Mario & Wario Extra Level Guide By Azel Azel (at) otakumail (dot) com (Sorry for having to write it this way, but those spambots are kinda merciless...) Last Updated: 01/10/2004 Version 1.1: Minor revision (01/10/2004) Version 1.0: Initial release (12/23/2003) ¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=-CONTENTS-=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=¬«.,¸ 1. Introduction 2. Revision History 3. Foreword 4. Level Guide 5. Special Quotes 6. Last words and final stats 7. Thanks 8. Disclaimer ¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=-INTRODUCTION-=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=¬«.,¸ Heh. Hey there. It is getting a bit scary, but this here's actually my second FAQ which came to be because someone agreed to add something I wrote to their own FAQ/walkthrough -but really didn't. But let me relate the story to you right from the beginning. You see, sometime in April/May of this year I was playing Mario & Wario. And I was having absolutely no problems at all. Since there always use to be some people who get stuck at some point when it comes to "puzzle games", I thought I might as well take pity on those poor souls who were playing M&W but got stuck and write a Guide for this game. But when I checked GameFAQs I noticed that someone already had written a FAQ/walkthrough for this game. I skimmed through it, the level strategies were sometimes a bit short in my opinion, but overall it was quite sufficient. As the mentioned FAQ/walkthrough didn't have any strategies for the Extra Levels -which are the only ones that really might need some in-depth strategies, at least in my opinion- I asked the guy who had written the FAQ if he'd like to include an Extra Level Guide I could write in his FAQ. He replied saying that I should just go ahead so I took the next weekend off and played through the Extra Levels again, all while writing down the best strategies to beat the levels. (Of course, my poor attempts at sarcasm took some time as well... ;) ) When I was really satisfied with this little "Extra Level Guide" of mine, I sent it to that guy. ...and didn't hear from him since. Of course I asked if something was the matter after several weeks as the FAQ didn't happen to be updated and I tried to contact him again only shortly, but to no avail. Recently it turned out to have been some sort of chain of bad events with his computer having broken, his eMail address being flooded with spam and no way for him to find out my eMail address as I was not registered as contributor at GameFAQs back then. Kinda stupid story really, but I guess such things actually do happen. Well, at the very least this lead to this Guide being my first "all by myself" FAQ. Which isn't that bad really. In fact, it's quite cool. Been quite fun to check through everything I had written half a year ago, correct mistakes, create a nice-looking layout and such. And now, I'm finally done and can release this to the public. Yay. What's left to say? Only two short things you should remember: First, this here deals specifically with the Extra Levels and nothing else. About the only thing you'll find in here are the strategies on how to beat the Extra Levels. If you need help with the normal levels or just a quick rundown of how the game works, check the general FAQ for Mario & Wario available at GameFAQs. Second, please don't eMail me asking for some more detailed level strategies. What you see here is everything I can help you with and I already took care of explaining in detail if the level seemed to demand it. eMail me only if you think I made a mistake or didn't explain something specific clearly enough. And eMail me ONLY if you think I made a mistake or didn't explain something specific clearly enough AND have read the part in question several times AND have tried to beat the level several times. Thank you. With that out of the way, you may now go and read the actual Guide. Thanks for listening. ¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=-REVISION HISTORY-=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=¬«.,¸ Version 1.1 - 01/10/2004 - A really minor revision. I changed my Disclaimer a bit and also edited the introduction and the Thanks section to reflect the fact that I indeed received an eMail by the person I mentioned in the introduction who was sort of "responsible" for me to even start writing this. Just so nobody can think any longer that I bear any ill feelings for him. Oh yeah, I also added this "Revision History" section of course... Version 1.0 - 12/23/2003 - The initial release of this Guide. Basically, everything I wanted in here is in here. Simple, huh? ¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=-FOREWORD-=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=¬«.,¸ One little piece of advice regarding the characters in advance. Don't ever use the princess for the Extra Levels! As you know, she is the slowest of all characters and some of the Extra Levels require you to be as quick as one can be in order to get a level finished... In fact, I would even recommend using Yoshi for this task as he's the fastest of them all. But on the other hand, most people will probably have played through the game using Mario and it's quite a bit difficult getting used to Yoshi after