;:. BBt55 jP0C. 66Mt h M t:8MM# .j.5MMB: v h vtjtttt; MS .M MM M2 tMMMM802PMMMB hMC Mh Mt hM MM8 CvCtK 8ME.tj: 0C Mv MP MC MM M0 M 8M. MM SM KM 5M #; M8h jM M8 2#MM M Mv MS M. vM MMv M MMv M6 hM MM. MP K. MMC MM2 M vM #v .Mv MS MMMM02M MMM.M M8M M5 hMMMM ;2M0 MMSM MEC MCM MM. M M .Mv MS M 2M M MKM j;jM M5 SM # PM ;:;MM MMM tv:M #MB M0ht Mv MS Mv 0M M 8M EM M M5 KM MM M t0 M ME KM M hM Mh .M2 MP MC 0M M M M M6 Mv CM M M 8 M MM5 M Mj M M M; M0 M5 hM M M M MM M0 :.8M M M0 P M; MMM M MM tM M .M2 MP M6 5h M MvM Kh P2SM 0M MP BCCP 8j M6M hM #CMMMM. M .M2 MK M5 SM MMB M MM# 8MM M0 0M MMM M M; B8 MM K. ; #M0 5Mh jMC .M; Mj M M M M M S *************************************************************************** Final Fantasy II - FAQ/Walkthrough. Written By: Kain Stryder. E-Mail Address: ssj4kain@aol.com. Walkthrough Version: Final. Last Updated: 9/7/08. System(s): Super Famicom And SNES. *************************************************************************** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | [ I. Introduction ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] | | | | [ II. Current Updates ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]| | | | [ III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) ] . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] | | | | [ IV. How To Play ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTP4 ] | | A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAM4.1 ]| | B. Moving Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOAR4.2 ] | | C. Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BASYS4.3 ]| | D. Status Ailments/Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ STAC4.4 ]| | | | [ V. The Playable Characters Of The Story ] . . . . . . . . . [ TPCOT5 ]| | A. Cecil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CEC5.1 ]| | B. Kain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KAI5.2 ] | | C. Rydia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RYDI5.3 ] | | D. Tellah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TELL5.4 ]| | E. Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ EDWA5.5 ]| | F. Rosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ROSA5.6 ]| | G. Yang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ YANG5.7 ]| | H. Palom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PALO5.8 ] | | I. Porom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PORO5.9 ] | | J. Cid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CID5.10 ] | | K. Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ EDGE5.11 ] | | L. FuSoYa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FUSO5.12 ] | | | | [ VI. The Walkthrough ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWA6 ]| | A. The Beginning... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THBEG6.1 ] | | B. Mission: To Deliver The Package To Village Mist . . . [ MTDT6.2 ] | | C. Aftermath Of The Attack: A New Mission Awaits . . . . [ AOTA6.3 ] | | D. Damcyan Is In Ruins; Finding The SandRuby . . . . . . [ DIIR6.4 ] | | E. Onward, To Mt. Hobs; Warning Fabul Of Terror To Come . [ OTMH6.5 ]| | F. The Plan To Sneak Into Baron; The Sea Is The Key . . . [ TPTS6.6 ]| | G. Cecil Repents; Gaining The Light And Casting Out The Dark [ C6.7 ]| | H. The Return To Baron; Surprises Are At Every Turn... . . [ TRT6.8 ]| | I. Saving Rosa...The Key Is The Crystal Of Earth . . . . . [ SRT6.9 ]| | J. The Underworld Is Opened! We Must Help The Dwarfs! . [ TUIO6.10 ] | | K. Our Next Mission Is To Steal Back The Crystals! Let's Do This![&^]| | L. Finding A New Route; The Ninja Prince's Revenge . . . [ FANR6.12 ]| | M. Eblan Has Been Avenged! Protecting The Last Crystal... [ EHB6.13 ]| | N. The Land Of Monsters Awaits...Gaining Rydia New Power [ TLO6.14 ] | | O. Gaining The Strongest Sword...The Key Is A Rat's Tail? [ GTS6.15 ]| | P. The Sylvan Cave Awaits...Yang's Alive?! . . . . . . . [ TSCA6.16 ]| | Q. The Return Of The King...He's The Legendary Odin?! . [ TROT6.17 ] | | R. Making The Legend Come True...The Path To The Moon Opens! [M6.18] | | S. It's Finished! The Excalibur Awaits A New Owner... . . [ IFT6.19 ]| | T. Arriving On The Moon...The Mystery Person Awaits... . . [ AO6.20 ]| | U. The Giant Of Bab-il Is Alive! We Must Destroy It! . . [ TGO6.21 ] | | V. The King Of Monsters Awaits...The Strongest Call Spell! [ TKO6.22]| | W. The Moon's Core Is Now Opened! Zemus, Here We Come! . [ TMC6.23 ] | | X. Let's Slaughter Some Pink Puffs! The Strongest Armor... [ LS6.24 ]| | Y. The Final Battle With The Ultimate Evil: Zemus . . . . [ TFB6.25 ]| | Z. Ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ E6.26 ]| | | | [ VII. Boss Guide ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BOGU7 ] | | A. D. Mist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DMIS7.1 ] | | B. Officer/Soldier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ OFFSO7.2 ]| | C. Octomamm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ OCTO7.3 ]| | D. Antlion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ANTL7.4 ] | | E. WaterHag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WATE7.5 ]| | F. MomBomb/Bomb/Grey Bomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOMB7.6 ]| | G. Fabul Assault Bosses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FABU7.7 ]| | H. Milon/Ghast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MILO7.8 ] | | I. Milon Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MILZ7.9 ]| | J. D. Knight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DKNI7.10 ]| | K. Guard (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GUAR7.11 ]| | L. Karate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KARA7.12 ] | | M. Baigan/Left Arm/Right Arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BAIG7.13 ]| | N. Kainazzo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KAIN7.14 ] | | O. Dark Elf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DARK7.15 ] | | P. Dark Elf/Dark Dragon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DARKE7.16 ]| | Q. Sandy/Cindy/Mindy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SACIM7.17 ] | | R. Valvalis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ VALV7.18 ] | | S. Cal/Brena/Calbrena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CABCA7.19 ]| | T. Golbez/Shadow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GOLSH7.20 ] | | U. Dr. Lugae/Balnab/Balnab-Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DRLBB7.21 ] | | V. Dr. Lugae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DRLUG7.22 ] | | W. Dark Imp (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DARIM7.23 ]| | X. K. Eblan/Q. Eblan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KEQE7.24 ]| | Y. Rubicant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RUBI7.25 ] | | Z. EvilWall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ EVIWA7.26 ]| | AA. Asura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ASUR7.27 ] | | BB. Leviatan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LEVIA7.28 ] | | CC. Odin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ODIN7.29 ]| | DD. Elements - Milon Z./Kainazzo/Valvalis/Rubicant . . . [ ELEM7.30 ]| | EE. CPU/Attacker/Defender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CPUAD7.31 ]| | FF. Bahamut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BAHA7.32 ] | | GG. Pale Dim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PALED7.33 ] | | HH. Wyvern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WYVER7.34 ] | | II. Plague . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PLAGU7.35 ] | | JJ. D. Lunar (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DLUNA7.36 ] | | KK. Ogopogo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ OGOPO7.37 ]| | LL. Zeromus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ZEROM7.38 ]| | | | [ VIII. Weapon List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WEALI8 ]| | A. Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KNIV8.1 ]| | B. Katanas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KATAN8.2 ]| | C. Swords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SWORD8.3 ] | | D. Spears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPEAR8.4 ] | | E. Hammers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HAMME8.5 ]| | F. Axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AXES8.6 ]| | G. Whips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WHIPS8.7 ]| | H. Claws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CLAWS8.8 ]| | I. Bows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BOWS8.9 ]| | J. Arrows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARROW8.10 ]| | K. Boomerangs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BOOME8.11 ]| | L. Darts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DARTS8.12 ] | | M. Harps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HARPS8.13 ] | | N. Staffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ STAFF8.14 ]| | O. Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RODS8.15 ]| | | | [ IX. Armor List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARMLI9 ] | | A. Shields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHIELD9.1 ] | | B. Helmets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HELMET9.2 ] | | C. Robes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ROBES9.3 ]| | D. Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARMOR9.4 ]| | E. Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RINGS9.5 ]| | F. Gauntlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GAUNT9.6 ]| | | | [ X. Magic List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MAGILI10 ]| | A. White Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WHIMA10.1 ] | | B. Black Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BLAMA10.2 ] | | C. Call Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CALMA10.3 ]| | D. Ninja Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ NINMA10.4 ] | | E. Twin Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TWIMA10.5 ]| | F. Monster Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MONMA10.6 ] | | | | [ XI. Item List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITELI11 ] | | | | [ XII. Shop Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHOGU12 ] | | A. Town Of Baron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TOOBA12.1 ] | | B. Village Mist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ VILMI12.2 ]| | C. Kaipo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KAIPO12.3 ] | | D. Fabul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FABUL12.4 ] | | E. Mysidia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYSID12.5 ] | | F. Town Of Toroia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TOOTO12.6 ]| | G. Agart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AGAR12.7 ]| | H. Silvera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SILVE12.8 ] | | I. Castle Of Dwarves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CAODW12.9 ] | | J. Cave Eblana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CAEBL12.10 ]| | K. Tomra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TOMRA12.11 ]| | L. Land Of Monsters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LAOMO12.12 ] | | M. Kokkol, The Smith's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KOTSM12.13 ]| | N. Cave Of Humingway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CAOHU12.14 ]| | | | [ XIII. Monster List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOLI13 ] | | | | [ XIV. Secrets ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECRE14 ]| | | | [ XV. Credits ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CREDI15 ] | | | | [ XVI. My Words ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWO16 ]| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: I've added a Search Engine into all my FAQs now. To use this, if there's something you wish to find instantly in my FAQ, in the above table, on the left is the name of a section or sub-section. To the right is a weird code, like GOK5.1. Basically, if you wish to go to the section where I tell you about Goku under The Playable Characters Of The Story, on your Keyboard, hold Ctrl and then hit F and a window will open. Type in GOK5.1 and hit Find Next. It'll bring you to that section instantly. The code to reach the Table Of Contents is just that: Table Of Contents. I hope this makes browsing my FAQs easier for you. Enjoy! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hey there. This is my 10th guide for GameFAQs and for this one, I decided to make a Final Fantasy II walkthrough. It's been one of my favorite games of all time since I was a kid and I felt it was time to put my knowledge forth that I know on this game and help others who may be stuck and/or needing help in a certain area, etc. I just ask that you do NOT steal from this guide, as I've spent an INSANE amount of time putting it together, researching the game for everything and just typing it up. Source me if you wish and credit me where credit is due, but do NOT steal this as your own. Got it? Just use it to help you get through the game and remember the most important thing of all: Have fun with the game. With that, let's move onto the walkthrough! Update: This Walkthrough is now available at IGN, Neoseeker and any other sites I've allowed via E-Mail to host this file. If I did not give you permission to host this FAQ on your site, then you're hosting it illegally and if you're reading this on a site with any variatin of "cheat" in its name, please notify me so I may take the necessary action. Thanks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = II. Current Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9/7/08 - Made some corrections to Bl. Belt Robe and Black Robe Items, as well as Silver Armor's Description, courtesy of Deign. Also, thanks to Deign, there's 2 new Secrets up in the Secrets Section. Other than this, nothing else has been added or changed. 5/14/07 - Just writing in to let any readers know if they E-Mail me any questions or comments, that my address still works. My willpower to write walkthroughs over the last few years died, mostly to college and real life, but I may just start this up again. Feel free to write in, thanks. 5/4/04 - Thanks to Meteo, I made a few corrections to the guide, mainly to the Magic Spells, Weapons/Armor and some other small things. Thanks again, man! Boy, I really need to proofread my stuff from now on... 1/20/04 - Minor update. Nothing you'll notice. 12/22/03 - Ugh, I am a moron. Apparently, the Item Duplication Trick in the Secrets Section was written wrong and thanks to Thamasta16 for telling me about it. I fixed it, so if you could never get it to work before, well, now you can. Very sorry about this. Probably a few other mistakes floating around here. I'll do my best to fix them, unless some one else points it out before I can find it. Well, until next time...oh and Happy Holidays! 12/16/03 - Well, thanks to Another Sylph for pointing out 2 things I missed in Town Of Baron, which was a Tent and Ether1 in Rosa's House. Can't believe I didn't know this. I'm pretty sure I knew about the Tent, but not about the Ether1. Ah well, still, thanks and Another Sylph has been added to the Credits section. 12/2/03 - Thanks to XeF4, I added another Treasure Chest location that I missed and ironically, it's also at Kokkol, The Smith's place. He's been credited and I've updated my walkthrough with it. If you missed it, you can go get it, but it's just a measly 1,000G. Ah well, it's still something. Thanks again, XeF4! 11/23/03 - I added the new layout to this FAQ. How's it look? 10/8/03 - Just some minor corrections made to this walkthrough. Nothing else, I'm afraid. 10/3/03 - Well, thanks to Marek Grabowski, I added up a better strategy on how to defeat Plague. You can find that under the Boss Guide section. Thanks again, man. Other than that, nothing is new. Yet again, until I update once more... 9/26/03 - Thanks to Nicholas Nino for pointing out a few things I missed. First, a few Monster Attacks that I forgot to add and then a Item in Kokkol, The Smith's place, which was an Elixir in the bookcase. Other than that, nothing else is new. Just that and nothing else. Until I update next time... 8/14/03 - Updated the FAQ, adding the locations to five new hidden Treasure Chests that I wasn't aware of previously, all in Baron. James P. Wyatt is the one to thank for this and the new Treasure Chests have been added to the Walkthrough. Look for them when you start out in Baron and when you return to Baron. They are behind Cid's House and in the Weapon/Armor Shop. Nothing too special, but hey, I never knew about this, so this walkthrough just became even more complete. Thanks and enjoy! 7/9/03 - Corrected a few things here and there and made this the final version. I'll update again in due time, but until then, enjoy the walkthrough! 7/4/03 - Happy Independence Day! I just corrected a few mistakes/errors here and there and I added a new Level To Get By thing in The Walkthrough. Check out the beginning of The Walkthrough for more information on that. 6/25/03 - I have now fully completed this entire walkthrough, which now covers pretty much EVERYTHING in this game down to the smallest detail possible. The Walkthrough is now fully completed, I've updated numerous areas for errors and corrections and I added a seventh image to the "Hidden" Items Secret. So, it's all finally done and I hope this walkthrough helps you with anything that you may need. I'll make revisions and corrections again in the future. Until then, enjoy! 6/10/03 - Completed The Walkthrough up to after getting Bahamut and getting ready to go the final Dungeon, as that's all that's left to write for and then this walkthrough will be fully completed. The next update will make this guide complete, so keep your eyes peeled, as it's going to be soon. 6/5/03 - Completed the Status Ailments/Conditions section, as well as updated The Walkthrough up to after gaining Odin as a Call spell for Rydia and getting ready to get the Big Whale and go to the Moon. I also fixed a few errors here and there and touched the entire guide up a bit, but I doubt you'll notice anything, as the changes were pretty small. Anyway, I'll be completing this walkthrough soon, so don't worry. 6/2/03 - Finished up almost everything in this walkthrough and only have the Status Ailments area left to do and the rest of The Walkthrough, but for the most part, The Walkthrough has well over half of the game covered, up to the Battle with Dr. Lugae and Balnab/Balnab-Z and I'll be finishing this guide up VERY soon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= None at the moment. Sorry. If people E-Mail me a whole lot about a question and what not, I'll add it here. Other wise, this area will remain pretty empty for now. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = IV. How To Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTP4 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAM4.1 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, this is simple, short and sweet. Let's get down to it all, ok? D-Pad - Moves your character around on the screen. Use it to move in any of the four directions while on the World Map. While in Battle, use it to move around and highlight Battle Options. While in the Menu, use it to choose Menu Options. Select - Does nothing. Start - Pauses your game while in Battle. Y Button - Does nothing. X Button - Brings up the Menu while on the World Map. B Button - Cancels any options you may have made. A Button - Confirms any options you may have made. Also used to talk to people in Towns, search objects, open Treasure Chests, etc. Use it to get off a Chocobo, get on/off the Hovercraft, get on the Airship, land the Airship and to get on the Big Whale. L Button - Hit and hold this with the R Button at the same time to Run during a Battle. (Hold the Buttons down until your characters disappear from the Battle.) R Button - Hit and hold this with the L Button at the same time to Run during a Battle. (Hold the Buttons down until your characters disappear from the Battle.) On the World Map, you can use this to change the "leader" of your group. The Menu in this game is very easy to understand and grasp. Here's the things you'll find in the Menu and what each one holds/does. Item - Holds any Items you may find in the game. Go here to select Items to use on your party, sort them or just to look at your inventory. This area also holds a Garbage Can, which you can use to throw away any Items you may not want. (It's located at the VERY bottom of the screen. Just select an Item and then click the Garbage Can.) Magic - Lets you see the current Magic a party member knows. You can sort, view and use certain Magic on your character(s) with this option. (I.E. - Cure, Toad, etc, but only while in this Menu.) If a character can't learn Magic, then this option is useless to them and can't be used. Equip - Allows you to check the current Equipment a character has on them. You can Equip and Unequip them here with better/worse Equipment, remove Equipment or just see what they have on them at that time. Status - You're able to view a character's stats here and see what Level they are, how much Experience they have, etc. Here's what you'll find in here and what each one does: Name - Character's name. Job/Level - Character's job. (I.E. - Dark Knight.) Shows character's current Level. Hand - Which hand they use their weapon with. EXP - How much Experience that character has gained total. For Level Up - How much Experience that character needs until their next Level. HP - Shows how much Hit Points a character has, with the first number showing how much Hit Points they have remaining and the other number being their maximum Hit Points. If their Hit Points reaches 0, that character can't fight unless revived with a Life spell or heals at a Inn. MP - Shows how much Magic Points a character has, with the first number showing how much Magic Points they have remaining and the other number being their maximum Magic Points. If their Magic Points reaches 0, that character can't use Magic any more unless they use a Ether, Elixir or heal at an Inn/use a Tent/Cabin. Ability - Breaks up into several catigories for the character, showing their main stats that increase with each Level up. They are: Strength - How strong a character's regular attacks are. Agility - How fast a character's turn comes about in a Battle. Vitality - How well a character defends against regular attacks. Wisdom - How strong Black Magic will be when casted. Will - How strong White Magic will be when casted. Attack - Shows how much damage your character will do on average. Take the number you see by the X (I.E. - 2X.) and the number after that (I.E. - 15.) and add in the second number to X and times them together to get your average damage. (I.E. - 2X and 15 - 2 X 15 = 30. Average Damage - 30.) Attack % - Determines how often you hit the enemy. The higher the percentage, the better the chance you have of hitting your target. The lower the number, the lower the chance you have of hitting the target. Defense - Shows how well your character can guard from attacks. Take the number you see by the X (I.E. - 1X.) and the number after that (I.E. - 17.) and add in the second number to X and times them together to get your average defense. (I.E. - 1X and 17 - 1 X 17 = 17. Average Defense - 17.) Defense % - Determines how often the enemy will hit you. The higher the percentage, the better the chance you have of dodging an enemy's attack. The lower the number, the lower the chance you have of dodging the attack. Magic Defense - Shows how well your character can guard from Magic. Take the number you see by the X (I.E. - 0X.) and the number after that (I.E. - 1.) and add in the second number to X and times them together to get your average defense. (I.E. - 0X and 1 - 0 X 1 = 0. Average Magic Defense - 0.) Magic Defense % - Determines how often the enemy's magic will hit you. The higher the percentage, the better the chance you have of dodging an enemy's magic. The lower the number, the lower the chance you have of dodging the attack. Form - Allows you to switch the current order of your characters around in Battle. There's five slots total. From the top, 1, 3 and 5 are all the "attacker" slots, while slots 2 and 4 are more of the "Magic user" slots. Slots 1, 3 and 5 allow for the attackers of a party to fight, making them the main targets of monsters, while slots 2 and 4 allow non fighters to cast Magic and fight another way. If a character is in slots 2 and 4, they are in the "back row" and if they attack, they'll do less damage than someone in the front row, but they'll take less damage if they're in the back row. So, it's best to organize your party accordingly for the best results. Change - Allows you to give yourself either 3 "attacker" slots and 2 "Magic user" slots or two "attacker" slots and three "Magic user" slots. It's up to you, but use whichever best fits your party at that time. Custom - Lets you change various things in the game/Menu. They are: Battle Speed - Allows you to choose how fast things go in a Battle, from a range of 1 to 6, with 1 being Fast and 6 being Slow. Battle Message - Allows you to choose how fast messages in a Battle go, from a range of 1 to 6, with 1 being Fast and 6 being Slow. Sound - Choose from either Stereo or Mono, whichever you enjoy or whichever you have. Window Color - Lets you adjust and customize your Menu color, with a Red, Green and Blue color control. Have fun with that. Save - Of course, this lets you Save your game whenever you're on the World Map or you're on a Save Point in a Dungeon, Castle, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Moving Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOAR4.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, well, a simple thing about Final Fantasy II is the system of getting from place to place. A few things of interest are mainly things on the World Map. They are: Towns - Easily seen as a group of houses, etc on the map. Simply walk onto them and you'll enter that Town. Castles - Big, giant stone castles. We know what those are, right? I sure hope so. To enter one, just walk onto it and you'll enter that Castle. Caves - Small openings in a mountain with a small black space, looking like a door. You can't miss them. Walk into these to enter a Dungeon. Forests - We all know what forests are and I won't go into explaining them, since if you don't know what one is, seriously, exit the guide and pick up a book or something. Jesus, how can you read this guide? Haha, anyway, no, I mention forests because sometimes, there's Chocobo Forests hidden inside forests. Some of them are really easy to spot, (I.E. - Odd bunch of trees in a certain pattern, like a circle.) while others are well hidden. If you stumble onto one, they can be helpful, since you can find the following there: Yellow Chocobo - Common Chocobo. If you can manage to talk to it, (ALL Chocobos, except the Fat Chocobo move REALLY fast.) it'll give you a ride. You'll exit the Chocobo's Village and appear on the World Map. You can travel faster now and enemies won't attack you. Whenever you want to get off, just hit the A Button and you'll get off it, but, you'll lose it, as it runs away. If you want a new one, just go back and get one from the Chocobo's Village. Fat Chocobo - A very common Chocobo, that stores your Items for you, when you use a Carrot to summon it when it "Smells like Chocobos!". They're usually found in Chocobo's Village hidden and you can find them by noticing a inivisible force blocking your path and examining it. Black Chocobo - Uncommon Chocobo. They can fly, but they can't cross mountains, which seems pretty worthless once you get your Airship, but they can land in forests, which your Airship can't. The good thing with them is, when you get off it, the Black Chocobo will stay where you left it until you go back to it. Once you get back on using the A Button, it'll fly you back to the Chocobo's Village. Nice, huh? White Chocobo - Rare Chocobo. Talking to this one completely fills your MP. It's a nice thing to train near Chocobo's Village's and when you get low on MP, talk to this Chocobo, heal yourself, talk to it again to refill your MP and then continue training. Mountain Paths - Look like little zigzags on a mountain. Just walk on them to enter the mountain. Huge Black Hole - Later on in your quest, you'll have to dig a hole in a certain mountain to get to the Under World. After you use the Drill to do this, later on, you'll use this hole to travel back and forth from the Under World and the Upper World. Remember that. (Note: I am NOT referring to the REALLY big hole with the Tower Of Bab-il. There's another hole you'll see later on.) Stones On Water - They look more like air bubbles...actually, I don't know what the hell they are, but oh well. These little things are "pathways" for your Hovercraft, once you get it. The Hovercraft can travel on these parts of the Ocean only, so be warned. That covers the major areas of interest in the game. The rest are just things to travel on and I won't go into that. As for what's in Towns and such...I won't cover that either, since I'm sure you all know what a Weapon, Armor and Item shop all are, along with a Inn, unless this is your first time playing a RPG ever, which, let me just say, nice choice for a first RPG. You won't be let down. ^_^ Anyway, yeah, if you don't know what they are, it's easier to figure out. They sell you exactly what the name implies and Inns are places to heal. Simple? Thought so. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BASYS4.3 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, the Battle System. Final Fantasy II's way of fighting is really, really simple. It's like the most basic Battle System you'll ever see. When you enter a Battle, your characters can enter the Battle in a number of ways. They are: Normal Battle - Just a normal type of Battle, with the enemies on the left and your party on the right. Nothing gets more simplier than this, folks. Attacked From Behind - Like a Normal Battle, only you're attacked from behind, with your party's row reversed and you taking less damage and dealing less damage, making the Battle very fustrating. Strike First - Gives your party the advantage in this Battle allowing them to all attack an "extra" turn before the enemies can. Once everyone attacks, it goes into a Normal Battle, pretty much. Surprised! - The enemy gets a Pre-Emptive Strike, with your characters being attacked in reverse, meaning, your part is on the left and the enemies are on the right. Because of this, your party will deal even less damage, due to the surprise assault and the enemies get to deal more damage, but they do even less, since they're reversed, so it's more or less a they get to attack first thing with no real drawbacks. (Note: Sometimes you may not be attacked from the back row. It could be in the normal Battle sequence, only the enemy attacks first with no real drawbacks. Now, since we now know the different types of Battles we can get in, let's move onto what you do in a Battle and how a Battle works, shall we? Fight - The basic attack of every character. Allows them to attack with the current weapon they have Equipped or, if no weapon is Equipped, their fists. Item - Lets your character select an Item that can be used in Battle. Such as to heal a character, Equip a Weapon/Shield in Battle, etc. Cover - Cecil gains this as a Paladin. Once you use it, if any enemy attacks anyone but you, Cecil will jump in the way and take the damage instead of that character. This ability is also on automatic, meaning, he'll Cover someone if they are low on Hit Points or just cover them from damage in general. (Don't worry, Cecil has ALOT of Hit Points to spare, so he can take it all.) Jump - Lets Kain jump into the air, as he disappears for a while, before coming flying down and dealing twice as much damage as he normally would with a normal attack. During this time, he can not be attacked or damaged. Call - Rydia can call a certain monster that she has gained the friendship/assistance of to attack the enemy party. Each summon has a different ability, so choose wisely. Their attacks range and are stronger the more Rydia progresses in Levels. White Magic - The Magic of a White Wizard. Numerous characters have this and this mostly the healing Magic of the game, with more ally helping Magic than damage Magic. Black Magic - The Magic of a Black Wizard. This is the offensive Magic of the game, with ALOT of deadly attacks that can be learned that numerous characters have. Hide - Edward runs off screen and can't attack, be attacked or do anything for a certain amount of time. Sing - Edward performs one of three different attacks: 1. Puts the enemies to sleep with his song. 2. Stops enemies for a certain amount of time. 3. Charms enemies. Aim - (Only if a Bow and Arrows are Equipped.) Rosa takes aim and fires a more accurate and powerful arrow shot. Takes a little while to fire, though. Kick - Yang assaults all enemies on the screen with a flying kick that causes a fair amount of damage. Twin - (Only when Palom and Porom are both alive and both have enough Magic Points.) Palom and Porom both cast a unique Magic spell, either being Comet or Flare. Both are deadly attacks and very strong, but take a while to cast. Peep - Cid scans an enemy and tells you its stats. (I.E. - Name of monster, Hit Points, weakness, etc.) Dart - Edge throws any type of sharp object (I.E. - Swords, Knives, Spears, Throwing Stars, etc.) at the enemy for an amazing amount of damage. Sneak - Edge steals Items from an enemy. Ninja - Edge uses various unique Magic spells that are semi powerful, but mostly useless. Parry - When you hit the Right Button while on the Battle Menu and you hold it and hit the A Button afterwards, you can Parry for a turn. This lets you defend for your turn, instead of attacking, which is good, if you need to skip someone or just defend from an attack. Row - When you hit the Left Button while on the Battle Menu and you hold it and hit the A Button afterwards, you can change everyone's row around. This is helpful if you get into a Surprised! Battle or you just need to change the Row for any other reason. There...whew, now that we know all the types of commands you can do in a Battle with any character, it's time to explain how a Battle works, even though I'm sure any of you who have played a RPG know what to do, but the basics are simple. Once you enter a Battle, there's three ways out. One is you win the Battle, second is you Run from a battle and third is you die. (Either by just being killed or your entire party becomes fully Stoned. Like the rock, not the other thing. Geez, use your head.) Simple, right? Now, if you win a Battle, you of course get Experience and Gold, which you NEED in order to beat this game. If you Run from a Battle, you may or may not lose some Gold. Not a whole lot, but a small amount. Other than that, there's nothing much else to a Battle, really. It's simple to figure out, easy to do and most of all, fun. As you gain Levels, your characters get stronger, as well as unlock new Magic spells. (That's IF they can learn Magic.) In this game, Levels are good, unlike any Final Fantasy after this. You NEED Levels to learn new Magic and to get stronger, really, as there are no stat increasing Items and no Espers or anything to increase your stats. Like I said, it's a real easy system and all you need to do is train and you'll be fine. The only thing you really need to look for is Call spells, but that'll be explained later on in the walkthrough, so don't worry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Status Ailments/Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ STAC4.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throughout the game, your characters will be effected by different Status Ailments/Conditions and they'll have a impact on how you'll fight in or out of a Battle. Here's the complete list of Status Ailments and what they do and what you can do to fix them. Berserk - The character becomes Berserked and can't be controlled, as they constantly attack the enemy. To cure this, simply use Heal on them to negate this effect. To tell if your character has had Berserk casted on them, you'll notice their turn doesn't come up and they attack on their own. (This effect also ends if the Battle is won.) Charm - The character becomes confused and turns over to help the enemy party instead of your own. They can't be controlled at all and will either cast spells (If they can.) to help the enemy party or attack your party. To cure this, simply attack the person and they'll come out of it or use Heal on them if you don't wish to hurt them. To tell if your character has been Charmed, look for a spinning circle above their head and them facing the opposite way of your team. (This effect also ends if the Battle is won.) Count - The character gets a timer over his head and it counts down slowly until it hits zero. To cure this, kind of, use Stop on them, to buy that character time so you can win the Battle. To tell if your character has had Count casted on them, look for a counter over their head that counts down. (This effect also ends if the Battle is won.) Curse - The character's Attack is decreased. To cure this, simply use Heal on them to negate this effect. To tell if your character has been Cursed, look for a skull above their head and them to be in their low Hit Points position. (This effect also ends if the Battle is won.) Darkness - The character becomes blind and their Attack % is decreased. To cure this, simply use Heal on them to negate this effect. To tell if your character has had Darkness casted on them, look for goggles on their face and for them to be in their low Hit Points position. (This effect does NOT end if the Battle is won and will carry over until it is taken care of.) Float - The character floats in the air and they are immune to all Earth/Ground attacks. To cure this, simply exit any dungeon or map or anything you're on and it'll end. To tell if your character has had Float casted on them, they'll be floating in the air in the Battle and on the Menu, there'll be a wing icon on their status bar. (This effect does NOT end if the Battle is won and will carry over until it is taken care of.) Mute - The character becomes muted and can't cast any Magic. To cure this, simply use Heal on them to negate this effect. To tell if your character has had Mute casted on them, look for a bubble above their head with a "....." in it and for them to be in their low Hit Points position. (This effect does NOT end if the Battle is won and will carry over until it is taken care of.) Paralyze - The character becomes paralyzed and can not participate at all in the Battle. To cure this, simply wait until a certain amount of time passes and it'll wear off or you use Heal on them to negate this effect. To tell if you're character has been paralyzed, look for two zigzag lines around them and them in their low Hit Points position. (This effect also ends if the Battle is won. Also, if ALL your party members become Paralyzed, the game ends.) Piggy - The character becomes a Pig and can not use any Magic except for Piggy and all other special abilities can't be used. All stats are also lowered. To cure this, simply use Piggy or Heal on them to negate this effect. To tell if your character has had Piggy casted on them, well, obviously, they'll look like a Pig. (This effect does NOT end if the Battle is won and will carry over until it is taken care of.) Poison - The character becomes poisoned and every turn, they will lose some Hit Points. To cure this, simply use Heal on them to negate this effect. To tell if your character is Poisoned, they'll turn purple and be in their low Hit Points position. (This effect does NOT end if the Battle is won and if you walk around outside the Battle Poisoned, you'll take 1 damage for every step taken.) Sleep - The character falls asleep and can not participate at all in the Battle. To cure this, simply wait until a certain amount of time passes and it'll wear off or use Heal on them will negate this effect. To tell if your character has fallen asleep, look for a blue bubble coming out of their nose. (This effect also ends if the Battle is won.) Stone - The character becomes Stone very slowly before completely turning to Stone and can not participate at all in the Battle. To cure this, simply use Heal on them to negate this effect. To tell if your character has had Stone casted on them, they'll turn grey. Though, at the start of becoming Stone, part of their body will turn grey and as time goes on, more of their body becomes grey until they fully become Stone and can't act at all. (This effect also ends if the Battle is won, ONLY if they aren't fully Stone. If they are fully Stone, then it will carry over until it is taken care of. Also, if ALL your party members become Stone, the game ends.) Stop - The character is frozen and can not participate at all in the Battle, as well as all their stats are lowered. To cure this, simply use Heal on them to negate this effect. To tell if your character has had Stop casted on them, you'll notice that their turn never comes up and they don't act at all. (This effect also ends if the Battle is won.) Swoon - The character has fainted and can not participate at all in the Battle, due to losing all their Hit Points. To cure this, simply use Life, Life1, Life2 or Asura on them to negate this effect. (Also, using a Inn can heal this.) To tell if your character has become Swoon, they'll be on the ground, laying lifeless. (This effect does NOT end if the Battle is won and will carry over until it is taken care of.) Tiny - The character becomes very tiny and all special abilities can't be used. All stats are also lowered. To cure this, simply use Size of Heal on them to negate this effect. To tell if your character has had Tiny casted on them, well, obviously, they'll look very small. (This effect does NOT end if the Battle is won and will carry over until it is taken care of.) Toad - The character becomes a Toad and can not use any Magic except for Toad and all other special abilities can't be used. All stats are also lowered. To cure this, simply use Toad or Heal on them to negate this effect. To tell if your character has had Toad casted on them, well, obviously, they'll look like a Toad. (This effect does NOT end if the Battle is won and will carry over until it is taken care of.) Wall - The character has a protective Magic barrier put on them and all Magic casted on them will bounce off and be casted on the enemy party. To cure this, simply wait until a certain amount of time passes and it'll wear off. To tell if your character has had Wall casted on them, if you try to use Magic on them, it'll bounce off. (This effect also ends if the Battle is won.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = V. The Playable Characters Of The Story . . . . . . . . . . . [ TPCOT5 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: The following character profiles contain spoilers in the game. If you don't wish to know anything of what will happen, skip this section until later. Otherwise, read on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Cecil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CEC5.1 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class - Dark Knight. (Later becomes Paladin.) Abilities - Dark Knight - Fight, Item. Paladin - Fight, White Magic, Cover, Item. Story - Cecil is a Dark Knight and Commander of Baron's Elite Air Force, the Red Wings. Hailed as the most powerful nation in the world, Cecil is prided by his strength and his crew. Though, strange things begin to happen in Baron, as King Baron starts ordering very strange missions, such as stealing the Water Crystal from Mysidia, killing all who resist and giving no real reason why this Water Crystal must be attained. Cecil follows his orders, as does his crew and they finish the mission, but not without thoughts of his own. His crew agrees with him, but they don't have time to really think as monsters attack. After warding them off, Cecil delivers the Water Crystal to King Baron, but asks him what he intends to do with it and why must he and his crew now resort to such low levels of barbaric actions. King Baron gets upset and asks if Cecil is going against his orders. Cecil tells him no and he just would like to know, but Kain, Cecil's best friend and the leader of Baron's Dragoon Knights, enters and tells King Baron Cecil didn't mean anything by that and tries to cover for him, but King Baron orders both of them to be sent out and strips Cecil of his Commander rank of the Red Wings. If he wants it back, he must deliver a Package to a distant Town. Unable to do anything else and having no choice, Kain must also accompany him. The two decide to go out in the morning and thus starts the journey that'll change everything not only for these two, but for the people they meet and the world. High Points - Cecil is probably the best fighter and best character you'll have throughout the game. You will ALWAYS have control of him and you'll never lose him. His abilities with a Sword are amazing and his over all strength is unmatchable. As a Dark Knight, his abilities will seem limited, but as a Paladin, he'll soon be very unmatched. With a bit of White Magic and the powerful Swordsmanship skills, Cecil will definitely be your top character throughout the game. Low Points - Cecil has no real bad qualities about him. He's your best well rounded character and it's only during his Dark Knight period that he doesn't seem to be the best guy you can have, but he'll get things done. Other than maybe a low Magic Defense and Magic Defense %, Cecil has really nothing bad with him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Kain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KAI5.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class - Dragoon. Abilities - Fight, Jump, Item. Story - Leader of Baron's Dragoon Knights, Kain comes into play at the start of the story, as King Baron forces him to help Cecil in his mission, since Kain voiced his opinion and stood up as well for Cecil. As Cecil's best friend, Kain agrees to help Cecil and the two start on their journey together. Unfortunately, Kain is not with you for long and he'll be popping up now and again throughout the story, with a surprise for you. Who knows, he may become a party member again later...wait and see... High Points - Kain's Abilities are probably the only ones who can rival Cecils. He's pretty much on par with Cecil, except he's just a tad weaker in strength, but not a whole lot. He makes up with this with his amazing Jump Ability, which he can not only be invincible while doing this, but also cause an amazing amount of damage with this Ability. Like Cecil, he also gets stronger and stronger as the story goes on and he'll definitely be a great member for your team early on. Low Points - Again, like Cecil, he has none, really. He's just over all great and an amazing fighter. His only low point is he can't use Magic at all, but his strength makes up for this. Like Cecil, he also has poor Magic Defense and Magic Defense %, but again, his strength makes up for this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Rydia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RYDI5.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class - Caller. Abilities - Fight, White Magic, Black Magic, Call, Item. (She loses White Magic once she becomes an adult.) Story - A small child from the Town that Cecil and Kain must travel to to deliver the Package from King Baron. After seeing that for some reason, this Package was actually a monster assault, the Town begins to go under attack. Cecil and Kain hear a cry and rush to see what happened. They find a girl and her dead mother, whom they learn died because her Mist Dragon had been killed. Cecil and Kain talk and figure out the Mist Dragon they killed must have been this girl's mothers. Scared of them, she backs off and Kain comments on maybe they should kill her. Cecil becomes shocked and tells him they can't do that, with Kain commenting on if they don't, King Baron will kill them. Cecil then decides to go against King Baron and Kain goes along with him, but they decide for now to take the girl with them. As they draw near her, she attacks them and manages to Call a summon and ward them both off, as the monster assault of the Town reaches its climax and everything goes dark. Cecil wakes up alone with only the girl and Kain is missing. After taking the girl to a nearby Town and letting her rest, during the night, Guards from Baron attack and Cecil kills them, protecting the girl. She then sees he really wants to protect her and tells him her name is Rydia. She joins Cecil then and becomes a very handy ally for a while, until an unfortunate event...but does she come back? You'll have to see... High Points - As a child, Rydia knows not only Call, but White and Black Magic. Although she only knows one Call spell, she learns some average White and Black Magic spells. During the early stages of the game, she'll be VERY weak and probably baggage to your team, but as she gets stronger, she'll only be a great addition. Her Magic is unrivaled for the start of the game and once she becomes an adult, she'll have THE best Call and Black Magic you'll have in the game. Low Points - Rydia has a very low attack and defense rating, as well as VERY low Hit Points. She's probably the weakest character, physically over all, next to Edward, but her Magic makes up for this. Her Attack % is also VERY low and it's not until she becomes an adult that any of these things even begin to increase a bit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Tellah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TELL5.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class - Sage. Abilities - Fight, White Magic, Black Magic, Item. Story - An old Sage who is known world wide for his amazing Magic abilities, Cecil meets Tellah in a Dungeon on his journey for a SandRuby for his girlfriend, Rosa. After meeting Tellah, Cecil lets him join him, as Tellah can not only help him, but Cecil can also help him, so it's a win-win deal. Cecil's Dark Sword can help against the beast and Tellah's Magic can be a great asset. Tellah doesn't stay with Cecil for very long, after a tragic event, where he finds his daughter and her boyfriend, Edward after an attack and vows vengence on Golbez, a mysterious Dark Lord and leaves alone, throwing Cecil out of the way from him trying to stop him and leaves. Tellah enters the story again and stays for a while, until yet another tragic event... High Points - Tellah has no real high points once he joins your party, as he has lost memory of all his Magic spells, save a few, which are really weak/basic spells that Rydia even knows. He also is stuck at 90 Magic Points for the whole game, as he has a counter set on him so he can't use Meteo once he learns it, as that costs 99 Magic Points to use. He only really shines once Cecil becomes a Paladin and he recalls all his spells. Then he becomes a great party member, but is in constant need of healing, due to his low Hit Points and Magic Points, so using any strong Magic spells alot is out of the question. Low Points - Pretty much everything else. His Attack is poor, as is his Attack %, same with Defense and Defense %. His other stats are also very low, even his Magic Abilities don't deal a whole lot, unless they're Black Magic spells. He's just a really below average character and not fun to have while you have him. Trust me, you'll be waiting and hoping he leaves you as soon as possible so someone better can join you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ EDWA5.5 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class - Bard. Abilities - Fight, Sing, Hide, Item. Story - First met by Cecil and the party during the assault on Damcyan Castle. He's the lone survivor of the attack, as Tellah's Daughter, Anna, did not survive. After Tellah attacks him in rage for something he didn't do and then leaves to fight Golbez. Edward then goes back to mourning the loss of Anna, but Rydia hits him and tells him to stop being a baby and toughen up, as she's lost someone too and they shouldn't cry over it. After Cecil asks him for his help and Edward gets his courage back, he joins the group and gives the party a Hovercraft to travel around in. He's actually the Prince of Damcyan, traveling as a Bard, though. Edward stays with Cecil for a good while, until he and some others go overboard during a sea trip and are lost, but recovered later. High Points - None. I mean, none. Edward has to be THE worst character in this game. He has no real good things about him at all. His Attack and Attack % is average and everything else is just really, really, bad. Over all, his attack is the only real high point, as it's just average. Low Points - Boy, don't get me started. He has REALLY low Hit Points and when he gets weak, he Hides all the time, making it impossible for you to heal him in Battle. His Sing Ability is really pathetic and his Hide ability just makes him Hide from the Battle, giving you one less character to help you. His Defense and Defense % are really low and the same with his Magic Defense and Magic Defense %. Over all, you'll be hating Edward once you get him and he is not a welcome addition to your party. Just be glad when he leaves you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Rosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ROSA5.6 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class - White Wizard. Abilities - Fight, White Magic, Aim, Item. Story - A White Wizard who lives in Baron, Rosa is the girlfriend of Cecil, even though Cecil is a loner and a orphan, who was taken in by King Baron himself. She cares alot about Cecil and she decides to follow him in his mission with Kain at the start of the game. Cecil meets up with Rosa in Kaipo, as she comes down with a fever. After using a SandRuby on her, with the help of Edward, she becomes better and joins the team. She stays for a while until an event takes place, with her being kidnapped. After she is rescued, she rejoins the party. Is it for good, though? Wait and see... High Points - Rosa, being a White Wizard and all, learns White Magic and good White Magic at that. She learns some good White Magic early on and is a very welcome addition to your party, since Tellah just over all sucked with his Magic at this point. This is her only really good high point, since the rest of her is just really average. Low Points - Her Attack and Attack % is a TAD below average, but not a whole lot. Her Defense and Defense % is also on average and she has no real low points to her. She's just average and a great addition to the party with her White Magic. You won't be let down, trust me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. Yang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ YANG5.7 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class - Karate. Abilities - Fight, Kick, Item. Story - Fabul's most powerfulest fighter and the leader of Fabul's Special Forces, Yang was training at Mt. Hobs with his crew when Golbez's Followers attacked and killed everyone but him. Cecil and everyone meet up with him while he's fighting off the monsters and they step in to help him. After winning the Battle, Yang thanks them, but Cecil warns him what's going on and they all rush to Fabul to warn the King about Golbez and what he intends to do. After losing the Air Crystal to Golbez, Yang goes with Cecil to stop Golbez, but is lost at sea during an attack. He comes back to the party later on for a good while and is a great addition to the team. High Points - Yang has the most Hit Point gain per Level you'll see in any character in this game. His Attack and Defense are also very good, with his Kick Ability being top notch and also very useful, since it can hit all enemies on the screen and deal a good amount of damage. He's a great fighter and can also fight with his bare hands and little Equipment, making him a character you'll want on your team. Low Points - Yang has no real low points, except he's like a clone of Cecil and Kain, only he gains more Hit Points and his Attack and Defense are a bit below them. Other than that, Yang has no real low points, as all his stats and everything are above average and he can dish the pain out and also take it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H. Palom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PALO5.8 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class - Black Wizard. Abilities - Fight, Black Magic, Twin, Item. Story - A Black Wizard in training in the Town Of Mysidia, Palom is sent with his sister, Porom by the Elder of Mysidia to spy on Cecil while he makes his journey to Mt. Ordeals to become a Paladin, the Holy Knight that is the only one who can stop Golbez. This happens after Cecil ends up near Mysidia, the Town he had stolen the Water Crystal from earlier, after getting shipwrecked and being completely alone. Palom goes with Cecil and completes his mission to spy on Cecil, seeing he really is no threat to anyone and was only misguided and does indeed become a Paladin. After this, he and Porom continue to travel with him, as they wish to do so on their own will. Unfortunately, even though he's a great Black Wizard, he and Porom leave the party after an unfortunate event with one of Golbez's Elements, Kainazzo. High Points - Palom, with his sister, Porom, can perform one HELL of a special attack, called Twin. They perform one of two abilities, either being Flare or Comet, both VERY strong attacks. His Black Magic is also VERY powerful and he learns some good spells if you train him a bit. His Attack and Attack % are a bit below average, with his Defense and Defense % both on average for a Black Wizard. Low Points - Nothing, really. His Attack and all could be a bit better, but hey, he's a Black Wizard and they really never have good strength, so I'll let that slide. There's just really no low point to Palom and he's a great character to have while you have him. His Hit Points could be a bit better, as well as Defense, but that's about it. Other than that, you'll grow to welcome him to your party, since it's him and his sister or nothing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. Porom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PORO5.9 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class - White Wizard. Abilities - Fight, White Magic, Twin, Item. Story - A White Wizard in training in the Town Of Mysidia, Porom is sent with her brother, Palom by the Elder of Mysidia to spy on Cecil while he makes his journey to Mt. Ordeals to become a Paladin, the Holy Knight that is the only one who can stop Golbez. This happens after Cecil ends up near Mysidia, the Town he had stolen the Water Crystal from earlier, after getting shipwrecked and being completely alone. Porom goes with Cecil and completes his mission to spy on Cecil, seeing he really is no threat to anyone and was only misguided and does indeed become a Paladin. After this, she and Palom continue to travel with him, as they wish to do so on their own will. Unfortunately, even though she's a great White Wizard, she and Palom leave the party after an unfortunate event with one of Golbez's Elements, Kainazzo. High Points - Porom, with her brother, Palom, can perform one HELL of a special attack, called Twin. They perform one of two abilities, either being Flare or Comet, both VERY strong attacks. Her White Magic is also VERY powerful and she learns some good spells if you train her a bit. Her Attack and Attack % are a bit below average, with her Defense and Defense % both on average for a White Wizard. Low Points - Nothing, really. Her Attack and all could be a bit better, but hey, she's a White Wizard and they really never have good strength, so I'll let that slide. There's just really no low point to Porom and she's a great character to have while you have her. Her Hit Points could be a bit better, as well as Defense, but that's about it. Other than that, you'll grow to welcome her to your party, since it's her and her brother or nothing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - J. Cid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CID5.10 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class - Chief. Abilities - Fight, Peep, Item. Story - The top Engineer for Baron's Airship Developement Team, Cid is the man behind the designs of Baron's Airships, being the one who made them and created them. A good friend of Cecil's, since Cecil used his Airships for all his missions, Cid eventually learns about the new missions and new way of doing things King Baron has started and that his Airships are now being used for war. He goes against King Baron, but doesn't make it far and is thrown into Prison. He breaks out, though, during Cecil and everyone's attack on King Baron and joins your group after the defeat of Kainazzo. He gives your party your first Airship, which is the latest and newest model. He stays with your group for a little while, but leaves it to work on upgrading your Airship. He appears again and again throughout the game to help you, but does he ever join again? Maybe, maybe not... High Points - Cid is an amazing attacker. His Attack and Attack % is above average and he'll be, if not above, Cecil in Attack for a little while. His Defense is a bit on average, if not a tad below average, but he has alot of Hit Points, so he can take some pain before falling. He also has Peep, which lets him Scan and enemy and tell you its stats, which is very helpful while you have him. Low Points - Cid is pretty much another run of the mill character, except with an amazing Attack power. He only has one ability, Peep and though it's good, it's not a whole lot. He'll just be another attacker while you have him. Other than that, he has really no downfalls to him, but he could've had maybe a bit more to him to make him better. And since you have Yang when you get him, you now have like two clones of Cecil with good attack power, which, isn't bad, but he could've had more. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - K. Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ EDGE5.11 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class - Ninja. Abilities - Fight, Dart, Sneak, Ninja, Item. Story - Being the Prince of Eblan, Edge is no weakling and not someone who sits around all day. He's a highly skilled Ninja and is VERY powerful. Cecil and the party meet him while he is fighting Rubicant, with the help of his people, as they are trying to rescue the King and Queen of Eblan, who are his parents. After failing to stop Rubicant himself, even after a very valiant fight, he joins Cecil, as they try to stop Rubicant and the doctor behind his parent's kidnapping. After a sad scene and the end of the doctor and Rubicant, Edge joins Cecil and helps him stop Golbez, since he's the one who caused all of this to happen to him and his family. Once he joins you, he just may never leave...good or bad? You decide... High Points - Where can I start? Edge has an amazing Attack and Attack %, with also very good Defense and Defense %, being able to dish out a HELL of a good amount of damage and also able to take it. His Hit Points are also very high and his Dart ability lets him throw Weapons and Ninja Darts, which can cause even more damage. With the Sneak Ability, he can steal Items from enemies, which is a HUGE plus, as well as his Magic Ability, Ninja, which he has six unique Magic spells only he knows and they are good, but a few of them just suck. Low Points - None. I mean, none. Well, except he has REALLY low Hit Points when you first get him, but he gains Levels fast and this isn't a real problem, though. Edge is just an amazing character to have on your team. He's well rounded, he has amazing fighting abilities, he can steal Items and use Magic. Honestly, there's just nothing wrong with him and you'll love having him as a character in your party. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - L. FuSoYa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FUSO5.12 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class - Lunarian. Abilities - Fight, White Magic, Black Magic, Item. Story - Cecil and the party meet FuSoYa while on the Moon and learn about his story and why he's there. His people's planet was destroyed by a huge disaster and fleeing from it, they landed on Earth and decided to live there. Unfortunately, the Earth had not grown yet and the people of Earth weren't ready for them and they couldn't live there with the technology they had, so they built the Moon to live on until Earth become more advanced for them. They traveled to the Moon and all went into a sleep, with FuSoYa being the one to watch over them and make sure they awoke when Earth was ready. Though, there was one person who didn't want to sleep and he was Zemes. Zemes wanted to pretty much get as powerful as possible and rule the Universe and he's the one behind Golbez's Actions. He joins you to stop the assault of Zemes and he leaves after a while to go with Golbez to stop Zemes. High Points - FuSoYa is probably the best White Wizard/Black Wizard in the game. He knows ALL the Magic spells when you get him and his Attack and Attack % is well above that of a normal Wizard. He has decent Hit Points, Defense, Defense % and his over all character is just amazing for the time that he's with you. Low Points - Well, he only has a few, which is his Attack and Defense, which just SUCK, along with his Magic Points being really low and he doesn't gain any through Levels, just like Tellah, but other than that, FuSoYa is just really damn good. Honestly, he is for the time you have him. While you have him, he's just VERY good to have and it sucks he isn't a final party member, but oh well, he's still great and perhaps he's maybe a little TOO powerful... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VI. The Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWA6 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: The Suggested Level is ONLY for people who LOVE training and wish to breeze through the game, while the Level To Get By is for people wishing to play the game and just get by. Follow whichever bests suits you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. The Beginning... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THBEG6.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 300G, Cure1 and Tent. Suggested Level To Train To: 10. Level To Get By: 10. The story begins with a unit of Airships flying back to Baron, as the screen fades out and we see a crew with their leader, the Dark Knight Cecil. One of the crew informs him that they are almost at their destination and he takes this into account, but is still troubled by his own thoughts. The crewmen begin talking to one another and asking why they're mission objectives have changed so drastically and why must they loot now? The scene then changes to a room, where the high ranking mages of Mysidia are currently protecting the Crystal Of Water. Refusing to give it up, the crewmen start attacking and killing the mages. After seeing resistance is futile, the Elder tells them to take it, as Cecil grabs the Crystal, but meekly walks out, with the Elder questioning King Baron's Orders and asking why he's doing this. (Note: This is a flashback by Cecil, as he's recounting what just happened while the crewmen continue to talk.) Back on the Airship, the crewmen again start questioning their orders and wonder why they have to do such lowly things, as Cecil tells them to stop it, since he himself is fighting two sides at once: His emotions and King Baron's Orders. The crewmen start asking Cecil why they must do this, but Cecil just tells them it's the King's Orders and they have to follow them and that the Mysidians knew too much about the Crystal. Before they can continue, monsters begin attacking. Cecil fends them off himself, but one of the crewmen is hurt. He sees if he's ok, but another monster attacks. Defeating it, the crewmen recover and they arrive at Baron, with Cecil giving the order to land. Once inside Baron Castle, Cecil meets Baigan, Captain of the Guards. Baigan is happy that he has the Crystal, but Cecil mentions that the Mysidians were so helpless in their attack. Ignoring him, he leads him to King Baron. Before entering the King's Room, he tells Cecil to wait and talks to King Baron, telling him Cecil has the Crystal, but he's starting to question his orders. King Baron thanks Baigan and then has him call Cecil in. He asks Cecil if he has the Crystal and Cecil gives Baigan the Crystal, with him giving it to King Baron. Both him and Baigan start looking at the Crystal, as Cecil is dismissed. He walks away, but then turns around and asks King Baron why they had to do this mission. King Baron asks if he's going against him and Cecil tells him no, he just wanted to know, but King Baron just ignores him and then fires him from his Commander position of the Red Wings. Cecil asks him to wait, but he gives him new orders for his next mission, which is to deliver the Package to Village Mist. Just then, Kain walks in and begins to tell King Baron that Cecil didn't mean anything by what he said, but King Baron ignores him and tells him if he's so concerned about Cecil, he can go with him on his mission. Before Cecil or Kain can say anything else, King Baron tells them that is all and gives Cecil the Package, which you must deliver to Village Mist. After this, the two Guards push them out of the King's Room. Outside, Kain tells Cecil not to worry about what King Baron said and that after this mission, he's sure to get his Red Wings status back. Cecil's still worried, but Kain tells him to just go to his room and rest. He also gives you a hint about talking to people and how to do so. After this, he'll walk off and you'll gain control of Cecil. Now, let's start the quest. Before we really start, if you have no idea how to play a RPG or have no idea how to play this game and it's your first time going through it, you might want to talk to people around the Castle. They provide useful tips on stuff and can get you geared up for the game. (Though, you'll have to wait until you get access to Town Of Baron before you can REALLY learn about the game and since you can't leave the Castle until tomorrow, you'll have to wait. Regardless, once you're ready, from where Kain left you, head south down the stairs. In this room, talk to the Guard near the three Treasure Chests you see. He'll tell you take the Treasures inside, so do so. Go behind him and you'll see a switch. Hit it with the A Button and then collect your prizes, which are 300G, a Cure1 and a Tent. If you want to, explore the Castle a bit more, but there's nothing really to see or any more Treasures to get. (At this time that is...) People in the Castle just talk about how King Baron's acting strange lately and that there's this sense of evil around. That's pretty much it. The Right Tower and the Treasure Room are both locked up and guarded for now, so ignore them. When you're ready, from where you got the three Treasures, head left the stairs and follow the path until Rosa stops you. She just comments on how she's happy he's not hurt from his mission and Cecil tells her that they couldn't be beaten by mages who didn't even fight back. She asks to see him later and he agrees. She leaves, so follow the path and go down the stairs. Outside, head north and you'll be greated by Cid, the Chief Engineer for Baron's Airships. He asks how his Airship was for the mission, but Cecil just tells him he got his command of the Red Wings taken away. Cid gets upset and then states that King Baron wants him to make more Airships, but he doesn't want them used for weapons. He then quickly changes the subject and tells him he has to get home and see his daughter and then leaves. Now just head north and into the Left Tower. (Or you could head into the small building that Cid came out of to talk to the Red Wings you once commanded or head into the building to the south and talk to the prisoners from Mysidia. Up to you, but not required.) Follow the path, going up the stairs and then talk to the woman. She'll tell you she changed the sheets on your bed and then leaves. Go up the stairs and then once in your room, walk into your bed and it'll go into a scene. Cecil starts to wonder why King Baron's changed so much and if they really needed to take the Crystal from the Mysidians. He then decides that he'll never do something like that again, even if ordered to and then goes to sleep. Just then, Rosa comes in and asks him what's wrong. He tells her nothing, but Rosa asks him why he's looking away. He then tells her that they had to rob from innocent people in Mysidia and Rosa begins to understand why he's acting sad. He starts to doubt himself, since he has no courage to go against what King Baron says. Rosa tells him he's not the Cecil she knows, since the Cecil she knows would never act like this and be a whimp over something like this. She then comments on him going to Village Mist tomorrow and she's worried about him. He tells her Kain's going to, so he'll be fine. He then tells her it's late and to go back to her room. She agrees and tells him to take care as she leaves. He then quietly thanks her, but tells her that he's nothing more than a Dark Knight, as the scene fades out... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Mission: To Deliver The Package To Village Mist . . . . . [ MTDT6.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Cure1 (4), Ether1, Heal (3), Life and Tent (5). Suggested Level To Train To: 11. Level To Get By: 10. The scene comes back in, showing Cecil and Kain meeting up. Kain will tell you that outside the Castle is Town Of Baron, so they should stop there for supplies and information. After saying this, both walk outside and you see a cut scene, the intro to the game. It'll talk about how Cecil was removed from his command of the Red Wings and how he and Kain must deliver the Package to Village Mist. It'll go on to talk about how Airships were a dream of many people and now through them, Baron has risen up as the strongest nation in the world, but why do they seek the Crystals? It leaves you with a sentence about the Crystal is sheading it's light silently. After this, you are on the World Map now and in control. First, walk into Town Of Baron. There's some Items to find and also people to talk to you if you need help with the game. First, let's grab the Items. Once inside Town Of Baron, head east and examine the pot near the Inn for a Cure1. Then head north to the four pots near a building. Examine the pot to the south for another Cure1. Now, head north and go into the water, following the path. You'll end up in a small area and you'll notice you'll be stopped by "blocks" at points in this area. They aren't blocks, but instead are Treasure Chests. There's two to find, so search around and you'll get two Tents. Exit the water the way you came in and head to the Inn. Inside, go east and examine the south pot for a Cure1. Then, head north and you'll see a area with three Treasure Chests, but no switch...or is there? Hit the Sword Decaration and the door will open. Collect your prizes, which are a Tent, a Heal, and a Cure1. Exit the Inn now and enter the house to the north. Near the stove, examine the pot there to find a Tent. After this, head to the northeast most part of town, just a bit past the dancing woman and head over to where the old woman is. Now, head directly north of her into the bushes, then head east and you'll enter a secret path into them. Follow the path and you'll arrive in a grassy field behind Cid's House. Search around here and you'll find two Heals and a Life. Next, head to Rosa's House, the one with the woman who is Rosa's Mother and check the pot to the west to find a Tent, then check the bookcase for a Ether1. Now, you're done collecting Items. If you wish to now, enter the building at the entrance to Town Of Baron, with the Guard near the door. This is the Training Room. If you need to learn about the game, this is the place, so if you really need help, talk to people here. Also, you'll see this person dressed in yellow and blue called Namingway. If you want to rename your characters, talk to him. Don't worry, you'll see him ALOT in this game, so you don't have to do it now. You can change the names if you want, but for this walkthrough, I'll use the official names. Explore the Town if you want, though, there's not much to see or do and people just talk about how cool you look or where the Village Mist is located. Yeah, yeah, yeah, don't worry, I'll guide you there, not them. ^_^ Also, the Serpent Road that leads to Mysidia is sealed off for now, as to prevent attacks from Mysidia. Since your pockets only have 300G in them right now, buying Items right now is rather limited, but you have a nice supply going already. Whenever you're fully prepared and done with exploring Town Of Baron, I suggest you train a bit to get some Gold. Just leave the Town and go onto the World Map and train near Town Of Baron. If you get weak, use a Cure1 or just use the Inn. I suggest gaining to Level 11 with both Cecil and Kain, since you really don't need to gain Levels this early in the game and at this point. Try to get around 1,000G or so and then you'll be good. You can train more if you want to, which is good, but it'll take a while with such weak monsters and with Cecil and Kain being so strong...but, it's up to you. You'll only be better prepared, but I'll only be giving you my recommendations to what Level you should be at. Anyway, once you have 1,000G or so, go ahead and stock up on some Items. I suggest getting some Life and Heal potions and maybe some more Cure1 potions, but that's all you'll need. Buy anything else you may want, heal up from battling and then once on the World Map, head northwest until you come to a cave, which is Misty Cave. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Misty Cave - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Cure1 (2), Heal (3), Life and Tent. Suggested Level To Train To: 12. Level To Get By: 10. Ok, this cave is REALLY straight forward, so I don't need to give any directions at all on where to go. Just follow the path and grab the Treasure Chests that you see. While going through Misty Cave, you'll keep hearing a voice to tell you to go back. Cecil asks who it is, but gets no response. Anyway, collect the Treasures you see, which are a Cure1, Heal, Tent and Cure1. After you get the second Cure1, before you cross the bridge ahead, I suggest training until Level 12 now with both Cecil and Kain. They should almost be at the next Level if you've been fighting, so train them until Level 12. Once you're ready, continue following the path until you start getting messages again. It tells you to leave now and Kain wonders if it's a monster. Continue along and you'll get yet another message, telling you leave and no harm will come to you. Kain tells it to show up and it asks if you intend to go on. Tell it yes and Cecil tells it that they must deliver the Package to Village Mist, but the monster tells them to prepare themselves, as the mist gathers and attacks you for your first Boss Battle. This is D. Mist. If you want a strategy on how to beat it, go to the Boss Guide, which is Section VII. After the Battle, exit Misty Cave and you'll appear back on the World Map. Don't bother training right now and instead, remove everything off of Kain. Trust me, you'll see in a second. After you do so, walk into Village Mist. Once in Village Mist, just walk east and a event will happen: the Package opens by itself! You'll see several Bombs fly around and start attacking the Town. Cecil and Kain start wondering why they brought this Package that is now attacking the village and also why they had to do this. Just then, they hear a girl's cry. Both rush to her and she tells them that her mom's Dragon was killed and so her mom also died. Kain tells Cecil that he's heard about people who can summon monsters and that they are Callers. Cecil then realizes that the Dragon they killed was her mom's Dragon. The girl sees that they did this and Cecil tells her they didn't mean to. Kain comments on that King Baron wanted to destroy the Callers and used them to do it. Cecil can't believe this and Kain tells him they must kill the girl. Cecil tells him she's just a girl, but Kain tells him it's King Baron's Orders. Cecil tells him he'll never follow such a disgraceful order again and Kain admits he knew Cecil would say that and tells him he'll help him in his cause, since such a act would be below a Dragoon. Cecil asks if he means to go against King Baron and Kain tells him not alone, since Baron is the strongest country in the world. He tells him they'd have to get others to help them and to also rescue Rosa. Cecil thanks him, but Kain tells him it's not for his sake. They then decide to get out of Village Mist and Kain asks what they should do with the girl. Cecil says to take her along and asks her to come with them, but she refuses. Kain pushes Cecil out of the way and tries to take her by force, but she still refuses and backs off. Cecil tries to reason with her, but she just screams at them she hates them and then Cecil and Kain attack. You'll go into a Battle, but don't worry, you can't do anything, since the girl will call Titan on you, hurting or killing you, as the Battle ends and part of Village Mist explodes. The scene then fades out... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Aftermath Of The Attack: A New Mission Awaits . . . . . . [ AOTA6.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Ether1. Suggested Level To Train To: 18. Level To Get By: 11. As the screen fades back in, you see Cecil and the girl both knocked out, as Cecil regains consciousness. He sees the girl's ok and comments on this, but notices Kain is gone. Thinking he's dead, he decides he has to get the girl as far away from Baron as possible, so he picks her up and leaves the area. You'll appear on the World Map, with mountains now in the way of Village Mist, so you can't go back now. You can only go in one direction, so head north and then when you hit the desert, head east until you see a Town, which is Kaipo. Now, before you enter here, I suggest you train Cecil. This is a GREAT time to get some Experience with him, since he's all alone and gaining Levels with him now is gonna be great. Also, you can build up your Gold, which is always good. Just DO NOT enter Kaipo just yet. If you do, a scene happens. For the Level to train to, I honestly Level 16, since you get so much Experience with just Cecil alone, you can gain Levels so easily. And it won't take long, either. If you want, train even past this, but I suggest Level 16 if you want a powerful Cecil for a while. Actually, I suggest once you get to Level 16, you head northeast and into the cave you see. This is a area you'll be going to soon, but train near the entrance with Cecil until you're Level 18. You'll gain ALOT of Experience, trust me, you'll be Level 18 before you know it. If you want to train more go for it. Whenever you're ready, enter Kaipo. As you enter Kaipo, Cecil comments that the girl needs to rest. He looks around and finds the Inn. As he enters and talks to the Desk Clerk, he sees the girl is hurt and tells him to take her a bed and to not worry about money. Cecil thanks him and takes her to a bed. He asks if she's ok, but she gives no response. He asks her name, but again, no response. He tells her he knows he did something wrong and he can't ask her for her forgiveness, but at least let him protect her. He then gets into bed and goes to sleep. She looks at him, then goes to sleep as well. That night, Cecil and the girl are woken by doors slamming open. It seems some officers from Baron have found Cecil. The Officer is happy to have found Cecil, but the girl is surprised by this and Cecil tells them to wait. The Officer tells him that King Baron has given the orders that the Callers from Village Mist are a threat and must be killed. He tells him to hand the girl over, but Cecil tells him no and attacks them. You'll then enter a Boss Battle. If you want a strategy, go to the Boss Guide section now. After the Battle, the girl tells Cecil she got him in trouble and she's sorry. Cecil tells her he should be the one to apoligize and that she can't forgive him, but the girl tells him he protected her and that her name is Rydia. She'll then join you, as the scene fades out. Once it comes back in, it's morning and Rydia will wake Cecil up, as they walk out to the front and you regain control of Cecil. Now, since you can freely explore Kaipo now and that you now have a new party member, there's a few things to do, see and get. First, let's start with Items hidden around Town. First, exit the Inn and head east until you see two pots. Check the north pot for a Ether1. And that's it fore secret Items...heh. Anyway, now, talk to people around Kaipo for information if you want. If not, I'll just summarize. Basically, you'll learn some girl from Baron has fallen ill and is being held in Town. You'll also learn about Damcyan and how the Prince is a Bard, who is in love with Anna, Tellah, some guy's daughter. You'll also learn the cave to the northeast is blocked by Tellah, who won't let anyone through. Not much else is talked about, except some monster blocks the exit to the cave to the northeast. Blah, blah, blah, nothing else important. Anyway, the next thing to do is buy some new Equipment for Rydia. The Armor Shop has nothing new for her, but the Weapon Shop does. You can either buy her a Staff or a ShortBow and Iron Arrows. I'll let you pick, since the Short Bow and Iron Arrows are better, but you have to keep stocking up on Iron Arrows, it can be a pain after a while. I bought the Staff and later got a better weapon, which is AMAZING later on in a cave you'll be going to later, so I'd by the Staff, but it's up to you. Also, sell Kain's Equipment now, he won't be back for a GOOD while. After Equipping Rydia, you'll want to head to the house in the northeast part of Kaipo. Inside is Rosa. Seems she followed Cecil because she got worried about him, but fell ill. So, you're next mission is to find some gem called the SandRuby to heal her. But, to get to the place you need to go, Tellah blocks your path. I think it's time we go meet this Tellah fellow, don't you agree? Before you head out, by any Items you may want to. Whenever you're ready, leave Kaipo. Back on the World Map, I suggest you train Rydia, since she's Level 1 and is weak as hell and knows no White or Black Magic. So, start training her. Before you do, I suggest you put her in the back row, since Magic users do better back there. They also have low Defense, so the back row is a good area for them, since their Defense goes up back there. Their Attack goes down, but they usually don't attack and when they do, it's never anything THAT high. Anyway, train Rydia until she's Level 10 or so outside Kaipo. Hehe, but, wait, there's more. Once she's Level 10, remove Cecil of everything but his Shadow Sword, then enter a Battle and kill him off. Now, start training Rydia by herself. She can survive easily. Her main weapon will be Ice-1, since enemies are VERY weak to that. If you get into a fight with SandMoths and Larvas, run away. She can't beat them without ALOT of effort and Larva's Counter with Psych when hit with Magic, so you'll be healing alot and losing Gold FAST. Once she's Level 12, go to the cave to the northeast that you trained Cecil in earlier and train her until she's Level 18. Trust me, she'll be AMAZING then. I recommend buying a good supply of Tents, since when she gets low on Magic Points, just go outside and use a Tent. This won't revive Cecil, so that's good. The monsters in the cave are weak to Ice-1 and Lit-1, so use those accordingly. Also, as a note, if during your training, you get a Item called Imp, it's a Summon for Rydia. Go ahead and use it and Rydia will learn Imp as a Call. It actually sucks ALOT and is not that great at all, so don't worry if you can't find it, but if you get it, you'll know what it does alot. Anyway, once Rydia is Level 18 or at a Level you feel is high enough, go ahead and heal back up and revive Cecil and Equip him again. Once you're ready, finally enter the cave you were in before. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Watery Pass - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 120G, 1,000G, Cure1 (2), Cure2, Darkness Sword, Ether1 (3), Elixir, Heal (2), IronRing and Leather Helmet. Suggested Level To Train To: 19. Level To Get By: 12. Once inside Watery Pass, head north and open the two Treasure Chests, which you'll find a Cure1 and a Heal. After getting these Items, head back to the entrance and go west, collecting the other Treasure Chest you'll see, which has a Tent inside. To your north, you'll see a old man, who is Tellah, obviously. Must be, he's blocking the way like the people in Kaipo said. Now, here's the thing. If you didn't see Rosa, you can't pass, since Tellah won't let you for a stupid reason, but if you have, you now have a goal to why you must pass. Talk to Tellah and he'll notice you have a Dark Sword and he begs you for your help. He tells you that a "wicked" Bard took his daughter to Damcyan and he wants to get her back, but a monster blocks his path. He also senses a strange evil near Damcyan, but doesn't know what it is. Cecil notes that he is the Sage, Tellah and tells him that they are on their way to Damcyan, too. Tellah becomes happy about this and asks to join forces, since his Magic, Cecil's Dark Sword and Rydia's Call spells can probably match the monster and that they must hurry, they have no time. With that, Tellah will join your party. Though, he's no welcome addition...this guy just SUCKS. Sorry, but he does. He's forgotten almost all his spells and all the ones he does have are horrible. It takes him forever to gain a Level and he's got a cap of 90 Magic Points. He can't get anything higher and you'll see why later. Anyway, once you regain control, go ahead and cross the bridge and open the Treasure Chest you see to get 120G. Go ahead and keep going east and enter the water and follow it north to get another Treasure Chest, which has a IronRing inside. Give it to Tellah, since he has barely anything and since Rydia already has one. Now, go ahead and go southwest in the water until you see a waterfall. There's a secret room here, if you didn't know. Enter the waterfall in the middle part and you'll enter a secret room with three Treasure Chests. Inside them you'll find a Elixir, a Cure2 and 1,000G. Not bad, eh? Now, head back to where you got Tellah and now head north, until you see stairs and go down them. Follow the path, as it's pretty much straight forward here and open the Treasure Chest you see for a Cure1. Continue back on the main path now and before you cross a long bridge, head west and open the Treasure Chest for a Ether1. Continue to follow the path until you see a door. Before you go in, train a bit if you want, since you'll be forced to rest inside and you'll be healed, so why not do some training before doing this? It's a free healing, so use your Magic in Battle and gain some Experience. I don't really recommend SERIOUS training, just some light training if you want. If you haven't trained yet, might want to now, but you'll be fine if you're around my recommendations. If you're a bit below them or so, you'll be fine, don't worry. Now, when you're ready, enter the door. Tellah will then tell you that you should rest and regain your strength, since you'll need it for the monster up ahead and you'll use his tent to do so. He also explains that this "S" symbol is a Save Point, so remember this when you're in future Dungeons. Standing on these let you Save your game and also "protect" you from monster Battles. Anyway, the scene goes to night and Cecil and Tellah are talking, while Rydia sleeps. Tellah comments on Rydia and is reminded she's a Caller. He notes that with training, she'll be able to use Magic other than Call spells. Talking about her reminds him of his daughter, Anna, which is his only child. He tells Cecil she ran away with a Bard to Damcyan because he didn't consent to their marriage and then asks Cecil why he's going to Damcyan. Cecil tells him a friend is sick in Kaipo and Tellah notes that he needs the SandRuby and sees that he too is in a hurry. Cecil then asks Tellah what the monster of this cave is and Tellah tells him it's a monster with eight huge tentacles. He tells him that they must defeat this thing if they are to rescue Anna and his friend. After this, the screen fades out and you regain control of Cecil. Exit the room now and follow the path ahead of you. Open the Treasure Chest you see ahead of you to get a IceRod. Give this to Rydia, as it'll be VERY useful in a upcoming area. (Though, if you want, do the Item Duplication Code and get a IceRod for Tellah, too. What's the code, you ask? Check Section XIV Secrets to find out.) Go ahead and continue to follow the path and enter the door you come across. In the next area, follow the path until it splits up ahead. Take the east path and collect the two Treasure Chests, as you'll find 200G and a Cure1. Now, go ahead and take the other path now, which goes to the west and enter the door you come across. Collect the Treasure Chest you see, which hold a Cure1. Now, there's another Treasure Chest you can see, but how do you get it? Simple, if your PC's Screen...er, TV's brightness is turned up high enough, you can see this colored path off to the left side. If you can't see it for some reason, just go to the stairs leading up, but don't go on them. Instead, head to your left and you can enter the wall. Follow the path, which goes north and then east and you'll appear on the other side. Just head south and open the Treasure Chest for a Leather Helmet. Give this to Rydia and in turn, give her Cap Helmet to Tellah. Now, backtrack to where you were and climb the stairs you went by just a second ago. In the next room, follow the path, but head west and grab the two Treasure Chests to recieve two Ether1s. Then just follow the path east and you'll see the exit to this cave. But, before you leave, head south and open two more Treasure Chests, which contain a Heal and the Darkness Sword. Equip it on Cecil immediately, as it's a great weapon. Now, go ahead and head north and exit this place, but before you do, Tellah tells you that the monster is in the next cave not too far away and that you should camp to regain your strength. Go ahead and exit and you'll be on the World Map now. If you need to, go ahead and use a Tent, but Save your game anyway. Train if you want, but whenever you're ready, enter the next cave you see. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Waterfalls - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Darkness Armor, Darkness Gauntlet, Darkness Helmet and Heal. Suggested Level To Train To: 20. Level To Get By: 12-13. Inside Waterfalls, go ahead and go forward, as a scene takes place, with Tellah telling you the monster is below, as you fall down the waterfall. Ow, must've hurt. Anyway, take the stairs near you and follow the path. Once you come to some stairs, take them and open the two Treasure Chests there to get a Darkness Helmet and Darkness Gauntlet. Equip them on Cecil, as they are much better than his Shadow gear. After this, head north, continuing to follow the path. Go through the door and follow the path in the next room. As you travel, you'll find two more Treasure Chests, so open them to get a Ether1 and the Darkness Armor. Equip Cecil with it now and then get ready, because the monster is just up ahead. If you need to heal, do so now and if you need to train, go for it, but regardless, continue along and enter the water. Then go ahead and confront the monster, which is clearly visible now. Once you get near him, you'll be surrounded by tentacles and Tellah notes that you're surrounded and that he's about to attack, as the Battle begins. If you want a strategy on how to beat this Boss, you know where to go, so go ahead and go to that section. After the Battle, Tellah will tell you you can reach Damcyan from just beyond the waterfall, so go ahead and walk through the waterfall now that Octomamm was blocking minutes before and you'll exit the cave. Now, remove Tellah of all his gear right now before moving on. You'll see why in a second. Follow the path on the World Map and as you near Damcyan, you'll see a cutscene of Baron's Red Wings attacking Damcyan from above with bombs, as the Castle is in ruins. Is anyone alive? Let's find out... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Damcyan Is In Ruins; Finding The SandRuby . . . . . . . . [ DIIR6.4 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 200G, 300G, Cure1 (2), CrossBow, Ether1, Iron Arrows (10), Leather Helmet, Life, RubyRing, Tent and White Arrows (20). Suggested Level To Train To: 20. Level To Get By: 13. Once you enter Damcyan, you'll see the Castle has been destroyed and fire's everywhere. Before you really enter and start to explore, from the entrance, go one space from leaving the Castle and head east, hugging the outside wall. Follow this path and you'll find a side door. Enter it and talk to the wounded Guard nearby. He tells you he's gone blind from the attack and asks if you're allies to please protect the Treasure from monsters. After this, he dies. Hit the switch that he was blocking before and follow the path to open the three Treasure Chests, which will give you a CrossBow, a Leather Helmet and a RubyRing. (Note: It seems you can't get the Treasure Chests at first, but to get the first two, walk through the wall below the Treasure Chests and then for the final one, head down an extra space after going through the wall and walk through the wall there to get the other one.) Equip the CrossBow on Rydia if you gave her a Bow back in Kaipo, otherwise, don't, because I REALLY recommened the IceRod for the next part that's coming up. Anyway, head down the stairs now and you'll be in the Treasure Room. Inspect the south pot to the west for 10 White Arrows and then check both pots to the east for 10 Iron Arrows and 10 White Arrows. Then, go ahead and open all six Treasure Chests, which hold 300G, 2 Cure1s, a Ether1, a Life and 200G. Now, exit this place and enter the real part of the Castle. As you walk around and talk to the wounded Guards, some dead, some alive, you'll learn the Crystal Of Fire was taken and that they were defenseless against the Red Wing's Bombs. As you climb the stairs, you'll see all but one Treasure Chest has been opened. Go ahead and open it to recieve a Tent. Continue to climb up the stairs now and you'll reach the Throne Room, where a girl and some Guards lay on the ground. As you get close, a scene takes place and Tellah rushes foward, as he sees it's his daughter, Anna. Just then, a man comes into view and Tellah recognizes him as that Bard and blames him for what happened. The Bard is shocked by this, as Tellah rushes at him and enters a Battle with him. The Bard tries to talk to him, but Tellah just tells him to shut up and tries to attack him with regular attacks, as the Bard just takes it. The Battle will stop once Anna begs them to stop, as they both walk over to her, Tellah asks if she's ok. Anna tells him that the Bard is actually the Prince Of Damcyan and that he came to Kaipo as a Bard to hide him being a Prince. She asks her father to forgive her for running away, but she loves Edward. She was going to ask his consent for her to marry Edward, but as they were leaving, a man named Golbez attacked with Baron's Red Wings. Cecil asks who Golbez is, but Edward doesn't know. Cecil asks why they were attacked and Edward tells him that they wanted their Crystal Of Fire and that Anna shielded him from some Arrows. Tellah realizes how much she loved Edward and Anna again asks him to forgive her. Just then, Anna dies and Tellah becomes MAD. He asks who Golbez is and Edward, through tears, tells him that he's gathering Crystals by using Baron's Red Wings. Tellah tells him to toughen up and that his tears won't bring her back and that Golbez is in for it when he finds him, for he will avenge Anna. He starts to walk away, but Cecil stops him, telling him he can't do this alone, but Tellah just pushes him out of the way, telling him he needs no help and he can solve his own problems himself. With that, Tellah walks out and leaves your party. Good ridance, I say. Though, Edward is still crying and Rydia tells him he's a crybaby. She tells him he's an adult, a man and shouldn't be crying, since others have also been lost due to these Crystals. Cecil understands her and Edward tells her she's right, but he's going to stay here with Anna. Finally, Cecil takes some action and punches Edward, telling him that he's not the only one sad and that Anna wouldn't want him to do that. He tells him that they really need his help and Edward is amazed that someone like him would need help from a guy like himself. He tells him he's looking for the SandRuby for a friend who's ill in Kaipo and he needs his help. Edward's still a bit amazed that he needs his help and Cecil confirms it. He tells Cecil that she sounds important and that at least he shouldn't lose the one he loves. So, Edward starts to tell Cecil what the SandRuby is, which is only made by the Antlion when it lays it's eggs. You learn that the cave is to the east of here, but you have to cross shallow water to get there. Though, lucky you, Edward tells you that Damcyan has a Hovercraft and that you can travel to the cave that way AND you can reach Kaipo on the Hovercraft, too. After this, he tells Cecil that they need to hurry and with that, Edward joins your party, as everyone leaves, but, Edward comes back in and says his final goodbye to Anna, as her body disappears. The scene then cuts to the outside, as the Hovercraft is now yours. Now, since Edward is probably THE worst character in this game, he is really NOT a welcome to your party AT ALL. His over all character is just crap, his attacks are crap and his abilities are crap. Just over all worthless, but, since he'll be with you for a while, you'll want to train him. So, go ahead and go northeast from the Castle, going over those rocks in the Hovercraft. When you get to land again, head south and you'll see the cave. Get off the Hovercraft, save your game and enter the cave. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Antlion - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 190G, 210G, 250G, Charm Harp, Cure1 (3), Ether1, Life (2), SandRuby and Tent (2). Suggested Level To Train To: 23. Level To Get By: 14. Alrighty, once inside Antlion, I suggest you start training immediately, since Edward is VERY weak at this point and he won't last long AT ALL against enemies here unless he gets some training in. His Equipment is the best it can get at this point, except for the RubyRing he has on. Give him a IronRing instead, since he'll need as much Defense as he can get. Now, start training. Here's the thing, though. If you find training here is too slow, head back to the Watery Pass and train there, as monsters give more Experience there than they do here. Also, if you need to heal, don't use a Tent or anything. Just head back to Damcyan and in the King's Room where Anna was, head to the east and west to find healing pots, one restoring Magic Points and the other healing Hit Points. Also, talking to the two people there, you'll learn that you can get back to Kaipo by the shallows, which you already knew and that Mt. Hobs's Entrance is blocked by a sheet of Ice. Anyway, train in either place, it doesn't really matter. I suggest you train Edward until he's Level 18, which will make him an average party member then and able to at least survive Battles and attack with moderate damage now. If this seems a bit high, as I know it takes a while to build him up to Level 18, knock Cecil and Rydia out and let Edward fight alone, though this is risky, since his Attack is so low. Also, if you don't want to train that much, it's fine, but just get him SOME Levels so that he isn't totally dead after every Battle. (Note: This is the part I was talking about with Rydia and the IceRod. The Turtles in this cave are weak to Ice and when hit with the IceRod, they can take up to 500 damage! That's WAY more than Cecil can do right now.) Anyway, whenever you're ready, begin your journey through Antlion. First, head west and open the Treasure Chest to get 190G. Then, go ahead and grab the other Treasure Chest under the small bridge, which holds a Cure1. Head south now and you'll see two more Treasure Chests. Open them to attain a Tent and a Cure1. Now, head northeast, climbing stairs and going under a bridge to get yet two more Treasure Chests, which hold 210G and another Cure1. After you get these Items, go ahead and go south, going down the stairs and follow the path in the next room, as it's pretty straight forward. Grab the Treasure Chest along the way to obtain a Life. Now, enter the door you see near you and open the Treasure Chest inside to get the Charm Harp for Edward. Equip this on him now, as it's much better than his Dreamer Harp. Once you exit the room, you'll notice as you continue on there's a hidden path to take. This's just a shortcut to the next floor down. Take it if you want to, but if you want more Items and stuff, continue reading. Otherwise, skip ahead a bit. Anyway, continue along and go up the stairs you come across, and enter the door you see. This is a Save Room, so feel free to heal up and Save your game if you need to. Even if you don't, there's three Treasure Chests here, so open them to get a Life, a Ether1 and a Tent. Now, go back down to the previous floor. Once you arrive down here, you'll see a Treasure Chest behind the stairs you just came down. Open it to get a Heal and then head west and open the other Treasure Chest to get 250G. After this, head south and go down the stairs. On this floor, this is where Antlion resides. Before going down all these stairs, heal up if you need to and make sure you've trained well enough. (Also, I should've said so earlier, but once you train Edward enough, put him in the front row, like how Cecil is, so he can attack better, since he uses no Magic. Even though his Defense sucks, you'll need him attacking until you get better characters, so move him there and keep Rydia in the back row like usual.) Once you get to the bottom, a scene will take place. Edward will tell you that this is Antlion's Lair and walk forward. Antlion will appear and Rydia gets scared, but Edward tells her not to worry, that Antlion is a tame beast and he'll just take the SandRuby. As he tries to, he gets attacked and barely escapes. Cecil tells Rydia that they need to help him and she nods as they enter a Boss Battle. Again, if you want a strategy for this Boss, you know where to go. Otherwise, beat it and move on. After the Battle, you'll obtain the SandRuby. Edward will wonder why Antlion attacked them and Cecil tells him that monsters are increasing in number every day and something must be up for it to attack like that. Though, Rydia reminds them that they should go heal Rosa and Cecil agrees, as you regain control of everyone. Now, go ahead and navigate your way out of Antlion. Once outside, make your way back to Damcyan. Once there, head southwest and find the shallow area to travel on. This is the route back to Kaipo. Take it and when you arrive in the desert, head southeast and enter Kaipo. Go to the house that Rosa's staying at and talk to her. A menu will pop up with Items in it. Select the SandRuby and Cecil will use it on Rosa, as the screen turns a different color and a scene takes place, as Rosa wakes up, feeling much better. Rosa and Cecil see each other and Rosa tells him she heard he was lost during the earthquake that took place at Village Mist, but she didn't believe he had died in it. Cecil tells her he's sorry for worrying her and asks her who Golbez is. She tells him that King Baron invited him to the Red Wings and that he's just not the same as he use to be and that Golbez is using him as a puppet to get the Crystals. She knows that he has the Crystal Of Water from Mysidia, but the other Crystals, the Crystal Of Fire is in Damcyan, the Crystal Of Air is in Fabul and the Crystal Of Earth is in Toroia. Though, Edward fills her in and tells her that the Crystal Of Fire is already gone and Cecil tells Rosa who Edward and Rydia is. Rydia asks her if she's ok and Rosa tells her she's fine and notes that Damcyan has already been attacked, so the next target must be Fabul. Though, she obviously isn't feeling good, Cecil tells her to get some rest and that they'll go to Fabul. Edward tells them that to get there, they have to go over Mt. Hobs, but it's covered in a sheet of Ice. Rosa then asks if Rydia can use the Fire spell, but Rydia just screams no, she hates it, as Rosa comments to her that she's a Caller and that she should be able to easily cast the Fire spell. Cecil continues to tell her that she needs to rest, as she's coughing badly. Though, Rosa just tells him she's a White Wizard and she wouldn't bother him if she could come with him. Cecil just thinks to himself, as Edward tells him that it's obvious she wants to be with him, so why not let her go with him. He agress to it, but tells her that they should rest for the night, as it's late and all. She agrees and then Rosa joins your party. Now she's a real party member. As a White Wizard, she'll be able to heal your party whenever you're wounded and she can also cast some very helpful spells, as she learns them. After she joins you, the screen fades out and we see a message that tells you it's night time, as we see Edward exit the house, as he goes out by the lake and starts playing his Harp, talking to himself of how he misses Anna. Suddenly, a monster comes out of the bushes and Edward sees it, as he tries to get away, but gets attacked, as you enter a Boss Battle. If you want a strategy, you know where to go...again. Heh. Anyway, if not, just fight it yourself and move on. After the Battle, Anna appears to Edward and she tells him she must go now, but he tells her to not go and to stay with him. She just floats away and tells him to make sure Golbez doesn't get all the Crystals and even though he loved her, he should now give his love to the world and fight for it. After this, she disappears. Edward tells her he will do what he can, but wonders what he should do now, as the screen fades out... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Onward, To Mt. Hobs; Warning Fabul Of Terror To Come . . [ OTMH6.5 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 23. Level To Get By: 15. As the screen fades back in, it's morning now and you have control of Cecil again. First, put Rosa in the back row, since she uses Magic and is not a very good fighter and needs all the Defense she can get. Next, check her Equipment. She has a ShortBow and 50 Iron Arrows Equipped for Weapons. I suggest removing them and giving her a Staff, as Bows and Arrows are never really that good, but, if you want to keep them on her, go for it. Just give her the CrossBow you found earlier, as it's better than the ShortBow. Also, give her a Leather Helmet, since it's better than the Cap Helmet. Next, sell any Weapons/Armor that you don't need and stock up on Items if you need it. But, save one Cap Helmet and buy one IronRing, as you'll see why later. Whenever you're ready, exit Kaipo and hop back into your Hovercraft. Now, fly back to where Antlion was and this time, head east and you'll see a mountain in your way. Park your Hovercraft and enter the mountain. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mt. Hobs - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 350G, Cure1, Heal, Tent and White Arrows (10). Suggested Level To Train To: 23. Level To Get By: 15. Once you enter Mt. Hobs, you'll encounter that sheet of Ice you heard about before. A scene takes place and Rosa tells Rydia to cast Fire, but Rydia just stays silent. Edward knows somethings wrong and Rosa just tells her she can do it. Rydia responds by saying no and Rosa looks shocked, as Rydia tells her she hates Fire. Cecil tells her she's afraid of Fire because Village Mist was destroyed by it. Rosa understands, but tells her that she's the only one who can melt this Ice and that if they can't get to Fabul, even more people will be in danger. After this, Rosa and Edward beg her to cast Fire, as Cecil and Rydia stay silent. Just then, Rydia walks forward and casts Fire, melting the Ice. After this, she learns Fire1. Edward tells her she did a good job, as Rydia stays silent and Rosa thanks her, as Cecil is happy she did it. You'll regain control of your party after this, so be ready to move on. Now, since Rosa is only Level 10, I suggest, yup, you guessed it, more training. This area is a PRIME spot to train, so you'd better start. I don't suggest you train alot, since you'll be doing some more training in just a bit, so if you can get her to Level 15 or so, that's good for now. I really recommened you get her this high, too. She's pretty weak and monsters in this area are strong. Anyway, whenever you're ready, follow the path ahead of you. Once you come to a door, go ahead and enter it and follow the path in this new area. You'll see a Save Point, so if you want to, go ahead and use a Tent or Save your game. If not, continue to follow the path until you come to four Treasure Chests. Open them to get a Tent, a Cure1, a Heal and 350G. After you get these Items, backtrack to the previous area and continue to follow the path and take the door you see there at the end. In this area, follow the path and grab the Treasure Chest you see to obtain 10 White Arrows. Continue to follow the path and before you get close enough, heal up and get ready for a Boss Battle. As you approach the stairs, it'll go into a scene, as Cecil notices something. As he walks forward, Edward notes that he must be a Karate Fighter from Fabul. The Karate Fighter will then attack two of the monsters and kill them easily, as three more advance towards him and he enters a Battle, to which you just watch him fight three Imp Caps. After the Battle, a Bomb advances towards him and Edward notes that it won't be easy for him to take that alone and Rydia suggests they help him. You'll now enter a Boss Battle and have the Karate Fighter named Yang on your team. If you want a strategy for this, you know what to do. Otherwise, just fight it yourself and continue on. After the Battle, Yang thanks you and tells you he's the Karate Master Of Fabul and that he and his men were training here, until they were all attacked and killed. Cecil tells him they are on their way to Fabul and Rosa tells him that Golbez is using Baron to get the Crystals. Yang realizes that they will want the Crystal Of Air that they have and Edward tells him that they already attacked Damcyan and took their Crystal Of Fire. Cecil tells him that Fabul will be next, but Yang is feeling hopeless, as he's the only one left that has proper fighting training, since all the others here were killed and the ones at the Castle have only started their training. Rosa comments that Golbez must've sent those monsters here and Yang thinks that this happened so he and the others were kept busy while they attacked Fabul. Cecil notes that they could attack Fabul at any moment and Yang comments that he's just a Dark Knight, but Cecil tells him it's not just his problem, but also theirs. Edward tells him he is the Prince Of Damcyan and Cecil tells him he and Rosa are from Baron and that the girl is Rydia. He was tricked by King Baron to defeat her mother. Rydia is silent, but Yang makes a comment and notes that they all have their own reasons and asks them to help him in protecting Fabul. They agree and Yang tells them that Fabul is just over the mountains here, as he joins your party. Now, THIS is when you should train. Since you just got Yang, you'll really want to do so. But first, enter the door you see and follow the path ahead of you. Once you get to the exit, before exiting, train right around here on the mountain for a bit. This is a prime spot and you can heal your guys with a Tent if you want by just exiting, camping and then entering Mt. Hobs again. Simple, eh? Also, make sure Yang is in the front row, since he's a VERY good fighter. You might also want to check his Equipment. He has one FireClaw and a Leather Robe. Give him that Cap Helmet and IronRing I told you about earlier, so he has some gear. So, with that said, start your training. I suggest that you train Yang to Level 18 before continuing on, because you'll need it for later on and also because you can also get your other party members even stronger. Anyway, whenever you're satisfied with training, go ahead and leave Mt. Hobs and head southeast, following the path on the World Map until you see a Castle. This is Fabul. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fabul - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 500G, Black Shield, Cure 1 (4), Ether1, Heal and Tent (2). Suggested Level To Train To: 26. Level To Get By: 16. Once you're inside Fabul, talk to the Guards if you want, but they really say nothing of importance, other than they're glad to see Yang. Enter the Castle and in the main room, you'll see a Inn and a Weapon/Armor Shop. Go to the Weapon/Armor Shop and buy two Thunder Claws for Yang and a Black Helmet, a Black Armor and a Black Gauntlet for Cecil, as this is his best gear at this point. Equip all the stuff you just bought and then go next store to the Inn, but don't stay here. You can rest for free in a minute. Just buy any Items you want from the Item Shop here and then exit the room and go up the stairs. In this room, go south and exit the door. You'll be on the outside part of Castle now. You'll see two towers, the Left Tower and Right Tower. Enter the Left Tower first and in the first room, examine the one west pot to the north for a Cure1, then open the three Treasure Chest for a Tent, a Heal and a Cure1. Now, you can climb the stairs to the top of the Left Tower, but nothing else is up there, except a nursing area for the wounded, which only has Namingway there and a White Mage and at the top of the Left Tower is Yang's Wife. Not much to talk about to her, as Yang just introduces you and tells her Cecil saved him and she says thanks. Either way, exit the Left Tower and enter the Right Tower now. Talk to the monks if you want to, but they just are glad that Yang's ok from the ambush at Mt. Hobs. Climb the stairs and examine the pot to the east of you for 500G. If you want to see a funny scene, talk to the dancer and say yes. ^_^ The people here say nothing of importance, except random stuff, so just climb the stairs and open the Treasure Chest you find for a Tent. Now, here's where you can rest. Just sleep in the King's Bed. Hehehe, score us, free healing. Anyway, exit the Right Tower and head back to where you were before you came outside. Before you do anything else, remove Rosa of all of her Equipment. You'll see why in a minute. Give her Leather Helmet to Yang now, so he gets some better Equipment and then from where you came in before you went south and through the door to come outside, follow the path up the stairs, past the two Guards into the King's Room to meet King Fabul. Once inside, a scene takes place, as King Fabul greets Yang, but Yang begins to tell King Fabul that Baron has gathered their forces to attack Fabul to get their Crystal Of Air and that a man named Golbez is behind this attack. King Fabul is shocked by this, as Yang tells him that these people came here to tell them this. King Fabul asks who they are, but Cecil steps forward and tells him there's no time to waste and that they need to get the defense on the Castle up. King Fabul notes that he's a Dark Knight and can they really trust him, but Yang tells him they came to help him when he was in danger. Cecil tells them they have no time to waste and Rosa tells him that they could be in danger, as Edward walks forward, as he greets King Fabul and King Fabul sees it's Prince Edward and is happy to see him. Edward tells him that Damcyan was attacked and the Crystal Of Fire was stolen and he lost his parents and girlfriend in the attack and asks him if he wants the same to happen to Fabul. King Fabul apoligizes for misunderstanding them and asks if they will assist them in their defense. Tell him yes and Yang tells King Fabul that they are all amazing fighters and that they will fight on the front lines. King Fabul is pleased by this and tells him that the matter is in his hands. King Fabul then offers Rydia and Rosa to stay behind, while Cecil, Edward and Yang all go and fight. Yang then tells Cecil it's time as they walk out and Rosa wishes him luck and he tells Rydia and Rosa to take care and walks out. Now, you're about to enter a huge chain Boss Battle here, so if you want, you know where to go. Pretty much during the Boss Battles, talking will go on, mainly Yang giving orders and everyone retreating pretty much after every Boss Battle, due to the Red Wings attacking and numerous monsters bombarding Fabul. After the six Boss Battle, you'll go to the Crystal Room and set up to guard the Crystal Of Air. Just then, Kain walks in and tells Cecil it's been awhile. Cecil is happy that Kain's alive and asks him to fight with them and Kain agrees, but against Cecil. Cecil questions him, but Kain tells him single combat only, as Cecil tells him no, Kain attacks. You know where to go for a strategy on Boss Battles, otherwise, win yourself and continue on. After the Battle, Cecil will fall down and realize that Kain's under Golbez's Control. Kain just tells him he'll put him out of his misery, but Yang tells him that he can't, as Rosa screams no and enters the Crystal Room with Rydia. Kain sees that it's Rosa, as she yells at him for what he's done, but he just tells her to not look at him, as he looks away. Just then, Golbez asks why Kain's so disturbed, as he enters the Crystal Room. Edward and Cecil acknowledge that he's Golbez and in turn, Golbez sees that the Dark Knight is Cecil and is happy to finally meet him and he wants to give him a present. Edward and Yang scream no and get in a defensive position, as Kain moves away, but it's pointless, as Golbez just laughs and hits them both with a lightning bolt, sending them flying. Golbez then orders Kain to take the Crystal Of Air and Kain does so, but Rosa steps him and tells him not to do it, as Kain hears her and Cecil tells Rosa not to do anything. Golbez sees that she's important to Cecil, telling him he'll see him again sometime soon. As a token of this promise, he takes Rosa and tells Kain to hurry up. Golbez leaves now, as Kain takes the Crystal Of Air and as he walks out, tells Cecil he had a narrow escape and then walks away. Cecil tells him to wait, but he's already gone and calls for Rosa, as Rydia walks up and casts Cure on everyone. She asks if everyone's ok and Edward thanks her, but notes that Rosa was taken, as Yang notes the Crystal Of Air was as well. Cecil just continues to think about Rosa, as everyone just looks sad after their defeat, but Rydia tells them that Rosa's fine and they can save her and take back the Crystal Of Air. Edward agrees with this and Yang tells Cecil to heal up and that this time, they'll help him get Rosa back. Cecil thanks them, as you regain control. First, exit the Crystal Room and once back in the King's Room, there's some hidden Items to get. To begin, check the pot you see in the King's Room for a Cure1. Next, talk to the man there if you want to learn that King Fabul was hurt in the attack and he's resting in his room. Otherwise, go to the east and you'll see a door on the wall. To open this, step on that switch on the floor and then follow the path that opens up to find three Treasure Chests which have a Cure1, the Black Shield and a Ether1. Equip the Black Shield on Cecil, since it's much better than the Shadow Shield he still has. Now, pretty much if you talk to people around the Castle, you'll just learn that you should rest at the Inn and random information about monsters siding with Golbez, King Fabul was a great Karate Fighter and that Fabul might've done better with a Airship. Also, if you talk to Yang's Wife, she's just happy you're all alive and that Fabul survived the assault. Yang asks her if she's ok and just tells you a soldier came by, but she defeated him with her Frying Pan. Anyway, just head to the Inn and rest. It'll be for free, so don't worry. Before you go to sleep, everyone talks and tries to formulate a plan. Edward tells everyone again that they must rescue Rosa, but Cecil says that they need a Airship first and Baron's the only one who has them. Yang asks if they can sneak into Baron and Cecil mentions that the Red Wings are their main attack force, but the Sea Power is very weak and figures they should come in by sea. Rydia asks how and Yang tells them he'll ask King Fabul for a ship and that he'll do it for Cecil, since he helped with the attack and Cecil thanks him. Yang then asks who the Dragoon was and Cecil tells him it's Kain, his best friend and that they swore to escape Baron together. Yang understands and Edward announces they should rest, as Cecil just stays silent, as the screen fades out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. The Plan To Sneak Into Baron; The Sea Is The Key . . . . [ TPTS6.6 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Black Sword. Suggested Level To Train To: 26. Level To Get By: 16. As the screen comes back in, as your party finishes telling King Fabul their plans. He agrees to them and tells Yang to go with them, since they owe Cecil so much and that a ship will be arranged soon and he hopes it'll help them. He also gives Cecil the Black Sword, which was left here by a Dark Knight a long time ago, but it's still a Dark Weapon and will not be able to defeat true evil. He then tells you to go to the harbor to the east whenever you're ready, as that's where the ship is and also mentions that if Golbez obtains all the Crystals, the world will face a HUGE crisis. After this, you'll regain control of your party. Go ahead and give Cecil the Black Sword, as it's MUCH better than the Darkness Sword. Also, remove EVERYONE but Cecil of all their Equipment. You'll see why in a minute. I don't recommend you train anymore, as you'll be doing it very soon. Anyway, stock up on any Items you may want, buy anything you may need. Also, talking to people around the Castle again, there's not much different, except Guards with you luck and you learn there's been alot of shipwrecks recently and that some Sailors have been commenting on some monster in the Ocean. Hmm...well, anyway, whenever you're ready, exit the Castle. On the World Map, head to the ship and enter it. At the ship, Yang's Wife sees you off and tells Yang to take care and to fight with your best. Yang tells her he will and she tells the others to do the same and Cecil tells her they will. Yang then tells her to take care and she tells him not to worry, as your party meets the Captain of the ship. He greets Cecil, telling him he has heard of his Battle in Fabul and to feel free at home on his ship and that it won't take long to reach Baron, as he gives the command to set sail. After giving the orders to sail and the Sailors raising the anchor, the ship will go on auto-pilot to Baron. As the ship travels, a scene takes place, with Yang asking what they'll do when they arrive at Baron. Cecil tells them they'll find Cid, the Master Engineer, who's an expert on Airships and can help them. Though, Yang just hopes he's ok and Edward stays silent. Rydia takes notice and asks if he's cold, since he's shivering, but he tells her it's nothing. After more traveling, another scene takes place and this time, the ship is shaking violently. Cecil asks what's going on, as a whirlpool in the Ocean suddenly appears with a monster inside. The Sailors all stare in amazement and comment on that it can't be what they think it is, as the Captain tells them it's Leviatan. After this, Leviatan fully shows up, as everyone goes into a panic, with the Captain telling them to stop, but they don't. Suddenly, Rydia falls overboard, screaming for help, as Yang calls for her and jumps in after her. Cecil calls them both, as a jolt to the ship sends Edward flying and he gets hurt. Cecil calls to him, as the ship goes out of control and is taken inside the whirlpool, as the scene fades to black... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. Cecil Repents; Gaining The Light And Casting Out The Dark . [ C6.7 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 28. Level To Get By: 17. As the screen fades back in, you'll see Cecil alone on a beach, as he regains consciousness. He wakes up and asks where he is and then calls for Rydia, Edward and Yang, but they're nowhere to be found and determines he's alone. You'll regain control of Cecil now and be on the World Map near a Town, which is Mysidia, the place Cecil and the Red Wings attacked at the start of the game. If you honestly want to, this is a PRIME time to train Cecil by himself, since he can easily gain Levels around here. Also, once you get a character in your party and they leave you and if they come back, their Level is much higher than when you lost them. Their Level is determined by Cecil's current Level, so the higher he is, the higher they are, so you're not only training Cecil, but everyone else. Get Cecil at least one Level or more if you want, but I suggest Level 27 or so is good enough. If you want more, go ahead and train more, but you'll be doing ALOT of training in a minute, so whenever you're ready, enter Mysidia. Inside Mysidia, there's no secret Items to find, but there are some "secret" things you can do for a laugh or two. First, if you talk to people in Mysidia, they pretty much either hate you or fear you. One or the other. One Black Mage turns you into a Toad, but just talk to him again to counter this spell. A White Mage runs away from you in fear and a dancer in the Inn puts you to sleep, as you wake up as a Pig outside, but just talk to the dancer again to counter this. The Black Mage behind the counter in the Inn gives you a drink with poison in it, but just use a Heal to counter this. And that's it for the "secret" stuff to do. Other than what the people say/do to you, you learn about the Serpent Road and how it takes alot out of you when you travel and also how it's still blocked off, due to the raid from Baron. Anyway, there's a Weapon and Armor Shop to check out, but wait on that for a minute, same with the Item Shop. Whenever you're ready, go to the huge building in the north part of Mysidia and talk to everyone but the guy in the middle first if you want, but you just learn that this is a holy place and whatnot. Talk to the man in the middle, the Elder from the very beginning of the game that Cecil met when he took the Crystal Of Water. Once you talk to him, Elder asks what it is you want from them this time, as Cecil introduces himself as the Ex-Commander of the Red Wings and that he couldn't disobey what King Baron told him to do. Elder tells him that him being sorry won't bring their friends back to life, but he can at least listen to what he has to say. Cecil tells him that he's fighting Golbez, the mastermind behind Baron now and that a girl was captured by him and he and his friends were on their way to Baron to rescue her, but Leviatan attacked them and the Elder finishes his sentence by telling him he lost his friends, which he thinks is his punishment for earlier, but as long as he relies on the Dark Sword, he can't defeat true evil and he may be at any time consumed by its evil at any time. He tells Cecil if he wishes to fight evil with good, then he must go to Mt. Ordeals to the east of Mysidia. Cecil tells him he doesn't have time for this and he has to hurry, but Elder tells him that he understands and that he mustn't hurry. He tells him he must climb Mt. Ordeals and renounce the Dark Sword and gain the Light Sword in place of it and the carrier of this Light Sword is a Paladin, the exact opposite of a Dark Knight. Elder then tells Cecil that many people went to Mt. Ordeals to become a Paladin, but none have returned and asks him if he'll try. Cecil tells him yes and Elder tells him it'll be hard for him alone, so he tells him to take two Wizards with him, as he calls Palom and Porom. Porom comes in and asks what he wanted and Elder asks where Palom is, with Porom calling him. Palom makes his dramatic entrance by suddenly appearing near Cecil and comments on Cecil being that guy from Baron and that he's going to help him, so he should be thankful. Cecil's stunned, as children are going to help him, but Elder tells him who they are and that they will be of some use to him and to not be decieved by their appearences. Palom makes another remark that he's should be thankful that such a smart Wizard will be helping him and Elder tells Palom that it's for his own good that he goes. Porom then greets Cecil and asks how he's doing, then tells Palom to introduce himself, as he does so with a "Hi, man!" After this, Palom and Porom join you and Elder tells them both to do everything they can to help Cecil. You'll now have control again of Cecil and if you want, talk to the people in Mysidia, as they say new things. Mostly just hi to Palom and Porom, people laughing at Cecil as he thinks he can become a Paladin, (Though, some of the people think he can actually become a Paladin or that he should at least try and only then will they believe in him.) people telling you about Mt. Ordeals or just encouragement/advice on how to become a Paladin. Other than that, nothing really new. Now, since Palom and Porom are only at Level 10 and their Equipment is pretty much a joke, you'll want to train them and get them some better Equipment, so head to the Weapon Shop first. Buy Palom a FlameRod and Porom a Cure Staff. (Also, when you get the chance, clone a FlameRod for later on. You'll see why.) Equip these one Palom and Porom, as they are better than their Rod and Staff. Next, head to the Armor Shop and buy them each a Gaea Helmet, a Gaea Robe and a Silver Ring. Also, buy the Paladin Equipment, which is the Paladin Shield, Paladin Helmet, Paladin Armor and Paladin Gauntlet. You'll need them later. Also, buy a extra Gaea Helmet and two Silver Rings, as you'll see why for later. Now, sell off Rydia, Rosa and Edward's Equipment, as you won't need it, but save Yang's stuff. Sell off Cecil's old Darkness stuff if you already haven't and his Shadow Shield. If you need to or want to, buy any Items you need from the Item Shop. Otherwise, exit Mysidia and start training Palom and Porom. (Remember, before anything, put them both in the back row, since they use Magic and do not fight a whole lot.) I suggest you train Palom and Porom until they're both Level 20. It seems a bit high, but by then they'll both be fighting machines and both have a good supply of Magic Points and some very decent spells learned by then. Anyway, regardless, whenever you're done training, heal yourself and then follow the path on the World Map, as you go east to get to Mt. Ordeals, which is a mountain surrounded in a forest. One you see it, enter Mt. Ordeals. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mt. Ordeals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Cure1 (2) and Ether1 (2). Suggested Level To Train To: 29. (40 for Cecil after he becomes a Paladin.) Level To Get By: 18. (15-20 for Cecil after he becomes a Paladin.) Once inside Mt. Ordeals, follow the path until a scene takes place. You'll see a wall of fire blocking your path and Porom tells Palom that it's his turn. Palom tells her he knows and she doesn't have to tell him, as he casts Ice on the wall of fire. Palom smirks over his victory of the fire and tells everyone it was a piece of cake, but Porom hits him on the head, telling him that Elder told them to never submit to arrogance. After this, Porom asks Cecil if they should go now, as the scene fades out. Just then, you get to see what's going on elsewhere, as we see Golbez, Kain and Rosa, as Rosa is tied up. Golbez calls for Milon, as he appears and tells him he's Milon Of Earth and he's here at his service. Golbez tells him that it's best not to leave Cecil alive and that they'd better make a move against him. He tells him also that since he uses a Dark Sword, Milon will have no problem dealing with him, since his monsters can't be hurt by it. Golbez continues to fill him in, telling him he's climbing Mt. Ordeals right now and Milon asks if he means to become a Paladin. Golbez just ignores this and tells him his mission is to kill him before he can do so. Milon agrees to this and Golbez dismisses him. Golbez then tells Kain things have become rather interesting and Kain agrees, but tells him Cecil is a formidable opponent. Golbez respects him for his one time friendship with Cecil, but tells him he has sent Milon after him and that he's one of the Four Fiends Of Elements and that he'll put on a great show and he asks what Rosa thinks of this. Rosa stays silent, but Kain speaks up and asks him to let him kill Cecil instead of Milon, but Golbez gets mad and curses him for asking for such a task and tells him to be quiet and that all he needs to do now is watch over Rosa. Kain understands and agrees to this. Then, Rosa tells Cecil to watch out, as you regain control of Cecil on Mt. Ordeals. Go ahead and follow the path and open the Treasure Chest you come across for a Cure1. Then, open the other Treasure Chest you see for another Cure1. Now, continue to follow the path and enter the door you see. Continue along the path again and eventually, it'll go into a scene and you'll meet up with Tellah. Cecil will call to him and Tellah calls back, as Tellah asks if Cecil is also looking for Meteo. Porom comments on him knowing about Meteo and that he must be someone, but gets cut off, as Palom asks him if he's Tellah. Porom scolds him, telling him to watch his mouth and to call him Master Tellah, as Porom greets him and tells him that they were ordered by Elder to...but Palom cuts in and says spy on...but gets nothing more out, as Porom hits him and then corrects him and tells Tellah they are to guide Cecil in Mt. Ordeals and that her name is Porom and Palom introduces himself and says that he must be Tellah and he's very popular in Mysidia. Tellah greets them and then asks where Edward and Rydia are and Cecil tells him they were attacked by Leviatan on their way to Baron and Tellah gets shocked by the news. Cecil also tells him that Rosa was kidnapped by Golbez and Palom tells Porom that that must be his girlfriend, but she just tells him to shut up. Tellah tells Cecil that he can't defeat Golbez with his spells alone and he's been searching for the Magic Of Legend, Meteo and he felt a strong force here and decided to check it out. Porom tells him that Meteo is too dangerous and that he's too old, but notices she calls him old and it's offensive, but Tellah tells her yes, he's old, but no matter the price, he must avenge his daughter. Palom just comments on how adults love trouble and Porom tells him this is no place for kids, as Tellah asks Cecil why he came here. Cecil tells him he wants to become a Paladin, as his Dark Sword can't beat Golbez. Palom asks who Golbez is and Porom tells him that he's the one controlling Baron. Tellah tells them that they are right and that he is the source of all evil. He then starts to think about Cecil becoming a Paladin and tells him that there must be some secret inside the mountain and that he'll go with him, as he joins your party once again. He's gained some Levels, but he's still stuck at 90 Magic Points and he still has the same spells that he left you with. Anyway, Equip him and give him a FlameRod, the Gaea Helmet and the Silver Ring you bought before. Also, now your party consists of three Magic users and a attacker. God, is this really unbalanced...anyway, you'll want to use the Change option in the Menu so you get three slots for Magic users and two slots for attackers, since if you continued the other way, one of your Magic users would be in an attacker row, so fix this accordingly. Once you're ready, follow the path and enter the door. In this area, head west and open the Treasure Chest you see for a Ether1. Continue along the path again and as you near the door, grab the other Treasure Chest you see for another Ether1. Then, enter the door. As you go forward, you'll hear a hissing sound and Porom tells Palom to stop it, but he tells her it's not him. Anyway, continue to follow the path here and you'll see a Save Point. I suggest you use it, as well as train a bit, since this area offers GREAT Experience. Train Palom and Porom some more, since Tellah and Cecil really don't need it. I suggest you get them to around Level 24 or so. That should be good enough. Either way, train more if you want or whatever, but use a Cabin/Tent on the Save Point, Save your game and then continue on the path. As you continue, you'll hear more hissing and Porom mentions it and Palom just says it's not him. As you get farther, it'll go into a scene, as more hissing is heard and Tellah tells you he feels evil nearby. Suddenly, a voice rings out and tells you he's glad to slay you all, as Cecil asks who it is. Milon will appear and introduce himself to Cecil, as he announces it's meal time for his monsters and you get attacked. This is a Boss Battle. You know the drill. Otherwise, fight this Boss Battle yourself and then continue on. After the Battle, go to the Menu and hit the Change option to reverse your rows. DON'T change anyone's position, you'll see why. Heal up if you need to and then continue on. You'll take a few steps and then be attacked again, as Milon shows that his true power lies in death and he'll attack you again, this time from behind. You know where to go if you want help, otherwise, fight him yourself and move on. After the Battle, Milon will be amazed that you beat him twice, as he falls off the bridge and dies. You'll regain control now. Use the Change option again to get your party back in order, first of all. Then, remove all of Cecil's Equipment, as you'll see why in a minute. Now, head to the stone structure and walk up to it, as a scene takes place. A voice will call Cecil their son, as Cecil asks why it called him son and who is it, as you enter the stone structure. You'll appear in a glass room, as the voice tells you it's very sad and that it'll give you it's power and grieve that there's no other way to do this. Suddenly, a Sword floats down and Cecil grabs it, as a circle of light flies around and encases him in it, as he transforms into a Paladin. The voice tells him to conquer the darkness and his past and if he can't overcome his past self, the Light will never let him become a Paladin. Just then, the Dark Knight Cecil walks out of the mirror, as Tellah sees two Cecils and Palom asks what's going on, as Porom gets scared for Cecil. The Dark Knight Cecil pushes him back and Tellah calls Cecil, as Palom gets his attention, with Porom telling him to watch out. Cecil just tells them that he needs no help and he needs to win in order to conquer his past and overcome his guilt. He then pushes the Dark Knight Cecil back and a Boss Battle takes place. You know what to do or you can fight this yourself, otherwise, continue on. After the Battle, Dark Knight Cecil will tell you that you've done well and he'll put his soul into the Light and he gives it to you to use. He wants you to claim the last Light left in him and tells you, his son, to defeat Golbez. Cecil will tell it to wait, but it disappears, as Cecil fully becomes a Paladin. After this, Porom asks Cecil if he's ok, as Palom gloats over Cecil's win, but Porom tells him to shut up, as Tellah just stands still, thinking. Cecil asks what it is he's feeling and that that voice sounds so familiar to him, as Tellah announces something, with Porom calling him. Just then, Tellah recalls all the spells he has forgotten and now actually becomes an ok party member, but unfortunately, he still has that damned 90 Magic Point cap on him, so he still stands pretty worthless. Even more, Tellah suddenly learns Meteo, as the Light just granted him the strongest Black Magic spell ever. Porom tells herself that he is indeed the Grand Master, as Palom asks something and they walk away, but come right back, as Porom calls Cecil and Palom tries to tell Cecil why they were really sent with him, but Cecil isn't listening, as he keeps staring at himself in the mirror. Tellah then tells everyone that they're ready and should go after Golbez now. Everyone just stands around, as Tellah asks Cecil what he's doing and that they need to go. Cecil agrees, but turns back around and tries to figure out why the Light called him his son. Tellah then walks out, with Palom running after him and Porom tells Cecil that they should go and Cecil agrees, as they walk out, but Cecil turns around once more to look at the mirror, before finally exiting. You'll now have control again after that scene. Now that Cecil's a Paladin, he's been reset to Level 1 now and you'll need to do some hard training with him, but first, Equip him with the Paladin Shield, Paladin Helmet, Paladin Armor and Paladin Gauntlet, so he can have some protection. Then go ahead and start your training. I suggest you get him to about Level 40. Yes, you heard me. Level 40. Before you start yelling at me, trust me, Level 40 will be REALLY helpful later on and it effects other character's Levels that you've gotten once and then regain at a later date. I know this seems high, but it's not, really. Cecil will breeze through Levels VERY fast. Though, to make him Level 40 in no time, I suggest at Level 15, you knock everyone out and have Cecil fight alone. He'll be gaining Levels so fast, it'll be insane. If you want to go over Level 40, go for it, but pretty soon, you'll see how well this effects certain characters and besides, a Level 40 Cecil at this point? That's REALLY damn good. ^_^ Anyway, don't bother training Tellah, Palom or Porom anymore, since they're already pretty high and just train them as you get into Battles normally. (Also, if during your training you manage to get a Lilith Rod, give it to Palom and clone one for Tellah. It's a much better Weapon for the both of them and it can cast Psych for free when used as a Item. VERY useful, indeed.) Whenever you're ready, navigate your way off Mt. Ordeals and head back to Mysidia. Once back at Mysidia, if you talk to the people again, they're all amazed that you became a Paladin, with some still not forgiving you for what you did, as well as some being amazed that a Paladin is now around and that the Light looked dim, but now it's sparkling with hope. After you talk to everyone, go and talk to Elder again. Elder is shocked that you actually became a Paladin, as Porom tells him that here's the result and Palom is just shocked at how well they did, with Cecil asking them what they mean. Elder tells him that he feels guilty that he actually had them spy on him during his trial, but he sees there was no need for it. Palom confirms that's why they went with him and Porom tells him she's sorry for not telling him. Cecil just agrees that they did it for a reason and that he deserved it, with what he did. Elder tells him that even though he was evil, he overcame it and became a Paladin, as he becomes shocked at the Sword Cecil has. Cecil tells him he obtained it on Mt. Ordeals, as Elder tells him the inscription on the Sword is the same on of the Mysidian Legend. Cecil asks what the Legend is, as the screen fades out and shows a blue screen with text, telling of how a man is to be born from a Dragon, hoisting the Light and the Dark and arises up over the still land, veiling the Moon with the Light Of Eternity, as it brings another promise to Mother Earth with Bounty and Mercy. The screen then fades back to Cecil and everyone, as Cecil tells Elder that the Light called him son and he asks what the Light is, but Elder tells him he has no idea and also doesn't know what the Legend means. (But you will, very soon, er, rather, near the end of the game. Heh, sorry.) He goes on to Cecil that they, as Mysidians, must from generation to generation pray for this Legend, as well as to believe in the Sacred Light and he believes Cecil is that person. Tellah then announces they need to get rid of Golbez now and Elder notices him and Tellah tells him it's been a while since they've met. Palom tells Elder that they met him on Mt. Ordeals and that he now knows Meteo. Elder becomes shocked, though, as if Meteo has been unsealed, then the Earth is in a huge crisis. Tellah agrees that it has and that he will avenge Anna with it. Elder asks what he means and Tellah tells him that Golbez killed his daughter and he'll use Meteo to get him back for it. Elder tells him not to do it, as vengence is not the answer and that he's too old to use Meteo, but Tellah just tells him if it costs him his life, he can't forgive Golbez for what he's done. Elder gives up and tells him he hasn't changed much and Tellah tells him the same thing. Elder then gives the idea that since Cecil is a Paladin, then they could join forces, but Cecil tells him that they need to go back to Baron to get an Airship so they stand a chance against Golbez and Elder tells him that he'll open the Serpent Road and that they should hurry to Baron now. He tells him that he'll go to the Tower Of Wishes and pray for them all, especially Paladin Cecil. As Cecil and Tellah leave, Palom and Porom do too, but Elder tells them that they have done what they were assigned. Though, Palom tells Elder that it's not over yet and that he told them to help him, as Porom asks him to please let them help him. Elder thinks it over and comes to the conclusion that since Mt. Ordeals let them survive, that going with Cecil might be their destiny and he asks Cecil and Tellah to look after them, but Cecil tries to say something, but Palom tells him he knows what they can do and Porom just agrees with him. Tellah backs them up and Cecil just tells them that he's counting on them all, as Palom thanks Tellah and Porom tells him to calm down, as she tells everyone to head out. Elder then tells you to go Baron by way of the Serpent Road to the east of this building and that he'll be wishing not just for you, but for everything on Earth. After this, you'll regain control again. The people say nothing new, but you can talk to Elder and two others if you want, but they just tell you that they are wishing for you and everyone on Earth. Now, before you go on the Serpent Road, sleep at the Inn to heal up and then sell any Equipment that you no longer need, but remember to save Yang's stuff still and that extra Gaea Helmet and Silver Ring. Whenever you're ready, head on the Serpent Path and you'll arrive in Baron. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H. The Return To Baron; Surprises Are At Every Turn... . . . [ TRT6.8 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Baron Key, 1,000G, 2,000G and Thunder Claw. Suggested Level To Train To: 40. Level To Get By: 20. Once in Baron, if you talk to the people, you learn that King Baron is acting VERY weird lately, as well as a Karete Fighter was invited to be the leader of the Guards, who is staying at the Inn. Hmm...sound familiar? Also, seems Cid has been thrown into jail for acting against King Baron, as well as hiding the latest Airship from him and that he hasn't been home for a while to see his daughter. Rosa's Mom asks where Rosa is, as well as other useless information and blander from the townsfolk. You also learn that the building near the Serpent Road is a underpass to the Castle. Hmm, that'll be useful for later on. Anyway, you can't enter the Castle the regular way, as the Guards just ask what are you. So, let's check out the Inn and see who this Karate Fighter is. In the Inn, you learn that since the soldiers are hanging out here, business has been slow. When you walk to the bar, you'll see two Guards and...Yang! What's he doing here? If you talk to the Guards, they just ask for drinks and ask who you are, so talk to Yang. Cecil calls him, but Yang just looks surprised, as Cecil tells him who he is and that he's become a Paladin. Though, Yang tells his men to attack him, as they do so and you enter a Boss Battle. You know what to do, otherwise, fight yourself and then continue on. After the Battle, Cecil will continue to tell Yang that it's him, but Yang just tells him he knows that, as he attacks you. You'll enter another Boss Battle, so if you want additional help, you know where to go, otherwise, fight for yourself and move on. After the Battle, Yang wakes up and tells Cecil that he and the others were attacked by Leviatan and that after that, he doesn't remember anything. Tellah tells him he must've been controlled by Baron while he had amnesia. Yang tells them that he's sorry for what he did, but Cecil asks him where Rydia and Edward are, but Yang only knows that Rydia was swallowed by Leviatan. He's not sure about Edward, as Cecil understands. Yang then asks him where they are, as Cecil tells him they're in Baron and they should talk elsewhere, because Guards may hear them, as Yang rejoins the party! Cecil and Yang will then walk over to the Inn and talk to the Inn Keeper and he's happy that the two Guards were beaten up and he lets Cecil and everyone stay at the Inn for free. (Weird guy, huh? He enjoys his own country's Army getting beaten? Heh, well, they ARE being controlled by Golbez and stuff, so I GUESS it's ok, since they're taking advantage of the people. Bastards.) Anyway, everyone starts to talk and Yang asks who Tellah is and Cecil tells him that he's Tellah the Sage. (Wait, the next part, I don't get. He's Edward's Father? What the hell? He must mean _Anna's_ Father. Jesus...stupid Squaresoft and their translation...) Anyway...heh, Tellah tells Yang that Anna loved Edward and even sacrificed herself for him. Yang understands and tells Tellah that he's a Karate Master Of Fabul, as Palom introduces himself to Yang in his usual egotistic tone, as Porom tells him to ignore him and that she's his twin sister, Porom. Palom then tells Yang that they really hurt them in that Boss Battle, as Porom tells him to stop it and Yang being ashamed of what he did. Cecil then quickly changes the topic and tells them that they must rescue Cid, but Tellah tells him that it won't be easy to sneak into the Castle. Suddenly, Yang finds something on himself, as Cecil becomes excited and sees that it's the Key Of Baron and that with this key, they can easily enter the Castle now. You get the Baron Key now, as everyone goes to sleep. The next day, you regain control of everyone and you can continue your journey. Gee, they didn't tell you exactly what to do, did they? Figures, but anyway, I'll tell you. First, you can do two things now. You can open the locked door to the Weapon/Armor Shop, which you can buy some new stuff, so head there, but before doing so, give Yang his two Thunder Claws back and also give him the Silver Ring you bought a while back. Don't give him the Leather Helmet he still has, but instead, wait a second. Now, head to the Weapon/Armor Shop and use the Baron Key on the door to open it. First, don't go to the Weapon Shop unless you did NOT find a Lilith Rod for Tellah/Palom and cloned one for the other, because this Weapon Shop has nothing better for them, as well as the rest of the party. It only carries Claws, Rods and Staffs and if you have a Lilith Rod, you're fine. No new Claws for Yang, so stick with the Thunder ones. If you didn't get the Lilith Rod, buy Tellah and Palom a Thunder Rod and Equip it on them immediately. Then, go to the Armor Shop and buy four Karate Robes and a Headband. Give Tellah, Yang, Palom and Porom the Karate Robes, as they are better than the Gaea Robes. Also, even though the Headband gives you more, the Leather Helmet gives a bit more Defense, but it's up to you if you want this or not. Either way, Equip a Headband or Leather Helmet on Yang and sell off all the other pieces of Equipment you may have. You don't need to stock up for anyone right now. Now, before you leave here, head down to the table to the southwest and hug the wall and head south from the chair. You'll enter the wall and follow the path around and you can open the two Treasure Chests behind the counters here. Open them both to get 2,000G and a Thunder Claw. Nice, huh? So, when you're done with this, exit the Weapon/Armor Shop and head west and examine the locked door at the edge of Town Of Baron and use the Baron Key on it to enter a small room with stairs. Before going down them, head to the right and go through the wall to find a hidden Treasure Chest. Open it to get 1,000G. Score you. Now, go ahead and go down the stairs and you'll enter the Old Water-Way. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Old Water-Way - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 500G, Cure2, Ether1 (2) and Life (3). Suggested Level To Train To: 41. Level To Get By: 20. Ok, once inside Old Water-Way, I suggest you train again, but this time, just train until Palom and Porom get to Level 30, which isn't too hard to do. If you want to train more, go for it, but I don't really recommend it for now. Anyway, when you're done, go ahead and follow the path. When you see three Treasure Chests, go ahead and open them to obtain a Cure2, Ether1, and a Life. Continue on the path and head up the stairs. In this area, there's going to be ALOT of wall walking here, so get ready. First, head south through the wall and follow the path until you reach a Treasure Chest. Open it to get 500G and then head south through another wall and you'll find another Treasure Chest, so open it to obtain a Life. Now, head down the stairs a bit, then walk over on the edge to go through the wall to the east. As you go through this wall, try to go north a bit in, which will lead to another area, with a Treasure Chest. Open this one to get another Life. Then, backtrack to the wall part and this time, continue to try and head east, as you appear in a very narrow pathway, leading north. Follow it and head up the stairs and follow the path in the next area. As you near the stairs, head to the west through the wall and open the Treasure Chest there to get a Ether1. Then, go ahead and head up the stairs. In this area, enter the door you see to find a Save Point. Use it if you want to Save your game, but don't heal yet. You can for free in a second. If you don't need to Save or don't want to, head east through the wall to the far north and you'll find a Treasure Chest. Open it to find the Ancient Sword for Cecil. It's a bit worse than the Legend Sword, but it can Curse enemies, which lowers their attack alot, so it's up to you what you want to do. Regardless, exit the room and continue to follow the path, heading up the stairs. After doing this, you'll arrive in the water just outside of the Castle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Baron - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Cure1 (2), Cure2 (3), Elixir, Ether1 (4), Heal, Life (3) and Tent (2). Suggested Level To Train To: 41. Level To Get By: 22. Once inside the water near the Castle, head east and follow the path, climbing the small stairs back into the Castle. Now, I suggest you head to Cecil's Room in the Left Tower and using the bed to heal up, so go ahead and do that. Next, head to the King's Room to confront King Baron. As you do so, someone calls Cecil and Cecil sees it's Baigan, as he welcomes Cecil back to Baron. Cecil's is amazed that he's not controlled by Golbez and he tells him he'd never be controlled, as he's the Captain Of The Guards and he can never have his loyalty changed. Cecil then asks him to come with them, as he can greatly help out and Baigan willingly agrees to, as Baigan joins your party. As you walk towards the King's Room, Palom and Porom stop, as Cecil asks what's wrong. Palom and Porom tell him that it smells like a monster, as Baigan asks where and looks around. Though, Palom suspects something and Porom asks Baigan if he can act any better than that, as Cecil asks what's going on. Baigan then tells them he was given a great gift from Master Golbez and he decides to show you, as you enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill, otherwise, fight for yourself and move on. After the Battle, Palom tells a sad Cecil to be more careful, as you regain control of your party. Now, if you need to, use Cecil's Room again to heal up, but before you go to the King's Room, head to the Right Tower, as there is no Guards around anymore and you can now take the Treasure that was locked off before. First, you can now open the secret passage door on your way to the Right Tower, so do so and follow the path to find six Treasure Chests. Open them to obtain two Ether1s, two Cure2s and two Lifes. Now, head to the Right Tower and open the four Treasure Chests here for a Tent, Cure1, Heal and to get the final Treasure Chest, go down the stairs, then back up and you can open it to get another Cure1. Next, head down the stairs and check the middle pot of the three you see next to each other to get a Elixir. Next, head back up the stairs, since you can't go any farther down here because of some strange power and climb up the next set of stairs. Open the two Treasure Chests to get a Life and a Cure2. Then head up the next flight of stairs and check the pot south of you for a Ether1. Then open the three remaining Treasure Chests for a Ether1 and two Tents. Now, before you go to the King's Room, remove Palom and Porom of all their Equipment. You'll see why in a minute. Then, go right ahead and confront King Baron. King Baron is happy to see that Cecil has returned and Cecil gives him his respects, but King Baron notices he has become a Paladin and tells him he doesn't like that. Cecil asks him what he means, but King Baron asks who King Baron is and then remembers he's the fool who didn't surrender and he took over his place, as he laughs about it. Cecil becomes angry, as King Baron asks him if would like to see the real King Baron and to not worry, he will soon enough, as he isn't as weak as Milon was. He goes on to talk about how Milon even made it as one of the Four Fiends Of Elements and Cecil asks him who he is, as King Baron shows his real self as the Fiend Of Water, Kainazzo, as you are attacked and enter a Boss Battle. You know it, I know it, otherwise, fight for yourself and continue on. After the Battle, someone yells that King Baron is an imposter and suddenly, Cid appears, yelling that King Baron will pay for putting him in jail, as he notices King Baron is dead and that Cecil and everyone is there instead. Cecil calls Cid and Cid's surprised to see Cecil and asks where Rosa is, since she ran after him a while ago and Cecil tells him Golbez took her. Cid gets upset that first Golbez took his Airships and now Rosa, but Tellah steps in and tells Cid to lead them to the Airship, as they must rescue her. Cid looks at Cecil and asks who the strange old man is, as Tellah asks Cid the same question, with Cid telling him he's still very young, as the two start to fight. Porom breaks it up and introduces Cid to Tellah, as he's a great Sage. She then introduces him to Yang, the Karate Master Of Fabul and she's Porom, a White Wizard from Mysidia, with Palom shouting a hey to everyone and Porom tells Cid that he's Palom, her twin brother and Palom happily agreeing. Yang shows some respect to Cid and Cid's happy that at least someone has manners. Cecil then asks Cid where the latest Airship is and Cid tells him where no one would suspect it. Tellah gets inpatient and tells him they have no time, but Cid tells him to shut up and to follow him, as everyone leaves the Throne Room. In the next room, as everyone's leaving, a voice is heard laughing. It's Kainazzo and he tells them he didn't expect to be beaten, but this means nothing to him. He then asks them to come to the Dark World with him, as the walls suddenly start to cave in. Tellah notices this and Cid tries to open the door, but it's locked, as is the one by Tellah. Just then, Palom and Porom go to each side and Cecil asks what they're doing, as Palom thanks him and Porom tells him they'd love to be with all of them, with Cecil asking what's going on. Palom tells him he won't get stuck in a place like this and Porom asks Tellah to look after Cecil, as Palom asks Porom if she's ready, as she tells him she is, but Cecil tells them to wait, but it's too late, as they both cast Stone on themselves, stopping the walls. Cecil calls to them, but gets nothing. Tellah admits they did a rash thing and tries to use Heal on them, but it doesn't work, as they've become Stone by their will. Tellah gets pissed, stating he should've went before some kids, as Yang becomes sad at what they did. Tellah then tells everyone that he'll get revenge for them, as Cid also agrees and has everyone rush to the Enterprise, the new Airship. Cecil then tells Golbez that he's coming, as the scene then changes to show what Golbez and Kain are doing now. Golbez notes that Kainazzo has been killed, as Kain brings up the topic about the last Crystal. Golbez admits it'll be a problem, but Kain suggests he let Cecil get it for him. Golbez wonders why Cecil, as Kain tells him they have Rosa and can simply trade her for the Crystal. Golbez admits it's a good plan and that they can do away with him then at the same time. Kain tells him he'll be the messanger, as he leaves, but Rosa calls him, only to have Kain tell her that he'll show her that he's better than her Cecil, as he walks off. The scene changes back to everyone else, as Cecil says it's a surprise, with Cid telling him that they obviously didn't understand what this Airship could do, as he opens up the secret passage and leads them down the stairs to the Airship. Yang admits it is indeed a surprise and Tellah is amazed, as Cid commands the Enterprise to go. Outside on the World Map, the Enterprise appears and flies into the air, but it goes into a cutscene. They notice a Airship is coming and Cid decides to see how powerful the Enterprise is, but Cecil tells him to wait, as Yang notices a white flag and Tellah wonders why they're surrendering. Just then, another Airship flies up and Cecil sees that it's Kain. Kain sees that Cecil's alive and Cid asks Kain what he thinks he's doing, but he ignores him. Cecil asks how Rosa is and Kain asks if he's worried about her and if he is, to bring the Crystal Of Earth if he wants her back. Cecil asks him about the Crystal Of Earth from Toroia, as Tellah calls him slime and Kain tells Cecil that he'll exchange her for the Crystal Of Earth and that it's the Crystal Of Earth or Rosa's Life. Yang gets pissed and Cecil tells Kain to wake up, but Kain just tells him that's all, as he walks away and leaves. Yang then talks to Cecil, while Cid is mad at Kain, as Cecil tells Cid that they should do to Toroia. Cid then tells you how to use the Airship, which is exactly like using the Hovercraft, only you can ONLY land on grassy fields and nothing else. (ANYTHING that's pure green can be landed on. Nothing else.) Cid tells you to move the Airship around with the D-Pad and that you can't land on forests, mountains or deserts, so watch out. Use the shadow of the Airship to position yourself on where you're going to land. He then tells you that Toroia is to the northwest and you then gain control of the Airship. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. Saving Rosa...The Key Is The Crystal Of Earth . . . . . . [ SRT6.9 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 41. Level To Get By: 22. Before going to Toroia, lets go to some other places first, shall we? First, head back to Village Mist from way back at the start of the game. There's some Treasure to collect here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Village Mist - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 100G, Change Rod, Cure1, Cloth Robe, Heal, RubyRing and Tiara Helmet. Suggested Level To Train To: 41. Level To Get By: 22. Once inside the Town, head east and head to the eastern side of the Weapon Shop and Armor Shop. You can head through the bushes into a grassy area, where you find a two hidden Treasure Chests. Open them to find a Heal and a Cure1. Next, head north and in the small grassy area, you'll find another Treasure Chest. Open it to obtain 100G. Now, enter the house to the west and inside, walk through the fire place and follow the path until you reach three Treasure Chests. Open them to find a Tiara Helmet, a Cloth Robe and a RubyRing. Then, walk through the wall to the east and follow the path to find one more Treasure Chest. Open this one to get a Change Rod. Give this to Tellah, as it's better than the Lilith/Thunder Rod. After this, exit Village Mist, as there's nothing else here to get and the Weapon Shop and Armor Shop have NOTHING of importance to you, as well as the villagers just speak about the recent attack on their village and how all the Callers were pretty much killed. You also learn that the Callers call their monsters from underground. Hmm, interesting...anyway, exit the Town. Next, head back to Baron and then head south and you'll see a island with a Town on it. Land on it and enter the Town, which is Agart. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Agart - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Cure2. Suggested Level To Train To: 41. Level To Get By: 22. Once inside Agart, head northwest to the grassy area and look for a hidden Treasure Chest in the south east part. Inside you'll find a Cure2. Next, if you talk to the villagers, you learn that Agart is a Town of decendents of Dwarfs and that their ancestors came from the Hidden Land. Everyone wishes to go home again, but in order for that to happen, the Magma Key must be restored to it's rightful place, but it's missing. Hmm, make note of that. People pretty much just talk about random things about Dwarfs, none that are really important, but there's a place in Town called Astro Tower with a telescope. You can look at the Moon if you want to and you'll also learn that Earth has two Moons, one normal and one that has creatures on it and it's turning red and they're studying why this is happening. Odd, eh? Anyway, you'll want to just exit Agart now, as the Weapon Shop and Armor Shop both have nothing here for you that's any good. Once outside, head back to Kaipo and then go east, but a tad south as well and you'll find a small island with a Town on it. Land on the island and enter the Town, which is Silvera. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Silvera - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 5,000G, Silver Knife and Silver Staff. Suggested Level To Train To: 41. Level To Get By: 22. Inside Silvera, you'll notice everyone is VERY small and there's Frogs and Pigs everywhere. First, let's get the Items around Town. You'll want to go northeast first, heading into the grassy area and in the east part of it is a hidden Treasure Chest. Open it to find a Silver Staff. Don't give it to Tellah, as it's worse than the Change Rod. Next, head north into another grassy field and in the north part of it is another hidden Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Silver Knife. Don't give it to anyone, as it's not that great. Now, head west into yet another grassy field and near the center of it is another hidden Treasure Chest. Open this one to obtain 5,000G. Now, the people in Silvera pretty much speak about how they mine silver and make stuff for the Humans with it. They also comment on how big you are and other nonsense. Nothing really important and you don't need to talk to them unless you really want to, but, don't expect alot out of them. Next, you'll want to head to the Weapon Shop and Armor Shop, so head to the Weapon Shop first. Buy a Silver Hammer and a Silver Sword and give them to Cid and Cecil, as they are both better Weapons than what they currently have Equipped. Then, go to the Armor Shop and buy a Silver Shield, two Silver Helmets, two Silver Armors and two Silver Gauntlets and give them to Cecil and Cid. Cid can Equip Shields, too, but a Hammer takes up two hands, so don't give him one. All these are better than the current Equipment each have, so Equip them immediately. Then, go ahead and sell off all your old Equipment, but keep the Silver Staff, the Wooden Hammer, the Tiara Helmet, the Karate Robe and the Silver Ring, as you'll need these soon. Next, exit Silvera and now head back to Baron and head northwest, until you see a Castle and a Town. This is Toroia. (Note: There's another Castle on the World Map, which is Eblan, but I don't suggest you go there just yet. I'll tell you when, don't worry. But for now, just forget about it.) There's a SMALL green area where you can land near Toroia and you have to position yourself right, but you can get it. Once you land, enter the Town, which is Town Of Toroia. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Town Of Toroia - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 1,000G, Cure2, Ether1 and Ether2. Suggested Level To Train To: 41. Level To Get By: 22. Once inside Town Of Toroia, you'll want to get some Items first, so, let's find them. There's only one area with them and to get there, head east and enter the water. Follow the path and when you get to the end, climb the stairs and head through the bushes to the west. There's four hidden Treasure Chests here, so find them and open them to obtain 1,000G, a Ether1, a Ether2 and a Cure2. Now, the people in Town Of Toroia really don't say a whole lot of helpful information, except mainly about the TwinHarps, which can send sound to one another even if apart. That's about it. Everyone else just talks about stupid stuff that really isn't important. Now, if you need to or want to, go ahead and stock up on any Items you may need in the Item Shop, then exit Town Of Toroia. There's nothing in the Weapon Shop or Armor Shop for you that's any good. Now, go ahead and enter the Castle near Town Of Toroia, since this is where you're to go now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Toroian Castle - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Cure2, (2), Ether1 (3), RubyRing (2) and Tent (2). Suggested Level To Train To: 41. Level To Get By: 22. Inside Toroian Castle, you'll want to talk to the people here before anything. You mostly learn that Toroia is a country run by women, as all the soldiers and people who govern this nation are women. Funny, heh. Anyway, the Eight Clerics are in charge and you learn that, as well as a Prince from Damcyan was found on a beach...Edward? Hmm...anyway, talk to the Eight Clerics and you learn that the Crystal Of Earth was taken by Dark Elf, who lives in a cave to the northeast from here. He's VERY weak to metal/silver Weapons and has put a seal on the cave, so metal/silver Equipment will paralyze you in Battle. You learn that if you can get the Crystal Of Earth back for them, you can borrow it for a good purpose, but they need it back or else Toroia will turn into a desert once again. So, first of all, you need to go see if this Prince of Damcyan is Edward or not, so from the main room before the room with the Eight Clerics, head west and follow the path out the door and to the outside part of Toroian Castle. Now, follow the path and enter the door and talk to the man, as he tells you to be quiet, since they have a paitent here. As you get close to Edward, a scene takes place and Cecil talks to Edward, as Edward sees Cecil's alive and asks him to let him join him. Tellah just asks him what can he do in his condition and to just lie in bed. Edward then asks Tellah to forgive him, because it's his fault that he lost Anna. Tellah's silent, but Edward tells him that's the truth. Yang tells him to get better, as Edward sees Yang survived the attack from Leviatan and asks if Rydia did too, but Yang just looks sad and Edward understands, as he notes that he can't do anything while they fight and it's a shame. Cid then notes that it's ok, that he and the Enterprise will cover for him, as he tells him he's heard that he's taken good care of Cecil and Rosa for him and he'll take over from here. Edward becomes shocked and sees that it's the Master Engineer, Cid and notes that they must now have an Airship, as he asks Cecil where Rosa is now. He tells Edward that Golbez still has her and that they have to exchange the Crystal Of Earth for her, but Dark Elf now has the Crystal Of Earth. Edward notes this and then tells Cecil to take something. Cecil asks what it is and Edward tells him it's his substitute and it may help. Cecil then gets the TwinHarp, as everyone goes back to Cecil and Edward tells him to rescue Rosa, as you regain control of your party. Now, if you talk to the doctor and nurse, they tell you Edward won't be up and moving for a while, as he's badly hurt. So, don't expect anything from him except this. Next, it's time to get some Treasure. This time, in the main room, head east and out the door, following the path and entering the door you see. You'll be in a room with three stairs leading down. Ignore the one to the far left, as you can't get into the room below there just yet and you have to do this later. For now, head to the one in the middle and go down the stairs. Check the east pot in this room for a Ether1 and then just head back up the stairs and go down the stairs to the right. In this room, there's four secret doors and one panal to step on. Just step on this panal four times to open each of the four doors. Now, open all eight Treasure Chests to find two RubyRings, two Ether1s, two Cure2s and two Tents. Then, go ahead and exit Toroian Castle. Once back on the World Map, it's time to train Cid a bit, since he's pretty low, compared to everyone else. First, I suggest you knock out everyone but Cid and just have him train around Toroia by himself. But, before this, use the Change option in the Menu to get back three attacker slots and 2 Magic user slots. Then, put Cecil, Yang and Cid in the three attacker slots and Tellah in one of the two Magic user slots. This way, your party is at it's best again. (It's also sort of balanced now, since you lost two Magic users and gained an attacker and aren't stuck with three of them like before.) Anyway, I suggest you train Cid until he's Level 35. This won't take very long, but I do suggest you Save often, since enemies around here are STRONG and for Cid alone, you'll be healing after every Battle. Just take your time and get him up in Levels. (If you hate this area, I suggest Mt. Ordeals for a better place, but that's only if you dislike training here, due to the enemies. Mt. Ordeals is still a good place to train, though, so it's up to you.) If you want to train more, go for it, but this is my recommendation for this area, so, it's up to you. Anyway, whenever you're ready, walk, yes, walk north on the World Map, since your Airship can't land near the cave to the northeast and keep going until you see a circular part of forest. Enter that, as it's a Chocobo's Village. Once inside here, try and talk to a Black Chocobo, even though every single one is running around like a mad man. Once you get one, fly east and south a bit onto a island JUST out of reach from the mainland of Toroia. Land in the forest with it and then enter the cave. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Cave Magnes - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 500G, Charm Claw, Earth Crystal, Cure2 (2), Cure3, Ether1 (2), Ether2, Heal and Life. Suggested Level To Train To: 42. Level To Get By: 22-23. As you enter Cave Magnes, Cid comments on some force weighing down all metal/silver objects and they won't be useful here. Yang comments that his Claws seem to be fine and Tellah tells everyone he'll just use his Magic. Now, before you go ANY farther, if you enter a Battle and every party member has AT LEAST one piece of metal/silver Equipment on, then you will instantly get a Game Over in a Battle. Do NOT let this happen. Even though you could've Equipped everyone with VERY weak Equipment in Toroia, I feel the following is better, since that method is just attacking enemies with VERY weak Equipment and not very effective. So, here's what I suggest. Remove everything from Cid and give him a Wooden Hammer, for Tellah, just remove his Silver Ring, for Cecil, remove everything, for Yang, just his Silver Ring. I also suggest you give Tellah and Yang the RubyRings you found in Toroian Castle, so that they'll have something and give Cecil the Karate Robe. Now, even though this isn't a really good party that's Equipped very well, you really won't need to fight alot here, since your Levels are so high, so either fight any Battles you get in or just run. It won't matter, if you followed my advice, you won't need the training. But, anyway, if you want to Equip Cecil and Cid with some decent stuff, go back to Town Of Toroia and buy what you want, otherwise, we'll continue on. First, follow the path and continue east on the bridge to find a Treasure Chest. Open it to obtain a Cure2, then, backtrack and follow the path again. As you near the stairs going down, grab the Treasure Chest near them to get a Heal. Then, go down the stairs and follow the path in this area north. As you go north, head west on the small path to find a Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Ether1, then head east, over the bridge and enter the door you see. In this area, head north to find a Treasure Chest. Open it to get another Ether1, then go northwest to find yet another Treasure Chest, which has 500G inside, so get that. After this, exit the room and head west, following the path and go down the stairs you come to. In the next area, enter the door near you, as it's a room with a Save Point. Save your game if you want to or heal, but either way, exit the room and follow the path once more, until you come to another door. Enter it and in this room, there's three Treasure Chests. Open them to get a Life, a Cure3 and a Cure 2. Then, exit the room and follow the path, heading through the door you come to. In the next area, head north and you'll find a Treasure Chest. Open it to obtain a Charm Claw. Give this to Yang and when you can, clone him another one. After this, head down the stairs you see and in the next area, follow the path and if you need to, head east over the bridge and enter the door to find another Save Point. Save if you want, but DO NOT heal. Either way, just follow the path until you come to another door, with a Treasure Chest near it. First, go and grab the Treasure Chest, which has a Ether2 in it. Then, DO NOT heal, as you'll see why in a second and enter the door and you'll appear in the Crystal Room. Walk up to Dark Elf and talk to him, as he tells you you will go no farther and that you can't have his Crystal Of Earth, as well as you can't use metal/silver Weapons and that you can't beat him, as Yang tells everyone not to worry and Tellah also tells everyone they can do it, as you enter a Boss Battle. Don't bother to do anything, just yet, as you'll see why in a minute. Let him kill you, as you can't win this, so don't worry. After you get hurt enough, Yang sees he can't win, as Cecil tells everyone that they really can't win, with Tellah seeing they can't as well, as the Boss Battle ends and everyone passes out, except Cecil, as he cries out that if he could only use his Sword, as he also passes out. The scene then changes, as Edward wakes up and knows that Cecil and the others are in danger, as he gets out of bed and walks a bit, but falls down. The doctor and nurse tell him to stay in bed and not walk around, asking him what he's doing and where he's going. Edward tells them not to worry, he just wants to get to his Harp, but he's in alot of pain. The doctor and nurse tell him not to over do it, as he'll strain himself, but Edward tells them to let him do this, as he must save them. He then walks over to his Harp and begins to play, as the scene fades out. It comes back in back at Cave Magnes, as the TwinHarp begins playing Edward's Song. Yang notices it, as Tellah does as well, with Cecil noticing it's Edward's Harp, as Dark Elf asks what the horrible music is, as he loses his control over the metal/silver seal on Cave Magnes. Edward then tells everyone to use their Equipment again, as Dark Elf can't use his seal as long as Edward is playing. Cecil notes that it's Edward, as you regain control of your party. Now, go ahead and Equip everyone with their best Equipment again, as you'll be able to use it now. Then, when you're ready, talk to Dark Elf, as he gets pissed at you and attacks. Now, this is the real Boss Battle, so you know what to do now. Otherwise, fight for yourself and then move on. After the Battle, Dark Elf wonders how that music reached here and as he dies, he asks for the Crystal Of Earth, which gives everlasting life and then dies. Cecil then thanks Edward and you regain control of your party. Walk up and take the Crystal Of Earth and then exit the Crystal Room. Now, if you want, you can leave Cave Magnes instantly with the Exit spell or you can walk back through it for Experience now. It's up to you, but either way, make your way back to Toroian Castle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Toroian Castle - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 1,000G (2), Cure2 (2), Elixir (2), Ether1 (2), Ether2 (2), Fire Arrows (20), GreatBow, Heal (2), Ice Arrows (20) and Lit Arrows (10). Suggested Level To Train To: 42. Level To Get By: 23. Once back inside Toroian Castle, go and see the Eight Clerics and as you do, they see you have something and gather around you, as they see that you have the Crystal Of Earth and you got it back, as they are very happy, but a voice is heard, telling them that it looks like they got the Crystal Of Earth and Cid calls out, asking if it's Kain. Kain then tells Cecil to go and get on his Airship and that he'll take him to where Rosa is. Now, talk to the Eight Clerics, as they tell you they're only letting you borrow the Crystal Of Earth, but one of them gives you permission to take the Treasure in the basement, so head back to the main room and head east, going back to that room with three stairs and this time, go down the one to the left and talk to the woman there and she tells you this was a dungeon, but now it's a place to put Treasure. She asks you if you have permission from the Eight Clerics, so tell her yes and she opens the door for you, telling you to take the Treasures. Follow the path and head down the stairs and get ready for ALOT of Treasure here. There's eighteen Treasure Chests to open, so get started. Inside them you'll find two Cure2s, two Heals, two Ether1s, two Ether2s, two Elixirs, two 1,000Gs, a GreatBow, 20 Fire Arrows, 20 Ice Arrows and 10 Lit Arrows. Now, after you get all this Treasure, exit Toroian Castle and head back to Town Of Toroia and heal up at the Inn, then sell off all the Equipment you don't need, but, keep the Silver Staff, Tiara Helmet and Silver Ring still, but sell the Karate Robe, since you won't need it anymore and as for the other stuff, you will need them VERY soon. Then, whenever you're ready, get on your Airship and a scene will take place. Kain's Airship comes up to yours and he asks Cecil where the Crystal Of Earth is, as he shows him and then he asks where Rosa is and Kain tells him to follow his Airship. You then appear in some Tower, as Cecil calls for Kain and Cid asks where he is, but Kain tells him not to hurry, as Master Golbez wants to thank him personally. Tellah calls for Golbez, as Golbez tells Cecil that he's glad that Cecil kept his promise and Tellah tells him to show himself. Golbez tells them to be patient and he wants to give them the reward. Yang asks about it, as Golbez tells him that he's at the top of the Tower with Rosa and to bring him the Crystal and he'll give them Rosa. He tells them to hurry, because he can't guarantee her life, as you regain control of Cecil. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tower Of Zot - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Earth Hammer, Fire Armor, Fire Shield, Fire Sword, Magma Key, Poison Claw and Wizard Robe. Suggested Level To Train To: 42. Level To Get By: 23-24. Once you have control of your party again, head to the northwest part of the area to find a Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Fire Armor. Give it to Cecil and then head east, following the path and enter the door you see. In this area, follow the path until you see a Treasure Chest. Open it, but you'll be attacked and enter a Battle. Win this Battle and you'll obtain the Fire Sword. Give this to Cecil, as it's much better than the Silver Sword. Then, continue to follow the path and enter the door you come to. In this area, just follow any path you want, as you'll end up in the same place, so go any which way. Keep going until you come to a door and enter it and in this area, as you follow the path, head north when you can and you'll come to three doors. Enter the one to the left first and when you enter this area, grab the Treasure Chest near you to obtain a Poison Claw. Give this to Yang and clone another one for him as soon as possible, as it's better than the Charm Claw. Then, head south and you'll find another Treasure Chest, which has a Fire Shield inside. Give this to Cecil, even though it's just the same as the Silver Shield, but it gives protection from Ice, so Equip it. Next, exit this area and enter the door in the middle and open the Treasure Chest there for a Earth Hammer. Give this to Cid, as it's a better weapon than the Silver Hammer. Now, enter the final door to the right and grab the Treasure Chest here to obtain a Wizard Robe. Give this to Tellah, as it's much better than the Karate Robe. Now, head back to the main path and follow it, as you come to another door. Enter this and in the next area, follow the path until you come to yet another door. Enter it and it's a room with a Save Point. I suggest you use a Cabin/Tent now and Save your game, as a Boss Battle is coming up. Now, if you don't want to Save or heal, that's ok, but regardless, whenever you're ready, continue on the path, until a girl appears and welcomes you to the Tower Of Zot. Just then, another girl appears and is happy to meet you, as yet another girl appears, as she tells you they are the minions of Valvalis Of The Air. They tell you they are Sandy, Cindy and Mindy, the Magus Sisters, as they tell you your quest is over and to try out their Delta Attack, as they say goodbye to you and you enter a Boss Battle. Again, you know the drill as usual. If not, just fight them yourself and continue on. After the Battle, the Magus Sisters cry out that the Delta Attack failed, as they all die off, one by one. After this, you regain control of your party. Now, remove Tellah of all his Equipment, as you'll see why in a minute. Then, go through the door and follow the path, as you'll meet Golbez. As you get near him, he thanks you, as Tellah sees that it's Golbez and Cecil asks him where Rosa is, as he tells him to give him the Crystal Of Earth first. Cecil then asks him if he has hurt Rosa and Golbez tells him he hasn't and to give him the Crystal Of Earth, as Cecil gives it to him and asks him to give Rosa back now. Though, Golbez asks him what he's talking about, as Cecil gets pissed and Cid tells him they got cheated and Tellah calls him a foul traitor, as Golbez tells him he has no business with him, but Tellah tells him he does, as he knocks Cecil out of the way and attack Golbez for Anna. He enters a Battle with him and casts Virus and Fire3, but it barely hurts him, as Golbez tells Tellah no one can ever beat him, but Tellah continues to attack, as he casts Lit-3 and Ice-3. Seeing nothing's working, he starts to cast Meteo, but Cecil tells him not to and Yang tells him it'll kill him, but he doesn't care, as he tells Golbez he's spending his life to kill him, as he casts Meteo and it totally slams Golbez, as he becomes shocked by this and is defeated. The Battle then ends, as Kain passes out and Tellah falls down, with Golbez EXTREMELY pissed that the Meteo was used on him, as Cecil calls out to Tellah. Everyone surrounds Tellah, except Cecil, as he confronts Golbez, but he doesn't notice and just notes that he has the Crystal Of Earth and he calls for Kain to come, but sees that Kain is unconscious and that the Meteo casted on him hurt him so much he lost his control over Kain. He doesn't really care, since Kain served his purpose and he tells Cecil they'll meet again and settle this later and walks away, but Cecil tells him never and confronts him again, only as Golbez laughs at him and hits him with a lightning bolt, ending him flying. Just then, Golbez becomes shocked, as Cecil asks him why doesn't he finish him off, but Golbez just asks confused, as Cecil acts puzzeled and Golbez asks him who he is, as Cecil is even more puzzeled, but Golbez just tells him they'll meet again, as he walks off. Yang then calls to Cecil, as Cid asks him if he's ok, with Cecil telling him he is and that Golbez must've been weakened by Meteo, but then he remembers Tellah, as he rushes to him and Tellah gets up, seeing that he failed. Cid tells him not to speak, but Tellah just talks about how he brought this on himself, as he fought in anger and for revenge and asks them to avenge Anna for him, as he dies. Cecil calls to him and Yang gets shocked, but Tellah doesn't respond. Cid tells him to open his eyes, but Tellah remains silent, as Yang calls to him and Cid tells him to rest in peace with his daughter, as Tellah disappears. (Good ridance, I say. What a worthless character. Rosa is so much better than him, I swear.) Cecil then tells Tellah that they'll avenge Anna for him, as you regain control of your party. Now, go and talk to Kain, since the door is currently locked. Cecil wakes him up by calling to him and he wakes up, asking what it is he's done, as Cecil tells him it wasn't his fault and he was being controlled against his will. Though, he tells Cecil he retained his consciouness and he only wanted Rosa to notice him, but Cecil cuts him short, as he remembers about her and asks Kain where she is, as Kain tells him she's in the next room and that they don't have much time, as they both rush to the door. As they get there, Rosa calls to Cecil, as Cecil grabs her away just in time as the ball drops, which would've killed her if he was just a second late. Cecil then calls to Rosa and she tells him she knew he'd come, as the two kiss and Kain just looks away. Cecil tells Rosa that her absence taught him something, but Rosa interrupts him and they just fall silent, as Kain remains silent and Cid makes a comment about it getting cozy in here. Haha, that's Cid for you. Rosa then notices Kain's here and Cecil tells her that Golbez's Control over him was broken and Kain tells her that he really was under his control, but he wanted to keep her close to him, as he walks away, but Rosa stops him and calls to him, as he stays silent, as does Cecil. Rosa then asks him to fight with them and he tells them he's sorry and asks Cecil and Rosa to forgive him, as Cecil stays silent, until Cid tells them they have to hurry, as it's too dangerous here. Cecil then tells Kain to come with them, as Kain just calls to Cecil, but Cecil tells him they need his powers as a Dragoon and Kain just calls to Cecil and Rosa, as both Rosa and Kain join your party. Alright, now THIS is a party...well, almost, except for Cid. Anyway, sinec you now have 4 attackers and one Magic User, I suggest you put Cid in the back row and let Cecil, Kain and Yang be the real attackers. Also, Equip Rosa with the Silver Staff, the Tiara Helmet, the Wizard Robe and the Silver Ring, since she has nothing but a Prisoner Robe on. Also, have you noticed Rosa and Kain's Levels? They're QUITE high, eh? Heh, told you training Cecil would pay off. If you followed my advice, Rosa SHOULD know every single White Magic spell, except White now, so you're in VERY good shape with Cecil, Rosa and Kain right now. Now, I also suggest whenever you get the chance, to clone the Fire Shield and give one to Kain, but wait on that, as another Boss Battle is coming up. As you try to leave, you'll hear a voice laughing, as the voice tells you that Master Golbez seemed to have underestimated their powers. Kain tells you it's Valvalis Of The Air, one of the Four Fiends Of Elements. Valvalis then tells Kain that he betrayed them and he tells her that he only came to his senses. She then tells him that she should've gotten rid of him and that the old man with the Meteo is now gone, she can freely attack you. Kain then asks her if she thinks she's the only one who can fight in the air, as she attacks you and you enter a Boss Battle. You know what to do, otherwise, fight for yourself and continue on. After the Battle, Valvalis tells you that the strongest one of the Four Fiends Of Elements is still left and wishes you to die with the destruction of this Tower. She dies laughing, as Cecil comments on the Tower Of Zot collapsing, as Kain tells them to watch out, with Cid acting shocked. Rosa then tells everyone to hold onto her, as she casts Exit and everyone appears back in Cecil's Room, as Cecil asks where they are and Rosa tells him. Cid tells him that it's safe now, since the fake King Baron is gone. Kain then tells Cecil he has something to tell him. Cid asks him what it is and Kain tells them all that it's about the Crystals. Cecil tells him that the Crystal Of Earth from Toroia was taken away and that means that Golbez has collected all the Crystals, but Kain tells him there are more. Rosa tells him she thought there were only four Crystals, but Cid shouts out that the rumors must be true, then. Kain tells Cid he's correct and there are Dark Crystals that are still around. Cid tells them that the Crystals of this world are the Crystals Of Light, so to speak and Yang chirps in that the others are the Hidden Crystals and Cecil tells them they are the Dark Crystals. Kain agrees with them and then tells them that Golbez only has half of the total number of Crystals. He doesn't have the Dark Crystals yet. Though, Cid tells them that there are no locations on the Dark Crystals, as the rumors give none, but Kain tells them Golbez knows and Cecil tells him they must hurry and asks him where they are. He tells them that they are literally hidden on the hidden side of Earth, the Underground, as Yang asks about the Underground. Cid asks how would they get there, dig a hole, but Kain ignores him and tells them that when all the Crystals of the Light and Darkness are gathered, the way to the Moon will open and Cecil asks him about this. Kain guesses so and tells them that he has something that's the key to this secret and thinks Cecil should have it, as he gives him the Magma Key. Kain tells them to use this at a certain place to open the way to the Underground and Yang asks him about this, as does Rosa, but Kain tells them he doesn't know. Cecil gets to thinking, but Cid tells them not to worry, since they have the Enterprise to fly them around the world, so they can easily find it, but Cecil tells him it was left in the Tower Of Zot. Though, Cid tells him that he never told him, but the latest Airship can run on remote control and it's back outside the Castle. Yang's happy about this and Rosa tells him that they can obviously count on him and he gets happy about her comment. He then tells them that they should leave tomorrow morning to search for the entrance to the Underground. Though, Cecil starts to wonder why Golbez didn't kill him back there, as Rosa calls him, but he tells her it's nothing and that they should get some sleep, as you do so. After healing up, you'll regain control of your party. Now, where do we begin our search? Well, remember how in Agart the decendents of Dwarfs talked about how if they wanted to get back to their homeland, they needed the Magma Key? What if Agart is the place? It's worth checking out, since all arrows point towards here, so head to Agart, which is to the south of Baron. (Also, if you wanted to, you could talk to the Guards left in the Castle right now, though, they don't say anything really useful. They just talk about the fake King Baron and how everyone was under his control and everything. That's pretty much it, as the rest of what they say isn't that important.