Save State Hacking FAQ for Final Fantasy 2 SNES by: PKT_Paladin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Introduction II. Revision History III. How to Hack Save States IV. First Character Offsets A. Statistics B. Equipment V. Second Character Offsets A. Statistics B. Equipment VI. Third Character Offsets A. Statistics B. Equipment VII. Fourth Character Offsets A. Statistics B. Equipment VIII. Fifth Character Offsets A. Statistics B. Equipment IX. Magic Offsets X. Miscellaneous XI. Digits A. Name Digits B. Class Digits C. Status Ailments Digits D. Items Digits E. Armor Digits F. Helmet Digits G. Shield Digits H. Weapon Digits I. Magic Digits XII. Credits XIII. Contact Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My alias is PKT_Paladin, but that is not my name. For this FAQ you don't need to know my real name =). Please don't steal anything from this FAQ for your site or for your own FAQ unless you provide some sort of credit. I wrote everything in this FAQ. These offsets are specifically for the emulator ZSNES and the game these offsets for is Final Fantasy 2 for SNES (the one that was released in America). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II. Revision History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v.90 : I elaborated on all of the sections to warn about certain offsets and to inform of the maximum for each offset, etc. v.85 : A big thanks goes out to Excalibur from rpgclassics! I found his hacking guide and compared it with mine to fix a few problems I was having and now this FAQ is better than ever, having corrections in all areas. v.80 : This is the first version made and it contains information mostly about hacking the stats and equipment for the characters in your party. When I find new important offsets they will be added. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ III. How to Hack Save States ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Download Hex Workshop from Install it, run it, and open up the save state file. On the left you will see addresses on the left and 16 columns on the right. There are actually 16 bytes each in groups of two. Observe: 0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 10 0000 0000 0000 00FF 0000 0000 0000 0000 The location of the byte FF is actually 17. In hex, as opposed to the regular number system we are used to that goes from 0-10, the numbers go from 0-F (0-10 and then A,B,C,D,E,F). That means FF is the highest value and 00 is the lowest (FF is 255 in decimal and 00 is 0). Find the location that I have listed in the savestate editting section and modify the bytes to as high or as low as you desire. When you are done, save it on the hexidecimal editor and load it in the emulator and you should be done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IV. First Character Offsets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - This is the character that is in the middle of the screen. A. Statistics - The name of your character is a predefined string that is located in the ROM and cannot be changed specifically. That means that if you want Cecil to be named PKT_Paladin, you would have to modify Cecil's name in the ROM instead. - The maximum Level is 99, but can be increased to 255 by putting FF (255) instead of 63 (99) - The maximum experience points is 6,777,215. It is obtained by putting FF FF FF in the experience points offsets. - The normal maximum for any statistic is 63 (hexidecimal) but you can get away with putting FF as the