***************************************************************************** Final Fantasy II FAQ/Walkthrough For the Super Nintendo Version 1.1 (Last Updated 7/30/2012) By Devin Morgan This file is Copyright (c)2005-2012 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. Introduction 3. Controls 4. Characters 5. Walkthrough 6. Enemies 7. Bosses 8. Weapons 9. Armor 10. Helmets 11. Shields 12. Arm Gear 13. Items 14. Magic Spells 15. Shops 16. Secrets/Tips and Tricks 17. Credits 18. Copyright Notice ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.1 (7/30/12): Cleaned up the equipment sections. Version 1.05 (12/5/05): Made a minor correction in the walkthrough, regarding when Rosa learns Float, thanks to GarGar! Version 1.0 (10/13/05): The first (and probably last) version of this FAQ for the US SNES version of this game. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Back in 1991 when the Super NES was released in America, Final Fantasy II was one of the first titles released. It is called FF2 in the US since it was the second release the states saw, whereas in Japan it was known as Final Fantasy IV (4) because there were 2 more FF releases on the NES, both of which never made it to the US. Also, in Japan there were two versions of this game: the original (hard type) and a dumbed down version (easy type). This guide is for the US release, which was obviously the easy type. Despite a good majority of items missing and other things changed around, this is still a fun game to play through based on the typical RPG storyline (get crystals, save the world). I would much highly recommend the original hard type over this game, but if you insist on playing a somewhat easier adventure, this is for you, so enjoy! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Controls -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Control Pad: Move character, move cursor on menu/battle screens A: Talk to people, check/open chests, perform action, confirm selection on menu screens B: Cancel selection on menu screens X: Open menu screen when outside battle Y: N/A L & R: Run from battle (hold together) Start: Pause (only during battle) Select: Switch lead character on overhead screens ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Characters -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =========================== Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin) =========================== The main character of the game. Cecil is the captain of the powerful nation Baron's "Red Wings" airship fleet. Their purpose is to steal the crystals - which supposedly open the way to the Moon when all are collected, and that is why Baron wants them all. After being dismissed from his post due to questioning King Baron of the need to obtain crystals, Cecil and his friend Kain journey onward. After renouncing his dark sword at Mt. Ordeals in order to gain forgiveness from the Mysidians, which his crew destroyed in the opening scenes of the game, Cecil becomes a Paladin. As a "good guy" now, he and his companions must race to save the crystals from a greater evil and save the world! Cecil's Special Abilities ------------------------- Cover: Protect an ally from damage when they're attacked. (Paladin) Off: Stop Covering an ally. (Paladin) ============== Kain - Dragoon ============== Kain is a Dragoon, and Cecil's supposed best friend early in the game. He accompanies Cecil to Mist after his dismissal from the Red Wings, and fights at his side for much of the game. Kain disappears from your group after the adventure through Mist, only to be "brainwashed" by the evil Golbez, and ready to fight against you if given the chance. Later on, he regains his senses, but still gets brainwashed by a higher force. He finally stays sane enough to fight with you, and his Jump ability is invaluable for your party late in the game. Kain's Special Abilities ------------------------ Jump: Jump high in the air, then come crashing down on the targeting enemy a couple rounds later, causing great damage. ================ Rydia - Summoner ================ A little girl from the town of summoners, otherwise known as Mist. Cecil and Kain are sent to destroy the town, and end up killing Rydia's mother. After some resentment, Cecil takes her along and cares for her. After the shipwreck, Rydia disappears into the sea, only to save your group later on as a grown-up woman. Early on, Rydia can learn both White and Black magic, and summon very few monsters. But later on, Rydia loses the ability to use White magic, only to continue learning stronger Black/Call magic. Her summons are crucial to your successes in the second half of the game. Rydia's Special Abilities ------------------------- White: Cast White magic. (Child) Black: Cast Black magic. (Child/Adult) Call: Summon monsters to appear and attack/heal. (Child/Adult) ============= Tellah - Sage ============= Tellah is an old man, who happens to be a great sage. The only problem is that he had forgotten the majority of spells he knew. He joins your party early in the game, and aids you with what few magic spells he knows. After Cecil becomes a Paladin through the light atop Mt. Ordeals, Tellah is affected as well and he regains knowledge of past spells. He even learns the legendary Black magic spell of Meteo. Tellah seeks vengeance against the bard who took his daughter and married her. His daughter, Anna, is killed at Damcyan, and so Tellah stays to vow revenge against Golbez for killing her by bombing Damcyan. Tellah's Special Abilities -------------------------- White: Cast White magic. Black: Cast Black magic. ============= Edward - Bard ============= This "spoony bard" is the prince of Damcyan, and so-called abductor of Anna (according to Tellah). His castle is destroyed by the Red Wings, and he is deemed a coward by having Anna shield HIM from the attackers! After you meet him, he joins you, although he still seems to be quite cowardly, because of his weak attacks/singing ability. After the shipwreck, he plays a crucial role in obtaining one of the crystals, although he is bedridden in Toroia. That is just about the only real use of Edward in this game, fortunately. Edward's Special Abilities -------------------------- Sing: Edward sings, and the effects it has on the enemy depends on how powerful the song was. Hide: Hide offscreen from damage (if Edward has low HP, he'll automatically hide). Show: Return to the screen from hiding. =================== Rosa - White Wizard =================== Rosa is in love with Cecil since their days in Baron. She is concerned for his safety, although he responds with little to no concern regarding her pleas. Later on, Kain and Golbez kidnap her, and it is learned that Kain also shares feelings for her, and therefore wants Cecil out of the picture. As always, Cecil comes to her rescue and all is fine afterward. Anyway, Rosa is a great archer and a wonderful White magic user, especially as time progresses and she learns new spells. Rosa's Special Abilities ------------------------ Aim: Aim an arrow at a specific enemy to increase chances of hitting it. =========== Yang - Monk =========== A black belt fighter from Fabul, Yang is a wonderful fighter and great ally for your group. He is determined to protect his nation by fighting off the Red Wings when they arrive for the crystal, but is stopped when Golbez comes and steals it! Yang joins your party to fight against Golbez, but is washed away while trying to save the overboard Rydia on the ship to Baron. You meet up with him again in Baron Inn, and after a quick fight, he rejoins you for a long while. He makes a great sacrifice later on to help the Underground, but nonetheless he's a great fighter for your group for much of the game. Yang's Special Abilities ------------------------ Kick: Jump kick all the enemies onscreen for low amounts of damage. ================== Palom - Black Mage ================== One of the twin mages, which the Elder of Mysidia calls upon to "assist" Cecil to Mt. Ordeals after he washes up at the shore. At first, the Elder and the twins agree to help, only for you to find out after the mission at Mt. Ordeals is completed, that they were sent to spy on you all along! Anyway, Palom is the Black magic-using wizard of the duo. He also has a show-off attitude, which is quite evident as you progress with them. Palom's Special Abilities ------------------------- Black: Use Black magic. Twin: Use a powerful magic spell when combined with Porom (both twins must be alive to use this ability). ================== Porom - White Mage ================== The much more mild-mannered twin, Porom is the White magic-user of the group. Just like her brother Palom, she was sent to "assist" Cecil only to reveal she was sent to spy on him. Porom is the more mature of the duo, and often has to knock her brother back into line. Like Palom, however, she is a good asset to your party at that point in the game. Porom's Special Abilities ------------------------- White: Use White magic. Twin: Use a powerful magic spell when combined with Porom (both twins must be alive to use this ability). ============== Cid - Engineer ============== The ever-present Cid is again in this Final Fantasy game with his wise- talking attitude and handy attributes. He was an engineer for the King of Baron, but after Golbez took over, he was forced to build airships or be put in prison. After Cecil and the gang returned to Baron, he helped them all escape and joined the group for a bit. He, too, made a sacrifice later in the game for the sake of progress. Cid is definitely the staple of the Final Fantasy series, seeing that he makes return appearances in most following titles. Cid's Special Abilities ----------------------- Peep: View an enemy's HP and weaknesses without consuming MP (does not work on bosses). ============ Edge - Ninja ============ Descendant of the great Eblan ninjas, Prince Edge is one of the remaining members of the group. His nation was destroyed and his parents were killed by Golbez's forces, and now he looks to seek revenge on their behalf. Edge has a bit of an ego, which is noticable early on when you first meet him. His ability to attack with two blades, as well as his Ninja magic and ability to Dart make him quite a useful asset for the last parts of the game. Edge's Special Abilities ------------------------ Dart: Throw an item, such as a sword or shuriken star, at the enemy. Sneak: Attempt to steal an item from an enemy. Ninja: Use Ninja magic. ================= FuSoYa - Lunarian ================= The final party member you will meet throughout your journey. Asleep on the Moon, FuSoYa serves a greater purpose in the whole story, which I will not spoil by writing about here. He is a very powerful magic user, but unfortunately you only have him as part of your group for a short period of time. More will be revealed on the final parts of the story plot when you meet him, though. FuSoYa's Special Abilities -------------------------- White: Cast White magic. Black: Case Black magic. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Walkthrough -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introduction ------------ The opening scene of this game shows Cecil as the captain of the Red Wings, flying to Mysidia. After some words exchanged with fellow soldiers, there is a scene in Mysidia where Cecil's crew kill some wizards and steal the crystal. Back in the air, heading back to Baron, Cecil and his crew wonder why they had to steal crystals and kill innocent people. Monsters will appear, and Cecil will finish them off quickly. Shortly afterward, the Red Wings will arrive and land in Baron. Baron Castle ------------ When you assume the role of Cecil and arrive at the castle gates, Baigan will greet you. He will escort you through the castle, to the throne room. Baigan will make you wait in the room before the throne room, while he goes ahead to speak with the King. After some dialogue, Baigan calls Cecil in. Cecil will hand over the crystal and the King will dismiss him. Cecil, however, questions the motives of the King, and he is angered by that. The King dismisses Cecil as captain of the Red Wings. Kain, Cecil's friend, arrives to help the situation, but the King hands them a Package to be delivered to the village of Mist. The guards then push Cecil and Kain out of the throne room. After a quick conversation, Kain leaves and you have control of Cecil. Head south into the next room. Go ahead and to the east; open the door via the switch next to it and open the 3 chests to get 300 GP, Cure1, and a Tent. Then, go back out of that small room, and go all the way west and north into the following room. Continue into another room, where Rosa will stop you. After a brief talk, Rosa will leave, so you can continue southward. In the next area, go north and Cid will come down to meet you. After he leaves, walk into the north tower. Go all the way to the top floor (talk to the maid to get her out of your way on the 2F). That is your room, and you will sleep there. During the night, Cecil will think about the whole Baron situation. Rosa will come in and want to talk, because she is concerned about him. After they talk for a bit, Rosa will leave and the night will pass. The next day, Cecil and Kain will meet downstairs and leave Baron Castle. The prologue will begin, so sit through that and you'll be outside. Overworld --------- Out here for the very first time, enter the town of Baron, which surrounds the castle. Baron ----- In town, go east and check the pot in front of the Inn to get a Cure1. Head north through town and you'll find 4 pots next to some building. The southmost one has another Cure1 inside. Continue northeast to the dancing girl, and go west and into the water. Follow the stream to the end, then find the 2 pots hidden underwater to get 2 Tents. Now, go back out of here to the dry land. Feel free to visit the Item Shop if you want to get some more Cure1s, otherwise leave town. Overworld --------- Out here, you may want to spend time fighting the monsters to have Kain and Cecil gain a level or so. Then, head northwest until you come to a cave. Enter it, for it is the Mist Cave. Misty Cave ---------- Start off by heading east and north, going up the ladder you come across. Continue west and north until you hear a voice telling you to "Go back...". Go north and open the chest to get a Cure1. Then, go east across the bridge, and north on the small ladder to the north. Go east and get the Heal from the chest, then go back west and continue southward. After going down a first ladder, you reach a path split. Continue south and west and north to a chest containing a Tent. Go back up that ladder, and head eastward. Open another chest to get a Cure1, then continue north until you hear another voice telling you to go back. Continue onward and it'll question you further. Refuse to leave and the D. Mist will appear. Read the Bosses section for help winning here. After the fight, continue out of this cave. Overworld --------- Back outside, go east into the village of Mist. Village Mist ------------ Here, go east and the Package you were carrying will open up. Bombs will be released, destroying the village and its inhabitants. A little girl is found nearby crying because her mother died. Cecil and Kain realize they killed the mother by killing the Mist Dragon. The girl goes into a fit of rage and enters a fight with you. She summons a Titan, and the battle ends. Overworld --------- Cecil and the girl end up alone in a grassy area, with Kain nowhere to be found. The newly formed mountains separate you from the Mist village, so you're left to bring this girl to a safe place. Outside, head north and east across the desert. Fight some enemies if you like, and you'll come to a village next to an oasis. Enter that village, known as Kaipo. Kaipo ----- Upon entering the village, Cecil will head to the Inn with the injured girl. The Inn will let you stay for free, so don't worry about that. Cecil tries to be nice to the girl, but she is still upset. Night falls and they sleep, only to be awakened by troops from Baron. The Officer and 3 Soldiers will enter battle, so read the Bosses section for help (which I doubt you'll need). After the battle, the young summoner will finally open up and say her name, Rydia. She will then join your party! When morning comes, you'll be ready to go. Before leaving the Inn, go east and talk to the old woman to learn about Tellah and his daughter, Anna. Exit the Inn, then go northeast and enter that house. You'll find Rosa sick in bed here. Talk to the people watching her to find out she's caught a fever and needs the SandRuby to recover. Exit the house, then continue out of town. Overworld --------- Out here with Cecil and Rydia, wander around the desert, fighting enemies to boost Rydia up several levels. When she's about level 5-6, go northeast into the cave you find. Watery Pass-South ----------------- Starting here, head directly north to the end of the path. At the top platform, open 2 chests to get a Potion and a Heal. Now, go back to the entrance and go west. Cross another bridge and go south to a chest containing a Tent. Then, go north across another bridge to an old man at the other side. Talk to the man and he'll ask for your help. He is Tellah and needs to reach Damcyan to save his daughter, but there's a monster at the end of the cave he cannot get past. He'll then join your party to help you! Now, head north and east across the bridge. Open the chest to get 120 GP. Continue all the way east and south into the water, then go west and north to a chest on a dry ledge. Open it to claim the IronRing. Backtrack to where you met Tellah, and go north into the next area. There, go all the way north, then south into the water. Go south and you'll see a path split off to the west. Take that path north onto dry land and to a chest with a Cure1 inside. Go back into the water and continue southward to the end, then go up the ladder onto the dry platform. From there, go all the way west to a chest containing an Ether1. Go back east a little and south across a bridge to another ledge. Head west and north into a save area, where your party will rest. During this night, Tellah and Cecil will talk, and you will find out some plot information at this point. After you get control the next day, save your game here. Once you're done, go north to the next area. There, go north and east, then north to a chest containing an IceRod. Give that weapon to Rydia. Head south into the water, then east and north onto dry land again. Go north into the next room. Go west and south to the path split; go east and around to 2 chests. Open them to get a Cure1 and 200 GP. Go back to the split and continue west and north to the following area. In that area, go north to a chest containing a Cure1. Then, go into the north section of the cavern. Watery Pass-North ----------------- Here, continue north and you'll see a ladder to the left. Go down that ladder into that segment of the room. Open the 2 chests there to get 2 of the Ether1. Go back up the ladder and east across the bridge. Go south and open 2 more chests along the west ledges to get the Heal and the Darkness sword, which you should equip Cecil with immediately! Next, go north and exit here. Overworld --------- Outside, you might want to rest using a Tent, then save your game. When you're ready, continue into the north cave waterfall. Waterfalls ---------- In here, go south and you'll automatically drop down to the bottom of the waterfall. There, go up the ladder onto the dry platform, and follow the path southward. Go west and south, down a ladder to a lower area. Open the chests to get the Darkness helmet and gauntlet. Then, go back up and head northwest into the Lake area. Lake ---- Here, go east across the bridge and open the 2 chests you approach to get the Darkness armor and the Ether1. Go north and down the ladder into the water, then go north to the tentacles. 