FF2e, FF4j MAGIC CODES 1.0 Final Fantasy II (English), Final Fantasy IV (Japan) [Yes, the codes work in both versions] Super Nintendo Entertainment System Pro Action Replay, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes by Jacob Quisenberry © Jacob Quisenberry 1999, 2003 jacob_quisenberry@hotmail.com You may distribute this document as much as you want IF: (1) You maintain credit to me. (2) You do not change anything. (3) You do not make any money. You may include information from this document in other documents IF: (1) You give credit to me. (2) You do not credit me with things I did not create. (3) You give me notice at jacob_quisenberry@hotmail.com The codes I have developed are designed to allow you to assign any spell to any character or exchange spells between characters. My other codes affect other aspects of the magic system. Everything here is my own work and my own discoveries. The last time they were available is when I posted them on Usenet back in 1999. Part 0: Spell Cycler, the Very Brief Version Part 1: FF2e FF4j SPELL CYCLER/OFFSET CODE 7E1B86xy I. INTRODUCTION II. CONVENTIONS USED HEREIN III. SPELL CYCLER IV. OFFSETS IN GENERAL V. HOW OFFSETS WORK VI. CONVERTING ROW 8 OFFSETS TO OTHER ROWS VII. SPECIAL ABILITIES AND EFFECTS VIII. HOW TO FIND OFFSETS FOR OTHER CHARACTERS IX. WHAT I DO NOT HAVE X. POSSIBLE SOURCES OF ERROR XI. SPELL NOTES XII. ORDER OF SPELLS IN THE SPELL CYCLER XIII. CHARACTERS AND OFFSET VALUES (finally) XIV. COMBINED LIST OF ALL KNOWN OFFSETS Part 2: Choosing Specific Spells and Cells by Address Part 3: Changing Current and Max MP Values Part 0: Spell Cycler, the Very Brief Version Repeated double-selection of the spell cycler allows you view and select all the spells in the game. (1) Position a spell or blank space in your character’s appropriate row. (2) Enter the listed code. (3) Repeatedly double-select the original spell. (4) Stop when you come to the spell or effect you want. (5) Enjoy. Not all characters have a spell cycler. For them, I have provided codes to exchange spells with other characters. Exchange codes must be performed on the menu of the character listed first in the sequence. SPELL CYCLERS Hex/Pro Action Replay Game Genie ROSA Row1 7E1B869C BAF6-228C Row4 7E1B8693 B7F6-228C Row8 7E1B8687 65F6-228C EDGE Row1 7E1B8624 40F6-228C Row4 7E1B861B F8F6-228C Row8 7E1B860F DEF6-228C OLD RYDIA BLACK Row1 7E1B86FC EAF6-228C Row4 7E1B86F3 E7F6-228C Row8 7E1B86E7 35F6-228C OLD RYDIA CALLER Row1 7E1B86E4 31F6-228C Row4 7E1B86DB 28F6-228C Row8 7E1B86CF AEF6-228C CECIL Row1 NO SUCH CODE! Row4 NO SUCH CODE! Row8 NO SUCH CODE! EXCHANGES CECIL's row 8 <=> OLD RYDIA BLACK's row 8 position 1 7E1B8648 06F6-228C position 2 7E1B8649 0BF6-228C position 3 7E1B8650 9DF6-228C CECIL <=> OLD RYDIA CALLER position 1 7E1B8660 1DF6-228C position 2 7E1B8661 1FF6-228C position 3 7E1B8662 14F6-228C CECIL <=> EDGE position 1 NO SUCH CODE! position 2 NO SUCH CODE! position 3 NO SUCH CODE! CECIL <=> ROSA position 1 7E1B86A8 C6F6-228C position 2 7E1B86A9 CBF6-228C position 3 7E1B86AA CCF6-228C ROSA <=> EDGE position 1 7E1B8678 56F6-228C position 2 7E1B8679 5BF6-228C position 3 7E1B867A 5CF6-228C Part 1: FF2e FF4j SPELL CYCLER/OFFSET CODE 7E1B86xy I. INTRODUCTION In order to use the codes to their full potential, it is necessary to understand what they do and how they work. When viewing a character’s spell menu, selecting a spell or blank space and then selecting another spell or space will exchange the positions of the two spells. Using the spell offset code causes a double-selection of a single spell to result in the transposition of it and one of the following: another spell from the spell menu, a spell from another spell menu, or a location in the ROM’s memory that I like to call "spell space". II. CONVENTIONS USED HEREIN All codes and values are raw hexadecimal. Pro Action Replay codes are merely raw hexadecimal, but if you wish to convert to Game Genie, you will want a converter program. When using the term "spell", I generally refer to spells, special abilities, strange effects, blank spaces, and anything else that may be placed in a spell menu interchangeably. Since I created most of these codes while playing FF4j, I will be using translated names from that game, which are not necessarily the same names as displayed in FF2e. I refer to an empty space as [Blank]. A tilde (~) will be substituted for spaces, weapon symbols, and other non-standard characters in the names of special abilities/effects. I refer to the spell cycler as an "entity" because it occupies a space in memory or on a spell menu, but it is not meant to function as other effects. An exchange with another character’s spell will be denoted by Character row, column, where rows are counted from the top and columns are counted from the left. All values assume a double-selection occurs on a spell menu’s 8th (bottom) row. I chose row eight because a character is less likely to have a spell on that row than any other. III. SPELL CYCLER: As with most variables, the spell offset address ,7E1B86--, has FF (255) possible values. The most interesting entity referred to by such a value is the "spell cycler". Some characters can exchange one of their spells for the spell cycler as if it were a normal spell. Repeated double-selection of the spell