=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Final Fantasy II FAQ/Walkthrough (SNES) Time I Started This Guide: 7/26/06 Version: 1.1 Author: KoritheMan E-Mail: verykoolguy2002[at]gmail[dot]com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------ | Table of Contents | ------------------------------------ | 1. Introduction | | 2. Version History | | 3. Characters | | 4. Storyline | | 5. Controls | | 6. Game Basics | | 7. Walkthrough | | 8. Bosses | | 9. Enemies | | 10. Items | | 11. Weapons | | 12. Shields | | 13. Headgear | | 14. Armor | | 15. Gauntlets/Rings | | 16. Spells | | 17. Shops | | 18. FAQs | | 19. Codes n' Secrets | | 20. Copyright | | 21. Contact Info | | 22. Credits | |__________________________________| |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 1. Introduction | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Final Fantasy II is actually Final Fantasy IV in Japan, and the game never made it to the U.S (the good version anyway). Instead, we got a much less challenging version, namely Final Fantasy II, which was released in the U.S. In this version, the text is a lot less serious than the text in Final Fantasy IV. Combine that with some of the items that were taken out of the game, and when you consider the fact that the difficulty has been decreased substantially, this game definitely has its flaws when compared to Final Fantasy IV. Still, if you can't get your hands on FFIV, I'd recommend playing this game, since it is at least 15 hours worth of gameplay in it, which is rather short, but it's still a fun game with a very good story, good music, and good sounds. Basically, this is one game you have to play. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 2. Version History | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Version 1.0 / Completed the guide. Version 1.1 / Oops! Missed quite a few things in the initial release that were added with this update. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 3. Characters | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| NOTE: Each character has their own special abilities, which I will list after their biographies. Cecil: Cecil is the Dark Knight of Baron and captain of the Red Wings, Baron's royal air force, who has trained under King Baron to use the Dark Sword. Baron has been a father to Cecil all his life, but lately something has been wrong with the king. He seeks crystals, and will kill anyone, even innocent people for a crystal. King Baron gives no real reason why he must obtain the crystals, but he will resort to any means to get his hands on them. Cecil eventually rebels against King Baron, becomes a Paladin after conquering the darkness within himself, defeats King Baron, who was a monster all along and not a human, then finally Cecil and his friends destroy the evil Zeromus, who was the one behind the whole crystal hunting incidents. Cecil's Abilities ----------------- Cover (Paladin) Description: When used, Cecil will take the damage for another party member, rather than that party member taking the damage from a phyiscal attack. Off (Paladin) Description: When used, this command makes it where Cecil stops taking damage for that particular partner. White (Paladin) Description: This is where all Cecil's magic spells that help your group are stored. Kain: Kain is Cecil's best friend, and is also a Dragoon. Dragoons are people who jump on their foes to attack, basically. Kain and Cecil travel to Mist Cave to go to Village Mist to deliver a package from the king of Baron to that village, only to find out that the package will burn the village completely. Kain is later mind controlled by Golbez (after he disappears from your group in the Village Mist incident), who is the supposed main villain at the time, and for much of the game for that matter. Kain rejoins Cecil a couple times and gets mind controlled a couple times. Basically, he can't make up his mind who he wants to fight with. Kain's Abilities ---------------- Jump Description: By using this command in battle, Kain will be able to jump in the air for quite a few seconds, then jump down onto the selected target to do damage. This command is especially useful in the earlier parts of the game, but it gets noticably useless mid to late game. Rosa: Rosa is a White Mage, and Cecil's friend. She is also the daughter of Cid, who is the engineer who builds airships for Baron. After Cecil and Kain go to deliver the king's package to Village Mist, she is filled with sorrow and longs for Cecil to return, and she journeys to the desert town of Kaipo, but ends up with severe fever which can only be cured by the SandRuby. Cecil and two other people (I won't tell you who they are so that you won't be spoiled) get the SandRuby shortly after seeing the sick Rosa in Kaipo, then they give it to her, she is healed, and then she joins Cecil and his friends in their quest to stop Golbez from getting his hands on the crystals. Rosa's Abilities ---------------- Aim Description: This command is only accessible if you have a bow and arrow equipped on Rosa. This allows Rosa to hit the selected target with an arrow with more accuracy than she would have normally without this command. White Description: This is where all Rosa's magic spells that help your group are stored. Rydia: Rydia is a little girl from Village Mist. Her mother died because Kain and Cecil, not knowing, killed her mother's dragon in Mist Cave on their way to Village Mist. Rydia attacks Cecil and Kain for killing her mother, because not only did she lose her mother, her entire village was burnt up because of the king's package Cecil and Kain delivered. After attacking Cecil and Kain, Rydia is taken to Kaipo by Cecil and she rests there at the Inn for the night, recovers, and joins Cecil in his quest to stop Golbez after Cecil saves her from some Baron guards seeking to kill her. Later, Rydia is swallowed by Leviatan, the legendary beast of the sea, and she later rescues Cecil from Golbez's clutches and rejoins your group as an adult with much greater Black Magic than as a kid, and she even has some new summons (yes, Rydia is a summoner; this wouldn't be a Final Fantasy game without one). Overall, Rydia is a VERY useful party member! Rydia's Abilities ----------------- Black (Kid/Adult Rydia) Description: This is where all Rydia's magic attacks that harm enemies/bosses are stored. Call (Kid/Adult Rydia) Description: This allows Rydia to summon monsters to help you in the current battle you're in. Some are not useful, but most are. Some summons heal your group, while others hurt the enemy/boss you are fighting. White (Kid Rydia) Description: This is where all Rydia's magic spells that help your group are stored. Tellah: Tellah is an old man who is a sage. He used to know a plethora of very effective magic spells, but unfortunately, he's forgot almost every single one of those powerful spells, and only knows a few, and the ones he does know are rather weak. Tellah first joins Cecil when he sees that Cecil is a Dark Knight. He asks for Cecil's help because he needs to defeat a huge octopus with eight tentacles in order to get to Damcyan Castle, where his daughter, Anna, ran off to to get married to a bard (who is actually the Prince of Damcyan disguised as a bard) named Edward. Tellah did not consent to the marriage of Anna and Edward, and Tellah feels that something evil is brewing in the direction of Damcyan, and wants to get there as quickly as possible to see if his feeling is correct. Cecil and Tellah do eventually make it to Damcyan, where they find Anna died, because she shielded Edward, who is a coward, from arrows that threatened to take his life. Tellah then leaves Damcyan in search for Golbez, who was the one really responsible for taking the life of Anna (Tellah originally thought it was Edward who had killed her). Tellah later rejoins Cecil on Mt. Ordeals in his quest to become a Paladin, then Tellah regains all the spells he had forgotten, and becomes a valuable party member for a short time after that! Tellah's Abilities ------------------ Black Description: This is where all Tellah's magic spells that harm enemies/bosses are stored. White Description: This is where all Tellah's magic spells that help your group are stored. Edward: Edward is the Prince of Damcyan, though he pretends to be a bard. He is in love with Tellah's daughter, Anna. Anna shields Edward from some arrows that threatened to take his life when Baron attacked Damcyan in search of the crystal there. Edward is blamed by Tellah for Anna's death, though in truth it was Golbez, not Edward, who killed Anna (Golbez was responsible for the attack on Damcyan, thus is guilty of killing her). After Tellah leaves Damcyan, Edward joins Cecil and his friends in their quest to find the SandRuby to cure Rosa's fever. They eventually end up finding the SandRuby, then they give it Rosa, she recovers, joins the group, like you'd expect. Edward is sent into the water when he and the group encounter the beast of the sea, Leviatan. Edward is not seen until your group journeys to Toroia Castle to get the Earth Crystal. Edward is a very useless character, to be honest, though thankfully you don't get him for very long. Edward's Abilities ------------------ Hide Description: When used, Edward will hide from the enemy/boss you're fighting like the coward he is. You won't be able to use him at all during the time of his hiding, but to get him out of hiding, simply use the Show command, which appears when you hide. Note that Edward will automatically hide after he is kneeling down (meaning he is about to die), and you'll never be able to get him to show himself either, even if you use the Show command. Show Description: When Edward is hiding, use this command to bring him back into the battlefield. Note that this command is useless if Edward hides due to low HP. Sing Description: This command allows Edward to sing a song. The effects of the song vary. This is a slightly useful command, though not useful enough for you to want to use it. Just stick with Edward's regular attack. Yang: Yang is a Karate Master in the kingdom of Fabul. All of the other karate fighters in the kingdom are only at their training level, whereas Yang is a master. Yang is first met by your group on Mt. Hobs when he is ambushed by some bombs. He quickly disposes of those, but then gets attacked by a huge monster formed of several bombs, then your group comes to aid, defeats the monster, then Yang joins your group. Yang and your group then travel to Fabul to stop Baron from obtaining the crystal from Fabul. They arrive just in time, as a decisive battle takes place within the walls of the castle. Yang and your group ultimately win that battle, only to have Golbez capture Rosa. Golbez also manages to get his hands on the crystal. After the incident in Fabul, Yang and your group set sail on a boat bringing them to Baron, where Leviatan, the beast of the sea, appears. Rydia gets swallowed by Leviatan, and Yang goes after her. Yang is never seen again until your visit to Baron, where he rejoins your group after you defeat him in his mind controlled state. I won't spoil anything else about Yang here, just know that he is one of your best party members, and you'll have him for a long time. Yang's Abilities ---------------- Kick Description: When used, Yang will use a kick to attack all the enemies that are currently in the battle. This ability is not very useful, and it is Yang's only ability. It's not useful because you deal a very low amount of damage to the enemies when you use this. Palom: Palom is a student that trains under the elder of Mysidia in the ways of Black Magic. Palom is a young boy, who has a twin sister named Porom. Palom and Porom are sent by the elder of Mysidia to go with Cecil to Mt. Ordeals, where he wishes to become a Paladin, though in truth they are not meant to accompany him, but spy on him and if need be, destroy him (because of his actions in Mysidia in the beginning of the game). After Cecil becomes a Paladin and arrives back at Mysidia, Palom and Porom reveal to him that they were sent to spy on him, rather than accompany him. After Cecil becomes a Paladin, the elder of Mysidia allows Palom and Porom to accompany (not spy) Cecil on his way to Baron. Palom and Porom turn themselves into stone when the walls threaten to crush Cecil and the others after they defeat Kainazzo, the Fiend of Water, in Baron. Palom and Porom aren't seen again until near the end of the game, when the elder of Mysidia removes their petrification (though you never get to see the elder remove their petrification). Palom is a great asset to your group, though you only get him for a short time. Palom's Abilities ----------------- Black Description: This is where all Palom's magic spells that harm enemies/bosses are stored. Twin Description: If Porom is alive and Palom is alive, you can use this command with either of the twins to use either Flare or Comet on all enemies onscreen for good to great damage. Porom: Porom is a student that trains under the elder of Mysidia in the ways of White Magic. Basically, Porom is a White Mage, unlike her brother Palom, who is a Black Mage. Porom and Palom were sent by the elder of Mysidia to spy on Cecil and kill him if need be when he went to Mt. Ordeals to cast out the darkness within himself and become a Paladin. Luckily, Porom and Palom never have to lay a finger on Cecil, since he actually becomes a Paladin and has no evil intentions after that. Porom and Palom accompany Cecil after his visit to Mt. Ordeals, because the elder of Mysidia allows them to. Porom and Palom turn themselves into stone to save Cecil and the group from walls that threaten to crush them after their fight with Kainazzo. Porom and Palom are never seen until near the end of the game, when they help destroy the Giant of Bab-il (the elder removed their petrification status, which is how they became alive again) and bring peace to the world! Porom is definitely a great asset to your team for the short time that you get her. She is even better than Tellah until he remembers all the spells he had forgotten. Porom's Abilities ----------------- Twin Description: If Palom is alive and Porom is alive, you can use this command with either of the twins to use either Flare or Comet on all enemies onscreen for good to great damage. White Description: This is where all Porom's magic spells that help your group are stored. Cid: Cid is the engineer in the kingdom of Baron, who makes airships for the kingdom. Cid was thrown in prison by King Baron for refusing to make an airship that would be used a killing machine. Cid is eventually released from prison, and joins your group and gives them a new airship after the fight with Kainazzo, with which they can use to travel arond the earth a lot faster. Cid leaves your group fairly soon after you get him, and he isn't a very good party member. Cid's Abilities --------------- Peep Description: When used, this command allows Cid to scan the HP, as well as the weaknesses of the selected target. Note that you can't use this command on bosses. Edge: Edge is the Prince of Eblan Castle, and he also happens to be a very arrogant ninja. Edge is first met by your group when he is fighting the last of the Four Fiends, the Fiend of Fire, Rubicant. Edge is injured in the fight, and is healed by Rosa. Edge then joins your group, and you have him for the whole game after that. Edge also likes Rydia. Edge seeks to defeat Rubicant to avenge his mother and father's death. Dr. Lugae turned both Edge's parents into monsters, and so Edge blames Rubicant for that and seeks to kill Rubicant to avenge his parents. Edge eventually succeeds in defeating Rubicant. Edge may have extremely weak defense (he's definitely not what you'd expect for a ninja in terms of defense, that's for sure), but his Dart command is quite valuable, and that's what makes him a good party member to have. Edge's Abilities ---------------- Dart Description: Edge can throw a wide-vareity of weapons at the selected target when you use this. Be sure you don't use this command unless you are in a boss fight, otherwise you'll waste items. Ninja Description: This is Edge's magic, basically. Edge starts off with very little ninja skills, In time, however, they grow until he has quite a few ninja skills at his disposal. This is a fairly useful ability, especially in the fight against the Four Fiends in the Giant of Bab-il. Sneak Description: When used, Edge will attempt to steal an item from the selected target. This is pretty useful. FuSoYa: FuSoYa is a Lunarian who lives on the Moon. FuSoYa has some connection with Cecil and Golbez, as well as Zemus, who is the true main villain of the game (Golbez was suspected to be the main villain throughout much of the game). FuSoYa also an extremely powerful Black Magic user and White Magic user, and is a very valuable party member for the short time that you get him. FuSoYa's Abilities ------------------ Black: This is where all FuSoYa's magic spells that harm enemies/bosses are stored. White: This is where all FuSoYa's magic spells that help your group are stored. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 4. Storyline | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Basically, the story goes like this: Baron's royal air force, the Red Wings, which Cecil (the main character of the game) commands, is the key to getting all of the crystals that are scattered throughout the earth. After all of the crystals have been obtained, the way to the Moon is said to open. If the Moon opens, the kingdom of Baron will obtain unspeakable power. The King of Baron, who has been acting strange lately, seeks the crystals and uses the Red Wings to obtain them, though he gives no real reason as to why he must obtain the crystals, except that he must. Cecil eventually questions the king's orders (since the king will sink as low as killing innocent people) and is expelled from his command of the Red Wings. Cecil is then given a package from the king, which he and Dragoon Kain deliver to Village Mist, only to find out that the package opens up automatically when brought into the village, and burns up the village. Cecil then rebels against the king and protects the summoner from Village Mist, Rydia, from Baron guards who want to kill her at the Inn in Kaipo after the Village Mist incident. Cecil eventually loses all his friends, goes to Mt. Ordeals, becomes a Paladin (meaning he repents of his past sins and casts out the darkness within him), regains his friends, and eventually detroys Zemus and brings peace to the world! |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 5. Controls | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Out of Battle Controls ---------------------- A Button: Talk to people, examine things, confirm selected actions, opens chests, get on airships, the Hovercraft, and you can also dismount chocobos this way, get on the Big Whale, land airships, scrolls through sentences B Button: Cancel selected actions, exit shops Y Button: Does nothing X Button: Brings up the menu L Button: Does nothing R Button: Switch the current party member who is currently walking Start: Does nothing Select: Scrolls through sentences D-Pad: Moves character, moves cursor, also if you move the D-Pad left or right, you can target all the party members on the menu screen and use a healing spell such as Cure1 on them (you can't use Heal or anything like that on all of them at once, though) In-Battle Controls ------------------ A Button: Confirm selected actions B Button: Cancel selected actions Y Button: Does nothing X Button: Does nothing L Button: Hold this button down with the R button simultaneously to run away from battles (you cannot run away from boss battles) R Button: Hold this button down with the L button simultaneously to run away from battles (you cannot run away from boss battles) Start: Pauses the game Select: Does nothing D-Pad: Moves cursor, also if you move the D-Pad left or right, depending on which direction the enemies are located, you can target all enemies with a magic spell, and you can also move the D-Pad left or right, depending on which side your party is on and use a magic spell on them such as Cure1 to heal them (you can't use Heal or anything like that on all of them at once, though) |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 6. Game Basics | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| There are a lot of game basics in the game, which I will explain within this section. Battle System ------------- The battle system in Final Fantasy II is simple, and works just like most FF battle systems. You are in a screen where you see enemies on one side, and your party on the other. There are several types of fights you can get into, which I will list below (though do note that regardless of what type of battle you get yourself into, the object remains the same: attack the enemies until they are defeated, and you'll emerge victorious and gain experience points, money, and sometimes items): Standard Fight -------------- In this fight, your characters are on the right side, while the enemies are on the left side. Strike First ------------ In this fight, you get to take your turns first, allowing you to attack the enemies before they can attack you. This is a very cool battle you can get yourself into. Attacked From Behind -------------------- In this battle, you are attacked from behind, meaning the enemies are on the east side, and your characters are on the left side. You take less damage from attacks in this battle, and you also deal less damage. Surprised! ---------- A surprised battle is where the enemies are on the right, and your group is on the left. The enemies get to attack first, and your group deals less damage than normal. This battle can also occur when your characters are on the right and the enemies on the left, like a normal battle, and the enemies get to attack first then as well. NOTE: You can run away from any battle except for a boss battle. Also, when you run away, you lose a small amount of money. Menu Screen ----------- The menu screen is what you'll be using for the entire game, as it's where you use items, heal your characters, equip weapons and armor, all that good stuff. I'll explain everything about it below. Item ---- This is the first option on the menu screen, which you'll be using quite a bit throughout the game. This option allows you to use items to heal your group's HP/MP. You can use items such as Cure1s and Tents here, as well as many other items. Sort ---- This is located at the very bottom of the item screen. By pressing A twice when you have this highlighted, you can sort all your items to organize your inventory. You can also move the icon around to anywhere you want in your inventory. If you want to throw away an item, simply select an item from the item list, and drag it into the garbage can symbol in your item pack. Then, when the item is over the garbage can symbol, press A and you'll throw the item away. This is especially useful if your inventory is crowded, and you aren't near a town to sell off the things you don't need. Magic ----- This is the second option on the menu screen, where you'll be able to heal your group via the use of White Magic. You cannot use Black Magic on the menu screen; only White Magic. Equip ----- This is the next option on the menu screen, which is where you can equip each and every one of your characters with weapons, shields, armor, and gauntlets/ rings. After you get a new weapon, shield, armor, or gauntlet/ring for a particular character, you can equip them on the character that can use them to make that character more powerful. Just because you find a new weapon doesn't always mean it's better, though; weapons do have their drawbacks, after all. This doesn't apply to just weapons, but everything you find. Form ---- This option allows you to change your party members' row from front to back. The front row is for attackers, while the back row is for magic users. When you select this option, the 1st, 3rd, and 5th party members on the list (if you go from up to down) are in the front row (this is also assuming you have a five man party), and the 2nd and 4th party members on the list are in the back row. If you are in the front row, your physical attacks will do more damage, but enemies will hurt you more with physical attacks. If you are in the back row, you will take less damage, but also deal less damage with physical attacks, which is why the back row is best for magic users since they are so weak on physical defense. Change ------ By selecting this option, you'll be able (assuming you have a party of five) to have three front row users, and three back row users, or vise versa. Custom ------ This option lets you change a few things in the menu screen. I will list what you can change below: Battle Message -------------- This determines the speed of the messages in battle. For example, if you use Fire3, a message will pop up on the top of the screen saying "Fire3". Any messages like that will be sped up the higher the number is, and the lower the number is, the slower those messages will be slowed down. The lowest number is 1, which is very slow, and the highest number is 6, which is very high. Battle Speed ------------ This determines the speed of a battle. The lowest number is 1, which is very slow, and the highest number is 6, which is very high. Sound ----- By choosing this option, you can adjust the sound to Stereo or Mono. Window Color ------------ Here, you can change the window color to blue, green, or red. Status ------ This option allows you to view a ton of things, which I will list below: Experience Points ----------------- Since we're on the subject of experience points, I may as well talk about them in more thorough detail than I have in this FAQ thus far. After each battle you win, be it a regular battle or a boss battle, your characters will gain experience points. If all of your party members are alive after the end of the battle, everyone of them will gain some experience points. Experience points are divided between each character, so if a boss gives you 20000 experience points, all of your party members (if they are alive) won't gain 20000 experience points apiece, but it'll be divided up, where a party of four people (though the maximum amount of people you can have in your party at one time is five) would gain 5000 experience points each, which would equal up to the 20000 the boss gives you. Anyway, this is one of the options when you click the Status option on the menu screen. You'll be able to tell how much experience a party member needs to go to the next level, and you'll also be able to see how much experience points a party member has gained in total. Experience points, by the way, are used for leveling up to the next level. Whenever a party member has gained the required amount of experience he/she needs to go to the next level, that party member will gain a level. The maximum level in this game is 99. With each level up (well, almost every level up, but I'll get to that in a minute), a party members' stats grow stronger and stronger, making that party member become stronger. At level 70 and up, however, there is a change with level ups. Instead of growing stronger, your party grows WEAKER. Yes, weaker. Your stats have a chance to decrease if you level up past level 70, and this weakening trend continues until you are level 99. This is not a glitch, but it's something that Square put in this game for some reason unknown to man. There is a remedy to this, however, but it's a rather annoying one. If you want to keep having your stats get raised rather than lowered, carefully monitor your stats at level 71 on up, and if they go down, reset your game and level up again until your stats go up. Like I said, this is a rather annoying method, but it's the only remedy to this stupid thing Square put into this game. Job/Level --------- This is another thing you'll see when you visit the Status screen. Job means what class your character is (for example, Rydia is a Caller, so her job is a Caller). Level means your party members current level. Hand ---- This shows you what hand your party members use their weapons with. Name ---- This represents the name of your character (e.g. Cecil). Ability ------- You'll see this stat when you view the Status screen. Ability is not one of your party members' stats. Ability consists of several stats on a party member, and I will list those several stats below (note that after the Wisdom stat comes HP among other things, but they are not part of "Ability"): Agility ------- How much time a party member has to wait for them to be able to take their turn. Strength -------- This represents how much a party member's physical attack will hurt the selected target. Vitality -------- This represents how much a party member can withstand damage from a physical attack. Will ---- The stronger the Will of a party member is, the stronger their White Magic will be. Wisdom ------ The stronger the Wisdom of a party member is, the stronger their Black Magic will be. HP -- HP means Hit Points, and it represents how much life your character has. The first HP numbers represent how much HP that party member currently has, whereas the second HP numbers represent the party member's maximum HP. If a party member's HP reaches 0, that party member dies, and must be revived via the use of a Life item, a Life1 spell, a Life2 spell, or by resting at an Inn in a town. You can also keep your HP up and not die by using items such as Cure1, Cure2, and Cure3, and White Magic spells such as Cure1, Cure2, Cure3, and Cure4. Always keep your HP up high throughout the game, and be careful not to die. Also, you can use Tents or Cabins to recover your HP. MP -- MP means Magic Points, and it represents how much magic energy your character has before he/she can no longer cast magic. The first MP numbers represent how much MP that party member currently has, whereas the second MP numbers represent the party member's maximum MP. If a party member's MP reaches 0, that party member will no longer be able to use magic, and his/her MP must be restored via the use of an Ether1 item, an Ether2 item, and an Elixir item, or by resting at an Inn in a town. It is important to always keep track of your MP, and make sure you have enough to use magic. Also, you can use Tents or Cabins to recover your MP. Attack ------ The higher this number is, the more damage a party member will do with physical attacks. Attack % -------- The higher the percentage is, the better chance you have of hitting enemies, and the lower the percentage is, the less chance you have of hitting enemies. Defense ------- The higher this number is, the less damage a party member will take from phyiscal attacks. Defense % --------- The higher the percentage is, the less chance the enemy will have of hitting you with physical attacks, and the lower the percentage is, the better chance the enemy will have of hitting you with physical attacks. Magic Defense ------------- The higher this number is, the less damage a party member will take from magic attacks. Magic Defense % --------------- The higher the percentage is, the less chance the enemy will have of hitting you with magic attacks, and the lower the percentage is, the better chance the enemy will have of hitting you with magic attacks. Save ---- You can save your game at a Save Point, or on the World Map. You can also use Tents and Cabins at Save Points and on the World Map. Note that this is the final option on the menu screen, and this is not on the status screen. Status Aliments --------------- There are several status aliments in the game, which can be inflicted on your party members. They are: Berserk ------- This is the first status aliment that can be inflicted upon your group. If a party member is berserked, that party member will automatically attack with physical attacks, and you won't be able to control them at all. To cure this, use a Heal item or a Heal spell. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Berserk on a party member, the effect of Berserk will wear off. Charm ----- This means a party member is confused. You'll be able to tell when a party member has Charm inflicted upon them by a green circle above their head. They will also spin around in confusion and attack whoever they wish (in other words, you can't control them when they are in this state). To counter this, use a Heal item, a Heal spell, or simply attack that person with a physical attack. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Charm on a party member, the effect of Charm will wear off. Count ----- This status aliment is a VERY bad one, but it will definitely happen to you at least once throughout the entire game, so be prepared. Anyway, sometimes an enemy will cause a timer to appear above a party member's head. When the timer reaches 0, that party member dies. To counter this, simply use a Heal item or a Heal spell. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Count on a party member, the effect of Count will wear off. Curse ----- When a party member is cursed, their physical attack power lowers, which is not good, especially if that party member is a good attacker (e.g. Yang). To cure this, simply use a Heal item or a Heal spell. Also, this status aliment can be recognized by a purple skull above a party member's head. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Curse on a party member, the effect of Curse will wear off. Also, a party member will be kneeling down like he/she is wounded if they have Curse inflicted on them. Darkness -------- You'll be able to tell if a character has this status aliment inflicted on them if they have black goggles on over their eyes. To cure this, use a Heal item or a Heal spell. Also, when a party member is in this state, their accuracy with physical attacks lower. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Darkness on a party member, the effect of Darkness will wear off. Float ----- When a party member has Float inflicted upon them, that party member will float up in the air and will be immune to Earth attacks, such as Quake. To counter this, if you are on the World Map, enter a town or another place aside from the World Map or exit the dungeon you are currently in and the effect will wear off. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Float on a party member, the effect of Float will not wear off, but must be cured manually. Also, you'll see a wing beside a party member on the menu screen if they have Float inflicted on them. Mute ---- A party member has a bubble-like thing over their head with dots inside the bubble, so that's how you'll be able to tell that they're muted. They'll also be crouching down in their wounded state if they are muted. When a party member is in Mute status, that party member cannot use magic attacks, be it Black Magic or White Magic. To counter Mute, use a Heal item or a Heal spell. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Mute on a party member, the effect of Mute will not wear off, but must be cured manually. Paralyze -------- When a party member has Paralyze inflicted on them, you'll see two zigzag lines on that party member (one on each side of that particular party member). Cure this via the use of a Heal item or Heal spell, or just simply wait until the effect wears off. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Paralyze on a party member, the effect of Paralyze will wear off. Also note that if all of your party members in battle get paralyzed, you'll get a Game Over, which is never good. Petrify ------- You'll be able to tell when a party member has this on them, because they'll be totally gray-colored. When a party member is petrified, they can't move for a short amount of time. Use a Heal item or a Heal spell to counter this. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Petrify on a party member, the effect of Petrify will wear off. Piggy ----- A party member will turn into a pig if this status aliment is inflicted on them. When a party member is in this state, that party member cannot use his or her special abilities, cannot use any form of Black Magic or White Magic, except for Piggy, which is Black Magic. To counter this status aliment, use a Heal item or a Heal spell, or use the Piggy spell. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Piggy on a party member, the effect of Piggy will not wear off, but must be cured manually. Poison ------ When a party member is poisoned, you'll see that party member become purple. Also, that particular party member will be kneeling down like he/she is nearly dead. To cure this status aliment, use a Heal item or a Heal spell. When a party member is poisoned in battle, that party member will take damage after each turn. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Poison on a party member, the effect of Poison will not wear off, but must be cured manually. Also, if you walk in a dungeon or on the World Map when you are poisoned, you'll take 1 damage for each step. Sleep ----- When a party member is put to sleep, you'll see a blue bubble from that party member's nose. To counter this status effect, use a Heal item or a Heal spell. When a party member is asleep, that party member will be unable to move for the entire battle unless you cure it off them. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Sleep on a party member, the effect of Sleep will wear off. Slow ---- When a party member has Slow on them, it will take longer than normal for that party member's turn to come up. To cure this, simply use a Heal item or a Heal spell. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Slow on a party member, the effect of Slow will wear off. Stone ----- A party member will keep turning to stone until they are eventually fully turned into stone. When that happens, they won't be able to do anything at all except for sit there. To cure this, use a Heal item or a Heal spell. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Stone on a party member, the effect of Stone will wear off (only if they are not completely turned to stone). Note also that if all party members become stone, the game is over. Stop ---- When a party member has Stop status on them, they won't be able to make a turn at all, and they'll be frozen (not with ice, but they'll just stand there). To cure this, use a Heal item or Heal spell. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Stop on a party member, the effect of Stop will wear off. Tiny ---- You'll defnitely be able to tell when a party member has this inflicted upon them, because they will turn tiny and look like a little kid. To cure this, use a Heal item or a Heal spell. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Tiny on a party member, the effect of Tiny will not wear off, but must be cured manually. Toad ---- A party member will turn into a frog if this status aliment is inflicted on them. When a party member is in this state, that party member cannot use his or her special abilities, cannot use any form of Black Magic or White Magic, except for Toad, which is Black Magic. To counter this status aliment, use a Heal item or a Heal spell, or use the Toad spell. Note that after a battle is over, if you still had Toad on a party member, the effect of Toad will not wear off, but must be cured manually. Wall ---- Well this isn't really a status aliment by any means, but I'll put it here since I have no place better to put it. When Wall is inflicted on a character (or an enemy, since you yourself can learn this ability), a barrier will be activated on that party member, which means any magic attack you use on that party member, be it Black Magic or White Magic, will be reflected off that particular party member and bounce off and effect another target. To counter this status aliment, you must wait until it wears off, though you'll never be able to tell when it wears off, so just use a Cure spell on that party member to see if it has worn off (be sure it's a weak Cure spell so it won't heal the enemy a whole lot just incase it does hit the enemy). Chocobos -------- In this game are a few types of Chocobos. Chocobos are alternate means of transportation aside from airships and the Hovercraft. I'll list all of the Chocobo types below: NOTE: To get on a Chocobo, walk up to one and press A while facing it. To dismount a Chocobo, press A on the World Map. Also note that each type of Chocobo is found in a Chocobo's Forest, which are located in forests (obviously), which are dark green grassy areas on the World Map. Also, whenever you are on any type of Chocobo, you won't get yourself into random encounters. Black Chocobo ------------- These Chocobos are rare Chocobos. When you are on one, you'll be able to fly around the World Map, but unfortunately, you cannot fly over mountains, but you can land in forests, which is good. Also, this Chocobo doesn't go back to the Chocobo Forest where you got it from after you dismount it. Instead, it will stay where you dismounted it at until you get back on it a second time. After you get on it a second time, it'll fly you back to the Chocobo's Forest you got it from. Chocobo ------- This is the standard Chocobo found in all Final Fantasy games. When you are on this Chocobo, you'll be able to move about the World Map much faster than you would on foot. These are extremely common Chocobos. After you dismount it, it will take itself back to the Chocobo's Forest you got it from. Fat Chocobo ----------- These are very fat Chocobos, but they are common because you can summon them via the use of Carrot items. When summoned, you can store items in a Fat Chocobo. They are invisible, so to find a Fat Chocobo (they are usually in Chocobo's Forest, by the way), look for an invisible barrier. When you find an invisible barrier, that's how you know you've found a Fat Chocobo. This is the only Chocobo you can't mount aside from a White Chocobo. White Chocobo ------------- These are rare Chocobos, just like Black Chocobos. These Chocobos fully restore your MP, so that's always good, especially if you are running low on Tents, Cabins, and Ethers. Fight ----- This command is in each battle you get yourself into, and by using it, the party member that used it will preform a physical attack on the selected target. Do note that magic users, such as Rydia and Rosa, are not people you want to have doing the Fight command, as they will deal terrible damage to the selected target. Change ------ Press Left on the D-Pad once during a party member's turn, and this command will pop up. This allows you to switch your party's row around. For example, if Cecil is in the front row, and Rydia in the back row, when you use this command, Rydia will be in front, while Cecil is in the back. Parry ----- Press Right on the D-Pad once during a party member's turn, and this command will pop up. This allows you to simply defend, rather than attack. The only time this is useful is when you fight the Dark Knight Cecil on Mt. Ordeals as Cecil the Paladin. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 7. Walkthrough | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Here is a complete walkthrough for this game from beginning to end. The game will open up with Cecil and some members of the Red Wings on an airship flying towards Baron after stealing the crystal from the Mysidians. The crew feels bad for killing innocent people and stealing the crystal, but eventually Cecil tells them to stop it, then shortly after that, monsters appear and attack the crew; Cecil quickly disposes of them. More monsters come and are taken care of by Cecil once again. After the monsters are defeated, Cecil and the crew arrive at Baron Castle. Baron ----- When you arrive in Baron, Baigan will greet you. Baigan will lead Cecil through the castle until he reaches the room before the throne room, where Baigan dismisses him and tells him to wait there, as Baigan goes and talks to King Baron in private. Baigan tells King Baron that Cecil is beginning to question his orders, and then the king tells Baigan to send Cecil in. When Cecil arrives in the throne room, he gives the king the Crystal of Water that he and the crew stole from the Mysidians. Cecil eventually asks the king why he and his crew must obtain the crystals. The king becomes furious at Cecil for questioning him, as he thinks Cecil is trying to disobey him, even though that's not at all Cecil's intent (yet). After becoming furious at Cecil, the king dismisses Cecil from being captain of the Red Wings. After that, Cecil receives a Package from King Baron, which he wants Cecil to deliver to the Village Mist, and he gives no reason for that either. Kain then comes in the room and tries to talk to the king, only to be pushed out of the room by the guards along with Cecil. After Cecil and Kain exit the throne room, Kain talks to Cecil for a few seconds, then leaves, as you gain control of Cecil. Once you have control of Cecil, head south and down the stairs to the next room. In this room, head south, then east at the split to where the lone guard is. Once there, you'll see a switch behind the guard; stand in front of it and press A. Doing so will open up the room behind you, so go in that small room and open the three chests in there for 300GP, a Cure1, and a Tent. After obtaining the chests, exit the room. This time, head all the way west of where the lone guard by the room where you just got the chests from is, then when the path splits north, go north and you will appear outside. There, head west and down the stairs to the next room. In this room, head south a bit and Rosa will come in and talk to Cecil, then she will leave the room and you'll regain control of Cecil. Now, continue south, out of the room and you'll be back outside again. Once outside, head west and north, then you'll encounter Cid, who will talk to Cecil momentarily before going home to see Rosa. After Cid leaves and you regain control, enter the Left Tower, which is the door at the very bottom of the door to the left of the door to the east that Cid came out of. When you enter the Left Tower, simply go north up the stairs to the next room. There, head east and speak to the girl and she'll let you through to your room, so go east past where the girl was and go upstairs to Cecil's room. Once there, head west and get in the bed, where a cutscene will commence, as Cecil thinks to himself about his actions at Mysidia. Rosa then comes in the room and she and Cecil talk for a minute, then Cecil will eventually send her back to her room because it's late. After that, Cecil will say a few more words, then the scene switches to the next day as you see Cecil walking into the main room of the castle, where he meets up with Kain. The two then journey out of Baron Castle, as you see the Prologue of the game unfold. After the Prologue is over, you'll regain control of Cecil, and you'll be on the World Map. World Map --------- On the World Map, enter the nearby Town of Baron, which is located on either side of Baron Castle. Town of Baron ------------- Once here, head north, then east and examine the pot by the Inn for a Cure1. Now, head west, past the Inn, then head north and examine first pot you come to for a Cure1. After that, enter the nearby house, which is Rosa's mother house. Once inside there, examine the left side of the bookshelf for another Ether1. After you get that, examine the pot in the northwestern corner of the room to get a Tent. Once you have that, exit this house. Back outside, head south one step, then head east and cross the bridge. Then, head all the way north to the area with the mass of trees and an old lady. There, head north of the old lady, then when you are facing a tree, head east and you'll be in the trees. Inside the trees, follow the path north, then all the way west, then finally southwest, and you'll emerge in a grassy area where there are three invisible chests. You'll be able to tell when you've reached one of these chests, because you won't be able to move in the direction you are trying to move in because of an invisible barrier blocking your path. In other words, when you encounter an invisible barrier, that's a chest, so open each of the three chests in this grassy field to get a Life, a Heal, and a Heal. After you get these items, follow the path back out of the trees, then when you emerge back to where you encountered the old lady, head out of the area where she is completely. Then, head southwes, cross the bridge, then go north and cross the next bridge. After that, head west and north, up the stairs, and into the area by the water. In that area, go down the stairs you see, and you'll be in the water. There, simply follow the path until you come across a square area of water. There, you'll come across two more invisible barriers, so when you come across those, that means that there is a chest nearby, so open both those chests to get a Tent in each of them. After you get these two items, go to the Inn. Once inside, head northwest and south and examine the pot for a Cure1. Now, head northeast, southeast, and all the way north, then you'll see a room with three chests like what we saw in Baron Castle. Anyway, examine the two swords that you see on the wall to reveal open up the room behind you with the three chests. Go inside the room and open the three chests for a Cure1, a Heal, and Tent. After you get these items, exit the Inn. Back outside, head west and enter the Item Shop. There, buy a few Cure1s (try not to overspend, as you only have 300GP; if you want to have a lot of items, go outside and fight some battles to gain some money). After you shop, exit the Town of Baron completely. World Map --------- On the World Map again, save your game and head all the way northwest, then enter the cave you see there. This is Misty Cave, your next destination. Misty Cave ---------- When you arrive in Misty Cave, follow the path east and go up the stairs. Then, go west and then northwest, then go down the set of stairs there, then go west and go up the set of stairs there. Then, go north up the two sets of stairs, then open the chest you come to for a Cure1. Now, head back down the stairs, then head east and cross the wooden bridge. When you reach the other side, head up the nearby set of stairs, then head east and open the chest you come to for a Heal. Now, head back down the stairs and then head down the set of stairs to the southeast. After that, head south down another set of stairs, then head southwest and north, up the set of stairs. Then, open the chest for a Tent. Now, head southeast and north, up the stairs. Then, head east and open the chest for yet another Cure1. Now, head north and cross the bridge, then you'll hear that voice threaten you again. Ignore it and head north, towards the exit of the cave and the voice will call to you again and ask you if you wish to continue on. Tell the voice Yes, and the mist in the cave will form into the Dark Mist, the first boss of the game. See the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to beat Dark Mist. When you've won the fight, go north and exit the Misty Cave. World Map --------- On the World Map, remove Kain of all his equipment, save your game, then head all the way east into the town there, which is Village Mist. Village Mist ------------ Once here, head east a bit and the Package King Baron told you to deliver will explode, wiping out all of the Callers in the village except for Rydia, the girl with the green hair you see onscreen. Cecil and Kain learn that by killing the D.Mist, they killed Rydia's mother, who is the girl lying on the ground dead beside Rydia. Cecil and Kain approach Rydia (not the way you perverse minded people think, by the way) after they talk to each other about rebelling against King Baron. After approaching Rydia, some dialogue occurs between Cecil, Kain, and her. Cecil and Kain try and take her with them, but she refuses, and so she summons Titan, a powerful summon that uses Quake on both Cecil and Kain, knocking them out. The scene then switches to the World Map, showing Village Mist crumbling because of the earthquake. After the earthquake, Cecil wakes up in a field with Rydia, with Kain nowhere in sight. Cecil then exits the field, taking Rydia with him. After this, you'll be on the World Map. World Map --------- On the World Map, head north, then east, then enter the town there known as Kaipo. Kaipo ----- When you arrive in the desert town of Kaipo, head north into the town itself, then Cecil will automatically take Rydia to the Inn, where the Innkeeper charges him no money. Cecil and Rydia rest for the night, then three guards from Baron come in to kill Rydia, but Cecil refuses to hand her over, and a battle commences. Check the Bosses section to see how to win this fight. When you win, Cecil and Rydia will talk for a moment, then Rydia will join your group, and then the scene will switch to the next day, as you regain control of Cecil. Now, head to the eastern corner of the room and there is an Item Shop there. Buy a lot of Cure1s, some Lifes, a couple Heals, and a couple Tents. After your shopping is done, exit the Inn. Outside, head east and examine the uppermost pot out of the two pots near the house with no door to get an Ether1 item. Once that is done, head to the Weapon Shop located to the south of you. Once there, sell off Kain's equipment, then buy Rydia a Staff weapon, then equip it on her, sell the old Rod she was using, then exit this shop. Now, exit Kaipo. World Map --------- Here, place Rydia in the back row and level her up until she's Level 8. Then, when you're done training, go back to Kaipo and rest at the Inn, then visit the house in the northeast corner of Kaipo. Once inside, you'll find Rosa, who is sick with severe fever. To cure her fever, you'll need the SandRuby, which you do not have yet. So, since there's nothing better to do, exit Kaipo. Now, go east and all the way north from Kaipo, then enter the cave there known as Watery Pass. Save your game before you enter. NOTE: If you run into an Imp enemy, they have a chance of dropping an Imp item, which is a rare item. When used, this item causes Rydia to learn the Imp summon, which is utterly useless, but for the sake of completion, if you can get your hands on it, then by all means use it. Watery Pass-South ----------------- When you arrive here, head northeast, then north and cross the bridge. Then, open the two chests to the north to get a Cure1 and a Heal. After that, head back to the entrance. From there, follow the path west and when you cross the bridge, open the chest to the south to get a Tent. Now, go all the way north and cross the next bridge. At the end of that bridge is Tellah, an old man, who also happens to be a sage. Talk to Tellah, and he'll see that you are a Dark Knight, and joins your party. Now, place Tellah in the back row. Also, here's a bit of information on Tellah: He has 90 MP, and his MP doesn't go up, no matter how many times you level him up. Also, it takes so long to level him up, I doubt you'll ever even gain one level with him for the short time that you have him. Finally, he knows some spells, but they are very poor spells. He has unfortunately forgot almost all the spells he once knew, and he doesn't gain them back until quite some time from now. Anyway, after you place Tellah in the back row, head northeast, cross the bridge, and open the chest there for 150G. Now, head northeast and south, crossing the two bridges you come across, and after going down the stairs when you go south, you'll be in the water. There, head west and north and open the chest on the piece of ground there for an IronRing. Give this to Tellah, since he needs Defense and Rydia already has one equipped. Now, head back to the ladder that you got you into the water. From there, head southwest and you'll eventually come to a big waterfall. Approach it and hold Up on the D-Pad and you'll enter a secret room with three chests inside. They contain the following: Cure2, Elixir, and 1000G. After you get the chests in the room, exit it, then backtrack to the chest you got 150G in before you went east to get into the water leading to this secret room. From the chest containing 150G, cross the bridge again, then go up the set of stairs to your left. Then, follow the path northwest, then go up the stairs to the next room. In this room, head all the way north and cross the bridge you come across, then go down the stairs to the left, and you'll be in the water. Once there, head southwest, then north onto dry ground again. There, simply head north and open the chest there for a Cure1. Now, head south down the two sets of stairs, and you'll be back in the water yet again. This time, head east, southwest and north, up the stairs, onto dry ground again. Now go northwest towards a chest containing an Ether1. Now, head east and south and cross the bridge to the other side. At the other side, follow the path west and cross the next bridge you come to, then continue north through the door into the next room. In this room, head north and Tellah will set up a shelter for your group, and he, Cecil, and Rydia will rest for the night before venturing onward. After the night's over and you regain control, save your game on the Save Point and head north and exit this room. In the next room, head northeast and cross the bridge. Then, open the chest you see to the northeast to get an IceRod. Equip this on Rydia immediately, then clone one for Tellah. To see how to clone weapons or shields, see the Codes n' Secrets section of this FAQ. After you have both Rydia and Tellah equipped with the IceRod, head south from the chest, go down the two sets of steps into the water. In the water, head east and then north and go up the stairs back onto dry ground. There, head north and go through the door to the next room. In this next room, head west one step, then head southwest and cross the bridge to the other side. Now, head west, southeast and south towards a chest containing 200GP. After you get that, head directly west and open the next chest you come across to get a Cure1. Now, head east and northwest, crossing the bridges along the way. At the other side, take the left path this time, cross the bridge, go up the stairs, then go north through the door to the next room. In this room, head northwest, and you'll be in a secret passage in the wall. Follow the secret passage west two steps, then all the way northeast, then eventually southeast, then you'll come to a chest containing a Leather Hat. Give this to Rydia and then give the Cap Helmet Rydia was wearing to Tellah, so he has a Helmet on. After you've equipped yourself, head back into the secret passage and follow it northwest, then southeast and open the chest you see to get an Ether1. By getting this chest, you'll also be able to actually see Cecil again (you couldn't before because you were in the secret passage). Anyway, after grabbing the Ether1, head north and go upstairs to Watery Pass- North. Watery Pass-North ----------------- When you get here, head northeast, cross the bridge, then head south, down the three sets of stairs (be sure to grab the two chests containing Ether1s along the way). Then, open the two nearby chests for a Heal and a Darkness Sword. Give this to Cecil immediately, since it's his best weapon for now. After that, head north and exit this cave completely. World Map --------- On the World Map, use a Tent and save your game, then head west and north and enter the cave there, and you'll arrive in Waterfalls. Waterfalls ---------- Here, head south and you'll fall down the waterfall into an area below. There, head onto the nearby area of dry ground to the east. Then, follow the path until you come across two chests; open them both to get a Darkness Helmet and a Darkness Gauntlet for Cecil. Equip these both on him immediately, as these are the best he can get for now. After you've equipped Cecil, go back up the stairs that led you down to these two chests, then head west and north across the bridge, then continue north into the Lake. Lake ---- Here, head east and you'll come to two chests; open them for a Darkness Armor for Cecil, as well as an Ether1. Equip the Darkness Armor on Cecil, then head west, northwest, and south into the water. There, go west and north and you'll encounter Octomamm, the octopus Tellah talked about earlier. See the Bosses section of the FAQ for a strategy on defeating this monster. After you win the battle against Octomamm, head north and exit the Lake. World Map --------- On the World Map, remove Tellah of all his equipment, then head west and north to see the Red Wings bomb Damcyan to kill everyone inside the castle so they can get the crystal (gee, we're noticing how evil King Baron really is, and how Tellah's feeling of danger in Damcyan was correct, aren't we?). After you witness that, head north into Damcyan Castle. Damcyan ------- When you arrive here, head south one step, then head east and north until you are one step before you are facing the wall. When you are, head east and then north (don't head east too far or you'll exit the castle), then go through the door you come across and you'll be in a new area. In this room, head west and talk to the fallen guard, then he'll die after he dies you talk to him. After he dies, press the switch on the wall behind where the guard was before he died, then doing so will open the door to the north of the entrance to the room. Go through the newly opened door, then head north until you can't anymore. At that point, go west into the small room there. Once inside that room, take one step south of where the two chests are in the other room you're not in yet, then head southwest into the small room with the two chests. Open them to get a Leather Hat and a CrossBow. After you get those two items, take one step south of the chests in the room, then head west into the next small room and open the chest there for a RubyRing. Now, head west from the entrance of the room, then go down the stairs you come across to get into the basement of the castle. There, open all of the chests and examine all of the pots to get the following items: 2 Cure1s, 500 GP, Life, Ether1, 20 White Arrows, and 10 Iron Arrows. Once you loot the treasures in the room, exit it, then head back to the entrance of the castle. From there, head all the way north and go through the door to the next room of the castle. In there, head north and up the stairs to the next room. Here, open the only closed chest in the room for a Tent, then go up the stairs on the south side of the room, and you'll be on the third floor of the castle. There, head north and a cutscene will occur, as Edward comes in the room after Tellah finds his daughter Anna half dead. Tellah attacks Edward, and during his attack, you'll witness one of the coolest lines in the game: "You spoony bard!". Tellah eventually stops attacking Edward, as Anna talks to him before she dies. After Anna is done talking with Tellah, she dies. Then, Tellah will leave your group shortly after Anna dies to kill Golbez for killing Anna. After Tellah leaves, more dialogue will take place, as Cecil, Rydia, and Edward talk for a bit, then Edward joins your group after Cecil convinces him to. Once Edward joins your party, you'll regain control again on the World Map. World Map --------- Here, let's talk a little bit about Edward, shall we? He's level 5, his HP is significantly low, his Defense sucks, his Attack sucks, so what's he good for, you ask? Nothing. Absolutely nothing, except maybe putting some status effects on some enemies with his Sing command, and that's big maybe. I suggest going back to Lake and training Edward until he's at least level 10 (be sure to place him in the back row). Edward will be fairly strong at level 10, at least able to survive more than two attacks. Before training Edward, though, equip an IronRing on him, as it is better than this RubyRing. If you don't have one, go to Kaipo and get one at the Armor Shop. Once you train Edward, exit the Lake, get on the Hovercraft and head northeast of Damcyan, then get on the rocks you see in the water. Ride them to the other side, then at the other side, head southwest and southeast, then enter the cave there known as Antlion Cave, your next destination. Antlion Cave ------------ NOTE: Keep Edward in the back row here unless you're confident he won't die. When you enter this cave, head southwest, cross the small bridge, and open the chest for 190G. Now, head east and south down the steps there, then head east and north and open the chest there for a Cure1. After you get this, head southeast, go up the stairs you come to, cross the bridge, and open the chest to the north to get 210G. Now, go head southwest, cross the bridge again, then go down the stairs again. Then, head west and south down the stairs you come to, then head east and go north under the bridge, and open the chest you come to for another Cure1. Now, head all the way southwest, then when the path splits south, go south, then west when you can't go south anymore, then go up the stairs and open the chest you come across for a Tent. Then, go northeast and open the next chest you come across for another Cure1. Now, head west and south and go down the stairs that brought you to these two chests. Then, head east and northeast, then finally south down the stairs into the next area of the cave. There, go all the way south to a chest containing a Life. Once you get that, head southwest, go up the stairs, then go through the door to the next room. In this room, open the chest to get a Charm Harp. Equip it on Edward immediately, then exit this room. In the previous room, head south, west, and all the way north, then go up the stairs to the next room. Here, go west and through the door to the next room. In this room, use a Tent at the Save Point, then save your game and open the three chests in this room to get a Life, an Ether1, and a Tent. After that, head back south and exit the room. Back in the previous room, head east and south back into the previous room. Once there, head southwest and northeast and open the chest for a Heal. Now, head west and south, down the stairs, then head all the way west, then open the chest you come to for 250G. Now, cross the nearby small bridge, then go down three sets of stairs while going all the way south until you reach some stairs leading you into Antlion's Nest. When you enter Antlion's nest, head all the way south and Edward will try and take the SandRuby from Antlion. Antlion will attack Edward, then your group will enter battle against the creature, so see the Bosses section of the FAQ for a strategy on this boss. After he's defeated, the SandRuby will be yours. Once you regain control, backtrack to the entrance of the cave, then exit from there. World Map --------- Back on the World Map, get on the Hovercraft and ride it across the rocks to the other side. At the other side, head southwest of Damcyan, then you'll see some more shallows (rocks). Ride them southeast into the desert where Kaipo is. When you reach the desert, head all the way southeast, then park your Hovercraft near Kaipo, then enter it. Kaipo ----- Here, visit the northeast house in town where Rosa is, then talk to Rosa, then when a menu pops up on which item to use on her, use the SandRuby on her, then her fever will be cured. After you cure Rosa's fever, you'll some dialogue, where Rosa wants to accompany Cecil on his journey. Cecil declines at first, but Edward eventually convinces Cecil to let Rosa go with him, and so Cecil does. After Rosa joins your group, the scene switches to nighttime, where you will witness Edward go outside by the water and begin playing his harp. While he's playing his harp, a monster will appear and attack Edward. This is WaterHag, and it's not a boss battle; it's a very easy enemy that can be easily defeated even with a level 5 Edward. Simply use a few physical attacks to kill WaterHag. After WaterHag is killed, you'll see Anna, who will talk to Edward for a moment, then go back in the water and disappear. The scene then switches to the next morning, where you'll be in the house where Rosa was before you cured her fever. Now, Rosa is very weak in Defense, as well as Attack, so put her in the back row immediately, but just go ahead and put Edward in the front row, since Rosa needs the Defense more than Edward does at this point. After placing Rosa in the back row, give her a Staff, which I'm sure you have at least one of in your inventory. If not, go to the Weapon Shop and buy her one and equip it. After you equip Rosa with the Staff, give her a Leather Hat if you have one. If not, a Cap Helmet will do. There's nothing else you need to equip on Rosa right now, so head over to the Weapon Shop and sell off any old equipment you don't need, but be sure to keep a Cap Helmet, an IronRing, and a RubyRing (you won't be using the RubyRing for a long while from now, but keep it anyway for that time). After your business in the Weapon Shop is done, exit it and then exit Kaipo. World Map --------- Back on the World Map yet again, board the Hovercraft and head northwest and ride the shallows back to Damcyan. From there, head northeast and cross the shallows to the other side, near where Antlion Cave is. When you reach the other side, head southeast and then park your Hovercraft near the mountain there. Save your game, then enter the mountain there, known as Mt. Hobs, your next destination. Mt. Hobs-West ------------- Once here, head north and a cutscene will occur, as your group wants Rydia to use Fire to melt the ice blocking the path. Rydia doesn't want to at first, because fire was the element that destroyed Village Mist. Eventually, after Rosa talks to her about it, Rydia decides to use Fire to melt the ice blocking the path, as if she didn't do it, Fabul would suffer the same fate as Damcyan. After Rydia melts the ice, she learns Fire1! Once you regain control, head northwest and north, up the stairs, then continue north to the next area. In this area, head west and southeast and open the four chests you come across to get a Tent, a Cure1, a Heal, and 350G. After you get those items, head back west and then head northwest, step on the Save Point, then rest/save. Now, exit this area by heading northeast back to the way you came. When you enter the first area of Mt. Hobs, head east and north and go through the door to the Summit. Summit ------ When you arrive here, head east and open the chest you come across to get 10 White Arrows. After you get that, go up the nearby set of stairs, then go up the next set of stairs to your north, but before you can, a cutscene occurs, where you'll see Yang, a karate fighter from Fabul, attacking monsters that have ambushed him. He defeats them with relative ease, but then an even bigger enemy, namely MomBomb, attacks Yang. Your group realizes that this enemy is dangerous, and decides to help Yang fight MomBomb. You'll enter combat against MomBomb, so read the Bosses section for help on winning this fight. After you defeat MomBomb, some dialogue will occur, as Yang will join your group to protect Fabul from the imminent attack of the Red Wings. Once you gain control of Cecil again, head west and north into Mt. Hobs-East. Mt. Hobs-East ------------- Once here, simply follow the path until you reach the exit of the mountain. At that point, exit the mountain. World Map --------- On the World Map, head east, northeast, and southeast and you'll come across a castle with bridges on each side of it, as well as a moat nearby. Enter the castle there, which is known as Fabul, your next destination. Fabul ----- Once inside Fabul, head all the way north and go through the door to the next room. In this room, head east and north and enter the Weapon/Armor Shop. In there, I suggest you buy two Thunder Claws for Yang, and then equip them on him. After Yang is equipped, give him an IronRing, as well as a Cap Helmet. Now, sell off any old equipment you don't need, but be sure to still keep the RubyRing I told you to keep earlier in the walkthrough. Now, buy Cecil a Black Helmet, Black Armor, and Black Gauntlet. Equip them on him, then sell off his old Darkness gear. After your business in the Weapon/Armor Shop is done, exit it, then head over to the Inn and buy some items. I suggest buying some Cure1s, some Lifes, some Heals, and some Tents. Now, go up the stairs in this room, and you'll be in the next room of the castle. There, go over to the south side of the room and go through the door there, and you'll be outside. There, enter the Right Tower. Once there, go up the stairs to the next room. In that room, examine the pot to the east to get 500G. Now, go back to the entrance of the room, then go up the stairs to the final floor of the Right Tower. There, open the chest to get a Tent, then get in the king's bed, and your group will recover all their HP/MP. After resting in the king's bed, get out of the Right Tower and head to the Left Tower. Once inside, examine the leftmost pot out of the two pots east of the lone chest for a Cure1. After you get that, open the three chests in the room to get a Cure1, a Heal, and a Tent. Once that is done, exit the Left Tower and head through the door in the central building out of the three buildings in this outside area to get back to where you once were in the castle. In that room, go around the wall, then go north and up the stairs to the king's room. Once there, unequip Rosa of all of her equipment, then head north a bit and a cutscene will occur, as your group and the king of Fabul talk about the imminent attack from Baron's Red Wings. At first the king is reluctant to trust Cecil, since he is a Dark Knight. Yang convinces the king to trust Cecil and your group, and so he does. Eventually, the king will ask you if you will help them defend the castle, so say yes when you are asked that and then Rydia and Rosa will join the office of relief, leaving your group with only Cecil, Edward, and Yang. After Rydia and Rosa leave your group, Baron's forces will begin attacking Fabul to try and get the crystal, then you'll enter your first boss battle in Fabul. Read the Bosses section to see how to win this first fight out of five fights in Fabul. Once you win the first battle, the Red Wings will attack, and then Cecil and your group retreats to the first room of the castle. There, a few words will be said by Cecil and Yang, then a wave of enemies will come in the room and attack your group. These enemies are WaterHag, Imp Cap., and Weeper. They are not hard at all, so I won't include them in the Bosses section. Simply have Cecil, Edward, and Yang use physical attacks on these enemies to kill them in a matter of 1-2 hits. After you win the battle, your group will retreat to another room, where you will face off against another battle with two Fighters and a General. Read the Bosses section for a strategy on this battle. After you win, the group will retreat into the throne room. where a karate fighter transforms into a Gargoyle enemy and attacks them. Defeat it, then an Imp Cap., WaterHag, and Weeper will come in and attack your group, so beat them, then as your group flees to the crystal room, Edward trips and gets attacked by two Fighters and a General. Beat them, then your group will flee to the crystal room, where Kain will come in and attack Cecil, because he is under Golbez's control. You can't beat Kain in this fight, so just let him kill you and then a cutscene will occur, as Golbez comes in and takes the crystal, as well as Rosa, then Golbez leaves. After Golbez and Kain leave, Rydia will use Cure on the group to heal their wounds. Then, some dialogue will commence, and after it's over, you'll regain control of Cecil. Once you regain control, head south and exit the crystal room. Back in the throne room, examine the pot to the southwest to get a Cure1. Once that is obtained, head over to the eastern side of the room. There, press the switch on the floor you see, then the door behind it will open up, so enter it to be in a secret passage. Go northeast and southeast in the secret passage, then you'll be in a room with three chests, so open them to get a Cure1, a Black Shield, and an Ether1. Be sure to give the Black Shield to Cecil as his new shield, since it's better than the Shadow Shield he still has on. Now, follow the secret passage back to the throne room. Then, exit the throne room and head to the Inn. Once there, go to where the Innkeeper is, and he'll let your group rest for free. Some dialouge will take place, as your group comes up with a plan to sneak into Baron. After the dialogue is finished, your group goes to bed, then the scene switches to the next day, as your group talks to King Fabul about getting a boat so that they can use it to sneak into Baron. King Fabul will eventually give you a Black Sword, which you should equip on Cecil after the dialouge is over. After equipping the Black Sword on Cecil, sell of your Shadow Shield and your Darkness Sword, then exit Fabul. World Map --------- On the World Map, remove Rydia, Edward, and Yang of all their equipment, then get on the boat you see to the east of Fabul. Once you are on the boat, your group will board the boat as they say goodbye to Yang's wife. Once your group boards the boat, a few words will be spoken, then the boat will set sail for Baron. Eventually, however, your group gets attacked by Leviatan, the beast of the sea. The sailors on the ship then panic, but the captain tells them to stop it. Rydia then gets knocked into the water, then Yang jumps in after her. Edward then gets knocked down, but not into the water. The boat then spins out of control into the whirlwind where Leviatan is. The scene then switches to Cecil, who is alone on a beach. He calls for Rydia, then Edward, then Yang, but they are nowhere to be seen. You'll then appear on the World Map near Mysidia. Since there's nothing better to do, save your game and head east to the town there known as Mysidia (yes, the place Cecil and the Red Wings took the crystal from in the beginning of the game). Mysidia ------- Once you arrive in Mysidia, there are some things to do here. They are optional, but nevertheless cool to do. First off, head over to the Inn. There, talk to the dancer east of the mage behind the counter in the Inn. She'll dance, then it'll make Cecil sleepy, then when he wakes up, he'll wake up as a pig outside, and you'll be beside an old lady, who I assume is the dancer. The old lady will run away, so head over to the Inn and talk to the dancer again. This time, when she dances, you'll wake up as normal Cecil, rather than a pig. Now, the next thing of interest for you in Mysidia is to go back to the Inn and talk to the Black Mage behind the counter there. He'll give you a drink puts the Poison status aliment on you. To cure this, simply use a Heal item. Now, the next thing of interest for you here lies to the west of the Inn, where you will find a White Mage beside a pool of water. Talk to her and she will run away of you because she's scared of you. She runs to the bushes to the west, so talk to her again and she'll run away completely. Once that is done, head all the way north of the entrance to Mysidia, into the big house there, known as the House of Prayer. Inside, head north and talk to the elder. Cecil will tell the elder that he and his friends were on their way to Baron to