value. - The normal maximum for HP and MP is 9999 and 999 (respectively) but both can be given a value of 65,535 with the hexidecimal of FF Name Modifier - 1C13 Character Modifier - 1C14 Level - 1C15 Status Ailment - 1C16 Current HP - 1C1A + 1C1B Maximum HP - 1C1C + 1C1D Current MP - 1C1E + 1C1F Maximum MP - 1C20 + 1C21 Strength - 1C22 + 1C27 Agility - 1C23 + 1C28 Vitality - 1C24 + 1C29 Wisdom - 1C25 + 1C2A Will - 1C26 + 1C2B Experience Points - 1C48 + 1C49 + 1C4A B. Equipment Head - 1C43 Body - 1C44 Arms - 1C45 Right Hand - 1C46 Right Hand Quantity- 1C47 Left Hand - 1C48 Left Hand Quantity - 1C49 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ V. Second Character Offsets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - This is the person at the top of the list. A. Statistics - The name of your character is a predefined string that is located in the ROM and cannot be changed specifically. That means that if you want Cecil to be named PKT_Paladin, you would have to modify Cecil's name in the ROM instead. - The maximum Level is 99, but can be increased to 255 by putting FF (255) instead of 63 (99) - The maximum experience points is 6,777,215. It is obtained by putting FF FF FF in the experience points offsets. - The normal maximum for any statistic is 63 (hexidecimal) but you can get away with putting FF as the value. - The normal maximum for HP and MP is 9999 and 999 (respectively) but both can be given a value of 65,535 with the hexidecimal of FF Name Modifier - 1C53 Character Modifier - 1C54 Level - 1C55 Status Ailment - 1C56 Current HP - 1C5A + 1C5B Maximum HP - 1C5C + 1C5D Current MP - 1C5E + 1C5F Maximum MP - 1C60 + 1C61 Strength - 1C62 + 1C67 Agility - 1C63 + 1C68 Vitality - 1C64 + 1C69 Wisdom - 1C65 + 1C6A Will - 1C66 + 1C6B Experience Points - 1C88 + 1C89 + 1C8A B. Equipment Head - 1CA3 Body - 1CA4 Arms - 1CA5 Right Hand - 1CA6 Right Hand Quantity- 1CA7 Left Hand - 1CA8 Left Hand Quantity - 1CA9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VI. Third Character Offsets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - This is the person at the bottom of the list A. Statistics - The name of your character is a predefined string that is located in the ROM and cannot be changed specifically. That means that if you want Cecil to be named PKT_Paladin, you would have to modify Cecil's name in the ROM instead. - The maximum Level is 99, but can be increased to 255 by putting FF (255) instead of 63 (99) - The maximum experience points is 6,777,215. It is obtained by putting FF FF FF in the experience points offsets. - The normal maximum for any statistic is 63 (hexidecimal) but you can get away with putting FF as the value. - The normal maximum for HP and MP is 9999 and 999 (respectively) but both can be given a value of 65,535 with the hexidecimal of FF Name Modifier - 1C93 Character Modifier - 1C94 Level - 1C95 Status Ailment - 1C96 Current HP - 1C9A + 1C9B Maximum HP - 1C9C + 1C9D Current MP - 1C9E + 1C9F Maximum MP - 1CA0 + 1CA1 Strength - 1CA2 + 1CA7 Agility - 1CA3 + 1CA8 Vitality - 1CA4 + 1CA9 Wisdom - 1CA5 + 1CAA Will - 1CA6 + 1CAB Experience Points - 1CC8 + 1CC9 + 1CCA B. Equipment Head - 1CC3 Body - 1CC4 Arms - 1CC5 Right Hand - 1CC6 Right Hand Quantity- 1CC7 Left Hand - 1CC8 Left Hand Quantity - 1CC9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VII. Fourth Character Offsets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - This is the person in the second character slot A. Statistics - The name of your character is a