3 more sets will pop out and surround you, entering you into a boss battle against the Octomamm! Read the Bosses section to get through this battle. After you win, walk into the waterfall to exit the caverns completely. Overworld --------- Outside again, rest with a Tent and save your game immediately. Then, head west and north to witness the Red Wings bombing Damcyan. After the bombing, enter Damcyan. Damcyan ------- Start out by going east and north along the outer walls of the castle. You'll come to the dungeon room on the right side of the castle; enter there. Talk to the guard and he will die, thus disappearing, Hit the switch on the wall to open the door nearby, then go north and west into the jail cells. Open the chests to get the CrossBow, Leather hat, and the RubyRing. Get out of the cells and go downstairs to the room below. Open the 6 chests and check the pots there to get: Cure1, 300 GP, 200 GP, Life1, Ether1, Cure1, White arrows (x20), and Iron arrows (x10). Go upstairs and exit the dungeon, then go southwest, and north into the castle itself. Go into the tower straight ahead to the first floor, then northward to the 2F. There, open the closed chest to find a Tent. Go upstairs to the top floor. Here you will find the bard and Tellah's daughter. Tellah will become enraged and fight the bard (hence the "YOU SPOONY BARD!" bit). After Anna asks Tellah to stop, Anna and the bard called Edward will explain themselves. Anna will then die, and Tellah will vow revenge on Golbez, then leaves your party in Damcyan. After some more touching moments, Edward will allow your group to use the Damcyan hovercraft, and he will join your group, too. You'll all automatically go outside, where the hovercraft will be waiting. Overworld --------- With the hovercraft, head northeast to the shoreline, and you will find the shallows (signified by the rocks sticking out of the water). Go east and south over those, and you'll find a cave to the south. Enter it, for it is the Antlion Cave. Antlion Cave ------------ Upon entering the cave, head directly west across a bridge. Open the chest you come to and take the 190 GP inside. Go south and down a ladder, then go north. Pass under the bridge and open another chest to get the Cure1 inside. Then, head all the way south as far as you can go. Go west and north, and open 2 chests you come across to get a Tent and a Cure1. Go back south, east, and north, then go east a bit. You'll see a bridge to the north; go north and under it to a chest. Open it to get a Cure1. Continue south and east to a ladder; go north to another chest with 210 GP. Now, head south into the next area. There, head all the way south and open a chest to get a Life. Go down the ladder in front of you, then go up the other one and enter that room. In that room, open the chest to get the Charm harp for Edward. Leave the room and go west, then to the north. Enter the room straight ahead, which is a save point. Rest and save here with a Tent, then open the chests to get an Ether1, Life, and Tent. Leave when you're ready. From there, go west, north, and east to a chest containing a Heal. Head all the way west to get 250 GP, then go back across that small bridge. Continue south and down some ladders, and go into the final area. Head southward into the center of the Antlion's nest. When you approach, the Antlion's horns will stick out. Edward tries to take the SandRuby, claiming that the Antlion won't attack, but it does. You enter battle against it, so read the Bosses section for help winning this battle. After the battle, you will win the SandRuby! Now, backtrack through the previous rooms and exit the cave. Overworld --------- Back out here, get in the hovercraft and head nortwest across the shallows. Go west past Damcyan to more shallows in the western waters. Go southward and east into the large desert, then make your way to Kaipo in the middle of it. Kaipo ----- In Kaipo, head to the house in the northeast corner of town. There, talk to Rosa and use the SandRuby on her. She will then be cured, finally! Rosa will awaken and reveal who Golbez is, and the current situation with the crystals. Your group will decide to stay in Kaipo the night to rest. During the night, Edward goes outside and plays his harp to mourn Anna's death. A WaterHag jumps out and attacks him. Fight the WaterHag, and Anna will appear and cheer Edward on during the fight. Upon winning the fight, Anna will disappear forever, leaving Edward alone. When day comes, your party will meet in the house Rosa stayed in. Take this chance to equip Rosa with better equipment that you may have in your inventory. After you're done, leave the house, and exit Kaipo completely. Overworld --------- Now, get in the hovercraft and go northwest to the shallows again. Go north over them and continue east past Damcyan. Go across the next group of shallows once again, but this time, continue all the way east to a mountain. That's Mt. Hobs; save at the base, then enter the area. Mt. Hobs-West ------------- Here, there will be a wall of ice blocking progress up the mountain. The party depends on Rydia to use Fire, but she is reluctant because of the fire destroying her village. She ends up overcoming her fear and casts/learns Fire, melting the ice. After that's accomplished, continue onward until you reach a doorway. Enter the doorway to the west. Follow the path down to an area of chests. Open them to get a Tent, Cure1, Heal, and 350 GP. Wander around here until Rosa learns Life1, then save at the designated point to the west. Go back north to the previous area, then go northeast and through the other door to the following area. There on the summit, go east and open the chest to get 10 more White arrows. Then, go north and up the steps. You'll find a karate fighter training atop the mountain. After defeating several monsters, the leader, which appears to be a bomb, appears. Your party steps in to help this warrior against the MomBomb, so read the Bosses section for help here. After the fight, your group talks to the fighter, known as Yang. The mission now is to return to Fabul and save the Wind Crystal. Yang also joins your group here. Now, go north into the next area. There, go east across the bridge and follow the path down the mountain. Continue down to the end, and you'll be outside. Overworld --------- Back in the overworld, head east, north, east, and south through the forest- covered path. Head east and southeast through the next area and you'll eventually come to a castle surrounded by a moat. That is Fabul; enter it. Fabul ----- In here, go north into the first room. Go into the Weapon/Armor shop here; get Cecil all new equipment, and get Yang a claw if you'd like (I usually pick up the Thunder claw). After that, exit the shop and head over to the Inn to rest. You may also want to pick up some items if you need any. When you're ready, leave the shop and continue north until you reach the throne room. Here, you will meet the King of Fabul. Yang will explain that Baron will attack, and the King will have suspicions at first of your party. Agree to help, and your group will assemble at the front gates. Rosa and Rydia will be left behind, leaving it with Cecil, Edward, and Yang. At the front gates, the enemies will begin to attack, so get ready. The first battle will be against a General and 2 Fighters, which will be in the Bosses section of this guide. Following that, the Red Wings will bomb Fabul and your party will move inside. Enemies will come in (Weeper, Imp Cap., WaterHag), so defeat them all. After that, the crew will move into the next room. More enemies will follow, so defeat the General/Fighters that engage in battle with you. Next, your party will retreat into the throne room. A supposed servant will unlock the door and turn into a Gargoyle for you to fight, too. Beat it, and another Weeper/Imp Cap./WaterHag trio will come in. After you beat them all, you'll start to retreat to the Crystal Room. Edward trips and the enemies come for him, but Cecil and Yang go back to fight. Beat the Captain/Fighters, then you'll move on to the last room. Kain will arrive and Cecil assumes he's here to fight with him, although Kain comes to fight against him. A fight will ensue, and Kain will defeat Cecil for now. Rosa will come to stop Kain before he kills Cecil. Golbez will then enter, and send Yang and Edward out of the way. He will kidnap Rosa and instruct Kain to take the crystal, then they both leave. Rydia is left, and she cures the remaining party. Now, head out of the crystal room. In the throne room, check the vase to the left to get a Cure1. Get to the east side of the room and step on the floor switch to open a door in the wall. Follow the invisible passage north, east, south, and east. Open the chests you see to get a Cure1, a Black shield, and an Ether1. Go back into the main room and talk to the man there to learn about where the King is. Go south to the following room. Go around the middle steps to the south door; head into the next area. You will see 2 towers to go up; enter the west one first. There, check out the pots and chests to get a Cure1, Ether1, Tent, and another Cure1. Go upstairs to the room above, then up again to the top floor. Here you will meet Yang's wife. Talk to her, then go back down and out of this tower. Go into the east tower now. Go to the second floor and check a pot to get 500 GP. Go back down and outside, then into the middle room again. Go north, then south and down the middle steps into the floor below. Enter the Inn, and you'll get to rest for free. Your party will discuss the plan to rescue Rosa here. Yang suggests asking the King for a ship to reach Baron by water. The next day, your group will be in the King's resting quarters. He agrees to let Yang and the party borrow a ship. He also gives Cecil the Death sword, passed down from generations. After he's done talking, open the chest to get a Tent, then head all the way down to the bottom of this tower. Go into the middle room, then into the room downstairs. Sell old equipment at the Weapon Shop, then continue south and out of Fabul. Overworld --------- Outside once again, you may want to save again. Also, now is a good time to de-equip the rest of your party, so you can sell it off for some extra cash in a little bit. When you're ready, step onto the ship at the east harbor. Yang's wife will be there to wish your party luck. When the ship leaves, it'll be on its way to Baron. There will be some talking throughout the trip, which you can read, too. However, danger comes when a whirlpool is spotted ahead and the lord of the sea, Leviatan, emerges. Rydia goes overboard and Yang jumps in to save her; meanwhile the ship is unable to get out of the way. The ship is sucked in and is wrecked. Cecil is washed up onshore, all alone, without anyone around. You may seem lost, but you're really on the shore near Mysidia (remember this place from the game's introduction). So, head east and enter the village of mages. Mysidia ------- Here, head directly north and enter the House of Prayer, which is the biggest building in the north of town. Talk to the Elder and there will be much discussion about Cecil rescuing his friends and renouncing the dark sword of evil. The Elder mentions going to Mt. Ordeals to renounce the sword, and assigns the twin mages, Palom and Porom, to assist you. They will join your party, so exit this building. Head to the Armor Shop in the southwest area of town. Buy as much of the Paladin equipment as you can (it'll help after you get through Mt. Ordeals), as well as upgrades to Palom and Porom's current equipment if you can afford it. Then, exit the shop and the town completely. Overworld --------- Now, wander around in this area and the forest to the east, fighting enemies to build up Palom and Porom. Have them gain a couple levels, then go back to Mysidia and buy the equipment you couldn't afford before, and then you'll be ready to go. From Mysidia, head east along the winding path. You'll eventually come to a large mountain surrounded by forest; that is Mt. Ordeals. Save out here, then enter the mountain. Mt. Ordeals ----------- Starting off here, follow the path westward to a wall of fire blocking your path. Palom will use Ice to clear it, then gloat as usual. The scene will then cut away to Golbez's headquarters. It'll show Golbez discussing Cecil's climb on Mt. Ordeals with Milon, the Fiend of Earth. Kain will suggest going to fight Cecil himself, but Golbez declines that request. The scene will end, and you'll have control again. Continue northward up the mountain, opening the chests you pass to get 2 Cure1s. Go through the doorway at the northmost point to reach the next area. There, continue onward until you come to a doorway. Tellah will step out and stand on the mountain, and Cecil will call to him. They will talk, while the twins will bicker amongst themselves. Tellah will rejoin your party, so continue through the doorway to the following area. Go all the way west and up the steps to a chest containing Ether1. Go back down and east, then to the north. Follow the path north and west across a bridge. Go south to a chest with another Ether1 inside, then head into the next area to the west. Upon entering this area, your group will hear noises, which are unexplained. Go north and east to a save point; rest with a Tent and save here. Then, go north and west to the next bridge. Milon will appear and challenge you to battle, so enter battle. Read the Bosses section for help winning that fight. After the fight, Milon will disappear. Go back to the save point and rest again, then head across that bridge. Milon will reappear and fight you again, so read the Bosses section again. Upon winning, Milon will fall to his death for the final time. Continue west and into the mirrored room. Here, the light will talk to Cecil and turn him into a Paladin! The Dark Knight comes out of the mirror and fights Cecil. Have Cecil use Cover and Off commands in order to get through here (you don't win by fighting here). Then, Cecil will receive the last of the light and become a true Paladin. The Dark Knight will disappear, reflecting Cecil as the true Paladin. Tellah will also recall his forgotten spells, and learn the legendary Meteo spell, too. Tellah and the twins will leave with Cecil. Outside, go across the bridge and save at the save point once again. Then, equip Cecil with the Paladin equipment you bought earlier in Mysidia. Head down the mountain, fighting the enemies to level up Cecil quickly. He'll now start to learn White magic spells, too! By the time you reach the end, he should be at around level 10. Overworld --------- After you make it out of Mt. Ordeals, go south into a circle-shaped bush, to the Chocobo Forest. Get a yellow Chocobo, and ride it westward to Mysidia again. Disembark and enter town there. Mysidia ------- Back in Mysidia, enter the House of Prayer to the north. Talk to the Elder and he'll be amazed Cecil became a Paladin. He'll notice Cecil's new sword, which has the Mysidian legend inscribed on it, and the legend will appear onscreen. After much talk, the Elder will open the Serpent Road for your passage to Baron. The twins will want to stay with Cecil and Tellah, and the Elder allows them. After the Elder retires to the tower, exit this building. Go to the building in the northeast area of town and enter it. Step into the white circle, which is the Serpent Road, and you'll be off to Baron. Baron ----- When you arrive in Baron again, exit the building you're in. Head east and enter the Inn. Rest here for the night, then go into the back area of the Inn. Check out the swords on the wall to open up the room, where you'll find 3 chests containing a Cure1, Heal, and Tent. Go west and you will find Yang sitting with two guards at a table. Talk to Yang and he'll not recognize you, and have the 2 Guards attack. Defeat them, then Yang will attack. Attack him with strong magic and keep your HP up to defeat him. After beating Yang, he will come back to his senses and realize who you are. He'll tell you what happened to Rydia, and then Cecil will decide to bring Yang to a room in the Inn to talk more. There, Yang is introduced to your new party, and he'll give you the key of Baron, which you'll need to make progress in the game at this point. Your group will then rest for the night. After that, exit the Inn. Head north to the Weapon/Armor Shop, which you can now unlock with the BaronKey. Buy new equipment for Yang since he'll need it, as well as the Thunder rod for Palom and the Cure staff for Tellah/Porom. Exit the shop, then head to the westmost area of Baron. You will find a door in the wall, which is locked. Open it with the BaronKey and enter the room. You'll notice a small alcove to the right, so walk directly right to a hidden room. Open the chest to get 1000 GP, then go back left and down the stairs into the waterway that leads to Baron Castle. Old Water-way ------------- Here, start by heading southward along the path until you come to a split where you can head south or east. Go south and east to find 3 chests, containing a Cure2, Ether1, and Life. Go north along the other path, and follow it across the watery areas. Follow the path all the way to the next area. There, go north and east, then into the water. Walk south into a hidden passage. Follow it south, east, then as far south as you can go, then go west into that area. Go up the ladder and open the chest to get 500 GP. Now, go back into the water and head southward. Go south and west to the end, then go east and north to a chest containing a Life. Go east into another passage, and follow it to the southeast into another area. Go into the water there, then east into yet another one. Go east and directly north through it into the middle area. Open the chest on the platform to get a Life. Now, get to the northeast area of this section, where you will find 4 rocks in the water. Walk east between them through a passage, then go north into the next area. In there, head all the way north and up a ladder to the top. Go west into a hidden passage; follow it west, south, west, and north into that little room. Open the chest for an Ether1, then go back through the passage and north into the following area. Here, go straight into the door into a save room. Go north past the save point, and go east into a hidden area. Open the chest at the other side to get the Ancient sword. Go back to the save point and use a Tent to rest, then save your game. Now, go south and out of this room. Head east and north up the ladders to exit the waterway. Baron Castle ------------ Here, you'll be behind the castle in the north moat. Walk west and south through the moat, and you'll find an opening into the castle wall to the southwest. Enter the castle through there. Head into the north tower and rest in Cecil's room if you need it. Then, head into the southeast door and head through the next couple rooms. You'll eventually meet up with Baigan once again. He'll claim to be a good guy and joins your party to prove it. However, the twins smell something fishy and the Baigan is found out! He transforms and fights you, so read the Bosses section for help. Upon winning, head back to Cecil's room to rest after the hard battle you had. Then, head into the throne room when you're ready. Talk to the "King" and you'll learn he is only an imposter. The monster will reveal itself as Kainazzo, the Water Fiend of Elements. He'll enter battle with you, obviously. Read the Bosses section to learn how to win this fight, too! After winning against Kainazzo, Cid will enter all upset, but then he'll realize it's your group. After some formalities are done, Cid leads your group out of this room to the newest airship. Things don't go well, however. In the next room, Kainazzo's spirit locks the doors and tries to crush your party by moving the walls. Palom and Porom will decide to sacrifice themselves and turn to Stone, blocking the walls and saving your party. After some mourning, Cid will lead your group to the Enterprise via a hidden passageway. The scene will split off to Golbez and Kain at their headquarters. Kain will suggest the plan of having Cecil get the last crystal in exchange for Rosa. Golbez agrees and Kain goes to tell your group the deal. Anyway, Cid will lead you to the airship. After you board the airship, Cid will have it take off. Overworld --------- Out in the air, another airship will approach. Kain is on board and he tells Cecil the plan. After some dialogue, Kain's ship flys away and you have control of the Enterprise. You can fly anywhere in the world at this point, but there are more important places to go at this time. So, head northwest of Baron to a large forest area. You'll spot a castle and town by the riverside; that is Toroia. Land next to the castle and enter it. Toroian Castle -------------- In here, head directly north into the main area of the castle. Continue north into the room where the 8 Clerics are. Talk to all of them to find out information about their crystal being stolen by the Dark Elf in the Cave Magnes. Leave this room when you're done, and head east and south into that room. Follow the path south into yet another room. There, go down the middle stairs into a small room. Check out one of the pots to get an Ether1, then go upstairs. Go down the right stairs and into the room there. Walk over the floor switch a few times to open all 4 doors, then open the 8 chests to get: 2 Tents, 2 Cure2s, 2 Ether1s, and 2 RubyRings. Now, backtrack to the main room of the castle again. This time, go into the west room and follow the path into the following room from there. Enter this room and you'll find Edward in the bed, lying sickly. He'll wake up and talk to your party, though. Cecil will explain the situation, and Edward will give him the TwinHarp to help against Dark Elf. After this, exit the room and make your way out of the castle completely. Overworld --------- From here, head into the town of Toroia. Toroia ------ In town, head north and east to the pond. Go down the steps into it and follow the path west through the river. At the split, go east and north to another smaller pond. Walk onto the ledge to the north and go west, south, and west through a hidden path. You'll come to a hidden grassy area where you can check out 3 hidden spots to get 1000 GP, a Cure2, Ether1, and Ether2. Make your way out of this area, and back to the regular area of town. Rest at the Inn if you need it (you might), then exit Toroia. Overworld --------- Before you head to Cave Magnes, there are a few places which I feel are worth visiting. Get on the airship and fly to the southeast. Land next to the village of Mist