rescue a girl who was captured (which we know was Rosa). The elder tells Cecil that it would be his trial because he lost his friends in the shipwreck. Cecil then tells the elder that he wishes to go to Mt. Ordeals to the east, and so he sends Palom and Porom to accompany Cecil (their real mission is to spy on him, though). After Palom and Porom, two skilled magic users of Mysidia, join your group, head over to the Weapon Shop, located in the southwestern part of Mysidia. Once inside, buy a Cure Staff for Porom, and a FlameRod for Palom, then equip the newly bought weapons on the two mages, then sell off their old weapons. Now, exit the Weapon Shop and head over to the Armor Shop. There, buy four Silver Rings, three Gaea Helmets, and two Gaea Robes. Next, buy the Paladin Shield, the Paladin Helmet, the Paladin Armor, and the Paladin Gauntlet. These will be used on Cecil not too long from now. If you can't afford all of the equipment, simply go outside and build up money until you get enough, then go back into Mysidia and buy the equipment you couldn't afford earlier. Equip the Gaea equipment you bought on Palom and Porom, as well as two Silver Rings on Palom and Porom. Once you're equipped, sell off all your old equipment, except for the RubyRing I've been telling you to keep for so long, and also keep Yang's two Thunder Claws, as you'll get him back soon enough. Be sure to keep the two Silver Rings, as well as the extra Gaea Helmet you bought. After you sell off your old equipment, exit Mysidia. World Map --------- On the World Map, put Palom and Porom in the back row if you haven't done so already. Once they are in the back row, save your game and level them up until they are Level 15, since they are very weak right now. Once you've trained them, use a Tent to recover your HP/MP. After that, head all the way east, then southeast, then all the way northeast (head northeast for a long time). Eventually, you'll come across a huge forest shaped like a circle. At that point, keep heading east and you'll reach Mt. Ordeals. Rest/save, then enter Mt. Ordeals. Mt. Ordeals ----------- In Mt. Ordeals, head northwest towards the fire you see in the distance. When you reach the wall of fire, Palom will use Ice to melt the fire. After the fire is melted, Porom will hit Palom for bragging, as the elder of Mysidia told them not to sumbit to arrogance. After that, a cutscene will occur, as the scene switches to Golbez, Kain, and Rosa. Golbez will call for Milon, the Fiend of Earth, who is one of the Four Fiends of Elements. Golbez explains to Milon that Cecil is climbing Mt. Ordeals, and that his mission is to kill him. Kain will want to go kill Cecil instead of Milon, as he tells Golbez that Cecil is a formidable opponent. Golbez puts Kain in his place by telling him no, and that his mission is to watch Rosa. After that, the cutscene ends and you regain control of Cecil. Once you regain control, follow the path to the northeast, then east of the set of stairs you come to is a chest, so open it to get a Cure1. Now, climb the set of stairs you ignored earlier, then open the chest you come to to get another Cure1. Once you get that, head west and go up the set of stairs there, then go through the nearby door to the next area of Mt. Ordeals. Once there, go up the nearby set of stairs, then head east and north up the hill and you'll come across Tellah, as some dialogue occurs. Cecil explains to Tellah after Palom and Porom introduce themselves of course, that Leviatan attacked them and then he tells Tellah that Rosa was captured by Golbez. Tellah says that he came to Mt. Ordeals to find the legendary magic spell, Meteo, which he thinks can beat Golbez. Eventually, Tellah will join your group so when he does, equip on him the extra Gaea Helmet I told you to buy in Mysidia. Then, clone a FlameRod for him and give it to him. See the Codes n' Secrets section of this FAQ if you want to learn how to clone, just incase you didn't look at it when I told you to clone the IceRod in Watery Pass for Tellah. Give Tellah the Silver Ring that you bought from Mysidia as well. Once Tellah has been equipped, go through the door Tellah came out of, into the next area. In this area, head southwest, then go upstairs to a chest containing an Ether1 item. Once you get that, go back down the stairs then head east and north up the hill, then head east and north up the two sets of stairs, then head west and cross the small bridge, then go down the hill you see to the west and then open the chest for another Ether1. After that, go back up the hill, then head west through the door to the summit of Mt. Ordeals. Once you reach the summit, head south one step and you'll hear a hissing noise. Porom accuses Palom of doing it, but Palom says that it's not him. Once you regain control, go west and northeast and as you approach the stairs, you will hear the hissing noise again. Head east and cross the small bridge, then rest/save at the Save Point there. Then, head back west and go up the stairs. Then, head west and try and get on the bridge, but before you can, Milon will attack you, along with four Ghasts. Check the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to win this fight. Once you have defeated Milon, go back to the Save Point and rest/save. Then, go and cross the bridge you couldn't cross earlier, then the screen will go dark and Milon will attack you again, this time as Milon Z. Milon says that his true power lies in death, so let's see just how powerful this guy really is, shall we? See the Bosses section of this guide to see how to defeat Milon Z. Once Milon Z. has been defeated, he'll fall off the mountain and die, so go back and rest/save at the Save Point, then cross the bridge again. This time there's no Milon to distract you thankfully, so go ahead and approach the door surrounded by rocks on all sides. As you approach the door, you'll hear a voice call to Cecil, calling him son, as Cecil and your group go inside. Once inside, some dialogue will take place, as KluYa, Cecil's father, gives him the Sacred Power, which will make him a Paladin. Once Cecil changes, he's not officially a Paladin yet. He still has to conquer the darkness within him, otherwise the Sacred Power will not accept him. You will enter a fight with the Dark Knight version of Cecil, with you being the Paladin Cecil. I'm not going to include this fight in the Bosses section; just Parry three times to win this fight. After you conquer Cecil's darkness, he officially becomes a Paladin! Tellah will then learn Meteo, the legendary black magic spell, but you'll never be able to use it because of his 90 MP. After Tellah learns Meteo, Palom and Porom will try and tell Cecil that they were actually sent to spy on him rather than accompany him, but just as they are about to, Tellah tells them it's time to go get Golbez and leaves the room. Palom follows him out, then Porom and Cecil leave the room, as you regain control of Cecil. Once you regain control of Cecil, you'll notice that he is Level 1, rather than what level he was as a Dark Knight. Don't worry, he's not as weak as you might think. Besides, backtracking all the way out of Mt. Ordeals will cause him to get to Level 10 or higher! Anyway, equip the Paladin equipment you bought in Mysidia on Cecil, then go back to the Save Point and save. After that, backtrack the way you came, and exit Mt. Ordeals. NOTE: If you managed to get a Lilith Rod in Mt. Ordeals, equip it on Palom and clone one and equip it on Tellah, as it's a great weapon. World Map --------- Back on the World Map, head southwest to a small circular forest. Enter that forest, as there is a Chocobo's Forest there. Chocobo's Forest ---------------- In here, approach one of the Yellow Chocobos and press A to get on one. Then you will appear back on the World Map. There, follow the path back to Mysidia. Then, when you reach Mysidia, press A to dismount your Chocobo. Once your Chocobo is dismounted, enter Mysidia. Mysidia ------- Back in Mysidia, head all the way north and enter the House of Prayer. There, head north and speak with the elder, who will be surprised that Cecil became a Paladin. Then, Cecil will find out that Palom and Porom were sent to spy on him, rather than assist him in his journey up Mt. Ordeals to become a Paladin. After that, the Mysidian will legend will be told to Cecil, and then some more dialogue will commence, as Tellah eventually tells the elder that he can't forgive Golbez for killing Anna, and that he must avenge her with Meteo. Eventually, near the end of the dialogue, Palom and Porom will try to go with Cecil to Baron, but at first the elder is reluctant to let them go, but then he lets them go with Cecil and Tellah to Baron, then the dialogue ends and you regain control of Cecil. When you regain control, head over to the Item Shop and restock on anything you may need. After that is done, head north of the Item Shop and enter the building there that was blocked off earlier. This is the Serpent Road, your next destination. Serpent Road ------------ Here, simply go north and step on the white tile in the center of the room, and you'll arrive in the Town of Baron. Town of Baron ------------- Once here, head south and exit the building. Then, in the actual town, head over to the Inn. Once there, head east and northwest, then talk to Yang and he will send the two Baron guards sitting at the table with him to attack you. They are not hard, though they can be if you let them inflict status aliments on you. If they manage to get a status aliment on you, use a Heal item or a Heal spell to counter the effects. Use physical attacks with Cecil, and have Palom and Porom use Twin, while Tellah uses strong magic like Fire3. After the two Baronian guards have died, Yang will attack you. Use strong magic with Tellah, Twin with Palom and Porom, and have Cecil attack to defeat him. Also, be sure to heal often in the fight with Yang, since Kick hurts a lot. Once you defeat Yang, some short dialogue will occur, as Yang joins your group! Once Yang joins your group, your group will go over to the beds and rest for free since the Innkeeper lets you rest for free for killing the Baronian guards. Once your group is inside the room where you rest in Inns, some dialogue will occur, as Yang is ashamed that he attacked your group. Before the dialogue ends, Yang will give you the Baron Key, which will help you sneak into Baron! After that, your group gets some rest, then the scene switches to the next day. When you regain control, exit the Inn. Then, head over to the Weapon/ Armor Shop located on the north side of town. There, examine the door, then use the Baron Key on it when you are prompted to use an item on it. By using the Baron Key to unlock the door, you'll open the Weapon/Armor Shop, so go ahead and go inside. Once inside, head over to the southeast corner of the shop. Once there, go south of the seat to the right of the table, then you will be in a secret passage. Follow it east, north, west, and south and you'll be behind the counter of the Armor Shop. There, open the only closed chest to get 2000G. Once you get that, exit from behind the Armor Shop, then when you are back in the secret passage, follow it west and south and you'll be behind the counter in the Weapon Shop. Once there, open the only closed chest to get a Thunder Claw. Since you should already have two (you will have two if you've followed my walkthrough up to this point), you won't need this one, but you can sell it for money. If you do not have a Thunder Claw, go ahead and equip this one and clone one as soon as possible and give that one to Yang after you clone it. Anyway, after opening the chest with the Thunder Claw, follow the secret passage back to where the table is. Then, head over to the Armor Shop and buy a Headband for Yang, as well as a Karate Robe. Give these both to Yang immediately as his new equipment, then give Yang the last Silver Ring you have in your inventory. If you didn't follow my guide up to this point and don't have a Silver Ring, simply give him an IronRing instead. At any rate, after your business in the Armor Shop is done, head over to the Weapon Shop and buy a Thunder Rod for Palom, then clone one for Tellah as soon as possible and give one to him as well. Now, equip the two Thunder Claws you've saved for Yang if you haven't done so already. Once you're fully equipped, sell off any old equipment you don't need, but be sure to keep that RubyRing I've been telling you to hold on to for so long. After you sell of your old equipment, exit the Weapon/Armor Shop. Then, head southwest to the big building there. Use the Baron Key to unlock the door, then when the door is unlocked, go through it. Inside the building you arrive in, head northeast and you'll enter a secret passage. Follow it east to a chest containing 1000G. After you get that, go back west then go down the stairs into the Old Water- way. Old Water-way ------------- In here, I suggest training Palom and Porom until they're Level 20. Once they are, you can progress through this place. From the start, head south and cross the bridge. Then, follow the path southeast and open the chests you come to to get a Cure2, an Ether1, and a Life. Once you get those items, go behind the wall where the three chests are, then follow the path north while crossing three bridges. Once you cross the three bridges, head northeast and then head southeast, crossing two bridges. After you cross the two bridges, cross the next one which is located east and north of you, then after crossing that bridge, head north into the next area. In this area, you'll basically have to go through a maze. Starting off, head northeast and south and go down the steps into the water. Then, head south to the blue coloring of the wall, which is a secret passage. Follow that secret passage southwest, into a small room. In that room, open the chest to get 500G. Once you get that, head south into the blue colored wall there and then follow the secret passage southeast to the next room. There, open the chest you see to get a Life. After you get that, get on the very first part of the stairs in the area (the stairs that contained the chest that you just opened). Once you are on the very first part of the stairs, go east, then go into the nearby secret passage, then follow it southeast to the next room. In this small room, go down the steps then enter the secret passage to the southeast. Follow it north and you'll emerge in the water. Now, head up the stairs to the platform in the center of the area and open the chest to get a Life. Once that is done, get off the platform and head south to the secret passage. Follow it southeast, then you'll emerge in the water. Head east and all the way north to the next room. In this next room, head northeast and north up the stairs, then head west into the secret passage and follow it west, southwest, and north, then open the chest you come to for an Ether1. Once you get that, go back in the secret passage and follow it out the way you came. Then, go up the stairs (not the long set of stairs that brought you here; the ones leading to a different room) to the next room. In this next new room, head northwest and go through the door to the next room. In this room, head north and rest/save at the Save Point you come to. After that, head northeast and follow the secret passage east to a chest that contains the Ancient Sword. I don't suggest equipping it, because although it lowers enemies' attack power, Cecil's attack power will be drastically lowered if you equip this weapon on him, but it's your choice. At any rate, exit the room after retrieving the Ancient Sword from the chest. Then in the previous room, head southeast and north up the stairs, then continue your track northward to exit the Old Water-way completely. After you exit the Old Water-way, you'll appear in Baron Castle. Baron ----- Once here, head southwest, then all the way southeast until you come across a hole in the wall. When you come across that hole, go through it, then go ahead and go to Cecil's room located in the Left Tower (the room where Rosa and Cecil were talking in the very beginning of the game before your journey to Village Mist with Kain) and get in his bed to recover all your HP/MP. Once you do that, exit the Left Tower and head southeast and go through the door you come across. Then, go north and up the stairs and you'll be back outside. There, simply go east and go down the stairs and you'll be in the first floor of the castle. Once there, head southeast and you'll encounter Baigan, who will say that he is not mind controlled by Golbez, and he will join your group supposedly. As Cecil and Baigan walk towards the throne room, Palom and Porom smell something fishy, and say that there is a monster around. Baigan pretends he doesn't know what they are talking about, but eventually he reveals himself as a monster. You'll then enter combat with Baigan, so see the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to defeat him. Once he's defeated, go back to Cecil's room and rest. Then, head back to the room where you encountered Baigan. Once there, head north of the entrance to the room and go through the door to the next room. Then, simply go north through the next two rooms and you'll reach the throne room where King Baron is. Once there, head north and talk to King Baron, who is on his throne. He'll tell Cecil that it isn't good that he's become a Paladin, and then he will transform into Kainazzo, the Fiend of Water, and attack your group. Be sure to check the Bosses section out if you want a strategy for this boss battle. Once Kainazzo is defeated, Cid will tell King Baron that he is going to pay for putting him in jail, but he realizes it's your group and not King Baron. Then, after much dialogue, your group will exit the throne room to get on Cid's airship. Just as your group exits the throne room, Kainazzo sends the walls closer and closer to your group, threatening to crush them (kinda like what happened in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope). The doors leading out are locked, and so Palom and Porom turn themselves into stone to stop the walls from crushing the group. Tellah tries to turn them back to normal, but he can't because they have become stone by their own will. Sadly, you couldn't unequip Palom and Porom's equipment unless you did it before the fight with Kainazzo, which I did not advise you to. After Palom and Porom turn to stone, a few more words will be said, as your group is saddened over the loss of Palom and Porom. The scene then switches to Golbez, Kain, and Rosa in the Tower of Zot. There, Golbez will tell Kain that getting the last crystal is a problem, but Kain comes up with an idea to have Cecil get the Crystal of Earth for them. He explains to Golbez the plan, then Kain goes to deliver the message to Cecil. The plan, by the way, is for Cecil to bring them the Crystal of Earth, then they'll give him Rosa in exchange for the crystal. Once the cutscene ends, you'll see your group going to the Enterprise, Cid's airship, as Cid leads them to it. Once your group gets on the Enterprise, you will see a ship fly towards the Enterprise. Kain is on this ship, and delivers the message to Cecil that if he doesn't give them the Crystal of Earth, then they will kill Rosa. Cecil will try to snap Kain out of it, but Kain simply tells him "That's all.". Eventually, you'll regain control of Cecil, but this time on the Enterprise. World Map --------- On the World Map, before we go to Toroia to get the Crystal of Earth, there are a few things we can get first, so let's get them, shall we? First off, fly directly north of Baron, then land the Enterprise by Village Mist, the first village you come across while flying north. Then, once you land, save your game and enter Village Mist. Village Mist ------------ When you arrive here, head east and north to the house in the northwest corner of the village. Enter the house and once inside, go through the unlit fireplace and you'll be in a secret passage. Follow that secret passage to the northeast, where you'll enter a room with three chests. The chests contain a Tiara Helmet, a Cloth, and a RubyRing. Even though you've been saving up the RubyRing for so long, you still need to keep the one you just found, as you'll need two for the upcoming part in the game anyway, so keep this one. Once you obtain those three chests, head east, south, west, and south of the entrance to this hidden room and you'll come to another hidden room, where you will find a chest containing a Change Rod. Give this to Tellah as his new weapon, since it's very good. Once that is done, exit this house completely. Back outside, head east of the Weapon and Armor Shop and go through the trees, into the small grassy field, where you can open two invisible chests to get a Cure1 and a Heal. Once you get that, follow the path out of the grassy field and out of the trees, then once you emerge from the trees, head north into another small grassy area, where you'll find another invisible chest containing 100G. Now, since you've gotten all the chests there is to obtain in Village Mist, and since the Weapon Shop and Armor Shop don't sell anything you need, exit this place. World Map --------- Back on the World Map, board the Enterprise, then fly northeast, towards Kaipo and once at Kaipo, fly all the way east, then when you see an island sticking out pretty far, fly east of it, then fly southward a bit and you should see a small island with a town on it. Land on that island, then enter the town there known as Silvera, where we can get our hands on some new equipment. Silvera ------- Once here, head all the way north (as far north as the Weapon and Armor Shop at least), then go east into a small grassy area. There, open the invisible chest for a Silver Staff. Don't bother equipping it on Tellah, since you got the Change Rod in Village Mist a moment ago. Anyway, after getting the Silver Staff, head west and northeast and enter the grassy area where the small toad that's walking around is. Once inside that grassy field, search around for another invisible chest that contains the Silver Knife. After you get that, exit this grassy field and head west into another grassy field, where you can find another invisible chest containing 5000G. Once you get that, head south and enter the Weapon Shop. Once inside, buy a Silver Hammer and a Silver Sword and equip them on Cecil and Cid immediately, then sell off their old weapons, but keep Cid's Wooden Hammer, as you'll need it soon. Now, head over to the Armor Shop and once there, buy two Silver Helmets, a Silver Shield (don't buy Cid one), two Silver Gauntlets, and two Silver Armors. I highly doubt you'll be able to afford two Silver Armors unless you're very over-leveled, because of the steep price for one: 17000G apiece. Nevertheless, if you can afford one, buy one and equip one on Cecil or Cid, or if you can afford both, that's great. I suggest you train in a moment (not much, just a little) anyway, so if you can't afford two right now, you'll most definitely be able to afford it after that. Anyway, after you buy the Silver equipment in the Armor Shop, sell off everything except the Silver Staff, the Tiara Helmet, the two RubyRings you have, and the Wooden Hammer. The other equipment that you need is already equipped (or should be if you've been following my guide up to this point), so you won't have to worry about accidentally selling it. Just for clarification, the other equipment that you do not need to sell off is a Silver Ring, and the Karate Robe on Yang. After your business in the Armor Shop, exit this town completely. World Map --------- On the World Map, board the Enterprise, then fly back to Baron. From there, fly southward and you'll reach a large island with a town on it. Land there, and enter the town there known as Agart. Agart ----- You won't be here but about thirty seconds at most, trust me, as there is only one hidden item to obtain here. To get it, head northwest from the entrance to the town and enter the grassy area you come to. Once inside, search for an invisible chest, then when you find it, open it for a Cure2. That's the only hidden item there is to obtain here, so after you get that, exit this place. World Map --------- On the World Map, board the Enterprise and fly back to Baron. From there, fly to the northwest until you come across a huge forest with a castle and a town on the southwestern edge of it. When you come to that, land the Enterprise on a spot that isn't a forest (just one step north of the Town of Toroia is a fine spot to land). Once you land, save your game and start training. I would recommend that you gain 2-3 levels with each party member. After you level up, use a Tent to rest, then save your game. Also, you'll more than likely have enough money to buy the one Silver Armor you missed out on (or the two if you couldn't afford even one) in Silvera, so head back there and buy what you couldn't before, which is the Silver Armor or Armors, if you couldn't buy even one. After that, go back to the Toroia area and land the Enterprise where you landed it before. Then, enter the Town of Toroia, the nearby town. Town of Toroia -------------- When you arrive here, head north across the bridge, then head east and go down the steps into the water. Once there, follow the path southwest, northwest, and northeast and you'll eventually come to a set of stairs, so when you do, go up them. Then, head west and go through the trees, then in the grassy field, open the invisible chests you find to get 1000G, an Ether2, an Ether1, and a Cure2. Once you get all those items, stock up on some items in the Item Shop, since you probably need to by now. Then, exit Town of Toroia. World Map --------- Here, simply enter the nearby castle, which is Toroian Castle. Toroian Castle -------------- When you arrive in Toroian Castle, head all the way north and go through the door you come across, and you'll be in the first floor of the castle. There, head northwest and go through the door you come across, then you'll be outside. Once outside, head west and southeast and go through the door into the building there. Once inside, you'll see Edward lying down in a bed. He doesn't join your group this time around, fortunately. Anyway, once inside the building where Edward is, approach him and some dialogue will occur. Your group basically explained what happened after Leviatan attacked, and Cecil will eventually explain that the Crystal of Earth is in the hands of the Dark Elf. After learning that, Edward will give Cecil the TwinHarp item, which is basically Edward's substitute. The TwinHarp will help you later on in the game. In fact, it'll help you not too long from now. After the dialogue ends and you regain control, exit this building. Back outside, follow the path west and north, back into the first floor of the castle. Once there, head east and go through the door you come across, and you'll be outside. There, head east one step, then head southwest and go through the door to the next room. In this room, there are three stairways leading to three different rooms. The stairway to the left is useless for you at the moment, but will be useful later, so just ignore it for now. Instead, take the middle stairway and you'll be in another room. In this next room, examine the pots until you find an Ether1. Once you do, exit the room and then take the right staircase this time. Then, in this next room, press the switch on the floor four different times to open all four doors leading to chests in each small room. Open the eight chests in the room to get two Tents, two Cure2s, two Ether1s, and two RubyRings. Keep these two RubyRings as well, since they'll be useful really soon. Once you are done pillaging the place, exit this room, as well as the entire castle. World Map --------- Back on the World Map, head all the way north and you'll eventually come to a small circle shaped forest separated from the huge forest that surrounds this continent. When you come to that circular forest, enter it. Chocobo's Village ----------------- Here, find a Black Chocobo. Once you find one, press A in front of one and you will be on the World Map with it. World Map --------- Back here again, fly the Black Chocobo to the southeast, then to the northeast and land the Black Chocobo in the forest on the continent there that is separated from the large continent to the south that houses both the Town of Toroia and the Toroian Castle. Once you land on this continent, rest/save, and go ahead and enter the cave there, known as Cave Magnes. Cave Magnes ----------- Once here, you should know that Dark Elf will put up a magnetic barrier that will cause you not to be able to use your Silver equipment. If you get into a battle with Silver equipment on, you will get a game over, which is not good. Note that in battle you CAN re-equip some Silver equipment and finish the battle with the equipment without getting a game over, which is good, but I honestly do not recommend it, since it's tedious to unequip/reequip yourself every battle since you get yourself into so many random encounters in the game. Anyway, when you arrive here, you can finally put the four RubyRings you've been keeping to use. So first of all, remove Cecil of ALL of his equipment, and give Cecil a RubyRing. Then, remove Cid of everything and give him the Prisoner outfit and the Wooden Hammer you've been keeping for him. Also be sure to give Cid a RubyRing. Then, remove Yang's Silver Ring and exchange it with a RubyRing. Then, remove Tellah's Silver Ring and give him a RubyRing. After you're equipped, I don't suggest you fight any of the random encounters you get yourself into here, since you have no equipment and therefore are very susceptible to any type of phyiscal damage or magic damage. Anyway, after you equip yourself, let's progress through the cave, shall we? From the start, head south one step and your group will notice the magnetic field in the cave. After that, head east and cross the bridge and you'll come to a chest; open it to get a Cure2. Once you get that, head west and cross the bridge until you come across some stairs leading southward; go down them. Then, head southeast and go cross the next bridge you come across. After that, head southwest and cross the next bridge you come across, then head northwest, past the stairs leading to the next room and you'll come to another chest. Open this one to get a Heal. Now, head east and go down the stairs you ignored earlier, and you'll be in the next room of the cave. In this room, head west and then when the path splits north, go north. Then, go west after going north and you'll come to a chest containing an Ether1. Now, head back east and then go across the bridge you come to. Then, go through the door to the northeast. In this small room, open the two chests to get an Ether1 and 500G. After that, exit the room. Back in the previous room, head all the way west and go down the stairs to the next room. In this next new room, head southwest and go through the door to the next room. In this room, save your game, but don't bother healing; just save and exit. Now, head south and across the bridge, then head southwest and go through the door to the next room. In this next room, open the three chests to get a Cure3, a Cure2, and a Life. Then, exit this room. Back in the previous room, go west and cross the bridge, then head north and go through the door to the next room. In this room, open the chest to the north to get a Charm Claw for Yang. Clone one for him the next time you get into a random encounter, then equip the cloned one on him as well, so he'll have two Charm Claws, rather than one. Now, from the entrance of this room, head northwest and go down the stairs you come to into the next room of the cave. In this next new room, head across the nearby bridge, then head northwest, past the wall that has the door leading to the next room on it, and open the chest you come to for an Ether2. Once you get that, go through the door I told you to ignore just now, and you'll be in the final room of Cave Magnes, where the Dark Elf and the Crystal of Earth lies. In that room, head north and you will see that Dark Elf is blocking the Crystal of Earth. Talk to him and you will enter combat against him. Just keep attacking him and you'll eventually lose, since you cannot win this fight, as it progresses the story by you losing. After you lose to Dark Elf, Edward will play his harp and because you have the TwinHarp, Dark Elf will be able to hear it. Once Dark Elf hears it, the magnetic field disappears, so you can reequip your group with their equipment that you took off in the beginning of this cave. Once you reequip your characters, talk to Dark Elf again to start another fight with him. This time, consult the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to beat him. When you win against Dark Elf, Dark Elf will say a few words then disappear, so when he does, head north and grab the Crystal of Earth, then head south and exit the crystal room. Then, in the actual cave, have Tellah use Exit to warp out of Cave Magnes. World Map --------- Back on the World Map, get on the Black Chocobo you used to get on this continent with, then it'll fly you back to the Chocobo's Village you got it from earlier. Exit the Chocobo's Village, then save your game and head all the way south and enter Toroian Castle again. Toroian Castle -------------- Back in Toroian Castle, head all the way north and go through the door to the first floor of the castle. Then, head north into the second floor of the castle. Once there, the eight Clerics will gather around you when they see that you have the Crystal of Earth. Then, you'll hear a voice, which is Kain's voice. Kain tells you to get on the Enterprise. After you regain control, before we go and give the Crystal of Earth to Kain, let's get the last bit of treasure there is in this castle, shall we? Talk to the eight Clerics, then exit the room. Then, head southeast and go through the door and you'll be outside. Outside, follow the path southwest and go through the door you come to and you'll be in a room we visited on our visit to Toroian Castle. In that room, head down the left staircase into the basement of the castle. Once there, talk to the girl you see behind the jail and tell her you have the eight Clerics' permission, then she'll let you take the treasures. So, after she opens the door for you, go through it and follow the path north, east, and southwest and then go down the stairs to the room with the treasure chests. In that room, open all eighteen treasure chests to get the following items: 2 Cure2s, 2 Heals, 2 Ether1s, 2 Ether2s, 2 Elixirs, 2000G, GreatBow, 20 Fire Arrows, 10 Lightning Arrows, and 20 Ice Arrows. Now, exit Toroian Castle. World Map --------- Enter the Town of Toroia, since we need to restock on items before our journey to the next dungeon. Town of Toroia -------------- Once here, head over to any shop and feel free to sell off anything you do not need anymore. This includes the RubyRings you've been keeping almost all game. Be sure to keep the following items: Silver Staff, Tiara Helmet, and Silver Ring. After selling off your old equipment, head over to the Item Shop and restock on some items. Buy everything you can, but don't overspend till you have nothing left, as that's never good. Once your business in the Item Shop is done, rest at the Inn, then exit the town. World Map --------- Back on the World Map yet again, board the Enterprise. Once you do, your group will follow Kain's airship, and you'll eventually arrive in the Tower of Zot. Tower of Zot ------------ When you arrive here, some minor dialogue will take place, as Golbez and your group say a few things. Once you regain control, you should know that if you wish to exit the Tower of Zot for any reason at all, you can do so by stepping into the middle tile in the area with the four black orbs in the southwest corner of the first room you appear in. Anyway, from the start, head to the northwest corner of the room and open the chest you come across to get a Fire Armor. Give this to Cecil immediately as his new armor, since it's quite good. After that, head east and go through the door to the second floor of the tower. Once there, make your way to the end of the room and you'll come across a door, so go through it, but along the way to that door, open the chest you come across to fight some monsters. Well, actually you only fight one monster, which is a FlameDog. Simply have Tellah cast Ice-3 to kill it. After you win the fight against the FlameDog, you'll get a Fire Sword for Cecil. Give that to Cecil as his new weapon, then go through the nearby door to the next floor of the tower. When you reach the third floor, head southeast, then north at the split. Then, follow the obvious path, ignoring the southern split that you'll eventually come to, as it leads to nothing. After the path is over, head all the way northwest and you'll come across another door leading further into the tower, so go through it and you'll be in the fourth floor of the tower. There, head southwest and go down the stairs, then follow the path southeast and you'll eventually come to two sets of stairs. Take the first set of stairs you come across first, then head northwest and go through the door to the fifth floor of the tower. There, open the nearby chest to get a Poison Claw. Equip that on Yang immediately, then clone one for him as soon as possible, then give the cloned Poison Claw to Yang as well so that he'll have to Poison Claws. After getting the Poison Claw, head west, southeast, and southwest and go down the stairs you come to, then open the chest to get a Fire Shield. Give this to Cecil as his new shield, then backtrack out of this room. Back in 4F, head southeast and go up the stairs you come across, then go through the door and you'll appear back in 5F. Back in 5F, open the chest you couldn't reach earlier to get an Earth Hammer for Cid. Give it to Cid, then exit this room. Back in the previous room, head southeast and northeast, up the stairs, then go through the door to the next room. In this room, head south and open the chest you come across for a Wizard Robe. Give this to Tellah as his new armor immediately, then exit this room. Now, head southwest, southeast, and north up the stairs I told you to ignore earlier, then continue north through the door to the next room. In this next new room, head southwest and go through the door you come to. In this room, you'll find a Save Point, so rest/save, then exit this room. Back in the previous room, go west and go up the stairs, then go north a bit more and the screen will turn dark, as three girls will appear and say a few words before entering battle with you. These girls are known as the Magus Sisters, so read the Bosses section to see how to defeat them. After they're defeated, go back and rest/save, then go back to where you fought the Magus Sisters at. Then, go through the door you couldn't go through earlier, and you'll be in another room. In this room, remove Tellah of all his equipment, then head north and you'll encounter Kain and Golbez. Cecil will give Golbez the Crystal of Earth, then Tellah will enter combat against Golbez. Eventually, Tellah uses Meteo and kills himself. Golbez's control over Kain is broken after Tellah uses Meteo on him. Golbez will eventually hit Cecil with a powerful attack, sending him back. Golbez will then stop attacking Cecil (I won't tell you why, since it's a spoiler). Then, he'll retreat to the door behind you. Then, your group goes over to Tellah and then he disappears soon after. Eventually, you'll regain control, so when