############## ## ## ######################## |\ #### ## \|\| \|\ ## ## /| \ #### _________________ ## /|/ | / ######## ######### / |\ ###_____ ################# ____ ## |/ \| \ ## / \\ \ / / \\ ## / / |\| ## \_____\\ /____// ## /| ## ____ ____________ ____ ### / |/| \ ## \##_\ \##########/ /_##/ ### / \______ ################################## __ / \ / __ / #### #### __/ /_ / \/ __/ ______ ____ _____ _____ _____ /_ __/// \/ ___ / / / / / __/ // / / _ / / / / / / /______/ /____// /_/ /__/_/ /____/ /____// /_/ __________ / \ /________ \ \ | POINT OF IMPACT / / RACING GAME WALKTHROUGH / / /| _____/ /_______/ | / | /____________________/ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* Burnout 2: Point Of Impact Racing Walkthrough by racegamepro Version 1.1 Created Aug/21/04 Last Updated Aug/23/04 *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* /. ------------------------ .\ Table Of Contents \. ------------------------ ./ 1. Introduction 2. Basics 2A. Controls 2B. Screen Display 3. Grand Prix Races 3A. Track Walkthroughs -11 of 30 tracks completed 3B. Setting Records Advice -coming soon 4. Pursuit Races -coming soon 5. Crash Mode 6. Unlocking 6A. Cars 6B. Races 7. Legal Info To find what you need, simply press "Control + F" and type in either the number(1.,2., etc) or number & letter (2A., 2B., etc) Updates made very frequently. /. ------------------------ .\ 1. Introduction \. ------------------------ ./ Street races and crashes have never been sweeter! Grand Prix, Pursuit, Face Off, and Crash!Great for single or multi-player gaming. Offensive Driving 101 is not included in this walkthrough, since it shows in the game what to do. Whole championship explanations are not shown, instead their races their content races are in section three & four. Have a great time driving maniacally, 'kay? /. ------------------------ .\ 2. Basics \. ------------------------ ./ /2A.\ \***/ CONTROLS Burnout 2 has very common racing game controls; A - Accelerate (recomended to press throughout the whole race) B - Brake (useful only to drift round corners) L - Honk Horn or Change Siren if on Police Car R - Boost (boost when Burn Meter is full) Z - Quick Glance Back CONTROL STICK - Steer (Left, Right) /2B.\ \***/ SCREEN DISPLAY __________________________________ | Lap | Checkpoint| Score | | Times | Timer |-----------| |__________|___________|__Position_| | | | Display | | Screen | |__________________________________| | Burn | Danger | | | Meter | Info |Speedometre| |__________|___________|___________| Lap Times - Time taken to beat each lap Checkpoint Timer - Time given to reach next checkpoint Score - Shows overall score given to more wreckless driving Position - Place in race out of overall amount of racers Display Screen - Shows track and car, and etc. Burn Meter - Bar that shows how much burn meter is full and when you can boost. Danger Info - How far oncoming vehicles are Speedometer- Shows car speed in MPH /. ------------------------ .\ 3. Grand Prix Races \. ------------------------ ./ /3A.\ \***/ TRACK WALKTHROUGHS The way to beat tracks overall is shown here. Shortcuts are shown seperatly in the shortcuts section. Since cars you race differ, this does not include what to do to the other cars, so just race normally and you'll be ahead most of the time. The tracks are in groups such as Palm Bay Heights, Palm Bay Marina, and Palm Bay Marina (R). Just press "Control + F" and type in the track. The regular and complete tracks that appear in Championship mode are found here, but if your looking for the face off track of a certain terrain, just do the same things as in the normal tracks. And all the tracks that end with (R), they're like an annoying mirror mode of the regular tracks (if you didn't already know). If you're doing the first championship, try to win all gold before going to the next one. This unlocks a face off or pursuit to get you the best car to use at the moment. Since the Supercar has the best stats, win the Series Championship without necessarily getting all golds, and later you can try to get the last custom series cars. Ways to unlock these cars are shown in section six A. *Useful Strategies and Precautions* -Try not to crash much (duh) -Hold 'R' through whole laps so you boost instantly when you do have your burn meter full -When boosting, stay on the right side of the road unless you can only go on the left side at the time -Don't worry about the 'Oncoming' danger warning below the car, you usually see them yourself -When jumping off bumps, stay on the right side of the road, as to not crash into a vehicle oncoming -Drive crazily, wierdly, and obnoxiosly, just not stupidly as to crash... really, leave that to crash mode 11 of the main tracks are shown here. Point To Point Races are not since they are just a few of the tracks mixed together, mainly the same principle. Updates made very frequently. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----AIRPORT TERMINAL----- *** Airport Terminal 3 *** 'Short & Swift'. Stay in the middle of the road at the beginning. You'll gain lots of near misses. Change to th left lane and pass the first checkpoint. Pass through the gas station and knock over some pylons. Bank to the left slowly. On the straight way stay in the middle, swerving to and away from other cars constantly. After the second checkpoint, mostly stay in the middle, bank slowly left and you're in the next lap. Do the second lap in the same way, only after the second checkpoint banking left, stay on the right side near the wall. You should, AT LEAST, have one boost done in the overall first two laps. Getting lots of boosts in the third lap isn't crucial, but is easy. Just dont swerve in and out of traffic anymore. Do the same for the fourth lap and for the fifth, DO NOT use boost. Let go of 'R' altogether. Pry your finger loose if need be. You don't need it. Go normally through the track. At the intersection before the first checkpoint go right instead. ONLY, and I mean only, if someone is three sesconds or more ahead of you use boost. *** Airport Terminal 1 & 2 *** 'Dark Airport'. Start off going straight. Stay in the middle at all times. Even in the oncoming tunnel while banking right. After the first checkpoint only swivle the control stick lightly from side to side. After the first car you see, change to the right lane immedietly to avoid a truck/van passing from right to left, usually in laps one and three. Stay in the middle of the road and after the second checkpoint slightly turn to the left. Stay in the centre until the two lanes enter only one. Avoid the car blocking the entrance around the left side. Stay on this side until there are two lanes again, at which you should move a little more to the left to be in the centre. At least one boost should have been used by now, and if not you must try harder. Avoid the cars in the middle by banking to the right. You should be on a straightway leading to the finish. Turn to the left lane. On the second lap don't boost even once. Don't crash and get to the end. Boost only once in the final lap. That should do it. But where's the fun in that? It's always fun to go crazy, so what the heck, hold down 'R' the whole way. Be sure to avoid the passing truck/van before the second lap cause crashing into it isn't really recommended.And don't use the left lane at the end. Rather just go straight. *** Airport Terminal 3 (R) *** MIRROR 'trohS & tfiwS'. First of all, hold 'R' the whole race. Boosts happen continuously! Starting off, stay on the left side of the right lane. Swerve to the centre and avoid the oncoming vehicles. DRIFT left and pass the first checkpoint. Stay in the centre. Turn to the left lane and continue onto the left lane going down. Don't use drift turning the corner. Just bank right at the end up to the second lap. Do the same for all the laps, just be sure when you boost billions of times that you don't crash yourself to oblivion, or last place. If you can dodge one oncoming car, you can dodge five laps of chaos, right? Happy driving! *** Airport Terminal 1 & 2 (R) *** MIRROR 'kraD tropriA'. While banking left, stay near the right wall to avoid the cars passing on the left. Stay on the right during the straightway, then swerve to the left side. When possible, change to the right lane and swerve left. After the first checkpoint, there is no correct place to drive. Try to keep it in the middle, but there are a few annoying cars to avoid. This is on of the best places to be using boost since it doesn't curve much. After the two diagonal red bars, switch to the left lane. Bank right through the second checkpoint. Drive on the right side while banking right then switch to the middle of the lanes when going through the small tunnel ahead while banking left. Stay on the right side of the track now, you can use the passage to the right going straight, but either way the second lap awaits you. Do the same for the second and final laps, just do not make any tricky turns or you'll most likely crash. -----88 INTER----- *** 88 Interstate Loop *** Too Short, Too Easy. Keep to the right wall. Bank slowly right