playing Mario for some time. And of course you can also finish all Extra Levels using Mario, only you need to be a bit more aware of how much time is left as some levels have got a quite ..."pressing" time limit. Not that this would be troubling you much if you were to follow the directions in a Guide like this... ;) But enough already, pick either Mario or Yoshi and let's go! ¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=-LEVEL GUIDE-=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=¬«.,¸ EXTRA1: (I think EX-1 sounds quite stupid...) aka The Flame Fiasco This level is really easy compared to what's to come even if it's layout might suggest otherwise. It's in fact about as easy as a regular level with one little difference: invisible blocks. They're the key to the level. Simply make it across the first two gaps by making bridges out of thin air, then fall down into the third gap. Take care not to fall onto a flame and make blocks appear just below you and one to the left of there. Then just wait until your character reaches Luigi. [Could get some coins out of the coin block there in the meantime...] EXTRA2: aka The Raven Raffle -or something like this ;) [Note: I know they aren't called "raven", but the alliteration was to weird to be taken out...] Still really easy, though it might take a bit to figure this one out. Here's how it goes: Always get all ravens on the screen out of the way. [This ain't nice, but hey, it's a video game and PETA doesn't exist in video games yet...;)] Then, simply follow this way. As soon as possible change the direction, activate the blocks and fall down three levels. There activate the four blocks on the same level as you and the two ones to the right of the ladder two levels below. Fall down on these blocks, and jump up to the blocks you just created. Go left. You'll jump up again. Don't activate the blocks there unless you want to start all over only to get one stupid star... Instead drop down two levels and continue left. Get the last raven out of the way, drop down, change direction immediately to right and activate only the leftmost block twice. Dropping down once more and it's done. EXTRA3: aka The Stupid Sprint Nothing to serious here either... But the level is /&"=ing damn hard if you mess up just a little bit. Two main problems: This spiky thingie following you in the first part of the level and these annoying 1into4 bats... Plus you'll have to deal with time blocks on the two lower levels. At least the stars can easily be picked up along the way. Start by lowering the floor and thus increasing your character's walking speed. Do this until the end of this part of the level and only use the few seconds when you're dropping down two times to pick out the two bats in the middle each time as they're the only ones who might get dangerous. Drop down and activate time blocks all the time. Still only pick out the two bats in the middle. Drop down again and activate the time blocks -again. All you need to do now is shrink the flames in time so they don't burn your head. :) And never, never, never DESTROY the blocks they are spinning around -the consequences would be desastrous. [You might want to spontaneously hug me if you took Yoshi after my recommendation. ;) He makes this level so much easier... If playing Yoshi, you only need to get one bat out of the way as he just rushes past the others. And the spiky thingie is lame compared to him.] EXTRA4: aka The Lively Level It is getting a bit more interesting. Let me think about this for a moment... *10 hours later* ;) Ah, I understand now. What we are facing in this level is a HORDE of these spiky thingies. So above all, don't run into one of them! Drop down two times and activate the two blocks there. Now comes the first tricky part. Destroy the first block to the left, wait for the spiky thingie to go down and then activate the block keeping it from getting up again. Now, destroy the middle block and drop down. Avoid the spiky thingie to the left and destroy the big block in the downleft corner of the level. Head right, jump up, drop down once and wait for the yellow thingie you just freed to pass by below you. Then quickly drop down and head left. Climp up the two ladders, carefully avoiding the next yellow thingie, and take the spring to the left. Once up, drop down again. Now comes the second tricky part. You need to destroy all five big blocks above you and the only way to do this is by jumping up from here and being on the top part of the screen with the cursor. If quick enough, you may even get two or three of them at once... Repeat until all blocks are destroyed, then finally go right and get that time mushroom. Continue right and destroy the big block to the far right. Quickly turn around and wait for the next yellow thingie to pass by below you. Immediately drop down, head right and activate the two blocks in order not to fall down. This was the third tricky part. Now you will jump up two times, after that activate the first block and drop down from there. Jumping up yet again, you need to turn around and drop down to the right, then quickly turn around again and jump up to the platform just below the one where the big blocks were. Final tricky part: Wait until the final yellow thingie is just above the ladder and then take