predefined string that is located in the ROM and cannot be changed specifically. That means that if you want Cecil to be named PKT_Paladin, you would have to modify Cecil's name in the ROM instead. - The maximum Level is 99, but can be increased to 255 by putting FF (255) instead of 63 (99) - The maximum experience points is 6,777,215. It is obtained by putting FF FF FF in the experience points offsets. - The normal maximum for any statistic is 63 (hexidecimal) but you can get away with putting FF as the value. - The normal maximum for HP and MP is 9999 and 999 (respectively) but both can be given a value of 65,535 with the hexidecimal of FF Name Modifier - 1CD3 Character Modifier - 1CD4 Level - 1CD5 Status Ailment - 1CD6 Current HP - 1CDA + 1CDB Maximum HP - 1CDC + 1CDD Current MP - 1CDE + 1CDF Maximum MP - 1CE0 + 1CE1 Strength - 1CE2 + 1CE7 Agility - 1CE3 + 1CE8 Vitality - 1CE4 + 1CE9 Wisdom - 1CE5 + 1CEA Will - 1CE6 + 1CEB Experience Points - 1D08 + 1D09 + 1CDA B. Equipment Head - 1D03 Body - 1D04 Arms - 1D05 Right Hand - 1D06 Right Hand Quantity- 1D07 Left Hand - 1D08 Left Hand Quantity - 1D09 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VIII. Fifth Character Offsets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - This is the person in the fourth character slot A. Statistics - The name of your character is a predefined string that is located in the ROM and cannot be changed specifically. That means that if you want Cecil to be named PKT_Paladin, you would have to modify Cecil's name in the ROM instead. - The maximum Level is 99, but can be increased to 255 by putting FF (255) instead of 63 (99) - The maximum experience points is 6,777,215. It is obtained by putting FF FF FF in the experience points offsets. - The normal maximum for any statistic is 63 (hexidecimal) but you can get away with putting FF as the value. - The normal maximum for HP and MP is 9999 and 999 (respectively) but both can be given a value of 65,535 with the hexidecimal of FF Name Modifier - 1D13 Character Modifier - 1D14 Level - 1D15 Status Ailment - 1D16 Current HP - 1D1A + 1D1B Maximum HP - 1D1C + 1D1D Current MP - 1D1E + 1D1F Maximum MP - 1D20 + 1D21 Strength - 1D22 + 1D27 Agility - 1D23 + 1D28 Vitality - 1D24 + 1D29 Wisdom - 1D25 + 1D2A Will - 1D26 + 1D2B Experience Points - 1D48 + 1D49 + 1D4A B. Equipment Head - 1D43 Body - 1D44 Arms - 1D45 Right Hand - 1D46 Right Hand Quantity- 1D47 Left Hand - 1D48 Left Hand Quantity - 1D49 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IX. Magic Offsets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - You can edit which character is in your party so that you can have Cecil be a Paladin at any part of the game and hack black magic or even summoning magic into his magic list. Cecil's Magic List (Paladin) : 2173 - 218A Rydia's Magic List (White) : 218B - 21A2 Rydia's Magic List (Black) : 218B - 21A2 Rydia's Magic List (Call) : 21D3 - 21EA Tellah's Magic List (White) : 21EB - 2202 Rosa's Magic List (White) : 221B - 2232 Porom's Magic List (Black) : 2233 - 2242 Palom's Magic List (White) : 224B - 2262 FuSoYa's Magic List (White) : 2263 - 227A FuSoYa's Magic List (Black) : 227B - 2292 Edge's Ninja List : 2293 - 22AA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X. Miscellaneous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The maximum amount of Gold is 9,999,999, but that amount can be surpassed by placing a value of FF FF FF in the Gold offsets. - 2053 is the first item in your list. 2054 is the quantity of that