TRIBUNAL TEMPLE FAQ VERSION 1.2 2/21/04 By Korranator Contents: Section 1: Forward & Tips Section 2: Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces Section 3: Tuls Valen – Ald’Ruhn Temple Section 4: Tharer Rotheloth – Molag Mar Temple Section 5: Endryn Llethan – Vivec High Fane Section 6: Uvoo Llaren – Ghost Gate Temple Section 7: Tholer Saryoni – Temple Archcanon Section 8: Optional Daedric Quests Section 9: After Word _______________________ SECTION 1.1: FORWARD _______________________ Welcome to Tribunal Temple quest, which is probably the hardest faction to complete. The quests will be simple at first, such as healing so-and-so of a disease, but later on you will be asked to wipeout Daedric Shrines, Vampires, go to Red Mountain, and even be asked to go into Dagoth Ur’s own Tower. The Temple is the Native Dunmer religion, which worships the three Man-Gods, Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec, who make up the Tribunal. The Temple also controls the controversial Ordinators, Holy warriors who defend and protect the Temple. The Buoyant Armigers are also Temple warriors, but they are Vivec’s elite force that answers only to him. If you wish to join the Temple simply go to the nearest Temple and ask about joining the Temple. They have no problem allowing you to join them, but you must first complete the Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces in order to prove yourself to them. For those who have the Gold editions of the game. The Tribunal Expanison, adds more story, and quest to the other two Man-Gods of the Tribunal, Almalexia, and Sotha Sil. it also adds some interestng plot twists that should surprise you. This guide was written and intended to be a guide only. ____________ 1.2: TIPS ____________ I highly advice choosing a profession, or creating a custom class that uses the Temple’s favorite skills, since the quest givers in the Temple will only give you duties if you are at a certain rank within the Temple. The Temples favored skills are; Unarmored, Alchemy, Restoration, Mysticism, Conjuration, and Blunt Weapon. You really only need to specialize in one skill in order to get promotions within the Temple, but you will need to develop a couple of minor skills as well. I highly suggest you focus on Blunt Weapon as your main skill, and use Restoration, and Unarmored as your minor Temple skills. Also, make sure you know the spells Mark, and Recall, because it will make your life easier. Simply cast the Mark spell at your nearest town (or where ever you want) then go to your pilgrimage site, and then cast the Recall spell to be instantly transported back to your mark point. Finally, make sure you know or are carrying both Almsivi, and Divine Intervention spells. Almsivi Intervention instantly transports you to the nearest Temple, and Divine Intervention instantly transports you to the nearest Imperial Cult Shrine. I hope carrying Healing and Cure Disease potions goes with out saying, because you can never have enough of them. Also, if you can buy a Cure Disease, and Blight On Other spell, because you will be using it several times through out not only the Temple quests but on other optional quests as well. **** Main Quest Conflict Warning ***** If you are doing the Main quest at the same time that you are doing the Temple quests, then you may run into trouble. If you complete the Third Trial in the Main quest and still have not completed the Temple quests then the Temple will no longer trust you, and they will refuse to give you duties. However, once you complete both the Fourth and Fifth Trials, you will be summoned before Lord Vivec himself. After meeting Vivec, the Temple will once again trust you and give you duties once again. **** End Main Quest Conflict Warning **** ____________________ 1.3: VERSION HISTORY ____________________ Final version corrected Daedric Cresent Quest. Added notes in the forward. Updated and reworded Section 1, and corrected some grammar issues through out the FAQ. Also, added Section 8: Optional Daedric Quests. __________________________________________ SECTION 2: PILGRIMAGES OF THE SEVEN GRACES __________________________________________ OK, so you have decided to join up and have been given the book of The Pilgrim’s Path, with no other hints on how to achieve this goal. Relax it’s not as hard as it sounds. The easiest way to complete to the pilgrimages is actually following them in the order that the Pilgrim’s Path had laid out for you. In each pilgrimage you are required to find a shrine (a triangular shaped golden monolith) and hit the “A” button on your controller and leave a small offering that each shrine requires. The point of the pilgrimages is to follow the path that Lord Vivec took, in order to learn and prove yourself worthy to the Temple. ___________________________________ 2.1: THE FIELDS OF KUMMU SHRINE ___________________________________ Before you take each pilgrimage, make sure you have the offering it requires. You need a piece of “muck”, to complete the Fields of Kummu. If your having trouble finding “muck”, you can buy one at the Apothecary in Balmora, or Suran. The fields themselves are located in between Pelagiad and Suran right off the main road if you are following the signs. Look on the South side of the road. It’s just North West of Alof’s Farmhouse. Reward: You will receive a blessing in the form of a Feather spell that will last 24 hours. ___________________________ 2.2: THE SHRINE OF DARING ___________________________ It’s 1-3 pilgrimages located in the city of Vivec, and a very simple one at that. Make sure you have a potion of Rising Force, or simply buy one at the High Fane