cycler will result in a progression through the list of spells available in the game. The spells are listed in a specific order, and the cycle begins with the location in the list of the spell that was exchanged for the cycler. Roughly every other spell cycled through will correspond to the known order. The other half represents the spell cycler initiated at a point other than the initial exchange. For instance, if you started on Berserk, your list might progress as Berserk, ~suct, Reflect, eathe, Holy, [Blank], etc. The order of either set can be interrupted by double-selecting any other position on the spell menu. In the list of offsets, the spell cycler is referred to SPELL CYCLER. It is a surprise, I am sure. IV. OFFSETS IN GENERAL If double-selecting a spell while a given offset is active results in a transposition, it is instructive to consider with what a spell it is being transposed. The result of any offset will be the same for any spell in a given row. If a row is comprised of KEAL4 ARISE HOLY, and the result is to be a transposition with METEO, then the result can be METEO ARISE HOLY or KEAL4 METEO HOLY or KEAL4 ARISE METEO However, it is generally not possible to make multiple exchanges with the same spell. If you get METEO ARISE HOLY and then try to double-select ARISE, you will get METEO KEAL4 HOLY. This is because KEAL4 was placed at METEO’s address of origin. V. HOW OFFSETS WORK An offset number refers to the number of spells right and down from the first spell in the row a spell will be transposed with. Let us say the offset is 0 and we start with METEO ARISE HOLY on the first row and KEAL1 KEAL4 BAHAMUT on the second row. Double-selecting ARISE will result in a switch with METEO because METEO is 0 spells from the first spell of the row. Double-selecting METEO attempts to activate METEO because both clicks refer to it. Let us say the offset is 4. Double selecting HOLY results in a switch between it an KEAL4 because we count METEO 0, ARISE 1, HOLY 2, KEAL1 3, and KEAL4 4. What happens when, as all values have been designed for, the double-selection occurs on row 8? Let us say you have HOLY, KEAL3, METEO on row 8 and an offset of 90. Since there are not enough spaces left, the spell transposes with a location not on the character’s spell menu. Beyond a character’s spell menu, the result of a given offset vary from character to character. If the character is Rosa, then an offset of 90 will result in the selected spell being replaced with QUAKE. This QUAKE comes from spell space. An offset of 99 will result in an exchange with whatever Edge has in the first position of his first row (Edge 1,1), even if it happens to be a blank space. Please note that the same offset may not be used on Edge’s menu to effect a similar trade. Ninety-nine is Rosa’s ticket to borrow a spell from Edge. Also notice that Rosa accepts Edge 1,1 into her 8,x, not her 1,1. If the offset were 104, Rosa would receive in her 8,x Edge’s 2,3. Negative offsets are expressed as off-x. While the actual offset value is always positive, the effect of activating it appears to be negative. VI. CONVERTING ROW 8 OFFSETS TO OTHER ROWS Changing a row 8 offset to another row is as simple as subtracting 3 from the value of the row 8 offset for each ascending row. For any row, add three to each row to descend or subtract 3 from each row to ascend. VII. SPECIAL ABILITIES AND EFFECTS While cycling through spells, you are likely to see a number of spells with strange names. Some of them may appear to be truncated names of monster attacks. Such names may or may not refer to the actual attacks. They may be alternate methods of invoking standard spells. There is a fair probability that invoking a special ability will cause a variety of strange phenomena in battle. The proper action would be to try to finish the battle or simply switch off the active code. Abilities requiring greater than 0 MP are the ones most likely to produce a legitimate effect. My favorite effect is ~race. When used in battle it has a much higher chance than DEATH to kill one enemy instantly. I have never known it to crash a battle. It costs 0 MP and is reusable. VIII. HOW TO FIND OFFSETS FOR OTHER CHARACTERS The maximum offset value for any character is 255. The spell associated with a given row will be three offsets less than the row below it. That means that if you were to start at 255 on row 8, then row 7 would access the same spell as an offset of 252 in row 8. Thus, you can explore offsets 232-255 by entering values 253, 254, and 255 and exploring the spell menu appropriately. This is much more convenient than entering 0-255 and exploring only row 8. If instead of mapping the offsets for a given character, you would like to try to find the an offset to access a given effect, you will find the map of other characters useful. There appears to be only one sequence of offsets. Characters merely access different subsets of 255 continuous values in that sequence. There are more than 255 total effects to access. This explains why Cecil, who begins with 24 [Blank], KEAL1, SIGHT, HOLD, and KEAL2, does not have access to a spell cycler. It is more than 255 effects away from his initial value. Character subsets of 255 effects are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Rosa’s set contains