the right and then down to find a rope strung across the chasm. Go left and then down to go examine the locked door to discover that it can and will attack you! --------- TRAP DOOR --------- H.P.: 5000 Gold: 4500 Exp.: 31100 Trap Doors are incredibly mean fights as they have one attack that has two parts: Search (targets a team member), and then Disrupt (kills your character off immediately). This is all that a Trap Door does, which is extremely hard on your Magic Points for Life1 spells and your Life Potions. Hit the Trap Door with everything you have, and if you do it fast enough, you will kill it. However, if you fail in this endeavour, the Trap Door will morph into some other monster which you must then kill. Enter the door following the fight to find a Long Sword for Edge and an Ether1. Now head back out the door, go down to get a Life Potion from the, and then head up and left to find another rope across the chasm in front of you. The door to the elft will need to be examined and then fought as it is a Trap Door. Once inside the door, grab the Cure2 from the Treasure Chest, followed by fighting the two Trap Doors to your right (only if you want the experience points as the rooms behind them are empty). Go right to get the Ether1 from the Treasure Chest, and then head down to go down the stairs to the next section of the Sealed Cave. Head down across the rope below you, go right to get a Life Potion, and then go left to go across the rope once more. Head right across the bridge to grab another Life Potion from another Treasure Chest, followed by heading up the narrow rock ledge to fight a Trap Door (for experience points only as the room it guards is empty). Head left to fight the next Trap Door to get a most precious Treasure: the Light Sword! Give this to Cecil to increase his attack by a very large amount. Head back out the door to go left to fight yet another Trap Door to gain access to a room where three Treasure Chests await with a Ninja Star, an Elixer, and 5000 Gold Pieces. Once back in the main cave area, battle the Trap Door to the left for experience points only. The next Trap Door should be killed to find a SAVE CIRCLE where you should definitely use a Tent or Cabin to recover Hit Points and Magic Points, SAVE your game, and then head out into the main cave area again. Kill the Trap Door to your left, grab the Long Sword and Ninja Helmet (both for Edge), and then head down to find another Trap Door. Once it is gone you will go inside to find an Ether1 as you go to the next area of the cave. Grab the Life and Cure2 from the two Treasure Chests on the right, and then fight the Trap Door on the left side of the room for experience points purposes only. Head through the opening in the bottom of the room to go to the next area of the cave. B3F opens with a bridge for you to cross, followed by around the hole by going on the top half of the path. Go right past the rock formation (over the top of it) to get a Life Potion, and then go around the rock formation to fight a Trap Door for experience points purposes only. Now go left to take the rope down to the bottom half of this cave area, and then go right to fight a Trap Door, grab the Ether2 and Cure3 from the Treasure Chests inside, and then go left ot go up and around the rock formation to go down the stairs to find a SAVE CIRCLE. Use a Tent/Cabin, SAVE your game, and then head down through the bottom of the room to go to the next cave area. Go right and then down around the large hole in the middle of the room, followed by going left and then up around the rock formation to take the stairs to the next area of the cave. Go right and then down around the large hole in the middle of the room, followed by going left and then up around the rock formation to take the stairs to the next area of the cave. Go up around the torches, across the bridge, and then fight a Trap Door. Once it is defeated, recover your Hit Points with items and step foot inside the door. You will find the lone remaining Dark Crystal, so grab it right away! Step back outside the door to hear a loud and ominous rumbling! Cecil: The wall! Rydia: It's moving! Kain: They set the trap to guard the Crystal! Edge: Let's destroy the trap, then! -------- EVILWALL -------- H.P.: 19000 Gold: 8000 Exp.: 23000 The EvilWall is a slowly advancing menace that will attack with the following methods: physical attacks, Petrify (if used on one team member enough, they will solidify into a statue), and once it draws near enough it will use Crush (a spell that instant kills whoever recieves the casting of it). The EvilWall will start off with a couple pre-emptive physical attacks, and then following that it will continue physical attacks while mixing in Petrify spells. Have Cecil attack, Kain Jump, Edge attack and/or throw Swords/Ninja Stars, Rydia cast Virus, and Rosa should be sure that no one drops too low on Hit Points. If the EvilWall reaches the point where it is close enough to use Crush, you had better hope it is near enough to death to be killed quickly. Rydia: We did it! Edge: A petty trap! Head down across the bridge, through the torches, and then into the stairs to go the next cave area. Head down to the right, go right and then up to the top of the cave area to have to go left to use the door to exit the area. SAVE your game in the SAVE CIRCLE, and then continue your journey through stairs above you. Go down and to the right to find a rope stretched across the big chasm, so grab it to cross, and then head left to cross a bridge, followed by going through the door. Head left around the rock formation to go up the stairs (not through the door) to find another room, where you have to go up, right, and then down to enter the next area of the cave. Go up the narrow rock ledge until you see doors in the north wall of the cave area, which is when you will turn right to go until you are forced to turn downward. Go left across the bridge to go up the stairs to a room where you have to go up, then left when the rock wall on the left stops, and then cut down when you see the second door above you to find the next cave area. Go down the rope below you, turn right and conitnue until you find a rope, which you should use to cross the chasm. Walk around the rock formation, remove all of Kain's equipment, and then go through the door. Walk down between the two white poles to suddenly see the room darken... Cecil: What? "Kain... Return to me, Kain... Come back to me with the Crystal..." Cecil: Golbez! Kain! Rosa: Get ahold of yourself! Kain: I'm... all right. I am no longer under his control! *Kain steps forward and hits Cecil hard* Cecil: Ugh! *Lost the Dark Crystal!* *Kain walks away with the Dark Crystal for Golbez, but pauses at the cave entrance.* Edge: You wretch! Rosa: Kain! What are you doing!? Golbez: I've been waiting for this moment! Now the Tower of Bab-il can be reactivated! The way to the Moon will open! Come Kain! Cecil: Come on Kain! Wake up! Kain: All the Crystals are gathered now! The way to the Moon will open! Edge: Wait! *Kain leaves* Golbez: Ha Ha Ha! Cecil: Kain... Edge: Oh my...! METHOD TWO (fast track through) Walk forward to hit a door that will not budge, and when you examine it, you should use the Luca Key to break the seal. Now step inside. Head to the right and then down to find a rope strung across the chasm. Go left and then down to get a Life Potion from a Treasure Chest. Go up and left to find another rope across the chasm in front of you. The door to the left will need to be examined and then fought as it is a Trap Door. --------- Trap Door --------- H.P.: 5000 Gold: 4500 Exp.: 31100 Trap Doors are incredibly mean fights as they have one attack that has two parts: Search (targets a team member), and then Disrupt (kills your character off immediately). This is all that a Trap Door does, which is extremely hard on your Magic Points for Life1 spells and your Life Potions. Hit the Trap Door with everything you have, and if you do it fast enough, you will kill it. However, if you fail in this endeavor, the Trap Door will morph into some other monster which you must then kill. Once inside the door, grab the Cure2 from the Treasure Chest, followed by going right to get the Ether1 from the Treasure Chest, and then head down to go down the stairs to the next section of the Sealed Cave. Head down across the rope below you, go right to get a Life Potion, and then go left to go across the rope once more. Head right across the bridge to grab another Life Potion from another Treasure Chest, followed by heading up the narrow rock ledge, and then go left to battle a Trap Door. Once you do this, go inside to get the great Light Sword for Cecil (increases his attack by a large amount). Once you have this, go left three doors to fight a Trap Door so you can gain access to a SAVE CIRCLE. Use Tent/Cabin. SAVE your game, and then head left followed by going down to fight another Trap Door. Once it is gone you will go inside to find an Ether1 as you go to the next area of the cave. Grab the Life and Cure2 from the two Treasure Chests on the right, and then go through the opening in the bottom of the room. B3F opens with a bridge for you to cross, followed by around the hole by going on the top half of the path to get onto the rope going down to the bottom half of the cave area. Head left and then up around the rock formation to take the stairs to find a SAVE CIRCLE. Use a Tent/Cabin, SAVE your game, and then head down through the bottom of the room to go to the next cave area. Go right and then down around the large hole in the middle of the room, followed by going left and then up around the rock formation to take the stairs to the next area of the cave. Go up around the torches, across the bridge, and then fight a Trap Door. Once it is defeated, recover your Hit Points with items and step foot inside the door. You will find the lone remaining Dark Crystal, so grab it right away! Step back outside the door to hear a loud and ominous rumbling! Cecil: The wall! Rydia: It's moving! Kain: They set the trap to guard the Crystal! Edge: Let's destroy the trap, then! -------- EvilWall -------- H.P.: 19000 Gold: 8000 Exp.: 23000 The EvilWall is a slowly advancing menace that will attack with the following methods: physical attacks, Petrify (if used on one team member enough, they will solidify into a statue), and once it draws near enough it will use Crush (a spell that instant kills whoever receives the casting of it). The EvilWall will start off with a couple pre-emptive physical attacks, and then following that it will continue physical attacks while mixing in Petrify spells. Have Cecil attack, Kain Jump, Edge attack and/or throw Swords/Ninja Stars, Rydia cast Virus, and Rosa should be sure that no one drops too low on Hit Points. If the EvilWall reaches the point where it is close enough to use Crush, you had better hope it is near enough to death to be killed quickly. Rydia: We did it! Edge: A petty trap! Head down across the bridge, through the torches, and then into the stairs to go the next cave area. Head down to the right, go right and then up to the top of the cave area to have to go left to use the door to exit the area. SAVE your game in the SAVE CIRCLE, and then continue your journey through stairs above you. Go down and to the right to find a rope stretched across the big chasm, so grab it to cross, and then head left to cross a bridge, followed by going through the door. Head left around the rock formation to go up the stairs (not through the door) to find another room, where you have to go up, right, and then down to enter the next area of the cave. Go up the narrow rock ledge until you see doors in the north wall of the cave area, which is when you will turn right to go until you are forced to turn downward. Go left across the bridge to go up the stairs to a room where you have to go up, then left when the rock wall on the left stops, and then cut down when you see the second door above you to find the next cave area. Go down the rope below you, turn right and conitnue until you find a rope, which you should use to cross the chasm. Walk around the rock formation, remove all of Kain's equipment, and then go through the door. Walk down between the two white poles to suddenly see the room darken. Golbez wil then re-assert control of Kain, and then take the final Dark Crystal! METHOD THREE (the cheating way) WARNING! WARNING! SEVERE CHEAT WARNING! The following is not for those who want to play the game the way it was programmed. If you do not wish to know about how to lessen the time of your game, please do not read this! Thank you... If you did the "Warp Tick" in King Giott's Throne Room after Rydia rejoined your crew and helped to banish Golbez from the Crystal Room. You will enter the cave, and you should immediately remove all of Kain's equipment, and then walk up between the two white poles to have the room suddenly darken. Golbez wil then re-assert control of Kain, and then take the final Dark Crystal! WARNING! WARNING! END SEVERE CHEAT WARNING! ************************************ The Sealed Cave Aftermath ************************************ Now you should go back outside the Sealed Cave to get into your Airship. Head to Dwarf Castle to talk to King Giott to tell him that your party failed. King Giott fears that they are doomed, unless the Legend of the Big Whale comes true. It starts the same as the Mysidian Legend, and when King Giott learns that the town of Mysidia truly exists, he knows it must be ready to come true! However, the crater is closed up, and the Tower of Bab-il is way too heavily fortified now that Golbez has repowered it with all eight Crystals, so how to get up to the overworld? "Let me take care of it!" Cid once again for yet another Airship modification to do, which is a large drill attached to the Falcon. Cid will get three Dwarves, Cecil, and Edge to help with the work, but after it is completed, Cid will fall down! The group will then say their goodbyes for now, and they tell Cid to rest well. This will now leave you open to go straight to the Moon (skip to the next four sections of the walkthrough to do this), or you can complete some Sidequests first (these are in the next four sections and are completely optional). You should now have some spells for Rosa like Float and Wall which will allow an easier time doing some sidequests. The next four section of the walkthrough are totally optional to do, but you will end up with better Wepaons, Armors, Calls, and Items than if you skip the following four sections. Read on to see how the various sidequests available to be done in the next four sections! ************************************ Cave of Summoned Monsters (SIDE-QUEST) ************************************ To find the cave, go into the western half of the underground to look for a small island in the middle of the lava with a small mountain with a cave mouth. SAVE your game, and enter the cave. Rydia will tell you she came through here on her way back from the land of the Summoned Monsters, and that if they request help, they just recieve it. Cast Float on your team to avoid the damage spots on the floor (they remove fifty Hit Points from every team member, lowering them as it goes down to one Hit Point, making your people easy pickings). Head right, go up at the intersection, get the Life from the Treasure Chest, and then go left trough the secret passage to get an Ether1. Now head right through the secret passage once again, go down till you see a Treasure Chest which will give you a Cure2, and then go left as far as you can. When you reach the wall, head up, and then walk left to find some stairs to get you to B2F. Cast Float once again on your entire party, walk right till the path branches, which is where you should go the bottom route to find a Treasure Chest that contains a Cure2. Go back to the fork in the path, go up past the left right turn you could take, and then grab the Cabin from the Treasure Chest. Go back down tot he right turn we passed earlier, and then go the stairs to go to B3F. Cast Float once more (I know that is getting repetitive), and then head left, followed by turning down. Go right, then down to a Treasure Chest to get a Life Potion, and then go right (ignoring the path to the transporter for now) to get a Cure3 from the Treasure Chest you will find. Go right into the secret passage, go down and then left before going up to a parrallel to the room on your right where you will open the three Treasure Chests to get a Cure2, a Poison Axe, and a Ninja Sword (equip it on Edge right away). Go back into the secret passage, go up, then right followed by down. Go right till the first passage up towards the transporter, but instead go right through the wall where a secret passage exists. Go up the path and then left towards the Treasure Chest to fight MONSTERS! ------- Warrior ------- H.P.: 2400 Gold: 575 Exp.: 4300 These guys will hit you hard with physical attacks. Edge should use his Ninja Magic (Blitz seems especially effective), Cecil should attack, Rydia can use Virus or Lit2, and Rosa can Cure and attack as the situation warrants. If you wish to make this fight really, simply use Toad on all the Warriors and pick them off at your leisure (thanks to Benjamin Gilbert for this tidbit). Once you defeat the five Warriors, you will receive a Defense Sword (which is a step up for Cecil in attack and defense departments. Now head right, go down, go left through the secret passage, and then take the transporter to... The Town of the Summoned Monsters! Go left to get an Ether1, and then go up the stairs to get 2000 Gold Pieces. Go right past the transporter, go down to get 2000 Gold Pieces, and then go down the stairs to get 3000 Gold Pieces. Go one step to the right, and then go straight up to the rail to step on a semi-transparent transporter to go a secret room. Grab the 10 Samurai Arrows, Elixer, Ether2, and Samurai Bow (Equip it on Rosa), and then go back to the transporter. Keep this place in mind as it has a semi-transparent transporter below the visible one that you appear on for you to be carried directly to the mouth of the cave where your Airship awaits. Go to the top of the ring of boards to take the transporter, step off the transporter, step back on, and then go down and right to get a Rat Tail from the Treasure Chest (Rat Tail? Tails... something seems familiar). Anyway, go back to the transporter, go up and left to enter the Item Shop/Inn to purchase supplies/fill up your Hit Points and Magic Points. now head out again to go left to the next building to find a Heal and Life potion as well as a SAVE CIRCLE. Save your game and then head back out to finish your tour of the strange town. Go down to the next buildings (the Library), which will fill you in on various weaknesses in certain monsters (like Odin, and the True Master) and the abilities of some summoned monsters. go down to the Weapon Shop to buy a Blitz Whip for Rydia (maybe some Charm Arrows for Rosa), and then head down, right and then up into the Armor Shop to buy an Aegis Shield for Cecil and two Sorcerer Robes for Rydia and Rosa. Go back to the house where you can save, and then go through the Library to the left to go down some stairs, and then take the transporter to appear at... The King and Queen of the Summoned Monsters! The man in the room is not the King of Monsters, but the woman is as she is Queen Asura! Talk to her to ask her assistance in your quest, but she will only help if you prove your worthiness. Say YES to challenging her, and then get ready to battle... ----- Asura ----- H.P.: 23000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 20000 Asura has many faces, and she will use her moves based on which is visible. She will often cast Cure spells at level 3and even 4 (!) and Life spells, but there is a way to stop her. Cast Wall on her to block those spells, and that way she can no longer Cure herself. She will also use physical attacks, but her reflected Cure spells will likely keep their Hit Points high. Have Cecil and Edge attack, have Rydia use call magic to summon Titan, and have Rosa split her time between Aim and using Cure2's and Cure3's from your inventory when needed (she will also cast Wall on Asura on her first turn). If your party becomes weak, just let Asure cast Cure spells until your entire party is refilled, and then attack anew. Once the fight ends, Rydia will gain access to Call Asura, who will cast Cure 3, Cure 4, Life 1, or attack your enemies. Go back to the Inn to refill your Hit Points/Magic Points, go left to the next building to the SAVE CIRCLE to SAVE your game, and thenhead back into the Library to come back to the King and Queen's Room to talk to the man beside Queen Asura. He will then challenge you to show him if you are worthy, and you will then enter battle with Leviathan! --------- Leviathan --------- H.P.: 35000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 28000 Leviathan will open with his big attack, which is a Big Wave, so you start at a disadvantage. Then he will cover back up, and he will use Ice2 until he is ready to open up for his Big Wave attack once more. He will also throw in physical attacks throughout this pattern, so keep your Hit Points high. Have Cecil attack, Edge should use Ninja Magic (Blitz) and switch to Darts and attacks once his Magic Points run low, Rydia should use Virus or Lit2, and Rosa should keep everyone well Cured with Cure2 and Cure3. this battle is not overly difficult, especially since your levels are at least in the mid thirties because you could beat Asura. Once you win, you will receive the second most powerful Call Magic when you are allowed to summon the Master of the Seas... LEVIATHAN! You have finished your business down here in the Town of Summoned Monsters, so take the previously mentioned semi-transparent warp to the outside of the Cave of the Summoned Monsters (or walk out if you want to), and get ready for your next Sidequest! ************************************ Making Excalibur (SIDE-QUEST) ************************************ Now that Cecil and Company have come back to the underground, where should we head next? Remember that Rat Tail that was in the Land of the Summoned Monsters? Have you recalled yet why it might be important? Well, there is a Tail Collecter near Silvera that might exchange his "funny ore" for a Tail. Head there now to get your "funny ore". Take to the air, go to the north-east corner of the underground to go through the crater to the overworld, and then go nwest to the Castle of Eblan, land the Falcon, grab the Enterprise, and fly west to get the Hovercraft in your Airship's hook. Go north-west to find Mount Ordeals, turn north till you see Silvera, where you will drop your Hovercraft and then land beside it. Get into the Hovercraft, go across the shallows to the cave to the south, and head on in. Walk up to talk to the small fellow, who will only talk to you if you have a Tail (give him Rat Tail when prompted to do so). He will do a double take at the sight of a Tail he does not have, and he will exchange Adamant for it! Now you have the rare ore needed by the Blacksmith in the underworld, you should leave for there immediately. Head south to find Mount Ordeals, go west to Mysidia, and then go south-west to find the crate to the underground. Fly directly south upon appearing underground until you hit a wall, where you should see a small house tucked away in a corner of the underground. Land your Airship, and go inside to see some Dwarves working hard, as well as some pots (look in them to find a Heal and a Cure2). Go up the stairs to find an Elixer in the bookshelf, and then go left to find the greatest Blacksmith (who has lost all of his confidence unfortunately). Talk to him to hear about he could not even find the legendary ore Adamant (at this point you will have the Item screen pop up, so give him the Adamant). He is so overjoyed to recieve such a precious gift, he takes your Legend Sword, and starts to work on it (come back later). Before heading out, go downstairs, and immediately walk to the right, as Cecil and company will take a secret passage to find a treasure chest with a respectable amount of gold (100 Gold Pieces) inside!. Exit the house, and go off to your next challenge while Kokkol works on your almighty new sword. ************************************ The Sylph Cave (SIDE-QUEST!) ************************************ head towards the north-west corner of the Underworld to find a cave that is to the west of the Tower of Bab-il. Land in front of the cave mouth, SAVE your game, and then enter to start into the... The floor inside of the Sylph Cave will have bright green spots which will remove 50 Hit Points per teammate, and if left un-Cured, you will have a lot of members with 1 Hit Point going into battle to be easy pickings. The way to avoid this damage is to cast Float (Rosa spell) on all party members to let them be in the air. This will allow your party to float above these damaging spots, and this way you will conserve your Items and Magic Points. Cast Float at the start, go right to get 10 Charm Arrows and a Cure2 from the Treasure Chests (ignore the one behind these two for now), and then go left, followed by going down to go to B2F. Cast Float on the entire party once again, go down, and then go left to enter the stairs there to go to the floor above. Cast Float immediately, go right to see a SAVE CIRCLE (use if you desire to do so), and then go up to find a secret passage which goes to a Treasure Chest where an ElvenBow awaits (equip it on Rosa). Go back down to the SAVE CIRCLE, goleft past the stairs, and then turn up to get a Cabin and 1000 Gold Pieces from the Treasure Chets at the end of the corridor. Now head back down and then to the right to take the first set of stairs you see below you. Cast Float right away, go right, and then up till you have the choice of going into some stairs on the right (which you will ignore) as you continue up to arrive at another door. Go right past it into a secret passage in the wall, go down, then right, and then up followed by a turn to the left to go to the Chest to find MONSTERS! -------- ---- ToadLady Toad -------- ---- H.P.: 2960 H.P.: 400 Gold: 600 Gold: 335 Exp.: 3500 Exp.: 1850 You will face 6 Toads and 1 ToadLady. She will tell her Toads to Croak, and they will then cause some of your team to become Toads themselevs. She will then attack physically to take your team down. Attack the ToadLady with Edge, Cecil, and Rosa (use Aim with her), and have Rydia cast Virus to wipe the Toads out. Not a tough battle at all. Cast Toad on any character of yours that has been turned into a Toad so they will revert to their true form, and be sure to enjoy your Mute Knife for Rydia. Now head back through the secret passage to take the first set of stairs you see. Go down to the secret passage, go left through it to get the Elixer fromt he Treasure Chest, and then head down the path. You should turn right to come across a building, which you should enter to find Sylphs, and more importantly an unconscious Yang! He will not be talking to you, so just examine him once and then go get the Posion Claw and Cat Claw from the Treasure Chests before taking the stairs to the right. Walk up onto the platform above you where a semi-transparent teleporter is waiting to take you to the cave opening. Since Yang is actually alive, you should let his wife know immediately, so get in your ship and head to the crater to the overworld so you can test out Cid's drill. When you are near the middle of the mark in the ground, press the A Button to drill thorugh the mountains to go topside once more. Head north-east to find Mysidia, which you should fly east of till you see Mount Ordeals. Then you should change direction to go north to pass Silvera, and arrive at Fabul. Seek out Yang's Wife in the Left Tower to give her the good news, and after the onions she is cutting causes her to cry (yeah right...), she will give you the Frying Pan to whack him with to get his lazy butt back into consciousness (glad she is not my wife)! Now we should head back to the underworld, so retrace your steps to get to the crater like before, and then head due west upon arriving underground. Land in front of the Sylph Cave, SAVE your game, and then head back in. Walk straight down without casting Float (you will only take 50 Hit Points of damage anyway) to take the stairs. Nex you should cast Float, go down and then left to take the stairs located there. Cast FLoat immediately, go left till you see stairs below you, which you should take. Cast FLoat yet again, go up till you see stairs on your right, which you will take this time. Cast FLoat immediately, go up and then raid the five Treasure Chests for a Cure2, an Ether1, 10 Lit Arrows, 10 Ice Arrows, and 10 Fire Arrows. Backtrack t the stairs belwo you get back into the