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Agart - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 42. Level To Get By: 23. Once inside Agart, head north and enter the door you see to enter a area with a well. Well, where else could we put this Magma Key but here? It's said that this well is bottomless, so maybe something will happen if the Magma Key is dropped in here. So, go up to the well and hit the A Button on it and use the Magma Key on it. You'll hear the Magma Key drop down, as a scene happens, with Cecil acting shocked, as a massive explosion rocks Agart, as the mountain near it suddenly blasts open. After this is over with, go outside and get back on your Airship and fly over the hole now and hit the A Button to go to the Underground or Under World. As you do, a scene happens and your Airship goes on auto-pilot. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - J. The Underworld Is Opened! We Must Help The Dwarfs! . . . [ TUIO6.10 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 42. Level To Get By: 23. As the scene comes into play, Cecil asks what that is that he sees, as Kain tells him it's the Red Wings and the scene shows the Red Wings fighting Tanks, with you in the middle. Yang comments on being too late and Cecil asks who's fighting, as Cid tells them they have to get out of here, as he tells them to hold on, but they are hit suddenly. Everyone grabs ahold of something and Cid tells the Enterprise to hold on, as Cecil tells them that they're going down. The scene fades out and then Rosa calls to Cecil, as the scene fades back in, with Cecil knocked out, but he wakes up and calls to Rosa, as he makes sure everyone else is ok, but Cid tells them that the Enterprise isn't and that it's dangerous to fly on. Cecil then tells them they should get off, as you do so and you regain control of your party. Now, your Airship is broken for now, so you can't fly around or return to the Upper World right now. For now, head to the Castle you see and enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Castle Of Dwarves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 500G (2), 1,000G, Bl. Belt Robe, Cabin (3), Carrot (3), Cure2, Dwarf Axe, Elixir (2), Ether1 (2), Ether2 and Strength Ring. Suggested Level To Train To: 43. Level To Get By: 23. Once inside the Castle Of Dwarves, immediately remove Cid of all his Equipment. You'll see why in a second. Then, go ahead and talk to the Dwarfs you see. None say anything important, as much of them just say Lali-ho a whole lot, but you learn that their leader is King Giott and that they are the ones fighting Golbez. Also, you can't access most of the Castle Of Dwarves, since only authorized Dwarfs can do so. Also, if you talk to the girl Dwarf, you'll learn she's missing her dolls...just wait on this, as you'll find them REAL soon. Anyway, go ahead and head to the King's Room and talk to King Giott. King Giott remarks that he's glad to see that you're ok and Cecil asks him who he is. He tells Cecil that he is the King Of The Dwarves, Giott and the ruler of the Underground. Cecil wastes no time and asks him if he still has the Dark Crystals, as King Giott sees that they came for the Dark Crystals and informs them that two out of the four have already been taken. Yang sees that they were too late, but King Giott tells them that the Dark Crystal in the Castle Of Dwarves is still safe, as their Tanks turned the Red Wings away. Rosa tells King Giott that they saw his Tanks fighting the Red Wings's Airships, as King Giott learns what they're finally called and comments on the strange things they have in the Upper World. He then asks them if they'd support them with their Airship, but Cid tells him that they wish they could, but their Airship was badly damaged from the last Battle and also from the landing. Though, King Giott offers them supplies to repair the Airship and asks him if they need anything and Cid tells him the Airship won't last long with the heat from the lava, so he decides to go back to the Upper World and put a layer of Mystic Silver on the Airship, so it can fly over the lava. He then says his goodbyes, but Cecil stops him and Cid just tells them not to worry, that he'll be back soon. Rosa tells him to take care and he thanks her, as he leaves your party. Cecil then asks King Giott where the Dark Crystal is and he tells him it's hidden behind his throne and he tells him that as long as he is alive, the Dark Crystal is fine. Suddenly, Yang feels something and rushes forward, as Cecil calls to him. Yang tells him that he feels someone is eavesdropping on them and King Giott gets shocked, as you suddenly see a little girl jump up from behind the wall and then disappear. The Dwarfs start looking around, but Cecil tells him that no one's here. Though, Yang tells them that he felt someone sneaking around and King Giott has a Dwarf open the door to the Crystal Room, as your party walks inside, only to find four girls...or rather...dolls! Suddenly, the door behind them locks and Kain notes this, as suddenly, a voice is heard, saying something. Everyone turns around to see what it is and Cecil looks confused, as Rosa comments that it was the dolls. Suddenly, they start dancing around and get into an attack position, as they tell them that they are Calbrena and that they are fools, since they're now doomed and they're going to get them now, as they'll take the good news to Master Golbez once they kill them, as they say that stupid saying again and then attack you. You'll then enter a Boss Battle, so you know what to do, otherwise, fight for yourself and move on. After the Battle, the dolls tell you that you'll pay for this, as Master Golbez already knows of where this place is. They then dance one last time and then die, as Cecil questions what they just said, just as a voice calls Cecil, as Golbez suddenly appears. Cecil calls to Golbez and he tells Cecil that they got him the other day, but now the old Mage is gone, so, he's fine. He also tells them the reason why he's collecting the Crystals. He tells you that all the Crystals, both the Light and Darkness ones are the keys to reactivating the Tower Of Bab-il, which will lead the way to the Moon, which the Moon possesses powers far beyond Human comprehension. He tells you that there is now only one more Crystal to obtain and that you've been very helpful through this all and to now take your final reward, as he attacks you and you enter yet another Boss Battle. If you want help, you know where to go, otherwise, fight him yourself and then move on. After the Battle, Golbez will collapse and Cecil will rejoice with the others, as they defeated Golbez, as Rosa tells them that it's all because of Rydia's Help. Cecil asks her what happened to her and she tells him that Leviatan swallowed her and took her to the Land Of The Summoned Monsters. Cecil asks her again, since he doesn't understand and she tells him it's the place where all the Summoned Monsters live. She tells them that she can no longer use White Magic, but she increased her powers as a Caller and Black Magic user. She also explains that time flows differently there and Rosa asks if that's why she looks like an adult now. Kain asks who she is and Cecil tells him that she's the child from Village Mist and Kain gets shocked about this and Yang agrees as well. Cecil questions why she did this, since her mother was killed, but Rydia tells him to stop talking about it, since the Queen of the Land Of The Summoned Monsters told her that a greater evil is at work and they must work together to destroy it. Cecil calls her, as she rejoins your party. Alright, now THIS is a top notch party. Everyone of your party members is top notch and WORTH having. As everyone turns to leave, Golbez speaks up that he does not die easy, as suddenly he disappears, but his hand remains and crawls to the Crystal, grabs it and disappears. Cecil becomes pissed that he stole the Crystal, as the scene fades out. As the scene fades back in, everyone's back in the King's Room and Cecil tells King Giott that he's sorry, but Golbez got the Crystal. Though, King Giott's only worry now is that they must protect the final Crystal and Rosa asks where it is. He tells everyone that it's located in the Sealed Cave to the northwest, but to not worry, you need a key to get in there. Cecil asks him what they should do, because Golbez is on his way and King Giott tells him that now's their chance to regain the other Crystals located in the Tower Of Bab-il. Kain questions this, as Yang sees that since Golbez will be busy trying to get the final Crystal, he won't notice them, as King Giott finishes his sentence about drawing attention with their Tanks, while they sneak into the Tower Of Bab-il and now's their only chance. Kain asks everyone what they should do, as Rydia asks if that's their main fortress and Rosa tells everyone that it's dangerous, as Yang tells them they must do something now and Kain mentions it's the only chance they'll have. So, Cecil agrees with everyone and then tells King Giott that they'll do it and he becomes happy and tells them they can exit the Castle Of Dwarves to the other side of the mountain through an exit in the bottom of the Castle Of Dwarves. He tells you to go whenever you're ready and wishes you luck, as you regain control of your party. Now, first thing's first. Let's look for hidden Items, shall we? First, head back to the first main room of the Castle Of Dwarves, the room before the King's Room. Then, head east and climb up the stairs. Head east again and climb up another set of stairs in this room and you'll appear in the Right Tower. Open the Treasure Chest you see and you'll obtain a Dwarf Axe. Give this to Kain, since it's better than his Wind Spear, but not to Cecil, as his Fire Sword is still stronger. Next, head up the stairs and in this room with ALOT of pots, head south and press against the wall to the left and you'll go through it. Examine the pot to the northeast to obtain 500G. Then, climb up the next flight of stairs and in this room, it's fairly easy to figure out how to get all four Treasure Chests, so do so and open them to get a Elixir, a Ether1, a Strength Ring and a Ether2. I suggest you give the Strength Ring to Yang, since it'll help him the most over all. Next, head back down the stairs and backtrack to the main room again. This time, head west and go up the stairs and in this room, check the pot to obtain 1,000G. Then, head up the stairs to the west and you'll be in the Left Tower now. Go ahead and climb the stairs you see and in this room, head either to the east or south part and go through the wall, following the path and examine the south pot for 500G. Next, climb up the next flight of stairs and in this room, it's yet again very easy to navigate through the walls, so do so. Open all four Treasure Chests you find to get a Cure2, a Elixir, a Ether1 and a Bl. Belt Robe. I also suggest you give this to Yang for now, since it's better than his Karate Robe. And for now, that does it for the hidden Items. There's still a few more to get, but we'll get them in a second. For now, head back to the main room and head east up the stairs. In this room, there's a Weapon Shop and Armor Shop, so, let's do a little upgrading. It's up to you, but you can buy Kain a Flame Spear, even though it's stronger, the Dwarf Axe gives him more Defense as a bonus, so it's really up to you. More Attack or more Defense. Same with Cecil. You can get him a Dwarf Axe or let him keep his Fire Sword. Up to you, if you're a Attack or Defense person, you make the choice. I personally am going to keep the Fire Sword and Flame Spear, but it's your decision. Next, at the Armor Shop, get a Fire Armor for Kain, but not the Fire Shield, as you can just clone him one with Cecil, if you already haven't. Then, buy one Wizard Helmets, a Wizard Robe and three Rune Rings. Give the Wizard Helmet, the Wizard Robe and the Rune Ring to Rydia, as she needs a desperate upgrade in Equipment and give Rosa the Rune Ring. Also, give Yang the Rune Ring, as the Strength Ring is...well...heh, worthless now. Pretty pathetic, eh? After this, sell off all the Equipment and Items you no longer need, as well as Cid's Equipment, as he won't be back. After this, if you want to buy Items, head back to the main room and climb the stairs to the west and buy them in that room, but either way, whenever you're ready, from the Weapon Shop and Armor Shop, head down the stairs to the east and in this room, examine the pot to the north for a Carrot and the two pots to the northeast for two Carrots. Now, since you could've bought Carrots since the start of the game, I'll mention this now, since you'll start to really pick up a GOOD supply of Items from here on out: Use Carrots whenever you find a area that's blocked off by some invisible force and that "Smells like Chocobos!" and a Fat Chocobo will appear and you can store Items with it and get them whenever you need to, by just finding the Fat Chocobo again. (Normally, beforehand, they were only found in Chocobo's Village, but the Castle Of Dwarves also hosts on and some other places, too, later on.) If you want to, there's a Fat Chocobo near you, on that small area the two Dwarfs are guarding, so, use a Carrot if you want to to store Items, but if not, it's ok. Also, if you talked to any of the Dwarfs in the Castle Of Dwarves, not a whole lot is said that's anything useful, except random tidbits and such that aren't important at all, so that's it. So, regardless, head west and talk to the Dwarf to have him open the secret wall for you and follow the path to the room under the Castle Of Dwarves. Talk to the Dwarfs as you see them and there's three Treasure Chests to open, which all hold Cabins, so grab those. The only things you really learn here from the Dwarfs that's useful is that the Tower Of Bab-il has a powerful cannon called the Super Cannon that's VERY powerful. Hmm...well, anyway, follow the path and head up the stairs and in this room, the Dwarf's Base, talk to the Dwarfs here to learn about the attack they plan to pull on the Tower Of Bab-il to get you in and you'll also learn that the strongest one of the Four Fiends Of Elements, Rubicant, occupies the Tower Of Bab-il. Take note of that. Now, just follow the path and as you near stairs leading up, there's a pot nearby. Remember this pot, as it can recover your Hit Points and Magic Points for free, so examine if whenever you want to heal up. After you climb the stairs, you'll appear on the World Map of the Under World. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - K. Our Next Mission Is To Steal Back The Crystals! Let's Do This! . [&^]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 44. Level To Get By: 23. First, I suggest you do a little training. Not much, just a little. Walk around near this cave and when you need to, head back inside and use the pot to recover for free. Also, remember to put Rydia in the back row, since she's a Magic user, but she should already be there, since she took Cid's Spot, so, you won't need to edit that, right? Heh, anyway, I suggest you train until Cecil's around Level 44, which shouldn't take too long. You can train for longer if you want, but that's up to you. Regardless, whenever you're ready, heal up and head northwest/north until you reach the Tower Of Babil. As you make your way there, you'll notice the Dwarf's Tanks attacking the Tower Of Bab-il, as you make your way to the entrance of it. Make sure to Save your game outside before you enter the Tower Of Bab-il and then enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tower Of Bab-il - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 2,000G, Archer Bow, Blizzard Spear, CatClaw, Cure2 (2), Ether1, Ether2, IceBrand Sword, Ice Arrows (20), Life (2) and Tower Key. Suggested Level To Train To: 45. Level To Get By: 24-25. Once inside the Tower Of Bab-il, go ahead and follow the path and head west once you're able to and you'll see a Treasure Chest. Open it to get 10 Ice Arrows and then head south to find another Treasure Chest. Open this one to get another set of 10 Ice Arrows. Then, backtrack and head east, following the path until you see another Treasure Chest. Open this one to get a Ether1. Then, go ahead and enter the door you saw before. In this area, follow the path again and open the Treasure Chest you come across to obtain a Bandana Helmet. Give this to Yang, as it's much better than his Headband Helmet or whatever you had Equipped. Now, go ahead and continue to follow the path and enter the first door you come across to find a Treasure Chest. Open it to find that monsters are inside! Fight this Battle and afterwards, you'll win the Blizzard Spear for Kain. Give this to him, as it's MUCH better than the Flame Spear and Dwarf Axe. Now, exit the room and follow the path again, until you see two doors. Enter the door to the east first and open the Treasure Chest here to enter another Battle. Win this Battle and you'll get the IceBrand Sword. Give this to Cecil, as it's much better than the Fire Sword. Now, exit this room and enter the door to the west to enter a new area. In this area, grab the Treasure Chest you see to the west to get a CatClaw. Give this to Yang, as it's better than the Poison Claw and make sure to clone him another one as soon as possible. Now, head east and grab the other Treasure Chest you see to get a Cure2. Then, head south and before you enter the door you see, open the Treasure Chest nearby to get a Life and then enter the door. In this area, get the Treasure Chest to the west to obtain a Archer Bow, then get the other Treasure Chest to the east for another Life. Then, exit this area and head north, following the path around until you see a door and enter it to get to the next area. Now, if you want to heal up or Save your game, enter the door to the west. If you don't want to, that's fine, but regardless, follow the path. Once you get across the small "bridge" area you were on, head south and enter the first door and total ignore the second door, as it has nothing in it. In this room, open the Treasure Chest to get into a Battle. After you win this Battle, you'll get the Ice Shield. Give this to Cecil, since it'll prove to be ALOT better for this area than the Fire Shield and don't forget to clone one for Kain, since he needs one, too. Now, head north, following the path until you see another door. Enter it and open the Treasure Chest here to enter yet another Battle. After the Battle, you'll get the Ice Armor and make sure to give this to Cecil as well. Now, exit this room and follow the path again until you see a door. Enter it and in this area, grab the Treasure Chest you see, after a bit of walking, to get 2,000G. Then, follow the path again and ignore the path heading north, as you'll come here in just a little bit and keep going until you see another Treasure Chest. Open this one to get a Cure2 and then continue on the path and enter the door you come across. In this small area, just enter the other door you see and in the next area, if you want to Save your game or heal up, you can enter the door to the east to do so, but if you don't want to, that's up to you. Either way, head south and open the Treasure Chest here to get a Ether2. Then, head east and enter the door there and continue to follow the path in the next area. As you go along, you'll suddenly enter a scene, where you see a man and some guy dressed in red talking, as the man is Dr. Lugae and the other man is Rubicant. Dr. Luage tells Master Rubicant to be careful, as Rubicant tells him that Eblan has fallen and there's now no more threat and tells him to take care of the Tower Of Bab-il while he's gone. After Rubicant leaves, Dr. Lugae starts dancing around and laughing, since that now that Golbez and Rubicant are gone, he's now the leader here, as Rydia comments on Dr. Lugae being weird, but Rosa tells her to keep quiet. Though, Dr. Lugae notices them and asks who they are, as Cecil gets shocked that they were discovered and Dr. Lugae sees that it's Cecil. Kain asks him if he'll call for help in a mock tone, but Dr. Lugae fires back that to not to take him lightly or he'll get burned and Kain just tells him he makes him laugh. Then, Dr. Lagae comes foward and tells them to take on his beloved "child", Balnab, as you enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill, otherwise, fight for yourself and then move on. After the Battle, Dr. Lugae tells Cecil and the gang that he'll now show them his real strength, as he attacks you and you enter another Boss Battle. Again, you know what to do. If you don't want help, fight him yourself and move on. After the Battle, Dr. Lugae tells them that the Tower Of Bab-il connects the Upper World and the Under World and that Rubicant has already moved the Crystals to the Upper World and that he shall destroy the Dwarves with his Super Cannon. After this, he dies laughing. Rydia comments that the Dwarves are in danger, as Yang tells Cecil that they must stop the Super Cannon and Kain tells them they must destroy it, as you regain control of your party. Now, remember that room you passed by earlier? Head back there now and use the Tower Key to open the door. As you enter the room, remove all of Yang's Equipment and give his Bl. Belt Robe to Rydia. Now, walk forward, as the monsters tell the Dwarves to say goodbye. Though, Cecil tells them that their fun is over, as they notice him and command each other to attack them, as you enter a Boss Battle. If you honestly need help for this Boss Battle, you know where to go, other wise, move on. (I PRAY you don't need help. Honestly, this Boss Battle is a joke.) After the Battle, the three Dark Imps ask how this is, as they trigger the Super Cannon and tell Cecil that no one can stop it now, as they all die. Cecil and Kain are at a lose of words as to what to do, as Yang walks forward and Cecil calls to him and Rosa asks him what he's doing. Yang tells them that he'll take care of this and that they should escape. Rydia tells him to not do this and Cecil tells him it'll explode. Yang doesn't waste time and tells them to leave NOW and hits Cecil and everyone out of the room, as Cecil rushes back to the locked door and calls to Yang, as Yang tells him to tell his wife to live for him. Kain tells him to open up and Rydia calls to him, as Rosa tells him not to do this, with Yang telling them it was a great trip with them all, as Cecil tells him to open the door, but his only reply is a scream, as the room explodes. Cecil calls Yang, but gets no response. You then regain control of your party and Yang is now gone. Damn, he was a really great fighter and great addition to your team. Not to mention, your party is going to be at a loss now with one less person, but you'll soon gain someone else...anyway, you now must backtrack to the entrance of the Tower Of Bab-il, so do so. You must walk, because you can't use Exit to leave and you'll see why once you get to the entrance. Once you're there, you'll hear a voice that tells you that you amuse them alot. Cecil calls Golbez, as that's who the voice is, as he tells Cecil and the others that it's all for fun and games, as he tells them goodbye, as the bridge starts to disappear. Cecil runs back and forth as it disappears, but he eventually falls, but just in the nick of time as Cid comes flying in with the Airship and they land on the deck. Cid exclaims that he was just in time, as Rosa calls to Cid. Though, Cid asks them where Yang is, as Rosa tries to speak, but Cecil just tells him that to destroy the Super Cannon...but he gets cut off as Cid understands and Rydia comments on Yang. Cid then asks who Rydia is and Cecil tells him she's Rydia, the Caller Of Mist. Suddenly, everyone notices another Airship behind them, as Cid comments on this. It then shows a scene of your Airship being chased by another, then back to the deck, as Kain asks if they can shake them off, but Cid comments that the Red Wings's Airships seem to have been improved for the Under World. It goes back to the scene again of showing your Airship being chased, then back to the deck, as Rydia tells Cid that they're catching up to them and Cid tells the Enterprise to give it's all, as it shows the scene yet again of the Airship being chased and then back to the deck, as Cid tells him that the engine can't last much longer and he asks Cecil to take control, as Rosa calls to him and Cecil asks him what he's doing. Cid tells them to get out of the Under World and that he'll close the hole with a bomb. Rosa calls Cid and Cid tells her that he wanted to see her and Cecil's Children, but he assumes he'll be staying here for a while. He tells them that they should go to Baron and get his workers to help them. Cecil calls Cid and Rydia tells him to think it over, as he tells Rydia to behave and he tells them to hurry to Baron, as he leaps off the Airship. As he's falling, he calls to Golbez and tells him that he'll show him the fireworks of Cid, the Master Engineer. He then sets off the bomb, as the hole to the Under World is sealed back up. Cecil and everyone are in the Upper World now and Rosa calls Cid, as Rydia asks why he had to do that and Kain comments on that what he did was dangerous. Cecil then comments that they'll head toward Baron, as you regain control of the Airship. Well, since the Under World is closed off, head to Baron, as you have nothing else to do. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - L. Finding A New Route; The Ninja Prince's Revenge . . . . [ FANR6.12 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 45. Level To Get By: 25. First, I suggest once you're back at Baron, use Cecil's Room to heal, as you probably need it after going through the Tower Of Bab-il. Next, head back to the Right Tower and as you get near it, you'll see two men in blue. These are Cid's Workers. Talk to either one of them and they tell Cecil that Cid told them to attach this hook to the Enterprise and that it won't take very long. You'll then see a scene of them working on the Airship and afterwards, they tell Cecil he can now use the hook to pick up the Hovercraft. Basically, just use the A Button to pick it up and drop it down on the ground. Simple, very simple. They then tell Cecil that he can now go to the Cave Of Eblan by the Tower Of Bab-il and to detach the Hovercraft from the hook and use it to get to the cave. (Due to there being no area to land the Airship and that there's bubbles/rocks near the cave, so, put two and two together.) Cecil then tells the workers that Cid is...but gets cut off by them, as they tell him they can tell he's having trouble with him and that they don't blame him and wish him luck, as you regain control of your party on the Airship. Now, go ahead and go back to Mt. Hobs and grab your Hovercraft. Just hover over it and hit the A Button. Then, fly back to Mt. Ordeals and head southeast and you'll see a large tower...the Tower of Bab-il. Near it is a ruined Castle and a cave. This is Eblan Castle and the Cave Of Eblan. Before we go into the cave, you should be strong enough now to enter the Castle, so do so. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Eblan - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 600G, 800G, 2,000G, Cabin (2), Cure2 (5), Drain Spear, Elixir, Ether1 (4), Heal, Life (2), Mute Arrows (10) and Slumber Sword. Suggested Level To Train To: 45. Level To Get By: 25. Once inside Eblan, follow the path and ignore the two towers for a second and in the first main room, walk through the wall to the east and open the Treasure Chest to get a Cure2. Then, in the next room, you can't get the Treasure Chests from here, but go into the next room and here in the King's Room, head through the wall to the west and down the stairs. You'll be in the other room and you can now open the two Treasure Chests, which you'll get a Heal and a Cure2. Then, back in the King's Room, go through the wall to the east and down the stairs to get the other three remaining Treasure Chests. Open them to get a Cabin, a Life and a Cure2. Now, go to the Left Tower and once inside, to get the Treasure Chest to the east, from the area you are in once you enter the room, walk east through the wall and follow the path to get the Treasure Chest. Open it to fight a Battle. Simply win it and you'll get the Slumber Sword. Don't give it to Cecil, as it's not any good for him. Now, go ahead and go up the stairs. In this room, go west and follow the path to the wall and you'll find some secret stairs down to the room below and you'll be right in front of the other Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Ether1. Then, head back up the stairs to the south. Now, in this room, check the pot to the northwest to get a Cure2. Then, head between the two pots and follow the path through the wall and open the two Treasure Chests to get 2,000G and 10 Mute Arrows. Now, go ahead and exit the Left Tower and enter the Right Tower. In this room, head behind the northwest pillar and go through the wall and follow the path to get the Treasure Chest. Open it to get 600G. Now, head up the stairs, since you'll get the Treasure Chest to the east in a minute and in the next room, hit the switch on the wall and then grab the two Treasure Chests to the left. Open them to get a Cure2 and a Ether1. Then, check the pot to the east for a Life1. After you get this, head through the wall to the east and follow it around to get the Treasure Chest you can't reach, due to the hole. Open it to fight a Battle. Once you win it, you'll get the Drain Spear. Give this to Kain, as it's his best Weapon for now. (Just make sure you don't attack ANY undead creatures with him while he has this Equipped.) Then, open the other Treasure Chest for a Cabin. Now, fall down the hole and open the Treasure Chest here to get 800G. Next, head south and you'll arrive in the Basement. Follow the path and open the two Treasure Chests to the west to get two Ether1s. Then, open the Treasure Chest to the east to enter a Battle. Once you win, you'll get a Elixir. Now simply follow the path and climb the stairs and you'll appear outside Eblan. Well, now you can head to the Cave Of Eblan, so get onto your Hovercraft and follow the path to the cave. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Cave Eblana - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 800, 850G, 1,200G, Cabin, Cure1 (2), Cure2 (3), Elixir (2) Ether1, Ether2, Heal, Life (3), Shuriken Dart (2) and Tent. Suggested Level To Train To: 46. Level To Get By: 26. Hmm, I thought this place was called Cave Of Eblan? Huh, guess they changed the name...oh well. Anyway, once inside Cave Eblana, head through the wall to the east and open the Treasure Chest to get a Shuriken Dart. Then, go through the wall to the east to get another Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Heal. Now, head down those stairs into the water and go through the wall to the east and follow the path, heading east once you exit the water. Open the Treasure Chest you find to get 1,200G. Then, go ahead and head west, following the path and head down the stairs. In the next area, you'll notice people are here. If you talk to them, you'll learn they're from Eblan. Seems monsters attacked the Castle and took the King and Queen hostage and left the Castle in ruins. But, the Prince is ok and seems to be leading the people in a quest to rescue the King and Queen, as everyone is living down in this cave. He's digging a hole to the Tower Of Bab-il, where Rubicant is and where his parents are. Seems some of the people think this may be the end of Eblan, as the monsters are too strong. Hmm...anyway, stop buy the Weapon Shop nearby and buy Rosa a Power Staff and if you have her or Rydia using Bows and Arrows, get a Archer Bow and some Poison Arrows if you want. Now, for the Armor Shop, just get Kain a Ice Armor, as the Black Robe isn't better than the Bl. Belt Robe for Rydia. Also, sell off any stuff you no longer need, like Yang's Equipment and everything else, as he won't be back, unfortunately. Now, in the room to the west, check the first pot in the room to the east for a Cure1 and then the pot to the west in the room for another Cure1. Now, head north and go up the stairs, as you need to find this path to the Tower Of Bab-il, since you can get to the Under World if you can get inside the tower. (That and maybe you can help that Ninja Prince...) In this room, grab the Treasure Chest near you for a Ether1 and then follow the path. Grab the other Treasure Chest you see to get a Tent. Now, if you talk to the fallen Guard, he tells you that the Prince went on alone, deeper into the cave. Before you go up the stairs, head south through the wall and open the Treasure Chest you find for a Cure2. Now, go ahead and go up those stairs. In this area, talk to the fallen Guard and he asks you to stop the Prince. Now, go ahead and head northeast and grab the Treasure Chest you see there to get a Cure3. Then, head south and head through the wall to the east to find another Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Shuriken Dart. After you get this, head towards the stairs to the south and talk to the fallen Guard. He tells you that the Prince went after Rubicant. Hmm, seems the Prince could be joining you soon...we'll have to see. Anyway, head down the stairs now and in this room, grab the three Treasure Chests here to get two Cure2s and a Cabin. Now, head through the wall to the east to get the other two Treasure Chests you see and open them to get two Elixirs. Now, follow the path and talk to the fallen Guard to have him tell you that the Prince easily loses his temper. Well, that could be bad if he's going off the handle and fighting Rubicant in a blind rage...hmm, anyway, continue following the path and head west when you can to find a Treasure Chest. Open it to get 800G and then head east to find three more Treasure Chests. Open them to get 2 Lifes and 850G. Now, follow the path north and head up the stairs you come to. In this area, head northwest and grab the remaining Treasure Chest here to get a Life. Then, head east and enter the room here to find a Save Point. Now, before you Save, head east through the wall and open the Treasure Chest you find to enter a Battle. Once you win, you'll get the Drain Sword. Don't give this to Cecil, as it's not a very good Weapon for him and his IceBrand Sword is still his best Weapon at this point. Now, if you need to or want to, heal up and Save your game, otherwise, exit the room and head north, until you find a man fighting Rubicant. He tells Rubicant he's waited for this day and Rubicant asks him if he's met him before, as the man tells him he's Eblan's Prince Edge. Though, Rubicant asks what Eblan is, as Edge tells him not to play stupid with him, as he attacks Rubicant and enters a Battle with him. He attacks Rubicant once and Rubicant casts Fire2 on him, which barely hurts him, then Edge casts Flame on him, but it heals him, as Rubicant asks if it was Flame he just used and comments that he will instead show him how it's done, as he uses Glare on him, which knocks him out. The Battle ends, as Edge curses him and faints, with Rubicant telling him that he is strong, but he's no match for him and for him to challenge him again once he gets stronger. He then disappears, as Edge gets up and tells him to wait, but it's too late and he falls down again. Everyone rushes to his aid, as Cecil asks if he's ok, but Edge only comments on how could he have lost. Rydia tells him that they're also after Rubicant for his Crystal, but Edge tells them they should stay out of this, as Kain tells him that he's one of the Four Fiends Of Elements. Cecil asks if he's had enough of his power, but Edge asks him if he thinks he's just a spoiled Prince and assumes he does, but he tells him that the Royal Family Of Eblan is trained as Ninjas and he can take care of this by himself. Though, Rydia tells him to stop, because she's had enough. Everyone looks at her, as she tells them they lost Tellah, Yang and even Cid, as she gets really upset over it, but Edge tries to calm her down. Rosa calls Rydia, but Rydia just cries. Cecil tells everyone that Rubicant is the strongest of the Four Fiends Of Elements, but they need to still recover the Crystals. Edge comments on that they can't keep this girl crying, so he asks if they can team up to work together on this. Kain states that considering the fact that he's wounded, he sure can bluff about things and asks Rosa to heal him. She casts Cure2 on him, as Edge thanks her and tells her she's cute as well. Edge then tells everyone that they should get going, as Rydia just comments Edge's Personality. Edge then joins your party. Alright, now your party is balanced once more. Edge is a Ninja, if you haven't guessed by now and he's pretty much like Yang, only MUCH better. Anyway, you'll notice he's only Level 25, so you'll want to do some training with him soon. But, for now, head through the wall to the west to get a Ether2. Now, head up the stairs you see and you'll appear back in the Tower Of Bab-il. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tower Of Bab-il - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 2,000G, 82,000G, Cure2 (2), Cure3 (2), Middle Katana and Ogre Axe. Suggested Level To Train To: 47. Level To Get By: 27. Once inside, follow the path north and once you get to the end, Cecil will ask how they're going to get in, as Edge tells him to watch and then he sets himself off and then goes through the wall. You'll then be inside the tower for real now. Now, before you continue on, you can leave the Tower Of Bab-il the same way you entered it, just head back to the wall and Edge will go through it. I suggest you head back to Cave Eblana and back to the Save Room and Save your game and then kill everyone but Edge and then head back into the Tower Of Bab-il to train him, since he's only Level 25. I suggest you train him to Level 45 or so, since he'll DEFINITELY be needing the Levels at this point. If you want to train him more, go for it, but that's my recommendation. Now, once you heal back up and revive everyone, head back to the Tower Of Bab-il. head west and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Cure3. Then, follow the path and once you reach the door, keep going east and grab the Treasure Chest to get another Cure3. Now, go ahead and enter the door and in this area, follow the path and when you come to a bridge leading south, take it and grab the Treasure Chest at the end to get into a Battle. Once you win, you'll get the Ogre Axe. Give this to Cecil, as it's a better Weapon than the IceBrand Sword. Also, clone one for Kain as soon as possible, as it's better than the Drain Spear/Blizzard Spear. Next, follow the path again and enter the door you come across. In this area, follow the path and when you come to the door, head east past it and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get 2,000G. Then, enter the door you just passed and in this area, follow the path going east, as the one going west leads to a dead end. As you come to a Treasure Chest, grab it to get a Middle Katana. Give this to Edge and clone him another one as soon as possible, as it's better than both of his Short Katanas. Then, go ahead and follow the path and enter the door you come across and in this area, just follow the path east and ignore the bridge leading south, as that orb does nothing. You'll come to two doors, which the first one is a room with a Save Point, so if you need to heal or Save, do so. If not, enter the second door and continue on. In this small area, just enter the next door and in this area, follow the path to the west, as the one to the east leads to a dead end. You'll come across a bridge, but ignore that for a minute and keep heading west and follow the path in the middle and you'll come to a Treasure Chest. Open it to get a whopping 82,000G! Damn, lucky you. Heh heh. Now, head back to that bridge you saw earlier and as you get near the door, a scene happens and King Eblan and Queen Eblan appear. They call Edge, as Edge sees it's his parents and he calls them. Queen Eblan tells him she's glad he's fine, as he expresses the same feeling to her. Though, Queen Eblan and King Eblan tell him to come with them and Edge asks where to, as Queen Eblan tells him the Dark World. You then enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill by now. If you want help, you know where to go, otherwise, fight this one yourself and move on. After the Battle, Edge screams in anger, as Rosa can't believe that happened, but suddenly, Rubicant appears and curses out Dr. Lugae and how he did all this. Just then, Edge steps forward and tells Rubicant he can never, ever forgive him, but Rubicant stays calm and awesome as he always does and tells Edge that Dr. Lugae turned his parents into monsters and he apologizes for that. He tells them he's not like the others and he likes to play fair. Though, Edge tells him to shut up. Rubicant tells him he's brave, but he'll never gain real strength as long as he lets his emotions get in his way. Edge then tells him he'll show him the power of anger, as his rage draws out his hidden powers and he learns the Blitz and Flood Ninja Magic spells. (What is he, Gohan from Dragon Ball Z? Heh.) Rubicant tells him he understands him, but even his Cloak Of Flame can't be penetrated by cold, as you regain control of your party. Don't bother healing, since Rubicant does actually play fair and he heals you before you fight, so when you're ready, talk to him. He tells you that he'll now return you to full strength and for you to fight him with everything you have, as you enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill, of course. If you want help, you know where to go, otherwise, fight him yourself and move on. After the Battle, Rubicant tells Cecil and the others that he now sees why Golbez had a hard time with you and states that weak people can join forces and that he admires you and tells you goodbye, as he dies. Edge then calls his mom and dad and tells them he has avenged them. Suddenly, someone calls Edge, as four people rush in and great him, all from Eblan. (How'd they get past those monsters?) Edge calls the leader Chamberlain and Chamberlain tells him they won't let him go alone and then asks where Rubicant is. He tells Chamberlain that it's over and that he did it, as Chamberlain says something that doesn't make sense to me, that he, Edge, becomes the Prince...ok, whatever. Anyway, Edge tells him it's all because of Cecil and the gang and Chamberlain thanks them for their assistance. Edge then asks who Golbez is out of the blue and Kain tells him he's the one gathering the Crystals to reach the Moon and that he's the one who's Rubicant's Master. Edge asks why he wants the Moon and Cecil tells him because of the power it has. Rydia tells him they have to stop him and Edge sees that he's the one behind all this and he must go after him. Though, Chamberlain tells him that they must rebuild the Castle, but Edge tells him the world is in danger and he must do something and besides, he doesn't really like this Golbez guy. Chamberlain tries to change his mind, but Edge tells him not to worry and to just head back to Eblan. Chamberlain agrees and tells Cecil and everyone to look after Edge and wishes Edge good luck, as Edge tells him okey dokey. (You have to love Edge.) As they leave, Edge tells everyone they should get going, so they can go smash Golbez and Rydia comments on getting the Crystals back as well. Edge then tells everyone that they should get going, as you regain control of your party. Now, go ahead and head through the door and you'll appear in the Crystal Room. Alright, we got the Crystals back! But, as soon as you try to fully enter the room, it seems it was a trap, as Cecil comments on it being a pitfall and you fall to a lower floor. Edge cries out in pain, as Kain notes that it seems they fell into the Under World again. Well, at least we're back, right? But, we are missing the Crystals still...damn. Anyway, head north and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Cure2. Next, head south, following the path and enter the door you come across and in this area, follow the path and enter the door you come across. Then, in this area, follow the path and then head east and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get another Cure2. After you get this, head west and enter the door. Once inside, Cecil becomes shocked and rushes forward and sees a new Airship docked and Edge tells him they should take the Airship and get out of the Tower Of Bab-il. Though, Rydia tells him it's not his and he tells her it's ok, because it'd be happy to be used by them. He then rushes forward and jumps onto the deck, as everyone follows, but Rosa wonders if this is a trap or something. Edge tells her not to worry and that he likes this Airship and he'll call it Falcon and asks how that sounds. Though, Cecil tells him to hurry up and he tells the Falcon to go, as it flies into the air and you regain control of your party and your new Airship, Falcon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - M. Eblan Has Been Avenged! Protecting The Last Crystal... . [ EHB6.13 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 47. Level To Get By: 27. Well, now that you're back in the Under World, you're stuck here for the time being, since Cid covered the hole up, remember? Anyway, this is your first time flying in the Under World and you'll notice you can't cross the lava, so where you can go is rather limited. For now, head back to the Castle Of Dwarves. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Castle Of Dwarves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Luca Key. Suggested Level To Train To: 47. Level To Get By: 27. Once inside the Castle Of Dwarves, not many of them give any new information, but a few Dwarves talk about the hole to the Upper World being covered up and they found a strange man nearby. That has to be Cid they're talking about. Besides, he's the only one who maybe able to help you at this point, so you must find him. But, before you do, go and talk to King Giott. He tells you that they've been worried and Cecil tells him he's afraid...but King Giott understands what he means and tells him that Golbez is trying to force open the Sealed Cave and it's only a matter of time before he succeeds and he wants Cecil and the others to get the Crystal before he does. He calls his daughter, Luca and she asks him what he wants and he asks her for her necklace, which she gives him. He tells Cecil that this is the key that can open the Sealed Cave and no one can enter without it (Except Golbez, who's trying to force it open...) and tells him they must defend the last Crystal at all costs. Cecil tells him they'll do their best, as he gets the Luca Key. If you talk to him again, he tells you they'll hold off the main forces, while they go to the Sealed Cave to the southwest. Ok, at least you know where the Sealed Cave is now. If you talk to everyone in the room, Luca just tells you that the Luca Key was her mothers, but she died and she got it. The Dwarves here also tell you about Tomra, a town near the Sealed Cave, but they can't get there because of the lava. You also learn about the place Rydia grew up in, but the cave that leads to that world, but the floor hurts whoever walks on it, but you learn by floating, you can get by. (There's a hint to a magic spell doing this and you're asked if you know it, which, yes you SHOULD know it, as it's the Float spell.) You also are asked if you can't cross the lava, why not find the strange man to help you. That's the other clue to that Cid can help you with your problem. So, with that done, let's go find Cid. Just exit the King's Room and head west up the stairs, then in this room, head north and down the stairs and enter the door you see in this room. Cid's inside and he's alive! (Obviously, heh.) If you talk to the Dwarves here, they tell you Cid eats alot, but calls their food tasteless and that for a old man, he doesn't act like one. As you get near Cid, he comments on their food and how can eat such tasteless things, as Cecil calls him and everyone rushes over to him. Rosa exclaims that he's ok, as Kain just says good grief, with Cid laughing and Edge asks who Cid is, calling him a chap. Cid gets sort of angry by that remark and asks who the brat is and Edge asks who does he think he's talking to, but Cid just asks again who the nuisance is, as Edge tells him he's Edge, the Prince Of Eblan. Kain backs this up, but tells him his mouth makes him seem otherwise, with Edge telling him he's also a skilled Ninja not to mention. Rydia tells him he's injured and to not anger him, with Cid making a comment to Edge and Edge telling him to shut up. Cid then asks Cecil what happened to Golbez and Cecil tells him they defeated everyone of the Four Fiends Of Elements, but all the Crystals except for one are now his. Rosa tells him that they want to go get the last Crystal, but the Enterprise is in the Upper World and Kain tells him that they stole a Airship from the enemy, but it can't fly over the magma. Cid just laughs and tells them it's his turn and that they can't do anything without him. He jumps out of bed, but the two Dwarves tell him he must stay in bed and wait until he heals, but Cid tells them to shut up and help him remodel the Airship and that they have no time to waste. Rosa tells Cecil that he looks fine and Cecil happily agrees. You then see a scene with Cid and the two Dwarves working on the Airship and a funny thing with him getting Edge to help happens. After they're done working, it cuts back to the scene where Cid's back in bed and he tells them they can now fly over the magma and Rosa thanks him, but he falls silent. Kain calls him, but he falls asleep and he didn't die, as they thought. Heh. Rydia claims that he must have been very tired and Rosa comments that he overworked himself. Cecil thanks Cid and then you regain control of your party. Well, exit the Castle Of Dwarves and let's get onto your new and improved Airship! (Also, don't worry, no one in the Castle Of Dwarves talks about anything new, except the two Dwarves that helped Cid on the Airship and they just comment on how he's strange and stuff. That's all, nothing really worth talking about or mentioning.) Anyway, now that you can fly around the entire Under World, you can explore. Even though the Upper World is still locked off, don't worry, you can get back up there soon. Now, there's a few places of interest you can go to, but I honestly suggest you wait on them, as they are VERY hard. I will tell you when to head to them, so until then, we'll go to the Sealed Cave, but before you do, let's stop by Tomra first, shall we? Just head southwest from the Castle Of Dwarves and near the bottom of the world, you'll see it. (It's RIGHT near the Sealed Cave. You can't miss it.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tomra - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 470G, 480G, 490G, Cabin and Cure2 (2). Suggested Level To Train To: 47. Level To Get By: 27. Well, not much to do in this town, except for shopping and getting some hidden Items. First, head to the building in the northwest part of town. The farthest one to the northwest. In this building, the Dwarf here lets you take the stuff in this room, for some odd reason. Oh well, just take it. First, check the pot to the west for 470G, then the pot to the northeast for a Cure2. Then, open the two Treasure Chests near you for a Cabin and 480G. Next, grab the final two Treasure Chests to the west to get a Cure2 and 490G. And with that, that's all the Items you can get in this town. Next, if you wish to talk to the Dwarves, do so, but they give no information that's of any use, except that the there's a cave that leads to the Land Of Summoned Monsters to the northwest and another cave to the northwest that leads to to Slyph's World. You'll be going to both of these later, so don't worry. Other than that, they mention nothing important and what they do talk about, it's just useless stuff. Now, let's head to the Weapon Shop first. Buy Rydia a Chain Whip. That's all for this store, I'm afraid. Nothing else to really buy, unless you feel like getting new Arrows or something. Next, head to the Armor Shop. You can get there by going through the wall to the left inside the Weapon Shop. Pretty cool, huh? Saves time by exiting the store and stuff. Anyway, buy two Diamon Shields, two Diamond Helmets, two Diamond Armors, two Diamond Gauntlets, a Tiara Helmet and three Diamond Rings. Give Cecil and Kain the Diamond Shield, Diamond Helmet, Diamond Armor and Diamond Gauntlet, give Rydia the Tiara Helmet and give Rydia, Rosa and Edge the Diamond Ring. There, now your party's as prepared as they'll get right now. Sell off any stuff you no longer need to get some extra cash, but do NOT sell the Shuriken or Ninja Darts, as they become very valuable later on, since Edge can Dart them for ALOT of damage, so save them and DON'T sell them. (Also, start saving any Swords you may not need anymore, so you can have Edge Dart them when you need to. Darting Swords can deal ALOT of damage, trust me. Though, pretty soon, you'll only need one Sword to Dart with him over and over, but we'll get to that, don't worry.) So, now that you've taken care of business here, if you need any Items, stock up on them and then head out of Tomra. Now, get into your Airship and fly to the northwest a bit and land near the cave you see. (It'll be surrounded by mountains and look like a square area that you need to land in to get there.) This is the Sealed Cave, so Save your game if you need or want to and then head inside. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sealed Cave - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 5,000G, Cure2 (2), Cure3, Darkness Crystal, Ether1 (3), Ether2, Life (5), Long Katana (2) and Ninja Helmet. Suggested Level To Train To: 49. Level To Get By: 28-29. Once inside the Sealed Cave, head up to the door and when you examine it, it says for you to hold the key to unbind the seal and then the way to the Dark Crystals will be opened. (Wait, Dark Crystals? I thought there's only one here? Hmm...oh well.) Use the Luca Key after examining the door and lightning will come down and break the seal. You can now enter the Sealed Cave, so go ahead. Now, in this cave, there's ropes you can slide up and down on, so when you see them, just go on them and you'll slide down/up them. So, head south, following the path and head down the rope and now, get ready. Any time you try to enter a door in this place, you fight a enemy called Trap Door. In this Battle, you'll almost ALWAYS lose one party member, so quickly revive them once they die and win the Battle. Not a very hard fight, but it ges annoying when you have to constantly revive party members, but if you want the Treasure in this cave, you have to fight these enemies to open the doors. (Or to get anywhere in this cave for that matter.) Also, if you don't beat Trap Door fast enough, another monster appears and you fight that instead. It's called Mantcore. Anyway, you'll come to a door, so examine it and you'll enter a Battle. Win it and then enter the room to find two Treasure Chests. Open them to get a Long Katana and a Ether1. Give the Long Katana to Edge and clone him another one as soon as possible, as the Long Katanas are better than the Middle Katanas. Exit the room and head south and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Life. Then, head west, following the path and head up the rope and examine the door to fight another Trap Door. In this room, grab the two Treasure Chests to get a Cure2 and a Ether1. Now, if you want Experience, fight the two Trap Doors, otherwise, move on, because defeating the Trap Doors here lead to rooms with nothing to get. When you're ready, head south down the stairs. In this area, head south, down the rope and grab the Treasure Chest to get a Life. Then, head back up the rope and head east, following the path and grab the other Treasure Chest you see to get another Life. Then, follow the path north and you'll see a bunch of doors, as well as a bunch of Trap Doors to fight. Now, ignore the first door you see, because it leads to a room with nothing in it. Unless you want Experience, fight it, otherwise, move onto the second door and fight that Trap Door. Once you win, enter the room and open the Treasure Chest you see to get the Light Sword. Give this to Cecil, as it's MUCH better than the Ogre Axe. Then, exit the room and fight the Trap Door that's on the next door and enter this room and grab the three Treasure Chests here to get a Ninja Dart, a Elixir and 5,000G. Exit this room and skip the next door, unless you want Experience, because it leads to a empty room. Either way, if you want to Save or heal, fight the next Trap Door and then enter the room to find a Save Point. Heal up and Save if you need to or want to, but either way, exit this room and fight the next Trap Door and enter this room to find two Treasure Chests. Open them to get another Long Katana and a Ninja Helmet. Give Edge the Ninja Helmet and then exit the room. Now, follow the path south and fight the next Trap Door and enter this room to find a Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Ether1. Then, follow the path and head down the stairs. In this room, grab the two Treasure Chests to get a Life and Cure2. Now, ignore the Trap Door you see unless you want Experience, since it leads to a empty room. Either way, exit to the south. (The exit's a bit hard to see, but it's noticable.) Follow the path in this area and head past the rope and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Life. Ingore the Trap Door here, unless you want Experience as it leads to another empty room. But, either way, head down the rope and head east and fight the Trap Door and enter the room to find two Treasure Chests. Open them to get a Ether2 and a Cure3. Then, exit the room and head west and down the stairs. You'll arrive in a room with a Save Point, so if you need to or want to, heal up and Save your game. I suggest you do this, as the next Boss Battle could prove difficult. If you don't want to, that's fine, but either way, exit to the south. In this area, head either way and just follow the path and head down the stairs. Now, in this area, follow the path and head across the bridge and fight another Trap Door. After you beat it, enter the door to enter the Crystal Room. Grab the Darkness Crystal and then exit the room. As you reach the bridge, the area starts to shake, as Cecil sees that it's the wall and Rosa comments that it's moving, with Kain mentioning that they must've set this up to guard the Crystal. Edge suggests they destroy the trap, as you enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill by now. If you want a strategy on how to win this Boss Battle, you know where to go, otherwise, fight it yourself and then move on. (I STRONGLY suggest you get a strategy, but it's up to you.) After the Battle, Rydia happily exclaims that they did it and Edge calls the trap petty. You then regain control of your party and you need to now exit the cave. You can't use Exit, so you must walk out. (And you'll see why in a minute.) Anyway, backtrack now out of the cave and once you're at the entrance, remove Kain of all his Equipment and then move forward. As you do, suddenly the area turns dark and Cecil wonders what happened, as a voice suddenly calls Kain and tells him to come back to him and to bring the Crystal with him. Cecil realizes it's Golbez and everyone turns to Kain and Cecil calls him, as Rosa tells him to get ahold of himself. Kain tells them he's alright and he's no longer under his control, but suddenly, he punches Cecil and sends him backwards, as Cecil loses the Darkness Crystal. He starts to walk out and Edge calls him a wretch, as Rosa asks him what's he doing, with Golbez announcing that he's been waiting for this moment, as the Tower Of Bab-il can finally be reactivated and the way to the moon will open. He then tells Kain to come along, but Cecil tells Kain to stop this and to wake up, but Kain tells him that all the Crystals have been gathered and the way to the Moon will open. Edge tell him to wait, but he leaves the Sealed Cave and your party. Golbez laughs and then the area turns back to normal. Cecil calls Kain, with Edge commenting on what just happened, as you regain control of your party. Now, exit the Sealed Cave and head back to the Castle Of Dwarves. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Castle Of Dwarves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 49. Level To Get By: 29. Once you're back at the Castle Of Dwarves, go and talk to King Giott. Once you enter the King's Room, he welcomes you back and then asks to see the Crystal, but Cecil just tells him the bad news and King Giott realizes that all the Crystals have been gathered and that they are now finished, unless the legend of the Big Whale comes true and Cecil asks what the Big Whale is. King Giott tells him it's a big ship that's spoken in the legend, the "One to be born from...", but Cecil cuts him off and realizes it's the Mysidian Legend, as King Giott becomes shocked and asks if they know Mysidia and Cecil tells him it's the home to the Wizards in the Upper World and King Giott realizes that Mysidia really does exist. He tells him that Elder is now praying in the tower and King Giott wonders if he's intending to...as Cecil wonders what he means, with King Giott realizing he must be calling the Big Whale and that has to be what he's going and he tells you you must go to Mysidia as soon as possible. Though, Rosa tells him that the way to the Upper World is closed and Edge tells him they can't get close enough to the Tower Of Bab-il either, but just then, a voice tells them to let him take care of it, as Cid walks in. Cecil calls him and Cid tells him they have to attach a drill to the head of the Falcon so you can dig a new hole to the Upper World. Though, Rosa tells him he's hurt and he tells her it doesn't matter, with Edge asks him if he can do it, as Cid asks him who does he think he's talking to, as he's Cid, the Master Engineer Of The Airships and tells everyone they should get right to remodeling the Airship, as the scene switches to the Airship and Cid and some Dwarves, along with Edge, all working on the Airship, with Cecil helping as well, with Rydia and Rosa standing off to the side. A funny scene takes place, with Edge going off to talk to Rydia, but Cid gets pissed and tries to pull him back to work, as he doesn't want to and the two fight and Cid wins, so Edge agrees to continue working. Cid then talks to Cecil, but then faints, as Cecil calls him, as the scene changes back to the Nursing Room back at the Castle Of Dwarves, with Cid back in bed as Cecil calls him and Rosa tells him to take care of himself, but Cid tells them he already has served his term and he can't be of much more use to them, as Edge tells him he takes his hat off to him and Rydia tells him to get well soon. Cid tells Edge to look after Cecil and Rosa and he tells Cid not to worry and to just rest and he tells Rosa to take care and she tells him the same, with Cid telling Cecil to go, as they can't waste more time with this old man and Cecil tells him thanks, as you regain control of your party. If you talk to Cid again, he tells you to take care of the Airship as you would take care of him. The other Dwarves in this room just comment on how great Cid is now and that's it. No one else says anything new, so go ahead and exit the Castle Of Dwarves and get into your Airship. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - N. The Land Of Monsters Awaits...Gaining Rydia New Power . . [ TLO6.14 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 49. Level To Get By: 29. Well, now that you have a drill on the Falcon and you can now get back to the Upper World, you can now go to the Moon after one small event, but before you do so, let's make a few detour trips around the Under World and get Rydia a few new Call spells, shall we? Not to mention a VERY powerful Weapon for Cecil. Now, first, let's head to the Land Of Monsters, so to get there, head back to the Sealed Cave and fly a little northwest and on a small island, there's a cave. Land there and enter the cave to enter the Land Of Monsters. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Land Of Monsters - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Cabin, Cure2 (3), Cure3, Defense Sword, Ether1, Life (2), Ninja Katana and Poison Axe. Suggested Level To Train To: 50. Level To Get By: 30-31. As you enter the Land Of Monsters, Rydia tells you that she came through here after getting help from the Land Of Summoned Monsters and that they should ask them for their help. So, with that, journey on into the cave. Though, before you take one step, have Rosa cast Float on everyone, so you don't take damage from the floor. First, head southeast and grab the Treasure Chest to get a Cure2, then follow the path north and grab the other Treasure Chest you see to get a Life. Next, head through the wall to the west to get yet another Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Ether1 and then head southwest and go down the stairs. In this area, immediately cast Float on everyone again, as it's worn off. Then, follow the path and head south to grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Cure2. Next, follow the path north and head northwest a bit to get yet another Treaure Chest. Open it to get a Cabin and then continue on the path east and head down the stairs. Cast Float on everyone again, as it's worn off yet again and then follow the path until you come to a Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Life, then continue to follow the path and ignore the path going north for now and continue heading east and open the Treasure Chest you see to get a Cure3. Then, head through the wall to the east and follow the path south and grab the three Treasure Chests you passed by earlier. Open them to get a Cure2, a Poison Axe and a Ninja Katana. Don't give the Poison Axe to Cecil, as you have to remove his Diamond Shield for him to use it, since it's reguires two hands to use and it's weaker than the Light Sword. Though, do give Edge the Ninja Katana and clone him another one as soon as possible. Next, head back into the wall and backtrack to where you entered it and this time, follow it north and exit it, then follow the path to find another Treasure Chest. Open it to enter a Battle. After you win, you'll get the Defense Sword. Give it to Cecil, as it's the best Sword for him right now and it also raises his Defense a bit. Then, backtrack again to where you entered the wall, but head west through the wall this time and walk onto that grey thing you see. You'll then be teleported to the Land Of Summoned Monsters. (Note: If while you were fighting here, you managed to get a Silence Staff, give it to Rosa, as it's the BEST Staff Weapon in the game for her, so DEFINITELY give it to her.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Land Of Summoned Monsters - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 2,000G (2), 3,000G, Elixir, Ether1, Ether2, Heal, Life, Samurai Arrows (10), Samurai Bow and Rat Tail. Suggested Level To Train To: 51. Level To Get By: 31. Well, once in here, feel free to talk to the people walking around. They welcome Rydia back and tell you you're the first Humans, other than Rydia, to come here. You also learn that their ruler lies in the deepest part of this world and that Callers can summon people here to their world to help. Well, that's all the people here to talk about, so grab the Treasure Chests you see. From where you came in, head north and open the Treasure Chest you see to get a Ether1. Then, continue north and open the other Treasure Chest to get 2,000G and then continue to follow the path around. Ignore the grey teleporter thing for a minute and the Treasure Chest behind it and instead, go past it and grab the other Treasure Chest you see to get another 2,000G. Then, just past this one, is yet another Treasure Chest. Open it to get 3,000G. Next, from the grey teleporter you came in on, head east and go next to the Treasure Chest you see. Then, head north from it and enter the small area you see, which is actually a hidden teleporter. You'll appear in a secret area, so follow the path and you'll find four Treasure Chests. Open them to get 10 Samurai Arrows, a Elixir, a Ether2 and a Samurai Bow. If anyone is using a Bow and Arrow, give them this Bow now. Otherwise, don't. Now, backtrack to where you where and now go to that grey teleporter you saw before with the Treasure Chest behind it and enter it. Then, go back on it and you'll appear back to where you just were, except now head south and grab that Treasure Chest you missed earlier and you'll get the Rat Tail. This will be used later, so don't worry. For now, head back and enter the grey teleporter. You'll appear in the monster's town now and don't bother talking to any of the monsters, as they all just talk and say hi to Rydia. The only thing you might want to check is the Library, which if you read the bookcases, you'll just learn a little information on each of Rydia's Call spells and that not many Humans are left that are Callers. That and some of the monsters ask if you can use their Equipment. That and some monsters talk about the monsters that Rydia can summon live her, as well as they just talk and give obvious advice to you about them. Just the normal stuff that's not important, don't worry, nothing important is said by them. Though, make sure to visit the Library if you want to, since you can learn some stuff about Rydia's Call spells and also a little information about other Call spells you may not have yet...but will soon! That and you learn about the two Moons and stuff, but that's it. Check it out if you want. Anyway, first, let's get the Items here, shall we? Head to the northwest house in this area and you'll see two Treasure Chests and a Save Point. Open the Treasure Chests to get a Heal and a Life. Ignore the Save Point for a minute and instead, head to the Weapon Shop and buy a Blitz Whip and a Lunar Staff. Give the Blitz Whip to Rydia, as it's better than her Chain Whip and give Rosa the Lunar Staff, since it's better than the Power Staff. If you want Charm Arrows, buy them if you have someone using a Bow and Arrow, otherwise, head to the Armor Shop. Buy a Aegis Shield and two Sorcerer Robes. Give the Aegis Shield to Cecil and the two Sorcerer Robes to Rydia and Rosa. Next, sell any Equipment you don't need and sell off Kain's Equipment. Then, when you're ready, I STRONGLY suggest you use a Cabin to heal up and then Save your game at that Save Point you were just at. Trust me, you may regret it if you don't. (Note: If you haven't been training alot and not following my recommendations, which is ok, but if you do NOT have Wall learned with Rosa, you MUST go and train her now to get it, as fighting the next Boss Battle will be UTTER HELL if you don't have it, so if you don't, go get it NOW.) Now, head back to the Library and head down the stairs. You'll see a grey teleporter you may have seen earlier if you went to the Library and read the bookcases. Anyway, step on the grey teleporter and you'll be in a room with four people. If you talk to the two guys in red, they tell you that this is the room of the King and Queen and that you need Queen Asura's Permission before you can talk to the King. If you talk to the man, he tells you he's not the King, so talk to Queen Asura. Rydia calls her and Queen Asura tells Rydia it's nice to see her again and Rydia asks her to please help them. She tells them she's willing to, but she must first test their worthiness and asks if you have enough courage and power to challenge her. Tell her yes and she tells you she'll test you, as you enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill. If you want help, you know where to go, otherwise, fight this one yourself and move on. (I STRONGLY suggest you get a strategy for this on, trust me.) After the Battle, Asura tells Rydia that she has fine and brave friends and that she should Call her whenever she needs her help. After this, Rydia learns Asura. Good job! Now, I STRONGLY suggest you go back to that Save Point and heal up and Save your game again. Trust me, do this. When you're ready, head back to the room where you fought Asura and talk to the man next to her, who turns out to actually be the King. He tells you you're the first ones to beat Asura, but strength alone is not enough to counter evil and that you must have a stronger will to guide your powers towards good. He then asks if you'll contest him, so he can ascertain the strength of your will. Tell him yes and you'll then enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill. If you want help, you know where to go, otherwise, fight this one yourself and move on. (I also suggest you get a strategy for this one, but it's up to you.) After the Battle, Leviatan tells Cecil that they sure do have the Power Of Light and tells you that from now on, he, the Master Of Summoned Monsters, will now help you from now on. After this, Rydia learns Levia. Good job! Now that you got both the Call spells from here, feel free to leave this place. You can either use Exit or walk out of here for Experience. It's up to you, really, so do either one. Once you're outside, head back to the Castle Of Dwarves and enter the Dwarf Base (That cave near it.) and use the pot to heal up for free. Save your game if you need to or want to, then get back into your Airship and fly back to the hole that's covered up and try to go up it now. Your Airship will drill through the mountain and you'll appear in the Upper World again. Now, here comes your next quest... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - O. Gaining The Strongest Sword...The Key Is A Rat's Tail? . [ GTS6.15 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 51. Level To Get By: 31. First, now that you're back in the Upper World, head back and get the Enterprise instead and use it to pick up the Hovercraft. Then, head to Silvera and drop your Hovercraft off and land the Enterprise. Get into the Hovercraft and head out onto the bubbles/rocks and follow them to a very small cave. Enter the cave to enter Grotto Adamant. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Grotto Adamant - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Adamant. Suggested Level To Train To: 51. Level To Get By: 31. Once inside, you may have heard of a Tail Collector before and since you have a Rat Tail, maybe he's interested? Anyway, talk to the person in red to find out it's the Tail Collector's Son. He tells you his dad found a funny ore and that he collects tails. Well, talk to the Tail Collector and he tells you he doesn't want to talk to you unless you have a tail. Use the Rat Tail on him and he gets all happy, telling you it's the Rat Tail and he's been looking for this and tells you to take the Ore he found as a trade. You then get the Adamant. Well, you'll be back here later, (Maybe...) so for now, exit the cave and get back onto your Hovercraft, get back to the Enterprise and then back to the Falcon and head back to the Under World. Now, once back in the Under World, head due south and once you can't go south anymore, you'll see a house. Land near it and enter it to enter Kokkol, The Smith's House. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kokkol, The Smith's - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 1,000G, Cure2, Elixir and Heal. Suggested Level To Train To: 51. Level To Get By: 31. Once inside, talk to the two Dwarves to learn that this is the home of Kokkol, the greatest Blacksmith, as well as Kokkol has lost his confidence to work. Well, before going to talk to Kokkol, let's get some Items, shall we? From the Dwarf who's working, head west and examine the pot near him to get a Heal. Then, near the fireplace to the north, inspect the pot to the east to get a Cure2. After this, check the bookcase for an Elixir, then, head over to the stairs and head east through the wall to find a Treasure Chest, which holds 1,000G and then that's it. Heh. Well, now go upstairs and talk to Kokkol and he tells you he's not going to make another Sword, as he can't even find the legendary ore, Adamant. Use the Adamant on him and he becomes shocked and notices that this is the Adamant and as a token of his gratitude, he'll make your old Sword into a great one, as you hand over the Legend Sword. He then jumps out of bed and rushes downstairs to begin the work. Head back downstairs and talk to the Dwarves, as they tell you that Kokkol looks happy and that the one Dwarf will also become a great Blacksmith. If you talk to Kokkol, he'll tell you to come back later, so do so. Sorry, but you can't get the Sword he's making...yet. Just wait a while. Until then, you have other things to do. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - P. The Sylvan Cave Awaits...Yang's Alive?! . . . . . . . . [ TSCA6.16 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 51. Level To Get By: 31. Well for now, get back into your Airship and fly to the northwest most part of the Under World and land the Falcon and enter the cave. This will be the next are you're going to explore, as Rydia can get another Call spell from here, along with yet another surprise... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sylvan Cave - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: 1,000G, 2,000G, 3,000G, Avenger Sword, Cabin, Charm Arrows (10), Charm Rod, Cure2 (5), Cure3, Elixir (3), ElvenBow, Ether1 (2), Fire Arrows (10), FullMoon Boomerang, Heal (4), Ice Arrows (10), Lit Arrows (10), Medusa Arrows (10) and Mute Knife. Suggested Level To Train To: 54. Level To Get By: 32-33. Once you're inside the Sylvan Cave, have Rosa cast Float on everyone and then head east, following the path and grab the two Treasure Chests you see. (You'll get that third one later.) Open them to get a Cure2 and 10 Charm Arrows. Then, follow the path and head down the stairs you see. In this area, don't bother casting Float and instead follow the path around, heading north and go down the stairs. In this area, again, don't cast Float and just follow the path and grab the three Treasure Chests you see (You have to go through the wall to the east to get the third Treasure Chest.) and open them to get a Cure2, a Heal and a Charm Rod. Don't bother giving the Charm Rod to Rydia, as it's not a better Weapon than the Blitz Whip. Next, back track to the area you were in before you went here and this time, head south and head up the stairs you see. In this area, cast Float again and head east and you'll find a Save Point. If you need to or want to, heal up and Save. If you don't, that's ok. Either way, head north and head through the wall and you'll appear next to the Treasure Chest near the beginning you couldn't get, so open it now to get a ElvenBow. By now you probably noticed I haven't really suggested anyone use a Bow and I won't start to, but if you have anyone using a Bow and Arrow, use this Bow now, if you wish to, though the Samurai Bow is better. But, I REALLY suggest Rydia use Whips and Rosa uses Staffs, but it's up to you. I just feel a Bow and Arrow are really useless, as you must constantly resupply your Arrows, so, it's really up to you. Anyway, backtrack to the stairs and this time head west and grab the two Treasure Chests you see to get 1,000G and a Cabin. Then, head south and down the stairs. In this area, cast Float yet again and follow the path and head up the stairs you come across, ignoring the path leading north and in this area, yet again, cast Float and follow the path and grab the five Treasure Chests you see to get 10 Fire Arrows, 10 Ice Arrows, 10 Lit Arrows, a Ether1 and a Cure2. Then, backtrack to the last area you were in and remember to cast Float again and then continue to follow the path you ignored earlier and you'll find another set of stairs to go down. Before you go down them, instead, head through the wall to the east and follow the path around and open the Treasure Chest to enter a Battle. After you win, you'll get a Mute Knife. Don't give it to anyone, as it's not a very good Weapon and the ones you have right now are better than it. Now, go ahead and head down the stairs and in this area, grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Elixir and then continue to follow the path and you'll find a building. Enter it and you'll see a bunch of Fairies or Sylphs around. Before you talk to them, open the two Treasure Chests you see to get a CatClaw and a Poison Claw. Both of these are useless to you, even to Edge, so don't Equip them. Go ahead and talk to the Sylphs. They mostly are surprised to see you and also tell you to leave. They also won't let you take him, as well as you learn he collapsed outside this cave and they're nursing him, but they aren't sure if they're doing enough. Anyway, talk to Yang, but you get no response. Hmm...how are you going to wake him? Well, for now, head up the stairs and in this room, walk up the other stairs you see and you'll exit the cave. Well, maybe Yang's Wife could help. Let's go see her, but before you do, head back into the Sylvan Cave, because there's some Treasure Chests we missed, due to the fact if you went one way, you'd have to go through the cave again to find Yang, so head back in there. First, immediately head south and down the stairs, don't bother casting Float. In this area, don't cast Float again and head around the little path again and head down the stairs. Now, don't move one space and this time, head east through the wall and head up the stairs you come across. Now, go ahead and cast Float and then follow the path and you'll find four Treasure Chests. Open them to get a Cure2, 3,000G, a Heal and 2,000G. Then, continue to follow the path and you'll come across five Treasure Chests a hole. First, grab the five Treasure Chests to get a Cure2, a Cure3, two Heals and a Ether1. Now, go ahead and fall down the hole and cast Float again and follow the path. Once you hit a dead end, head through the wall to the west and step on the grey teleporter you come to and you'll appear in a new area. Yet again, cast Float and then continue on and you'll see six Treasure Chests. Open them to enter a total of six Battles. Win them and you'll get three Elixirs, a FullMoon Boomerang, a Avenger Sword and 10 Medusa Arrows. Then, follow the path and step on the grey teleporter and you'll appear outside the cave once again. Whew, that took a while, huh? Anyway, it's time to head back to Fabul, so head back there now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fabul - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Frying Pan. Suggested Level To Train To: 54. Level To Get By: 33. Once you're back at Fabul, head and talk to Yang's Wife. She understands that he's now in the Under World and she goes back to cooking, as she's working on a onion and comments that it makes her eyes watery (Yeah, right...) and she tells you that that's not the way he should be and to give him a good whack with this, as she gives you the Frying Pan. Now, head back to the Sylvan Cave. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sylvan Cave - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 54. Level To Get By: 33. Once you're back in the Sylvan Cave, backtrack to where Yang is and talk to him again. Use the Pan on him and the Sylph will tell you not to, but you do, as Yang begins to wake up. He starts talking in his sleep, asking if it's time for training and wanting to sleep a little longer, but he then wakes up and sees Cecil and calls him, as Cecil does the same and Rydia becomes happy. He tells them that the Sylphs saved him when he was in trouble and Rosa tells him his brave act saved the Dwarves. He then tells them he's going with them, as one of the Sylphs tells him no and to stay and rest. He tells them the world is in danger and he can't just stay here, but Edge tells him it's no place for the injured, as Yang asks who Edge is and Edge tells him he's Prince Edge Of Eblan and he's much better at fighting than he is. He becomes shocked at the name of Eblan and sees that he's a Ninja and decides that he will really go with them, but the Sylph tells him not to force himself and they'll assist Cecil and the gang instead. Yang doesn't understand and the Sylph tells him that Rydia is a caller and that she can Call them and they'll help, as Rydia thanks them and she learns the Call spell, Sylph. Sweet! Yang then tells them he's sorry he can't help them now and then you regain control of your party. If you talk to the Sylphs again, they just comment on Yang needing to rest, how violent Humans are, how they ask you not to take Yang away and that not to worry about him, they'll take care of him. Eh, useless information, as usually. Anyway, go ahead and exit the Sylvan Cave now, as there's nothing left to do. Just go up the stairs and then up the stair case in this room and you'll be outside the Sylvan Cave. Next, head back to Fabul and talk to Yang's Wife yet again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fabul - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Spoon. Suggested Level To Train To: 54. Level To Get By: 33. Once you're back at Fabul, talk to Yang's Wife and use the Pan on her and she'll tell you she's sorry for taking your time and she gives you the Spoon. (And she takes back the Pan, since you no longer need it.) Yes, the Spoon. Don't laugh, as you'll cry when you see how much damage this baby does. It's THE most powerful Dart Item in the game, as it can deal 9,999 damage NO MATTER WHAT. Make sure you save it for the end of the game. Yang's Wife then tells you to not worry about her and to tell Yang to get well soon so he can fight with Cecil and the gang. And with that, that completes this little Side Quest and now there's another thing for you to do now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Q. The Return Of The King...He's The Legendary Odin?! . . . [ TROT6.17 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 54. Level To Get By: 33. Now, remember the basement of Baron Castle and how there was some force blocking the way? Well, now that forcefield is gone and you can travel down into the basement, so head back to Baron now. (Make sure you heal up and Save before you go down there, though, as the Boss Battle down here could prove difficult. Better safe than sorry, right?) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Baron - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 54. Level To Get By: 33. Once you're back in Baron, head to the Right Tower and head down the stairs in the first room of it. Follow the path here and head down the stairs and in this room, just follow the path and you'll see a throne, as the King welcomes you back, as the room changes color and King Baron appears. Cecil becomes surprised and pays his respects, but King Baron tells him to not be sad, even though Kainazzo killed him, he gained eternal power to help them and that the Caller Of Mist can Call him whenever she pleases, but before he gives her his powers, he must test you, as you enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill. If you want a strategy, you know where to go, otherwise, fight this one yourself and move on. (I STRONGLY suggest you get a strategy for this fight. Trust me on this.) After the Battle, King Baron tells Cecil that he's grown and that the world is dependant on him now and that he'll fight with him as Odin, as Cecil thanks him. After this, Rydia learns the Call spell, Odin. Kick ass! That and King Baron disappears, as the room turns back to the normal color. So, with that done, there's nothing left to do now, except to find the path to the Moon... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - R. Making The Legend Come True...The Path To The Moon Opens! . . [M6.18]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 54. Level To Get By: 33. Alright, well, now it's time to head to Mysidia and see Elder. So, go ahead and fly to Mysidia now, since there's nothing else to do currently and you're now ready to go to the Moon. (I hope...) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mysidia - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 54. Level To Get By: 33. As you enter Mysidia, Elder and a Black Wizard and a White Wizard come out to great you and tell you they've been waiting for you and they want you to come to the Tower Of Wishes. You'll then see that scene again that you saw when Cecil first became a Paladin and had Elder explain to him what the Mysidian Legend was. After this, Cecil and the gang appear in the Tower Of Wishes, as Elder and many others begin to pray, as Elder tells everyone to wish, as the legend shall come alive now. They all continue praying and wishing, as suddenly the room flashes different colors and outside, a whirlpool appears. It then cuts back to the room, as Elder tells everyone to look, as their wish was granted, as it cuts to the outside again and a giant ship appears. The scene then goes back to the room, as the Elder tells everyone that that's the Ship Of Light from the Moon, the Big Whale. You see the Big Whale then finishing glowing and the Ocean calms back down, as the scene shows the Elder tell Cecil that while they were wishing, he heard a voice calling Cecil to the Moon and that someone awaits him there. Cecil asks why the Moon and how, as Elder tells him the Big Whale is a Airship from the Moon and it works like a normal Airship, but when you want to go to the Moon, he needs to talk to the Crystal Of Flight to travel back and forth between the Earth and the Moon. Cecil then leaves Mysidia, as he appears on the World Map and you regain control of him. Well, it's now time to head to the Moon, so go ahead and get on the Big Whale. Once you're inside, you'll notice there's not only beds here, so you can always heal up for free now, but you also have a Fat Chocobo, which is also free and you can store and take out any Items you wish now. Now, before you actually go to the Moon, it's time to go get your upgraded Sword... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - S. It's Finished! The Excalibur Awaits A New Owner... . . . [ IFT6.19 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 54. Level To Get By: 33. First, since the Big Whale can't fit in the Under World, get into the Falcon and head back to Kokkol, The Smith's to claim your new Sword... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kokkol, The Smith's - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Excalibur Sword. Suggested Level To Train To: 54. Level To Get By: 33. Once you're inside, talk to Kokkol and he'll tell you it's finished and give you the Excalibur Sword, the strongest Weapon for Cecil. Go ahead and Equip it on him NOW, as you'll be shocked at how high his Attack goes up. Heh, high, huh? Anyway, once your down, if you talk to Kokkol again, he tells you he got his confedence back. Good for him. Well, it's time to now head to the Moon, since you've completed absolutely everything you can in the Upper and Under World, so when you're ready, head back to the Big Whale, get on board, examine the Crystal Of Flight and you'll fly off to the Moon. (Also, on a side note, start cloning Excalibur Swords ALOT. They are a VERY good Weapon for Edge to Dart, so if you have like 30 of these things for him to Dart, let's just say that Edge will easily destroy ANY Boss you'll soon encounter. :)) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - T. Arriving On The Moon...The Mystery Person Awaits... . . . [ AO6.20 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 54. Level To Get By: 33. Well, you're now on the Moon. Man, what a VERY small place...anyway, there's a few places of interest here. One of them is the Cave Of Humingway, which is a cave FULL of Humingways, the guy that lets you change your name in random Towns on Earth. Well, this cave is located to the south of the giant bluish Castle you see. (It's a cave surrounded by the blue colored mountains. Just land in the middle of it on flat ground.) Once you've landed, go inside. This place has no name, but I've dubbed it the Cave Of Humingway. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Cave Of Humingway - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 54. Level To Get By: 33. Man, there IS alot of Humingways here, huh? (Or Namingways, whichever name you perfer, really.) Well, none of them say anything besides "Hum", but there's two here that do say something else. One is a Humingway that'll change you names if you want to and the other one sells you VERY valuable Items, such as Ether1 and Ether2, even Elixirs! (Though, they sell for a VERY, VERY high price.) Also, there's a Whistle that he sells, which when used, calls a Fat Chocobo to where ever you are. (Meaning, you can store or take out Items where ever you are at the time, but it can only be used once, so you need to buy multiple Whistles.) Anyway, there's three other Humingways that aren't moving and they just tell you that one of their friends was good at thinking up nicknames, but he went to Earth a long time ago. (Well, at least you know where these Cat people came from now, huh?) Also, the other two just tell you that this is the Humingway Family and asks you to change your name, but gives no option to do so. Man, strange people...anyway, once you're done shopping, exit this place and get back onto the Big Whale. Now, fly to that blue Castle you saw earlier and just a little to the northwest, land on the blue mountain area, near the stairs leading down, which lead to a cave nearby. Once you exit the Blue Whale, head down those stairs and enter the cave. (Don't forget to heal up in the beds if you didn't do so before hand.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Lunar Path - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Cure2, Heal and Elixir. Suggested Level To Train To: 54. Level To Get By: 33. Well, this is the Lunar Path. It's the only path you can take to get to that Castle and perhaps the person who wanted to meet you is there...heh, we'll find out. Anyway, follow the path and head east when you can to find a Treasure Chest and open it to get into a Battle. After you win, you'll get a Elixir. Then, go ahead and follow the path, until you see a door. Ignore it for a second and go past it to find two Treasure Chests. Open them to get a Cure2 and a Heal. Then, exit this part of the cave and you'll appear on the World Map. Just follow the path before you and enter the next cave you see to enter back onto the Lunar Path. Now, follow the path here and exit the cave when you come to the door. Now, you'll be on the World Map again and this time, head west and you'll find that blue Castle again. Go ahead and enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Lunar's Lair - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 55. Level To Get By: 33-34. Once inside the Lunar's Lair, if you want to heal yourself, head west and step on the tile you see to heal your Hit Points and Status Ailments, then head east to heal your Magic Points. When you're ready, head north, as a voice welcomes you. The room will then flash colors, as a being appears and Cecil asks him who he is, as he tells you he's FuSoYa, the guardian of the Lunarians' Slumber. Rosa asks about the Lunarians and he tells her that Millena ago, the planet between Mars and Jupiter was going to be destroyed and the people who survived this escaped on ships to the Blue Planet. Cecil asks about the Blue Planet and FuSoYa tells him what they call Earth. He goes on to tell them that the people on Earth were still in the process of Evolution and because of this, the people created another Moon to continue on sleeping. Edge asks if the Lunarians were the ones who did this, as FuSoYa goes on to tell them that "He" refused it and tried to make Earth the place where he lived. Rydia asks who, but FuSoYa continues and tells them that he forced him to sleep, but his thoughts were still wide awake. Cecil asks if that's who's controlling Golbez and Edge asks who it is and FuSoYa tells them it's Zemus and that he needs the Crystals as a energy source to reactivate the Tower Of Bab-il, which will bring forth the Giant Of Bab-il and destroy Earth. He tells you that most of the Lunarians are waiting for the people on the Blue Planet to be able to understand them. Cecil asks him about the Big Whale and FuSoYa tells him that his brother, KluYa made it to go to the Blue Planet and he taught the people there how to build Airships and the Serpent Road. He also fell in love with a girl on the Blue Planet and had two children with her. One of them is...Cecil! Cecil becomes shocked about this and asks him about this, but realizes the Light at Mt. Ordeals must've been...as FuSoYa tells him it was the spirit of his father, KluYa. Cecil realizes that that Light was his father and FuSoYa tells him that KluYa gave him his power to stop Zemus and his plans. FuSoYa then tells you that they must stop him for the sake of both their races and that they must hurry to the Tower Of Bab-il in Eblan, but Edge becomes shocked that he wants to go to the Tower Of Bab-il and tells him it's shielded. FuSoYa tells him he can break the shield and that he'll go with you, as he joins your party and you regain control of your party. (Now HE is a party member. He's ALOT like Tellah, only he DOESN'T suck and he has ALOT of Magic Points, though he still doesn't gain any through Levels, but, oh well, he's better than Tellah, so he's not that bad. Also, I suggest putting him in the Magic user row, since his Defense SUCKS and he'll die VERY fast in the attack row, so I suggest you switch him with Rosa for now.) Now, if you head north and enter the door, you'll appear in the Crystal Room, where there's the Crystals Of The Moon. You can talk to them to find out information about Zemus. You mostly learn that Zemus, even though he's sleeping in the Moon's Core, his thoughts are still wide awake and he's using Golbez to do his dirty work on Earth. You learn that he's using a shield, which allows for no one to enter the Moon's Core to get to them and that they're holding him off right now, sealing him inside. You learn also that the Lunarians sleep below and FuSoYa is the guardian of them and that the Crystals on Earth are held in a balance with the ones on the Moon. Interesting...anyway, it's time to now backtrack to the Blue Whale and head back to Earth. Don't worry, there's no need to train FuSoYa, as he's Level 50 when you get him and hopefully, your Levels are either close to his, the same as his or above his. Anyway, if you want to, train, but when you're ready, head back to Earth. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - U. The Giant Of Bab-il Is Alive! We Must Destroy It! . . . . [ TGO6.21 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 55. Level To Get By: 34. Once you arrive back on Earth, you'll immediately land near Eblan, as the earth starts to shake violently, as it cuts to the inside of the Big Whale, as Rydia screams and Cecil wonders if that's the Tower Of Bab-il that's doing this, as FuSoYa tells them they're too late, with Edge asking him what does he mean and FuSoYa tells them that the Giant Of Bab-il will soon appear. Suddenly, it cuts back to outside and all of a sudden, the Giant Of Bab-il appears outside the Tower Of Bab-il and starts moving around and attacking everything with fire. The scene then goes back to the inside of the Big Whale, as Rydia comments that what it's doing is terrible and Edge curses that they were too late. Though, Rydia asks if there's something they can do, as Cecil asks what something is, as suddenly, the Giant Of Bab-il is hit with something. Just then, Tanks role in and it appears that the Dwarves are helping fight this thing! It cuts to the inside of one Tank, as it shows King Giott, Luca and some Dwarves, as King Giott tells them that they are here and ready to help fight for Earth. The Dwarves all agree, then it cuts to another Tank, with Yang, some Slyphs and some Dwarves. Yang tells Cecil and the gang that he can't be resting while they're fighting and to count him in. Suddenly, more attacks hit the Giant Of Bab-il, as Airships fly in and the scene cuts to the deck of one of them, as it shows Cid, his workers and some Red Wings, with Cid telling the Giant Of Bab-il that he's coming for him, with his Mechanics agreeing. Then, it cuts to another Airship, with Palom, Porom and Elder, with a bunch of White Wizards and Black Wizards. Palom tells Cecil long time no see and Porom tells him that Elder removed their Stone Status, as Elder tells them that this war isn't theirs alone and it involves all the creatures on Earth. Then, on yet another Airship, it shows Edward and a bunch of people from Toroia. He tells Cecil to let him show him the courage he was taught by him, as everyone continues their assault on the Giant Of Bab-il. Cecil becomes happy that everyone's here, as Rosa comments that the Giant Of Bab-il is getting intimidated, with FuSoYa telling them that they must now get inside the Giant Of Bab-il and destroy it's Control System. Edge understands and figures that they must destroy his core to stop him. Cecil then calls to Cid and asks him to take them aboard, as it shows Cid's Airship land near the Big Whale and everyone boards the Airship. FuSoYa tells him to go near its mouth, as Cid asks who he is and Cecil tells him he's FuSoYa from the Moon. Cid asks him about the Moon, as FuSoYa asks if he can or can't do this, with Cid asking him who does he think he is, as to just leave it to him. The Airship then gets into position and FuSoYa tells him now, as Cid tells him to hold on. He then charges the Airship at the Giant Of Bab-il, as Cecil and the gang jump and land inside it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Giant Of Bab-il - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Cabin, Cure2, Elixir, Ether1, Life (2), Samurai Arrows (10) and Shuriken Dart. Suggested Level To Train To: 58. Level To Get By: 35-36. Well, now that you're inside the Giant Of Bab-il, go ahead and follow the path and step on the grey teleporter to head into his Neck. Then, simply step on the next grey teleporter you see and you'll arrive in his Chest. Next, follow the path and open the Treasure Chest you come across to get a Shuriken Dart. Then, continue to follow the path and open the next Treasure Chest you come across to get a Cure2. After you get this, continue to follow the path to find another Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Ether1 and then continue on the path and ignore the paths leading north and west and instead, head northeast to find a Treasure Chest. Open this one to get 10 Samurai Arrows. Then, backtrack and take the west path to get another Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Cabin. Then, go ahead and follow the path north and step on the grey teleporter and you'll arrive in the Stomach. First, in this area, follow the path north to find a Treasure Chest and open it to get a Life. Then, go ahead and backtrack, follow the path and ignore the next path leading north and go past it and take the next path you see north, to find another Treasure Chest. Open this one to get another Life. Now, go ahead and take that other path leading north and follow the path until you come to a grey teleporter. Step on it and you'll arrive in the Passage. Follow the path here until you come to a Treasure Chest. Open it to get into a Battle. After you win, you'll get a Elixir. Then, follow the path and ignore the path going north and instead, head west and you'll find a Save Point. I STRONGLY suggest you use it right now and Save. Trust me, you won't regret it. (Though, don't bother healing, as you'll see why in a minute.) Anyway, once you're ready, follow the path north and step on the grey teleporter and you'll arrive in the Lung. Then, follow the path and suddenly, you'll stop, as Rubicant appears! Didn't he die, though? Anyway, it seems he's back and he tells you you're too late, as Valvalis appears! She's also alive now! She tells you that the Giant Of Bab-il won't stop, as Kainazzo and Milon both appear, both alive and both tell you that you'll be laid to rest here! Man, this isn't your day...cause Cecil notices they're back and Milon, Kainazzo and Valvalis all take turns telling you that Master Zemus brough them back to life to defeat Cecil and the gang. Rubicant then speaks up and tells you he's glad to meet you again and that they taught him to join forces, as he tells you he'll restore your strength and then tells you to fight with all your might, as you enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill, of course. If you want a strategy, you know where to go. Otherwise, fight this one yourself and then move on. (I STRONGLY suggest you get a strategy, as this is NOT a easy Boss Battle.) After the Battle, Milon will call Master Zemus, as he once again dies, then Kainazzo can't believe they lost and dies, with Valvalis crying no, as she dies again and then Rubicant claiming they lost as he as well dies. With that, the Four Fiends Of Elements are no more for good. Now, I suggest you go back to that Save Point and heal up and save, because the next Boss Battle is NOT easy. Trust me. After you do this, head back to where you were and follow the path and step on the grey teleporter. You'll arrive in the CPU. Now, it's up to you, but if you want, remove all of FuSoYa's Equipment, but I don't recommend it, since he has nothing really useful to take and you already have the stuff he has, but unless you want to, so you can sell his stuff for cash, do so, but otherwise, leave it on him. Now, go ahead and follow the path and it'll go into a scene and FuSoYa will tell everyone that this is the Core of the Giant Of Bab-il, the CPU. Edge comments that it's huge, as FuSoYa tells them that they must destroy the Defensive System first or else all the damage they deal with be repaired. You'll then enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill, as always. If you want a strategy, you know where to go. Otherwise, fight this yourself and then move on. (I REALLY suggest you get a strategy for this Boss Battle, because it's VERY hard.) After the Battle, Kain comments on that they did it and Edge also comments that CPU has stopped. Though, suddenly, a voice is heard, calling FuSoYa a wretch, as Golbez appears and tells him that he ruined his plan and that he'll pay for this, but FuSoYa sees who it is and calls Golbez and then walks over to him. Golbez tells him to get away, but FuSoYa asks him if he knows who he is. He tells him to stop, as FuSoYa tells him to wake up and casts some sort of spell on him, as he collapses. Golbez then snaps out of it and asks himself why he had all that hatred, as FuSoYa tells him to come to his senses and asks him if he remembers his father's name. Golbez asks him about his father and then tells him his name was...KluYa! Cecil becomes shocked, as Rosa comments that that means...as Edge finishes for her and states that Golbez is Cecil's Brother! Cecil realizes this and comments on it, as FuSoYa tells Golbez that he was being controlled by Zemus's Telepathy and that his blood made it easier for him to control him. Edge comments on the situation, as Cecil realizes he's been fighting his own brother the whole time, as Golbez realizes too that Cecil is his brother. Though, Cecil starts to realize that it could've been him that was controlled by Zemus's Telepathy, but Golbez tells him that it was he who was controlled, because his soul was stained with evil, which allowed for Zemus to use him. He then turns around, but Cecil asks where he's going and Golbez tells him he's going to settle this himself, but FuSoYa tells him to wait and tells him that Zemus is a Lunarian and belongs to his race, so he'll go with him to help. Golbez then tells Cecil goodbye, as he and FuSoYa leave. (Damn, there goes a good party member...) Edge then asks him if he's just going to let him go like that and Rosa tells him that he could get killed, but Cecil just remains silent. Rydia then asks him if he's his big brother, as Cecil comments on that and Rydia tells him he's right, as Cecil remains silent again, but suddenly, the Giant Of Bab-il starts to shake violently. Edge comments that it's collapsing and Rydia tells them they must get out fast, as Rosa calls Cecil, but he just remains silent. Edge asks him what's the matter and Rydia asks where the way out is, as suddenly, a voice tells them this way, as Kain comes into view. Rosa calls him, but Edge tells him that he can't trick them anymore, but Kain tells them they'll talk later and to follow him, as Rosa tells everyone to hurry up and they exit the Giant Of Bab-il, as it explodes and is destroyed. The scene shows this happen and then switches to the inside of the Big Whale, as Kain begins to tell them what happened again. He tells them that he was finally able to regain consciousness and that he's ready to pay the consequences, as Edge begins blasting him, asking him who was it that reactivated the Giant Of Bab-il, as Kain just lowers his head, but Rosa defends him and tells them no, as Kain calls Rosa and she tells them that Golbez was also under control and it wasn't Kain's Fault. Kain then realizes that Golbez was also controlled like him, as Rosa tells Kain that Golbez is Cecil's Brother, as Cecil remains silent again. Rosa continues to explain to Kain that a Lunarian called Zemus was controlling Golbez from the Moon. Rydia then tells him that Golbez went to the Moon with FuSoYa to defeat Zemus and Kain just comments on Golbez being Cecil's Brother and then concludes that he must pay his debts back to Zemus for what he has done to him. Edge comments that he hopes Kain doesn't get hypnotized again and Kain tells him that if it happens again, that for him to kill him. Edge tells him that he feels like coming now and defeating Zemus with his Katana, as Kain just calls Edge. Cecil then tells them that they should get going and that he'll go to the Moon. Rosa calls Cecil, but Cecil tells everyone that Rosa and Rydia will get off here and the rest of them will go to the Moon, because it's too risky and there's no guarantee of a safe return this time, as Rosa becomes shocked at Cecil and Rydia as well. Though, he just tells them to hurry up and get off the Big Whale, as Rosa leaves and Edge then tells Rydia to be a good girl and to stay home, as she asks him if he thinks it's sweet of him to say that and calls him a Hotshot and then leaves. Edge tells Rydia goodbye, as Kain calls Cecil, as Cecil tells Kain and Edge that they should get going, as they activate the Crystal Of Flight and fly off to the Moon. You'll see a scene of them flying off and arriving on the Moon and landing and then it goes back to the inside of the Big Whale, as Cecil tells them that they're ready and they leave to get off, but suddenly, Rosa appears and Kain calls her. Rosa remains silent and Cecil tells her to get out of his way, but Rosa tells him that she won't move unless he takes her with him. Cecil tells her to not be silly and Rosa tells him that she doesn't care how dangerous it will be, as long as she can be with him, as Cecil calls Rosa and Kain tells him to take her with them and Edge agrees as well on this. Cecil then tells Rosa ok and tells her that whatever happens, he'll protect her, as they kiss. Then, a voice announces that they did it and Rydia appears and Edge calls her. Rydia then tells them that she told them before they are all fighting for a common cause and besides, she's the only Caller they have. Cecil tells Rydia she's right and that they should fight, all for their common cause, as everyone exits the Big Whale and you regain control of your party. Well, first thing's first. Kain's back in your party for good and this is your final party for the game, so use it well. Also, Kain has new Equipment, which is better than Cecil's, but don't worry, you'll get stuff for Cecil soon. Now, switch Rosa back to the Magic user row and put Kain in the attacker row, so that your party is now fully balanced. Also, if you're interested, Kokkol, The Smith's now has a shop open in the Under World, but he only sells Shuriken and Ninja Darts and Samurai Arrows, so if you're interested, stop buy and shop, but be warned, the prices for the Shuriken and Ninja Darts are VERY high. Anyway, when you're ready, there's one more Side Quest to do before you go to the final Dungeon in the game to confront Zemus. This Side Quest is to go to Cave Bahamut to get Rydia her most powerful Call spell, so gear up and get ready. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - V. The King Of Monsters Awaits...The Strongest Call Spell! . [ TKO6.22] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 58. Level To Get By: 36. Now, when you're prepared and ready, from the Lunar's Lair, (That blue Castle.) head west and you'll see a circular area with a cave in the middle, so land to the north on the blue mountain area and walk down the path and enter the cave you see to enter Cave Bahamut. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Cave Bahamut - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Samurai Armor, Samurai Gauntlet, Samurai Helmet and Samurai Shield. Suggested Level To Train To: 60. Level To Get By: 37-38. Once you're inside Cave Bahamut, follow the path south and you'll see a Treasure Chest. Open it and you'll get a Samurai Gauntlet. Equip it on Cecil, as it's much better than the Diamond Gauntlet. Then, backtrack and head east, following the path and head horth through the wall, so you can get the Treasure Chest you see. Open it to get a Samurai Shield. Again, give this to Cecil, as it's better than the Aegis Shield. Then, go ahead and follow the path south and go down the stairs you see. In the next area, follow the path and you'll see a Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Samurai Armor and yet again, give this to Cecil, as it's better than the Diamond Armor. Then, continue to follow the path and ignore the path leading north and instead, continue past it and open the Treasure Chest you see here to get a Samurai Helmet. Give this to Cecil, as it's better than the Diamond Helmet and now he's complete with new Equipment, just like Kain. Now, go ahead and follow the path north and you'll enter a Battle against a Behemoth. You'll fight three of these here in Cave Bahamut and even though it gives you the Boss Battle music, I don't count these things as real Bosses, so you won't see a strategy for them under the Boss Guide, but I will tell you what to do. Since Behemoths are VERY strong, I suggest you have Cecil and Kain attack, while Edge Darts Excalibur Swords (I hope you've made a healthy supply of them by now and I also hope you keep doing so.) and have Rydia cast Nuke if she knows it, otherwise, Fire3, as Rosa casts White or heals the party. Now, Behemoth hits VERY HARD with its attacks and it can use Storm, just like Valvalis could, so heal up FAST if this is casted on you. Just repeat this strategy over and over each time you fight Behemoth and you'll be fine. When you win, continue to follow the path and head down the stairs you see. In the next area, follow the path south and you'll fight another Behemoth. Beat it using the strategy I gave you and then move on. Then, continue to follow the path and eventually, you'll fight another Behemoth. Again, use the strategy I gave you and you'll be fine. After you win, continue on and you'll find three people. If you talk to the boy, he asks what you want and if you talk to the girl, she just sees that Cecil's a Half Lunarian. Nothing really important from these two, but the third person is the guy you want. He's actually Bahamut, but the thing is, he won't fight you unless you've already defeated Leviatan. (This shouldn't be a problem if you've followed my guide, but just incase, you get to now go and fight Leviatan and THEN backtrack ALL the way back here to fight Bahamut.) So, I suggest you heal up and then talk to him. When you do, he notices that you've defeated Leviatan and tells you that that could've been done without the power of Light and that even if you do possess the Light or not, he tells you that he, Bahamut, King Of Monsters, will be the judge of if you do, as you enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill. If you want a strategy, you know where to go, otherwise, fight this one yourself and then move on. After the Battle, Bahamut tells you that he has indeed seen your strength and will and that Rydia can now call his name if they need help, as Rydia learns the Call spell, Baham! Sweet! Well, that does it for all the Side Quests...or did I lie? There is one more you CAN do, which is last OFFICIAL Side Quest, but you must wait until you're in the final Dungeon. For now, go ahead and either walk out of Cave Bahamut for Experience or just cast Exit. It's up to you, but pretty soon, you're going to be doing some MAJOR training, so you mine as well get started. Also, if you talk to the boy and girl again, they just tell you that they are the first people that Master Bahamut has accepted and that they carry alot of responsibilities with them. Anyway, once you're outside head back to the Big Whale and heal up inside, cause you're about to go to the final Dungeon of the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - W. The Moon's Core Is Now Opened! Zemus, Here We Come! . . . [ TMC6.23 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: None. Suggested Level To Train To: 60. Level To Get By: 38. Ok, well, once you're all healed up, make your way back to the Lunar's Lair and head to the Crystal Room. If you bother talking to the Crystals here, you'll learn a few things. You'll learn that Weapons that were dangerous to Lunarians are sealed in the Moon's Core and can help you againt Zemus, as well as now that the Giant Of Bab-il is gone, the way to the Moon's Core is open, since Zemus lost control over the seal. That and FuSoYa and Golbez went inside, but they've been there for a very long time, with you also learning that with the Crystal's Power, they can open the way for you and that their power is amazingly strong. Then, you learn that even FuSoYa will have trouble with Zemus now, since he has psychic powers and all. After all this, you can learn that they'll help guide you to the Moon's Core. Well, after you talk to them all, if you want, head to the center of the room and step on the teleporter and you'll see a scene, as the Crystals tell you they'll guide you to the Moon's Core, as Cecil and everyone is teleported there. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Lunar Subterrane - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Artemis Arrows (20), Cabin (2), Crystal Armor, Crystal Gauntlet, Crystal Helmet, Crystal Shield, Crystal Sword, Cure3 (2), Elixir (2), Dragoon Armor, Dragoon Gauntlet, Dragoon Helmet, Dragoon Shield, Elixir, Flame Whip, Life, Life Staff, Masamune Katana, Murasame Katana, Ninja Dart (4), Ninja Robe, Pink Tail, Protect Ring, Ribbon Helmet (2), Stardust Rod, Whistle and White Spear. Suggested Level To Train To: 75-99. Level To Get By: 40-60. Once inside, you'll regain control of your party. First, head north and then east and follow the path through the wall. Then, just follow the path around to find a Treasure Chest and open it to enter a Battle. After you win, you'll get a Ninja Robe. Give it to Edge, as it's the best Armor for him right now and far better than the Bl. Belt. Then, backtrack to where you came into the Moon's Core and head west through the wall and step onto the teleporter you see. Then, head down the stairs and follow the path, until you see a Treasure Chest. Open it to enter a Battle and after you win, you'll get a Life Staff. If you haven't gotten the Silence Staff, which was a hard thing to get before and you have the Lunar Staff still, give this to Rosa now, as it's MUCH better than the Lunar Staff. (Or don't, if you've been giving her a Bow and some Arrows to use.) After you get this, continue on and step onto the teleporter and in the next area, follow the path and head down the stairs. Again, continue on and you'll see a floating Weapon. Now, before you examine it, heal everyone up and then be sure you're ready. I suggest you get Rydia to Level 60 now, so she can learn Meteo and also have everyone around that Level as well. Regardless, when you're ready, examine the Weapon, as it tells you you'll go to the Dark World before you even touch this Blade, as you enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill by now, right? I sure hope so. If you want a strategy, you know where to go, otherwise, fight this one yourself and then move on. After the Battle, you'll gain a Murasame Katana. Give this to Edge and clone him another one as soon as possible. Now, backtrack to the very beginning to where you entered this entire area from. Now, if you need to heal, head back out and do so. I suggest you do, because it only gets harder from here. If you don't want, that's your call, but anyway, from the starting point, head south and head down the stairs you see. (Also, on a slight note, some enemies here drop Artemis Arrows, THE best Arrows in the game, so if you get some, give them to whoever uses them. If you don't, no lose at all, really. Your call, heh.) In the next area, follow the path and enter the wall and head north and search for the path in the wall leading west, to get to the Treasure Chest you see and open it to find a Flame Whip. Give this to Rydia, as it's the best Weapon for her at this point and it's far better than the Blitz Whip. After you get this, head north in the wall and exit to the west and keep heading west through the wall and you'll see some stairs leading down and a Treasure Chest. Open the Treasure Chest to get a Dragoon Shield. Give this to Cecil and clone one for Kain as soon as possible, as it's better than the Samurai Shield. Then, go ahead and go down the stairs and in the next area, head south and ignore the stairs leading down and instead, head past it and head into the wall to the east. Follow the path through there and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Dragoon Helmet. Give it to Kain, as you'll get better Equipment for Cecil very soon and it's better than the Samurai Helmet. Then, head east through the wall here and follow the path and grab the two Treasure Chests here to get a Dragoon Armor and a Dragoon Gauntlet. Give both to Kain, as they're both better than the Samurai Armor and the Samurai Gauntlet. Then, backtrack and head down those stairs now and in the next area, follow the path and head east past the steps to find a Treasure Chest. Open it to get 10 Artemis Arrows and then head down the steps you just passed and head west and enter the door. In this small area, open the Treasure Chest to get a Elixir. Then, exit and head east, down the stairs and enter the door you see to enter the next area. In this area, follow the path and then head northeast when you can to find a Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Cure3, then continue to follow the path west and go past the door you see to get another Treasure Chest and open it to get another Cure3, then go ahead and go through the door. Then, in this area, grab the Treasure Chest you see to enter a Battle and once you win, you'll get the Stardust Rod. Don't bother giving it to Rydia, as it's weaker than the Flame Whip, so just keep it for now and don't Equip it. Then, go ahead and go down the steps to enter the next area. Now, in this area, you'll see another Weapon, but you can't get to it...yet. For now, ignore it and instead, just follow the path, heading down the steps and head past the door and open the Treasure Chest you see to enter a Battle. Once you win, you'll get a Crystal Shield, so give it to Cecil immediately, as it's the best Shield in the game for him and it's better than the Samurai Shield. (Also, Kain's Dragoon stuff is his best Equipment in the game for him as well.) Then, after you get this, enter the door and follow the path, heading through the wall to the east that has a Treasure Chest on the other side. Open it to get a Protect Ring, which you should give to Rydia, since she's the one in most need of Defense and all, so give it to her. Then, head through the wall again to the east and follow the path and you'll see a door. Ignore it for a minute and head south and exit through this door and in this small area, grab the Treasure Chest and you'll enter a Battle. After you win, you'll get a Crystal Armor, which you should give to Cecil, as it's better than the Samurai Armor. Then, backtrack and enter the door you passed earlier and in this area, head east and open the Treasure Chest to enter another Battle. After you win, you'll get a Crystal Gauntlet. Again, give this to Cecil, as it's better than the Samurai Gauntlet. Then, head west and enter the door and follow the path and open the Treasure Chest you see to get a White Robe. Give this to Rosa, as it's better than the Sorcerer Robe. Then, head north and head down the stairs and in this new area, head west and grab the Treasure Chest you see to enter a Battle. Once you win, you'll get a Crystal Helmet and make sure you give it to Cecil, as it's better than the Samurai Helmet. Then, follow the path and go past the steps and enter the door you see and in this small room, grab the Treasure Chest to get a Cabin. Now, before you do ANYTHING else, get ready for THE final Side Quest in this game. (Note: Come back here once I tell you to, so you can continue on with your real mission.) Welcome back. Now, you'll have to make your way ALL the way back to where you were before, but that's only if you left after you got the Pink Tail to get the Adamant Armor, but if you didn't, you don't have to travel through here again. Anyway, whenever you're back to where you were or you're ready to move on, exit the room and head down the steps. In this area, grab the two Treasure Chests you see to get a Ninja Dart and 10 Artemis Arrows. Then, head southwest down the steps and grab the Treasure Chest you come across to get a Cabin. Now, head west, which leads to a dead end edge...or does it? Try heading west and you'll cross over an invisible platform. Clever, huh? Now, just follow the path here and head into the wall to the east and follow it all the way in to head down some steps. Then, just follow the path and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Life. Then, follow the path and step onto the teleporter and then follow up the steps and step onto the teleporter and continue to follow the path and open the Treasure Chest you come across to enter a Battle. Once you win, you'll get another Protect Ring. Give this to Rosa now, as she's the next one in need of some more Defense. Next, continue to follow the path and step onto the teleporter and you'll arrive in a Save Point Room. I STRONGLY suggest you heal up and Save, because you're probably desperate for it now. So, go ahead and use it to heal and Save, then exit to the south and guess what? There's that Weapon you passed by earlier. Now, go ahead and examine it, as you hear a voice tell Cecil that the power of this Sword that Master Zemus hates won't be released, as you enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill. If you want a strategy, you know where to go, otherwise, fight this one yourself and move on. After the Battle, you'll get the best Sword for Cecil in the game; a Crystal Sword. Now, Equip this on him and watch his Attack raise VERY high. Do it, as it's MUCH better than the Excalibur Sword. Now, back track to where you crossed over that invisible area and then head down the steps that lead southeast and enter the door you come across. In this area, grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Heroine Robe, which you should give to Rydia, as she could use new Armor and it's much better than the Sorcerer Robe. Then, head down the stairs you see and in this area, follow the path until you see a series of doors. Enter the first one you see to enter a Save Point Room. Use it if you need it, otherwise, exit and enter the next door to find another Weapon. Gear up and get ready, then examine it, as Cecil hears a voice that tells him that a curse to all who seeks the White Spear, as you enter a Boss Battle. Again, you know the drill. If you want a strategy, you know where to go, otherwise, fight it out yourself and then move on. After the Battle, you'll get a White Spear, the best Spear in the game for Kain. Immediately give it to him and then leave this room and heal up or Save if you need to, then continue on and enter the next door you see and get ready, because here comes another Boss Battle. Step forward and try to go and get the two Treasure Chests you see, only to be stopped by a voice that tells you that you'll never get the sacred Ribbon Helmets, as you enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill. If yuo want a strategy, again, you know where to go for one, otherwise, fight it out yourself and then continue on. After the Battle, claim your prizes from the two Treasure Chests, which are two Ribbon Helmets. I suggest you give them to both Rydia and Rosa, since they're the weakest in your party right now. Now, after you do this, exit this area and heal up or Save if you need or want to, then follow the path and take the steps down and go down the stairs you see. (Note: Starting now, you'll start fighting enemies that drop some VERY good things, such as the Dragon Whip, Crystal Ring, Glass Helmet, Ribbon Helmet and some other great things, so start watching out for them.) Then, in this area, I suggest before moving on you start training. Like, ALOT. Trust me, you'll need it and this area is PACKED full of Experience, so don't worry. Also, if you want everything to go faster, knock out everyone but one party member and let them fight alone. They'll gain Levels so fast, you'll cry. Just take note, though, it's VERY dangerous with anyone but Cecil and Kain, so do this at your own risk. I suggest at LEAST Level 75+ before you move on, but if you feel like maxing everyone out to Level 99, go for it, but the BARE MINIMUM I suggest is Level 75. Also, take note, after Level 70, your stats can start to lower once you gain a Level. It's some weird thing Squaresoft put in the game, but it's easily fixed. When you gain a Level, look at your stats. If you aren't happy, reset, regain that Level and try again. Just make sure you Save your game right before you gain that Level. It's tedious, but well worth it in making sure your party gets THE best stats possible for the end of the game. Now, whenever you're ready and feel confident, as well as healed up and Saved, from where you came in last, follow the path east, until you see a Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Ninja Dart. Then, continue on the path until you see another Weapon. Heal up and make sure you're ready and then examine it, as Cecil hears a voice ask him if they, the people from the Blue Planet can handle the Dark Blade, Masamune, as you enter a Boss Battle. You know the drill. If you want a strategy, you know where to go, otherwise, fight this one yourself and then move on. After the Battle, you'll get the best Katana for Edge, a Masamune. Give this to him immediately, as it's much better than the Murasame Katana. Also, be sure to clone him another one to replace the other Murasame and he'll now be an extremely powerful fighter. Now, when you're ready, follow the path and head down the stairs. In the next area, follow the path and open the Treasure Chest you come across to get a Elixir. Then, continue on the path until you find another Treasure Chest and open it to get a Whistle. Remember, these summon a Fat Chocobo for you to either store or take out Items, so use it wisely, since you can only buy these from one place, which is Cave Of Humingway and they cost a hefty amount. Anyway, continue on and step on the teleporter and in the next area, follow the path and open the Treasure Chest you come to to get a Ninja Dart. Then follow the path again until you find another Treasure Chest, which when you open it you'll get yet another Ninja Dart. After you get this, follow the path and step onto the teleporter you come to and in this area, just follow the path until you come to a teleporter. Now, be warned, ONCE YOU STEP ON THIS, YOU'LL ENTER THE FINAL AREA TO THE GAME, WHERE ZEMUS IS WAITING. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO HERE YET, DO NOT STEP ON THIS TELEPORTER. Now, you have two choices. One, you can go ahead and step on the teleporter and beat Zemus now if you feel confident or two, you can try and get the rare Items that enemies drop here to get better Equipment, such as the Crystal Ring, Glass Helmet, Dragon Whip, Ribbon Helmet, etc. Though, your party SHOULD be fine, but if you want them, try and get them. Also, you COULD try getting Adamant Armors, but, psh, GOOD luck with those. Also, you can train more, which is NOT a bad idea, because you can NEVER be over prepared for Zemus. If you honestly want to, train to Level 99, but anything above Level 75 is good enough. If you are NOT Level 75 right now, DO IT. Trust me, you WILL need it. Now, if you REALLY want to leave this dungeon, have Cecil or Rosa use Exit, but I don't see WHY you'd want to, as there's nothing to get. If you want to, backtrack and Save your game, that way, all you'd have to do if you lose (Which MAY happen. Do NOT risk it.) is to backtrack here and fight Zemus again, instead of fighting Bosses that you may have not Saved after you beat them, so play it safe, so I recommend you do this, but it's up to you. Anyway, when you are finally ready and feel you can take on Zemus and destroy him once and for all, enter the teleporter. (Head to The Walkthrough, Y. The Final Battle With The Ultimate Evil: Zemus now, since section X is for the Pink Puff Side Quest.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - X. Let's Slaughter Some Pink Puffs! The Strongest Armor... . [ LS6.24 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Pink Tail. Suggested Level To Train To: 65. Level To Get By: 40. Ok, from the room you're in currently, get ready for the final Side Quest of this game. Just take note, if you do NOT wish to do this, because it WILL get VERY difficult and VERY fustrating, but, just take note that if you complete this Side Quest, you can call yourself one of the few people to ever do this and complete it, as it's probably one of THE hardest things to EVER do in ANY Video Game, so it's up to you. If you don't want to continue with this, head back to The Walkthrough, W. The Moon's Core Is Now Opened! Zemus, Here We Come! and continue on with your mission. Otherwise, let's continue, shall we? First, in this room, there's an enemy that appears at a 1/64 chance rate, which makes it VERY rare. It's called Pink Puff and it's pink (Obviously. Heh.) and looks just like Cream, Jelly, etc. Now, the thing is, this enemy drops a VERY rare Item, called Pink Tail, which it's dropped at a 1/64 chance rate as well. What's this mean? You literally have a 1/4096 chance of getting into a fight with Pink Puff and getting it to drop a Pink Tail. Sounds insane, huh? Well, that's the thing, it is. It's why barely ANYONE has gotten one without cheating. But, is it worth it? ABSOLTUTELY. Just check the stats of the Adamant Armor and you'll see exactly why. The good thing about it is ANYONE can Equip it and once they do, you literally have one party member who's nearly impossible to kill and you also make them a POWERHOUSE. Literally. So it's definitely worth it. Though if you wish to give up at any time, don't worry, ALOT of people have. But, if you do continue and you manage to get a Pink Tail, shoot your hands to the sky, because you lucky son of a bitch, you are INSANELY lucky. Now, once you get this, have Cecil or Rosa cast Exit and make your way back to the Big Whale and head back to Earth. Then, get into one of your normal Airships, either the Enterprise or the Falcon will do. Then, head back to Grotto Adamant, where the Tail Collector is. (Remember, you'll need the Hovercraft to get there.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Grotto Adamant - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Adamant Armor. Suggested Level To Train To: 65. Level To Get By: 40. Once inside Grotto Adamant, talk to the Tail Collector and yet again, he tells you he doesn't want to talk to you, unless you have a Tail for him, as usual. Show him the Pink Tail and he gets excited, as he sees it's the Legendary Pink Tail and tells you to take this, as he gives you a Adamant Armor. (Note: You can get as many Adamant Armors that you want, as long as you can keep finding Pink Tails. Man, wouldn't it be nice to get a set for your entire party? Heh, man, GOOD LUCK with that.) Well, with that done, you now have a Adamant Armor. So, who will you give it to? Anyone you do, they'll become your best party member off the bat, so it's up to you. You can make Cecil even stronger or give it to Rydia or Rosa or get Kain or Edge beefed up. It's up to you, so choose wisely. Now, if you HONESTLY want to get more Pink Tails, go for it, but regardless, when you're ready, head back to The Walkthrough, W. The Moon's Core Is Now Opened! Zemus, Here We Come! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Y. The Final Battle With The Ultimate Evil: Zemus . . . . . [ TFB6.25 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Crystal. Suggested Level To Train To: 75-99. Level To Get By: 40-60. Yes, this Boss gets his very own section in The Walkthrough. Don't bother heading to the Boss Guide, because the information there for him will just send you here, as you'll DEFINITELY want a strategy for this Boss, trust me. Though, if you really want to fight this yourself, stop reading this walkthrough now, as after you beat Zemus, you've won and you can watch the well deserved ending. So, it's up to you, but I suggest you read on. Anyway, once you enter the teleporter, don't bother with healing everyone. You'll see why in a minute. Double check your Equipment, orginize anything you made need to, make some last preperation checks and then follow the path, as a scene will take place. You'll see Golbez and FuSoYa and someone else, which guess who? It's Zemus. Cecil calls to Golbez and FuSoYa, as the two enter a Battle with Zemus and fire off countless spells against him, but they do barely any real damage to him. Golbez casts the Fire3, Ice-3 and Lit-3 spells and FuSoYa uses the Slow, Hold and White spells. FuSoYa then tells Golbez to do the Meteo now and he tells him he's ready, as Zemus laughs at them, as they cast W. Meteo (I have NO idea what that W stands for, so it's anyone's guess.) and it totally destroys him, as he tells them that this is only the beginning and then starts to fade away. The scene then cuts out of the Battle, as Zemus faints and Golbez comments that they beat him and FuSoYa mentions it was a pity that he was consumed by evil and couldn't use his powers for good. Edge cheers them on, as everyone moves to greet them and FuSoYa is surprised to see them here. Edge complains that he wanted to get Zemus, as Golbez calls Cecil and both have an odd moment, as Rosa calls to Cecil. Though, just then, Zemus's Body appears to have burted into flames, as it begins to talk and tells them he's the Absolute Dark Substance, the product of Zemus's Hate and that he is Zeromus, that hatred. He then knocks everyone back, knocking out everyone but FuSoYa and Golbez. FuSoYa comments that death only made Zemus's Hatred stronger, as Golbez calls to Zeromus and tells him he'll cast him back to where he belongs and FuSoYa tells him to begone, as they enter a Battle. Both of them will cast Meteo, but it only heals Zeromus. FuSoYa comments that it's no use and tells Golbez to use the Crystal, but it does nothing. Zeromus tells Golbez that since he's a man of Darkness, it won't work on him, as the person holding the Crystal must be pure of heart. He then casts Meteo on them, knocking them both out, as the scene goes out of the Battle. Zeromus tells them all to suffer and die and that his hatred will last until everything is destroyed and tells them all it's their turn and to come into his Darkness, as the screen fades out, with everyone knocked out. It come back in to Mysidia, where Elder and the others are still praying and watching the Battle, with everyone of your friends there now. (Minus Tellah.) Porom calls Elder and Palom comments that they're in danger, as Elder tells them it's time to wish for the Earth and tells Palom and Porom that they'll send the people's wishes to Cecil now. Yang calls Cecil, Edward tells him to show him real courage, Cid tells him that they're all waiting for him, Cid's Workers tell him to come back alive, King Giott tells him to do it for Mother Earth, Luca tells him to stand up and fight, the Toroian Women tell him that he's their last hope, Palom tells him to wake up, Porom prays for Cecil and everyone and Elder asks the Moon to answer their wishes. The scene then switches back to where everyone is, as Cecil stands up and starts probably one of THE best scenes in Video Game history, let alone on the SNES. Golbez calls Cecil and he walks over, as Golbez tells him to use this, as he gets the Crystal. Cecil then turns to Zeromus and calls him and tells him for all those living on Earth, he will destroy him, as you enter the final Boss Battle in the game... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Zeromus - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 105,000. (Times 2. Refills once he gets low.) EXP: 0. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Big Bang, Blk.Hole, Meteo, Nuke, Weak, White. Strategy: (Note: GOD this music ROCKS. It so fits the mood, doesn't it?) Cecil enters the Boss Battle, with only 1 Hit Point and everyone knocked out. Just then, Palom and Porom appear and they call him and give him their power, as you recieve it and everyone stands up, but they are all still pretty weak. Then, Edward and Tellah appear and tell them to do their best and to not give up, as two of your party members are fully healed. Next, in comes Yang and Cid, as they tell them to concentrate and to hold onto what they have, as two more of your party members are healed, leaving only Cecil still not healed. Finally, FuSoYa and Golbez appear and they tell the Moon to bless him and that let his power be with the Crystal and tells Zeromus that it's over, as Cecil becomes fully healed. Zeromus starts to shake, as you gain control of your party. First, the only thing you can do is have Cecil use the Crystal on him under Item, because it makes his true form show and allows you to actually hit him, so use the Crystal. The game tells you that his true colors emerged, as Zeromus growls and his REAL form appears and the REAL Boss Battle begins. (Note: Nice music change, huh?) Now, WAIT until Zeromus shakes after he transforms, because you won't be able to hit him until he does. Now, first off, here's the strategy and I STRONGLY advise you to follow it. Have Cecil and Kain attack, since Jumping for Kain takes TOO long to do and it's not worth it. If you want to, do it, but I don't suggest it. Have Edge Dart the Spoon first and then Excalibur Swords, have Rydia cast Meteo and have Rosa cast Cure4 or White when she can. If you REALLY need to heal, have other party members use Elixirs or something, because it does NOT matter at this point what you use. Go ALL out on him. Now, Zeromus has some REALLY devestating attacks, such as the Big Bang and Blk.Hole. Big Bang REALLY can hurt all your party members for some really good damage and Blk.Hole removes some types of Magic. (Such as Fast, Slow, Wall, etc.) He can also use Meteo, Nuke, Weak and White, but they don't do as much damage as you think and it's pretty laughable at what they do do, but if you're hurting alot, it's nothing to laugh at, since it could probably kill you. (Except Weak, which can REALLY slaughter one of your party members.) Now, just be sure to keep up the strategy I gave you and be sure to remember one thing: HEAL. ALOT. That's the key to this Boss Battle. Just make sure everyone is always at good health. Use Elixirs with everyone if things look bad and be sure to deal as much damage to Zeromus as possible. Once you defeat him, he'll slowly fade away, by falling out of the sky... After the Battle, it returns to where everyone is, as Zeromus speaks his final words slowly, telling them he will never perish, as long as evil exists in people's hearts, as he disappears completely. FuSoYa tells them all that they did a great job and comments that he didn't know that their people had so much power and maybe they were alot farther along than the Lunarians, as Edge totally agrees. Though, Kain comments on what Zeromus last said and Rosa repeats it, but FuSoYa tells them that evil will never disappear from their minds, as they all have both good and evil in their mind, exactly like how there's the Light and Dark Crystals and the Upper World and Underground. He goes on to say that as long as evil exists, so will good, just as they held good in them to fight evil and Edge agrees with him. Though, Rydia makes a joke about how funny it is that Zemus didn't use Edge instead, but he laughs and tells her not to worry, as Goodness is his middle name. Though, FuSoYa tells them he must return to sleep and asks everyone what they're going to do. Cecil tells him they'll go back to Earth and Rosa tells him they have people waiting for them there. He tells Cecil that he understands and that he has great friends and he looks forward to their next meeting. Just then, Golbez asks FuSoYa if he can go with him and FuSoYa becomes shocked by this, but Golbez tells him considering what he did on Earth, it'd be hard for people to forgive him so easily and that he'd like to see his father's people. FuSoYa agrees to this, but tells him that it'll be a very long sleep, but Golbez understands. Golbez then turns to Cecil and tells him thanks for calling him his brother, but Cecil stays silent, as Golbez tells him he knows he can't forgive or forget what he's done and that he's caused him so much pain, but FuSoYa interrupts and tells him they must go now and for them to live in peace and then repeats that they'll go now and Golbez agrees, as they walk away. As they do, Rosa calls Cecil, as Kain tells him it's his last chance and Rydia tells him to say it, as Golbez tells him goodbye, with Cecil looking down. Edge calls Cecil, as Cecil remains silent, but then walks forward and says goodbye, brother, to Golbez and Golbez tells him so long... Congratulations! You've just fully completed Final Fantasy II! Pat yourself on the back for beating this masterpiece of a game and for conquering it totally! It's been VERY well deserved now, so go ahead and watch one of the best Final Fantasy endings, in many people's opinions. (Note: The next final area of The Walkthrough will explain the ending, so if you do NOT want to spoil it for yourself and want to see it, do NOT continue on. Though, if you want to read about the ending, go ahead and read on.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Z. Ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ E6.26 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The scene shows the numerous Planets in the Universe spinning around, as the Mysidian Legend appears again for the third time to you, except with a final sentence at the end, which is "The Moon has just started to seek for its own light...", as the Planets continue to spin around. The scene then cuts to Mysidia, as the Big Whale is put back where it came from, as it shows Elder telling Porom that they'll start today's lesson and Porom agrees, but Elder asks her where Palom is and she curses him and tells him she'll get him. It cuts to a area where Palom's talking to a girl and telling her about the events on Mt. Ordeal, as Porom finds him and punches him, as he cries in pain. She tells him that that's enough boasting and that Elder is waiting for him, as she drags him away. They return to Elder, as he asks Palom how many times he's told him to not skip lessons, as he gives him homework, as Palom complains and Porom laughs and tells him he diserved it and he gets bummed out. The scene then shows Edge back at Eblan, as he's now the King and Chamberlain tells everyone to begin with, that Edge lacks self awareness of being the successor to the throne, but Edge tells him not to worry, as he tries to leave, but Chamberlain blocks his path, as he tells him he won't worry, as long as he stops dating girls all the time. Edge agrees, but Chamberlain tells him to actually do it this time and not just say he'll do it, as Edge walks off, commenting to himself that he can't find a girl in this world as beautiful as Rydia, as he gets a heart symbol over his head. Chamberlain calls Edge, but he just runs off. Next, we see Rydia back at the Land Of Summoned Monsters, as Asura comments that she didn't except her to come back here and Leviatan comments on that she's an amazing girl. Just then, a monster calls Rydia and comes in and Baby Monster asks her why she doesn't have fangs like them and asks her if they're different. Though, Rydia tells him to stop it and that there's no differences between them. Asura then comments that it'll be fun around here and Leviatan agrees and mentions she's a beautiful girl. Rydia comments herself and tells them that the heart is what's most important, as she asks a nonexistant Cecil, if that's correct. After this, we see Yang back at Fabul, who's now King, as Yang's Wife calls him, but Yang tells her to stop her honey calling, because she's a Queen now, though, she comments that she hates such formalities. Then, Yang remembers it's time for training, as he gets up and tells him men to get going, as she all agree and leave, but Yang's Wife just tells him that he also hates formalities and the Former King tells her he's sure that Yang will rebuild Fabul and make it beautiful again. The scene then switches to Edward, as he's overseeing the rebuilding of Damcyan, as he goes around talking to people, but just then, a voice calls him and three children come in and ask him to tell them about the Paladin and he tells them sure, but that they should finish today's work first and asks if they'd like Damcyan to be rebuilt and they agree that they do and they make him promise, as they leave. He then calls Anna and tells her to watch him from Heaven, as he has the people of Damcyan with him now and that he hopes Tellah will keep her company. Then, in comes King Giott at the Castle Of Dwarves, as everyone says Lali-Ho as usual and King Giott tells them to work hard so they can rebuild the Castle as soon as possible. Though, one of the Dwarves tells him they don't have enough materials to do it, as King Giott tells him to scrap the Tanks, as there won't be another war, as everyone resumes work. Luca tells King Giott that she wonders what Cecil and the others are doing, as he tells her he has good news, which is that Cecil will become King Of Baron and Rosa as his Queen. Luca becomes happy about this and King Giott tells her that they are also invitied to their ceremony and Luca comments on how nice that is. Just then, another Dwarf tells King Giott that he's loafing on his job, but does it with respect, as he realizes this and tells them to scrap the Tanks again, as they all say Lali-Ho. The next scene shows Kain standing on a mountain, (And without his helmet on!) as he stares into the distance and tells Cecil and Rosa to forgive him for not being there, but he needs to become a true Dragoon before he can return and tells them until then... Then, we see a observer in Astro Tower comment on something and Kory asks what is it, as the man tells him it's the Moon, as Kory looks at it, as you see the Planets spinning around again. Finally, we see Cecil and Rosa in Cecil's Room in Baron, as Cecil realizes something, as Rosa calls him and he tells her it's nothing, since he thought he heard Golbez's Voice. Rosa asks him if he's sure, but he tells her to nevermind. Just then, Cid comes in and asks them what they're doing, as everyone's waiting for them. Rosa tells him she's sorry and he tells her that they'll have plenty of time to spend together later, but corrects himself and calls her Queen, but Rosa tells him that Rosa is fine. He agrees with her and tells her she needs make-up and that the maids are waiting for her and to hurry up, as she agrees and Cid leaves. Rosa comments that it's been awhile since they saw everyone and they must be coming and tells Cecil to hurry, as she leaves. Cecil then comments that he knows he heard him and that he said goodbye...as the scene fades out. It comes back in as Cecil and Rosa are in the Throne Room, as everyone comes in and pays their respects. (I love how Edge acts when Rydia comes in.) Everyone makes their entrance and what a entrance it is for some of them. After everyone's there, (Except Kain...) they all raise their hands in a toast and begin celebrating, as the screen fades out and the Credits role... The end. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VII. Boss Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BOGU7 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. D. Mist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DMIS7.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 465. EXP: 700. Gold: 140. Special Attacks: ColdMist. (In Mist form only.) Strategy: Ok, this is a fairly easy Boss Battle, so don't get worried too much. Just have Cecil attack and Kain Jump. Just repeat this over and over until D. Mist is dead. If you get hurt, use a Cure1. Also, watch out for when D. Mist turns into mist. If you attack it while it's like this, it'll counter with it's special attack, ColdMist, which can hurt your party alot. Just wait while it's like this until it reforms itself and then continue attacking it until it's defeated. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Officer/Soldier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ OFFSO7.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Officer Hit Points: 221. EXP: 400. Gold: 80. Special Attacks: Attack, Retreat. Soldier (3) Hit Points: 27. EXP: 160 (3). Gold: 55 (3). Special Attacks: None. Strategy: Well, there's two ways to win this fight. The easy way is to just kill the 3 Soldiers, which will cause the Officer to run away. Simple Boss Battle, huh? Or, the harder way, which results in more Experience and Gold is to kill 2 Soldiers and keep the third Soldier alive while you attack the Officer. Once he dies, kill the third Soldier and you win. It's up to you which way you want to win, either way, it's a easy Battle. If for some reason you get hurt, just use a Cure1 and keep attacking until you win. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Octomamm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ OCTO7.3 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 2,350. EXP: 1,200. Gold: 500. Special Attacks: None. Strategy: Ok, this is another rather easy Boss. Octomamm has eight tentacles and as you attack and hurt him, he loses them one by one. As this happens, he loses speed and can't attack as fast as he could before. Have Cecil attack, while you have Rydia Call Chocb and Tellah casts Lit-1. In no time, Octomamm will fall. You should not be hurt alot during this Battle and if you take damage for some reason, just use a Cure1 or have Tellah or Rydia use Cure2 or Cure1. Either way, you should win this fight easily. If not, better train harder... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Antlion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ANTL7.4 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 1,000. EXP: 1,500. Gold: 800. Special Attacks: Counter. Strategy: Again, this is a simple Boss Battle if you play your Cards right. Antlion only has one attack to look out for and that's Counter. Everytime he gets hit with a regular attack, he uses Counter to deal damage back to you, so that's the only thing to watch out for. Have Cecil just attack him, Edward attack as well and have Rydia Call Chocb. Just repeat and Antlion will fall easily. If you get hurt, have either Edward use a Cure1 or have Rydia use her Cure1 spell or a Cure1 Item. Either way, this isn't that hard if you've trained well enough. Just bash him and move on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. WaterHag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WATE7.5 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 45,762. EXP: 800. Gold: 100. Special Attacks: None. Strategy: Ok, first off, this Boss does NOT have THAT much Hit Points. If you hack the game, you get that number. It's that high just so that the player, by some means, is able to beat the Boss before certain events take place. Anyway, this is a EASY Battle, even though you can lose in it if Edward is weak enough. I've seen it happen. Anyway, attack the WaterHag and after you do, Anna appears to Edward. Edward sees her, but can't believe it's her. She tells him to fight, so continue to Battle the WaterHag. After some time, she tells him to always believe in himself and to be strong, as she fades out. Continue to attack WaterHag and after some damage, he'll scream in pain and die. There's no real other strategy to this. If you for some reason can't defeat this Boss and you keep getting hurt, use a Cure1 and keep attacking. You should win. Seriously, it's easy, don't worry. ^_^ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. MomBomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOMB7.6 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 1,080. EXP: 0. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Explode. Bomb (3) Hit Points: 50. EXP: 370 (3). Gold: 240 (3). Special Attacks: Explode. GrayBomb (3) Hit Points: 100. EXP: 450 (3). Gold: 150 (3). Special Attacks: Explode. Strategy: Alright, this Boss could be a bit difficult, depending on how you play this out. The Boss has three forms, the first one being a Bomb state, the second being a HUGE monster and the third being three Bombs and three Gray Bombs. Now, here's what to do. You need to deal 1,080 damage to it before it goes into it's second state, so have Cecil attack, Yang attack, Edward attack, Rosa attack, since she has nothing better to do and have Rydia Call Chocb. Keep doing this until it transforms. Now, after this happens, make sure your party is at full Hit Points or as close as possible, because this sucker is gonna Explode in a minute. Attack it if you want, but just get ready, cause once MomBomb Explodes, he hits everyone for ALOT of damage. If you're at a low enough Level, you'll probably be killed by it or close to death. If this happens, heal FAST. Either way, heal up if you can/need/want to, otherwise, get ready for the final phase. You now have to fight three Bombs and three Gray Bombs. You have to kill them fast or else they explode and can REALLY hurt one of your party members. Have Cecil attack, Yang Kick, Edward Attack, Rosa cast Cure1/Cure2 on people who need it and have Rydia Call Chocb. Keep doing this until all of them are defeated. If one Explodes and hits a party member, heal/revive them FAST and continue the Battle. This is probably the first real tough Battle, but if you've trained hard enough and are prepared for it, you should do fine. Just heal alot, attack hard and fast and you'll do fine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. Fabul Assault Bosses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FABU7.7 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Battle #1 --------- General Hit Points: 320. EXP: 608. Gold: 155. Special Attacks: Charge. Fighter (2) Hit Points: 65. EXP: 410 (2). Gold: 100 (2). Special Attacks: None. Strategy: Remember the Boss Battle at the Inn in Kaipo with Cecil? This Boss Battle is JUST like this. Again, you have two options. You can either kill the two Fighters, causing the General to run or you can get more Experience and Gold by killing one Fighter, then killing the General, then killing the other Fighter. It's up to you which way to go, but either way isn't hard. Just have Cecil, Yang and Edward all attack and you'll easily win this Boss Battle. --------- Battle #2 --------- Weeper Hit Points: 100. EXP: 120. Gold: 30. Special Attacks: None. WaterHag Hit Points: 48. EXP: 180. Gold: 80. Special Attacks: None. Imp Cap. Hit Points: 37. EXP: 189. Gold: 20. Special Attacks: None. Strategy: This Boss Battle is a joke. Honestly, just have everyone attack and get it over with. You'll have NO problems with this Boss Battle, as it's like any normal Battle. --------- Battle #3 --------- General Hit Points: 320. EXP: 608. Gold: 155. Special Attacks: Charge. Fighter (2) Hit Points: 65. EXP: 410 (2). Gold: 100 (2). Special Attacks: None. Strategy: Remember the Boss Battle at the Inn in Kaipo with Cecil? This Boss Battle is JUST like this. Again, you have two options. You can either kill the two Fighters, causing the General to run or you can get more Experience and Gold by killing one Fighter, then killing the General, then killing the other Fighter. It's up to you which way to go, but either way isn't hard. Just have Cecil, Yang and Edward all attack and you'll easily win this Boss Battle. --------- Battle #4 --------- Gargoyle Hit Points: 160. EXP: 318. Gold: 100. Special Attacks: Weak. Strategy: Another Boss Battle that's a joke. Just attack Gargoyle and move on. --------- Battle #5 --------- Weeper Hit Points: 100. EXP: 120. Gold: 30. Special Attacks: None. WaterHag Hit Points: 48. EXP: 180. Gold: 80. Special Attacks: None. Imp Cap. Hit Points: 37. EXP: 189. Gold: 20. Special Attacks: None. Strategy: This Boss Battle is a joke. Honestly, just have everyone attack and get it over with. You'll have NO problems with this Boss Battle, as it's like any normal Battle. --------- Battle #6 --------- General Hit Points: 320. EXP: 608. Gold: 155. Special Attacks: Charge. Fighter (2) Hit Points: 65. EXP: 410 (2). Gold: 100 (2). Special Attacks: None. Strategy: Remember the Boss Battle at the Inn in Kaipo with Cecil? This Boss Battle is JUST like this. Again, you have two options. You can either kill the two Fighters, causing the General to run or you can get more Experience and Gold by killing one Fighter, then killing the General, then killing the other Fighter. It's up to you which way to go, but either way isn't hard. Just have Cecil, Yang and Edward all attack and you'll easily win this Boss Battle. --------- Battle #7 --------- Dragoon Hit Points: 65,535. EXP: 0. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Jump. Strategy: Look who's not dead, eh? Anyway, there's no real strategy to this Boss Battle. You can't win this even if you try. You're suppose to lose, so just let it happen. Also, Cecil keeps asking what's wrong with Kain during the Battle, but Kain says nothing. If you for some reason try to fight back and win and you heal Cecil constantly, Kain begins to Jump almost instantly once he lands, making it near impossible to attack him. So, just let yourself be hit and after a while, the Boss Battle will end. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H. Milon/Ghast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MILO7.8 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milon Hit Points: 3,100. EXP: 3,000. Gold: 3,000. Special Attacks: Lit-1. Ghast (4) Hit Points: 170 (4). EXP: 200 (4). Gold: 70 (4). Special Attacks: Drain. Strategy: Hmm, this Boss Battle's pretty easy going. Milon comes in with four Ghasts, but they can easily be killed by either having Palom cast Fire2 on them all or have Palom and Porom do Twin. Either way, do that first, so only Milon remains. Then, have Cecil attack him, Tellah cast Fire1, and Palom cast Fire2, as Porom heals anyone who needs it. Just repeat this until he screams in pain about his body and then dies. Not much strategy here, really. Just don't cast Cure1 or Cure2 on Milon, because he's not Undead and it'll actually cure him. Finish him off and move on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. Milon Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MILZ7.9 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 3,000. EXP: 4,000. Gold: 3,000. Special Attacks: Poison. Strategy: Look who's back for another round. This time, he attacks from behind, so your party's row is gonna be the opposide of what it should be. (Unless you listened to me before and changed it prior. See why I had you use the Change option? Now your party isn't effected as much.) Before he attacks, he'll make a comment that you'll fall flat into the ravine after he's done with you, but we'll see about that. Anyway, he's not much harder than before, but he is now Undead and can be hurt with Cure1 and Cure2, so, use them. Have Cecil attack, Tellah use Cure2 on him, Palom use Fire2 and Porom use Cure2 on him as well. If your party takes any really hard hits, heal up fast by using Tellah or Porom. If anyone gets poisoned by him, just use Heal to counter it. Just keep at it and he'll eventually fall. If you seem to have problems, you should probably train more. Other than that, he's pretty much easy, if you prepared enough. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - J. D. Knight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DKNI7.10 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 1,000. EXP: 0 Gold: 0 Special Attacks: D. Wave. Strategy: This can be the hardest Boss Battle you've faced so far or your easiest. It's up to you. Pretty much you have two ways you can win this. One hard way, one easy way. The hard way is you can actually fight the D. Knight and use a Cure2 Item to heal yourself when needed. (Let's face it, even with Cecil's new White Magic and Cure1, Cure1 isn't going to be enough.) Also, Equip the Paladin Shield through the Item option, so your Defense goes up a bit. Even though you'll get a message saying that if you want to a be a Paladin, you shouldn't fight now, ignore it and keep fighting. Eventually, you'll win the Boss Battle, but you get nothing from it. Now, the easy way is to just not attack at all and just keep using Cecil's Cure1 every turn. After some time, Dark Knight Cecil will tell you that justice is not the only right in this world and then he tells Cecil to go, as he dies. That's it. Simple Boss Battle, eh? It's up to you to choose which way you want to go, but whichever you choose, fight it out and win. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - K. Guard (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GUAR7.11 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 200 (2). EXP: 720 (2). Gold: 500 (2). Special Attacks: Piggy, Size. Strategy: This Boss Battle is a joke. Literally. You've had tougher than this. Have Cecil attack once to kill one of them, then just have either Palom or Tellah cast Fire2 on the other to win the Boss Battle. If you get a turn with Porom before either Tellah or Palom, just have her Parry. That's it. You can't lose this fight if you tried. Though, just watch out incase Guard casts Piggy or Size on your party, as it can heavily effect you. Just counter this with a Heal or Piggy/Size on yourself and you'll be fine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - L. Karate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KARA7.12 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 4,000. EXP: 0. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Kick. Strategy: Ah, another easy one. This isn't THAT hard either, as Yang's very weak to pretty much every attack. Have Cecil attack, Tellah use Fire3 and Palom and Porom use Twin. Just repeat this and Yang'll go down VERY fast. He only has two attacks, which is a normal attack and then his Kick, which actually causes some very good damage to your party, but, not a whole lot to cause life threatening damage. Also, if any characters are in the Piggy/Size status from the last Boss Battle, just heal them now and very fast, because Yang could do some damage to them that'd kill them. Anyway, just keep it up against him and he'll fall fast. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - M. Baigan/Left Arm/Right Arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BAIG7.13 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baigan Hit Points: 3,500. EXP: 4,800. Gold: 3,000. Special Attacks: Recover, Wall. Left Arm Hit Points: 350. EXP: 10. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Entangle, Vampire. RightArm Hit Points: 350. EXP: 10. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Entangle, Vampire. Strategy: This Boss Battle can get a bit difficult if not played right, but for the most part, it's pretty easy going. For the most part, don't attack his Left Arm or RightArm, as he can just easily Recover them. Just wait until you kill Baigan to finish them off. Have Cecil and Yang attack Baigan and have Palom cast Virus on Baigan, even though he'll cast Wall on himself. The good thing is, Virus hurts him ALOT and will also constantly drain his Hit Points, so, that's good. Anyway, have Tellah and Porom be your healers incase Baigan and his LeftArm and RightArm start causing any trouble. Other than that, just have Cecil and Yang attack constantly, while everyone else just does nothing and you'll win this Boss Battle easily. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - N. Kainazzo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KAIN7.14 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 4,000. EXP: 5,500. Gold: 4,000. Special Attacks: Fast, Remedy, Wave. Strategy: This isn't too hard, since Kainazzo barely does anything, really. He has two different poses, though. One is what he looks like when you enter the Boss Battle and one is with water around him. In his first pose, he's VERY weak to Ice and in his water form, he's VERY weak to Lit. Also, he can hide inside his shell. When he does so, he casts Remedy to heal himself, so quickly attack him to finish him off. So, for the strategy here is have Cecil and Yang attack him, Tellah Cast Ice-3 or Lit-3, Palom cast Ice-2 or Lit-2 and Porom be your healer. Just repeat this until he's dead, as he is NOT that hard and you'll hopefully have no trouble with him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - O. Dark Elf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DARK7.15 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 22,000. EXP: 0. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Fire2, Ice-2, Lit-2, Weak. Strategy: None. Don't bother trying to win this, as you can't. Just let him beat the crap out of you and after the Boss Battle, you'll see why. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - P. Dark Elf/Dark Dragon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DARKE7.16 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Elf Hit Points: 22,000. EXP: 0. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Fire2, Ice-2, Lit-2, Weak. Dark Dragon Hit Points: 3,000. EXP: 5,000. Gold: 6,000. Special Attacks: D. Breath, Fire2, Ice-2, Lit-2, Weak. Strategy: This Boss Battle is easy as HELL, now that you can use your real Equipment here. Since he has two forms, both very easy, I'll start with his first form. Basically, have Cecil, Yang and Cid attack, while Tellah casts Fire3. Keep at this until he changes his form and tells you about it. After he does this, have Tellah cast Weak on him, then hit him once to win this Boss Battle easily. His only attacks are a 3 hit combo of Fire2, Ice-2 and Lit-2, which do BARELY any damage to your party members, so don't worry about it. Just watch out for his Weak and his D. Breath attack, as they can do some SERIOUS damage. If this happens, quickly heal yourself. But, other than this, he's really not that hard and you'll win without too much difficulty. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Q. Sandy/Cindy/Mindy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SACIM7.17 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sandy Hit Points: 2,500. EXP: 5,000. Gold: 3,000. Special Attacks: Bersk, Charm, Lit-1, Wall. Cindy Hit Points: 4,300. EXP: 5,000. Gold: 3,000. Special Attacks: Recover. Mindy Hit Points: 2,200. EXP: 5,000. Gold: 3,000. Special Attacks: Delta Attack, Fire1, Ice-1, Lit-1, Venom. Strategy: Hmm, this Boss Battle could get tricky. For the most part, strategy is definitely needed here, as if you don't fight this Boss Battle right, you won't get far. What I mean is basically, you have to beat the Magus Sisters in a certain order, or else they'll never die. Pretty much you have to do away with Cindy first, since she can revive her other sisters if they die, so focus on her, but the downside is Sandy casts Wall on her like, almost every other turn, so using Magic on her is not going to happen, unless you cast Wall on someone of your party, bounce the spell off them and pray it hits her. Though, you really won't need to do that, so don't worry. Now, the first thing to do is to just have everyone attack Cindy with regular attacks. Just keep doing this and have Tellah heal anyone if they get hurt enough. Watch out for the Delta Attack, which Mindy casts regularly, which can cause some decent damage to one of your party members, but not really life threatening. After Cindy dies, have Tellah cast Fire3 or the such on Sandy, as everyone else attacks Mindy. Continue to have Tellah cast either Fire3, Ice-3 or Lit-3, while everyone else attacks and Sandy and Mindy will easily fall soon after. Not a very hard Boss Battle, but if you didn't know which person to kill, this could've taken awhile. Just make sure you do NOT cast Magic on Cindy, you watch your party's Hit Points and you attack fast and hard and you'll come out on top. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - R. Valvalis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ VALV7.18 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 6,500. EXP: 9,500. Gold: 5,500. Special Attacks: Ray, Spin, Weak. Strategy: For this Boss Battle, Valvalis can get tricky at times. For the most part, Valvalis constantly uses Spin, which makes her Defense against ALL attacks increase. The only way to get her out of this is by using Kain's Jump. Though, when she's spinning, she casts Weak on a party member and then casts Ray on another. (Or the same person. Depends, really.) The tricky part here is that Weak almost instantly kills one party member and with Ray casted, if you don't act fast enough, you could easily lose two party members, since Ray can Stone another one of them. So, for this Boss Battle, have Cecil, Yang and Cid attack, Kain constantly using Jump and have Rosa as your healer. Just keep this attack up and use Heal and Cure2/3 whenever you need it and Valvalis will easily fall. If you have problems with her, just try to heal as fast as you can and constantly attack her. You shouldn't have a REAL problem with her, but she can get a bit difficult at times, but with your Levels that I suggested, you'll be more than fine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - S. Cal/Brena/Calbrena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CABCA7.19 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cal (3) Hit Points: 1,000 (3). EXP: 1,000 (3). Gold: 500 (3). Special Attacks: Combine. Brena (3) Hit Points: 1,000 (3). EXP: 1,000 (3). Gold: 500 (3). Special Attacks: Combine. Calbrena Hit Points: 4,600. EXP: 19,000. Gold: 7,000. Special Attacks: Glance. Strategy: Well, there's two ways to go about this Boss Battle. First, you must fight three Cals and three Brenas. If you're fast enough, you can kill them all before they Combine into Calbrena, but if you do, you won't get as much Experience as you would if you fought Calbrena, so it's up to you. If you want to fight Calbrena, let at least one Cal or Brena survive and they'll Combine into Calbrena. Also, if enough of them are left when they transform into Calbrena, after a while, they'll lose power and the Combine will wear off, but all 6 Cal and Brenas will return, so you must kill Calbrena FAST. Now, Cal and Brena have no special attacks and are fairly easy, but Calbrena uses Glance alot to Charm one of your party members, so watch out for that. Now, for the strategy. For the most part, have everyone just attack, except Rosa, have her as your healer. That's all you have to do, really. If you want to, have Kain Jump, but it's up to you. Either way, keep up the assault in whichever way you chose to fight this Boss Battle and then continue on. It's not too hard, but it can be if you take too long to fight this Boss Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - T. Golbez/Shadow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GOLSH7.20 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golbez Hit Points: 22,000. EXP: 20,000. Gold: 11,000. Special Attacks: Call, Hold Gas. Shadow Hit Points: ???. EXP: 0. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Demolish. Strategy: Alright, you finally get to confront Golbez and fight him! Though, this won't be easy. First off, I suggest you get it to Kain's Turn first and then wait a few seconds before having him Jump, because you want to time this as right as possible, because Golbez uses Hold Gas on your party, which paralyzes them all and if you can get Kain to Jump, he won't be hit by it. Now, don't bother attacking Golbez right just set and instead, get Kain into the air. After a little bit, Golbez will laugh at you and then ask if that's all you got, as he casts Hold Gas on your party. If Kain's in the air, this'll miss him. He then tells you to just wait until you see the real terror, as he Calls a monster, his Dragon, Shadow. Once Shadow comes in, he'll start to one by one use Demolish on your party members, which instantly kills them. After everyone but Cecil is dead, Golbez tells him it's now his turn, but suddenly, Cecil and everyone else disappears, as the D. Mist Dragon appears and slams Golbez and Shadow, with the attack killing Shadow. Cecil and everyone else reappear and Golbez becomes extremely shocked that that Mist attack destroyed his Shadow Dragon. Then, suddenly, Cecil is hit with a Heal spell, as a voice tells him he can now move and he asks who it is, as...Rydia appears! She is alive, after all! Now, here's where the Boss Battle begins. If you were successful, Kain SHOULD come back down now and be fine and totally have dodged Golbez's Attack. Now, here's what to do. First, concentrate on getting your party revived. Have Cecil, Rydia and Kain, if he's alive, use Lifes on everyone to revive them and once Rosa is alive, have her cast Cure3/4 on everyone. Then, after this is done, have Cecil, Kain and Yang attack and Rydia just cast a Fire2 or something, since you don't need to deal too much damage to Golbez, since he dies very easily, due to Shadow dying on him, so, this isn't THAT hard of a Boss Battle, so don't worry. Just fight him and he'll die real easily. Before he dies off, he asks why and then collapses. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - U. Dr. Lugae/Balnab/Balnab-Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DRLBB7.21 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Lugae Hit Points: 4,416. EXP: 0. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: None. Balnab Hit Points: 3,927. EXP: 0. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: None. Balnab-Z Hit Points: 4,000. EXP: 0. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Explode. Strategy: Man, another really easy Boss Battle. First off, you can do this one of two ways. The easy way or the hard way. If you want to go the simple route, simply kill Dr. Lugae first, then Balnab. If you want the hard way, kill Balnab and leave Dr. Lugae alive. After some time, he'll manually control Balnab in the remade Balnab-Z. You will only fight Balnab-Z IF you go the hard way. You won't see him otherwise. Now, for a strategy here, have Cecil, Yang and Kain attack, while Rydia casts Fire3 or another spell on those lines and have Rosa heal if necessary or have her attack. This isn't a hard fight, trust me. If you fight Balnab-Z, defeat him QUICKLY or he'll use Explode and hit one of your characters for 4,000 damage or less. Just use normal attacks and have Rydia cast a strong spell and you'll be fine. Honestly, you shouldn't have any problems at all with this Boss Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - V. Dr. Lugae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DRLUG7.22 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 6,600. EXP: 15,000. Gold: 4,000. Special Attacks: Beam, Emission, Gas, Laser, Poison. Strategy: Now this could become a hard fight if you don't go about it the right way. He starts off looking normal like he did in the last fight, but he soon transforms himself and becomes some sort of monster. Watch out for his Gas attack, which makes a character fall asleep. That and the Poison attack, which hits every party member. His Beam attack isn't that dangerous, but making your characters fall asleep can make the Boss Battle fustrating and long. Simply use the same strategy you did on him and Balnab/Balnab-Z in the last Boss Battle and you'll be fine. Except, have Rosa or Cecil use Heal on anyone who falls asleep or if they fall asleep, have someone else use a Heal on them. That's all you really need to do for this Boss Battle, cause Dr. Lugae will fall quite easily, even though he's much stronger now. Don't worry, the most that should happen is it takes a while to beat him, due to being asleep. You should have no real problems with him. Just be sure to heal the Poison after this Boss Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - W. Dark Imp (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DARIM7.23 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 199 (3). EXP: 1,940 (3). Gold: 45 (3). Special Attacks: None. Strategy: This is a joke. Use regular attacks with everyone to quickly end this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - X. K. Eblan/Q. Eblan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KEQE7.24 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- K. Eblan Hit Points: 60,000. EXP: 0. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: None. Q. Eblan Hit Points: 60,000. EXP: 0. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: None. Strategy: (Note: You don't need to fight here. The Boss Battle will end on it's own and you can't be killed, so don't worry, unless you don't heal if you need to.) As the Boss Battle begins, King Eblan tells them that he will bring them all down to Hell. Edge then calls to his mom and dad and asks what's wrong with them and tells them it's him, Edge. Then, suddenly, they both change color and regain consciousness. King Eblan tells Edge to listen and tells him that they're no longer Human and they must not live. Queen Eblan tells him they're sorry and Edge just remains silent. King Eblan tells him before they lose their sanity, they must die and tells Edge to take care, but Edge tells them no and begs them not to do this. Just then, King Eblan dies and Queen Eblan tells Edge goodbye, as Edge tells her not to do this and begs her not to go, as she also dies. The Boss Battle then ends... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Y. Rubicant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RUBI7.25 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 25,200. EXP: 25,000. Gold: 7,000. Special Attacks: Fire2, Glare. Strategy: Before you begin, if you still have the IceBrand Sword and the Blizzard Spear, give them to Cecil and Kain, as they make Rubicant MUCH easier to beat. If you don't that's ok, but it'll take a bit longer to beat him. Anyway, as the Battle begins, be aware of Rubicant's Cloak. If he's wrapped up in it, avoid using ANY Ice Magic, as it'll heal him. When he opens his cloak, feel free to cast any Ice Magic on him. Also, be aware of Glare, as he casts that alot and it can easily kill or almost kill one of your party members. For the most part, have Cecil and Kain attack, while Edge casts Flood or attacks, have Rydia cast Ice-3 or Shiva if you wish and have Rosa be your healer. If anyone dies, have her use Life2 or if she's the unlucky victim, have someone use a Life on her and then get her healed quickly. Rubicant isn't that hard, but he can become a problem with his Glare attack if you don't recover from it fast enough. Just keep up the strategy I told you to do and you'll be fine. (Note: I noticed that if he gets weak enough, he'll tell you that he lost, but he will return and then he dies. I found that odd, but if you actually kill him, he says nothing.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Z. EvilWall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ EVIWA7.26 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 19,000. EXP: 23,000. Gold: 8,000. Special Attacks: Crush, Petrify. Strategy: Ok, this Boss Battle could get ugly. For the most part, you have to win this Boss Battle FAST. I mean, FAST. EvilWall advances at a steady pace at your party and if he gets close enough, he'll cast Crush over and over until all of your party members are dead. (Crush instantly kills a person, no matter what.) So, for the strategy here, have Cecil, Kain and Edge attack and for the first round, have Rosa cast Slow on the EvilWall, so he doesn't move towards your party as fast and have Rydia cast Virus, so it's Hit Points are constantly draining. Then, if Rosa knows it, have her cast White and if Rydia knows it, have her cast Nuke. If not, have Rosa heal or attack and have Rydia keep casting Virus or another strong spell. Just keep up your assault and pray that you kill EvilWall before it starts using Crush on your party. Also, watch out for him using Petrify, because if someone becomes Stone, you'll need to cure them as soon as possible, because you need EVERYONE for this Boss Battle. Anyway, with a little hope and luck, you'll beat EvilWall and once you do, good job, because this was one of the hardest Bosses in the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - AA. Asura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ASUR7.27 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 23,000. EXP: 20,000. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Cure3, Cure4, Life. Strategy: The main reason I suggest you read this strategy is because of how hard Asura can get. For the most part, she casts Cure3 and Cure4 constantly on herself, so dealing any damage to her just gets cured. To counter this, have Rosa cast Wall on her, so all her curing goes to your party. Though, that means that Edge, Rydia and Rosa can't use Magic on her, but that's easily fixed. Have Cecil and Edge attack her and have Rydia constantly Call Titan or some other Call spell, while you have Rosa either attack, heal if you need it, since Asura's curing hits a random party member and not always the one you want and have her cast Wall on Asura if it wears off. Just keep up this pattern and Asura will fall. If you do NOT know Wall with Rosa, you can't win this fight, unless you carefully plan it, but I'm assuming you know it. If you don't, go and train her until she does. After she's defeated, Rydia will learn a new Call spell... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - BB. Leviatan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LEVIA7.28 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 35,000. EXP: 28,000. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Big Wave, Ice-2. Strategy: This can be a tough fight, even if you're around Level 50. For the most part, Leviatan casts Big Wave ALOT and it can do ALOT of damage to all members of your party. For the most part, have Cecil attack, have Edge use Blitz, Rydia use Lit-3 and Rosa either heal your party or cast White if she knows it. If not, just have her has your healer. Make sure if anyone dies to quickly revive them and continue fighting. With only four party members, this fight can get tricky, trust me. Just keep up your assault and you'll be fine. Leviatan also casts Ice-2 alot, but it does only medicore damage, so don't worry. Just keep attacking him and he'll fall. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - CC. Odin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ODIN7.29 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 20,500. EXP: 18,000. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Sword Attack. Strategy: Holy GOD you have little time to win this or else you'll be killed. Ok, this is probably THE hardest Boss Battle in the game up to this point and if you're not fast enough in killing him, you'll easily be killed. (I mean, EVERYONE will die. Trust me, this Boss Battle is NO joy ride.) Ok, for the most part, if you see him raise his Sword, he's getting ready to use the Sword Attack and when he does, you're dead. Now, here's the strategy. First, have Cecil and Edge attack, while you have Rydia cast Nuke if she knows it. If not, have her use Lit3 or some other high Magic spell and have Rosa use White if she knows it and if she doesn't, just have her attack. There's no time for healing in this Boss Battle, so just go all out. Keep this strategy up and he'll fall. If you are killed, just try again and keep trying until you win. If you can't win, Level up and try again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DD. Elements - Milon Z./Kainazzo/Valvalis/Rubicant . . . . [ ELEM7.30 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milon Z. Hit Points: 17,000. EXP: 15,625. Gold: 2,500. Special Attacks: Curse. Kainazzo Hit Points: 21,000. EXP: 15,625. Gold: 2,500. Special Attacks: Fast, Remedy, Wave. Valvalis Hit Points: 27,000. EXP: 15,625. Gold: 2,500. Special Attacks: Spin, Storm. Rubicant Hit Points: 39,000. EXP: 15,625. Gold: 2,500. Special Attacks: Fire2, Fire3, Glare. Strategy: Ok, well, it seems these guys are all back and this time, you have to fight ALL four of them, all in a row and guess what? They're ALL much, much more powerful than ever before! Well, you'll first fight Milon Z. First, this applies to the entire Boss Battle. Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT use White and Meteo on ANY of these Bosses, as it will heal them. Trust me, DO NOT do this. Now, let's deal with Milon Z. Just like the last time you fought him, he's VERY weak to Fire and since he's Undead, he's also weak to Cure. Though, I suggest you just use Fire, as it's more effective. Have Cecil attack, while Rydia and FuSoYa cast Fire3, (If Rydia doesn't have Fire3, Fire2 will do.) while you have Edge cast Flame and have Rosa cure anyone who may need it. He'll easily fall once you cast the Fire3 spells, so don't worry. After he's defeated, Rubicant is up next. Now, this time, he doesn't close his Cloak, so feel free to cast Ice spells on him, since he's once again weak to Ice. For this, have Cecil attack, as Rydia and FuSoYa cast Ice-3, (If for some reason Rydia doesn't know Ice-3, have her use Ice-2.) while Edge uses Flood and have Rosa once again cure anyone that needs it. Keep this up and Rubicant will easily fall. Next up is Kainazzo. Yet again, he's VERY weak to Lit, so have Cecil attack, Rydia and FuSoYa use Lit-3, (If Rydia doesn't know Lit-3, Lit-2 will do.) while Edge uses Blitz and have Rosa be the healer again. Just watch out, as Kainazzo hits HARD and fast and he can easily knock out your party members, even if they're at high Levels. If this happens, quickly revive and cure them and move on. Just keep this strategy up and you'll win. Finally, Valvalis appears as the final Boss to fight here. She's VERY weak to Lit as well, so use the same strategy you did on Kainazzo on her. Her one attack to watch out for, Storm, can lower every member of your party's Hit Points down to single digits. If this happens, cure them FAST. Get FuSoYa, Rosa or even Cecil to pump out something or else you're going to die quickly. Just keep this up and after a while, she'll fall and you'll win. This Boss Battle is actually quite tough, especially with Kainazzo and Valvalis, so just be careful. If you lost, try again and if you keep losing, I suggest gaining a few Levels and then trying again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - EE. CPU/Attacker/Defender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CPUAD7.31 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU Hit Points: 20,000. EXP: 50,000. Gold: 3,444. Special Attacks: Globe199, Recover, Wall. Attacker Hit Points: 2,000. EXP: 50,000. Gold: 3,444. Special Attacks: Maser. Defender Hit Points: 2,000. EXP: 50,000. Gold: 3,444. Special Attacks: Remedy. Strategy: Ok, this is going to be one hell of a Boss Battle. For starters, if you kill both Attacker and Defender, CPU will use Globe199 on two of your party members, causing 9,999 and killing them instantly, no matter what. He will then revive them both and you'll be back at square one again, minus two party members. Now, the thing is, Attacker will constantly attack you, while Defender constantly cures CPU, so if you're feeling lucky, you CAN keep killing the Attacker and Defender, which yields 100,000 Experience total each time, so if you wish to rack some Experience up, keep doing this and keep reviving everyone. Though, if you just want to beat the thing as soon as possible, you can kill Attacker and Defender off and try to destroy the CPU off as fast as possible, but either way, you'll end up killing them once, so you can't ignore this, unless you take your time and just attack the CPU. Anyway, have Cecil attack CPU, while Edge Darts Excalibur Swords, (Which I PRAY you cloned some. If not, Dart something else or have him just attack normally.) while you have Rosa cast Wall on someone, so FuSoYa and Rydia can bounce Magic off that person, because CPU casts Wall on himself, which kills your chance to use Magic, unless you use Wall on one of your own party members. Then, have Rydia and FuSoYa cast Nuke. (If Rydia knows it. Otherwise, have her cast Levia or some other Call spell, because Call spells can go through Wall. It's up to you, but I suggest Nuke, even if it's a random chance that you'll hit CPU with Attacker and Defender around.) Anyway, repeat this process and revive any Swooned party members and you'll be ok. Just keep it up and make sure you can deal more damage than what Defender can cure or you'll be in trouble. If you can't beat CPU, try again or gain some Levels and try again and you should be able to. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - FF. Bahamut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BAHA7.32 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 37,000. EXP: 35,000. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: MegaNuke. Strategy: Wow, this Boss Battle can be either very easy or very hard, depending on how you play your cards. First off, ALL that Bahamut does is do a countdown fom 5 to 0 before he uses MegaNuke, which can EASILY kill your entire party, even if you are Level 58+ like I recommended. (I HOPE you're at least that high right now, because the game isn't getting any easier.) Now, here's what you can do. First, have Cecil and Kain attack, while Edge Darts Excalibur Swords, as Rydia casts Nuke (If she doesn't know Nuke, Fire3 or something will do just fine.) and have Rosa cast Wall on everyone in your party she can, incase you can't kill Bahamut before he uses MegaNuke. This way, some of your team will survive and can revive the ones that didn't and you can continue to fight. Just keep this strategy up or if you're feeling lucky, have Rosa cast White instead of casting Wall. Now, if you aren't so lucky and you didn't train, you can still win and you only need Kain for this. Simply have Kain Jump when the counter is at 1 and he won't get hit at all. Then when the count starts over, just have him attack and then when it's at 1 again, have him Jump. Repeat until he's dead. Simple, huh? Anyway, you shouldn't lose this Battle, even if you have to resort to having to use only Kain to win. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - GG. Pale Dim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PALED7.33 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 27,300. EXP: 59,000. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Quake, Slow. Strategy: As tough as this Boss Battle may seem, it's pretty easy to win it, depending on how you go about it. First, if you followed my guide strictly and you're at Level 60+, you'll have NO trouble AT ALL with Pale Dim. If you're not at Level 60 or higher, well, you can still win, but it may be a bit harder. For the strategy, have Cecil and Kain attack, while Edge Darts Excalibur Swords, Rydia cast Meteo (Or some other high spell if she doesn't have it.) and Rosa cast White. Seriously, just keep this up and you'll easy win within minutes, if not less. Just watch out for his Quake and Slow spells, as they can hurt you for some good damage and slow you down as well. Just keep up the strategy above and you'll easy win this with no trouble at all. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - HH. Wyvern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WYVER7.34 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 25,000. EXP: 64,300. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: MegaNuke, Nuke, Remedy, Wall. Strategy: Well, yet again, this Boss Battle is pretty simple, depending on how you play it. First, again, if your Levels are around Level 64 or so now, you'll be more than fine. If not, watch yourself. Wyvern has some VERY good spells to use, such as MegaNuke, exactly what Bahamut had, though, his isn't as strong, but can still do some really bad damage to you. Also, he can use Nuke, Remedy and Wall, which makes him even harder to hurt. But, here's a good strategy for him. First, have Cecil and Kain attack, while Edge Darts Excalibur Swords, Rydia casts Meteo or Nuke and Rosa uses Cure4 or White. Just keep this strategy up and you'll easily win this. If you somehow lose, train a bit and then try again or just try again. Either way, you shouldn't really have any major problems with this Boss. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - II. Plague . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PLAGU7.35 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 28,000. EXP: 31,200. Gold: 550. Special Attacks: Count. Strategy: Ok, now, get ready for a REAL Boss Battle here. First off, you MUST be at a high Level or else you'll never win this Boss Battle in time. Why? Because Plague starts off by casting Count on EVERYONE, so you literally have 10 seconds to win this Boss Battle. Rough, huh? Well, the only thing you can really do to counter this is to fight FAST. I mean, FAST. First, have Cecil and Kain attack, while Edge Darts Excalibur Swords, with Rydia casting Nuke or Meteo and Rosa casts White. Trust me, you'll need to do this if you want to survive. If you follow this and you're around Level 64+, you'll be more than mine. Anything less, eh...start praying. Anyway, this is the only problem with Plague is time. You have to act fast in order to win, so if you lose, retry again and again until you win or train and then fight him again. Note: Thanks to Marek Grabowski for this nice strategy. He suggested that to have an easier time with Plague, before you enter the battle, have three or even four of your characters dead and then enter the Boss Battle. When you do, Plague will cast Count on you. After this, revive a party member. Plague will cast Count again, putting the timer back to 10. Keep reviving party members and attack him while you can, that way, you will have a ton more time to beat him. This is a pretty good strategy, I'd say. Thanks! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - JJ. D. Lunar (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DLUNA7.36 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 21,000 (2). EXP: 100,000 (2). Gold: 0 (2). Special Attacks: Fire, Rememdy, Virus, Wall. Strategy: This is a pretty easy Boss Battle. For starters, even though this may look like it may get ugly, it really doesn't. The D. Lunar's Spells are pretty petty and don't deal alot of damage, but they can deal a decent amount. But, it's still pretty easy to destroy them. First, have Cecil and Kain attack, while Edge Darts Excalibur Swords, as Rydia casts Meteo and Rosa uses White. Just repeat and heal if necessary and this Boss Battle will be over before you know it. Trust me, it's that easy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - KK. Ogopogo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ OGOPO7.37 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 37,000. EXP: 61,100. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Big Wave, Blaze. Strategy: Well, now you'll see why you did all that training now and how it's going to pay off. First off, Ogopogo uses Big Wave, just like Leviatan, except he can do it twice in a row and REALLY hurt your party. Plus he uses Blaze, which after using Big Wave, your party will be on their last legs in seconds, even if they're Level 75+. Now, for the strategy here, have Cecil and Kain attack, white Edge Darts Excalibur Swords, as Rydia casts Nuke or Meteo and have Rosa use Cure4 for the entire Boss Battle, since you'll really need it this time around. Just keep this strategy up and you should be fine. If you lose, don't worry, try again and you'll probably win. Just depends on how fast you can heal before he attacks you again to totally kill you. Though, if you keep losing, I suggest you train more before trying again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - LL. Zeromus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ZEROM7.38 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Points: 105,000. (Times 2. Refills once he gets low.) EXP: 0. Gold: 0. Special Attacks: Big Bang, Blk.Hole, Meteo, Nuke, Weak, White. Strategy: See The Walkthrough, Y. The Final Battle With The Ultimate Evil: Zemus for more information on a strategy for Zeromus. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VIII. Weapon List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WEALI8 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KNIV8.1 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knife Name - Silver. Attack - 20. Attack % - 45%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Both classes.) Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom and Rydia. Special Ability - Can defeat Undead monsters easily. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 3,000G in the Upper World. Knife Name - Dancing. Attack - 28. Attack % - 44%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Both classes.) Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom and Rydia. Special Ability - None. Use it as a Item to deal some decent damage. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 5,000G in the Upper World. Knife Name - Mute. Attack - 35. Attack % - 25%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Both classes.) Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom and Rydia. Special Ability - Possible chance Mute is casted on the enemy when attacked. Stats - Wis +5. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Sylvan Cave. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Katanas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KATAN8.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katana Name - Short. Attack - 25. Attack % - 40%. Who Can Equip It - Edge. Special Ability - None. Where's It Found - Edge has it Equipped when he enters your party. Can buy it for 4,000G in the Upper World. Katana Name - Middle. Attack - 32. Attack % - 40%. Who Can Equip It - Edge. Special Ability - None. Where's It Found - Edge has it Equipped when he enters your party. Can buy it for 7,000G in the Upper World. Katana Name - Long. Attack - 40. Attack % - 40%. Who Can Equip It - Edge. Special Ability - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 11,000G in the Upper World. Katana Name - Ninja. Attack - 48. Attack % - 40%. Who Can Equip It - Edge. Special Ability - None. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Sealed Cave. Katana Name - Murasame. Attack - 55. Attack % - 50%. Who Can Equip It - Edge. Special Ability - None. Where's It Found - Kill Pale Dim in the Moon's Core and you'll gain it. Katana Name - Masamune. Attack - 65. Attack % - 50%. Who Can Equip It - Edge. Special Ability - None. Where's It Found - Kill Ogopogo in the Moon's Core and you'll gain it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Swords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SWORD8.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sword Name - Shadow. Attack - 10. Attack % - 30%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Possible chance Mute is casted on the enemy when attacked. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Cecil has it Equipped at the start of the game. Sword Name - Darkness. Attack - 20. Attack % - 35%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Possible chance Mute is casted on the enemy when attacked. Stats - None. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Watery Pass. Sword Name - Black. Attack - 30. Attack % - 40%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Possible chance enemy is killed instantly when attacked. Stats - Str, Agi, Vit, Wis + 5, Will -5. Where's It Found - Given to Cecil by King Fabul before he leaves Fabul. Sword Name - Ancient. Attack - 35. Attack % - 27%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Possible chance that Curse is casted on the enemy when attacked. Stats - None. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Old Water-Way. Sword Name - Legend. Attack - 40. Attack % - 50%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Paladin only.) Special Ability - None. Stats - Will +3. Where's It Found - Cecil has it Equipped when he becomes a Paladin. Sword Name - Drain. Attack - 45. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Damage delt to enemy gives Cecil that much in healing. (Do NOT use this on Undead monsters. It works in reverse here and hurts you and heals them.) Stats - Everything -5. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Tower Of Bab-il. Sword Name - Silver. Attack - 50. Attack % - 30%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Can defeat Undead monsters easily. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 6,000G in the Upper World. Sword Name - Slumber. Attack - 55. Attack % - 27%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Possible chance that Sleep is casted on the enemy when attacked. Stats - None. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in Eblan Castle. Sword Name - Fire. Attack - 65. Attack % - 30%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Ice monsters. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 14,000G in the Under World. Sword Name - IceBrand. Attack - 75. Attack % - 30%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Fire monsters. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 26,000G in the Under World. Sword Name - Medusa. Attack - 78. Attack % - 30%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Possibly chance that Stone is casted on the enemy when attacked. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Win a Battle with a Black Liz/Medusa and you'll gain it. Sword Name - Avenger. Attack - 80. Attack % - 50%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Cecil is Berserked and becomes uncontrolable... (Note: This Sword requires two hands to use, so if a Shield is Equipped, you can't Equip this.) Stats - Str, Agi, Vit +10, Wis, Will -10. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Sylvan Cave. Sword Name - Light. Attack - 99. Attack % - 50%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Can defeat Undead monsters easily. Stats - Str, Will +3. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Sealed Cave. Sword Name - Defense. Attack - 105. Attack % - 40%. Defense - 2. Magic Defense - 1. Who Can Equip It - Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Defense and Magic Defense are increased. Stats - Vit +15. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Land Of Monsters. Sword Name - Excalbur. Attack - 160. Attack % - 50%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Paladin only.) Special Ability - Can defeat Undead monsters easily. Stats - Str +10. Where's It Found - Give the Adamant and Legend Sword to the Blacksmith in the house in the Southeast most part of the Under World. Sword Name - Crystal. Attack - 200. Attack % - 50%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil (Paladin only.) Special Ability - The STRONGEST Sword in the game. Works well on ALL enemies. Stats - Str, Vit, Will +15. Where's It Found - Kill Wyvern in the Moon's Core and you'll gain it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Spears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPEAR8.4 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spear Name - Spear. Attack - 9. Attack % - 50%. Who Can Equip It - Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Kain has it Equipped at the start of the game. You can buy it for 60G in the Upper World. Spear Name - Wind. Attack - 55. Attack % - 30%. Who Can Equip It - Kain. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Flying monsters. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Kain has it Equipped when you get him back in the Tower Of Zot. Spear Name - Flame. Attack - 66. Attack % - 30%. Who Can Equip It - Kain. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Fire monsters. Use it as a Item to cast Fire2. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 11,000G in the Under World. Spear Name - Blizzard. Attack - 77. Attack % - 30%. Who Can Equip It - Kain. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Ice monsters. Use it as a Item to cast Ice-2. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 21,000G in the Under World. Spear Name - Drain. Attack - 88. Attack % - -28%. Who Can Equip It - Kain. Special Ability - Damage delt to enemy gives Kain that much in healing. (Do NOT use this on Undead monsters. It works in reverse here and hurts you and heals them.) Stats - Everything -10. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in Eblan Castle. Spear Name - Gungnir Attack - 92. Attack % - 30%. Defense - 7. Who Can Equip It - Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - Vit +15. Where's It Found - Kain has it Equipped when you get him back after the Giant Of Bab-il is destroyed. Spear Name - Dragoon. Attack - 99. Attack % - 40%. Who Can Equip It - Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Win a Battle with a Red Dragon and you'll gain it. Spear Name - White. Attack - 109. Attack % - 40%. Who Can Equip It - Kain. Special Ability - Can defeat Undead monsters easily and possible chance White is casted on the enemy when attacked. Use it as a Item to cast White. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Kill Plague in the Moon's Core and you'll gain it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Hammers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HAMME8.5 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: These Weapons require two hands to use, so if a Shield is Equipped, you can't Equip them. Hammer Name - Wooden. Attack - 45. Attack % - 25%. Who Can Equip It - Cid. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Cid has it Equipped when you get him. Hammer Name - Silver. Attack - 55. Attack % - 25%. Who Can Equip It - Cid. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 8,000G in the Upper World. Hammer Name - Earth. Attack - 65. Attack % - 25%. Who Can Equip It - Cid. Special Ability - Use it as a Item to cast Quake. Stats - Str +5. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Tower Of Zot. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AXES8.6 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Axe Name - Dwarf. Attack - 62. Attack % - 19%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Both classes.) Cid and Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - Str, Vit +5, Agi, Wis, Will -5. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 15,000G in the Under World. Axe Name - Ogre. Attack - 80. Attack % - 45%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Both classes.) Cid and Kain. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Giants. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 45,000G in the Under World. Axe Name - Poison. Attack - 95. Attack % - 10%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Both classes.) Cid and Kain. Special Ability - Possible chance Poison is casted on the enemy when attacked. Stats - None. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Land Of Monsters. (Note: This Axe requires two hands to use, so if a Shield is Equipped, you can't Equip this.) Axe Name - Rune. Attack - 102. Attack % - 10%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Both classes.) Cid and Kain. Special Ability - Possible chance enemy is killed instantly when attacked. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Win a Battle against a Red Giant and you'll gain it. (Note: This Axe requires two hands to use, so if a Shield is Equipped, you can't Equip this.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. Whips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WHIPS8.7 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whip Name - Whip. Attack - 20. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Rydia. Special Ability - Possible chance Hold is casted on the enemy when attacked. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Rydia has it Equipped when you get her back. Whip Name - Chain. Attack - 30. Attack % - 5%. Who Can Equip It - Rydia. Special Ability - Possible chance Hold is casted on the enemy when attacked. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 6,000G in the Under World. Whip Name - Blitz. Attack - 40. Attack % - 10%. Who Can Equip It - Rydia. Special Ability - Possible chance Hold is casted on the enemy when attacked and deals massive damage to Flying and Water monsters. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 10,000G in the Under World. Whip Name - Flame. Attack - 50. Attack % - 15%. Who Can Equip It - Rydia. Special Ability - Possible chance Hold is casted on the enemy when attacked and deals massive damage to Ice monsters. Stats - Str, Agi, Vit +5, Wis, Will -5. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest on the Moon. Whip Name - Dragon. Attack - 80. Attack % - 20%. Who Can Equip It - Rydia. Special Ability - Possible chance Hold is casted on the enemy when attacked and deals massive damage to Dragons. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Win a Battle with two Blue Dragons and you'll gain it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H. Claws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CLAWS8.8 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claw Name - Fire Claw. Attack - 0. Attack % - 30%. Who Can Equip It - Edge and Yang. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Ice monsters. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 350G in the Upper World. Claw Name - Ice Claw. Attack - 0. Attack % - 30%. Who Can Equip It - Edge and Yang. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Fire monsters. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 450G in the Upper World. Claw Name - Thunder Claw. Attack - 0. Attack % - 30%. Who Can Equip It - Edge and Yang. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Flying and Water monsters. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 550G in the Upper World. Claw Name - Charm. Attack - 0. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Edge and Yang. Special Ability - Possible chance Charm is casted on the enemy when attacked. Stats - Agi +3. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Dark Elf's Cave. Claw Name - Poison. Attack - 0. Attack % - 40%. Who Can Equip It - Edge and Yang. Special Ability - Possible chance Poison is casted on the enemy when attacked. Stats - Str +3. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Tower Of Zot. Claw Name - CatClaw. Attack - 0. Attack % - 55%. Who Can Equip It - Edge and Yang. Special Ability - Possible chance Sleep is casted on the enemy when attacked. Stats - Str, Agi +5. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Tower Of Bab-il. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. Bows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BOWS8.9 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bow Name - ShortBow. Attack - 5. Attack % - -20%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 220G in the Upper World. Bow Name - CrossBow. Attack - 10. Attack % - -10%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 700G in the Upper World. Bow Name - GreatBow. Attack - 15. Attack % - -10%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - None. Stats - Str +3. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 2,000G in the Upper World. Bow Name - Archer. Attack - 20. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - None. Stats - Str +5. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 3,000G in the Upper World. Bow Name - ElvenBow. Attack - 25. Attack % - 25%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - None. Stats - Wis +5. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Sylvan Cave. Bow Name - Samurai. Attack - 30. Attack % - 10%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - None. Stats - Str +10. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Sealed Cave. Bow Name - Artemis. Attack - 35. Attack % - 30%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Dragons. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Steal from Kary or Warlock. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - J. Arrows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARROW8.10 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arrow Name - Medusa. Attack - 1. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - None. Where's It Found - Win a Battle against Black Liz/Medusa/StoneMan and you'll gain it. Arrow Name - Iron. Attack - 5. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 10G per arrow in the Upper World. Arrow Name - White. Attack - 10. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - Can defeat Undead monsters easily. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 20G per arrow in the Upper World. Arrow Name - Fire. Attack - 15. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Ice monsters. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 30G per arrow in the Upper World. Arrow Name - Ice. Attack - 15. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Fire monsters. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 30G per arrow in the Upper World. Arrow Name - Lit. Attack - 15. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Flying and Water monsters. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 30G per arrow in the Upper World. Arrow Name - Darkness. Attack - 20. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - Possible chance Curse is casted on the enemy when attacked. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 40G per arrow in the Under World. Arrow Name - Poison. Attack - 30. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - Possible chance Poison is casted on the enemy when attacked. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 70G per arrow in the Under World. Arrow Name - Mute. Attack - 35. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - Possible chance Mute is casted on the enemy when attacked. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 100G per arrow in the Under World. Arrow Name - Charm. Attack - 40. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - Possible chance Charm is casted on the enemy when attacked. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 110G per arrow in the Under World. Arrow Name - Samurai. Attack - 50. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 140G per arrow in the Under World. Arrow Name - Artemis. Attack - 75. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Dragons. Where's It Found - Steal/Dropped from Kary. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - K. Boomerangs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BOOME8.11 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boomerang Name - Boomerang. Attack - 20. Attack % - 30%. Who Can Equip It - Edge. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 3,000G in the Upper World. Boomerang Name - FullMoon. Attack - 40. Attack % - 45%. Who Can Equip It - Edge. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Sylvan Cave. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - L. Darts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DARTS8.12 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dart Name - Shuriken. Attack - 40. Attack % - 99%. Who Can Equip It - None. (Edge throws this.) Special Ability - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 20,000G per Shuriken in the Under World. Dart Name - Ninja. Attack - 88. Attack % - 99%. Who Can Equip It - None. (Edge throws this.) Special Ability - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 50,000G per Ninja in the Under World. Dart Name - Spoon. Attack - 255. Attack % - 100%. Who Can Equip It - None. (Edge throws this.) Special Ability - None. Where's It Found - Talk to Yang's Wife after awakening Yang in the Sylvan Cave and give her the Pan back. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - M. Harps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HARPS8.13 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harp Name - Dreamer. Attack - 8. Attack % - 35%. Who Can Equip It - Edward. Special Ability - Possible chance Sleep is casted on the enemy when attacked. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Edward has it Equipped when you get him. Harp Name - Charm. Attack - 18. Attack % - 40%. Who Can Equip It - Edward. Special Ability - Possible chance Charm is casted on the enemy when attacked. Stats - None. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in Antlion's Nest. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - N. Staffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ STAFF8.14 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Ryida can't use Staves as an adult. Staff Name - Staff. Attack - 4. Attack % - -5%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Paladin.) FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Use it as a Item to remove Poison from one party member. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Some characters come Equipped with it and you can buy it for 160G in the Upper World. Staff Name - Cure. Attack - 8. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Paladin.) FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Can defeat Undead monsters easily. Use it as a Item to cast Cure1 on all party members. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 480G in the Upper World. Staff Name - Silver. Attack - 12. Attack % - 5%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Paladin.) FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Can defeat Undead monsters easily. Stats - Will +3. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 4,000G in the Upper World. Staff Name - Power. Attack - 30. Attack % - 50%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Possible chance Berserk is casted on the enemy when attacked. When used as a Item, it casts Berserk. Stats - Str +10. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 2,000G in the Upper World. Staff Name - Lunar. Attack - 36. Attack % - 10%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - None. Stats - Will +10. Where's It Found - FuSoYa has it Equipped when you get him and you can buy it for 7,000G in the Under World. Staff Name - Life. Attack - 48. Attack % - 15%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Can defeat Undead monsters easily and possible chance Life1 is casted on the enemy when attacked. Use it as a Item to cast Life1. Stats - Will +15. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Moon's Core. Staff Name - Silence. Attack - 52. Attack % - 10%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Possible chance Mute is casted on the enemy when attacked. Use it as a Item to cast Mute. Stats - Will +10. Where's It Found - Win a Battle against a Conjurer/Marion/Sorcerer and you'll gain it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - O. Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RODS8.15 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rod Name - Rod. Attack - 3. Attack % - -10%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Use it as a Item to deal some decent damage. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Some characters come with it Equipped and you can buy it for 100G in the Upper World. Rod Name - IceRod. Attack - 5. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Fire monsters. Use it as a Item to cast Ice-1. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 220G in the Upper World. Rod Name - FlameRod. Attack - 7. Attack % - -5%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Ice monsters. Use it as a Item to cast Fire1. Stats - Wis +3. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 380G in the Upper World. Rod Name - Lilith. Attack - 13. Attack % - -40%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Damage delt to enemy gives FuSoYa/Palom/Rydia/Tellah that much in healing. (Do NOT use this on Undead monsters. It works in reverse here and hurts you and heals them.) Use it as a Item to cast Psych. Stats - Wis +5. Where's It Found - Win a Battle against a Lilith and you'll gain it. Rod Name - Change. Attack - 15. Attack % - 45%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Use it as a Item to cast Piggy. Stats - Wis +5. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in Rydia's House. Rod Name - Thunder. Attack - 20. Attack % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Deals massive damage to Flying and Water monsters. Use it as a Item to cast Lit-1. Stats - Wis +3. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 700G in the Upper World. Rod Name - Charm. Attack - 30. Attack % - 50%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Possible chance Charm is casted on the enemy when attacked. Use it as a Item to cast Charm. Stats - Wis +10. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Sylvan Cave. Rod Name - Stardust. Attack - 45. Attack % - 10%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Possible chance Comet is casted on the enemy when attacked. Use it as a Item to cast Comet. Stats - Wis +15. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Moon's Core. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = IX. Armor List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARMLI9 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Shields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHIELD9.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shield Name - Iron. Defense - 1. Defense % - 20%. Magic Defense - 0. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Kain has it Equipped at the start of the game and you can buy it for 100G in the Upper World. Shield Name - Shadow. Defense - 1. Defense % - 22%. Magic Defense - 0. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Guards well against Undead monsters' attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Cecil has it Equipped at the start of the game and you can buy it for 200G in the Upper World. Shield Name - Black. Defense - 2. Defense % - 24%. Magic Defense - 0. Magic Defense % - 1%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Guards well against Undead monsters' attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 400G in the Upper World. Shield Name - Paladin. Defense - 2. Defense % - 24%. Magic Defense - 1. Magic Defense % - 1%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Paladin only.) Special Ability - None. Stats - Will +3. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 700G in the Upper World. Shield Name - Silver. Defense - 3. Defense % - 26%. Magic Defense - 2. Magic Defense % - 2%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 1,000G in the Upper World. Shield Name - Fire. Defense - 3. Defense % - 28%. Magic Defense - 2. Magic Defense % - 2%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Defense up against Ice attacks, but Defense down against Fire attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 3,000G in the Under World. Shield Name - Ice. Defense - 3. Defense % - 30%. Magic Defense - 2. Magic Defense % - 2. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Defense up against Fire attacks, but Defense down against Ice attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 10,000G in the Under World. Shield Name - Diamond. Defense - 4. Defense % - 32%. Magic Defense - 2. Magic Defense % - 3%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Defense up against Lightning and Mechanical attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 13,000G in the Under World. Shield Name - Aegis. Defense - 4. Defense % - 34%. Magic Defense - 5. Magic Defense % - 4%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Defense up against Stone attacks. Stats - Wis +3. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 20,000G in the Under World. Shield Name - Samurai. Defense - 5. Defense % - 36%. Magic Defense - 3. Magic Defense % - 4%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Kain has it Equipped when you get him back after the Giant Of Bab-il is destroyed and you can find it in a Treasure Chest in the Cave Of Bahamut. Shield Name - Dragoon. Defense - 6. Defense % - 38%. Magic Defense - 3. Magic Defense % - 5%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Defense up against all Elemental attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Moon's Core. Shield Name - Crystal. Defense - 7. Defense % - 40%. Magic Defense - 4. Magic Defense % - 6%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. Special Ability - None. Stats - Will +3. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Moon's Core. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Helmets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HELMET9.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helmet Name - Cap. Defense - 1. Defense % - -5%. Magic Defense - 1. Magic Defense % - 1%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 100G in the Upper World. Helmet Name - Leather. Defense - 2. Defense % - -4%. Magic Defense - 3. Magic Defense % - 3%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 300G in the Upper World. Helmet Name - Iron. Defense - 3. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 0. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) and Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Kain has it Equipped at the start of the game and you can buy it for 150G in the Upper World. Helmet Name - Shadow. Defense - 4. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 0. Magic Defense - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Defense up against Undead attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Cecil has it Equipped at the start of the game and you can buy it for 360G in the Upper World. Helmet Name - Darkness. Defense - 5. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 1. Magic Defense - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Defense up against Undead attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 640G in the Upper World. Helmet Name - Black. Defense - 6. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 1. Magic Defense - 1%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Defense up against Undead and Death attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 980G in the Upper World. Helmet Name - Gaea. Defense - 3. Defense % - -3%. Magic Defense - 5. Magic Defense - 5%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Defense up against Quake attacks. Stats - Wis, Will +3. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 700G in the Upper World. Helmet Name - Paladin. Defense - 7. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 2. Magic Defense % - 2%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Paladin only.) Special Ability - None. Stats - Will +3. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 4,000G in the Upper World. Helmet Name - Headband. Defense - 1. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 1. Magic Defense % - 1%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - Defense up against Charm attacks. Stats - Str +5. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 450G in the Upper World. Helmet Name - Silver. Defense - 8. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 2. Magic Defense - 2%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Both classes.) and Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 3,000G in the Upper World. Helmet Name - Bandana. Defense - 3. Defense % - 2%. Magic Defense - 1. Magic Defense % - 1%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - None. Stats - Str, Vit +5. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 1,100G in the Upper World. Helmet Name - Wizard. Defense - 5. Defense % - -2%. Magic Defense - 7. Magic Defense % - 7%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Paladin only.) FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - None. Stats - Will +5. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 2,000G in the Upper World. Helmet Name - Diamond. Defense - 9. Defense % - 10%. Magic Defense - 2. Magic Defense - 2%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Both classes.) and Kain. Special Ability - Defense up against Lightning attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 10,000G in the Under World. Helmet Name - Samurai. Defense - 10. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 6. Magic Defense % - 3%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Both classes.) Edge and Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Kain has it Equipped when you get him back after the Giant Of Bab-il is destroyed and you can find it in a Treasure Chest in the Cave Of Bahamut. Helmet Name - Tiara. Defense - 7. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 10. Magic Defense % - 9%. Who Can Equip It - Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - Defense up against Lightning attacks. Stats - Wis +10. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 2,000G in the Upper World. Helmet Name - Ninja. Defense - 5. Defense % - 4%. Magic Defense - 1. Magic Defense % - 1%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - Defense up against Sleep attacks. Stats - Str, Agi, Vit +3. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 2,000G in the Upper World. Helmet Name - Ribbon. Defense - 9. Defense % - 2%. Magic Defense - 12. Magic Defense % - 12%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - Defense up against all Elemental attacks and guards against ALL status effects except Death. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Win a Battle with two Dark Lunars and you'll gain it. Helmet Name - Dragoon. Defense - 11. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 7. Magic Defense % - 4%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Defense up against all Elemental attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Moon's Core. Helmet Name - Crystal. Defense - 12. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 8. Magic Defense % - 5%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Paladin only.) Special Ability - Defense up against all attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Moon's Core. Helmet Name - Glass. Defense - 15. Defense % - 20%. Magic Defense - 10. Magic Defense % - 10%. Who Can Equip It - Edge, Cecil, (Paladin only.) FuSoYa and Kain. Special Ability - Defense up against all Elemental attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Win a Battle with a Behemoth and a EvilMask and you'll gain it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Robes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ROBES9.3 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robe Name - Cloth. Defense - 1. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 0. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Some characters come with it Equipped and you can buy it for 50G in the Upper World. Robe Name - Prisoner. Defense - 1. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 1. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Some characters come with it Equipped and you can buy it for 70G in the Upper World. Robe Name - Bard. Defense - 2. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 1. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - Increases chance of Edward's Status Effects hitting the opponent. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 70G in the Upper World. Robe Name - Leather. Defense - 2. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 1. Magic Defense % - 1%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 100G in the Upper World. Robe Name - Gaea. Defense - 3. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 3. Magic Defense % - 3%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Paladin only.) FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Defense up against Quake attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 500G in the Upper World. Robe Name - Karate. Defense - 5. Defense % - 20%. Magic Defense - 2. Magic Defense % - 1%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - None. Stats - Str +3. Where's It Found - Yang has it Equipped when you get him and you can buy it for 4,000G in the Upper World. Robe Name - Wizard. Defense - 5. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 5. Magic Defense % - 5%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Paladin only.) FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - None. Stats - Will +5. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 1,200G in the Upper World. Robe Name - Bl. Belt. Defense - 10. Defense % - 20%. Magic Defense - 3. Magic Defense % - 2%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - None. Stats - Str, Vit +5. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 14,000G in the Under World. Robe Name - Black. Defense - 8. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 7. Magic Defense % - 7%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Defense up against Undead attacks. Stats - Will +5. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 10,000G in the Under World. Robe Name - Power. Defense - 5. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 0. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - Attack is increased. Stats - Str +15. Where's It Found - Win a Battle against a Behemoth and you'll gain it. Robe Name - Sorcerer. Defense - 12. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 9. Magic Defense % - 9%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Paladin only.) FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia and Tellah. Special Ability - None. Stats - Wis, Will +5. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 30,000G in the Under World. Robe Name - Ninja. Defense - 24. Defense % - 16%. Magic Defense - 50. Magic Defense % - 8%. Who Can Equip It - Edge. Special Ability - Defense % is increased. Stats - Agi +3. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 64,000G in the Under World. Robe Name - White. Defense - 18. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 10. Magic Defense % - 4%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil, (Paladin only.) FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa and Tellah. Special Ability - None. Stats - Will +15. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Moon's Core. Robe Name - Heroine. Attack - 4. Defense - 20. Defense % - 30%. Magic Defense - 5. Magic Defense % - 5%. Who Can Equip It - Porom, Rosa and Rydia. Special Ability - None. Stats - Str, Agi, Vit +15, Wis, Will -15. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Moon's Core. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARMOR9.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armor Name - Iron. Defense - 4. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 1. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Both classes.) and Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Kain has it Equipped at the start of the game and you can buy it for 600G in the Upper World. Armor Name - Shadow. Defense - 5. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 1. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Defense up against Undead attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Kain has it Equipped at the start of the game and you can buy it for 600G in the Upper World. Armor Name - Darkness. Defense - 7. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 2. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Defense up against Undead attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Watery Pass. Armor Name - Black. Defense - 9. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 3. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Defense up against Undead attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 3,000G in the Upper World. Armor Name - Paladin. Defense - 11. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 3. Magic Defense % - 1%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Paladin only.) Special Ability - None. Stats - Will +3. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 8,000G in the Upper World. Armor Name - Silver. Defense - 13. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 4. Magic Defense % - 2%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Both classes.) and Kain. Special Ability - Defense up against Undead attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 17,000G in the Upper World. Armor Name - Fire. Defense - 15. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 4. Magic Defense % - 2%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Both classes.) and Kain. Special Ability - Defense up against Ice attacks, but Defense down against Fire attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 30,000G in the Under World. Armor Name - Ice. Defense - 17. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 4. Magic Defense % - 2%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Both classes.) and Kain. Special Ability - Defense up against Fire attacks, but Defense down against Ice attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 35,000G in the Under World. Armor Name - Diamond. Defense - 19. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 4. Magic Defense % - 2%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Defense up against Lightning attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 40,000G in the Under World. Armor Name - Samurai. Defense - 21. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 4. Magic Defense % - 2%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Both classes.) and Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Kain has it Equipped when you get him back after the Giant Of Bab-il is destroyed and you can find it in a Treasure Chest in Cave Of Bahamut. Armor Name - Dragoon. Defense - 23. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 8. Magic Defense % - 5%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Moon's Core. Armor Name - Crystal. Defense - 23. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 10. Magic Defense % - 6%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Paladin only.) Special Ability - Defense up against all attacks and guards against ALL status effects except Death. Stats - Will +3. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Moon's Core. Armor Name - Adamant. Defense - 100. Defense % - 99%. Magic Defense - 20. Magic Defense % - 8%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone, except Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Defense up against all attacks and guards against ALL status effects except Death. Stats - Everything +15. Where's It Found - Give the Tail Collector a Pink Tail and he'll give you the Adamant Armor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RINGS9.5 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ring Name - IronRing. Defense - 2. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 2. Magic Defense % - 1%. Who Can Equip It - Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah and Yang. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 100G in the Upper World. Ring Name - RubyRing. Defense - 0. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 3. Magic Defense % - 2%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - Defense up against Pig attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 1,000G in the Upper World. Ring Name - Silver. Defense - 4. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 4. Magic Defense % - 4%. Who Can Equip It - Edge, Edward, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah and Yang. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 650G in the Upper World. Ring Name - Rune. Defense - 5. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 8. Magic Defense % - 8%. Who Can Equip It - Edge, Edward, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah and Yang. Special Ability - Defense up against Mute attacks. Stats - Wis, Will +3. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 2,000G in the Under World. Ring Name - Strength. Attack - 1. Defense - 2. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 2. Magic Defense % - 2%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) Edge, Kain and Rydia. Special Ability - Attack is increased. Stats - Str +5. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 760G in the Upper World. Ring Name - Diamond. Defense - 6. Defense % - 0%. Magic Defense - 8 Magic Defense % - 6%. Who Can Equip It - Edge, Edward, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah and Yang. Special Ability - Defense up against Lightning attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 4,000G in the Under World. Ring Name - Cursed. Attack - -8. Defense - -8. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 0. Magic Defense % - -4%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. Special Ability - None. Stats - Everything -15. Where's It Found - Win a Battle against D. Bone/D.Fossil/Ghost/Soul/Spirit and you'll gain it. Ring Name - Protect. Defense - 10. Defense % - 5%. Magic Defense - 12. Magic Defense % - 10%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - Defense up against all Elemental attacks. Stats - Vit +15. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Moon's Core. Ring Name - Crystal. Defense - 20. Defense % - 5%. Magic Defense - 12. Magic Defense % - 10%. Who Can Equip It - Everyone. (Dark Knight excluded.) Special Ability - Defense up against all Elemental attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Win a Battle against two Fatal Eyes and you'll gain it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Gauntlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GAUNT9.6 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gauntlet Name - Iron. Defense - 2. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 0. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) FuSoYa and Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Kain has it Equipped at the start of the game and you can buy it for 130G in the Upper World. Gauntlet Name - Shadow. Defense - 2. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 0. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Defense up against Undead attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Cecil has it Equipped at the start of the game and you can buy it for 130G in the Upper World. Gauntlet Name - Darkness. Defense - 3. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 0. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Defense up against Undead attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 320G in the Upper World. Gauntlet Name - Black. Defense - 4. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 0. Magic Defense % - 0%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Dark Knight only.) Special Ability - Defense up against Undead and Death attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 800G in the Upper World. Gauntlet Name - Paladin. Defense - 5. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 1. Magic Defense % - 1%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Paladin only.) Special Ability - None. Stats - Will +3. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 3,000G in the Upper World. Gauntlet Name - Silver. Defense - 6. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 2. Magic Defense % - 2%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Paladin only.) FuSoYa and Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 2,000G in the Upper World. Gauntlet Name - Diamond. Defense - 7. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 3. Magic Defense % - 3%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Paladin only.) FuSoYa and Kain. Special Ability - Defense up against Lightning attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 5,000G in the Under World. Gauntlet Name - Samurai. Defense - 8. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 5. Magic Defense % - 3%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Paladin only.) FuSoYa and Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Kain has it Equipped when you get him back after the Giant Of Bab-il is destroyed and you can find it in a Treasure Chest in the Cave Of Bahamut. Gauntlet Name - Dragoon. Defense - 9. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 6. Magic Defense % -3%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil (Paladin only.) and Kain. Special Ability - Defense up against all Elemental attacks. Stats - None. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Moon's Core. Gauntlet Name - Crystal. Defense - 10. Defense % - 10%. Magic Defense - 7. Magic Defense % - 4%. Who Can Equip It - Cecil. (Paladin only.) Special Ability - None. Stats - Will +3. Where's It Found - In a Treasure Chest in the Moon's Core. Gauntlet Name - Zeus. Defense - 11. Defense % - -10%. Magic Defense - 8. Magic Defense - 5%. Who Can Equip It - Cid, Cecil, (Both classes.) FuSoYa and Kain. Special Ability - None. Stats - None. Where's It Found - Win a Battle against Mad Ogre/Ogre/StaleMan and you'll gain it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = X. Magic List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MAGILI10 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. White Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WHIMA10.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spell - Berserk. Magic Points Cost - 18. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - When used on a character, they'll go into a rage type of state and start hitting the enemy only with physical attacks. The good thing about this is that they'll do more damage and even manage to pull off some critical attacks, but they can't be controlled unless Heal is used or the Battle ends. Spell - Blink. Magic Points Cost - 8. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - When used on a character, that character's Defense % increases for a while and they're able to dodge attacks more successfully. Spell - Charm. Magic Points Cost - 10. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - When casted on a enemy, if successful, that enemy will now fight on your side. They'll attack either themselves, their friends or cast spells. The only way to get out of it is if Heal is used or they are hit with a physical attack. If a party member on your side is effected by this, just use Heal or hit them with a physical attack and they'll return to normal. Spell - Cure1. Magic Point Cost - 3. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - Heals a small amount of Hit Points to a single character or the whole party. This spell can also damage Undead monsters if you target them with it. Spell - Cure2. Magic Points Cost - 9. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - Heals a medium amount of Hit Points to a single character or the whole party. This spell can also damage Undead monsters if you target them with it. Spell - Cure3. Magic Points Cost - 18. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - Heals a large amount of Hit Points to a single character or the whole party. This spell can also damage Undead monsters if you target them with it. Spell - Cure4. Magic Points Cost - 40. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - Heals a VERY large amount of Hit Points to a single character or the whole party. This spell can also damage Undead monsters if you target them with it. Spell - Exit. Magic Points Cost - 10. Field Targeted - None. What's It Do - Allows your party to Run from a Battle instantly (This does NOT work in Boss Battles or Treasure Chest Battles.) and to exit Dungeons. (Except for a few for various reasons because of what's going on.) Spell - Fast. Magic Points Cost - 25. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - When used on a character, they become much faster and get more attacks more often, due to the inhance in their speed. VERY useful in certain fights. Spell - Float. Magic Points Cost - 8. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - Allows for a character or characters to float in the air. This spell is VERY important in some Dungeons that have places on the floor that sap your Hit Points, but by using Float, you can go over them without getting hurt. In Battle, this helps protect the party from Quake spells. Spell - Heal. Magic Points Cost - 20. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Cures ANY status ailments. (Except Death.) If a character has more than one, it doesn't matter, as the spell cures them ALL and not just one. Spell - Hold. Magic Points Cost - 5. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - When casted on a enemy, if successful, the enemy won't be able to move or do anything for a short period of time. If this is casted on your party, it's only counterable by using Heal, waiting until it wears off or winning the Battle. Spell - Life1. Magic Points Cost - 8. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Revives one dead character and gives them a small amount of Hit Points. Spell - Life2. Magic Points Cost - 52. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Revives one dead character and they regain all their Hit Points. Spell - Mute. Magic Points Cost - 6. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - When casted on a enemy, if successful, they won't be able to perform ANY Magic what so ever. Very useful if it's successful, but if it's casted on you, you'd better use Heal fast to counter it. Spell - Peep. Magic Points Cost - 1. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - The user is able to see the Hit Points and information of a monster that is targeted. You can also reveal a monster's weakness this way, but this spell does not work very well on certain monsters. Spell - Sight. Magic Points Cost - 2. Field Targeted - None. What's It Do - On the World Map, when this spell is casted, you are able to see the area around you much better. The camera zooms out and you're able to get a better view of everything. Useless once you get the Airship, though. Spell - Size. Magic Points Cost - 6. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - When casted on the enemy, if successful, they become VERY tiny and lose ALL of their special abilities and Magic, except the spell Size if they have it. Their Attack and Defense also become VERY low and it makes it very easy to defeat them. Watch out, though, if this spell is casted on you, because it could destroy you fast if you don't use Heal or Size to counter it. Spell - Slow. Magic Points Cost - 14. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - The enemy this is casted on becomes more slow and can't attack as fast, giving your party more time to attack and fight. Spell - Wall. Magic Points Cost - 30. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Once a wall is put up on a character, ALL Magic will reflect off them. This is useful for many Boss Battles, but be warned: If a character is low on Hit Points and has Wall on them, you'd better use Items, because the spell would just bounce off them and heal the enemy. Also, if the enemy has Wall on themselves and you launch say, Fire2 at it and it bounces off, but you have Wall on yourself, you'll get hit. Why? Because the spell can only bounce off one Wall. This is VERY important to remember, so that if the enemy has Wall on them, throw the spell of yourself and it'll hit the enemy no problem. Spell - White. Magic Points Cost - 46. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - The only White Magic spell that can deal damage, (Except Cure1-4 on the Undead.)this spell can cause MASSIVE damage to a enemy. Probably one of the best White Magic spells in the game if not one of the best Magic spells over all. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Black Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BLAMA10.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spell - Drain. Magic Points Cost - 18. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - A great spell that when casted, Hit Points are drained from the enemy and given to the caster of the spell. A good way to heal a character if they are low on Hit Points and you have no more healing Items or Magic Points with the White Wizards to use or you just can't get to a Inn or Save Point. (Note: Do NOT cast this on any Undead monsters. The spell works in reverse here, healing them and hurting you.) Spell - Fatal. Magic Points Cost - 35. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - The instant death spell. If this spell is successful, which it's rare, the enemy will instantly be killed. Though, this spell is totally useless on the Undead, so don't even try it. Spell - Fire1. Magic Points Cost - 5. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - A simple Fire attack that does medium damage to Ice and Undead monsters the most and can do small damage to other monsters. Spell - Fire2. Magic Points Cost - 15. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - A simple Fire attack that does large damage to Ice and Undead monsters the most and can do medium damage to other monsters. Spell - Fire3. Magic Points Cost - 30. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - A simple Fire attack that does VERY large damage to Ice and Undead monsters the most and can do large damage to other monsters. Spell - Ice-1. Magic Points Cost - 5. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - A simple Ice attack that does medium damage to Fire monsters the most and can do small damage to other monsters. Spell - Ice-2. Magic Points Cost - 15. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - A simple Ice attack that does large damage to Fire monsters the most and can do medium damage to other monsters. Spell - Ice-3. Magic Points Cost - 30. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - A simple Ice attack that does VERY large damage to Fire monsters the most and can do large damage to other monsters. Spell - Lit-1. Magic Points Cost - 5. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - A simple Lightning attack that does medium damage to Flying and Water monsters the most and can do small damage to other monsters. Spell - Lit-2. Magic Points Cost - 15. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - A simple Lightning attack that does large damage to Flying and Water monsters the most and can do medium damage to other monsters. Spell - Lit-3. Magic Points Cost - 30. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - A simple Lightning attack that does VERY large damage to Flying and Water monsters the most and can do large damage to other monsters. Spell - Meteo. Magic Points Cost - 99. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - THE most POWERFULEST spell in the game. This spell pretty much causes 9999 damage almost everytime it's casted. Only downside to this spell is it takes a really long time to cast and even though it's VERY strong, you won't really want to be using it a whole lot, since your characters, once you get this spell, should be able to deal more than 9999 total in a few rounds than what that can deal in just one. Spell - Nuke. Magic Points Cost - 50. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - A very powerful Fire type attack that literally "nukes" the enemy, dealing ALOT of damage to them. Spell - Piggy. Magic Points Cost - 1. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - When casted on the enemy, if successful, they become a Pig and lose ALL of their special abilities and Magic, except the spell Piggy if they have it. Their Attack and Defense also become VERY low and it makes it very easy to defeat them. Watch out, though, if this spell is casted on you, because it could destroy you fast if you don't use Heal or Piggy to counter it. Spell - Psych. Magic Points Cost - 0. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - A useful spell that once used on a enemy, drains them of some of their Magic Points and gives them to the caster of the spell. Very useful if you're in need of Magic Points in a Battle or you can't get to a Save Point or Inn. Spell - Quake. Magic Points Cost - 30. Field Targeted - All. (That means EVERYONE.) What's It Do - A earth attack that causes the ground to split open and for every character on the ground to take massive damage. (If someone is flying, this doesn't effect them at all. Also, this spell ignores Walls, so having on casted on someone doesn't help.) Spell - Sleep. Magic Points Cost - 12. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - When casted on a enemy and if successful, they will fall asleep. When this happens, they won't be able to do anything until they wake up by waiting for a few rounds to pass by or they have Heal casted on them. Spell - Stone. Magic Points Cost - 15. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - When casted on a enemy and if successful, they will instantly be killed. A good spell, but only if it works and it's not always effective. Spell - Stop. Magic Points Cost - 9. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - When casted on the enemy, if successful, they will be unable to move at all and unable to perform any action unless Heal is used on them or a certain amount of time passes. Spell - Toad. Magic Points Cost - 7. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - When casted on the enemy, if successful, they become a Toad and lose ALL of their special abilities and Magic, except the spell Toad if they have it. Their Attack and Defense also become VERY low and it makes it very easy to defeat them. Watch out, though, if this spell is casted on you, because it could destroy you fast if you don't use Heal or Toad to counter it. Spell - Venom. Magic Points Cost - 2. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - A pathetic spell. When casted on the enemy, it deals 1 damage all the time with the chance of causing Poison. Spell - Virus. Magic Points Cost - 20. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - A strong, non-Elemental attack that does ALOT of damage to the enemies. A good thing about it is that it will also drain their life constantly little by little. Spell - Warp. Magic Points Cost - 4. Field Targeted - None. What's It Do - Similar to the spell Exit, in the sense you can Run from a Battle instantly, but the unique thing about it is if it's used in a Dungeon, you'll be teleported to the last door you came through. Usefull if you're in a VERY large room and need to get back to the previous floor or something. Spell - Weak. Magic Points Cost - 25. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - When casted on a enemy and if successful, which is RARE, this will lower the enemies Hit Points so low, they'll be in the single digits, leaving them to be killed in a mere blow. Very useful if it ever works, but don't expect it to work on any of the stronger Bosses in the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Call Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CALMA10.3 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spell - Asura. Magic Points Cost - 50. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Rydia summons the Healing Element Asura, who can do one of three things: Cast Cure3 on everyone, cast Cure4 on everyone or cast Life1 on everyone. She doesn't do all three, she only does one of them and it's random. Use this summon ONLY if you REALLY need some desperate healing and you're about to die and alot of your party is dead/in need of healing and you can't heal them fast enough. Where's It Found - Talk to and beat Asura in the Land Of Monsters. Spell - Baham. Magic Points Cost - 60. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - When Rydia summons the King Of Dragons, Bahamut gets down to business and fires off a deadly attack that causes MASSIVE damage to all enemies. Where's It Found - Talk to and beat Bahamut on the Moon. Spell - Bomb. Magic Points Cost - 10. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Another really crappy Call spell Rydia can get. When Bomb is summoned, he'll do an explode attack, damaging a single enemy, causing some damage, but not a whole lot. Where's It Found - Dropped by Balloon and Grenade. Spell - Chocb. Magic Points Cost - 7. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Rydia will summon a Chocobo, which charges at one enemy and causes non-Elemental damage to it. Very weak, but it's useful during the early stages of the game, since this is the only Call spell she knows. Spell - Imp. Magic Points Cost - 1. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - This is probably the worst Call spell Rydia can have. When he's summoned, Imp will just dash forward and attack the enemy with his dagger, causing small damage. Where's It Found - Dropped by Imp. Spell - Indra. Magic Points Cost - 30. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Rydia summons the Lightning Element Indra, that causes some SERIOUS Lightning damage to all enemies. This works incredibly well on Flying and Water monsters and on any monsters in general. Spell - Jinn. Magic Points Cost - 30. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Rydia summons a Fire Element called Jinn, who fires out a decent Fire attack to all enemies. Spell - Levia. Magic Points Cost - 50. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Rydia summons the beast that was the reason that she was sent to the Land Of Monsters, Yang was lost at sea, Edward got seriously injured, Cecil became a Paladin and everything else happened. When Leviatan is summoned, he unleashes a huge tidal wave of water that hits all the enemies, dealing a massive amount of damage to them all. Where's It Found - Talk to Leviatan and beat him in the Land Of Monsters. Spell - Mage. Magic Points Cost - 18. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - A pretty decent Call spell, that uses the Blast spell to cause some VERY good damage for a secret Summon. It can also Paralyze the enemy. Where's It Found - Dropped by Mage. Spell - Mist. Magic Points Cost - 20. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Rydia summons the Mist Dragon that was her mothers (Isn't that thing dead?) and it hits all targets with a mist spray, dealing a fair amount of non-Elemental damage. Spell - Odin. Magic Points Cost - 45. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - When Rydia summons him, he'll be riding on his horse and hoisting one badass Sword. He'll then chage the enemy and cut them in half, instantly ending the Battle. This is a instant death spell and it rarely works, so don't try to use it in Boss Battles, because it won't work. Where's It Found - Talk to and beat Odin in the basement of Baron Castle. Spell - Shiva. Magic Points Cost - 30. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Rydia summons the Ice Element Shiva, with Shiva dealing out a very powerful Ice attack to all enemies. Spell - Slyph. Magic Points Cost - 25 Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - Rydia summons the Slyphs and they Drain the Hit Points of an enemy or enemies and then use the Hit Points that were drained to spread out equally among all the party members. (This, for some reason, works on the Undead...odd...) Where's It Found - Complete the Sylvan Cave Sidequest. Spell - Titan. Magic Points Cost - 40 Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Remember that spell Rydia casted on Cecil and Kain at the beginning of the game? Well, when you get her back, she now knows it for good. When Rydia summons Titan, Titan lets loose a Quake spell, dealing alot of damage to all enemies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Ninja Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ NINMA10.4 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spell - Blitz. Magic Points Cost - 25. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A massive Lightning spell that assaults all enemies and is very powerful. It's extra effective on Flying and Water monsters. Spell - Flame. Magic Points Cost - 15. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A very powerful Fire attack that Edge can perform. It does alot of damage to Ice and Undead monsters. Spell - Flood. Magic Points Cost - 20. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Similar to Leviatan's Attack, Edge calls a tidal wave that slams all enemies with a wave of water that does some very decent damage. It's very effective against Fire monsters. Spell - Image. Magic Points Cost - 6. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - This is exactly like the spell Blink. When casted, Edge's Defense % increases and he's able to dodge physical attacks more successfully. Spell - Pin. Magic Points Cost - 5. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - It's the exact thing as a Stop spell. When used and if successful, the enemy can't move and is unable to perform any actions unless Heal is used or a certain amount of time passes. Spell - Smoke. Magic Points Cost - 10. Field Targeted - None. What's It Do - Similar to Exit and Warp, Smoke lets your party run from a Battle instantly, but this doesn't work on Boss Battles and Treasure Chest Battles. All it can do is this. It can't let you escape from a Dungeon or Warp to the last door you came through. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Twin Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TWIMA10.5 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The chances of Comet being casted are 25%, with Flare at 75%. Spell - Comet. Magic Points Cost - 20. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A very powerful attack that Palom and Porom cast that rains down stars to attack all the enemies. It looks kiddy, but don't let that fool you, as it causes ALOT of damage when casted. Spell - Flare. Magic Points Cost - 10. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Similar to the spell Nuke, Palom and Porom attack all the enemies with a very powerful attack that fries them for alot of damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Monster Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MONMA10.6 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spell - Absorb Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - A spell similar to Drain, the enemy saps away some HP from a member of your party and heals itself. Spell - Alert. Field Targeted - None. What's It Do - The enemy summons a random monster to it's aid. It's only casted if they are alone, though and under attack. Spell - Armor. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Defense power increases so much, that physical attacks do practically nothing to the enemy. Spell - Attack. Field Targeted - None. What's It Do - Causes all enemies on the screen to attack the members of your party all at once. Spell - Beak. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Stones one target. (If casted on another enemy, instant death.) Spell - Beam. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - A small laser beam that causes some decent damage. Spell - Big Bang. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A massive attack, causing HUGE damage and draining Hit Points from your party members constantly. Spell - Big Wave. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A gigantic wave that causes damage to your entire party. Spell - Blast. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Paralyzes one member of your party. Spell - Blk.Hole. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Removes the Wall spell off all your party members. Spell - Blaze. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A Fire spell that deals decent damage to all members of your party. Spell - Blitz. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - A Lightning spell that deals decent damage to one member of your party. Spell - Blizzard. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A Ice spell that deals decent damage to one member of your party. Spell - Bluster. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Paralyzes or kills one member of your party. Spell - Breath. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Casts the following on one member of your party: Charm, Darkness, Mute, Piggy, Small and Toad. Spell - Call. Field Targeted - None. What's It Do - The enemy summons a random monster to it's aid. It's only casted if they are alone, though and under attack. (Golbez just summons his Shadow Dragon.) Spell - Charge. Field Targeted - None. What's It Do - Causes all enemies on the screen to attack the members of your party all at once. Spell - Charm. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Possible chance that every member of your party becomes Charmed. (Some may or may not be Charmed, none are Charmed or all are Charmed.) Spell - ColdMist. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A Ice spell that causes little damage to every member of your party. Spell - Combine. Field Targeted - None. What's It Do - Cal and Brena morph together to form the Boss Calbrena. Spell - Count. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - Begins a count down from 10 on one or all members of your party. Once the countdown is at 0, the party member dies. Spell - Counter. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Counters with a physical attack if hit with a physical attack. Spell - Counter. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Magic % is increased. Spell - Croak. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - If any TinyToads are around, they cast Toad on one member of your party. Spell - Crush. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Instant death to one member of your party. Spell - Curse. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Curses one member of your party, lowering their attack for the Battle. Spell - D. Breath. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A Ice spell that causes some decent damage to all members of your party. Spell - D. Wave. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A powerful wave fired from the D. Knight's Sword that causes some decent damage. Spell - Dance. Field Targeted - All. (Including enemies.) What's It Do - All enemies and members of your party become Berserked. (It may miss some people, though.) Spell - Delta Attack. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Random spell casted. Either it being Fire2, Ice-2, Lit-2 or Virus. Spell - Demolish. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Instant death to one member of your party. Spell - Digest. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Deals some decent damage to one member of your party. Spell - Disrupt. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Instant death to one member of your party. Spell - Emission. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A Fire spell that does some decent damage to all members of your party. Spell - Entangle. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Paralyzes one member of your party. Spell - Explode. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - The remaining Hit Points of the enemy casting this spell is the amount of damage that will be delt to the party member that is hit by this. Spell - Fight X2. Field Targeted - Single/Two. What's It Do - Exactly like the Fight command, only the enemy launches two attacks instead of one. Spell - Fission. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Deals some decent damage to one member of your party. Spell - Flame. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A Fire spell that deals some decent damage to all members of your party. Spell - Gas. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Causes Darkness or Paralyze to all members of your party. Spell - Glance. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Stones one target. (If casted on another enemy, instant death.) Spell - Glare. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - When casted, this will lower the Hit Points of your party so low, they'll be in the single digits, leaving them to be killed in a mere blow. Spell - Globe199. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Deals 9,999 damage to one member of your party. Spell - Hatch. Field Targeted - None. What's It Do - The monster that's in the Egg will come out. Spell - HeatRay. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Laser beams hit all members of your party for some decent damage. Spell - Hold Gas. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Paralyzes all members of your party. Spell - Hug. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Completely heals one member of your party, but Stones them. Spell - Jump. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Kain's Jump ability. He jumps off the screen, which at this time he's immune to all attacks. After a while, he comes back down and hits Cecil, doing some really good damage. Spell - Kick. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Yang's Kick ability. He just does a flying Kick to all members of your party for some decent damage. Spell - Laser. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Beam that causes some decent damage to one member of your party. Spell - Magnet. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Stops one member of your party. Spell - Maser. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Deals some decent damage to all members of your party. Spell - MegaNuke. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Deals ALOT of damage to all members of your party. Spell - Morph. Field Targeted - None. What's It Do - The monster disappears from the Battle and a new one takes its place to fight. Spell - Needle. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - A sort of counter attack that deals a decent amount of damage to one member of your party. Spell - Petrify. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - When casted on a party member, they will start to turn fully into Stone. The more this spell is casted, the faster the process of them turning fully into Stone increases. If the monster leaves it and only casts it once, as the Battle goes on, the party member will start to turn to Stone more and more, but slowly. To counter this, just use Heal or win the Battle. Spell - Poison. Field Targeted - Single/All. What's It Do - A regular physical attack that does damage and also poisons either one or all members of your party. Spell - Pollen. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - The Hit Points of one party member is drained constantly, while it heals all enemies. Spell - Powder. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Casts Darkness on one party member. Spell - Ray. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - When casted on a party member, they will start to turn fully into Stone. The more this spell is casted, the faster the process of them turning fully into Stone increases. If the monster leaves it and only casts it once, as the Battle goes on, the party member will start to turn to Stone more and more, but slowly. To counter this, just use Heal or win the Battle. Spell - Recover. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Life2 is casted on all the monster's allies. Spell - Remedy. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Heals 400 or 2,000 Hit Points to the caster. Spell - Report. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - The monster is able to see the Hit Points and information of a party member that is targeted. Spell - Retreat. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - The monster runs away from the Battle. Spell - Search. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - The monster is able to see the Hit Points and information of a party member that is targeted. Spell - Slap. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Random effect of either Charm, Curse, Darkness or Mute to one member of your party. Spell - Spin. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - Defense up against all attacks/spells. Spell - Storm. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A spell that lowers the members of your party's Hit Points so low, they'll be in the single digits, leaving them to be killed in a mere blow. Spell - Sword Attack. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - Deals 4,000 damage to every member of your party. Spell - Thunder. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A Lightning spell that deals some decent damage to all members of your party. Spell - Tornado. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A spell that deals very low damage to all members of your party. Spell - Vampire. Field Targeted - Single. What's It Do - A spell similar to Drain, the enemy saps away some HP from a member of your party and heals itself. The party member's Hit Points then continue to drain away, as it heals the enemy that casted Vampire. Spell - Wave. Field Targeted - All. What's It Do - A Ice spell that deals some decent damage to all members of your party. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XI. Item List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITELI11 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Item Name - Adamant. What's It Do - Used in conjunction with the Legend Sword to create the Excalbur Sword. Where's It Found - Given by the Tail Collector in exchange for the Rat Tail. Item Name - Baron. What's It Do - Opens the locked door to the Old Water-Way. Where's It Found - Plot item. You'll get it without searching. Item Name - Bomb. What's It Do - Use it on Rydia and she learns the Bomb Summon. Where's It Found - Dropped by Bomb. Item Name - Cabin. What's It Do - Recovers a large amount of Hit Points and Magic Points for all characters. (Can only be used on the World Map or on a Save Point. It also can revive dead characters.) Where's It Found - All over the game. Item Name - Carrot. What's It Do - When you find a spot that's blocked off by some invisible force and you talk to it and it "Smells like Chocobos!", use this Item to bring out the Fat Chocobo, which lets you store Items with it. Where's It Found - All over the game. Item Name - Crystal. What's It Do - Have Cecil use it in the final Battle of the game. Where's It Found - Plot item. You'll get it without searching. Item Name - Cure1. What's It Do - Heals a small amount of one character's Hit Points. Where's It Found - All over the game. Item Name - Cure2. What's It Do - Heals a medium amount of one character's Hit Points. Where's It Found - All over the game. Item Name - Cure3. What's It Do - Heals a large amount of one character's Hit Points. Where's It Found - All over the game. Item Name - Darkness. What's It Do - Nothing. One of the Under World's Crystals. Where's It Found - Plot item. You'll get it without searching. Item Name - Earth. What's It Do - Used in exchange for Rosa. Where's It Found - Plot item. You'll get it without searching. Item Name - Elixir. What's It Do - Completely heals one characters's Hit Points and Magic Points. Where's It Found - All over the game. Item Name - Ether1. What's It Do - Heals a small amount of one character's Magic Points. Where's It Found - All over the game. Item Name - Ether2. What's It Do - Heals a large amount of one character's Magic Points. Where's It Found - All over the game. Item Name - FireBomb. What's It Do - Causes Fire Elemental damage to all enemies. Where's It Found - Dropped by Red D. Item Name - Garbage Can. What's It Do - Lets you throw away any Items you don't want. Where's It Found - VERY bottom of the Items Menu. You always have this. Item Name - Heal. What's It Do - Recovers any status condition for one character. Where's It Found - All over the game. Item Name - Imp. What's It Do - Use it on Rydia and she learns the Imp Summon. Where's It Found - Dropped by Imp. Item Name - Life. What's It Do - Revives one character from death. Where's It Found - All over the game. Item Name - Lit-Bolt. What's It Do - Causes Lightning Elemental damage to all enemies. Where's It Found - Nowhere. Cecil uses it only once ever in the game during the intro scene. Item Name - Luca. What's It Do - Opens the door to the Crystal Room in the Castle Of Dwarves. Where's It Found - Plot item. You'll get it without searching. Item Name - Mage. What's It do - Use it on Rydia and she learns the Mage Summon. Where's It Found - Dropped by Mage. Item Name - Magma. What's It Do - Drop it in the well in Agart to open up the path to the Under World. Where's It Found - Plot item. You'll get it without searching. Item Name - Package. What's It Do - Used automatically when the time is right to let lose a monster assault. Where's It Found - Plot item. You'll get it without searching. Item Name - Pan. What's It Do - Hit Yang with it to wake him up. Where's It Found - Talk to Yang's Wife after you find him in the Sylvan Cave and she'll give you it. Item Name - Pass. What's It Do - Allows you to see a "show" in Toroia. (A VERY funny scene. ^_^) Where's It Found - In Toroia. Item Name - Pink Tail. What's It Do - Give it to the Tail Collector to obtain the Adamant. Where's It Found - Dropped by Pink Puff. Item Name - Rat Tail. What's It Do - Give it to the Tail Collector to obtain the Ore. Where's It Found - In the Land Of Monsters. Item Name - SandRuby. What's It Do - Used to cure Rosa of her illness. Where's It Found - Plot item. You'll get it without searching. Item Name - Sort. What's It Do - Lets you Sort your Items. Where's It Found - VERY bottom of the Items Menu. You always have this. Item Name - Tent. What's It Do - Recovers a medium amount of Hit Points and Magic Points for all characters. (Can only be used on the World Map or on a Save Point. Does NOT revive dead characters.) Where's It Found - All over the game. Item Name - Tower. What's It Do - Opens the door to the Cannon Room in the Tower Of Bab-il. Where's It Found - Plot item. You'll get it without searching. Item Name - TwinHarp. What's It Do - Used to defeat the metallic barrier of the Dark Elf. Used in conjunction with Edward's Harp. Where's It Found - Plot item. You'll get it without searching. Item Name - Whistle. What's It Do - Allows you to summon a Fat Chocobo at ANY time. Where's It Found - Can buy it for 20,000G on the Moon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= XII. Shop Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHOGU12 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: The amount of cash you get for selling ANY Item in the game is always half the price of what it would cost if you bought it. So if you buy something for 100G, you can sell it for 50G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Town Of Baron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TOOBA12.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armor Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Headband Helmet - 450G. Karate Robe - 4,000G. Silver Ring - 650G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Inn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Night - 50G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure1 - 30G. Life - 150G. Tent - 200G. Carrot - 50G. Heal - 100G. Ether1 - 10,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder Rod - 700G. Cure Staff - 480G. Fire Claw - 350G. Ice Claw - 450G. Thunder Claw - 550G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Village Mist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ VILMI12.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armor Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bard Robe - 70G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Inn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Night - 50G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is no Item Shop. Sorry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whip - 3,000G. Dancing Knife - 5,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Kaipo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KAIPO12.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armor Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cap Helmet - 100G. Cloth Robe - 50G. Leather Robe - 200G. Iron Ring - 100G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Inn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Night - 50G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure1 - 30G. Life - 150G. Tent - 200G. Carrot - 50G. Heal - 100G. Ether1 - 10,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rod - 100G. Staff - 160G. ShortBow - 220G. Iron Arrows - 10G per Arrow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Fabul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FABUL12.4 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armor/Weapon Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Claw - 350G. Ice Claw - 450G. Thunder Claw - 550G. Black Helmet - 980G. Black Armor - 3,000G. Black Gauntlet - 800G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Inn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Night - 100G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure1 - 30G. Life - 150G. Tent - 200G. Carrot - 50G. Heal - 100G. Ether1 - 10,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Mysidia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYSID12.5 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armor Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gaea Helmet - 700G. Gaea Robe - 500G. Silver Ring - 650G. Paladin Shield - 700G. Paladin Helmet - 4,000G. Paladin Armor - 8,000G. Paladin Gauntlet - 3,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Inn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Night - 200G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure1 - 30G. Cure2 - 150G. Life - 150G. Tent - 200G. Cabin - 1,000G. Heal - 100G. Ether1 - 10,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Rod - 220G. FlameRod - 380G. Cure Staff - 480G. CrossBow - 700G. White Arrows - 20G per Arrow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Town Of Toroia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TOOTO12.6 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armor Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cap Helmet - 100G. Leather Helmet - 330G. Cloth Robe - 50G. Leather Robe - 200G. RubyRing - 1,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Inn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Night - 400G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure1 - 30G. Life - 150G. Tent - 200G. Carrot - 50G. Heal - 100G. Ether1 - 10,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wooden Hammer - 80G. GreatBow - 2,000G. Fire Arrows - 30G per Arrow. Ice Arrows - 30G per Arrow. Lit Arrows - 30G per Arrow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. Agart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AGAR12.7 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armor Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iron Shield - 100G. Iron Helmet - 150G. Iron Armor - 600G. Iron Gauntlet - 130G. Iron Ring - 100G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Inn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Night - 50G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure1 - 30G. Life - 150G. Tent - 200G. Carrot - 50G. Heal - 100G. Ether1 - 10,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rod - 100G. Staff - 160G. Spear - 60G. Boomerang - 3,000G. ShortBow - 220G. CrossBow - 700G. Iron Arrows - 10G per Arrow. White Arrows - 20G per Arrow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H. Silvera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SILVE12.8 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armor Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Shield - 1,000G. Silver Helmet - 3,000G. Silver Armor - 17,000G. Silver Gauntlet - 2,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Inn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Night - 500G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heal - 100G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Staff - 4,000G. Silver Knife - 3,000G. Silver Hammer - 8,000G. Silver Sword - 6,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. Castle Of Dwarves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CAODW12.9 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armor Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Shield - 1,250G. Fire Armor - 30,000G. Wizard Helmet - 2,000G. Wizard Robe - 1,200G. Rune Ring - 2,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Inn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Night - 600G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life - 150G. Cure1 - 30G. Cure2 - 150G. Tent - 200G. Cabin - 1,000G. Carrot - 50G. Heal - 100G. Ether1 - 10,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dwarf Axe - 15,000G. GreatBow - 2,000G. Darkness Arrows - 40G per Arrow. Fire Sword - 14,000G. Flame Spear - 11,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - J. Cave Eblana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CAEBL12.10 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armor Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Shield - 10,000G. Ice Armor - 35,000G. Black Robe - 10,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Inn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Night - 700G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life - 150G. Cure1 - 30G. Cure2 - 150G. Tent - 200G. Cabin - 1,000G. Carrot - 50G. Heal - 100G. Ether1 - 10,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power Staff - 2,000G. IceBrand Sword - 26,000G. Blizzard Spear - 21,000G. Short Katana - 4,000G. Boomerang - 3,000G. Archer Bow - 3,000G. Poison Arrows - 70G per Arrow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - K. Tomra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TOMRA12.11 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armor Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Shield - 15,000G. Diamond Helmet - 10,000G. Diamond Armor - 40,000G. Diamond Gauntlet - 5,000G. Tiara Helmet - 20,000G. Diamond Ring - 4,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Inn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Night - 300G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life - 150G. Cure1 - 30G. Cure2 - 150G. Tent - 200G. Cabin - 1,000G. Carrot - 50G. Heal - 100G. Ether1 - 10,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Middle Katana - 7,000G. Chain Whip - 6,000G. Ogre Axe - 45,000G. Archer Bow - 3,000G. Mute Arrows - 100G per Arrow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - L. Land Of Monsters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LAOMO12.12 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armor Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aegis Shield - 20,000G. Sorcerer Robe - 30,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Inn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Night - 1,200G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life - 150G. Cure1 - 30G. Cure2 - 150G. Tent - 200G. Cabin - 1,000G. Carrot - 50G. Heal - 100G. Ether1 - 10,000G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whip - 3,000G. Chain Whip - 6,000G. Blitz Whip - 10,000G. Charm Rod - 5,000G. Lunar Staff - 7,000G. Charm Arrows - 110G per Arrow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - M. Kokkol, The Smith's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KOTSM12.13 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shuriken Dart - 20,000G. Ninja Dart - 50,000G. Samurai Arrows - 140G. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - N. Cave Of Humingway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CAOHU12.14 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure2 - 150G. Life - 150G. Ether1 - 10,000G. Ether2 - 50,000G. Elixir - 100,000G. Cabin - 1,000G. Whistle - 20,000G. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XIII. Monster List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOLI13 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Enemy Name |HP |EXP |Gold |Special Attacks |Items Dropped --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alert |1,425 |2,100 |380 |Alert, Beam |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aligator |150 |840 |95 |Fight X2 |Cap Helmet, | | | | |Cure2, Leather | | | | |Robe --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antlion |1,000 |1,500 |800 |Counter |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AquaWorm |638 |1,200 |350 |Wave |Cure1, Cure2, | | | | |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arachne |3,500 |4,400 |585 |Quake |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armadilo |300 |1,600 |195 |None |Cure2, Cure3, | | | | |Silver Hammer, | | | | |Silver Shield --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asura |23,000 |20,000 |0 |Cure3, Cure4, |None | | | |Life1 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attacker |2,000 |50,000 |3,444 |Maser |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bahamut |37,000 |35,000 |0 |MegaNuke |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baigan |3,500 |4,820 |3,000 |Recover, Wall |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balloon |600 |2,480 |315 |Explode |Bomb Summon, | | | | |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balnab |3,927 |0 |0 |None |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balnab-Z |4,000 |0 |0 |Explode |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basilisk |90 |120 |30 |None |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beamer |1,800 |3,250 |890 |Beam |Tent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Behemoth |16,000 |58,700 |65,000|Storm |Avenger Sword, | | | | |HeadBand | | | | |Helmet, | | | | |Power Robe, | | | | |Strength Ring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BlackCat |593 |2,800 |345 |Bluster |CatClaw, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BlackLiz |700 |1,300 |45 |Petrify |Medusa Arrows, | | | | |Medusa Sword --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BladeMan |1,050 |2,600 |210 |Virus |Cabin, Tent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue D. |13,200 |3,600 |40,200|Blizzard |Cure2, Dragon | | | | |Whip, Dragoon | | | | |Spear, Shuriken | | | | |Dart --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb |50 |370 |80 |Explode |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breath |31,300 |60,000 |50,000|Blast, Report |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brena |300 |1,000 |500 |Combine |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cal |1,000 |1,000 |500 |Combine |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calbrena |4,600 |19,000 |7,000 |Glance |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannibal |370 |960 |220 |Pollen |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carapace |700 |1,350 |230 |None |Cure2, Cure3, | | | | |Silver Hammer, | | | | |Silver Shield --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cave Bat |150 |630 |155 |Vampire |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CaveNaga |255 |750 |205 |None |Poison Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CaveToad |44 |90 |25 |Toad |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Centaur |380 |1,000 |175 |None |Cabin, Tent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Centpede |600 |2,800 |345 |None |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chimera |700 |2,875 |230 |Blaze |Fire Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cindy |4,300 |5,000 |3,000 |Recover |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clapper |7,000 |8,000 |900 |Blitz |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cocktric |100 |280 |120 |Beak |Life --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conjurer |3,000 |3,700 |475 |Call |Cure Staff, | | | | |Rune Ring, | | | | |Silence Staff --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU |20,000 |50,000 |3,444 |Globe199, Recover,|None | | | |Wall | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crawler |1,555 |??? |700 |Counter, Psych |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cream |55 |150 |35 |None |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crocdile |292 |870 |300 |Fight X2 |Cap Helmet, | | | | |Cure2, Leather | | | | |Robe --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Bone |9,000 |14,100 |6,750 |Poison |Cure1, Cursed | | | | |Ring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D.Fossil |10,000 |15,100 |8,100 |Curse |Cure1, Cursed | | | | |Ring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D.Knight |1,000 |0 |0 |D. Wave |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Lunar |21,000 |100,000|0 |Fire, Rememdy, |None | | | |Virus, Wall | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D.Machin |15,000 |41,500 |2,550 |Fire |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Mist |465 |700 |200 |ColdMist |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Dragon |3,000 |6,000 |5,000 |D. Breath, Fire2, |None | | | |Ice-2, Lit-2, Weak| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Elf |22,000 |0 |0 |Fire2, Ice-2, |None | | | |Lit-2, Weak | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Imp |199 |1,940 |45 |None |Cure1, Cure2, | | | | |Imp Summon, | | | | |Tent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DarkTree |1,800 |5,500 |525 |Bersk |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defender |2,000 |50,000 |3,444 |Remedy |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Lugae |4,416 |0 |0 |None |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Lugae |6,600 |15,000 |4,000 |Beam, Emission, |None | | | |Gas, Laser, Poison| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragoon |65,535 |0 |0 |Jump |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eagle |18 |30 |10 |None |Life --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Egg |700 |??? |??? |Hatch |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ElecFish |200 |650 |230 |None |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- EpeeGirl |390 |1,260 |200 |None |Cabin, Tent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- EvilDoll |300 |1,420 |270 |None |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- EvilMask |25,500 |50,000 |50,000|Nuke, Virus, Wall,|Cure2, Cure3, | | | |White |Elixir, Glass | | | | |Helmet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- EvilShel |58 |110 |30 |None |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- EvilWall |19,000 |23,000 |8,000 |Crush, Petrify |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FangShel |300 |850 |550 |None |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FatalEye |25,000 |40,000 |65,200|Count |Elixir, Ether1, | | | | |Ether2, Protect | | | | |Ring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiend |2,980 |6,400 |625 |Charm |Cure2, Ether1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fighter |65 |410 |100 |None |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FlameDog |1,221 |1,720 |245 |Flame |Fire Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FlameMan |579 |1,720 |300 |Flame |Fire Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FloatEye |20 |40 |10 |None |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gargoyle |160 |318 |100 |Weak |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- General |320 |608 |155 |Charge, Retreat |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghast |170 |200 |75 |Drain |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghost |1,100 |3,700 |365 |Fire2 |Cure1, Cursed | | | | |Ring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghoul |120 |930 |180 |None |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GiantBat |399 |1,280 |365 |Vampire |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ging-Ryu |7,500 |25,000 |19,000|Blaze, Tornado |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GlomWing |1,380 |??? |1,400 |None |Artemis Arrows, | | | | |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golbez |22,000 |20,000 |11,000|Call, Hold Gas |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gorgon |2,000 |4,750 |250 |Glance, Ray |Medusa Arrows, | | | | |Medusa Sword --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GrayBomb |100 |450 |105 |Explode |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Green D. |2,200 |4,800 |370 |Thunder |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gremlin |385 |1,500 |275 |Charm |Cure2, Ether1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grenade |820 |2,650 |630 |Explode |Bomb Summon, | | | | |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grudger |1,400 |2,460 |190 |None |Lit Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guard |200 |720 |500 |Piggy, Size |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hooligan |1,900 |4,090 |485 |Weak |Cure1, Cursed | | | | |Ring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HorseMan |3,000 |9,990 |1,220 |None |Cabin, Tent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HugeCell |555 |1,510 |255 |Remedy, Retreat |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HugeNaga |1,200 |3,600 |240 |None |Poison Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydra |285 |680 |255 |Entangle |Poison Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IceBeast |445 |1,570 |280 |Blizzard |Ice Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Liz |400 |1,500 |290 |None |Ice Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imp |6 |20 |10 |None |Cure1, Cure2, | | | | |Imp Summon, | | | | |Tent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imp Cap. |37 |189 |50 |None |Cure1, Cure2, | | | | |Imp Summon, | | | | |Tent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ironback |100 |1,100 |235 |None |Cure2, Cure3, | | | | |Silver Hammer, | | | | |Silver Shield --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IronMan |2,500 |3,700 |385 |None |Silver Armor, | | | | |Silver Knife, | | | | |Silver Shield, | | | | |Silver Sword --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jelly |35 |140 |35 |None |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juclyote |1,700 |7,200 |1,560 |None |Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- K. Eblan |60,000 |0 |0 |None |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kainazzo |4,000 |5,500 |4,000 |Wave |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kainazzo |21,000 |15,625 |2,500 |Fast, Remedy, Wave|None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karate |4,000 |0 |0 |Kick |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kary |2,700 |13,100 |3,500 |Hug, Retreat |Artemis Arrows, | | | | |Heroine Robe --------------------------------------------------------------------------- King-Ryu |8,200 |30,000 |23,000|Blitz, Entangle |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lamia |1,200 |2,060 |1,210 |Charm |Charm Arrows, | | | | |Charm Harp, | | | | |Ruby Ring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Larva |28 |50 |10 |Counter, Psych |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Arm |9,500 |8,800 |320 |Fission, Magnet, |Cure1 | | | |Search | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Left Arm |350 |10 |0 |Entangle, Vampire |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leviatan |35,000 |28,000 |0 |Big Wave, Ice-2 |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lilith |320 |2,750 |365 |Slap |Ether1, Lilith | | | | |Rod --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MacGiant |8,500 |31,000 |7,000 |None |Cabin, Ogre | | | | |Axe, Poison | | | | |Axe, Rune Axe --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine |3,600 |8,200 |985 |None |Lit Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mad Ogre |1,700 |2,370 |270 |None |Cure2, HeadBand | | | | |Helmet, | | | | |Strength Ring | | | | |Zues Gauntlet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mad Toad |59 |130 |35 |Toad |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mage |500 |1,100 |235 |Blast |Cure2, Mage | | | | |Summon --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantcore |2,000 |35,000 |1,200 |Blaze |Fire Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marion |473 |1,290 |195 |Call |Cure Staff, | | | | |Rune Ring, | | | | |Silence Staff --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medusa |430 |1,250 |225 |Glance, Ray |Medusa Arrows, | | | | |Medusa Sword --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milon |3,100 |3,000 |3,000 |Lit-1 |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milon Z. |3,000 |4,000 |3,000 |Poison |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milon Z. |17,000 |15,625 |2,500 |Curse |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mind |12,300 |65,000 |50,000|Armor, Charm |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mindy |2,200 |5,000 |3,000 |Delta Attack, |None | | | |Fire1, Ice-1, | | | | |Lit-1, Venom | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Molbol |1,999 |11,000 |460 |Breath, Digest |Heal, Samurai | | | | |Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MomBomb |1,080 |0 |0 |Explode |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MoonCell |980 |3,300 |1,100 |Remedy, Retreat |Ether1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naga |900 |1,220 |150 |Mute |Poison Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Needler |110 |370 |55 |Needle |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octomamm |2,350 |1,200 |500 |None |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Odin |20,500 |18,000 |0 |Sword Attack |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Officer |221 |400 |80 |Attack, Retreat |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ogopogo |37,000 |61,100 |0 |Big Wave, Blaze |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ogre |865 |1,100 |240 |None |Cure2, HeadBand | | | | |Helmet, | | | | |Strength Ring | | | | |Zues Gauntlet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pale Dim |27,300 |59,000 |0 |Quake, Slow |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panther |285 |830 |255 |Bluster |CatClaw, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pike |65 |120 |35 |None |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PinkPuff |10,000 |2,000 |55,555|Dance |Elixir, Ether2, | | | | |Ninja Dart, | | | | |Pink Tail --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piranha |105 |460 |145 |None |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plague |28,000 |31,200 |550 |Count |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procyote |2,200 |8,100 |1,850 |Poison |Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pudding |1,050 |3,060 |1,300 |None |Ether1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Puppet |256 |860 |180 |None |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Python |593 |760 |345 |None |Poison Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Eblan |60,000 |0 |0 |None |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Lamia |11,000 |2,900 |250 |Charm |Charm Arrows, | | | | |Charm Harp, | | | | |Ruby Ring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ravin |941 |740 |700 |Fight X2 |Cabin, Cure2, | | | | |Leather Helmet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Bone |170 |640 |295 |None |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red D. |15,000 |51,800 |60,500|Fight X2, HeatRay |Crystal Ring, | | | | |Dragoon | | | | |Gauntlet, | | | | |Dragoon Spear, | | | | |FireBomb Item --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Eye |2,000 |3,500 |465 |Gaze |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RedGiant |11,800 |18,900 |1,500 |Emission, Explode |Cabin, Ogre | | | | |Axe, Poison | | | | |Axe, Rune Axe --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Worm |7,000 |7,350 |310 |Retreat, Vampire |Ether1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenant |160 |680 |190 |None |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RightArm |350 |10 |0 |Entangle, Vampire |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roc |999 |1,410 |150 |Fight X2 |Cabin, Cure2, | | | | |Leather Helmet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roc Baby |50 |1,010 |85 |Beak |Life --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RocLarva |800 |2,830 |40 |Psych |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RockMoth |850 |3,200 |315 |Powder |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rubicant |25,200 |25,000 |7,000 |Fire2, Glare |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rubicant |39,000 |15,625 |2,500 |Fire2, Fire3, |None | | | |Glare | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SandMan |20 |80 |20 |None |Heal, Tent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SandMoth |40 |80 |20 |None |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sandpede |60 |80 |20 |None |Cure1, Cure 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SandWorm |75 |88 |20 |Tornado |Cure1, Cure 2, | | | | |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sandy |2,500 |5,000 |3,000 |Bersk, Charm, |None | | | |Lit-1, Wall | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Searcher |5,500 |18,200 |900 |Alert, Beam |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screamer |1,000 |3,100 |205 |None |Lit Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow |??? |0 |0 |Demolish |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton |50 |240 |125 |Lit-1 |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skull |740 |1,055 |120 |None |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slime |50 |760 |50 |None |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soldier |27 |160 |55 |None |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorcerer |1,000 |2,370 |275 |Call |Cure Staff, | | | | |Rune Ring, | | | | |Silence Staff --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul |150 |160 |165 |Fire1 |Cure1, Cursed | | | | |Ring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spirit |50 |290 |125 |Fire1 |Cure1, Cursed | | | | |Ring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- StaleMan |2,100 |2,100 |435 |Sleep |Earth Hammer, | | | | |Zues Gauntlet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- StingRat |300 |1,210 |220 |Needle |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stoneman |2,000 |2,590 |240 |None |Cure2, Cure3, | | | | |Medusa Arrows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SwordMan |320 |1,100 |175 |Absorb |Cabin, Tent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SwordRat |30 |68 |20 |Needle |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talanta |2,315 |2,800 |600 |Quake |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TinyMage |69 |260 |100 |Fire1, Hold, |Ether1, Ether2, | | | |Ice-1, Lit-1, |Rod, Silver | | | |Psych |Ring | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TinyToad |400 |1,850 |335 |Toad |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ToadLady |2,960 |3,500 |600 |Croak |Ether2, Heal, | | | | |Life, Ribbon | | | | |Helmet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tofu |102 |1,060 |385 |None |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tortoise |400 |1,700 |235 |None |Cure2, Cure3, | | | | |Silver Hammer, | | | | |Silver Shield --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrapDoor |5,000 |31,100 |4,500 |Disrupt, Morph, |None | | | |Search | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrapRose |300 |1,210 |35 |Pollen |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Treant |260 |1,000 |150 |None |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricker |12,000 |21,000 |10,700|Lit-3, Peep |Cure1, Cure2, | | | | |Imp Summon, | | | | |Tent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turtle |150 |240 |80 |None |Heal, Tent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valvalis |6,000 |9,500 |5,500 |Ray, Spin, Weak |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valvalis |27,000 |15,625 |2,500 |Spin, Storm |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VampGirl |250 |819 |195 |Vampire |Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VampLady |2,375 |4,600 |190 |Lit-2, Vampire |Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warlock |4,250 |17,300 |2,400 |Drain, Fire2, |Ether2, Heal, | | | |Ice-2, Lit-2, |Life, Ribbon | | | |Psych |Helmet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warrior |2,400 |4,300 |575 |None |Tent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WaterBug |110 |230 |80 |Remedy, Retreat |Heal, Tent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WaterHag |48 |180 |40 |None |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WaterHag |45,672 |800 |100 |None |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weeper |100 |120 |40 |None |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WereBat |800 |2,050 |355 |Vampire |Cure1, Cure2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Witch |300 |1,670 |330 |Slow |Ether1, Ether2, | | | | |Rod, Silver | | | | |Ring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wyvern |25,000 |64,300 |0 |MegaNuke, Nuke, |None | | | |Remedy, Wall | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yellow D |1,800 |34,000 |1,500 |Thunder |Heal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zemus |11,000 |0 |0 |None |None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zeromus |105,000|0 |0 |Big Bang, |None | | | |Blk.Hole, Meteo, | | | | |Nuke, Weak, White | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zombie |40 |120 |35 |None |Cure1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XIV. Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECRE14 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Duplication - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Note: This ONLY works with Weapons and Shields.) To do this trick, enter a Battle. Once you do, go to Item and select an open space, then go to the VERY top of the screen, where you can view your R-Hand and L-Hand. Now, select the item you want (It can be both, if you wish.) and place the Item there. Next, either win the Battle or Run. Afterwards, go into the Menu and Equip the Weapon and/or Shield again and you'll see the number 2 next to it. Unequip it and then Equip it again the 2 will be gone and in your inventory, you'll have an extra Weapon/Shield! This is VERY useful if you want to sell a Weapon/Shield that sells for a high price or you can make duplicates of the Excalibur Sword for Edge, which is an INSANELY good Dart Item. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sneak Trick - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you get Edge in your party, you can do this neat trick. If you ever wanted to Equip any of your party members with a Sword, Shield, Rod, whatever, but they could never normally Equip it, now's your chance. First, enter a Battle with a monster that has a perferable Item you want to Sneak. Now, have Edge Sneak it and if he does it successfully, follow the next step, otherwise, keep trying. After he Sneaks the Item you want, the NEXT person who's turn comes up MUST be the one to Equip the Item, otherwise, the trick won't work. So, if you wanted Rydia to Equip a Medusa Sword for instance, you'd have to make sure her turn came RIGHT after Edge's, otherwise, it wouldn't work. (Just configure your party and do some things to make sure whoever you want to Equip the Item goes after Edge. Like, kill everyone but Edge and the one party member.) Now, during their turn, go to Item and then simply Equip the Weapon/Shield into their arms and it's theres. Note: For this trick to work, you can NOT already have ANY of the Weapons/Shields in your inventory when Edge Sneaks the Item. (Such as, you can't have a Medusa Sword in your inventory already when he Sneaks it, so make sure you don't have the Weapon/Shield already.) Also, if you ever remove the Weapon/Shield, it can't be Equipped again unless the trick is redone. Also, you'll notice you gain no increase in any of your stats, but this is easily fixed. Just go to Equip, look at the character, cancel out and go to Status and look at the character and it'll somehow be fixed. Nice trick, eh? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 3 Extra Summons - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you ever fought Imps, Bombs and/or Mages and you got some weird Item named after them, then you just a secret Summon that Rydia can learn. These Items are gained from beating Imps/Bombs/Mages and hoping that you win the Item from them from the Battle. They're pretty rare to come by, but if you get the Item, use it and she'll learn a new Summon, which is pretty cool, but the Summons themselves are pretty weak, but hey, extra Summons, where can you go wrong? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Skip The Sealed Cave - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a nice glitch and if you don't want to go through the Sealed Cave, do the following: After you defeat Golbez in the Castle Of Dwarves and you're teleported back outside the room, talking to King Giott, after the conversation, cast Warp and you'll appear back in the Crystal Room, only there's a Crystal there. You're actually in the Crystal Room of the Sealed Cave. Take the Crystal and then just exit the room. Once you're back inside the Sealed Cave, before going to the locked door, the scene where Golbez recontrols Kain will take place and you'll then skip the Sealed Cave completely and be able to continue the next objective in the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - "Hidden" Items - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I never really knew about this until a while ago, but there appears to be invisible Items you can pick up throughout the game. Like, you hit the A Button at a certain place and you find these Items. None of them are that great, but still, it's quite a weird glitch. Anyway, here's the seven pictures of what Items have been found. If anyone finds anymore Items like this and if you can, send in a picture and I'll throw it up. If not, just give me the EXACT location and I'll give you credit. For now, here's the seven images, borrowed from Zach Keene's Site: http://www.geocities.com/arcanelore2001/articles/ff4wrong/babil.gif http://www.geocities.com/arcanelore2001/articles/ff4wrong/sealed.gif http://www.geocities.com/arcanelore2001/articles/ff4wrong/sealed2.jpg http://www.geocities.com/arcanelore2001/articles/ff4wrong/crystal1.gif http://www.geocities.com/arcanelore2001/articles/ff4wrong/crystal2.gif http://www.geocities.com/arcanelore2001/articles/ff4wrong/subterrane.jpg http://www.geocities.com/arcanelore2001/articles/ff4wrong/subterrane2.jpg --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Reviving Enemies - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Deign: It involves casting Life or using a Life1 Item on a soon to die enemy. This works on all Enemies that you would normally be able to cast weak on. (The vulnerability is the same in the code.) What happens when this is done, is the enemy dies and when the next person casts Life on the Enemy, it comes back to life. However, it comes back to life with Vit * 5. All Enemies in FF2 are defaulted to 0 Vit. Of course as you know, 0 * 5 = 0. So the Enemy comes back to life and dies immediately, but you never see the Enemy come back to life; only the animation of Life is seen. This results in gaining the Experience and Gold of the fallen Enemy a second time. It is possible with quick hands to cast Life twice on the same Enemy and effectively triple the Experience gained from that Enemy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Avoiding Second Forms Of Some Bosses - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Deign: This only works on 4 Bosses: Mombomb, Dark Elf, The Four Elements and Zeromus. What happens with all of these Bosses is that their transformations, (In the case of Zeromus, his heal.) is actually the result of a Counter. However, a reflected spell will not trigger a Counter. In essence, you can defeat all the above Bosses without them transforming. In the case of The Four Elements, this means just killing Milon, who has only 57,000 HP. Zeromus with only 61,000 HP. If you're interested in seeing my Speedrun and seeing these glitches first hand and also perhaps seeing some Strategies you may not be aware of for any of the other Bosses, you can download each Segment of the run here -> http://www.obellemare.com/~deign/ It is under "Final Fantasy 2 Console Run". I also have Segments 2 through 19 on Youtube and they can be seen here -> http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=AEFE62DEEF49122A However, neither of the afformentioned glitches are displayed in these Segments. If you wish to skip straight to the glitches, you would want to download Segments 27 & 28 for the Life Glitch and Segments 29 and 32 for the Boss Glitches. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XV. Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CREDI15 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well, here's where I give credit to the ones that helped make this guide possible. Here's the following people: Squaresoft - For making is AMAZING game, even though the US Vesion got butchered to all hell, I forgive you for introducing me to it and for allowing this walkthrough to be here. Thanks. Myself - For writing this walkthrough. Thanks for reading it and I hope it helped you in playing the game. Mike - My friend who introduced me to this game so long ago. We beat it God knows how many times and it's still one of our favorite games of all time. Thanks, dude. Zach Keene - I borrowed his pictures he had taken of the secret hidden Items throughout the game. Thanks alot, dude, sorry if I never asked you for permission, but if you ever contact me and tell me to take them off, I'll do so. James P. Wyatt - For the information on the three hidden Treasure Chests in Baron that I missed behind Cid's House and the two Treasure Chests in the Weapon/Armor Shop also in Baron that I missed. Thanks alot! I can't believe I never knew about them. Ah well, this game is over 12 years old, yet I'm still learning all it's secrets. Nicholas Nino - Pointed out a few Monster Attacks that I missed by mistake and a Item I missed at Kokkol, The Smith's place, which was an Elixir in the bookcase. Thanks! Marek Grabowski - For a better strategy on how to defeat Plague. It certainly outdid mine. XeF4 - For telling me about the Treasure Chest with 1,000G in it at Kokkol, The Smith's place that I missed. Thanks for pointing it out! Another Sylph - For pointing out the Tent and Ether1 in Town Of Baron that I missed. Man, again, can't believe I never knew about these. Thanks! Thamasta16 - For telling me about the Item Duplication Trick being wrong and correcting me on it. I knew about it, but boy, I must've been drunk when I wrote it the wrong way... Meteo - For numerous corrections involving the Magic Spells, Weapons/Armor and some other small things. Thank you very much! Deign - For corrections on the prices of the Bl. Belt Robe and Black Robe, as well as Silver Armor having a wrong description. Also, for the nice Secrets that were added to the Secret section. Thanks! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XVI. My Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWO16 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thanks for reading my walkthrough first of all. I sure hope it helped you. If you wish to submit something to this walkthrough, send it to ssj4kain@aol.com and label the subject as "Submit-Final Fantasy II" and as nothing else please. It isn't too hard and I'm not asking for alot. If you have any questions regarding this game, also send them to me and label the subject as "Question-Final Fantasy II" please. Again, not asking much here and it isn't hard to understand. Now for the legal stuff. This guide was created by Kain Stryder. It is not meant to be used on any other site besides GameFAQs and any other site I've deemed to have it hosted on. It's not to be edited in ANY way for other use. (Unless I give permission to do so.) I did not create, nor take in participation of creating Final Fantasy II. I am not affiliated with Squaresoft, nor the team who made it. I also don't have the rights to it. I am a writer simply giving out information to other gamers of Final Fantasy II. Copyright © 2003 by Kain Stryder. All rights reserved.