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Sorry if you can't contact me on AIM anymore...if it weren't for people warning me up to 70% at times AFTER HELPING THEM, then I wouldn't have to close off AIM to those who need help with a certain game. Thank you. ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= Characters -Cecil -Cid -Edge -Edward -FuSoya -Kain -Palom -Porom -Rosa -Rydia -Tellah -Yang Basic Tips Walkthrough Miscellaneous -Items - Regular items - Scenario Items -Magic listing and description - Black Magic Listing - White Magic Listing - Summon Magic Listing - Ninja Magic Listing - Twin Magic Listing -Weapons - Swords - Spears and Lances - Blades - Claws - Rods - Staffs - Hammers - Harps - Knives - Bows - Arrows - Axes - Whips - Darts -Armors - Shields - Armors(gowns, robes, armors) - Helmets - Acessories(Rings, Bracelets, Guantlets) Game Highs Credits ============================================================================= ------------------------------- [ Cecil ] ----------------------------------- ============================================================================= The Dark Knight of Baron and commander of the powerful air force the Red Wings. Baron, the most powerful nation in the world has suddenly gone evil. Cecil commiting these acts of unjust crimes he wears the evil and fearsome Dark armor. He attacks the town of Mysidia forcing the people to give up the Crystal of Water, and they willingly agree but not before Cecil's men kills a few mages. Although he wields the Dark Sword and wears the Dark Armor he is in constant remorse with his past sins. Taken away from his rank as Commander of the Red Wings he sets his journey forth towards the unknown lands full of deadly monsters and mystical magic of both good and evil. NOTE: The Dragon Wave is somewhat of a unique attack. Although the hits are considerably weak they do however hit all on opponents. But there is a downside to this, and that's the fact that each time he uses it his HP drops down by about 8-9%. His Cover command is used to cover allies, although he still covers his allies automatically this just allows Cecil to cover the ally even though his ally's HP is nowhere near the danger zone. When Cecil's allies HP are low Cecil will automatically cover his ally from constant attack, so it is important that you equip Cecil with the best piece of armor with the highest Physical Attack defense. However you cannot prevent Cecil from Covering his allies and if his allies are in the back row Cecil will take damage like he was in the back row. Also when Cecil's HP are low he cannot cover because he is too weak to take the hits, but don't rely on Cecil to constantly protect your ally because sometimes an opponent might deal a serious blow that can immediately wound Cecil out of battle so make sure you always keep all your characters' HP out of the Danger Zone. Also Cecil cannot Cover the ally if the ally is attacked by Magic. After Cecil becomes a Paladin he loses the ability to use his DragonWave. When Cecil does become a Paladin his stats are extremely high from those of a Dark Knight, for example a Level 1 Paladin stat's are about 50% higher than those of a level 20 Dark Knight, just to let you know. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Cid ] ----------------------------------- ============================================================================= The chief engineer of Baron is the master technician behind the designs and contructions of the Red Wings' air force. However Cid is always optimistic and did not know that his ships were being used for war. He decides he help out the party after he had found out about his ships being used as weapons he had especially designed a high class airship hidden from the King of Baron. Later after sacrificing himself in the underworld he is treated by the Dwarves and helps out the party with enhancements towards the Falchon. NOTE: Cid's Peep command allows him to see the enemies' HP or MP and also displays the enemies' weakness if there is one. Also he cannot see bosses' HP and this will not cost Cid any Magic points. Also if you have the spell Peep its pretty much useless unless you are down on MP. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Edge ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= The prince of Eblan, with an annoying ego he agrees to help the party after the party meets him in the underworld after his defeat at the hands of Rubicant, the fiend of fire. Also his defense rating is not as high as you would like it as a fighter, but he has the ability to equip two swords and can use your weapons as throwing objects. NOTE: His NINJA command allows him to use 6 types of Magic. He has three elemental spells of Water, Fire, and Lightning, but basically its Water2.5, Fire2.5, and Lit2.5 because the damage done is between a level 2 magic attack and a level 3 magic attack. Also his Smoke command is used to run from battles except of course boss battles. At first it might not seem useful because you can easily run away from enemies, but enemies like EVIL MASK, Behemoth, or Red Dragons you cannot run away from except with the use of Smoke. His Image magic is more of an effect magic, he is the only one in the game who can cast it and it will allow him to avoid attacks throughout the battle, making this essential for boss fights. However it will not protect him against magic attacks as you can expect. His SNEAK command allows him to steal items from opponents, but he will rarely be successful at stealing and sometimes if he misses he will lose very little HP like about 1-5 HP which should not bother you. His THROW command allows him to throw your weapons at him except for Rods, Staffs, Bows, Arrows, and Whips. So it might be a good idea not to sell some of your more powerful weapons and they should be saved when your fight against hard bosses, and also most of the weapons he throw causes critical hits! ============================================================================= ------------------------------- [ Edward ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= The Bard of Damcyan is a complete coward. He cares deeply for Anna as he runs off with Anna towards the castle of Damcyan but however their luck runs out as the Red Wings of Baron attack and demolish the castle of Damcyan and Anna as well is fatally injured. After Anna's death Edward joins and helps Cecil find the Sandruby to help cure Rosa's high fever. NOTE: When you use the Sing command the special added effect of the Harp Edward is equipped with will try and negatively effect his opponent. Like using negative status effects like Confuse or Sleep. When Edward's HP is low he will automatically Hide because like the coward that he is when he is near fatal he will run and hide. But you can still command him but the only command he can use is Show, he will appear in battle however but then quickly run away. Also he will still recieve expierience points even though he did not participate in battle, pretty cheap huh! Edward's Heal command is not really all that great. At first I thought he can just do it anytime he wants but it will cost you one of your Keal Potions(Cure in U.S.), but he is the only one who can spread potions. The command SING can only be used by Edward, Edward will sing out a random tune that will have a status effect on the opponent, either being CHARM, SLEEP, MUTE, or CURSE. However it will take a few tries for Edward to be successful, and this also is not an attack and will not damage opponents. The type of Harp you have will determine what comes out as the status effect. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ FySoYa ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= The Lunarian of the moon possesses powerful magic that can send chills down anyone's spine. He will agree to help Cecil when they meet him on the moon and he will break Golbez(Golbeze in Japan) out of the mysterious mind control. He is kind hearted and is a dependable character that you can rely on. NOTE: FuSoya knows every WHITE and BLACK magic in the book when you aquire him. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Kain ] ----------------------------------- ============================================================================= The Commander of the Dragoon Knights of Baron is a loyal friend of Cecil. While he trains daily to perfect his skills as a Dragoon he still seeks to be one day a true Dragoon Knight. With his kind heart he aids Cecil in his journey to the Town of Mist while losing his Command of the Dragoon Knights. He is constantly under the power of Golbez as he cannot break free of Golbez's constant curse and sometimes has a unknown love for Rosa. NOTE: Kain's Jump attack is probably the single most strongest physical attack in the game. Although he cannot equip a Sword he can do serious damage with a Spear. If he is equipped with a Spear he does double the damage of his Fight command. When Kain jumps it takes awhile for him to attack his target and will consume about 1.5 turns as it would normally take to attack regularly. So if your party's HP is low and your fighting against a powerful boss and you need to kill him quick before he kills your party then Jumping is not always the best option. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Palom ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Being an apprentice he only knows a few spells of Black Magic. He has a boastful mouth and is extremely rude. Instructions from the Elder in Mysidia his job is to spy on Cecil to see if he can live up to his words and if he was to become evil then it was to be his job to destroy Cecil. Although the magic he has are quite elementary they should help Cecil early on. NOTE: The Twin attack can only be done by both Palom and Porom. If one of them is critically wounded(dead) then the Magic attack will not work. The Magic attack is unpredictable but there are only two spells they can cast. Comet: 20 MP Each Hundreds of Stars come pouring in on opponents doing critical damage. This attack hits all opponents and it cannot be reflected. Each single hit is stronger than that of Flare and also there is a 1-in-4 chance of this being cast. Flare: 10 MP Each A burst of Nuclear Energy is exploded towards an opponent doing excellent damage. This attack can be reflected however and the single hit is less than a single hit of Comet. The Boast command is used to raise his magic Power, but this only works during battle. However it raises his magic power by very little and will need to be used serveral times before you see any significant results. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Porom ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Also being an apprentice she only knows a few spells of White Magic. Just like Palom she was intructed by the Elder to spy on Cecil and if Cecil was to become evil she was ordered to destroy Cecil because of his past sins. She is very polite and often has to remind her brother to behave and although she only knows elemental White Magic she can aid her party by using healing and curing spells that should help Cecil early on. NOTE: The Twin attack can only be done by both Palom and Porom. If one of them is critically wounded(dead) then the Magic attack will not work. The Magic attack is unpredictable but there are only two spells they can cast. Comet: 20 MP Each Hundreds of Stars come pouring in on opponents doing critical damage. This attack hits all opponents and it cannot be reflected. Each single hit is stronger than that of Flare and also there is a 1-in-4 chance of this being cast. Flare: 10 MP Each A burst of Nuclear Energy is exploded towards an opponent doing excellent damage. This attack can be reflected however and the single hit is less than a single hit of Comet. The Tears command is still questionable to me. To be honest I'm not sure what it really does. Once she uses this command the opponents become startled or at least that's what the message box at the top says. I think it lowers the opponents' defense and she will need to use this serveral times to get some significant results. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Rosa ] ----------------------------------- ============================================================================= The White Mage of Baron and girlfriend of Cecil. She constantly is at the side of Cecil at tough times and often tries to help cheer up her friends as well. As being Cecil's girlfriend she is captured by Golbez and hopes that Cecil will come for her. She is also an expert at using Bow and Arrows along with using White Magic to heal her allies incase of critical or servere unjury. NOTE: Whenever you are equipped with a Bow and Arrow make sure you put the Bow on the opposite hand, for example if Rosa is Right handed put the Bow on her Left Hand and the arrows on her left hand so that your attack power can significantly increase. This goes the same for all characters liable to use a Bow and Arrow(Cecil, Rosa, Palom, Porom, and Rydia). Whenever you are equipped with both a Bow and Arrow you should always use the aim command. This allows Rosa to have a higher accuracy rate as well as a stronger punch towards her opponent. As you might have guessed it, buying Arrows can get pretty steap because evetually you will have to refill her Arrows as she runs out. When all of her Arrow supply is depleted she will have to use her fists to attack or use a staff. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Rydia ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= When she was just a young child Kain and Cecil accidentally brings forth a package(Bomb Ring in Japan) that destroys her hometown. She also loses her mother because Kain and Cecil kills the Mist. Meaning that if the Monster summoned is slayed that means that the Summoner also loses his or her life. She hates Cecil and Kain for what they have done and summons a monster that creates a massive earthquake that swallows up Kain. She is also injured by the occurance and Cecil brings her to Kaipo to help her heal her wounds. He feels that is the least he can do for all the pain and suffering he has caused her. During his overnight rest Guards from Baron were sent to kill all Summoners by order of the King of Baron(Odin). Cecil reluctantly refuses and attacks and slays the Guards and Rydia realizes that he did not mean to kill his mother or burn her town but she still doesn't forgive him. Later she will become more powerful in her Magic but her HP and Defense remains extremely low throughout the game. NOTE: Rydia will lose her ability to use White Magic after you meet her again in the Underground World. First appeared in the release of Final Fantasy 3 for the Famicom Summon magic is very powerful at times and also there is no defense against it meaning that no Wall will be able to bounce back the attack. Rydia can learn the strongest attack in the game which is METEO when she is at level 60. Note though, it takes a long while for METEO to come out and under some circumstances, it shouldn't be used at all. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Tellah ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= The legendary Sage of Mysidia swears revenge on the death of his beloved Daughter Anna. At first he blames and attacks Edward and runs off on his own after Anna's last words. Later after his visit on Mt.Ordeals he realizes who the real threat is and who killed his daughter, Golbez. While at first he only knows basic Black and White magic, but after his encounter with Mt. Ordeals he remembers all the lost magic, but his MP still remains low limiting his uses of high power magic. He also remembers Meteo, and when Meteo is unsealed that means the age of Apocaplypse is near. Also he cannot use Meteo because his MP is too low to cast it. NOTE: After Tellah's encounter with Mt. Ordeals his White and Black magic level will be significantly higher so now he can cast hard hitting spells like Virus or Fire3. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Yang ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= The expert Karate Master(a Monk in the Japaneese version) martial artist is the prince of Fabul with powerful attacks that can easily sway battles in the party's direction. The party first encounters Yang during their trip to Mt. Hobs as Yang was suddenly attacked by Golbez's minions. Yang easily took care of the minions but the Commander that was leading the minions did not look like he would be taken down easily, but that's when the party decided to help. With Yang's numerous abilities and his lethal attacks its always a good option to keep him upfront. NOTE: Dont' bother using the Build Command with Yang. It takes up three turns for him to do an attack that does equal damage as if he wasn't using the Build command. However it does raise your chance of doubling your attack power, but only if you lucky and its pretty rare if that ever happens. Also don't bother using the Endur command either. Although it says his defense is raised it is only raised by one point each time and it takes two turns for him to use it and will leave him open to attack. Also his Kick command will hit all enemies but his overall attack power will be averaged depending on how many enemies there are, so each hit will not result in his normal attack power, so unless there are three or more opponents just use Yang's fight command instead. ============================================================================= ------------------------ [ General and Basic Tips ] ------------------------- ============================================================================= -- You should try to safe often. You'll never know what lies around the corner. -- Always try to keep a constant supply of items. Stuff like Cure Potions or Tents and Cabins, because most likely your magic will run dry. -- You might not always have the best equipment on and sometimes the prices can get fairly steep. You should always stay near a save point or a town and wander around and fight enemies for gold, that way you won't be too far off from your resting point incase enemies give you some trouble. -- Having trouble against a boss? Having the newest equipment is not always the best choice. If you are fighting against Rubicant and you so happen to have the Fire Brand sword then what good will it do you if you just keep healing him? Also some bosses might not have weaknesses and you will have to start gaining some levels before you fight the boss. Also are your rows properly straightened out? Always place fighters up front and magic users or people with low defense in the back, that way you can have more of a balanced approach when fighting against bosses or enemies. -- If you can heal outside of battle, you should use your magic instead of your items. Items don't come back after use and you will need gold to buy more items. However magic can be replenished at save points, inns, or using your Ethers. -- Try not to run from battle too often, incases you'll end up losing alot of gold. Also enemies that are stronger than you, you'll lose more gold from them if you run away. You might not always lose gold, but do it too often you probably won't have enough to buy yourself the latest armor or even give yourself a good night's rest. -- Bows and Arrows are weapons that don't lose strength when your in the back row but they have a very low hit percentage. Only Rosa can use aim and successfully attack the target at a higher percentage ratio. Also if the person is left handed then put the bow on the right hand and arrows on the left hand, this way your attack power can be higher than if the bow was on the left hand. -- Believe it or not but Bows and Arrows can be the most expensive weapons in the game. Simply because you have to buy arrows over and over again because as you can expect arrows don't have unlimited uses, so always try to keep an extra Rod or Staff in your inventory incase you run out of arrows. -- When ever you see treasure chests, try to save before you look in them or keep your party's HP up. Sometimes there are monsters inside those treasure chests that will take quite a bit of work to defeat. -- Keep consideration of your magic points. Using your most powerful magic to defeat opponents is not always the best way to end the battle often you won't have enough to replenish your party's HP. -- Constantly keep your party's HP up. Unless you are a 100% sure you will be able to mop the floor with your enemies then you should always keep a close eye on your HP. -- Whenever you bring your party member back from a swoon status always have the next available person heal that party member because your party member's HP will not regenerate themselves and the party member only starts out with 15% of their max HP, so unless you have LIFE2 then I suggest you should always have the next available person heal the party member just back from the swoon status so you wouldn't have to risk that party member suffering a blow that would put that person back on swoon status. -- You can switch weapons during battle. Just go to your Item command and scroll up and you will see the weapon or shield in your left and right hands. Hit A on the weapon you want to replace and go over the weapon in your inventory and press A. Be sure to make your decision quick otherwise an opponent can seriously damage your party members while you were looking for the best weapon, so make sure you have the most suited weapon before you enter battle. -- When your selecting your magic, the Active Time Battle stops so take your time to decide which magic is best. -- Also continously attack your opponent because unlike previous Final Fantasy games you will be attacked even if you are not ready, so make sure you attack quickly. Incase you still need some time to think you can always hit the Start button during battle to pause the game. -- Keep magic users in the magic and fighters in the front, that way your healers won't die so quickly. You can also do this during battle by hitting the control pad left on the command box, but its only for the battle. To make this permanent(or until you decide to change it again) go to your menu screen and hit change. Also you can switch the position of your characters by using the Form command on the Menu Screen. -- When you get turned into a Toad, Pig, or Mini your stats drop and you cannot use magic. To reverse this status effect you can either sleep at an inn, use a Tent or Cabin, use your Heal spell, or you can cast that same status effect spell back on the character that was transformed. For example if a party member was turned into a Mini status you can cast Mini again to change that person back. -- Always check pots or other things that can carry items besides treasure chests, although most of the things you find are just Potions, you should pick them up anyways because hey, they're free! -- If this is your first time playing an RPG game or Final Fantasy game for that matter then I suggest you go to the Training Room in the Town of Baron to gather up information about the basics of the game. Learning the basics of the game will help you learn some of the more advance and complex features of the games and also most other RPGs. -- Try to keep all weapons you find that normally are not sold at weapons shops, also armors, they can help you out in future battles or when your Bow and Arrow users run out of Bows and they need a new weapon to use in the middle of battles. -- Riding Chocobos is a fun way to move across town to town, but if your riding Chocobos enemies can't attack you, so your better off that way right? Wrong. Riding Chocobos mean that you do not gain any expierience points or GOLD from the enemies you would have fought. So when your losing battles or when you do not have enough money for equipment then you will realize that riding chocobos is not a good idea, but however if you are low on life and your magic is out and your cure supplies are gone not to mention TENTs and CABINs then it would be a good idea to make it to the next town without fighting any random encounters. -- If you haven't noticed it, your levels are divided among your party members. Sometimes it might take a long while to gain levels, but there is an easy way to gain expierience quickly. Say you have five party members in your group and Cecil needs to reach level 99. First off you kill the other four party members besides Cecil. Hopefully Cecil is strong enough to fight on his own, then have Cecil fight any random encounters, its best if he fights opponents like the EVIL MASK or BLUE DRAGON. Here just have Cecil win, at first it might seem like a struggle, but Cecil will gain levels 5 times faster than before because his party members' expierience points are given to Cecil because his other party members did not participate in battle. -- Finally, last but not least talk to everybody in town, you never know what you might expect. ============================================================================= ---------------------- [ Final Fantasy IV Walkthrough ] --------------------- ============================================================================= The infamous air fleet of Baron is on their way back to Baron after taking the Water Crystal of Mysidia. As the fleet heads back Cecil thinks about his actions against the innocent people of Mysidia. He takes the lives of innocent people so that the King of Baron can have the Water Crystal, but for what purpose? Before the Elder of Mysidia gives the Water Crystal to Cecil, Cecil's men had killed innocent lives to get his demand. His men also share Cecil's regret, but Cecil knows that the King took Cecil in when he was a young orphan and he cannot disobey the King's orders. Suddenly the fleet is attacked by a horde of monsters that appear out of nowhere. Cecil easily dismantles the monsters and his crew suffered only minor injuries. Why are so many monsters appearing now these days? Where do they come from? After the battles with the monsters the fleet heads back to Baron. Here he hands the King the Crystal, as Baigan(Beigan in Japan) talks to the King Cecil questions the King's orders. The King is furious and relieves Cecil as commander of the Red Wings, Kain overhears and tries to defend Cecil, but he too is asked to go with Cecil. Before he leaves Cecil and Kain is given a package(Bomb Ring in Japan) to deliver to the Village of Mist, and they do not know what is inside the package. Once you leave the King's throne Kain thinks that after Cecil completes this mission the King will restore Cecil as Commander of the Red Wings again, but for now Kain tells Cecil to get some rest for tommorow. THE NIGHT BEFORE THE JOURNEY Party's level: 10 After the scenario you can talk to Kain if you want. You'll know why Cecil has decided to wield the Dark Sword, because the King of Baron had asked him to do so. Now head down into the next room, on the right side of the screen is a door with a switch that will open a room with three treasure chest, one is 300 Gold(Gil in Japan), another one is a CURE1 POTION, and the other is a TENT. Now head to the left side, after that just head towards the stairs, in this room you'll see Rosa who comes and tries to talk to Cecil, Cecil is somewhat disturbed by the recent event and Rosa wishes to see Cecil later. For now just continue on. Once your outside head for the tower on the left side above you, but before you can reach the tower Cid, the Chief Engineer of Baron sees you and wishes to talk to you. Hear you'll get a brief history about Cid. He builds airships for Baron but he doesn't like them to be used as weapons, and then he leaves because he thinks his daughter might worry about him. Also you can choose to explore the rest ofthe Castle if you want but you won't get very far due to the fact that the guards around the Castle of Baron will not let you through unless they have the King's orders. Once you reach the tower a maid will be standing in front of your room to tell you that your sheets were made. When your in your room just go up to the bed and the room will darken and Cecil will take a rest. During the middle of the night Rosa will come to Cecil. She seems questioned about Cecil's recent behavior. Cecil tells Rosa that he feels alot of guilt about stealing from innocent people. Rosa is shocked to hear this and Cecil vows that he will never again do undecent acts among innocent people even if ordered the the King of Baron himself. Now Cecil will tell Rosa to take a rest. Until the next morning the two head off into the unknown land. For years Cecil and Kain have relied on the transportation of the Red Wings, but now they must set foot into the unknown. Here before Cecil and Kain leaves you'll see a prologue about the things to come, Why has the King been behaving so differently? Why are there so many monsters appearing lately? You don't have the answers right now and you'll have to find them yourself. TOWN OF BARON Party's level: 10 Once your outside to the sides of the Castle of Baron is the Twon of Baron. Inside hear there really isn't much to do except talk to the people and gather information if you want, but right now its not neccessary. The door on the left side of town is locked also the doors leading to the Weapons and Armors shops are locked. You can't unlock them now, but what you can do is go buy some items for your long journey ahead. What I would recommend is buying two TENTS and buying three CURE1 POTIONS. You really don't need to buy exactly what I say because the battles ahead really aren't that hard, and if you want to stock up on more items you can fight battles outside. the battles outside really won't give you much expierience points but they can give you some good amounts of gold. Also there is a training room in this town, if this is your first time playing an RPG I suggest you get to know the basics first like I said before, so that it can help you advance further into the game without much hassle. Also notice one of the students telling you that Lightning damage is weak towards water opponents. Once your done head north pass the bridges until you see a cave. DANGERS LIE AHEAD IN THE CAVE OF MIST Party's level: 10 You'll notice that when you check your status that both Cecil and Kain are at level 10. Kain has to gain nearly double the expierience points to gain a level than Cecil has to, but for some reasons I'm not sure. You can gain levels by fighting monsters inside the Cave of Mist if you want, and if you do stay near the entrance and once your outside use a TENT to heal your wounds. If your too weak to fight anymore battles hold the L & R buttons down at the same time during battle to escape from battle. Once you have reached the entrance of the cave you can save the game if you want. When your all set to go enter the cave and take the right side to find a ladder. In this cave you will also notice a fog or mist of some sort surrounding the cave that's gives the cave a white transparent look. Be sure to collect the treasure chests in here as there are two CURE POTIONS and two HEAL POTIONS. Occasionally when you advance deeper into the cave of Mist you Cecil and Kain will hear a voice telling them to go back. Dont' worry about it, just keep advancing through until your near the exit. Once you've reached near the exit the mysterious voice that is talking gives you a second warning to leave, don't bother to listen just keep advancing. Once you've reached the exit the mysterious voice will ask you one more time if you want to leave, if you choose "No" you will not be able to advance but if you choose "Yes" you will initiate a fight with the Summoned Monster. -------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: D.MIST(Dragon Mist) HP: 400 -------------------------------------------- This boss fight shouldn't be too hard but I'm here to help incase your stuck! First off just continue to attack the mist having Cecil pound the Dragon with his regular attacks and having Kain Jump the Dragon. It wouldn't be much use if Kain jumps the Dragon because it normal attack is pretty weak anyways. Continue to attack the Dragon until it starts forming into a Mist or when the message box on the top of the battle screen tells you to stop. If you attack the Mist Dragon while it's in Mist form it will counter attack with COLDMIST which is double the damage of its normal attack and it hits both Cecil and Kain. For now when the Mist Dragon is in Mist form just wait until the message box gives you the signal or when the Mist starts to form back into a Dragon. When your HP falls below 60 use your CURE1 POTIONS you have bought earlier to heal the wounded party member and continue to attack. Repeat this process until you have defeated the Mist Dragon. By now Cecil should have easily gained a level and don't be surprised if Kain doesn't. Once your done head out of the Cave of Mist and you can choose to save the game before entering the town of Mist. Before you enter the Town of Mist make sure you deequip Kain. After you have saved the game enter the Town of Mist. THE PACKAGE REVEALS ITSELF!! Party's level: 11 When you reach inside the PACKAGE that the King told you to deliver suddenly pops out to reveal fire monsters that sets the town of Mist on fire. Cecil and Kain are shocked to see that the King of Baron would do this. The little girl that is above Cecil and Kain is crying over the death of her mother. Here Kain tells Cecil that killing the Summoned Monster also kills the Summoner. Kain saids that both he and Cecil should be rid of the little girl and Cecil is dumbfounded to hear what Kain has to say. Cecil vows that he will not hurt innocent lives and Kain realizes what Cecil is trying to do and says that whatever Cecil wishes to do Kain will always be at his side. The little girl over hears the conversation between Cecil and Kain and hates them for what they have done. Cecil and Kain tries to rescue the girl out of the town before she is taken along with the town. The girl refuses and Cecil and Kain have no choice but to take the little girl out of the town by force. Here the girl initiates the battle, but there is little that Cecil and Kain can do as the girl summons a Titan that rips the ground apart sending Kain into the underground and most of town with it as well. Afterwards Cecil finds the little girl unconsious and he decides to help her to a near by town to help heal her wounds. Also you'll notice that the mountains are caved in blocking your way back to Baron. TOWARDS TO THE DESERT TOWN OF KAIPO Party's level: 11 After the scenario head towards the town of Kaipo which is found on the south side of an oasis in the middle of the desert. Once inside Cecil helps the little girl by sending her to an inn. The innkeeper realizes that the girl is hurt and does not wish to charge Cecil any money. As the little girl wakes up Cecil tries to talk to her but to no avail. Then the two take a rest, during the middle of the night soldiers from Baron ask that Cecil give the little girl to the King of Baron. Cecil refuses to give the girl to the soldiers and he decides to defend the girl. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: OFFICER AND THREE SOLDIERS HP: 30(Soldiers) 120(OFFICER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well this battle shouldn't be too hard, I'm not even sure if I'm suppose to use the word hard at all! You can choose to take down the Officer if you want, but mainly focus your attention on the Soldiers(BaronGuard in Japan). If you take out the Soldiers first that means the Officer will just retreat. However if you do manage to take down the Officer along with the Soldiers you will recieve a significant amount of expierience points. After the battle, the little girl will realize that you were trying to protect her. Cecil can't ask for her forgiveness, but the least he can do is try to protect her. She tells Cecil her name which is Rydia. She's at level 1 with very little HP and MP. At first she doesn't know any WHITE or BLACK magic but later after gaining a level or two she will learn some basic BLACK and WHITE magic. Afterwards heads towards the northeast side of the town of Kaipo and in the room you'll find Rosa, who is serverely sick and can barely speak. She has an extremely high fever and the only thing that can cure her condition is the Sandruby located in the cave of the Antlion. For now head outside and look for a weapons shop. By a Bow for Rydia amd about 25 Iron Arrows. In the armor shop you do not need to buy anything because Rydia is equipped with all the armor the store has to offer, but if you want buy the extra CAP HELMET for now. When your done leave the town and head northeast towards a cave. Now is the ideal time to save your game. SEARCH FOR THE SANDRUBY Party's level: 11 Once you have reached inside go up and take both treasures in the treasure chest which is a HEAL AND CURE1 POTION. Now head to the left side and you'll see an old man near the end of a bridge, first take the treasure chest below you which is a TENT and talk to the old man. He will tell you that a Bard has tricked his daughter into running away with him at Damcyan, coincidentally where Cecil and Rydia is headed to find the Sandruby to heal Rosa's high fever. Afterwards Tellah the Sage will join your party and he will need the help of the Black Sword to defeat the monster that dwells in the waterfalls. Surprisingly Tellah's stats are higher than Cecil's. Tellah's knowledge of both BLACK AND WHITE magic should help back up Rydia as she is just learning her magic potiential. However this is just the icing on the cake because Tellah has lost most of his knowledge of the stronger spells. Also Tellah's MPs are pretty high as of now, but even if you gain him levels his MP will not rise also he is at level 20 with about 340 HP, but he cannot attack very well with weapons. Here continue on but don't forget the treasure chest to the right, you'll need to enter the waters to retrieve the treasure chest. Inside the treasure chest is an IRONRING. Equip it on Tellah and also the Cap you bought earlier at Kaipo. Now continue on back and make your way to the next room. In this next room head up and you'll have to walk in the water again(which is harmless) and then make your way to the left side and pick up yet another CURE1 POTION. Now continue along down and take the next ladder, to the left of this room is an ETHER1. Afterwards just amke your way to the room to the left side. Here in this room, luckily Tellah already has a TENT, so you won't need to worry about using one of your own. Here you will see Rydia sleeping and Cecil and Tellah have a quiet conversation. Tellah notes that he sees alot of potiential in Rydia and he will also give you a brief rundown about why his daughter Anna has run away. Anna is his only child and she ran away with the Bard because Tellah would not agree to his daughter Anna's marriage. After the little scenario you will be given the chance to save, your wounds are fully healed and your magic points are completely restored. Now would probably be a good time to save. When you head out of this save room continue on and don't forget to take a look inside the treasure chest to the right to pick up an ICEROD. Afterwards make your way through to the middle of the room and enter through. In this next room there really isn't much here except for a CURE1 POTION, also you will see some regions of the room that are oddly shaded with a black color. Go through that region and go towards the right, on the right side is a LEATHER HELMET, its hidden but at the same time its not hidden because its kinda conspicuous that the area is shaded. You will encounter alot of these throughout the game, but if you so happen to have the Japanees version of this game then the hidden areas are covered up. After you have equipped the LEATHER HELMET move onto the next room. Here in this room you'll see the vast region below you, don't worry you can't fall off because it would be stupid if you could anyways. To the left are two ETHER1's and to the right at the bottom is a yet again, another CURE1 POTION, also pickup the DARKNESS sword for Cecil. It will boost his Attack power by ten raising it from 17 to 27, which is a significant boost. Before you leave this room Tellah will tell you that the monster is just ahead on the other cave and there's an area outside which you can save. You should make it a point to save the game now. 8-LEGGED OBSTACLE Part's level 13 Once you enter this cave just keep going right, there is only two treasure chest in this room one is an ETHER1 POTION and the other one is another DARKNESS equipment for Cecil. Equip the new piece of armor and continue on. Also in this room are only two treasure chests. Both of them contain DARKNESS equipment for Cecil, equip those on and head towards the middle of the waterfall to engage in a battle that was foretold by Tellah the Sage. ----------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: OCTOMAMM HP: 1400 ----------------------------------- Although there are eight parts to OCTOMAMM he is still only going to be one target. At first OCTOMAMM can attack rather fast, but as you start to attack he will begin to slow down. Here have Rydia attack with her CHOCO summon or you can lose LIT1, but Rydia learns LIT1 at level 5 so incase your levels with Rydia are not up there yet, then just stick with the CHOCO summon, which will do more damage than her LIT1 attack, and have Tellah attack with LIT1. Cecil's attacks should do quite a bit of damage against OCTOMAMM, probably about 130 HP of damage with each hit. As you continue to attack you will notice that each leg of OCTOMAMM dies, so I think that every 150 HP you lose OCTOMAMM he will die, except for his last leg which is about 350 HP. This boss fight shouldn't be too hard and when you hear Tellah saying that you have slowed down the monster your about near victory. After the boss fight head through the waterfall and onto your next destination, the Castle of Damcyan. Also its not a bad idea to save here after your battle with OCTOMAMM, but don't bother using a TENT. UNEXPECTED SURPRISE BY THE RED WINGS Party's level:14 Before you reach the Castle of Damcyan the Red Wings come out of nowhere and bombard the castle reducing it to a pile of rubble. Here just enter the castle. Midway through you will see a room full of treasure chest, all of them are already opened except one on the top of the room, open that treasure chest to obtain a TENT and continue on towards the center of the castle of Damcyan. Upon entering the castle you will see the remains of the once beautiful castle of Damcyan and also the downed guards. Once you have reached the center of the castle you will see Tellah's only daughter Anna lying on the floor almost dying. Tellah becomes enraged as he attacks the "Spoony Bard." You can't control this battle and everything the Bard is trying to say Tellah ignores, when Anna speaks Tellah comes to his senses and stops his attack against the Bard. Here Anna explains what had happened, it appears that when Edward and Anna was about to leave they were attacked by the Red Wings of Baron, also they had taken the Crystal of Fire. Anna explains that Edward is the prince of Damcyan and he was disguised as a Bard so that he can go to Kaipo and find Anna. Anna saved Edward's life by shielding him from the arrows that were brought upon by the Red Wings fleet. Afterwards Anna dies and Tellah is once again enraged, he wishes to take vengence upon the one called Golbez, who led the Red Wings' attack against Damcyan. Cecil says he can't go alone but Tellah is too fustrated and angry to listen and he goes off on his own. Here Edward cries over Anna's death and Rydia calls him a "Crybaby!" she tells him that he is not the only one who has lost the ones he loved and tells him that he is a grown man. Edward does not care and he wishes to stay with Anna, Cecil comes over and literally knocks some sense into him. He tells Edward that Anna would not like it if he was just to stay here and Cecil desprately needs Edward's help. Edward wonders how he can help and Cecil tells him that he needs to find the Sandruby to cure Rosa's fever. Edward tells him that he has a Hovercraft and with it you can reach the cave of the Antlion. Before the party leaves out of the castle, Edward comes and says the final goodbye before leaving to help his new friends. Once your outside you can get off your Hovercraft by pressing the A button and re-entering the castle, if you have bothered to talk to the guards you'll notice that one of them said that a recovery pot is above, the guard that told you that was in the same room you got the tent. Once you've reached inside the middle of the caslte you'll notice that all the down guards are gone, the pot on the left will completely heal your party members and also reverse any negative status effects, also you don't have to talk to the two mages that are around the pot since they won't give you any info that you already don't know. The pot to the left will completely restore your loss MP. Once your done head out to your Hovercraft. THE ANTLION'S CAVE AND THE SANDRUBY Party's level:14 From Damcyan go northeast through the shallow rocks and you should find another part of the continent. When you reach this place you will see Mt. Hobs, when you enter Mt. Hobs a thick block of Ice blocks the way, for now there is nothing you can do here. Now head down into the cave below. You should save it right now because the enemies inside are pretty strong. Inside here there are several treasure chests. To the left side of the cave is a CURE1 POTION and 190 Gold, to the right of the cave is 210 Gold and a CURE1 POTION. Towards the bottom left of the cave is a TENT and a CURE1 POTION yet again. After you have collected the six treasure chests head down to the bottom right. In this next room you will find a your first LIFE POTION of the game in the treasure chest below, the door next to it contains Edward's strongest harp, the CHARM HARP. Equip it on Edward because it doubles his attack power, afterwards ignore the obvious hidden area below you and go up towards the door, the treasure chest above the door contains a HEAL POTION. Go into the door and when your in the next room go into the door and you will see a save point and also three treasure chests, collect the LIFE POTION, ETHER1, and the TENT from the three treasure chests and save and heal your wounds if any. Now continue back to the room before and head to the left side to pick up 250 Gold(gil in Japan) and head towards the center of the room and into the Antlion's nest. Here there is basically nothing in here except for the SANDRUBY, the unique structure forms around the center of the Antlion's nest, just head towards the center of the room and you will see Edward stop. He will casually take try to take the SANDRUBY from the Antlion but the Antlion snaps and attacks Edward, Cecil and Rydia intervene. ----------------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: ANTLION HP: 1000 ITEM: SANDRUBY ----------------------------------------------------- This boss fight is fairly easy, but a few mistakes can cost you. Here the Antlion attacks are nothing to worry about because they only do 1 HP of damage, but watch for the COUNTER attack. There isn't much you can do about this because each time you attack him with a Physical attack he will counter. Each one of those counter hits are about 21 HP of damage which can be very serious towards Rydia and Edward because Edward starts out at level 5 with 60 HP and three shots can easily swoon him. But Cecil's attacks are too strong to pass up so just have Cecil constantly attack the ANTLION, have Rydia use her CHOCO summon and Edward be the healer and part time attacker. Once your HP starts to drop below 40, you should consider using CURE1 POTIONS to help keep your HPs up. After a while you should be rid of the ANTLION and obtain the SANDRUBY. Afterwards Edward will question why the ANTLION has attacked him. Cecil reveals that there are too many monsters appearing these days and the ANTLION must defend itself. Afterwards you should head out of the cave and back to the desert town Kaipo. With your newly aquired Hovercraft you can reach the desert town of Kaipo rather easily by going all the way to the west side and you will see shallow rocks that the Hovercraft can travel by. RETURN TO THE DESERT TOWN OF KAIPO Party's level: 15 Here return to the house you saw Rosa in earlier. When you enter here talk to Rosa and your item box will appear, hit the "A" button over the SANDRUBY to use the SANDRUBY over Rosa. Here she will awaken and she will tell you about Golbez controlling all of the nation of Baron. She also tells you about the Crystal of Air and Crystal of Earth. The Crystal of Fire is already in the hands of Golbez, and Rosa wishes to join Cecil, but Cecil refuses. Rosa followed Cecil because she heard that Cecil was swallowed by the earthquake in the Village of Mist. Also she points out that the Crystal of Air is towards Fabul, but right now they need to get over Mt.Hobs which is covered by a thick block of Ice, she asked Rydia to cast fire but Rydia hesitates and saids she can not cast fire. Afterwards Edward realizes that Rosa wants to be with Cecil and he convinces Cecil to bring her along. Here Cecil tells Rosa to get a good night's sleep before they go. Here in the middle of the night Edward goes out and plays a tune in memory of Anna. During the middle of his play he is attacked by a WaterHag. ---------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: WATERHAG HP: 60 ---------------------------------- Here Edward must fight this battle alone, Anna will help guide Edward towards victory as Edward should be able to easily conquer this battle. Just have Edward constantly attack and the WATERHAG should be gone. Afterwards Anna tells Edward that she must leave, but Edward doesn't want to be alone, but she tells him to give the love he gave to Anna to all his people. Here Anna leaves and Edward questions himself as what he is suppose to do. Before you leave make sure you stock up on a good amount of Arrows for Rosa and Rydia(if you have bought Bow and Arrows for Rydia earlier), Rosa starts off at level 10 with 150 HP, but her defense is still weak so keep her in the backrow. Now head back to Mt.Hobs via the Hovercraft, which is northeast of the Antlion's nest. THE JOURNEY OF FABUL THROUGH MT.HOBS Party's level: 15 Here there is the thick block of Ice that I told you about earlier. Rosa asks Rydia to cast Fire but she can't. Rydia will not cast fire because she is afraid of fire because it burned her home down, but Rosa tells Rydia that she believes in her and she is the only one who can melt the Ice blocking the entrance of Mt.Hobs. She persuades Rydia to use fire because she tells her that if they don't get through many more people will be in danger, here Rydia sums up all her inner strength and casts fire, the Ice block of Mt. Hobs melts and Rydia has now learned FIRE1. Afterwards the party thanks Rydia. For now continue on towards the mountain. When you first see a door, take the door and you will be on the side of a mountain with a save point and four treasure chests, they contain a TENT, CURE1 POTION, HEAL POTION, and 350 Gold. Save your game and heal your wounds if any and continue on back to the right side of the mountain. Also take a chance to look down at the valley below, despite it being 16-bits it looks quite breathtaking doesn't it? Now head to the Summit and you will see a Karate Master being attacked by a group of IMP CAPTAINs, the Karate Master easily dismantles them, but the MOMBOMB comes after him, the party realizes that it will be a difficult battle alone and they decide to help. --------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: MOMBOMB HP: 3200 --------------------------------- Now this is what I'm talking about! 5 against 1! Despite your overpowering numbers this is still going to be a very difficult fight. Have Rydia use her CHOCB summon, have Cecil attack normally, have Rosa use her AIM command, have Yang attack not Kick, and have Edward be your part time Attacker and Healer. After you do about 1500 HP of damage the MOMBOMB will change form, just continue to attack and if your party's HP drops below 75, then keep them up there. The MOMBOMB will give you a warning when its about to explode, that is the sign to heal yourself if your HP is below 75. When it does Explode the party suffers extensive damage about 50-60 HP of damage to every character, quickly heal your party because your party's HP(besides Cecil) is still pretty low. Now it turns itself into 3 BOMBs and 3 GREYBOMBs. That's 6 targets for you to attack now, each one of the targets only have 100 HP and this time have Yang use his KICK command to attack all the BOMBs at once and continue your usual attack pattern. Afterwards Yang thanks the party for helping him out in battle and they tell Yang that the Crystal of Air is in danger and they must protect it before it goes into the hands of Golbez. Here they give each other a briefing on their backgrounds and why they are willing to help Yang. It appears that Yang is the only survivor of his forces and the people at Fabul are still in training. After the little scenario go towards the east side of the mountain and continue on, there are no treasure chests along the way as well. Once you have reached outside keep going east and past the mountains to find the Castle of Fabul. Here save and use a TENT just in front of the Castle before entering the castle. DEFEND THE CASTLE OF FABUL NOW!! Party's level: 16 Here once you get inside keep going and you will see a Weapons/Armor shop to the right and the INN is on the left side. Go buy Yang an extra claw of your choice, buy Cecil all the available BLACK armor, helmet, and gloves. Sell any Shadow and Darkness equipment you may have and continue on towards the center of the castle. Here you will approach the King of Fabul. Yang informs him about Golbez's forces and they must set up a defence(that's how its spelled in the game) immediately. The King of Fabul has trouble trusting in Cecil because he is the Dark Knight of Baron, but Yang persuades the King that Cecil and his friends came to his aid when he was attacked. Here Prince Edward tells the King that he is glad to see him again but he tells the King what he had lost and the King is sorry for his misunderstanding. Here the King will ask you if you want to help defend the castle. If you choose "no" then you will be given time before the battle, if you choose "yes" the battle will begin. Here you will only be a party of three, so Cecil, Yang, and Edward is the castle's main defence(that's how they spell it in the game) and Rosa and Rydia will be the healers of the wounded people of Fabul. Here the three take stand at the entrance of Fabul as they prepare for battle. Also make sure you can keep your HP during the middle of the battle because the battles keep going on and you will not be given time in between to heal yourself or your party members. Here after first battle defeat the FIGHTERS and ignore the General. After this first battle the RED WINGS of Baron attack the castle and the party does not have any defense against the airships so they must retreat back into the castle(lousy cheaters!). Here Yang apologizes for dragging Cecil and his friends into the war. But Cecil tells him that it is not his fight alone and they haven't loss the battle yet. The next battle is a WEEPER, IMP CAPTAIN, and a WATERHAG. During these battles use Edward as your healer incase your party's HP are low. Here more monsters and soldiers from Baron come in and kill the guards near the Weapons/Armor shop and the INN. The next battle will occur with the two FIGHTERs and a GENERAL, once again ignore the General and kill the fighters. Here the party has to fall back. In the next room Yang tells his trainer to lock the doors, but what do you know, he was a monster all along! The next battle is against the GARGOYLE, which shouldn't be too much trouble. Afterwards keep a close check on your party's HP and await the next battle. Here its a battle against a WEEPER, WATERHAG, and an IMP CAPTAIN again. Defeat them and as the party tries to pull back Edward slips and falls as the soldiers of Baron come in. Here its another battle agains the two FIGHTERs and the GENERAL, once again take out the two FIGHTERS and continue on, and your party's HP should be pretty low right now, so make sure you heal first before you attack. Afterwards the party makes their last retreat back to the Crystal Room. Here Kain comes in and Cecil is shocked to see Kain alive. Here Kain wants to fight Cecil and Cecil has no choice. Here you shouldn't bother trying to fight Kain because he keeps using that JUMP attack and it will knock you out in a few blows. Here afterwards Kain will try to put Cecil out of his misery and Rosa comes in and tries to stop Kain, but Kain is somehwat startled and then Golbez finally meets the party. Here Golbez knocks out both Edward and Yang, and commands Kain to take the Crystal of Air which Kain happily ablodges. Here Golbez realizes that Rosa is important to Cecil and he kidnappes her and Kain tells Cecil he had a narrow escape. Afterwards Rydia is helpless against Kain and she performs the CURE magic towards the party and they are revived out of their wounds. Here Yang will help Cecil this time, but Cecil's spirit has taken a hard punch. Now leave the Crystal room and to the right is an obvious switch, simply step over it and a door will open, leading to three treasure chests, containing a CURE1 POTION, BLACK SHIELD for Cecil, and a LIFE POTION. Also check the pot to the left to find a CURE1 POTION. Here head out and you will see the staircase you entered from, but this time don't go to the staircase, but there is a door at the bottom, go to the door and you will see two towers, take the tower to the left and enter. Also check the pots again and you will find a CURE1 POTION again, the treasure chests contain a HEAL POTION, CURE1 POTION, and a TENT. You can continue on if you want, the floor above has a Namingway, which will change the name of your party at anytime you want. At the top of the tower is Yang's Wife, he will ask her if she is okay, and she will happily tel him as she whacked a soldier over the head with a frying pan! Now continue onto the top of the right tower and you will see the King in his bed, also be sure to pick up the treasure chest which contains a TENT. Now talk to the King of Fabul and leave. Now go to the INN and you will need to rest. As the party enters the INN they need to find a way to take the Crystal of Air back, but they need an Airship. Here the party finds out that Baron's main force is the RED WINGs, the sea is relatively weak. Yang asks about Kain and Cecil replies that he used to be his best friend, but now he is under the control of Golbez. Here Yang tells Cecil that the King will ahppily offer his ship to the party. In the morning the King of Fabul offers the BLACK sword left by the Dark Knight years ago, but it cannot stop True Evil. The ship the party asked for is to the east of Fabul. So exit the castle and outside you will find the ship that leads to Baron. Inside beofre Yang leaves, his wife says goodbye. Here the ship departs for Baron and during the middle of the voyage Yang asks what Cecil will do when he reaches Baron, he decides that they must find the Chief Engineer of Baron, who is Cid. Before the party can reach Baron the mythical Sea God Leviathan stops the party. So it is true! He does exist! Here the waves come crashing on the party and Rydia is thrown out of the boat, Yang then goes after her to help save her, but both of them cannot save themselves. Here the ship gets sucked into the Whirlpool created by the Leviathan as the entire party is separated. Afterwards you will find Cecil alone on the beach, he wonders where the rest of his party is but to no avail. THE TOWN OF MYSIDIA AWAITS Party's level(Cecil): 17 Here ignore the people because they will turn you into a Pig or Toad to avenge the death of their friends. Just in case you did not listen to me talk to the person who casted the spell on you again and you will be changed back into your normal form. Now head towards the center of the town and talk to the Elder of Mysidia. Here the Elder sees that Cecil has gotten a taste of his own medecin, but he also tells Cecil that he cannot depend on the Sword of Darkness if he wishes to achieve his goal. He tells him to go to Mt.Ordeals, but warns Cecil that many have gone to Mt.Ordeals to become a Paladin but none have come back yet. Before Cecil leaves the Elder of Mysidia tells him that he will need two Wizards. Here Porom comes in but Palom is nowhere to be found, then Palom pops out of thin air and appears. here you already meet the giant ego of Palom and the politeness of Porom. After the scenario go to the Weapons shop and buy Porom about 60 WHITE ARROWS(HOLY ARROWS IN JAPAN) and buy Palom a FlameRod. Also buy Palom and Porom every Gaea equipment you can buy and head out. When your out here head towards the east, its a long walk to Mt. Ordeals so make sure you have enough healing supplies as well. Also Porom the White Wizard starts out at level 10 with 110 HP while Palom starts at level 10 with 100 HP, so you might want to consider some level gaining before you head on. CONFRONTATION AT MT. ORDEALS Party's level: 17 Here you will see fire blocking the way of the entrance of Mt. Ordeals. Afterwards Porom and Palom will knock out the fire, but a scenario comes. At this exact time at another destination Golbez summons Milon, the fiend of Earth to stop Cecil. Here Kain wishes that he were to stop Cecil, but Golbez refuses and asks him to watch over Rosa. After the scenario continue on but don't for get to pick up two CURE1 POTIONs. Also monsters here are i in the undead category, so make sure you have plenty of WHITE ARROWS and have plenty of MP to use FIRE magic. In the 3rd station you will once again meet up Tellah. Here he explains why he came to Mt. Ordeals. He wishes to learn METEO so that he can avenge his daughter, the twins realize who he is, he is the Sage Mysidia has been raving about. Here Cecil tells him that he came to Mt. Ordeals to become a Paladin. Afterwards Tellah joins your party. Now continue on and in the next area be sure to pick up an ETHER1 and another ETHER1. Continue onto the Summit and you will a save point. Save your game and heal your wounds. When you continue on the twins will hear something, but Palom says its not him, when you encounter the bridge you will face off against Milon, the Fiend of Earth. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: MILON and FOUR REVENANTS HP: 2500(MILON) 120(REVENANT) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This fight will drain you down quite a bit. Here have Palom use his FIRE2 spell against everybody and have Tellah use his FIRE1 spell as well. Always have Cecil attack Milon. Use Porom as your healer. Also keep your HP up above 50 for the twins, above 100 for both Cecil and Tellah because MILON can and will use his LIT1 spell serveral times in a row, this is enough to weaken your party. Afterwards you should be rid of Milon. NOTE: PALOM MUST BE AT LEVEL 14 TO LEARN FIRE2. For now do not continue to go forward, but yet go back to the save point and save your game. Also don't forget to heal your wounds. Here switch the rows of your party members, putting Cecil in the back and Palom, Porom, and Tellah in the front. Now continue onto the bridge, but just as you try to reach the end of the mountain MILON once again attacks you. This time he back attacks you but luckily you switched rows, but for some odd reason you did not listen to me you can switch rows during the middle of your battle by hitting the direction pad left on your command box. --------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: MILON Z. HP: 3000 --------------------------------- Here this battle shouldn't be too hard. Attack Milon with Cecil constantly, Milon will have alot of trouble harming Cecil because Cecil is in the Dark Armor. Have Palom use FIRE2 and Tellah use FIRE1. Porom should be the healer and if your party's HP is not low then let her attack with the WHITE ARROWs. This battle shouldn't be that hard. Afterwards continue on, towards the cave of Mt. Ordeals. Don't bother healing yourself after this next battle because after this next event your party will be fully helaed. After the battle Cecil will see a reflection of himself in the mirror. The mysterious voice talks to Cecil, and suddenly Cecil becomes the legendary Paladin. Here the Dark Knight of Cecil's past comes out of the reflection, the other party members try to help but Cecil tells them that it is his fight alone. ---------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: DARK KNIGHT HP: Infinite ---------------------------------------- Here you will see the DARK KNIGHT use an unknown attack, that is if you have the American version. The DARK KNIGHT will constantly use his DragonWave attack, but read the message box, it tells you that you must not fight now. This battle is actually pretty easy, just have Cecil defend himself, what I mean is do not attack! Doing so makes the battle go on and on, because during the trial at Mt. Ordeals to become a Paladin you must accept the attacks from your other self. Just let the DARK KNIGHT attack Cecil three times and the DARK KNIGHT will be gone. After the boss fight Cecil is officially a Paladin now, his stats are significantly higher than those of a DARK KNIGHT and his HP is way up. Here Cecil wonders who was that light that kept calling him son. At the same time Tellah learns all his past magic and the fabled legendary spell METEO. Even though Tellah has learned METEO his MP's are still too low to cast METEO successfully. Here the party leaves Mt. Ordeals, when your heading out take a few battles to earn Cecil some levels. After one battle you can find Cecil gaining 5 levels! Once you leave, outside you can save and use a TENT if your HPs are low. You do not have to take that long walk back to Mysidia because there is a small square shaped forest surrounded by another forest just south of Mt. Ordeals. Inside is a Chocobo Forest. Look for the fast moving White Chocobo, each time you talk to it, it will refill your entire MP. Also look for the large gap at the north part of the village and press the "A" button and it will smell like a Fat Chocobo. Use a CARROT if you have bought one and a Fat Chocobo will appear. There really isn't much to do here because all the Fat Chocobo will do is just store your items. So incase all your 46 slots are filled in your Item Box, you can store your items here. Now talk to one of the yellow Chocobos and you will be able to ride one of the Chocobos. Here return to Mysidia, you really don't have to ride on a Chocobo you can just return back by walking if you want. THE LEGEND OF MYSIDIA IS TRUE! Party's level: 11 Here just go to the middle of the town and talk to the Elder. Here the Elder is shocked and amazed to find that Cecil is a Paladin, also when you talk to the people of Mysidia they will no longer turn you into a Toad or Pig. Also the Elder admits his wrong doing by sending Palom and Porom to spy on Cecil, but he sees now that there was no need for that. The Elder is once again shocked and amazed to find the Legend of Mysidia written on the sword, it reads: _________________________ | One to be born | | from a dragon | | hoisting the light | | and the dark | | arises high up | | in the sky to | | the still land. | | Veiling the moon with | | the light of eternity | | it brings | | another promise | | to mother earth with | | a bounty and mercy. | --------------------------- On the Japaneese version it translates to something else, I forgot what it was, so if someone could tell me it would be nice. Afterwards Tellah and Cecil are about to part for Baron as the Elder of Mysidia has opened up the Serpant Road(Devil's Road in Japan) to travel to Baron. Before the two leaves Palom and Porom wishes to join Cecil, but the Elder tells them that their job is done, but they still wish to help Cecil. Then the twins finally convince the Elder. The Serpant's road is to the right of the town, before you leave make sure you buy all the Paladin equipment for Cecil. They are quite costly but if you had fought every battle you encountered along the trip you should have had more than enough. Also buy some equipment for Tellah because he is poorly equipped. Afterwards head for the Serpant Road and continue your way to Baron. DE-THRONE THE KING OF BARON Party's Level: 11 When you arrive here you will be at the town of Baron, make sure you go to the Inn first, but before you go in, check the pot to the right outside of the Inn to collect a CURE1 POTION and collect the items in the stored room inside the Inn, the switch is the two crossed swords, you should get a CURE1 POTION, HEAL POTION, and a LIFE POTION. Afterwards talk to Yang and the guards around him will attack you. ------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: GUARD(BARONGUARD in Japan) HP: 200(each) ------------------------------------------------------ This fight won't take long, but the attacks of the GUARDs can be pretty damaging. Also watch out when they try to cast SIZE on one of your party members, quickly HEAL that person that is changed by using the HEAL POTION or HEAL spell. They can attack very hard, even if Cecil has all of his Paladin equipment they can still do about 100+ HP of damage. Try to finish them off as quick as possible. After the battle you will still hear the boss music, this time Yang will attack your party. -------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: KARATE HP: 3000 -------------------------------- This fight can be pretty hard, but with Tellah's newly aquired magic you should even things up. Here Yang will always use his KICK command, it will do quite a bit of damage to all your party members, have Tellah attack with LIT3 and Palom attack with FIRE2, and have Cecil attack with his normal attacks and have Porom be your healer. Quickly dispose of Yang so that you do not suffer extensive damage. After the battle Yand will come to his senses, it appears that he was under the influnce of Golbez's powerful mind control and he will tell Cecil what had happened to Rydia and Edward. He does not know what happened to Edward but Rydia was swallowed up by the Leviathan. After the scenario the two decide to talk at the inn so that the guards won't hear them. The innkeeper will let you stay for free because you have gotten rid of the guards, in the Japaneese version the innkeeper saids "you kicked some a**!" "I like your style" and he will also let you stay for free. In the Inn they discuss plans of how to free Cid, they realize that they have to break into the castle of Baron but the guards won't let them through. Also Yang has the Key of Baron that was given to him while he was commander of the guards. Here with the KEY OF BARON use it to unlock the weapons and armor shops. Yang is poorly equipped so buy him all the neccessary equipment, and you might need to fight a few battles before you go on. After you are done go to the left side of town and you will see a locked door, unlock it and enter through. RAID ON THE CASTLE OF BARON VIA THE OLD WATER WAY Party's level: 11 Once you enter through here the enemies are quite strong, but luckily you listened to me and bought all those equipment for Yang right? When you first enter here go to the bottom of the water way and collect three treasure chests which contain a CURE2 POTION, LIFE POTION, and an ETHER1. Now continue on and make your way to the top of the room and enter through the stairway. In this next room you will find a not so hidden path at the bottom, go through it to pick up a CURE2 POTION and a LIFE POTION. Continue on to the next not so hidden area and make your way to the center of the room to recieve a LIFE POTION. Continue onto the next room to the right. In this next room you will find an ETHER1 POTION, after you have taken that proceed to the next room. In this next room immediately head for the door and in there you will find a save room. To the right side is the ANCIENT SWORD. Do not bother equipping it on Cecil because its a bit weaker than Cecil's current sword. Now proceed outside and onto the moat of the castle of Baron. BATTLE WITH THE KING OF BARON HIMSELF Party's level: 13 Here when you are outside keep walking to the left and at the bottom left hand side of the castle is the entrance to the castle. Wait a minute, why is the Castle of Baron so empty? Were they expecting you? Incase you were left hurt during those battles in the old Water Way you can rest in Cecil's room in the left tower. If your not hurt from those battles in the Old Water Way then proceed right and head towards the King's Throne Room. Before you reach the King's throne room Baigan comes to greet you. Then Baigan joins your party, that makes a total of six party members! Its too good to be true, but now you will stand an excellent chance against the King of Baron. Just as you go off to find the King of Baron the twins smell a monster, Baigan looks or acts like he is surprised. The twins already know he's a monster and they accuse him of having poor acting skills. Then Baigan shows his true colors. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: BAIGAN, RIGHT ARM, LEFT ARM HP: 2700(BAIGAN) 250(ARMS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This fight will leave you wounded, so you must make quick moves. At any given time BAIGAN will set up a WALL on himself but not his arms. So if Palom is at Level 19 have him cast VIRUS on BAIGAN which will do about 1200 HP of damage. Also when BAIGAN does set up a WALL have Tellah cast WALL on any other party member and have your magic user focus their magic attack on your party member with the WALL. Don't do it too often because the WALL can only bounce back attacks about two or three times. Quickly eliminate the ARMs because that is what's causing most of the damage against your party. Continue to attack and after a while BAIGAN will lose his WALL, have Palom use VIRUS to finish him off, but only when you know he has lost his WALL, otherwise it will be a gamble. Or you can have Tellah use ICE3, FIRE3, or LIT-3. After the battle you might want to return to Cecil's room and heal yourself and continue on towards the King's throne room. Now head towards the King's Throne room which is on your way. Also before you head anywhere go to the right and take the staircase. Then you will be outside the castle, continue on to the next staircase, in this next room you will notice a hidden door. Use the "A" button to switch open the door, the switch is on the left torch and enter through the hidden area and collect six treasure chests, the items inside the treasure chests are ETHER1 POTION, another ETHER1 POTION, CURE2 POTION, a LIFE POTION, another LIFE POTION, and finally a CURE2 POTION. After that go outside the castle and go past under the gate and into the tower. In this room right here are two staircases to the right and left and four treasure chests. The treasure chests contain a CURE1 POTION, a HEAL POTION, a TENT, and a another CURE1 POTION. The treasure chest on the top of the starcase can be reached if you enter the staircase and then re-enter the staircase you should stop right infront of the treasure chest. Now take the left staircase going down and check the second pot from the left to recieve an ELIXIR. Don't advance any further because a mysterious force will push you back and you will lose some HP if you do go near the mysterious force. Now take the right stiarcase to collect a CURE2 POTION and a LIFE POTION. In the next room is a room full of treasure chests and pots, however there are only three treasure chests that can be accessiable to you because the others are already opened and out of your reach. The treasure chests contain a two TENTs, and an ETHER1 POTION. Also check the pots for another ETHER1 POTION. Afterwards head towards the King's Throne Room(I've said that three times already). Here the King acts like he is happy to see Cecil, but then he dislikes the fact that Cecil is a Paladin. The real king however was killed by the fake king, the fake king now removes his disguise and he is the fiend of water, KAINAZZO. -------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: KAINAZZO HP: 4000 -------------------------------- This boss fight is extremely easy, if you know what to do. Have Palom use his VIRUS magic attack to easily wipe away 1000 of his HP, then have Tellah use LIT-3 to cleanly dust off about 3000 of his HP, if he is not done by that then just keep attacking him until he's nothing but plankton. Here after the battle Cid comes in, and the party introduces themselves to Cid besides Cecil because Cecil already knows Cid! Now the party must hurry to retrieve the airship. But before they can do so KAINAZZO has already set a trap, the doors are locked and the walls are caving in. Here the twins turn themselves into Stone and stop the wall from caving in. Tellah tries to break the spell but to no avail, the twins willingly let their lives go to save the rest of the party. Tellah was the one who wanted to go first, but Cid re-groups the party. Meanwhile... In the Tower of Zot, Kain plans up a plot to capture the last crystal, they will exchange Rosa for the crystal, and Kain will be the messenger, Rosa tries to stop Kain, but Kain is too much under the influnce of Golbez's powerful mind control. Meanwhile back at the castle of Baron... Cid unlocks the hidden entrance to his airship and the Enterprise flies off, then suddenly the Red Wings come but they do not wish to fight this time. Kain delivers a message to Cecil, about trading in Rosa for the Crystal of Earth in Toroia. Now land your airship infront of Baron and return to the King's chambers in the basement below, remember the place with the mysterious force? Its gone now so enter it and the real King of Baron wishes to tell you something. He tells you to go to the Land of Summoned Monsters and return back after your trip, then he leaves. That's for later in the game. Now head back to your airship and fly towards Toroia, which is northwest of Baron. Also Cid starts out at level 20 with 788 HP, he can be put in the front, also he can do quite a bit of damage even though he carries a WOODEN HAMMER. ONWARD TO THE CASTLE OF TOROIA AND THE CRYSTAL OF EARTH Party's level: 14 Here enter the castle of Toroia. Inside is some music that's pleasant to the ear and the beautiful desgin of the castle. For now keep going towards the center of the castle and meet the eight Clerics who govern the country of Toroia. Talk to the eight Clerics of Toroia and they will give you some info. It appears that the Dark Elf has taken the Crystal of Earth and sealed the cave with a metallic seal so that weapons of metal will become weak and heavy. Now head out and take the right staircase and take the path down towards the door. Inside this room you will find three staircases, the middle one contains an ETHER1 POTION, the staircase to the left contains a lady guarding the door to the secret treasure of Toroia, you don't have permission to obtain those treasures yet, so take the right staircase and you will be in a room with eight treasure chests. First flip the switch in the middle of the room by standing on it, and take the two treasure chests on the left which are both TENTS, then take the next two treasure chests which are both CURE2 POTIONs, then the next treasure chests which are both ETHER1 POTIONs, and then finally the last two treasure chests to the right, both contain a RUBYRING, keep the RUBYRINGs for now, even though they are a lot weaker than your SILVER RINGS. Now head back to the 1F of the castle of Toroia and take the left staircase, and head towards the door on the bottom and in this room you will find Edward, this is the first time you have met up with Edward since your encounter with the Leviathan. Here Cecil tells what has happened with Rosa and Yang tells Edward that Rydia did not make it. Here Edward gives you the TWINHARP, which no one but Edward can equip. Now leave the castle and head towards north of the castle of Toroia, which is the Chocobo's village. Here is home to many Black Chocobos that have the ability to fly and land on the forest. Talk to the Black Chocobo and head towards the cave which is northeast of the Castle of Toroia and souteast of the chocobo's Village. THE DARK ELF'S CAVE LEADS TO THE CRYSTAL OF EARTH Party's level: 14 Here in this cave the metallic seal goes into effect, Yang can use his Claws and Tellah can go with his Magic, Cecil should have a Bow and Arrow equipped. If you want you can just run away from battles in this area until you face off against the Dark Elf. Now continue on to the wooden bridge, here take the right path to collect the CURE2 POTION and continue on keep going until you find the next ladder, also pick up the treasure chest to the left to collect a HEAL POTION and enter through the ladder. In this next room take the right path and collect the ETHER1 POTION, now continue onto the the northeast corner of the room to find a white door, enter it and in the room are two treasure chests, they are the ETHER1 POTION and 500 GOLD. Now head to the left and enter the ladder, in this next area you will see a door to the left which is a save room, go ahead and save your game and heal your wounds if neccessary. Now keep going and in the room below is a LIFE POTION, a CURE3 POTION, and a CURE2 POTION. Now head out and continue onto the left past the bridge, take the path in the middle and enter through the door. Here a treasure chest is straight above you which is a CHARM claw for Yang, equip it and move onto the left. In this next room which is B4F, take the bridge to the left, when you reach an area with a bunch of candles take the right path across the bridge and you will be gievn yet another chance to save. Save your game and head out now head to the door, but make sure you go around and pick up an ETHER2 POTION. In this next room the music changes, its the Crystal room and inside it is the DARK ELF. Here he will not let you take the crystal of Earth and a fight will start. ----------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: DARK ELF HP: 3000 ----------------------------------- Just lose this fight and save your energy. Afterwards the party is weak and if Cecil cannot use his weapons then he cannot defeat the DARK ELF. Meanwhile Edward wishes to help out the party, so he plays his harp which is painful to the ear of the DARK ELF and it lowers the DARK ELF's metallic seal. Here take this chance to equip yourself with all your metallic gear. ----------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: DARK ELF HP: 3000 ----------------------------------- Just keep pounding on this guy, until he is gone. After you lose him about 1500 HP of damage he will change form. Tellah's magic is basically useless, but Cecil using his LEGEND sword will do about 700+ damage against him. Try too keep your party's HP above 250 and have Tellah be your healer. Afterwards the DARK ELF dies, so take the Crystal of Earth and return to Toroia. To make a short cut have Tellah use his WARP magic once he is outside the Crystal Room. Now head back to the center of the Castle of Toroia where the Clerics are. Inside the Clerics greet you, then suddenly Kain tells you to take the Crystal to his airship and he will show him where Rosa is. Beofre you leave go to the room where the lady was guarding the treasure earlier, now the treasure of Toroia is now yours! Inside are twenty treasure chests which contain a CURE2 POTION, HEAL POTION, ETHER1 POTION, ETHER2 POTION, ELIXIR, 1000 GOLD, a GREATBOW, 10 FIRE ARROWS, another set of 10 FIRE ARROWS, a set of 10 LIT ARROWS, a set of 10 ICE ARROWS, another set of 10 ICE ARROWS, another stash of a 1000 GOLD, another ELIXIR, another ETHER2 POTION, another ETHER1 POTION, another HEAL POTION, and another CURE2 POTION. Now head back to Edward's room, and a short scenario will take place, Tellah now respects Edward and will avenge Anna's death and also avenge Edward's injury. Now leave Toroia and head for your airship and make sure you save your game before you enter you airship. ROSA HERE WE COME! Party's level: 16 Now immediately when you board your airship Kain tells you to follow his airship after Cecil has shown him the Crystal of Earth. From here you will never bea ble to enter this tower again so make sure you collect everything you find and watch for the monsters here, they can get pretty tough. Now make your way towards the top left corner of the room and collect the FIRE armor and continue on to floor 2. In this next room is only one treasure chest which contains a FIRE sword. It is guarded by a FLAMEDOG, so make absolutely sure Cecil did not equip the FIRE ARMOR or he will get seriously burned. Try not to fight many battles here because enemies can get quite tough. After you have collected the FIRE sword continue onto the next floor. In this room the door to the next room is directly above you so make your way around, and there are no treasure chests in here. Now in this next room there are three doors in the middle and another door to the right. Here take the first door to the right in the middle and pick up the WIZARD robe, equip it on Tellah, but remember to de-equip it off of him later. In the middle of the middle rooms is a EARTH hammer for Cid, equip it on Cid and don't worry about the treasure chest above it. Now enter the next room to the left and to the right is the treasure chest above the one with the HAMMER. Inside you will find a POISON claw for Yang, equip it and continue on to the left. At the bottom here you will see a treasure chest, open it to pick up a FIRE shield for Cecil and return back to the room you were in before. In this room take the room all the way to the right. Enter the door and you will be back at the fifth floor again, before you enter the room in the middle make sure you save it in the room before it, heal your wounds and continue on. Here before you make it to the next room the Magus sisters will stop you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: MAGUS SISTERS HP: 2500(short), 2000(fat), 1400(tall) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This fight is fairly easy. First attack the Fat one(I forgot to type the names down as I fought them so sorry if the bosses are based on description and not on name. They will use their DELTA attack which is a pretty lame attack. The skinny tall one will use a WALL on the fat one, while the short one will use either FIRE2, ICE2, or LIT-2 to reflect off of the fat one. Have Tellah attack either one with VIRUS besides the Fat one because she has a WALL on. Have Cid use his EARTH hammer as an item repeatedly to do about 240 damage to all three sisters(don't worry you can use this over and over again), have Yang and Cecil attack as normal. Afterwards the Magus sisters shall be defeated. Here the sisters will fade away, continue onto the next room. In this next room you will see Kain and Golbez. Cecil hands over the crystal to Golbez but he will not let them through to Rosa. Tellah dislikes the fact and blurs out at him, Golbez has no business with Tellah, but Tellah does. ---------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: GOLBEZ HP: 10000 ---------------------------------- This boss fight, Tellah fights alone. If you notice Golbez in this battle scene looks a lot like EXDEATH from FF5, but I'm not going to get into it. Here Tellah fights automatically with VIRUS, FIRE3, LIT-3, and ICE3. All those spells have very little effect on Golbez, then Tellah decides to use METEO, but how, he doesn't even have enough MP! Tellah turns his HP into MP and casts METEO, it knocks Golbez out of submission. Here Tellah is lying on the floor. Golbez escapes and calls Kain, but Kain is unconsious, the METEO spell had broken Golbez's link over Kain and Golbez escapes alone. Before Golbez leaves Cecil wants to end his evil life right now, but Golbez shocks him away with lightning. Cecil questions why doesn't he finish him off, but Golbez seems to question who Cecil is. Here they go over to Tellah who is critically wounded. Tellah blames this on himself because of his own hatred, he slowly dies and the party gives their final respect and Cecil will promise to avenge Anna and Tellah(I really hate this Golbez guy, don't you?). Now go over to Kain, the door behind them is locked. When Kain wakes up he realizes that Rosa is in danger and they quicly dash into the next room and save Rosa in time just before the Iron Ball drops on Rosa. Here Kain puts his head down in disgust because he nearly let Rosa get killed, and its pretty funny when you here Cid's remarks! Here Kain admits that he just wanted to be with Rosa and asks both Cecil and Rosa for their forgiveness, then Cid quickly tells them to leave now, then Cecil pulls together Kain and they leave. But just about as they were to leave the fiend of air comes through with an evil laughter that scrimishes across the hears of the party. Valvalis said she should have gotten rid of Kain, but she will have to defeat the entire party to do that. -------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: VALVALIS HP: 6000 -------------------------------------- This boss fight is pretty hard and will drain alot out of your party. When she turns into a whirlwind, have Kain jump to stop her spin. Also she will use WEAK quite often and will use RAY directly after WEAK as well, so make sure you heal your party quickly and cure them if need. Also Rosa is not equipped with any weapons so equip her with a BOW and ARROW if you have some and have her attack when the party is still healthy. Have Cecil constantly attack, and also Yang and Cid attack as well. Keep this up and you should be able to defeat her. Here Valvalis will tell you that the strongest of the four elements still exist. Before she leaves to the afterworld she will destroy the tower, but Rosa will tell the party to hold on, as she casts the spell of EXIT. Then the party arrives at Cecil's bedroom in Baron. Here Kain tells the party about the Crystals, Golbez has all four crystals and the world is doomed right? Wrong. Here Kain tells the party of the other four crystals known as the Dark Crystals. So Golbez has only gathered half the crystals and the hidden side of the Earth is the underground. Kain also tells them that when all the crystals of both the Earth and Underground are gathered, the way to the moon opens. Here Kain gives them the Magma key, but they don't know where to throw the key in. Then Cid's music comes on and tells them that they will find the place to throw the Magma key in not time with the help of the Enterprise. But I thought it was lost in the Tower of Zot, but never question Cid's genius, the Enterprise flew back to Baron by remote control. Here Cecil wonders why Golbez didn't finish off Cecil, but he tells the party its nothing and they go to sleep. Here you can visit back to where Palom and Porom was stoned, if you click the "A" button you will see your menu screen pop up. But you are not suppose to de-stone them nor can you ever. Now head outside and make it to your airship. Before you go start looking for the place, you can visit the Town of Mist again, if not then head for the town of Agart. WAY TO THE UNDERWORLD Party's level: 18 Here this place is Agart, a peaceful nation that will talk alot about Dwarves. Here in this town a treasure chest is hidden in the green grassy area with a CURE2 POTION. You really do not need to buy weapons because most of the equipment you have is better than the stuff they sell, now head towards the bottomless well, the guy infront was talking to you about and throw in the MAGMA key, which will cause an earthquake that will split the mountain. Enter the mountain with your airship. ============================================================================= =============================End of The World Above========================== ============================================================================= YOUR NEXT JOURNEY BEGINS UNDERGROUND Party's level: 18 Here when you enter the mountain the ship is suddenly taken down by shots from the Red Wings. This time the Red Wings are not after Cecil. It seems like a War is going on between some tanks and the Red Wings. The Enterprise trys to dodge the firepower but a couple shots hit the Enterprise and they fall down. Here Cecil has suffered only minor injuries but the Enterprise is serverely damaged. The enterprise lands in front of giant castle. Here save your game and enter through. Also I would like to mention that congratulations! You have achieved half-way through the game, and the other half is tougher than most battles you have encountered. WHAT PLOT IS GOLBEZ UP TO THIS TIME? Party's level: 18 Here enter the castle and go directly in the middle. The conversation will automatically start. Here they introduce themselves and Cecil asks for the cyrstal but apparently two out of four were taken from Golbez. However the crystal in his castle is still safe. Here the King asks the party to help support them with their airship but the Enterprise is badly damage and can't even fly over magma. Here Cid leaves the party and will wrap the ship in Mystic Silver. The party say there goodbyes, but suddenly Yang's incredible instincts point out that he feels that someone is evesdropping on the party. The party and the King's men look but nobody is there. Then the King opens the door to the Crystal room and when the party enters they see wierd dolls jumping around and also the door behind them is locked. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: CAL & BRENA, CALBRENA HP: CAL(800) BRENA(400) CALBRENA(3000) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This boss fight is pretty tough so don't be surprised that you find yourselves losing early on. First have Cecil attack the CALs, have Kain JUMP the CALs, have Yang perform his KICK, and have Rosa AIM at the BRENAs. Continue to do this until they are all gone. However if by any chance you leave one of them standing they can still form into CALBRENA, who's attacks are very powerful and has alot of HP. If this happens hit CALBRENA with your best attacks, also if you do not destroy CLABRENA in time before she forms back into the 6 dolls, that means you will have to face the 6 dolls all over again despite the fact that you may of destroy 5 out of the 6 dolls earlier. I really can't offer much strategy because I've barely won this battle. After the battle Golbez appears. He tells you why is he is after the crystals. Apparently with all eight crystals in his hand he will re-activate the Tower of Bab-il and open a path to the moon. Legends says that the Moon possesses limitless power. Here Golbez has only one more crystal to collect after he takes this one. Here a battle will start with Golbez. ----------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: GOLBEZ and SHADOW HP: 800(SHADOW) 2800(GOLBEZ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Here the party's attacks continously but all their attacks miss, then suddenly he puts a HOLD GAS on the entire party which paralyzes them. Here the battle seems hopeless. Here the party goes down by SHADOW's attacks one by one, until Cecil goes, but suddenly the Mist Dragon Cecil and Kain had destroyed earlier comes and blows them with a Mist that destroys the Shadow Dragon. Here an unknown mysterious voice heals the party and they can move now. Suddenly its Rydia! She's back and this time with more powers than she left with! She has 5 new summons and much more new Black magic attacks, this time GOLBEZ is going down! Here just have Cecil attack and have Rydia cast any one of her summons. After that Golbez will wall like a rotten cookie. Here Rydia tells the party that Leviatan had swallowed her up and took her to the Land of Summoned Monsters, where all Summoned Monsters live. There time flows much quicker and Rydia's appearance is much more adult like. Here Golbez's hand takes the Crystal and the party reappears at the King's room. Here the party knows that the last Crystal is at the Sealed Cave to the south. The King has devised of a plan to lure the Tower of Bab-il's fire power to the tanks so the party can sneak in and take the crystals. Here the King tells you that the exit to the Tower of Bab-il is at the bottom of this castle. Before you go anywhere make sure you explore this castle, its pretty big and has some nifty items. Also right after the King finishes talking to you have Rydia Warp and you will be in the Crystal room, even though you saw Golbez take the crystal the crystal is still there for some strange reason. EXPLORATION OF THE DWARVE CASTLE Party's level: 18 Here exit out of the King's room and take the left staircase. Here you will be at the inn, check the pot next to the counter to recieve 1000 GOLD. From here take the left staircase and you will be in a room with a door at the bottom and a staircase in the middle. Take the staircase and you will see a room full of pots and a Dwarve at the top, here he will let you take the treasures in the tower. Also there is nothing in the pots so continue on. In this room take the left side and a treasure chest will give you a CURE2 POTION, now there is a hidden passage leading to the treasure chest at the bottom of the CURE2 POTION, go through that way to collect a BLACK BELT robe. Now go around and to the right to pick up an ETHER1 POTION. Also a Namingway is here incase you hate the names of your party members. Now to the right of the Namingway is yet another hidden passage that leads to the top treasure chest which is an ELIXIR. Now head back to the entrance of the left tower and this time go outside. Here you will see a few Dwarves outside, talk to them if you like and continue onto the right tower. In here you will see two staircases. First take the treasure chest which is a DWARF AXE, and now take the staircase in the middle. Here in this next room the guard will allow you to take the other treasures and also here are a bunch of pots, and there is absolutely nothing in these pots. Here in this next room take the treasure chest to the top and open it to recieve the STRENGTH ring. Now to the right of the treasure chest is another hidden passage, go through it and take the treasure chest to the right to pick up an ETHER2 POTION. Now pick up the treasure chest at the bottom which is an ELIXIR and pick up the final treasure chest which is an ETHER1 POTION. Now return to the entrance of the tower and take the right staircase and you will be in the Weapons and Armor shop now. You can go to the middle of the room if you want but its not neccessary because all it is is a Dwarf dancing. Here buy three RUNE rings for Rosa, Yang, and Rydia, and also a WIZARD hat for Rydia. Don't bother to buy any Fire equipment here because they won't help much in the underworld. Now you can go to the stairs in the top left hand corner if you want to dump off some of your items to the fat Chocobo. Also if you don't have any carrots there are three carrots to the right of the Fat Chocobo in the pots. Also in this room talk to the Dwarf in front of the Liquor Shelf and he will open the door for you to the bottom half of the castle. Now you will be in the basement, to the right side of the basement is a CABIN, a CABIN, and yet another CABIN. Now go to the left, in this room is the Dwarf base, to the very left is a Recovery Pot, so you can heal your wounds. Now leave the castle and save your game. RAID ON THE TOWER OF BAB-IL Party's level: 18 From outside here go all the way northwest and you will find tanks shooting at the Tower of Bab-il, so while they distract the Tower enter through. Now when you enter take the left and recieve 10 ICE ARROWs and another set of ICE ARROWs. Now take the right path of the room and pick up an ETHER1 POTION and enter the middle of the room. Now in this next room pick up the BANDANA to the left and continue down. Take the very next door you see, inside is a treasure chest inside is an ALERT, each time you attack it when a monster is not present it will call another monster. After you defeat him equip the BLIZZARD SPEAR and continue on. Now take the right door and inside is another treasure chest, and also another battle with an ALERT. After you win the battle you will recieve a ICE BRAND sword, equip it and move on. In this next room take the treasure chest to the left and pick up a CATCLAW for Yang. From here to the right is a CURE2 POTION, after you have picked that up go to the right door in the room and also pick up the LIFE POTION. Here in this room is another LIFE POTION and an ARCHER BOW, equip the Bow and head back into the room. Now head to the left door. In this room go to the left and enter a save point, save your game and continue onto the right side of this room. Now enter the room to the bottom, you will have to fight an ALERT here, but win the battle to pick up an ICE SHIELD. The room to the right has nothing inside so go to the room at the top to fight another ALERT, this time if you win you recieve an ICE SHIELD. Equip both ICE equipment on and continue through to the top left. Now in this next room go get the treasure chest to the right contains 2,000 GOLD. Now continue to the right, but ignore the room in the middle because its locked. Also pick up a CURE2 POTION on the way and continue upwards into the next room. Here just go to the door on the left. In this next room take the right side and into a door to find a SAVE POINT, save your game and continue on. Also pick up an ETHER2 POTION right before the next room. Here just continue on and make it to the left side of the room. Here you will see Dr. Lugae and Rubicant having a conversation. Here after Dr. Lugae has transported Rubicant out he is excited that he is the only one here. Rydia calls him a "Wierd Guy...!" and then finally Dr.Lugae notices them. Here Kain makes a few smart remarks and Dr. Lugae calls his robot BALNAB. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: DR. LUGAE, BLANAB HP: 3000(DR.LUGAE) 2700(BALNAB) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here in this battle start things off with Cecil attacking Dr. Lugae and have Kain Jump Dr. Lugae, also have Rosa aim at Dr. Lugae as well as Yang attack Dr. Lugae. For Rydia have her summon INDRA. Keep pounding on Dr. Lugae until he is gone so that he doesn't constantly heal BALNAB. At first BALNAB will attack Dr. Lugae, but then he will attack you so his hit is actually a freebie. This fight isn't too tough, but if you do not kill BALNAB in time before he explodes, then most likely one of your characters will die because the EXPLODE takes off loads of damage, or depending on how much HP he has left will tell how much damage he will inflict. After this battle Dr. Lugae still stands, but this time he has a trick up his sleeve. ---------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: DR. LUGAE HP: 5000 ---------------------------------------------- This fight is a little tougher than the last so take some extra precautions. First take a few swings at him before he turns into a skeleton. Have Rosa AIM and heal if neccessary. Have Rydia cast INDRA or JINN, have Kain JUMP and have both Yang and Cecil attack. Watch out for the LASER attack, it'll most likely kill off one of your party members, so revive them also watch out for the GAS, it will paralyze your party member, but you can wait and have DR. LUGAE heal you or heal the party member yourself. Afterwards you should be able to win and collect the TOWER key. After the battle the Super Cannon is almosted charged up so head back to the middle room that was locked earlier. Here when you enter this room the Super Cannon is about to fire, but Cecil interrupts their play and the three DARK IMPs attack them. ------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: Three DARK IMPs HP: 180 each ------------------------------------------------ This fight is basically a joke, yet they give you a lofty amount of expierience points. Here the DARK IMPs make their final move by detonating the Super Cannon. Here Yang decides to stop the Super Cannon from exploding, but Yang knocks them out of the room. Here Yang sacrifices himself and the Super Cannon explodes. Now exit out of the Tower. Before the party leaves Golbez interrupts them and knocks out the bridge and the party falls below. Luckily Cid is back from his trip, and they tell Cid about Yang. Suddenly the Red Wings approach them, they try to out manuver the Red Wings, but somehow the Red Wings were re-modified, and without Cid! Here the party can't shake off the Red Wings and Cid says his last goodbyes before he denonates the bomb. Its a shame too see a good friend go off like that, so that's 6 six people lost at the hands of Golbez. Its time we show Golbez how the party feels. Before Cid left he told the party to head towards Baron to ask his workers for help. ONWARD TOWARDS BARON! Party's level: 21 First when you enter here make your way to the right side of the castle and you will see two people standing outside below the right tower. Talk to them and Cid's crew has already been informed to attach a hook to the Enterprise. After the crew is done now that party can hook and attach the Hovercraft. To attach the Hovercraft, simply go over it and press the "A" button. Here the crew tells you that you can reach the Cave of Eblan near the Tower of Bab-il. So remember where you last left your Hovercraft? Yes you got it, near Mt. Hobs directly northeast of Baron. Now go southwest of Baron and land your Hovercraft and go to the Cave of Eblan just under the Tower of Bab-il. WHAT LIES AHEAD IN THESE CAVES? Party's level: 21 From here go to the right and pick up a SHURIKEN dart. If you so happen not to see any hidden passages then try adjusting your television's brightness or contrast. Also to the right and pick up a HEAL POTION and continue on to the bottom of the cave. To the bottom right of the cave is 1200 GOLD, after that go to the next room. In this area monsters will not attack you, and the people of Eblan are now living in the caves, take a look around and buy some new equipment. You can buy an extra ICE armor and also an extra ICE shield for Kain if you like, but since he is jumping most of the time I don't think that would be neccessary. Also I would consider buying a BLACK gown for Rydia because it suits her better than her current equipment. The weapons shop is a complete waste of time because you already have the equipment they are selling. So continue on to the bottom left room. Here you will get information that the Ninjas of Eblan are defeated rather easily and also check the pots at the end of the nursing room to pick up a CURE1 POTION and also the pot near the entrance of the nursing room to pick up another CURE1 POTION. After that's all done and done head out and onto the next area. In this next area is the Pass to Bab-il. To the right is an ETHER1 POTION, after that go to the top to find a TENT and a wounded guard, he will tell you that the Prince has went alone. Below the downed guard is a CURE2 POTION and above is a CURE3 POTION. Continue onto the next room and you will find another downed guard. To the right of this room is another SHURIKEN dart. Continue and in this room through the hidden passage is two treasure chests containing two ELIXIRs. The other treasure chests contain a CABIN, a CURE2 POTION, and another CURE2 POTION. Here in this room you will see another downed guard, to the bottom is 800 GOLD and to the right are three treasure chests which contain a a LIFE POTION, another LIFE POTION, and 850 GOLD. Continue onwards to the top and onto the next room. Here in this next room is a save point, you might want to save before collecting the treasure chest to the right. If you do decide to pick up the treasure chest, it contains a DRAIN sword for Cecil, but you must defeat two STALEMANs to obtained it. After you have saved your game exit out of the save room and go to the top, but before you do pick up the LIFE POTION to the left side. When you reach the top you will see a mysterious Ninja battling the almighty Rubicant. Here you will know that the man's name is Edge. Here at first all looks well, but then Edge casts FLAME which is Rubicant's strength and suddenly Rubicant uses GLARE a powerful attack that knocks out Edge. After the battle Rubicant tells him he is strong but not strong enough and tells him to fight him once he has become strong enough. Here the party talks to Edge and tells them that they are on the same side. Edge is still hot headed and Rydia comes out crying, telling him that she has lost everybody in this epic war. Here Rosa uses CURE2 on Edge and he thanks her for it with a sassy remark of course. Before you proceed to the next room pick up an ETHER2 POTION before you go. Here in this next room is the other side of the Tower of Bab-il. The party wonders how they will get in, but Edge is a ninja remember? He easily slips by the wall. In this 1F of the Tower make sure to pick up a CURE3 POTION at the top, after that go around and find your way to the next door, but before you enter the door pick up another CURE3 POTION to the right. In this next room is a treasure chest in the middle. Pick it up to recieve an OGRE axe, but you must fight for it, against four MAD OGREs that is! After that continue on to the next room. Here in this next room to the right is 2000 GOLD, after you have picked that up continue into the next room. Here proceed to the right, and along the way pick up the treasure chest to obtain a MIDDLE blade for Edge and proceed to the left and onto the next room. In this room ignore the orb in the middle and proceed to the right of the room and enter the first door. Inside this room is a save spot, heal your wounds and save and continue on to the right room. Here just go to the room on the left. When you enter here you will see a center room, which loks alot like the Super Cannon room, but its not the Super Cannon room this time. Before you enter the room Edge sees his parents, but they are not themselves. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: K.EBLAN, Q.EBLAN HP: 32,000(K.EBLAN) 30,000(Q.EBLAN) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In this battle you don't have to do anything. Keep your party healed and the King and Queen of Eblan will come to their senses. Here in this battle both Queen Eblan and King Eblan tell them that they are no longer human. They say their final farewells and they die themselves. Here Rubicant will appear and Edge is fustrated with him, Rubicant tells him that it was Dr. Lugae that turned his parents into monsters and he apologizes for it. He tells them that he fights fair and is unlike the other Fiend of Elements. Here Edge releases his Rage and learns FLOOD and BLITZ. Before you fight Rubicant you can pick up the 82,000 GOLD treasure chest to the left if you want or after the battle and make sure you do not heal yourselves. Rubicant will autmoactically heal your wounds for you. When you are prepared talk to Rubicant to start the fight. -------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: RUBICANT HP: 24,000 -------------------------------------- This boss fight isn't too tough. Have Kain JUMP which causes almost 4,000 HP of damage with each hit and have Cecil attack which causes about 2,300 HP of damage each hit. Don't bother trying to hit him with ICE spells because if you get your timing wrong and he closes his cape that means you will heal him instead. Have Rosa AIM with her ICE arrows and have Edge dart with his SHURIKENs, and also have Rydia use VIRUS. Now continue and keep pounding on him with the same pattern and he should be gone. Here Rubicant admores them because weak people can join forces. Here the Chamberlain and his troops come to help Edge out, but Rubicant is already defeated. The party tell Edge about Golbez, and they hurry off into the Crystal room. Before they can obtain the crystals they fall into a pitfall dropping them to the floor below. Here in this next area pick up a CURE2 POTION at the top and move on. In this next room just proceed to the top. Here you will be on the 6F continue down and to the right is a CURE2 POTION. Here in this next room is an Airship. Edge decides to take it, but not without Rydia's concerns and Rosa's concerns. Edge tells them not to worry and he calls the new airship, the Falcon(that's how they spell it in the game). The party leaves the Tower, but the airship cannot travel through Magma. For now head back to the Castle of Dwarves. WHAT HELP CAN THE KING OFFER THIS TIME? Party's level: 19-24 Here just proceed to the center of the castle. Here the party talks to the King and they believe that Golbez is trying to force open the Sealed Cave. Here the King tells Luca to give the party they Key to the last crystal before he can take it away. But the ship can't travel through Magma so how can they get to the Sealed Cave? Well for now head to the nursing room to the left of the entrance to the Dwarves' Base. Inside here you will find Cid. Here Edge's lousy mouth goes off on Cid. Here the party tells Cid that they have defeated the all the Four Fiends, but the Airhsip cannot travel through Magma. Even though Cid is injured he jumps at the chance to help his party. After the long remodeling of the airship Cid is back in his bed, but then suddenly he does not speak, but then the party realizes that he is just sleeping. Now afterwards head towards the Sealed Cave southwest of the Dwarf Castle, it looks like a square shape in the middle of rocks. DEFEND THE LAST CRYSTAL BEFORE GOLBEZ OBTAINS IT! Party's level: 19-24 From here just unlock the door and proceed to the first floor. Proceed down and pick up a LIFE POTION and enter the door above, but watch out, every door in here is a TRAP DOOR. He will often take out a party member, so make sure you heal at the end of battle. In this room, you will find an ETHER1 POTION and a LONG sword for Edge. Now get out of this room and proceed to the left, Here you will see another Door which is yet another TRAP DOOR. Defeat and move on through. In this room pick up a CURE2 POTION and proceed to the 2nd door from the left, because the first door doesn't have anything also make sure to pick up an ETHER2(or was it one?) to the treasure chest to the left. Now enter the door and defeat the TRAP DOOR, inside is absolutely nothing, but the TRAP DOOR did give you a lofty amount of expierience right? Well here just continue to the ladder below. Here in this next area proceed down through the rope walkway and pick up a LIFE POTION and continue on to pick up another LIFE POTION. Now proceed to the second door from the right because the 1st door has absolutely nothing. In the second door defeat the TRAP DOOR and inside is a LIGHT sword, equip it on Cecil and continue on to the 3rd door. In this room is a NINJA dart, an ELIXIR, and 5,000 GOLD. Here ignore the 3rd door, unless you want to gain some levels, and go to the fourth door. Defeat the TRAP DOOR and proceed inside and in here is a save point, save your game and heal your wounds and proceed to the fifth door. Defeat the TRAP DOOR and inside you will find gear for Edge which are a NINJA helmet and a LONG sword. Afterwards proceed down and fight yet another TRAP DOOR. Defeat and enter through the room. In this room pick up an ETHER1 POTION and continue onto the left ladder. In this next room is a CURE2 POTION and a LIFE POTION, ignore the door to the left because inside has nothing, unless you want to fight a TRAP DOOR for some high expierience points. Here in this room go to the right and pick a LIFE POTION and enter through the door if you want to earn some expierience because there is nothing inside the room. Now continue to the middle of the room and take the rope ladder going down. From here go to the right and defeat the TRAP DOOR and enter through. In this room contains an ETHER2 POTION and a CURE3 POTION. Now head out and go towards the left and take the ladder into the next room. Here in this room is a save point, save your game again and heal your wounds and proceed down. From here just ignore the rope ladders to the sides and make your way around to the middle and proceed to the center room. In here you should be on B5F, now make your way to the center of the room and pick up the crystal. Now leave the crystal room and make your way outside. Here before the party leaves a trap has been set. --------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: EVILWALL HP: 20,000 --------------------------------------- This boss fight will not be easy. First have Cecil attack regularly, have Kain JUMP the EVILWALL, have Rosa AIM and heal if neccessary, have Edge dart his NINJA darts he picked up earlier and then have him attack regularly and have Rydia cast VIRUS. If the EVILWALL crushes you just bring back that party member with LIFE1 don't bother healing him again. Keep up this pattern until he's gone. After the battle have the party leave this floor and in the next floor have Rydia use WARP and continue to WARP until she reaches the entrance to the Sealed Cave. Here before you leave Golbez's presence is here and he takes control of Kain again, the party tries to stop him but to no avail. Kain leaves with the crystal and the party is helpless to try and stop him. For now there are three things you can do: a) Return to the Dwarf Castle b) Proceed to the Land of Summoned Monsters c) Proceed to the Sylph Cave NOTE: If you need help with the other two events(b,c) then refer to the bottom of this FFIV walkthrough in the Side Areas section for some help. Its your choice and choice b and c are completely optional in the game. But if you are following this walkthrough go to the Dwarf Castle. After this tough fight have Rosa EXIT. Now head northwest and towards a cave, but before you enter inside heal your wounds and save your game. YOU'VE HELPED TOO MUCH CID! Party's level: 22-27 Here he informs of King Giott that all the crystals have been taken. Here the King tels them of a Legend that the Big Whale. The party needs to make it back to Mysidia, but the way to the overworld is blocked, but Cid once again proves them wrong. In the middle of the remodeling of the airship Cid collapses and they take him back to the nursing room. Afterwards head out of the Dwarf Castle and onto your airship, remember where Cid blew up that bomb? Well now go to that spot and press A, a new way will open for you. When you reach outside there are 4 things to do: a) Head for Mysidia like the King told you to. b) Head for the basement of Baron. c) Head to the island near Silvera. d) Go to the Castle of Fabul and talk to Yang's wife. NOTE: If you need help on the other three events(b,c,d) go to the bottom portion of the FFIV walkthrough in the Side Areas section. It doesn't matter which area you go to, but if you are following this walkthrough go to the town of Mysidia. But first attach your Hovercraft to the Enterprise. THE LEGEND THEY SPEAK OF IS TRUE! Party's level: 22-27 Here the Elder comes to you and tells you to hurry and come to the tower of wishes. Then you see the Mysidian Legend again. Here the Elder and a bunch of Black and White mages wishes for the Legend of the Big Whale. Then suddenly their wish has come true. The ship of light from the moon has come through the oceans of Mysidia. While the Elder was wishing he heard a voice call from the moon. ============================================================================= =============================End of The Underworld=========================== ============================================================================= A TRIP TO THE MOON Party's level: 22-27 Now when your in the Big Whale talk to the Crystal and it will take you to the moon. Here you can take a look into outer space. When you are on the moon make a landing just horthwest of the giant Crystal palace. Here you will have to walk your way to the Crystal palace. So take the cave to the left. When you are in this cave take the right and inside the treasure chest are 2 JUCLYOTE and 2 PROCLYOTE. Defeat them to obtain an ELIXIR. Now to the top right of this room is a CURE2 POTION and a HEAL POTION. After you have picked that up exit out through the top. Now when you are outside go southeast into another cave which is the LUNAR PATH. In here is basically nothing. When you reach outside again all you have to do is make your way to the Crystal Palace. A SHOCKING TRUTH UNCOVERED Party's level: 24-29 In this palace and to the left is an HP and Status recovery spot and to the left is an MP recovery spot. Step on them if you are badly injured. Now head towards the center of the Crystal Palace. Here an unknown voice speaks to you. Then suddenly he appears on the chair of the crystal palace. He tells you his name which is FuSoya the guardian of the Lunarians' slumber. He tells you that about 1000 years ago that the planet between Jupiter and Mars was about to be destroyed, but after the destruction of the planet the people who have survived the calamity headed for the Blue Planet also known as Earth. But the people knew that the people of Earth was still in the middle of evolution so they had created a second moon so they could sleep. A person named Zemus wanted to control the Earth but he wouldn't listen. It appears that an even stronger foe is controlling Golbez! He needs the crystals of Earth to awaken the Giant of Bab-il to destroy those living on Earth. Then Cecil asks about the Blue Whale, it was actually FuSoya's brother Kluya that had made the Big Whale so that he can travel to the Blue Planet. He taught the people of Earth how to build airships and also the infamous Serpant Road. Kluya fell in love with a human woman and gave birth to two children. One of them is Cecil. Then Cecil realizes that the person who was talking to him was the spirit of his father. He gave Cecil the power to thwart the machination of Zemus. Then the party must hurry to the Tower of Bab-il. But how will the party get through its shielded, but FuSoya can break through. Here FuSoya joins your party now head back to the Big Whale, but I highly reccommend that you go to Bahamut's cave first, but since its optional, you don't need to bother. Bahamut's cave is located on the on the middle cave that has a giant ring around a rock in the middle. Also FuSoya starts out at level 50 with 1900 HP, but his defense is very weak so keep him in the back. Also he knows all the Black and White magics as well. THE GIANT OF BAB-IL ACTIVATED? Party's level: 24-29 When you arrive on Earth the Giant of Bab-il has already been activated. Here the Giant of Bab-il makes his way through but an unexpected help comes along the way. A group of tanks lead by King Giott fires multiple cannonballs at the Giant of Bab-il. Also your firend Yang is in one of the tanks as well then a fleet of airships led by Cid attacks the Giant of Bab-il(what firepower!) Also a pleasant surprise is on the airship as well, its Palom and Porom! The Elder has removed their petrification. In another airship is Edward he wants to show the courage Cecil had taught him. Here the Giant of Bab-il has never seen such heroics and firepower before and it feels intimidated. But the party must get in and destroy the core. Here the party asks for Cid to get them to the Giant's mouth. DESTROY THE CORE FOR ALL LIVING THINGS ON EARTH! Party's level: 24-29 Now when your in here proceed to the top to reach it's neck. Then go to the Chest area. Here to the left is a SHURIKEN dart. Continue down and also pick up a CURE2 POTION along the way. Here continue on and pick up an ETHER1 POTION and also a set of 10 SAMURAI arrows at the top and a CABIN. After that proceed to the stomach area in here is a LIFE POTION and another LIFE POTION. Then continue onto the left. Here in the Passage pick up the ELIXIR but you must fight a LEFT ARM for it, which is not that hard to beat. Also watch out for its FISSION attack, so destroy it quick. Here proceed to the top which is a save point and heal your wounds if neccessary. Here you will be in the Lung part of the Giant. Inside here you will face off against the Four Fiends again, this time they fight together. Also Rubicant will heal any of your wounds. ----------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: ELEMENTS HP: 104,000(total) ----------------------------------------------- In this boss fight you first face off against MILON Z.(17,000 HP) This fight is too easy actually, have Cecil attack normally, have Rosa heal if neccessary, have Rydia use FIRE3 or the summon JINN if she is not up there in levels yet. Have FuSoya use FIRE3 which will do unthinkable damage on him and have Edge use his FLAME magic which will do about 4,000 HP of damage against him. After you get through that warm-up this time you will have to fight RUBICANT(39,000)have Edge use FLOOD, have Cecil attack as normal, have Rydia summon SHIVA, have FuSoya use ICE-3 and have Rosa be your healer. Here in this next battle is KAINAZZO(21,000), have Rydia use LIT-3 or summon INDRA depending on what level you are at, have Rosa be your healer, have Cecil attack regularly, have Edge use his BLITZ attack and FuSoya cast LIT-3. After this battle is VALVALIS(27,000) have Cecil attack regularly, have Rosa be the healer, have FuSoya cast LIT-3, have Rydia cast LIT-3 or summon INDRA depending on her level, and finally have Edge cast BLITZ. Also heal immediately once VALVALIS has used STORM because it will leave your party at only a few digits of HP. This fight shouldn't have been too hard tough, but it does drain on your MPs quite a bit though. After the battle the four fiends perish one by one. Now go back to your save point, heal your wounds and save. Now go back to the Lung and into the core. Here the alarm goes off. FuSoya tells the party to destroy the Defensive system first otherwise all damage will be repaired. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: CPU, DEFENDER, ATTACKER HP: 3000(DEFENDER, ATTACKER) 22,000(CPU) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here just have FySoya cast WHITE on the CPU if he does not cast WALL on itself, then have Rydia just use BAHAMUT, Have Cecil take out the DEFENDER and have Edge attack the CPU, always leave the ATTACKER alone otherwise if you attack the CPU when it is without the DEFENDER and ATTACKER it will counter with GLOBE99 which will do 9,999 damage to a single party member, also if both the DEFENDER and ATTACKER are gone the CPU will simply revive them. I think the BAHAMUT summon should nullify the WALL but I'm not sure. After the fight the CPU will be destroyed. Then suddenly Golbez comes through, but FuSoya breaks Golbez out of Zemus' mind control. Here Golbez wonders why he had all the hatred in him. Also he remembers his father's name which is Kluya!!! That means Cecil has been fighting his brother all this time? Cecil and the party is shocked and amazed to discover what they have heard. Apparently Golbez's blood was easier for Zemus to control than Cecil. Here before Golbez leaves to settle things FuSoya decides to come with him. Here Golbez says his goodbye but Cecil doesn't say a word. Then suddenly the Giant of Bab-il is collapsing, the party can't seem to find a way out but Kain comes in. Edge already knows Kain's trickery, but Kain tells the party to hurry. Here the Giant explodes, Kain apologizes and he is ready to pay for his consequences, but Rosa tells Edge to stop. Here they tell Kain about Cecil's brother and also the fact that FuSoya and Golbez went to the moon to settle the dispute. Also Kain tells the party is he is hipnotized again then they should get rid of him. Here Cecil tells Rydia and Rosa to leave off the Big Whale and Kain ,Edge, and Cecil will go to the moon. Cecil doesn't want Rydia or Rosa to come back dead, Rosa leaves uneasily, and Edge makes yet another sassy remark to Rydia, she also leaves uneasily. Here the party reaches the moon, but before they leave Rosa appears and she did not leave the Big Whale after all. Cecil tells Rosa to get out of the way but she won't unless she comes with Cecil, then Cecil makes a promise to protect her in no matter what danger. Then they kiss, but not before Rydia has shown her way through. Cecil finally agrees to let Rydia come. Before you go to the Crystal Palace go to the cave just south of the crystal palace to restock on supplies. RESTOCK BEFORE YOUR JOURNEY TO THE MOON'S CORE Party's level: 27-32 Here in this cave is a small shop that sells supplies. I suggest you buy about 15 CABINs and a bunch of CURE2 and LIFE POTIONs before moving on. Also if you think that you will run out of slots in your item inventory then buy a WHISTLE. After you are all done and set proceed to the Crystal Palace. THE FINAL BATTLE RESTS IN THE PARTY'S HANDS When you reach the crystal room you will get a chance to talk to the crystals. You will learn that there are eight crystals of Earth and eight crystals of the moon. When your done proceed to the middle and the crystals will automatically take you to the Moon's Core. Also make note that there are many tough opponents inside the Moon's Core and it will be quite a while before you reach your first save point in the Moon's core. When you first reach here go to the left through the hidden passage and onto the portal, here you should see a door in front, enter it and go through. Here you will see a treasure chest to the top which is a LIFE staff, but you must win a tough batle against two WARLOCKs and TWO KARYs. After that heal your wounds and proceed to the left and enter through the portal. In this next room just go down and enter through the door. Here you will be on the 3rd floor of the Subterrean and you will see a sword above it as well. Touch the sword and a boss fight will ensue. ------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: PALE DIM HP: 26,000 ------------------------------------- This boss fight is rather tough to win. Make sure Rosa casts FLOAT on the party so the party can avoid the QUAKE attack and also she should be the healer. Have Rydia summon BAHAMUT, have Edge attack regularly as well as Cecil, and have Kain JUMP. Also the PALE DIM's attacks are awfully strong so make sure you heal quickly and bring back any members from the swoon condition. After the tough battle heal your wounds. After the PALE DIM has been defeated you will recieve the MURASAME, equip it on Edge and go back to the entrance of the Moon's Core. Now go to the top right and enter the hidden passage. Here go around and you will find a treasure chest which contains a NINJA robe for Edge. But you must fight a very tough battle against two REDGIANTS. Now go back around and down into the next room. In this room is a treasure chest to the left through a not so hidden passage which contains a FLAME whip for Rydia, equip it and move on. To the top left is a DRAGOON shield, equip it on Kain and move on. In this room you will see a door in the middle, before you go into the room at the bottom right is a DRAGOON helmet, equip it and also to the right through a hidden passage is a DRAGOON armor, proceed to the left to collect a DRAGOON guantlet. After that head to the middle door and continue through. In this next room go to the right and pick up a set of 10 ARTEMIS arrows. Now continue down to the left room and inside is a treasure chest which contains an ELIXIR. Now head out and go to the right and down and into the next room. Inside go to the top right and pick up a CURE3 POTION and continue to the left and at the end is another CURE3 POTION, after you have picked that up go to the next room. To the left is a treasure chest with a STARDUST rod, but a BEHEMOTH guards it. Defeat him, collect, the treasure and continue to the right and into the walkway. In this next room you will see a sword to the right, but you can't get it yet, and I wouldn't reccommend you trying either. To the bottom left is a treasure chest, make sure Rosa is equipped with the ARTEMIS arrows before you open it. Open it and a RED DRAGON and a BLUE DRAGON will appear. This fight is extremely tough so I'll consider this a boss fight: --------------------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: RED DRAGON, BLUE DRAGON HP: 32,000(total) --------------------------------------------------------- Make sure Kain is in the backrow otherwise you probably won't stand much of a chance. Kain is the only one in this party that can take the hits of the BLIZZARD attack by the BLUE DRAGON. Have Cecil attack regularly, have Rosa AIM at either Dragon which will cause critical hits. Have Rydia summon BAHAM and have Edge attack regularly. After a while Kain may possibly be the only one standing, have him continously JUMP at all times and have him heal himself when his HPs drop below 600. After this incredibly tough battle you will recieve a special reward which is a CRYSTAL shield. Equip it on Cecil and move on. Here in this next room go to the top right and you will see a treasure chest, pick it up to collect a PROTECT ring, equip it on anybody and continue on towards the bottom of the cave. Here in this area go to the right and pick up the CRYSTAL armor, but you must defeat a BEHEMOTH for it. Now go back into the room and go up. Here you will see a treasure chest to the right, pick it up to recieve a CRYSTAL guantlet, but you must win a tough match against two RED DRAGOns, but this time the fight isn't nearly as hard. After you have picked it up and defeated the RED DRAGONs go to the left and into the next room. Here to the left is a WHITE gown for Rosa, equip it and move on. Out here to the right is a CRYSTAL helmet guarded by a WARLOCK and a D.FOSSIL, after that go to the left and inside is a CABIN collect it and move on. Also you might encounter a FATALEYE often, don't fight it, just have Edge use SMOKE because you most likely will not kill him in time before the timer goes off on your character. Here in this next room to the left is a set of 10 ARTEMIS arrows and to the right is a NINJA dart, after picking those two up go to down and continue to the bottom right path, but make sure you pick up a CABIN to the left. In this next room to the left is a HEROINE gown guarded by three KARYs and one WARLOCK, defeat them, collect and equip the HEROINE gown, and move onto the right. Here in this next room go down and enter the first door, here is your first save spot of the Moon's Core. Heal your wounds and save your game. Then continue onto the right. In here there is a lance in the middle touch it and a fight will ensue. ---------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: PLAGUE HP: 30,000 ---------------------------------- He will immediately begin the countdown timer on your entire party so you really have to move quickly. Here Have Cecil and Edge attack normally, have Rydia summon BAHAMUT, have Rosa use FAST on Cecil and Edge, and have Kain JUMP. Also when your timer reaches "0" keep pressing A so that you character won't die off. After the battle the party has won the WHITE lance, equip it on Kain, but return to your save spot and save your game and restore any lost MP. Now go to the next room to the right. Here in this room before you can reach the two treasure chests, two D.LUNARs approach you. ------------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: two D.LUNARs HP: 15,000(each) ------------------------------------------------- Here the first couple of attacks put out by the D.LUNARs are pretty much a joke. Then they will put a WALL on themselves. Here have Rydia summon BAHAMUT, have Cecil and Edge attack normally, have Rosa be the healer and cast FAST on Edge and Cecil, and finally have Kain JUMP. Here they will cast WALL on themselves, that means they will get ready to use VIRUS, there really isn't much you can do about it, but have Rosa use LIFE2 on any fallen party member. Also whenever you use magic against them they will counter with REMEDY which will recover 2100 HP, but that's okay since BAHAMUT does close to 5,000 on the both of them. Now return back to the save point, save your game, and heal your wounds. Before you go forward remember the room with the CABIN to the left? Well return back there and to the left of the previous CABIN is an invisible bridge. Go to the left and at the top through the middle of the block is a staircase. In this room is the B6 floor, at the bottom is a LIFE POTION, and continue to the right to find a portal. Here just continue up the stairway and into another portal. Here you will be at B5 just continue straight up to find a treasure chest which contains another PROTECT ring, but you must defeat a BEHEMOTH to obtain it. After the battle heal your wounds and continue upwards and into another portal. In here is a save room, save your game and continue on. In this area you will see a sword that you saw earlier. Also try to fight a few battles and duplicate a couple of EXCALIBURs and try to gain Rosa's level to 49. Touch it and you will be attacked by a WYVERN. ---------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: WYVERN HP: 35,000 ---------------------------------- Ouch! He will most likely start the battle off with MEGANUKE which will probably kill off a few of your characters. Then he will put a WALL on himself then just start casting endless barrages of NUKE spells. This battle is probably too difficult, but it can be won. First have Cecil and Edge dart the EXCALIBUR swords, have Kain JUMP and have Rydia summon BAHAMUT, and have Rosa heal the party or use WHITE if she has it. Also use LIFE2 on anybody that is down. Keep this up and you should win the battle even though it will be an extremely difficult fight. After the tough and difficult battle, you will recieve the CRYSTAL sword, equip it and move on. Here go back to the B7 save point and save your game again. Also try to duplicate as many EXCALIBUR swords as you can as well. After that go up and in the next room you will be in the Moon's Core. Also pick up a NINJA dart along the way and at the bottom is yet another very tough and very difficult boss fight if you decide to pick up the MASAMUNE blade that is. Also in this area and from here to the last boss fight you will encounter enemies that are as tough as bosses, you cannot run from them unless you use Edge's SMOKE magic. If you do decide to pick up the MASAMUNE then hopefully you are ready for a very tough boss fight. ------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: OGOPOGO HP: 38,000 ------------------------------------ Ouch again! He will start off the battle with a double BIGWAVE attack that can shave off about 1,200 HP of damage to every party member. Also he will use the BIGWAVE attack frequently along the battle causing about 500 HP of damage to every character. So hopefully you did duplicate those EXCALIBUR swords. Have Edge dart the EXCALIBUR swords, have Rydia summon BAHAMUT, have Rosa bring back any party member from the swoon condition with LIFE2 also have her heal the party and hopefully she is at level 49 so she can cast WHITE. Then have Kain JUMP and Cecil attack regularly. Keep this pattern up until he is gone. After the tough battle you might want to go back to the save point and heal your wounds and save your game. Then continue towards the next room past the room where you had defeated the OGOPOGO. In this room to the bottom right is an ELIXIR, collect it and continue downward. Down towards the bottom of this room is a WHISTLE, after that continue onwards to the next portal. In this room here to the bottom right is a NINJA dart, and to the left is another NINJA dart. Now continue towards the bottom right hand corner of the room and into the next area. In this area there are no treasure chests but alot of MINDs and BREATHs. Run away from the MINDs with Edge's SMOKE command, also the BREATHs basically do nothing, but have alot of HP. Here just continue onwards to the next room. Here you will see FuSoya and Golbez fight off against ZEMUS on their own. ------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: ZEMUS HP: 10,000 ------------------------------------- This fight you cannot control. After the two continuously cast useless magic they form up and cast the ultimate magic which is of course the W.METEO. Zemus falls easily, but he tells them that it is just the beginning. Here the party reunites with Golbez and FuSoya, Cecil still doesn't want to talk to Golbez, but before the celebration starts Zemus' body gets burned and a presence even more evil than ZEMUS erupts, his name is ZEROMUS! Here the party is stunned by the attacks of ZEROMUS. Golbez and FuSoya fight against ZEROMUS. Here Golbez and FuSoya both cast METEO but ZEROMUS absorbs the METEO and counters right back with METEO. They fall to the power of ZEROMUS. Afterwards the scene shifts back to the Earth. Here you will see your other friends in the Wishing Tower of Mysidia. They are wishing for your party to return safely. Then the scene shifts towards back to the Moon's core. Cecil then becomes consious and goes after ZEROMUS, but he is still very weak. Then his friends wish for him on the wishing tower at Mysidia, Cecil and his party members have been given the strength of his friends to fight. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL BATTLE: ZEROMUS HP: 120,000(yes this is extremely close) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First have Cecil use the CRYSTAL, this will make ZEROMUS change forms. And he must use the CRYSTAL otherwise all your attacks will miss. Then have Cecil attack normally, have Rosa cast WHITE and heal if neccessary, have Rydia summon BAHAMUT, not METEO because METEO takes far too long to come out. Then have Edge dart the SPOON dart and WHITE lances and EXCALIBUR swords and finally have Kain JUMP. Repeat this pattern while keeping your MPs up. Watch out for the BIG BANG attack which will knock off a few thousand HPs and drain your party's HP afterwards. Also ZEROMUS has a METEO attack but it is extremely weak doing only 900 HP of damage, and it doesn't even hit every character. Also his BLACK HOLE attack which will remove any positive status effect from your party like WALL or FAST. Keep attacking and make your decisions quick. You should win the battle after a while. Congratulations! You have beaten the game! Below is the ending, so this will spoil things for, and if you do not want to read the ending I suggest you turn away. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ______ |ENDING| ------ Here ZEROMUS gives his last words telling them that he will not perish as long as there is evil in the hearts of peope. Here FuSoya his surprised that he didn't know the party had such power, then again Edge makes another egotistical remark. FuSoya tells the party that as long as evil exists so does good. Rydia finds it unbelieveable that ZEROMUS didn't use Edge instead, but he makes another remark. Here Golbez leaves and thanks Cecil for calling him brother, Golbez realizes that he cannot ask for forgiveness, Cecil is still silent. The party tells Cecil to say his last goodbye, but Cecil is still in conflict with his brother, then Cecil comes out and gives his last goodbye. Afterwards a picture of the sun, Earth, and moon appears along with the Mysidian Legend. Here the second part of the ending takes place one year after the defeat of ZEROMUS. It starts with Palom and Porom, but not before the Big Whale departs back to where it belongs. The Elder wishes to start today's lesson but Palom is nowhere to be found, then outside Palom is out there boasting about how he had melted the block of ice in Mt. Ordeals. Then Palom gets punished for it with homework. Then the scene shifts towards Eblan, here Edge is the new King, but he doesn't want to be King and he constantly thinks of Rydia. Then the scene shifts towards the Land of the Summoned Monsters where Rydia is, both Asura and Leviatan are overwhelm to see her back. The baby monster asks if she is different but Rydia tells them that they are the same on the inside. The next scene takes place at Fabul with Yang being the new King also his Wife being Queen. The next scene shifts towards Damcyan, he wishes to rebuild Damcyan, but he still thinks of Anna. Here the next scene shifts towards the underground at the Dwarf castle, the castle has been completely ruined and they have no more material to build the castle, so they decide to scrap the tanks because there won't be another war. And also they have been invited to Cecil and Rosa's ceremony at Baron. The next scene is shown with Kain, he apologizes for not being at Cecil and Rosa's ceremony because he wishes to become a True Dragoon Knight. In this next scene you will see Professor Kory looking through a telescope and they are astonished to see what they find. Here in this next scene is Cecil and Rosa, Cecil thought he heard his brother's voice, but Cid abrubtly tells them to hurry up. Then Cecil realizes that he did hear his brother he called him brother. Here in this last scene the people Cecil met up with throughout the game besides Tellah comes to the ceremony. Rydia comes and tries to talk to Edge but he is too shy to see her. Then they wave to you giving you their last goodbyes. Afterwards you roll the credits sequence. The end! One of the best endings I have seen and certainly alot better than Final Fantasy 7's ending(which was pretty good). ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ---------- Side Areas ---------- Well in this section are just the side areas in the game that does not need to be completed to beat the game, its just here to add to the replay value, so enjoy! ============================================================================= THE KING OF DRAGONS AWAIT When your in the Big Whale talk to the steering wheel at the top of the ship, don't talk to the crystal yet though otherwise you cannot obtain Bahamut until after you destroy the Giant of Bab-il. Also in here there is a room at the middle of the Big Whale, here you will never need TENTs or CABINs unless you are inside a cave. In here are like free inns, just simply go over it and the party will sleep automatically. Also at the bottom is a Fat Chocobo for you to store your items. Now head to the circular ring around a giant rock to the east of the Crystal Palace or to the West, it doesn't matter. Besides realistically the moon isn't very big anyways. Now enter the cave in the middle. Here go to the bottom and pick up a SAMURAI guantlet for Cecil and proceed to the right. Take the not so hidden passage and pick up the SAMURAI shield for Cecil and continue down and onto the next room. Now in this room go to the top left and take and equip the SAMURAI armor for Cecil and also before you go up pick up the SAMURAI helmet for Cecil as well. Before you go any further make sure you are fully healed. Now proceed to the middle and face off against BEHEMOTH. -------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: BEHEMOTH HP: 16,000 -------------------------------------- This boss fight is pretty tough. The unique thing about this boss fight is that BEHEMOTH will not attack unless you attack him. Make absolutely sure that you do not cast NUKE, WHITE, or METEO when facing this guy unless you are sure it will kill him. If you do he will counter with STORM that will drop the entire party's HP to about the single digit area. First have Cecil and Edge attack as normal. Have FuSoya use any level 3 elemental spell, have Rydia summon Leviatan and have Rosa be your healer. After a couple of rounds and he should be gone. After the tough fight heal your wounds and continue on towards the top and into the next room. Here just continue down but another BEHEMOTH blocks your path. -------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: BEHEMOTH HP: 16,000 -------------------------------------- This boss fight is pretty tough. The unique thing about this boss fight is that BEHEMOTH will not attack unless you attack him. Make absolutely sure that you do not cast NUKE, WHITE, or METEO when facing this guy unless you are sure it will kill him. If you do he will counter with STORM that will drop the entire party's HP to about the single digit area. First have Cecil and Edge attack as normal. Have FuSoya use any level 3 elemental spell, have Rydia summon Leviatan and have Rosa be your healer. After a couple of rounds and he should be gone. After the battle heal your wounds. Now keep going and before you reach the middle of the cave another BEHEMOTH is there to slow you down. -------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: BEHEMOTH HP: 16,000 -------------------------------------- This boss fight is pretty tough. The unique thing about this boss fight is that BEHEMOTH will not attack unless you attack him. Make absolutely sure that you do not cast NUKE, WHITE, or METEO when facing this guy unless you are sure it will kill him. If you do he will counter with STORM that will drop the entire party's HP to about the single digit area. First have Cecil and Edge attack as normal. Have FuSoya use any level 3 elemental spell, have Rydia summon Leviatan and have Rosa be your healer. After a couple of rounds and he should be gone. Now after this battle continue onto the middle of the room. Here talk to the King and and he does not believe that you have defeated Leviatan without the Power of Light. Here a boss fight will ensue. -------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: BAHAMUT HP: 40,000 -------------------------------------- This boss fight is fairly easy. First have both Rosa and FuSoya cast WALL on every party member and have Rydia summon Leviathan. Then have Cecil and Edge attack contstantly. When the countdown goes to "0" that means he will begin his MEGANUKE attack which is probably just as strong if not stronger than Odin's ODIN attack. His MEGANUKE will reflect back at him causing 9,999 damage on him. Just keep pounding on him until he is done. Also you cannot reflect MEGANUKE a second time and he will begin his countdown again if your party is not destroyed. After all the WALLs are set have FuSoya cast WHITE on BAHAMUT. After a couple of rounds he should be done for. Now that Rydia has learned the all powerful BAHAM summon you can call him anytime you want in battle! ============================================================================= REVISIT TOWARDS THE VILLAGE OF MIST This is completely optional as it has nothing to do with the game. First make it to the house in the upper left hand corner. Here it might look like there's nothing, but if you walk into the fireplace you will go through and into a hidden room. Inside is a TIARA helmet, CLOTH ROBE, and a RUBYRING. Here you can also buy a BARD's robe for Cid, if he still has the PRISONER robe. Now leave your airship and head for the destroyed castle of EBLAN which is southwest of Baron. ============================================================================= RUINS OF EBLAN Here this place is completely optional and does not effect the outcome of the game at all. Now head straight up and into a room with open treasure chest. In the top right corner of this room is a treasure chest that looks like its beyond reach, but just walk right into the treasure and pick up a CURE2 POTION. Here in this next room you will see three treasure chests to the right and two treasure chests to the left, right now they are unaccessible, but continue onto the King's room. Here to the top right corner is a secret passage leading to a staircase, enter the staircase and you will enter the place where there were three unaccesible treasure chests, they contain a LIFE POTION, a CURE2 POTION, and a CABIN. To reach the CABIN just walk under the treasure chests. Now return to the King's room and take the secret passage to the top left corner to reach the other room with previously unaccessible treasures. There are only two treasure chests here which contain a HEAL POTION and a CURE2 POTION. Now return to the courtyard and take the tower to the right. In this room you will see two treasure chests, to take the treasure chest to the left go towards the top left hand corner of the room and go through the walls and pick up 600 GOLD. Ignore the treasure chest on the right and enter the next room which is a ETHER1 POTION and a CURE2 POTION. Check the pots above for a LIFE POTION and this time go through the wall to the right of the pots and open a treasure chests to initiate a fight. In this treasure chest are two BLACK CATs and one LAMIA. This fight is pretty tough and watch out for the BLACK CAT's BLUSTER attack which will either hold to swoon your party member. Afterwards you pick up the DRAIN spear. Now pick up the CABIN beneath the DRAIN spear and drop into the black hole. In this part of the room you will pick up 800 GOLD, now head down and you will be at the basement. Pick up the two treasure chests on the left first to collect two ETHER1 POTIONs. Now make sure you are fully healed before taking a look inside the treasure chest to the right. In this treasure chest is an ELIXIR, but you must kill three MAD OGREs to get the item. This fight is pretty tough but with Yang's CHARM claws this battle is a piece of cake. Now head out of the castle and head back in, but this time take the left tower. You will see a few treasure chests, but ignore them for now and continue on to the next floor. Check the pot in the top left hand corner for a CURE2 POTION and the pot at the bottom right hand corner for another CURE2 POTION. Now see that small gap to the left of the screen? Enter it to pick up an ETHER1 POTION. Now head back and walk through the hidden path at the bottom right hand corner of the screen past the pot where you picked up a CURE2 POTION and you will pick up 10 MUTE ARROWs and 2000 GOLD. Now head back to the entrance of the left tower, but in the first room of the tower head outside, but do not go outside. Head to the door, but stop right infront of the door leading out of the left tower and head right and open the treasure chest to start a fight. Here you will be attacked by 4 SKULLs and one STALEMAN. Have Yang attack the STALEMAN with his CHARM claws to completely knock out the STALEMAN with one blow, and have Cid use his EARTH hammer as an item to cause critical damage to the skulls and that's it. Just make absolutely sure Kain is NOT equipped with a DRAIN spear when he attacks the SKULLs because the SKULLs will Drain him. ============================================================================= THE MINI TOWN OF SILVERA This place is completely optional and will not change the outcome of the game. Here there are many treasure chests scattered in the green grassy areas which are hidden from the normal eye's view. So don't buy any weapons yet until you pick up a SILVER staff, a SILVER KNIFE, and 5000 GOLD. Buy new weapons if you like, but its not recodmended. ============================================================================= THE KING OF THE SUMMONED MONSTERS AWAITS From the Sealed Cave go a little but northwest and you will see a small island on Magma, land you ship there and enter through. Here before you move anywhere immediately cast FLOAT, this will allow you to escape any harm done by the "Lava Pot Holes" and also the Quake attacks the opponents use here. And each time you enter a room you must cast FLOAT again so keep a good memory on that. Proceed to the top right corner and pick up a LIFE POTION and walk to the left and pick up an ETHER1 POTION and continue onto the bottom and at the bottom right hand corner is a CURE2 POTION. Then proceed to the next room on the left. In this room once again cast FLOAT and continue to the bottom and pick up a CURE2 POTION. Now go to the top left and pick up a CABIN and proceed to the right and enter through the ladder. Now continue towards the bottom and pick up a LIFE POTION, and ignore the left side for now and continue to the right and pick up a CURE3 POTION. Now to the right is a hidden passage, now go through and go down, to the left is a CURE2 POTION, a POISON axe, and a NINJA sword. Now go back all the way to the right and go up, before you enter the next room go to the top and open a Treasure chest to start a fight against 5 WARRIORs, have Rydia use TITAN in this battle and have the party attack as usual. After the battle you recieve a DEFENSE sword for Cecil. Now enter the next room in here you will see a couple of mages. Now go down and pick up 3000 GOLD, continue to pick up 2000 GOLD, now continue around ignoring the portal to the next room and picking up another 2000 GOLD, then at the bottom is an ETHER1 POTION. Now go all the way down to the bottom of the room, you will see a part of the floor that is slightly shaded enter it and you will be in a hidden room which contains 10 SAMURAI arrows, an ELIXIR, an ETHER2, and a SAMURAI bow, now exit out of this room and proceed to the next room, but make sure to pick up the treasure chest which contains a RAT's tail. In here are some weapons and armor shops, but you really don't need any of that equipment right now. Continue to the top left corner and in here is a save sopt and two treasure chests, which contain a LIFE POTION and a HEAL POTION. Now save your game and heals your wounds if any. Now go down and enter the house where a yellow chocobo is standing in front of. Here in this room just make your way through and talk to Asura on the right. Rydia will ask for Queen Asura's help, but she will need to test the group's worthiness first. Select yes and enter to battle: ------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: ASURA HP: 22,000 ------------------------------------- Here this boss fight is very easy. As long as Rosa is at level 34 this fight should be a breeze even though it takes a long time. First have Rosa cast WALL on ASURA that means all her healing attacks will bounce off her. If you are not at level 34 with Rosa that means this battle is hopeless or until you aquire BAHAMUT, Rosa aquires WHITE, Edge aquires the MURASAME and MASAMUNE, Cecil Quires the CRYSTAL sword, and Kain aquires the WHITE lance, but you shouldn't have to wait this long. After Rosa casts WALL on Asura just keep attacking. Don't worry about bringing your party members back to life because she does have a LIFE1 spell that will reflect off of her. After the battle head back to the safe room and save your game. Now head back to the room that you fought Asura in and talk to the man on the left, here will test your strength and you should already have the Asura summon after the battle with Asura. Select yes and a fight will start. ------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: LEVIATAN HP: 35,000 ------------------------------------ This fight is not going to be easy. He will use his BIGWAVE attack often draining about 600 HP from everybody. Make sure you do not have any ICE equipment on Cecil because his ICE2 attack will do about 1300 HP of damage. You might want to have Rosa cast WALL on Cecil so that the ICE2 spell reflects back on LEVIATHAN. Also don't cast WALL on everybody so that Rosa can heal your party. Have Rydia use TITAN and Asura when your party's HP gets low. Have Rosa AIM and heal if neccessary, also make sure to bring back a party member quickly. Have Cecil and Edge attack regularly. After the battle Leviatan will lend you his power. After this event you have the RAT'S TAIL and Ashura and Leviathan to back you up in the events to come, if you have already completed all the events then congratulations! ============================================================================= WHO'S THE INJURED MAN HERE? Inside here immediately cast FLOAT on the entire party. Now go to the right and pick up a CURE2 POTION and a set of 10 CHARM arrows. Now continue down. in this room is a staircase that leads to the top and one that leads to the bottom, take the bottom staircase for now. Here cast FLOAT again and you will see a save point, its not neccessary to save here and to the right is a ELVEN bow. Now continue to the left side is a 1000 GOLD and a CABIN. Now continue down to the staircase. Now head out of this room and take the staircase that is above you. In this next room go all the way to the top middle of the room through a hidden passage, and you will see a treasure chest, inside it contains a MUTE knife but you must defeat 6 TINYTOADs and a TOADLADY to win it, which is not pretty hard. Now continue onto the next room IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM. In here go up and find a CURE2 POTION, an ETHER1 POTION, a set of 10 LIT arows, a set of 10 ICE arrows, and a set of 10 FIRE arrows. Now head out and go up and enter the room above you. In this room to the left is an ELIXIR, after picking it up proceed down. Later along the way you will see a house of some sort. In here you will find a CATCLAW and a POISON claw that Yang was wearing earlier. Here you will see Yang, but he is unconsious right now, so have Rydia cast WARP four times and you will see a staircase in the middle you saw earlier, but this time take the top staircase you didn't take earlier. Once again don't forget to cast FLOAT. In this room go to the top where you will see three treasure chests, they are a CURE2 POTION, a HEAL POTION, and a CHARM rod. Now head to the right via the not so hidden passage and into the next room. In this room go right and go down and pick up the four treasure chests which contain a CURE2 POTION, 3000 GOLD, 2000 GOLD, and a HEAL POTION. After doing that continue down. Here there are five unopened treasure chests which contain a CURE3 POTION, CURE2 POTION, HEAL POTION, another HEAL POTION, and an ETHER1 POTION. After that drop into the hole to the right. Here just go up and to the left and enter the portal to take you to a room with six treasure chests. The top first one contains an ELIXIR which you will have to fight 6 GHOSTs for. The bottom treasure chest contains a FULL MOON boomerrang for Edge, but you will have to fight 2 DARKTREEs and two MOLBOLs for it though. To the next one on the top is another ELIXIR but you will have to fight 6 GHOSTs for it. The bottom second treasure chest contains an AVENGER sword which you will have to fight two MOLBOLs for it. The next treasure chest on the top is an ELIXIR which you will have to fight six GHOSTs for. The treasure chest on the bottom contains a set of 10 MEDUSA arrows which you will need to fight 2 CENTIPEDEs for. So that's it! ============================================================================= HOW DO WE WAKE UP YANG? NOTE: You MUST complete the last event to do this. Head for Fabul, and go to Yang's wife who is at the top of one of the towers. Here you tell Yang's wife about Yang's condition. She will give you a frying pan. Now head back to the Sylph's Cave where Yang was. ============================================================================= SNAP OUT OF IT! NOTE: You MUST complete the last event to do this. In here go to where you saw Yang earlier. In the house where you saw Yang give him a good whack on the head with the frying pan. After Yang wakes up he wishes to join the party but the Fairies tell him to stay in bed. Then again Edge's mouth opens up. Here the Slyphs will see that Rydia is a caller and that you can now summon the Sylphs. After that head back to Yang's wife in Fabul. ============================================================================= OUCH! WITH THIS WE CAN EASILY DEFEAT ZEROMUS! NOTE: You MUST complete the last event to do this. When you reach Fabul Castle head back there and head for the Yang's room. Here give her back the frying pan and she will apologize for taking your time. She will give you the Spoon Dart, which is the strongest Dart in the game. You can use it against Zeromus at the end of the game, but if you have trouble with some other bosses, this dart will help out a lot. ============================================================================= GET THE ADAMANT ORE* NOTE: You must have picked up the RAT'S TAIL from the Land of the Summoned Monsters to complete this mini side area. Here just use your Hovercraft and go to the small cave. Inside you will see two mini people, talk to the one in the middle. He doesn't want to talk to you unless you have a Tail for him. Here just give him the Rat's Tail and he will give you the Adamant Ore. ============================================================================= A FORMER KING WISHES TO HELP Here save your game outside and go in. Make sure you duplicate your NINJA sword and your DEFENSE SWORDs(see the bottom of this walkthrough) before you proceed. Now remember what the King told you? He said to visit the Land of the Summoned Monsters and come back. Well now that you have already visited the Land of the Summoned Monsters, go to the basement of Baron and into the King's room. Here the King welcomes you back and as expected Cecil is happy to see the King. He tells you that the Caller of Mist can sumon him whenever she pleases but he must test the party's worthiness. ------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: ODIN HP: 19,000 ------------------------------------- Ouch! You have to beat this guy quick otherwise he will use his ODIN attack that will do about 4,000 HP to every party member. Have Rosa use WHITE(she must be at level 49 to cast this) and have Rydia summon Leviatan, have Edge dart as many things as possible and have Cecil attack. After a while he will go down. After the battle you can now summon ODIN. ============================================================================= THE LEGENDARY SWORD CAN NOW BE MADE! When you are in the underground go to the southeast part of the Underground and talk to the Blacksmith upstairs that is sleeping. Here hand him over the Adamant ore and also you must give him the LEGEND sword. Here he will tell you to come back later. So complete some event or wait about 20 minutes, then come back. ============================================================================= THE LEGENDARY SWORD IS NOW YOURS!!! NOTE: Hopefully you did do like I asked you so that you can obtain the sword. Remember the blacksmith in Kokkol? Its in the southeast corner in the underworld. Talk to the Blacksmith now and you will recieve the EXCALIBUR. Equipped it and watch your attack power make a tremendous jump! Now if you couldn't defeat Odin earlier then make sure you duplicate a ton of EXCALIBURs and head back to Baron. But if you have already defeated ODIN or if you don't want to fight him for now then head towards the Castle of Fabul. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ------------- Miscellaneous ------------- This is just the miscellaneous part of the FAQ. If your not sure what your weapon or item is capable of, then I'm here to explain it. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Items ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= ===== CURE1-- Heals the party member's HP anywhere from 50 HP to about 80 HP. This ===== is very useful early on, but as your HP becomes increasingly higher this will become obsolete during battles, however you might want to keep some incase you want to heal after battles. This also works damages monsters like ZOMBIEs, SKELETONs, REVENANTs, MILON Z., or others. ===== CURE2-- Heals the party member's HP anywhere from 100 HP to about 200 HP. ===== This is very useful early on, but as your HP becomes increasingly higher this will become obsolete during battles, however you might want to keep some incase you want to heal after battles. This also damages undead monsters like ZOMBIEs, SKELETONs, REVENANTs, MILON Z., or others. ===== CURE3-- Rare item. You can not buy these in shops, and only a few of them ===== are scattered around the world. Heals the party member's HP anywhere from 350 HP to about 500 HP. However early on, or during your journey in the Underworld this should help, but as enemy attacks become stronger and your HP becomes higher this will become obsolete. This also damages undead monsters like ZOMBIEs, SKELETONs, REVENANTs, MILON Z., or others. ==== HEAL--- This is probably the must have item of your inventory. This simple ==== potion will relieve you of all status including: FROG, MINI, PIG, CURSED, BERSERK, SLOW, FAST, PARALYSIS, SILENCE, FLOAT, CHARM, POISON, and SLEEP. If your party member is in a swoon condition, then the HEAL POTION will have no effect on the swooned party member. ==== TENT-- This is also the must have item of your inventory early on. This ==== will revive about 1000 HP and about 120 MP, but again as your level increases your TENT will not be enough to heal you completely and it might even take serveral tents to heal you completely. Also it relieves any party member of a status effect, but will not bring back the swooned party member. This item can only be used on save points or on the world map. ===== CABIN-- This is the item that should be remained with you throughout the ===== game. It will completely restore all lost HP and all lost MP no matter what level your at. Also this will fully recover the party member in swoon condition as well as heal all status effects. This item can only be used on the world map and save points. ==== LIFE-- This should stay in your inventory just for back up in the later ==== part of the game, even if you have a LIFE2 spell because you will never know when you run out. However bringing the swooned party member back to life is a gamble because this will revive the party member, but they will only have about 15% of their total max HP and you will need to heal them. ====== CARROT-- This is a very much useless item once you get the BIG WHALE. What ====== this will do is call upon a Fat Chocobo so you can store your overloading items. But you can only use the carrot when it smells like a Fat Chocobo you can use it and a Fat Chocobo will appear allowing you to store or take away your previously stored items. ======= WHISTLE-- Well this item cost quite a bit of GOLD, but it can summon the Fat ======= Chocobo anytime you decide to use it, no matter if your in the castle or on a chocobo farm, but this cannot be used on the world map. So incase you find a treasure chests and you can find the room for the item inside even if you did sort everything out this is the item to use, or before a boss battle you can decide to use this to bring out any other weapons you might have stored. Also you can buy extra ARROWs, TENTs, CABINs, CURE2s, etc. just to store them on the Fat chocobo. ====== ELIXIR-- As you should know this is a very costly item, however it is the ====== most useful when fighting tough boss battles when your HP and MP gets depleted. This will completely restore your HP and MP but it will not bring the character back from swoon status or cure any status effects, make sure you keep a few just incase. ====== ETHER1-- This is your magic potion, it will restore about 40 MP and should ====== be kept in your inventory early on so that in any case you are to run out of MPs during a middle of a battle, this would be the quick way to use it. ====== ETHER2-- This is your magic potion, it will restore about 100 MP to about ====== 180 MP and should be kept in your inventory early on so that in any case you are to run out of MPs during a middle of a battle, this would be the quick way to use it. ======== FIREBOMB-- This item can either be obatined after you have defeated a Red ======== Dragon or you can steal it from them during battle. When used as an item it will cast FIRE2 against all opponents on the screen. ======= LITBOLT-- Basically it casts LIT-2 to all opponents when it is used as an ======= item. I forgot who you can steal this from so if anybody would like to help it would be greatly appreciated. ======== ICEBLAST-- Basically this item casts ICE2 to all opponents on the screen when ======== it is used during battle. You can win this after you have defeated two BLUE DRAGONs, but you will not always get the item all the time you defeat two BLUE DRAGONs. ==== TAIL-- An item used to exchange at the SILVERA cave near SILVERA. Once you ==== trade this in for the Adamant Ore go to the southeast side of the underworld and give it to the old guy and he will make the sword EXCALIBUR for you. ========= PINK TAIL-- An extremely rare item of having a 1-4096 chance of obtaining ========= it. In the B5 floor of the Moon's core there is a small room with a CABIN inside. Here this is the only place where PINK PUFFs will fight you. There is a 1-64 chance of a PINK PUFF encounter and a 1-64 chance that a PINK PUFF will give you a PINK TAIL after battle. You cannot steal the PINK TAIL from the PINK PUFF though. After you have the PINK TAIL go back to the SILVERA cave near Silvera and give the minature guy the PINK TAIL and he will give you the other Adamant Ore to be given to the old guy in the southeast corner of the Underworld. Wait a little while after that and then you will recieve the strngest armor in the game, the ADAMANT ARMOR! ============================================================================= ---------------------------- [ Scenario Items ] ----------------------------- ============================================================================= These are the items needed to complete the game, if the items are not being used or if you do not recieve them during your journey the following events cannot be accomplished therefor you cannot complete the game. ======= PACKAGE-- A mysterious item that needs to be taken to the village of Mist. ======= This is Rydia's hometown and just as Cecil and Kain arrives the package explodes setting the town on fire. This item is given to you by the King of Baron. ======== SANDRUBY-- The only known cure for the Desert Fever. This is used to cure ======== Rosa's serious condition, with it the Desert Fever will be cured and the person that was previously affected is fully cured. This item is