previous section of the cave, cast Float, and then go up to find stairs to the next area of the cave. Go down and then right to once again arrive at the Sylph House, where you should examine Yang to prompt the Item screen. Select the Frying Pan (listed as "Pan") to cause a bitch slap up side the head for Yang! The Sylphs will grant Rydia the ability of calling them for you waking Yang up! Now you should head up the stairs in the room, use the transporter to the outside, fly to Tomra to use the Inn. and then fly back to the cave once more. Your party is now going to remove the rest of the Treasure Chests remaining inside, so SAVE your game, and step into the cave one more time. First you will head down to the stairs below you (you will hit one damage spot, but do not worry about it), and then when you arrive there, cast Float, followed by going up and then to the left to take some stairs. Head down, left, and then up to grab a Heal, Cure2, and a Charm Rod (with the assist from the secret passage). Now head down again, enter the secret passage by the entrance and follow it up to find some stairs to take. Cast Float once you appear, head right to go down a long path where each spot is a damage spot (good thing you have Float on), and you should cut left into a small cubby of a room where a Cure2, 3000 Gold Pieces, a Heal, and 2000 Gold Pieces are just waiting in their Treasure Chests for you to grab. Go back into the narrow corridor on the right, go down to grab the Cure2 and Cure3 from the the two Treasure Chests to the right of the hole, and then go left to get two Heals and an Ether1 from the three Treasure Chests over there. Go right to fall down the hole, cast FLoat on your team, and then head up the narrow corridor to turn left to go through a secret passage to find a transporter, which you should immmediately use. Cast Float on yourself once again, make sure your Hit Points are full, and then go right to open the first Treasure Chest on the top to find MONSTERS! ----- Ghost ----- H.P.: 1100 Gold: 365 Exp.: 3700 Ghosts have decent physical attacks as well as decent Fire2 spells, so try to kill them quickly. Use Edge's Ninja ability (Blitz is a great choice), Rydia should use Virus, Cecil should attack, and Rosa should keep the Hit Points high. You will win an Elixer for your troubles, and make sure to Cure all your aches and pains before opening the Treasure Chest below you to get to fight more MONSTERS! -------- ------ DarkTree Molbol -------- ------ H.P.:1800 H.P.: 1999 Gold: 525 Gold: 460 Exp.: 5550 Exp.: 11000 DarkTrees will use strong physical attacks as well as Bserk (Beserk) spells, and Molbol will use Breath (which cause a plethora of status ailments including: Toad, Size, Piggy, Mute, and Charm) as well as Digest which removes some Hit Points as well as slowly draining your Hit Points. This is an extremely tough fight, so be sure to use a Heal Potion on whoever receives Breath attacks (heal immediately or they will die quickly). Otherwise do the following: have Cecil attack, Edge use Ninja (cast Flame or Blitz both work well), Rydia should cast Virus, and Rosa is definitely going to be busy Curing/Healing everyone. You will gain a FullMoon for your troubles, which is a throwing weapon that can be equipped on Edge to allow him to same damage from back row as he would in the front row. Cure your party, and then head right to open the next Treasure Chest above you to fight MONSTERS! ----- Ghost ----- H.P.: 1100 Gold: 365 Exp.: 3700 Ghosts have decent physical attacks as well as decent Fire2 spells, so try to kill them quickly. Use Edge's Ninja ability (Blitz is a great choice), Rydia sdhould use Virus, Cecil should attack, and Rosa should keep the Hit Points high. You gain an Elixer for your troubles, Cure your team, and then check out the Treasure Chest below you to fight MONSTERS! ------ Molbol ------ H.P.: 1999 Gold: 460 Exp.: 11000 Molbol will use Breath (which cause a plethora of status ailments including: Toad, Size, Piggy, Mute, and Charm) as well as Digest which removes some Hit Points as well as slowly draining your Hit Points. Attack with Cecil and Edge, cast Virus with Rydia, and use Rosa to Heal/Cure the team. You will win an Avenger Sword and 10 Samurai Arrows (among the best Arrows). The Avenger Sword is good for a Dart with Edge, and the Samurai Arrows should only be used when in an extremely tough battle with Rosa. Head right to check the Treasure Chest above you to fight MONSTERS! ----- Ghost ----- H.P.: 1100 Gold: 365 Exp.: 3700 Ghosts have decent physical attacks as well as decent Fire2 spells, so try to kill them quickly. Use Edge's Ninja ability (Blitz is a great choice), Rydia sdhould use Virus, Cecil should attack, and Rosa should keep the Hit Points high. You will get yet another Elixer for fighting Ghosts (three in this room), Cure yourself, and then check the Treasure Chest to find... yep... more MONSTERS! --------- Centipede --------- H.P.: 600 Gold: 345 Exp.: 2800 Centipedes will use physical attacks mostly, so you should respond in turn. Edge and Cecil should be able to kill off one each of these monstrosities with one attack each, but use Rosa and Rydia to mop up the leftovers with their weaker attacks. 10 Medusa Arrows are your reward (not as good as Samurai Arrows, but still quite good), and then you should head right to take the transporter out of the cave. Now you should get in your Airship to go to the overworld, and then go east to find Mysidia. Go east form it to find Mount Ordeals, and then turn north to go past Silvera to find Fabul. Go inside the castle to go to the Left Tower, find Yang's Wife, attempt to talk to her which brings up the Item screen, and choose the Frying Pan. Yang's Wife will thank you for the help, and for your efforts she gives you a Spoon! Yes a Spoon! I am serious you guys! It just so happens to be the most powerful Darting object to be found (it is an assured 9999 Hit Points damage), so save it for an incredibly tough fight. Now head back to the underground to get ready for your next sidequest! ************************************ Fighting Odin and Collection (SIDE-QUEST) ************************************ Since you have to wait for your new sword to be finished, why don't we go take care of Odin? Head to the exit fromt he underground (it will be directly north of you), and then go directly north from the crater to arrive at Baron. Enter the castle, go through the two double doors, and then cut right to take the stairs. Go right to take the stiars down, wlak down to go out the door, and then go left and up to enter 1F. Head down the stairs to your left, check the pots you see to get an Elixer, and then head right to go to some stairs. Go down, and then to the right to meet with the ghost of the deceased King of Baron. He will reveal that he has gained power in death that could be useful to your quest, but only if your team proves worthy! ---- Odin ---- H.P.: 20500 Gold: 0 Exp.: 18000 Odin has powerful physical attacks, so you need to be aware of your Hit Point stats at all times. In addition to this, Odin has a time limit on the fight where he will suddenly do a vicious rushing attack that is guaranteed to wipe your party out! Have Cecil attack, Edge should use Ninja Magic (Blitz really hurts Odin), Rydia should use Indra once and then start using Lit2, and Rosa should Cure2/Cure3 whoever needs the assistance. If you fail to beat Odin, raise your levels slightly, and return to try again. Rydia will then learn Odin, and she will be able to call his powerful sword into battle to try and cleave the opposition in half for you! Head to Cecil's room in the Right Tower to refil your Hit Points and Magic Points, and then exit Baron to get on your Airship. Fly to the Crater south of Baron, go underground, fly south to find the Blacksmith's house, and go inside. Talk to Kokkol to get the almighty Sword Excalibur! Equip it on Cecil, and then head back outside. Take to the air again, flu north to the crater, go to the overworld, and then fly north-east to land outside of Mysidia, and SAVE your game. ************************************ To the Moon ************************************ You should enter Mysidia, and walk straight up to have the Edler and his Black Wizard and White Wizard approach to take you to the Tower of Wishes as the time has come! The screen will fade away to reveal... One to be born from a dragon hoisting the light and the dark arise high up in the sky to the still land. Veiling the Moon with the light of eternity, it brings another promise to mother earth with a bounty and mercy. The screen will come back to reveal many Black Wizards and White Wizards wishing along with the Elder, and after a few moments, the sky will be ripped asunder. The water outside of town will go into a large whirlpool, and as they realize that their wish was granted, a large object will rise from the water to come to a rest on the land to the west of Mysidia! The Elder will realize that this is the Ship of Light from the Moon, the Big Whale! The Elder will then tell you that he heard a voice calling from afar, from the Moon, in hopes that Cecil would come to see him! The Big Whale reveals itself to be the passage to the Moon, as it is not only an Airship, but a space traveeling ship as well! Go west from Mysidia, Press the A Button to get on board, explore your new wild and beautiful ride, and then go talk to the Crystal of Flight to journey to the Moon! ************************************ Moon Hopping ************************************ When you appear on the Moon, your first duty is to just fly around to see what you have to visit while you are here. You will see several of caves, as well as a large Crystal Palace. Your first job is to find the Crystal Palace, so go to it. From there you need to go north-west to the first pass from the grey mountains, which is where you should land (there is a cave mouth right near it). SAVE your game, go down the mountain pass, and then go left to enter the cave. Head right upon entering to find a Treasure Chest with MONSTERS inside of it! -------- -------- Procyote Joclyote -------- -------- H.P.: 2200 H.P.: 1700 Gold: 1850 Gold: 1560 Exp.: 8100 Exp.: 7200 These guys will attack you continually, and they will sometimes poison you when they land a physical shot. Attack with Cecil and Edge, have Rydia cast Virus once, and Rosa should use Aim to take them out quickly. Another quick method to win with is to summon Odin to slice them in half (this may not always work). You will win an Elixir for your troubles, which should be followed up with Healing whoever is poisoned, and then go left to turn upwards when the path allows it. Once you see the exit from the cave, go right to find two Treasure Chests that have a Cure2 and a Heal for you. Now go left ot exit the cave. Go right from the cave mouth till you have to choose between up or down on a fork in the moonscape, and you will go down. Turn right and then go into the next cave in the Lunar Path. Go left, down, left, and down to walk through this section of the Lunar Path. Walk left form the cave mouth to enter a three way choice in paths, and you will then take the left fork to enter the cave mouth, which lands you inside of Lunar's Lair. Go right from the start to find a path leading up to a Magic Point recovery tile. Go back to the start, then go leftt and then up to find a Hit Point recovery tile. Now that you are full, examine the Hit Point tile to discover MONSTERS! --------- Red Giant --------- H.P.: 11800 Gold: 7000 Exp.: 18900 These big guys will attack you with Petrify a fair amount, and their physical attacks seem to do no damage. Also note that their Petrify attacks will rarely connect. Attack with Edge and Cecil, have Rydia call Leviathan, and have Rosa use Aim. This battle is an odd one since you meet more of these guys later in the game, and they are nowhere near this harmless. You will win... abosolutely nothing from the encounter, but it is nearly 10000 free Experience Points to be had for your team if no one is turned into a statue. Now refill on the two tiles once again, and then head up the path that is directly above the entrance. You will then hear a voice say... "Welcome!" Cecil: Who are you? FuSoYa: I am FuSoYa, the guardian of Lunarians' slumber. Rosa: Lunarians? FuSoYa: Yes. Millenia ago, the planet between Mars and Jupiter was about to be shattered. The people who survived this calamity escaped by ships and head for the Blue Planet. Cecil: The Blue Planet? FuSoYa: You land Earth. However, the people of the Earth were still in the process of evolution. Thus they created another Moon and kept sleeping. Edge: Lunarians? FuSoYa: But he refused it. He tried to make the Earth his place to live. Rydia: Who? FuSoYa: I forced him to sleep. But his thoughts were still awaken. Cecil: Is that who is controlling Golbez? Edge: Who is that!? FuSoYa: He is Zemus. He needs the Crystals as energy source to reactivate the Tower of Bab-il. To bring down the Giant of bab-il to annihalate the living on Earth! Most of us Lunarians are waiting for you folks on the Blue Planet to be able to understand us. Cecil: What about the Big Whale? FuSoYa: My brother KluYa made it to go to the Blue Planet. He taught your folks how to build the Airships and the Serphent Road. KluYa fell in love with a girl of your Blue Planet and gave birth to two children. One of them is... you, Cecil. *BONNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG* Cecil: Me!? Then the Light on Mount Ordeals was... FuSoYa: It must be the spirit of your father KluYa. Cecil: My father... is that Light... FuSoYa: KluYa gave you his power to thwart the foul machination of Zemus. We must stop him for the sake of our two races! Now let's hurry to the Tower of Bab-il in Eblan! Edge: Tower of bab-il!? But it's shielded! FuSoYa: I can neutralize the shield! I will go with you! *Lunarian FuSoYa joined* Now that you have learned that Cecil is in fact half Lunarian/half Earthling, and that he is most definitely the hope that the world depends upon, you now know you have to defeat Golbez! You will have also picked up one mighty spellcaster in FuSoYa (he knows all the White magic and Black Magic spells, even Meteo!). Before we head back to Earth to look into this Tower of Bab-il thing though, we have one more area to go and visit. Keep in mind that this is an optional sidequest, it does lead to great Armor and spells to be learned. Head out of the Lunar's lair, and go right to enter the Lunar Path once again. Go up and turn right when necessary to complete that section of the cave. Go left, up, and then left again to find the next Lunar Path. Go down, walk left, and then head down to find the exit from the Lunar Path. Head right, and then up the slope to enter the Big Whale. Upon entering, go down to sleep in one of the chairs in the room below, and then go to the steering mechanism at the very top of the Big Whale to start flying around the Moon. Go west to see a mountain pass above a cave, which means you should then land above the pass. Get out, hike down to the cave mouth, SAVE your game, and then enter the cave. You will see that you have entered Cave Bahamut, so be ready to face some powerful adversaries as you go deeper. Go down across the small path, continue down to find a Samurai Gauntlet in a Treasure Chest (give it to Edge), and then go back up across the small path area. Turn right to go find a secret passage, which you will take to find a Treasure Chest with a Samurai Shield inside (equip it on Cecil). Come back out of the secret passage to go down and then right to find a path down. From there you need to walk around the rock formation below you by going to the left side of it to find the exit from this area of the cave. Go left at the start of B2F to turn up when the path dictates that you must do so. As you go upwards you will see a Treasure Chest that contains a suit of Samurai Armor for Edge to wear, and then you should head right past the narrow path leading up to find a Samurai Helmet for Edge to wear. Now go back to the aforementioned narrow path leading up, attempt to cross it, and you will have to fight to fight a... -------- Behemoth -------- H.P.: 16000 Gold: 65000 Exp.: 58700 These guys are means customers that hit you EXTREMELY hard. This guy has a special ability to counter attack every physical attack thrown at him, so be sure to have high Hit Points before attacking (he throws the shots around randomly). You also need to watch out for his Storm attack, which appears to be in retaliation to the casting of a powerful spell. Have Cecil and Edge attack, have Rydia cast Virus once to start the beast's Hit Points draining and then she should use Cure2's on hurt people, FuSoYa should use Nuke or White (or Meteo if you really want to) as well as Cure some damage, and Rosa should Cure the whole time to assure your victory. Also note that the Behemoth rarely attacks when he does not have a swing taken at him, so stop attacking if you are badly damaged so you can refill your hit Points before you resume pounding on the great beast. Continue up to go through the door above to go to B3F. This floor starts off with a small path leadig down, when suddenly another BEHEMOTH will come after you! -------- Behemoth -------- H.P.: 16000 Gold: 65000 Exp.: 58700 These guys are means customers that hit you EXTREMELY hard. This guy has a special ability to counter attack every physical attack thrown at him, so be sure to have high Hit Points before attacking (he throws the shots around randomly). You also need to watch out for his Storm attack, which appears to be in retaliation to the casting of a powerful spell. Have Cecil and Edge attack, have Rydia cast Virus once to start the beast's Hit Points draining and then she should use Cure2's on hurt people, FuSoYa should use Nuke or White (or Meteo if you really want to) as well as Cure some damage, and Rosa should Cure the whole time to assure your victory. Also note that the Behemoth rarely attacks when he does not have a swing taken at him, so stop attacking if you are badly damaged so you can refill your hit Points before you resume pounding on the great beast. Continue along the narrow path as it winds down, then left, and finally upwards towards a large land island when suddenly one more BEHEMOTH attacks your party! -------- Behemoth -------- H.P.: 16000 Gold: 65000 Exp.: 58700 These guys are means customers that hit you EXTREMELY hard. This guy has a special ability to counter attack every physical attack thrown at him, so be sure to have high Hit Points before attacking (he throws the shots around randomly). You also need to watch out for his Storm attack, which appears to be in retaliation to the casting of a powerful spell. Have Cecil and Edge attack, have Rydia cast Virus once to start the beast's Hit Points draining and then she should use Cure2's on hurt people, FuSoYa should use Nuke or White (or Meteo if you really want to) as well as Cure some damage, and Rosa should Cure the whole time to assure your victory. Also note that the Behemoth rarely attacks when he does not have a swing taken at him, so stop attacking if you are badly damaged so you can refill your hit Points before you resume pounding on the great beast. Refill your Hit Points and Magic Points, then step forward to learn that you have arrived in the lair of the most powerful Summoned Monster of them all. He is the Master who created the other Summoned Monsters, and he watches over his people from afar. He is BAHAMUT, and he desires to check his abilities against you in battle to determine if you really have the Power of Light or not! ------- Bahamut ------- H.P.: 37000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 35000 Bahamut has one attack only, but it is one powerful blast. It is called MegaNuke, and it does a massive amount of damage to your team. Their is a way to turn this attack back onto Bahamut however, and this is achieved by doing the following actions. Cecil and Edge should attack, Rydia should Call Leviathan, and Rosa and FuSoYa will cast Wall on their teammates one at a time. After the MegaNuke lands, you might have missed Walling in one team member, but the MegaNuke will bounce back to badly damage Bahamut. Then you just need to wear him down as he countdowns to again MegaNuke himself. With this strategy, you will not have a hard time with this battle. You will learn the ability to summon Bahamut (THE most powerful summon in the game!), and thus your trip to this cave was worth it. Use Exit to leave Bahamut's cave, go into the Big Whale (which is north of you), and go to sleep in the middle compartment of the ship to recover your Magic Points and Hit Points. Now go outside the ship to SAVE the game, and then talk to the Crystal of Flgiht to head back to Earth to see if you can break into the Tower of Bab-il! ************************************ The Giant of Bab-Il ************************************ You will land partway between the Castle of Eblan the Tower of Bab-il. Suddenly the ground will start to shake, and FuSoYa will tell you that you have arrived too late to stop the Giant of bab-il! The Giant will proceed forward, and stop every few steps to roast the surrounding countryside with it's firepower! Cecil and company will wonder what they can do against the seemingly invincible foe, when suddenly... A single round of ammunition hts the Giant in the right leg! The Dwarven Tanks will then roll into range, and as they start to pepper the Giant of Bab-il with large amounts of artillery rounds, old friends in King Giott and Yang will announce their presence with the intention of fighting this monstrosity upon the bahelf of all beings on Earth. However, it still does not seem to be enough... Which is the exact point a fleet of Airships come in from the east! Cid will be recovered and piloting an Airship with the mechanics and Soldiers of the Red Wings, The Elder of Mysidia will have White Wizards and Black Wizards (along with the revived Palom and Porom), and Edward along with the Troian compliment of women soldiers will all start to bomb the Giant of Bab-il to help out the cause. Both sides will be exchanging heavy fire as the Giant of Bab-il will appear to be vulnerable from the commotion, and FuSoYa decides that going inside is the best way to fully destroy this vile creation (by destroying it's core). Cecil will call for Cid to pick up the group with his Airship, and then he will maneuver towards the Giant of Bab-il, and he will drop the group into the internal workings of the Giant! Go up upon landing, go aorund the whole (left or right), and then take the small bridge to the transporter to go to the next area of the Giant. The neck of the Giant simply requires you to walk straight down to the transporter below you. The Chest is larger than the previous two areas, so start off by going down and then walking left to get a Shuriken from a Treasure Chest. Head left through the winding path, followed by going down. Once you have to head right, be sure to get the Cure2 from the Treasure Chest before you take the bridge downwards. Walk right, followed by turing up to get an Ether1 from a Treasure Chest, and then go right to find a bridge leading up to a fork, which is where you will go right to get 10 Samurai Arrows. Now go back down to go left past a bridge to get a Cabin from the last Treasure Chest on the floor, and then go right and up to get into the transporter to the next body part. The Stomach is where you will start off by going straight up across the bridge in front of the party to get a Life Potion from a Treasure Chest. Go back down acorss the bridge, go right past the first path going up to take the second path going up to get another Life Potion. Go back down to take the path you skipped over just moments ago, and go up it to turn left when the path opens in that direction. Continue left while following the up and down movements of the path to find the transporter to the next area. The Passage is starts with a small, narrow area for your party to walk down, followed by a turn to the right until a bridge appears for them to cross and open a Treasure Chest to find MONSTERS! -------- Last Arm -------- H.P.: 9500 Gold: 340 Exp.: 8800 This guy will use Search when the fight begins (targets one of your party), uses Magnet, on them, which will cast "Stop" on them (they freeze in place). It will also use Beam periodically, and if you take too long to kill it, it will also use Fission to sacrifice itself to damage one of your team members. To avoid this, have Edge and Cecil attack, Rydia and FuSoYa should use Virus (quick to cast, good damage), and Rosa should Aim her arrows. You will take an Elixer for your troubles, and then you should continue to the right to find a double bridge for you to cross by going upwards. Head left past the passage above you to find a SAVE CIRCLE where you can SAVE your game. Head right and then up to take the transporter to the lung. Go straight up until you enter the square that has a square on each side of it where Rubicant, Valvalis, Kainazzo, and Milon will appear to taunt and then fight you (but not before Rubicant refills your Hit Points and Magic Points first)! -------- Elements -------- H.P.: 104,000 Gold: 10000 Exp.: 62500 You will have to fight each incarnation of the Four Fiends once again (thanks to Zemus bringing them back), so this section will have strategies for each opponent. Each fiend will show up around every 26,000 Hit Points damage dealt out by your team. Milon-Z will use strong physical attacks and Curse for the most part, so just be sure to keep your Hit Points high. Cecil and Edge should attack, FuSoYa should use Fire3 and Cure the team, Rydia should summon Bahamut, and Rosa should Cure the team and cast Cure4 on Milon-Z (it will do around 5000 Hit Points damage to the undead being). Rubicant is next, and he uses Fire2, Fire3, and Galre as he fights you (none of these do a whole lot of damage). Cecil should attack, Edge should use Ninja Magic to cast Flood, FuSoYa should cast Ice3 as should Rydia (if she has it) or summon Leviathan, and Rosa should keep the Hit Points high with Cure3. Kainazzo is third in the order, and he will sue physical attacks as well as Big Wave (this does about 500 Hit Points damage to each member of your team). Cecil should attack, Edge should use Ninja Magic (Blitz is the best), FuSoYa should use Lit3, Rydia should Lit3 (if she has it) or summon Indra, and Rosa should continue to Cure the party. Valvalis brings up the final line of the Four Fiend offense, and she comes using Big Wave (again for around 500 Hit Points damage to each team member), as well as Ray (Petrify), Storm (Weak), and physical attacks. Have Cecil attack, Edge should use Ninja Magic (Blitz is suggested), FuSoYa should use Lit3/White, Rydia should summon Bahamut, and Rosa is your designated Curing machine. The Four Fiends will then bemoan their losing to your party, and then you may wish to back track a secction of the body to use a Cabin and then SAVE in the SAVE CIRCLE before returning to the lung. Once you pass through the lung, you will be int eh CPU, where you will head upwards to find the CPU, along with some defenses as it attacks! --- -------- -------- CPU Attacker Defender --- -------- -------- H.P.: 20000 H.P.: 2000 H.P.: 2000 Gold: 10333 Gold: 0 Gold: 0 Exp.: 150000 Exp.: 0 Exp.: 0 The boss comes in three parts, all of which have unique properties. The Defender will spend a lot of the time just casting Remedy on the CPU at 2000 Hit Points recovered per casting. The Attacker will use Maser (attack on everyone for about 200 Hit Points damage each). CPU will cast Wall on itself at the start, meaning conventional magics will not get to it (although Call Magic will work), and if both Attacker and Defender have been taken down, CPU will use Globe199 (ultra-powerful attack on one person, killing them immediately) a few times before casting Recover to bring Attacker and Defender back. To take the monstrosity down, take out Defender, take out Attacker (if you want), and the pound on CPU before repeating the cycle again. Have Cecil and Edge attack, FuSoYa should Cure the party as should Rosa (as well as revive team members after Globe199 attacks), and Rydia should summon Bahamut. After wrecking the CPU, Golbez will charge forward to confront the party, when FuSoYa rushes forward and casts a spell on Golbez! Golbez will then wonder what came over him, and he then speals his father's name when prompted by FuSoYa, and his Father is KluYa! The group quickly realizes that Golbez and Cecil are brothers, and it was because Golbez had some evil within his soul that he was controlled by Zemus, and not Cecil that was controlled instead. Golbez and FuSoYa leave to get Zemus on their own, and then the Giant will start to collapse! The group appears doomed to die, when Kain shows up to get the group out! Despite some