and then even out the car. After the first checkpoint, bank right again. Keep to the left wall. Drift right, going into the right lane again. Make a few small banks left and you're already in the second lap. Do the same for the second and third laps. Take it slow. You're opponents are unusually crappy in this race. *** 88 Interchange *** Tunnels Galore. Kepp to the right lane. Bank left and then right in the tunnel. Move into the left lane and jump up the bumps. Bank left and then right under the bridge. Now keep to the right wall avoiding cars on your left. Banking left, pass the first checkpoint, then bank right. Keep to the middle of the lanes now. Turn right and continue banking right. Go into the left tunnel and keep to the middle. Bank right into the next tunnel. Go up, turning left slightly, and after the second checkpoint keep to the right wall again. Turn into the left lane when there are bumps in the road. Turn into the right tunnel, slightly tilting the control stick right. Drift left and past the third checkpoint. Now do the same as in Offensive Driving 101 lesson about drifting. After this familiar section drift left and keep to the right lane going up. Drift sharply left after the bridge and you're in the second lap. Do the same for the second lap. Just be really careful after the third checkpoint. And that's pretty much it. *** 88 Interstate Loop (R) *** MIRROR ooT trohS, ooT ysaE. Keep to the left wall banking up. Stay in the middle of the lanes at the top, drift left and keep to the left wall again. Bank slowly right, turn to the middle of the lanes, swerving left. Keep to the right wall, and when the road widens, move even further over. After the first checkpoint bank right and then left, still keeping to the right wall. Move to the left wall when the road widens and you're i the second lap. Do the same for the second and third laps and you're done. *** 88 Interchange (R) *** MIRROR slennuT erolaG. Start off turning right, keeping to the middle as much as possible. Drift left , then right, and then left again. Get into the left side tunnel turning right. In the next tunnel, stay in the middle turning left. Keep in the middle of the left lane during the jumps, pass the first checkpoint, and stay in the middle of the lanes. Turn a sharp right beneath the bridge and keep to the right wall. Turn left and later right through the tunnel. Turn left and into the right tunnel entrance next. Stay in the middle banking right and then left. After this tunnel the second checkpoint lies. Keep to the middle of the lanes on the straightway and bank slowly left. Soon after, drift left to near the left wall. Bank slowly right, go up a few hills, turn left and keep in the middle of the lanes during the jumps. Go into the left tunnel banking left and keep to the left wall into the second lap. Do the same for the second lap and a gold medal awaits you. -----PALM BAY----- *** Palm Bay Heights *** Quiet Street No Longer. Start off turning left, then stay in the right lane. Get into the middle of the lanes to avoid the passing bus and cars. Turn back to the right lane and drift left at the turn. After the first checkpoint, keep to the middle of the right lane while going up a small series of hills. Continue in the same position then drift left at the end of the straightway, marking checkpoint two. There are barely any turns going down, but at the final right turn, drift sharply. Jump over two bumps and you're in the second lap. On this lap, instead of staying on the right side, keep to the left as much as possible. This'll give you many opportunities to boost . Only keep to the right side on the last two bumps. Final lap do exactly as the first. You should already be in first at the beginning, so not many boosts needed. *** Palm Bay Marina *** Spectacular Ocean View. Keep to the right side, bank right then change to the left lane going up. Drift left and kep to the left lane still. Turn right and keep to the middle of the lane, avoiding all oncoming cars. After the first checkpoint you should be boosting. Keep to the left lane going down. Turn left and now switch to the right lane, and you're past the second checkpoint. Drift right and your burn meter should be full. Stay in the left lane, crash through the crates and pylons into the shortcut. Keep on the right side, and jump up the staircase. Stay in the middle of the lanes the whole straightway, drift left and lap two beckons you. Don't change a thing! Do the same for laps two and three for an easy victory. *** Palm Bay Marina (R) *** MIRROR