____ _ _ _ ____ _ _ / ___| _ __ | (_)_ __ | |_ ___ _ __ / ___|___| | | \___ \| '_ \| | | '_ \| __/ _ \ '__| | | / _ \ | | ___) | |_) | | | | | | || __/ | | |__| __/ | | |____/| .__/|_|_|_| |_|\__\___|_| \____\___|_|_| |_| ____ _ _____ _ / ___| |__ __ _ ___ ___ |_ _| |__ ___ ___ _ __ _ _ | | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __| | | | '_ \ / _ \/ _ \| '__| | | | | |___| | | | (_| | (_) \__ \ | | | | | | __/ (_) | | | |_| | \____|_| |_|\___,|\___/|___/ |_| |_| |_|\___|\___/|_| \__, | |___/ FAQ/Walkthrough Author: Swwatter E-Mail: swwatter@mail.com Platform: SonyPlaystation2 (PS2) Game: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Version: 0.1a If you wish to E-Mail me about anything regarding the game, or regarding this WALKTHROUGH/FAQ, feel free to E-Mail me at: Swwatter@mail.com with the Title: SC:CT otherwise I will just delete them on the spot. You have been warned. If you find this WALKTHROUGH/FAQ on ANY website(s) other than: http://www.GameFAQs.com Please E-mail me. Cheers. +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|0 - TABLE OF CONTENTS|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ If you want to find a certain section of this FAQ/WALKTHROUGH, press CTRL + F and type in the keyword that you're trying to find, or one of the numbers of the TABLE OF CONTENTS so you can go to that section quickly without having to scroll through the WHOLE ENTIRE FAQ/WALKTHROUGH. 0 - TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 - INTRODUCTION 2 - STORY 3 - CHARACTERS 4 - CONTROLS 5 - MINI-GAMES 5.1 - LOCK-PICKING MINI-GAME 5.2 - HACKING MINI-GAME 6 - ACTIONS AND MOVEMENTS 6.1 - BASIC MOVES 6.2 - ADVANCED MOVES 6.3 - NON-PLAYER CHARACTER-LINKED MOVES 7 - WEAPONS, ITEMS, AND GADGETS 8 - 100% COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS 9 - WALKTHROUGH 9.1 - LIGHTHOUSE 9.2 - CARGO SHIP 9.3 - BANK 9.4 - PENTHOUSE 9.5 - DISPLACE 9.6 - HOKKAIDO 9.7 - BATTERY 9.8 - SEOUL 9.9 - BATHHOUSE 9.10 - KOKUBO SOSHO 10 - NEXT VERSION PROMISES 11 - CREDITS AND LEGAL +=============================================================================+ | | | ---===|1 - INTRODUCTION|===--- | | | +=============================================================================+ This FAQ/WALKTHROUGH will give detail to the game: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. I will cover ONLY the PlayStation2 (PS2) version of the game, NOT the XBOX or the GameCube (GC) version. This FAQ/WALKTHROUGH will give you a full guide on finishing the game 100%. Also, DO NOT ask me about ANY of the Co-Op or Multiplayer parts of the game as this FAQ/WALKTHROUGH does NOT cover them. If you wish to E-Mail me about anything regarding the game, or regarding this WALKTHROUGH/FAQ, feel free to E-Mail me at: Swwatter@mail.com with the Title: SC:CT otherwise I will just delete them on the spot. You have been warned. If you find this WALKTHROUGH/FAQ on ANY website(s) other than: http://www.GameFAQs.com Please E-mail me. Cheers. +=============================================================================+ | | | ---===|2 - STORY|===--- | | | +=============================================================================+ (As from the Manual) Japan's creation of an Information Self Defence Force is deemed a violation of international law and of their own Constitution and ignites rising tensions between Japan, China, and North Korea. Facing North Korean and Chinese blockades of shipping across the Korea Strait, Japan requests US assistance in the accordance with American obligations under Article 9 of the Japanese Post War Constitution. Mounting evidence gathered by the I-SDF indicated that the devastation of the Japeanese economy on the now infamous 'Black Gold Day' may have been caused by intentional Information Warfare attacks. As nations begin to mobilies and the United States activates the USS Clarence E Walsh, the world's premier Electronic and Information Warfare platform and dispatches her to the region, Third Echelon gets wind of a small and seemingly unrelated incident that may end up having global repercussions... (As from Me) Oooooooo.. Scary things are happening! The worlds biggest nerds are being kidnapped and nobody knows where they are, what they're doing, or who has them. Except for Third Echelon of course because they just seem to know EVERYTHING in the world, eh? But the scary thing about all these kidnappings is that these nerds, well, they were behind the mystery blackouts over the world in 2003, and now there are more Blackouts in America in 2007, as well as a crash in the Chinese Market, and even an