CALL OF DUTY2: BIG RED ONE Weapons Guide by sfcalimari Version 1.1 (email address removed due to spamming) --------- Contents --------- RIFLES MAS 36 Carcano M38 M1 Carbine M1 Garand G43 kar98k SUB-MACHINE GUNS M1A1 Tommy Gun MAS 38 MP40 Beretta 1938A MACHINE GUNS (carryable) Browning M1919A6 MG34 GRENADES Stielhandgranate M24 US MK2 ASSAULT Chatellerault BAR Breda M1930 MP44 SNIPER Kar98k scoped Springfield M1903 ANTI-TANK M9 Bazooka Panzerschrek Panzerfaust xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx INTRODUCTION This is a weapons FAQ for the weapons used in Call of Duty 2: Big Red One (called CODBRO from now on). It is intended to give some statistical and historical information about the weapons, as well as a short description about how you can use these weapons in CODBRO effectively, both in the single-player game and in multiplayer. As you may realize, I have left out information on the pistols and fixed- machine guns found in CODBRO, as well as info for the tanks, enemy airplanes, and other miscellany. I may return to give information on these, but for now I've chosen to focus on the weapons that you will make most use of. I own this game on PS2 and have only played it on PS2, but because CODBRO was released simultaneously for PS2, Xbox and GameCube, I shall post it for all three consoles on The only thing I would note is that a couple of times I reference holding L1 to aim your gun...I guess if you're a non-ps2 user, just substitute in that beautiful mind of your whatever you press on your console's controller to aim. LEGAL NON-DISCLAIMER THINGY Considering that I got nearly all my information from freely available websites, I do not make any particular claims to copyright of this information. However, any FAQ submitted to is protected by copyright. SOURCES I got all of my information about weapon statistics and historical information from freely available online sources. Although you will probably find my writing quite similar to what is found in these sources, I did not copy any phrasing at all and I paraphrased as much as I could, much in the mode of a college research paper. I primarily used information from Wikipedia, but used some other sources when Wikipedia was lacking. Here are the online sources that I used: ABOUT ME Like you I am a video game nut. I enjoy playing first-person shooters on my ps2, and have especially enjoyed the ps2 Call of Duty games. Also their attention to detail have rather piqued my interest in WW2 weapons. My online moniker, sfcalimari, reflects somewhat the fact that I live in the SFC, which is the local code name for San Francisco, CA. Also some people call California "cali" (usually non-Californians) so I came up with sfcalimari. No, I do not like calimari. It's gross. Anyway, look out for me online as sfcali on CODBRO for ps2 online...committing random acts of pwnage since '05. ...and without any further ado... ============================================ THE WEAPONS OF CODBRO ============================================ ====== RIFLES ====== Name: MAS 36 Country of Origin: La France Cartridge: 7.5x54mm Magazine Capacity: 5 Years of Service: 1936--1960's ------- HISTORY ------- MAS stands for Manufacture D'Armes de Saint-Etienne, a French arms manufacturer owned by the French government. It was first used by the French Army in 1936. There's not really much to say about this gun, really, except that it was known for its durability. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- There is really no reason for you to pick up the MAS 36 in CODBRO. It has a very low rate of fire, because the bolt has to be operated in between shots, leaving you vulnerable. It has a small magazine. Because CODBRO makes sub-machine guns a little unrealistically accurate and powerful, you're usually better off using a smg than this gun, even at medium ranges. The only times I might use this sort of weapon in the single-player game is if an enemy is behind cover far away and I need to hit him with a really accurate shot. In multiplayer this weapon is pretty much useless. =============================================================== Name: Carcano M38 Country of Origin: Italy Cartridge: 6.5mm Magazine Capacity: 6 Range: Effective to 300m, maximum range to 2000m Years of Production: First Carcanos introduced in 1891, produced until 1945 ------- HISTORY ------- Carcano is the name for an Italian series of bolt-action rifles first developed in 1891 and used by Italian forces in WWI and WWII. The Carcano in CODBRO is the M1938. Following WW2 many surplus Carcano's were sold in the USA and Canada, and it was a Carcano M38 that was used by Lee Harvey Oswald to shoot President John F. Kennedy in 1963. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- As with the MAS 36 and kar98, there's not really much reason to carry this weapon. It's bolt-action, so between every shot your dude will manually operate the ol' bolt. The only advantage it has over the MAS or kar is that it holds 6 rounds rather than 5. Word! ============================================================= Name: M1 Carbine Country of Origin: USA Cartridge: 7.62x33mm(.30 Carbine) Magazine Capacity: 15 or 30 Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto: 650--700 rpm Range: Effective to 300 yards (274.3m) Years of Service: July 1942--1960's (in USA) ------- HISTORY ------- First of all, a carbine is basically a weapon that is lighter than a rifle, but uses the same ammo as a rifle, but firing it with slower velocity. In other words, it sacrifices range and stopping power for being shorter, lighter, and easier to carry. The M1 Carbine was introduced to American troops in 1942 and eventually became the most produced small arm in American history. In WW2 it found wide favor, due to its ease of handling and accuracy. It was also easy for inexperienced troopers to handle and fire. The M1 Carbine went on to be widely used in the Korean War and in the early years of the Vietnam War. While it has fallen out of use in the US Army, it is still used around the world by many police and military groups, as well as by game hunters. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- The M1 Carbine is a nice addition to the plethora of weapons commonly see in the standard WW2 fps game. In CODBRO it's a great medium-range weapon, perfect for picking off enemies that aren't in front of you but aren't too far away. Its rapid rate of fire and biggish magazine (15 rounds) are very good factors as well. It's not as good at very long or very close ranges though. Although it is more useful than the Garand in that it can be reloaded at any time and has a larger magazine, it does seem to have a slower rate of fire. In multiplayer it is a good weapon to have if you like to stay far away from your opponents, and its larger magazine makes it more useful than the Axis counterpart, the G43... =============================================================== Name: M1 Garand Country of Origin: USA Cartridge: .30-06 Springfield Magazine Capacity: 8 Rate of Fire: 16-24 effective rpm Range: Effective to 550m Years of Service: 1936--1960's ------- HISTORY ------- The Garand is known as "the rifle that won the war" due to its service in WW2. It was adopted by the US Army in 1932 and was the first semi-automatic rifle to become a standard infantry rifle. The Garand is widely-known among weapon enthusiasts and video gamers for having a "fixed" clip that ejected after the last round was fired and made a notorious "ping" noise. Unlike most other rifles, the clip could not be manually replenished; the reason for this "fixed" clip was that the army at the time believed a removeable magazine was too easily damaged or lost. The Garand gave a huge advantage to American forces because of its rapid rate of fire. Unlike bolt-action rifles, which were widely used by Axis forces and had to have their bolts operated manually between shots, Garands could fire shots in very quick succession. The Garand also was widely used for sniping when fitted with a scope. The Garand was widely used throughout WW2 by American forces, and continued to serve in Korea and the early years of the Vietnam War. Some controversy surrounds the "ping" noise made by the ejected clip. Many believe that the "ping" could be easily heard by enemies, allowing them to ambush American soldiers who had just fired their last shot and needed to reload; however, Garand experts contend that the "ping" was not very audible on a noisy battlefield, and in fact was generally inaudible due to the much louder noise of the last shot from the Garand. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- The Garand is very useful in the single player game. You start out with it on many levels, and it is very good for medium-distance or faraway targets that you need to be accurate with. Also its high rate of fire and decent power make it good for taking down enemies. For closer targets you might want to switch to an smg though. In multiplayer, the Garand is unfortunately not a very good weapon. It has a smallish clip which cannot be reloaded at any time, which makes you vulnerable a lot of the time. I would generally prefer either the M1 Carbine or the BAR for multiplayer, mainly because they offer larger clips and about the same power. ================================================================= Name: G43 Country of Origin: Germany Cartridge: 7.92 x 57mm Mauser Magazine Capacity: 10 Rate of Fire: 20 to 30 rpm Range: effective to 400m Years of Service: 1943-1945 ------- HISTORY ------- First of all "Gewehr" is basically the German word for "rifle." Before the G43 was developed the German army mainly used the bolt-action kar98k, and no semi-automatic rifle, despite the fact that the Americans had the s emi-automatic Garand and Carbine and the Russians had the SVT38/40. The G43 was finally rolled out in October 1943, and it was undoubtedly a big improvement over the kar98k, having semi-automatic fire and a larger, 10 round cartridge. Many G43's were fitted with scopes for a sniper role. Having arrived quite far into the war, the G43, like the MP44, was a bit too late to really help the Wehrmacht's prospects, and in all only 400,000 G43's were ever made. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- In BRO the G43 is basically an equivalent of the American Garand and Carbine. It offers rapid semi-automatic fire and a decent sized magazine. In single player, there are some levels where it is quite useful for taking out targets that are rather far away. In multiplayer, the G43 is very useful for medium-range kills, but because it has a 10 round magazine it is definitely at a disadvantage to the American carbine, with its larger 15 round magazine. If fighting on the Axis side, I tend to go with the MP44, as it has a much larger magazine and is about as good for far-off kills. As a side-note, no scoped G43's appear in this game, though they did appear in Call of Duty: Finest Hour. Which is fine with me; a scoped G43 would be a little too all-powerful! =================================================================== Name: kar98k Country of Origin: Germany Cartridge: 7.92 x 57mm (a.k.a. 8mm Mauser) Magazine Capacity: 5 Rate of Fire: about 15 rpm Range: Effective to 500m Years of Service: 1935-1945 and beyond ------- HISTORY ------- The Karabiner 98k, a bolt-action rifle, was by far the mainstay of the Wehrmacht. It was based on the German Model 1898 rifle which was, well, introduced in 1898. The kar98k model that was so widely used in WW2 was first introduced in 1935. Over 10 million of these guns were built before the end of ww2, compare this to just over 1 million mp40's and 5.4 million American Garands. If you were going up against German forces during ww2, you were guaranteed to run into some kar98k's. Although the MP40 sub-machine gun is often popularly thought of as the quinessential German infantry weapon, it was actually produced in small numbers compared to the kar98k, and was usually only carried by officers. The kar98k was a bolt-action rifle, so between shots its bolt had to be manually operated, which of course lessened its fire rate. However it was considered to be very accurate, and snipers often used a scoped version which was effective up to 800m. The kar98k was not as useful as a sub-machine gun in urban environments, though it was certainly useful in open rural territory. Due mainly to its huge number of production, the kar98k was much more heavily used than MP40's or MP44's. Many many kar's were distributed throughout the world after the end of WW2 as souvenirs or for practical use, and in a strange twist of fate, the Israeli reserve army used many kar98k's in the 1960's and 70's. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- Unfortunately, the unscoped kar98k is pretty much useless in this game. It takes forever to shoot and has a small clip. With so many tommy guns and Garands and mp40's lying around in the single player game, you'll very rarely feel the urge to pick up a kar. The same goes for multiplayer--while the scoped kar can very useful, it's much better to choose a Gewehr 43 or MP44 rather than the unscoped kar in multiplayer. You don't want to leave yourself vulnerable when constantly reloading and fiddling with the bolt. Note: there is a scoped kar98k in this game; information on this weapon is found below. =============================================================== ================ SUB-MACHINE GUNS ================ M1A1 Tommy Gun Name: M1A1 Thompson "Tommy Gun" Country of Origin: USA Cartridge: .45 ACP Magazine Capacity: 20 or 30 in "stick" magazine, 50 or 100 in drum magazine Rate of Fire: 700-1000 rpm Range: effective to 50m Years of Service: 1919-1976 ------- HISTORY ------- The Tommy Gun was first produced by John Thompson in 1919. Early models, which sported the notorious "drum" magazine, were widely used by gangsters and police types in the 1920's and 1930's, as you've probably heard by now. A simplified version was created for the Army in WW2 which used a simpler "stick" magazine of either 20 or 30 rounds. The Tommy Gun proved quite reliable and powerful for WW2, and had a high rate of fire, but was extremely expensive and was rather heavy. Towards the end of WW2 the Army began introducing the M3 Grease Gun, intended to replace the M1A1. After WW2 the Tommy Gun remained in service in Korea, and was used by the FBI until 1976. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- Hmm. Well, what can I say about the Tommy Gun? In CODBRO it's equipped with a 30 round magazine, which is nice. You'll be using the Tommy Gun quite a lot in CODBRO's single player game, probably switching to it when confronted by close-up enemies. It's not as useful for further away enemies, but considering that CODBRO gives any smg rather unrealistic accuracy and near-total lack of recoil, it's still pretty effective against faraway targets. In multiplayer I usually go for the BAR, since it's just a bit more powerful. ============================================================ Name: MAS 38 Country of Origin: France Cartridge: 7.65 French Longue Magazine Capacity: 32 Rate of Fire: 600-700 rpm Range: Years of Service: 1938--1950's ------- HISTORY ------- As with the MAS 36 described above, MAS stands for Manufacture d'Armes de St. Etienne, the French government arms factory. The MAS 36, which debuted in 1938, became known for being accurate but for also having very weak stopping power due to its weak ammunition. It also had a distinctive bent design. The MAS 38 was intended to be manufactured on a large scale, but then a little thing called the Invasion of France happened and things kind of went all pear shaped. Post-capitulation, the MAS 38 was used by many German occupation troopers as well as by the Vichy forces. Blasted Vichy! --------- USE IN BRO ---------- Eh, what can I say. It's basically just a different looking version of the Tommy Gun or MP-40. I can't really tell the difference but it's nice that they included it in the roster of weapons. ============================================================ Name: MP40 Country of Origin: Germany Cartridge: 9x19mm Magazine Capacity: 32 Rate of Fire: 500 rpm Range: effective to 100m Years of Service: 1939--1945 ------- HISTORY ------- The MP40 was an improvement on an earlier German sub-machine gun, the MP38. The MP40 was not produced or distributed on the same scale as the kar98k rifle, but it was widely used, mainly among officers. Like most sub-machine guns, it used pistol ammo, and so did not have the range or power of a rifle, but it did of course provide automatic fire. It was known for its very decent accuracy, which was a result of its relatively low fire rate, which caused little recoil. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- In CODBRO the MP40 basically functions as the German equivalent of the Tommy Gun. If you've fired one, you've fired the other. In single player I will often pick up a dropped MP40, but I would much prefer a MP44 for its greater power. I never choose MP40's in multiplayer, instead opting for MP44's. ============================================================== Name: Beretta 1938A Country of Origin: Italia! Cartridge: 9mm Magazine Capacity: 30 Rate of Fire: 600 rpm Range: Years of Service: 1938--1945 ------- HISTORY ------- One day Baretta was walking down a dark alley with his cockatiel, Fred. Then out of nowhere...oh, wait, we'er talkin' bout the Beretta 1938A sub-machine gun? My bad. Anyway the Beretta 1938A was an Italian sub-machine gun which was also used in the German and Romanian armies during World War 2. Although it used 9mm pistol ammo like the MP40, it looked more like a rifle, due perhaps to having been originally designed as a semi-automatic carbine. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- Another generic sub-machine gun. Handles exactly like a Tommy gun or MP40. Go for the Breda lmg if you can. ============================================================== ============ MACHINE GUNS ============ Name: Browning M1919A6 Country of Origin: USA Cartridge: .30-06 Springfield Magazine Capacity: Rate of Fire: 400 to 600 rpm Range: max range to 1500 yards Years of Service: 1919--1970's ------- HISTORY ------- If nothing else, you have to give kudos to a weapon that was developed in 1919 and saw service in the US Army until the 1970's. The Browning 1919 was a variant on the earlier Browning 1917. It was a proper machine gun, and as such was generally operated upon a tripod, with one man firing the gun and another feeding the ammo into the gun. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- First of all, I'm not going to get into how this game lets you run around upright with a Browning and fire it properly. That said, this is a really effective weapon if used properly. If used when standing up, it has a lot of recoil, which can make you waste a lot of bullets when trying to hit your enemy. If you hold L1 you will lie on the ground and properly set up the gun on a tripod. This takes a couple of seconds and leaves you vulnerable, but once you're set up on the ground you can fire a huge number of bullets with almost no recoil. Moreover, you can often set up the gun on windowsills or other waist-high thingies like walls--when this is an option, a little logo will pop up on the screen letting you know that you can set up your gun like that. There is only one level (I believe) in single player where you can use the Browning. In multiplayer this is a good weapon mainly because of its huge clip size. If you can get used to the recoil, it can be an effective weapon even when used standing up, though it is best to be lying down when using it. Holding down L1 to set it up is best, but it does leave you very vulnerable. What I like best is to try and stay far away from my enemies, then set up my Browning on the ground without being noticed or getting killed, then laying down fire at them. Often I get killed before I can even start shooting, but other times I can kill like 3 or 4 guys very quickly. One last thing: the sight for the Browning, which pop up when you are holding L1, is a rather large tall sight thingy that kind of obstructs your view of what you are shooting at. For this reason alone, I kind of prefer the MG34. =========================================================== Name: MG34 Country of Origin: Germany Cartridge: 7.92mm Magazine Capacity: 75 with drum cartridge Rate of Fire: 800 to 900 rpm Range: Years of Service: ------- HISTORY ------- The MG34, as its name implies, was rolled out in 1934. A proper machine gun, it was fired either upon a tripod setup or on a bipod set at the end of the muzzle. The tripod version was usually belt-fed ammo, while the bipod version was intended to use a 75-round drum, though many soldiers using the bipod version removed the drum and fed ammo into it. The MG34 was produced in enough numbers to act as the mainstay machine gun for the Wehrmacht through to the end of the war. It had a high rate of fire and was generally liked for its versatility. However, it was expensive to produce and tended to jam if dirty. The MG42 was intended to replace the MG34, but was never produced in large enough numbers to overtake the 34. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- In BRO you will please notice the distinctive 75-round drum upon the close end of the gun. Anyway, the MG34 in CODBRO is basically the German equivalent of the Browning, so if you already read about the Browning above, apply all that knowledge to the MG34 please. Like the Browning, holding L1 will make your guy lie down and set up the gun on a bipod, which makes for nearly recoil-less pwnage. The sights for the MG34 are much less obstructive than the Browning's, making it easier to see what you're aiming at. In multiplayer, if playing as Axis, I tend to prefer the MP44 to any other weapon, but the MG34 is good if you have the time to set it up on the ground. ============================================================== ======== GRENADES ======== Name: Stielhandgranate M24 Country of Origin: Germany Years of Service: 1917--1945 ------- HISTORY ------- The M24 Stielhandgranate, often nicknamed the "potato masher," was first deployed in 1917, at the end of World War I, and was used by German forces up until the end of WW2. The charge was at the end of a large stick; the stick allowed a user to throw it far distances. The M24 was not a fragmentation grenade, and instead used a "blast effect." It was not useful against armored vehicles but was quite useful against entrenched enemies. To use an M24 the thrower had to unscrew a cap at the bottom of the stick, which allowed a ball and cord to drop out. The thrower then pulled on the cord, which started a five-second detonation countdown, and then threw the grenade. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- In single player, you'll often come across M24's sitting around for you to pick up. They are not really any different from the American frag grenades you generally start out with, but, as in Call of Duty Finest Hour, they do seem to fly a little better when thrown. In multiplayer, when playing as Axis you'll always start out with some of these puppies. As with the American grenades, they are quite effective against enemy troopers, especially if you cook the grenade and then toss it so your foe can't run away before it detonates. M24's can be used against tanks, but it usually takes several to kill the tank. I find it is best to throw the grenade under the tank; it seems to be best and can kill the tank with one or two grenades. =============================================================== Name: US MK2 Country of Origin: USA Range: Could be thrown 100 feet (30m) Blast: Bursting radius 33 feet (10m) Years of Service: WW2 through early Vietnam War ------- HISTORY ------- The MkII "pineapple" fragmentation grenade was used by American forces throughout World War 2 and continued in service until the Vietnam War. Its distinctive "pineapple" shape was due to its role as a frag grenade; when it exploded, its shell fragmented and created deadly shrapnel. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- In single player you'll always start levels with a few Mk2 grenades. They're quite useful against enemies that are on the other side of a doorway or who are taking cover. It can be somewhat tricky to master the use of grenades in this game, but once you do you'll be able to throw them into any open window or door. It's best to use them when several enemies are gathered together. Also you can throw them safely from behind cover. But make sure the grenade doesn't bounce back on top of you! In multiplayer you'll get some of these when playing as Allied forces. As with the German stielhandgranates, they're very useful against enemy soldiers, and can be used against tanks, though a Panzerfaust is preferable. If using against a tank, try if you can to toss the grenade under the tank. ====================================================== ======= ASSAULT ======= Name: FM 24-29 Chatellerault Country of Origin: France Cartridge: 7.5 x 54 mm French Service M1929 Magazine Capacity: 25 Rate of Fire: 450-600 rpm Years of Service: 1920's to mid-1950's ------- HISTORY ------- The Chatellerault was designed 1921 in France to replace aging World War 1 French machine guns. It was based largely on the American Browning Automatic Rifle. Known as the FM (Fusil-mitrailleur, French for machine-gun) 24-29, it became the French army's main light machine gun and, though production ceased by 1940, was used by French forces until the mid 1950's. It was somewhat unique in that it had no switch to change from automatic fire to single shots, and rather had two triggers-- the front was for single shots and the rear was for automatic fire. As you see in COD2BRO, the Chatellerault was used by Vichy French forces during World War Two, as well as by German occupation forces along the French coast and on the Channel Islands. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- The Chatellerault is available in the first set of levels that are set in the Vichy-French held desert, and can be found on dead French soldiers or in storage rooms. It is more powerful than the MAS sub-machine gun that you also have access to, but tends to have a lot of recoil when fired, especially when standing up, so it can be hard to use accurately. Enemies in the Africa levels are not very strong so you might be better off using the MAS. Also it has a smaller stock, 25 rounds, which gets used up fast. This weapon is not particularly useful in multiplayer, especially because of the recoil and smallish magazine. Oh yeah, and its magazine comes up from the top of the gun, which kind of gets in the way of aiming if you ask me, especially if enemies are coming from the right. ============================================================= Name: BAR Country of Origin: USA Cartridge: .30-06 Springfield Magazine Capacity: 20 Rate of Fire: 300-650 rpm Range: Effective to 548m Years of Service: 1918--1990's (!!!) ------- HISTORY ------- Ah...the good old Browning M1918, aka the BAR or Browning Automatic Rifle. The BAR was a light machine gun, first built in the caveman days of February 1918 to be used for "marching fire," what we might call today "suppresive fire." At the time it was intended for the then-novel purpose of providing suppresive fire by a soldier moving steadily forward, providing cover fire for riflemen who would charge towards trenches where the enemy cowered. Basically the BAR was a light machine gun, a heavy automatic rifle that could be carried and fired from a standing position, unlike a true machine gun. A bipod also allowed a soldier to lay down and fire or fire from a trench. The BAR proved quite rugged and was widely used by American forces in WW2 and on into Korea. During the Vietnam War the South Vietnam forces used many BAR's, and some NATO armies used the BAR into the 1990's. The BAR that was used by American forces in WW2 was the M1918A2, and it did away with a previous semi-automatic fire option. Instead a trooper could switch between "fast auto" (500-650 rpm) and "slow auto" (300-450 rpm). The BAR used the .30-06 Springfield round, the same ammo that was used in many other American weapons--the M1 Garand, the Browning M1919 machine gun, and the M1903 Springfield rifle. In combat, the BAR proved to be very powerful, mobile, and rugged, but its role as a light machine gun was hampered by its small, 20-round magazine. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- In BRO the BAR is the standard US lmg, as you would imagine. It is fairly powerful, but it has a lot of recoil so it is not as useful at close range as, say, a tommy gun. For more accurate fire you can look down the sights, which allows you to fire off one or two rounds to conserve ammo. The small 20-round magazine is a major problem for the BAR--it takes a rather long while to reload, and since you'll be reloading a lot you'll be vulnerable quite a lot of the time. The BAR is a pretty good weapon in multiplayer, as it allows for accurate long-range firing and automatic-fire, making long- range kills pretty easy. However it does seem to take quite a few bullets to kill a far-off foe. Again, the recoil when un-aimed is quite strong, so you'll have to compensate if firing at close range. Basically the BAR would pwn enemies in multiplayer if it were not for its small magazine, which combined with the recoil makes it quite a bit less pwn-worthy compared to the German mp44. ============================================================ Name: Breda M1930 Country of Origin: Italy Cartridge: 6.5 x 52mm Magazine Capacity: 20 Rate of Fire: Average 180 rpm; maximum 500 rpm Range: Effective to 800 meters; Maximum range 3000m Years of Service: 1930 through World War 2 ------- HISTORY ------- Designed in 1930, the Breda M1930 was Italy's standard light machine gun when WW2 started. Say what you will about Italian craftsmanship, but...well, okay, the M1930 is pretty widely considered to be a poor weapon. It had a small magazine, tended to jam, used fragile ammo clips, and had a slow fire rate. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- From what I wrote above about the Breda, you'd think it would be a really cruddy weapon in BRO. Actually it's not half-bad--it's pretty powerful. In BRO it's basically a sibling to the BAR--more powerful than sub-machine guns, but with a smaller magazine and more recoil. The magazine, only having 20 rounds, is rather small, so You'll be reloading this gun quite a bit, and it takes a little while for the reload too, leaving you vulnerable. The recoil when firing is rather harsh, so you'll probably be firing down the sights a lot--which of course leaves you less mobile. Basically it's a good weapon to use if you sneak up behind your enemy at close range and have the time to look down the sights and get a good bead on him. ========================================================== Name: MP44/StG44 Country of Origin: Germany Cartridge: 7.65mm Magazine Capacity: 30 Rate of Fire: 500 rpm Range: Effective to 300m Years of Service: July 1944--May 1945 ------- HISTORY ------- First of all let's get rid of the potential confusion surrounding this weapon's name. This weapon is variously known as the MP43, MP44, and StG44; however these are all names for the same weapon. The weapon was at first known as the MP43 (MP standing for Maschinenpistole) but to differentiate it from the Gewehr 43 it was renamed the MP44. It was later renamed again the StG44 to emphasize its role for propaganda purposes--StG stands for "SturmGewehr," or "storm rifle." Ok, got that out of the way, right? Before the MP44 was developed and distributed, the German Wehrmacht had no automatic rifles which could provide firepower that was in between that of a heavy but powerful machine gun, and that of lighter, weaker weapons like the MP40 smg or kar98 rifle. Moreover, while a smg like the MP40 provided automatic fire, it had weak stopping power and a short range of effectiveness, because it basically used pistol ammo. What was needed was an automatic rifle-- a weapon with automatic fire *and* powerful, longer-range ammo. Thus the MP44 was developed. The MP44 was introduced quite far into the War--just about in time for a little thing called D-Day--so it was certainly a bit too late to really change the Wehrmacht's prospects for victory. However, the legacy the MP44 left to future weapons might be a bit more important than its role in WW2. It's function as an "assault rifle" prefigured later weapons like the AK-47 and M-16 which have become so widespread today. I mean, just look at a picture of a MP44--it looks quite similar to an AK-47. Some would say that the AK-47 copied much from the MP44, but this is often disputed. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- Man. In CODBRO, the MP44 is pretty much the best weapon you can pick up. It's great because it can be used effectively at short range as though it were a machine gun, or at long range as if it were a rifle. In multiplayer, if you are playing as Axis, there is almost no reason to use the MP40, G43, or kar98 because the MP44 provides all of their roles a lot better. Compared with other automatic rifles such as the BAR or Breda in CODBRO, the MP44 has almost no recoil, even when standing up without looking down the sights. When you do look down the sights, the gun is very effective at long range. Also the cartridge has 30 rounds when full, meaning you will not have to reload a lot compared to certain other weapons (*cough* *BAR* *cough). In multiplayer this weapon is almost *too* good, and it's certainly a lot more handy than the BAR. =========================================================== ====== SNIPER ====== Name: Scoped kar98k Country of Origin: Germany Cartridge: 7.92 x 57mm (a.k.a. 8mm Mauser) Magazine Capacity: 5 Rate of Fire: about 15 rpm Range: Effective to 800m with scope Years of Service: 1935-1945 and beyond ------- HISTORY ------- Please read the kar98k historical information in the rifles section for this weapon. FWIW, the scoped kar98k, when fixed with a scope and operated by a skilled marksman, increased its effective range from 500m to 800m. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- The scoped kar98k shows up a few times in the single player game, and makes itself useful because you can effectively hit very, very far away enemies. The scope for whatever reason is fixed in CODBRO and cannot zoom in and out, unlike in the Medal of Honor series. In multiplayer this weapon is very effective in the hands of an expert, because you can attain head shots from a hidden, far-off location. Unfortunately there is aim-assist in this game, and you can't turn it off; this aim-assist tends to make aiming with the scoped kar98k very annoying, at least for me-- it tends to fight you, and can jerk around unpredictably if your enemy is moving. For this reason I tend to prefer automatic weapons that require closer fighting, though there are a number of skilled snipers online. It is best to be lying down when sniping, as it can make you nearly invisible to enemies. Do note that when you fire your enemy can see the flash of your weapon, so if you miss you might want to move positions before you get sniped yourself. Also when sniping you're quite vulnerable from enemies that are not in view of your scope. And try to get a head shot; if you don't kill your enemy immediately it takes a second or two to recock your rifle between shots, and that gives your opponent an opening to head shot you. One last thing--in multiplayer, the scoped kar and the scoped Springfield are the only weapons that give you access to airstrikes if you gain 2nd or 3rd rank. If you attain this rank, you must wait several seconds for a bar next to your health bar to fill up, then you can switch weapons until you pull out a pair of binoculars. Hold L1 to look thru the binoculars, then press R1 when you've chosen a position to hit with an airstrike. You'll hear a click and after a few seconds shells will start exploding where you hit R1. Do note that when using the binoculars you're pretty vulnerable. Also if someone is under the roof of a building, they will be magically immune from the shells. ================================================================== Name: Scoped Springfield 1903 Country of Origin: USA Cartridge: .30-06 Springfield Magazine Capacity: 5 Range: Effective to 600 yards, (548m) Maximum range 3500 yards (3200m) Years of Service: 1903-present for civilian use ------- HISTORY ------- The Springfield 1903 rifle debuted in 1903 among American ground forces and was used in World War I. A bolt-action, high-powered rifle, it was meant to be replaced by the Garand rifle, but because it was so accurate and effective at long ranges, it was widely used in World War 2 for sniping or long-distance fire. The 1903 was also used in Korea and Vietnam, and is still owned by many hunters and collectors. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- The Springfield is pretty much the same as the scoped kar98k. I don't believe you find this weapon in the single player game. For a bit of info on how to use sniper rifles in multiplayer, read the above entry for the scoped kar98k. ========= ANTI-TANK ========= M9 Bazooka Name: M9 Bazooka Country of Origin: USA Ammo Used: 60mm M6A3 shaped charge Magazine Capacity: 1 Penetration: 100mm maximum Range: Effective to 110m, maximum 350-450m Years of Service: Original M1 deployed 1942, later versions used till Korean War ------- HISTORY ------- The M1 Bazooka was developed and deployed to US troops in 1942, and was first used in the November 1942 invasion of Northwest Africa, Operation Torch. The Bazooka, whimsically named after a popularly known comical musical instrument of the time, was basically a simple metal tube that fired a shaped charge anti-tank grenade mounted around a rocket. The M9 version, which appears in CODBRO, was an improved version introduced in 1943. The Bazooka provided an important anti-tank role but was extremely inaccurate except at close ranges, and could penetrate only 100mm of armor and so was often ineffective against heavier panzers. Also it generally required a two-man crew: one man to carry and fire the weapon, and another to load it from behind. Also when fired it gave off a lot of smoke, giving away the firer's position. Captured Bazookas were copied by German designers, who developed the much more effective Panzerschrek. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- First of all, let's not get into an argument about how this dang thing can be operated and reloaded in CODBRO without a two-man crew. Ok. Anyway, as you might imagine, this weapon is mainly used in this game to take out tanks or, occaisionally, some obstacles in your way like fences or whatever. It doesn't really make much of an appearance in the single player mode of CODBRO. In multiplayer, if you are carrying the M1 Garand, if you make 2nd or 3rd rank you will be given a bazooka. It's not really any different than the Panzerfausts that are found littered around the multiplayer levels, but at least it can be reloaded. It is pretty effective against tanks in multiplayer, but it is also fun to use against enemy soldiers. If they are up against a wall, just aim at the wall and you'll probably score a one-hit kill. Trying to hit running enemies out in the open is a lot more difficult-- try to aim at the ground around them. And don't worry, the Bazooka is not very realistically portrayed here--it's not wildly inaccurate at long ranges and I don't believe it is vastly less powerful than the German anti-tank weapons. ================================================================ Name: Panzerschrek Country of Origin: Germany Ammo: 88mm calibre rocket-propelled, shaped-charge grenade/warhead Magazine Capacity: 1 Penetration: Effective to 200mm of armor Range: Effective to about 180m Years of Service: 1943-1945 ------- HISTORY ------- "Panzerschrek," which basically means "tank terror" in German, was the popular name for the weapon properly known as the Raketenpanzerbüchse, or "Rocket Tank-Rifle." It was based off of US Bazookas captured in Northern Africa, and was first deployed in 1943. It was heavier and used a heavier rocket than the Bazooka, and proved much more effective. It was able to penetrate 200mm of armor quite effectively, so one well-fired shot was enough to destroy nearly any Allied armored vehicle. Like the bazooka, the Panzerschrek gave off a lot of smoke when fired, giving away the firer's position. Despite being reloadable and much more effective than the one-shot Panzerfaust, it was produced in much smaller numbers. However, Allied tank operators feared coming into contact with the deadly Panzerschrek. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- I am pretty sure that the Panzerschrek does not appear in CODBRO's single player game, but I might be wrong. In multiplayer, if you carry the G43 as your weapon you can gain access to the Panzerschrek if you attain rank 2 or 3. Like the bazooka, it's quite effective against tanks and even enemy troopers. And as when using the bazooka, when trying to hit enemy soldiers out in the open, try to aim for the ground around them to send them flying. ================================================================ Name: Panzerfaust Country of Origin: Germany Ammo: 150mm charge Magazine Capacity: 1 Penetration: 170mm of armor Range: 30 to 150m, depending on model Years of Service: 1943--1945 ------- HISTORY ------- Panzerfaust means "tank fist" in German, and it was basically a one-shot anti-tank weapon that could be inexpensively produced and distributed. The rather short and wide rocket, which carried about 800 grams of explosive, was distributed already attached to a tube that was disposed of after firing. The Panzerfaust was first worked on in 1942 and was first deployed in August 1943. Different models were given numbers which indicated their effective range; for instance the Panzerfaust 30 had a maximum range of 30 meters, and later versions were numbered 60, 100, and 150. A Panzerfaust 250 was to be deployed in September 1945 but, um, the war kind of ended for Germany in April of that year. The Panzerfaust was produced in quite large numbers, and could be used by almost anyone; in the Battle of Berlin at the end of the war, the Panzerfaust was used by defenders to take out huge numbers of invading Soviet tanks. The Panzerfaust was also quite useful in urban environments because it could be used effectively at short range. ---------- USE IN BRO ---------- As with the Panzerschrek, I don't believe there are any Panzerfausts in the single player game, but I could be wrong. In multiplayer, you'll find a lot of these things. In levels where tanks are available for use, Panzerfausts are littered around in buildings and other areas. They always appear in the same places, and they have no respawn time, meaning you can pick up a 'faust, fire it at an enemy, then immediately pick up another one. When an enemy is rolling around in a tank in multiplayer, it's very important to know where you can quickly find a panzerfaust. At long ranges the accuracy can be rather unpredictable, so if you have time, crouch or lie down and then press L1 to look down the sights, and then fire. But make sure your aim is true; the 'faust's rocket leaves behind a very visible smoke trail which can be tracked back to you. So get moving after you fire. The panzerfaust is rather unpredictable with regards to the damage it will inflict on an enemy tank. Sometimes when a tank is hit (usually when I'm the tank driver it seems!) it will explode after one hit, but other times it will take 2 or 3 panzerfaust hits to kill the tank. I am guessing that tanks might be more vulnerable armor-wise on certain sides as opposed to others, but usually when facing off against a tank I don't have time to strategically place my shot. And when firing against a tank don't stand too close or you'll get fried too. Oh yeah, and panzerfausts are quite useful against enemy soldiers, especially if you are up in a building. Fire down at the ground around an enemy, and usually (but not always) you'll score a kill. Sometimes an enemy will illogically survive a direct hit, but they'll lose a lot of health.