KEAL4, ARISE, and SIGHT at offsets 67, 70, and 73 respectively. I found that Old Rydia Caller had the same sequence of spells at 139, 142, and 145, respectively. I chose to assume that sequence is unique, and I subtracted 67 from 139 to get 72. I then deduced that Rosa’s spell cycler at 134 should be 72 less than Old Rydia Caller’s spell cycler. I was pleased to find that Rydia’s spell cycler exists at 206, precisely as expected. You may notice that I used sequences separated by threes. This was because I wanted to try enter as few values as possible and merely explore a spell menu. A similar technique can usually be employed to find an offset for any character. IX. WHAT I DO NOT HAVE I only have found codes for these five characters (actually four characters but five spell menus) because I created them from a saved game near to the time I was to defeat Zeromus. I do not have any saved games with other characters, and I have not felt like beating the game for a fourth time (yet). X. POSSIBLE SOURCES OF ERROR History: I developed the codes for a very specific reason. I was playing a patched translation of FF4j. After defeating the Tower of Bab-il, I made my way to the entrance, but the scene in which I should have been confronted by Golbeze did not occur. After trying a few things, I decided to load my saved game (not saved state) into FF2e. When beating the goblins in the control room, Rosa leveled up, and she obtained a second Cure3 (Keal3). I returned to FF4j to play through the remainder of the game. At some point I earned Holy (White Meteo), but my spell menu was full. Holy failed to be enrolled. I developed the codes to replace my second Keal3 with Holy. Possible Error 1: In several places in my list there are KEAL3s which I think very well may really be HOLYs. I believe this most likely in any sequence containing REFLECT, KEAL3, and DISPEL. This may be anything from an anomaly caused by the code to the fact that my saved game file contains three games in which Rosa still has 2 Keal3s. Possible Error 2: It is possible that some, even many, [Blanks] are really exchanges with other characters. I think it is quite possible that blanks immediately following low level black magic spells could be blank spaces in the spell lists of characters I no longer have. In other words, perhaps a [Blank] is really the location which would be occupied by FLARE if Parom or Young Rydia had obtained a high enough level to acquire it. Spaces after white magic spells may be from Young Rydia or Palom’s white spell menu. I think it may even be the case that even characters, such as Kain, that never use magic may have magic variables. Those would likely be [Blank] or gibberish effects. XI. SPELL NOTES The fourth column of each character’s offset list contains notes for your consideration. I have noticed that each list appears to be broken into sections of 24 effects. I also believe the same result would be obtained if counting were commenced from the bottom of the list. Items with question marks are things I am not sure of. Is the right spell actually recorded? Is one of my counts of 24 effects valid? You may want to take care to evaluate such ambiguous areas. XII. ORDER OF SPELLS IN THE SPELL CYCLER Dec Hex Spell/Effect 0 0 [Blank] 1 1 Hold WHITE 2 2 Silence 3 3 Confuse 4 4 Blink 5 5 Protect 6 6 Shell 7 7 Slow 8 8 Haste 9 9 Berserk 10 A Reflect 11 B Holy 12 C Dispel 13 D Rabur 14 E Keal1 15 F Keal2 16 10 Keal3 17 11 Keal4 18 12 Esuna 19 13 Raise 20 14 Arise 21 15 Mini 22 16 Telep 23 17 Sight 24 18 Levita 25 19 Toad BLACK 26 1A Piggy 27 1B Dejon 28 1C Poison 29 1D Fire 30 1E Fire2 31 1F Fire3 32 20 Blizzard1 33 21 Blizzard2 34 22 Blizzard3 35 23 Thunder1 36 24 Thunder2 37 25 Thunder3 38 26 Bio 39 27 Tornado 40 28 Quake 41 29 Sleep 42 2A Break 43 2B Death 44 2C Stop 45 2D Drain 46 2E Aspir 47 2F Meteo 48 30 Flare 49 31 Goblin CALLER 50 32 Bomb 51 33 Cocatrice 52 34 Mind 53 35 Chocobo 54 36 Shiva 55 37 Ramuh 56 38 Ifrit 57 39 Titan 58 3A Dragon 59 3B Sylph 60 3C Odin 61 3D Levia 62 3E Asura 63 3F Bahamut 64 40 ltMeteo TWIN MAGIC 65 41 ltFlare 66 42 Katon NINJA 67 43 Siton 68 44 Rajin 69 45 Kemur 70 46 Kagsh 71 47 Bushn 72 48 _gcArr NONSTANDARD EFFECTS 73 49 owHeal 74 4A ____Ba 75 4B Sund__ 76 4C _oison 77 4D a_Dagg 78 4E er__Pu 79 4F nch___ 80 50 _estru 81 51 ctSton 82 52 _eakMi 83 53 ndBlst 84 54 _ick__ 85 55 __Snow 86 56 _trmJu 87 57 _gment 88 58 _ellfi 89 59 reAnge 90 5A r___Mi 91 6B stBrth 92 5C _hispe 93 5D r_Iron 94 5E _wrdTs 95 5F unami_ 96 60 _shura 97 61 __Ashu 98 62 ra__As 99 63 _ura__ 100 64 _._Fla 101 65 reW._M 102 66 eteoMo 103 67 nst015 104 68 _onst) 105 69 16Glan 106 6A ce__Bl 107 6B aster__ 108 6C _lap__ 109 6D __Cold 110 6E _napPu 111 6F pil___ 112 70 _ure__ 113 71 __Tong 114 72 ue__Cu 115 73 rse___ 116 74 _ingrt 117 75 _pDeat 118 76 ____Be 119 77 ak____ 120 78 _tonGa 121 79 zeMind 122 7A _lstEm 123 7B _race_ 124 7C _adBre 125 7D _hWhis 126 7E per_Wr 127 7F eather_ 128 80 _all__ 129 81 __Stra 130 82 _n__Co 131 83 _dMist 132 84 _xplod 133 85 e_Curs 134 86 _ongCu 135 87 rsAura 136 88 _leepG 137 89 asPois 138 8A nGasLa 139 8B Ser___ 140 8C _Revlu 141 8D _nBl._ 142 8E _angBl 143 8F ._Hole 144 90 _ethSo 145 91 ngDime 146 92 ntn9Ma 147 93 elstrm 148 94 _lecWa 149 95 _lchnE 150 96 xpldHa 151 97 _ching 152 98 _eal__ 153 99 __Suct 154 9A _on_Me 155 