Anti-Ship Missile strike on ships! AND these guys have seemingly gone missing just before all these events started to happen. Coincidence? I think not! World War III seems to be only a few days away, and you play Sam Fisher, a deadly Splinter Cell that is his own shadow, and master of defensive arts and whatnot. In short, Sam Fisher is a Third Echelon Field Operative that kicks the living crap outta the enemy, as well as intimidates them enough to wet themselves. So go on, see if you can stop World War III from happening, otherwise, we're all gonna die... +=============================================================================+ | | | ---===|3 - CHARACTERS|===--- | | | +=============================================================================+ SAM FISHER BORN: 1957 (AGE IN-GAME: 50) HEIGHT: 5'10" WEIGHT: 170lbs Third Echelon's calpel, field operatives use the latest high technology and espionage techniques to infilrtrate sensetive locations, retrieve information, and execute operations the US government cannot acknowledge. Fisher has been on the front lines of espionage through several key decades of world history. He has not only survived but excelled in the field of espionage through hard work, insatiable curiosity, and brutal honesty. He has little time for polite niceties and even lessfor lies. He is quiet, instinctive, and observant, somebody who watches from the outside. Though fully aware of his skills, Fisher understands that his survival has often been a gift of chance. He knows he is human and fallible and does not want to die. He covers his fears with strange and slightly dark sense of humour. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- And I can't believe this guy's 50 years old! Look at him! My dad can barely hold his own weight and this guy goes around shooting people, hanging off ropes, going upside on pipes to pick up someone and bust their neck. All that! I wish this guy was MY dad. =========================================================================== COLONEL IRVING LAMBERT BORN: 1961, Batcave, South Carolina (AGE IN-GAME: 46) HEIGHT: 6'2" WEIGHT: 270lbs Lambert is the Third Echelon director of operations, answering to the Third Echelon director. He is in charge of all Third Echelon field operations. Lambert became involved in intelligence as a young man and rose quickly in rank and responsibility. He was in the Gulf for the months leading up to Desert Storm, coordinating SIGINT and running double agents. Once the war began, he was aiming lasers and arranging for television coverage of the good parts. He is a popular and well-connected man in Washington, D.C., though minimally trusted and never publicly acknowledged. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know Fisher is old, but I thought Lambert was older. Much older in fact. But it obviously seems that he wasn't older. But he is extremely serious about his work, even when Fisher tries to joke around or be sarcastic. =========================================================================== ANNA GRIMSDOTTIR BORN: 1974, Boston, Massachusetts (AGE IN-GAME: 33) HEIGHT: 5'8" WEIGHT: 128lbs Anna Grimsdottir is a civilian computer and signal intelligence technician. Her job is to provide technology and communications support to a field operative. She is calm and confident of her abilities and capable of tackling the best computer security systems in the world. Grimsdottir is a second-gerenartion American; her mother came to the US alone from Akureyri, in Northern Iceland. Grimsdottir dropped out of St. John's college in the mid-nineties and worked as a programmer in different private communications firms contracted by the US Navy. She was recruited into the NSA in the late nineties, and rose quickly in rank as the Internet became more and more important to national security. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- She's disgustingly sexy (I don't care if she's a 3D Character, she's still screwdgeable). And often flirts with Fisher. I think she likes him. He doesn't think so. And neither does she. But I know they do. Flirting always goes so far. Just wait 'till they get back together after this whole ordeal *growl growl*. =========================================================================== BORN: 1969, San Diego, California (AGE IN-GAME: 38) HEIGHT: 5'11" WEIGHT: 180lbs Fisher's new field runner is a calm, book-wormy type. He is fanatical about his planning, preparation, and data, and is meticulously accurate in every facet of his job. He is a bit of a fetishist when it comes to weapons and vehicle specifications and could list from memory every item aboard an Osprey at any time, including its weight and location. Will attended the University of Chicago where he received a BA in political science with a dual major in history. He then applied for admittance to the Marine Corps where he trained as a communications specialist and rose quickly to the rank of Captain. He left the Corps to work for the NSA as a signal intelligence analyst. He soon found that his experience as a Marine ended up getting him assigned to atypically dangerous locales - and bringing him a lot or recognition. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This guy is definitely a book-worm nerd, yet calm. I like him cause this guy knows his weapons and gadgets, and he's the one that sets you up with his own recommendations before you start a mission, or if you wish, you can choose Stealth or Assault specifications for the mission. Yup. This guy sets you up with the stuff. It's just your choice to use it. +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|4 - CONTROLS|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ Here is a list of the basic controls for the game: -- NO WEAPON EQUIPPED -- B-Pad (Button Pad) SQUARE BUTTON: EQUIP ITEM X BUTTON: INTERACT CIRCLE BUTTON: CROUCH/STAND TRIANGLE BUTTON: JUMP D-Pad (Directional Pad) UP: EMF VISION RIGHT: THERMAL VISION LEFT: NIGHT VISION DOWN: STICKY CAMERA T-Pad (Top Pad) R1: LETHAL ATTACK L1: KO ATTACK (NON-LETHAL ATTACK) R2: QUICK INVENTORY L2: WHISTLE M-Pad (Middle Pad) SELECT: OPSAT MENU START: PAUSE MENU LEFT ANALOG STICK: MOVEMENT RIGHT ANALOG SICK: CAMERA ROTATION L3 BUTTON: BACK TO WALL R3 BUTTON: EEV -- WEAPON EQUIPPED -- L1 BUTTON (SC PISTOL): OCP (DISABLE ELECTRICAL THINGS SUCH AS LIGHTS) R1 BUTTON (SC PISTOL): PRIMARY FIRE (SHOOT TO KILL) L1 BUTTON (SC-20K): SECONDARY FIRE (LAUNCHER, SNIPER, SHOTGUN ATTACHMENT) R1 BUTTON (SC-20K): PRIMARY FIRE (SHOOT TO KILL) L3 BUTTON (SC-20K): SWITCH FROM LEFT TO RIGHT CROSSHAIRS R3 BUTTON (SC-20K): SNIPER MODE R2 BUTTON (SC-20K): SWITCH ATTACHMENT (LAUNCHER, SNIPER, SHOTGUN ATTACHMENT) +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|1 - MINI-GAMES|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ In this section, I will explain how you use the Lock-Picking and Hacking Mini-Games in the game. +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|1.1 - LOCK-PICKING|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ Found a locked door that has a lock on it, but you don't have the key? Well you DO have a key, but it's just harder to use. It's called the Lock-Pick. To unlock a door, Pick Lock on the Interaction screen. Now you'll have the interface of the lock itself, and the pins. Now you have to pick the lock. Rotate the Left Analog Stick until Sam starts to jiggle one of the pins. Once he jiggles, hold the Left Analog Stick in the general direction where Sam began to jiggle. Now you jiggle slightly from left to right in the general direction where Sam began to jiggle, and Sam then jiggles a little more. If you do this for long enough, the pin will lift up, and Sam will go onto the next pin. Keep doing this until enough pins of the door are unlocked, and Sam will unlock the door for you. It's as easy as that. But I do not recommend you try unlocking a door through Lock-Picking if you're being chased by an enemy. Instead, break the lock yourself. It's quicker to get away from the enemy, however, breaking a lock is loud and guards will notice the lock is broken if he happens to walk by. +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|1.2 - HACKING|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ Oh no. You found a Computer that cannot be accessed due to the security. You found a keypad and have no idea what the code is. Or you found some damn retinal scanner, and have nobody to co-operate with you to open it yourself. So now, you have to go hack these machanisms. All right, we'll start from the top. You have a Key Pad that needs to be hacked, right? Well, go up to the Key Pad, interact with it, and choose "Hack Keypad". Now you'll get an interface popping up. On the top you have 15 - 20 possible port combinations. And one of these, yes that's right, only one of these is the right one. What you're going to have to do now is choose the right one. To do this, you're going to have to break down the possible combinations to just one, if possible. On the bottom shows four fragment squares that are scanning the ports. Every one or two seconds, a number will highlight. This is one of the numbers of the combination. And only one of these