Temple. Head on over just past the High Fane Temple and stay the East, at which point you should see the shrine. Place your offering to complete the pilgrimage. Reward: You will receive a blessing in the form of a Levitation spell that will last for 12 hours. _____________________________ 2.3: THE SHRINE OF GENEROSITY _____________________________ The second of the three pilgrimages within the city of Vivec, which is also very simple to complete. From the Shrine of Daring just walk up the steps towards Vivec’s Palace. You will find two shrines on both sides of the door. It does not matter which shrine you choose. Just give the offering of 100 gold to complete the Pilgrimage. Reward: You will receive a blessing that will fortify your Mercantile skill by 10 points that will last 24 hours. ____________________________ 2.4: THE SHRINE OF COURTESY ____________________________ The final pilgrimage within the city of Vivec, is inside the canals of Vivec’s Palace. From the Shrine of Generosity, you will see gates that will lead to Vivec’s Puzzle Canal. The one you need is the third gate on either side of the Palace. Go through the gate and you should find a door leading you inside the canal. Once inside you should find what looks like a shrine, but it only drops you a hint that reads, “Breath the Water of His Glory.” The trick here is to literally drown yourself. Place yourself underwater and wait to not only your breath bar runs out, but your health bar as well. Once your health bar is depleted, it will instantly be refilled. Go out of the water and you should see a new path opened to you. At the end of the path you should see a treasure chest, a Daedric Lord named Krazzt, and the shrine itself. Go to the treasure chest first and grab one of the silver swords (or all of them if you wish), then talk to the Krazzt and offer him one of the swords. Now you can go to the shrine to complete the pilgrimage. Optional: Go ahead and take an extra challenge and taunt Krazzt until he gets mad enough to say the word “Goodbye”, from there go ahead and kill him if you can. Reward: You will receive a double blessing, one Swift Swim spell, and one Water Breathing spell that will last 24 hours. OPTIONAL SIDE QUEST: Now that you have completed the three pilgrimages in Vivec, you have probably heard the locals talk of a rumor that someone has killed two Ordinators, and five Outlanders. I highly recommend that you take this side quest because the reward is well worth the hassle. If you decide on taking this quest, head on over to the Temple’ Hall of Justice, and go to the Office of the Watch. Speak to Elam Andas who is in charge of all Ordinator activity. Reluctantly, he will give you the details about the murders and tell you only where some of the bodies were found, two in Hlaalu and one at the Foreign Quarter. The suspect you are looking for is described as a “Dunmer woman with a dagger, with red hair wearing Netch Leather armor. Skip the Hlaalu Canton, and head right over the Foreign Quarter. If you ask around you will find out that witnesses only saw a “woman with a dagger” in the Underworks. Head on down to Underworks of the Foreign Quarter and you will find your murder. Turns out she’s a “dreamer prophet”, and she will attack you on sight. It’s a tough battle if you are at a low level. Once you have defeated her, return to Elam Andas for your reward. Reward: Elam gives you at choice between an Indoril helm and cuirass (but asks you not to wear in Vivec), or the enchanted Belt of the Armor of God. The belt is only worth 33 gold, but it casts when used, Fortify Willpower for 10 pts, Sanctuary for 20 pts, and Shield for 10pts, all for 30 seconds. It’s a very handy belt. A quick note about Indorian armor, first off it’s easy to find in the game, and second if you are wearing it and speak to an Ordinator, they will “black list” you and attack you onsite from now on even if you are no longer wearing it. You have been warned. ___________________________ 2.5: THE SHRINE OF JUSTICE ___________________________ Simply go to Gnisis and visit the Temple. Inside you will find the Mask, but do not touch it, if you do you will be expelled from the Temple. If you are standing directly in front of the Mask simply turn 180 degrees and you will see the shrine. You need a Cure Disease potion as an offering, to complete the pilgrimage. If you don’t have a Cure Disease potion, one of the Gnisis Temple monks will sell you one. Also, to set your self up for the next pilgrimage buy a Dreugh wax from one of the merchants, whose shop in near the Temple. Secret: After completing the pilgrimage don’t leave just yet. Look around on the shrine itself, and try to activate one of the five middle segments. It’s actually a switch that will reveal the true Mask. Touch the Mask to activate it and you will learn the spell called Vivec’s Touch, which cures Bight and Disease on others. It’s a very handy spell that will help you in later quests. Reward: You will receive the blessing of Cure Blight, Cure Disease, and Cure Poison on you. __________________________ 2.6: THE SHRINE OF VALOR __________________________ Koval Cave is located just South of Gnisis. From the silt rider go across the river to the main road. Follow the main road in a South West direction. Koval Cave is on the coast facing South. The shrine itself is inside the Cave immediately to your left. If you bought a Dreugh wax simply offer it and complete the pilgrimage, however if you did not buy one don’t worry because Koval Cave is filled with Dreughs. Simply find them and kill them until one of them drops the wax. Also, go ahead and explore the cave, because there is some hidden