9B _ic___ 156 9C _ig_Ba 157 9D ngBlod 158 9E _uckDi 159 9F gest__ 160 A0 _ollen 161 A1 __Cras 162 A2 _DwnAl 163 A3 arm___ 164 A4 _ummon 165 A5 __Dumm 166 A6 yMgcDR 167 A7 evlutn 168 A8 _arget 169 A9 __Nuke 170 AA ____Re 171 AB _reat_ 172 AC _rsDis 173 AD plBeam 174 AE ____Nu 175 AF m._199 176 B0 _lame_ 177 B1 __Blaz 178 B2 e___Li 179 B3 _Flash 180 B4 _hunde 181 B5 r_D.Br 182 B6 eathBi 183 B7 g_Wave 184 B8 _nowSt 185 B9 rmTsun 186 BA ami_Tw 187 BB _ster_ 188 BC _aser_ 189 BD __Dest 190 BE ructQu 191 BF ake___ 192 C0 _lmThr 193 C1 wrHeat 194 C2 er__Fl 195 C3 ameDgn 196 C4 _ronSw 197 C5 rdM._F 198 C6 _areNe 199 C7 edle__ 200 C8 _ounte 201 C9 r_Mons 202 CA _000Mo 203 CB nst000 204 CC _egen_ 205 CD __Rera 206 CE _se_Mo 207 CF nst000 208 D0 Monst0 209 D1 00Mons 210 D2 t000Mo 211 D3 nst000 212 D4 Monst0 213 D5 00Mons 214 D6 t000Mo 215 D7 nst000 216 D8 Monst0 217 D9 00Mons 218 DA t000Mo 219 DB nst000 220 DC Monst0 221 DD 00Mons 222 DE t000Mo 223 DF nst000 224 E0 Monst0 225 E1 00Mons 226 E2 t000Mo 227 E3 nst000 228 E4 Monst0 229 E5 00Mons 230 E6 t000Mo 231 E7 nst000 232 E8 Monst0 233 E9 00Mons 234 EA t000Mo 235 EB nst000 236 EC Monst0 237 ED 00Mons 238 EE t000Mo 239 EF nst000 240 F0 Monst0 241 F1 00Mons 242 F2 t000Mo 243 F3 nst000 244 F4 Monst0 245 F5 00Mons 246 F6 t000Mo 247 F7 nst000 248 F8 Monst0 249 F9 00Mons 250 FA t000Mo 251 FB nst000 252 FC Monst0 253 FD 00Mons 254 FE t000Mo 255 FF nst000 XIII. CHARACTERS AND OFFSET VALUES (finally) Given the hex or Pro Action Replay code 781B86xy, replace xy with a value in the Hex column. CECIL Dec Hex 0 0 Off 0 Total offsets =24 1 1 Off 1 2 2 Off 2 3 3 [Blank] 24 [Blank] 4 4 [Blank] Perhaps a non-magic user 5 5 [Blank] 6 6 [Blank] 7 7 [Blank] 8 8 [Blank] 9 9 [Blank] 10 A [Blank] 11 B [Blank] 12 C [Blank] 13 D [Blank] 14 E [Blank] 15 F [Blank] 16 10 [Blank] 17 11 [Blank] 18 12 [Blank] 19 13 [Blank] 20 14 [Blank] 21 15 [Blank] 22 16 [Blank] 23 17 [Blank] 24 18 [Blank] 25 19 [Blank] 26 1A [Blank] 27 1B Keal1 4 White spells + 20 [Blank] 28 1C Sight 29 1D Hold 30 1E Keal2 31 1F [Blank] 32 20 [Blank] 33 21 [Blank] 34 22 [Blank] 35 23 [Blank] 36 24 [Blank] 37 25 [Blank] 38 26 [Blank] 39 27 [Blank] 40 28 [Blank] 41 29 [Blank] 42 2A [Blank] 43 2B [Blank] 44 2C [Blank] 45 2D [Blank] 46 2E [Blank] 47 2F [Blank] 48 30 [Blank] 49 31 [Blank] 50 32 [Blank] 51 33 Rydia B 1,1 All 24 Older Rydia Black Exchanges 52 34 Rydia B 1,2 53 35 Rydia B 1,3 54 36 Rydia B 2,1 55 37 Rydia B 2,2 56 38 Rydia B 2,3 57 39 Rydia B 3,1 58 3A Rydia B 3,2 59 3B Rydia B 3,3 60 3C Rydia B 4,1 61 3D Rydia B 4,2 62 3E Rydia B 4,3 63 3F Rydia B 5,1 64 40 Rydia B 5,2 65 41 Rydia B 5,3 66 42 Rydia B 6,1 67 43 Rydia B 6,2 68 44 Rydia B 6,3 69 45 Rydia B 7,1 70 46 Rydia B 7,2 71 47 Rydia B 7,3 72 48 Rydia B 8,1 73 49 Rydia B 8,2 74 4A Rydia B 8,3 75 4B Rydia C 1,1 All 24 Older Rydia Caller exchanges 76 4C Rydia C 1,2 77 4D Rydia C 1,3 78 4E Rydia C 2,1 79 4F Rydia C 2,2 80 50 Rydia C 2,3 81 51 Rydia C 3,1 82 52 Rydia C 3,2 83 53 Rydia C 3,3 84 54 Rydia C 4,1 85 55 Rydia C 4,2 86 56 Rydia C 4,3 87 57 Rydia C 5,1 88 58 Rydia C 5,2 89 59 Rydia C 5,3 90 5A Rydia C 6,1 91 6B Rydia C 6,2 92 5C Rydia C 6,3 93 5D Rydia C 7,1 94 5E Rydia C 7,2 95 5F Rydia C 7,3 96 60 Rydia C 8,1 97 61 Rydia C 8,2 98 62 Rydia C 8,3 99 63 Keal2 23 Spells and 1 [Blank] 100 64 Confuse Why is Holy missing? 101 65 Blink 102 66 Esuna 103 67 Raise 104 68 Teleport 105 69 Hold 106 6A Silence 107 6B Protect 108 6C Shell 109 6D Slow 110 6E Haste 111 6F Berserk 112 70 Reflect 113 71 Dispel 114 72 Rabur 115 73 Keal1 116 74 Keal3 117 75 Keal4 118 76 Arise 119 77 Mini 120 78 Sight 121 79 Levitate 122 7A [Blank] Holy? 123 7B Fire1 21 Black spells + 3 [Blank] 124 7C Blizzard1 125 7D Thunder1 126 7E Stop 127 7F Aspir 128 80 Toad 129 81 Piggy 130 82 Dejon 131 83 Poison 132 84 Fire2 133 85 Fire3 134 86 Blizzard2 135 87 Blizzard3 136 88 Thunder2 137 89 Thunder3 138 8A Bio 139 8B Tornado 140 8C Sleep 141 8D Break 142 8E Drain 143 8F Meteo 144 90 [Blank] 145 91 [Blank] 146 92 [Blank] 147 93 Rosa 1,1 All 24 Rosa exchanges 148 94 Rosa 1,2 149 95 Rosa 1,3 150 96 Rosa 2,1 151 97 Rosa 2,2 152 98 Rosa 2,3 153 99 Rosa 3,1 154 9A Rosa 3,2 155 9B Rosa 3,3 156 9C Rosa 4,1 157 9D Rosa 4,2 158 9E Rosa 4,3 159 9F Rosa 5,1 160 A0 Rosa 5,2 161 A1 Rosa 5,3 162 A2 Rosa 6,1 163 A3 Rosa 6,2 164 A4 Rosa 6,3 165 A5 Rosa 7,1 166 A6 Rosa 7,2 167 A7 Rosa 7,3 168 A8 Rosa 8,1 169 A9 Rosa 8,2 170 AA Rosa 8,3 171 AB Fire1 10 Black magic + 14 [Blank] 172 AC Blizzard1 173 AD Thunder1 174 AE Sleep 175 AF Poison 176 B0 Blizzard2 177 B1 Piggy 178 B2 Fire2 179 B3 Thunder2 180 B4 Stop 181 B5 [Blank] 182 B6 [Blank] 183 B7 [Blank] 184 B8 [Blank] 185 B9 [Blank] 186 BA [Blank] 187 BB [Blank] 188 BC [Blank] 189 BD [Blank] 190 BE [Blank] 191 BF [Blank] 192 C0 [Blank] 193 C1 [Blank] 194 C2 [Blank] 195 C3 Keal1 10 White magic + 14 [Blank] 196 C4 Hold 197 C5 Rabur 198 C6 Slow 199 C7 Sight 200 C8 Raise 201 C9 Protect 202 CA Keal2 203 CB Silence 204 CC Berserk 205 CD [Blank] 206 CE [Blank] 207 CF [Blank] 208 D0 [Blank] 209 D1 [Blank] 210 D2 [Blank] 211 D3 [Blank] 212 D4 [Blank] 213 D5 [Blank] 214 D6 [Blank] 215 D7 [Blank] 216 D8 [Blank] 217 D9 [Blank] 218 DA [Blank] 219 DB Hold 16 White magic 220 DC Silence 221 DD Confuse 222 DE Blink 223 DF Protect 224 E0 Shell 225 E1 Slow 226 E2 Haste 227 E3 Berserk 228 E4 Reflect 229 E5 Keal3 230 