it. That's it. [Quite a bit long, eh? But you can get stuck in this level quite easily I suppose... So I figured out it would make more sense to do this in detail in the first place than getting complaints about it being vague and having to add it later.] EXTRA5: aka The Fiery Fault -and you easily make this fault :( But not too tough again. Just run right, destroying the second and the third flame. Of course not the first ones the flamers are shooting but the second. Unless playing Yoshi. Drop down and activate the block below to land on and the one next to the goal. Drop down again whilst destroying the three blocks on the right wall. Jump up and fall down to the ground. Immediately click on all flamers to make them shoot to the left. Then head left and once you are below one flamer, simply click it again to safely return it to its original state. Do this for all three and continue left. Wait on the leftmost block until the yellow thingie draws near and then destroy it (the block of course, not the thingie). The thingie should move on to the second block and you should be able to easily drop down and continue to the spring. Jump up, take the ladder, and then activate the first two blocks on the level below. Drop down twice and activate the last two blocks to reach the spring rocketing you to the goal. [Man, halfway through and nothing difficult yet... *yawn*] EXTRA6: aka The Spiky Scare Bet you were scared when you first saw this level... But actually it is quite a pushover AGAIN. You see, all you need to do is use the time blocks to keep the spiky thingies out of the level you're on. Easy. Drop down as far as possible and once you're about halfway down, you'll see five time blocks below you, arranged in 2, 2, 1 per level. Wait for the thingie to be at the same heigth as the middle two time blocks, then activate the left one of these and drop down. Activate the single time block and drop down on it. Continue right and wait for the next thingie to be above you, then drop down and head left to a spring. Go right, jump up two times and there you are -face to face with SIX spiky thingies at once... Mostly you'll need some luck for this one. If you are playing M&W using an emulator, this would be a p e r f e c t moment for a savestate. Anyway, you need not worry about the first two of them thingies at all. If you time it right, you can pass two or three of them without any problems. Even four or five if playing Yoshi. :) But you must ALWAYS capture the ones you can't avoid at nearly the same time in order to get through. Can't be of more help here, sorry. For the rest of the level simply use the time blocks to capture the other thingies again and remember your fall is delayed a little bit when dealing with the yellow thingies. EXTRA7: aka The Hastily Hunt Again, looking difficult, being quite simple. Basically, all you need to do is destroy the blocks the flamers are attached to and that's it. Oh, and you might want to bang your head against the wall if you set "Mouse Speed" to low... As you need to be quite fast here. And once playing Yoshi is making a level MORE difficult. My approach for this level: Immediately destroy the two small blocks to the left of the first big block. This keeps the small flames out of your way. Then destroy the first three, four big blocks with flamers attached to them. Don't fall down doing this! Destroy the two leftmost small blocks, drop down there and drop down into the gap with a big time block. Walk to the right and destroy ALL big blocks below you. Return to the ladder, cross the gap using the big time block and get ready for some serious action. Now you need to a) activate the little time blocks quick enough to cross them and b) destroy the remaining big blocks above you... Either quick reflexes or luck are required for doing this-...good luck. [Okay, this level ain't exactly easy. Let's call it "semi-hard". ;)] EXTRA8: aka The Forlorn Fear Argh, I hate this one. It's damn simple, but a part of it is damn hard. Basically you only need to click on the flamers to make them shoot in the different direction -but as you'll later be exactly where they're shooting at after you've turned them, you need to turn their direction again immediately after you pass them. Everything clear? Then let's go. Luckily only the ones to the left of the character need to be turned... Once you are on the level with the blocks, activate the first three and turn the left flamer. Wait until the spiky thingie reaches the activated block and goes down again. Wait about 3-5 seconds, deactivate the third block and fall down. Turn the second flamer to the left during your fall and at once return the cursor below your character. You should be able to seal the thingie in the block right above the ground there if everything works out right. This is the mentioned hard part... After that, simply go left, don't forget to turn the two flamers to the right now while going up the ladder. On the way to the goal you only have to bounce the yellow thingie off one time block and follow it. Only be careful as both Mario and Yoshi are quicker than the thingie. Fin. EXTRA9: aka The Naughty Nothing [Please note: The fellows I called "raven" in the strategy for EXTRA2 will be called by their official name which is "pidget" in the strategy for this level. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.] This one's a mix of the first and the second Extra Level. Meaning InvisiBlocks (tm) plus pidgets. And quite easy, as I might add... ;) Always kill all pidgets you see on the screen as they tend to get in the way later otherwise. [Whoops, did I just say "kill"? It's quite a violent game, isn't it...?] It's a bit complicated, but definitely easy nonetheless. Just follow this way: Make blocks appear in the first gap and cross it. Destroy pidget and drop down. Jump up and drop down again. Turn left and make a block appear to cross. Make more blocks appear on this level, then drop down and make two blocks appear below you. Drop down, turn right immediately and use the spring to jump up to those blocks you created a moment ago. Follow them to the left and drop down at the far left, close to the wall. Drop down, your cursor below you. You won't fall on the pidget down there as you'll make some blocks appear one level above, leading to the ledge with yet another pidget. Destroy him and make more blocks appear in line. Make the last block in front of the spring disappear and drop down. Go up the ladder and fill the gap just above with two blocks. Destroy the two pidgets, drop down, go left and jump up to the two blocks you just created. Destroy the pidget to the right, the block where he resides, then drop down and take the spring to the right. You'll jump up to two blocks. Create three blocks to the left of these and one two levels above the spring there. After that take the spring and turn right after jumping. Whee, this was quite long for such an easy level... EXTRA10: aka "Are they kidding?!" I won't spoil this level for you as it is a joke when it comes to difficulty. Simply look at the layout of the level and try to get to the right one of the two ladders sticking out on the top. And shrink the flames wisely. Come back once you've reached the last long ladder on the far upperleft. *zzz* Back already? See, I told you it was easy, didn't I? ;) [Hint: four ladders to the right, one to the left, final one to the right. Now don't bother anymore, it's really easy.] Those four flames are what made me about go crazy when I first played M&W. In fact, I was sitting in front of the screen for HOURS and could not find a dang way to get around them. Probably I spent more time on this level than on all other Extra Levels together. Or even more likely more time than on the whole rest of the game. And when I finally did find out how to pass the flames... Boy, was I stupid... :( Here it is: You MUST get the flames to completely leave the screen. Sounds quite easy, is quite easy -but how the heck are you gonna think of something you didn't need to do in the previous 109 levels...? -_- Anyway, each flame needs to be "released" in a different way. From left to right: 1) Crush the big block above the flame while still not having ascended the long ladder. The flame will float around, and vanish along the left wall. 2) Shrink the flame, crush the big block and wait until the flame is moving "up" on the little block. CRUSH THE BLOCK! This will make the flame lose all orientation and simply go "up" for the rest of its life. Now this is sad, isn't it? 3) Shrink the flame and wait until after 4) Shrink the flame, destroy the big block above, and wait for the flame to be moving "up" on the BIG block above flame #3. Crush THIS block. Then immediately switch back to 3) Wait until the flame is moving "up" on the little block. CRUSH IT ALREADY! ;) And don't run into one of the leaving flames, alright? Yah, made it! Whoohoo! Yippieh! ...though it was kinda easy. ¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=-SPECIAL QUOTES-=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=¬«.,¸ Quotes of me playing Mario & Wario: "What's this? Finished the level already? Again?!" "Hahaha. They call this "Extra Levels"? "Now where's the challenge...? Nazo Puyo is more difficult..." "...hmm. I wonder if the game was designed for kids..." "Funny. Invisible blocks. What an innovative idea... *cough*" "Oh, this is the final level? Looks rather easy to me..." *four hours later* "How the §(/( am I supposed to get the ?)=?)/ flames out of the §//"§( way??" ;) *after the "special ending"* "Yay. Now this was really worth my time... *sigh*" "...after all, it is a nice game. Only if it was a bit longer and more difficult..." ¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=-LAST WORDS/FINAL STATS-=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=¬«.,¸ Now, what's left to say? It has been quite a pleasure writing this little guide and I hope you enjoyed reading it as well. And maybe even could find some help in here. Thank you for your time. :) If you want to contact and praise [Well, criticism is allowed as well. Darned democracy... ;)] me, my eMail is right at the top of this guide and can easily be found. I can get back to some real work. Returning to the FAQ/Guide for Tricky/Tricky Kick (PC Engine/Turbographx). Check this game if you wanna see a really HARD game. ...I guess. Oh, my best final stats for you to see and be impressed: Score: 203700 Time: 02:09:37 Stars: 289 Clicks: 5212 I am good, right? ...I really am. :) ¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=-THANKS GO