ralucatcepS naecO weiV. Start off turning right. Keep to the right lane while banking slowly left. Pass a few roads, turn right and get into the left lane. At the intersection, keep left. Get into the right lane again, turn left going up and then drift left. After the first checkpoint, keep to the left lane going uphill, then drive diagonally through the palm tree areas. Keep to the right lane and boost a few times on the straightway. After the second checkpoint, continue banking slowly left through a series of streets. Stay in the middle of the lanes, make a sharp right and stay in the right lane. Bank left a few times and do not use drift. Keep going straight, right into the second lap. Do the same for the second and third laps and you've won. /3B.\ \***/ Setting Records Advice -coming soon /. ------------------------ .\ 4. Pursuit Races \. ------------------------ ./ -coming soon /. ------------------------ .\ 5. Crash Mode \. ------------------------ ./ This crash mode section says what amount of insurance needed to build up to get gold, silver, or bronze. The best car(s) for each race is shown within my opinion, though that does not mean the only car able to get gold with. The best or two best cars to crash into to make a crash to get gold are shown below, but you may have to try multiple times until you get it perfectly right 'cause on most tracks it's tough to get on you're first try. Also, hold 'R' the whole way unless it says otherwise not to boost. Press "Control + F" and type in the crash track to find it quickly. __________________________ /Gold / 2,000,000 / 1. DOWNHILL DEMOLITION / Silver / 1,000,000 / Stay in the left lane, get between the / Bronze / 500,000 / two cars and ram into the side of the \Best Car\Japanese Muscle \ taxi going from left to right and have \________\________________\ it hit into the truck behind. __________________________ / Gold / 10,000,000 / 2. COASTER CRUSH / Silver / 5,000,000 / Stay on the right side, and hit into / Bronze / 3,000,000 / the red van, which should ram into \Best Car\ Supercar \ the truck. \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 35,000,000 / 3. OUT OF CONTROL TOWER / Silver / 20,000,000 / #1. Stay in the middle of the cars / Bronze / 10,000,000 / and hit into the blue truck on the \Best Car\ Roadster \ right after the buses. #2. Hit into \________\________________\ the second car on the left in the right corner and fly far forward. ___________________________ / Gold / 5,000,000 /4. PACIFIC PERIL / Silver / 3,000,000 / Stay in the left lane passing the / Bronze / 1,000,000 / buses and the red and white cars \Best Car\Roadster/Japanese\ and hit into the taxi behind the \________\____ Muscle______\ small green truck. ___________________________ / Gold / 35,000,000 /5. RATTLESNAKE ROW / Silver / 20,000,000 / Keep left, bank right and keep / Bronze / 10,000,000 / turning that way until you pass the \Best Car\Supercar/Japanese\ first standing cars and ram into the \________\____Muscle_______\ first blue truck going from left to right. __________________________ / Gold / 15,000,000 /6. DIP DISASTER / Silver / 7,000,000 / Keep to the right wall and hit the first / Bronze / 3,000,000 / blue car from the back and jump into \Best Car\Japanese Muscle/\ the other lane crashing into any one \________\____Cop Car_____\ taxi. __________________________ / Gold / 17,000,000 /7. SANDSTORM SHREDDER / Silver / 10,000,000 / Turn left and into either the right or / Bronze / 5,000,000 / left van, so that the trucks and buses \Best Car\Japanese Muscle \ behind ram into them. \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 5,000,000 /8. RIDGE RIOT / Silver / 3,000,000 / Turn left and into the first car, the / Bronze / 1,500,000 / green van, head-on. \Best Car\ Supercar \ \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 25,000,000 /9. FREEWAY FURY / Silver / 15,000,000 / Go into the left lane. Do not use / Bronze / 10,000,000 / boosts at all and raminto the right \Best Car\ Supercar \ corner of the oncoming truck. \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 20,000,000 /10. HAIRPIN HAVOC /Silver / 15,000,000 / While boosting, drift right and ram into / Bronze / 8,000,000 / the first bus oncoming nearer to the \Best Car\Japanese Muscle/\ left wall. \________\____Cop Car_____\ __________________________ / Gold / 10,000,000 /11. LATE ARRIVAL / Silver / 7,000,000 / Hit into the second taxi in the middle / Bronze / 4,000,000 / lane, basically the third car in the \Best Car\Japanese Muscle/\ middle lane. \________\___Oval