E6 Dispel 231 E7 Rabur 232 E8 Keal1 233 E9 Keal2 234 EA Keal3 235 EB Off-21 Total offsets =24 236 EC Off-20 237 ED Off-19 238 EE Off-18 239 EF Off-17 240 F0 Off-16 241 F1 Off-15 242 F2 Off-14 243 F3 Off-13 244 F4 Off-12 245 F5 Off-11 246 F6 Off-10 247 F7 Off-9 248 F8 Off-8 249 F9 Off-7 250 FA Off-6 251 FB Off-5 252 FC Off-4 253 FD Off-3 254 FE Off-2 255 FF Off-1 OLD RYDIA BLACK Dec Hex 0 0 Off 0 Total offsets =24 1 1 Off 1 2 2 Off 2 3 3 Rydia C 1,1 All 24 Rydia Call exchanges 4 4 Rydia C 1,2 5 5 Rydia C 1,3 6 6 Rydia C 2,1 7 7 Rydia C 2,2 8 8 Rydia C 2,3 9 9 Rydia C 3,1 10 A Rydia C 3,2 11 B Rydia C 3,3 12 C Rydia C 4,1 13 D Rydia C 4,2 14 E Rydia C 4,3 15 F Rydia C 5,1 16 10 Rydia C 5,2 17 11 Rydia C 5,3 18 12 Rydia C 6,1 19 13 Rydia C 6,2 20 14 Rydia C 6,3 21 15 Rydia C 7,1 22 16 Rydia C 7,2 23 17 Rydia C 7,3 24 18 Rydia C 8,1 25 19 Rydia C 8,2 26 1A Rydia C 8,3 27 1B Keal2 23 white magic + 1 [Blank] 28 1C Confuse 29 1D Blink 30 1E Esuna 31 1F Raise 32 20 Teleport 33 21 Hold 34 22 Silence 35 23 Protect 36 24 Shell 37 25 Slow 38 26 Haste 39 27 Berserk 40 28 Reflect 41 29 Dispel 42 2A Rabur 43 2B Keal1 44 2C Keal3 45 2D Keal4 46 2E Arise 47 2F Mini 48 30 Sight 49 31 Levitate 50 32 [Blank] Holy? 51 33 Fire1 21 black magic + 3 [Blank] 52 34 Blizzard1 53 35 Thunder1 54 36 Stop 55 37 Aspir 56 38 Toad 57 39 Piggy 58 3A Dejon 59 3B Poison 60 3C Fire2 61 3D Fire3 62 3E Blizzard2 63 3F Blizzard3 64 40 Thunder2 65 41 Thunder3 66 42 Bio 67 43 Tornado 68 44 Sleep 69 45 Break 70 46 Drain 71 47 Meteo 72 48 [Blank] 73 49 [Blank] 74 4A [Blank] 75 4B Rosa 1,1 All 24 Rosa exchanges 76 4C Rosa 1,2 77 4D Rosa 1,3 78 4E Rosa 2,1 79 4F Rosa 2,2 80 50 Rosa 2,3 81 51 Rosa 3,1 82 52 Rosa 3,2 83 53 Rosa 3,3 84 54 Rosa 4,1 85 55 Rosa 4,2 86 56 Rosa 4,3 87 57 Rosa 5,1 88 58 Rosa 5,2 89 59 Rosa 5,3 90 5A Rosa 6,1 91 6B Rosa 6,2 92 5C Rosa 6,3 93 5D Rosa 7,1 94 5E Rosa 7,2 95 5F Rosa 7,3 96 60 Rosa 8,1 97 61 Rosa 8,2 98 62 Rosa 8,3 99 63 Fire1 10 black magic + 14 [Blank] 100 64 Blizzard1 101 65 Thunder1 102 66 Sleep 103 67 Poison 104 68 Blizzard2 105 69 Piggy 106 6A Fire2 107 6B Thunder2 108 6C Stop 109 6D [Blank] 110 6E [Blank] 111 6F [Blank] 112 70 [Blank] 113 71 [Blank] 114 72 [Blank] 115 73 [Blank] 116 74 [Blank] 117 75 [Blank] 118 76 [Blank] 119 77 [Blank] 120 78 [Blank] 121 79 [Blank] 122 7A [Blank] 123 7B Keal1 10 white magic + 14 [Blank] 124 7C Hold 125 7D Rabur 126 7E Slow 127 7F Sight 128 80 Raise 129 81 Protect 130 82 Keal2 131 83 Silence 132 84 Berserk 133 85 [Blank] 134 86 [Blank] 135 87 [Blank] 136 88 [Blank] 137 89 [Blank] 138 8A [Blank] 139 8B [Blank] 140 8C [Blank] 141 8D [Blank] 142 8E [Blank] 143 8F [Blank] 144 90 [Blank] 145 91 [Blank] 146 92 [Blank] 147 93 Hold 24 white magic 148 94 Silence 149 95 Confuse 150 96 Blink 151 97 Protect 152 98 Shell 153 99 Slow 154 9A Haste 155 9B Berserk 156 9C Reflect 157 9D Keal3 Holy? 158 9E Dispel 159 9F Rabur 160 A0 Keal 161 A1 Keal2 162 A2 Keal3 163 A3 Keal4 164 A4 Esuna 165 A5 Raise 166 A6 Arise 167 A7 Mini 168 A8 Teleport 169 A9 Sight 170 AA Levitate 171 AB Toad 24 black magic 172 AC Piggy 173 AD Dejon 174 AE Poison 175 AF Fire1 176 B0 Fire2 177 B1 Fire3 178 B2 Blizzard1 179 B3 Blizzard2 180 B4 Blizzard3 181 B5 Thunder1 182 B6 Thunder2 183 B7 Thunder3 184 B8 Bio 185 B9 Tornado 186 BA Quake 187 BB Sleep 188 BC Break 189 BD Death 190 BE Stop 191 BF Drain 192 C0 Aspir 193 C1 Meteo 194 C2 Flare 195 C3 Edge 1,1 All 24 Edge exchanges 196 C4 Edge 1,2 197 C5 Edge 1,3 198 C6 Edge 2,1 199 C7 Edge 2,2 200 C8 Edge 2,3 201 C9 Edge 3,1 202 CA Edge 3,2 203 CB Edge 3,3 204 CC Edge 4,1 205 CD Edge 4,2 206 CE Edge 4,3 207 CF Edge 5,1 208 D0 Edge 5,2 209 D1 Edge 5,3 210 D2 Edge 6,1 211 D3 Edge 6,2 212 D4 Edge 6,3 213 D5 Edge 7,1 214 D6 Edge 7,2 215 D7 Edge 7,3 216 D8 Edge 8,1 217 D9 Edge 8,2 218 DA Edge 8,3 219 DB [Blank] 16? 220 DC [Blank] 221 DD [Blank] 222 DE [Blank] 223 DF [Blank] 224 E0 [Blank] 225 E1 [Blank] 226 E2 [Blank] 227 E3 ~Suct 228 E4 eathe 229 E5 Keal2 230 E6 SPELL CYCLER 231 E7 SPELL CYCLER 232 E8 ~ellfi 233 E9 Hold 234 EA per~Wr 235 EB Off-21 Total offsets =24 236 EC Off-20 237 ED Off-19 238 EE Off-18 239 EF Off-17 240 F0 Off-16 241 F1 Off-15 242 F2 Off-14 243 F3 Off-13 244 F4 Off-12 245 F5 Off-11 246 F6 Off-10 247 F7 Off-9 248 F8 Off-8 249 F9 Off-7 250 FA Off-6 251 FB Off-5 252 FC Off-4 253 FD Off-3 254 FE Off-2 255 FF Off-1 OLD RYDIA CALLER Dec Hex 0 0 Off 0 Total offsets =24 1 1 Off 1 2 2 Off 2 3 3 Keal2 23 white magic +1 [Blank] 4 4 Confuse 5 5 Blink 6 6 Esuna 7 7 Raise 8 8 Teleport 9 9 Hold 10 A Silence 11 B Protect 12 C Shell 13 D Slow 14 E Haste 15 F Berserk 16 10 Reflect 17 11 Dispel 18 12 Rabur 19 13 Keal1 20 14 Keal3 21 15 Keal4 22 16 Arise 23 17 Mini 24 18 Sight 25 19 Levitate 26 1A [Blank] Holy? 27 1B Fire1 21 black magic + 3 [Blank] 28 1C Blizzard1 29 1D Thunder1 30 1E Stop 31 1F Aspir 32 20 Toad 33 21 Piggy 34 22 Dejon 35 23 Poison 36 24 Fire2 37 25 Fire3 38 26 Blizzard2 39 27 Blizzard3 40 28 Thunder2 41 29 Thunder3 42 2A Bio 43 2B Tornado 44 2C Sleep 45 2D Break 46 2E Drain 47 2F Meteo 48 30 [Blank] 49 31 [Blank] 50 32 [Blank] 51 33 Rosa 1,1 All 24 Rosa Exchanges 52 34 Rosa 1,2 53 35 Rosa 1,3 54 36 Rosa 2,1 55 37 Rosa 2,2 56 38 Rosa 2,3 57 39 Rosa 3,1 58 3A Rosa 3,2 59 3B Rosa 3,3 60 3C Rosa 4,1 61 3D Rosa 4,2 62 3E Rosa 4,3 63 3F Rosa 5,1 64 40 Rosa 5,2 65 41 Rosa 5,3 66 42 Rosa 6,1 67 43 Rosa 6,2 68 44 Rosa 6,3 69 45 Rosa 7,1 70 46 Rosa 7,2 71 47 Rosa 7,3 72 48 Rosa 8,1 73 49 Rosa 8,2 74 4A Rosa 8,3 75 4B Fire1 10 White Magic + 14 [Blank] 76 4C Blizzard1 77 4D Thunder1 78 4E Sleep 79 4F Poison 80 50 Blizzard2 81 51 Piggy 82 52 Fire2 83 53 Thunder2 84 54 Stop 85 55 [Blank] 86 56 [Blank] 87 57 [Blank] 88 58 [Blank] 89 59 [Blank] 90 5A [Blank] 91 6B [Blank] 92 5C [Blank] 93 5D [Blank] 94 5E [Blank] 95 5F [Blank] 96 60 [Blank] 97 61 [Blank] 98 62 [Blank] 99 63 Keal1 10 White Magic + 14 [Blank] 100 64 Hold 101 65 Rabur 102 66 Slow 103 67 Sight 104 68 Raise 105 69 Protect 106 6A Keal2 107 6B Silence 108 6C Berserk 109 6D [Blank] 110 6E [Blank] 111 6F [Blank] 112 70 [Blank] 113 71 [Blank] 114 72 [Blank] 115 73 [Blank] 116 74 [Blank] 117 75 [Blank] 118 76 [Blank] 119 77 [Blank] 120 78 [Blank] 121 79 [Blank] 122 7A [Blank] 123 7B Hold 24 White Magic, no Holy, 2Keal3s 124 7C Silence 125 7D Confuse 126 7E Blink 127 7F Protect 128 80 Shell 129 81 Slow 130 82 Haste 131 83 Berserl 132 84 Reflect 133 85 Keal3 HOLY? 134 86 Dispel 135 87 Rabur 136 88 Keal1 137 89 Keal2 138 8A Keal3 139 8B Keal4 140 8C Esuna 141 8D Raise 142 8E Arise 143 8F Mini 144 90 Teleport 145 91 Sight 146 92 Levitate 147 93 Toad 24 Black Magic 148 94 Piggy 149 95 Dejon 150 96 Poison 151 97 Fire1 152 98 Fire2 153 99 Fire3 154 9A Blizzard1 155 9B Blizzard2 156 9C Blizzard3 157 9D Thunder1 158 9E Thunder2 159 9F Thunder3 160 A0 Bio 161 A1 Tornado 162 A2 Quake 163 A3 Sleep 164 A4 Break 165 A5 Death 166 A6 Stop 167 A7 Drain 168 A8 Aspir 169 A9 Meteo 170 AA Flare 171 AB Edge 1,1 All 24 Edge Exchanges 172 AC Edge 1,2 173 AD Edge 1,3 174 AE Edge 2,1 175 AF Edge 2,2 176 B0 Edge 2,3 177 B1 Edge 3,1 178 B2 Edge 3,2 179 B3 Edge 3,3 180 B4 Edge 4,1 181 B5 Edge 4,2 182 B6 Edge 4,3 183 B7 Edge 5,1 184 B8 Edge 5,2 185 B9 Edge 5,3 186 BA Edge 6,1 187 BB Edge 6,2 188 BC Edge 6,3 189 BD Edge 7,1 190 BE Edge 7,2 191 BF Edge 7,3 192 C0 Edge 8,1 193 C1 Edge 8,2 194 C2 Edge 8,3 195 C3 [Blank] 24? 196 C4 [Blank] 197 C5 [Blank] 198 C6 [Blank] 199 C7 [Blank] 200 C8 [Blank] 201 C9 [Blank] 202 CA [Blank] 203 CB ~Suct 204 CC eather 205 CD Keal2 206 CE SPELL CYCLER 207 CF SPELL CYCLER 208 D0 ~gment 209 D1 Hold 210 D2 per~Wr 211 D3 [Blank] 212 D4 [Blank] 213 D5 [Blank] 214 D6 Flare 215 D7 Silence 216 D8 Silence 217 D9 [Blank] 218 DA Hold 219 DB Silence 16? 220 DC [Blank] 221 DD [Blank] 222 DE [Blank] 223 DF [Blank] 224 E0 [Blank] 225 E1 [Blank] 226 E2 [Blank] 227 E3 [Blank] 228 E4 [Blank] 229 E5 [Blank] 230 E6 [Blank] 231 E7 [Blank] 232 E8 [Blank] 233 E9 [Blank] 234 EA [Blank] 235 EB Off-21 Total offsets =24 236 EC Off-20 237 ED Off-19 238 EE Off-18 239 EF Off-17 240 F0 Off-16 241 F1 Off-15 242 F2 Off-14 243 F3 Off-13 244 F4 Off-12 245 F5 Off-11 246 F6 Off-10 247 F7 Off-9 248 F8 Off-8 249 F9 Off-7 250 FA Off-6 251 FB Off-5 252 FC Off-4 253 FD Off-3 254 FE Off-2 255 FF Off-1 ROSA Dec Hex 0 0 Off 0 Total offsets =24 1 1 Off 1 2 2 Off 2 3 3 Fire1 Black Magic+14 [Blank] =24 4 4 Blizzard1 Young Rydia? 5 5 Thunder1 6 6 Sleep 7 7 Poison 8 8 Blizzard2 9 9 Piggy 10 A Fire2 11 B Thunder2 12 C Stop 13 D [Blank] 14 E [Blank] 15 F [Blank] 16 10 [Blank] 17 11 [Blank] 18 12 [Blank] 19 13 [Blank] 20 14 [Blank] 21 15 [Blank] 22 16 [Blank] 23 17 [Blank] 24 18 [Blank] 25 19 [Blank] 26 1A [Blank] 27 1B Keal1 White Magic+14 [Blank] 28 1C Hold Young Rydia? 29 1D Rabur 30 1E Slow 31 1F Sight 32 20 Raise 33 21 Protect 34 22 Keal2 35 23 Silence 36 24 Berserk 37 25 [Blank] 38 26 [Blank] 39 27 [Blank] 40 28 [Blank] 41 29 [Blank] 42 2A [Blank] 43 2B [Blank] 44 2C [Blank] 45 2D [Blank] 46 2E [Blank] 47 2F [Blank] 48 30 [Blank] 49 31 [Blank] 50 32 [Blank] 51 33 Hold 24 WHITE 52 34 Silence 53 35 Confuse 54 36 Blink 55 37 Protect 56 38 Shell 57 39 Slow 58 3A Haste 59 3B Berserk 60 3C Reflect 61 3D Holy 62 3E Dispel 63 3F Rabur 64 40 Keal1 65 41 Keal2 66 42 Keal3 67 43 Keal4 68 44 Esuna 69 45 Raise 70 46 Arise 71 47 Mini 72 48 Teleport 73 49 Sight 74 4A Levita 75 4B Toad 24 BLACK 76 4C Piggy 77 4D Dejon 78 4E Poison 79 4F Fire 80 50 Fire2 81 51 Fire3 82 52 Blizzard1 83 53 Blizzard2 84 54 Blizzard3 85 55 Thunder1 86 56 Thunder2 87 57 Thunder3 88 58 Bio 89 59 Tornado 90 5A Quake 91 6B Sleep 92 5C Break 93 5D Death 94 5E Stop 95 5F Drain 96 60 Aspir 97 61 Meteo 98 62 Flare 99 63 Edge 1,1 All 24 Edge exchanges 100 64 Edge 1,2 101 65 Edge 1,3 102 66 Edge 2,1 103 67 Edge 2,2 104 68 Edge 2,3 105 69 Edge 3,1 106 6A Edge 3,2 107 6B Edge 3,3 108 6C Edge 4,1 109 6D Edge 4,2 110 6E Edge 4,3 111 6F Edge 5,1 112 70 Edge 5,2 113 71 Edge 5,3 114 72 Edge 6,1 115 73 Edge 6,2 116 74 Edge 6,3 117 75 Edge 7,1 118 76 Edge 7,2 119 77 Edge 7,3 120 78 Edge 8,1 121 79 Edge 8,2 122 7A Edge 8,3 123 7B [Blank] 24? 124 7C [Blank] 125 7D [Blank] 126 7E [Blank] 127 7F [Blank] 128 80 [Blank] 129 81 [Blank] 130 82 [Blank] 131 83 ~Suct 132 84 eathe 133 85 Keal2 134 86 SPELL CYCLER 135 87 SPELL CYCLER 136 88 ~trmJu 137 89 Hold 138 8A per~Wr 139 8B [Blank] 140 8C [Blank] 141 8D [Blank] 142 8E Flare 143 8F Silence 144 90 Silence 145 91 [Blank] 146 92 Hold 147 93 Silence 24? 148 94 [Blank] 78 [Blank] 149 95 [Blank] 150 96 [Blank] 151 97 [Blank] 152 98 [Blank] 153 99 [Blank] 154 9A [Blank] 155 9B [Blank] 156 9C [Blank] 157 9D [Blank] 158 9E [Blank] 159 9F [Blank] 160 A0 [Blank] 161 A1 [Blank] 162 A2 [Blank] 163 A3 [Blank] 164 A4 [Blank] 165 A5 [Blank] 166 A6 [Blank] 167 A7 [Blank] 168 A8 [Blank] 169 A9 [Blank] 170 AA [Blank] 171 AB [Blank] 24? 