squares are highlighted by you. It is your job to move to the different highlighted squares and break down the possible combinations. To the right of the four fragment squares is the amount of times you can lock a fragment. This number ranges from 2 - 4. The harder the security system, the less times you can lock in a possible fragment. Pressing the SQUARE BUTTON will lock a fragment. The X BUTTON will choose the selected combination. The TRIANGE BUTTON will exit the hacking interface. The LEFT and RIGHT BUTTONS on the D-PAD switches between the fragment squares. And the UP and DOWN BUTTONS on the D-PAD switches between the combinations. Just above the four fragment squares is a countdown timer. See the line on the bar decreasing each second? Well if that bar reaches the left, the alarm will sound. So we're going to have to do this hacking thing quickly. Oh yes, I almost forgot. The countdown bar changes colour as the line gets closer and closer to left-hand-side. You can always quit out of the hacking interface no matter where the countdown line is, however, once the countdown bar reaches the final 1/4 of the bar, the bar starts to turn red. If you quit out of the hacking interface whilst the bar is red, the alarm system will sound. Hopefully you can choose the right combination with the remaining seconds you have IF you end up reaching the red colour on the countdown timer. Now I'm going to explain how to use the HACKING MINI-GAME to hack a keypad, computer, or retinal scanner, with visuals. Here you have 15 possible combination IP addresses: ?? <------ POSSIBLE COMBINATION ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? xx <------ COMBINATION SHUT OFF SELECTED COMBO ======> ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? +-------------+ COUNTDOWN TIMER -------------------> $| 3 <------ NUMBER OF LOCKS LEFT +-------------+ xxx|xx|xx|xx <------ FRAGMENT SQUARE(s) (FS) * __ ## <------ LOCKED FRAGMENT ^ ^ | | | | | \-------- HIGHLIGHTED NUMBER FRAGMENT (HNF) HIGHLIGHTED FRAGMENT SQUARE (HFS) Now the COUNTDOWN TIMER has started, some random numbers are popping up in the FS. When a number in the FS is highlighted, switch the HFS to the HNF and press the SQUARE BUTTON. **NOTE** That you have only one second to choose the HNF. So make sure you have the HNF highlighted before you press the SQUARE BUTTON. If you press the SQUARE BUTTON when you have highlighted the HNF, the possible combinations will break down and the NUMBER OF LOCKS LEFT will reduce by one. However, if you press the SQUARE BUTTON when you have a number highlighted, however, the number fragment is not highlighted, the NUMBER OF LOCKS LEFT will reduce by one, yet the combination possibilities remain the same. So make sure you have your HNF highlighted before you press the SQUARE BUTTON to lock a fragment! Now lets get down to locking down the possible fragments, and reducing the number of combinations to one. STAGE 1: **NOTE** There are only "3" NUMBER OF LOCKS LEFT. ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ======> ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? +-------------+ | $ | 3 +-------------+ 194|22|72|33 __ * Now since HFN is 33, and I have highlighted the box, I will press the SQUARE BUTTON in time, I have locked the number fragment 33 in its place, and many of my possible combinations have been reduced. STAGE 2: **NOTE** That there are only "2" NUMBER OF LOCKS LEFT. ?? xx xx xx ======> ?? ?? xx xx xx ?? ?? ?? xx xx ?? +-------------+ | $ | 2 +-------------+ 193|45|55|33 ___ __ ## * Now that I've locked 33, time to wait a little for the next fragment number to be highlighted. Turns out 45 AND 193 get highlighted, and I quickly change the HFS to 45 and press the SQUARE BUTTON. However, I am too slow to lock the 193 FRAGMENT NUMBER, so I'm going to have to wait for the next opportunity. **NOTE** That there are only "2" NUMBER OF LOCKS LEFT. STAGE 3: **NOTE** That there is only "1" NUMBER OF LOCKS LEFT. ?? xx xx xx ======> ?? xx xx xx xx xx xx ?? xx xx xx +-------------+ | $ | 1 +-------------+ 191|45|69|33 ## __ ## * Two fragments locked, and I have only one more NUMBER OF LOCKS LEFT. I wait a fair while and the number 69 is highlighted. I highlight the number 69 and press the SQUARE BUTTON and lock the fragment. STAGE 4: **NOTE** That there are no more NUMBER OF LOCKS LEFT. ======> ?? xx xx xx ?? xx xx xx xx ?? xx ?? xx xx xx +-------------+ | $ | 0 +-------------+ 193|45|69|33 ___ ## ## ## * CRAP! I still have 3 possible combinations, no more NUMBER OF LOCKS LEFT, I have only a few seconds left on the COUNTDOWN TIMER, and