since you can reach it now, and enter the village. Village Mist ------------ Here, head to the northmost building in town and enter it. Walk into the fireplace and east on a hidden path. At the end, open the chests to get a Tiara, Cloth, and a RubyRing. Walk through the east wall here and follow the path south, west, and south to another hidden chest. Open that to get a Change rod. Now, go all the way back out of here, and exit town completely. Overworld --------- Back outside, go aboard the airship again. This time, fly slightly to the south, then all the way east. You'll come to a chain of islands, with the northmost one having a village on it. Land and enter Silvera. Silvera ------- Here, head all the way north and east to a grassy area. Check out the hidden pot in the east section to get a Silver staff; do not equip it with Tellah just yet. Go west a bit, then to the north to a couple more grassy areas. Go into the east one to find a Silver dagger, and the west one to find 5000 GP. Now, go into the Armor shop and buy Cecil the Silver equipment (even the body armor if you can afford it). Then, go next door to the Weapon shop. Buy Cid the Silver hammer and Cecil the Silver sword if funds allow. Do NOT equip the new Silver stuff just yet; save it for now, leaving your party with their old equipment on for the mean time. Exit the shop, and continue out of town. Overworld --------- Outside, board the airship one more time. Fly all the way west, and north, then land next to Toroia again. You're not going to enter the town at this point. Instead, walk northward through the forest, defeating enemies along the way to gain experience. You'll come to a small patch of forest all the way north. That is the Chocobo Forest; enter it. Find a Black Chocobo here and it'll carry you as it flies. Fly to the east to a forest area surrounded by mountains, with a cave to the north. Land in the forest, then save before entering Cave Magnes. Cave Magnes ----------- As soon as you enter here, the effects of the cave will paralyze anyone with metallic equipment on them. Cid, Tellah, and Yang should be fine, but Cecil will most likely be held down due to his armor. So you'll have to make the best of it going through this cave. Head all the way east across the bridge to a chest containing a Cure2. Go back on the bridge and take the south branch in that direction. Follow the path all the way to the end, then open the chest you come across to get a Heal. Then, go into the next room. In that room, go north and west at the first path split to a chest. Open it to get an Ether1. Then, go all the way to the northeast area of the room, and through that door into the next room. There, open 2 chests to get 500 GP and an Ether1. Exit the room and head all the way west, then south into another room. There, go west into the room right next to you. That is a save point; rest with a Tent and save if you'd like. After that, exit the room and continue south across the bridges. Go into the room to the south, where you'll find 3 chests inside. Collect the Cure2, Cure3, and Life items inside, then leave the room and continue westward. Go north and into the following room. In there, go north and open the lone chest to get a Charm claw; equip this to Yang right away. Then, go into the southwest room. There, go west and north. Before entering the final room, go around the room to a chest on the west ledge. Open it to get an Ether2. Now, go into that crystal room. In the crystal room, approach the Dark Elf and talk to him. He'll enter battle against you, quickly finishing you off, so don't bother healing or anything. After the fight, your party will fall and the scene will split to Edward in Toroia Castle. He'll get up to get his harp, and he begins to play. That synchronizes the TwinHarp your group has, conveying Edward's harp- playing to the room you're in. That will bother Dark Elf, and remove the effects of the magnetism. You can now equip any items you want to fight this round, so be sure to equip all the good weapons/armor you had stored earlier. Also, you may want to reequip Cecil with the Legend sword because of it's holy power. Then, enter battle against Dark Elf again. Read the Bosses section for help on winning. After the fight, go up and take the Earth Crystal. Then, leave the room and use the Exit item to leave the cave entirely. Overworld --------- Outside, get on the Black Chocobo again. It'll fly you back to its forest to the west automatically. Leave the forest and head south to Toroia Castle again. Toroia Castle ------------- Here, head north into the main castle, then continue to the 8 Clerics. They'll all surround you when they see you have the Earth Crystal back in your possession. A voice will beckon, and your party will recognize it to be Kain. He'll tell your party to go outside on the airship and he'll take you to Rosa. So, talk to all the Clerics again, then leave the room. Go east and south into that room, then continue down the path into another room. Take the left stairs into the basement. Go around and talk to the girl, and tell her you have permission. She'll open the door, so go through the passage to the next room. There, open all the chests to get: Cure2 (x2), Heal (x2), Ether1 (x2), Ether2 (x2), Elixir (x2), 2000 GP, GreatBow, Fire (x20), Lit (x10), Ice (x20). Now, get out of this room and make your way back to the main room of the castle. Head south and continue out of the castle completely. Overworld --------- Outside, you may want to enter Toroia town and get some Life1 and Potions, and rest at the Inn, too. Be sure to save outside while you're at it. When you're ready, board the airship and Kain will take you to Rosa, in the Tower of Zot. Tower of Zot ------------ Upon entrance, Golbez will taunt your party and tell you to make it to the top of the tower, where Rosa is. Head to the northmost area of this room, then go west to a chest containing Fire armor for Cecil. Go east and through the door to the 2F. Make your way to the southmost area here, then head west. Go north at the second to last path leading northward, and you'll come to a chest. Open it and monsters will come out. Defeat the FlameDog by having Tellah cast Ice-2 while the others attack. Upon winning, you'll receive the Fire sword for Cecil; equip him with it right away! Now, go south, west, and north to the 3F. There, head south and east, then north and west to the door at the end. Go up to the 4F. Go south and east until you reach a path split. Then, go north and west and through that door to the 5F. In there, open the nearby chest to get a Poison claw for Yang. Head to the south end of the room and open the chest there to get a Fire shield for Cecil. Go back down to the 4F, and go into the next door over to the east. Open the chest to the west to get the Earth hammer for Cid. Go back downstairs and head into the third door to the east. In the next room, go south to a chest to get the Wizard robe. You might want to equip this on Tellah for now. After that, go back downstairs to 4F, and head all the way south. Go east and north into the final door to reach the 5F. There, go south and enter the first room you pass. That is a save point; rest with a Tent and save your game now. When you're ready, leave the save room and continue west. As you approach the door, the Magus Sisters will appear. They won't let you pass, so a boss battle will ensue. Read the Bosses section for strategy on winning, obviously. Upon beating the sisters, go back to the save point and rest/save again. Now is a good time to remove all of Tellah's equipment. Exit the save room and continue to the 6F. Go north to meet Golbez once again. Cecil will hand over the Earth Crystal, but Golbez denys giving Rosa back. Tellah will then run up and fight him using Meteo, unfortunately killing himself. Cecil will try to stop Golbez, but Golbez will knock him away with a bolt spell. Golbez will become surprised, then leave the room. Your party will mourn Tellah's death, then you get control again. Talk to Kain and he'll come to his senses, and lead you to the next room where Rosa is. Cecil will rescue her before the metal ball comes down on her head. After the touchy scene, Rosa and Kain will join your party! Now, before continuing, equip Rosa with all new equipment, including the Wizard robe and the GreatBow with some arrows (your choice). When you're ready, go south and a voice will call your group. Valvalis of the Air will come down and fight your party, so read the Bosses section for that, too. After you win, the tower will start to collapse. Rosa will cast Exit and warp your party out of the tower, and into Cecil's room in Baron Castle. Baron Castle ------------ Back in the safety of Cecil's room, the party will discuss the crystals. Kain will reveal there are Dark Crystals hidden underground. He'll also give up the Magma key, which you drop somewhere in the world to open the way underground. Cecil is also confused about why Golbez wouldn't just finish him off at the tower. The party will then rest. The next day, head out of the room and down the tower, then make your way to the main room of the castle (where you met Baigan when you returned the second time). This time, go east and up those stairs. Follow the path into the following room. There, hit the switch on the wall to open a hidden room. Follow the passage west and south to a room with 6 chests. Open them all to get: Ether1 (x2), Cure2 (x2), and Life (x2). Get back out of the hidden room and go south to the area where Cid's assistants are. Talk to them if you wish, then go north into the tower. In there, open the 4 chests to get 2 Cure1s, a Tent, and a Heal (to get the chest by the stairs, you'll have to go down, then come back up to reach it). Then, go upstairs to the next room, where you'll find 2 chests. Open them to get a Cure2 and a Life. Continue up to the top floor with a room full of pots and chests. Search around and open all the chests to get: Ether1 (x2), Tent (x2). Go back down to the first floor, then go downstairs to the basement level. Check out the second pot from the left to get an Elixir, then follow the path all the way east. It is no longer blocked by a barrier, so you can continue down into the last room. Here you'll find another mini-throne room, where the real King Baron will greet you. He will tell you to go to the land of summoned monsters, then return here to be given a gift. After King Baron disappears, go back upstairs to the first floor, then get out of the tower. Continue all the way to the main room of the castle, then simply go south and out the main gates. Overworld --------- Outside, get on board the Enterprise, which returned here by means of auto- pilot (as Cid explained earlier). Fly south of Baron to an island with a small town next to a large mountain. Land there and enter the town of Agart. Agart ----- In this town, go straight ahead and into the area with the sacred well. Check it out and drop the Magma key into it. When it drops, the screen will turn red and a quake will ensue. The nearby mountain outside will start to crumble, revealing a large hole in the middle of it. After things calm down, exit the room and continue out of town. Overworld --------- Now, board the Enterprise and try landing in the hole. You'll descend into the Underworld. Underworld ---------- Down here, you'll randomly fly around until Kain points out the Red Wings are here. They'll be fighting against tanks on the ground. Cid will try to take your group through the crossfire, but the ship won't make it and crash lands. After Cecil regains consciousness, Cid lands next to a castle. Before you go anywhere, remove all of Cid's equipment since he'll be leaving shortly. Also, saving your game would be nice right around now. Then, enter the nearby castle. Castle of Dwarves ----------------- Here, go north into the main room of the castle. Talk to the girl here named Luca; she'll tell you that her dolls are missing. Continue into the throne room where you will meet King Giott. He will explain that 2 of the Dark Crystals are gone, and the one in the castle is still safe. Cid leaves to fix the Enterprise (hence why I told you to deequip him a few moments earlier). Yang senses a spy in the back room, so Giott opens the door and your party goes in to check it out. In the crystal room, the door will end up locked and the dolls will start to dance. They are the Calbrena dolls and they will enter battle against you, so read the Bosses section for help here. After you win, Golbez will appear and tell your group why he collects the crystals. He'll then enter battle against your party, so consult the Bosses section once again. After you defeat Golbez again, he will still claim the crystal before disappearing. Your party will be surprised that Rydia returned still alive to save them. After the reacquaintances, you'll be back in the throne room with Giott. Cecil will give him the bad news, and Giott will request that you recover the 7 stolen crystals at the Tower of Bab-il to the north. He'll tell you that the exit is at the bottom of the castle. That now means dwarves are not blocking the stairways leading downstairs, allowing you to visit more areas of the castle. Anyway, leave the throne room. In the previous room, go west and upstairs to the Inn. Rest there, then go back up to the main room. Go up the east stairs to the Weapon/Armor shops. For weapons, pick up the Flame spear for Kain, as well as about 50-60 Darkness arrows for Rosa. As for armor, get the Wizard helmet for Rydia and Rosa, the Rune gauntlet for Yang, Rydia, and Rosa, and the Fire equipment for Kain. Sell off any old equipment you have around, then head down the southwest steps to the main area. Go west and up the other stairs to the next room. Go south and all the way west, then up into the west tower. There, go upstairs to the next floor. Wander around and check out the pots to get 500 GP, then go up to the top floor. Navigate the hidden passages in the walls to reach all the chests, containing a Cure2, Bl.Belt armor for Yang, Elixir, and Ether1. Now, go back down the tower and go out the south door. Go across the top of the castle and enter the east tower. Open the chest to the north to get a Dwarf axe, then go upstairs. Check the pots to get 500 GP. Go upstairs to the top level and make your way to the 4 chests containing: Elixir, Ether1, Ether2, and the Strength gauntlet. Now, go back down the tower 2 floors, then go down the stairs in the corner to enter the main castle. Go directly west past the shops and head down the northwest stairs to the basement. Check out the pots nearby to get 3 Carrots. Continue west and you'll find a dwarf standing in front of a shelf. Talk to him and he'll open the door for you. Go in and west to some hidden stairs, leading to the room below. Follow the path west, south, then east at the first split. You'll find 3 chests; open them to get 3 Cabins. Go west and continue southwest to stairs. Go up into the Dwarf Base. Head west through there and you'll find a pot in the far west room. Check it out to recover your HP and MP on the spot. Then, go south and exit here. Underworld ---------- Outside to the west of the castle, your mission is to head to the Tower of Bab-il to the north. Before you go there, you'd be better off wandering around and gaining several levels for a bit. Wait until your party is in the vicinity of levels 28-30, then we'll continue. When you're around that level range, from the cave, head west and north along the path. Head north across a desert-like area, and you'll eventually reach an area with a bunch of tanks sitting around, firing at the tower. Go past them and enter the Tower of Bab-il (be sure to save outside, first). Tower of Bab-il --------------- Starting off in the tower, go north to an intersection. Head east and follow the path to the end, where you'll find a chest. Open it to get an Ether1. Go back to the intersection and take the path west. Open the first chest to get 10 Ice arrows, then south to another chest to get 10 more. Go back to the middle area and head north to the next floor. There, go west and open that chest to get a Bandanna. Continue south and east, and enter the first small room you pass. Open the chest in there, and an Alert enemy will fight you. Defeat it and the enemy it summons, then take the Blizzard spear after the battle; equip it to Kain immediately. Leave the room and go northeast to the other small room. Open the chest, defeat the Alert and the summoned enemy, and take the IceBrand sword; equip that to Cecil, too. Exit the room and go through the northwest door to reach the 3F. On this new floor, open the chest to the west to get a CatClaw for Yang. Then, go east and south, then west to a chest containing a Life item. Go into the door nearby to reach the floor above. In that area, open the 2 chests you find to get the Archer bow for Rosa, and a Life item. Go back down to the floor below. Now, head north, then east and south to another chest. Open it to get a Cure2. Next, go north and west, following the path to the very end. Go through the door at the end to reach the 4F. There, go into the room directly to the west. It's a save point; rest with a tent and save your game at this time. After you're done there, leave the room and continue north and east. At the split, go south and you'll find 2 rooms. Enter the left room and defeat the Alert enemy in the chest to get the Ice shield. Equip that to Cecil. Leave the room and head north to a third small room. Defeat the Alert in the chest and take the Ice armor for Cecil. After that, exit the room and take the path going northwest. Follow it to the end, then go through the door to reach the 5F. There, go south, then north on the other path. Follow it to a chest containing 2000 GP. Go back south, then continue all the way east (don't go up the middle path just yet; you'll be back here shortly). At the other side, go north. Take the side path east and south to another chest containing a Cure2. Now, continue north to reach the 6F. There, simply head west and through the next door up to the 7F. There, go east and into a side room containing a save point. Rest again and save; you'll need it for the fight ahead. After you're done here, leave the room. Go northwest, then continue southward. At the path split, go west and open a chest to get an Ether2. Then, head east and north to the 8F. Go southwest, then north to find Dr. Lugae talking to Rubicant, the last Fiend of Elements. Rubicant will leave and Lugae will talk aloud to himself. He'll notice your party, then he'll enter battle against you with his creation, Balnab. Read the Bosses section for help winning that fight. After you beat Balnab, the doctor will fight you alone for a second, real fight. Consult the Bosses section once more to get through that battle. After the fights are done, you will receive the Tower key. Lugae will taunt your group about the super-cannon being used to destroy the dwarves. Your group obviously decides to help this, hence getting the key. From here, go back downstairs and to the last save room. Rest and save in there, then exit the room and go northwest to the floor below. There, go east and through the following door to the 5F. Go south, west, then north to the middle area you passed earlier. Before you enter the room, remove all of Yang's equipment. Then, use the Tower key and continue into that room. In the room with the super cannons, you'll confront the 3 monsters controlling it. Defeat those 3 Dark Imps. They'll destroy the controls as revenge for fighting them, and then disappear. Yang steps away from your party and decides to stop it himself, sending your party out of the room. The room will explode, destroying Yang with the blast apparently. You cannot enter the room again, so head south and west, continuing down the tower again. Make your way to the very bottom, and head south to exit. As you reach the stairs leading out, Golbez will speak to you. He'll start to crumble the stairs, making your group fall out of the tower. Underworld ---------- As you fall from the tower, an airship will swoop down and catch your group. It's Cid and he's back with the repaired Enterprise! As things get settled, another airship will come out and give chase. Cid will try to shake them off, but to no avail. Finally, Cid gives Cecil the controls and tells you to head to Baron and talk to his assistants. He then jumps out of the airship to seal the underworld entrance with a bomb. The airship rises out just as the mountain gets sealed. Overworld --------- After some quick mourning, it's time to head to Baron. Fly northward and land by Baron, then enter the castle. Baron Castle ------------ Here, open the front gate and continue north into the first room. Go east and upstairs, then follow the path down stairs into another room. Continue south to an outdoor area within the castle walls. Talk to Cid's assistants standing around and they will enhance the Enterprise. They will attach a hook to the bottom of it, allowing you to pick up/carry the Hovercraft when you fly above it and press A. You'll be outside in the air with the airship after they're done. Overworld --------- From Baron, fly north to Damcyan, then eastward a little. You'll find the Hovercraft next to Mt. Hobs where you left it early in the game. Pick it up with