mistrust, the team does follow Kain to transport out of the Giant just before it explodes! The team will be on the Big Whale where Kain is ready to pay the consequences of his actions, and Edge is the most vehement in his mistrust. Rosa tells them to not be so hard on him as Golbez was controlled as well. Kain then tells Edge he can take Kain out if he turns yet again, and the group is ready to head to the moon to find Zemus! Cecil will then decide that Rydia and Rosa must not go to the Moon due to the dangers involved, and the two then exit the Big Whale before the three super macho guys talk to the Crystal of Flight to go to the moon! ************************************ PaleDim Beckons ************************************ The three will land to start their almost guaranteed suicide mission, and they will head for the passage out. However, Rydia and Rosa will pop out to say they are coming, and after some convincing (and Cecil gets some kissing), the party will head out as five strong once more! First you will need to fix your form so you have Kain, Cecil, and Edge in the front row, with Rydia and Rosa in the back row. Next, you should head back to Earth, where you have a few errands to run. Start off by going to get one of your errant Airships, go into the underworld, and then fly south to find Kokkol's blacksmith shop. Talk to the Dwarf on the right side of the room to buy some throwing stars (Ninja are superior choice, but expensive at 50000 Gold Pieces per star) as well as some Samurai Arrows for Rosa to use (the second most powerful ones she can use). Now head back to the overworld, go find the Big Whale, and then talk to the Crystal of Flight to head back to the Moon once more. Land the Big Whale just to the north-west of the Lunar's Lair, get out, SAVE your game, and then walk down and then left to enter the Lunar Path. Walk up the left path until you see the door, which you should take to exit the Lunar Path. Head right until the path branches, at which point you should head down and then right to enter the Lunar Path. Head left and then down to go thorugh this narrow and small cave. Head left to find the cave mouth entrance to the Lunar's Lair. Go inside to use the two tiles to refill your Hit Points and Magic Points, and then go outside to SAVE your game. Keep in mind while you journey into the Lunar Subterranean that there are not only great weapons and armor to be found in the multitude of Treasure Chests below, but many enemies also hold precious weapons and armors that can not be found anywhere else in the game! The following chart will give you the listings of enemies and enemy groups to fight if you search for these hard to near impossible to find artifacts! Odds of Drop based on the following nomenclature: common, rare, really rare, and incredibly rare. +-------------+----------------+------------------+ | Enemies | Prize | Odds Of Drop | +-------------+----------------+------------------+ | | | | | Behemoth | Power Robe | really rare | | | | | +-------------+----------------+------------------+ | | | | | Blue D. | Dragon Whip | really rare | | | Dragoon Spear | incredibly rare | +-------------+----------------+------------------+ | | | | | Evil Mask | Glass Helmet | incredibly rare | | | | | +-------------+----------------+------------------+ | | | | | FatalEye | Protect Ring | incredibly rare | | | | | +-------------+----------------+------------------+ | Kary | Artemis Arrows | common | | | Heroine Robe | really rare | | | Artmeis Bow | incredibly rare | +-------------+----------------+------------------+ | | | | | Pink Puff | Pink Tail | 1-4096 chance | | | | | +-------------+----------------+------------------+ | | | | | Red D. | Dragoon Spear | really rare | | | Crystal Ring | incredibly rare | +-------------+----------------+------------------+ | | | | | RedGiant | Rune Axe | incredibly rare | | | | | +-------------+----------------+------------------+ | | | | | Warlock | Ribbon Helmet | incredibly rare | | | | | +-------------+----------------+------------------+ Keep in mind that these enemies may also distribute other rare and incredibly good items as well, but this is what I have encountered in all my years of playing this game. Head into the Lunar's Lair once more, and go around the throne to find stairs to the next floor, where the eight Crystals have been positioned around a warp tile. Talk to each Crystal to learn that great weapons lie below in the Moon's Core, that Golbez and FuSoYa are below going to find Zemus, and that Zemus has increased his powers significantly which even FuSoYa will have great difficulty prevailing. After learning some knowledge that may come in handy, you should then step onto the crystal tile to be transported by the combined might of the Crystals to arrive in the Moon's Core! Go up, followed by turning right, and then head down to enter a secret passage on your right. Once you have gone through the passage, head left along the narrow path above you, and then walk down the path to until you see a Treasure Chest, which you should open to find MONSTERS! -------- RedGiant -------- H.P.: 10800 Gold: 7000 Exp.: 18900 Two of these baddies will attack you here, but unlike the freebie battle that you had with two of them in the Lunar's Lair, these ones will attack you. They will use Beam, Emission, and physical attacks to put the hurt on you (they are also pretty fast for big beings). Edge and Cecil should attack, Kain should jump, Rydia should use Ice3 or Virus, and Rosa should Cure your aches and pains. A Ninja Suit is your reward (equip it on Edge and give his Samurai Armor to Cecil), and then backtrack up and then right to go through the secret passage once more. Go left and up past the transporter you arrived on to go see a secret passage in the wall. Once you go through it, turn down to take a transporter to Lunar Subterrane B1. Walk straight up to go through the door above to arrive in Lunar Subterrane B2. Go up to find MONSTERS in a Treasure Chest! ------- ---- Warlock Kary ------- ---- H.P.: 4250 H.P.: 2700 Gold: 2400 Gold: 2500 Exp.: 17300 Exp.: 13100 Warlocks will use relatively innefective physical attacks while using magic spells like Fire2 and Weak to soften your party up. Kary's will use strong physical attacks to put the hurt on your team. Have Cecil and Edge attack one Kary at a time to bring them down quickly, have Kain Jump a Warlock, Rydia should bring Virus raining down, and Rosa should Cure the wounds as they pop up. A Life Staff is your reward for the battle, and then you should cut left and then down to take the transporter below to go to another part of Lunar Subterrane B2. Go left, turn down as soon as you can (ignore the secret passage on the left), and then turn left to find a door to Lunar Subterrane B3. Go rightt, then turn up, cast Float on the entire party, and then go left to examine the floating sword on the pedestal to hear... Go to the eternal gloom of the Dark World before you can touch this blade..! Then the battle will ensue for the Murasame! -------- Pale Dim -------- H.P.: 27500 Gold: 0 Exp.: 59000 The Pale Dim has a good bag of ticks to call upon in this fight including: physical attacks, Slow spell, and Quake. Quake will only be used in response to a high end Black Magic spell attack, but this is countered by casting Float before the fight begins. Have Cecil and Edge attack, Kain should Jump, Rydia should summon Bahamut, and Rosa should Cure when needed and attack when she has the chance by using her Aim command. You will gain control of the Murasame, so equip it on Edge (to replace his Long Sowrd). Now you should cast EXIT to leave the dungeon behind and arrive outside of the Lunar's Lair, and then you should go inside to use the tiles to restore your Hit Points and Magic Points to full before returning outside to SAVE your game. ************************************ Wyvern Awaits ************************************ Head back into the Lunar's Lair, go past the throne to the Crystal Room, and then step on the Crystal tile to have the Crystals send you off to the Moon's Core! A quick reminder (from now on in this and the following sections) to the player is that whenever your group starts to feel run down and weak, and your Magic Points are getting dangerously low, you should use Exit to land back outside the Lunar's Lair. This is where you can refill your Hit Points and Magic Points and SAVE your game. Then you just need to get back to the point you were on the walkthrough, and join it in progress to make the playing as easy as possible. Go up across the bridge, go left followed by turning to go downwards. Take the path to your left down, and then turn right to enter the door to go to Lunar Subterrane B2. Head down and then right to enter a secret passage. Go up the secret passage till it branches to the left, which you should walk down to find a Flame Whip (equip it on Rydia), and then backtrack to the main path of the secret passage. Walk upwards, turn left to exit the secret passage, and then go left through the room to go into anohter secret passage. When you emerge in the next room, walk past the door above you as you go left to find a Dragoon Shield in a Treasure Chest (equip it on Kain). Now go right to walk through the previously passed door to go to Lunar Subterane B3. When you appear you should walk down to go around the rock formation below on the left side, and then continue past the first secret passage to take the second scret passage (it is on the right side of the room). It takes you to a Treasure Chest with a Dragoon Helmet inside (give ti to Kain), and then go through the secret passage on the right to go downwards to arrive in the next room with another Treasure Chest, this one containing Dragoon Armor (once again it is for Kain). Go tot he bottom left corner of the room to find a Treasure Chest with a Dragoon Gauntlet (Kain gets this), and then backtrack through the two secret passages to arrive back in the main chamber of this floor. Go up to enter the door above to get to Subterrane B4. Go right from the door to cross a narrw stretch of floor, continue right past the stairs to go under the rock formation to see a Treasure Chest which has 10 Artemis Arrows (Rosa's most powerful Arrows, but save them for tougher battles). Head back to the left to go down the stairs you skipped earlier, and then head left to find big spires of rock with an opening in the rock face waiting for you to enter. Once inside, open the Treasure Chest to find an Elixer. Go right once you exit the room until you see some stairs leading down to the next level of cliffs on this floor (take the stairs). Walk right to enter the opening in the rock wall, and when you are inside, go up along the wall on your right to find a Treasure Chest that contains a Cure3. Now head left past the rock formation blocking most of the path to see an opening below, but continue past it to find another Cure3 in a Treasure Chest. Now go right to use that opening to come out into the main area of the floor where a Treasure Chest awaits you below with MONSTERS inside! -------- Behemoth -------- H.P.: 16000 Gold: 65000 Exp.: 58700 These guys are means customers that hit you EXTREMELY hard. This guy has a special ability to counter attack every physical attack thrown at him, so be sure to have high Hit Points before attacking (he throws the shots around randomly). You also need to watch out for his Storm attack, which appears to be in retaliation to the casting of a powerful spell. Have Cecil and Edge attack, have Kain Jump, have Rydia cast Virus once to start the beast's Hit Points draining and then she should use Cure2's on hurt people, and Rosa should Cure the whole time to assure your victory. Also note that the Behemoth rarely attacks when he does not have a swing taken at him, so stop attacking if you are badly damaged so you can refill your hit Points before you resume pounding on the great beast. A StarDust Rod is your prize, and you should then head right to take the stairs down into the blackness below! When you arrive in Lunar Subterrane B5, you will notice a sword to your right (this is indeed another of those weapons that the Crystals mentioned), but you can not seem to access it through any means. Head down the long flight of stairs to turn left and go past the opening in the rock face to turn upwards and open the Treasure Chest there to fight MONSTERS! ---------- ----------- Red Dragon Blue Dragon ---------- ----------- H.P.: 15000 H.P.: 13200 Gold: 65000 Gold: 40200 Exp.: 51800 Exp.: 36000 You will face a formidable two-some when these two Dragons come after you! Amazingly strong physical attacks and quick shots of Blizzard (Ice spell) will drain your Hit Points continually. Attack with Cecil and Edge, have Kain Jump. have Rydia summon Bahamut once and then use Virus continually, and Rosa will most definitely have her hands full with Curing the team. The Crystal Shield is your great reward for this battle, so be sure to equip it on Cecil (the only one who can use it). Walk down and to the right to enter the opening in the rock face to enter a room where you should walk up. Go right through the secret passage to grab a Protect Ring from a Treasure Chest (give it to Rydia or Rosa), and then head through the secret passage on your right to arrive in a new area of the room, where you should head down to go out the opening below. Go right to find MONSTERS in a Treasure Chest! -------- Behemoth -------- H.P.: 16000 Gold: 65000 Exp.: 58700 These guys are means customers that hit you EXTREMELY hard. This guy has a special ability to counter attack every physical attack thrown at him, so be sure to have high Hit Points before attacking (he throws the shots around randomly). You also need to watch out for his Storm attack, which appears to be in retailiation to the casting of a powerful spell. Have Cecil and Edge attack, have Kain Jump, have Rydia cast Virus once to start the beast's Hit Points draining and then she should use Cure2's on hurt people, and Rosa should Cure the whole time to assure your victory. Also note that the Behemoth rarely attacks when he does not have a swing taken at him, so stop attacking if you are badly damaged so you can refill your hit Points before you resume pounding on the great beast. Take the Crystal Armor that you won and equip it on Cecil, and then go back to the room you just left so you can go up thorugh the door at the top of the room. Go right to find MONSTERS in the Treasure Chest! ---------- Red Dragon ---------- H.P.: 15000 Gold: 65000 Exp.: 51800 You will face a formidable two-some when these two Dragons come after you! Amazingly strong physical attacks, double shots of physical attacks in one round, and Heat Ray (a high powered fire attack on everyone). Attack with Cecil and Edge, have Kain Jump. have Rydia summon Bahamut once and then use Virus continually, and Rosa will most definitely have her hands full with Curing the team. The Crystal Gauntlet is the prize (once again for Cecil) before heading down and to the left to go past the opening in the rock face you emerged from to enter the next opening in the rock face you see. Head up into the room, go left past the wall to go down to open a Treasure Chest to find a White RObe (give to Rosa). Now go up thorugh the door above you to come back out into Lunar Subterrane B5 where you should head left and up to find MONSTERS in a Treasure Chest. --------- ------- D. Fossil Warlock --------- ------- H.P.: 10000 H.P.: 4250 Gold: 6100 Gold: 2400 Exp.: 15100 Exp.: 17300 This is a much simpler fight than what you have been dealing with for the majority of the Treasure Chest battles, but try not to get a swelled head. Warlocks can use physical attacks (very weak though), Fire2, and Weak. D. Fossil will use physical attacks and Curse to hurt your team. Have Cecil and Edge attack the D. Fossil, Kain should Jump the Warlock, Rydia should cast Virus, and Rosa should Cure any aches and use Aim to hurt the D. Fossil. A Crystal Helmet (it is for Cecil) is your reward, and you should follow this fabulous find up by going down and then right past an opening in the rock wall and a ladder to enter the opening in the rock wall to the right of the ladder. go to the Treasure Chest on the right side of the room to find a Cabin. This si the same room that you can look for the legendary Pink Puff (odds of encounter are 1-64), and if you do find and then kill them, you have a slim chance of recieving a Pink Tail (odds are 1-64 again). Go back out the door, go left to the ladder, and climb down to Lunar Subbterrane B6. Walk down off the ladder, go right to find a Ninja Star, and then go left to find 10 Atemis Arrows. Now head down the ladder on the left to find a Cabin in a Treasure Chest, and then you should walk up till you are directly below the ladder you came down. Now this is perhaps the most unfair thing the programmers could do, but this part here is really awesome to know about. Go directly left and your party will almost magicalle walk over the air to the land on the far side of the gap! Head up to the secret passage, enter it and take the stairs to arrive in another section of Lunar Subterrane B6. Go down to get a Life Potion from a Treasure Chest, followed up by going right to find a transporter to yet another part of Lunar Subterrane B6. Walk up the huge ladder to transfer to Lunar Subterrane B5. Walk up the huge ladder to open a Treasure Chest to fight MONSTERS! -------- Behemoth -------- H.P.: 16000 Gold: 65000 Exp.: 58700 These guys are means customers that hit you EXTREMELY hard. This guy has a special ability to counter attack every physical attack thrown at him, so be sure to have high Hit Points before attacking (he throws the shots around randomly). You also need to watch out for his Storm attack, which appears to be in retaliation to the casting of a powerful spell. Have Cecil and Edge attack, have Kain Jump, have Rydia cast Virus once to start the beast's Hit Points draining and then she should use Cure2's on hurt people, and Rosa should Cure the whole time to assure your victory. Also note that the Behemoth rarely attacks when he does not have a swing taken at him, so stop attacking if you are badly damaged so you can refill your hit Points before you resume pounding on the great beast. Another Protect Ring is the valued treasure here (give to whichever lady that you did not give the first one to), and then continue your trek up the next ladder to take the transporter to arrive at a SAVE CIRCLE. Use a Cabin to recover your Hit Points and Magic Points, SAVE your game, and then head out the door. Walk up and to the right towards the floating sword to hear the following... The power of this sword which Master Zemus detests shall not be released...! ------ Wyvern ------ H.P.: 25000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 64300 The Wyvern can use MegaNuke, Wall, Nuke, and Remedy fairly frequently. This mean customer uses MegaNuke just like it's look alike Bahamut, but it will begin the fight with one. This will lay most of your party to rest (usually leaves only one member alive). Your first job is to get Rosa back on her feet so she can then cast Wall on herself. Then you should try to get Cecil and Rydia up so you have your powerhouse hitter (Rydia with Bahamut) and Cecil for his ability to take hits (and throw around 2500 damage at a time). Whenever you get a Bahamut shot in, Wyvern will respond with a MegaNuke, and if it hits Rosa, her Wall will reflect the damage back at Wyvern. Edge and Kain do not contribute enough or stand up to the spells well for you to keep reviving them. Remember that Rosa can only be cured with Cure2's and Cure3's from your inventory. With a little bit of luck, you can win this one rather easily. You will get the Crystal Sword for your victory, which is an awesome upgrade in power for Cecil. Now head down and left to enter the opening in the rock face to use a Cabin in the SAVE CIRCLE, followed by a SAVE of your game. ************************************ Beware the Plague ************************************ Head up from the SAVE CIRCLE to take the transporter to the far side of Lunar Subterrane B5 where you should head down the long ladders to take a transporter to Lunar Subterrane B6. Go down the ladder to transport to the oppositie side of the floor where you should head left to go up the stiars to arrive in a sceret passage. Go left out of the secret passage, followed by walking down and then turning right to walk across the invisible bridge to arrive back where you entered this side path. Go up the ladder and then down the ladder to the right to walk around the rock formation to go downwards. Enter the opening the rock face to arrive in a room where you should go up the left wall to find a Treasure Chest with MONSTERS inside! ------- ---- Warlock Kary ------- ---- H.P.: 4250 H.P.: 2700 Gold: 2400 Gold: 2500 Exp.: 17300 Exp.: 13100 Warlocks will use relatively innefective physical attacks while using magic spells like Fire2 and Weak to soften your party up. Kary's will use strong physical attacks to put the hurt on your team. Have Cecil and Edge attack one Kary at a time to bring them down quickly, have Kain Jump a Warlock, Rydia should bring Virus raining down, and Rosa should Cure the wounds as they pop up. A Heroine Robe is your reward (give it to either Rydia or Rosa), and then go down around the wall to go up through the opening in the rockface to arrive at Lunar Subterrane B7. Walk down and to the right to enter the first opening in the rock face to find a SAVE CIRCLE, where you should use a Tent, equip Rosa with all the Artmeis Arrows you have, SAVE, and then head out the opening again. Go right to enter the next opening in the rock face you see to find a Spear sitting on a pedestal. Go examine the pedestal to hear the following speech. Woe to those who seek to gain the Lance of White! The Fight ensues! ------ Plague ------ H.P.: 28000 Gold: 550 Exp.: 31200 Plague will use Count (a Doom-like spell) on all your people as his first attack (when the timer runs out, they all die) as well as using Fast on your party members to try and run their timers down quicker. To win, you need to attack the whole time, so use the following techniques: Cecil should attack, Kain should Jump, Edge should throw a Ninja Star and then attack, Rydia should use Bahamut, and Rosa should use Aim with her powerful Artemis Arrows equipped. Being quick and decisive in your decisions with your party members can often be the difference between winning and losing. Give the White Lance to Kain to increase his attack at a slight cost to his defense stat (due to the fact that the Gungir he has equipped was raising Kain's Vitality stat), and then head out the door, turn left, and then enter the opening in the rock face to go SAVE in the SAVE CIRCLE. ************************************ D. Lunar and Ogopogo Assault ************************************ Go out the opening below your SAVE CIRCLE, go right past the former home of Plague to enter the next opening in the rock wall to walk up between two pillars towards two Treasure Chests when a firm voice decrees: This sacred Ribbon shall not be within your hands...! -------- D. Lunar -------- H.P.: 21000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 50000 You get to fight two D. Lunar's. D. Lunars use physical attacks as well as Wall to start off with. Then they will use Virus and Remedy following this to attack your team and Cure themselves for 2100 Hit Points. Have Edge and Cecil attack (his Crystal Sword does 9999 damage), Kain should jump, Rydia should Call Bahamut, and Rosa should Aim with her arrows. If Rosa gets to go first for your team, cast Cure4 on one of the D. Lunars to hurt the one you aim for for about 3000 Hit Points. Go upwards to find two Ribbon Helmets, which anyone can equip. They are powerful Helmets, but their real power lies in thefact that they can block much of the damage of most types of Magic as well as making the wearer immune to all status effects. Go out the opening below, go left to enter the SAVE CIRCLE room, use a Tent, SAVE, and then go back out the opening. Walk right till the path cuts up around the rooms you have been in fighting Plague and D. Lunars to go turn leftt to go down a ladder. Go left upon reaching the lower ledge to go through the opening in the rock face to arrive at the Crystal Path. Go right upon entering to take a ladder down to the next level of the path, where you should head left to go past a ladder to a Treasure Chest which contains a Ninja Star. Take the ladder down, walk right until you face a fork in the path, which is where you take the path leading downwards. Walk to the right to see a sword floating majestically in the air, and when you examine it, you will hear an ominous voice say: You think that you, the ones from the Blue Planet, can handle this blade of black, Masamune! ------- Ogopogo ------- H.P.: 37000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 61100 Ogopogo has a few attacks to use on your party, including: Big Wave, Blaze, and physical attacks. Ogopogo will begin the fight with a double shot of Big Wave, which will take your team's Hit Points to quite low numbers (Rosa should use Cure4 on everyone for her first move, and use Cure2 on all from Cecil if you like to as well). You should have Cecil attack, Kain Jump, Edge should throw Ninja Stars, Rydia summon Bahamut or use Nuke, and have Rosa Cure the party and use White on Ogopogo when you can (if you have it that is). Not a particularly hard fight once you have enough Hit Points to survive the intial attack (which you should have easily by this point). Recieve the Masamune, and equip it on Edge (remove his Ninja Sword). ************************************ The Crystal Path ************************************ Go left along the path to take the narrow path up, turn left, and then go up the ladder. Walk right to take a ladder up, and then head left to find the passage back to Lunar Subterrane B7. You should then head up the ladder to your right, go right upon finishing your climb, and then go down the narrow path. Go left past the first two openings in the rock face to enter the third opening to find the SAVE CIRCLE. SAVE your game, and then you have a decison to make. You can use a Cabin to recover your Hit Points and Magic Points to 100 % and head back out to the Crystal Path to start your journey towards Zemus, or you can return to Earth to get some more Ninja Stars for Edge to use. If you are going to return to Earth, read the all the paragraphs of this section, but if you just want to go down the Crystal Path, skip the next eight paragraphs. Cast Exit to return to the Moon's surface, where you should head right to enter the cave on the right, which is a Lunar Path. Go up and to the right to find the exit from this short cave. Go up and to the left where a fork appears, and you should take the left path to find another Lunar Path. Go down and to the left to traverse most fo the cave, walk around the wall blocking direct access to the exit to leave the cave. Go left and then up the mountain pass to get on the Big Whale, talk to the Crystal of Flight, and start the journey back to Earth. Land your Big Whale near one of your Airships, get off it, get into the Airship, and then go down the crater intot he underground. Head south to Kokkol's the Blacksmith, talk to the Dwarf on the right side of the house to spend all of your remaining funds on Ninja Stars for Edge (sell excess equipment to get as many as possible, but hold onto your Darting Weapons you have left and about 300000 Gold Pieces). Now you should get back on your Airship, fly north, go through the crater, go back to the Big Whale, and talk to the rystal of Flight for the last time to take you back to the Moon! When you land on the moon, go south of the Lunar's Lair crystal palace to find a cave enclosed by mountains (land inside the ring). Go into the cave to find the home of the Humingways where one of the beings walking around is a merchant, and use your saved money to buy as many Ether2 and then as many Ether1s as possible before leaving the cave to get back on the Big Whale. Go land it on the Mountain above the pass that leads to the Lunar Path. Land the Big Whale just to the north-west of the Lunar's Lair, get out, SAVE your game, and then walk down and then left to enter the Lunar Path. Walk up the left path until you see the door, which you should take to exit the Lunar Path. Head right until the path branches, at which point you should head down and then right to enter the Lunar Path. Head left and then down to go through this narrow and small cave. Head left to find the cave mouth entrance to the Lunar's Lair. Go inside to use the two tiles to refill your Hit Points and Magic Points, and then go outside to SAVE your game. Go into the Crystal Room, step onto the transporter, and go to the Moon's Core