it looks like that I am going to sound an alarm! Luckily for me, the final number gets highlighted and it's a 193. I quickly change the SELECTED COMBO from to and press the X BUTTON. The combination is correct, and the door is now open. Phew! Yes I know I made it look hard, but it really isn't all that hard at all! I have mastered the HACKING MINI-GAME in no time at all. For those who still find it hard, here are a few tips that can help: -- Lock down as many fragments as fast as possible -- DO NOT lock down a fragment that isn't highlighted or you will waste a lock -- Sometimes the number of possible combinations will go down to 1 in 2 or 3 locks -- DO NOT RANDOM GUESS!!! The possibility of guessing wrong is 14/15 in this case. So MAKE SURE you lock down and many possibilities as possible before you go on and choose a combination. -- If you run out of NUMBER OF LOCKS LEFT, QUIT.. Unless of course the COUNTDOWN TIMER is down to the last 1/4, you'll have to figure out the combination yourself -- Don't be afraid to quit and start over -- If you quit, the possible combination will change itself when you try to hack again +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|6 - ACTIONS AND MOVEMENTS|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ In the game, Sam does some pretty nifty things to get through the life of a Field Operative. You should use ALL of these moves throughout the game as it helps to survive. Keep in mind all the moves that Sam can do. +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|6.1 - BASIC MOVES|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ CROUCHING - Press the CIRCLE BUTTON to CROUCH. Your movement does get slower, but you're more quieter and less visible whilst crouched. MANTLING - Press the TRIANGLE BUTTON and push foward into low objects such as cratesn tables, beds etc. and you will crawl, or "mantle" onto them. CLIMBING - Climbing a pipe, ladder, virtical cable, or fence is a piece of cake. Just walk into it. Press the CIRCLE BUTTON to jump off. CLOSE ATTACK - You got spotted from trying to grab someone from behind, now they got their guns pointing at you, yet you're really very close. So close-combat is faster and more efficient instead of taking out your weapon, pointing, and firing. To CLOSE ATTACK on someone, make your way very close to the enemy and press the R1 BUTTON to use your knife to kill them, or press the L1 BUTTON to knock 'em out. BACK TO WALL - Whilst CROUCHING or STANDING, and near a wall, press the L3 BUTTON and you will put your back to the wall. You are less visible when you have your back to the wall. SHIMMYING - Reminds me of Tomb Raider. Anyway, press the TRIANGLE BUTTON to jump and hold onto a a ledge. Move the LEFT ANALOG STICK left to shimmy left, and right to shimmy right. Press the TRIANGLE BUTTON again to climb up if there is room. And press the CIRCLE BUTTON to drop off the ledge. HAND-OVER-HAND - Press the TRIANGLE BUTTON to jump and hold onto a horizontal pipe. To bring Sam's legs up to clear obstacles, press the TRIANGLE BUTTON again. Press the CIRCLE BUTTON to let go. INVERTED NECK SNAP - My favourite move. When you're holding onto a horizontal pipe with your legs up, move to a position above an NPC. Once the interaction window appears, press the R1 BUTTON for a LETHAL ATTACK, or the X BUTTON or L1 BUTTON for a NON-LETHAL ATTACK. WATER KILL - This is really cool and new to the SPLINTER CELL series. When you're in water, get close to an NPC. When the interaction window appears, press the X BUTTON, and you will grab your enemy into the water, and drown them to death. Pretty cool, huh? ZIP LINE - Press the TRIANGLE BUTTON to grab hold of a sloped wire or zip line. You will slide down automatically. Press the TRIANGLE BUTTON to raise your legs, and the CIRLCE BUTTON to let go. +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|6.2 - ADVANCED MOVEMENTS|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ ROLLING - Whilst running, either crouching or standing up, press the CIRCLE BUTTON and you will do a roll. When standing up and rolling, you will end up in the crouching position. Same goes for when you are crouching, you will role, and end up crouching again. SPLIT JUMP - This is really cool. When you're in a corridor that isn't too wide and pretty high, face the wall, press the TRIANGLE BUTTON to jump, press the TRIANGLE BUTTON again to push off the wall and you will do a SPLIT JUMP. HALF SPLIT JUMP - Same thing as SPLIT JUMP but used when you're in a smaller corridor. DROP ATTACK - If you can some how get above an enemy and drop down on