your new attachment. With it, fly back southwest to Baron, then from there, fly southwest a bit more. You'll find the Tower of Bab-il sticking out of the mountain range, and a castle on the southeast shore. Drop the Hovercraft and land the airship nearby. Rest/save outside, and enter Eblan's castle. Eblan ----- Here, start by going all the way north into the middle area of the castle. In the second room, go north and you'll see a chest on the other side of a wall to the right. Walk right through it and open the chest to get a Cure2. Then, continue into the throne room. In the upper-left and right corners of the room, there are passages through the walls leading to stairs, which lead to the previous room, but parts you couldn't reach otherwise. Go through both those passages and open the 5 chests you reach to get: Heal, Cure2, Life, Cabin, and another Cure2. Now, go back to the very first area of the castle. The path splits off in 3 directions: left, right, and straight. Take the left path first into the western tower. When you enter, go back 2 steps, just enough so you don't go through the door again. Then, go east through a hidden passage to the chest on the right side of the room. Open it and monsters come out; defeat them (Staleman, Skull x4) to get the Slumber sword. Go back through the passage and head upstairs to 2F. Check out a pot in the upper-left corner to get one Cure2. Go south and east through a passage in the wall. Check out a pot in the corner to get another Cure2, then continue to 2 chests at the end to get 2000 GP and 10 Mute arrows. Next, go back out of this passage to the middle of the room. Walk into the alcove in the west side of the room to find hidden steps leading downstairs. Open the chest to get an Ether1, then go back up. Go down the middle stairs to 1F, then leave the west tower. Get across the castle and enter the eastern tower this time. Here in the east tower, get behind the pillar in the northwest corner, then walk west into a hidden passage. Follow it to the chest with a 600 GP inside. Get back out and go up the steps to 2F. Hit the switch to open the door, then walk around the steps and into that room. Open the 2 chests to the left to get a Cure2 and a Ether1. Check out the pots and the one chest you can reach in the other corner to get a Life and a Cabin. Check the right side of the north wall to find a hidden passage. Follow it to reach the chest next to the pit; open it and monsters will come out. Defeat the 2 BlackCats and the Lamia to get the Drain for Kain; equip that for him right away! From here, go back out and drop down the pit to the floor below. Open the chest you land by to get 800 GP. Walk south and you'll drop into the basement. Follow the path and you'll come to 3 chests. Open the 2 to the left to get 2 Ether1s; open the other one and fight 3 Mad Ogres to get an Elixir. Then, follow the path out of the castle. Overworld --------- Out here again, rest with a Tent or Cabin, then save your game. After that, get into the Hovercraft. Go south and west across the shallow areas to a cave you couldn't reach otherwise. Enter it. Cave Eblana ----------- In here, start off by walking directly east through the hidden passages in the walls. Open 2 chests to get a Shuriken and a Heal. Go back west to the entrance and continue southward. At the southwest corner of the room, head east and north across a bridge. Follow the path going northeast, then south to a chest containing 1200 GP. Take it, then go back to the southwest area of the room, and go south to the next area. This next area is a safe zone, since it's where the surviving guards and people of Eblan are hiding. Enter the various rooms to find the shops and inn. When you get to the Armor shop, get the Black armor for Rydia, and the Ice armor and Ice shield for Kain. From the Weapon shop, you may want to pick up a good amount of Poison arrows for Rosa. Enter the southwest room and check out the pots to find 2 Cure1. Anyway, when you're done here, head north into the next segment of the cave to Bab-il. In this area, open the chest next to you to get an Ether1, then continue north along the path to another chest. Open that one to find a Tent. Head south through a hidden passage, then continue to a chest with a Cure2. Go back north and into the next room. There, go north and east, then north again to a chest with a Cure3 inside. Head south while checking the right wall to find a hidden passage. Go through it and open the chest at the other side to get a Shuriken. Go back to the other side and continue to the following room. Open the 3 chests in this next room to get a Cabin and 2 Cure2s. Walk through the right wall directly north of the 2 chests to find another hidden passage. Follow it to the southeast, and open the 2 chests to get 2 Elixirs. Get back out and continue south along the path. At the end, open the chest to the west to get 800 GP. Then, head east and open a few more chests, containing 2 Lifes and 850 GP. Now, go north all the way into the next room. In there, go west and north to a chest with a Life inside. Go back south and enter the room to the east. Rest and save here, since you'll probably need it by now. Then, go north and east through a passage to another chest. Open it and fight the 2 Stalemen to get a Drain sword for Cecil (I wouldn't equip it; IceBrand is better for right now in the game). Go back to the save point and rest again. Leave the save room and continue northward. You'll find a confrontation between Rubicant and the ninja prince Edge. They'll fight and Rubicant will slaughter him, then warp away into the tower. Edge will be weak, and your party will help him get back into shape. He'll then join your party in the fight against Rubicant. Now, walk into the west wall through a passage. Open the chest at the other end to get an Ether2. Then, wander around the entire cave, fighting enemies to build up Edge's (and the rest of your party's) experience. Fight with the entire party until Edge levels up a few times. When you feel you've gained enough experience, save/rest at the designated spot again, then continue north into the Tower of Bab-il again. Tower of Bab-il --------------- Here, go north and Edge will lead your party through a hole in the wall, leading into the tower. Go west to a chest containing a Cure3. Then, follow the path all the way to the end, where you'll find a door leading to the next floor. Pass it and go north to a chest containing another Cure3. Go back to the door and go through to reach the B2F. Follow the path north and west through this room. You'll notice a path going southward in the middle area; follow it to a chest. Defeat the 4 Mad Ogres in the chest and claim the Ogre axe as the reward. After that, go back north and continue west along the path. Go through the door at the end to reach B3F. In the next room, go south and east to a door. Pass it for the moment and continue to find a chest. Open it to get 2000 GP, then go back to the door you passed and head down to B4F. Here, go east and north along the way. Follow it all the way to the end (make sure to open the lone chest you pass along the way to get the Middle blade for Edge; equip it right away). Go through the door at the end to reach the next room. In there, follow the path heading eastward. Enter the first room you pass; it is a save room. Rest with a Tent or Cabin, and save your game here. Then, leave and go through the east door to reach B4F again. From here, simply go into the adjacent door to reach B5F. Take the left path all the way to the south. Head west at the end, but don't go into the middle area right away. Instead, go all the way west and north to a chest containing a whopping 82000 Gil! Now, go into that middle area and meet Edge's parents: King and Queen Eblan. Edge will be happy to see them, but will soon find out they've become monsters. They enter battle with you, so just attack them regularly and they'll eventually die off. After the King and Queen of Eblan die, Rubicant will appear. Edge will go into a fit of rage because of what Rubicant did to his parents. Luckily, Edge learns the Flood and Blitz spells because of his rage. Rubicant will stand in front of the door leading to the crystal room, so you must fight him in order to get by. When you have control, I'd recommend going back to the save room and saving again (that way you won't have to deal with the long scene with the King and Queen again). Then, come back and talk to Rubicant. He'll fully recover your party's HP and MP, then enter battle. Read the Bosses section for help defeating him. Upon beating Rubicant, he will then disappear. Then, the Chamberlain will come in with 3 guards from Eblan to congratulate Edge on the victory. Edge also learns information from your party about Golbez and the crystals at this point. After Chamberlain and the guards leave, continue north into the crystal room. Go forward and you'll find out it's a trap, and your party drops all the way into the underground half of the tower! When you land, open the chest to the north to get a Cure2. Then, go south and through the door to the 7F. Go north and through another door to reach 6F. There, go south and you'll come to a path split. Head east and north to a chest containing another Cure2. Then, head southwest and through the final door. You'll find an airship in this last room. Edge names it the Falcon, and the party steals it from the tower. Underworld ---------- Outside aboard the new airship, fly south and east to the Castle of Dwarves. This airship currently cannot fly over lava, so you have to stay above land to reach the destination. When you get to the castle, land and enter. Castle of Dwarves ----------------- In here, head all the way to the throne room and meet Giott again. He'll give you the Luca key, which is the key to opening the Sealed Cave to the southwest. Leave the throne room, and head west and upstairs to the item shop. Buy a bunch of HiPotions, Lifes, and Cabins, then rest at the Inn. After that, go downstairs via the stairs to the right of the Inn counter. Down there, go east and enter the first room you pass. In there, you will find Cid sleeping in a bed. Approach him and he'll wake up in time to meet your party once again. Edge and Cid argue with each other, and Cecil explains the current situation. Cid then jumps out of bed and goes to modify the Falcon airship so it can fly over magma. After he's done, Cid will be worn out and falls asleep in the nursery again. Leave the room and make your way out of the castle. Underworld ---------- Back out here, board the Falcon once again. There are several places to visit, giving you many chances to gain experience before you'll be ready to take on the Sealed Cave. Start by flying west, where you'll notice an area surrounded by mountains with a cave entrance. That's the Sealed Cave, so remember that location. Head south of there and you'll spot a small town. Set down nearby and enter the town of Tomra. Tomra ----- Here in Tomra, head north and enter the Weapon shop. Buy another Middle blade for Edge, the Chain whip for Rydia, and many Mute arrows for Rosa. Walk through the right wall to reach the Armor shop. Buy the Diamond equipment for both Cecil and Kain, a Tiara for Rydia and Rosa, and Diamond gauntlets for Rydia, Rosa, and Edge. Equip them with the new stuff, and make sure to sell any old and worthless equipment and items you have to free up space. Then, leave town. Underworld ---------- Outside, board the Falcon again. This time, fly to the northwest and you'll find a small island with a cave on it. Land there and enter the Cave of Summons (if Rosa does not know the Float spell at this point, land on the main continent and wander around fighting to gain levels until she does at level 32). After she knows Float, land on that island and enter the cave. Land of Monsters ---------------- Starting off here, have Rosa cast Float on the entire party. There are many sections of floor that take away 50 HP from each party member when you walk over them, so floating avoids them. Head east and north, and open the first chest to get a Life. Go west through the passage and open the chest at the other side to get an Ether1. Go back east, then head all the way south to another chest containing a Cure2. From there, go west, north, then west and south into the next room. There, have Rosa cast Float again (you'll have to do this each time you enter a new room, so remember that). Then, head east to the split in the path. Go southeast to a chest containing a Cure2. Head north and west at the following split to find a Cabin in another chest. Continue north and east to reach the next area. In the next room, follow the path until you reach a chest. Open it to get a Life item. Then, continue directly east to another chest containing a Cure3. Go east into the secret path, then follow it south and west. At the end, go north and into the area with 3 chests. Open them to get a Cure2, Poison axe, and a Ninja blade for Edge. Go back into the passage and follow it back east and north all the way to the end. Exit it and continue north and west to a chest. Open it and 5 Warriors will come out. Defeat them all to get the Defense sword, which you should equip Cecil with on the spot. Now, go east and south, then walk west through a small passage. Step onto the tile to enter the Land of Summons (make sure Rosa has learned Wall at this point; if not, stay until you do, then enter). Land of Summons --------------- In here, walk around the perimeter and open the chests to get an Ether1 and 7000 GP. Just to the north of the chest with the 3000 Gil, you may notice a section of the floor that's outlined in black. Walk onto it to reach a hidden room. Open the chests there to get the Samurai bow for Rosa, as well as 10 Samurai arrows, Ether2, and an Elixir. Step on the gray tile to reach the previous room. Get to the north end of the area and step on the tile to reach the next area. When you get there, step on it again to return to the first room. Go south to the chest you didn't open before to get the Rat tail. Step on the tile once more to reach the second room. There, head to the Armor shop to the south. Buy the Sorcerer armor for Rydia and Rosa. If you want, buy the Aegis shield for Cecil and Kain (I didn't). Then, head to the Weapon shop in the west side of the floor. Buy the Blitz whip for Rydia, a Long blade for Edge (so he'll have the Ninja in one hand and the Long in the other), and many Charm arrows for Rosa. Exit the shop and head to the Item shop in the northeast corner. Buy some items if you need, then rest in the Inn (talk to the middle shopkeeper). Then, leave the Inn and enter the building to the west. Open the 2 chests to get a Heal and a Life, then rest/save at the save point. After that, exit the room and head south. Enter the Library (the building that the chocobo stands outside of). In there, head downstairs a couple levels to the bottom, where you'll see the king and queen of the land. Talk to the queen first, since you can't talk to the king until later. The queen is Asura and she'll offer to help, provided you can defeat her in battle. Enter battle, reading the Bosses section for help, which you'll need. After you win, Rydia will learn the Asura summon! Now, go back up to the save point and rest again. Come back down to the bottom of the Library, and this time, talk to the king. Accept his challenge, and you'll enter battle against Leviatan. Visit the Bosses section once again for some more assistance defeating him. Upon winning, Rydia can summon Leviatan from that point forward! Now, leave the Library, and head to the east side of the area. Step on the gray tile to reach the next area. There, go south, west, then north onto that special section of the floor I pointed out before. In there, go all the way south and you'll find a hidden exit out of the Land of Summons completely. Underworld ---------- Back outside, board the airship once again. Head to the northwest corner of the map. You'll spot a cave there; land, save outside, then enter the Sylvan Cave. Sylvan Cave ----------- Just like the Cave of Summons, there are spots on the floor that hurt your party, so have Rosa cast Float on everyone each time you enter a different room. Do that now, then head east and open 2 chests to get a Cure2 and 10 Charm arrows. Head southwest and into the next room. Head directly south and into the following room. There, go east to a save point. Rest if you want, then head north through a hidden path. Open the chest it leads to, and you'll get an ElvenBow for Rosa. Head back south and to the west. Pass the second exit to the south, and continue to 2 chests containing 1000 GP and a Cabin. After that, go into the exit you passed into the next area. There, go west and to the north. Enter the first room you pass on the way. In that room, head north to find several chests. Open them all to find a Cure2, Ether1, 10 Lit arrows, 10 Ice arrows, and 10 Fire arrows. Then, go back south out of this room. Back here, continue north to the end. Before going into the next room to the south, walk east into a hidden passage. Follow it counter- clockwise into the middle area. Open that chest and monsters will come out. Defeat the ToadLady and 6 TinyToads to get the Mute dagger. Then, go back around and into the new room. As soon as you enter this room, take a step forward, then walk west through the wall to a chest. Open to get an Elixir. Then, continue south and east to the building at the end, and enter it. Talk to the Sylphs in here, and you'll notice that Yang is lying in the bed. He isn't conscious, and the Sylphs won't let you take him. So, open the chests to get the Poison claw and the CatClaw, then go upstairs to the next room. Walk directly north to be warped out of the cave. Rest outside, then reenter the cave. Inside a second time, go south into the following room. This time in the second room, follow the path going east, north, then west to another doorway. Go into that room. As soon as you enter this next room, go directly west through a hidden passage. Continue north and open 2 chests to get a Cure2 and Heal, then walk into the east wall south of the chests to find a passage. Follow it around to the third chest you can't reach to get a Charm rod. Now, go back around and follow the path to the start of the room. Walk into another passage to the east, and follow it north and east at the end. There, go north into the next room. There, follow the path east and to the south. You'll find 4 chests along the way; open them all to get a Cure2, 3000 Gil, Heal, and 2000 Gil. Continue southward and open 5 chests there to get: Cure2, Cure3, Heal (x2), and an Ether1. Drop into the hole to reach the room below. Go north to the end of that room, then go west through a hidden passage. Step on the tile to reach the hidden treasure room. There are 6 chests here, each with enemies for you to fight. Some are harder than others, which you know already, but they all yield great treasures. By beating them all, you will get: Elixir (x3), FullMoon boomerang, Avenger sword, and 10 Medusa Arrows. When you're done, step on the tile to the east to exit the cave. Underworld ---------- Outside again, make sure you rest with a Cabin right away! You may want to visit Tomra to the south and sell out equipment you don't need; you'll be finding new things in the Sealed Cave and need room for it all. Board the airship and head to the cave surrounded by mountains. Save, then enter it, the Sealed Cave. Sealed Cave ----------- Here, go up to the door and use the Luca key to open it. Then, head into the next room. There, go south and across the gap via the wire. Go south and check out the door, and the TrapDoor monster will appear. Just so you know, just about every door in this cave is a TrapDoor, so be prepared for MANY of these battles along the way. Try to finish off the TrapDoor as quickly with your strongest moves as possible. Also, counting the HP you take from it works as well. When you get into the 4000 HP vicinity (it has 5000 HP total), finish it with a strong move. If you don't, it'll turn into either a Mantcore or a Yellow D, which are even worse to deal with! Just remember that for the many battles ahead in here. Anyway, after you beat this first one, enter that room. Open the 2 chests to get a Long blade, and an Ether1. Leave the room and open the chest to the south to get a Life. Continue north and west, then north across another wire. Defeat the TrapDoor and enter the next room. In there, open the chests to get a Cure2 and an Ether1. Defeat the 2 TrapDoors along the north wall for experience, then head southeast to the following area. In here, go south across the wire, then go east to a chest containing a Life. Head across the gap again and continue east across a bridge. Open the chest to get another Life, then go north to find 6 doors along the north wall. Be sure to defeat the second one from the right and enter there to get Cecil's Light sword. The third room has a Ninja star, Elixir, and 5000 GP for you to find. The fifth room has the save point, and the sixth one has a Long blade and Ninja helmet for Edge. After you beat the 6 doors, enter the save room and rest/save. Then, head southwest to the final door in the room. Beat it and continue to the next room. Head around the bend, taking the Ether1 from the chest you pass. Then, continue to the following room. In that room, defeat the TrapDoor to the west for its experience. Open the 2 chests on the east side of this room to get a Cure2 and a Life, then head around and south to the next room. There, go across the bridge and head east to a room. Defeat the TrapDoor and open the chest to the east to get a Life, then go northwest and slide down the wire to the other side. Go east and defeat the TrapDoor/enter that room. Open the chests to get an Ether2 and a Cure3. Leave the room and head west, then north into the next room. Here, go south and rest on the save point with a Cabin. Also, be sure to save your game at this point. When you're ready, go south to the next room. Head around to the south end of this room, then go north and into the next one. Go north across the bridge and defeat the final TrapDoor. Before you continue, I would recommend you go back to the save point and rest/save again; that way you won't have to do this again in case you lose in the following battle. After that, enter the crystal room. Take the Dark crystal and exit the room, Advance south and the room will shake, and your party will realize the walls are caving in. The EvilWall will appear, so read the Bosses section for help winning this fight. After the EvilWall is gone, make your way back to the save point you last saved at. Rest and save, and be sure to remove all of Kain's equipment, too. Then, make your way back to the cave entrance. When you reach the exit room, Golbez will beckon and Kain will become hypnotized again. He'll seize the crystal and run away, allowing the way to the Moon to open. Now, leave the cave. Underworld ---------- Outside, board the Falcon and head northeast. Land outside the castle and enter it. Castle of Dwarves ----------------- Back in here, head directly to the throne room. Talk to Giott and he'll reveal information on the Big Whale and the legend from Mysidia. Your group needs to get to Mysidia, but there's no way out of the Underworld. Cid then comes in and helps your party by attaching a drill to the nose of the airship. After he's done, he'll collapse and become tired. The next scene will be in the nursery with Cid in bed. He'll wish you well, then it's time to go. Leave the room and make your way out of the castle again. Underworld ---------- Now, board the Falcon once more. Fly to the northeast corner of the map, and you'll find a hole in the ground there. That is the point where you can rise out of the Underworld. Dig out through the mountain and you'll be back in the other world. Overworld --------- From here, head east and land by Mysidia, then enter town. Mysidia ------- Here, the Elder will greet you and ask you to join him at the Tower of Wishes. The legend will be displayed once again, then the scene will go to the Elder and the mages praying. Suddenly the room changes many colors and the Big Whale rises out of a nearby bay, resting on the shore. That is the way to get to the Moon, is by piloting the Big Whale. The Elder will tell you he heard a voice calling from the Moon, then he'll explain to use the crystal onboard to reach there. You'll then automatically leave the tower and Mysidia altogether. Overworld --------- Before heading to the Moon, there are a couple things to do. Take the Falcon and head west to the continent where the Tower of Bab-il is. Land there, then switch to the Enterprise. Pick up the Hovercraft, which should still be sitting in front of Cave Eblan. From there, fly all the way east to Mt. Ordeals, then north from there. You'll notice a chain of small islands, and Silvera on one of them. Drop the Hovercraft and land the airship there. Take the Hovercraft across the shallows to the south, then enter the Adamant Grotto. Adamant Grotto -------------- In here, talk to the man who happens to be a tail collector. He'll want the Rat Tail you found in the Land of Summons, so give it to him in exchange for the Adamant ore. Leave the cave, then take the Hovercraft back to the Enterprise. Board the airship and head southwest to Agart. Fly down into the mountain to reach the Underworld again. Underworld ---------- Here, head all the way south and you'll find a small building. Land there and enter Kokkol's smithy. Kokkol, the Smith's ------------------- Here, enter the building. Check out the pots on the first floor to find a Heal and a Cure2. Then, go upstairs. Check out the shelf to find an Elixir. Talk to the sleeping smithy and show him the Adamant. He'll suddenly come back to life and take the Adamant, as well as the Legend sword, and head downstairs to fix it up. Go downstairs and talk to him, and he'll give you the Excalbur sword! Equip it with Cecil right away! Now, leave the smithy entirely. Underworld ---------- Back outside, fly north and up to the Overworld once again. Overworld --------- Before going back to Mysidia, head all the way east past it to Mt. Ordeals, then go north to Fabul. Land and enter there. Fabul ----- Here, make your way up to the top of the west tower, where Yang's wife is. Talk to her and she'll give you the Pan to knock Yang back into consciousness with. Leave Fabul and head back to the Underworld, and through the Sylvan Cave to where Yang is. Use the Pan to wake him up, then talk to him. He'll ask you to visit his wife once more. Talk to the Sylphs and they'll teach Rydia the Sylph summon, too! Go back to Fabul, talk to Yang's wife, and she'll give you the Knife, the ultimate Dart item! Now, leave Fabul for good. Overworld --------- From here, head south to Mt. Ordeals, then west to Mysidia and land there. Then, board the Big Whale. Before you leave, I'll point out the amenities onboard the ship. In the rooms to the south, you can rest fully, or store excess equipment with the Fat Chocobo. In the middle of the north wall is the flight panel; use this to fly around normally above the Earth or the Moon. Finally there is the crystal, which you only use to fly to and from the Moon. Right now, you want to go to the Moon, so use the crystal. Moon ---- Once you're above here, fly a little to the east and you'll spot the crystal palace. Since the Big Whale can only land on flat, smooth surfaces, land atop a gray plateau just west of the palace. Rest up if needed, then exit the Lunar Whale. Head north and enter the first cave of the Lunar Path. Lunar Path ---------- In here, go north and east to the first chest, from which monsters will pop out. Defeat the 2 Procyotes and 2 Juclyotes to get the Au Elixir. Head west and continue north to the end, then go east to find 2 chests. Open them to get a Cure2 and a Heal. Then, head west and north out of this cave. Moon ---- Outside, head all the way east, then to the south into another Lunar Path cave. Lunar Path ---------- In this one, simply follow it south to the other end, and outside again. Moon ---- From here, head west and north into the crystal palace. Lunar's Lair ------------ Here in this moon palace, take the paths going east and west to find tiles that recover your HP and MP, and any status ailments you may have. Go north into the middle of the room, and a weird person will greet you. He is FuSoYa, a Lunarian, and he explains quite a bit of history regarding the Moon and the evil Zemus. He also explains that the light at Mt. Ordeals was that of Cecil's father, KluYa, who gave up his power so you can defeat Zemus. FuSoYa joins your party, and now the mission is to head back to Earth and stop the Giant of Bab-il from emerging. Go south and exit this palace. Moon ---- Back outside, make your way through the Lunar Paths and back to the Big Whale. Board the ship, then use the flight panel to stay on the Moon, but fly around. To the west, there is a circle-shaped area with a cave in the middle. Land on the gray plateau along the north edge of the circle, then rest and exit. Head south and enter the cave (be sure to save first). Cave Bahamut ------------ From the start, head south and past the first split to the east. Continue south to a chest containing the Samurai gloves for Cecil. Go back north and east, and you'll notice the path dips to the south and east a little more. Walk northeast into a hidden passage. Take it east to a chest containing the Samurai shield for Cecil. Next, go back through the passage and continue south into another room. There, follow the path west and north to find a chest. Open it to get the Samurai armor. Head all the way east to another chest containing the Samurai helmet. Go back west a little and continue northward. You'll be forced into fighting a Behemoth as you go north; it's a regular enemy, but you cannot escape the battle, so just defeat it. Then, continue into the next room. In this room, head south and follow the narrow path all the way to the end. You'll face 2 more Behemoth battles along the way, so be prepared for those! When you make it to the end, you'll be able to meet Bahamut, king of the monsters. Accept the challenge and enter battle; read the Bosses section to learn how to beat Bahamut. After you win, Rydia will be able to summon Bahamut at any time in battle! Now, have Rosa or Cecil cast Exit to get out of here quickly. Moon ---- Back outside, head north and board the Big Whale again. Rest in one of the chambers to the south, then go outside and save your game. Reboard the ship and use the crystal to head back to Earth. Overworld --------- Back here, you'll land near the now-activated Tower of Bab-il. Your group will witness the Giant of Bab-il appearing and starting to bomb the surrounding area. Then, airships and tanks commanded by your many allies appear to bomb the Giant in retaliation. Cid will swoop down and pick up your party, and FuSoYa will direct him to get by the Giant's mouth. Cid does so, and drops the party into the Giant of Bab-il. Giant of Bab-il --------------- Starting off inside, head north and into the Neck (step on the gray tile). There, go south and into another tile to reach the Chest. Follow the path south and west to a chest with a Shuriken inside. Continue onward and open the second chest you pass to get a Cure2. Keep going east and north to yet another chest with an Ether1 inside. Go around and north some more, and you'll notice the path splitting northwest to the tile, west to a chest, and northeast to another chest. Go northeast and open that one to get 10 Samurai arrows. Go back south and west to the other chest to find a Cabin. Then, head north and through the tile to reach the Stomach. In this area, head directly north to a chest containing a Life. Go back south and continue east to find another split path. Take the far east one northward to a chest with another Life inside. Go back south and take the other path north and west all the way to the end. Then, step on the tile and head to the Passage. There, go south and east, and you'll see a chest to the north. Open it and you'll have to fight the Last Arm. Defeat it, and take the Elixir it drops. Then, continue east and north, then west to a save point. Rest with a Cabin and save there. When you're ready, go east and north into the Lung. Continue north and you'll be confronted by all 4 Elements once again. They will all speak, then enter battle against you. Read the Bosses section for help defeating them this time around. After the fight, head back to the save point and rest/save again. Then, go back to the Stairwell and continue north to the Core. Step forward and you'll find the CPU of the robot. It'll sense your presence and fight you, so read the Bosses section once again to defeat it. After the CPU is destroyed, Golbez will enter. FuSoYa will talk to him, and you will find out some critical plot information regarding Golbez and Cecil. FuSoYa will then leave your party and exit with Golbez. Meanwhile, the Giant will start to collapse with seemingly no way out. Kain enters and your party is reluctant to trust him again. He leads everyone to an exit as the Giant crumbles completely. Overworld --------- After the escape, your party and Kain will be on board the Big Whale. Kain will have a chance to explain himself, and your party will let him join one last time. Kain, Edge, and Cecil will decide to go to the Moon and fight Zemus, leaving Rosa and Rydia behind. They're forced off the ship and the remaining 3 guys head to the Moon. Once there, Rosa and Rydia come out of hiding and rejoin the group. Since it's not time to be here, head back to Earth. From the Tower, fly east towards Agart, then north to Baron. Land there, rest inside the Big Whale, then go outside and save your game. Then, enter the castle. Baron Castle ------------ Here, get through all the gates and continue into the first room. There, go east and upstairs. Go east and down the next set of steps, then head south out of the following room. Go north and enter the castle tower. There, go downstairs to the floor below. Follow the path all the way east and down one more set of stairs to the bottom level. Approach the throne of Baron once again, and the King will appear. He'll test you in battle as Odin, so read the Bosses section once again for help beating him. After you win, Rydia will be able to summon Odin at any time in battle! Now, head back upstairs and backtrack out of the castle again. Overworld --------- Now that you have the Odin summon, you're ready to go to the Moon! Board the Lunar Whale and use the flight crystal to get there. Moon ---- Above here, land on the west plateau by the Crystal Palace (just like you did the first time you were here). Then, go through the Lunar Paths and make your way to the palace. Once there, save and rest, then enter. Crystal Palace -------------- Here, go north and around the throne to the back room, which is a crystal room. Go around and into the middle of the room, and step on the tile. The crystals will use their power to send your party into the subterranne below. Lunar Subterrane ---------------- Starting in here, go north and southwest. Walk through a passage in the west wall, then continue south and on the portal to the next room. There, go north into the following room. In the next room, go north and open the chest to make monsters come out. Defeat the 2 Warlocks and 2 Karys to get the Life staff. Next, go southwest and into the next room. Head west and all the way south, then west and north into yet another room. Before you continue in here, have Rosa cast Float on the entire party (you'll see why shortly). Then, go north and try to grab the blade between the two pillars. A voice will threaten you, then you'll be put into a battle against the Pale Dim. Read the Bosses section for help winning here. After the fight, you will gain access to Edge's Murasame blade! Be sure to equip that to him immediately. Now, backtrack through several rooms to the starting portal. Once there, walk through the east wall into a hidden passage. Follow it north, then continue north, west, and south along the visible path. At the end, open the chest you find and monsters will pop out. Defeat them (2 RedGiants) and take the Ninja armor for Edge. Now, go back around to the starting portal, then head south and through the door into the next room. There, go south and east into a hidden passageway. Take it east, and northward while pressing Left to find a split in the path. Follow the split west, south, west, north, and east to a chest containing a Flame whip for Rydia. Then, go back around to the main path, and continue all the way north. At the end, go west to a visible room. Follow the passage west to the next segment. Open the chest to get a Dragoon shield for Kain, then go through the door into the next area. In this area, go directly south and pass the door for now. Continue south, then east into a hidden passage. Follow it north and east to a room with a chest; open it to get a Dragoon helmet for Kain. Go east and southwest through another passage to the last room with 2 chests. Open them to get the Dragoon armor and glove for Kain. Now, go back through the passages to the main room, and through the door you passed up into the next room. Head all the way east to a chest containing 10 Artemis arrows. Then, go west and down the steps to the lower tier. Go west and into a small room. Open the chest to get an Elixir, then leave the room. Now, go all the way east and down more steps to the bottom level. Down there, enter the next room. In this next room, head northwest through it. Go north and east to a chest containing a Cure3, then continue westward. At the end, open another chest to find another Cure3. Now, go east a little, then south into the next room. There, open the nearby chest and a Behemoth will come out to fight you. Beat it and take the Stardust rod it leaves behind. Then, go southeast into the following area. Head south, going down some steps, then go west. Pass the door and go north to a chest; open it and you'll be pitted against a Red D. and a Blue D. Defeat them to get the Crystal shield for Cecil. After that, go into the room nearby. Here, continue north and east through a passage to an area with a chest. Open the chest to get a Protect ring. Continue east into the next passage, then follow it south, west, south, and east to the other side. In the room you end up in, head south for now and go into the next area. Go northeast to a chest; open it and fight the Behemoth to get the Crystal armor. Equip it to Cecil and go back to the previous room. This time, go all the way north into the next room. There, go northeast to another chest. Open it and defeat the 2 Red D. enemies to get the Crystal glove. After that, go west to the second door and enter that room. In this room, go north, then southwest to a chest in the corner. Open it to get the White robe for Rosa. Equip it, then go north into the following room. In there, head northwest to a chest. Defeat the Warlock and D. Fossil that come out, and take the Crystal helmet they drop. Then, go back to where you entered this room, and enter the east room. Open the chest to get a Cabin. This is also the room where you can have a chance meeting with the elusive PinkPuff. There's a 1/64 chance of it appearing, and then a 1/64 chance of it dropping the PinkTail after you defeat it. If you want to wander around in this small room until you find it, go right ahead, it'll help your experience levels. But for the sake of continuation, leave the room and enter the other room to the south. There, you'll notice 2 chests on either side of the high tier you're on. Open them to get 10 Artemis arrows and a Ninja star. There are 2 paths to the south you can continue onward with. Head down the west bridge, then open the chest you find to get a Cabin. To the north, you'll see a ledge jutting out to the west; walk west across it and over an invisible bridge to the other side. There, continue northwest and east along a path in the dark room. Follow it east and south to the tier below. In there, go south and open the chest to find a Life. Then, head all the way east and step on the tile to reach the next area. Where you end up, walk directly north into the following area. In the next area, continue onward to find a chest on the middle platform. Open it and defeat the Behemoth you have to fight, then take the Protect ring left behind. After that, go north into the next room, where you'll find a save point. Rest with a Cabin and save there since you have the chance. When you're ready, go south into the next area. There, go northeast and try to take the sword standing there. The room will turn dark and the Wyvern will come to fight, so read the Bosses section for help winning here. After you win, you'll receive Cecil's most powerful sword, the Crystal sword! Now, go back to the save room and rest/save again. Now, backtrack all the way to the room with the 2 bridges going southward. You already went along the west one, so go down the east one. Continue down that path into the next room. There, go northwest and open the chest; defeat the Warlock and 3 Kary enemies to get the Heroine robe. Then, go back south and head northeast to the next room. In there, go south and east to find several rooms to enter. Go into the first one you pass; it is a save point. Save and rest here since you have the opportunity. After that, leave this room and head to the next one to the east. Before you enter that room, enter a random battle and have Rydia use strong magic to kill off a party member (Edge, for example). Then, enter the room and approach the lance. The Plague will appear and engage in battle, so read the Bosses section for the strategy on beating this creature. Upon winning, you receive the White lance, which is Kain's best weapon. Go back to the save room and rest/save again. Then, enter the far right room, which contains 2 chests. Enter the room and the 2 D. Lunars will appear to fight. Visit the Bosses section once again to get through this battle. After you win the D. Lunar battle, open the chests to claim the 2 Ribbon helmets, which you should give to Rydia and Rosa. Leave the room and go back to the save room, where you should definitely rest and save at this point. Now, head all the way east, north, then west to some steps leading downward. Go down the steps to the area below, then go through the door into the beginning of the last several areas of the game! There, start by going east, south, and all the way west. At the end of the west path, go north to a chest containing a Ninja star, then head south and east. Follow the winding path until you come to a split where you can go east and north to the next area, or southeast to another section of the room. Go south and east to find another sword sitting there. Try to take it and the Ogopogo will appear to attack. Read the Bosses section for help defeating this tough water creature. After you win, you'll receive Edge's Masamune blade! Now, run back to the previous room, then head to the save point and rest/save once more. Then, return to the path split before the Ogopogo fight, and take it around and north to the next room. For the next 3 rooms, simply follow the path to the bottom of the area, then step on the tile at the end to reach the following area. Keep in mind that the only creatures you'll run into in this crystal-like core are very strong boss-like creatures, such as Behemoth, EvilMask, Red/Blue D., Breath, and Mind. They give off lots of experience, but are very tough to defeat, so be careful! Also, be sure to open the 4 chests you'll pass in the next several areas to get 2 Ninja stars, an Elixir, and a Whistle. When you make it to the last room, go north to meet FuSoYa and Golbez once more. They will battle Zemus when you arrive, then Zemus will transform into Zeromus and fight Golbez and FuSoYa again. They cannot harm him (Zeromus), and Zeromus deals out a crushing blow to them, as well as your entire party. Afterward, Golbez gives Cecil the Crystal, which is used to reveal Zeromus' true form in battle. Then, Zeromus enters battle with your fallen party. All your allies appear to offer their energy to your party. Once everyone is back in good health, have Edge steal the DkMatter item from Zeromus; it's good for the final battle. When you're ready, have Cecil use the Crystal item and the real fight will begin. Consult the Bosses section one last time for help beating this boss. After it's over, watch the ending and congratulations on beating Final Fantasy II! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 6. Enemies -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Alert HP: 1425 Experience Points: 2100 Alligator HP: 150 Experience Points: 240 Weakness: Ice AquaWorm HP: 638 Experience Points: 1200 Weakness: Lightning Arachne HP: 3500 Experience Points: 4400 Weakness: Arrows, Ice Armadilo HP: 300 Experience Points: 1600 Balloon HP: 600 Experience Points: 2480 Weakness: Arrows Basilisk HP: 90 Experience Points: 140 Beamer HP: 1800 Experience Points: 3250 Behemoth HP: 16000 Experience Points: 58700 BlackCat HP: 593 Experience Points: 2800 BlackLiz HP: 700 Experience Points: 1300 Weakness: Ice Blademan HP: 1050 Experience Points: 2600 Weakness: Sacred Power Blue Dragon HP: 13200 Experience Points: 36000 Bomb HP: 50 Experience Points: 370 Breath HP: 31300 Experience Points: 60000 Cannibal HP: 470 Experience Points: 571 Weakness: Fire Carapace HP: 700 Experience Points: 1350 Weakness: Ice Cave Bat HP: 150 Experience Points: 630 Weakness: Arrows, Sacred Power Cave Naga HP: 255 Experience Points: 748 Weakness: Sacred Power CaveToad HP: 44 Experience Points: 90 Weakness: Ice Centaur HP: 380 Experience Points: 1000 Centpede HP: 600 Experience Points: 2800 Chimera HP: 700 Experience Points: 2300 Clapper HP: 7000 Experience Points: 8000 Weakness: Arrows Cocktric HP: 100 Experience Points: 280 Weakness: Arrows Conjurer HP: 3000 Experience Points: 3700 Cream HP: 55 Experience Points: 150 Weakness: Lightning Note: Cannot be damaged by physical attacks Crocodile HP: 292 Experience Points: 870 Weakness: Ice D. Bone HP: 9000 Experience Points: 14100 Weakness: Fire D. Fossil HP: 10000 Experience Points: 15100 Weakness: Sacred Power, Fire D. Machine HP: 15000 Experience Points: 41500 DarkImp HP: 199 Experience Points: 1940 DarkTree HP: 1800 Experience Points: 5550 Weakness: Fire Eagle HP: 18 Experience Points: 30 Weakness: Arrows Egg HP: 700 Experience Points: 1300 Weakness: Ice ElecFish HP: 200 Experience Points: 650 Weakness: Arrows EpeeGirl HP: 390 Experience Points: 1258 Evil Mask HP: 25500 Experience Points: 50000 EvilDoll HP: 300 Experience Points: 1420 EvilShel HP: 58 Experience Points: 110 Weakness: Lightning FangShel HP: 300 Experience Points: 1050 Weakness: Lightning Fatal Eye HP: 25000 Experience Points: 40000 Weakness: Arrows Fiend HP: 2980 Experience Points: 6400 Flame Dog HP: 1221 Experience Points: 1280 Weakness: Ice Flameman HP: 579 Experience Points: 2160 Weakness: Ice FloatEye HP: 20 Experience Points: 40 Weakness: Arrows Gargoyle HP: 160 Experience Points: 320 Weakness: Sacred Power, Arrows Ghost HP: 1100 Experience Points: 3700 Ghoul HP: 120 Experience Points: 579 Weakness: Sacred Power, Fire GiantBat HP: 399 Experience Points: 1280 Weakness: Arrows, Fire Ging-Ryu HP: 7500 Experience Points: 25000 Gremlin HP: 385 Experience Points: 1445 Weakness: Fire Grenade HP: 820 Experience Points: 2650 Weakness: Arrows Grey Bomb HP: 100 Experience Points: 450 Grudger HP: 1400 Experience Points: 2460 Weakness: Sacred Power Guard HP: 200 Experience Points: 720 Hooligan HP: 1900 Experience Points: 4090 Weakness: Sacred Power, Arrows Horseman HP: 3000 Experience Points: 9900 Huge Naga HP: 1200 Experience Points: 3600 HugeCell HP: 555 Experience Points: 1510 Hydra HP: 200 Experience Points: 680 Weakness: Lightning Ice Beast HP: 5445 Experience Points: 1570 Weakness: Fire Ice Liz HP: 400 Experience Points: 1500 Weakness: Fire Imp HP: 6 Experience Points: 20 Imp Cap. HP: 37 Experience Points: 189 IronBack HP: 100 Experience Points: 1100 IronMan HP: 2500 Experience Points: 3700 Jelly HP: 35 Experience Points: 140 Weakness: Fire Note: Cannot be damaged by physical attacks. Juclyote HP: 1700 Experience Points: 7200 Kary HP: 2700 Experience Points: 13100 King-Ryu HP: 8200 Experience Points: 30000 Lamia HP: 1200 Experience Points: 2060 Larva HP: 28 Experience Points: 50 Last Arm HP: 9500 Experience Points: 8800 Lilith HP: 320 Experience Points: 2770 Weakness: Fire MacGiant HP: 8500 Experience Points: 31000 Machine HP: 3600 Experience Points: 8200 Mad Toad HP: 59 Experience Points: 127 Weakness: Ice MadOgre HP: 1700 Experience Points: 2370 Mage HP: 500 Experience Points: 1100 Mantcore HP: 3400 Experience Points: 28000 Marion HP: 473 Experience Points: 1110 Mind HP: 12300 Experience Points: 65000 Molbol HP: 1999 Experience Points: 11000 Moon Cell HP: 980 Experience Points: 3300 Naga HP: 320 Experience Points: 1118 Needler HP: 110 Experience Points: 370 Ogre HP: 865 Experience Points: 1100 Weakness: Sacred Power Panther HP: 285 Experience Points: 828 Weakness: Sacred Power Pike HP: 65 Experience Points: 120 Weakness: Lightning PinkPuff HP: 10000 Experience Points: 10000 Pirana HP: 105 Experience Points: 460 Weakness: Lightning Procyote HP: 2200 Experience Points: 8100 Pudding HP: 1050 Experience Points: 3060 Note: Cannot be damaged by physical attacks. Puppet HP: 256 Experience Points: 800 Weakness: Fire Python HP: 90 Experience Points: 760 Weakness: Sacred Power, Ice Q. Lamia HP: 1100 Experience Points: 2900 Raven HP: 941 Experience Points: 740 Red Bone HP: 170 Experience Points: 320 Weakness: Sacred Power, Fire Red Dragon HP: 15000 Experience Points: 51800 Weakness: Ice Red Eye HP: 2000 Experience Points: 3500 Weakness: Arrows Red Giant HP: 11800 Experience Points: 18900 Red Worm HP: 7000 Experience Points: 7350 Weakness: Fire Revenant HP: 160 Experience Points: 679 Weakness: Sacred Power, Fire Roc HP: 999 Experience Points: 1404 Weakness: Arrows RocBaby HP: 50 Experience Points: 1012 Weakness: Arrows RocLarva HP: 800 Experience Points: 2830 RocMoth HP: 850 Experience Points: 3200 Weakness: Arrows Sand Man HP: 20 Experience Points: 80 Weakness: Ice SandMoth HP: 40 Experience Points: 80 Sandpede HP: 60 Experience Points: 80 SandWorm HP: 75 Experience Points: 88 Screamer HP: 1000 Experience Points: 3100 Searcher HP: 5500 Experience Points: 18200 Skeleton HP: 50 Experience Points: 240 Weakness: Sacred Power, Fire Skull HP: 740 Experience Points: 1580 Weakness: Sacred Power, Fire Slime HP: 50 Experience Points: 760 Weakness: Fire Sorcerer HP: 1000 Experience Points: 2370 Soul HP: 150 Experience Points: 510 Weakness: Sacred Power Spirit HP: 50 Experience Points: 290 Weakness: Sacred Power Staleman HP: 2100 Experience Points: 2100 Weakness: Ice StingRat HP: 300 Experience Points: 1270 Stoneman HP: 2000 Experience Points: 2950 Weakness: Ice Swordman HP: 320 Experience Points: 1099 Weakness: Fire, Sacred Power SwordRat HP: 30 Experience Points: 70 TinyMage HP: 69 Experience Points: 260 TinyToad HP: 400 Experience Points: 1850 Weakness: Ice ToadLady HP: 2960 Experience Points: 3500 Tofu HP: 102 Experience Points: 1060 Weakness: Ice Tortoise HP: 400 Experience Points: 1700 Weakness: Ice TrapDoor HP: 5000 Experience Points: 31100 TrapRose HP: 300 Experience Points: 1210 Weakness: Fire Treant HP: 260 Experience Points: 909 Weakness: Fire Tricker HP: 12000 Experience Points: 21000 Weakness: Lightning Turtle HP: 150 Experience Points: 240 Weakness: Ice VampGirl HP: 250 Experience Points: 818 Weakness: Fire, Sacred Power VampLady HP: 2375 Experience Points: 4600 Weakness: Sacred Power, Fire Veteran HP: 25000 Experience Points: 33333 Weakness: Arrows Warlock HP: 4250 Experience Points: 17300 Warrior HP: 2400 Experience Points: 4300 WaterBug HP: 110 Experience Points: 230 Weakness: Lightning WaterHag HP: 48 Experience Points: 180 Weakness: Lightning Weeper HP: 100 Experience Points: 120 Were Bat HP: 800 Experience Points: 2050 Weakness: Arrows, Fire Witch HP: 300 Experience Points: 1672 Yellow D HP: 3100 Experience Points: 28000 Zombie HP: 40 Experience Points: 120 Weakness: Sacred Power, Fire Note: Cannot be damaged by physical attacks. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 7. Bosses -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mist D. Found: Mist Cave HP: 465 Experience Points: 700 Strategy: The first boss of the game is a VERY easy one, actually. Simply have Cecil attack normally, and Kain use his Jump move. After a few rounds, the dragon will turn into a misty cloud. Do NOT attack at this time; constantly use Parry until it reforms again. Then, resume the attacking until you win! Officer/Soldier (x3) Found: Kaipo HP: 221 (Officer) 27 (Soldier) Experience Points: 400 (Officer) 160 (Soldier) Strategy: I really don't know why this is classified as a boss battle, but since it is treated as such by some, I'll do the same. Anyway, the Officer leads the group of 3 Soldiers into battle against you. Since you are alone, attack one Soldier at a time. The Officer will direct the Soldiers to attack, and they will each take turns hitting you. Defeat all 3 Soldiers with a single blow to each, then the Officer will retreat if he's left alone. You can defeat the Officer for the experience he carries however. Just leave a single Soldier alive, and constantly attack the Officer. Either way you do it, this battle is one to be won, definitely. Octomamm Found: Lake HP: 2350 Experience Points: 1200 Weakness: Darkness, Lightning Strategy: The battle against this giant octopus is relatively simple, although it's a bit tough in the beginning rounds. Octomamm tends to attack multiple times in a quick fashion, so be quick to attack back. Have Cecil attack, and Rydia and Tellah use the Lit-1 spell. You'll start to cut down this boss's tentacles as you inflict more damage. The less tentacles left, the slower the boss moves, giving you a chance to really attack it more often. Continue the attacking until it's down to just one tentacle, then keep going and you'll win! Antlion Found: Antlion Cave HP: 1000 Experience Points: 1500 Strategy: Fighting the Antlion isn't as tough as it may seem at first glance. Whenever you attack it regularly, though, it counter- attacks, but that is the only thing you really have to worry about. Have Cecil attack, Edward Parry or heal party members if needed and Rydia use her Choco summon. After several rounds, the fight will be over. MomBomb Found: Mt. Hobs HP: 10800 Experience Points: N/A Strategy: This is the longest boss battle you've had thus far. It starts off looking like a regular Bomb enemy, but turns into a giant smoke cloud before exploding. Have Cecil attack, Edward attack, Rosa attack or use Cure1, Rydia use the Choco summon, and Yang attack. After several rounds, it'll puff up, so continue the assault. After it explodes, it'll damage all your party, so be ready to cure immediately! There will 3 Bombs and 3 GrayBombs left over. Fight them off quickly before they detonate, causing further damage. After that, the battle will be done. General/Fighter (x2) Found: Fabul HP: 320 (General) 65 (Fighter) Experience Points: 608 (General) 410 (Fighter) Strategy: You may remember the fight with the Soldiers and General at Kaipo; well, this is a notch higher on the difficulty scale than that. The Fighters are tough here, capable of putting out Edward with just a few good blows. Attack one Fighter at a time. After you kill one, kill the other the same way. After both Fighters are gone, the General retreats. Milon/Ghast (x4) Found: Mt. Ordeals HP: 3100 (Milon) 170 (Ghast) Experience Points: 3800 (Milon) N/A (Ghast) Weakness: Fire (Milon) Sacred Power, Fire (Ghast) Strategy: Your first objective here should be to eliminate the 4 Ghasts that accompany Milon. They are weak against Fire, so have Palom cast Fire2 on the entire group, Milon included. After all the Ghasts are killed off, start attacking Milon. Have Cecil attack, Palom use Fire2 or Twin with Porom, and Tellah use Fire1 or Cure2 on your party. Every time Milon is attacked, he counters by casting Lit-1 on a random party member, so be careful not to let anyone's HP get too low. Continue the attacking until Milon wonders what's happening to himself, then disappears. Milon Z. Found: Mt. Ordeals HP: 3000 Experience Points: 4000 Weakness: Arrows, Sacred Power, Fire Strategy: This second round against Milon is actually easier than the first, in my opinion. You are attacked from behind, but that shouldn't be too big of a deal for your group. Have Cecil attack, Palom use Fire2, and Porom and Tellah use Cure2 to damage Milon or cure the party. Milon's only real attack is poisoning random party members, which you can cure using Tellah's Heal spell or a Heal item. With the power of Fire2 being used, among the other attacks, this fight will be over in just a few rounds, quite honestly. Baigan/RightArm/Left Arm Found: Baron Castle HP: 3500 (Baigan) 350 (Right/Left Arms) Experience Points: 4830 (Baigan) N/A (Right/Left Arms) Strategy: The battle against Baigan and his appendages can be quite a pain, if you're not careful. His arms, although they are weak, can wreak such havok on your group if you don't keep everyone's HP high and constantly attack Baigan. Concentrate on the body by having Cecil and Yang attack, the twins cast Twin or Porom use Cure2 on whoever needs it, and Tellah cures the group. After the Twin spell is done, you should have Tellah use something strong, like Lit-3, on the main body ONLY. It'll cause massive damage, but Baigan will put up a wall to deflect such attacks from happening again. That's when you continue using regular attacks and curing the group with Tellah and Porom. After a while, have Tellah do it again with Lit-3. After you beat Baigan, kill off the arms and it's over. Kainazzo Found: Baron Castle HP: 4000 Experience Points: 5500 Weakness: Lightning Strategy: This second Fiend of Elements is quite the pushover, actually! His main attack is a tsunami wave, which can be prevented by the use of Lit spells/attacks. Have Cecil and Yang attack, Palom cast Lit-2, Tellah cast Lit-3, and Porom use Cure2 when the party needs it. The Lit spells will hit just in time, causing Kainazzo to go back into his shell, stopping the attack. Repeat that battle tactic and you'll win this rather quickly. Dark Elf/Dark D. Found: Cave Magnes HP: 22000 (Dark Elf) 3000 (Dark D.) Experience Points: N/A (Dark Elf) 6000 (Dark D.) Weakness: Sacred Power (Dark D.) Strategy: For this two-part battle, you start off against Dark Elf again, but with an advantage. Your party can fully attack with anything they have this round. To attack, have Cecil, Cid, and Yang use regular attacks, while Tellah keeps the party strong with Cure2. Dark Elf will try his Fire2/Lit-2/Ice-2 combo again, but it won't do nearly as much damage as before. When he uses Wind, have Tellah cure that person quickly before they get hit by magic and die. Constantly attack with the rest of your party and Dark Elf will eventually transform into the Dark D. This form is much stronger and powerful, so make sure your party is in good health at ALL times! Have Tellah use his strongest magic again, while everyone else attacks or cures with Cure1/Cure2s when needed. Cecil's attacks will do the most damage, since his sword is Holy. When the Dark D. uses a strong attack, have Tellah use Cure3 to heal the entire party, and someone else use an Ether1 on Tellah to keep him going. It is crucial to your success that you keep everyone, especially Tellah, alive and going on strong, or else you'll lose. Magus Sisters Found: Tower of Zot HP: 2500 (Sandy) 4300 (Cindy) 2200 (Mindy) Experience Points: 5000 (Each sister) Strategy: Fighting the three Magus Sisters can be a pain, especially if you don't know what you're doing. However, it is quite easy, as long as you have a straight battle plan. Cindy (the fat one) is your primary target, since she'll revive the other sisters if you defeat them first. She has Wall cast on her, so you can't use Tellah's great magic to kill her easily. The sisters have a Delta Attack, which is either Fire2, Ice-2, Lit-2, or Virus, cast on a random party member. After they perform the attack, be ready to cure quickly! When it goes around again, Cindy will cast Wall again and it'll reflect onto one of your party members for a period of time. Have Cecil, Yang, and Cid attack, while Tellah concentrates on curing the party. If you're feeling lucky, wait until Cindy reflects Wall onto someone in your group, then have Tellah cast Lit-3 or another strong spell on that party member. It'll reflect off them and hit a random sister, but if it hits Cindy, that's even better. After you beat Cindy, quickly finish off the weaker 2 sisters with magic and attacks. Valvalis Found: Tower of Zot HP: 6000 Experience Points: 9500 Strategy: Being the third Fiend of Elements, Valvalis is quite tough compared to the first two you fought. Her main defense is wrapping herself inside of a tornado, preventing anything from harming her. To break her out of that spin, have Kain jump on her. When she's not wrapped up, have Cecil, Cid, and Yang attack normally, while Rosa uses Cure2 on whoever needs it. Each time Valvalis wraps herself up, she uses Weak on a party member, then Ray, which partially petrifys a party member. Have Rosa ready to cure the weakened person, and have Kain jump quickly to avoid having it happen twice in a row. Attack constantly when she's in her regular form, and have Kain jump to get her out of the tornado spin, and you'll win. Calbrena Found: Castle of Dwarves HP: 1000 (Cal) 300 (Brena) 4600 (Calbrena) Experience Points: 1250 (each Cal and Brina) 19000 (Calbrena) Strategy: This battle against the dolls is a two-round fight, which can be quite annoying. You start off fighting the 6 dolls; 3 Cal (blue) and 3 Brena (orange). Fight these dolls by having Cecil attack the Brenas while Yang and Kain take on one Cal at a time. Meanwhile, Rosa should use Cure2 when needed. After several rounds, the remaining dolls will unite and form the giant Calbrena doll! This is when the real boss battle begins, so be ready to really fight. Have Cecil attack, Yang attack, and Kain jump, while Rosa constantly cures the party. Be careful when Calbrena uses Glance, since it charms a random party member. Keep everyone alive and at high HP, and constantly attack to win this long, hard fight. Golbez Found: Castle of Dwarves HP: N/A Experience Points: 20000 Strategy: The first part of this fight is basically unavoidable, but the rest is actually easy. If you can, as soon as you have the chance, have Kain jump. That way he's offscreen when Golbez starts the attack. Golbez will paralyze the party and summon a Shadow dragon to kill everyone except Cecil. Before Golbez can kill him, a Mist dragon destroys the Shadow. The mysterious person also heals Cecil of the paralysis. Rydia then reappears and the real battle starts. Have Cecil attack, Kain jump or revive Rosa with a Life item, and Rydia use the Titan summon. Golbez uses strong magic, so make Rosa use Cure2 on everyone as soon as possible. If you can, revive Yang as well so you have a whole party attacking Golbez. Attack strongly and Golbez will be over in a few rounds at most. Dr. Lugae/Balnab/Balnab-Z Found: Tower of Bab-il HP: 4416 (Dr. Lugae) 3927 (Balnab) 4000 (Balnab-Z) Experience Points: N/A (All) Strategy: This fight is really simple against the doctor and his dopey creation. Throughout the battle, concentrate your attacks on Balnab only, not the doctor. At first, Balnab will attack Lugae, but will be redirected to attack random members of your party, so be ready. Have Cecil and Yang attack, Kain jump, Rydia summon Titan, and Rosa use Cure2 when needed. After Balnab is destroyed, Dr. Lugae will take control as Balnab-Z. Use the same battle pattern as the first round to quickly dispose of Balnab-Z. If you aren't quick enough, it'll detonate, causing massive damage to your group, which can really cause problems if you haven't been keeping everyone in good shape. The battle is over after you defeat Balnab-Z by yourself or when it self-destructs. Dr. Lugae Found: Tower of Bab-il HP: 6600 Experience Points: 15000 Strategy: The second round with Dr. Lugae is around the same difficulty as the first one, and that is great for this point in the game! He'll immediately transform into a skeleton creature in the beginning, then cast poison status on your entire party. Don't worry about curing that. Instead attack with Cecil and Yang, have Kain jump, Rydia summon Titan, and Rosa use Cure2 or attack with the Aim command. As a counter-attack, Lugae will try to use Gas to put a party member to sleep, but luckily it's rarely effective. He'll sometimes use Beams and Lasers to attack, which you won't have to worry too much about, either. After a while, he'll heal the entire party of the poison, so that also helps a little. Continue the attacking and this battle will be over quickly. Rubicant Found: Tower of Bab-il HP: 25000 Experience Points: 25000 Weakness: Ice Strategy: Fighting this fiery Fiend of Elements can be frustrating, if anything. At first, Rubicant hides behind his cloak. You can still attack him in this state, but if you use an ice/water attack against him, you'll be healing him instead! After a few rounds, he'll open the cloak. He then uses a Scorch attack to cause massive damage to a random party member. Rubicant also uses Fire2 and Fire3 to attack at times, so be prepared for that by having Rosa cure your party at all times. When his cloak is open, that is the best time to use your best ice/water moves (Edge's Flood, Rydia's Shiva summon or Ice-3 if she learned it). Be quick to use those spells because after a few rounds, Rubicant closes his cloak again. To time it correctly, wait a couple rounds, then have Rydia start summoning Shiva. That way, as soon as Rubicant opens the cloak, the summon will be cast. Apart from those watery attacks when the cloak's open, have Cecil attack, Kain jump, and Rosa cure the party, and let Rydia and Edge do all the main attacking to kill Rubicant. Asura Found: Land of Summons HP: 23000 Experience Points: 20000 Strategy: Your first means of dealing with Asura should be to have Rosa cast Wall on her. Asura casts all Cure3 and Cure4 spells, and she'd be impossible to defeat if she always healed. The Wall reflects the spells onto random people in your party, which really helps. However, each time you use an attack on Asura, she counters with a strong blow. Have Cecil and Edge attack, Kain jump, Rydia use the Titan summon, and Rosa cures the party or attacks. Try to keep everyone's HP at their max, since the reflected cure spells are randomly reflected, so it might be given to someone with high HP as opposed to one who has very little. That's why Rosa should be curing for most of the battle. Fighting with Asura's cures not hitting her will win you this battle. Leviatan Found: Land of Summons HP: 35000 Experience Points: 28000 Weakness: Lightning Strategy: Leviatan is probably the hardest boss you've faced thus far in the game. Since he is a water creature, use Edge's Blitz and Rydia's Indra summon (or Lit-3 if she learned it) to cause lots of damage. When Leviatan turns to face your party, he'll send a giant wave to hit everyone for several hundred HP apiece. When he ravels himself up again, he can use Ice-2 on random party members, too. Have Cecil attack, Kain jump, Edge use Blitz, Rydia use Indra or Asura if the party's in really bad shape, and Rosa cure with her highest cure spell at all times. You just have to keep your HP high and attack consistently to defeat him. EvilWall Found: Sealed Cave HP: 19000 Experience Points: 23000 Strategy: The EvilWall, I'd say, is the most annoying boss you've fought thus far in the game. It starts off far away, but quickly moves closer, attacking each time it moves. If it gets too close, it'll crush party members until your party is gone. To fight, have Cecil and Kain attack, Edge use the Dart command to send Shuriken and the Ninja star flying at it, Rydia should summon Leviatan, and Rosa cast Slow on EvilWall. She should also cast Bersk on Cecil or Kain to make them attack automatically, and somewhat more often. Otherwise, she should be using Slow or curing the party. Simply concentrate on pummeling the wall with attacks and it'll be gone in no time. Bahamut Found: Cave Bahamut HP: 37000 Experience Points: 35000 Strategy: If you didn't know any better, the fight with Bahamut would be considered as the impossible-to-win battle. Well, there is a trick to beating him that makes the fight more feasible. Bahamut counts down from 5 to 0, once each round. When he reaches 0, he launches a MegaFlre attack on everyone, killing anyone it hits. To avoid that, have Rosa and FuSoYa cast Wall on themselves, then the rest of the party as quickly as they can. While Rosa and FuSoYa work to Wall up the party, have Cecil and Edge attack normally, and Rydia should summon Leviatan. After the countdown is over, the MegaFlre will reflect off those protected party members and hit Bahamut, causing him 9999 damage. When the countdown starts up again, repeat the process of using Wall on everyone. Constantly attack with the rest of the party to finish up Bahamut as quickly as you can after that. Elements Found: Giant of Bab-il HP: 104000 (All elements) Experience Points: 62500 Weakness: Arrows, Sacred Power, Fire (Milon Z.) Ice (Rubicant) Lightning (Kainazzo) N/A (Valvalis) Strategy: This final encounter with the Elements places you in a battle against them all, one after another. First up is Milon Z. Have Cecil attack, Edge attack or use Flame, Rydia cast Fire3 or summon Jinn, FuSoYa cast Fire3 or White, or cure the party when necessary, and Rosa cure or use White (if she knows it). Milon will try to curse party members, so be ready to use Heal to cure those people to prevent them from taking damage by having lower stats. The second Element is Rubicant, without his cloak. Have Cecil attack, Edge use Flood, Rydia summon Leviatan, FuSoYa use Ice-3, and Rosa cures. Rubicant may use Fire2 and Fire3, as well as a Scorch attack on everyone, so be ready for that! After Rubicant comes Kainazzo, so have Cecil attack, Edge use Blitz, Rydia use Lit-3 or summon Indra, FuSoYa cast Lit-3, and Rosa cures the party again. Watch out for the big wave attack, since it could hit you off guard, so it's best you keep your party's HP near the max for this part of the fight. After beating Kainazzo, Valvalis appears as the final Element. Be careful in this final part, as Valvalis can end up killing your party if you're not careful. Have Cecil and Edge attack, Rydia summon Bahamut or Asura if the party needs a healing badly, FuSoYa use Nuke or any other strong black magic, or cure the party, and have Rosa cure. Keeping the party's HP high in this part is essential to winning, since Valvalis can reduce a person's HP to below 10, then partially petrify another, so be prepared for that. Attack Valvalis enough and she'll go down, winning you the toughest series of battles in the game! CPU/Attacker/Defender Found: Giant of Bab-il HP: 20000 (CPU) 2000 (Attacker) 2000 (Defender) Experience Points: 150000 (All) Weaknesses: N/A Strategy: The battle against the giant's core system can be long and arduous, but very simple to win. The main CPU is a large orb while the Attacker and Defender are smaller units. Your first target is the Defender, since it cures the CPU. Watch to see which one attacks/cures, and attack the Defender. If you kill one, do NOT kill the Attacker or else the CPU will use a 9999 HP hit attack on your party members! As for the Attacker, it just shoots at you, but it's nothing to worry about. Also, the CPU has Wall cast upon it, so don't bother using magic to kill it quickly. If you want to take a chance, put Wall on one of your characters and reflect a spell off them, hoping it hits the CPU. Once the CPU is knocked out, finish off the Attacker and the fight will be done. Odin Found: Baron Castle HP: 20500 Experience Points: 18000 Weaknesses: Lightning Strategy: The fight against Odin is sort of a timed fight, since if you don't defeat him quickly enough, he will instantly kill your entire party. You can tell when this is about to happen when he raises his sword in the air. As for attacking, Odin is weak versus lightning, so make sure you have Rydia use Lit-3, Edge use Blitz or Dart, Cecil attack, Kain use Jump, and Rosa use Aim. Don't worry so much about healing here, since Odin's only real attack will be that instant-kill. Also, if you don't win the first time around, level up a bit more before returning, or be quicker about the attacks. Pale Dim Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 27500 Experience Points: 59000 Strategy: This white dragon can be a bit annoying to defeat, especially with the constant attacks on your party. When you attack it, it counters by casting Slow on a random party member, which slows down progress significantly after a while. Have Cecil and Edge attack, Kain jump, Rydia call Bahamut, and Rosa use Cure3 or Cure4 on everyone each round. The Pale Dim uses Storm on the whole party every now and then, reducing everyone to below 10 HP, so be prepared to cure QUICKLY after that. Also, it uses a quake attack, which you avoid by floating. Other than that, just attack consistently and keep everyone's HP up to make it through this battle. Wyvern Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 25000 Experience Points: 64300 Strategy: As soon as the battle starts, Wyvern will unleash a MegaNuke attack on the entire party, killing at least 1-2 party members. Your first means of business now should be to recover the group and start the attacking. If Rosa is alive, cast Cure4 on those who are still alive, while the others use Life items to bring back the rest of the party. With the party as a whole, have Cecil and Edge attack, Kain jump, and Rydia summon Asura or Bahamut. Beware if you have Rydia call Bahamut though; after a Bahamut attack, Wyvern will retaliate and use MegaNuke on the party again. If you really want to do that, have Rosa cast Wall on the weaker party members (herself and Rydia, basically), then have Rydia use Bahamut. That way, the MegaNuke will reflect off them and hit Wyvern for some good damage; although it'll hit the rest of your group, they're strong enough to withstand it. At times, Wyvern will also recover some lost HP, so continue the attack pattern mentioned above, and keep everyone's HP at the max, and this battle will be won. Plague Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 28000 Experience Points: 31200 Weakness: Arrows Strategy: As soon as the battle starts, the Plague casts Doom on the entire party, initiating a countdown from 10 to 0. When the timer hits 0, the party members start to die. If you followed my walkthrough to this point, you should have a single party member already dead entering this fight (for me, it was Edge). Have Cecil attack, Kain jump, Rydia call Bahamut, and Rosa use the Aim command to attack. After the first round or so, when the timers are at 4 or so, have Rosa or another party member use Life on Edge. Bringing back a dead party member will trigger the Plague to recast Doom on everyone, restarting the count from 10. With this extra time, continue the assault and you will win! D. Lunar (x2) Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 21000 (each) Experience Points: 50000 (each) Strategy: These skeletal dinosaur creatures really aren't as bad as you might think. It's just a matter of keeping everyone alive and with high HP, that's all. Plus, whenever Cecil attacks with the Crystal sword equipped, he causes 9999 HP damage, so that'll really decimate these enemies quickly. Have Cecil and Edge attack, Kain jump, Rosa use Cure3 or Cure4 on the party often, and Rydia simply attack or Parry because her summons are useless here. If Bahamut is used, the D. Lunars will recover a few thousand HP, making the summon useless. The D. Lunars tend to use Fire on the entire party often, as well as cast Wall on themselves and reflect Virus spells onto your group. Have Rosa keep everyone in great shape and the battle should be done in just a handful of rounds. Ogopogo Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 37000 Experience Points: 61100 Strategy: This strong water creature is just like Leviatan, only MUCH worse! It starts off by using a double dose of the Big Wave on your party, easily taking away 1000+ HP from everyone in one shot. Be ready with Rosa to cast Cure4 on everyone to keep the fight going. Have Cecil attack, Edge attack or Dart some Shurikens or Ninjas for added damage, Kain jump, Rydia summon Bahamut or Asura if the party's in bad shape, and Rosa continue the curing. Be careful for when it uses its Big Wave attacks again, as well as hitting random party members with physical attacks. As with the last bunch of boss fights, it's a matter of keeping your HP high and consistently attacking to win. Zeromus Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 133,333(?) Experience Points: N/A Strategy: Obviously, Zeromus is the FINAL boss of this game, and it is HARD! Zeromus uses strong regular attacks, as well as the massive Big Bang attack, capable of taking over 2000 HP from each party member if you're not strong enough! Zeromus also uses a Black Hole move, which nullifies any magical defenses you have on your party (Wall, Fast). For fighting back, have Cecil attack, Edge throw everything you have (including the Excalbur, Light, and Defense swords, as well as any Shuriken and Ninja stars you have left over). Have Rydia summon Bahamut or Asura to cure the party if it's necessary, and Rosa should always be using Cure3 or Cure4 on the party. Late in the battle, Zeromus will start using Meteo to hit random party members, but it's a weak attack coming from it, so don't worry too much over it. Just be prepared for the strong attacks Zeromus has in store, and you should fare well in this final fight of the game. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 8. Weapons -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ====== Arrows ====== Equipped by Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia. Name Effects ---- ------- Artemis ATK +75; strong vs. Dragons Charm ATK +40; may inflict Charm Darkness ATK +20; may inflict Blind Fire ATK +15; strong vs. Ice Ice ATK +15; strong vs. Fire Iron ATK +5 Lit ATK +15; strong vs. Water/Flying Monsters Medusa ATK +1 Mute ATK +35; may inflict Mute Poison ATK +30; may inflict Poison Samurai ATK +50 White ATK +10; strong vs. Undead ==== Axes ==== Equipped by Cecil (Paladin) and Kain. Name Effects ---- ------- Dwarf ATK +62, STR/VIT +5, AGI/WIS/WIL -5 Ogre ATK +80; strong vs. Giants Poison ATK +95; 2-handed weapon (no shield), may inflict Poison Rune ATK +102; 2-handed weapon (no shield), may inflict KO ========== Boomerangs ========== Equipped by Edge only. Name Effects ---- ------- Boomerang ATK +20 FullMoon ATK +40 ==== Bows ==== Equipped by Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia. Name Effects ---- ------- Archer ATK +20, STR +5 Artemis ATK +35 CrossBow ATK +10 ElvenBow ATK +25, WIS +5 GreatBow ATK +15, STR +3 Samurai ATK +30, STR +10 ShortBow ATK +5 ===== Claws ===== Equipped by Yang only. Name Effects ---- ------- CatClaw ATK +0, STR/AGI +5; can cause Sleep status Charm ATK +0, AGI +3; may inflict Charm Fire Claw ATK +0; strong vs. Ice Ice Claw ATK +0; strong vs. Fire Poison ATK +0, STR +3; may inflict Poison Thunder ATK +0; strong vs. Water =========== Dark Swords =========== Equipped by Cecil (Dark Knight) only. Name Effects ---- ------- Black ATK +30, STR/AGI/VIT/WIS +5, WIL -5; may inflict KO Darkness ATK +20; may inflict Mute Shadow ATK +10; may inflict Mute ======= Hammers ======= Equipped by Cid only. Name Effects ---- ------- Earth ATK +65, STR +5; casts Quake (use as item) Silver ATK +55 Wooden ATK +45 ===== Harps ===== Equipped by Edward only. Name Effects ---- ------- Charm ATK +18; may inflict Charm Dreamer ATK +8; may inflict Sleep =========== Holy Swords =========== Equipped by Cecil (Paladin) only. Name Effects ---- ------- Crystal ATK +200, STR/VIT/WIL +15; strong vs. Undead Excalbur ATK +160, STR +10; strong vs. Undead Legend ATK +40, WIL +3; strong vs. Undead Light ATK +99, STR/WIL +3; strong vs. Undead ======= Katanas ======= Equipped by Edge only. Name Effects ---- ------- Long ATK +40 Masamune ATK +55 Middle ATK +32 Murasame ATK +55 Ninja ATK +48 Short ATK +25 ====== Knives ====== Equipped by Cecil (Paladin), Edge, Edward, Kain, Palom, Rydia. Name Effects ---- ------- Dancing ATK +28 Mute ATK +35, WIS +5, can inflict Mute Silver ATK +20, strong vs. Undead =========== Ninja Stars =========== Used via Edge's Throw ability only. Name Effects ---- ------- Ninja ATK +88 Shuriken ATK +40 Spoon ATK +255 ==== Rods ==== Equipped by FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia, Tellah. Name Effects ---- ------- Change ATK +15, WIS +5; may inflict Pig, casts Piggy (use as item) Charm ATK +30, WIS +10; may inflict Charm, casts Charm (use as item) FlameRod ATK +7, WIS +3; strong vs. Ice, casts Fire1 (use as item) IceRod ATK +5; strong vs. Fire, casts Ice-1 (use as item) Lilith ATK +13, WIS +5; may inflict Drain, casts Psych (use as item) Rod ATK +3 Stardust ATK +45, WIS +15; may cast Comet, casts Comet (use as item) Thunder ATK +20, WIS +3; strong vs. Water/Flying Monsters, casts Lit-1 (use as item) ====== Spears ====== Equipped by Kain only. Name Effects ---- ------- Blizzard ATK +77; strong vs. Fire, casts Ice-2 (use as item) Dragoon ATK +99 Drain ATK +88, all other stats -10; may inflict Drain Flame ATK +66; strong vs. Ice, casts Fire2 (use as item) Gungnir ATK +92, DEF +7, VIT +15 Spear ATK +9 White ATK +109; strong vs. Undead, casts White (use as item) Wind ATK +55, strong vs. Flying Enemies ====== Staves ====== Equipped by FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia (Child), Tellah. * - Equipped by Cecil (Paladin). Name Effects ---- ------- Cure* ATK +8; strong vs. Undead, casts Cure1 on party (use as item) Life ATK +48; strong vs. Undead, casts Life1 (use as item) Lunar ATK +36, WIL +10 Power ATK +30; may inflict Berserk, casts Berserk (use as item) Silence ATK +52, WIL +10; may inflict Mute, casts Mute (use as item) Silver* ATK +12, WIL +3; strong vs. Undead Staff* ATK +4; cures Poison (use as item) ====== Swords ====== Equipped by Cecil (Paladin) and Kain. Name Effects ---- ------- Ancient ATK +35; may inflict Curse Avenger ATK +80, STR/AGI/VIT +10, WIS/WIL -10; Berserk on self Defense ATK +105, DEF +2, MDEF +1, VIT +15 Drain ATK +45, all other stats -5; may inflict Drain Fire ATK +65; strong vs. Ice IceBrand ATK +75; strong vs. Fire Medusa ATK +78; may inflict Petrify Silver ATK +50; strong vs. Undead Slumber ATK +55; may inflict Sleep ===== Whips ===== Equipped by Rydia only. Name Effects ---- ------- Blitz ATK +40; strong vs. Water/Flying Monsters, may inflict Paralyze Chain ATK +30; may inflict Paralyze Dragon ATK +80; strong vs. Dragons, may inflict Paralyze Flame ATK +50, STR/AGI/VIT +5, WIS/WIL -5; strong vs. Ice, may inflict Paralyze Whip ATK +20; may inflict Paralyze ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 9. Armor -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ====== Legend ====== C - Cecil (Paladin) CDK - Cecil (Dark Knight) CI - Cid ED - Edward EG - Edge F - FuSoYa K - Kain PA - Palom PO - Porom RO - Rosa RY - Rydia T - Tellah Y - Yang * - Not equipped by Cecil (Dark Knight). ========== Body Armor ========== Name Can Equip Effects ---- --------- ------- Adamant All DEF +100, MDEF +20, all others +15; strong vs. All Black CDK DEF +9, MDEF +3; strong vs. Undead Crystal C DEF +23, MDEF +10, WIL +3; strong vs. All Darkness CDK DEF +7, MDEF +2; strong vs. Undead Diamond C/CI/K DEF +19, MDEF +4; strong vs. Lightning Dragoon C/CI/K DEF +23, MDEF +8; strong vs. Elementals Fire C/CI/K DEF +15, MDEF +4; strong vs. Ice, weak vs. Fire Ice C/CI/K DEF +17, MDEF +4, strong vs. Fire, weak vs. Ice Iron C/CI/K DEF +4, MDEF +1 Paladin C DEF +11, MDEF +3, WIL +3 Samurai C/CDK/CI/K DEF +21, MDEF +4 Shadow CDK DEF +5, MDEF +1; strong vs. Undead Silver C/CI/K DEF +13, MDEF +4; strong vs. Undead ===== Robes ===== Name Can Equip Effects ---- --------- ------- Bard All* DEF +2, MDEF +1; helps Edward inflict status effects Bl. Belt All* DEF +10, MDEF +3, STR/VIT +5 Black F/PA/RY/T DEF +8, MDEF +7, WIL +5; strong vs. Undead Cloth All* DEF +1 Gaea C/F/PA/PO/RO/RY/T DEF +3, MDEF +3; strong vs. Earth Heroine PO/RO/RY DEF +20, MDEF +5, ATK +4, STR/AGI/VIT +15, WIS/WIL -15 Karate All* DEF +5, MDEF +2, STR +3 Leather All* DEF +2, MDEF +1 Ninja EG DEF +24, MDEF +50, AGI +3 Power All* DEF +5, STR +15 Prisoner All* DEF +1, MDEF +1 Sorcerer C/F/PA/PO/RO/RY/T DEF +12, MDEF +9, WIS/WIL +5 White C/F/PO/RO/T DEF +18, MDEF +10, WIL +15 Wizard C/F/PA/PO/RO/RY/T DEF +5, MDEF +5, WIL +5 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 10. Helmets -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ====== Legend ====== C - Cecil (Paladin) CDK - Cecil (Dark Knight) CI - Cid ED - Edward EG - Edge F - FuSoYa K - Kain PA - Palom PO - Porom RO - Rosa RY - Rydia T - Tellah Y - Yang * - Not equipped by Cecil (Dark Knight). Name Can