treasure here worth your time. Reward: You will receive the blessing of having all your armor statistics go up for a 24 hour period. _________________________ 2.7: THE SHRINE OF PRIDE _________________________ Finally the last pilgrimage, and the hardest one yet located just beyond the Ghost Gate Temple. The only way to get to Ghost gate is by foot. The easiest way is to start out from either Balmora, or Ald’Ruhn. From Balmora simply head East towards the Moonmoth Legion Fort, and keep going East until you enter the Foyada Mamaea (volcanic trench), then head North till you see the Ghost Gate Temple. From Ald’Ruhn go East until you hit the side of the Ghost Fence, then just follow it by heading Northeast until you see the Ghost Gate Temple. The Ald’Ruhn path seems shorter, but before you attempt the pilgrimage make sure that you have enough Healing supplies so that you can survive the journey. The Shrine is actually just beyond Ghost Gate. You will see a switch that opens the gate, and about half way through you will see another switch so that you can enter the Red Mountain region itself. Just go North a bit then head to the East to find the Shrine. It’s just a little bit off the main path. Finally make an offering of a Soul Gem (any one will do) to complete the pilgrimage. Reward: You will receive the blessing of Fortify Magicka, and Shield for a 24 hour period. Congratulations you have completed the Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces. Now go back to the person who gave you the task of completing the Pilgrimages and select the option “Seven Graces” to get credit, and now your ready to receive duties for the Temple. _________________________________________ SECTION 3: TULS VALEN – AID’RUHN TEMPLE _________________________________________ It really doesn’t matter which quest giver you want to start out with. You can tackle them in any order or do several at once. However you must complete a given quest before the quest giver will give you any new ones. Some quests require that for you to be at a certain rank within the Temple before they will give the quest to you. Tuls Valen can be found just inside the front entrance to Ald’Ruhn Temple. ___________________________ 3.1: TO SHOW COMPASSION ___________________________ Valen wants you to show compassion in order to follow Vivec’s footsteps. Vivec often showed mercy to his enemies, and likewise so will you. You are to go to the Daedric Shrine Maelkashishi to cure a Sheogorath worshipper named Bulfim gra-Shugarz who is a female Orc of Blight disease. He will give you a Cure Blight Disease potion, but highly suggests to learn Rilm’s Gift, and to return the potion unused. You can learn the spell from Folvys Andalor who can be found further inside the Ald’Ruhn Temple. Once your ready to make the journey, Maelkashishi is just West of Maar Gan. Our female Orc is just inside the shrine so you can just cure her and get out. However if you are at a high enough level, then go ahead and explore the Shrine, because there are a few treasures worth the effort. Reward: You will receive a skill book called “The Four Suitors of Benitah”, which will increase your Restoration level by one after you read it. ___________________________ 3.2: THE FALSE INCARNATE ___________________________ It’s one of the Temple’s many jobs to weed out those who would claim to be the Nerervarine. A Dark Elf named Elvil Vidron is making just such a claim and Valen wants you to confront him and persuade him to believe otherwise. You can find him on the streets in Suran. There are two ways to complete the quest. The first way and the most recommended is the raise his disposition to at least 65 or greater, and convince him that he is confused. The second way is to just plain kill him, but if you do Valen will frown upon your actions and will not give you a reward. Reward: You will receive a Quality Restore Health Potion. ________________________________ 3.3: THE MAGIC ROCK PILGRIMAGE ________________________________ Valen wants to send you on a pilgrimage to Maar Gan. This pilgrimage is simple. Just head on over to the Temple at Maar Gan, and inside you will see a giant rock. Hit the action button on the rock and it will tell you of a story about how Vivec taunted a Daedric Lord named Mehrunes Dagon. Now just go over to the Daedric Lord and taunt him once, and you will complete the pilgrimage. Now you can activate the shrine. Now for fun you can keep taunting him till you get the “goodbye” comment and he will attack you. Go ahead and teach him who is boss by killing him. Also, if you kill him, Valen will make a slight sarcastic remark about the Daedric Lord’s fate. Use either method and you will get credit for completing the pilgrimage. Reward: You will receive a book called, “The Death Blow of Abernanit”, and the blessing of Fortify Speechcraft, and Personality that will last for 24 hours. ______________________ 3.4: DESTROY HASSOUR ______________________ You will not get this quest until you have at least reached the rank of Disciple. The mission is simple in theory. You are to go into Hassour and wipeout a Sixth House base, and kill Dagoth Fovon. Hassour can be found by taking the same Foyanda Mamaea that leads to Ghost Gate, except this time go South. It’s a challenging quest that has great treasures. Reward: A handful of Blight Curing Potions. _______________________________________________ SECTION 4: THARER ROTHELOTH – MOLAG MAR TEMPLE _______________________________________________ Next up, head on over to Molag Mar Temple and meet with Tharer Rotheloth, who can be found just inside the front entrance. Molag Mar looks like a Vivec Canton, but unlike Vivec it feels the red blight winds. ______________________ 4.1: CURE SWAMP FEVER ______________________ Like all the Temple quest givers, Tharer starts you out slow. His first quest sends you over to Tel Mora to cure a female Redguard named Lette of Swamp Fever. Simply head on over to Tel Mora, and either give her a potion of Cure Common Disease or cast the spell on her. You will find her walking about close to the coast. Reward: You will receive the book called, “2920, Rain’s Hand”, which will raise your Restoration level by one point after you have read it. ___________________________ 4.2: MOUNT KAND PILGRIMAGE ___________________________ You need to be at least the rank of Curate in order to receive this quest. Tharer, sends you on a pilgrimage to Mount Kand, where you will have to answer three riddles given to you by Atronachs in order to pass through to activate the Shrine. You can cheat and buy a “Yellow Book of Riddles” to get the answers. The bookshop in Balmora sells them. Once you are ready to go on the pilgrimage simply follow the signs North from Molag Mar, and you will find the Mount Kand entrance. You will meet up with a Flame Atronach first. Whatever you do, do not attack him. Simply walk up and he will give you the first of three riddles. The answers are multiple choice, and if you picked up the Yellow Riddle Book then you already know the answers. The first answer is, “lead”. If you answer wrong or kill him by accident, then you will have to wait 72 Morrowind hours in order for it to reset the riddles. Also, if you do answer the riddle wrong then the Attronach will attack. After you have correctly answered the Attronach’s riddle you are more than welcome to kill them. Next up the Frost Atronach. The answer to his riddle is “sword”. Then finally you will meet up with the Storm Atronach. He will not even give you the riddle until you have correctly answered his brothers’ riddles. The answer to his riddle is, “The Orc”. Now you can activate the Shrine, which is just beyond the Storm Atronach. Reward: You will receive the blessing of Fortify Endurance, and Intelligence, which will last for a 24 hour period. ___________________________ 4.3: TO KILL A NECROMANCER ___________________________ Next up on the list you get to take care of one of the fun jobs that the Temple has sworn to do. This time Tharer sends you out to kill a necromancer named Delvam Andarys. He can be found in Mawia. Head out East from Molag Mar. You are looking for a long channel in between two islands. Follow the channel South. Mawia is on the Southern tip on the channel. Reward: None, just the goods found in Mawia. _______________________ 4.4: VAMPIRE HUNTING _______________________ Now it’s time to kill a vampire. Tharer sends you out to Galom Daeus, which is a vampire lair that he wants you to wipeout. ***Warning one of the vampires inside Galom Daeus named Raxle Berne is a quest giver for the Berne Vampire Clan, which is one of the three vampire clans of Morrowind. Do not complete this quest if you plan on walking the path of a vampire.*** Tharer gives you a few goodies in order to complete this quest. A war hammer called Veloth’s Judgement, a Belt of Balyna’s Smooth Balm, and a Warden’s Ring. Galom Daeus is found near Uvirith’s Grave, which is actually a Dwemer ruin. An easy way to find it is to go Tel Aruhn and head North West. It’s a good idea to bring Cure Disease potions with you, because there is a good chance you might become infected with vampirism. Needless to say, I highly recommend this quest to advanced characters only since it’s one of the hardest quests to complete. Reward: None, Tharer already gave you three gifts in order to complete the quest. ____________________________________________ SECTION 5: ENDRYN LLETHAN – VIVEC HIGH FANE ____________________________________________ You can find Endryn just inside the Western entrance of High Fane in Vivec. ____________________________________ 5.1: THE DIVINE DISEASE AKA CORPRUS ____________________________________ A fellow member of the Temple has Corprus, a holy woman named Tanusea Veolth. As you will soon learn, there is not a known cure for Corprus. The disease has not disfigured, or crippled her, but she can still pass the disease to others. Endryn asks you to convince her to move to Divayth Fyr’s Corpusaruim. Tanusea can be found inside Vivec’s Arena Pit. Simply boost her disposition to at least 80 or above, and she will agree to make the move. Reward: None _________________________________ 5.2: A VOW OF SILENCE PILGRIMAGE _________________________________ Endryn wants to send you on a Pilgrimage to Sanctus Shrine, which is just South West of Dagon Fel. The catch is he wants you to take an oath of silence, meaning you can not speak to anyone (even Silt Riders, or Ship Pilots). He actually expects you to travel on foot from Vivec all the way up to the Shrine, which took me about 2 hours real time to complete. At least he marks the shrine on your map. ;) The short cut of course is before you take the vow of silence, head up to Dagon Fel via ship transports, and then head on South West to the island where Sanctus Shrine is located. Then cast a Mark Spell right in front of the shrine, and then use some sort of intervention spell to return to civilized land. Make your way back to Vivec and make your vow of silence to Endryn. Now all you have to do is cast a Recall Spell, which will instantly transport you to Sanctus Shrine. Activate the shrine to complete the pilgrimage, and it will automatically lift your vow of silence. Reward: You will receive four skill books that will raise various skill levels. ___________________________ 5.3: THE SHOES OF ST RILMS ___________________________ You must have reached the rank of Curate in order to receive this quest. Endryn wants you to recover a lost Temple treasure called the Shoes of St Rilms. They were last seen inside the Daedric ruin Ald Sotha. In order to complete the quest Endryn will give you a handful of magic scrolls, 4 Restore Health, 2 Invisibility, and 1 Heroism. Ald Sotha can be found just North East of Vivec. Just exit Vivec near the Telvanni Canton, and follow the path, you can’t miss it. The shoes are locked up in a level 50 chest just behind the altar. Also, if you are a member of the Morag Tong, make sure to pick up the “Sanguine” items for the 27 Threads quests. Reward: None for now. Just a side note once you become the “main man” in the Temple, any treasure you have found in a previous quest such as this one will be given to you if you ask for them. __________________________ 5.4: DESTROY IHINITPALIT __________________________ Endryn wants you to wipeout a Daedric Shrine called Ihinipalit, which is located in the Underworks of Vivec’s St Delyn Canton. He will give you a handful of combat spell scrolls in order to help complete the mission, hellfire, Elemental Burst: Fire, and a Fifth Barrier. The quest is simple to complete, just kill everyone inside the shrine. A side note you can talk to the statue of Sheogorath by hit your action button on the statue itself, and you will be given one of the hidden Daedric Quests (see section 8 for more information). Reward: You will receive the Ancestral Wisdom Staff. ____________________________________ SECTION 6: UVOO LLAREN – GHOST GATE ____________________________________ I saved the hardest quests for last. Llaren can be found inside Ghost Gate Temple, which is in between the towers of Dusk and Dawn. Be prepared, because you will be asked to go into Red Mountain, and into Dagoth Ur’s own lair. __________________ 6.1: CURE DROOPS __________________ The first quest is a simple one. Llaren wants you to cure an Ashlander named Assantus Hansar of the Droops. He can be found just South of Ghost Gate, where there is a small camp. Simply give him a Cure Common Disease potion, or cast a spell to complete the quest. Reward: You will receive 3 Cure Common Disease potions. ____________________ 6.2: FOOD DELIVERY ____________________ Llaren wants you to deliver some food to a hermit named Sendus Sathis who lives on Shuran Island, which is located just west of the stronghold Rotheran. From Dagon Fel head South to reach Rotheran, then simply head West to Shuran Island. The sad thing is, after going out your way the hermit actually complains that he is receiving Kwama Eggs again. Reward: None __________________________________ 6.3: THE HAIR SHIRT OF ST ARALOR __________________________________ Now get ready for the hard stuff. Llaren wants you to recover the Hair Shirt of St Aralor, which was last worn by an Ordinator named Feril Salmyn. He was last seen at the Dunmer stronghold Kogoruhn, which was the original home to House Dagoth. You may have already visited it during the Main Quest. The Ordinator is dead and can be found outside the stronghold in the Western area, near a wall and the stronghold itself. Just take the Shirt of his dead body to complete the quest. Reward: None for now. _____________________________ 6.4: THE CLEAVER OF ST FELMS _____________________________ This time a Buoyant Armiger lost a Temple treasure. Llaren wants you to recover the Cleaver of St Felms, which was lost inside the citadel Tureynulal inside Red Mountian, and is filled with vampires. It’s located North East of Ghost Gate, and getting there can be a pain. Try to head over to the Eastern most path till your right next to the Ghost Fence. You should be able to find a dirt path and head North until you reach the Dareleth Ancestral Tomb. Head West until you see a path that leads South. Once on the South path, just follow it down till you reach Tureynulal. You will find the Cleaver on the bottom level inside. Reward: None for now. ______________________________ 6.5 THE CROSIER OF ST LLOTHI ______________________________ Yet another lost Temple treasure, and yet another careless Buoyant Armiger. This time Llaren wants you to recover the Crosier of St Llothi, which is inside Dagoth Ur’s own citadel. Simplest way to get there is head North straight up Red Mountain, and into the crater. You will find the entrance to the citadel on the Western side of the crater. Search around outside the entrance to the left to find a crank that will open the entrance to the citadel. The Crosier is on the bottom level. Reward: None for now. _____________________________________________ SECTION 7: THOLER SARYONI – TEMPLE ARCHCANON _____________________________________________ You must have reached the rank of Diviner before you can even meet with Tholer. Once you are ready, return to Vivec’s High Fane and talk with Endryn Llethan once again. He will tell you that the Temple Archcanon is ready to meet you. He will hand you a key to his private room, which is located just behind him. _________________________________________ 7.1 THE PILGRIMAGES OF THE FOUR CORNERS _________________________________________ The four corners pilgrimage is actually four separate pilgrimages in one. The four corners represent the four bad Daedric Lords, Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, and Sheogorath, who form the House of Troubles. You must perform these pilgrimages in the exact order that Tholer gives them out to you, otherwise you will not get credit for completing them. MALACATH: THE FIRST CORNER Malacath is actually the Daedric patron of the Orcs. His shrine is actually a huge statue that is located outside just South West of Dagon Fel. You will need four Daedric Hearts to activate the shrine. Just head out West of Dagon Fel, and then South, look for a road that heads North and take that path. Once you see a few Orcs on the road you know you are in the right place. Once you reach the shrine the Orcs will attack you. Once you have defeated all the Orcs you can activate the shrine by pressing your action button on the statue itself. Reward: You will receive the blessing of Fortify Strength. ALD SOTHA: THE SECOND CORNER Tholer will now send you to back to Ald Sotha. You should already know where it is located since you already visited this Daedric shrine in an earlier Temple Quest, but in case you forgot it’s just North East of Vivec. Simply go up to Mehrunes Dagon’s statue to activate it and complete the pilgrimage. Reward: You will receive the blessing of Fortify Destruction, Axe, and Attack. BAL UR: THE THIRD CORNER Tholer will now send you to Bal Ur, which is located directly North of Suran. Just Levitate over the mountain North of Suran to reach the shrine, once inside you will be attacked, so just wipe them all out. Then activate Molag Bal’s statue to complete the pilgrimage. Reward: You will receive a cheap to cast Command Humanoid spell that will never fail. ALD DAEDROTH: THE FOURTH CORNER Tholer will send you to Ald Daedroth to renew a pack with Sheogorath. You may have already visited this shrine if you have advanced far enough into the Main Quest. It’s located North of the Ahemmusa Ashlanders’ Camp. Start yourself from Vos, and head North along the coast till you reach the Ahemmusa Camp. Then head North and swim across the sea. Ald Daedroth is on the fourth island. Once inside the shrine you will need to find the Gambolpuddy to activate Sheogorath’s statue. The shrine is huge, and it’s a free for all inside filled with cult worshippers and Ordinators fighting each other. You want to head up to the Antechamber in a room where you will find a group of fighters near a few bedrolls. The Gambolpuddy is located beneath one of the pillows. Once you find it, return to the statue to activate the shrine and complete the pilgrimage. Reward: You will receive a mixed blessing (Sheogorath is the Deadric god of Madness after all) which will randomly Fortify or Decrease Intelligence, Willpower, Luck, and Personality. __________________________________ 7.2: MOUNT ASSARNIBIBI PILGRIMAGE __________________________________ You must have reached the rank of Master in order to receive this pilgrimage. Tholer will send you on one last pilgrimage to Mount Assarnibibi. Simply head on out to Molag Mar, and follow the signs up to the shrine. The shrine is surrounded by five great standing stones, just walk right up to it and activate the shrine. Reward: You will receive the Ebony Mail one of Morrowind’s Legendary Treasures. Tholer will now promote you to the final rank, Patriarch of the Temple. Also, if you want to receive the Temple Treasures that you recovered in previous quests, simply return to the quest giver and they will hand it over to you the treasure that you want. Congratulations on finishing possibly the hardest faction that Morrowind has to offer. ___________________________________ SECTION 8: OPTIONAL DAEDRIC QUESTS ___________________________________ The Rumors you may have heard are true, during various quests through out the game you will come across old Daedric Shrines. In some of these Shrines, if you point at the statue and hit the action button, you can partake in an optional Daedric Quest. These quests are not directly related to the Temple, but they are in a sense apart of the Tribunal’s religion. There are a total of 7 Daedric Quests, and by completing them you will receive one of the Legendary Treasures, which are detailed in Yagrum Bagarn’s book found in the Corprusarium. __________________________________ 8.1: THE SHRINE OF MEHRUNES DAGON __________________________________ Mehrunes Dagon is one of the bad Daedric Lords. His main shrine is called Yasammidan, which can be found just west of the Dwemer ruin Arkngthunch-Sturdumz. Start out from Khuul and head along the shoreline heading West. Go pass Ald Velothi, and past the Dwemer ruin, and you should come across Yasammidan. Mehrunes’ statue can be found at the bottom of the shrine. Hit your action button on the statue itself and you will hear Mehrunes speak to you. He will ask you, “if you wish to prove yourself to him you”. Say yes and he will give you the quest. Make sure after he has given you the quest to cast a Mark Spell to make life easier for yourself. Mehrunes sends you to the Alas Ancestral Tomb, to recover a Legendary Treasure. Alas Tomb is located in the Molag Amur mountain region. Start out from Malog Mar and follow the road and signs up to Mount Assarnibibi. Take the West path at Mount Assarnibibi until you come to a cross section. Take the West path and head directly South. The dagger you are looking for is on the skeletal remains of Varner Hleras within the Alas Tomb. The game attempts to throw a curve ball at you, because the dagger you find is a Rusted Dagger, but that is the one you want. Cast a Recall spell to return the Mehrunes’ shrine, and activate his statue again. He will pleased with your work and will change the Rusted Dagger into Mehrunes’ Razor. Reward: You will receive Mehrunes’ Razor. _____________________________ 8.2: THE SHRINE OF BOETHIAH _____________________________ Boethiah’s shrine is one of the most obscure locations to find in Morrowind since it’s a sunken shrine. The easiest way to find it is to look at the map that came with the game. It’s marked