Racer___\ __________________________ / Gold / 23,000,000 /12. GLASS CANYON / Silver / 17,000,000 / Stay in the right lane, pass the first / Bronze / 10,000,000 / intersection, go in the middle of the \Best Car\ Hot Rod \ lanes and ram into the first blue van \________\________________\ going from left to right. __________________________ / Gold / 6,000,000 /13. AVALANCHE / Silver / 3,000,000 / Hit into the white van oncoming so / Bronze / 1,000,000 / that it rams into the bus behind. \Best Car\ Oval Racer \ \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 10,000,000 /14. DAM BUSTER / Silver / 7,000,000 / Hit into the white van on the right / Bronze / 3,500,000 / into the first car in the left lane. \Best Car\ Oval Racer \ This one takes some tries... \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 17,000,000 /15. BALLISTIC BEACH / Silver / 14,000,000 / Hit the second car in the right / Bronze / 8,000,000 / lane, the white van, from the back. \Best Car\ Driver's Ed \ \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 25,000,000 /16. LONG DISTANCE DESTRUCTION / Silver / 15,000,000 / Ram into the first bus on the left / Bronze / 7,000,000 / oncoming. \Best Car\ Supercar \ \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 45,000,000 /17. SPRINT SMASH / Silver / 30,000,000 / Hit the first car oncoming on the / Bronze / 15,000,000 / left side. Takes a while to do \Best Car\ Oval Racer \ perfectly... \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 20,000,000 /18. CRISS CROSS CRASH / Silver / 14,000,000 / Ram into the second car, theyellow / Bronze / 9,000,000 / one, on the left lane oncoming. \Best Car\ Japanese Muscle\ \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 15,000,000 /19. ROADBLOCK / Silver / 10,000,000 / Ram into the first white van / Bronze / 8,000,000 / after the first bus oncoming in the \Best Car\ Japanese Muscle\ left lane. \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 23,000,000 /20. DANGEROUS CURVE / Silver / 18,000,000 / Hit into the second car in the left / Bronze / 10,000,000 / lane, the greenish-blue one. \Best Car\ Hot Rod \ \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 35,000,000 /21. SURF SHOCKER / Silver / 25,000,000 / Ram into the second car in the / Bronze / 15,000,000 / right of the left lane oncoming, \Best Car\ Classic \ the taxi. \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 23,000,000 /22. DOWNTOWN DESTRUCTION / Silver / 15,000,000 / Turn a sharp left and ram into / Bronze / 10,000,000 / the taxi, second car on the left. \Best Car\ Classic \ \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 40,000,000 /23. ON RAMP ONSLAUGHT / Silver / 20,000,000 / #1. Hit into the side of the front / Bronze / 15,000,000 / of the truck in the other lane. \Best Car\ Oval Racer \ #2. Slam into the right wall, in \________\________________\ front of the truck so he rams into the side of your car. __________________________ / Gold / 32,000,000 /24. CATCH UP CHAOS / Silver / 22,000,000 / Crash into the first bus oncoming / Bronze / 15,000,000 / in the left lane. \Best Car\ Oval Racer \ \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 40,000,000 /25. TWILIGHT TURMOIL / Silver / 30,000,000 / Ram into the first car in the left / Bronze / 10,000,000 / lane oncoming, the white one. \Best Car\ Japanese Muscle\ \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 23,000,000 /26. CROSS TRAFFIC CRASH / Silver / 17,000,000 / #1. Ram into the truck going / Bronze / 12,000,000 / left to right in the second \Best Car\ Hot Rod \ intersection. #2. Ram into the \________\________________\ bus going right to left in the second intersection. __________________________ / Gold / 20,000,000 /27. HEIGHTS HORROR / Silver / 12,000,000 / Hit into the taxi standing in the / Bronze / 6,000,000 / right lane before the second \Best Car\ Hot Rod \ intersection. \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 35,000,000 /28. DOUBLE BACK DAMAGE / Silver / 20,000,000 / Ram into the greenish-blue van / Bronze / 15,000,000 / closer to the middle of the lanes \Best Car\ Hot Rod \ and is next to a white van. It is \________\________________\ one of the farthest cars. __________________________ / Gold / 22,000,000 /29. SWITCH BACK SHOCKER / Silver / 12,000,000 / Drift well and you should hit / Bronze / 8,000,000 / into the first bus, going left to \Best Car\ Supercar \ right, in the side. \________\________________\ __________________________ / Gold / 45,000,000 /30. HEAD ON HIGHWAY / Silver / 20,000,000 / Ram into the first car / Bronze / 5,000,000 / oncoming head on and you're \Best Car\ Japanese Muscle\ done. \________\________________\ Crash Mode is really only over if you get a gold medal in each track, but even then you would want to get the whole scores table with your name, meaning that you need thirty times five golds, equaling one hundred and fifty golds. You better start crashing much, much more! /. ------------------------ .