172 AC [Blank] 173 AD [Blank] 174 AE [Blank] 175 AF [Blank] 176 B0 [Blank] 177 B1 [Blank] 178 B2 [Blank] 179 B3 [Blank] 180 B4 [Blank] 181 B5 [Blank] 182 B6 [Blank] 183 B7 [Blank] 184 B8 [Blank] 185 B9 [Blank] 186 BA [Blank] 187 BB [Blank] 188 BC [Blank] 189 BD [Blank] 190 BE [Blank] 191 BF [Blank] 192 C0 [Blank] 193 C1 [Blank] 194 C2 [Blank] 195 C3 [Blank] 24? 196 C4 [Blank] 197 C5 [Blank] 198 C6 [Blank] 199 C7 [Blank] 200 C8 [Blank] 201 C9 [Blank] 202 CA [Blank] 203 CB [Blank] 204 CC [Blank] 205 CD [Blank] 206 CE [Blank] 207 CF [Blank] 208 D0 [Blank] 209 D1 [Blank] 210 D2 [Blank] 211 D3 [Blank] 212 D4 [Blank] 213 D5 [Blank] 214 D6 [Blank] 215 D7 [Blank] 216 D8 [Blank] 217 D9 [Blank] 218 DA [Blank] 219 DB [Blank] 16? 220 DC [Blank] 221 DD [Blank] 222 DE [Blank] 223 DF [Blank] 224 E0 [Blank] 225 E1 [Blank] 226 E2 [Blank] 227 E3 Confuse 228 E4 Hold 229 E5 ~race 230 E6 Hold 231 E7 [Blank] 232 E8 Silence 233 E9 Confuse 234 EA Berserk 235 EB Off-21 Total offsets =24 236 EC Off-20 237 ED Off-19 238 EE Off-18 239 EF Off-17 240 F0 Off-16 241 F1 Off-15 242 F2 Off-14 243 F3 Off-13 244 F4 Off-12 245 F5 Off-11 246 F6 Off-10 247 F7 Off-9 248 F8 Off-8 249 F9 Off-7 250 FA Off-6 251 FB Off-5 252 FC Off-4 253 FD Off-3 254 FE Off-2 255 FF Off-1 EDGE Dec Hex 0 0 Off 0 Total offsets =24 1 1 Off 1 2 2 Off 2 3 3 [Blank] 8 [Blank] + 16? 4 4 [Blank] 5 5 [Blank] 6 6 [Blank] 7 7 [Blank] 8 8 [Blank] 9 9 [Blank] 10 A [Blank] 11 B ~Suct 12 C eathe 13 D Keal2 14 E SPELL CYCLER 15 F SPELL CYCLER 16 10 ~ellfi 17 11 Hold 18 12 per~Wr 19 13 [Blank] 20 14 [Blank] 21 15 [Blank] 22 16 Flare 23 17 Silence 24 18 Silence 25 19 [Blank] 26 1A Hold 27 1B Silence 1 white magic +23 [Blank] 28 1C [Blank] 29 1D [Blank] 30 1E [Blank] 31 1F [Blank] 32 20 [Blank] 33 21 [Blank] 34 22 [Blank] 35 23 [Blank] 36 24 [Blank] 37 25 [Blank] 38 26 [Blank] 39 27 [Blank] 40 28 [Blank] 41 29 [Blank] 42 2A [Blank] 43 2B [Blank] 44 2C [Blank] 45 2D [Blank] 46 2E [Blank] 47 2F [Blank] 48 30 [Blank] 49 31 [Blank] 50 32 [Blank] 51 33 [Blank] 24 [Blank] 52 34 [Blank] 53 35 [Blank] 54 36 [Blank] 55 37 [Blank] 56 38 [Blank] 57 39 [Blank] 58 3A [Blank] 59 3B [Blank] 60 3C [Blank] 61 3D [Blank] 62 3E [Blank] 63 3F [Blank] 64 40 [Blank] 65 41 [Blank] 66 42 [Blank] 67 43 [Blank] 68 44 [Blank] 69 45 [Blank] 70 46 [Blank] 71 47 [Blank] 72 48 [Blank] 73 49 [Blank] 74 4A [Blank] 75 4B [Blank] 24 [Blank] 76 4C [Blank] 77 4D [Blank] 78 4E [Blank] 79 4F [Blank] 80 50 [Blank] 81 51 [Blank] 82 52 [Blank] 83 53 [Blank] 84 54 [Blank] 85 55 [Blank] 86 56 [Blank] 87 57 [Blank] 88 58 [Blank] 89 59 [Blank] 90 5A [Blank] 91 6B [Blank] 92 5C [Blank] 93 5D [Blank] 94 5E [Blank] 95 5F [Blank] 96 60 [Blank] 97 61 [Blank] 98 62 [Blank] 99 63 [Blank] 8 [Blank] + 16? 100 64 [Blank] 101 65 [Blank] 102 66 [Blank] 103 67 [Blank] 104 68 [Blank] 105 69 [Blank] 106 6A [Blank] 107 6B Confuse 108 6C Hold 109 6D ~race 110 6E Hold 111 6F [Blank] 112 70 Silence 113 71 Confuse 114 72 Berserk 115 73 ngBlod 116 74 r~Mons 117 75 [Blank] 118 76 [Blank] 119 77 Mini 120 78 Raise 121 79 Haste 122 7A [Blank] 123 7B Monst0 124 7C ~~~~Be 125 7D Hold 126 7E Bio 127 7F ndBlast 128 80 Hold 129 81 Sleep 130 82 Chocobo 131 83 Hold 132 84 nst000 133 85 ~dMist 134 86 [Blank] 135 87 Hold 136 88 ~uckDi 137 89 r~Mons 138 8A [Blank] 139 8B Hold 140 8C Death 141 8D nst000 142 8E [Blank] 143 8F Hold 144 90 Mini 145 91 Raise 146 92 Silence 147 93 [Blank] 24? 148 94 t000Mo 149 95 Ifrit 150 96 [Blank] 151 97 Cockatrice 152 98 [Blank] 153 99 00Mons 154 9A Pois 155 9B Toad 156 9C ~shura 157 9D Keal3 158 9E Protect 159 9F ~~Ashu 160 A0 ~estru 161 A1 Keal3 162 A2 nst015 163 A3 Keal3 164 A4 Levitate 165 A5 ~onst0 166 A6 Keal2 167 A7 Blink 168 A8 16Glan 169 A9 Keal3 170 AA Keal2 171 AB ce~Bl 24? 172 AC Toad 173 AD Levitate 174 AE ~ingrt 175 AF ~ongCu 176 B0 Rabur 177 B1 ce~Bl 178 B2 ~ethSo 179 B3 Fire3 180 B4 aster 181 B5 Holy 182 B6 Rabur 183 B7 ~pDeat 184 B8 Teleport 185 B9 Slow 186 BA aster 187 BB Keal1 188 BC Arise 189 BD ~~~~Be 190 BE Shell 191 BF Confuse 192 C0 aster 193 C1 ~lecWa 194 C2 Fire3 195 C3 ~lap 24? 196 C4 Teleport 197 C5 Mini 198 C6 zeMind 199 C7 Reflect 200 C8 Blink 201 C9 ~~~Cold 202 CA Rabur 203 CB Arise 204 CC ~nupPu 205 CD ngDime 206 CE Raise 207 CF pil 208 D0 xpldHa 209 D1 Sight 210 D2 ~~ure 211 D3 ~ching 212 D4 Levitate 213 D5 ~~Tong 214 D6 ~areNe 215 D7 Arise 216 D8 ~~Nuke 217 D9 Levitate 218 DA Slow 219 DB ~rsDis 16? 220 DC Teleport 221 DD slow 222 DE ~~~Re 223 DF Sight 224 E0 slow 225 E1 ~~~Re 226 E2 Sight 227 E3 slow 228 E4 ~~Nuke 229 E5 Levitate 230 E6 slow 231 E7 ~~~Re 232 E8 Arise 233 E9 slow 234 EA ~rsDis 235 EB Off-21 Total offsets =24 236 EC Off-20 237 ED Off-19 238 EE Off-18 239 EF Off-17 240 F0 Off-16 241 F1 Off-15 242 F2 Off-14 243 F3 Off-13 244 F4 Off-12 245 F5 Off-11 246 F6 Off-10 247 F7 Off-9 248 F8 Off-8 249 F9 Off-7 250 FA Off-6 251 FB Off-5 252 FC Off-4 253 FD Off-3 254 FE Off-2 255 FF Off-1 XIV. COMBINED LIST OF ALL KNOWN OFFSETS COMBINED Cecil 8,1 Cecil 8,2 Cecil 8,3 [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] Keal1 Sight Hold Keal2 [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] Rydia B 1,1 Rydia B 1,2 Rydia B 1,3 Rydia B 2,1 Rydia B 2,2 Rydia B 2,3 Rydia B 3,1 Rydia B 3,2 Rydia B 3,3 Rydia B 4,1 Rydia B 4,2 