them, you will knock the enemy out. RAPPELLING - To rappel, stand near the hook point indicated by the interaction window and press the X BUTTON. Sam will hook a rope onto the hook point, hook the rope onto his waist, and will slowly lower himself down. Same can move both up and down the rope. Press the TRIANGLE BUTTON to kick off the wall. Press the TRIANGLE BUTTON and hold down on the LEFT ANALOG STICK to jump off the wall and quickly go down like you see on the movies. RAPPEL SHOOTING - When RAPPELLING, you can take out your pistol or the SC-20K, and shoot people you can see around the place. Grenades and other throwable objects cannot be used. HANGING SHOOTING - When hanging from a vertical pipe and when your legs are not tucked, press the SQUARE BUTTON to take out your pistol. You will hang off with one hand, and point around with the other. SWITCH SHOULDER - This is more useful than you think. When equipped with your pistol or SC-20K, press the L3 BUTTON and you will change the arm you use to aim the weapon, as well as change the trigger hand. That way if you wanna look around the corner to the right, press the L3 BUTTON, and you will have a better view around the corner with your weapon equipped, and have a lesser chance of being discovered when you go peeking. BASH DOOR - This is SOOOO cool! Remember how in the first two Splinter Cells you'd put the optical camera under the door and see some guy with his back towards you just standing there, and you had to open the door quietly then grab him to knock him out? Well now there's a better way to do it. In the interaction screen, you can choose to bash open the door in the interaction screen. This will make some noise, but if a guy is on the otherside, KA-BLAMYs! And KO. **NOTE** Remember how in the first two Splinter Cells you could push the door closed if enemies were trying to get into the same room you were in? Well now that has all changed. Instead of the stupid enemy going "Oh well" and walking away, if you push the door closed again too much, the enemy will ALSO bash the door open. If you're close enough, you will also go KA-BLAMYs! And KO. BREAK LOCK - Aaaaah yes. This is real good to have. Instead of having to pick every locked door, you can down bust it open. However, this IS noisy, and guards will wonder what the hell happened if they hear the noise, then see that the lock is busted. +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|6.3 - NON-PLAYER CHARACTER-LINKED MOVES|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ MOVE BODY - If you don't want the dead and/or unconscious bodies to be discovered, you're gonna have to move 'em into dark areas where nobody will look. When you get to a downed enemy, press the X BUTTON in the body interaction screen to pick up the body. You CAN move around whilst you're holding someone. Press the X BUTTON to put the enemy down quietly, or the TRIANGLE button to chuck 'em down. If you're discovered carrying a body and need to start shooting the hell outta people, tap the R2 BUTTON. This will make you drop the body and pull out your guns as fast as you possibly can. GRABBING - To grab the enemy, sneak up behind them. When the interaction screen comes up, press the X BUTTON to grab the character. You can still move around with the enemy whilst you're grabbing them. HUMAN SHIELD - Oh yeah, this is pretty good while they last. If you need to use your pistol for anything, press the SQUARE BUTTON. Enemies don't care about who you've got, they'll still fire on you. So kill them before they kill your human shield, then kill you after that. You can also move around when you have your pistol drawn, holding onto someone. INTERROGATION - Some enemies can be interrogated to get useful information. To do so, grab the enemy, and press the X BUTTON on the interaction screen to interrogate character. Try to interrogate as many opponents as possible. FORCE CO-OPERATION - Some object cannot be used by you, such as the Retinal Scanner. When you need a door to be unlocked by a Retinal Scanner, and you don't want to hack it, get a nearby enemy and drag them towards it. Press the X BUTTON when near the Retinal Scanner, and you will put your gun to the enemies' head, and they will open up the door. +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|7 - WEAPONS, ITEMS, AND GADGETS|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ There are some pretty cool things you can use in the game. SC-20K RIFLE - It's your main weapon, and it can be equipped with one of four attachments. SC-20K AMMUNITION - You use standard NATO 5.56 x 45mm rounds. