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It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance permission. The use of this guide on any web site other than those listed below or as part of a public display is strictly prohibited and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This document is copyright © 2007 Cam Biggar. All Rights Reserved. Sites Currently Permitted to use this guide: Gamefaqs Neoseeker Supercheats 1up Cheats If you see this guide at any site not on this list please email me. =============================================================================== Update History =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Introduction =============================================================================== Hey, my name is Cam Biggar, known on the Gamefaqs message boards as Camsta93. I live in the northwest of England in Bolton. I have written one indepth guide and now I am making the leap into writing a full guide. I'm sure there are some mistakes so if you spot any or have any comments, suggestions or ideas to improve this guide then please email me using the contact information at the bottom of the guide. I wrote this guide to be helpful so please email so I can ensure that it is. =============================================================================== Contents =============================================================================== To help you navigate this guide I have included a code after each section name in square brackets. In most browsers you can press Ctrl+F to bring up the find function. Type the code in to jump through the guide and find the section you require. Controls [LSWC] Story [LSWS] Walkthrough [LSWW] Dexter's Diner [LSWDD] -Characters [LSWCH] -Extras [LSWE] Episode 1: The Phantom Menace [LSW1] -Negotiations [LSWN] -Invasion Of Naboo [LSWION] -Escape From Naboo [LSWEFN] -Mos Espa Podrace [LSWMEP] -Retake Theed Palace [LSWRTP] -Darth Maul [LSWDM] Episode 2: Attack Of The Clones [LSW2] -Discovery On Kamino [LSWDOK] -Droid Factory [LSWDF] -Jedi Battle [LSWJB] -Gunship Cavalry [LSWGC] -Count Dooku [LSWCD] Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith [LSW3] -Battle Over Coruscant [LSWBOC] -Chancellor In Peril [LSWCIP] -General Grievous [LSWGG] -Defence On Kashyyk [LSWDOK1] -Ruin Of The Jedi [LSWROTJ] -Darth Vader [LSWDV] Episode 4: A New Hope [LSW4] -Chapter 1 [LSWC1] Contact Information [LSWCI] =============================================================================== Controls =============================================================================== [LSWC] ============= Menu Controls ============= Highlight Menu Option - up, down, <--, --> Select Highlighted Option - X Go Back/Cancel - /\ ================== Character Controls ================== Move Character - Left Analog Stick Jump/Hover (if available) - X Attack/Defend (context sensitive) - [] Use The Force/ Use Special Ability - () (hold down) Tag Friendly Character - Move To Face A Friendly Character And Press /\ Pause Game/In-game Options - Start ================ Vehicle Controls ================ Move Vehicle - Left Analog Stick Fire Weapons - [] Speed Up (podracer only) - X Pause Game/In-game Options - Start ============================ Free Play Character Controls ============================ Cycle Character Left - L1 Cycle Character Right - R1 =============================================================================== Story =============================================================================== [LSWS] The ancient darkness of the sith grows ever more powerful. Even the noble Jedi Order, guardians of peace and justice for so long, are threatened by this deepening evil. In LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game, you can experience the whole epic story of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, Star Wars: Episode II Attack Of The Clones and Star Wars: Episode III Revenge Of The Sith. Scene by scene, the action sees you taking control of a wide variety of characters fighting against the Sith threat: powerful jedi like Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Yoda; courageous droids like R2-D2; the hapless Gungan Jar Jar Binks; Chewbacca the Wookie, and others... And the world of LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game is full of secrets! As you build your collection of LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game characters, you'll use their special powers to discover more and more of the game. And as you collect more and more LEGO Studs, you'll be able to acquire further playable characters. Even the most fearsome of your dark side adversaries. =============================================================================== Walkthrough =============================================================================== [LSWW] This is an in-depth guide showing how to unlock all the characters and finding every canister in the game. =============================================================================== Dexter's Diner =============================================================================== [LSWDD] The