thanks to the Crystals. Go up across the bridge, go down and take the narrow path down to turn right to go through the door to Lunar Subterrane B2. Go down and then right to enter a secret passage which you should take upwards to find a turn to the left. Go through the small room and the secret passage to go through the door to Lunar Subterrane B3. Go down on the left side of the rock formation below you to enter the door to go to Lunar Subterrane B4. Head right to take a ladder down to the next level where you should walk right to climb down another ladder. Go left to find two rock pillars to go between and enter the opening in the rock face to end up in a cave where you should immediately go left to find the exit from the room. Go down and to the right to take the ladder leading into the black depths below to Lunar Subterranean B5. Climb down the ladder to go left to find an opening in the rock wall, which you should enter. Walk up until you see a secret passage on the right, which is where you should enter to go through a small room to find another secret passage. Once you pas through the secret passage, go up through the door above to appear where you need to walk to the left to enter the opening in the rock face. Go up to take the door in the room to appear out in the main area again, where you should go right to go down the ladder to the depths of Lunar Subterranean B6. Go down the ladder on the right, walk around the rock formation below to enter the opening in the rock face to enter a room where you should go up the right wall to find the door to Lunar Subterranean B7. Head down and to the right to enter the first opening in the rock wall to find a SAVE CIRCLE where you should use a Tent/Cabin and SAVE your game. Walk out the opening of the mini-cave, turn right to go past the openings in the rock wall, and turn upwards. Turn left once the path switched direction, and go down the ladder when it appears. Go left to go through the opening in the rock face between the rock pillars to enter the Crystal Path. Go right upon entering to take a ladder down to the next level of the path, where you should head left to get to a ladder you go down. Go right past the path leading down, go up, turn left, and then climb down the ladder to go one level lower into the Crystal Path. Head down the ladder to your right, go get the Treasure Chest on the right for an Elixer, and then go back down to take the ladder below you down. Go left to climb down a ladder, followed by turning right to go get a Whistle from a Treasure Chest (this can be used to call a Fat Chocobo with all of your stored items). Continue right to take a transporter to the next level of the Crystal Path. Go left to take a small ladder down, turn right to go above a small block in your path, and then climb down the next ladder. Grab the Ninja Star from the Treasure Chest on the right, walk left past the ladder leading down to get another Ninja Star from a Treasure Chest, and then walk right to find a ladder leading to a transporter, which will take you even deeper into the Crystal Path. Head directly left to find a ladder to climb down, turn right to go directly to another ladder leading down, and then go left to find a transporter to the lair of Zemus! Walk forward to watch Golbez and FuSoYa attack Zemus with many spells, but they have little effect. Golbez and FuSoYa will then try to do Meteo together (W. Meteo), and it destroys Zemus! As the group celebrates this turn of events, and as Golbez and Cecil eye each other uneasily, Zemus will be consumed by the Dark Substance of his hatred, and becomes Zeromus! He will use his power to knock everyone back, with Golbez and FuSoYa being the only ones standing. FuSoYa and Golbez will then try Meteo once each, but it heas Zeromus! Golbez will try the Crystal, but this does not work as he has darkness upon his soul. Zeromus will then wipe the two out with a Meteo of his own! He will then start to suck everyone into his darkness, when the scene suddenly changes... It goes to Mysidia where everyone that helped you (and you helped them) along your journey will start to wish for your safe return and ability to win for all people in the universe! Cecil will rise, recieve the Crystal from Golbez, and enter battle against Zeromus with 1 Hit Point and no allies! The people on Earth will continue to wish and lend their energies to your team to fully revive them while Encouraging the party to succeed! Now enter the FINAL BATTLE! ************************* Zeromus ************************* H.P.: 100000+ (not sure of exact amount) Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 Zemus has an incredible amount of attacks, and they will be listed below with a description of what they do, how much Hit Points they remove, and what causes each attack to occur. Big Bang..: Used periodically by Zeromus to inflict about 1200 to 2000 Hit Point damage on each member of your party, followed by sapping your Hit Points like Virus. It will often knock one of your team members down. Black Hole: This spell will be used by Zeromus to remove Magics like Wall or Fast from your party. This is not a concern as we do not use those in this battle. Meteo.....: This starts to be casted when Zeromus nears his demise, and it hits only some of your team members most of the time. The more teammates that get hit, the less damage recieved, and it still only deals around 800 to 1200 Hit Point damage for each member. Nuke......: This spell will be used periodically to concentrate heavy damage (1000 to 1600 Hit Point damage) on a single member of your team. It will often knock your team member out. Virus.....: This wicked spell will cost you about 200 to 500 Hit Point damage to each team member, but it has the added effect of continually sapping your Hit Points as time goes on. If you use Nuke, Meteo, or White on Zemus, he will often counter with the same spell (up to three times over) on your party (also note he can bring out a Weak spell in place of these spell counters). Although his spells are nowhere as near the power that your spells are at, they will still decimate your party. Avoid casting these spells if you wish to have an easier time winning the ultimate battle for Mother Earth! Your battle plan can be explained indvidually for each team member, and what they are responsible for in this fight. Cecil should use his first round to use the Item "Crystal", which was given to him by Golbez. This cause Zeromus to be a MUCH easier target to hurt. From then on, Cecil should just attack with his Crystal Sword unless he is needed for dire need of Curing. Kain has one job to do, and that is to Jump keep jumping unless he has to feed an Item like Cure3 or an Elixer to someone. Edge should throw the following things in this order: Spoon, Excalibur Sword, Defense Sword,Light Sword, Gungir Spear, Drain Spear, and then throw your large collection of Ninja Stars. Rydia has a main purpose of Calling Bahamut to the battle, and she should also call Asura if you need to gamble for a quick Cure (this should be in desperation only). Using Meteo or Nuke will cause unwanted side effects (see Zermous attacks for details). Rosa has the job of keeping the Hit Points high on the whole team. She should also use Life2 where applicable to revive a fallen teammate. Start off with Cecil using the Crystal on Zeromus to weaken him by causing his true colours to emerge! Attack with the strategies listed above as Zeromus uses Big Bang, Virus, Nuke, Black Hole, and Meteo against you. CONGRATULATIONS ON BEATING THE GAME, AND NOW ENJOY THE ENDING OF THE GAME AS YOU DESERVE IT! ******************************************************************************* 4.) Internal Game Statistics ******************************************************************************* ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | SWORDS | |____________________________________________________________________________| ______ SHADOW Attack Power.....: 10 Hit percentage...: 80% Equipped by......: Dark Knight Special attribute: Casts DARKNESS randomly with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped. ============================================================================= ________ DARKNESS Attack Power.....: 20 Hit percentage...: 85% Equipped by......: Dark Knight Special attribute: Casts DARKNESS randomly with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Cave before Waterfall(before the fight with OCTOMAMM). ============================================================================= _____ BLACK(also known as the HADES sword in japan) Attack Power.....: 30 Hit percentage...: 90% Equipped by......: Dark Knight Special attribute: Random Death with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: The King of Fabul after good night's sleep post-battle. ============================================================================= ______ LEGEND Attack Power.....: 40 Hit percentage...: 99% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: Exchanged for Legendary sword EXCALIBUR, Sacred Power. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped by Paladin. ============================================================================= _______ ANCIENT Attack Power.....: 37 Hit Percentage...: 80% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: Can be used as a DART. Aquired by.......: Found at old Water Way during Raid on Baron. ============================================================================= _____ DRAIN Attack Power.....: 45 Hit percentage...: 40% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: Drains HP from opponent with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Found in passages to Tower of Bab-il. ============================================================================= ______ SILVER Attack Power: 52 Hit percentage...: 85% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: Effective against Spirits. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 6000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _______ SLUMBER Attack Power.....: 57 Hit percentage...: 85% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: Random effect of SLEEP with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Found in castle of Eblan, near Tower of Bab-il. ============================================================================= __________ FIRE BRAND Attack Power.....: 65 Hit percentage...: 88% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: Has the effect of FIRE2 with each attack. Aquired by.......: Stolen from FLAME DOG, buy for 14000 GOLD in Underworld. ============================================================================= _________ ICE BRAND Attack Power.....: 75 Hit percentage...: 88% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: Has the effect of ICE2 with each attack. Aquired by.......: Buy for 26000 GOLD in Underworld. ============================================================================= ______ MEDUSA Attack Power.....: 78 Hit percentage...: 80% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: Random effect of Stone with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Stolen or won from battle against BLACK LIZARDs. ============================================================================= _______ AVENGER Attack Power.....: 92 Hit percentage...: 95% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: Berserks user. Two-handed weapon. Aquired by.......: Found in Cave of Slyph. ============================================================================= _____ LIGHT Attack Power.....: 99 Hit percentage...: 99% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: Works well against undead. Sacred Power. Aquired by.......: Found in locked Cave. ============================================================================= _______ DEFENSE Attack Power.......: 105 Defense Power......: 2 Magic Defense Power: 1 Hit percentage.....: 92% Equipped by........: Paladin Special Attribute..: Raises defense power. Aquired by.........: Found in Land of Summoned Monsters. ============================================================================= _________ EXCALIBUR Attack Power.....: 166 Hit percentage...: 100% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: Works well against undead. Aquired by.......: Exchange ore with weapon keeper Southeast in Underworld. ============================================================================= _______ CRYSTAL Attack Power.....: 200 Hit percentage...: 110% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: Strongest sword in the game, powerful against all. Aquired by.......: Defeating Wyvern in the Moon's Core. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | SPEARS | |____________________________________________________________________________| _____ SPEAR Attack Power.....: 9 Hit percentage...: 75% Equiped by.......: Dragoon Special attribute: Strong versus flying opponents. Aquired by.......: Intitially equipped, purchased for 60 GOLD. ============================================================================= ____ WIND Attack Power.....: 55 Hit percentage...: 80% Equipped by......: Dragoon Special Attribute: Strong versus flying opponents. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped during trip to Tower of Zot. ============================================================================= _____ FLAME Attack Power.....: 66 Hit percentage...: 80% Equipped by......: Dragoon Special attribute: Strong versus flying opponents. Casts FIRE2 as an Item. Aquired by.......: Stolen from FLAMEGUARD in Underworld, purchased for 11,000 GOLD. ============================================================================= ________ BLIZZARD Attack Power.....: 75 Hit percentage...: 80% Equipped by......: Dragoon Special attribute: Strong versus flying opponents. Casts ICE2 as an Item. Aquired by.......: Purchased for 21,000 GOLD, Found in Tower of Bab-il. ============================================================================= _____ DRAIN Attack Power.....: 88 Hit percentage...: 40% Equipped by......: Dragoon Special attribute: Strong versus flying opponents. Drains opponents' HP. Aquired by.......: Found in Castle of Eblan. ============================================================================= _______ GUNGNIR Attack Power.....: 92 Defense Power....: 7 Hit percentage...: 75% Equipped by......: Dragoon Special attribute: Strong versus flying opponents. Raises defense. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped after destruction of Giant of Bab-il. ============================================================================= ______ DRAGON Attack Power.....: 99 Hit percentage...: 99% Equipped by......: Dragoon Special Attribute: Strong versus flying opponents. Effective vs. Dragons. Aquired by.......: Found in Moon's Core ============================================================================= _____ WHITE Attack Power.....: 110 Hit percentage...: 100% Equipped by......: Dragoon Special Attribute: Strong versus flying opponents and undead. Casts WHITE as an Item. Aquired by.......: After the defeat of PLAGUE. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | BLADES | |____________________________________________________________________________| _____ SHORT Attack Power.....: 28 Hit percentage...: 90% Equipped by......: Ninja Special Attribute: None. Aquired by.......: Initially eqipped, purchased for 4,000 GOLD. ============================================================================= ______ MIDDLE Attack Power.....: 32 Hit percentage...: 90% Equipped by......: Ninja Special Attribute: None. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped, purchased for 7,000 GOLD. ============================================================================= ____ LONG Attack Power.....: 40 Hit percentage...: 90% Equipped by......: Ninja Special Attribute: None. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 11,000 GOLD, found in Eblan Cave. ============================================================================= _____ NINJA Attack Power.....: 48 Hit percentage...: 95% Equipped by......: Ninja Special Attribute: None. Aquired by.......: Found in Locked Cave. ============================================================================= ________ MURASAME Attack Power.....: 55 Hit percentage...: 95% Equipped by......: Ninja Special Attribute: None. Aquired by.......: After the Defeat of PALE DIM in Moon's Core. ============================================================================= ________ MASAMUNE Attack Power.....: 60 Hit percentage...: 99% Equipped by......: Ninja Special Attribute: Casts FAST as an Item. Aquired by.......: After the defeat of OGOPOGO in Moon's Core. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | CLAWS | |____________________________________________________________________________| _________ FIRE CLAW Attack Power.....: 0 Hit percentage...: 80% Equipped by......: Karate Master, Ninja Special Attribute: Has the effect of FIRE1 with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 350 GOLD. ============================================================================= ________ ICE CLAW Attack Power.....: 0 Hit percentage...: 80% Equipped by......: Karate Master, Ninja Special Attribute: Has the effect of ICE1 with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 450 GOLD. ============================================================================= ____________ THUNDER CLAW Attack Power.....: 0 Hit percentage...: 80% Equipped by......: Karate Master, Ninja Special Attribute: Has the effect of LIT-1 with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 550 GOLD. ============================================================================= _____ CHARM Attack Power.....: 0 Hit percentage...: 60% Equipped by......: Karate Master, Ninja Special Attribute: Random effect of Confusion with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Found in Dark Elf's cave. ============================================================================= ______ POISON Attack Power.....: 0 Hit percentage...: 90% Equipped by......: Karate Master, Ninja Special Attribute: Random effect of POISON with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Found in Tower of Zot. ============================================================================= ________ CAT CLAW Attack Power.....: 0 Hit percentage...: 99% Equipped by......: Karate Master, Ninja Special Attribute: Random effect of SLEEP with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Found in Tower of Bab-il. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | RODS | |____________________________________________________________________________| ___ ROD Attack Power.....: 3 Hit percentage...: 30% Equipped by......: Caller, Black Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Weak attack as an Item. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped, purchase for 100 GOLD. ============================================================================= _______ ICE ROD Attack Power.....: 5 Hit percentage...: 30% Equipped by......: Caller, Black Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Has the effect of ICE1 with successful hit, item use. Aquired by.......: Found in Waterfall Cave, purchase for 220 GOLD. ============================================================================= _________ FLAME ROD Attack Power.....: 7 Hit percenatge...: 35% Equipped by......: Caller, Black Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Has the effect of FIRE1 with successful hit, item use. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 380 GOLD. ============================================================================= _______ THUNDER Attack Power.....: 10 Hit percentage...: 40% Equipped by......: Caller, Black Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Has the effect of LIT-1 with successful hit, item use. Aquired by.......: Purchased for 700 GOLD. ============================================================================= ______ CHANGE Attack Power.....: 15 Hit percentage...: 45% Equipped by......: Caller, Black Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Random effect or PIG with successful hit, item use. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped after Land of Summon monsters. ============================================================================= _____ CHARM Attack Power.....: 30 Hit percentage...: 50% Equipped by......: Caller, Black Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Random effect of Confusion with successful hit, item use. Aquired by.......: Found in underworld. ============================================================================= ________ Stardust Attack Power.....: 45 Hit percentage...: 100% Equipped by......: Caller, Black Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: When used as item it casts Comet, rather weak though. Aquired by.......: Found on Moon's Core. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | STAFFS | |____________________________________________________________________________| _____ STAFF Attack Power.....: 4 Hit Percentage...: 25% Equipped by......: Caller, White Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped, Purchase for 160 GOLD. ============================================================================= ____ CURE Attack Power.....: 8 Hit percentage...: 30% Equipped by......: Caller, White Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Casts CURE1 as an Item. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 480 GOLD. ============================================================================= ______ SILVER Attack Power.....: 12 Hit percenatage..: 35% Equipped by......: Caller, White Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Effective against undead. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 4000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _____ POWER Attack Power.....: 32 Hit percentage...: 44%% Equipped by......: Caller, White Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Random effect of BERSK with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 2000 GOLD(Cave of Eblan). ============================================================================= _____ LUNAR Attack Power.....: 36 Hit percentage...: 55% Equipped by......: Caller, White Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: None. Aquired by.......: Initially Equipped. ============================================================================= ____ LIFE Attack Power.....: 48 Hit percentage...: 65% Equipped by......: Caller, White Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Casts LIFE1 as an Item. Aquired by.......: Found on Moon. ============================================================================== _______ SILENCE Attack Power.....: 54 Hit percentage...: 70% Equipped by......: Caller, White Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Casts MUTEas an Item. Aquired by.......: Found in Giant of Bab-il. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | HAMMERS | |____________________________________________________________________________| ______ WOODEN Attack Power.....: 45 Hit percentage...: 80% Equipped by......: Chief Engineer Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped. ============================================================================= ______ SILVER Attack Power.....: 55 Hit percentage...: 85% Equipped by......: Chief Engineer Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 8000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _____ EARTH Attack Power.....: 65 Hit percentage...: 90% Equipped by......: Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Casts QUAKE as an item. Aquired by.......: Found in the Tower of Zot. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | HARPS | |____________________________________________________________________________| _______ DREAMER Attack Power.....: 8 Hit percentage...: 80% Equipped by......: Bard Special Attribute: Random effect of SLEEP with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped. ============================================================================= _____ CHARM Attack Power.....: 18 Hit percentage...: 85% Equipped by......: Bard Special Attribute: Random effect of Confusion with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Found in Antlion's nest. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | KNIVES | |____________________________________________________________________________| _______ DANCING Attack Power......: 18 Hit percentage....: 44% Equipped by.......: Paladin, Dragoon, Bard, Black Wizard, Ninja, Caller Special Attributes: A weak attack as an Item. Aquired...........: Purchase for 5000 GOLD. ============================================================================= ______ SILVER Attack Power.....: 20 Hit percentage...: 99% Equipped by......: Paladin, Bard, Caller, Black Wizard, Dragoon, Ninja Special Attribute: Effective against Spirits and undead. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 3000 GOLD. ============================================================================= ____ MUTE Attack Power.....: 36 Hit percentage...: 77% Equipped by......: Paladin, Bard, Caller, Black Wizard, Dragoon, Ninja Special Attribute: Random effect of SILENCE with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Found in Uunderworld. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | BOWS | |____________________________________________________________________________| _________ SHORT BOW Attack Power.....: 10 Hit percentage...: 30% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong versus flying opponents. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 220 Gold. ============================================================================= _________ CROSS BOW Attack Power.....: 20 Hit percentage...: 35% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong versus flying opponents. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 700 Gold. ============================================================================= _________ GREAT BOW Attack Power.....: 30 Hit percentage...: 40% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong versus flying opponents. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 2000 Gold. ============================================================================= ______ ARCHER Attack Power.....: 40 Hit Percentage...: 55% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong versus flying opponents. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 3000 Gold. ============================================================================= _________ ELVEN BOW Attack Power.....: 50 Hit percentage...: 60% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong versus flying opponents. Aquired by.......: Found in the Cave of Slyph in Underworld. ============================================================================= _______ SAMURAI Attack Power.....: 60 Hit percentage...: 70% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong versus flying opponents. Aquired by.......: Found in Locked Cave in the Underworld. ============================================================================= _______ ARTEMIS Attack Power.....: 75 Hit Percentage...: 88% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong versus flying opponents. Aquired by.......: Stolen from KARYs and WARLOCKs on the Moon. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | ARROWS | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____ IRON Attack Power.....: 3 Hit percentage...: 0% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 10 GOLD each. ============================================================================= _____ WHITE Attack Power.....: 10 Hit percentage...: 0% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: very effective against undead. Aquired by.......: Found in Mt. Ordeals. ============================================================================= ____ FIRE Attack Power.....: 15 Hit percentage...: 0% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Has effect of FIRE1 with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 30 GOLD each. ============================================================================= ___ ICE Attack Power.....: 15 Hit percentage...: 0% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Has effect of ICE1 with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 30 GOLD each. ============================================================================= ___ LIT Attack Power.....: 15 Hit percentage...: 0% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Has effect of LIT-1 with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 30 GOLD each. ============================================================================= ________ DARKNESS Attack Power.....: 20 Hit percentage...: 0% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Random effect of DARKNESS with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Found in Underworld. ============================================================================= ______ POISON Attack Power.....: 30 Hit percentage...: 0% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Random effect of POISON with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 70 GOLD each. ============================================================================= ____ MUTE Attack Power.....: 35 Hit percentage...: 0% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Random effect of SILENCE with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 100 GOLD each. ============================================================================= _____ CHARM Attack Power.....: 40 Hit percentage...: 0% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Random effect of Confusion with each successful hit. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 110 GOLD each. ============================================================================= _______ SAMURAI Attack Power.....: 50 Hit percentage...: 0% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 140 GOLD each, found in Land of Summoned Monsters. ============================================================================= _______ ARTEMIS Attack Power.....: 75 Hit percentage...: 0% Equipped by......: Paladin, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Extremely effective against Dragons. Aquired by.......: Stolen from KARYs on the moon. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | AXES | |____________________________________________________________________________| _____ DWARF Attack Power.....: 62 Hit percentage...: 70% Equipped by......: Dark Knight, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong versus Giants. Aquired by.......: Purchase at Dwarf Castle for 15,000 GOLD. ============================================================================= ____ OGRE Attack Power.....: 80 Hit percentage...: 70% Equipped by......: Dark Knight, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong versus Giants. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 45,000 GOLD. ============================================================================= ______ POISON Attack Power.....: 95 Hit percentage...: 75% Equipped by......: Dark Knight, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong versus Giants. Random POISON effect. Two-handed weapon. Aquired by.......: Found in the Underworld. ============================================================================= ____ RUNE Attack Power.....: 102 Hit percentage...: 65% Equipped by......: Dark Knight, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong versus Giants and Magic Users. Two-handed weapon. Aquired by.......: Defeat two RED GIANTS(1-32 chance). ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | WHIPS | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____ WHIP Attack Power.....: 20 Hit percentage...: 95% Equipped by......: Caller Special Attribute: Random effect of HOLD. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped, purchase for 3,000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _____ CHAIN Attack Power.....: 30 Hit percentage...: 80% Equipped by......: Caller Special Attribute: Random Effect of HOLD. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 6000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _____ BLITZ Attack Power.....: 40 Hit percentage...: 85% Equipped by......: Caller Special Attribute: Random effect of HOLD. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 10,000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _____ FLAME Attack Power.....: 50 Hit percentage...: 90% Equipped by......: Caller Special Attribute: Random effect of HOLD. Aquired by.......: Found on the moon. ============================================================================= ______ DRAGON Attack Power.....: 80 Hit percentage...: 99% Equipped by......: Caller Special Attribute: Random effect of HOLD. Strong versus Dragons. Aquired by.......: Win battle against two BLUE DRAGONS. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | DARTS | |____________________________________________________________________________| _____ SPEAR(spear) Attack Power.....: 11 Hit percentage...: 77% Equipped by......: Dragoon Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped. ============================================================================= _______ DANCING(knife) Attack Power.....: 18 Hit percentage...: 70% Equipped by......: Paladin, Black Wizard, Bard, Caller, Dragoon, Ninja Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 5000 GOLD. ============================================================================= ______ SILVER(knife) Attack Power.....: 23 Hit percentage...: 70% Equipped by......: Paladin, Dragoon, Caller, Black Wizard, Bard, Ninja Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 3000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _____ SHORT(blade) Attack Power.....: 25 Hit percentage...: 90% Equipped by......: Ninja Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped. ============================================================================= ________ ASSASSIN(knife) Attack Power.....: 30 Hit percentage...: 99% Equipped by......: Paladin, Dragoon, Caller, Black Wizard, Bard, Ninja Special Attribute: Random effect of swoon with successful hit. Aquired by.......: Found in Underworld. ============================================================================= ____ MUTE(knife) Attack Power.....: 35 Hit percentage...: 75% Equipped by......: Paladin, Dragoon, Caller, Black Wizard, Bard, Ninja Special Attribute: Random effect of SILENCE with successful hit. Aquired by.......: Found in Underworld ============================================================================= _______ ANCIENT(sword) Attack Power.....: 37 Hit percentage...: 77% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Found in Old Water Way. ============================================================================= ________ SHURIKEN(dart) Attack Power.....: 40 Hit percentage...: 99% Equipped by......: no one Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 20000 GOLD, found in Passage of Bab-il. ============================================================================= _____ DRAIN(sword) Attack Power.....: 45 Hit percentage...: 33% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Found in Tower of Bab-il. ============================================================================= _____ NINJA(blade) Attack Power.....: 50 Hit percentage...: 90% Equipped by......: Ninja Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Found in Locked Cave. ============================================================================= ____ WIND(spear) Attack Power.....: 55 Hit percentage...: 80% Equipped by......: Dragoon Special Attribute: Strong against flying opponents. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped. ============================================================================= _____ NINJA(dart) Attack Power.....: 88 Hit percentage...: 99% Equipped by......: no one Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Purchase for 50000 each at Kokkol's in Underworld. ============================================================================= _____ DRAIN(spear) Attack Power.....: 88 Hit percentage...: 60% Equipped by......: Dragoon Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Found in Ruins of Eblan. ============================================================================= ________ MURASAME(blade) Attack Power.....: 99 Hit perentage....: 90% Equipped by......: Ninja Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Defeat PALE DIM in Moon's Core. ============================================================================= _______ GUNGNIR(spear) Attack Power.....: 107 Hit percentage...: 80% Equipped by......: Dragoon Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Initially equipped. ============================================================================= _____ LIGHT(sword) Attack Power.....: 111 Hit percentage...: 99% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Found in Locked Cave. ============================================================================= _______ DRAGOON(spear) Attack Power.....: 112 Hit perentage....: 99% Equipped by......: Dragoon Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Found in Moon's Core. ============================================================================= ________ MASAMUNE(blade) Attack Power.....: 120 Hit percentage...: 99% Equipped by......: Ninja Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: After defeat of OGOPOGO in Moon's Core. ============================================================================= _____ WHITE(spear) Attack Power.....: 135 Hit percentage...: 95% Equipped by......: Dragoon Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: After defeat of PLAGUE in Moon's Core. ============================================================================= _________ EXCALIBUR(sword) Attack Power.....: 200 Hit percentage...: 95% Equipped by......: Paladin Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Exchange for Adamant Ore in Underworld. ============================================================================= _____ SPOON(dart) Attack Power.....: 255 Hit percentage...: 100% Equipped by......: no one Special Attribute: none. Aquired by.......: Meeting Yang's wife after finding Yand in Underworld. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | SHIELDS | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____ IRON Defense Power......: 1 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense percentage.: 20% Equipped by........: Dark Knight, Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute..: none. Aquired by.........: Initially equipped, Purchase for 100 GOLD. ============================================================================= ______ SHADOW Defense power......: 1 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage.: 22% Equipped by........: Dark Knight Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Initially equipped, Purchase for 200 GOLD. ============================================================================= _____ BLACK Defense Power......: 2 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage.: 24% Equipped by........: Dark Knight Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 400 GOLD. ============================================================================= _______ PALADIN Defense Power......: 2 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage.: 24% Equipped by........: Paladin Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 700 GOLD. ============================================================================= ______ SILVER Defense Power......: 3 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage.: 26% Equipped by........: Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 1000 GOLD. ============================================================================= ____ FIRE Defense Power......: 3 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense percentage.: 27% Equipped by........: Paladin, Dragoon, Cheif Engineer Special Attribute..: Strong against Ice, weak against Fire. Aquired by.........: Found in Tower of Zot, Purchase for 3000 GOLD. ============================================================================= ___ ICE Defense Power......: 3 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage.: 28% Equipped by........: Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute..: Strong against Fire, Weak against Ice. Aquired by.........: Found in Tower of Bab-il, Purchase for 10000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _______ DIAMOND Defense Power......: 4 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage.: 35% Equipped by........: Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute..: Strong against Lightning. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 13000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _____ AEGIS Defense Power......: 4 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage.: 36% Equipped by........: Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute..: Strong against Stone attacks. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 20,000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _______ SAMURAI Defense Power......: 5 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage.: 38% Equipped by........: Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Initially equipped, found in Bahamut Cave. ============================================================================= _______ DRAGOON Defense Power......: 6 Magic Defense Power: 4 Defense Percentage.: 44% Equipped by........: Dragoon Special Attribute..: Strong against all elemental attacks. Aquired by.........: Found in Moon's core. ============================================================================= _______ CRYSTAL Defense Power......: 7 Magic Defense Power: 4 Defense Percentage.: 46% Equipped by........: Paladin Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Found in Moon's Core. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | ARMOR/ROBES/GOWNS/CLOTHES | |____________________________________________________________________________| _____ CLOTH(gown) Defense Power.....: 1 Magic Defese Power: 0 Defense percentage: 10% Equipped by.......: Everybody except for Dark Knight Special Attribute.: None. Aquired by........: Initially equipped on Caller and Paladin, Purchase for 50 GOLD. ============================================================================= _______ LEATHER(robe) Defense Power......: 2 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage.: 10% Equipped by........: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 100 GOLD. ============================================================================= ____ BARD(gown) Defense Power......: 2 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage.: 10% Equipped by........: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute..: Increases Bard chance of status effecting opponent. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 70 GOLD. ============================================================================= ____ GAEA(robe) Defense Power......: 3 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage.: 15% Equipped by........: Caller, Sage, Paladin, White Wizard, Black Wizard, Lunarian Special Attribute..: Effective against Quake attacks. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 500 GOLD. ============================================================================= ______ KARATE(robe) Defense Power......: 3 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage.: 20% Equipped by........: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Initially equipped, Purchase for 4000 GOLD. ============================================================================= ____ IRON(armor) Defense Power......: 4 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Dark Knight, Paladin, Chief Engineer, Dragoon Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Initially equipped, Purchase for 600 GOLD. ============================================================================= ______ SHADOW(armor) Defense Power......: 4 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Dark Knight Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Intially equipped, Purchase for 1100 GOLD. ============================================================================= ______ WIZARD(robe) Defense Power......: 5 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage.: 10% Equipped by........: Sage, Caller, Lunarian, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Paladin Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 1200 GOLD. ============================================================================= ________ DARKNESS(armor) Defense Power......: 7 Magic Defense power: 0 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Dark Knight Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Found in Waterfall. ============================================================================= __________ BLACK ROBE Defense Power......: 7 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Caller, Sage, Lunarian, Black Wizard Special Attribute..: Strong against undead attacks. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 10000 GOLD ============================================================================= ___________ BLACK ARMOR Defense Power......: 8 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage.: 10% Equipped by........: Dark Knight Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 3000 GOLd. ============================================================================= _________ BLACKBELT(robe) Defense Power......: 9 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage.: 30% Equipped by........: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 14000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _______ PALADIN(armor) Defense Power......: 11 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Paladin Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 8000 GOLD. ============================================================================= ________ SORCERER(gown) Defense Power: 12 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage.: 10% Equipped by........: Sage, Caller, Paladin, White Wizard, Lunarian, Black Wizard Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Found in underworld(I forgot where exactly though). ============================================================================= ______ SILVER(armor) Defense Power......: 12 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Dark Knight, Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 17000 GOLD. ============================================================================= ____ FIRE(armor) Defense Power......: 13 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Dragoon, Paladin, Chief Engineer, Dark Knight Special Attribute..: Stong against Ice, Weak against Fire. Aquired by.........: Found in Tower of Zot, Purchase for 30000 GOLD. ============================================================================= ___ ICE(armor) Defense Power......: 17 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Dragoon, Paladin, Chief Engineer, Dark Knight Special Attribute..: Strong against Fire, Weak Against Ice. Aquired by.........: Found in Tower of Bab-il, Purchase for 35000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _____ WHITE(robe) Defense Power......: 18 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage.: 10% Equipped by........: Lunarian, White Wizard, Paladin, Sage Special Attribute..: Immune to Darkness. Aquired by.........: Found in Moon's Core. ============================================================================= _______ DIAMOND(armor) Defense Power......: 19 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage.: 10% Equipped by........: Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute..: Strong against Lighning Attacks. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 40000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _______ HEROINE(gown) Defense Power......: 21 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage.: 35% Equipped by........: Caller, White Wizard Special Attribute..: Immune versus Paralysis. Aquired by.........: Found in Moon's Core. ============================================================================= _____ POWER(robe) Defense Power......: 28 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage.: 20% Equipped by........: Dragoon, Paladin, Chief Engineer Special Attribute..: Boosts a wearer's Strength. Aquired by.........: Found on the moon. ============================================================================= _______ SAMURAI(armor) Defense Power......: 21 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Dragoon, Paladin, Dark Knight, Chief Engineer Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Initially equipped, found in Bahamut's cave. ============================================================================= _____ NINJA(robe) Defense Power......: 24 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage.: 60% Equipped by........: Ninja Special Attribute..: evade most attacks. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 64000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _______ DRAGOON(armor) Defense Power......: 23 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Dragoon Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Found in Moon's Core. ============================================================================= _______ CRYSTAL(armor) Defense Power......: 23 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage.: 22% Equipped by........: Paladin Special Attribute..: Strong vs Fire, Ice, and Lightning. Aquired by.........: Found in Moon's Core. ============================================================================= _______ ADAMANT(armor)** Defense Power......: 100 Magic Defense Power: 12 Defense Percentage.: 33% Equipped by........: All Special Attribute..: Strong against all attacks, raises all stats. Aquired by.........: Defeat Pink Puff for a Pink Tail. Trade tail for Ore at Silvera Mine. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | HELMETS | |____________________________________________________________________________| ___ CAP Defense Power......: 1 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense percentage.: 3% Equipped by........: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 100 GOLD. ============================================================================= ________ HEADBAND Defense Power......: 1 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense percentage.: 10% Equipped by........: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute..: Effective against Charm attacks. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 450 GOLD. ============================================================================= _______ LEATHER Defense Power......: 2 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage.: 6% Equipped by........: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 350 GOLD. ============================================================================= ____ IRON Defense Power......: 3 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Chief Engineer, Dark Knight, Dragoon, Paladin Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchased for 150 GOLD. ============================================================================= ____ GAEA Defense Power......: 3 Magic defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage.: 7% Equipped by........: Caller, Black Wizard, Lunarian, sage, White Wizard Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 700 GOLD. ============================================================================= ________ BANDANNA Defense Power......: 3 Magic defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage.: 12% Equipped by........: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 1100 GOLD. ============================================================================= ______ SHADOW Defense Power......: 4 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Dark Knight Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Initially equipped, Purchase for 360 GOLD. ============================================================================= ________ DARKNESS Defense Power......: 5 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Dark Knight Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Found in Waterfall, purchase for 640 GOLD. ============================================================================= ______ WIZARD Defense Power......: 5 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Sage, Paladin, Lunarian, White Wizard, Black Wizard, Caller Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchased for 2000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _____ NINJA Defense Power......: 5 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage.: 17% Equipped by........: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute..: Strong against Sleep attacks. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 2000 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ BLACK Defense Power......: 6 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Dark Knight Special Attribute..: Strong against undead attacks and FATAL. Aquired by.........: Purchased for 980 GOLD. ============================================================================= _______ PALADIN Defense Power......: 7 Magic Defense Power: 4 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Paladin Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 4000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _____ TIARA Defense Power......: 7 Magic Defense Power: 5 Defense percentage.: 10% Equipped by........: White Wizard, Caller Special Attribute..: strong against Thunder attacks. Aquired by.........: Re-visit in Vilage of Mist. ============================================================================= ______ SILVER Defense Power......: 8 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Dark Knight, Chief Engineer, Dragoon, Paladin Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 3000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _______ DIAMOND Defense Power......: 9 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Dark Knight, chief Engineer, Dragoon, Paladin Special Attribute..: Strong against Thunder attacks. Aquired by.........: Purchase for 10000 GOLD. ============================================================================= _______ SAMURAI Defense Power......: 10 Magic Defense Power: 5 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Ninja, Dragoon, Dark Knight, Paladin Special Attribute..: None. Aquired by.........: Initially equipped, Found in Bahamut's cave. ============================================================================= _______ DRAGOON Defense Power......: 11 Magic Defense Power: 6 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Dragoon Special Attribute..: Strong against all elemental attacks. Aquired by.........: Found in Moon's Core. ============================================================================= _______ CRYSTAL Defense Power......: 12 Magic Defense Power: 7 Defense Percentage.: 0% Equipped by........: Paladin Special Attribute..: Strong against all attacks. Aquired by.........: Found in Moon's Core. ============================================================================= ______ RIBBON Defense Power......: 9 Magic Defense.Power: 8 Defense Percentage.: 12% Equipped by........: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute..: Immune to status effects. Aquired by.........: Defeat two DARK LUNARs in Moon's Core. ============================================================================= _____ GLASS** Defense Power......: 15 Magic Defense Power: 10 Defense Percentage.: 20% Equipped by........: Paladin, Ninja, Dragoon, Lunarian Special Attributes.: Gives wearer 99% evade. Acquired by........: Fight an EVILMASK in the Moon's Core. ******************************************************************************* 5.) Magic Details ******************************************************************************* As a person's magic attack/defense stat is raised, the power of the spell will increase for the caster. This means that some slightly weaker armor or wepaon that has a higher rating in this area might be better for a heavy magic user to equip instead of a stronger armor or weapon. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X White Magic X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X This form of magic is defensive by nature, and it is primarily used in this form. However, through the use of some spells, your White Magic user can alter stats of your party or the enemy and maybe even attack directly with the one attack spell White Magic has! Young Rydia, Paladin Cecil, Tellah, Rosa, Palom, and FuSoYa all have use of White Magic in their journey. However, not everyone can use (or even learn) all of the listed spells. ----- Cure1 ----- MP Cost: 3 Targets: Singular/All This is the lowest level spell to be used to recover the Hit Points of your team. It can be cast on a single target as well as the whole team, but it is so weak that the Hit Points recovered will be rather small. This spell can also be used to damage undead enemies. =============================================================================== ----- Cure2 ----- MP Cost: 9 Targets: Singular/All This is the second lowest level spell to be used to recover the Hit Points of your team. It can be cast on a single target as well as the whole team, but it is rather weak, and the Hit Points recovered will be somewhat small. This spell can also be used to damage undead enemies. =============================================================================== ----- Cure3 ----- MP Cost: 18 Targets: Singular/All This is the second highest level spell to be used to recover the Hit Points of your team. It can be cast on a single target as well as the whole team, and it proves to be an excellent choice for recovery when applied to the whole team for Hit Point recovery (even from powerful Black Magic attacks). This spell can also be used to damage undead enemies. =============================================================================== ----- Cure4 ----- MP Cost: 40 Targets: Singular/All This is the most powerful spell used to recover Hit Points of your team. It can be cast on a single target (recovers the individuals Hit Points to maximum), and it can also be cast on your whole team for a large Hit Point gain across the board for your team (but it will not necessarily refill every member to full Hit Points). This spell can also be used to damage undead enemies. =============================================================================== ----- Life1 ----- MP Cost: 8 Targets: Singular Casting this spell on a character who has reached swoon status (their Hit Points have dropped to 0 or below), this spell will revive the fallen character. However, they will return to the battle with 5 times of their Vitality statistic, so you will need to further Cure their wounds to get them to 100 % Hit Points. =============================================================================== ----- Life2 ----- MP Cost: 52 Targets: Singular Casting this spell on a character who has reached swoon status (their Hit Points have dropped to 0 or below), this spell will revive the fallen character to full Hit Point status. This spell does not affect the Magic Points of the revived character (it does remove 52 Magic Points from the caster however). =============================================================================== ---- Heal ---- MP Cost: 20 Targets: Singular Casting this spell on a character of your team who has any of the following status ailments will completely remove them: Petrify, Count, Stop, Beserk, Charm, Sleep, Paralyze, Float, Curse, Poison, Darkness, Mute, Toad, Small, Piggy, and Stone. Also remember that this spell will remove all staus ailments that are afflicting the person, not one at a time. =============================================================================== ----- Sight ----- MP Cost: 2 Targets: N/A This magic will cause the overhead camera to zoom out (in the overworld only) to allow you a view of the landscape that is broader than what you can see normally. Definitely more useful to your party early in the game, as you will not have seen most of the world at that point (you can get lost rather easily). =============================================================================== ---- Exit ---- MP Cost: 10 Targets: N/A A spell that can remove your party from almost every dungeon in the game immediately (some dungeons do not allow it for various reasons). This spell can also be used to escape any battle, with the exception of Boss and Treasure Chest battles. =============================================================================== ----- Float ----- Mp Cost: 8 Targets: Singular/All This spell is mainly intended for use when your party has to wander through caves that have portions of the floor with damaging pools of liquid spread through out (your party will safely walk over top of these pools). Float can also be used on your party so the spell Quake or the summon Titan can not hurt you (need to be on the ground to be hurt). =============================================================================== ---- Peep ---- MP Cost: 1 Targets: Singular By casting this spell, an enemies remaining Hit Points and maximum Hit Points will be revealed to you. The inherit weaknesses of each enemy you Peep on, but this spell does not work on stronger enemies. =============================================================================== ----- Blink ----- MP Cost: 8 Targets: Singular This little spell can be cast on one party member at a time, and it has the effect of allowing the recipient of the spell to dodge a couple physical attacks. =============================================================================== ------ Beserk ------ MP Cost: 18 Targets: Singular The person who recieves this spell will enter a "berserk" state of mind, and they will just start to swing their weapon harder than they normally can (also having the ability to critically hit the opposition more often). However, this character will be uncontrollable until the fight ends (they will not be using Magic or Items), or until they swoon and are revived. =============================================================================== ---- Wall ---- MP Cost: 30 Targets: Singular With this spell in place any member of your party or the enemy can reflect most Magics back at the other side. However, if a spell is reflected off one wall, another wall can not block the reflected magic (remember this for certain situations). =============================================================================== ---- Slow ---- MP Cost: 14 Targets: Singular With this useful little incantation, the enemy can have their time between their attacks, and this will help your team out greatly with strong hitting enemies. This can also be used on your characters, but their is no real use to do so. =============================================================================== ---- Fast ---- MP Cost: 25 Targets: Singular When cast upon a teammate, they will start to get more turns in a shorter amount of time. This is especially useful in fights where speed is required to defeat the enemy (like Plague or Odin). The enemy can also recieve this spell from your caster, but that would be harmful to your efforts to give the opposition more attacks. =============================================================================== ---- Size ---- MP Cost: 6 Targets: Singular When it successfully is cast upon an opponent or teammate, they will be shrunken down to a very minature version of their full-sized self. This will disable all Magic (except for Size), drop the attack power and defense power to a low level, and special skills will be disabled. To rid yourself of this affliction, Heal the affetced person, or use the spell Size on them to return them to their original form. =============================================================================== ---- Hold ---- MP Cost: 5 Targets: Singular If successfully applied to a target (enemy or your party), the affected will be unable to move. Healing the held is the only way to get them back into the fight, or just wait for battle to end for this to wear off. =============================================================================== ---- Mute ---- MP Cost: 6 Targets: Singular By using this successfully on a target, the recipient will be rendered speechless. This means that if they were attempting a spell at the time, they will fail to cast it, and then they will be unable to cast spells! However, this can be removed by Healing the affected. =============================================================================== ----- Charm ----- MP Cost: 10 Targets: Singular When this spell has worked against the target, the affected party will begin to attack their allies, or cast spells in favour of the opposition. This can be stopped in two ways within your allies, and that is to Heal them or to physically hit them to stop the odd dance they do. =============================================================================== ----- White ----- MP Cost: 46 Targets: Singular This is the one true attack spell of the White Magic spell family. It has a power level that is roughly the equivalent of the Black Magic spell Nuke, and this means it packs a powerful punch. However, the downside to this powerful spell is that a Wall spell can reflect the spell back at your party! X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X Black Magic X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X Ah yes, the arcane arts... These spells are cast by people who have control of the power to contort reality to their means so they can land hurtful elements onto one another. This is the offesnive side of magic, and with it the caster can deliver high amounts of damage in a short amount of time over a wide range of targets. Young Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Adult Rydia, and FuSoYa all have some degree of mastery of these attack spells (but not all learn the whole spectrum of them). Also note that unless stated otherwise, a Wall spell will reflect the casted spell. ----- Fire1 ----- MP Cost: 5 Targets: Singular/All The weakest of the Fire spells, it is most effective when used against undead enemies and ice enemies. =============================================================================== ----- Fire2 ----- MP Cost: 15 Targets: Singular/All The second most powerful of the Fire spells, it is most effective when used against undead enemies and ice enemies. =============================================================================== ----- Fire3 ----- MP Cost: 30 Targets: Singular/All The most powerful of the Fire spells, it is most effective when used against undead enemies and ice enemies. =============================================================================== ---- Lit1 ---- MP Cost: 5 Targets: Singular/All The weakest of the Lightning spells, it is most effective when used against water enemies and flying enemies. =============================================================================== ---- Lit2 ---- MP Cost: 15 Targets: Singular/All The second most powerful of the Lightning spells, it is most effective when used against water enemies and flying enemies. =============================================================================== ---- Lit3 ---- MP Cost: 30 Targets: Singular/All The most powerful of the Lightning spells, it is most effective when used against water enemies and flying enemies. =============================================================================== ---- Ice1 ---- MP Cost: 5 Targets: Singular/All The weakest of the Ice spells, it is most effective when used against fire enemies and some cave-dwelling enemies. =============================================================================== ---- Ice2 ---- MP Cost: 15 Targets: Singular/All The second most powerful of the Ice spells, it is most effective when used against fire enemies and some cave-dwelling enemies. =============================================================================== ---- Ice3 ---- MP Cost: 30 Targets: Singular/All The most powerful of the Ice spells, it is most effective when used against fire enemies and seom cave-dwelling enemies. =============================================================================== ----- Virus ----- MP Cost: 20 Targets: Singular/All A non-elemental spell that is quite powerful. It will deal somewhere between 1000 and 2000 Hit Points damage normally on a single target (it lessens when cast on numerous targets). An added bonus of this magic attack is that the targets hit by the spell will lose Hit Points continually in increments of two. =============================================================================== ----- Quake ----- MP Cost: 30 Targets: All A powerful attack spell with the ground opening up to swallow the targets. However, flying enemies are immune due to being away from the heaving ground. Also keep in mind that this spell ignores a Wall spell cast on a target, so it can not be reflected. =============================================================================== ---- Nuke ---- MP Cost: 50 Targets: Singular An extremely powerful attack spell that hits only a single target (with a lot of damage dealt to the recipient). =============================================================================== ----- Meteo ----- MP Cost: 99 Targets: All THE most powerful attack spell in the game, it targets all the opposition and rarely deals less than 9999 damage to the Hit Points of the enemy. This spell does have the downside of taking a couple of turns to cast, and some tougher enemies will have a counter in place for them to hurt your party in retaliation. This spell ignores a Wall spell on a target when attacking. =============================================================================== ----- Piggy ----- MP Cost: 1 Targets: Singular This spell will turn the target into a pig, with the effect of severe lowering of attack and defense capabilities as well as removing the ability to cast all magic spells (with the exception of Piggy). There are two ways to rid yourself of this effect; one is to Heal the target and the other is to cast Piggy on the target. =============================================================================== ---- Toad ---- MP Cost: 7 Targets: Singular This spell will turn the target into a toad, with the effect of severe lowering of attack and defense capabilities as well as removing the ability to cast all magic spells (with the exception of Toad). There are two ways to rid yourself of this effect; one is to Heal the target and the other is to cast Toad on the target. =============================================================================== ---- Stop ---- MP Cost: 9 Targets: Singular/All This spell will cause the target to not move. This means that they will be unable to participate until someone Heals the afflicted or a certain amount of time passes by. =============================================================================== ----- Sleep ----- MP Cost: 12 Targets: Singular When sucessfully cast on a target, the recipient will fall asleep. This means that they will be unable to do anything as they slumber peacefully. Heal them or wait for a few turns to get them back into the fight. =============================================================================== ----- Stone ----- MP Cost: 15 Targets: Singular This spell will cause a target of it to get turned partially to stone. As the fight progresses, the effects will flow through the rest of the body until the victim is completely stone, and rendered immobile to the end of the battle. This progression can be sped up by repeated castings onto a single target, but all effects of it can be removed by Healing the victim. =============================================================================== ---- Warp ---- MP Cost: 4 Targets: N/A Automatically takes the party back to the last door you walked through. =============================================================================== ----- Psych ----- MP Cost: 0 Targets: Singular If a spell caster is targetted by this spell, they will lose some of their Magic Points to the caster, who will absorb the taken away Magic points into their own pool of avilable Magic Points. This spell appears to work best after the spell caster's Magic Points are lower (leaving more room for absorbed Magic Points), but it is not a requirement for large Magic point thefts. =============================================================================== ----- Drain ----- MP Cost: 18 Targets: Singular This spell will remove Hit Points from the target and deposit them into the Hit Point total of the spell caster. This is like Psych in how it tends to work better when the Hit Points of the caster are lower (leaving more room to deposit the taken Hit Points). However, one warning to all of you reading; NEVER cast this spell upon an undead enemy because they have the special ability to reverse the spell process (they take the Hit Points from the caster). This is due to the fact that they are really the reanimated dead, so they have no life to steal from (hence the reversal of the soell effects). =============================================================================== ---- Weak ---- MP Cost: 25 Targets: Singular This spell will take a targets Hit Points down to single digits if the spell is successful in connecting. Although it is rarely successful on more powerful enemies, it will work on the Drak Dragon that the Dark Elf transfroms into. =============================================================================== ----- Fatal ----- MP Cost: 35 Targets: Singular A spell that will immediately swoon the target if it connects. However, this spell will rarely work and thusly is a big gamble. It also does not work at all on undead enemies since they are already dead and can not have their life snuffed out. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X Call Magic X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X This is a special type of magic that only Rydia can use (both the young and mature versions of her). This section is dedicated to the special mosters that can be summoned to attack on behalf of the Caller Rydia. An added bonus to these summons to go along with the great strength of some of the monster attacks is the fact that these monsters totally ignore the Wall spell defense! ------- Chocobo ------- MP Cost: 7 Targets: Singular This rather weak Call spell will actually be quite powerful for the early portion of the game. This attack will deal about 200 Hit Points of damage to one target, plus it is non-elemental so no loss of attack power because of type of enemy. =============================================================================== ---- Mist ---- MP Cost: 20 Targets: All This attack wil call a Mist Dragon to shoot it's spray at all enemies. However, this is not a water or ice attack, so the type of enemy will not affect the overall damage. Also, the lower the Hit Points of Rydia, the more damage that will be dealt by the beast. =============================================================================== ----- Shiva ----- MP Cost: 30 Targets: All This is an Ice elemental attack that is somewhere between Ice2 and Ice3 in power. Most effectively used against fire enemies and some cave-dwelling enemies. =============================================================================== ---- Jinn ---- MP Cost: 30 Targets: All This is a Fire elemental attack that is somewhere between Fire2 and Fire3 in power. Most effectively used against ice enemies and undead enemies. =============================================================================== ----- Indra ----- MP Cost: 30 Targets: All This is a Lightning elemental attack that is somewhere between Lit2 and Lit3 in power. Most effectively used against water enemies and flying enemies. =============================================================================== ----- Titan ----- MP Cost: 40 Targets: All This mighty monster will appear to cause a large Quake to hurt your opposition. This spell will not affect flying monsters as they are out of the reach of the heaving ground. -Now to look at the summons that can be won by proving to the monsters that you deserve to have the right to call them to battle. ----- Sylph ----- MP Cost: 25 Targets: Singular/All This Call is earned by completing the Sylph Cave side-quest. This spell is a unique attack for a few reasons. It starts as a Drain spell being cast against one opponent, followed by the Sylphs spreading the Hit Points removed from the target over the party members (a group filling Drain spell essentially). Another thing about this spell that is unique is that an undead enemy can be drained successfully with this spell! =============================================================================== ----- Asura ----- MP Cost: 50 Targets: All This Call is earned by defeating Asura in battle. Asura will appear to cast one of three possible spells on your party: Life1 on all party members, Cure3 on all party members, or Cure4 on all party members. There is no way to control which one happens, so it is a spell that should be used if you are desperately in need of healing, with your White Wizard being unable to do so fast enough. =============================================================================== ----- Levia ----- MP Cost: 50 Targets: All This Call is earned by defeating Leviathan in battle. Leviathan will appear to send a large wall of waves crashing into your opposition to cause severe damage to them. Since it is a water attack, no elemental type will have a strength against it to lessen the damage. =============================================================================== ---- Odin ---- MP Cost: 45 Targets: All This Call is earned by defeating Odin in battle. Odin has a massive sword that he will try to use to cleave the enemy in half with. This attack will not always connect, but when it does, the fight is over. This feature does not work on Bosses, but it will help against Monsters hiding in Treasure Chests. =============================================================================== ----- Baham ----- MP Cost: 60 Targets: All This Call is earned by defeating Bahamut in battle. Bahamut has an unbelievably strong attack called MegaNuke, which will strike your opposition with an uincredible amount of damage (in the thousands of Hit Points removed). -Now a look at the Call spells that can be won through battle with specific enemies to get an item that will teach the summon to Rydia. =============================================================================== --- Imp --- MP Cost: 1 Targets: Singular Win this Call by defeating an Imp and it will drop it. This spell will do very little damage as an Imp will appear to chrage forward and use it's knife to attack. =============================================================================== ---- Bomb ---- MP Cost: 10 Targets: Singular Win this Call by defeating a Grenade or Balloon on the Moon. This Call will cause an explosion to damage a single enemy, but it is rather weak overall. =============================================================================== ---- Mage ---- MP Cost: 18 Targets: Singular Win this Call by defeating a Mage and it will drop it. A somewhat powerful summon, it will help you out until you get Leviathan to replace it in damage done with more enemies hit. =============================================================================== -------- Cocatris -------- MP Cost: DOES NOT EXIST! Targets: DOES NOT EXIST! You can not win this from a Cocatris DESPITE some FAQs saying so! It is a FFIV only Call spell! X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X Ninja Magic X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X This magic is for exclusive use by Edge. These are spells that cost a fair amount of Magic points, but they are powerful and usually quite effective in their purposes. Although few in number, they will prove to be quite valuable in your journey. ----- Flame ----- MP Cost: 15 Targets: All A fire attack that is somewhere around a Fire2-Fire3 spell in strength of damage on the opposition. This spell is very effective against ice enemies and undead enemies. =============================================================================== ----- Flood ----- MP Cost: 20 Targets: All A water attack that hits all enemy for a decent amount of damage. It is most effective against fire enemies. =============================================================================== ----- Blitz ----- MP Cost: 25 Targets: All A Lightning attack that is quite powerful (some where between Lit2 and Lit3 in power). It is most effective against water enemies and flying enemies. =============================================================================== --- Pin --- MP Cost: 5 Targets: Singular This spell is very similar to a Hold spell, and it will cause any enemy successfully ensnared by it to be rendered immobile. It is not a sure thing, and it does work much better against weaker enemies (does not work on Boss fights). =============================================================================== ----- Image ----- MP Cost: 6 Targets: Singular Similiar to the Blink spell, it will allow Edge to be able to dodge some physical attacks that are directed at him. =============================================================================== ----- Smoke ----- MP Cost: 10 Targets: N/A This spell will allow your party to escape from a battle immediately upon casting it. This can be done without any potential loss of your gold (like a normal running scenario), and it will also help you to escape a run scenario that takes a while to happen (like an EvilMask or Blue Dragon). X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X Twin Magic X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X This magic is a combined effort of the two twins from Mysidia, Palom and Parom. They will both chant simultaniously to cast a spell of massive power with the cost of the Magic Points emenating from both. ----- Flare ----- MP Cost: 10 Targets: All A minature version of Nuke, this spell will cause anywhere from 500 to 1400 Hit Point damage to each enemy on the screen (depending how many are there). =============================================================================== ----- Comet ----- MP Cost: 20 Targets: All A minature version of Meteo, this spell will cause anywhere from 500 to 1400 Hit Point damage to each enemy on the screen (depending how many are there). ******************************************************************************* 6.) Character Information ******************************************************************************* !!!***WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD***!!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CECIL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Class: Dark Knight Abilities: Cecil uses Fight to attack one opponent at a time with his proficient use of his Sword. Cecil also has the ability to use Items while engaged in battle. Story: Cecil starts off the game as the Commander of the most powerful nation's Air Force (the Red Wings of Baron). He has proudly served his country, but the King asks him and the rest of the Red Wings to commit an act that is not only suspect in the nature of it, but also nothing more than brutality and pillaging. After carrying out the deed, Cecil voices his opinions and loses his command. He is sent out from Baron to deliver a package for the King, along with his good friend Kain the Dragoon. He then enters into a journey that changes not only himself, but the world as well. Class: Paladin Abilites: Cecil retains his Sword using abilities, but he gains access to many more choices than he ever had before to hurt the opposition with his superior technique. White Magic becomes a small part of his arsenal as Cecil learns a few low level spells to aid his friends. Cover allows Cecil to take damage for other party members who are in the back row from physical attacks. Cecil can still use tiems as well. Story: Cecil goes to Mount Ordeals along with a few others to see if he can attain the Power of Light. He succeeds by banishing the darkness within him, giving him new powers and a new lease on life. He is now ready to confront the evil of Golbez and his minions, as well as help the people of his world. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CID =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Class: Engineer Abilites: Cid is an extremely powerful man from his physical work building Airships, and his use of Hammers as weapons allow him to deliver powerful blows to all enemies. Peep is Cid's special ability that allows him to examine the enemy to reveal their Hit Point maximum as well as their current amount of Hit Points as well as as weaknesses that are inherit to the enemy. Cid may also use Items. Story: The Airship designer for Baron and a good friend of Cecil, he rebels against the King using his Airships for evil and ends up in prison. He will appear in the Throne Room just after Cecil, Yang, Tellah, and the twins Palom and Parom have destroyed Kainazzo (the fake King). He will remain with Cecil until leaving to re-outfit the Enterprise (an Airship). He will save the team one more time, but then sacrifices himself to close up the crater between the overworld and the underworld. He will then do more work on your Airships periodically so you can do what you need to, but he will never again join you in battle as he is in bad health from his noble sacrifice. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= EDGE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Class: Ninja Abilities: Edge can Fight with both hands equally well, so he uses two swords per attack on the enemy. Edge can also Dart weaponry at the enemy to cause great damage with the thrown Swords, Spears, Knives, and Throwing Stars (this cause the weapon to disappear from your inventory though). Edge can also use Sneak, which allows Edge to perform a steal attempt on an enemy (often yielding some useful items). Ninja is Edge's own personal magic to use, and he has spells that no one else possesses (learns very few, but useful spells). Edge can use Items as well. Story: Edge is the Prince of Eblan who is fighting Rubicant and his minions along with the rest of the people of Eblan to rescue the King and Queen. When Edge joins the party, they will find the King and Queen, but Dr. Lugae has twisted them into vile beasts (they take their own life). Edge then helps to destroy Rubicant, and then decides to stay with the Cecil and the party till the end to destroy the evil that masterminded the death of his beloved parents. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= EDWARD =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Class: Bard Abilities: Edward can use his musical abilities to send concentrated waves of energy out to hurt enemies while in a Fight. Edward can Sing to have a miriad of effects including: Sleep, Stop, and Charm on his enemies with his beautiful singing voice. Edward can also Hide from enemies if things are getting too intense for the somewhat fragile musician. Edward can use Items as well. Story: Edward is actually a Bard in disguise as he is really the Prince of Damycan. When he brought Tellah's daughter Anna to his castle, he inadvertantly led to her dying at the hands of Golbez and the Red Wings. Edward becomes very timid and sorrow filled as a result, and battles these problems throughout his travels. He too is lost in the attack by Leviathan, but he will return a couple of times indirectly to help the party out when things look their bleakest. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FUSOYA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Class: Lunar Abilities: FuSoYa can fight with Staffs, Rods, Knives, and Bow and Arrows, but he is not a physical powershouse (although he can do a fair amount of damage). FuSoYa has the greatest command of both White Magi and Black Magic, so mush so that he knows all the Black Magic spells including the legendary Meteo and tall the White Spells including the powerful White spell! FuSoYa can use items as well. Story: Along with the rest of the Lunarians, his people left their planet when it was destroyed in an astrological disaster. They journeyed to Earth to live with it's people, but the people of Earth were still evolving and the Lunarians decided to build a new moon for themselves to live in as they slept until Earth was ready to recieve them. FuSoYa was charged with watching over their slumber, but one Lunarian named Zemus would not rest, and he then tries to set things in motion to make him the power of the Universe! FuSoYa joins your party to stop Zemus, and then leaves after helping thwart the attack on Earth by Zemus's minions to go after Zemus himself (along with Golbez). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= KAIN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Class: Dragoon Abilites: Kain can attacks enemies with his Spears, Axes, or Swords (he is quite versatile in weapon use). Kain can land a more powerful blow with his Spears when he uses his Jump coomand to leap high into the air, and then drop in right on top of the enemy moments later (this takes longer to pull off than a Fight attack but just a little bit, but is worth it for the extra damage it deals). Kain can of course use Items in battle. Kain, the Commander of the Dragoon Knights of Baron, comes to his friends aid when the King is raging mad at Cecil, and he ends up tied into the mission that Cecil has been assigned. He and Cecil set out together at the start of the journey, but Kain will walk a much different and separate path than that of his good firend Cecil. Kain will come in and out of the party, and he will not always be the most trustworthy of allies due to the influence Golbez holds on this warrior. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PALOM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Class: Black Wizard Abilites: He can Fight with Staffs mainly, but he is extremely weak as he is both a child and a Wizard. Black Magic is the power that this young but gifted child wields with the greatest proficiency (learns spell at a rapid rate). Twin is the greatest attack that Palom possesed, and it is a weaker version of Meteo (Comet) or Nuke (Flare) when used with his twin sister. Palom can also use Items. Story: Along with his sister Parom, Palom is sent along with Cecil to Mount Ordeals to spy on Cecil. After Cecil succeeds to change his ways, the twins decide to accompany Cecil back to Baron where they help Cecil to rescue Yang and Cid as well as the entire Baron population from the Fiend of Water Kainazzo. However, when Kainazzo attempts to crush the party in a hallway, both Palom and Parom sacrifice themselves by turning to Stone to stop the advancing walls, thus sparing the party from certain death. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PAROM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Class: White Wizard Abilities: She can Fight with Rods mainly, but she is extremely weak as she is both a child and a Wizard. White Magic is the power that this young but gifted child wields with the greatest proficiency (learns spells at a rapid rate). Twin is the greatest attack that Palom possesed, and it is a weaker version of Meteo (Comet) or Nuke (Flare) when used with her twin brother. Parom can also use Items. Story: Along with her brother Palom, Parom is sent along with Cecil to Mount Ordeals to spy on Cecil. After Cecil succeeds to change his ways, the twins decide to accompany Cecil back to Baron where they help Cecil to rescue Yang and Cid as well as the entire Baron population from the Fiend of Water Kainazzo. However, when Kainazzo attempts to crush the party in a hallway, both Parom and Palom sacrifice themselves by turning to Stone to stop the advancing walls, thus sparing the party from certain death. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ROSA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Class: White Wizard Abilities: Rosa can Fight with Staffs and Bows and Arrows, but this command should be used. Rosa has an excellent grasp of White magic, eventually leading to her knowing all the spells that White Magic offers. Rosa's Aim command gives her 100 % accuracy when using her Bow and Arrows, which is an excellent thing as Bow and Arrows are rather inaccurate weapons in all. Rosa can use Items as well. Story: The girlfriend of Cecil, she leaves Baron to try and follow Cecil when he heads off with the Package for Mist. She ends up in Kaipo where she falls with a fever that only the SandRuby can cure. After Cecil cures her, Rosa joins his side to help him until Golbez takes her during an assault on Fabul. She is later rescued from Golbez, and she remains a faithful companion with Cecil to the very end of the journey. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= RYDIA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Class: Caller Abilities: Although Rydia can use staffs, rods, knives, whips, and Bow and Arrows to Fight, she will not contribute a lot of physical damage to your foes because of her weak attack power. Rydia has command of both White Magic and Black Magic when she joins up, and she knows many low level spells in each category (makes her very versatile as attacker and defender). Rydia also has the exclusive ability to Call summoned monsters, which she can use to attack enemies (these attacks can be VERY damaging). Rydia can use Items as well. Story: Rydia is the unfortunate victim and survivor of an unintended attack made by Cecil and Kain on behalf of Baron. After fighting the two off, she passes out and Cecil takes her with him. Cecil defends her from Baron's troops and she will join his journey. She remains a faithful companion until a most unfortunate accident with Leviathan tears her from the group. Class: Caller Abilities: Although Rydia can use staffs, rods, knives, whips, and Bow and Arrows to Fight, she will not contribute a lot of physical damage to your foes because of her weak attack power. Rydia comes to you without her White Magic abilities, but with an increased power in the Black Magics (she can learn the most powerful spells). Rydia has even more monsters to Call upon with her summoning magic. Rydia can use Items as well. Story: Although she was swallowed by Leviathan, he brought here to the land of the Summoned Monsters where she trained rigorously along with some of the most powerful summoned monsters. She returns to save the party from almost certain doom at the hands of Golbez, and she brings with her a more advanced age than that of the child she once was (due to the increased speed in which time flows in Land of the Summoned Monsters). She will then remain with Cecil and the party to the very end of the journey. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TELLAH =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Class: Sage Abilities: Tellah can Fight with staffs, rods, and knives, but this is not his true strength so he does little damage. Tellah does have command White Magic and Black Magic spells, so he can be both attacker and defender. Tellah can use Items as well. Story: An older man who was once the most powerful spell caster in the world, he has forgotten much of what he knew (he retains some of his knowledge). He meets Cecil between Kaipo and Damycan, and realizes that Cecil could help him get by the monster blocking his way as he is trying to get his daughter back from a Bard. Cecil and Tellah are too late as the Red Wings bomb Damycan and kill Tellah's daughter under the command of Golbez. Tellah leaves to try and get Golbez, but returns again to the group where he remembers all his old spells (which is nearly all the White Magic and Black Magic), but he learns the most powerful spell ever in Meteo! He is so bent on the destruction of Golbez that he ends up killing himself while using Meteo to badly injure Golbez. Tellah dies soon after, and realizes vengeance is never the answer. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= YANG =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Class: Karate Master Abilities: Yang Fights with both hands using weapons called Claws (which have special effects), dealing out significant damage due to his large strength ability. Yang also has a Kick ability, which hits all enemies in the battle, but divides the potential strength evenly between the enemies (without the special effects of his Claws). Yang can use Items as well. Story: While training at the Summit of Mount Hobs with the special forces of Fabul, Golbez's lackies appear and decimate the special forces. Yang will destroy most of the attackers just as Cecil and company arrive, but when the big bad lackey attacks, Cecil will jump in. Yang will join the group and return to Fabul to defend it from attack, but the group loses. Yang is then lost in the Leviathan attack, but then rjoins the team in Baron (once he gets some sense knocked into him). He will remain with the team until he makes the ultimate sacrifice to save the Dwarves... ******************************************************************************* 7.) Boss Compendium ******************************************************************************* ###################################### D. Mist ###################################### H.P.: 450 Gold: 200 Exp.: 700 To win this fight, you will start off by attacking with Cecil and jumping with Kain to deal out as much damage as possible. The Mist Dragon will attack periodically, so if the Hit Points of either Cecil or Kain drops below 100, you may want to use a Cure1 to heal them. When the D. Mist "Turns to mist", you should just Parry (press RIGHT on the Directional Pad to show the option) until the message "Now, get ready to fight" appears (at which point the D. Mist will reassemble). If you did not wait for the D. Mist to reassemble, you will get blasted for a out a 30 Hit point loss with ColdMist (counter attack for every attack you do). Continue using your attacks, and the D. Mist should not have time to turn into a mist cloud again as it will be defeated! ###################################### Officer Soldier ###################################### H.P.: 200 H.P.: 25 Gold: 80 Gold: 55 Exp.: 400 Exp.: 160 In this battle, there are two ways to go about winning. The easier way to win is to take down the three Soldiers as fast as you can, which will cause the coward Officer to retreat because his bodyguards are gone. The other method takes longer, Cecil takes a beating, and it can be annoying, but if you take the Officer out before finishing off the final Soldier, you will receive more Gold and Experience. ###################################### Octomamm ###################################### H.P.: 700 Gold: 500 Exp.: 1200 Tentacle H.P.: 250 This tentacled monster will attack you repeatedly while you take it down, one tentacle at a time. To beat this baddie, attack with Cecil's newly acquired Darkness Sword to really hit hard (for around 185 Hit Points per hit), and cast Lit-1 with both Tellah and Rydia (occasionally taking time out to cast a Cure spell when needed). When Octomamm is knocked down to two tentacles, it will slow down, and attack less often. Once it is down to a lone tentacle, you just need to hit it for 700 Hit Points, and it will fall into the depths permanently! ###################################### Antlion ###################################### H.P.: 1000 Gold: 800 Exp.: 1500 For this battle, if you use regular attacks on the Antlion, he will use a vicious counter attack on a party member for about 20 damage each time. You have the option of attacking with all party members, followed by curing the hurt party members, or you can just use Rydia's Call Magic to summon Chocobo to deal about 150 to 200 damage each time (with no Counter used against you). If her Magic runs out before the Antlion dies, start using conventional attacks with Cecil to finish it off (it will be near death). Once you win, the SandRuby is yours! ###################################### WaterHag ###################################### H.P.: 60 (three hits in actuality) Gold: 100 Exp.: 800 Choose to fight the whole time, and Anna (her ghost) will offer her Encouragement until Edward has finished the WaterHag off! ###################################### MomBomb ###################################### H.P.: 1500 (to cause metamorphisis) Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 You first step in this fight is to start taking this MomBomb down. Attack with Cecil, Edward, and Yang (his Fight, not Kick), while Rydia and Rosa Cure wounds while throwing their attacks in (Rosa should Aim and Rydia should Call Chocobo). When the MomBomb starts to grow, stop using magic attacks, and then make sure your party has as many Hit Points as possible because the MomBomb will explode after a short time! This will lead into an all new battle... ###################################### Bomb Grey Bomb ###################################### H.P: 50 H.P.: 100 Gold: 240 Gold: 150 Exp.: 370 Exp.: 450 You will be penalised about 60 to 80 Hit points on each member of your team, so get them to Cure each other up as fast as possible (especially Ryida, Rosa, and Edward with their low Hit Points). Once you have done that, get Edward to attack the Bombs (he should be able to charm them, and thus add attacks to your side while lessening theirs), get Cecil, Rosa and Yang to double team a Grey Bomb, and have Rydia Call a Chocobo to kill a Grey Bomb off herself. If done correctly, none of the opposing forces will be able to get their Explosion attacks off, and you will win easily! ###################################### Fabul Battle ###################################### - General Fighter H.P.: 320 H.P.: 65 Gold: 155 Gold: 100 Exp.: 608 Exp.: 410 Take the fighters out quickly with your attacks, and the General will quickly retreat, giving you the win! The other option is to kill the General first, and then the Fighters, but this will take longer, and more of your Hit Points, which are only refillable during battle in this melee. - Weeper Imp Captain WaterHag H.P.: 100 H.P.: 37 H.P.: 48 Gold: 30 Gold: 20 Gold: 80 Exp.: 120 Exp.: 189 Exp.: 180 Get Yang to Kick, Edward to attack the WaterHag, and set Cecil to attacking the Weeper. When the Weeper is all that remains, set all three of your party to attacking it for the victory! - Gargoyle H.P.: 160 Gold: 100 Exp.: 320 Just attack to quickly knock this sneak of an enemy out. - Weeper Imp Captain WaterHag (again, same as above) - General Fighter (again, same as above) ###################################### Milon Ghast ###################################### H.P.: 3100 H.P.: 170 Gold: 3300 Gold: 0 Exp.: 3800 Exp.: 0 Milon will appear with 4 Ghasts ready to back him up. Since Cecil's sword is utterly useless on Undead enemies, get him to focus his attacks on the Fiend of Earth. Palom and Parom should use their Twin attacks (Flare and Comet), and Tellah should use Fire1 and Cure2 when necessary. Make sure to keep the Twin's Hit Points up to end this battle quickly! ###################################### Milon Z ###################################### H.P.: 3000 Gold: 3000 Exp.: 4000 He will attack from behind, so it is good that you have already switched your party's positions around to compensate. This time he has no helpers, so just have Cecil attack Milon, have Palom and Parom use Twin attacks, and then have Tellah act as your Cure man as well as Heal the poison that Milon Z will inflict upon your team. You can also use Cure spells to harm Milon Z because he is Undead. Not a difficult battle, but his frequent poisoning of your team can be irritating. ###################################### D. Knight ###################################### H.P.: 1000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 You have two options for fighting this inner evil of Cecil. you can do the preferred method of parrying and using your recently acquired Cure magic until the Dark Knight quits his attacks (this is the easiest method), or you can attack and use Cure2 times to beat the 1000 Hit Points out of the Dark Knight (exceptionally difficult to do). If you choose the beat him up method, and you bought the Paladin Shield before coming to Mount Ordeals, go into Item on your first turn, press up to see Cecil's hands, select the empty spot, and then go down the list to put the Paladin Shield on him to increase his defense. Either method works, but choose one that you feel the most comfortable doing. ###################################### Guard ###################################### H.P: 200 Gold: 500 Exp.: 720 Attack with Cecil, use Twin with Palom and Porom, and cast Size on anyone who the guards shrink in size with Tellah. Not a tough battle, but you will likely have at least one midget on your team after the battle. ###################################### Yang (Karate) ###################################### H.P.: 4000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 Have Cecil attack, Palom and Parom should use Twin repeatedly, and Tellah should keep your health high while attacking with hard hitting spells like Virus, and level 3 elemental spells (Ice, Fire, Lit). It is also a good idea for Tellah to cast Size on anyone who is still small front he Guard battle. Yang will use regular attacks, as well as his Kick (this does considerable damage to each party member). Just make sure to keep the Twin attacks coming, and you will romp to victory. ###################################### Left Arm Baigan Right Arm ###################################### H.P.: 350 H.P.: 3500 H.P.: 350 Gold: 0 Gold: 3000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 Exp.: 4830 Exp.: 0 Baigan has three parts to him, his Left Arm, his Right Arm, and Baigan himself. You will need to kill the Baigan pat before you can kill the Arms off (Baigan wil continually revive them). Use the Twin attack for Palom and Parom, attack with Cecil and Yang, and Tellah will be a healer and Ether distributor for the Twins. Baigan has an extra trick he can use, but only if he is prodded to do so. Any magic attack against him, with the exception of the Twin attacks, will cause him to cast Wall on the Baigan part of the Boss. After he does this, no magic will be able to penentrate his wall (including Twin attacks). Be sure to not use any magic directly on Baigan, because this will greatly complicate the battle. Otherwsie, Baigan will use physical attacks only, along with the occasional Recover to cause his Arms to reappear. His Arms can use Vampire (a drain spell) and Entangle (a Hold spell). ###################################### Kainazzo ###################################### H.P.: 4000 Gold: 4000 Exp.: 5500 Kainazzo has two different attacks poses. I will give strategies to fight both forms. REGULAR Attack Kainazzo with Cecil and Yang, Twin attack with Palom and Parom, and use Tellah as part healer, part Ice3 caster. Kainazzo is weaker against Ice when he is in this form. WATER GATHERING When he has built a wall of water around him, the attacks stay the same for every one but Tellah. Get him to use Lit-3 on Kainazzo. Kainazzo is weaker against lightning when water is gathering, and it will also disperse the water, sending Kainazzo back to regular form. Kainazzo is rather easy to defeat, but be sure to watch out for his Wave attack, which will remove over 100 Hit Points from each of your party members. You should be able to wipe this guy out quickly, and with minimal fuss. ###################################### Dark Elf ###################################### H.P.: 22000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 Although you can win this fight with some creative team work, it will gain you nothing. Instead, just attack him as he wipes your party out. ###################################### Dark Dragon ###################################### H.P.: 3000 Gold: 5000 Exp.: 6000 He will start out in his Dark Elf form, but he will quickly transform into a more powerful form in the Dark Dragon. Have your three muscle heads (Cecil, Yang, and Cid) attack while Tellah casts Virus for attacking, and Cure spells for healing. This form has a better command of magic than the weakened Dark Elf did, so keep your Hit points high. He also has a brutal D. Breath attack that removes anywhere from 125 to 250 Hit points per person. If you want to win this battle REALLY EASILY, just wait for the transformation to occur so he is the Dark Dragon, and have Tellah cast Weak. It should hit the Dark Dragon, causing it's Hit Points to drop below 10 total, making your next attack deadly to it! ###################################### Sandy Cindy Mindy ###################################### H.P.: 2500 H.P.: 4300 H.P.: 2200 Gold: 4000 Gold: 4000 Gold: 4000 Exp.: 5000 Exp.: 5000 Exp.: 5000 These three are the infamous Magus Sisters, and they all are quite different from one another. Sandy is tall and skinny, Cindy is short and stalky, and Mindy is tiny. While all three remain in the battle, the Sisters will use their Delta Attack on your party. The following bit will look at what each Sister does with their attacks: ###################################### Valvalis ###################################### H.P.: 6000 Gold: 5500 Exp.: 9500 Valvalis will have two forms for you to fight you in. When she is wrapped up in her hair and spinning like a whirlwind, you will need to have Kain try a Jump attack to make her stop. When she is in a whirlwind, it is extremely hard to hit her, and when you do, the damage will be less than usual. When she is in her normal position, she takes a lot more damage. She will use Weak periodically, so Cure whoever lost their Hit Points quickly so you will not lose them on the next attack. ###################################### Cal Brena ###################################### H.P.: 1000 H.P.: 300 Gold: 500 Gold: 500 Exp.: 1250 Gold: 1250 You will be faced with 3 Cals and 3 Brenas, who will attack you physically the whole time. Start off by whacking 2 of the Brena (the ornage coloured dolls), and then start working on the three Cals in the back row. Attack with Cecil and Yang, Jump with Kain, and Rosa will do her usual part time Cure, part time attack methods. If you follow this method, you should not have to face the following enemy. Be advised that time is also a factor in this happening... ###################################### Calbrena ###################################### H.P.: 4600 Gold: 7000 Exp.: 19000 The Calbrena will not only attack you physically (with more power than it's smaller counterparts), but it will also use attacks like Glance (Charm Spell). Keep Cecil and Yang pounding away, have Kain jump like a maniac, and have Rosa keep the Hit Points high as she hits her Charmed team mates with an Arrow so they regain their senses. ###################################### Golbez ###################################### H.P.: 22000 Gold: 11000 Exp.: 20000 A tall task to say the least. Start by getting Kain into the air as fast as you can, and have everyone else attack Golbez. Golbez will then start to laugh as he casts Hold Gas on your whole party, causing them to be paralized! He will then summon Shadow (a large dragon) who immediately starts using a "Demolish" attack, which he uses to wipe out Yang, Rosa, and Kain (only if he is on the ground at the time of the attacks). Golbez is all ready to Demolish Cecil, but suddenly a D. Mist will appear to wipe out Shadow and hurt Golbez for around 900 Hit Points! Golbez will be in shock at this turn of events, and a mysterious voice will say you can move now to Cecil as the paralisis is Healed. This is the point that Rydia will run in to join her team! Now that we have a new fight scenario, here is the battle plan! Have Cecil attack and have Rydia call Titan. If you have Kain still, get him to Jump. Cecil should also be ready to cast Cure2 if Rydia starts to get low on Hit Points. The fight will not require you to remove 22000 Hit Points from Golbez as he seems shaken over the D. Mist incident. After one Call Magic attack, Golbez will fall! ###################################### Dr. Lugae Balnab ###################################### H.P.: 4416 H.P.: 3927 Gold: 0 Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 Exp.: 0 After some initial problems with Balnab being unable to move and attacking his creator, Balnab will turn to attacking your party with some ferocity. Dr. Lugae will not do a whole lot in this battle. Attack Balnab with Cecil and Yang, Jump with Kain against Dr. Lugae, Rydia should cast a second level elemental spell against the good docter (Ice2, Lit2, Fire2), and Rosa should Aim at Lugae when no Curing is required. If you defeat Balnab first, you will have to fight... ###################################### Balnab-Z ###################################### H.P: 4000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 Balnab-Z is a slgihtly stronger version of Balnab (which is being operated by Dr. Lugae). Cecil and Yang should attack, Kain should Jump, Rydia should use second level elemental spells (Ice2, Lit2, Fire2), and Rosa should Cure her teammates the whole time. ###################################### Dr. Lugae ###################################### H.P.: 6600 Gold: 4000 Exp.: 15000 Dr. Lugae will quickly transform into a horrific metallic skeletal monster right before your very eyes! He will use a Poison Spell to cause minimal damage to your team, but it will also cause your whole team to be poisoned (they will drop Hit Points every so often). He will also attempt to use Gas, which is a Sleep spell (it rarely works however). One of his offensive attack is Laser (as well as the less powerful Beam), which is a deadly attack for lower Hit Point members of your team like Rydia and Rosa (it does somewhere in the neighbourhood of 700 to 800 damage). Dr Lugae also uses Emission, a low power fire attack, which he usually follows up with Heal on all your teammates (curing all the status effects he inflicts upon you). Cecil and Yang should attack, Kain should Jump, Rydia should use second level elemental spells (Ice2, Lit2, Fire2), and Rosa should Cure her teammates the whole time. If someone falls down, let Rosa bring them back with Life1, and have the next person in line use a Cure2 on her (Yang, Kain, Rydia) or cast Cure2 (Cecil). ###################################### Dark Imp ###################################### H.P.: 199 Gold: 45 Exp.: 1940 Attack these guys to finish them off quickly, and they should not even get an attack in on your team (they use physical attacks only). ###################################### King Eblan Queen Eblan ###################################### H.P.: 60000 H.P.: 60000 Gold: 0 Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 Exp.: 0 Although Edge's parents have been horribly mutated, Edge will still try and reason with them. This fight does not require any attacks from your side, so just use regular attacks to conserve Magic