TO-=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=¬«.,¸ -CJayC for starting GameFAQs, for running GameFAQs, for being GameFAQs. Oh, and for hosting my guide here as well of course. -Steve Bergstrom for getting me interested in FAQs again. And for some ideas on how to improve my layout. I'm quite satisfied with that new design. -James Wardle aka Lagunathemoron for his general FAQ/walkthrough on Mario & Wario. More specifically, for not having done an Extra Level Guide by himself and for not having used mine when I offered him to. And for explaining the whole situation later on. Nice of you. for being the great place that it is and Rpgmaniac-No1 for being the nice person that she is. -Jim "Red Phoenix" Chamberlin for his FAQ Theft guide which helped to create the disclaimer. ¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=-DISCLAIMER-=椺²°`¯ ¯`°²º¤æ=¬«.,¸ This document is supposed to appear exclusively at and (My "home base", should you care -though it's undergoing some changes at the moment... And though I don't think anybody without knowledge of German should check this site out as it's still completely in German at the moment.) It may also appear on my very own homepage which is not existing at the moment, but will be soon. But now on to the real disclaimer: This document is © 2003-2004 Azel. All rights reserved. This document is the intellectual property of its author and protected by the "Berne Copyright Convention" of 1976 and all other international and national copyright laws that may refer to it. This disclaimer and all instances of my name and my eMail adress being mentioned may not be removed or altered. This document and everything included within cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical, electronical, or others) aside from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in it's original, unedited and unaltered format. Changing, editing, formatting, removing or adding of contents is prohibited. This document cannot be used for profitable or promotional purposes. It cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates appeal to buy and is strictly prohibited. It may not appear on compilations or cd-roms of any kind, especially if they are subjected to charges. It cannot be used in magazines, guides, books, etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media in any way. Not wholly, not partly, not at all. This guide is exclusively for personal and private use and may only be printed out for the personal use of individuals. Every single other kind of use REQUIRES the express written permission of the author. This document was written and is owned by me, Azel. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected even if not specifically mentioned in this document. [Should anybody use a disclaimer that sounds similiar, it's really not my fault as this one here was translated by me from the German one I usually use. You see, this here's my second English-only work...] Now about the sites which may want to use this piece of work... As I mentioned above, this document is SUPPOSED to only be available at and All other web pages a) need to ask me for permission first and I may refuse to give permission without naming reasons; b) need to provide me with a eMail address or some other method for transferring updates, as nothing is more annoying than having several versions of a document floating around and getting asked things that ARE already answered; and c) may not be subjected to charges at all, as this document is free of charge. Also, there are some pages which may definitely NOT USE this document. See the final paragraph of this disclaimer for more details. ...anyway, don't dare putting this document on your page if you're part/member of any of the mentioned pages. There are quite some authors of FAQs and guides just waiting to sue because you infringe valid copyright laws. If I were you, I wouldn't want to make this list any longer... Oh yeah, nobody may claim this document to be his work -except for myself, of course. Come to think of it, someone who would try to do this probably doesn't read disclaimers at all, right? Failure to comply with any or all of these rules could result in legal action. ...the following web pages may NOT post any of my works. Should anybody see any document written by me on one of these pages, please inform me via eMail ASAP. Every single of these web pages has plagiarised one or several authors in the past or just published their work without asking for permission first. As they seem to lack the respect for the work authors put into FAQs, Walkthroughs, Guides and such or simply ignore valid laws, I explicitly forbid them to use any of my own works. I'd never publish anything on a web page that resorts to such depraved methods. Period. (The list itself comes mostly from Jim "Red Phoenix" Chamberlin's "FAQ Theft guide" with some pages added on later by me or others.) 911 Codes 9 Lives Bean's PlayStation Dimension Cheat Code Central Cheat Index Cheat Matrix Cheat Search Cheatstop CNET Gamecenter Console Domain Dirty Little Helper Dark Station Dreamland Games Domain Game Express Games Over Mega Games Square Haven Ultimate System Should you happen to visit any of these pages regularly, think about what I wrote. Copyright © 2003-2004 Azel.