diner is the meeting placefor all the characters you unlock as you battle through the game. Also any new characters purchased from Dexter can be found strolling around the diner. Here are the items that are available: =============================================================================== Characters =============================================================================== [LSWCH] Buy them from Dexter when they're unlocked Character | Cost | How To Unlock ================================================== Gonk Droid | 250 | Already Unlocked ================================================== PK Droid | 350 | Already Unlocked ================================================== Battle | 300 | Complete Episode 1 Chapter 1 Droid | | security | | ================================================== Battle | 200 | Complete Episode 1 Chapter 1 Droid | | ================================================== Battle | 1,000 | Complete Episode 1 Chapter 1 Droid | | Commander | | ================================================== Droideka | 10,000 | Complete Episode 1 Chapter 1 ================================================== Royal Guard| 800 | Complete Episode 1 Chapter 3 ================================================== Padme | 800 | Complete Episode 1 Chapter 3 ================================================== Darth Maul | 15,000 | Complete Episode 1 Chapter 6 ================================================== Clone | 2,000 | Complete Episode 2 Chapter 1 ================================================== Geonosian | 2,000 | Complete Episode 2 Chapter 2 ================================================== Battle | 300 | Complete Episode 2 Chapter 2 Droid | | Genosis | | ================================================== Super | 5,000 | Complete Episode 2 Chapter 3 Battle | | Droid | | ================================================== Jango Fett | 65,000 | Complete Episode 2 Chapter 3 ================================================== Boba Fett | 800 | Complete Episode 2 Chapter 3 ================================================== Luminara | 20,000 | Complete Episode 2 Chapter 3 ================================================== Ki-Adi | 25,000 | Complete Episode 2 Chapter 3 Mundi | | ================================================== Kit Fisto | 35,000 | Complete Episode 2 Chapter 3 ================================================== Shaak Ti | 15,000 | Complete Episode 2 Chapter 3 ================================================== Count Dooku| 45,000 | Complete Episode 3 Chapter 2 ================================================== Grievous' | 30,000 | Complete Episode 3 Chapter 2 Bodyguard | | ================================================== General |200,000 | Complete Episode 3 Chapter 3 Grievous | | ================================================== Clone | 600 | Complete Episode 3 Chapter 4 Episode 3 | | ================================================== Clone | 700 | Complete Episode 3 Chapter 4 Episode 3 | | Pilot | | ================================================== Clone | 800 | Complete Episode 3 Chapter 4 Episode 3 | | Swamp | | ================================================== Clone | 2,500 | Complete Episode 3 Chapter 4 Episode 3 | | Walker | | ================================================== Disguised | 2,750 | Complete Episode 3 Chapter 5 Clone | | ================================================== Darth |150,000 | Complete Episode 3 Chapter 6 Sideous | | ================================================== Rebel | 1,000 | Complete Episode 4 Trooper | | ================================================== Princess | 50,000 | Complete Episode 4 Leia | | ================================================== =============================================================================== Extras =============================================================================== [LSWE] Apart from invincibility, their effects are aesthetic Extra | Cost ========================= Moustaches | 150,000 ========================= Minikit | 750,000 Detector | ========================= Tea Cups | 175,000 ========================= Brushes | 200,000 ========================= Big Blasters | 50,000 Blasters | ========================= Classic | 75,000 Blasters | ========================= Silly | 100,000 Blasters | ========================= Invincibility | 1,000,000 ========================= Silhouettes | 75,000 ========================= Purple | 50,000 ========================= =============================================================================== Episode 1: The Phantom Menace =============================================================================== [LSW1] =============================================================================== Negotiations =============================================================================== [LSWN] Canister 1 Use The Force to activate all the switches in the first corridor and the canister will appear at the end. Canister 2 Use The Force to activate all the switches in the next corridor and the canister will appear at the end. Canister 3 (TC-14 needed) Open the first door