with an “X” and it’s the only “X” spot that is surrounded by small rocks on the map. Start out from Hla Oad and head West till you seen the sunken shrine. Once you have found the shrine, seek Boethiah’s statue. In order to receive the quest you must talk to the head of the statue, which can be found on the floor near his body. Boethiah is upset that his followers allowed his shrine to become lost and forgotten, and he needs your help to rebuild his shrine. Boethiah sends you to Caldera to find a sculptor. The sculptor can be found inside of Ghoark Manor. Speak with Duma gro-Lag who can be found at the very top of the Manor near a huge rock. He will agree to rebuild the shrine, but he needs a statue book to help him make the image. Head on over to Jobasha’s Rare Books in Vivec’s Foreign Quarter, and Jobasha will suggest the book that fits your needs. Buy the book and return to Ghoark Manor. Speak with Duma gro-Lag once again, and he will take the book, and 2000 gold. He tells you he will build the shrine on Khartag Point, a famous place in Orc legends. It will take him 3 weeks Morrowind time in order to finish building the shrine, and unlike stronghold’s you will not get an updated journal entry to let you know when it’s complete. After 3 weeks head over to Khartag Point, which can found North of Gnaar Mok along the coastline and activate Boethiah’s statue. Boethiah is pleased with your work and will give you a legendary sword. Reward: You will receive the Goldbrand sword. __________________________ 8.3: THE SHRINE OF AZURA __________________________ Azura is one of the good Daedric Lords. Her shrine can be found in the Azura Coastal region. If you have the map that Morrowind came with then you can easily find it. However, the easiest way to get there is to head out from Holamayan if you have opened it up from the Main Quest, and head directly South until you see Azura’a large statue. If you have not been to Holamayan yet, then make a starting point at Malog Mar and head East all the way till the main coastline. Then head South and you should see Azura’s statue. Once there head inside the shrine itself and activate the statue within to receive the quest. Then cast a Mark spell to make life easier for you, because she sends you all the way to Sheogorath’s Isles region. In order to find the island Azura wants you to find, head on over to Dagon Fel, it’s the first island that is actually West and slightly North of the Dagon Fel. Once there kill every single one of the minions that Sheogorath has sent. Whatever you do, do NOT enter the shack and talk to Rayna Drolan, because if you do you will fail the quest. Eventually you will come across a Golden Saint named Staada. After you have defeated her, search her remains to find Sheogorath’s Signet Ring. Once all the enemies are dead, cast a Recall spell and give the ring to Azura to complete the quest. Reward: You will receive Azura’s Star, which is a reusable Soul Gem. _____________________________ 8.4: THE SHRINE OF MEPHALA _____________________________ Mephala is the Dark Mother of the night, who is often demonized by Imperials, and foreigners. Her shrine is actually an altar similar to an Imperial Cult altar, which can found within the Morag Tong assassin guild in Vivec. You can find the Morag Tong headquarters inside of the Arena canton in Vivec. Head to the Waistworks area, and head down the stairs to the Canalworks level. Then look for a door leading to a storage area, and then try to find a trap door that is locked. Open the door to reveal a Hidden Arena Area, where the Morag Tong keeps their main guild. Once inside, seek Taros Dral who is generally near Mephala’s altar. Speak to him about “Sensitive Matters”, and he will give you the quest. Cast a Mark spell before you leave. Toras gives you 5 Treated Bittergreen Petals, and sends you off to Balmora to poison Balyn Omarel. Head on over to his house, which is located on the South Wall, and should be on the in-game local map, and use either the front door or the trap door above the house to get inside. Make sure no one sees you entering the house. Now look for a cooking pot against the West wall and click your action button right on it, which should allow you to place the poison inside. Now cast Recall, and speak with Toras, and he tell you that Mephala wishes to speak to you. Head over to the altar and hit your action button to activate it to complete the quest. Reward: You will receive the Ring of Khajiit. ____________________________ 8.5: THE SHRINE OF MALACATH ____________________________ Malacath’s shrine Assurdirapal is just West of Sanctus Shrine. Start out from Dagon Fel, and head West until you reach the coastline. The first island West is where Sanctus Shrine is, and directly West is Assurdirapal. Go inside and activate Malacath’s statue to receive the quest. Cast a Mark spell. Malacath wants you to track down Oreyn Bearclaw’s descendant and then kill him. He tells you to start out in the man god’s city. Head on over to Vivec and speak with people about Oreyn. They will tell you his descendant is named Farvyn Oreyn, and that he is a great hero. Ask about Farvyn, and they will tell you he is in Gnaar Mok. Head over to Gnaar Mok, and speak with people about Farvyn. They will tell you that he is taking care of a netch problem just South of town. Head South of Gnaar Mok and you should come across two dead netches, and three fighters. Simply walk up to Farvyn and tell him you are taking care of Malacath’s work, which causes him to attack you. You will have to kill all three fighters. Once the dirty deed is done, cast a Recall spell and activate the statue to complete the quest. Reward: You will receive the Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw. _______________________________ 8.6: THE SHRINE OF MOLAG BAL _______________________________ Molag Bal’s shrine Yansirramus, is located just two islands West of Tel Aruhn. Just head on down to the bottom of the shrine, and activate the statue to receive the quest. Molag will give you a key to Kora-Dur, where he wants you to hunt down and kill a Daedroth named Menta Na. Make sure to cast a Mark spell before you leave. Kora-Dur is kinda of tricky to find. It’s in between the Dumner stronghold Kogoruhn, and the Dwemer ruin of Bthuand. There is no easy way to get there, so which starting point you choose is up to you. I can start you off from Dagon Fel. Head in a South Wset direction till you reach Sanctus Shrine. Then keep heading South across the sea, and keep going till you see either Kogoruhn, or Bthuand. From there, center yourself between the two ruins and head South slightly up the hill till you reach Kora-Dur. Once inside Kora-Dur it’s a simple manner of seeking out the lazy Daedroth and killing him. Once the deed is done, cast a Recall spell and activate the statue to complete the quest. Reward: You will receive the Mace of Molag Bal. ______________________________ 8.7: THE SHRINE OF SHEOGORATH ______________________________ I saved the hardest Daedric quest for last. Sheograth’s shrine Ihinipalit is the sewers of the St Delyn canton in Vivec. Just head on inside and activate the statue to receive the quest, and you will soon find out how Sheograth lives up to his name as the god of madness. Cast a Mark spell before you leave. Sheograth wants you to find the mad hermit to get a Fork of Horripilation, and use it to kill a giant bull netch. Head on over to Dagon Fel, and ask about the mad hermit. They will tell you his name is Big Head and that he lives North of Ald Redaynia. Big Head’s island is actually the Western most Northern island in Morrowind. Go North West of Dagon Fel till you reach the island that Azura sent you. Keep going West to a short but skinny island, and you should see the giant bull netch. Keep going West until you reach Big Head’s island, and look for his shack. Once inside you will see a bunch of enchanted spears, but the Fork of Horripilation is literally a dinner fork. Speak with Big Head about the fork, and he tells you to go ahead and take it. Grab the fork off his dinner table and exit the shack. Now head back East to the skinny island and find the giant bull netch. Then save your game. The trick here is to actually kill the netch with the fork. If you kill it without the fork you will fail the quest. Go ahead and kill the netch outright and count how many hits it took to kill it. Now reload your saved game and attack it minus one hit it takes to kill it. Now equip the fork and finish the kill. Another trick is to simply wait till the last second when the netch starts falling, and quickly equip the fork and take a swing at it, and you will still get credit for killing the netch with the fork. Once you have killed the netch with the Fork of Horripilation, cast a Recall spell and activate Sheograth’s statue to complete the quest. Reward: You will receive the Spear of Bitter Mercy. __________________________ 8.8: THE DAEDRIC CRESCENT __________________________ The Daedric Crescent is not really a quest that anyone gives you, but you do get to fight a dual with a Daedric Lord, and the reward is well worth the effort (it’s the most unique long sword in the game, and it should appeal to Star Trek fans, hint think Klingon). Head on over to Tel Fyr, and speak with either Divayth Fyr or one of his daughters about “plunging the dungeon”. There is number of Dwemer locked treasure chests with a lock rating of 100. If you want to do it the hard way, simply take the Divayth’s 637th key right off the desk behind Divayth. Don’t worry about stealth or being seen, because he has already invited you to steal it and doesn’t care, in fact you can take anything you want in his chambers (except for the gold on the table behind him). The key will only unlock one of the chests in the Corprusarium, or within the Tel Fyr tower, with each chest you unlock you will be given a new key. The last chest to open is right in front of Yagrum Bagarn. The item you are looking for is called the Daedric Sanctuary Amulet, which is in a small chest to the left of Divayth Fyr. Now the easy way is to just Walk right up to the chest to the left of Divayth Fyr, and open it by means of a lock-pick, or magic spell/scroll that can open lvl100 locks and grab the item. Once you get the Daedric Santuary Amulet save your game. Then open up your inventory screen and click on the amulet. It will ask if you wish to be transported to Magas Volar. Accept and be prepared to be attack by Lord Dregas Volar. If you defeat him you will get a message that the Daedric Crescent is now yours to keep and you will teleported back to Divayth Fyr’s chambers.You can also place a mark spell as soon as you get to Magus Volar, and recall back to Magus Volar and search Dregas Volar to score a second Daedric Cresent. Reward: You will receive the Daedric Crescent. ______________________ SECTION 9: AFTER WORD ______________________ This FAQ is for private use only. If you quote or reproduce it in any form, please at least provide a link and give credit to where credit is due. CONTACT: You can email me a if you need advanced help on this FAQ only. You can also find me at 2 message boards. The main board I post at is at I post there under the handle of Korr. You can also find me here on GameFAQs own forums where I post under the handle of Korranator.