taken from the Antlion in the Antlion's nest after the boss battle with the Antlion. east of the castle of Damcyan. ========= BARON KEY-- The Key of Baron is used to open shops in the town of Baron and ========= unlock the Old Water Way leading to the Castle of Baron. After you have reached into the Castle the key is obsolete and therefor is thrown away after its use. This is given to you by Yang after you have defeated Yang at the cafe of Baron. ======== TWINHARP-- This is used to communicate with your party members. During the ======== encounter with the Dark Elf Edward plays the tunes he heard when he was temporarily a Bard. The TWIN HARP is somehow linked to Edward's Harp and whereever the TWIN HARP goes the music from Edward's HARP follows. This is given to your party when you visit Edward at the castle of Toroia. This event takes place after you have defeated Kainazzo in the Castle of Baron. ============= EARTH CRYSTAL-- This item will be in your inventory during your trip to the ============= Tower of Zot, but however you cannot use it. This is given to Golbez once you reach the top of the Tower of Zot. ========= MAGMA KEY-- This ancient key used to belong somewhere. Through the bottomless ========= well lies the unknown drop it and a major earthquake happens opening up the route to the Underworld through the mountains of Agart. This is given to you by Kain after you have defeated Valvalis on the Tower of Zot. ======== LUCA KEY-- Used to unlock the door that blocks the way to the mysterious ======== cave in the underworld. Once unlocked the party travels inside not knowing what dangers lies ahead of the party. This is given to you by Luca, the King of Dwarves daughter after you have visited the Land of the Summoned Monsters. ======= CRYSTAL-- This item can only be used by Cecil. When he uses it Zeromus will ======= change forms, if Cecil does not use it Zeromus cannot be harmed. This is given to you before the fight against Zeromus by Golbez on the core of the moon. ============================================================================= ----------------------------- [ Magic Listing ] ----------------------------- ============================================================================= Like in practically all RPGs magic is used. Its extremely difficult to beat the game without magic and magic is probably your greatest asset. However if you rely on it to much you can find yourself losing many battles. ============================================================================= -------------------------- [ Black Magic Listing ] -------------------------- ============================================================================= This magic is used by the one of the Twins Palom, the Summoner Rydia, the old Sage Tellah, and the Lunarian FuSoya. Black magic is primarily here used to attack, you can also attack your party members with this as well. Your black magic attack power will become increasingly stronger as your Wisdom goes up. =================================================================== FIRE1 MP: Consumption: 5 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) =================================================================== A low fire attack. This works extremely well against undead monsters, MILON Z. and ice creatures. ===================================================================== FIRE2-- MP Consumption: 15 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ===================================================================== A medium fire attack. This works extremely well against undead monsters, MILON Z. and ice creatures. ===================================================================== FIRE3-- MP Consumption: 30 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ===================================================================== A high fire attack. This works extremely well against undead monsters, MILON Z. and ice creatures. ===================================================================== ICE1-- MP Consumption: 5 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ===================================================================== A low Ice attack. This works extremely well against fire enemies, this spell is essential in the underworld and works very well against RUBICANT. ====================================================================== ICE2-- MP Consumption: 15 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ====================================================================== A medium Ice attack. This works extremely well against fire enemies, this spell is essential in the underworld and works very well against RUBICANT. ====================================================================== ICE3-- MP Consumption: 30 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ====================================================================== A high Ice attack. This works extremely well against fire enemies, this spell is essential in the underworld and works very well against RUBICANT. ====================================================================== LIT-1-- MP Consumption: 5 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ====================================================================== A low lightning attack. This works extremely well against water creatures and flying enemies like PIRHANA or VALVALIS or KAINAZZO. ======================================================================= LIT-2-- MP Consumption: 15 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ======================================================================= A medium lightning attack. This works extremely well against water creatures and flying enemies like PIRHANA or VALVALIS or KAINAZZO. ======================================================================= LIT-3-- MP Consumption: 30 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ======================================================================= A high lightning attack. This works extremely well against water creatures and flying enemies like PIRHANA or VALVALIS or KAINAZZO. ======================================================================= VENOM-- MP Consumption: 2 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ======================================================================= A poison attack that steadily drains your opponent's HP. Immune against undead monsters. This effect will last even after battles, you will notice the screen fuzz and an annoying sound each time you walk with a Poison condition. ======================================================================= PIG-- MP Consumption: 1 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ======================================================================= A status effect either used on an opponent or a party member. It is used to change the opponent into a pig or a party member into a pig, it can also be used to change a party member back from a pig as well. This will decrease attack power and defense power and also has the effect of SLOW. ======================================================================= TOAD-- MP Consumption: 7 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ======================================================================= A status effect either used on an opponent or a party member. It is used to change the opponent into a Toad or a party member into a Toad, it can also be used to change a party member back from a Toad as well. This will significantly decrease your attack and defense power and has the effect of Silence. ======================================================================= STONE-- MP Consumption: 15 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ======================================================================= A status effect either used on an opponent or a party member. It is used to change the opponent into Stone or a party member into Stone. However you cannot use this to reverse the effects of Stone, but each time you use it the party member or enemy will be affected slowly, using multiple uses will completely petrify the opponent or party member making them unmobile for the entire battle or until someone decides to heal them. ======================================================================= SLEEP-- MP Consumption: 12 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ======================================================================= A status effect either used on an opponent or a party member. It is used to put either the opponent or a party member to sleep. The party member will wake up in time or if you decide to HEAL them, this goes the same for the opponent. When this status effect occurs the party member or opponent becomes inactive for a period of time during battle until they wake up, which will happen at any given time. ======================================================================= STOP-- MP Consumption: 9 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ======================================================================= A status effect either used on an opponent or a party member. It is used to put either the opponent or a party member on paralysis. The opponent's name for this spell is HOLD. The party member or opponent therefor becomes inactive for the battle until someone decides to heal them or given a long period of time they will "snap" out of it. =================================================================== QUAKE-- MP Consumption: 30 Target: Party member, enemy (all) =================================================================== A very powerful earth attack that damages all enemies. However flying enemies are immune to this, but this magic attack cannot be reflected back by a WALL. ======================================================================= WEAK-- MP Consumption: 25 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ======================================================================= Extremely powerful attack that will drain all the opponent's HP or your party member's HP except for about 1-9 HP. The opponent's equilvalent of this black magic attack is STORM. However this will not hurt any bosses and most enemies are immune to this attack. ======================================================================= DRAIN-- MP Consumption: 18 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ======================================================================= This attack can vary. This black magic attack is useless unless your current HP is significantly lower than your MAX HP. For example if Tellah has 440/460 HP that means he will gain only a little amount, but if he has 35/460 HP that means he will gain an abundance of HP. There is one thing I must warn you about this spell though, never drain undead monsters! You will end up swooning yourself instead because undead monsters have no life force. ======================================================================= PSYCH-- MP Consumption: 0 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ======================================================================= Once again this attack can vary. Well I'm not sure you can call it an attack because it drains MPs not HPs. Depending on how much MP you have will result in your amount of MP you gain. For example if Rydia has 650/720 MP she will gain only a little amount, but if Rydia has 220/720 MP she will gain a significant amount of MP from the opponent. =================================================================== FATAL-- MP Consumption: 35 Target: Party member, enemy (one) =================================================================== A quick attack to be rid of an opponent or a party member. This will instantly take the life of an opponent or party member, but this attack can be reflected back by a WALL! This will not work on undead monsters or spirits and ghosts and also even if opponents cannot defend against it you will still have some trouble for this to fully work. ======================================================================== VIRUS-- MP Consumption: 20 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ======================================================================== Very powerful poison attack that drains the HP out of an opponent or a party member more quickly than VENOM. Once this is cast it attacks for about 1000 HP of damage and then quickly drains the opponent, however this can be fully cured with a HEAL spell or HEAL POTION. ==================================================================== NUKE-- MP Consumption: 50 Target: Party member, enemy (one) ==================================================================== Immensely powerful attack that knocks off serveral thousand points of HP from an opponent or a party member. Just make sure you do not cast this on an opponent who has a WALL up because this attack can be reflected. =============================================== WARP-- MP Consumption: 4 Target: None =============================================== This is used to teleport back to the last room you were in and is also used to escape from battle. ==================================================================== METEO-- MP Consumption: 99 Target: Party member, enemy (all) ==================================================================== Catastrophically powerful attack that summons multiple meteors to attack all opponents. This is by far the strongest black magic attack and the strongest attack in the game. No matter hwat level your black magic user or caller is at it will always do 9999 damage to every opponent on the screen. There is a downside to this attack though, it takes far too long for this to be cast and will take about 3 to 4 turns to use this attack but it cannot be blocked by a WALL and everybody suffers damage from it, so you will not find anybody abosrbing this into HPs. ============================================================================= -------------------------- [ White Magic Listing ] -------------------------- ============================================================================= White Magic is primarily used for healing purposes. The white magic will heal your party in aid of HPs or cure negative status effects. Also white magic is used to put the party on positive status effects like FAST. White magic becomes stronger as your Will increases by level. ========================================================================= CURE1-- MP Consumption: 3 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ========================================================================= A low cure magic that restores the party member's or opponent's lost HP. This is very effective against undead monsters, but it does not do as much damage as FIRE magic. ========================================================================= CURE2-- MP Consumption: 9 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ========================================================================= A medium cure magic that restores the party member's or opponent's lost HP. This is very effective against undead monsters, but it does not do as much damage as FIRE magic. ========================================================================== CURE3-- MP Consumption: 18 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ========================================================================== A high cure magic that restores the party member's or opponent's lost HP. This is very effective against undead monsters, but it does not do as much damage as FIRE2 magic. ========================================================================== CURE4-- MP Consumption: 40 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ========================================================================== A max cure magic that restores the party member's or opponent's lost HP. This will fully restore the party member's or opponent's HP to the maximum limit and this is also very effective against undead monsters, but it does not do as much damage as FIRE3 magic. ================================================= SIGHT-- MP Consumption: 2 Target: None ================================================= This is not much of a magic because all it really allows you to see a brief view of the world map. You can only use this when your outside, this magic is useful early on when you can not find your way around or when you do not have an airship. This magic will allow you to see beyond your current view of the world map just incase you are lost. ========================================================================== SIZE-- MP Consumption: 6 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ========================================================================== This is a negative status effect that will shrink the current size of your character. Your defense and offense drops drastically and this also has the effect of CURSED. ====================================================================== BERSK-- MP Consumption: 18 Target: Party member, enemy (one) ====================================================================== What this magic will do is increase the power of a party member's attacks or an opponent's attacks, but the party member cannot be controlled as they are in Berserk mode, although they can cause critical hits they cannot however aid the party with magic or use items. ====================================================================== LIFE1-- MP Consumption: 8 Target: Party member, enemy (one) ====================================================================== This magic will bring back any party member from a swoon status or kill an undead monster. However the party member only comes back with about 15% of their total MAX HP, so you will need to heal that party member afterwards. ====================================================================== LIFE2-- MP Consumption: 52 Target: Party member, enemy (one) ====================================================================== This magic is very costly but it will bring back a party member to full HP, however this will not restore full MP. This can be used to kill an undead monster, but like LIFE1 it has a low success rate against undead monsters. ====================================================================== PEEP-- MP Consumption: 1 Target: Party member, enemy (one) ====================================================================== This magic is used to see the HP and MP of the target. It also displays theie weakness if any. But PEEP does not work on bosses and will have a low success rate even against common enemies. ====================================================================== WALL-- MP Consumption: 30 Target: Party member, enemy (one) ====================================================================== What this magic will do is temporarily bounce back magic attacks, but it can only bounce it back anywhere from 2 to 4 times. If the opponent sets up a WALL it means you can't use magic right? Wrong. What you can do is set up a WALL on your party member(s) and use your own magic and use it against your party member with a WALL, since a WALL cannot bounce back reflected magic that means you can still damage the opponent, or vice versa. ====================================================================== HEAL-- MP Consumption: 20 Target: Party member, enemy (one) ====================================================================== This magic is exactly like the HEAL POTION. It will completely cure you of all status effects even multiple status effects, so when you run out of HEAL POTIONs you can use this instead. ====================================================================== MUTE-- MP Consumption: 6 Target: Party member, enemy (one) ====================================================================== This is an extremely useful magic status effect that can tip the odds in your favor. What this magic effect will to is SILENCE your opponent or your party member, therefor disallowing the opponent or the party member not to use magic. This will last through out the battle, but it can be easily cured with a HEAL POTION or the HEAL SPELL. ====================================================================== HOLD-- MP Consumption: 5 Target: Party member, enemy (one) ====================================================================== What this will do is hold the opponent or your party member, practically paralyzing you for the battle. You can however "snap" out of it or if you decide to heal your party member with a HEAL POTION or the HEAL SPELL. ====================================================================== CHARM-- MP Consumption: 10 Target: Party member, enemy (one) ====================================================================== What this magic attack will do is confuse the opponent or your party member, that does not mean the opponent or your party member will be on your side or the opponent's side. The opponent or your party member is just confused as to who to it, that means the hits can go either way. But if you do manage to confuse an opponent it is advantageous to your party anyways. ========================================================================== SLOW-- MP Consumption: 14 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ========================================================================== What this magic effect will do is slow done the opponent, therefor the opponent must wait longer between each hits to attack or make a command, this goes the same for your party member(s) as well. Using the HEAL POTION, HEAL SPELL, of FAST to cure this. ========================================================================== FAST-- MP Consumption: 25 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ========================================================================== What this magic effect will do is speed up the time between attacks, therefor the opponent or your party member has more chances to attack so you or the opponent does not have to wait to attack. You can choose to cure this if you want with the HEAL POTION, HEAL SPELL, or SLOW. This is advantageous to your party members, but this can only be used on one party member, while it can be used on all opponents at the same time. ========================================================================== BLINK-- MP Consumption: 8 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ========================================================================== What this magic effect will do is allow the opponent or your party member(s) to dodge 2 to 3 attacks. This is very useful for dodging attacks that are too powerful for your magic people to handle. Just like the spell FAST you can only use this on one of your party members at once or you can use it on all opponents at the same time. If you want you can cure this with a HEAL POTION or the HEAL SPELL. =================================================================== FLOAT-- MP Consumption: 8 Target: Party member (one/all) =================================================================== All though this might not look like a useful spell, its more useful than you think. During your trip to the underground you will encounter many Lava "Pot holes" in your trips and many of them can hurt you very seriously. When you use FLOAT you can easily float over them so that you are not touching the lava "pot holes" and also enemies in the underworld often use QUAKE spells, but with your FLOAT on you can escape injury against QUAKE spells. ================================================= EXIT-- MP Consumption: 10 Target: None ================================================= This is a very useful spell that dates back to the original Final Fantasy. When you are stuck in a dungeon or cave and either your HPs are low, your MPs are low, monsters in here are too strong, or your just plain lost you can use this to escape completely out of the cave or dungeon. This can also be used to escape from battles as well. ====================================================================== WHITE: MP Consumption: 46 Target: Party member, enemy (one) ====================================================================== Although White magic is not known for its attack magic, this is one of the strongest spells in the game. The damage can easily reach 9999 even when your party member(Rosa) is not even at level 99. You will not find anyone absorbing this attack because its a Holy attack that will do quite a bit of damage, but there is a serious downside to this though...it can be reflected successfully by a WALL! ============================================================================= -------------------------- [ Summon Magic Listing ] ------------------------- ============================================================================= Summon magic was first discovered on the Famicom version of Final Fantasy 3 which never saw a U.S. release. Summon magic is unique from the black magic category because you cannot reflect summon magic, and summon magic can never be used against the party. Summon magic elementals like SHIVA or JINN are not like FIRE2, FIRE3, ICE2, or ICE3, but except they are more in between like FIRE2.5 or ICE2.5. Also LEVIATAN is a water based attack, it is the only one of two water based attacks in the game. What is unique about this LEVIATAN attack is that it will harm fire enemies as easily as ICE magic but it will heal Water based enemies, unlike ICE magic which will harm water based enemies. Summon magic, no matter how powerful or how weak, it will come out pretty fast unlike the white and black magic counter parts. Summon magic grows stronger as your Wisdom builds by levels and only the Caller may use Summon magic. ======================================================= CHOCB-- MP Consumption: 7 Target: Enemy (one) ======================================================= Early on this will be your strongest attack as a Chocobo does a physical attack towards an opponent. A very powerful unblockable attack with very little MP usage. ======================================================= MIST-- MP Consumption: 20 Target: Enemy (all) ======================================================= Despite the little MP usage this is an overall very powerful attack, its a MIST attack, and it is not an ICE or WATER attack either. I haven't found an enemy yet that can absorb this, so using this against anybody is practically safe and the damage that it does will surprise you. ======================================================= TITAN-- MP Consumption: 40 Target: Enemy (all) ======================================================= A powerful earthquake attack that damages all enemies. This works against anyone except of course flying enemies, also this attack is weaker than the black magic QUAKE attack, so if I were you just use the other attack because it does more damage with less MP, unless of course you just want to see the 16 bit special effects for the magic. ======================================================= SHIVA-- MP Consumption: 30 Target: Enemy (all) ======================================================= This is an Ice attack that can pack quite a punch against fire enemies. This summon spell is essential when you are in the underworld. Consider this attack like ICE2.5 because the damage is somewhere in between ICE2 and ICE3. ======================================================= JINN-- MP Consumption: 30 Target: Enemy (all) ======================================================= This is an Ice attack that works extremely well against Ice enemies. Also do not use this against Fire enemies because you will heal them, this is also essential against undead enemies as well. Consider this attack like FIRE2.5 because the damage is somewhere between FIRE2 and FIRE3. ======================================================= INDRA-- MP Consumption: 30 Target: Enemy (all) ======================================================= This is a Lightning attack that works well against flying enemies or water enemies. Like all summon magic this attack is unblockable and consider this attack like LIT-2.5 because the damage done is somewhere between LIT-2 and LIT-3. ======================================================== SYLPH-- MP Consumption: 25 Target: Enemy (one) ======================================================== Consider this your drain attack, but unlike DRAIN you cannot drain from undead monsters, but with this you can! The Fairies will come in and drain a whole bunch of HPs from an opponent and spread out the HPs to your party members. Also it does not matter on the amount of HPs you have, even if you all you have MAX HPs you will still gain a good amount of HPs. =============================================================== ASURA-- MP Consumption: 50 Target: Party member (all) =============================================================== This summon is a bit unique. It has three faces each face has an attribute of white magic. Each time you summon it, the faces will revolve around and it will be unpredictable as to which face it will stop at. If the rotation stops at the gray face that means she will use LIFE1 to every party member, if the rotation stops at the brown face that means she will spread CURE4 to everyone, and if it stops at the Asura face that means she will spread a CURE5 spell to everyone. Although there isn't a CURE5 spell in the game the amount the Asura face heals is tremendous and can easily boost back your party into the battle if there HPs are low. say you were to spread your CURE4 spell to all members, it would only heal about 1300 HP to every party member, but while the Asura face heals about 4000 HP to every Party member. I don't think the faces will heal any status effect though. ======================================================== LEVIA-- MP Consumption: 50 Target: Enemy (all) ======================================================== This is a very powerful water attack that will do some serious damage. This spell should be useful throughout the entire game as a Water attack rushes towards an opponent causing serveral thousand points of HP of damage. Very useful in the underworld and boss fights. ======================================================== ODIN-- MP Consumption: 45 Target: Enemy (all) ======================================================== Hands down the strongest attack in the game, you might think its METEO but its not. There is only a 1-in-4 chance of this connecting however, but no matter how many HPs your opponent has and if ODIN does manage to connect the opponents will be cut in two, as the former King of Baron aids the party with his spirit. However as you can expect this will not work against bosses. ======================================================== BAHAM-- MP Consumption: 60 Target: Enemy (all) ======================================================== Once your levels get high enough METEO will become obsolete. Think of this as your NUKE attack but except this is four times stronger, it hits all enemies, and it is unblockable. Even early on this is the summon that should be used often and especially in boss battles. ============================================================================= -------------------------- [ Ninja Magic Listing ] -------------------------- ============================================================================= Ninja magic was created by both white and black wizards. Ninja magic is very much similar to all magics with attributes from all magics. Ninja magic becomes stronger as your Wisdom grows by level. ======================================================== FLAME-- MP Consumption: 15 Target: Enemy (all) ======================================================== Consider this a a FIRE2 attack except it does not lose its strength if it is spread among enemies. This is good against Ice enemies and also can be used against undead monsters. ======================================================== FLOOD-- MP Consumption: 20 Target: Enemy (all) ======================================================== This is one of two Water based attacks in the entire game. I would consider this a WATER2 attack against all enemies except it does not lose its strength when it is spread among enemies. This works well in the underworld and also all enemies made of fire. ======================================================== BLITZ-- MP Consumption: 25 Target: Enemy (all) ======================================================== Consider this a LIT-2.5 attack against all enemies except it does not lose its strength when it is spread among enemies. This is very useful against flying enemies or enemies made of water. ========================================================================== PIN-- MP Consumption: 5 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ========================================================================== Think of this as HOLD. This can be used against a party member or an opponent. This is a paralysis attack that will paralize the opponent being unable to move. You can either let your party member "snap" out of it or you can use your HEAL POTION or the HEAL SPELL to cure it. ========================================================================== IMAGE-- MP Consumption: 6 Target: Party member, enemy (one/all) ========================================================================== This really isn't an attack but it can help you dodge 2 to 3 attacks. This spell works exactly like BLINK and can help the magic user or a party member with low defense dodge attacks that would normally be enough to serverely injure them. ================================================= SMOKE-- MP Consumption: 10 Target: None ================================================= This is not an attack but rather useful magic. This magic is used to escape from battles that are normally unescapeable except for boss fights of course. Also when you use this you do not lose any GOLD in the process and Edge comes out and immediately performs this magic attack so you won't have to wait. Use this when you don't think you can win the battle or when you don't want to lose alot of GOLD. ============================================================================= --------------------------- [ Twin Magic Listing ] -------------------------- ============================================================================= Twin magic is not very much different from most magics. However they do require two people to perform these attacks mainly the twins of Mysidia. Early on these magic attacks become quite useful but will take sometime to perform and requires the twins to be comepletely undistracted besides being attacked, so if one of them dies