on the left with TC-14, then activate both switches and defeat the battle droids to grab the canister. Canister 4 (TC-14 needed) Open the doors at the end of the corridor and use The Force to rebuild the Lego blocking the vent. Climb on top and jump to reach the canister. Canister 5 (TC-14 needed) Climb through the vent, then perform a double-jump to the ledge on the left to grab the fifth canister. Canister 6 (TC-14 needed) Use The Force to stack the crates in the large room, then activate the switch on the wall and ride the moving platform to collect the next canister. Canister 7 (Young Anakin & Jar Jar needed) Use Anakin to go through hole and activate the switch to lower the force field, then use The Force to stack the crates and jump to the ledge using Jar Jar. Canister 8 (R2-D2 & Jar Jar needed) Use R2-D2 to open the door in the corridor, then stand on the platform in the corner and use Jar Jar to jump and grab the canister in the centre of the room. Canister 9 (R2-D2 & Jar Jar needed) Use The Force to rebuild the spaceship, then use Jar Jar to climb the vent into the next room. Now use R2-D2 to float across the gap and switch back to Jar Jar to grab the high canister. Canister 10 (R2-D2 needed) Open the door on the high ledge in the large room, then step onto the switch and jump over into the side cabins one at a time to activate two more switches. You can now grab the final canister. BONUS! Complete the level to unlock TC-14 and Episodes 2 and 3 in the Diner =============================================================================== Invasion Of Naboo =============================================================================== [LSWION] Canister 1 Use The Force to rebuild the tree blocking the road, then destroy it with your Lightsaber and collect the canister that appears. Canister 2 Use The Force to destroy the vehicle blocking the road, then jump high to grab the second canister. Canister 3 Smash the remaining pieces of the vehicle to reveal a small hole. Drop into the hole to collect the next canister. Canister 4 (Jar Jar needed) Use The Force onthe plant near the steps to reveal a block, then use The Force again to move it. Now switch to Jar Jar and perform a double-jump to grab the high canister. Canister 5 (Jar Jar needed) Use The Force to move the blocks and create a bridge, then switch to Jar Jar and jump onto the raised platform to collect the canister. Canister 6 Use The Force to move the blocks and create a small platform below you. You can now drop onto the ledge and collect the canister from inside the small alcove. Canister 7 Use The Force to move the logs blocking the protected cave, then kill the guards and head inside for the next canister. Canister 8 Use The Force to rebuild the huge Lego droid near the lake and the next canister will appear. Canister 9 (Amidala, Captain Punaka) Head right at the first junction and use The Force to build the block tower. Now jump on top and shoot the target to make the ninth canister appear. Canister 10 (Young Anakin) Drop down through the hole near second crashed ship and you can collect the last canister on the ledge below. BONUS! Complete the level to unlock Jar Jar Binks =============================================================================== Escape From Naboo =============================================================================== [LSWEFN] Canister 1 Look on the balcony after fighting your way out of the first area. Canister 2 Drop over the balcony after exiting through the windows of the semi-circular room and follow the ledge to the right to collect this canister. Canister 3 Use the grapple hook near the gate to rise to the next level, then swing across the gap to find the next canister. Canister 4 Activate the middle switch on the three domes rooftop and then smash the cage on the leftto find the fourth canister. Canister 5 Destroy the four trees around the central domed rooftop the use The Force to move the pots and stack them in the centre. Now leap on top and jump high to grab the next canister. Canister 6 Destroy the cage on the far side of the roof and drop down through the hole in the floor collecting the sixth canister on the way. Canister 7 (Jar Jar, Obi-Wan needed) Right at the start use The Force to move the blocks in between the gates, then stack them by the wall. Now use Jar Jar to leap up high and grab the next canister. Canister 8 (Jar Jar, Obi-Wan needed) On the highest platform near the start use The Force to build the couple of platforms by the wall, then use Jar Jar to leap over into the corner and grab the high up canister. Canister 9 (R2-D2) Drop over the edge near the circular window, then use R2-D2 to float across to the ledge on the far side. Now use Padme to grapple up to the highest platform and grab the canister. Canister 10 (Young Anakin) Drop through the shoot on the balcony near the gates and you can grab the next canister on the balcony at the top. BONUS! Complete the level to unlock Queen Amidala and Captain Punaka. =============================================================================== Mos Espa Podrace =============================================================================== [LSWMEP] Canister 1 Take the right-hand fork and smash through the barriers, avoid both boosters and smash the canister on the edge of the cliff. Canister 2 Find the next canister on the left-hand side as you race through the tunnel. Canister 3 Keep to the left after the booster in the area with the sand people attacking. Canister 4 Grab canister four in the middle of the line of poles as you exit sand people valley. Canister 5 Look under a stone archway on the right-hand side of the track just after sand people valley. Canister 6 Canister six can be found on the right-hand side just after you pass under two stone archways. Canister 7 Keep to the left-hand side in the wide-open area after a line of poles. Canister 8 Crash through the line of poles as you approach the finish line. Canister 9 Keep going straight ahead after Sebulba barges another racer. Canister 10 On the final lap keep to the first corner and canister ten is beside the ledge. =============================================================================== Retake Theed Palace =============================================================================== [LSWRTP] Canister 1 Use a blaster-wielding character to grapple up to the first floor landing, then search the room in the far corner to find the first canister. Canister 2 Smash the round window on the balcony and you can grab the second canister inside. Canister 3 Destroy the statue in the circular roomand activate the switch to reveal a small room. Inside you can grab the next canister. Canister 4 Use the grapple hooks to the right of the fountain and blast the wooden shutters to find the fourth canister hidden inside. Canister 5 In the next large area drop over the edge near the high switches and follow the path to reach the fifth canister. Canister 6 (Darth Maul, Jar Jar needed) Jump onto the high ledge in the corridor to the left with red lights. Use The Dark Force to destroy the huge gates and you can collect the canister hidden behind. Canister 7 (Jar Jar needed) After crossing the bridge, leap over to the left and use The Force to build a Lego platform. Now jump onto the high ledge where you can find the next canister. Canister 8 (Jar Jar needed) In the large room with all the tables and chairs, stack the two tables to the left of the stairs, then use Jar Jar to scale the walls and traverse the thin walkway to find the next canister. Canister 9 (Captain Punaka needed) Stack the crates in the corner of the hangar, then use the grapple hook to grab the canister from the high ledge. Canister 10 (Captain Punaka, Jar Jar) In the opposite corner of the hangar, again stack the crates and use the grapple hook to reach the high ledge. Now use Jar Jar to jump to the higher platform and collect the last canister. BONUS! Complete the level to unlock Padme (Battle), Anakin Skywalker (Boy), and R2-D2. =============================================================================== Darth Maul =============================================================================== [LSWDM] Canisters 1 & 2 (Jar Jar needed) Above the ships in the hangar after crossing the bridge at the start you can find these two Lego canisters. Canister 3 (R2-D2 needed) Ride the lifts in the hangar and use R2-D2 to open the door at the top. Defeat the enemies and step on all the floor switches to make the next canister appear at the end of the hall. Canister 4 In the large circular room follow the path on the lowest level to the end to find the fourth canister. Canister 5 (Amidala needed) In the room with the large pillar use the grapple hook to jump up to the top of the large pillar and grab all the Lego studs. Continue to the far side and use The Force to raise the lift to collect the next canister. Canisters 6 & 7 (R2-D2 needed) Use this handy droid to activate the switches on either side of the door in the huge room with the circular platforms, then ride the discs to collect these two canisters. Canisters 8, 9 & 10 (Jar Jar needed) In the final room wait for Darth Maul to climb onto the platforms around the edge, then jump on top and leap high to grab the last three canisters. =============================================================================== Episode 2: Attack Of The Clones =============================================================================== [LSW2] =============================================================================== Discovery On Kamino =============================================================================== [LSWDOK] Canister 1 Look above a platform just to the left of the parked ship. Canister 2 (R4-P17 needed) Fly across the gap to the right of the ship and you can grab the second canister from the platform. Canister 3 (C-3PO needed) Use C-3PO to open the dor near the clone machines, then hop across the platforms activating the switches. Use The Force to open the hatch on the final platform, then jump onto the lift and grab the next canister. Canister 4 (C-3PO, Jango Fett, Young Anakin needed) After grabbing canister three shoot the