you do, talk to Kain and he'll take you to the room where Rosa is. As soon as your group enters, Rosa is nearly squashed by a black ball above her, but she is luckily rescued by your group before that happens. After Rosa is rescued, some dialogue will occur, as both Rosa and Kain join your party! Now, equip Rosa with the Silver Staff, the Tiara Helmet, the Wizard Robe, and a Silver Ring (You should have those items if you've followed my guide up to this point. If not, then Rosa is going to be awfully weak for the upcoming boss fight). After equipping Rosa, head south one step and you'll encounter Valvalis, the third of the Four Fiends of Elements in this game. Valvalis is the Fiend of Wind, and you must fight her, so see the Bosses section for a strategy on winning this fight. Once you defeat Valvalis, the Tower of Zot will collapse, then Rosa will use Exit and warp her and your group back to Baron Castle. Baron ----- When you arrive here, you'll be in Cecil's room, as some dialogue will occur. Kain tells your group that there are four more crystals Golbez has to collect before the way to the Moon will open, and Kain explains that those last four crystals are the Dark Crystals, and they are literally hidden under the earth in the Underground. Eventually, Kain will give you the Magma Key, and your group will eventually take a rest for the night. When you wake up, head east and down the stairs to exit Cecil's room. From there, make your way out of this building completely. When you get outside, head southeast and go through the door to the next room. There, go north up the stairs and you'll be outside again, so head east and up the stairs from there, and you'll arrive in the first floor of the castle. Once there, head southeast and go up the stairs and you'll be back outside. Back outside, head upstairs to the next room, then go south in that room to be back outside yet again. Back outside, go west and north into the Right Tower. Once inside the Right Tower, open the chests in the room to get the following items: a Heal, a Cure1, a Tent, and another Cure1. To get the chest by the stairs, go down the stairs to the next room, then go back up the stairs to the room with the chests. The moment you emerge in the room with the chests, don't move and open the chest. After opening the chests in the room, take the stairs on the east side of the room, leading you into the second floor of the Right Tower. In there, open the two chests on the west side of the room to get a Life and a Cure2. Once that is done, examine the pot directly below where you appear in this room after going up the stairs to get an Ether1. Then, open the three chests in this room to get two Tents and an Ether1. Now, head back down to the very first room of the Right Tower. There, go downstairs to the basement. In the basement, examine the four pots until you find an Elixir, as one of them contains that item. After you get that, you can head east to the next room and there you can see the real King Baron, but he simply tells you to go to the Land of Summoned Monsters and return here, and that he can be of help, then he disappears. Go see him if you want, though it's not necessary. Anyway, once your business in Baron is done, exit it. World Map --------- On the World Map, board the Enterprise and fly south of Baron and you'll reach an island with a town. Land there and enter Agart. Agart ----- When you arrive here, head north through the door and you'll be inside an area with a well. Approach the well and press A on it, then you'll be prompted to use an item. Use the Magma Key Kain gave you in Baron, and the key will be dropped into the well, causing an earthquake that opens up a hole in a mountain outside. After the earthquake is over and you regain control, go ahead and exit Agart. World Map --------- Back here again, board the Enterprise and fly above the hole you just created by dropping the Magma Key in the well in Agart. Once the Enterprise is hovering above the hole, press A and you'll be Underground. Once underground, you'll encounter the Red Wings, who will attack the Enterprise. The Enterprise will crashland near the Castle of Dwarves, which is your next destination, so enter it when you regain control. Castle of Dwarves ----------------- The moment you arrive here, remove Cid of all of his equipment. Then, head all the way north through two rooms and you'll reach the King's Room. Once there, the king will be glad to see that you are okay, then Cecil asks him who he is, as the king introduces himself as King Giott, the king of the Castle of Dwarves, as well as the ruler of the Underground. Some dialogue will further commence after the introduction, as King Giott tells your group that two of the four Dark Crystals have already been taken. Eventually, Cid will leave your group to repair the Enterprise and to make it where it can fly over lava, so he goes back to the Upper World to do it. Yang will eventually sense that someone is spying on them, and so King Giott opens the door to the crystal room for them. When your group arrives in the crystal room, the dolls will come to life, as that's what's been eavsdropping on your group the whole time. The dolls will attack you, so read the Bosses section to see how to win. After you win, the dolls will disappear and Golbez will enter the room. Golbez will tell Cecil the reason he is gathering all the crystals, then he'll enter battle against your group. Just let him use Demolish on all your characters, but just as he is about to do it to Cecil, Rydia calls up the Mist Dragon (aka D. Mist) and it blows Golbez's Shadow Dragon away. Then, Rydia uses Heal on Cecil. thus curing his paralysis. You will then enter the real boss battle against Golbez, so see the Bosses section of this FAQ to see how to win. Upon defeating Golbez, some dialogue will occur as Rydia joins your group again! She can no longer use any White Magic, but she excels in Black Magic now, and she even has a few new Call spells! After Rydia joins your group, Golbez turns into a hand and takes the crystal, then disappears. Your group will then appear in the King's Room. Your group will tell King Giott that Golbez took the crystal, then King Giott says that your group must protect the last crystal from Golbez. After the dialogue ends and you regain control, place Rydia in the back row and make sure Yang, Cecil, and Kain are all in the front row, and also be sure to place Rosa in the back row (which I'm sure you did long ago). After configuring your party, exit the King's Room. In this room, head southeast and go upstairs to the second floor of the castle. There, head east and north and go up the stairs and you'll be in the Right Tower of the castle. Once there, open the chest to get a Dwarf Axe. Give it to Kain, then go upstairs to the next room of the Right Tower. In this room, head west and south from where you start, then head west, then north one step, then west one step again, then finally one step north and then check out one of the two nearby pots, as one of them contains 500G. After you get that, make your way back to where you started in this room. From there, go upstairs to the next room of the Right Tower. In there, open the four chests to get the following items: an Ether1, a Strength Ring, an Ether2, and an Elixir. After obtaining the four items in the room, exit it. Now, give head back to the main room of the castle (the room before the King's Room). Back there, head to the western side of the room and go upstairs to the next room. Here, examine the pot by the Item Shop/Inn to get 1000G. Then, head southwest and go up the stairs to the Left Tower. Once inside the Left Tower, go up the stairs to the next room. In this next room, head west, south, west, and then southeast from where you start, then examine the pots till you find one that contains 500G. Now, backtrack to where you started in the room, then go up the stairs to the next room of the Left Tower. Once there, you'll have to go through the walls to get into secret passages that will lead you to all four chests in the room eventually. Since it is hard to explain in words, just try and go through each wall you come to and follow the path in each secret passage until eventually, you obtain all four chests in the room. The chests contain the following items: a Bl. Belt Robe, an Elixir, an Ether1, and a Cure2. Once you get the items in the room, exit it, as well as the entired Left Tower completely and head back to the main room of the castle. Once there, head to the eastern side of the room and go upstairs to the next room. In this room, buy go to the Weapon Shop but before you buy Kain a Flame Spear, there's something you should know. The Dwarf Axe you just got gives Kain more Defense, but less Attack, whereas the Flame Spear gives him more Attack, but less Defense. It's up to you which one you want to have Kain use, but I chose the Flame Spear. After equipping Kain, head over to the Armor Shop and buy a Fire Armor and equip it on Kain. Also, buy him a Fire Shield and equip it on him. Now, buy a Wizard Robe, a Wizard Helmet, and three Rune Rings. Give the three Rune Rings to Yang, Rosa, and Rydia. Then, give the Wizard Helmet and Wizard Robe to Rydia. Now that you're fully equipped, sell off Cid's old equipment, as well as anything else you don't need. Now, head down the stairs to the west of the Weapon Shop, and you'll be in the basement of the castle. Once there, examine the several pots to the north of you to find three Carrot items. I'll explain what these do in the Items section of the FAQ. After you get the Carrots from the pots, head all the way west and you'll come across a lone dwarf. Talk to him, then he'll open a door for you, so go through it and you'll be in the wall, so head west and you'll be in a new room. In this room, head west and southeast towards three chests containing three Cabins. Cabins are upgraded versions of Tents, which fully recover your HP/MP, and they also revive any dead party members you have, whereas Tents do not. Basically, Cabin items are a heck of a lot better than Tents, and soon enough you'll be able to buy them! After obtaining the three Cabins, head west and southwest and go up the stairs you encounter, and you'll be in the next room. In this room, head all the way southwest and you'll come across stairs leading out of the castle, as well as a lone pot. Use this pot to recover your HP/MP fully, as well as cure all status aliments. You can do this as many times as you want, so make use of this pot and examine it to recover our HP/MP. After doing that, go up the stairs and you'll be out of the castle finally. World Map --------- Back on the World Map, save your game and gain a couple levels with each party member. If you get low on HP, use the pot in the Castle of Dwarves to recover your HP/MP. After training, save your game and from the exit of the Castle of Dwarves, head southwest, north, west, and north and you'll eventually come across some tanks. Go past them, then continue northward into the Tower of Bab-il. Tower of Bab-il --------------- Here, head all the way north, then take the east path to a chest containing an Ether1. Now, backtrack and take the west path and open the chest you come to to get 10 Ice Arrows. Then, go south and open the next chest you come to and you will get 10 more Ice Arrows. After that, head northeast and north and go through the door you come to, and you'll be in the second floor of the tower. Once there, open the nearby chest to get a Bandana Helmet. Equip it on Yang as his new helmet immediately. Once that is done, go east and south from the chest and you'll come to a door leading to another room, so enter the room and once inside, you'll find a chest. Open it and a monster will come out and attack you. After you defeat the enemy in chest, you'll get a Blizzard Spear for Kain, so give it to him as his new weapon immediately, then exit this room. Back in the previous room, head east and northeast and go through the door to the next room. In this next room, open the chest and you'll fight another Alert enemy. Upon defeating it, you'll be rewarded with an IceBrand sword for Cecil, so give this time to him as his new weapon. After that, exit the room and head west and north and go through the door to the third floor of the tower. There, open the nearby chest to get a CatClaw. Equip it on Yang and then clone one for him as soon as possible, giving that to him as well. Once Yang is equipped, from the chest that contained the CatClaw, go southeast, then northeast, and then finally south to a chest containing a Life. Now, head all the way northwest, southeast and south of the chest you just opened up and go past the door you come across, and you'll come across another chest containing another Life. Get that, then backtrack to the chest that contained the CatClaw for Yang. From there, head southeast and southwest and go through the door to the next room. In this room, open the nearby chest to get an Archer Bow. Then, head southeast to a chest containing yet another Life. Get that, then exit this room. Back in the previous room, head back to the chest that contained the CatClaw. From there, head southwest, northwest, and all the way southeast and you'll come across the door you bypassed earlier to get the Life in the chest to the east. Go through that door, and you'll be in the next room of the tower. There, go west into the nearby room. There, step on the Save Point and rest/save your game, then exit the room. Now, head east, then north, then all the way east across the path. Eventually, you'll come to a door, so go through it and in this next room, open the chest and you'll be attacked by another Alert enemy. Beat it, then you'll get an Ice Armor, which you should equip on Cecil right away as his new armor. After getting the Ice Armor, exit the room. Back in the previous room, head west and southeast and enter the next door you come across, then in that room, open the chest and you'll be attacked by yet another Alert. Kill it, then you will be rewarded with an Ice Shield. Give this to Cecil, then exit the room. Now, head west and all the way northwest, then you'll come to a door you have not been through yet (the reason I had you ignore the door to the east of the room you got the Ice Shield in is because that next door leads to nothing). Go through that door, into the next room. In this room, follow the path south, then when it splits, head east, northwest, and south to a chest containing 2000G. Once you get that, follow the path northeast and south. Once you stop following the path, head all the way east, ignoring the middle path for now. Eventually, after heading east a lot, the path will split. At that point, head northeast and south to a chest containing a Cure2. Now, head northwest and north through the door to the next room. In this room, head west and go through the door at the end to the next room. In this next room, head all the way east and go through the door you come to and you'll be in a Save Point room. Rest/save there, then exit the room. Now, backtrack to the entrance of this room. From there, head all the way south, then west at the split and you'll come across a chest containing an Ether2. Once you get that, head east and northeast and go through the door to the next room. Here, head southwest and north up the stairs and you'll see Dr. Luage and Rubicant, the Fiery Fiend of Elements, and the last of the Four Fiends of Elements, I might add. After Rubicant leaves, Dr. Lugae will talk to himself for a moment, then when he notices your group, he attacks you. Read the Bosses section of this FAQ to see how to win this fight. After winning, Dr. Lugae will fight you by himself, with his supposed "true power". Read the Bosses seciton to see how to win this fight, too. Once you win that fight, Dr. Lugae will say that the dwarves will be wiped out by his Super Cannon. Also, you'll receive the Tower Key after defeating Dr. Lugae, which unlocks the door to the Super Cannon. Once you regain control, be sure to cure the Poison status aliment on all of your party members that Dr. Lugae inflicted on your party during the fight. After that, head southeast and north and exit this room. Then, in a room you have already been to, head southwest, northeast, and southeast to the next room. There, rest/save at the Save Point, then exit the room. Now, go west and through the door to yet another previously visited room. In there, go east and through the door into another room. In that room, head southwest and north up the stairs and you'll come to a locked door. Use the Tower Key you got from Dr. Lugae on that door to unlock it, then enter the room. In this room, remove all of Yang's equipment before you take one step. After that, go north one step and your group will stop the three Dark Imps from using the super cannon to destroy the dwarves. You'll enter combat against the three Dark Imps, but they are not at all hard to defeat. Beat them, then the Dark Imps will destroy the controls to the super cannon. The cannon will threaten the dwarves, but Yang leaves your group to try to stop it from destroying the dwarves. Your group will be knocked out of the room by Yang, then Yang will tell you to tell his wife to live for him. The super cannon room will then explode, and Yang along with it. Once you regain control, head back to the entrance of the tower. As you try to go down the stairs leading out of the tower, Golbez will cause the stairs to collapse. Then, your group will fall out of the Tower of Bab-il, but Cid uses the new version of the Enterprise and saves your group from the fall just in time. Then, an airship will start chasing the Enterprise, but Cid can't get beat them, and so he jumps off the Enterprise and seals up the entrance to the Underworld with a bomb. Eventually, you'll gain control of Cecil on the World Map. World Map --------- Here, fly north until you come to the continent with Baron on it. Land there when you come to it, then enter Baron Castle. Baron ----- Once here, press the switch on the wall to the left of the double doors, and the double doors will open, so go through them. Then, head north some more and you will come to another set of double doors, so press the switch on the wall to the left of the double doors to open the double doors. Once they are opened up, go through them and you'll be in the first floor of the castle. There, go northeast and up the stairs and you'll be outside. There, simply head east and down the stairs, then in the room you appear in, go all the way south to exit it and be outside again. Outside, talk to one of the two people dressed in blue, as these are Cid's associates. They will put a hook on the Enterprise, as Cid told them to already. Once the hook is on the Enterprise, you'll emerge back on the World Map on the new version of the Enterprise. World Map --------- Back on the World Map, fly all the way northeast of Baron until you come to Damcyan. From Damcyan, fly east towards Mt. Hobs, where you should find the Hovercraft you got very early in the game. Fly the Enterprise directly above the Hovercraft, then press A and the hook will pick up the Hovercraft. With the Hovercraft hooked below the Enterprise, fly back to Baron. From there, fly southwest until you come across an island with the Tower of Bab-il on it, as well as a castle. Land on the southeastern part of the continent, then enter Eblan Castle. Eblan ----- Once here, head all the way north through the door into the next room. In this room, go northeast and through the wall to find a chest containing a Cure2. After you get that, head west and north into a small room. In this small room, simply head north to the throne room. When you reach the throne room, head northeast until you don't think you can go northeast anymore. At that point, head all the way east through the wall and go down the stairs to the next room. In this room, open the three chests to get a Cure2, a Life, and a Cabin. Then, exit this room. Back in the throne room, head west through the wall and go to the opposite side of where you emerge from the secret passage in the wall. At the opposite side, head west through the wall and go down the stairs to the next room, where you'll find two chests containing a Cure2 and a Heal. Now, go back to the throne room and head south of the throne to exit the room. Now, head over to the Left Tower. Once inside, head south two steps, then head east and you'll go through the wall. Follow the secret passage east, north, then finally west to a chest containing monsters. Defeat them, and you'll be rewarded with the Slumber Sword. Don't equip it, but instead head back to the entrance of this room. From there, head north and up the stairs to the next room. In this room, examine the bottom pot out of the three pots in the northwest part of the room to get a Cure2. Once you get that, head all the way south of the stairs in this room, then head east, north, and east through the secret passage in the wall and open the two chests you come across to get 2000G and 10 Mute Arrows. Now, head back to the stairs in the center of the room. From there, head west and south to a small room with a chest containing an Ether1. Get that, then exit this room and head over to the Right Tower. In the Right Tower, head to the northwesternmost pillar in this room, then head west and you'll be in a secret passage in the wall. Follow it west, then north one step, then west, and then finally southeast to a chest containing 600G. After you get that, head back through the secret passage, then go up the stairs to the left of the entrance to this room, and you'll be in a new room. In this next new room of the castle, press the switch on the wall to the east of the stairs that brought you to this room, as doing so will open the door, allowing you to go further into the room, so go through the door. After you go through the door, open the chests on the western side of the room to get a Cure2 and an Ether1. Then, examine the pots in this room, as one of them has a Life item inside. After getting that, open the chest you can reach on the east side of the room to get a Cabin. Once that is done, head east of the pots in the room and you'll be in a secret passage in the wall. Follow it to the chest you couldn't reach earlier, and then open it to fight some monsters. Defeat them, and you'll be rewarded with a Drain Spear, which is a very good weapon for Kain, so give it to him. Though do note that you should NOT attack Undead enemies with this weapon, as they will take Kain's HP, rather than Kain taking theirs. Anyway, after getting the Drain Spear, head back to the chest that contained the Cabin in this room, then fall down the hole and open the chest you come to in the next room to get 800G. After that, head west and south to three chests containing two Ether1s, as well as monsters in the eastern chest. Defeat the monsters to get an Elixir. After you get that, follow the path west and southeast, out of the castle. World Map --------- Back on the World Map, rest/save, then board the Hovercraft. Once you are on the Hovercraft, get on the shallows southwest of Eblan Castle and ride them to a cave. Land your Hovercraft by the cave, then enter the cave, known as Cave Eblana. Cave Eblana ----------- When you arrive here, head east through the wall and open the chest to get a Shuriken. Then, continue east through the next wall and open the chest you come to to get a Heal. Now, go back to the entrance of the cave and from there, head southwest and cross the bridge. Then, go all the way southeast and go across the next bridge you come across. After that, head northeast and south to a chest containing 1200G. Now, head to the southwest corner of the room and once there, go down the stairs leading you to the next room of the cave. In this room, head south and west and go through the door to the Inn/Item Shop. Head over to the Item Shop and restock on items, selling off your old equipment that you don't need. Do not bother resting at the Inn, but instead exit this building. Back in the previous room, head west and go through the door to the Weapon/Armor Shop. There, head over to the Weapon Shop and buy Rosa a Power Staff, and then go over to the Armor Shop and buy Rydia a Black Armor, and buy Kain an Ice Shield and an Ice Armor and equip them both on him, then equip the Black Armor on Rydia, and then equip the Power Staff on Rosa, then finally sell off the old equipment that you don't need. Once your business in the Weapon/Armor Shop is done, exit it. Now, go southwest and go up the stairs, then head west and enter the building there. Inside, examine the pots on the eastern and western side of the room to find two Cure1s. Then, exit this room. Back in the previous room, head south, east, and north up the stairs and you'll be in the Pass to Bab-il. Pass to Bab-il -------------- Once here, open the nearby chest to get an Ether1, then head west and all the way north to a chest containing a Tent. After you get that, head east and south and enter the secret passage in the wall. Follow it southeast to a chest containing a Cure2. Once you get that, follow the secret passage back to the area where you got the Tent in the chest. After emerging from the secret passage, head north and up the stairs to the next room. In this next room, head northeast and north, up the stairs you come to and you will come to a chest containing a Cure3. After you get that, head west and southeast and go through the secret passage in the wall that you come to, then follow it southeast to a chest containing a Shuriken. Now, go back through the secret passage, then head south to the next room. In this room, go south and open the three chests you come across to get 2 Cure2s, as well as a Cabin. Now, head through the nearby secret passage in the wall and you'll come to two chests containing Elixirs. Once you get the Elixirs, go back through the secret passage and head southeast and southwest to a chest containing 800G. Now, go east to three chests containing 850G, and two Lifes. After opening the chests, head west and all the way north into the next room. In this room, go through the nearby door to the northeast into the next room. In this room, rest/save at the Save Point, then head northeast of the Save Point through the secret passage in the wall and you'll come to a chest. Open it to fight monsters. Beat them to get a Drain Sword for Cecil. Don't bother equipping it on Cecil, but rest/save again, then exit this room. Back in the previous room, head all the way north, then west when you see Edge, the ninja prince of Eblan, as well as Rubicant, the Fiery Fiend of Elements. After heading west, Edge and Rubicant will enter combat against each other. Rubicant quickly disposes of Edge with a Glare attack. Rubicant then runs off, and Edge falls over. Your group goes up to Edge and after some talk, Rosa uses Cure2 on Edge to recover him back to full health. Edge will then join your party after a few more words. Now, since Edge is only Level 25, train him till he is Level 30. When he is, go back and rest/save at the Save Point in this room, then head back to the spot where Edge was fighting Rubicant. From there, head all the way south until you are against the wall. When you are, head west through the secret passage to a chest containing an Ether2. Once you get that, get out of the secret passage then head north to the Tower of Bab-il. Tower of Bab-il --------------- Back in the Tower of Bab-il head all the way north and Cecil will wonder how the group is going to get into the tower, but Edge gets the group into the tower. Once you are inside the actual tower, head over to the nearby chest and open it to get a Cure3. Now, follow the very long path and you'll eventually come across a door leading to another room. Go east and past the door, then head north at the split and you'll come across a chest. Open it to get another Cure3. Now, head back to the door you just went past, then go through the door to the next room of the tower. In there, follow the obvious path until you come across some stairs leading southward. Go down those stairs, then open the chest you come to and you'll fight some monsters. Beat them and you'll get the Ogre Axe weapon. Give this weapon to Cecil, as it is better than the IceBrand he still has. After equipping Cecil, head north up the stairs, then follow the path west and southeast, then go through the door you come to to reach the next room. In this room, go southeast, past the door, then continue north up the set of stairs you come across, then open the chest after going up the stairs to get 2000G. Now, go back to the door I told you to ignore, then go through it, into the next room of the tower. In this room of the tower, head east, then all the way northwest, then finally southeast and you'll reach a chest. The chest contains a Middle Katana for Edge, so equip it on him, then clone him another one as soon as possible. After Edge is equipped with two Middle Katanas, from the chest that you just opened, head west and north into the next room. In this next new room, follow the path eastward and you'll come to two doors eventually. Enter the first door you come across to reach a room with a Save Point. Rest/save there, then exit the room. Back in the previous room, head east and go through the door to the next room of the tower. In this room, simply head west through the nearby door to reach B5F. In B5F, head all the way southwest till you reach a dead end. At that point, head north and open the chest you come to get 82000G! Once you get that, head southeast and north up the stairs you passed earlier. After going up the stairs, you'll encounter Edge's parents, King Eblan and Queen Eblan. They will tell you to come with them to the Dark World, then they'll enter combat against you. They aren't true bosses, so I won't include them in the Bosses section of this FAQ. Just keep using regular attacks on them or just sit there until they both disappear. After the battle, Rubicant will appear, and Edge and he will say a few words, then Edge will tell Rubicant he'll show him true power, and he'll learn the Blitz and Flood Ninja techniques. When you regain control, talk to Rubicant and he'll recover your groups HP/MP fully, then he'll enter combat against you, so consult the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to win the fight against the last of the Four Fiends of Elements. After defeating Rubicant, the Chamberlain of Eblan Castle and a few of Eblan Castle's guards will come and talk to Edge. After they leave and you regain control, go through the nearby door into the crystal room. In there, head north a bit and your group will fall down to another part of the tower. In the room you fall down into, head north and open the chest for a Cure2. After that, go southwest and go through the door to the next room. In here, head east and north and go through the door to 6F. In 6F, head south down the path and you'll eventually come across a split. At that point, head east and north, where you'll come across another chest containing another Cure2 item. After getting that, head all the way southwest and go through the door to the final room of the Tower of Bab-il. In that room, your group will find an abandoned airship, then it'll be aptly named the "Falcon" by Edge. After that, your group will take off and you'll regain control on the World Map of the Underworld. World Map --------- With your newly acquired Falcon, fly southeast (note that you can't go over magma with the Falcon just yet) towards the Castle of Dwarves. When you reach it, land the Falcon by it and save your game and enter it. Castle of Dwarves ----------------- Once here, head all the way north through two rooms and you'll reach the the throne room, where King Giott awaits. In the throne room, head north a bit and King Giott will talk to Cecil for a moment, then King Giott will tell Luca to give him her necklace. You'll then receive the Luca Key, which is the key to opening the Sealed Cave. King Giott insists that you protect the last crystal from Golbez at all costs. After getting the Luca Key, head over to the room where the Inn is (look at the walkthrough for your first visit to the Castle of Dwarves if you don't remember how). Once there, head east of the counter of the Inn and head down the stairs there to reach the basement. In the basement, head east and go through the door you come across. Inside the room, you'll find Cid, who is sleeping in a bed. Approach Cid, as that'll wake him up. Once Cid wakes up, some dialogue will occur and after it is over, Cid will make it where the Falcon can fly over magma! After you regain control, exit the Castle of Dwarves. World Map --------- Back on the World Map, board the Falcon and fly southwest towards a cave, which is the Sealed Cave. Before going there though, we're gonna take a few detours to gain some experience, some gold, as well as some items, and even a few new summons. From the Sealed Cave, head southeast and land the Falcon by the town there, then enter the town there known as Tomra. Tomra ----- Once you are inside Tomra, head north and enter the Weapon Shop. Inside, buy a Chain Whip for Rydia, then walk through the wall to the east to get into the Armor Shop. Inside there, buy two Diamond Shields, two Diamond Helmets, two Diamond Armors, five Diamond Rings, two Diamond Gaunlets, and a Tiara Helmet. After buying all of that, equip the Diamond equipment on Cecil and Kain, and give the Diamond Rings that you have to Rydia, Rosa, and Edge. Give the Tiara Helmet you just bought to Rydia, as she needs it. After equipping yourself, sell off any old equipment you don't need (though do not sell Shurikens if you have any left over), then exit the Weapon/Armor Shop. Now, head to the northwest corner of the town and enter the house there. Inside that house, open the chests and examine the pots in the room to find the following items and money: 470G, 480G, 490G, 2 Cure2s, and a Cabin. After getting the items here exit this building, as well as the town. World Map --------- Here, board the Falcon and fly northwest of the Sealed Cave and land the Falcon on the small island with a cave that you come to. After landing, rest/ save, then enter the cave there, known as Land of Monsters. Land of Monsters ---------------- NOTE: A majority of the floor tiles in this cave hurt your HP with each step, and to not be harmed by the floor tiles, Rosa will need to learn Float. If she doesn't have it, gain her levels outside until she is Level 32, as that's when she learns it. Also, it would be a good idea to get her Wall, as she learns that at Level 34, and you'll need it for the upcoming boss fight. Also note that if you manage to get the Silence Staff weapon, equip it on Rosa, since it's the strongest Staff in the game. When you arrive here, head south one step and Rydia will tell you that this is where she was brought after Leviatan attacked. After Rydia comments on the place, have Rosa cast Float on everyone, then head southeast and open the chest you come across to get a Cure2. Then, head all the way north to another chest, which contains a Life. After you get that, go west and you'll be in a secret passage in the wall. Follow it west to another chest contaning an Ether1. Once you get that, head east through the wall again, then head southwest, northwest, and then south down the stairs into the next room. In this room, cast Float on all your party members again, then follow the path east and when you see a chest in the southeast corner of the room in an alcove, open it to get a Cure2. After you get that, head west and northwest to another chest that contains a Cabin. After you get the Cabin, head all the way southeast, then south down the stairs into the next room of this cave. In this next room, cast Float on your party yet again, then follow the path and you'll eventually come to a chest; open it to get a Life. Now, head east and you'll come to another chest, which contains a Cure3. Now, head east of the chest and you'll be in a secret passage in the wall. Follow this passage all way southwest, then at the split to the north, head northeast to a room with three chests. Open them to get a Poison Axe, a Ninja Katana, and a Cure2. Equip the Ninja Katana on Edge, then clone him another one as soon as possible, then equip that one, too. After Edge is equipped, go back to where you first entered the secret passage at and from there, follow the path northwest and then when you emerge from the secret passage, head northwest to the chest you see. Open it and you'll fight some monsters, so beat them to get the Defense Sword, which you should give to Cecil right away as his new weapon. After giving that to Cecil, head east and southwest through the wall and step on the gray teleporter you come across, which will teleport you to the Land of Summons. Land of Summons --------------- Once here, open the nearby chest to the west to get an Ether1. Then, head up the nearby set of stairs and head north a bit and open the chest you see to get 2000G. After you get that, go east, northeast, and southeast down the stairs you come across, then open the chest you come across to get 2000G. Now, continue south to another chest containing 3000G. After getting that, head north from the chest you just opened and you'll be teleported to another room via an invisible gray teleporter. In this room, head north and open the four chests to get 10 Samurai Arrows, an Elixir, an Ether2, and a Samurai Bow. After that, head south back to the gray teleporter in this room then step on it to be teleported to the first room of the Land of Summons. Back in the first room, backtrack to the gray teleporter you ignored earlier to open the other chests in this room (not the teleporter you entered this place with, but the only other one besides the invisible one in the room). Then, step on the gray teleporter and you'll be taken to the next room. In here, step back on the gray teleporter and back in the first room of this place, head southeast and grab the chest that appeared out of reach to get a Rat Tail. After getting that, get back on the gray teleporter to be teleported to the room we were just in a moment ago. In this room again, head over to the nearby Item Shop and restock on any items you may need. Then, exit the Item Shop and head directly west of the Item Shop and enter the house you come to. Inside, open the two treasure chests to get a Heal and a Life. After that, rest/save and exit this room. Back in the previous room, go west and south and enter the Weapon Shop. Once inside, buy a Blitz Whip for Rydia and a Lunar Staff for Rosa, though if you have the Silence Staff on her, don't bother buying a Lunar Staff, since the Silence Staff is infinitely better. After your business in the Weapon Shop is done, exit it and head over to the Armor Shop to the southeast of the Weapon Shop. Once inside the Armor Shop, buy two Aegis Shields and two Sorcerer Robes. Give the Aegis Shields to Cecil and Kain, and give the two Sorcerer Robes to Rydia and Rosa. Then, sell off any old equipment you don't need, then head back to the house west of the Item Shop and save your game there again. Then, exit the building. Now, head to the building just south of you and enter it, because it's the library and that's where you need to go next. Once inside the library, head down the stairs to the west, then in this room, step on the gray teleporter and you will be teleported to a room with the king and queen of this place. Talk to the queen, which is Queen Asura, and she will ask to test you. Accept her challenge and she'll enter combat against you. Read the Bosses section of the guide to see how to take her out. Once Asura is defeated, Rydia will learn