before the magic is cast, that means the magic attack will not be performed or when one of the twins are silenced in the middle of the process or when they are hit with any other negative status effects. ======================================================== FLARE-- MP Consumption: 10 Target: Enemy (all) ======================================================== This is your basic attack, but judging by its name it might sound like a FIRE attack but more really it is a weaker version of NUKE. You can only hit one target with this magic attack and the target is random. Also this attack can be reflected back by a WALL and this will drain 10 HP from both Palom and Porom. ======================================================== COMET-- MP Consumption: 20 Target: Enemy (all) ======================================================== Judging by its name you think its a weaker version of METEO, but however you are right! This is the stronger of the two attacks. This attack cannot be blocked by a WALL and will hit all enemies doing a ton of damage early on. This attack can be quite costly on the MP side early on as it will drain 20 MP from both Palom and Porom and there is a one-in-three chance of the two casting the magic. ============================================================================= --------------------------- [ Weapons and Armors ] -------------------------- ============================================================================= Throughout the game you will find amny weapons on the way and also in shops. But obviously like in most RPGs the better weapons are the ones you obtain and find yourselves. However not everybody can be equipped with the same weapon and every weapon has its disadvantage except for maybe few weapons. ============================================================================= ------------------------------- [ Swords ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Swords in this game are used by the Dark Knight and the Paladin, swords are powerful and quick. *Well I've gotten an email about winning this sword againsts IMPs, and there was no email address to send back to, so if you are the one who told me about the IMP sowrd please let me know, personally I have never gotten the IMP sword before. ============================================================================= ___ IMP* Attack Power: 2 Hit percentage: 50% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Dragoon, Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Fight battle against 1 IMP and 5 IMP CAPTAINS ============================================================================= ______ SHADOW Attack Power: 10 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special attribute: Casts SILENCE randomly with each successful hit Aquired by: Initially equipped ============================================================================= ________ DARKNESS Attack Power: 20 Hit percentage: 85% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special attribute: Casts SILENCE randomly with each successful hit Aquired by: Cave before Waterfall(before the fight with OCTOMAMM) ============================================================================= _____ BLACK(also known as the HADES sword in japan) Attack Power: 30 Hit percentage: 90% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special attribute: Random Death with each successful hit Aquired by: The King of Fabul after good night's sleep after war ============================================================================= ______ LEGEND Attack Power: 40 Hit percentage: 99% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Exchanged for Legendary sword EXCALIBUR Aquired by: Initially equipped by Paladin ============================================================================= _______ ANCIENT Attack Power: 37 Hit Percentage: 80% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Can be used as a DART Aquired by: Found at old Water Way during Raid on Baron ============================================================================= _____ DRAIN Attack Power: 45 Hit percentage: 40% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Drains HP from opponent with each successful hit Aquired by: Found in passages to Tower of Bab-il ============================================================================= ______ SILVER Attack Power: 52 Hit percentage: 85% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Effective against Spirits Aquired by: Purchase for 6000 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ SLUMBER Attack Power: 57 Hit percentage: 85% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Random effect of SLEEP with each successful hit Aquired by: Found in castle of Eblan, near Tower of Bab-il ============================================================================= __________ FIRE BRAND Attack Power: 65 Hit percentage: 88% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Has the effect of FIRE2 with each attack. Used as Item Aquired by: Stolen from FLAME DOG, buy for 14000 GOLD in Underworld ============================================================================= _________ ICE BRAND Attack Power: 75 Hit percentage: 88% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Has the effect of ICE2 with each attack. Used as Item Aquired by: Buy for 26000 GOLD in Underworld ============================================================================= ______ MEDUSA Attack Power: 78 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Random effect of Stone with each successful hit Aquired by: Stolen or won from battle against BLACK LIZARDs ============================================================================= _______ AVENGER Attack Power: 92 Hit percentage: 95% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Berserks user Aquired by: Found in Cave of Slyph ============================================================================= _____ LIGHT Attack Power: 99 Hit percentage: 99% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Works well against undead Aquired by: Found in locked Cave ============================================================================= _______ DEFENSE Attack Power: 105 Defense Power: 2 Magic Defense Power: 1 Hit percentage: 92% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Raises defense power Aquired by: Found in Land of Summoned Monsters ============================================================================= _________ EXCALIBUR Attack Power: 166 Hit percentage: 100% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Works well against undead Aquired by: Exchange ore with weapon keeper Southeast in Underworld ============================================================================= _______ CRYSTAL Attack Power: 200 Hit percentage: 110% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Strongest sword in the game, powerful against all Aquired by: Defeating Wyvern in the Moon's Core ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Spears ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= The unique thing about spears is when the Kain jumps the attack power is doubled. Also when you JUMP you will always score a hit. ============================================================================= _____ SPEAR Attack Power: 9 Hit percentage: 75% Equiped by: Dragoon Special attribute: none Aquired by: Intitially equipped, purchased for 60 GOLD ============================================================================= ____ WIND Attack Power: 55 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: Strong versus flying opponents Aquired by: Initially equipped during trip to Tower of Zot ============================================================================= _____ FLAME Attack Power: 66 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Dragoon Special attribute: Has the effect of FIRE2 with each successful hit Aquired by: Stolen from FLAMEGUARD in Underworld, purchased for 11,000 GOLD ============================================================================= ________ BLIZZARD Attack Power: 75% Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Dragoon Special attribute: Has the effect of ICE2 with each successful hit Aquired by: Purchased for 21,000 GOLD, Found in Tower of Bab-il ============================================================================= _____ DRAIN Attack Power: 88 Hit percentage: 40% Equipped by: Dragoon Special attribute: Drains opponents' HP with each successful hit Aquired by: Found in Castle of Eblan ============================================================================= _______ GUNGNIR Attack Power: 92 Defense Power: 7 Hit percentage: 75% Equipped by: Dragoon Special attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped after destruction of Giant of Bab-il ============================================================================= ______ DRAGON Attack Power: 99 Hit percentage: 99% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Moon's Core ============================================================================= _____ WHITE Attack Power: 110 Hit percentage: 100% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: strong against undead, casts weak version of WHITE Aquired by: After the defeat of PLAGUE ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Blades ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Only Edge can equip these swords. Ninjas do not know how to use shields, but that means they have lower defense than Paladins and Dragoons, but they can equip a weapon in each hand. ============================================================================= _____ SHORT Attack Power: 28 Hit percentage: 90% Equipped by: Ninja Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially eqipped, purchased for 4,000 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ MIDDLE Attack Power: 32 Hit percentage: 90% Equipped by: Ninja Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped, purchased for 7,000 GOLD ============================================================================= ____ LONG Attack Power: 40 Hit percentage: 90% Equipped by: Ninja Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 11,000 GOLD, found in cave(battle against RUBICANT) ============================================================================= _____ NINJA Attack Power: 48 Hit percentage: 95% Equipped by: Ninja Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Locked Cave ============================================================================= ________ MURASAME Attack Power: 55 Hit percentage: 95% Equipped by: Ninja Special Attribute: None Aquired by: After the Defeat of PALE DIM in Moon's Core ============================================================================= ________ MASAMUNE Attack Power: 60 Hit percentage: 99% Equipped by: Ninja Special Attribute: none Aquired by: After the defeat of OGOPOGO in Moon's Core ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Claws ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Well Claws do not raise Yang's attack power, but they do have a higher hit rate than if Yang did not have any Claws equipped and they all induce negative status effects towards varying opponents, however that negative status effect will not always come out even though the opponent is weak against it. ============================================================================= _________ FIRE CLAW Attack Power: 0 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Karate Master, Ninja Special Attribute: Has the effect of FIRE1 with each successful hit Aquired by: Purchase for 350 GOLD ============================================================================= ________ ICE CLAW Attack Power: 0 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Karate Master, Ninja Special Attribute: Has the effect of ICE1 with each successful hit Aquired by: Purchase for 450 GOLD ============================================================================= ____________ THUNDER CLAW Attack Power: 0 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Karate Master, Ninja Special Attribute: Has the effect of LIT-1 with each successful hit Aquired by: Purchase for 550 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ CHARM Attack Power: 0 Hit percentage: 60% Equipped by: Karate Master, Ninja Special Attribute: Random effect of Confusion with each successful hit Aquired by: Found in Dark Elf's cave ============================================================================= ______ POISON Attack Power: 0 Hit percentage: 90% Equipped by: Karate Master, Ninja Special Attribute: Random effect of POISON with each successful hit Aquired by: Found in Tower of Zot ============================================================================= ________ CAT CLAW Attack Power: 0 Hit percentage: 99% Equipped by: Karate Master, Ninja Special Attribute: Random effect of SLEEP with each successful hit Aquired by: Found in Tower of Bab-il ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Rods ] ----------------------------------- ============================================================================= Rods are not very powerful overall, but they can be used as items when times of need calls for it. Also Rods have extremely low hit percentages and don't be surprised to find the person equipped with a Rod missing practically every hit. Rods, when used as items are mainly used as black magics. When you attack with Rods they can have the elementary effect of a certain element depending on which you are equipped, but when used as an item they can cast spells like ICE2, FIRE2, or LIT-2. ============================================================================= ___ ROD Attack Power: 3 Hit percentage: 30% Equipped by: Caller, Black Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped, purchase for 100 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ ICE ROD Attack Power: 5 Hit percentage: 30% Equipped by: Caller, Black Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Has the effect of ICE1 with successful hit, item use Aquired by: Found in Waterfall Cave, purchase for 220 GOLD ============================================================================= _________ FLAME ROD Attack Power: 7 Hit percenatge: 35% Equipped by: Caller, Black Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Has the effect of FIRE1 with successful hit, item use Aquired by: Purchase for 380 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ THUNDER Attack Power: 10 Hit percentage: 40% Equipped by: Caller, Black Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Has the effect of LIT-1 with successful hit, item use Aquired by: Purchased for 700 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ CHANGE Attack Power: 15 Hit percentage: 45% Equipped by: Caller, Black Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Random effect of TOAD or PIG with successful hit, item use Aquired by: Initially equipped after Land of Summon monsters ============================================================================= _____ CHARM Attack Power: 30 Hit percentage: 50% Equipped by: Caller, Black Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Random effect of Confusion with successful hit, item use Aquired by: Found in underworld ============================================================================= ________ Stardust Attack Power: 45 Hit percentage: 100% Equipped by: Caller, Black Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: When used as item it casts Comet, rather weak though Aquired by: Found on Moon's Core ============================================================================= ------------------------------- [ Staffs ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Staffs are also low in attack power as well and they also possess extremely low hit percentage rate. Staffs are mainly used with White Magic and can be used on the party to heal wounded members. ============================================================================= _____ STAFF Attack Power: 4 Hit Percentage: 25% Equipped by: Caller, White Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped, Purchase for 160 GOLD ============================================================================= ____ CURE Attack Power: 8 Hit percentage: 30% Equipped by: Caller, White Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Effective against undead, CURE1 cast on target Aquired by: Purchase for 480 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ SILVER Attack Power: 12 Hit percenatage: 35% Equipped by: Caller, White Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Effective against undead Aquired by: Purchase for 4000 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ POWER Attack Power: 32 Hit percentage: 44%% Equipped by: Caller, White Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Random effect of BERSK with each successful hit Aquired by: Purchase for 2000 GOLD(Cave of Eblan) ============================================================================= _____ LUNAR Attack Power: 36 Hit percentage: 55% Equipped by: Caller, White Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Use as item Aquired by: Initially Equipped ============================================================================= ____ LIFE Attack Power: 48 Hit percentage: 65% Equipped by: Caller, White Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Random LIFE1 effect with each successful hit, item use Aquired by: Found on Moon ============================================================================== _______ SILENCE Attack Power: 54 Hit percentage: 70% Equipped by: Caller, White Wizard, Sage Special Attribute: Random effect of SILENCE(MUTE) with each successful hit Aquired by: Found in Giant of Bab-il ============================================================================= ------------------------------- [ Hammers ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Hammers can only be equipped on the Engineer, but they are quite powerful however and they all work effectively against machines like D.MACHINE or MACHINE GIANTs. However they contain no special attribute though. ============================================================================= ______ WOODEN Attack Power: 45 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Chief Engineer Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped ============================================================================= ______ SILVER Attack Power: 55 Hit percentage: 85% Equipped by: Chief Engineer Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 8000 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ EARTH Attack Power: 65 Hit percentage: 90% Equipped by: Chief Engineer Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in the Tower of Zot ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Harps ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Although it may be a little odd, Harps are attack weapons. Harps have a high hit percentage rate however and they are fairly strong early on and only Edward can equip these Harps. ============================================================================= _______ DREAMER Attack Power: 8 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Bard Special Attribute: Random effect of SLEEP with each successful hit Aquired by: Initially equipped ============================================================================= _____ CHARM Attack Power: 18 Hit percentage: 85% Equipped by: Bard Special Attribute: Random effect of Confusion with each successful hit Aquired by: Found in Antlion's nest ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Knives ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Knives are low in attack power but they have a high hit percentage rate and they have certain effects. ============================================================================= _______ DANCING Attack Power: 18 Hit percentage: 44% Equipped by: Paladin, Dragoon, Bard, Black Wizard, Ninja, Caller Special Attributes: Random status effect(?) Aquired: Purchase for 5000 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ SILVER Attack Power: 20 Hit percentage: 99% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Bard, Caller, Black Wizard, Dragoon, Ninja Special Attribute: Effective against Spirits and undead Aquired by: Purchase for 3000 GOLD ============================================================================= ________ ASSASSIN Attack Power: 28 Hit Percentage: 95% Special Attribute: Random effect of Swoon with each successful hit Equipped by: Dark Knight, Bard, Caller, Black Wizard, Dragoon, Ninja Aquired by: Found in Underworld ============================================================================= ____ MUTE Attack Power: 36 Hit percentage: 77% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Bard, Caller, Black Wizard, Dragoon, Ninja Special Attribute: Random effect of SILENCE with each successful hit Aquired by: Found in Uunderworld ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Bows ] ----------------------------------- ============================================================================= Bows have low hit percentage rates and the only person who can connect with the hits a 100% of the time is Rosa by using her Aim command. Bows are not very strong in strength however, but you can raise the attack power by putting the Bow in the opposite hand that the person is normally using. For example say Rosa is right handed, that means you would put the Bow on her left hand, just think about it. Would you be able to launch a arrow with full force if the bow was on your main hand and your arrow on your opposite hand? ============================================================================= _________ SHORT BOW Attack Power: 10 Hit percentage: 30% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 220 Gold ============================================================================= _________ CROSS BOW Attack Power: 20 Hit percentage: 35% Equipped by: Dark Knight, caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 700 Gold ============================================================================= _________ GREAT BOW Attack Power: 30 Hit percentage: 40% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 2000 Gold ============================================================================= ______ ARCHER Attack Power: 40 Hit Percentage: 55% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 3000 Gold ============================================================================= _________ ELVEN BOW Attack Power: 50 Hit percentage: 60% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in the Cave of Slyph in Underworld ============================================================================= _______ SAMURAI Attack Power: 60 Hit percentage: 70% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Locked Cave in the Underworld ============================================================================= _______ ARTEMIS Attack Power: 75 Hit Percentage: 88% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: extremely effective against Dragons Aquired by: Stolen from KARYs and WARLOCKs on the Moon ============================================================================= ------------------------------- [ Arrows ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Well obviously you will need something to shoot with when you have a bow, and what not better weapons than Arrows. Arrows as you can expect have no hit rate percentage because you cannot use these as weapons, nor can a Bow be used without an arrow. ============================================================================= ____ IRON Attack Power: 3 Hit percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 10 GOLD each ============================================================================= _____ WHITE Attack Power: 10 Hit percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: very effective against undead Aquired by: Found in Mt. Ordeals ============================================================================= ____ FIRE Attack Power: 15 Hit percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: Has effect of FIRE1 with each successful hit Aquired by: Purchase for 30 GOLD each ============================================================================= ___ ICE Attack Power: 15 Hit percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: Has effect of ICE1 with each successful hit Aquired by: Purchase for 30 GOLD each ============================================================================= ___ LIT Attack Power: 15 Hit percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: Has effect of LIT-1 with each successful hit Aquired by: Purchase for 30 GOLD each ============================================================================= ________ DARKNESS Attack Power: 20 Hit percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: Random effect of CURSE with each successful hit Aquired by: Found in Underworld ============================================================================= ______ POISON Attack Power: 30 Hit percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: Random effect of POISON with each successful hit Aquired by: Purchase for 70 GOLD each ============================================================================= ____ MUTE Attack Power: 35 Hit percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: Random effect of SILENCE with each successful hit Aquired by: Purchase for 100 GOLD each ============================================================================= _____ CHARM Attack Power: 40 Hit percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: Random effect of Confusion with each successful hit Aquired by: Purchase for 110 GOLD each ============================================================================= _______ SAMURAI Attack Power: 50 Hit percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 140 GOLD each, found in Land of Summoned monsters ============================================================================= _______ ARTEMIS Attack Power: 75 Hit percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Bard, (Cid) Special Attribute: Extremely effective against Dragons Aquired by: Stolen from KARYs on the moon ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Axes ] ----------------------------------- ============================================================================= Axes are very powerful early on, but they tend to weigh alot and that means the character who is equipped with the axe will have trouble connecting most of the time. ============================================================================= ________ HAND AXE Attack Power: 50 Hit percentage: 65% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in the Tower of Zot ============================================================================= _____ DWARF Attack Power: 62 Hit percentage: 70% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase at Dwarf Castle for 15,000 GOLD ============================================================================= ____ OGRE Attack Power: 80 Hit percentage: 70% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: very effective against Giants Aquired by: Purchase for 45,000 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ POISON Attack Power: 95 Hit percentage: 75% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Random effect of POISON with each successful hit Aquired by: Found in the Underworld ============================================================================= ____ RUNE Attack Power: 102 Hit percentage: 65% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Random effect of swoon(?) Aquired by: Defeat two REDGIANTS(1-32 chance) ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Whips ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Whips are very long in length and therefor they still have the same attack power in the back row than in the front row. So whoever is equipped with a Whip, mainly Rydia then keep her in the back row. All whips have the ability to paralyze your opponent. ============================================================================= ____ WHIP Attack Power: 20 Hit percentage: 95% Equipped by: Caller Special Attribute: Random effect of HOLD Aquired by: Initially equipped, purchase for 3,000 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ CHAIN Attack Power: 30 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Caller Special Attribute: Random Effect of HOLD Aquired by: Purchase for 6000 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ BLITZ Attack Power: 40 Hit percentage: 85% Equipped by: Caller Special Attribute: Random effect of HOLD, effect of LIT2 with successful hit Aquired by: Purchase for 10,000 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ FLAME Attack Power: 50 Hit percentage: 90% Equipped by: Caller Special Attribute: Random effect of HOLD, effect of FIRE3 with successful hit Aquired by: Found on the moon ============================================================================= ______ DRAGON Attack Power: 80 Hit percentage: 99% Equipped by: Caller Special Attribute: Extremely effective on Dragons, Random effect of HOLD Aquired by: Win battle against two BLUE DRAGONS ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Darts ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Darts can only be used by EDGE in his DART command. Some of the weapons in the game are rather weak, but when used as a DART they can become twice as powerful. However once you throw that item you cannot bring it back again. Not just BOOMERRANGs or STARs can be used as DARTs but SWORDs, KNIVEs, BLADEs, and SPEARs can be used as well. Also take note that the Attack power of the other weapons changes. For example an AVENGER sword has a 105 attack power rating, but when throw the attack power can be 106 or higher. Throwing your weapon never lowers the attack power of the weapon except for the IMP sowrd. ============================================================================= ___ IMP(sword) Attack Power: 1 Hit percentage: 45% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Small chance of changing opponent Aquired by: Defeat group of 1 IMP and 5 IMP CAPTAINs ============================================================================= _____ SPEAR(spear) Attack Power: 11 Hit percentage: 77% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped ============================================================================= ______ SHADOW(sword) Attack Power: 12 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped ============================================================================= _______ DANCING(knife) Attack Power: 18 Hit percentage: 70% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Black Wizard, Bard, Caller, Dragoon, Ninja Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 5000 GOLD ============================================================================= ________ DARKNESS(dark sword) Attack Power: 20 Hit percentage: 85% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in cave before Waterfall ============================================================================= __________ BOOMERRANG(dart) Attack Power: 20 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: no one Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 3000 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ SILVER(knife) Attack Power: 23 Hit percentage: 70% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Dragoon, Caller, Black Wizard, Bard, Ninja Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 3000 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ SHORT(blade) Attack Power: 25 Hit percentage: 90% Equipped by: Ninja Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped ============================================================================= ________ ASSASSIN(knife) Attack Power: 30 Hit percentage: 99% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Dragoon, Caller, Black Wizard, Bard, Ninja Special Attribute: Random effect of swoon with successful hit Aquired by: Found in Underworld ============================================================================= ______ MIDDLE(blade) Attack Power: 32 Hit percentage: 90% Equipped by: Ninja Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped ============================================================================= _____ BLACK(dark sword) Attack Power: 33 Hit percentage: 90% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special Attribute: Random effect of Swoon with successful hit Aquired by: Given by King of Fabul after War ============================================================================= ____ MUTE(knife) Attack Power: 35 Hit percentage: 75% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Dragoon, Caller, Black Wizard, Bard, Ninja Special Attribute: Random effect of SILENCE with successful hit Aquired by: Found in Underworld ============================================================================= _______ ANCIENT(sword) Attack Power: 37 Hit percentage: 77% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Old Water Way ============================================================================= ____ LONG(blade) Attack Power: 40 hit percentage: 90% Equipped by: Ninja Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Passage of Bab-il ============================================================================= ________ FULLMOON(dart) Attack Power: 40 Hit percentage: 85% Equipped by: no one Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Underworld ============================================================================= ________ SHURIKEN(dart) Attack Power: 40 Hit percentage: 99% Equipped by: no one Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 20000 GOLD, found in Passage of Bab-il ============================================================================= ______ LEGEND(sword) Attack Power: 44 Hit percentage: 99% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped ============================================================================= _____ DRAIN(sword) Attack Power: 45 Hit percentage: 33% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Tower of Bab-il ============================================================================= _____ NINJA(blade) Attack Power: 50 Hit percentage: 90% Equipped by: Ninja Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Locked Cave ============================================================================= ____ WIND(spear) Attack Power: 55 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: Strong against flying opponents Aquired by: Initially equipped ============================================================================= ____ FIRE(sword) Attack Power: 65 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Paladin, Dragoon