item and 2055 is the item to the right of the first item. 2056 is the quantity of THAT item, and 2057 is the one under the first item. That's the way the items are set up. Gold Offsets - 22B3 + 22B4 + 22B5 Item Offsets - 2053 through 20AE ~~~~~~~~~~ XI. Digits ~~~~~~~~~~ A. Name Digits 00 Cecil (Dark Knight) 01 Kain 02 Young Rydia 03 Tellah 04 Edward 05 Rosa 06 Yang 07 Palom 08 Porom 09 Cecil (Paladin) 0A Cid 0B Old Rydia 0C Edge 0D FuSoYa B. Class / Portrait Digits 00 Empty 01 Paladin/Dark Knight 02 Dragoon 03 Caller 04 Sage 05 Bard 06 Wh. Wizard (Rosa) 07 Karate 08 Wh. Wizard (Palom) 09 Bl. Wizard 0A Sage 0B Paladin/Dark Knight 0C Sage 0D Karate 0E Chief 0F Dragoon 10 Wh. Wizard (Rosa) 11 Caller 12 Ninja 13 Lunarian 14 Dragoon 15 Golbez 16 Anna C. Status Ailments Digits 00 Normal 01 Poison 02 Blind 04 Mute 08 Piggy 10 Tiny 20 Frog 40 Stoned 80 Swoon D. Items Digits 46 - Dummy B0 - Dummy (Fire1) B1 - Dummy Fire2 B2 - Dummy Ice1 B3 - Dummy Ice2 B4 - Dummy Lit1 B5 - Dummy Lit2 B6 - Dummy Meteo (By Palom and Porom) B7 - Dummy Psych B8 - Dummy (Drain) B9 - Dummy (Bersk) 8A - Dummy (Haste) BB - Dummy Stops Enemy (short) BB BC - Dummy Stops Enemy (medium) BC BD - Dummy Stops Enemy (long) BD BF - Dummy (Image) C0 - Fire-Bomb C1 - Dummy (Holy) C2 - Lit-Bolt C3 - Dummy (Wall) C4 - Dummy (Explode) C5 - Dummy (Wall) C6 - Dummy (Mute) C7 - Dummy (Quake) C8 - Crystal C9 - Dummy (Fatal) CA - Dummy (Summon) CB - Dummy (Search) CC - Dummy (Wakes Everyone) CD - Dummy (Heals Non-Permanent Statuses in Battle) CE - Cure1 CF - Cure2 D0 - Cure3 D1 - Ether1 D2 - Ether2 D3 - Elixer D4 - Life D5 - Dummy (Cures Stone) D6 - Dummy (Cures Frog) D7 - Dummy (Cures Small) D8 - Dummy (Cures Piggy) D9 - Dummy (Cures Silence) DA - Dummy (Cures Darkness) DB - Dummy (Cures Poison) DC - Dummy (Cures Curse) DD - Heal DE - Dummy (Calls Enemies) DF - Dummy (Permenently increases HP by 100) E0 - Dummy (Permenently increases HP by 50) E1 - Dummy (Permenently increases MP by 10) E2 - Tent E3 - Cabin E4 - Dummy (Favorite Book) E5 - Dummy (Exit) E6 - Dummy (Sight) E7 - Imp (Summon) E8 - Bomb (Summon) E9 - Dummy (Summon) (Coctrice) EA - Mage EC - Pass EE - Package EF - Baron F0 - SandRuby F1 - Earth F2 - Magma F3 - Luca F4 - TwinHarp F5 - Darkness F6 - Rat F7 - Adamant F8 - Pan F9 - Pink FA - Tower FB - Dummy (Dark Matter) FC - Dummy FD - Dummy FE - Sort FF - Trash E. Armor Digits 81 - Iron Armor 82 - Shadow Armor 83 - Darkness Armor 84 - Black Armor 85 - Paladin Armor 86 - Silver Armor 87 - Fire Armor 88 - Ice Armor 89 - Diamond Armor 8A - Samurai Armor 8B - Dragoon Armor 8C - Crystal Armor 8D - Cloth Robe 8E - Leather Robe 8F - Gaea Robe 90 - Wizard Robe 91 - Black Robe 92 - Sorcerer Robe 93 - White Robe 94 - Power Robe 95 - Heroine Robe 96 - Prisoner Robe 97 - Bard Robe 99 - Bl. Belt 9A - Adamant Armor 9B - Ninja Robe F. Helmet Digits 6D - Iron Helmet 6E - Shadow Helmet 6F - Darkness Helmet 70 - Black Helmet 71 - Paladin Helmet 72 - Silver Helmet 73 - Diamond Helmet 74 - Samurai Helmet 75 - Dragoon Helmet 76 - Crystal Helmet 77 - Cap 78 - Leather Helmet 79 - Gaea Helmet 7A - Wizard Helmet 7B - Tiara 7C - Ribbon 7D - Headband 7E - Bandanna 7F - Ninja Helmet 80 - Glass G. Shield Digits 61 - Iron Shield 62 - Shadow Shield 63 - Black Shield 64 - Paladin Shield 65 - Silver Shield 66 - Fire Shield 67 - Ice Shield 68 - Diamond Shield 69 - Aegis Shield 6A - Samurai Shield 6B - Dragoon Shield 6C - Crystal Shield H. Weapons Digits SWORDS: 16 - Shadow Sword 17 - Darkness Sword 18 - Black Sword 19 - Legend