Points, and be sure to not let anyone swoon. After a while, Edge's parents will realize what they have become, and they will then banish themselves from this world to Hades (despite Edge pleading for an alternative). ###################################### Rubicant ###################################### H.P.: 25000 Gold: 7000 Exp.: 25000 As you might expect, Rubicant is weak against Ice/Water attacks, so they are excellent ways to bring him down quickly. However, when his cloak is closed, Ice Spells will heal him. When his cloak is closed, hold off on Ice Spells (as well as the Shiva Call spell) and use regular attacks. Rubicant uses an incredibly powerful magic spell by the name of Glare which does over 1000 Hit Points of damage easily (Revive/Cure the victim). Rubicant will also use Fire2 on the whole party (it will do about 100 to 150 Hit Point damage to each member). To beat this monster easily, have Cecil attack, Kain Jump, Edge Dart extra swords and Spears (as well as Flood with his Ninja ability), Rydia should Call Shiva, and Rosa will be the Curing and Reviving member of the team. Do not be afraid to use a Life on a fallen member with someone else so Rosa can then Cure them back to full health right after. ###################################### Trap Door ###################################### H.P.: 5000 Gold: 4500 Exp.: 31100 Trap Doors are incredibly mean fights as they have one attack that has two parts: Search (targets a team member), and then Disrupt (kills your character off immediately). This is all that a Trap Door does, which is extremely hard on your Magic Points for Life1 spells and your Life Potions. Hit the Trap Door with everything you have, and if you do it fast enough, you will kill it. However, if you fail in this endeavor, the Trap Door will morph into some other monster which you must then kill. ###################################### EvilWall ###################################### H.P.: 19000 Gold: 8000 Exp.: 23000 The EvilWall is a slowly advancing menace that will attack with the following methods: physical attacks, Petrify (if used on one team member enough, they will solidify into a statue), and once it draws near enough it will use Crush (a spell that instant kills whoever recieves the casting of it). The EvilWall will start off with a couple pre-emptive physical attacks, and then following that it will continue physical attacks while mixing in Petrify spells. Have Cecil attack, Kain Jump, Edge attack and/or throw Swords/Ninja Stars, Rydia cast Virus, and Rosa should be sure that no one drops too low on Hit Points. If the EvilWall reaches the point where it is close enough to use Crush, you had better hope it is near enough to death to be killed quickly. ###################################### Asura ###################################### H.P.: 23000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 20000 Asura has many faces, and she will use her moves based on which is visible. She will often cast Cure spells at level 3and even 4 (!) and Life spells, but there is a way to stop her. Cast Wall on her to block those spells, and that way she can no longer Cure herself. She will also use physical attacks, but her reflected Cure spells will likely keep their Hit Points high. Have Cecil and Edge attack, have Rydia use call magic to summon Titan, and have Rosa split her time between Aim and using Cure2's and Cure3's from your inventory when needed (she will also cast Wall on Asura on her first turn). If your party becomes weak, just let Asure cast Cure spells until your entire party is refilled, and then attack anew. ###################################### Leviathan ###################################### H.P.: 35000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 28000 Leviathan will open with his big attack, which is a Big Wave, so you start at a disadvantage. Then he will cover back up, and he will use Ice2 until he is ready to open up for his Big Wave attack once more. He will also throw in physical attacks throughout this pattern, so keep your Hit Points high. Have Cecil attack, Edge should use Ninja Magic (Blitz) and switch to Darts and attacks once his Magic Points run low, Rydia should use Virus or Lit2, and Rosa should keep everyone well Cured with Cure2 and Cure3. this battle is not overly difficult, especially since your levels are at least in the mid thirties because you could beat Asura. ###################################### Odin ###################################### H.P.: 20500 Gold: 0 Exp.: 18000 Odin has powerful physical attacks, so you need to be aware of your Hit Point stats at all times. In addition to this, Odin has a time limit on the fight where he will suddenly do a viscious eushing attack that is guaranteed to wipe your party out! Have Cecil attack, Edge should use Ninja Magic (Blitz really hurts Odin), Rydia should use Indra once and then start using Lit2, and Rosa should Cure2/Cure3 whoever needs the assistance. If you fail to beat Odin, raise your levels slightly, and return to try again. ###################################### Behemoth ###################################### H.P.: 16000 Gold: 65000 Exp.: 58700 These guys are means customers that hit you EXTREMELY hard. This guy has a special ability to counter attack every physical attack thrown at him, so be sure to have high Hit Points before attacking (he throws the shots around randomly). You also need to watch out for his Storm attack, which appears to be in retailiation to the casting of a powerful spell. Have Cecil and Edge attack, have Rydia cast Virus once to start the beast's Hit Points draining and then she should use Cure2's on hurt people, FuSoYa should use Nuke or White (or Meteo if you really want to) as well as Cure some damage, and Rosa should Cure the whole time to assure your victory. Also note that the Behemoth rarely attacks when he does not have a swing taken at him, so stop attacking if you are badly damaged so you can refill your hit Points before you resume pounding on the great beast. ###################################### Bahamut ###################################### H.P.: 37000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 35000 Bahamut has one attack only, but it is one powerful blast. It is called MegaNuke, and it does a massive amount of damage to your team. Their is a way to turn this attack back onto Bahamut however, and this is achieved by doing the following actions. Cecil and Edge should attack, Rydia should Call Leviathan, and Osa and FuSoYa will cast Wall on their teammates on at a time. After the MegaNuke lands, you might have missed Walling in one team member, but the MegaNuke will bounce back to badly damage Bahamut. Then you just need to wear him down as he countdowns to agian MegaNuke himself. With this strategy, you will not have a hard time with this battle. ###################################### Elements ###################################### H.P.: 104,000 Gold: 10000 Exp.: 62500 You will have to fight each incarnation of the Four Fiends once again (thanks to Zemus bringing them back), so this section will have strategies for each opponent. Each fiend will show up around every 26,000 Hit Points damage dealt out by your team. Milon-Z will use strong physical attacks and Curse for the most part, so just be sure to keep your Hit Points high. Cecil and Edge should attack, FuSoYa should use Fire3 and Cure the team, Rydia should summon Bahamut, and Rosa should Cure the team and cast Cure4 on Milon-Z (it will do around 5000 Hit Points damage to the undead being). Rubicant is next, and he uses Fire2, Fire3, and Galre as he fights you (none of these do a whole lot of damage). Cecil should attack, Edge should use Ninja Magic to cast Flood, FuSoYa should cast Ice3 as should Rydia (if she has it) or summon Leviathan, and Rosa should keep the Hit Points high with Cure3. Kainazzo is third in the order, and he will sue physical attacks as well as Big Wave (this does about 500 Hit Points damage to each member of your team). Cecil should attack, Edge should use Ninja Magic (Blitz is the best), FuSoYa should use Lit3, Rydia should Lit3 (if she has it) or summon Indra, and Rosa should continue to Cure the party. Valvalis brings up the final line of the Four Fiend offense, and she comes using Big Wave (again for around 500 Hit Points damage to each team member), as well as Ray (Petrify), Storm (Weak), and physical attacks. Have Cecil attack, Edge should use Ninja Magic (Blitz is suggested), FuSoYa should use Lit3/White, Rydia should summon Bahamut, and Rosa is your designated Curing machine. The Four Fiends will then bemoan their losing to your party, and then you may wish to back track a secction of the body to use a Cabin and then SAVE in the SAVE CIRCLE before returning to the lung. Once you pass through the lung, you will be int eh CPU, where you will head upwards to find the CPU, along with some defenses as it attacks! ###################################### CPU Attacker Defender ###################################### H.P.: 20000 H.P.: 2000 H.P.: 2000 Gold: 10333 Gold: 0 Gold: 0 Exp.: 150000 Exp.: 0 Exp.: 0 The boss comes int three parts, all of which have unique properties. The Defender will spend a lot of the time just casting Remedy on the CPU at 2000 Hit Points recovered per casting. The Attacker will use Maser (attack on everyone for about 200 Hit Points damage each). CPU will cast Wall on itself at the start, meaning conventional magics will not get to it (although Call Magic will work), and if both Attacker and Defender have been taken down, CPU will use Globe199 (ultra-powerful attack on one person, killing them immediately) a few times before casting Recover to bring Attacker and Defender back. To take the monstrosity down, take out Defender, take out Attacker (if you want), and the pound on CPU before repeating the cycle again. Have Cecil and Edge attack, FuSoYa should Cure the party as should Rosa (as well as revive team members after Globe199 attacks), and Rydia should summon Bahamut. ###################################### Pale Dim ###################################### H.P.: 27500 Gold: 0 Exp.: 59000 The Pale Dim has a good bag of ticks to call upon in this fight including: physical attacks, Slow spell, and Quake. Quake will only be used in response to a high end Black Magic spell attack, but this is countered by casting Float before the fight begins. Have Cecil and Edge attack, Kain should Jump, Rydia should summon Bahamut, and Rosa should Cure when needed and attack when she has the chance by using her Aim command. ###################################### Wyvern ###################################### H.P.: 25000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 64300 The Wyvern can use MegaNuke, Wall, Nuke, and Remedy fairly frequently. This mean customer uses MegaNuke just like it's look alike Bahamut, but it will begin the fight with one. This will lay most of your party to rest (usually leaves only one member alive). Your first job is to get Rosa back on her feet so she can then cast Wall on herself. Then you should try to get Cecil and Rydia up so you have your powerhouse hitter (Rydia with Bahamut) and Cecil for his ability to take hits (and throw around 2500 damage at a time). Whenever you get a Bahamut shot in, Wyvern will respond with a MegaNuke, and if it hits Rosa, her Wall will reflect the damage back at Wyvern. Edge and Kain do not contribute enough or stand up to the spells well for you to keep reviving them. Remember that Rosa can only be cured with Cure2's and Cure3's from your inventory. With a little bit of luck, you can win this one rather easily. ###################################### Plague ###################################### H.P.: 28000 Gold: 550 Exp.: 31200 Plague will use Count (a Doom-like spell) on all your people as his first attack (when the timer runs out, they all die) as well as using Fast on your party members to try and run their timers down quicker. To win, you need to attack the whole time, so use the following techniques: Cecil should attack, Kain should Jump, Edge should throw a Ninja Star and then attack, Rydia should use Bahamut, and Rosa should use Aim with her powerful Artemis Arrows equipped. Being quick and decisive in your decisions with your party members can often be the difference between winning and losing. ###################################### Ogopogo ###################################### H.P.: 37000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 61100 Ogopogo has a few attacks to use on your party, including: Big Wave, Blaze, and physical attacks. Ogopogo will begin the fight with a double shot of Big Wave, which will take your team's Hit Points to quite low numbers (Rosa should use Cure4 on everyone for her first move, and use Cure2 on all from Cecil if you like to as well). You should have Cecil attack, Kain Jump, Edge should throw Ninja Stars, Rydia summon Bahamut or use Nuke, and have Rosa Cure the party and use White on Ogopogo when you can (if you have it that is). Not a particularly hard fight once you have enough Hit Points to survive the intial attack (which you should have easily by this point). ###################################### D. Lunar ###################################### D. Lunar H.P.: 21000 Gold: 0 Exp.: 50000 You get to fight two D. Lunar's. D. Lunars use physical attacks as well as Wall to start off with. Then they will use Virus and Remedy following this to attack your team and Cure themselves for 2100 Hit Points. Have Edge and Cecil attack (his Crystal Sword does 9999 damage), Kain should jump, Rydia should Call Bahamut, and Rosa should Aim with her arrows. If Rosa gets to go first for your team, cast Cure4 on one of the D. Lunars to hurt the one you aim for about 3000 Hit Points. ###################################### Zeromus ###################################### Zeromus H.P.: 100000+ (not sure of exact amount) Gold: 0 Exp.: 0 Zemus has an incredible amount of attacks, and they will be listed below with a description of what they do, how much Hit Points they remove, and what causes each attack to occur. Big Bang..: Used periodically by Zeromus to inflict about 1200 to 2000 Hit Point damage on each member of your party, followed by sapping your Hit Points like Virus. It will often knock one of your team members down. Black Hole: This spell will be used by Zeromus to remove Magics like Wall or Fast from your party. This is not a concern as we do not use those in this battle. Meteo.....: This starts to be casted when Zeromus nears his demise, and it hits only some of your team members most of the time. The more teammates that get hit, the less damage recieved, and it still only deals around 800 to 1200 Hit Point damage for each member. Nuke......: This spell will be used periodically to concentrate heavy damage (1000 to 1600 Hit Point damage) on a single member of your team. It will often knock your team member out. Virus.....: This wicked spell will cost you about 200 to 500 Hit Point damage to each team member, but it has the added effect of continually sapping your Hit Points as time goes on. If you use Nuke, Meteo, or White on Zemus, he will often counter with the same spell (up to three times over) on your party (also note he can bring out a Weak spell in place of these spell counters). Although his spells are nowhere as near the power that your spells are at, they will still decimate your party. Avoid casting these spells if you wish to have an easier time winning the ultimate battle for Mother Earth! Your battle plan can be explained indvidually for each team member, and what they are responsible for in this fight. Cecil should use his first round to use the Item "Crystal", which was given to him by Golbez. This cause Zeromus to be a MUCH easier target to hurt. From then on, Cecil should just attack with his Crystal Sword unless he is needed for dire need of Curing. Kain has one job to do, and that is to Jump keep jumping unless he has to fedd an Item like Cure3 or an Elixer to someone. Edge should throw the following things in this order: Spoon, Excalibur Sword, Defense Sword,Light Sword, Gungir Spear, Drain Spear, and then throw your large collection of Ninja Stars. Rydia has a mian purpose of Calling Bahamut to the battle, and she should also call Asura if you need to gamble for a quick Cure (this should be in desperation only). Using Meteo or Nuke will cause unwanted side effects (see Zermous attacks for details). Rosa has the job of keeping the Hit Points high on the whole team. She should also use Life2 where applicable to revive a fallen teammate. Start off with Cecil using the Crystal on Zeromus to weaken him by causing his true colours to emerge! Attack with the strategies listed above as Zeromus uses Big Bang, Virus, Nuke, Black Hole, and Meteo against you. ******************************************************************************* 8.) Miscellaneous Facts ******************************************************************************* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Item Duplication Trick =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Step 1 in this process is obviously picking the item that you want to duplicate. When you enter a battle, choose the item option (for the person who has what you want to duplicate). Highlight and enter (A) a blank space in the item inventory and to the intended item and enter it (A), and then exit back out of the item menu (B). Run from the battle, and then go into the sub-screen, where you can select the “Equip” option and go to the character who had the duplicated item, go to the old empty slot and press A, then do the same on the item which has been added. You have now duplicated the intended item. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Game Genie Section =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - Neither of us are big on the cheating, but whilst not to exclude you cheaters, a few of the more popular ones have been added, but that’s all you’re going to get. Infinite Gold: 01C707AE Infinite HP : 03CAE6BD Infinite MP : 038532BD Item/EXP Hack: 03ED4E01 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Chocobo Information =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= YELLOW CHOCOBO These are the most common type of Chocobo, and they can be found in every Chocobo Village you will encounter. They will allow your party to ride on the back of one of their kind, and the Yellow Chocobo will carry you to your destination by going over land. They can cross rivers, but not ocean water, and once you get off of their back, they will run away! BLACK CHOCOBO The much more rare than their land tromping cousins, to the point of that they are located in only one Chocobo Village (to the north of Torioa). These birds have the gift of flight, and they will give you a lift when you need it the most. They can only land in forest, and when they do land, they will stay put until you get on them again, at which point they return to their village. WHITE CHOCOBO One of these can be found in every Chocobo Village you will come across, and if you manage to catch one, they will refill your Magic Points. This is really useful on a journey when you find a village, so you can use Magic to refill your Hit Points, and then use the White Chocobo to refill your Magic Points. FAT CHOCOBO Although not readily visible in a Chocobo Village (or the basement of the Dwarf Castle), whenever you examine an area and it "smells like Chocbos", you should use a Carrot. This will cause the Big Chocobo to appear, and you can then store Items as well as retrieve previously restored Items with the Big Chococbo. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pink Puffs & Adamant Armor =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= WHERE TO FIND THEM When your party is on Lunar Subterrane B5, find the room where the Treasure Chest with the Cabin inside is. Walk around this room to find and kill all Pink Puffs you see. WHY FIGHT THEM? Although the encounter rate for a Pink Puff battle is 1-64, what they give to you is th emost important thing. They cam on occasion give you a Pink Tail, which may seem insignificant, but it is incredibly great when you remember the Tail Collecter of Silvera. TRADE THE TAIL Make it a point to go to Silvera to trade in your Pink Tail to get some more of the Adamant ore you got before for trading a Rat Tail. Since Kokkol the Blacksmith was seeking Adamant before, it stands to reason he would like to work on it again. VISIT KOKKOL THE BLACKSMITH Head underground to find Kokkol, and he will be so excited to recieve more Adamant he will get right to work. However, this time he can not improve your sword any further than it is right now, so he will instead design some armor. This Adamant Armor is supremely protective, it can be worn by all members of your party, and it has excellent resistance to all kinds of spell types and status effects. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Odd "Steal and Equip" Glitch (Thanks to MeteoX9999) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You may know the trick to get Rydia to equip a Silver Shield, steal one from an Armadillo, then in the battle item screen, click on the shield (As Rydia of course) and drag it up to an available arm. Apparently, this bug works very non-specifically, basically you can equip any arm item (weapon or shield) on anyone if you can steal it. There aren't many enemies that drop arm items, but you can really mess around with this. I once equipped Cecil with an Earth Hammer! And Rydia a harp! Weird... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Zeromus VS Golbez/FuSoYa damage (Thanks to MeteoX9999) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This took me a long time to figure out. Have you noticed the more powerful you are when you go to fight Zeromus, the weaker Golbez and FuSoYa seem to be? Recently, I witnessed Golbez and FuSoYa, with party at the average level of 64, do only about 400 damage. When I attempted to beat Zeromus at earlier levels, they were doing 600-700 damage. When you start a new game, at work your way to Zeromus at a measly level, say 55. Then 60, 62, 64, 66, etc. And watch how they seem to do much weaker damage as your level increases. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stronger Monsters Earlier (Thanks to MeteoX9999) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Although this is one example, feel free to send in other examples of this if you desire. With Palom and Porom you have to go to Mt. Ordeals. Go to the mountains north of it instead to arrive at a little triangle point where you can see another island with a forest on it. This will allow you to take on enemies you would normally fight around Silveria, like the red two-headed snake, the silverish Swordrats and so on. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sylph Spell Glitch (Thanks to Benjamin Gilbert) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Put Rydia's spell Sylph in the top right spot on her Call list and it won't use any MP. You've got a free offensive/heal all move! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 64 Door Warp Rumour =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Although it not proven to work (at least to me), there is a rumour floating around that if you enter/exit too many doors within a castle, town, etc. you can end up warped to another locale in the world! This can actually cause your game to be permanently stopped because of this (you will be unable to get places, find characters, do deeds that you need to do, etc.). ******************************************************************************* 9.) Contributor Credits ******************************************************************************* __________________________________ | | | Brian Sulpher and Matt Hulbert: | |__________________________________| Well, this is Matt speaking for both of us, but thanks to everyone who has or will read this guide, it was our pleasure to provide it for such a wonderful game, that will not be forgotten in the midst of next generation consoles. __________________________________ | | | Dingo Jellybean: | |__________________________________| Special thanks goes out to DJ, for graciously allowing us to use a good deal of his statistics in an effort to make the guide complete. Be sure to check out all of his work, including his FF2 guide at GameFAQs. __________________________________ | | | MeteoX9999: | |__________________________________| Thanks to him for his various inputs into the FAQ (mentioned in the version history). Glad to have such great input from a reader, so thanks again MeteoX9999. __________________________________ | | | Jeff “CJayC” Veasey: | |__________________________________| Very special thanks go out to the webmaster of GameFAQs, and a dedicated figure in the gaming industry. A writer in his own right, we can only hope he will keep the site running for as long as possible. __________________________________ | | | Nick Hexum | |__________________________________| For his e-mail about the faulty listing of some weapons as being dartable. __________________________________ | | | Simon Yip | |__________________________________| For his pile of suggestions and corrections. __________________________________ | | | Johan Sodling | |__________________________________| For his spelling error corrections. __________________________________ | | | James Nisbet | |__________________________________| For his Kokkol secret treasure chest location that he sent in. __________________________________ | | | Benjamin Gilbert | |__________________________________| For his Warrior strategy in the Cave of Summoned Monsters and the Sylph Spell Glitch. ******************************************************************************* 10.) Version History ******************************************************************************* Just done in an effort to clean up the front-end of the FAQ a bit, so look here for older updates and witness the progression of the best FAQ around for this game. ----------- Version 1.0 ----------- -Submitted FAQ on 8th of Febraury, 2003 ----------- Version 2.0 ----------- -Submitted FAQ on 12th of February, 2003 -Added Magic Details section -Added Pink Puff & Adamant Armor sub-section -Changed Chocobo sub-section around -Added Pink Puff information to walkthrough ----------- Version 3.0 ----------- -Submitted FAQ on 8th of June, 2003 -Removed weapons that are not in the game (thanks to MeteoX9999 for his help) -Added into Miscellaneous Facts (thanks to MeteoX9999 for his help) ----------- Version 4.0 ----------- -Submitted FAQ on 26th of June, 2003 -Updated Thank Yous to MeteoX9999 -Removed a few more "Dummied" weapons ----------- Version 5.0 ----------- -Submitted FAQ on 14th of November, 2003 -Fixed up the darting weapons information (thanks to Nick Hexum for the help) -Updated Thank Yous to Nick Hexum -Made a few corrections to the walkthrough ----------- Version 5.1 ----------- -Submitted FAQ on May 6th, 2004 -Fixed up an overlooked Treasure Chest in the Town of Mist (thanks to a slew of e-mailers, who help make this FAQ as good as it is) ******************************************************************************* 11.)Copyright/Disclaimer ******************************************************************************* - This guide and all of the information in it are the property of the author. It may not be recreated in any way, shape or form, anywhere, without the expressed written consent of the author. (This means web-sites/pages, magazines, newsletters, anything else.) - The information within this guide, may not be taken, manipulated, reformatted or changed slightly to appear as though it were not the original work. Do not just copy information out and re-word it, it’s bloody obvious and there’s really no point to even wasting your time, since it will be dealt with anyway. - The only site allowed to host this guide is GameFAQs-http://www.gamefaqs.com. Any other sites found hosting this guide will immediately be asked to remove it, and if they do not comply, appropriate measures will be taken. (if your on angelfire or geocities etc... they realize the seriousness of plagiarism, be prepared to possibly lose your account). - As mentioned above, plagiarism IS a serious offense, criminal to be exact. Protected by the International Copyright Law, as well as the Berne Copyright Act of 1976, this guide is fully protected under the law. If you have any questions regarding the legality of this guides protection, contact a lawyer. - If you have any questions about this copyright, or anything else not game related having to do with it, still feel free to email the author, at the same address listed above. I realize the terms of this disclaimer may seem harsh, but I’ve seen to many friends ripped off, so deal with it. This document is copyright 2002, all rights reserved; Matt Hulbert and Brian Sulpher.