switch on the wall near the switches and then fly across across the gap and use Young Anakin to drop through the vents and collect the next canister. Canister 5 Activate the switches in the corridor near the clone machine and fifth canister will appear above your head. Canister 6 Enter the room on the left in the second corridor, then solve the floor puzzle to start the disco lights. The fourth canister will appear near the console. Canister 7 Use The Force to get the Lego pieces from the machine, then assemble them in the puzzle to grab the next canister. Canister 8 Step onto the lit squares on the circular floor patterns to unlock the door and collect the eighth canister. Canister 9 (Jango Fett, C-3PO needed) Follow Jango Fett along the mined path, then use the grapple hook at the end to reach the upper platform. Activate the switch on the wall with C-3PO and then ride the lift and blast all three targets to grab the next canister. Canister 10 (Darth Maul needed) Use Dark Force powers to open the black door near the collapsed passage, then activate the tubes to reveal the last canister. BONUS! Complete the level to unlock Obi Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master), and R4-P17. =============================================================================== Droid Factory =============================================================================== [LSWDF] Canister 1 At the start, turn around and you'll find the first canister at the end of the passage. Canister 2 (Jar Jar needed) As you exit the first passage jump across to the left then use Jar Jar to jump to the high platform and collect the second canister. Canister 3 Shoot the targets to start the boiling pots moving, then jump on top and ride across the gap. Now leap onto the platform and backtrack a small way to collect the third canister. Canister 4 Open the door near the Droideka and hop across the platforms to reach the canister on the far side. Canister 5 (Padme, R2-D2 needed) At the end of the conveyor belt head to the right and use The Force to activate the turning platform. Use the grapple hook to reach the ledge, then shoot the target to reveal the switch. Use R2-D2 to open the door, then use the mixing machine to mix the correct colours and open the container with the canister inside. Canister 6 Look on the high platform in the room where you find C-3PO. Canister 7 (Jar Jar needed) Use The Force to build two raised platforms in the caves, then climb on top and jump into the high alcove to collect the seventh canister. Canister 8 (R2-D2 needed) Enter the hole just under the seventh canister and use R2-D2 to turn on the laser maze. Work your way around the maze activating the switches until you can grab the next canister. Canister 9 After crossing the lava pit search a small alcove behind the door to find the next canister. Canister 10 (Jar Jar needed) In the next room use R2-D2 to operate the machines, then use The Force to build some platforms. Ride the lift to the top and jump high to reach the next canister. BONUS! Complete the level unlock Anakin Skywalker (Padawan), Padme, and C-3PO. =============================================================================== Jedi Battle =============================================================================== [LSWJB] Canister 1 Use Amidala to scale the platform behind the pillar where poor Anakin is being held captive. Canister 2 Climb to the highest platform and collect the second canister. Canister 3 Use Amidala to scale the platform behind the pillar where Obi Wan is being held captive and shoot the target and ride the lift to the third canister. Canister 4 Use The Force to repair the second lift and then use Amidala to scale the platforms and collect the fourth canister. Canister 5 Use two Jedis to activate the switches on either side of the gate to grab the fifth canister. Canister 6 The sixth canister can be found hidden behind a pillar near the large gate. Canister 7 (Young Anakin needed) Use The Force to rebuild the small ramp, then slide through the hole in the wall to grab the canister behind the gate. Canister 8 Use The Force to rebuild the tower from the Lego blocks and the eighth canister will appear on top. Canisters 9 & 10 (Need Jar Jar) Jump onto the high platforms behind the pillar holding Amidala and grab these two canisters. BONUS! Complete the level to unlock Mace Windu and Padme (Clawed). =============================================================================== Gunship Cavalry =============================================================================== [LSWGC] Canister 1 Find the first canister on the left-hand side near the start. Canister 2 The second canister is on the cliff edge near the double laser trap. Canister 3 Look on the left-hand side after the split in the path. Canister 4 Find the next canister on the cliff edge just past the triple laser trap. Canister 5 Check behind the huge pillar just past the triple laser trap. Canisters 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 The remaining canisters are dotted around the huge dome at the end of the