FFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFF IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFF IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FFFF FFFF IIIII IIIII FFFF FFFF IIII IIII FFFF FFFF IIII IIII FFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFF IIII IIII FFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF IIII IIII FFFF FFFF IIII IIII FFFF FFFF IIII IIII FFFF FFFF IIIII IIIII FFFF FFFF IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FFF FFF IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ASCII Art Made by Bobby "Lord Lundar" Krell +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FF II(4j) Gunslinger Code +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ########################################################################### By Bobby "LordLundar" Krell dagger10@hotmail.com Please use my alias when emailing me: I get too much spam and I may miss a real email from a user. ########################################################################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ May 7, 2001 Version 1.1-Finished dummied items up, added hardtype code) May 1, 2001 Version 1.0-Initial release ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Copyright 2001 Bobby Krell. Feel free to use this for personal use, however if you wish to use this on your website, remember four things: 1. Get my permission. I will check out the website to see if the guide fits.Info on website must contain Info on Final Fantasy II(4j) before approval. Any changes to be made to the website had better be made before the request is sent. I check my email every day and respond to them immediately, so it doesn't leave you a very large window to work with. 2. Give credit where credit is due. I like seeing my name and/or alias on the net. Use "LordLundar", "Lord Lundar", or "Lundar" for aliases. I am not a hacker, but I do support the ones that do not damage systems for fun. (crackers, those guys are pricks.) 3. Don't change the guide on your own. I put a lot of work into it, and would hate to see it destroyed because someone with an attitude thinks it could be better. Submit changes to me through my email above, and I willconsider the change, make it if neccessary, and email you in either instance so you know why I put it in or not and why I put it where I did. Please do send ASCII art (mine sucks. No really, it does) 4. Use in a magazine or E-zine is forbidden. All too often do people submit to GameFAQs only to have a magazine company download it and rip it off, taking sole credit for the work. They always wind up in court. As such, there will be NO special conditions granted to magazines or E-zines ever, so don't even ask.(Not that I expect you to) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< **************************************************************************** OK People, you have been asking to have a explanation on how the (in)famous Gunslinger code for Final Fantasy II (4j) works, and I am here to do one up on that. You guessed it, I've promised it, and here it is! This Info file contains the code, specific instructions on how to work it, and a table of all the items available. **************************************************************************** =================================== Gunslinger Code: 00CE-6D69 Hardtype ver: 00CF-A469 =================================== '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' A lot of people know the Gunslinger code exists, but aside from that they usually draw a blank. While here is a little bit of info on it. The code was developed by a man from Prodigy (play Space Quest 6 for a good spoof on the company). Who the man was is unknown (don't start claiming credit). And why the code was named as it is is beyond my knowledge. As well, I did not create the table, but I found it on a (what I presume to be) long gone website. If you wrote it (send some changes I made to the table as proof of original creator) to recive credit. I am more than willing to give credit to the original writer (If I can find him/her/it) I also found recently (on a faq on gameFAQs) the code for FF4j Hardtype. This code works just like the regular version.(I used it to finish up the dummy list). This version of the code was made by AreoStar, so let's give him a round of applause. (Cheer!) The code allowed you to access any item in the game (including equipment) at any point in the game! Need some Elixers for the Fight with Zeromus? Buy some Life Potions! You can even access dummied items (Items which were not meant to be in the game, but the coding wasn't removed) To get the code to work, select an item group (what takes up a slot in the item screen) and place it in the number one slot (up left corner) and then select any cure type item not in the number one slot (I use Cure1) and use it on the middle character. The item in the number one slot will change to the next item on the following list, with the amount (the number beside the item name) remaining the same. To save space, it will be a two column list. **NOTE** The code can be used in battle as well as out, but remember two things: one is that in battle, you will not have time to use this very well. Two is that any item used out of battle will not decrese, take advantage of the fact but be careful. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The list will function as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6, an so on When the last item on the list is reached, it will turn into the first item if used again. Only the number one slotted item will change, not all of them. Dummied items will show up as Dummy on all screens. A description is offered in the list in brackets. A (?) beside a Dummied Item means that I have tried all means to get it to work without success. If an item is labeled a spell, then it can only be used in combat. "in hard" means in the hardtype version with J2e translation patch added //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Cure2 Potion Cure1 Potion Dummy (Heal party) Dummy (Wake party) Dummy (Peep spell) Dummy (Rand Summon) Dummy (Fatal spell) Crystal Dummy (Quake spell) Dummy (Mute spell) Dummy (Wall spell) Dummy (Bomb attack) Dummy (Wall Spell) Lit-Bolt (cecil has at the start) Dummy (Ice-Bolt) Fire-Bomb Dummy (Image Spell) Dummy (Slow Spell) Dummy (Stop spell) Dummy (Stop Spell) Dummy (Stop spell) Dummy (Fast spell) Dummy (Bersk spell) Dummy (Drain spell) (2 in hard) Dummy (Comet) Dummy (Lit2 spell) Dummy (Lit1 spell) Dummy (Ice2 spell) Dummy (Ice1 spell) Dummy (Fire2 spell) Dummy (Fire1 spell) Cursed Ring Protect Ring Diamond Ring Crystal Ring Rune Ring Strength ring Silver Ring Rubyring Iron Ring Crystal Gauntlets Dragoon Gauntlets Samurai Gauntlets Zeus Gauntlets Diamond Gauntlets Silver Gauntlets Paladin Gauntlets Black Gauntlets Darkness Gauntlets Shadow Gauntlets Iron Gauntlets Ninja Shirt Adamant Armor Karate Shirt Bard Shirt Prisoner Shirt Heroine Shirt Power Shirt White Shirt Sorcerer Shirt Black Shirt Wizard Shirt Gaea Shirt Leather Shirt Crystal Armor Dragoon Armor Samurai Armor Diamond Armor Ice Armor Fire Armor Silver Armor Paladin Armor Black Armor Darkness Armor Shadow Armor Iron Armor Glass Helmet Ninja Helmet Bandanna Headband Ribbon Tiara Wizard hat Gaea hat Leather hat Cap Crystal Helmet Dragoon Helmet Samurai Helmet Diamond Helmet Silver Helmet Paladin Helmet Black Helmet Darkness Helmet Shadow Helmet Iron Helmet Crystal Shield Dragoon Shield Samurai Shield Aegis Shield Diamond Shield Ice Shield Fire Shield Silver Shield Paladin Shield Black Shield Darkness Shield Shadow Shield Iron Shield Artemis Arrows Medusa Arrows Samurai Arrows Charm Arrows Mute Arrows Poison Arrows Darkness Arrows Lit Arrows Ice Arrows Fire Arrows White Arrows Iron Arrows Atremis Bow Samurai Bow Elven Bow Archer Bow Great Bow Crossbow Short Bow Avenger Sword Wooden Hammer Earth Hammer Silver Hammer Rune Axe Poison Axe Dummy(No use, wierd message in hard) Charm Harp Dreamer Harp Fullmoon Boomerang Ninja Star Shuriken Star Crystal Sword Spoon Dagger Silver Sword Dancing Dagger Silver Dagger Ogre Axe Dwarf Axe Hand Axe Dragon Whip Flame Whip Blitz Whip Chain Whip Whip Mute Dagger Assassin Dagger Masamune Katana Murasme Katana Ninja Katana Long Katana Middle Katana Short Katana Gugnir Lance Drain Lance White Lance Dragoon Lance Blizzard Lance Flame Lance Wind Lance Spear Medusa Sword Slumber Sword Ancient Sword Drain Sword Defence Sword IceBrand Sword Fire Sword Excalibur Sword Light Sword Legend Sword Black Sword Darkness Sword Shadow Sword Silence Staff Life Staff Lunar Staff Power Staff Silver Staff Cure Staff Staff Lilith Rod Stardust Rod Charm Rod Change Rod Thunder Rod Flame Rod Ice Rod Rod CatClaw Poison Claw Charm Claw Thunder Claw Ice Claw Fire Claw Trash Sort Dummy (No use) Dummy (No use) Dummy (DarkMatter) Tower Key Pink Tail Pan Adamant Rat Tail Darkness Crystal TwinHarp Luca Key Magma Key Earth Crystal SandRuby Baron Key Package Whistle Pass Carrot Mage Call Dummy (Cockatrice Call) Bomb Call Imp Call Dummy (Sight spell) Dummy (Exit) Dummy (Porno mag in hard) Cabin Tent Dummy (gives 10 MP more) Dummy (Gives 50 HP more) Dummy (gives 100 HP more) Dummy (Monster) Heal Potion Dummy (Cures curse) Dummy (cures poison) Dummy (cures blind) Dummy (Cures mute) Dummy (cures pig) Dummy (Cures mini) Dummy (cures toad) Dummy (cures stone) Life Potion Elixer Potion Ether Potion Ether2 Potion Cure3 Potion \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` And there you go! Have fun! (By the way, you can only go one at a time, so getting the final equipment at the start (When the closest is a Cure1) takes a LOOOONNNNG time, Trust me.) B) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````