Rydia B 4,3 Rydia B 5,1 Rydia B 5,2 Rydia B 5,3 Rydia B 6,1 Rydia B 6,2 Rydia B 6,3 Rydia B 7,1 Rydia B 7,2 Rydia B 7,3 Rydia B 8,1 Rydia B 8,2 Rydia B 8,3 Rydia C 1,1 Rydia C 1,2 Rydia C 1,3 Rydia C 2,1 Rydia C 2,2 Rydia C 2,3 Rydia C 3,1 Rydia C 3,2 Rydia C 3,3 Rydia C 4,1 Rydia C 4,2 Rydia C 4,3 Rydia C 5,1 Rydia C 5,2 Rydia C 5,3 Rydia C 6,1 Rydia C 6,2 Rydia C 6,3 Rydia C 7,1 Rydia C 7,2 Rydia C 7,3 Rydia C 8,1 Rydia C 8,2 Rydia C 8,3 Keal2 Confuse Blink Esuna Raise Teleport Hold Silence Protect Shell Slow Haste Berserk Reflect Dispel Rabur Keal1 Keal3 Keal4 Arise Mini Sight Levitate [Blank] Fire1 Blizzard1 Thunder1 Stop Aspir Toad Piggy Dejon Poison Fire2 Fire3 Blizzard2 Blizzard3 Thunder2 Thunder3 Bio Tornado Sleep Break Drain Meteo [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] Rosa 1,1 Rosa 1,2 Rosa 1,3 Rosa 2,1 Rosa 2,2 Rosa 2,3 Rosa 3,1 Rosa 3,2 Rosa 3,3 Rosa 4,1 Rosa 4,2 Rosa 4,3 Rosa 5,1 Rosa 5,2 Rosa 5,3 Rosa 6,1 Rosa 6,2 Rosa 6,3 Rosa 7,1 Rosa 7,2 Rosa 7,3 Rosa 8,1 Rosa 8,2 Rosa 8,3 Fire1 Blizzard1 Thunder1 Sleep Poison Blizzard2 Piggy Fire2 Thunder2 Stop [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] Keal1 Hold Rabur Slow Sight Raise Protect Keal2 Silence Berserk [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] Hold Silence Confuse Blink Protect Shell Slow Haste Berserk Reflect Keal3 Dispel Rabur Keal1 Keal2 Keal3 Cecil 1,1 Cecil 1,2 Cecil 1,3 Cecil 2,1 Cecil 2,2 Cecil 2,3 Cecil 3,1 Cecil 3,2 Cecil 3,3 Cecil 4,1 Cecil 4,2 Cecil 4,3 Cecil 5,1 Cecil 5,2 Cecil 5,3 Cecil 6,1 Cecil 6,2 Cecil 6,3 Cecil 7,1 Cecil 7,2 Cecil 7,3 Bio Tornado Quake Sleep Break Death Stop Drain Aspir Meteo Flare Edge 1,1 Edge 1,2 Edge 1,3 Edge 2,1 Edge 2,2 Edge 2,3 Edge 3,1 Edge 3,2 Edge 3,3 Edge 4,1 Edge 4,2 Edge 4,3 Edge 5,1 Edge 5,2 Edge 5,3 Edge 6,1 Edge 6,2 Edge 6,3 Edge 7,1 Edge 7,2 Edge 7,3 Edge 8,1 Edge 8,2 Edge 8,3 [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] ~Suct eathe Keal2 SPELL CYCLER SPELL CYCLER ~trmJu Hold per~Wr [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] Flare Silence Silence [Blank] Hold Silence [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] Confuse Hold race Hold [Blank] Silence Confuse Berserk ngBlod r~Mons [Blank] [Blank] Mini Raise Haste [Blank] Monst0 ~~~~Be Hold Bio ndBlast Hold Sleep Chocobo Hold nst000 ~dMist [Blank] Hold ~uckDi r~Mons [Blank] Hold Death nst000 [Blank] Hold Mini Raise Silence [Blank] t000Mo Ifrit [Blank] Cockatrice [Blank] 00Mons Pois Toad ~shura Keal3 Protect ~~Ashu ~estru Keal3 nst015 Keal3 Levitate ~onst0 Keal2 Blink 16Glan Keal3 Keal2 ce~Bl Toad Levitate ~ingrt ~ongCu Rabur ce~Bl ~ethSo Fire3 aster Holy Rabur ~pDeat Teleport Slow aster Keal1 Arise ~~~~Be Shell Confuse aster ~lecWa Fire3 ~lap Teleport Mini zeMind Reflect Blink ~~~Cold Rabur Arise ~nupPu ngDime Raise pil xpldHa Sight ~~ure ~ching Levitate ~~Tong ~areNe Arise ~~Nuke Levitate Slow ~rsDis Teleport slow ~~~Re Sight slow ~~~Re Sight slow ~~Nuke Levitate slow ~~~Re Arise slow ~rsDis Off-21 Off-20 Off-19 Off-18 Off-17 Off-16 Off-15 Off-14 Off-13 Off-12 Off-11 Off-10 Off-9 Off-8 Off-7 Off-6 Off-5 Off-4 Off-3 Off-2 Off-1 Part 2: Choosing Specific Spells and Cells by Address CHOOSING SPELLS BY ADDRESS It is possible to place any specific spell into a given cell by adding the spell code (in hex) to the cell's address. If 0B is the spell code for HOLY, then 7E15600B will put Holy into Cecil's spell menu at row 1, column 1 All codes are in Pro Action Replay / Gameshark but can be converted to Game Genie by a converter. All codes work with both FF4j and FF2us. CECIL 1 2 3 1 7E1560 7E1561 7E1562 2 7E1563 7E1564 7E1565 3 7E1566 7E1567 7E1568 4 7E1569 7E156A 7E156B 5 7E156C 7E156D 7E156E 6 7E156F 7E1570 7E1571 7 7E1572 7E1573 7E1574 8 7E1575 7E1576 7E1577 OLD RYDIA BLACK 1 2 3 1 7E15A8 7E15A9 7E15AA 2 7E15AB 7E15AC 7E15AD 3 7E15AE 7E15AF 7E15B0 4 7E15B1 7E15B2 7E15B3 5 7E15B4 7E15B5 7E15B6 6 7E15B7 7E15B8 7E15B9 7 7E15BA 7E15BB 7E15BC 8 7E15BD 7E15BE 7E15BF OLD RYDIA CHARM 1 2 3 1 7E15C0 7E15C1 7E15C2 2 7E15C3 7E15C4 7E15C5 3 7E15C6 7E15C7 7E15C8 4 7E15C9 7E15CA 7E15CB 5 7E15CC 7E15CD 7E15CE 6 7E15CF 7E15D0 7E15D1 7 7E15D2 7E15D3 7E15D4 8 7E15D5 7E15D6 7E15D7 ROSA 1 2 3 1 7E1608 7E1609 7E160A 2 7E160B 7E160C 7E160D 3 7E160E 7E160F 7E1610 4 7E1611 7E1612 7E1613 5 7E1614 7E1615 7E1616 6 7E1617 7E1618 7E1619 7 7E161A 7E161B 7E161C 8 7E161D 7E161E 7E161F EDGE 1 2 3 1 7E1680 7E1681 7E1682 2 7E1683 7E1684 7E1685 3 7E1686 7E1687 7E1688 4 7E1689 7E168A 7E168B 5 7E168C 7E168D 7E168E 6 7E168F 7E1690 7E1691 7 7E1692 7E1693 7E1694 8 7E1695 7E1696 7E1697 Part 3: Changing Current and Max MP Values MAGIC POINTS It is possible to change character MP by adding the desired values (in hex) to the below address. Since MP is defined as two bytes, you must use two addresses. The values will be 256*the value of the top address +1* the value of the bottom address. To give Cecil a Max HP of 580, use 02 and 42 because 2*256+66=580. (42 hex is 66 in decimal) The codes would be 7E104E02 and 7E104D42 All codes are in Pro Action Replay / Gameshark but can be converted to Game Genie by a converter. All codes work with both FF4j and FF2us. Current MP Max MP Cecil 7E104C 7E104E 7E104B 7E104D Rydia 7E10CC 7E10CE 7E10CB 7E10CD Kain 7E100C 7E100E 7E100B 7E100D Rosa 7E110C 7E110E 7E110B 7E110D Edge 7E108C 7E108E 7E108B 7E108D