trail. =============================================================================== Count Dooku =============================================================================== [LSWCD] Canister 1 (Need R2-D2) At the very beginning turn around and float off the edge to grab this tricky canister. Canister 2 (Need Wookiee) Use the grapple point near the start to reach the ledge and collect the second canister. Canister 3 Use The Force to move the two mines at the end of the first passage, then smash them to reveal the canister hidden behind the wall. Canister 4 Activate the switch on the left in the next room then wait for your friend to climb and operate a second switch you. You can now jump up the platforms to grab the canister. Canister 5 (Need Jar Jar) The fifth canister is on a high ledge above canister four. Canister 6 (Need Jar Jar) Canister six is on a high ledge above the platforms leading to the door switch. Canister 7 (Need Jar Jar) Use The Force to stack the crates in the room where you fight Count Dooku, then use Jar Jar to jump to the high ledge and grab the next canister. Canister 8 Switch to Darth Maul or Obi Wan and jump off the high ledge bashing the blocks surrounding another canister to collect it as you fall. Canister 9 (Need Young Anakin, Wookiee) Use young Anakin to enter the vent in the corner, then follow the ledge, grabbing the studs. Now switch to Wookiee and use the grapple hook to grab the anister high above Dooku. Canister 10 (Need Wookiee) In the final room shoot the targets on either side of the pod twice and the cage will open. This will allow you to collect the next canister from inside. BONUS! Complete the level to unlock Yoda. =============================================================================== Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith =============================================================================== [LSW3] =============================================================================== Battle Over Coruscant =============================================================================== [LSWBOC] Canister 1 Collect the first canister as you make the first downward dive. Canister 2 The second canister is on the edge of the ship as you start the second dive. Canister 3 Find the third canister near the fin of the next large freighter. Canister 4 The fourth is underneath the next large freighter. Canister 5 The fifth canister is right in the middle of the open area after the wave of attacking fighters. Canister 6 The sixth canister is on the edge of the freighter just after you fly around the huge fin. Canister 7 You can find the next canister as you make the dive after destroying the small tower. Canister 8 To the left as you fly through the freighter's cargo hold. Canister 9 Near the rear engine of the huge freighter on the left, after blasting several small craft. Canister 10 Directly in front of you as you dive to make your final descent. =============================================================================== Chancellor In Peril =============================================================================== [LSWCIP] Canister 1 (Need Amidala) Use the grappling hook to the right-hand side of the hangar door to pull yourself up and grab the first canister. Canister 2 (Need Amidala) Again use the grappling hook to the right-hand side of the ledge to pull yourself up and grab the next canister. Canister 3 (Need R2-D2) Open the first door on the left after finding R2-D2and you'll find the third canister inside. Canister 4 (Need C-3PO) Open the door in the middle using C-3PO and you will find the next canister inside. Canister 5 (Need Jar Jar) Jump to the high ledge above the door as you exit the spaceship. Canister 6 On a platform to the far left after exiting the spaceship. Canister 7 Behind the door on the right in the room at the top of the stairs after fighting Dooku. Canister 8 You can find the eighth canister inside the barrel at the end of the line of machinery. Canisters 9 & 10 The final two canisters can be found on the bridge either side of the door. BONUS! Complete the level to unlock Obi Wan (Episode 3), Anakin Skywalker (Jedi), and Chancellor Palpatine. =============================================================================== General Grievous =============================================================================== [LSWGG] Canister 1 On a stone ledge just to your left after striking the General. Canisters 2 & 3 On the ledge high above the ramp near the starting circle. Canisters 4 & 5 Do a blind jump left from the ledge under canisters 2 and 3 to find these canisters. Canister 6 On a ledge after following the low path to the right. Canister 7 Shoot the Lego blocks on the cliff to reveal a secret alcove. Canister 7 is hidden inside. Canister 8 (Need Jar Jar) After shooting the mine, jump across the gap to the high ledge and grab the canister from the corner. Canister 9 (Need Jar Jar) Continue along the ledge and you can grab the next canister just around the corner. Canister 10 (Need Jar Jar) Follow the path across the bridge and enter the