Equip Effects ---- --------- ------- Bandana All* DEF +3, MDEF +1, STR/VIT +5 Black CDK DEF +6, MDEF +1; strong vs. Undead Cap All* DEF +1, MDEF +1 Crystal C DEF +12, MDEF +8; strong vs. All Darkness CDK DEF +5, MDEF +1; strong vs. Undead Diamond C/CI/K DEF +9, MDEF +2; strong vs. Lightning Dragoon C/CI/K DEF +11, MDEF +7; strong vs. Elementals Feather All DEF +2, MDEF +3 Gaea C/F/PA/PO/RO/RY/T DEF/WIS/WIL +3, MDEF +5; strong vs. Earth Glass All DEF +15, MDEF +10; strong vs. Elementals Headband All* DEF +1, MDEF +1, STR +5; helps prevent Charm Iron C/CI/K DEF +3 Leather All* DEF +2, MDEF +3 Ninja All* DEF +5, MDEF +1, STR/AGI/VIT +3; helps prevent Sleep Paladin C DEF +7, MDEF +2, WIL +3 Ribbon All DEF +9, MDEF +12, strong vs./helps prevent All Samurai C/CI/EG/K DEF +10, MDEF +6 Shadow CDK DEF +4; strong vs. Undead Silver C/CDK/CI/K DEF +8, MDEF +2 Tiara PO/RO/RY DEF +7, MDEF/WIS +10; strong vs. Lightning Wizard C/F/PA/PO/RO/RY/T DEF +5, MDEF +7, WIL +5 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 11. Shields -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ====== Legend ====== C - Cecil (Paladin) CDK - Cecil (Dark Knight) CI - Cid K - Kain Name Can Equip Effects ---- --------- ------- Aegis C/CI/K DEF +4, MDEF +5, WIS +3; helps prevent Petrify Black CDK DEF +2; strong vs. Undead Crystal C DEF +7, MDEF +4, WIL +3 Diamond C/CI/K DEF +4, MDEF +2, strong vs. Lightning/Machines Dragoon C/CI/K DEF +6, MDEF +3; strong vs. Elementals Fire C/CI/K DEF +3, MDEF +2; strong vs. Ice, weak vs. Fire Ice C/CI/K DEF +3, MDEF +2; strong vs. Fire, weak vs. Ice Iron C/CI/K DEF +1 Paladin C DEF +2, MDEF +1, WIL +3 Samurai C/CI/K DEF +5, MDEF +3 Shadow CDK DEF +1; strong vs. Undead Silver C/CI/K DEF +3, MDEF +2 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 12. Arm Gear -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ====== Legend ====== C - Cecil (Paladin) CDK - Cecil (Dark Knight) CI - Cid ED - Edward EG - Edge F - FuSoYa K - Kain PA - Palom PO - Porom RO - Rosa RY - Rydia T - Tellah Y - Yang * - Not equipped by Cecil (Dark Knight). ========= Gauntlets ========= Name Can Equip Effects ---- --------- ------- Black CDK DEF +4; strong vs. Undead Crystal C DEF +10, MDEF +7, WIL +3 Darkness CDK DEF +3; strong vs. Undead Diamond C/CI/F/K DEF +7, MDEF +3; strong vs. Lightning Dragoon C/CI/K DEF +9, MDEF +6; strong vs. Elementals Iron C/CDK/CI/F/K DEF +2 Paladin C DEF +5, MDEF +1, WIL +3 Samurai C/CI/K DEF +8, MDEF +5 Shadow CDK DEF +2; strong vs. Undead Silver C/CI/F/K DEF +6, MDEF +2 Zeus C/CDK/CI/F/K DEF +11, MDEF +8 ===== Rings ===== Name Can Equip Effects ---- --------- ------- CrysRing All* DEF +20, MDEF +12; strong vs. Elementals Cursed All ATK -8, DEF -8, all others -15 Diamond C/CI/K DEF +6, MDEF +8, strong vs. Lightning IronRing ED/F/PA/PO/RO/RY/T/Y DEF +2, MDEF +2 Protect All* DEF +10, MDEF +12, VIT +15; strong vs. Elementals RubyRing All* MDEF +3 Rune ED/EG/PA/PO/RO/RY/T/Y DEF +5, MDEF +8, WIS/WIL +3; helps prevent Mute Silver ED/F/PA/PO/RO/RY/T/Y DEF +4, MDEF +4 Strength C/CDK/CI/EG/K/RY/Y ATK +1, DEF +2, MDEF +2, STR +5 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 13. Items -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============ Usable Items ============ Bomb (Summon): Teach Rydia the Bomb summon. Cabin: Restores all HP and MP, as well as all status ailments (and KO). Cure1: Recovers a small amount of HP. Cure2: Recovers a larger amount of HP. Cure3: Recovers even more HP. Elixir: Fully restores all HP and MP. Ether1: Recovers some MP. Ether2: Recovers more MP. FireBomb: Hit all enemies with a strong fire attack. Heal: Recovers all status ailments of a single character. Imp (Summon): Teach Rydia the Imp summon. Life: Revives a fallen ally, and recovers some HP. Lit-Bolt: Hit all enemies with a strong bolt attack. Mage (Summon): Teach Rydia the Mage summon. Tent: Restores some HP and MP, as well as all status ailments except KO. Whistle: Call the Fat Chocobo on the spot. ================ Non-Usable Items ================ Adamant: Ore used to make Excalbur sword. Baron: Unlocks Baron's Weapon/Armor shop, and door leading into the Waterway. Crystal: Reveals Zeromus's true state in the final battle. Magma: Drop in the well at Agart to unlock the way to the Underworld. Luca: Luca's necklace, used to open the Sealed Cave. Package: Deliver to Mist, where it'll activate, destroying the village. Pan: Used to knock Yang back into consciousness at the Sylvan Cave. Pink: Give to tail collector to get the Adamant armor. Rat: Give to tail collector to get the Adamant item. SandRuby: Get from the Antlion to cure Rosa's fever in Kaipo. Tower: Unlocks the Super Cannon room at the Tower of Bab-il. TwinHarp: Used to synchronize the music Edward plays on the real harp. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 14. Magic Spells -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =========== White Magic =========== Bersk MP: 18 Level Learned: (Rosa) 20 (Porom) 18 Description: Cause Berserk status on an ally/enemy, allowing that character to attack on its own. Blink MP: 8 Level Learned: (Rosa) 23 (Porom) 23 Description: Raises the chances of evading attacks. Charm MP: 10 Level Learned: (Rosa) 24 (Porom) 25 Description: Cause confusion status on an enemy. Cure1 MP: 3 Level Learned: (Child Rydia) 3 (Rosa) 24 (Cecil) N/A (get upon becoming Paladin) (Porom) N/A Description: Restore a small amount of HP. Cure2 MP: 9 Level Learned: (Rosa) 13 (Cecil) 15 (Porom) 13 Description: Restore a bit more HP than Cure1. Cure3 MP: 18 Level Learned: (Rosa) 28 (Porom) 33 Description: Restore more HP than Cure1 and Cure2. Cure4 MP: 40 Level Learned: (Rosa) 38 (Porom) 48 Description: Restore the most HP of all Cure spells. Exit MP: 10 Level Learned: (Rosa) N/A (After clearing Tower of Zot) (Cecil) 19 (Porom) 19 Description: Exit the dungeon and appear at the entrance outside; warp out of a non-boss battle. Fast MP: 25 Level Learned: (Rosa) 30 (Porom) 38 Description: Speeds up the ally/enemy. Float MP: 8 Level Learned: (Rosa) 32 (Porom) 40 Description: Float above the ground to avoid quake attacks, avoid glowing floor sections in Land of Summons/Sylvan Cave. Heal MP: 20 Level Learned: (Rosa) 18 (Cecil) 24 (Porom) 20 Description: Cure all status ailments except KO. Hold MP: 5 Level Learned: (Child Rydia) 7 (Rosa) N/A (Porom) N/A Description: Stop the enemy for several rounds. Life1 MP: 8 Level Learned: (Rosa) 11 (Porom) 11 Description: Revive a fallen ally and restore a small amount of HP. Life2 MP: 52 Level Learned: (Rosa) 42 (Porom) 56 Description: Revive a fallen ally and restore all HP. Mute MP: 6 Level Learned: (Rosa) 15 (Porom) 15 Description: Cause mute status on an enemy. Peep MP: 1 Level Learned: (Rosa) N/A (Cecil) 8 (Porom) N/A Description: View an enemy's HP and weaknesses (doesn't work on bosses). Size MP: 6 Level Learned (Rosa) 29 (Porom) 31 Description: Cause mini status on an enemy, lowers its attack/defense power. Sight MP: 2 Level Learned: (Child Rydia) 4 (Rosa) N/A (Cecil) 3 (Porom) N/A Description: Zoom out the view to see surrounding areas for a moment. Slow MP: 14 Level Learned: (Rosa) N/A (Porom) N/A Description: Slows down the ally/enemy. Wall MP: 30 Level Learned: (Rosa) 34 (Porom) 44 Description: Reflects magic attacks back to the user. White MP: 46 Level Learned: (Rosa) 49 (Porom) 52 Description: Use a strong holy attack on an enemy. =========== Black Magic =========== Note: Since only Rydia learns black magic spells throughout the game (with the exception of Palom early in the game), all the levels listed below pertain to her unless otherwise noted. Drain MP: 18 Level Learned: (Rydia) 35 (Palom) 26 Description: Absorb an enemy's HP. Fatal MP: 35 Level Learned: (Rydia) 49 (Palom) 46 Description: Instantly kill the enemy (does not work on bosses). Fire1 MP: 5 Level Learned: (Rydia) N/A (Learns at start of Mt. Hobs) (Palom) N/A Description: Use a fire attack on the enemy. Fire2 MP: 15 Level Learned: (Rydia) N/A (After rejoining as an adult) (Palom) 12 Description: Use a stronger fire attack on the enemy. Fire3 MP: 30 Level Learned: (Rydia) 40 (Palom) 33 Description: Use an even stronger fire attack on the enemy. Ice-1 MP: 5 Level Learned: (Rydia) 2 (Palom) N/A Description: Use an ice attack on the enemy. Ice-2 MP: 15 Level Learned: (Rydia) N/A (After rejoining as an adult) (Palom) 11 Description: Use a stronger ice attack on the enemy. Ice-3 MP: 30 Level Learned: (Rydia) 38 (Palom) 32 Description: Use an even stronger ice attack on the enemy. Lit-1 MP: 5 Level Learned: (Rydia) 5 (Palom) N/A Description: Use a bolt attack on the enemy. Lit-2 MP: 15 Level Learned: (Rydia) N/A (After rejoining as an adult) (Palom) 13 Description: Use a stronger bolt attack on the enemy. Lit-3 MP: 30 Level Learned: (Rydia) 42 (Palom) 34 Description: Use an even stronger bolt attack on the enemy. Meteo MP: 99 Level Learned: (Rydia) 60 (Palom) 50 Description: Hit all enemies with a strong meteor shower. Nuke MP: 50 Level Learned: (Rydia) 50 (Palom) 52 Description: Use a very strong explosion attack on the enemy. Piggy MP: 1 Level Learned: (Rydia) 20 (Palom) 11 Description: Cause pig status on the enemy. Psych MP: 0 Level Learned: (Rydia) 31 (Palom) 40 Description: Absorb an enemy's MP. Quake MP: 30 Level Learned: (Rydia) 44 (Palom) 23 Description: Use an earthquake attack on the enemy. Sleep MP: 12 Level Learned: (Rydia) 8 (Palom) N/A Description: Cause sleep status on the enemy. Stone MP: 15 Level Learned: (Rydia) 46 (Palom) 36 Description: Turn an enemy into stone, killing it. Stop MP: 15 Level Learned: (Rydia) 15 (Palom) 14 Description: Stop an enemy for several rounds. Toad MP: 7 Level Learned: (Rydia) 13 (Palom) 22 Description: Cause toad status on the enemy. Venom MP: 2 Level Learned: (Rydia) 10 (Palom) N/A Description: Attack the enemy and cause poison status on it; gradually decrease its HP. Virus MP: 20 Level Learned: (Rydia) 26 (Palom) 19 Description: Use a stronger attack on the enemy and cause poison status on it; gradually decrease its HP. Warp MP: 4 Level Learned: (Rydia) 12 (Palom) 29 Description: Warp to the previous room in the current dungeon/castle. Weak MP: 30 Level Learned: (Rydia) 48 (Palom) 48 Description: Weaken the enemy to below 10 HP (does not work on bosses). =========== Ninja Magic =========== Note: Since only Edge learns these spells throughout the game, all the levels listed below pertain to him. Blitz MP: 25 Level Learned: N/A (Learn in rage before Rubicant fight) Description: Use a bolt attack on the enemy. Flame MP: 15 Level Learned: N/A Description: Use a fire attack on the enemy. Flood MP: 20 Level Learned: N/A (Learn in rage before Rubicant fight) Description: Use a water attack on the enemy. Image MP: 6 Level Learned: 38 Description: Increases chances to evade attacks. Pin MP: 5 Level Learned: 27 Description: Pin down the enemy, paralyzing it for several rounds. Smoke MP: 10 Level Learned: 33 Description: Put up a smokescreen and run away from battle. ======= Summons ======= Asura MP: 50 Learned At: Land of Summons (Defeat Asura) Description: Summon Asura to cure the party. Baham MP: 60 Learned At: Cave Bahamut (Defeat Bahamut) Description: Summon Bahamut to use a strong MegaFire attack on the enemy. Bomb MP: 10 Learned At: N/A (Randomly dropped by Bomb enemy) Description: Summon Bomb to explode, hurting the enemy. Chocb MP: 7 Learned At: N/A Description: Summon a Chocobo to use a weak kick on the enemy. Imp MP: 1 Learned At: N/A (Randomly dropped by Imp enemy) Description: Summon Imp to use a weak punch on the enemy. Indra MP: 30 Learned At: N/A (After rejoining as an adult) Description: Summon Indra to use a strong bolt attack on the enemy. Jinn MP: 30 Learned At: N/A (After rejoining as an adult) Description: Summon Ifrit to use a strong fire attack on the enemy. Levia MP: 50 Learned At: Land of Summons (Defeat Leviatan after Asura) Description: Summon Leviatan to use a strong water attack on the enemy. Mage MP: 18 Learned At: N/A (Randomly dropped by Mage enemy) Description: Summon Mage to use a blast attack on the enemy. Mist MP: 20 Learned At: N/A (After rejoining as an adult) Description: Summon the Mist Dragon to shoot mist at the enemy (the higher Rydia's HP, the stronger the attack). Odin MP: 45 Learned At: Baron Castle (Talk to the King in the basement after visiting Land of Summons) Description: Summon Odin to slice apart the enemies, killing them all instantly (does not work every time, though). Shiva MP: 30 Learned At: N/A (After rejoining as an adult) Description: Summon Shiva to use a strong ice attack on the enemy. Sylph MP: 25 Learned At: Sylvan Cave (After beating the Giant of Bab-il) Description: Summon Sylph to absorb the enemy's HP and split it among your party. Titan MP: 40 Learned At: N/A (After rejoining as an adult) Description: Summon Titan to use a strong earthquake attack on the enemy. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 15. Shops -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ===== Baron ===== Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Cure1 30 Life 150 Tent 200 Carrot 50 Heal 100 Ether1 10000 Weapon Shop (Unlock with Baron) ------------------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Thunder (Rod) 700 Cure (Staff) 480 Fire (Claw) 350 Ice (Claw) 450 Thunder (Claw) 550 Armor Shop (Unlock with Baron) ------------------------------ Name Price ---- ----- Headband (Helm) 450 Karate (Body) 4000 Silver (Arm) 650 ===== Kaipo ===== Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Cure1 30 Life 150 Tent 200 Carrot 50 Heal 100 Ether1 10000 Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Rod 100 Staff 160 ShortBow 220 Iron (Arrow) 10 Armor Shop ---------- Name Price ---- ----- Cap (Helm) 100 Cloth (Body) 50 Leather (Body) 200 Iron (Ring) 100 ===== Fabul ===== Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Cure1 30 Life 150 Tent 200 Carrot 50 Heal 100 Ether1 10000 Weapon/Armor Shop ----------------- Name Price ---- ----- Fire (Claw) 350 Ice (Claw) 450 Thunder (Claw) 550 Black (Helm) 980 Black (Body) 3000 Black (Arm) 800 ======= Mysidia ======= Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Cure1 30 Life 150 Tent 200 Cabin 1000 Heal 100 Ether1 10000 Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Ice Rod 220 FlameRod 380 Cure (Staff) 480 CrossBow 700 White (Arrow) 20 Armor Shop ---------- Name Price ---- ----- Gaea (Helm) 700 Gaea (Body) 500 Silver (Arm) 650 Paladin (Shield) 700 Paladin (Helm) 4000 Paladin (Body) 8000 Paladin (Arm) 3000 ==== Mist ==== Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Whip 3000 Dancing (Knife) 5000 Armor Shop ---------- Name Price ---- ----- Bard (Body) 70 ====== Toroia ====== Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Cure1 30 Life 150 Tent 200 Carrot 50 Heal 100 Ether1 10000 Item Shop (Inside Pub) ---------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Pass 10000 Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Wooden (Hammer) 80 GreatBow 2000 Fire (Arrow) 30 Ice (Arrow) 30 Lit (Arrow) 30 Armor Shop ---------- Name Price ---- ----- Cap (Helm) 100 Leather (Helm) 330 Cloth (Body) 50 Leather (Body) 200 RubyRing (Arm) 1000 ======= Silvera ======= Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Heal 100 Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Silver (Staff) 4000 Silver (Knife) 3000 Silver (Hammer) 8000 Silver (Sword) 6000 Armor Shop ---------- Name Price ---- ----- Silver (Shield) 1000 Silver (Helm) 3000 Silver (Body) 17000 Silver (Arm) 2000 ===== Agart ===== Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Cure1 30 Life 150 Tent 200 Carrot 50 Heal 100 Ether1 10000 Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Rod 100 Staff 160 Spear 60 Boomerang 3000 ShortBow 220 CrossBow 700 Iron (Arrow) 10 White (Arrow) 20 Armor Shop ---------- Name Price ---- ----- Iron (Shield) 100 Iron (Helm) 150 Iron (Body) 600 Iron (Gauntlet) 130 IronRing (Ring) 100 ================= Castle of Dwarves ================= Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Life 150 Cure1 30 Cure2 150 Tent 200 Cabin 1000 Carrot 50 Heal 100 Ether1 10000 Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Dwarf (Axe) 15000 GreatBow 2000 Darkness (Arrow) 40 Fire (Sword) 14000 Flame (Spear) 11000 Armor Shop ---------- Name Price ---- ----- Fire (Shield) 1250 Fire (Body) 30000 Wizard (Helm) 2000 Wizard (Body) 1200 Rune (Arm) 2000 =========== Cave Eblana =========== Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Life 150 Cure1 30 Cure2 150 Tent 200 Cabin 1000 Carrot 50 Heal 100 Ether1 10000 Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Power (Staff) 2000 IceBrand (Sword) 26000 Blizzard (Spear) 21000 Short (Blade) 4000 Boomerang 3000 Archer (Bow) 3000 Poison (Arrow) 70 Armor Shop ---------- Name Price ---- ----- Ice (Shield) 10000 Ice (Body) 35000 Black (Robe) 10000 ===== Tomra ===== Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Life 150 Cure1 30 Cure2 150 Tent 200 Cabin 1000 Carrot 50 Heal 100 Ether1 10000 Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Middle (Blade) 7000 Chain (Whip) 6000 Ogre (Axe) 45000 Archer (Bow) 3000 Mute (Arrow) 100 Armor Shop ---------- Name Price ---- ----- Diamond (Shield) 15000 Diamond (Helm) 10000 Diamond (Body) 40000 Diamond (Gauntlet) 5000 Tiara (Helm) 20000 Diamond (Ring) 4000 =============== Land of Summons =============== Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Life 150 Cure1 30 Cure2 150 Tent 200 Cabin 1000 Carrot 50 Heal 100 Ether1 10000 Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Whip 3000 Chain (Whip) 6000 Blitz (Whip) 10000 Charm (Rod) 5000 Lunar (Staff) 7000 Charm (Arrow) 110 Armor Shop ---------- Name Price ---- ----- Aegis (Shield) 20000 Sorcerer (Body) 30000 =============== Hummingway Cave =============== Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Cure2 150 Life 150 Ether1 10000 Ether2 50000 Elixir 100000 Cabin 1000 Whistle 20000 =============== Kokkol's Smithy =============== Weapon Shop (After beating Giant of Bab-il) ------------------------------------------ Name Price ---- ----- Shuriken (Star) 20000 Ninja (Star) 50000 Samurai (Arrow) 140 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Secrets/Tips and Tricks -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Quick Experience Gain Spots --------------------------- As in any RPG, there are certain areas in this game that you can quickly gain experience by fighting monsters there. Here I will list such locations (I only know of one, but if you have more good ones, let me know and they'll be added): 1. In the Land of Summons, you will encounter the Conjurer monster. It conjures up another monster to fight, then when you defeat that monster, the Conjurer summons it again. Have your party with Float status, then enter battle against one of these Conjurers, and hope it conjures an Arachne enemy. Defeat the Arachne, then fight it again when it's resummoned. If you get attacked from behind by a Conjurer, it will summon Clapper dragons to attack. You can get more experience from fighting them; just keep yourselves alive as long as you want (remember: Rydia's Psych works against the Conjurer). Repeat that as many times as you like, then defeat the Conjurer and gain lots of experience! Skip the Sealed Cave -------------------- There is a trick in this game that allows you to skip the entire segment of the game where you must visit the Sealed Cave. At the Castle of Dwarves, after Rydia joins and you defeat Golbez, have Rydia use Warp. You'll be returned to the throne room. Go back to the crystal room and collect the crystal like normal. Now, when you go to the Sealed Cave, Kain will leave your party and steal the crystal as you enter, as opposed to when you're done fighting through the cave. Weapon Duplication ------------------ To duplicate a weapon, first have it equipped as you enter battle. When it's the character who has the item to be duplicated equipped, use the Item command. Scroll down and select a blank space FIRST, then scroll all the way up until it displays the equipment on both arms. Select the weapon, and it'll appear to be removed. Exit this menu, and run away from the battle. Access the menu screen and re-equip the item you just removed in battle. When you see it listed on the Item menu as you equip it, it'll show that you have 2 of it. Equip it, then remove it again. You'll send one of the weapon back to the Item menu, while the other is still equipped! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 17. Credits -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DCallander: For the information on what levels magic spells are learned. GarGar: For a correction in the walkthrough about Rosa learning the Float spell. Brett Sell: For mentioning that the Conjurer will summon Clappers if it attacks you from behind. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 18. Copyright Notice -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c)2005-2012 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work: http://www.freewebs.com/dbmfaqs/allowlist.html This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge or permission. If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated. If you wish to contact me, do so at dbmfaqs(at)gmail(dot)com. Please only contact me if there are corrections to be made to information that's currently included. Thanks! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html =- End of File -=