Sword 1A - Light Sword 1B - Excalibur Sword 1C - Fire Sword 1D - IceBrand 1E - Defense Sword 1F - Drain Sword 20 - Ancient Sword 21 - Slumber Sword 22 - Medusa Sword 2B - Short Sword 2C - Middle Sword 2D - Long Sword 2E - Ninja Sword 2F - Murasame Sword 30 - Masamune Sword 3D - Silver Sword 3F - Crystal Sword 4C - Avenger CLAWS: 01 - FireClaw 02 - IceClaw 03 - Thunder Claw 04 - Charm Claw 05 - Poison Claw 06 - Cat Claw RODS: 07 - Rod 08 - IceRod 09 - FlameRod 0A - Thunder Rod 0B - Change Rod 0C - Charm Rod 0D - Stardust Rod 0E - Lilith Rod STAVES: 0F - Staff 10 - Cure Staff 11 - Silver Staff 12 - Power Staff 13 - Lunar Staff 14 - Life Staff 15 - Silence Staff SPEARS: 23 - Spear 24 - Wind Spear 25 - Flame Spear 26 - Blizzard Spear 27 - Dragoon Spear 28 - White Spear 29 - Drain Spear 2A - Gugnir Spear KNIVES: 31 - Assassin Knife 32 - Mute Knife 3B - Silver Knife 3C - Dancing Knife 3E - Spoon WHIPS: 33 - Whip 34 - Chain 35 - Blitz 36 - Flame 37 - Dragon SHURIKENS: 40 - Shuriken 41 - Ninja Shuriken BOOMERANGS: 42 - Boomrang 43 - Fullmoon WRENCHES: 49 - Wooden Wrench 4A - Earth Wrench 4B - Silver Wrench AXES: 38 - HandAxe 39 - Dwarf Axe 3A - Ogre Axe 47 - Poison Axe 48 - RuneAxe BOWS: 4D - ShortBow 4E - CrossBow 4F - GreatBow 50 - Archer Bow 51 - ElvenBow 52 - Samurai Bow 53 - Artemis Bow ARROWS: 54 - Iron Arrow 55 - White Arrow 56 - Fire Arrow 57 - Ice Arrow 58 - Lit Arrow 59 - Darkness Arrow 5A - Poison Arrow 5B - Mute Arrow 5C - Charm Arrow 5D - Samurai Arrow 5E - Medusa Arrow 5F - Artemis Arrow HARPS: 44 - Dreamer Harp 45 - Charm Harp I. Magic Digits BLACK: 19 - Toad 1A - Piggy 1B - Warp 1C - Venom 1D - Fire1 1E - Fire2 1F - Fire3 20 - Ice-1 21 - Ice-2 22 - Ice-3 23 - Lit-1 24 - Lit-2 25 - Lit-3 26 - Virus 27 - Weak 28 - Quake 29 - Sleep 2A - Stone 2B - Fatal 2C - Stop 2D - Drain 2E - Psych 2F - Meteo 30 - Nuke WHITE: 01 - Hold 02 - Mute 03 - Charm 04 - Blink 07 - Slow 09 - Bersk 0A - Wall 0B - White 0D - Peep 0E - Cure1 0F - Cure2 10 - Cure3 11 - Cure4 12 - Heal 13 - Life1 14 - Life2 15 - Size 16 - Exit 17 - Sight 18 - Float SUMMON: 31 - Imp 32 - Bomb 33 - Coktrc 34 - Titan 35 - Chocobo 36 - Shiva 37 - Indra 38 - Jinn 3A - Mist 3B - Sylph 3C - Odin 3D - Leviatan 3E - Asura 3F - Bahamut NINJA: 42 - Flame 43 - Flood 44 - Blitz 45 - Smoke 46 - Pin 47 - Image ~~~~~~~~~~~~ XII. Credits ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Squaresoft - They made the game. They deserve all of the credit. Nintendo - As much as I hate the butchering they did to the original, amazing story line, they licensed the game and made the Super NES. Excalibur - This guy is a staff member at RPGClassics. After just about finishing this guide I found out that he had written a lot of information on the same things so I compared our work and fixed a lot of bugs I had on here. Much thanks goes out to him! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XIII. Contact Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to send me an e-mail, please send it Since there are a few things that I have yet to know that you might know, I would appreciate any submissions (you will be given credit, of course) to help further develop this FAQ. Please submit any questions so I can answer them for you and anyone else who reads this FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This guide was written by PKT_Paladin ( Please do not use this guide without permission or take direct information from it. Doing that is illegal. I am in no way affiliated with the makers of Final Fantasy 2.