Special Attribute: Strong against Ice opponents Aquired by: Purchase for 14000 GOLD, stolen from FLAMEDOG ============================================================================= _____ FLAME(spear) Attack Power: 66 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: Strong against Ice opponents Aquired by: Purchase for 11000 GOLD ============================================================================= ________ BLIZZARD(spear) Attack Power: 80 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: Strong against Fire opponents Aquired by: Purchase for 21000 GOLD ============================================================================= _________ ICE BRAND(sword) Attack Power: 80 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: Strong against Fire opponents Aquired by: Purchase for 26000 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ NINJA(dart) Attack Power: 88 Hit percentage: 99% Equipped by: no one Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 50000 each at Kokkol's in Underworld ============================================================================= _____ DRAIN(spear) Attack Power: 88 Hit percentage: 60% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Ruins of Eblan ============================================================================= ________ MURASAME(blade) Attack Power: 99 Hit perentage: 90% Equipped by: Ninja Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Defeat PALE DIM in Moon's Core ============================================================================= _______ GUNGNIR(spear) Attack Power: 107 Hit percentage: 80% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped ============================================================================= _____ LIGHT(sword) Attack Power: 111 Hit percentage: 99% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Locked Cave ============================================================================= _______ DRAGOON(spear) Attack Power: 112 Hit perentage: 99% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Moon's Core ============================================================================= ________ MASAMUNE(blade) Attack Power: 120 Hit percentage: 99% Equipped by: Ninja Special Attribute: none Aquired by: After defeat of OGOPOGO in Moon's Core ============================================================================= _____ WHITE(spear) Attack Power: 135 Hit percentage: 95% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: none Aquired by: After defeat of PLAGUE in Moon's Core ============================================================================= _________ EXCALIBUR(sword) Attack Power: 200 Hit percentage: 95% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Exchange for Adamant Ore in Underworld ============================================================================= _____ SPOON(dart) Attack Power: 255 Hit percentage: 100% Equipped by: no one Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Meeting Yang's wife after finding Yand in Underworld ============================================================================= ---------------------------- [ Armors and Gear ] ---------------------------- ============================================================================= Well like in all RPGs armors play a key role to your success. Think of them as shock absorbers, they reduce the damage taken and can sometimes completely nullify most elemental attacks with the proper armor on. However sometimes you may find armors that boost up your defense about twenty points and you think that all is well right? Wrong. That armor you are wearing might have an apparent weakness against attacks, like if you were wearing the FIRE armor and you were in the underworld, that means you would suffer about twice the damage than your other party members. Also take into affect of how much magic defense each armor has, and if your fighting with an armor that has high defense but very low magic defense, you can find yourself in dire need to switch armors or other protective gear. ============================================================================= ------------------------------- [ Shields ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Not everybody is able to equip shields. Shields are essential for the stronger characters to defend themselves. Basically anybody who can equip a shield should be put up front. NOTE: THERE IS NO DARKNESS SHIELD IN THE GAME, DESPITE THE FACT THAT THERE IS DARKNESS EQUIPMENT FOR EVERYTHING ELSE! ============================================================================= ____ IRON Defense Power: 1 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense percentage: 20% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped, Purchase for 100 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ SHADOW Defense power: 1 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage: 22% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special Attribute: Effective against Undead attacks Aquired by: Initially equipped, Purchase for 200 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ BLACK Defense Power: 2 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage: 24% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special Attribute: Effective against Undead attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 400 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ PALADIN Defense Power: 2 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage: 24% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 700 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ SILVER Defense Power: 3 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage: 26% Equipped by: Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 1000 GOLD ============================================================================= ____ FIRE Defense Power: 3 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense percentage: 27% Equipped by: Paladin, Dragoon, Cheif Engineer Special Attribute: Strong against Ice, weak against Fire Aquired by: Found in Tower of Zot, Purchase for 3000 GOLD ============================================================================= ___ ICE Defense Power: 3 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage: 28% Equipped by: Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong against Fire, Weak against Ice Aquired by: Found in Tower of Bab-il, Purchase for 10000 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ DIAMOND Defense Power: 4 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage: 35% Equipped by: Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong against Lightning and Machine Attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 13000 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ AEGIS Defense Power: 4 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage: 36% Equipped by: Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong against Stone attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 20,000 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ SAMURAI Defense Power: 5 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage: 38% Equipped by: Paladin, Dragoon, chief Engineer Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped, found in Bahamut Cave ============================================================================= _______ DRAGOON Defense Power: 6 Magic Defense Power: 4 Defense Percentage: 44% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: Strong against all elemental attacks Aquired by: Found in Moon's core ============================================================================= _______ CRYSTAL Defense Power: 7 Magic Defense Power: 4 Defense Percentage: 46% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Moon's Core ============================================================================= ---------------------- [ Armor, Robes, Gowns, Dresses ] --------------------- ============================================================================= Armors and protective gear alike have the most defense power, but they have the least amount of magic defense power, once again always take into consideration of what your armor can protect you from. ============================================================================= _____ CLOTH(gown) Defense Power: 1 Magic Defese Power: 0 Defense percentage: 10% Equipped by: Everybody except for Dark Knight Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped on Caller and Paladin, Purchase for 50 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ LEATHER(robe) Defense Power: 2 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage: 10% Equipped by: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 100 GOLD ============================================================================= ____ BARD(gown) Defense Power: 2 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage: 10% Equipped by: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute: Increases Bard chance of status effecting opponent Aquired by: Purchase for 70 GOLD ============================================================================= ____ GAEA(robe) Defense Power: 3 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage: 15% Equipped by: Caller, Sage, Paladin, White Wizard, Black Wizard, Lunarian Special Attribute: Effective against Quake attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 500 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ KARATE(robe) Defense Power: 3 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage: 20% Equipped by: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped, Purchase for 4000 GOLD ============================================================================= ____ IRON(armor) Defense Power: 4 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Paladin, Chief Engineer, Dragoon Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped, Purchase for 600 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ SHADOW(armor) Defense Power: 4 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special Attribute: Strong against undead attacks Aquired by: Intially equipped, Purchase for 1100 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ WIZARD(robe) Defense Power: 5 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage: 10% Equipped by: Sage, Caller, Lunarian, Black Wizard, White Wizard, Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 1200 GOLD ============================================================================= ________ DARKNESS(armor) Defense Power: 7 Magic Defense power: 0 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special Attribute: Strong against undead attacks Aquired by: Found in Waterfall ============================================================================= __________ BLACK ROBE Defense Power: 7 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Caller, Sage, Lunarian, Black Wizard Special Attribute: Strong against undead attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 10000 GOLD ============================================================================= ___________ BLACK ARMOR Defense Power: 8 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage: 10% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special Attribute: Strong against undead attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 3000 GOLd ============================================================================= _________ BLACKBELT(robe) Defense Power: 9 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage: 30% Equipped by: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 14000 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ PALADIN(armor) Defense Power: 11 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense percentage: 0% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 8000 GOLD ============================================================================= ________ SORCERER(gown) Defense Power: 12 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage: 10% Equipped by: Sage, Caller, Paladin, White Wizard, Lunarian, Black Wizard Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in underworld(I forgot where exactly though) ============================================================================= ______ SILVER(armor) Defense Power: 12 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 17000 GOLD ============================================================================= ____ FIRE(armor) Defense Power: 13 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dragoon, Paladin, Chief Engineer, Dark Knight Special Attribute: Stong against Ice, Weak against Fire Aquired by: Found in Tower of Zot, Purchase for 30000 GOLD ============================================================================= ___ ICE(armor) Defense Power: 17 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dragoon, Paladin, Chief Engineer, Dark Knight Special Attribute: Strong against Fire, Weak Against Ice Aquired by: Found in Tower of Bab-il, Purchase for 35000 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ WHITE(robe) Defense Power: 18 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage: 10% Equipped by: Lunarian, White Wizard, Paladin, Sage Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Moon's Core ============================================================================= _______ DIAMOND(armor) Defense Power: 19 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage: 10% Equipped by: Paladin, Dragoon, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Strong against Lighning Attacks, quite costly Aquired by: Purchase for 40000 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ HEROINE(gown) Defense Power: 21 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage: 35% Equipped by: Caller, White Wizard Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Moon's Core ============================================================================= _____ POWER(armor) Defense Power: 28 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense Percentage: 20% Equipped by: Dragoon, Paladin, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: Puts wearer on Berserk(?) Aquired by: Found on the moon ============================================================================= _______ SAMURAI(armor) Defense Power: 21 Magic Defense Power: 1 Magic Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dragoon, Paladin, Dark Knight, Chief Engineer Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped, found in Bahamut's cave ============================================================================= _____ NINJA(robe) Defense Power: 24 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense percentage: 60% Equipped by: Ninja Special Attribute: evade most attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 64000 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ DRAGOON(armor) Defense Power: 23 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Moon's core ============================================================================= _______ CRYSTAL(armor) Defense Power: 23 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage: 22% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Strong vs all Aquired by: Found in Moon's core ============================================================================= _______ ADAMANT(armor)** Defense Power: 100 Magic Defense Power: 12 Defense Percentage: 33% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Strong against all attacks, raises all stats Aquired by: 1-in-4096 chance of recieving Pink Tail. Trade tail for Ore. **Basically there is a 1-64 chance of encountering a PINK PUFF, and a 1-64 chance that a PINK PUFF will give you a Pink Tail. Also Edge's SNEAK command will not work on the PINK PUFFs and you must win the battle. The only place in the game where you will find a PINK TAIL is in B5 of the Moon's Core, its a small room where you pick up a CABIN. ============================================================================= ------------------------------- [ Helmets ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Helmets are essential for protecting the party members as well. Helmets have average defense power, but high magic defense power, but you really can't often rely on them to dodge attacks because helmets have very low defense percentage rates. ============================================================================= ___ CAP Defense Power: 1 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense percentage: 3% Equipped by: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 100 GOLD ============================================================================= ________ HEADBAND Defense Power: 1 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense percentage: 10% Equipped by: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute: Effective against Charm attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 450 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ LEATHER Defense Power: 2 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage: 6% Equipped by: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 350 GOLD ============================================================================= ____ IRON Defense Power: 3 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Chief Engineer, Dark Knight, Dragoon, Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchased for 150 GOLD ============================================================================= ____ GAEA Defense Power: 3 Magic defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage: 7% Equipped by: Caller, Black Wizard, Lunarian, sage, White Wizard Special Attribute: Strong against Quake attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 700 GOLD ============================================================================= ________ BANDANNA Defense Power: 3 Magic defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage: 12% Equipped by: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 1100 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ SHADOW Defense Power: 4 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special Attribute: Strong against undead attacks Aquired by: Initially equipped, Purchase for 360 GOLD ============================================================================= ________ DARKNESS Defense Power: 5 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special Attribute: strong against undead attacks Aquired by: Found in Waterfall, purchase for 640 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ WIZARD Defense Power: 5 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Sage, Paladin, Lunarian, White Wizard, Black Wizard, Caller Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchased for 2000 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ NINJA Defense Power: 5 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage: 17% Equipped by: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute: Strong against Sleep attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 2000 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ BLACK Defense Power: 6 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special Attribute: Strong against undead attacks and FATAL Aquired by: Purchased for 980 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ PALADIN Defense Power: 7 Magic Defense Power: 4 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 4000 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ TIARA Defense Power: 7 Magic Defense Power: 5 Defense percentage: 10% Equipped by: White Wizard, Caller Special Attribute: strong against Thunder attacks Aquired by: Re-visit in Vilage of Mist ============================================================================= ______ SILVER Defense Power: 8 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, Chief Engineer, Dragoon, Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 3000 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ DIAMOND Defense Power: 9 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight, chief Engineer, Dragoon, Paladin Special Attribute: Strong against Thunder attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 10000 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ SAMURAI Defense Power: 10 Magic Defense Power: 5 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Ninja, Dragoon, Dark Knight, Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped, Found in Bahamut's cave ============================================================================= _______ DRAGOON Defense Power: 11 Magic Defense Power: 6 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: Strong against all elemental attacks Aquired by: Found in Moon's core ============================================================================= _______ CRYSTAL Defense Power: 12 Magic Defense Power: 7 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: Strong against all attacks Aquired by: Found in Moon's core ============================================================================= ______ RIBBON Defense Power: 9 Magic Defense: 8 Defense Percentage: 12% Equipped by: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute: Strong against all attacks, immune to status effects Aquired by: Defeat two DARK LUNARs in Moon's core ============================================================================= _____ GLASS** Defense Power: 15 Magic Defense Power: 10 Defense Percentage: 20% Equipped by: Paladin, Ninja, Dragoon, Lunarian Special Attributes: Strong against all elemental attacks Aquired by: Fight 1 BEHEMOTH and one EVILMASK in same battle ** This is a rare occurance and this game is full of hidden weapons the manual did not show. Basically the chances are 1-8 chance that you will fight a BEHEMOTH AND EVIL MASK in the same battle and a 1-24 chance in those battles that they will give you a GLASS HELMET. ============================================================================= ---------------------- [ Guantlets, Rings, Bracelets ] ---------------------- ============================================================================= These are also known as accessories. These are worn on the arms and the defense in each categories are basically average through the stats. ============================================================================= ________ RUBYRING(ring) Defense Power: 0 Magic defense Power: 0 Defense percentage: 10% Equipped by: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute: Strong against Pig attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 1000 GOLD, found in Castle of Toroia ============================================================================= ____ IRON(guantlet) Defense Power: 2 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense percentage: 0% Equipped by: Lunarian, Paladin, Chief Engineer, Dragoon, Dark Knight Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped, purchase for 130 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ SHADOW(guantlet) Defense Power: 2 Magic Defense Power: 0 Defense percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special attribute: strong against undead attacks Aquired by: Initially equipped, purchase for 260 GOLD ============================================================================= ________ IRONRING(ring) Defense Power: 2 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense percentage: 10% Equipped by: White Wizard, Black Wizard, Bard, Sage, Lunarian, Caller, (Yang) Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 100 GOLD ============================================================================= ________ STRENGTH(bracelet) Attack Power: 1 Defense Power: 2 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense Percentage: 10% Equipped by: Paladin, (Yang), (Cid), Dragoon, Caller, Ninja, Dark Knight Special Attribute: Raises strength for a Defense equipment Aquired by: Purchase for 760 GOLD ============================================================================= ________ DARKNESS(guantlet) Defense Power: 3 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special Attribute: Strong against undead attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 320 GOLD ============================================================================= ____ RUNE(bracelet) Defense Power: 3 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense percentage: 10% Equipped by: Black Wizard, White Wizard, (Yang), Sage, Ninja, Caller, Bard Special Attribute: Strong against Mute attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 2000 GOLD ============================================================================= _____ BLACK Defense Power: 4 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dark Knight Special Attribute: Strong against undead attacks, strong agaisnt FATAL Aquired by: Purchase for 800 GOLD ============================================================================= __________ SILVERRING(ring) Defense Power: 4 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense percentage: 10% Equipped by: Black Wizard, White Wizard, (Yang), Sage, Ninja, Caller, Bard Special attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 650 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ PALADIN Defense Power: 5 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense Percentage: 0% Equipped by: Paladin Special attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 3000 GOLD ============================================================================= ______ SILVER(guantlet) Defense Power: 6 Magic Defense Power: 1 Defense percentage: 0% Equipped by: Lunarian, Chief Engineer, Paladin, Dragoon Special attribute: none Aquired by: Purchase for 2000 GOLD ============================================================================= ____________ DIAMOND RING(ring) Defense Power: 6 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense percentage: 10% Equipped by: Black Wizard, White Wizard, (Yang), Sage, Ninja, Caller, Bard Special Attribute: Strong against Lightning attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 4000 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ DIAMOND(guantlet) Defense Power: 7 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense percentage: 0% Equipped by: Chief Engineer, Paladin, Dragoon, Dark Knight Special Attribute: Strong against Lightning attacks Aquired by: Purchase for 5000 GOLD ============================================================================= _______ SAMURAI(guantlet) Defense Power: 8 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dragoon, Paladin, Chief Engineer, Lunarian Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Initially equipped, found in Bahamut's cave ============================================================================= ____ ZEUS(guantlet) Defense Power: 11 Magic Defense Power: 4 Defense percentage: 10% Equipped by: Dragoon, Chief Engineer, Paladin, Dark Knight, Lunarian Special Attribute: God's Gauntlet Aquired by: Fight SKELETONs and win, SNEAK cannot work ============================================================================= _______ DRAGOON(guantlet) Defense Power: 10 Magic Defense Power: 2 Defense percentage: 0% Equipped by: Dragoon Special Attribute: strong against all elemental attacks Aquired by: Found in Moon's Core ============================================================================= _______ CRYSTAL(guantlet) Defense Power: 10 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense percentage: 0% Equipped by: Paladin Special Attribute: none Aquired by: Found in Moon's Core ============================================================================= _______ PROTECT(ring) Defense Power: 13 Magic Defense Power: 3 Defense percentage: 15% Equipped by: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute: Strong against all elemental attacks Aquired by: Found in Moon's Core ============================================================================= ______ CURSED(ring)** Defense Power: 10(-10) Magic Defense Power: 2(-2) Defense Percentage: 10%(-10%) Equipped by: Everybody Special Attribute: Benefits Dark Knight, Hazardous to others Aquired by: Defeat group of SPIRITs ============================================================================= _______ CRYSTAL(ring)*** Defense Power: 15 Magic Defense Power: 4 Defense percentage: 15% equipped by: Everybody except Dark Knight Special Attribute: Strong against all elemental attacks Aquired by: Defeat two FATAL EYEs ** This ring should not even be bothered to aquire. Most likely if you do try you won't have the ring until the Dark Knight is out of your party. The CURSED ring hits the wearer with many negative status effects like SILENCE, SLEEP, TOAD, PIG, POISON, STONE, and even a count down timer. The RIBBON can counter act the effects of all these except the TIMER. *** This ring is very rare, I think its about a 1-32 chance that you will achieve this ring and another 1-32 chance that the FATAL EYEs will drop it. It took me hours to find out what it was, ever since I saw the name in the manual I was just puzzled as to how to get this. Then I fought two FATAL EYEs after the battle and voila! ============================================================================= ------------------------------ [ Game Tricks ] ------------------------------ ============================================================================= These are only the tricks and secrets that I have squandered around the game, the game contains very little of them since its an RPG, but there still here. ============================================================================= ------------------------ [ Infinite Item Duplication] ----------------------- ============================================================================= This is the trick that should be in every FF4 FAQ. Here you can duplicate any items you wish, also this works in any time of the game, from the beginning to the end of the game. You can trade it in for GOLD or just use your weapons or shields as darts. NOTE: YOU CAN ONLY DUPLICATE ITEMS THAT ARE IN YOUR LEFT AND RIGHT HANDS. -+- Here enter battle. -+- when the battle starts, go to an empty slot in your item box hit "A" -+- Select a weapon or shield with the "A" button and put it in a empty slot. -+- Finish the battle or run away, it doesn't matter. -+- After the battle select the weapon or shield that you put in the empty slot and put it back in the CHARACTER'S HANDS YOU SELECTED FROM. -+- Here you will see two of the same weapon or shield in your character's hand. Now click that weapon or shield again and put it in an empty slot. -+- Now click on that SAME WEAPON OR SHIELD again and put it back in your character's hand. Now you have the same weapon in the character's hand and the other duplicate in your inventory! ---------------------- SKIP SEALED CAVE EVENT ---------------------- Here right after you have defeated GOLBEZ in the Dwarf's Castle you will be back in the room with the King of Dwarves. After your conversation have Rydia use WARP and you will be in the crystal room of the Dwarves and you will see the Crystal. Actually its the Crystal in the Sealed Cave. Once you have the crystal go inside the Sealed Cave and before you can enter the locked door the scenario with Kain takes place. After that you do not need to go into the Sealed Cave. ------------- Overworld bug ------------- I still can not get this thing to work, basically because I have not tried yet. This is a pretty neat bug, here is how Rey explains it: "The buggy overworld trick: This trick doesn't serve any real purpose other than to confuse others. Walk around outside in a straight line and hit the triangle(or X if you have the SNES version) button after taking a few steps (while still holding the pad in the direction you are walking) to bring up the status window. Release the pad and exit the status window. If you repeat this a few times you should notice that some of the time your character takes an extra step as soon as you exit the status window (what's really happening here is your character was caught mid-step when you hit the X button and they're simply finishing the step they started). Good! Now that you've got the hang of this try using a tent or cabin (I think they were in FF2) while your character is caught in mid- step. When you awake (I think) your character will appear to be one square away from the location your character is really occupying. Now hop into your airship and fly around a bit. The overworld will start to get buggy and you'll start seeing scenery in incorrect locations (it gets really extreme at times). You might try and set things up so that when you do this a normal piece of land appears to be an ocean and land the airship there to make it appear as if your character is walking on the ocean!" ------------- Other Summons ------------- Here you can basically get three other summons in the game, which includes an IMP, BOMB, and MAGE. You can get these summons by fighting the monsters that gives them to you, like if you want an IMP summon you would fight IMPs. The strange thing with this is that you can possibly get the IMP summon before meeting up with Rydia! However as reported by Rey this takes a lot of patience to do and no, you do not need a Game Genie for this. That's about it. That's all I know. If you have any questions about this or you wish for me to make it any clearer than it already is, then drop me a line and I will be happy to answer whatever question you may have. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Credits------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -+- Square(www.squaresoft.com) For making my 2nd favorite game ever(tied with FF6)! Also for their help in the Weapons list, Armor list, and Magic lists. (^_^) -+- Rey(rkm@mindless.com) This guy is a Final Fantasy genius! I thought I was the only one who knew everything in this game, but yet he has proved me wrong. Thanks to him for his neat bug trick and also a few extras in the game as well with some Game Genie codes I have been dying for! Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!! (^_^) -+- Billxzzx(Billxzzx@aol.com) For filling me on on the missing weapons I had previous left out. Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!! (^_^) -+- DZY351378(DZY351378@aol.com) Thanks for his info about Tellah's random magic. (^_^) -+- Dan Simpson(manymoose@hotmail.com) Thanks to him about informing me about my sense of direction and a small spelling mistake. (^_^) -+- CJayc(www.gamefaqs.com) For posting up this FAQ and for his hard work and dedication to his excellent site! (^_^) -+- Dingo Jellybean(bellybutton21@hotmail.com) For typing up this FAQ. (^_^) ============================================================================= Time of completion: 6 days, 3 hours, 21 minutes, 58 seconds Dingo Jellybean (C) 1999-2001