the Call spell Asura! Now, go back to the Save Point and rest/save, then go back to the room where Asura is and this time, talk to the king, who is really Leviatan. Accept his challenge and he'll also enter combat against you, so check the Bosses section to see how to win this fight. Upon defeating Leviatan, Rydia learns the Call spell Levia. Now, use the Exit spell to exit this creepy place. World Map --------- Back on the World Map, board the Falcon and fly to the northwest corner of the World Map. You'll find a huge continent with a cave there, so land there and enter the cave there, known as Sylvan Cave. Sylvan Cave ----------- When you get here, have Rosa cast Float on everybody, since the majority of the tiles throughout this cave take away 50 HP from all your party members with each step, as was the case in Land of Monsters. Anyway, from the start, head east and open the two chests you come to (ignore the chest behind the two that you can currently reach, sicne you can't reach the third chest just yet) to get a Cure2 and 10 Charm Arrows. After that, head southwest and south into the next room. In this room, don't bother casting Float, but instead head east and northwest and go down the stairs you come across into the next room of the cave. In this next new room, don't bother casting Float, but instead go southwest and north and open the two chests to get a Cure2 and a Heal. Now, get into the nearby secret passage in the wall and follow it to the third chest, which contains a Charm Rod. After getting that, exit this room via the way you came in. Back in the previous room of the cave, head west, southeast, and southwest and go up the stairs you come across to reach the next room. Here, have Rosa cast Float on the party and then head east to a Save Point. Rest/save there, then go northeast and go into the secret passage in the wall, then follow it to the northwest, where you'll reach a chest you couldn't reach earlier. Open that chest to get an ElvenBow weapon. After getting that, follow the path back out of the secret passage in the wall. Now, head all the way southwest till the path splits, then when it does, head north two reach two chests containing a Cabin and 1000G. After that, head south and down the stairs to the next room. In this room, head southwest and northeast and go up the stairs to the next room. In here, head north and open the several chests to get the following items: 10 Lit Arrows, 10 Fire Arrows, 10 Ice Arrows, a Cure2, and an Ether1. After getting those items, head back south and exit this room. Back in the previous room, cast Float and head southwest slightly, then all the way northeast and go into the secret passage in the wall. Follow it in a counter-clockwise direction to reach the chest in the small room there. Open the chest and you will fight some monsters, so beat them to get a Mute Knife. After you get that, backtrack out of the secret passage and go down the nearby set of stairs to the next room of this cave. In this next new room, have Rosa cast Float on everybody again, then go into the nearby secret passage in the wall and follow it west to a chest which contains an Elixir. After getting that, go back through the secret passage and head south, west, and all the way southeast and you'll eventually come to a house. Enter it. Once inside the house, open the two chests to get a CatClaw and a Poison Claw. After getting those items, head west to find Yang in a bed. He won't respond if you try and talk to him, so there's nothing we can do yet, but be sure to talk to the Sylphs in here. Now, go up the stairs in this room, then in the next room, go north and into the rectangle platform to be transported outside of the cave. Rest/save outside, then reenter the Sylvan Cave. Once inside the Sylvan Cave again, go all the way south into the next room. In this room, head east and northwest and go down the stairs you come across to the next room. In this next room, head east into the secret passage in the wall. Follow it northeast to an area with several empty chests. In that area, simply go upstairs to the next room, then in this room, cast Float and head east and southwest to four chests containing 3000G, 2000G, a Heal, and a Cure2. Now, go east and south and open the four chests you come across to get two Heals, a Cure3, a Cure2, and an Ether1. Now, fall down the nearby hole and you'll drop down to another room. In that room, head all the way north, then west into the secret passage; follow it to the area with the several empty chests you were in earlier. Back in that area, simply step on the gray teleporter to be teleported to another room of the cave. In here, open all six chests and fight the enemies in each chest to get the following items: three Elixirs, an Avenger Sword, a FullMoon Boomerang, and 10 Medusa Arrows. Now, head east and step on the gray teleporter and you'll be teleported back outside. World Map --------- Now, we can finally go to the Sealed Cave, since you can't complete the Yang side quest just yet, due to not being able to get back to the Upper World. Fly southeast of the Land of Monsters cave, then land on the continent with a cave on it. Rest/save and enter that cave, which is the Sealed Cave. Sealed Cave ----------- Once here, head north and press A in front of the door. Use the Luca Key on the door to open it. After opening it, proceed to the next room. In this room, head east and south and go down the rope. Then, head slightly west then to the southwest and you'll come to a chest containing a Life. After getting that, go ahead and approach the nearby white door and press A in front it, and you'll start a battle with a TrapDoor enemy. There are tons of TrapDoors throughout this cave, and they are very annoying enemies. They attack with Disrupt, which instantly kills one party member, because it is unblockable. Also, when a TrapDoor gets down to 1000 HP, they will turn into a Mantcore enemy or a Yellow D, so be careful. Anyway, after you beat the TrapDoor, revive whoever died (if they did) and enter the next room. In this room, open the two chests to get a Long Katana and an Ether1. Don't give the Long Katana to Edge, since it's far worse than the Ninja Katana. When you open the chests, exit this room. Back in the previous room, head southwest slightly, then northwest, up the rope. After that, examine the nearby door to initiate a fight with another TrapDoor enemy. Beat it, then venture into the next room. In this room, open the two chests to get a Cure2 and an Ether1. Then, head south of the chest that contained the heal, and enter the next room, since the other two doors in this room lead to nothing, so unless you want the experience points, don't bother fighting the two TrapDoors in here. Anyway, when you reach the next room, go down the rope and follow the path to a chest containing a Life. Then, go up the rope again and this time, cross the nearby bridge to the east and open the chest you come to for another Life. Once that is done, go north and you'll come across two doors. Ignore the first one unless you want experience points, since it leads to nothing. Instead, go ahead and examine the second one beat, the TrapDoor, and enter the next room. Once inside, open the chest to get a Light Sword. Don't bother equipping it on Cecil, since it's worse than the Defense Sword. After obtaining the Light Sword, exit this room, then head west and examine the next door you come across, beat the TrapDoor that attacks you, then enter the next room. In this room, open the three chests to get a Ninja Star, an Elixir, and 5000G. After opening the chests, exit this room. Then, back in the previously visited room, go west as far as you can, then examine the very last door you come to and also examine the one right before that one, as that room contains a Save Point. Aside from those two doors, the other ones lead to nothing. Beat the TrapDoor on the door before the last door, and then enter the room and rest/save there. Then, exit it and then examine the door to the west of you, beat the TrapDoor, then enter the room. In this next new room, open the two chests to find a Long Katana and a Ninja Helmet. Give the Ninja Helmet to Edge, but don't bother giving him the Long Katana, since it's worse than the Ninja Katana. Now, exit this room. Back in the previous room, go southwest slightly and then all the way south of the last door in this room and you'll come across another door. Examine it, beat the TrapDoor, then continue onward to the next room. In this next room, open the chest to get an Ether1, then go west and south to the next room. In this room, open the two nearby chests to get a Life and a Cure2. After you get those items, exit this room via the southern exit, since the door in this room leads to nothing, so don't bother with it unless you want the experience. In this next new room of the cave, go around the high structure and then cross the bridge. Then, head east, past the rope, and you'll come to a chest which contains a Life item. After getting that, don't bother fighting the TrapDoor in this room, since it leads to nothing, but instead go down the rope you passed earlier, and you'll be in a new area. In this area, head east and fight the TrapDoor, then go into the next room. There, open the two chests to get an Ether2 and a Cure3. After opening the chests, exit this room, then head southwest and northwest in the previous room and go down the stairs you come across, into the next room. In here, rest/save your game, then continue south out of this room. In this next room, get to the south end of the room, then when you're there, go north, then slightly west and down the stairs to the next room of the cave. Here, go around the structure and then cross the bridge. Beat the TrapDoor you come to, then go back and rest/save at the Save Point. Then, make your way back to where the TrapDoor you just defeated was, then go into the crystal room. In there, go north and grab the Dark Crystal, then exit this room. Back in the previous room, head south and as you try to cross the bridge, the wall will start to come towards you, threatening to crush your group. You'll then enter combat against EvilWall, so check the Bosses section of this FAQ to see how to defeat it. After you defeat EvilWall, remove Kain of all his equipment, then go back to the entrance of this cave. When you reach the entrance, Golbez will mind control Kain again, as Kain punches Cecil and Cecil drops the Dark Crystal. After the dialogue is over and you regain control, exit the Sealed Cave. World Map --------- Board the Falcon and land it by the Castle of Dwarves. Then, enter it. Castle of Dwarves ----------------- Back in the Castle of Dwarves, go back to the throne room. There, head north a bit and some dialouge will occur, as King Giott tells you to go to Mysidia, since the elder of Mysidia is obviously praying for the Big Whale to come. Your group will wonder how they are going to get back to the Upper World, since the only way up there is sealed because of Cid. Cid then volunteers to put a drill on the Falcon, which will get you back to the Upper World. You'll then a cutscene with Cid and his crew putting a drill on the Falcon. After the drill is attached to the Falcon, Cid will be back in the bed resting and he also tells you that he can't be of much help anymore. And with that, exit the Castle of Dwarves. World Map --------- Back on the World Map, board the Falcon and fly to the northeast corner of the area. Once there, fly directly above the hole and then press A; you'll drill a hole through the mountain Cid sealed up, then you'll be back in the Upper World. Now we can complete Yang's side quest, so head back to Fabul and then enter it. Fabul ----- Back in Fabul, head over to the Left Tower and head to the very top floor in it, where you'll meet Yang's wife. Talk to her and she'll give you the Frying Pan item, which you'll need to wake Yang up. After getting the Frying Pan, go ahead and exit Fabul. World Map --------- Board the Falcon and fly back to the Underworld. Once there, fly back to the Sylvan Cave, land the Falcon there, and enter it again. Sylvan Cave ----------- Back in this boring and repetitive cave, head back to the house where Yang is. Once there, press A in front of Yang and you'll be given the option of which item to use on him. Use the Frying Pan on him and he'll wake up, as some dialogue occurs. Yang wants to come with your group and fight with your group, but the Sylphs who have been keeping Yang will not allow him to go, and thus he stays locked up in this house in the boring Sylvan Cave. We went through all this trouble and Yang won't even join us! Oh well, after the dialogue, Rydia will learn the Call spell Sylph. After she learns it and you regain control, go upstairs in this room and then in the next room, simply head north into the rectangle platform to be teleported out of the cave. World Map --------- Board the Falcon, fly back to the Upper World, then fly back to Fabul yet again. Fabul ----- Back in Fabul, go and visit Yang's wife again. Give her the Frying Pan and she'll give you the Spoon item, which is the most powerful Dart item in this game. When used, it will damage the selected target 9999 damage no matter what. Though you can only get one Spoon item and this is obviously the only one in the game, so I STRONGLY suggest you save it for the final battle in the game. After getting the Spoon, exit Fabul. World Map --------- Now, board the Falcon and fly back to the continent with the Tower of Bab-il and Eblan Castle southwest of Baron. Once there, land the Falcon and get on the Enterprise. Then, pick up the Hovercraft which should be by the entrance of Cave Eblana. After picking up the Hovercraft, fly south of Baron and land on the island with Silvera. After landing both the Enterprise and the Hovercraft, ride the shallows to the cave there, then land the Hovercraft and enter the cave. Adamant Grotto -------------- Once here, head north up the stairs and talk to the small guy in the blue shirt. He will give ask for a Rat Tail, so give it to him and he'll give you the Adamant ore. After that, exit this place. World Map --------- Back on the World Map yet again, board the Enterprise and fly back to the continent with the Tower of Bab-il (don't bother picking up the Hovercraft), as that's where the Falcon should be. Once on that continent, board the Falcon and head back to the Underworld. Once there, fly directly south of where you entered the Underworld and you'll find a continent with a town. Land there and enter the town, known as Kokkol, the Smith's. Kokkol, the Smith's ------------------- Once here, head north into the house. In the house, head up the stairs to the next room. In this room, head west and talk to the guy sleeping in bed. He'll tell you that he's not going to make another sword, since he can't even find the Adamant ore. You'll then be given the choice of which item to show him, so show him the Adamant ore, then he'll get out of bed after taking your Legend sword to make another sword out of it. Now, exit this room. As soon as you exit the room, don't step off the stairs. Instead, head east through the secret passage in the wall and open the chest for 1000G. After getting that, exit this place, since you can't get the sword the guy is making just yet. World Map --------- Board the Falcon, fly back to the Upper World, then fly back to Mysidia. Land the Falcon by it, then enter it. Mysidia ------- When you arrive in Mysidia, head north a bit and the elder will tell you to come to the Tower of Wishes. Once inside the tower, the Mysidian legend will be displayed onscreen, then shortly after that, the Big Whale will come out of the water outside of Mysidia. Once the dialogue is over and you regain control of Cecil, reenter Mysidia, since you were automatically taken out. Back in Mysidia, sell off any old equipment you don't need, though don't sell anything you can Dart. After selling off your old equipment, exit town. World Map --------- Back on the World Map yet again, save your game and board the Falcon, as there is another side quest we can do on the Upper World. After boarding the Falcon, fly to Baron, then land your Falcon there, then enter Baron Castle. Baron ----- Once you arrive in Baron, head to the Right Tower. Once there, go down the stairs to the left and you'll reach the basement. Once there, head east and down the stairs to the next room. In this room, go southeast and King Baron (the real one) will appear, then he'll tell you that he must test you before Rydia can summon him at her will. You'll then fight Odin, so read the Bosses section to see how to defeat him. After Odin is defeated, Rydia will learn the Call spell Odin, as Odin disappears. Now, exit Baron Castle. World Map --------- Board the Falcon once more, then fly to the Underworld. Once there, head back to Kokkol, the Smith's and talk to the guy and he'll give you the Excalbur sword, which is a VERY powerful weapon for Cecil, and it can be cloned and Darted for massive damage, so from now on, be sure you have a hefty supply of Excalbur swords cloned, so that you can Dart them in boss battles. Now, exit Kokkol, the Smith's. Now, fly over to Mysidia, land the Falcon and get on the Big Whale. Once you are inside the Big Whale, there are some things you should know. First off, the crystal will take you either to earth or to the moon. Secondly, there is a Fat Chocobo in here, which you can store your items with. Finally, there are some beds here in the area with the Fat Chocobo, in which you can rest to fully recover your HP/MP. Anyway, examine the crystal and you'll arrive on the moon. Moon ---- On the moon, fly around until you spot a blue mountain. Once you spot it, land on the mountain behind the blue building. Then, get out of the Big Whale and once you are out if it, head west and go down the ramp, then rest/save and enter the cave, known as Lunar Path. Lunar Path ---------- Once here, go east and northeast toward a chest containing some monsters. Beat them to get an Elixir. After getting that, go west and northeast, past the stairs leading out of the path and you'll come across two chests, so open them to get a Cure2 and a Heal. Now, head west and north, up the stairs you ignored and you'll exit this place. Moon ---- Back on the moon, head east and all the way southeast and you'll come across another cave. Rest/save by the cave, then enter it. Lunar Path ---------- In this second Lunar Path, simply head west and all the way south, where you will find the exit. Moon ---- Go west and north and enter the cave there known as Lunar's Lair, but save your game before you enter there. Lunar's Lair ------------ Once inside here, a person is waiting for you. First off, though, head west and north and examine the floor tile when you are just one step back from the silver square on the ground, and you'll fight some monsters, namely two RedGiant enemies. Defeat them and you get nothing, go figure. Now, step on the nearby silver square to recover your HP, as well as cure all status aliments. Now, head east and north from the entrance of this place and step on the silver square there to recover your MP. Now, go north of the entrance to this place and a voice will call to you, then some dialogue will commence between FuSoYa and your group. I won't spoil the dialogue here. After it's over, FuSoYa will join your group. After he does, leave this place. Moon ---- Back on the moon, backtrack through both Lunar Path's and then when you reach the Big Whale again, board it. Once you are on the Big Whale, examine the console north of the crystal and you'll be able to fly the Big Whale. On the Big Whale, fly to the northwest and you should see a circle-shaped mountain surrounding a cave. Land the Big Whale on that circular mountain, then rest/ save your game and enter the cave there, known as Cave Bahamut. Cave Bahamut ------------ When you arrive here, go south, ignoring the split to the east for a moment. You'll come to a chest containing a Samurai Gauntlet for Cecil, so give it to him immediately as his new gauntlet. Now, go to the east split I told you to ignore earlier, then go through the secret passage in the wall there and follow it to a chest containing a Samurai Shield for Cecil. Give it to him, then follow the path back out of the secret passage. Now, go southeast and south and go up the stairs to the next room. In this room, head west and north at the split, and you'll eventually come across a chest, which you should open, as it contains the Samurai Armor for Cecil, so give it to him immediately. After that, go southeast and open the chest for a Samurai Helmet, which you should equip on Cecil right away as his new helmet. Now, if you haven't cloned any Excalbur's yet, do so now, since you will have to fight three Behemoth enemies in here, all of which are very tough. After you've cloned some Excalburs, head west and then north at the split and you will fight your first Behemoth. To win, have Cecil attack, Edge Dart Excalburs, have Rosa use White if she knows it, and also have her heal the group. Have Rydia use Nuke if she knows it. If not, have her use Fire3. Have FuSoYa use Nuke, Meteo, or White. After killing the Behemoth, head north into the room. In this room, head south and you'll fight another Behemoth. Beat it the same way as before, then follow the path southwest and north, then you will encounter a guy who looks similar to Edward (you'll have to fight the third and final Behemoth along the way). Talk to him and he'll ask to test your strength, so accept his challenge and you'll enter combat against Bahamut. As usual, check the Bosses section of this FAQ to see how to win. After defeating Bahamut, Rydia will learn the Call spell Baham! Now, use Exit to exit this cave. Moon ---- Board the Big Whale and once inside, examine the crystal and you'll arrive back on earth near the Tower of Bab-il. World Map --------- A very long piece of dialogue will commence, as Edward, Yang, Palom, Porom, Cid, and the dwarves are in tanks/airships shooting at the Giant of Bab-il that emerges from the Tower of Bab-il. Cid will fly your group into the Giant of Bab-il, which is your next destination. Giant of Bab-il --------------- Once you are inside the Giant of Bab-il, you should know that you CANNOT exit it like you could the Tower of Zot. From the start, head north and go around the gap in the floor then step on the gray tile to be transported to the neck of the giant. In the neck, simply head south and step on the gray tile to reach the chest of this giant. Once in the chest, go southwest and open the chest for a Shuriken. Now, follow the path till you come across a chest. Open it to get a Cure2. After that, go down the nearby set of stairs, then go east and north to a chest containing an Ether1. Now, head northwest and south down the stairs and open the chest you come across to get a Cabin. Now, go to the northeast corner of this room to find another chest; open it to get 10 Samurai Arrows. Now, go southwest and north up the stairs and step on the gray tile to be transported to the stomach of the giant. Once inside the stomach, head north and open the chest for a Life. Now, go back south, but don't step on the gray tile. Instead, head east and you'll see two sets of stairs; the rightmost one to a chest containing another Life. Now, head southwest and go up the stairs I told you to ignore earlier. Then, follow the path until you come across another gray tile. Step on it to be transported to the passage of the giant. In the passage, head southeast and go up the stairs and open the chest you encounter and you'll fight some monsters. Beat them, and you'll get an Elixir. After getting that, head southeast and north and go up the stairs you come across, then go west to a Save Point. Rest/save there, then go east and north and step on the gray tile you come to and you'll be transported to the lung of the giant. Inside the lung, head north a bit and the Four Fiends will come back to life and attack you. Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat them one last time. When you beat them, go back to the Save Point in the previous room and rest/save there, then go back to the lung. Back in the lung, head all the way north and step on the gray tile you come across to be transported to the CPU of the giant. Once you are in the CPU, go up the stairs and then your group will encounter combat against the CPU of this giant. Like always, check the Bosses section to see how to win this fight. After winning, Golbez enters the room and FuSoYa uses some spells and causes Golbez to come back to his senses (after FuSoYa uses the spells, he falls over). After Golbez comes back to his senses, some dialogue will take place, then Golbez and FuSoYa go to stop Zemus, who was the one controlling Golbez. Kain then enters the room, since he is no longer mind controlled, and he leads your group to safety. Eventually, after the destruction of the Giant of Bab-il, you'll be on the Big Whale. When you are on the Big Whale, your group will talk, as usual. Cecil tells Rydia and Rosa to get off the Big Whale then as Edge, Cecil, and Kain go to the moon, Rosa and Rydia appear. After some talking, they rejoin your group, and you regain control on the moon. Moon ---- Fly to the south of the blue building, and land the Big Whale on the circular area of blue mountains surrounding a cave. Then, simply walk into the cave, which is known as Cave of Humingway. Cave of Humingway ----------------- I brought you here because I suggest you buy some items. There are Namingways here. Tons of them. One of them will let you change your party members' names, and another one will let you buy items. The one that lets you buy items sells Ether1s, Ether2s, and Elixirs! It'll cost a ton of money to buy them, though, but I definitely suggest you buy at least a few Elixirs. When you're ready to leave this place, do so. Moon ---- Now, land on the mountain behind the blue building. Go through the two Lunar Paths, then when you reach the cave leading to Lunar's Lair, enter it, but rest/save before you do. Lunar's Lair ------------ Once inside here, go north behind where FuSoYa greeted you when you first entered this place, then you'll be in the crystal room. In there, step on the gray tile in the middle of the room and you'll be transported to Lunar Subterrane, the final dungeon of the game. Lunar Subterrane ---------------- NOTE: Enemies in here (some of them at least) drop Artemis Arrows, which are the best arrows in this game. If you have anyone using a bow and arrow, give the Artemis Arrows to that person. When you arrive here, head northeast and go through the secret passage in the wall. After emerging from the secret passage, follow the long path northwest and southeast to a chest with monsters inside. Beat them to get a Ninja Robe for Edge. Equip that on him, then head back to where you first started this place. From there, head northwest and go through the secret passage in the wall. After emerging from the secret passage, head south to a teleporter. Step on it when you find it to be transported to the next room. In this room, go east and north and open the chest to fight some monsters. After beating them, you'll get the Life Staff for Rosa, so give it to her if you didn't manage to get your hands on the Silence Staff, the best Staff in the game, in the Land of Monsters. After equipping that on Rosa, go west and south of the chest and step on the teleporter to reach the next room. In this next room, head to the south side of the room, then you'll see a door, so go through it, into the next room. Once here, go southeast and northwest, then examine the floating sword there and you'll initiate a battle with Pale Dim, the first boss of this final dungeon. Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat it. Once you defeat Pale Dim, you'll receive the Murasame Katana, which you should equip on Edge right now. After equipping it, clone him another one as soon as possible and give the cloned one to him as well. Now, exit this room, then backtrack to where you started at in this final dungeon. Once there, get to the south side of the room and go through the door into the next room. In here, go southeast and go into the secret passage in the wall. Follow it northwest, ignoring the split to the north for now, and you'll come to a chest containing a Flame Whip. Give this whip to Rydia as her new weapon, then go to the north split I told you to ignore earlier and follow it north, then west. After you emerge from the secret passage in the wall, go west and go through the secret passage in the wall. Then, continue west and open the chest you come across to get a Dragoon Shield for Kain. Give that to him, then clone one for Cecil as soon as you can, then give Cecil the cloned one. Now, go back east and north and go through the door to the next area. In this area, go south and go past the door leading to the next room, then go southeast of that door and you should see a secret passage in the east wall. Follow that secret passage to a chest containing a Dragoon Helmet. Give it to Kain as his new helmet, then follow the next secret passage to the east of you, where you'll find a chest containing a Dragoon Armor. Give this to Kain as his new armor, then go southwest and open the chest you come across to get a Dragoon Gauntlet. Give that to Kain, then backtrack to the door leading to the next area I told you to ignore earlier, then go through it, into the next room. In here, head all the way east to a chest containing 10 Artemis Arrows. After getting that, go back west then south down the stairs. Now, head west and go through the door you come across, into the next room. In this room, simply open the chest to get an Elixir, then leave this room. Back in the previous room, head all the way east and go down the stairs you come across, then head west and go through the door into the next room. In this room, get to the northeast corner of the room and once there, open the chest you find to get a Cure3. Now, head all the way west, then south and open the chest you come to to get another Cure3. After that, head through the door (it's a small hole in the black) to the east of you to enter the next room. Once here, open the nearby chest and you'll enter combat against a Behemoth. Beat it to get the Stardust Rod. Don't bother equipping this on Rydia. Instead, go east and south down the stairs into the next room of this place. In this next new room, go south and down the stairs, then go west, ignoring the door for now, and open the chest you come across to get a Crystal Shield. Give this to Cecil, then go east through the door I told you to ignore earlier. In this new room, go northeast and go through the secret passage you come to in the wall and then open the chest to get a Protect Ring. Give it to Rosa, then follow the secret passage in the wall to the east of you, then when you emerge from it, go south into the next room. Here, head east and open the chest you come across and you'll fight another Behemoth. Kill it and you'll be rewarded with the Crystal Armor, which you should equip on Cecil as his new armor immediately. After doing that, exit this room, then in the previous room, head north and go through the door into the next area. In this area, head east and north and open the chest and you will fight two Red D. enemies. Beat them to get a Crystal Gauntlet. Equip that on Cecil, then head west and go through the door you come across. In this next room, head northwest and south and open the chest to get a White Robe. Give this to Rosa as her new armor, then go north through the door into the next room. In this new room, go west and north and open the chest you come across to get a Crystal Helmet. Equip that on him, then head southeast until you come across a door. When you do, enter it. In here, open the chest to get a Cabin. Now, there is something you should know about this room, because it is no ordinary room. This room houses the legendary Pink Puff enemies, which are the key enemies to getting the Pink Tail, which you can give to the small guy in Adamant Grotto for the Adamant armor, the ultimate armor in the game, which all characters can equip. Now, there's a 1/64 chance of a Pink Puff actually appearing, and there's a 1/64 chance that that Pink Puff will drop the Pink Tail. In other words, it's a VERY rare item, but it is a good one, as the armor it makes makes the party member you give it to nearly invincible. And it gets even better; you can find an unlimited amount of Pink Tails, although that's a very rare chance, and I doubt you'll even have the patience to find even one. If you are using an emulator, you can use Save States when you encounter a Pink Puff and keep loading state until you get the Pink Tail. This is obviously not a legit way, but you might want to do it. Anyway, if you do get the Pink Tail, go back to the Adamant Grotto in the Upper World and talk to the small guy in the blue shirt. Give him the Pink Tail and he'll make you the Adamant armor, which is the best armor in the game. Anyway, after opening the chest in the Pink Puff room, exit it. Back in the previous room, head down the nearby set of stairs into the next room. In this room, head south and down the stairs, then open the two chests on each side to get 10 Artemis Arrows, as well as a Ninja Star. After you get those two items, go northwest of the chest you just opened and you should come to an invisible path. Follow it west, then go northeast and enter the secret passage in the black and follow that secret passage to the next room. In this room, open the chest to get a Life, then head all the way east and you'll eventually come across a teleporter. When you do, step on it to be taken to the next room. Once here, go all the way north and step on the teleporter you come across to be taken to yet another new room. In this next room, head all the way north and open the chest you come across to get another Protect Ring. Give this one to Rydia, as she is in desperate need of defense at this point. After you give it to her, continue north and step on the next teleporter you come to to reach the next room. Here, rest/save at the Save Point, then head south and exit this room. In this next room, examine the nearby floating weapon you couldn't reach earlier, and you'll enter combat against Wyvern, the next boss of this game, obviously. Check the Bosses section of this FAQ to see how to defeat Wyvern. After winning, you get the Crystal Sword for Cecil. Unfortunately, you can't clone this sword like you can Excalburs, and the Crystal is stronger than the Excalbur, meaning it would make a great Dart weapon if you could clone it, but unfortunately you can't. Give this to Cecil immediately as his new weapon, then exit this room. Now, backtrack to the room where you walked across the invisible path. Once there, go down the rightmost set of stairs this time around, then simply follow the path to the next room. When you reach the next room, head northwest and north to a chest containing a Heroine Robe. Give this to Rydia, then go southeast and north into the next room. In this room, head southeast and enter the first door you come to and rest/save at the Save Point in the room you come to. After that, exit the room and then in the previous room, head east a bit more and go through the next door you come across. Before examining the sword, though, it is advised that you kill off one of your party members (I killed off Kain). So do that, then examine the sword and you'll enter combat against Plague, the next boss of this game. After defeating Plague, you'll get the White Spear for Kain, which is his best spear, obviously, so give it to him, then go back and rest/save at the Save Point in the room to the left. After doing that, head even further east, past the second door in this room and you'll come to yet another door, so enter it. In this small room, head north a bit and a battle will initiate between your group and two D. Lunars. Check the Bosses section of the FAQ for a strategy on winning this fight. After you win, open the two chests in the room and you get two Ribbon Helmets, which you should give to Rydia and Rosa right away. After equipping Rydia and Rosa, go back and rest/save at the Save Point, then exit that room. Then, after exiting, go all the way east back to the third door (the door that had the two D. Lunars in it). When you reach the third door, go east, past it, then go all the way north, then west and south down the stairs you come across. After that, head west and enter the nearby door to arrive in the next room. Once here, go east, then all the way southwest, then when you see a chest, go north and open it to get a Ninja Star. Afterward, head to the southeast corner of the room, where you'll find another floating sword. Examine it to start a fight Ogopogo, the semifinal boss of this game. Read the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to defeat Ogopogo. After you defeated Ogopogo, you'll receive the Masamune Katana, which you should give to Edge immediately. After giving that to him, clone him another one as soon as possible, then give him the cloned one, too. After Edge is equipped with both Masamune Katanas, go west and north and you should see some stairs; go down them. In this room, simply make your way to the southeast corner of the room, where you'll find a teleporter leading to the next room (be sure that you open the chests along the way to the next room to get an Elixir and a Whistle). When you reach the next room, make your way to the southeast corner of the room, where you'll find another teleporter leading you to the semifinal room of Lunar Subterrane, but be sure to open the chests along the way to the teleporter to get two Ninja Stars. In the semifinal room, make your way to the southwest corner of the room, rather than the southeast corner. Then, step on the gray teleporter to be transported to the final room of Lunar Subterrane, where Zemus, Golbez, and FuSoYa fight. When you reach the final room, head north a bit and a cutscene will commence, as Golbez and FuSoYa attack Zemus with everything they've got. Their attacks are useless, and they eventually use Meteo, which they think kills Zemus. Afterward, your group comes in and some dialogue commences. Zemus's physical form may have died, but his spirit lives on, as death only increased Zemus's hatred. Zemus becomes Zeromus, and Golbez and FuSoYa attack him again, but this time, Meteo is useless. Golbez tries to use the Crystal item on Zeromus to get him to show his true form. It fails since Golbez is a man of darkness, then Zeromus finishes Golbez and FuSoYa off with a Meteo of his own. After that, the scene will switch to the Tower of Wishes, where you'll see the elder of Mysidia, as well as the other party members and friends you met throughout the game pray for Cecil's safety. Eventually, the scene will switch to your group in a battle screen with Zeromus, where Cecil and your group gets recovered fully and ready to fight. When you regain control finally, have Cecil use the Crystal item he took from Golbez on Zeromus. This will cause Zeromus's true form to present itself, so consult the Bosses section one last time for this final battle in the game. After you beat Zeromus, watch the ending of the game, since I don't have any intentions to spoil it for you. After you watch the ending, Final Fantasy II has been completed! |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 8. Bosses | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | D.Mist | | HP: 465 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: N/A | | Experience Points: 700 | | Gold: 140G | | Location: Misty Cave | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: This fight is so very easy. D.Mist's attacks will do very little harm to your group. Have Cecil attack and Kain use Jump. Keep this pattern up and eventually D.Mist will change forms into a cloud of mist. During this time, don't attack it at all, otherwise you'll be hit with a counterattack, namely ColdMist, which damages your entire party for 30 damage or more. Just wait until D.Mist turns back into its dragon form. When it does, repeat the attack/Jump pattern and wait it out if he turns back into mist. You'll win this one with little effort. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Officer/Soldier/Soldier | | HP: (Officer) 221 | | HP: (Soldier) 27 (each) | | Strengths: (Officer) N/A | | Strengths: (Soldier) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Officer) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Soldier) N/A | | Experience Points: (Officer) 400, (Soldier) 160 (each)| | Money: 135G | | Location: Kaipo | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: This fight is extremely easy. There are two ways to win this fight. The first way is to attack and kill all three Soldiers, causing the Officer to run away in panic. This is the easiest method, but it does not give you as much experience points, which isn't good. The second way to win is to kill two Soldiers off, then go for the Officer until he is defeated, then finish the last Solider off after the Officer's defeat. This method gives you the most experience points, as well as gold out of the battle, so this is the method I recommend using. Overall though, this fight is definitely an easy one. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Octomamm | | HP: 2350 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: Darkness, Lightning | | Experience Points: 1200 | | Gold: 500G | | Location: Lake | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: The fight against Octomamm isn't tough, though it will last a long time because of the high amount of HP Octomamm has. As you damage Octomamm throughout the battle, its tentacles begin to disappear one by one, until eventually he has one left, which means he's very close to being dead. Have Cecil attack, Rydia use Call to call Chocobo, and have Tellah use Lit-1 on Octomamm to damage him a decent amount of damage every round. Keep doing this while keeping your HP up and you'll win. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Antlion | | HP: 1000 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: N/A | | Experience Points: 1500 | | Gold: 800G | | Location: Antlion Cave | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: The fight against Antlion is the toughest boss in the game thus far. Nevertheless, it's still not too terribly difficult to defeat, but I want you to exercise caution. Anyway, each time you attack Antlion, it'll counterattack with an attack called Counter, which does a decent amount of damage to a party member. This is especially bad if Edward or Rydia gets hit by it, since they are both very weak in Defense. Anyway, the strategy to defeating Antlion is quite simple. Have Cecil use physical attacks, Rydia Call Chocobo, and Edward attack. Keep this up and watch your HP and heal it when necessary, and you'll win. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Bomb/GrayBomb/MomBomb | | HP: (Bomb) 50 (each) | | HP: (GrayBomb) 100 (each) | | HP: (MomBomb) 1080 | | Strengths: (Bomb) N/A | | Strengths: (GrayBomb) N/A | | Strengths: (MomBomb) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Bomb) N/A | | Weaknesses: (GrayBomb) N/A | | Weaknesses: (MomBomb) N/A | | Experience Points: (Bomb) 370 (each), (GrayBomb) 450 | | (each), (MomBomb) 0 | | Money: 555G | | Location: Mt. Hobs | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: This fight is actually a bit tough, so be careful in this fight. The fight starts off with you fighting what looks to be a regular Bomb enemy. You have to damage this Bomb lookalike a total of 1080 HP in order to get the second form of MomBomb to appear. Have Cecil attack, Rydia Call Chocobo, Rosa attack (if she has arrows, which I did not advise in the walkthrough, have her use the Aim command), Edward attack, and Yang attack. Keep doing this until you take off 1080 HP from MomBomb. Be sure to keep your HP high throughout this battle, as this guy's attacks HURT. After taking off 1080 HP, MomBomb will transform into a huge bomb creature (though in truth this creature does not at all resemble a Bomb enemy). Have Cecil attack, Rydia Call Chocobo, Rosa attack and heal the group when necessary, have Edward attack, and have Yang attack. Keep your HP up as usual, and you'll prevail through this second form. Eventually, though, MomBomb will explode and cause some great damage to your group, so I hope you are at full health when that happens, otherwise you might die. If you die, use a Life item or have Rosa use Life1 if she is alive. When you get to the third and final form of MomBomb, you'll face off against three Bombs and three GrayBombs. Use physical attacks to beat them, but keep your HP high throughout the fight since they use Explode. After you've beaten the third form, you've beaten MomBomb. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Fighter/Fighter/General | | HP: (Fighter) 65 (each) | | HP: (General) 320 | | Strengths: (Fighter) N/A | | Strengths: (General) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Fighter) N/A | | Weaknesses: (General) N/A | | Experience Points: (Fighter) 410 (each), (General) 608| | Money: 355G | | Location: Fabul | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: This fight is the same fight as the one you had in Kaipo in the very beginning of the game, only it's harder. The same strategy is used for this battle as well. Either you can kill off both Fighters, then the General will run away, or you can kill one Fighter, kill the General, then kill the last Fighter. This method gives you more gold and experience points, and it is the method I suggest using. Use whichever method you prefer, though. Have Cecil attack, Edward attack, and Yang attack. If your HP gets too low, then heal up with a Cure1 and continue the assault. This fight isn't too hard, to be honest. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Ghast/Ghast/Ghast/Ghast/Milon | | HP: (Ghast) 170 (each) | | HP: (Milon) 3100 | | Strengths: (Ghast) N/A | | Strengths: (Milon) Lightning | | Weaknesses: (Ghast) Fire, Sacred Power | | Weaknesses: (Milon) Fire | | Experience Points: (Ghast) N/A (each), (Milon) 3800 | | Money: 3280G | | Location: Mt. Ordeals | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: The fight against Milon and his four monster friends, namely Ghasts, is quite easy, to be honest. Have Palom and Porom use Twin to get rid of all of the Ghasts, or have Palom use Fire2 on all the Ghasts and on Milon (either way works fine). Once the Ghasts are taken care of, it's time to focus all your attacks on Milon himself. Take out Milon by having Tellah use Fire1, Palom use Fire2, Porom cure the group with Cure1 or Cure2 when necessary, and have Cecil attack. Also, Twin works good on Milon, if you don't want to use Fire2. Keep this attack pattern up while keeping your HP up, and you'll defeat Milon in no time. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Milon Z. | | HP: 3000 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: Arrows, Fire, Sacred Power | | Experience Points: 4000 | | Gold: 3000G | | Location: Mt. Ordeals | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: Milon Z. is not hard, either. Have Cecil attack, Tellah use Cure2 on Milon Z. to cause damage to him (since he is undead, Cure2 will hurt him, rather than heal him), have Porom use Cure 2 on Milon Z to damage him, and have Palom use Fire2. Twin is not as useful in this fight as it was in the last fight, since Fire2 outdamages Flare and doesn't have to have both twins alive to be used. If your HP gets too low (Palom and Porom's HP could get low before you know it), heal them up as soon as possible. Now, Milon's attacks are rather nasty, though thankfully all he does is either poison one of your party members, or he will attack one of them with a strong physical attack. The strong physical attack can easily cause Palom and Porom's HP to get low, since they are so weak on Defense it isn't funny, so watch their HP, as well as Cecil and Tellah's HP throughout this fight to ensure you don't die. The poison attack isn't really that big of a deal; just use a Heal item or a Heal spell to counter its effects. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Baigan/Left Arm/Right Arm | | HP: (Baigan) 3500 | | HP: (Left Arm) 350 | | HP: (Right Arm) 350 | | Strengths: (Baigan) N/A | | Strengths: (Left Arm) N/A | | Strengths: (Right Arm) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Baigan) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Left Arm) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Right Arm) N/A | | Experience Points: (Baigan) 4800, (Left Arm) 10, | | (Right Arm) 10 | | Money: 3000G | | Location: Baron | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: The fight against Baigan can easy or hard, depending on how you play it out, though in truth it's usually quite frustrating more than it is hard, because Baigan's arms use some very annoying attacks on you that can easily take you out if you don't watch your HP. Starting off, have Cecil attack Baigan's body, have Yang attack Baigan's body as well, have Palom and Porom use Twin, and have Tellah use Lit-3, Fire3, or Ice-3 on Baigan's body to cause massive damage. When you hit Baigan with Lit-3, Fire3, or Ice-3, he'll put up a barrier on himself; in other words, he has Wall on himself after that. This means that you can't hit Baigan with another magic attack like you just did with Tellah, and he can even reflect Twin off himself and cause it to hit you instead, so Twin is useless after Baigan uses Wall as well. After he casts Wall on himself, have Cecil attack his body, while you have Yang do the same. Repeat this battle tactic and use a spell every now and then (though make sure it's a weak one, just incase it bounces off Baigan and kills you instead) to see if Baigan's Wall has wore off. If it has, use another powerful spell from Tellah to cause massive damage on Baigan. Just watch your HP throughout this fight, and do as I said and you should prevail. Also, if Tellah's MP gets too low, use an Ether1 to build it back up. After Baigan's body has been killed off, kill off the Left Arm and the Right Arm and you'll win. His arms don't use Wall on themselves, so they are easy to kill. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Kainazzo | | HP: 4000 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: Ice, Lightning | | Experience Points: 5500 | | Gold: 4000G | | Location: Baron | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: Kainazzo is the easiest of the Four Fiends of Elements, in my opinion. Kainazzo has two poses: one is when he's out of his shell (how he looks when you first enter combat against him), and the other is when Kainazzo has water surrounding him. In his first pose, Kainazzo is weak to Ice, and in his second pose, he's weak against Lightning. First off, wait until he starts gathering the water, then when he does, have Tellah use Lit-3, Palom use Lit-2, Yang attack, Porom heal when needed, and Cecil attack. When Kainazzo isn't in his water state, have Palom use Ice-2, while Tellah uses Ice-3. Repeat this while healing when necessary, and you'll win. Note that when Kainazzo is hiding inside his shell, he'll use Remedy to heal himself up 400 HP each time he does it, so have Tellah use Lit-3 and Palom use Lit-2 when he's hiding inside his shell and you should kill him if you didn't kill him long before he hides inside his shell. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Dark Elf/Dark D. | | HP: (Dark Elf) 22000 | | HP: (Dark D.) 3000 | | Strengths: (Dark Elf) N/A | | Strengths: (Dark D.) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Dark Elf) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Dark D.) Sacred Power | | Experience Points: (Dark Elf) N/A, (Dark D.) 5000 | | Money: 5000G | | Location: Cave Magnes | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: The fight against Dark Elf and Dark Dragon really isn't that hard. For the first part of the battle, you'll face off against Dark Elf, obviously. First of all, note that you don't have to take off 22000 HP before you can move onto to the Dark Dragon. Anyway, for the strategy against Dark Elf, have Cecil attack, Yang attack, Tellah use Fire3, and Cid attack. Repeat this while healing when necessary until Dark Elf transform into Dark Dragon. When he does, have Tellah use Weak on Dark Dragon; this will take off almost all of his HP. In fact, it takes off so much HP from Dark Dragon that all you have to do after that is hit him one time and it's over, so do that and you will win. The only attack you need to be aware of is the D.Breath attack, which can take off several hundred HP from all your party members in a single shot, so definitely watch out for that and quickly recover your HP with Tellah after that attack. Also note that Weak doesn't always work, so keep using it until it does. Also, the most deadly attack Dark Elf (not Dark Dragon) has to offer is Weak, so quickly recover from that if it happens to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Cindy/Mindy/Sandy | | HP: (Cindy) 4300 | | HP: (Mindy) 2200 | | HP: (Sandy) 2500 | | Strengths: (Cindy) N/A | | Strengths: (Mindy) N/A | | Strengths: (Sandy) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Cindy) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Mindy) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Sandy) N/A | | Experience Points: (Cindy) 5000, (Mindy) 5000, | | (Sandy) 5000 | | Money: 9000G | | Location: Tower of Zot | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: At the start of the battle, the leftmost sister will csat Wall on Cindy, the fat sister in the middle. Then one of your party members will be with either Fire2, Ice-2, or Lit-2, but it doesn't do much damage, so don't worry too much. Anyway, your main target in the beginning of the fight is Cindy, so go for her. Have Cecil, Yang, and Cid use physical attacks on her since that's all they can do, and have Tellah cure the group when needed. After Cindy dies, you can focus your attacks on either sister. Have Cecil, Yang, and Cid use physical attacks on each of the remaining sisters, while Tellah uses Fire3, Ice-3, or Lit-3 on the two remaining sisters, and you will win this fight. If a party members gets charmed (confused) or has Berserk inflicted on them, use a Heal to quickly recover from the effects. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Valvalis | | HP: 6000 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: N/A | | Experience Points: 9500 | | Gold: 5500G | | Location: Tower of Zot | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: Valvalis is easily the toughest boss you've faced thus far in this game. Unlike the last two fiends, she is no pushover! At the start of the battle, Valvalis will cause a tornado to surround her. When she is in her tornado state, you can harm her, but not that much at all, so you'll need to get her out of this state if you wish to inflict any heavy damage. How, you ask? Simple. Have Kain use Jump and when he comes down, she'll be out of her tornado state, thus you will be able to inflict some decent damage on her. When she is out of her tornado state, have Cecil attack, Yang attack, Cid attack, Kain attack, and Rosa just cure the group when they need it. Each time Valvalis wraps herself inside of a tornado, she will use Weak on a party member, then use Ray on a party member (she doesn't always use Ray on the party member she uses Weak on), which will eventually turn one of your party members to stone (if they become completely gray, that is) temporarily, thus making that party member unable to move. To counter this, use a Heal item or a Heal spell. Each time Valvalis is in her tornado state, have Kain use Jump to get her out of that state. Repeat this process while healing whoever gets low on HP, and you'll eventually win this battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Brena/Cal/Calbrena | | HP: (Brena) 300 (each) | | HP: (Cal) 1000 (each) | | HP: (Calbrena) 4600 | | Strengths: (Brena) N/A | | Strengths: (Cal) N/A | | Strengths: (Calbrena) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Brena) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Cal) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Calbrena) N/A | | Experience Points: (Brena) 1000 (each), (Cal) 1000 | | (each), (Calbrena) 19000 | | Money: 9500G | | Location: Castle of Dwarves | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: This fight is actually quite hard, though the first part of the fight is relatively easy. For the first part of the fight, you'll face off against six dolls (3 Brenas and 3 Cals). Have Cecil attack, have Yang attack, have Kain attack, and have Rosa attack since she has nothing better to do, but also have her cure the group if need be. Repeat this pattern until the dolls transform into Calbrena. Note that if you are a high enough level, say around 50-60, you CAN kill all of the dolls and end the fight and not have to fight Calbrena, though it's likely you're not THAT over-leveled. Anyway, when you face off against the giant doll Calbrena, you should have Cecil attack, have Yang attack, have Kain jump, and have Rosa cure the group at all times to keep the party's HP up. Repeat this battle tactic until you win this rather tough fight. Note that Calbrena will sometimes use Glance on a party member, which confuses a party member, so use a Heal to quickly recover from that. Calbrena can also go back to the six doll form if she runs out of power, then when she transforms back into Calbrena, you'll have to take off all her HP again. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Golbez | | HP: 22000 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: N/A | | Experience Points: 20000 | | Gold: 11000G | | Location: Castle of Dwarves | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: The first part of the fight is a story battle, so just lose. After everyone except Cecil is dead, Rydia will summon Mist Dragon and blow away Golbez's Shadow Dragon, then she'll use Heal on Cecil and he'll be able to move! This is when the real battle begins. Your first means of business should be to revive Kain, Rosa, and Yang (though if you had Kain use Jump when you had an opportunity, Kain should still be alive). After that, have Yang attack, Cecil attack, Rosa heal the group, Rydia use some strong spells such as Lit-2, Ice-2, or Fire2. Finally, have Kain use Jump. Repeat this while healing if necessary until Golbez is dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Balnab/Balnab-Z/Dr. Lugae | | HP: (Balnab) 3927 | | HP: (Balnab-Z) 4000 | | HP: (Dr. Lugae) 4416 | | Strengths: (Balnab) N/A | | Strengths: (Balnab-Z) N/A | | Strengths: (Dr. Lugae) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Balnab) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Balnab-Z) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Dr. Lugae) N/A | | Experience Points: (Balnab) N/A, (Balnab-Z) N/A, | | (Dr. Lugae) N/A | | Money: 0G | | Location: Tower of Bab-il | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: There are two wins you can win this fight. The easy method is just to go for Dr. Lugae and ignore Balnab. If you kill Dr. Lugae first, you won't have to fight Balnab-Z. The harder way to winning this is to kill Balnab, rather than Dr. Lugae. After you kill Balnab, Dr. Lugae will operate Balnab manually and become Balnab-Z. The strategy for Dr. Lugae, Balnab, and Balnab Z is simple. Have Cecil attack, Yang attack, Rydia summon Titan, Rosa heal the group when needed, and have Kain use Jump. Be sure to keep your HP high throughout the fight, though it's generally not needed, since this is a rather easy fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Dr. Lugae | | HP: 6600 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: N/A | | Experience Points: 15000 | | Gold: 4000G | | Location: Tower of Bab-il | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: This fight is actually easier than the first one. Dr. Lugae, at the start of the fight, will still be in his human form, but he quickly transforms into a skeleton and attacks you like that. Dr. Lugae uses Gas, which puts a party member to sleep, and he also uses Poison the moment he becomes a skeleton, which sets Poison on all your party members. Don't bother curing the poison. Anyway, the strategy for this fight is the exact same as was with the previous one, which is to have Cecil attack, Yang attack, Kain use Jump, Rydia summon Titan, and Rosa cure the group when needed since she has nothing better to do. The last attack Dr. Lugae does is Laser, which hits one party member for very minimal damage, so it's nothing to worry about. If you get put to sleep by Dr. Lugae, use a Heal item or a Heal spell (if Rosa isn't asleep, that is) on the party member that's asleep to wake him or her up. Overall, this is a relatively easy fight and should be won with little or no trouble. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Rubicant | | HP: 25000 | | Strengths: Fire | | Weaknesses: Ice, Water | | Experience Points: 25000 | | Gold: 7000G | | Location: Tower of Bab-il | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: Rubicant is easily the hardest of the Four Fiends of Elements, and the hardest fight you've had thus far in the game, that's for sure. Whenever Rubicant is hiding in his cloak, you cannot harm him with Ice or Water attacks, but you can harm him with physical attacks. Rubicant has Glare, an extremely powerful attack, which will likely kill one party member, or get them very very close to death. Rubicant's Fire2 attack isn't particularly powerful, so that's not too much to worry about. Anyway, the strategy for defeating Rubicant is quite simply, honestly. Have Cecil attack, Kain use Jump, Rydia use Ice-2 or Ice-3 if she's learnt it (she learns it at Level 38), or have Rydia summon Shiva. Have Edge attack, throw Shurikens, or use the Flood Ninja ability. Finally, have Rosa heal the group at all times. Don't use Ice spells or Edge's Flood against Rubicant when he is in his cloak, otherwise it will heal him, rather than hurt him, and you don't want that. Repeat this strategy while being sure to keep your HP up throughout the fight, since Glare hurts in the range of 1000-2000 on a party member, and you'll eventually win. Note that if Rubicant is not killed, but he gets very low on HP, he will say that he has lost and then he'll appear back on the battlefield and then he'll die. If you manage to take all 25000 HP off Rubicant, however, he will die without saying he has lost. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Asura | | HP: 23000 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: N/A | | Experience Points: 20000 | | Gold: 0G | | Location: Land of Summons | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: The fight against Queen Asura can be one of the most difficult boss fights in the game if you don't know how to go about it. There is a trick to beating Asura, however. Since Asura uses Cure3 or Cure4 on herself almost every round, it'll make it nearly impossible, unless you are Level 65+, to kill her. Have Rosa cast Wall on Asura. That way, when she tries to heal herself, the spell will bounce back off and heal you instead! After you cast Wall on Asura, that's when you can begin attacking her, so have Cecil attack, Kain use Jump, Rydia summon Titan, Edge attack or throw Shurikens, and Rosa cure the group at all times. Each time you hit Asura, she counterattacks with a physical attack, which does some fairly potent damage to a party member, so recover that party member's HP after that happens. Repeat this battle tactic until you win. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Leviatan | | HP: 35000 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: Lightning | | Experience Points: 28000 | | Gold: 0G | | Location: Land of Summons | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: Now this fight is quite difficult, to be honest. When Leviatan is facing your group, that means he's getting ready to do Big Wave, a very powerful wave attack identical to the one Kainazzo used, except it's a LOT stronger than the wimpy Wave attack Kainazzo used. When Leviatan is not facing your group, but has himself raveled up, he will attack random party members with Ice-2. To win, have Cecil attack, Edge use the Ninja skill Blitz, Kain use Jump, Rosa heal the group at all times, then finally have Rydia summon Indra or use Lit-3 if you have it. Repeat this battle tactic while being sure to keep your HP up VERY high throughout this entire fight and you should prevail. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | EvilWall | | HP: 19000 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: N/A | | Experience Points: 23000 | | Gold: 8000G | | Location: Sealed Cave | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: This is easily the hardest fight in the game up to this point. Each turn, EvilWall moves ever so closer to your group, threatening to crush them. When EvilWall does reach your group, he will use Crush on a party member one by one until eventually, you're dead. To win, have Rosa cast Slow on EvilWall, which will slow its crushing you down. After casting Slow, have Cecil attack, Edge attack or Dart Ninja Stars or any spare Dart items you may have (though don't Dart the Spoon), have Rosa cure the group at all times, have Rydia use Nuke if she knows it (she shouldn't though, unless you're over- leveled), or have her summon Leviatan, and have Kain use Jump. Repeat this battle tactic while keeping your HP high and hopefully you'll come out on top. This is a speed battle, meaning you have to kill EvilWall swiftly before it manages to kill you. Also note that EvilWall does Petrify to a party member, so cure that party member with a Heal item or a Heal spell as soon as possible if they get turned into stone. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Odin | | HP: 20500 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: Lightning | | Experience Points: 18000 | | Gold: 0G | | Location: Baron | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: Now this fight is a very tricky one. Like the fight with EvilWall, this is a speed battle, only this time, there's no time to heal up, since Odin will easily dispose of your group within the first few turns. When Odin raises his sword, he'll do an attack that kills all of your party members in one hit. You'll have to be HIGHLY over- leveled, say in the range of 70+ to survive this attack. Have Cecil attack, have Edge attack or Dart something (though don't Dart the Spoon, even though you'd probably be desperate to), have Rydia use Lit-3 or Nuke if she knows it, and have Rosa use White if she knows it. If not, have her attack. Don't heal up in this fight, just go all out with your strongest attacks and you'll hopefully prevail. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Bahamut | | HP: 37000 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: N/A | | Experience Points: 35000 | | Gold: 0G | | Location: Cave Bahamut | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: The fight against Bahamut is hard if you don't know the trick to beating Bahamut. Bahamut will countdown from 5 to 0, and when that timer reaches 0, Bahamut will unleash an attack called MegaNuke, which kills all of your party members in one hit (very similar to what Odin does) unless you are extremely over-leveled. The trick is to have Rosa and FuSoYa cast Wall on your party members while you have Cecil attack, Edge Dart Excalburs or attack if you don't have any, and have Rydia summon Leviatan. When Bahamut unleashes MegaNuke, since you have Wall up, it'll bounce off your group and hit Bahamut instead, causing decent damage. Bahamut will then countdown again from 5 to 0; do the same tactic as before until you win. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Elements | | HP: (Milon Z.) 17000 | | HP: (Rubicant) 39000 | | HP: (Kainazzo) 21000 | | HP: (Valvalis) 27000 | | Strengths: (Milon Z.) Holy, Meteo | | Strengths: (Rubicant) Fire, Holy, Lightning, Meteo | | Strengths: (Kainazzo) Holy, Ice, Meteo, Water | | Strengths; (Valvalis) Holy, Meteo | | Weaknesses: (Milon Z.) Arrows, Fire, Sacred Power | | Weaknesses: (Rubicant) Ice, Water | | Weaknesses: (Kainazzo) Lightning | | Weaknesses: (Valvalis) Lightning | | Experience Points: (Milon Z.) 15625, (Rubicant) 15625,| | (Kainazzo) 15625, (Valvalis) 15625 | | Money: 10000G | | Location: Giant of Bab-il | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: The Four Fiends of Elements are back in this fight, as usual. The first one you'll fight is Milon Z. Have Cecil attack him, have Edge attack or Dart Excalburs, or use the Ninja skill Flame. Have Rydia use Fire3 or summon Baham, have FuSoYa use Fire3, and have Rosa heal the group. DO NOT use White on ANY of the Four Fiends, and don't use Meteo either, since both attacks will heal them. Be careful though, as Milon Z. sets Curse on your group, so use Heal to recover from that. After Milon Z. is gone, Rubicant appears to fight you. This time, he doesn't hide in his cloak, therefore you can always harm him. Have Cecil attack, Edge attack, use the Ninja skill Flood, or have him Dart Excalburs. Rubicant still uses Glare, so watch out, because he will use it on all party members this time. Have Rydia use Ice-3 or call Levia, have FuSoYa use Ice-3, and have Rosa cure the group when needed. After Rubicant is gone, Kainazzo comes in to fight you. Have Cecil attack, Edge attack, use the Ninja skill Blitz, or Dart Excalburs. Have Rosa heal the group when you need to, have Rydia use Lit-3 or call Indra. Have FuSoYa use Lit-3. Kainazzo's wave attack hurts you a lot more this time than it did during the first fight, so be prepared for it. Finally, you'll fight Valvalis after defeating Kainazzo. To beat her, have Cecil attack, Edge attack, use the Ninja skill Blitz, or have him Dart Excalburs. Have Rosa cure the group when needed, then have Rydia use Lit-3 or call Indra. Finally, have FuSoYa use Lit-3 on Valvalis to damage her significantly. Valvalis uses Weak on a party member, then she tries to petrify someone, so be sure to recover from Weak when she uses it. After Valvalis is defeated, this battle is over. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Attacker/CPU/Defender | | HP: (Attacker) 2000 | | HP: (CPU) 20000 | | HP: (Defender) 2000 | | Strengths: (Attacker) N/A | | Strengths: (CPU) N/A | | Strengths: (Defender) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Attacker) N/A | | Weaknesses: (CPU) N/A | | Weaknesses: (Defender) N/A | | Experience Points: (Attacker) 50000, (CPU) 50000, | | (Defender) 50000 | | Money: 10332G | | Location: Giant of Bab-il | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: This fight is actually pretty hard if you don't know how to do it. If you kill both the Attacker and the Defender before you kill the CPU, the CPU will use Globe199 on two of your party members, which is unblockable and hurts them 9999 damage, thus killing them. So, your objective is to kill either the Attacker or the Defender first (also note that after the CPU does Globe199, it'll revive the Attacker and the Defender). I recommend killing the Attacker first, since it will be the only one attacking throughout this fight. While the Defender heals the CPU up by 2000 every round or so, it isn't that big of a deal, especially considering you can't attack the CPU because at the start of the battle, CPU casts Wall on itself. The Defender is the orb on the left, and the Attacker is the orb on the right. To win, have Cecil attack, Edge attack or Dart Excalburs (don't waste Excalburs on the Attacker or the Defender). Have Rosa or FuSoYa use Wall on at least one party member, then have Rydia use Nuke (don't use a Call spell, since it'll more than likely kill both the Attacker and the Defender, and then the CPU will use Globe199) or Fire3. Use Nuke or Fire3 on the party member that has Wall on them, though, and hope it hits the CPU. After the Attacker is destroyed, do what I said above to kill the CPU. Once the CPU is gone, kill the Defender and the battle is over. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Pale Dim | | HP: 27500 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: N/A | | Experience Points: 59000 | | Gold: 0G | | Location: Lunar Subterrane | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: Fighting Pale Dim is relatively easy, since Pale Dim barely does anything aside from cast Slow on your group. Slow can pose a problem, though, because the slower you are, the more time it takes for you to be able to attack this creature, while he can freely attack you without having to worry about time. Aside from Slow, Pale Dim uses Quake, which will not harm you if you have Float on. Pale Dim also occasionally uses Storm on your group, which gets all their HP down to below 10, so DEFINITELY watch out for that. Also note that Pale Dim counterattacks with Slow everytime you attack it. To win, have Cecil attack, have Kain use Jump, have Rosa use White if she knows it (which she should), and have her heal the group if they need it, have Rydia summon Baham or use Nuke if she knows it, then have Edge attack or Dart Excalburs. Repeat this and heal if needed and you'll have won this fight in no time. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Wyvern | | HP: 25000 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: N/A | | Experience Points: 64300 | | Gold: 0G | | Location: Lunar Subterrane | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: The moment this fight starts, Wyvern will use MegaNuke on all your party members, causing massive damage. Quickly use Cure4 to recover from that attack. After you recover, have Cecil attack, Edge attack or Dart Excalburs, have Rydia use Nuke or summon Baham, have Rosa use White and cure the group when needed, and have Kain use Jump. Repeat this battle tactic while keeping your HP up high throughout this fight, and you'll prevail over Wyvern. Though do note that if you summon Baham, Wyvern will counterattack with his deadly MegaNuke attack, so I would advise using Nuke over Baham. Also, after you use Nuke or any magic attack for that matter, Wyvern will use Wall on itself. At this point, have Rosa use Wall on one of your party members, then use a strong magic spell on the party member that has Wall on him/ her and it'll bounce back off and hit Wyvern. If you aren't careful, this fight can be very tough. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Plague | | HP: 28000 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: Arrows | | Experience Points: 31200 | | Gold: 550G | | Location: Lunar Subterrane | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: This battle is a bit tricky, but if you have a dead party member when you enter this fight, then you should win. I killed Kain off before I entered this fight, so I'm going to assume you did the same (if not, it doesn't matter). First off, have Cecil attack, Rosa use White, have Rydia use Nuke or call Baham, and have Edge revive Kain with a Life item, though don't revive him until you have about 5 seconds left on your timer (I forgot to mention that Plague, as soon as the fight begins, causes a timer on every one of your party members from 10 to 0, and when it reaches 0, you die). After Kain is revived (by reviving Kain, the timer is reset shortly after), repeat the above process except have Edge attack or Dart Excalburs, and have Kain attack, since there's no time to use Jump in this fight. Don't even focus on healing, since you don't have time for that either. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | D. Lunar/D. Lunar | | HP: (D. Lunar) 21000 (each) | | Strengths: (D. Lunar) N/A | | Strengths: (D. Lunar) N/A | | Weaknesses: (D. Lunar) N/A | | Weaknesses: (D. Lunar) N/A | | Experience Points: (D. Lunar) 50000 (each) | | Money: 0G | | Location: Lunar Subterrane | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: Despite the fact that there are two D. Lunars, this fight is still VERY easy. Have Cecil attack (his Crystal Sword will hurt 9999 every round), have Kain use Jump, have Rosa cure the group when needed, have Rydia attack, since the D. Lunars will just heal themselves up for a few thousand HP if you use her summons, and have Edge attack or Dart Excalburs. Repeat this battle tactic while healing and you will win this very simple fight. The D. Lunars attack with Virus and Fire, both of which are relatively weak attacks. Still, be sure to keep your HP up throughout the fight, as I said above. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Ogopogo | | HP: 37000 | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: N/A | | Experience Points: 61100 | | Gold: 0G | | Location: Lunar Subterrane | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: Even though Ogopogo looks like a water enemy, he's not weak against Lightning like Leviatan was. As soon as the fight starts, Ogopogo unleashes two Big Wave attacks on your group, dealing massive damage. Have Rosa use Cure4 on your group to recover from that very powerful attack right after it's done. After you've healed up, have Cecil attack, have Kain use Jump, have Edge attack or Dart Excalbur swords, have Rydia summon Baham or use Nuke, and have Rosa use White and heal the group when necessary. Repeat this until you've defeated Ogopogo. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Zeromus | | HP: 100000 (estimate) | | Strengths: N/A | | Weaknesses: N/A | | Experience Points: N/A | | Gold: 0G | | Location: Lunar Subterrane | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: I hope you cloned a ton of Excalburs for this fight, because you're going to need them because of Zeromus's extremely high HP. I'm not even sure of his exact HP; 100000 is just an estimate. Anyway, to win, have Cecil attack, Kain use Jump, Rosa use White, Rydia use Nuke or Meteo (if she has it), or you can have her summon Baham to cause lots of damage to Zeromus. Finally, have Edge attack or Dart Excalburs (Darting is a FAR better option). Be sure that you have Rosa not only use White, but cure the group with Cure4 when they need it, too. Zeromus has some VERY powerful attacks, such as Big Bang, which damages your entire party 2000+ damage unless you have the Adamant armor, so definitely have Rosa use Cure4 each time after Zeromus does it. Also, Zeromus uses other attacks, such as Blk.Hole, Nuke, White, Weak, and Meteo (though his Meteo is VERY weak, as is his Nuke). Blk.Hole gets rid of things like Wall or Fast, so keep that in mind. Overall, you must keep your HP at its maximum throughout the entire fight so that you won't die by a sudden Big Bang attack, and you have to unload with your most powerful attacks to win this. You should also know that when Zeromus is shaking, that means he is going to use Big Bang. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 9. Enemies | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| This section will list each enemy in the game and their stats, HP, etc. Note that the attacks section on an enemy does not include their normal attacks; only their specials. Alert Attacks: Alert, Beam Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 1425 Experience Points: 2100 Gold: 380G Weaknesses: N/A Aligator Attacks: Fight (x2) Items Dropped: Cap Helmet, Cure2, Leather Robe HP: 150 Experience Points: 840 Gold: 95G Weaknesses: Ice AquaWorm Attacks: Wave Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2, Heal HP: 638 Experience Points: 1200 Gold: 350G Weaknesses: Lightning Arachne Attacks: Quake Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 3500 Experience Points: 4400 Gold: 585G Weaknesses: Arrows, Ice Armadilo Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure2, Cure3, Silver Hammer, Silver Shield HP: 300 Experience Points: 1600 Gold: 195G Weaknesses: N/A Balloon Attacks: Explode Items Dropped: Bomb, Cure1 HP: 600 Experience Points: 2480 Gold: 315G Weaknesses: Arrows Basilisk Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 90 Experience Points: 140 Gold: 30G Weaknesses: N/A Beamer Attacks: Beam Items Dropped: Tent HP: 1800 Experience Points: 3250 Gold: 890G Weaknesses: N/A Behemoth Attacks: Storm Items Dropped: Avenger Sword, Headband, Power Robe, Strength Ring HP: 16000 Experience Points: 58700 Gold: 65000G Weaknesses: N/A BlackCat Attacks: Bluster Items Dropped: CatClaw, Cure2 HP: 593 Experience Points: 2800 Gold: 345G Weaknesses: N/A BlackLiz Attacks: Petrify Items Dropped: Medusa Arrows, Medusa Sword HP: 700 Experience Points: 1300 Gold: 45G Weaknesses: Ice BladeMan Attacks: Virus Items Dropped: Cabin, Tent HP: 1050 Experience Points: 2600 Gold: 210G Weaknesses: Sacred Power Blue D. Attacks: Blizzard Items Dropped: Cure2, Dragon Whip, Dragoon Spear, Shuriken HP: 13200 Experience Points: 36000 Gold: 40200G Weaknesses: N/A Bomb Attacks: Explode Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 50 Experience Points: 370 Gold: 80G Weaknesses: N/A Breath Attacks: Blast, Report Items Dropped: N/A HP: 31300 Experience Points: 60000 Gold: 50000G Weaknesses: N/A Cannibal Attacks: Pollen Items Dropped: Heal HP: 370 Experience Points: 571 Gold: 220G Weaknesses: Fire Carapace Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure2, Cure3, Silver Hammer, Silver Shield HP: 700 Experience Points: 1350 Gold: 230G Weaknesses: Ice Cave Bat Attacks: Vampire Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 150 Experience Points: 630 Gold: 155G Weaknesses: Arrows, Sacred Power CaveNaga Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Poison Arrows HP: 255 Experience Points: 750 Gold: 205G Weaknesses: Sacred Power CaveToad Attacks: Toad Items Dropped: Heal HP: 44 Experience Points: 90 Gold: 25G Weaknesses: Ice Centaur Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cabin, Tent HP: 380 Experience Points: 1000 Gold: 175G Weaknesses: N/A Centpede Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 600 Experience Points: 2800 Gold: 345G Weaknesses: N/A Chimera Attacks: Blaze Items Dropped: Fire Arrows HP: 700 Experience Points: 2300 Gold: 230G Weaknesses: N/A Clapper Attacks: Blitz Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 7000 Experience Points: 8000 Gold: 900G Weaknesses: Arrows Cocktric Attacks: Beak Items Dropped: Life HP: 100 Experience Points: 280 Gold: 120G Weaknesses: Arrows Conjurer Attacks: Call Items Dropped: Cure Staff, Rune Ring, Silence Staff HP: 3000 Experience Points: 3700 Gold: 475G Weaknesses: N/A Cream Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 55 Experience Points: 150 Gold: 35G Weaknesses: Lightning NOTE: While you can hurt this enemy with physical attacks, you hurt it 1, so use magic attacks to quickly kill it. Crocodile Attacks: Fight (x2) Items Dropped: Cap Helmet, Cure2, Leather Robe HP: 292 Experience Points: 870 Gold: 300G Weaknesses: Ice D. Bone Attacks: Poison Items Dropped: Cure1, Cursed Ring HP: 9000 Experience Points: 14100 Gold: 6750G Weaknesses: Fire D. Fossil Attacks: Curse Items Dropped: Cure1, Cursed Ring HP: 10000 Experience Points: 15100 Gold: 8100G Weaknesses: Fire, Sacred Power D. Machin Attacks: Fire Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 15000 Experience Points: 41500 Gold: 2550G Weaknesses: Fire Dark Imp Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2, Imp, Tent HP: 199 Experience Points: 1940 Gold: 45G Weaknesses: N/A DarkTree Attacks: Bersk Items Dropped: Heal HP: 1800 Experience Points: 5500 Gold: 525G Weaknesses: Fire Eagle Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Life HP: 18 Experience Points: 30 Gold: 10G Weaknesses: N/A Egg Attacks: Hatch Items Dropped: N/A HP: 700 Experience Points: 1300 Gold: N/A Weaknesses: Ice ElecFish Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Heal HP: 200 Experience Points: 650 Gold: 230G Weaknesses: Arrows EpeeGirl Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cabin, Tent HP: 390 Experience Points: 1260 Gold: 200G Weaknesses: N/A EvilDoll Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 300 Experience Points: 1420 Gold: 270G Weaknesses: N/A EvilMask Attacks: Nuke, Virus, Wall, White Items Dropped: Cure2, Cure3, Elixir, Glass Helmet HP: 25500 Experience Points: 50000 Gold: 50000G Weaknesses: N/A EvilShel Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Heal HP: 58 Experience Points: 110 Gold: 30G Weaknesses: Lightning FangShel Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Heal HP: 300 Experience Points: 850 Gold: 550G Weaknesses: Lightning FatalEye Attacks: Count Items Dropped: Elixir, Ether1, Ether2, Protect Ring HP: 25000 Experience Points: 40000 Gold: 65200G Weaknesses: Arrows Fiend Attacks: Charm Items Dropped: Cure2, Ether1 HP: 2980 Experience Points: 6400 Gold: 625G Weaknesses: N/A FlameDog Attacks: Flame Items Dropped: Fire Arrows HP: 1221 Experience Points: 1720 Gold: 245G Weaknesses: Ice FlameMan Attacks: Flame Items Dropped: Fire Arrows HP: 579 Experience Points: 1720 Gold: 300G Weaknesses: Ice FloatEye Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Heal HP: 20 Experience Points: 40 Gold: 10G Weaknesses: Arrows Gargoyle Attacks: Weak Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 160 Experience Points: 320 Gold: 100G Weaknesses: Arrows, Sacred Power Ghost Attacks: Fire2 Items Dropped: Cure1, Cursed Ring HP: 1100 Experience Points: 3700 Gold: 365G Weaknesses: N/A Ghoul Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 120 Experience Points: 930 Gold: 180G Weaknesses: Fire, Sacred Power GiantBat Attacks: Vampire Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 399 Experience Points: 1280 Gold: 365G Weaknesses: Arrows, Fire Ging-Ryu Attacks: Blaze, Tornado Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 7500 Experience Points: 25000 Gold: 19000G Weaknesses: N/A GlomWing Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Artemis Arrows, Heal HP: 1380 Experience Points: N/A Gold: 1400G Weaknesses: N/A Gorgon Attacks: Glance, Ray Items Dropped: Medusa Arrows, Medusa Sword HP: 2000 Experience Points: 4750 Gold: 250G Weaknesses: N/A Green D. Attacks: Thunder Items Dropped: Heal HP: 2200 Experience Points: 4800 Gold: 370G Weaknesses: N/A Gremlin Attacks: Charm Items Dropped: Cure2, Ether1 HP: 385 Experience Points: 1500 Gold: 275G Weaknesses: Fire Grenade Attacks: Explode Items Dropped: Bomb, Cure1 HP: 820 Experience Points: 2650 Gold: 630G Weaknesses: Arrows Grudger Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Lightning Arrows HP: 1400 Experience Points: 2460 Gold: 190G Weaknesses: Sacred Power Guard Attacks: Piggy, Size Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 200 Experience Points: 720 Gold: 500G Weaknesses: N/A Hooligan Attacks: Weak Items Dropped: Cure1, Cursed Ring HP: 1900 Experience Points: 4090 Gold: 485G Weaknesses: Arrows, Sacred Power HorseMan Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1, Cursed Ring HP: 3000 Experience Points: 9990 Gold: 1220G Weaknesses: N/A HugeCell Attacks: Remedy, Retreat Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 555 Experience Points: 1510 Gold: 255G Weaknesses: N/A HugeNaga Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Poison Arrows HP: 1200 Experience Points: 3600 Gold: 240G Weaknesses: N/A Hydra Attacks: Entangle Items Dropped: Poison Arrows HP: 285 Experience Points: 680 Gold: 255G Weaknesses: Lightning IceBeast Attacks: Blizzard Items Dropped: Ice Arrows HP: 445 Experience Points: 1570 Gold: 280G Weaknesses: Fire Ice Liz Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Ice Arrows HP: 400 Experience Points: 1500 Gold: 290G Weaknesses: Fire Imp Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2, Imp, Tent HP: 6 Experience Points: 20 Gold: 10G Weaknesses: N/A Imp Cap. Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2, Imp, Tent HP: 37 Experience Points: 189 Gold: 50G Weaknesses: N/A IronBack Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure2, Cure3, Silver Hammer, Silver Shield HP: 100 Experience Points: 1100 Gold: 235G Weaknesses: Fire IronMan Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Silver Armor, Silver Knife, Silver Shield, Silver Sword HP: 2500 Experience Points: 3700 Gold: 385G Weaknesses: N/A Jelly Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 35 Experience Points: 140 Gold: 35G Weaknesses: Fire NOTE: While you can hurt this enemy with physical attacks, you hurt it 1, so use magic attacks to quickly kill it. Juclyote Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure2 HP: 1700 Experience Points: 7200 Gold: 1560G Weaknesses: N/A Kary Attacks: Hug, Retreat Items Dropped: Artemis Arrows, Heroine Robe HP: 2700 Experience Points: 13100 Gold: 3500G Weaknesses: N/A King-Ryu Attacks: Blitz, Entangle Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 8200 Experience Points: 30000 Gold: 23000G Weaknesses: N/A Lamia Attacks: Charm Items Dropped: Charm Arrows, Charm Harp, RubyRing HP: 1200 Experience Points: 2060 Gold: 1210G Weaknesses: N/A Larva Attacks: Counter, Psych Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 28 Experience Points: 50 Gold: 10G Weaknesses: N/A Last Arm Attacks: Fission, Magnet, Search Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 9500 Experience Points: 8800 Gold: 320G Weaknesses: N/A Lilith Attacks: Slap Items Dropped: Ether1, Lilith Rod HP: 320 Experience Points: 2750 Gold: 365G Weaknesses: Fire MacGiant Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cabin, Ogre Axe, Poison Axe, Rune Axe HP: 8500 Experience Points: 31000 Gold: 7000G Weaknesses: N/A Machine Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Lightning Arrows HP: 3600 Experience Points: 8200 Gold: 985G Weaknesses: N/A Mad Ogre Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure2, Headband, Strength Ring, Zeus Gauntlet HP: 1700 Experience Points: 2370 Gold: 270G Weaknesses: N/A Mad Toad Attacks: Toad Items Dropped: Heal HP: 59 Experience Points: 130 Gold: 35G Weaknesses: Ice Mage Attacks: Blast Items Dropped: Cure2, Mage HP: 500 Experience Points: 1100 Gold: 235G Weaknesses: N/A Mantcore Attacks: Blaze Items Dropped: Fire Arrows HP: 2000 Experience Points: 35000 Gold: 1200G Weaknesses: N/A Marion Attacks: Call Items Dropped: Cure Staff, Rune Ring, Silence Staff HP: 473 Experience Points: 1290 Gold: 195G Weaknesses: N/A Medusa Attacks: Glance, Ray Items Dropped: Medusa Arrows, Medusa Sword HP: 430 Experience Points: 1250 Gold: 225G Weaknesses: N/A Mind Attacks: Armor, Charm Items Dropped: N/A HP: 12300 Experience Points: 65000 Gold: 50000G Weaknesses: N/A Molbol Attacks: Breath, Digest Items Dropped: Heal, Samurai Arrows HP: 1999 Experience Points: 11000 Gold: 460G Weaknesses: N/A MoonCell Attacks: Remedy, Retreat Items Dropped: Ether1 HP: 980 Experience Points: 3300 Gold: 1100G Weaknesses: N/A Naga Attacks: Mute Items Dropped: Poison Arrows HP: 900 Experience Points: 1220 Gold: 150G Weaknesses: N/A Needler Attacks: Needle Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 110 Experience Points: 370 Gold: 55G Weaknesses: N/A Ogre Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure2, Headband, Strength Ring, Zeus Gauntlet HP: 865 Experience Points: 1100 Gold: 240G Weaknesses: N/A Panther Attacks: Bluster Items Dropped: CatClaw, Cure2 HP: 285 Experience Points: 830 Gold: 255G Weaknesses: Sacred Power Pike Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 65 Experience Points: 120 Gold: 35G Weaknesses: Lightning PinkPuff Attacks: Dance Items Dropped: Elixir, Ether2, Ninja Star, Pink Tail HP: 10000 Experience Points: 10000 Gold: 55555G Weaknesses: N/A Piranha Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 105 Experience Points: 460 Gold: 145G Weaknesses: Lightning Procyote Attacks: Poison Items Dropped: Cure2 HP: 2200 Experience Points: 8100 Gold: 1850G Weaknesses: N/A Pudding Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Ether1 HP: 1050 Experience Points: 3060 Gold: 1300G Weaknesses: N/A NOTE: While you can hurt this enemy with physical attacks, you hurt it 1, so use magic attacks to quickly kill it. Puppet Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 256 Experience Points: 860 Gold: 180G Weaknesses: Fire Python Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Poison Arrows HP: 593 Experience Points: 760 Gold: 345G Weaknesses: Ice, Sacred Power Q. Lamia Attacks: Charm Items Dropped: Charm Arrows, Charm Harp, RubyRing HP: 1100 Experience Points: 2900 Gold: 250G Weaknesses: N/A Raven Attacks: Fight (x2) Items Dropped: Cabin, Cure2, Leather Helmet HP: 941 Experience Points: 740 Gold: 700G Weaknesses: N/A Red Bone Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 170 Experience Points: 320 Gold: 295G Weaknesses: Fire, Sacred Power Red D. Attacks: Fight (x2), Heat Ray Items Dropped: Crystal Ring, Dragoon Gauntlet, Dragoon Spear, FireBomb HP: 15000 Experience Points: 51800 Gold: 60500G Weaknesses: Ice Red Eye Attacks: Gaze Items Dropped: Heal HP: 2000 Experience Points: 3500 Gold: 465G Weaknesses: Arrows RedGiant Attacks: Emission, Explode Items Dropped: Cabin, Ogre Axe, Poison Axe, Rune Axe HP: 11800 Experience Points: 18900 Gold: 1500G Weaknesses: N/A Red Worm Attacks: Retreat, Vampire Items Dropped: Ether1 HP: 7000 Experience Points: 7350 Gold: 310G Weaknesses: Fire Revenant Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 160 Experience Points: 680 Gold: 190G Weaknesses: Fire, Sacred Power Roc Attacks: Fight (x2) Items Dropped: Cabin, Cure2, Leather Helmet HP: 999 Experience Points: 1410 Gold: 150G Weaknesses: Arrows Roc Baby Attacks: Beak Items Dropped: Life HP: 50 Experience Points: 1010 Gold: 85G Weaknesses: Arrows RocLarva Attacks: Psych Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 800 Experience Points: 2830 Gold: 40G Weaknesses: N/A RockMoth Attacks: Powder Items Dropped: Heal HP: 850 Experience Points: 3200 Gold: 315G Weaknesses: N/A SandMan Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Heal HP: 20 Experience Points: 80 Gold: 20G Weaknesses: Ice Sandpede Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 60 Experience Points: 80 Gold: 20G Weaknesses: N/A SandWorm Attacks: Tornado Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2, Heal HP: 75 Experience Points: 88 Gold: 20G Weaknesses: N/A Screamer Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Heal HP: 20 Experience Points: 80 Gold: 20G Weaknesses: Ice Searcher Attacks: Alert, Beam Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 5500 Experience Points: 18200 Gold: 900G Weaknesses: N/A Skeleton Attacks: Lit-1 Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 50 Experience Points: 240 Gold: 125G Weaknesses: Fire, Sacred Power Skull Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 740 Experience Points: 1055 Gold: 120G Weaknesses: Fire, Sacred Power Slime Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 50 Experience Points: 760 Gold: 50G Weaknesses: Fire Sorcerer Attacks: Call Items Dropped: Cure Staff, Rune Ring, Silence Staff HP: 1000 Experience Points: 2370 Gold: 275G Weaknesses: Ice Soul Attacks: Fire1 Items Dropped: Cure1, Cursed Ring HP: 150 Experience Points: 160 Gold: 165G Weaknesses: Sacred Power Spirit Attacks: Fire1 Items Dropped: Cure1, Cursed Ring HP: 50 Experience Points: 290 Gold: 125G Weaknesses: Sacred Power StaleMan Attacks: Sleep Items Dropped: Earth Hammer, Zeus Gauntlet HP: 2100 Experience Points: 2100 Gold: 435G Weaknesses: Ice StingRat Attacks: Needle Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 300 Experience Points: 1210 Gold: 220G Weaknesses: N/A Stoneman Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure2, Cure3, Medusa Arrows HP: 2000 Experience Points: 2590 Gold: 240G Weaknesses: Ice SwordMan Attacks: Absorb Items Dropped: Cabin, Tent HP: 320 Experience Points: 1100 Gold: 175G Weaknesses: Fire, Sacred Power SwordRat Attacks: Needle Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 30 Experience Points: 70 Gold: 20G Weaknesses: N/A Talanta Attacks: Quake Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 2315 Experience Points: 2800 Gold: 600G Weaknesses: N/A TinyMage Attacks: Fire1, Hold, Ice-1, Lit-1, Psych Items Dropped: Ether1, Ether2, Rod, Silver Ring HP: 69 Experience Points: 260 Gold: 100G Weaknesses: N/A TinyToad Attacks: Toad Items Dropped: Heal HP: 400 Experience Points: 1850 Gold: 335G Weaknesses: Ice ToadLady Attacks: Croak Items Dropped: Ether2, Heal, Life, Ribbon Helmet HP: 2960 Experience Points: 3500 Gold: 600G Weaknesses: N/A Tofu Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 102 Experience Points: 1060 Gold: 385G Weaknesses: Ice NOTE: While you can hurt this enemy with physical attacks, you hurt it 1, so use magic attacks to quickly kill it. Tortoise Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure2, Cure3, Silver Hammer, Silver Shield HP: 400 Experience Points: 1700 Gold: 235G Weaknesses: Ice TrapDoor Attacks: Disrupt, Morph, Search Items Dropped: N/A HP: 5000 Experience Points: 31000 Gold: 4500G Weaknesses: N/A TrapRose Attacks: Pollen Items Dropped: Heal HP: 300 Experience Points: 1210 Gold: 35G Weaknesses: Fire Treant Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Heal HP: 260 Experience Points: 1000 Gold: 150G Weaknesses: Fire Tricker Attacks: Lit-3, Peep Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2, Imp, Tent HP: 12000 Experience Points: 21000 Gold: 10700G Weaknesses: Lightning Turtle Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Heal, Tent HP: 150 Experience Points: 240 Gold: 80G Weaknesses: Ice VampGirl Attacks: Vampire Items Dropped: Cure2 HP: 250 Experience Points: 819 Gold: 195G Weaknesses: Fire, Sacred Power VampLady Attacks: Lit-2, Vampire Items Dropped: Cure2 HP: 2375 Experience Points: 4600 Gold: 190G Weaknesses: Fire, Sacred Power Warlock Attacks: Drain, Fire2, Ice-2, Lit-2, Psych Items Dropped: Ether2, Heal, Life, Ribbon Helmet HP: 4250 Experience Points: 17300 Gold: 2400G Weaknesses: N/A Warrior Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Tent HP: 2400 Experience Points: 4300 Gold: 575G Weaknesses: N/A WaterBug Attacks: Remedy, Retreat Items Dropped: Heal, Tent HP: 110 Experience Points: 230 Gold: 80G Weaknesses: Lightning WaterHag Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 48 Experience Points: 180 Gold: 40G Weaknesses: Lightning Weeper Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 100 Experience Points: 120 Gold: 40G Weaknesses: N/A WereBat Attacks: Vampire Items Dropped: Cure1, Cure2 HP: 800 Experience Points: 2050 Gold: 355G Weaknesses: Arrows, Fire Witch Attacks: Slow Items Dropped: Ether1, Ether2, Rod, Silver Ring HP: 300 Experience Points: 1670 Gold: 330G Weaknesses: N/A Yellow D Attacks: Thunder Items Dropped: Heal HP: 1800 Experience Points: 34000 Gold: 1500G Weaknesses: N/A Zombie Attacks: N/A Items Dropped: Cure1 HP: 40 Experience Points: 120 Gold: 35G Weaknesses: Fire, Sacred Power NOTE: While you can hurt this enemy with physical attacks, you can't hurt it very much, so use magic attacks to quickly kill it. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 10. Items | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| This section will list all of the items in the game, what they do, etc. Adamant Description: This is an ore which will create a very powerful sword, namely the Excalbur, when you give it to the only human in Kokkol, the Smith's in the Underworld. This is obtained by exchanging the Rat Tail for this from the guy in the blue shirt. Baron Description: This key was given to you by Yang in Town of Baron after you got him out of his mind controlled state. This key will open up the Weapon/Armor Shop, as well as the entrance to the Old Water-way in Town of Baron. Cabin Description: You can use this item at Save Points or on the World Map. When used, this item fully restores all your party members' HP/MP, as well as revives anyone who may be dead. Carrot Description: If you ever come across a spot in the game where there is an invisible barrier blocking your way and it says Smells Like Chocobos, you can use the Carrot item to summon a Fat Chocobo. A Fat Chocobo will store any items you may not need, and you can always call it later if you need the items you stored back. Crystal Description: When used on Zeromus, it will reveal his true form, then you will be able to fight him and actually damage him. Cecil grabs this from Golbez right before the final battle commences. Cure1 Description: This is a very common item, which, when used, will recover a small amount of the selected party member's HP. Cure2 Description: This is a fairly common item, which, when used, will recover a decent amount of the selected party member's HP. Cure3 Description: This is a very rare item, which, when used, will recover a high amount of the selected party member's HP. Darkness Description: This is one of the Dark Crystals of the Underworld, which you will eventually find in the game. It serves no purpose other than being a plot item. Earth Description: This is the Crystal of Earth of Toroia. This is found after you defeat Dark Elf, and is given to Golbez in exchange for Rosa. Elixir Description: This is a very rare item except very late in the game where you can buy it in Cave of Humingway for a high price. When used, this item fully recovers all of the selected party member's HP/MP. Ether1 Description: When used, this item recovers the selected party member's MP by a small bit. Ether2 Description: When used, this item recovers the selected party member's MP by a high amount. FireBomb Description: When used, this item hits all enemies onscreen for fire damage. Heal Description: This item, when used, heals any status aliments a party member may have on them, be it Poison or Mute. This can be used both in and outside of battle. Imp Description: When you use this item, Rydia will learn the Imp Call spell. Life Description: By using this item on a dead party member, you'll be able to resurrect that dead party member. Luca Description: This is a key given to you by Luca in the Castle of Dwarves. It is used to open the door to the Sealed Cave. Mage Description: When you use this item, Rydia will learn the Mage Call spell. Magma Description: Kain gives this key to you in Baron Castle after you escape the Tower of Zot. It is used to open the way leading to the Underworld. Package Description: This item is given to you by King Baron in the very beginning of the game, as he wants you to deliver it to Village Mist, yet he gives no reason as to why he wants you to do that. When you get to Village Mist, the Package automatically opens and fire burns up the village, leaving only one survivor: Rydia. Pan Description: Given to you by Yang's wife when you are near the end of the Sylvan Cave side quest in the Underworld. Use this on Yang in the Sylvan Cave to hit him on the head, thus making him regain his consciousness. After that, take the Pan back to Yang's wife and she will give you the Spoon item, which you can Dart for 9999 damage no matter what. Pass Description: This item is found in Toroian Castle, and allows you to see a show. Pink Tail Description: This extremely rare and valuable item is dropped only by Pink Puff enemies in Lunar Subterrane in a certain room (see the walkthrough section to find out which room this is). You have a 1/64 chance of actually encountering a group of Pink Puffs, and you have a 1/64 chance of getting that group of Pink Puffs you encounter to actually drop the Pink Tail. When you get the Pink Tail, take it to the guy in the blue shirt in Adamant Grotto, and he will give you the Adamant armor for it in return. The Adamant armor is the ultimate armor in the game, equippable by all party members. Rat Tail Description: A rat's tail found in Land of Monsters in a chest. Bring it to the guy in the blue shirt in Adamant Grotto and he will give you the Adamant ore, which is used to make the Excalbur sword. SandRuby Description: An item dropped by the creature Antlion in Antlion Cave, which when used, will cure Rosa's terrible fever. Tent Description: This is the weaker counterpart of the Cabin item. You can use it at Save Points or on the World Map. When used, this item will recover approximately 1000 HP and 100 MP on all party members, but does not revive any dead party members. Tower Description: The Tower Key is found after you defeat Dr. Lugae in the Tower of Bab-il. This key is used to open the door to the Super Cannon, which threatens to annihilate the dwarves. TwinHarp Description: Edward gives this to you when you visit him in Toroian Castle. When you encounter the Dark Elf and are beaten because you can't use your metal weapons, Edward plays this harp and this allows you to equip your metal weapons, since the Dark Elf hates the sound the TwinHarp makes. Whistle Description: When used, this item will call a Fat Chocobo, no matter where you are. This is a very useful item. You can buy it for a fairly high price in Cave of Humingway on the Moon. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 11. Weapons | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| This section will list every single weapon in the game, and what they do, etc. Arrows ------ Artemis Attack %: 0% Attack: +75 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Charm Attack %: 0% Attack: +40 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Darkness Attack %: 0% Attack: +20 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Fire Attack %: 0% Attack: +15 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Ice Attack %: 0% Attack: +15 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Iron Attack %: 0% Attack: +5 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Lit Attack %: 0% Attack: +15 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Medusa Attack %: 0% Attack: +1 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Mute Attack %: 0% Attack: +35 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Poison Attack %: 0% Attack: +30 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Samurai Attack %: 0% Attack: +50 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia White Attack %: 0% Attack: +10 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Axes ---- Dwarf Attack %: 19% Attack: +62 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Kain Ogre Attack %: 45% Attack: +80 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Kain Poison Attack %: 10% Attack: +95 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Kain Rune Attack %: 10% Attack: +102 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Kain Blades ------ Long Attack %: 40% Attack: +40 Equippable By: Edge Masamune Attack %: 50% Attack: +65 Equippable By: Edge Middle Attack %: 40% Attack: +32 Equippable By: Edge Murasame Attack %: 50% Attack: +55 Equippable By: Edge Ninja Attack %: 40% Attack: +48 Equippable By: Edge Short Attack %: 40% Attack: +25 Equippable By: Edge Boomerangs ---------- Boomerang Attack %: 30% Attack: +20 Equippable By: Edge FullMoon Attack %: 45% Attack: +40 Equippable By: Edge Bows ---- Archer Attack %: 0% Attack: +20 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Artemis Attack %: 30% Attack: +35 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia CrossBow Attack %: -10% Attack: +10 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia ElvenBow Attack %: 25% Attack: +25 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia GreatBow Attack %: -10% Attack: +15 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Samurai Attack %: 10% Attack: +30 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia ShortBow Attack %: -20% Attack: +5 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edward, FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Claws ----- CatClaw Attack %: 55% Attack: +0 Equippable By: Edge, Yang NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Sleep will be cast on that enemy. Charm Attack %: 0% Attack: +0 Equippable By: Edge, Yang NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Charm will be cast on that enemy. Fire Attack %: 30% Attack: +0 Equippable By: Edge, Yang Ice Attack %: 30% Attack: +0 Equippable By: Edge, Yang Poison Attack %: 40% Attack: +0 Equippable By: Edge, Yang NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Poison will be cast. Thunder Attack %: 30% Attack: +0 Equippable By: Edge, Yang Dark Swords (Dark Knight Cecil Swords) -------------------------------------- Black Attack %: 40% Attack: +30 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight) NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that enemy will be instantly killed. Darkness Attack %: 35% Attack: +20 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight) Shadow Attack %: 30% Attack: +10 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight) Hammers ------- Earth Attack %: 25% Attack: +65 Equippable By: Cid Silver Attack %: 25% Attack: +55 Equippable By: Cid Wooden Attack %: 25% Attack: +45 Equippable By: Cid Harps ----- Charm Attack %: 40% Attack: +18 Equippable By: Edward NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Charm will be cast. Dreamer Attack %: 35% Attack: +8 Equippable By: Edward NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Sleep will be cast. Knives ------ Dancing Attack %: 44% Attack: +28 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Rydia Mute Attack %: 25% Attack: +35 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Rydia Silver Attack %: 45% Attack: +20 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Rydia Light Swords (Paladin Cecil Swords) ----------------------------------- Crystal Attack %: 50% Attack: +200 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin) Excalbur Attack %: 50% Attack: +160 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin) Legend Attack %: 50% Attack: +40 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin) Light Attack %: 50% Attack: +99 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin) Ninja Stars ----------- Ninja Attack %: 99% Attack: +88 Equippable By: N/A; use this as a Dart item to throw at enemies Shuriken Attack %: 99% Attack: +40 Equippable By: N/A; use this as a Dart item to throw at enemies Spoon Attack %: 100% Attack: +255 Equippable By: N/A; use this as a Dart item to throw at enemies Rods ---- Change Attack %: 45% Attack: +15 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia, Tellah NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Pig will be cast. Charm Attack %: 50% Attack: +30 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia, Tellah NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Charm will be cast. FlameRod Attack %: -5% Attack: +7 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia, Tellah IceRod Attack %: 0% Attack: +5 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia, Tellah Lilith Attack %: -40% Attack: +13 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia, Tellah NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, you will absorb HP from an enemy and the amount of HP you absorb from the enemy is how much HP you'll receive. Rod Attack %: -10% Attack: +3 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia, Tellah Stardust Attack %: 10% Attack: +45 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia, Tellah Thunder Attack %: 0% Attack: +20 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia, Tellah Spears ------ Blizzard Attack %: 30% Attack: +77 Equippable By: Kain Dragoon Attack %: 40% Attack: +99 Equippable By: Kain Drain Attack %: -28% Attack: +88 Equippable By: Kain NOTE: DO NOT attack undead enemies with this, since you will heal them and in the process hurt your own HP. Flame Attack %: 30% Attack: +66 Equippable By: Kain Gungnir Attack %: 30% Attack: +92 Equippable By: Kain Spear Attack %: 50% Attack: +9 Equippable By: Kain White Attack %: 40% Attack: +109 Equippable By: Kain Wind Attack %: 30% Attack: +55 Equippable By: Kain Staffs ------ Cure Attack %: 0% Attack: +8 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia (Kid), Tellah Life Attack %: 15% Attack: +48 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia (Kid), Tellah Lunar Attack %: 10% Attack: +36 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia (Kid), Tellah Power Attack %: 50% Attack: +30 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia (Kid), Tellah NOTE: When used as an item, this Staff causes Berserk on the enemy, and when you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Berserk will be cast. Silence Attack %: 10% Attack: +52 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia (Kid), Tellah NOTE: When used as an item, this Staff causes Mute on the enemy, and when you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Mute will be cast. Silver Attack %: 5% Attack: +12 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia (Kid), Tellah Staff Attack %: -5% Attack: +4 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Rydia (Kid), Tellah Swords ------ Ancient Attack %: 27% Attack: +35 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Kain NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Curse will be cast. Avenger Attack %: 50% Attack: +80 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Kain NOTE: When you equip this sword, the party member that it is equipped on will have Berserk on him/her. Defense Attack %: 40% Attack: +105 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Kain NOTE: This sword raises your defense a bit. Drain Attack %: 0% Attack: +45 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Kain NOTE: DO NOT attack undead enemies with this, since you will heal them and in the process hurt your own HP. Fire Attack %: 30% Attack: +65 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Kain IceBrand Attack %: 30% Attack: +75 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Kain Medusa Attack %: 30% Attack: +78 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Kain NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, you may slowly petrify them. Silver Attack %: 30% Attack: +50 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Kain Slumber Attack %: 27% Attack: +55 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Kain NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Sleep will be cast. Whips ----- Blitz Attack %: 10% Attack: +40 Equippable By: Rydia (Adult) NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Hold will be cast. Chain Attack %: 5% Attack: +30 Equippable By: Rydia (Adult) NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Hold will be cast. Dragon Attack %: 20% Attack: +80 Equippable By: Rydia (Adult) NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Hold will be cast. Flame Attack %: 15% Attack: +50 Equippable By: Rydia (Adult) NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Hold will be cast. Whip Attack %: 0% Attack: +20 Equippable By: Rydia (Adult) NOTE: When you attack an enemy with this, there is a chance that Hold will be cast. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 12. Shields | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| In this section, I will list every shield in the game, as well as what they do, etc. Aegis Defense %: 34% Defense: +4 Magic Defense %: 4% Magic Defense: +5 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Kain NOTE: This shield protects the wearer from the Petrify status aliment. Black Defense %: 24% Defense: +2 Magic Defense %: 1% Magic Defense: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight) Crystal Defense %: 40% Defense: +7 Magic Defense %: 6% Magic Defense: +4 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin) Diamond Defense %: 32% Defense: +4 Magic Defense %: 3% Magic Defense: +2 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Kain NOTE: This shield causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Lightning attacks. Dragoon Defense %: 38% Defense: +6 Magic Defense %: 5% Magic Defense: +3 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Kain NOTE: This shield causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Fire, Ice, and Lightning attacks. Fire Defense %: 28% Defense: +3 Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +2 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Kain NOTE: This shield causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Ice attacks. Ice Defense %: 30% Defense: +3 Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +2 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Kain NOTE: This shield causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Fire attacks. Iron Defense %: 20% Defense: +1 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Kain Paladin Defense %: 24% Defense: +2 Magic Defense %: 1% Magic Defense: +1 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin) Samurai Defense %: 36% Defense: +5 Magic Defense %: 4% Magic Defense: +3 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Kain Shadow Defense %: 22% Defense: +1 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight) Silver Defense %: 26% Defense: +3 Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +2 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Kain |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 13. Headgear | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| In this section, I will list every piece of headgear in this game, as well as what they do, etc. Bandana Defense %: 2% Defense: +3 Magic Defense %: 1% Magic Defense: +1 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang Black Defense %: -10% Defense: +6 Magic Defense %: 1% Magic Defense: +1 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight) Cap Defense %: -5% Defense: +1 Magic Defense %: 1% Magic Defense: +1 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang Crystal Defense %: -10% Defense: +12 Magic Defense %: 5% Magic Defense: +8 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin) NOTE: This helmet causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Fire, Ice, and Lightning attacks. Darkness Defense %: -10% Defense: +5 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: +1 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight) Diamond Defense %: 10% Defense: +9 Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +2 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Kain NOTE: This helmet causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Fire, Ice, and Lightning attacks. Dragoon Defense %: -10% Defense: +11 Magic Defense %: 4% Magic Defense: +7 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Kain Gaea Defense %: -3% Defense: +3 Magic Defense %: 5% Magic Defense: +5 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah Glass Defense %: 20% Defense: +15 Magic Defense %: 10% Magic Defense: +10 Equippable By: Edge, Cecil (Paladin), FuSoYa, Kain NOTE: This helmet protects the wearer from all status aliments. Headband Defense %: 0% Defense: +1 Magic Defense %: 1% Magic Defense: +1 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang NOTE: This helmet protects the wearer from the Confusion status aliment. Iron Defense %: -10% Defense: +3 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Kain Leather Defense %: -4% Defense: +2 Magic Defense %: 3% Magic Defense: +3 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang Ninja Defense %: 4% Defense: +5 Magic Defense %: 1% Magic Defense: +1 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang NOTE: This helmet protects the wearer from the Sleep status aliment. Paladin Defense %: -10% Defense: +7 Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +2 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin) Ribbon Defense %: 2% Defense: +9 Magic Defense %: 12% Magic Defense: +12 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang NOTE: This helmet protects the wearer from the all status aliments, excluding Death. Also, this helmet causes the wearer to take less damage from Fire, Ice, and Lightning attacks. Samurai Defense %: -10% Defense: +10 Magic Defense %: 3% Magic Defense: +6 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Kain Shadow Defense %: -10% Defense: +4 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight) Silver Defense %: -10% Defense: +8 Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +2 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Kain Tiara Defense %: 0% Defense: +7 Magic Defense %: 9% Magic Defense: +10 Equippable By: Porom, Rosa, Rydia NOTE: This helmet causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Lightning attacks. Wizard Defense %: -2% Defense: +5 Magic Defense %: 7% Magic Defense: +7 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 14. Armor | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| In this section, I will list every armor in the game, as well as what they do, etc. Adamant Defense %: 99% Defense: +100 Magic Defense %: 8% Magic Defense: +20 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang NOTE: This armor raises all of your stats (e.g. Strength, Will) by 15. Bard Defense %: 0% Defense: +2 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: +1 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang Black (Armor-type) Defense %: -10% Defense: +9 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: +3 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight) Black (Robe-type) Defense %: 0% Defense: +8 Magic Defense %: 7% Magic Defense: +7 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia, Tellah Bl. Belt Defense %: 20% Defense: +10 Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +3 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang Cloth Defense %: 0% Defense: +1 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang Crystal Defense %: -10% Defense: +23 Magic Defense %: 6% Magic Defense: +10 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin) NOTE: This armor protects the wearer from all status aliments, excluding Death. Also, this armor causes the wearer to take less damage from Fire, Ice, and Lightning attacks. Darkness Defense %: -10% Defense: +7 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: +2 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight) Diamond Defense %: -10% Defense: +19 Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +4 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Kain NOTE: This armor causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Lightning attacks. Dragoon Defense %: -10% Defense: +23 Magic Defense %: 5% Magic Defense: +8 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Kain NOTE: This armor causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Fire, Ice, and Lightning attacks. Fire Defense %: -10% Defense: +15 Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +4 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Kain NOTE: This armor causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Ice attacks. Gaea Defense %: 0% Defense: +3 Magic Defense %: 3% Magic Defense: +3 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah Heroine Attack: +4 Defense %: 30% Defense: +20 Magic Defense %: 5% Magic Defense: +5 Equippable By: Porom, Rosa, Rydia NOTE: This armor protects the wearer from the Hold status aliment. Ice Defense %: -10% Defense: +17 Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +4 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Kain NOTE: This armor causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Fire attacks. Iron Defense %: -10% Defense: +4 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: +1 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Kain Karate Defense %: 20% Defense: +5 Magic Defense %: 1% Magic Defense: +2 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang Leather Defense %: 0% Defense: +2 Magic Defense %: 1% Magic Defense: +1 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang Ninja Defense %: 16% Defense: +24 Magic Defense %: 8% Magic Defense: +50 Equippable By: Edge Paladin Defense %: -10% Defense: +11 Magic Defense %: 1% Magic Defense: +3 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin) Prisoner Defense %: 0% Defense: +1 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: +1 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang NOTE: This armor protects the wearer from the Sleep status aliment. Power Defense %: 0% Defense: +5 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: +0 Equippable By: FuSoYa, Palom, Rydia, Tellah Samurai Defense %: -10% Defense: +21 Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +4 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Kain Shadow Defense %: -10% Defense: +5 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: +1 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight) Silver Defense %: -10% Defense: +13 Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +4 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Kain Sorcerer Defense %: 0% Defense: +12 Magic Defense %: 9% Magic Defense: +9 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah NOTE: This armor causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Lightning attacks. White Defense %: 0% Defense: +18 Magic Defense %: 4% Magic Defense: +10 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), FuSoYa, Porom, Rosa, Tellah NOTE: This armor protects the wearer against the Darkness status aliment. Wizard Defense %: 0% Defense: +5 Magic Defense %: 5% Magic Defense: +5 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), FuSoYa, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 15. Gauntlets/Rings | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| In this section, I will list every Gauntlet/Ring in the game, as well as what they do, etc. Gauntlets --------- Black Defense %: -10% Defense: +4 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight) Crystal Defense %: 10% Defense: +10 Magic Defense %: 4% Magic Defense: 7 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin) Darkness Defense %: -10% Defense: +3 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight) Diamond Defense %: -10% Defense: +7 Magic Defense %: 3% Magic Defense: +3 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, FuSoYa, Kain NOTE: This gauntlet causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Lightning attacks. Dragoon Defense %: -10% Defense: +9 Magic Defense %: -3% Magic Defense: +6 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Kain NOTE: This gauntlet causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Fire, Ice, and Lightning attacks. Paladin Defense %: -10% Defense: +8 Magic Defense %: 1% Magic Defense: +5 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin) Samurai Defense %: -10% Defense: +5 Magic Defense %: 3% Magic Defense: +8 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, FuSoYa, Kain Shadow Defense %: -10% Defense: +2 Magic Defense %: 0% Magic Defense: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight) Silver Defense %: -10% Defense: +6 Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +2 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, FuSoYa, Kain Zeus Defense %: -10% Defense: +11 Magic Defense %: 5% Magic Defense: +8 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, FuSoYa, Kain Rings ----- CrysRing Defense %: 5% Defense: +20 Magic Defense %: 10% Magic Defense: +12 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang NOTE: This ring protects the wearer from all status aliments, excluding Death. Also, this ring causes the wearer to take less damage from Fire, Ice, and Lightning attacks. Cursed Defense %: -10% Defense: -8 Magic Defense %: -4% Magic Defense: -8 Equippable By: Cecil (Dark Knight/Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang NOTE: This ring absorbs Fire, Ice, and Lightning attacks. Diamond Defense %: -0% Defense: +6 Magic Defense %: 6% Magic Defense: +8 Equippable By: Edge, Edward, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang IronRing Defense %: 0% Defense: +2 Magic Defense %: 1% Magic Defense: +2 Equippable By: Edge, Edward, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang Protect Defense %: 5% Defense: +10 Magic Defense %: 10% Magic Defense: +12 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang NOTE: This ring causes the wearer to take 1/2 damage from Fire, Ice, and Lightning attacks. RubyRing Defense %: 0% Defense: N/A Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +3 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang Rune Defense %: 0% Defense: +5 Magic Defense %: 8% Magic Defense: +8 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Edward, FuSoYa, Kain, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang Silver Defense %: 0% Defense: +4 Magic Defense %: 4% Magic Defense: +4 Equippable By: Edge, Edward, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Yang Strength Attack: +1 Defense %: 0% Defense: +2 Magic Defense %: 2% Magic Defense: +2 Equippable By: Cecil (Paladin), Cid, Edge, Kain, Rydia |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 16. Spells | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| In this section, I will list every spell in the game, as well as what they do, etc. Black Magic Spells ------------------ NOTE: The numbers on all these Black Magic spells after I put "Learnt:" means what level Palom and Rydia learn that Black Magic spell. Drain Learnt: (Palom) 26, (Rydia) 35 MP Cost: 18 Description: When used, this attack drains HP from an enemy, and the amount of HP that's drained from the enemy heals your HP by that amount. Fatal Learnt: (Palom) 46, (Rydia) 49 MP Cost: 35 Description: This attack will kill an enemy in one hit, though it does not work on bosses. Fire1 Learnt: (Palom) N/A; he has this when you first recruit him, (Rydia) N/A; she learns this at Mt. Hobs MP Cost: 5 Description: When used, the caster will unleash a fire attack on the targeted enemy/enemies for small damage. Fire2 Learnt: (Palom) 12, (Rydia) N/A; she has this when you recruit her as an adult MP Cost: 15 Description: When used, the caster will unleash a fire attack on the targeted enemy/enemies for decent damage. Fire3 Learnt: (Palom) 33, (Rydia) 40 MP Cost: 30 Description: When used, the caster will unleash a fire attack on the targeted enemy/enemies for strong damage. Ice-1 Learnt: (Palom) N/A; he has this when you first recruit him, (Rydia) 2 MP Cost: 5 Description: When used, the caster will unleash a ice attack on the targeted enemy/enemies for small damage. Ice-2 Learnt: (Palom) 11; (Rydia) N/A; she has this when you recruit her as an adult MP Cost: 15 Description: When used, the caster will unleash a ice attack on the targeted enemy/enemies for decent damage. Ice-3 Learnt: (Palom) 32, (Rydia) 38 MP Cost: 30 Description: When used, the caster will unleash a ice attack on the targeted enemy/enemies for strong damage. Lit-1 Learnt: (Palom) N/A; he has this when you first recruit him, (Rydia) 5 MP Cost: 5 Description: When used, the caster will unleash a lightning attack on the targeted enemy/enemies for small damage. Lit-2 Learnt: (Palom) 13, (Rydia) 5 N/A; she has this when you recruit her as an adult MP Cost: 15 Description: When used, the caster will unleash a lightning attack on the targeted enemy/enemies for decent damage. Lit-3 Learnt: (Palom) 34, (Rydia) 42 MP Cost: 30 Description: When used, the caster will unleash a lightning attack on the targeted enemy/enemies for strong damage. Meteo Learnt: (Palom) 50, (Rydia) 60 MP Cost: 99 Description: The ultimate Black Magic attack in the game will hurt all enemies onscreen for massive damage. Nuke Learnt: (Palom) 52, (Rydia) 50 MP Cost: 50 Description: This is a very strong explosive attack, which will cause massive damage on the targeted enemy. Piggy Learnt: (Palom) 11, (Rydia) 20 MP Cost: 1 Description: A pretty useless attack. When used, it can turn some enemies into pigs. Psych Learnt: (Palom) 40, (Rydia) 31 MP Cost: 0 Description: When used, this attack drains HP from an enemy, and the amount of HP that's drained from the enemy heals your HP by that amount. Quake Learnt: (Palom) 23, (Rydia) 44 MP Cost: 30 Description: Quake is a fairly strong earthquake attack on all enemies onscreen for damage. Sleep Learnt: (Palom) N/A; he has this when you first recruit him, (Rydia) 8 MP Cost: 12 Description: An attack that can put some enemies to sleep. Stone Learnt: (Palom) 36, (Rydia) 46 MP Cost: 15 Description: An attack that can turn some enemies into stone, meaning they are dead. Stop Learnt: (Palom) 14, (Rydia) 15 MP Cost: 15 Description: An attack that can sometimes cast Stop on the enemy. Toad Learnt: (Palom) 22, (Rydia) 13 MP Cost: 7 Description: An attack that can turn some enemies into toads. Venom Learnt: (Palom) N/A; he has this when you first recruit him, (Rydia) 10 MP Cost: 2 Description: When used, this attack poisons the selected target, and cause minor damage. Virus Learnt: (Palom) 19, (Rydia) 26 MP Cost: 20 Description: This is basically the same thing as Venom, except it hurts the selected target for more damage. This attack still poisons the selected target. Warp Learnt: (Palom) 29, (Rydia) 12 MP Cost: 4 Description: In dungeons, use this to warp to the previous room in dungeons. In castles, use this to warp to the previous room as well. Weak Learnt: (Palom) 48, (Rydia) 48 MP Cost: 30 Description: This attack is a tornado that is unleashed on the selected target that causes the target's HP to get down to below 10 (this does not work on any boss except for Dark D.). Call Spells ----------- Asura Learnt: Rydia gets this after you defeat Asura MP Cost: 50 Description: Rydia calls Asura and she heals your group by a high amount of HP. Baham Learnt: Rydia gets this after you defeat Bahamut MP Cost: 60 Description: Rydia calls Bahamut and he uses a very strong attack called MegaNuke that hits all enemies onscreen for powerful explosive damage. Bomb Learnt: Rydia gets this if you use a Bomb item MP Cost: 10 Description: Rydia calls a Bomb and the Bomb enemy then explodes, killing itself and hurting the enemy in the process. Chocb Learnt: N/A; Rydia has this when you first recruit her MP Cost: 7 Description: Rydia calls a Chocobo, which kicks an enemy for minor damage. Imp Learnt: N/A; Rydia gets this if you use an Imp item MP Cost: 1 Description: Rydia calls an Imp, which uses a VERY weak punch on an enemy, causing light damage. Indra Learnt: N/A; Rydia has this when you recruit her as an adult MP Cost: 30 Description: Rydia calls Indra, the god of lightning, and he uses his staff to unleash a lightning attack against all enemies onscreen. Jinn Learnt: N/A; Rydia has this when you recruit her as an adult MP Cost: 30 Description: Rydia calls Jinn, the god of fire, and he attacks all enemies onscreen for fire damage. Levia Learnt: Rydia gets this after you defeat Leviatan MP Cost: 50 Description: Rydia calls Leviatan and he uses a strong tsunami wave attack that hits all enemies onscreen for water damage. Mage Learnt: N/A; Rydia gets this if you use an Mage item MP Cost: 18 Description: Rydia calls a Mage and the Mage attacks an enemy with a blast. Mist Learnt: N/A; Rydia has this when you recruit her as an adult MP Cost: 20 Description: Rydia calls the Mist Dragon from the very beginning of the game, and he uses a strong wind attack that hits all enemies onscreen. The damage the attack does depends on how high Rydia's max HP is. Odin Learnt: Rydia gets this after you defeat Odin MP Cost: 45 Description: Rydia calls Odin, who will use his sword to cut through all of the enemies onscreen. If Odin succeeds in cutting through all of the enemies, every enemy onscreen will be killed, resulting in an instant victory. Note that this does not work on bosses. Shiva Learnt: N/A; Rydia gets this after you recruit her as an adult MP Cost: 30 Description: Rydia calls Shiva, the god of ice, and she attacks all enemies onscreen for ice damage. Sylph Learnt: Rydia gets this after you recruit her as an adult MP Cost: 25 Description: Rydia calls Sylph, and the Sylph absorbs the HP of all enemies onscreen and then the amount of HP that is absorbed is divided among all your party members. Titan Learnt: N/A; Rydia gets this after you recruit her as an adult MP Cost: 40 Description: Rydia calls Titan, who uses a powerful earthquake attack that hits all enemies onscreen. Ninja Skills ------------ NOTE: The numbers on some of these Ninja Skills after I put "Learnt:" means what level Edge learns that Ninja Skill. Blitz Learnt: N/A; Edge learns this right before the fight with Rubicant MP Cost: 25 Description: Edge unleashes a lightning attack, which hits all enemies onscreen for lightning damage. Flame Learnt: N/A; Edge has this when you first recruit him MP Cost: 15 Description: Edge unleashes a fire attack, which hits all enemies onscreen for fire damage. Flood Learnt: N/A; Edge learns this right before the fight with Rubicant MP Cost: 20 Description: Edge unleashes a water attack, which hits all enemies onscreen for water damage. Image Learnt: 38 MP Cost: 6 Description: This attack raises Edge's evasion. Pin Learnt: 27 MP Cost: 5 Description: When used, this attack has a chance to paralyze the selected target. Smoke Learnt: 33 MP Cost: 10 Description: Edge creates a smoke, and he and your party can escape battles (though not boss battles) that way. Twin Magic Spells ----------------- Comet Chance of Being Cast When Twin Is Used: 25% MP Cost: N/A Description: Palom and Porom hit all enemies onscreen with comets. Flare Chance of Being Cast When Twin Is Used: 75% MP Cost: N/A Description: Palom and Porom create a powerful fire attack that hits all enemies onscreen. White Magic Spells ------------------ NOTE: The numbers on some of these White Magic Spells after I put "Learnt:" means what level Cecil, Porom, Rosa, and Rydia learn that White Magic spell. Also note that the Dark Knight Cecil doesn't learn any of these spells; the Paladin Cecil does. Bersk Learnt: (Porom) 18, (Rosa) 20 MP Cost: 18 Description: When used on the selected target, the target has Berserk casted on it, meaning the target will automatically attack with physical attacks and you can't control a party member if you do it to a party member. Blink Learnt: (Porom) 23, (Rosa) 23 MP Cost: 8 Description: This spell, when used on a party member, raises that party member's evasion. Charm Learnt: (Porom) 25, (Rosa) 24 MP Cost: 10 Description: This spell can cause Charm on some enemies. Cure1 Learnt: (Cecil) N/A; he has this when he becomes a Paladin, (Kid Rydia) 3, (Porom) N/A; she has this when you first recruit her, (Rosa) 13 MP Cost: 3 Description: This is a very weak healing move that can be used on one target or multiple targets (enemies included). This spell only heals your HP by a small amount. Note that this spell can be used to damage undead enemies. You can also use this outside battle. Cure2 Learnt: (Cecil) 15, (Porom) 13, (Rosa) 24 MP Cost: 9 Description: This is a decent healing move that can be used on one target or multiple targets (enemies included). This spell heals your HP by a decent amount. Note that this spell can be used to damage undead enemies. You can also use this outside of battle. Cure3 Learnt: (Porom) 33, (Rosa) 28 MP Cost: 18 Description: This is a strong healing move that can be used on one target or multiple targets (enemies included). This spell heals your HP by a high amount. Note that this spell can be used to damage undead enemies. You can also use this outside of battle. Cure4 Learnt: (Porom) 38, (Rosa) 48 MP Cost: 40 Description: This is a very strong healing move that can be used on one target or multiple targets (enemies included). This spell heals your HP by a significant amount. Note that this spell can be used to damage undead enemies. You can also use this outside of battle. Exit Learnt: (Cecil) 19, (Porom) 19, (Rosa) N/A; she has this after you complete the Tower of Zot MP Cost: 10 Description: Use this to exit the current dungeon that you're in completely. You cannot do this in all dungeons, though. Also use this to run away from battles (not boss battles). Fast Learnt: (Porom) 38, (Rosa) 30 MP Cost: 25 Description: When used, this spell will cause the selected target to gain an increase in speed. Float Learnt: (Porom) 40, (Rosa) 32 MP Cost: 8 Description: This spell allows your party members to float in the air both in and outside of battle (though your party members don't actually float outside of battle like they do inside a battle). When you are floating, you won't take damage from the floor tiles in the Land of Monsters and the Sylvan Cave. Also, you will be able to take 0 damage from Quake. Heal Learnt: (Cecil) 24, (Porom) 20, (Rosa) 18 MP Cost: 20 Description: Use Heal to cure any status aliments on a party member. Heal does not revive dead party members. Hold Learnt: (Kid Rydia) 7 ,(Porom) N/A; she has this when you first recruit her, (Rosa) N/A; she has this when you first recruit her MP Cost: 5 Description: This ability, when used, has a chance to paralyze the selected target for a few turns. Life1 Learnt: (Porom) 11, (Rosa) 11 MP Cost: 8 Description: Life1 will allow you to revive a party member that is dead and when that party member gets revived, his/her HP is recovered by a very small amount. Life2 Learnt: (Porom) 56, (Rosa) 42 MP Cost: 52 Description: Life2 will allow you to revive a party member that is dead and when that party member gets revived, his/her HP is recovered by 100%. Mute Learnt: (Porom) 15, (Rosa) 15 MP Cost: 6 Description: When used, this spell can cause the Mute status on some enemies. Peep Learnt: (Cecil) 8, (Porom) N/A; she has this when you first recruit her, (Rosa) N/A; she has this when you first recruit her MP Cost: 1 Description: View an enemy's weakness, as well as HP. Note that you cannot do this on boss battles. Sight Learnt: (Cecil) 3, (Kid Rydia) 4, (Porom) N/A; she has this when you first recruit her, (Rosa) N/A; she has this when you first recruit her MP Cost: 2 Description: This spell will enable you to zoom the camera out, and by doing that you will be able to see more things than you normally could on the World Map because the camera zooms out. Size Learnt: (Porom) 31, (Rosa) 29 MP Cost: 6 Description: When used, this spell can cause the selected target to become small. Slow Learnt: (Porom) N/A; she has this when you first recruit her, (Rosa) N/A; she has this when you first recruit her MP Cost: 14 Description: When used, this spell will cause the selected target to gain a decrease in speed. Wall Learnt: (Porom) 44, (Rosa) 34 MP Cost: 30 Description: By using Wall, the caster will create a barrier on the selected target. If any magic attack is inflicted on the target that has Wall on it, that magic attack will be deflected back onto either a party member, or the enemy, depending on who has Wall. White Learnt: (Porom) 52, (Rosa) 49 MP Cost: 46 Description: The ultimate White Magic spell causes the caster to use a very powerful holy-type attack on the selected target for massive damage. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 17. Shops | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| In this section, I will list every shop in the game, as well as what is sold in them. Baron Shops Armor Shop Location: Town of Baron Items: Headband Helmet Price: 450G Karate Robe Price: 4000G Silver Ring Price: 650G ----------------------------------------- Item Shop Location: Town of Baron Items: Cure1 Price: 30G Life Price: 150G Tent Price: 200G Carrot Price: 50G Heal Price: 100G Ether1 Price: 10000G ----------------------------------------- Weapon Shop Location: Town of Baron Items: Thunder Rod Price: 700G Cure Staff Price: 480G Fire Claw Price: 350G Ice Claw Price: 450G Thunder Claw Price: 550G ----------------------------------------- Village Mist Armor Shop Location: Village Mist Items: Bard Robe Price: 70G ----------------------------------------- Weapon Shop Location: Village Mist Items: Whip Price: 3000G Dancing Knife Price: 5000G ----------------------------------------- Kaipo Armor Shop: Location: Kaipo Items: Cap Helmet Price: 100G Cloth Robe Price: 50G Leather Robe Price: 200G IronRing Price: 100G ----------------------------------------- Item Shop Location: Kaipo Items: Cure1 Price: 30G Life Price: 150G Tent Price: 200G Carrot Price: 50G Heal Price: 100G Ether1 Price: 10000G ----------------------------------------- Weapon Shop Location: Kaipo Items: Rod Price: 100G Staff Price: 160G ShortBow Price: 220G Iron Arrow Price: 10G apiece ----------------------------------------- Fabul Item Shop Location: Fabul Items: Cure1 Price: 30G Life Price: 150G Tent Price: 200G Carrot Price: 50G Heal Price: 100G Ether1 Price: 10000G ----------------------------------------- Weapon/Armor Shop Location: Fabul Items: Fire Claw Price: 350G Ice Claw Price: 450G Thunder Claw Price: 550G Black Helmet Price: 980G Black Armor Price: 3000G Black Gauntlet Price: 800G ----------------------------------------- Mysidia Armor Shop Location: Mysidia Items: Gaea Helmet Price: 700G Gaea Robe Price: 500G Silver Ring Price: 650G Paladin Shield Price: 700G Paladin Helmet Price: 4000G Paladin Armor Price: 8000G Paladin Gauntlet Price: 3000G ----------------------------------------- Item Shop Location: Mysidia Items: Cure1 Price: 30G Cure2 Price: 150G Life Price: 150G Tent Price: 200G Cabin Price: 1000G Heal Price: 100G Ether1 Price: 10000G ----------------------------------------- Weapon Shop Location: Mysidia Items: Ice Rod Price: 220G FlameRod Price: 380G Cure Staff Price: 480G CrossBow Price: 700G White Arrow Price: 20G apiece ----------------------------------------- Town of Toroia Armor Shop Location: Town of Toroia Items: Cap Helmet Price: 100G Leather Helmet Price: 330G Cloth Robe Price: 50G Leather Robe Price: 200G RubyRing Price: 1000G ----------------------------------------- Item Shop Location: Town of Toroia Items: Cure1 Price: 30G Life Price: 150G Tent Price: 200G Carrot Price: 50G Heal Price: 100G Ether1 Price: 10000G ----------------------------------------- Weapon Shop Location: Town of Toroia Items: Wooden Hammer Price: 80G GreatBow Price: 2000G Fire Arrow Price: 30G apiece Ice Arrow Price: 30G apiece Lit Arrow Price: 30G apiece ----------------------------------------- Agart Armor Shop Location: Agart Items: Iron Shield Price: 100G Iron Helmet Price: 150G Iron Armor Price: 600G Iron Gauntlet Price: 130G IronRing Price: 100G ----------------------------------------- Item Shop Location: Agart Items: Cure1 Price: 30G Life Price: 150G Tent Price: 200G Carrot Price: 50G Heal Price: 100G Ether1 Price: 10000G ----------------------------------------- Weapon Shop Location: Agart Items: Rod Price: 100G Staff Price: 160G Spear Price: 60G Boomerang Price: 3000G ShortBow Price: 220G CrossBow Price: 700G Iron Arrows Price: 10G apiece White Arrows Price: 20G apiece ----------------------------------------- Silvera Armor Shop Location: Silvera Items: Silver Shield Price: 1000G Silver Helmet Price: 3000G Silver Armor Price: 17000G Silver Gauntlet Price: 2000G ----------------------------------------- Item Shop Location: Silvera Items: Heal Price: 100G ----------------------------------------- Weapon Shop Location: Agart Items: Silver Staff Price: 4000G Silver Knife Price: 3000G Silver Hammer Price: 8000G Silver Sword Price: 6000G ----------------------------------------- Castle of Dwarves Armor Shop Location: Castle of Dwarves Items: Fire Shield Price: 1250G Fire Armor Price: 30000G Wizard Helmet Price: 2000G Wizard Robe Price: 1200G Rune Ring Price: 2000G ----------------------------------------- Item Shop Location: Castle of Dwarves Items: Life Price: 150G Cure1 Price: 30G Cure2 Price: 150G Tent Price: 200G Cabin Price: 1000G Carrot Price: 50G Heal Price: 100G Ether1 Price: 10000G ----------------------------------------- Weapon Shop Location: Castle of Dwarves Items: Dwarf Axe Price: 15000G GreatBow Price: 2000G Darkness Arrow Price: 40G apiece Fire Sword Price: 14000G Flame Spear Price: 11000G ----------------------------------------- Cave Eblana Armor Shop Location: Cave Eblana Items: Ice Shield Price: 10000G Ice Armor Price: 35000G Black Robe Price: 10000G ----------------------------------------- Item Shop Location: Cave Eblana Items: Life Price: 150G Cure1 Price: 30G Cure2 Price: 150G Tent Price: 200G Cabin Price: 1000G Carrot Price: 50G Heal Price: 100G Ether1 Price: 10000G ----------------------------------------- Weapon Shop Location: Cave Eblana Items: Power Staff Price: 2000G IceBrand Price: 26000G Blizzard Spear Price: 21000G Short Katana Price: 4000G Boomerang Price: 3000G Archer Bow Price: 3000G Poison Arrow Price: 70G apiece ----------------------------------------- Tomra Armor Shop Location: Tomra Items: Diamond Shield Price: 15000G Diamond Helmet Price: 10000G Diamond Armor Price: 40000G Diamond Gauntlet Price: 5000G Tiara Helmet Price: 20000G Diamond Ring Price: 4000G ----------------------------------------- Item Shop Location: Tomra Items: Life Price: 150G Cure1 Price: 30G Cure2 Price: 150G Tent Price: 200G Cabin Price: 1000G Carrot Price: 50G Heal Price: 100G Ether1 Price: 10000G ----------------------------------------- Weapon Shop Location: Tomra Items: Middle Katana Price: 7000G Chain Whip Price: 6000G Ogre Axe Price: 45000G Archer Bow Price: 3000G Mute Arrow Price: 100G apiece ----------------------------------------- Land of Monsters Armor Shop Location: Land of Monsters Items: Aegis Shield Price: 20000G Sorcerer Robe Price: 30000G ----------------------------------------- Item Shop Location: Land of Monsters Items: Life Price: 150G Cure1 Price: 30G Cure2 Price: 150G Tent Price: 200G Cabin Price: 1000G Carrot Price: 50G Heal Price: 100G Ether1 Price: 10000G ----------------------------------------- Weapon Shop Location: Land of Monsters Items: Whip Price: 3000G Chain Whip Price: 6000G Blitz Whip Price: 10000G Charm Rod Price: 5000G Lunar Staff Price: 7000G Charm Arrow Price: 110G apiece ----------------------------------------- Kokkol, the Smith's Item Shop Location: Kokkol, the Smith's Items: Shuriken Price: 20000G Ninja Star Price: 50000G Samurai Arrow Price: 140G apiece ----------------------------------------- Cave of Humingway Item Shop Location: Cave of Humingway Items: Cure2 Price: 150G Life Price: 150G Ether1 Price: 10000G Ether2 Price: 50000G Elixir Price: 100000G Cabin Price: 1000G Whistle Price: 20000G |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 18. FAQs | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Q: Can I get the Alarm/Alert items in the SNES version? A: No. Those two items were dummied out in the SNES version of this game, so therefore you cannot obtain them. Q: Why can't I equip a weapon on Cid? I gave him a Silver Shield and now I am unable to give him a weapon. Help! A: Since Cid requires two hands to use a shield, you can't give him both a hammer and a shield, just one or the other. I would suggest that you choose a hammer over a shield, simply because what good is Cid without a weapon? Q: Are you sure that your calculations are correct on how rare a Pink Tail is? I've tried for ages and I still can't obtain it. A: The Pink Pail is a VERY rare item, and could possibly be one of the most difficult challenges in a video game you could ever accomplish. Like I have stated in my walkthrough, there is a 1/64 chance of encountering a group of Pink Puffs, and there is a 1/64 chance that the group you encounter will drop the Pink Tail. If you don't think you can obtain it, then just quit trying; a lot of people have, since it is a very hard challenge. Q: Is there a Game Developer's Room in this game? A: No. It is not in this version, but it is in Final Fantasy IV in America. Q: Where is the Game Developer's Room located? A; It is located in the Castle of Dwarves. there is a hidden path (in FFIV) right between the Weapon Shop and the Armor Shop. That hidden path will lead you to the Game Developer's room. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 19. Codes n' Secrets | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| I'll list all the codes n' secrets I know in this game below. Code n' Secret #1 - Cloning Weapons/Shields How To Do It: There is a glitch in this game that allows you to clone Weapons and Shields. First off, you must go into a battle (not a boss battle). Once inside a battle, go to Item and then select a blank spot in the item menu. After selecting that, go all the way to the very top of the item list till you can't go any further, than at that point, press Up on the D-Pad. You should now see the Weapon you have equipped, as well as the Shield. Highlight the Weapon or Shield, depending on which one you want to clone, then press A after highlighting one of them. After pressing A, you'll unequip the Weapon/Shield, depending on which one you highlighted. After unequipping the Weapon or Shield, exit the item menu and run away from the battle. Then, go to the menu screen and then select the character that you removed the Weapon/Shield from. Then, reequip the Weapon/Shield, then press A on the thing you just equipped, then go down to a blank spot in your inventory. Now, press A on the blank spot to select it, then go back up to the Weapon/Shield, then press A on it and you'll unequip it again, but this time there'll be 2 of the item, rather than 1! Code n' Secret #2 - Free Experience How To Do It: There are certain enemies in the games that use Call. When they use Call, another monster aside from themselves appears. Attack the monsters that are called, but don't ever attack the enemy who uses Call, otherwise you'll stop the process. You can keep doing this until you have the amount of experience you want. You must also note that the experience points you gain will reset eventually. I would not recommend you battle for more than 20 minutes, just incase it resets. Code n' Secret #3 - Skipping the Sealed Cave How To Do It: There's a glitch in FF2 that allows you to skip the Sealed Cave. To do this, defeat Golbez in the Castle of Dwarves. After he is defeated, sit through all that dialogue in the throne room after the fight. Then, when you regain control, have Rydia use Warp. You'll then appear in the crystal room of the Castle of Dwarves, so take the crystal that is somehow there even though Golbez supposedly took it. After taking the crystal, exit the crystal room. When the time comes to head over to the Sealed Cave, go there and in the room with the locked door leading into the actual cave, Golbez will mind control Kain, and Kain will take the Dark Crystal from Cecil. This scene would happen after the Sealed Cave has been completed, but since you did this glitch, this scene occurs the moment you enter the Sealed Cave. Code n' Secret #4 - Items Hidden In The Floor How To Do It: There are several hidden items in the floor in various areas in the game. I'll list them all according to the places you visit first in the game. I'll also post links to pictures of these hidden items, because it's MUCH easier to do that than to explain where the items are in words. 1) In the Tower of Bab-il on your second visit, there's a Poison Claw that can be found here: http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/356/ff2pic1us8.jpg 2) In the Sealed Cave, there's a floor tile where you'll be able to fight some monsters. The link to the picture is at this URL: http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/6402/ff2pic2gx8.jpg 3) In the Sealed Cave, there's another floor tile that houses a Shadow Sword. The link to the picture can be found here: http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/2695/ff2pic3kx7.jpg 4) In Lunar's Lair, there is a floor tile that allows you to fight some RedGiant enemies. As always, the link to the area where you find this can be found here: http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/7601/ff2pic4qd8.jpg 5) In Lunar's Lair, there is another tile that nets you 280G. Here's the link to the image, as always: http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/6427/ff2pic5xg1.jpg 6) In Lunar Subterrane, you can find a Rod on one of the floor tiles. The link is, as usual, posted at imageshack under this URL: http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/8607/ff2pic6cm2.jpg 7) In Lunar Subterrane, you can get 150G. The image is here: http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/7532/ff2pic7bc0.jpg NOTE: All of these pictures must be enlarged in order for you to fully view them. Also, note that ALL of these images for these hidden items came from Kain Stryder's FAQ. The original source, however, is from Zach Keene's website. Without these images, I could've never explained how to get all of these hidden items, since they are VERY hard to explain how to get in words. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 20. Copyright | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| This guide is copyrighted © 2006, Kori Winstead. All rights reserved. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this guide are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This FAQ is NOT to be reproduced on ANY website except for the ones I list below: GameFAQs.com ign.com neoseeker.com gameplayworld.com gamespot.com absolutcheats.com supercheats.com gamerhelp.com 1up.com If you would like this FAQ or any of my other FAQs to be on your site, then e-mail me at verykoolguy2002@yahoo.com. 99.9% of the time I will say yes, so go ahead and e-mail me. The one website that CANNOT use my FAQ without my permission is www.cheatcc.com. They have ripped me off in the past, and they will never EVER be able to post ANY of my work. Also, they never kept up with my most recent versions on one of my FAQs, so I will not allow them to use any of my FAQs anymore. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 21. Contact Info | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| To contact me, e-mail me at verykoolguy2002[at]gmail[dot]com. Keep in mind that I will not bother to respond to hate mails, threats, or anything of that sort, just so you know (though common sense tells you that anyway, but I will remind you, just so that you are 100% sure what not to send me). I will not respond to spam, either. Only e-mails pertaining to this FAQ or any other FAQ I may have that is not marked version Final will be accepted and responded to. But please, read the FAQ before sending in a question. It gets very annoying after a while to have to sit here and respond to e-mails about things that are already blatantly answered in this FAQ. So the bottom line is to read my FAQ first and if it doesn't contain the information you are looking for, then go ahead and e-mail me and I'll gladly respond (though I'll usually respond to question already answered in this FAQ anyway, just the way I am, but that doesn't mean I like those e-mails). |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 22. Credits | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Jesus Christ: The Son of God who loves me and died for me. He died for me, so that I may have eternal life and not be condemned. Thanks. :) Nintendo: For allowing such a game to be played on their system. Squaresoft: For making this. Myself: For taking the time to write this guide. CJayC: For hosting this FAQ, and for running GameFAQs. DBM11085: I needed to know the levels you learnt Black/White magic, so I used his guide to find out how (I already knew some myself, but not all). Kain Stryder: I used his FAQ for some things I didn't know, like the enemy drops.