\ 6. Unlocking \. ------------------------ ./ /6A.\ \***/ CARS This list shows how to obtain all the cars in the game. The cars are in the order they should be aquired in. CAR NAME HOW TO OBTAIN Compact Available after Offensive Driving 101 is completed SUV Available after Offensive Driving 101 is completed Coupe Available after Offensive Driving 101 is completed Pickup Available after Offensive Driving 101 is completed Sport Available after Offensive Driving 101 is completed Roadster Available after Offensive Driving 101 is completed Muscle Available after Offensive Driving 101 is completed Driver's Ed Beat all Offensive Driving 101 lessons with gold. Hot Rod Beat Face Off 1 Cop Car Beat Pursuit 1 Oval Racer Beat Face Off 2 Classic Beat Pursuit 2 Japanese Muscle Beat Face Off 3 Gangster Beat Pursuit 3 Supercar Beat Face Off 4 Custom Compact Win the Custom Series Q. in first. Custom Sport Win the Speed Streak Grand Prix in first CustomSUV Beat Pursuit 4 Custom Coupe Win the Split Second Grand Prix in first Custom Pickup Beat Pursuit 5 Custom Roadster Win the Point Of Impact Grand Prix in first Custom Muscle Beat Pursuit 6 /6B.\ \***/ Races This list shows how to obtain all the races in the game. The races are in groups of Championship Grand Prix, MiniTrophies, Face Off, and Pursuits. ---CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX--- Grand Prix Races In It Way to Obtain *Pacific Gate* Airport Terminal 3 Beat all 'Offensive Driving 88 Interchange 101' lessons with at least Palm Bay Heights a bronze medal in each. *Winding Road* Sunrise Valley Downtown Beat 'The Run To The 88 Interstate Loop Sun' in first. Airport Terminal 1 & 2 Palm Bay Marina *Roller Coaster* Crystal Summit Peak Beat 'The Miracle Mile' Sunrise Valley Downtown in first. Palm Bay Marina Airport Terminal 1 & 2 Big Surf Shores *Street Storm* Sunrise Valley Springs Beat 'The Crystal 88 Interchange Freeway' in first. Big Surf Grove Palm Bay Heights Crystal Summit Lake Airport Terminal 3 *Custom Series Q.* Sunrise Valley Downtown Beat 'Street Storm Grand Prix' in first. *Speed Streak* 88 Interchange (R) Beat 'Custom Series Crystal Summit Peak (R) Q.' in first. Ocean Sprint (R) Sunrise Valley Springs (R) *Split Second* Palm Bay Marina (R) Beat 'Speed Streak 88 Interstate Loop (R) Grand Prix' in first. Big Surf Shores (R) Airport Terminal 3 (R) Heartbreak Hills *Point Of Impact* Crystal Summit (R) Beat 'Split Second Freeway Dash (R) Grand Prix' in first. Sunrise Valley Downtown (R) Big Surf Grove (R) Palm Bay Marina (R) Airport Terminal 1 & 2 (R) ---MINITROPHIES--- Race Way to Obtain *The Run To The Sun* Beat 'Pacific Gate Grand Prix' in first *The Miracle Mile* Beat 'Winding Road Grand Prix' in first *The Crystal Freeway* Beat 'Roller Coaster Grand Prix' in first ---FACE OFFS--- Race Way to Obtain *Face Off 1* Beat 'Pacific Gate Grand Prix' and 88 Interstate Loop place first in all races. *Face Off 2* Beat 'Winding Road Grand Prix' and Airport Terminal 3 place first in all races. *Face Off 3* Beat 'Roller Coaster Grand Prix' and Crystal Summit Lake place first in all races. *Face Off 4* Beat 'Street Storm Grand Prix' and Big Surf Shores place first in all races. ---PURSUIT RACES--- Race Way to Obtain *Pursuit 1* Beat 'The Run To The Sun' *Pursuit 2* Beat 'The Miracle Mile' *Pursuit 3* Beat 'The Crystal Freeway' *Pursuit 4* Beat 'Speed Streak Grand Prix' and place first in all races. *Pursuit 5* Beat 'Split Second Grand Prix' and place first in all races. *Pursuit 6* Beat 'Point Of Impact Grand Prix' and place first in all races. /. ------------------------ .\ 7. Legal Info \. ------------------------ ./ Copyright racegamepro 2004 This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances other than for personal/private use. It may not be distributed publicly without my permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and is a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Credit for the information in this guide is mainly from my play experience. If you have any questions, comments, and/or suggestions and would like to contact me, e-mail at dannymail@ROGERS.com, so that I may place them in this guide.