domed building being careful of the mines. Now activate the switches around the central pillar and grab the last canister from inside. BONUS! Complete the level to unlock Commander Cody. =============================================================================== Defence Of Kashyyk =============================================================================== [LSWDOK1] Canister 1 Lower the bridge at the start, then head immediately to the right and blast the tubes around the machine. Now use The Force to move the tubes in the centre and the first canister will appear. Canister 2 (Need R2-D2, Jar Jar) After rescuing the first Wookiee use R2-D2 to float across the gap to find some more platforms. Climb across and you'll find the next canister on a high ledge. Canister 3 The third canister is on a high platform near where you rescued the second Wookiee. Canister 4 (Need Jar Jar, R2-D2) As you walk along the beach, use Jar Jar to jump onto the platforms to the right, then use R2-D2 to float across to the gap and grab the next canister from the ledge. Canister 5 On the platform near the gate on the beach. Canister 6 (Need Jar Jar) Use The Force to find the three carrots that are buried in the bushes on the beach and the next canister will appear on top of a rock near the start of the beach. You'll need Jar Jar to jump up and collect it. Canister 7 (Need Jar Jar) Use The Force to raise the X-Wing from the swamp, then you need to use Jar Jar to stand on top and leap up high to grab the next canister. Canister 8 (Need R2-D2) Near the sloped path, use The Force to uncover a grapple hook, then pull yourself up to the ledge and use R2-D2 to float across the gap and grab the next canister. Canister 9 You can find the ninth canister on the high ledge near the cliff path. Canister 10 The final canister can be found on top of the rocket once you have pulled it from the ground. BONUS! Complete the level to unlock Chewbacca and Wookiee. =============================================================================== Ruin Of The Jedi =============================================================================== [LSWROTJ] Canister 1 Just to the left under the large pillared structure near a load of Lego studs. Canister 2 (Need Jar Jar) Use The Force to stack the three Lego blocks to make a raised platform near the entrance stairs, now use Jar Jar to leap high in the air and grab the next canister. Canister 3 (Need Commander Cody) Use the grapple hook to the right of the entrance stairs, then follow the path around to find the next canister high above the door. Canister 4 Inside the building, use The Force to build a small staircase and then enter the doorway to find the next canister on top of the machine. Canister 5 (Need Yoda) Look on the edge of the platform inside the building. Canister 6 Stack the chairs in the meeting room and leap high to find the next canister. Canisters 7 & 8 (Need Jar Jar) Move platforms with The Force and jump up to reach the power switch, then jump onto the highest platform and jump back to collect these high canisters. Canister 9 (Need Jar Jar) After activating the lift by hitting the high switches, jump on top and follow the ledge around, then jump over the force field to grab the next canister. Canister 10 (Need Jar Jar) Deactivate the force field using C-3PO, then activate the three high switches to operate the second lift. Follow the ledge again and use this lift to reach the canister high in the air. =============================================================================== Darth Vader =============================================================================== [LSWDV] Canister 1 On the edge of the platform near the end of the first tunnel with the collapsing floor. Canister 2 This is at the far end of the control room among loads of Lego studs. Canister 3 Smash through the nearby door to find the third canister inside. Canister 4 Use The Force to open the grate nearby and inside you can grab canister four. Canister 5 (Need R2-D2) Use R2-D2 to open the door on the left-hand side of this room and you can grab the next canister from the table. Canister 6 Just to your left after the second small battle. Canister 7 On the high platform after activating the switches. Canisters 8 & 9 On the small platforms as you leap across the lava pit. Canister 10 (Need R2-D2) When you reach the final platform, float across the gap with R2-D2 and you can then jump onto the platform to grab the final canister. =============================================================================== Episode 4: A New Hope =============================================================================== [LSW4] =============================================================================== Chapter 1 =============================================================================== [LSWC1] There are no canisters to find on this level, just loads of Lego Studs to collect. Play through thre level and unlock the last two characters, Darth Vader and a Stormtrooper. You also get a message indicating that another Lego Star Wars game is coming soon...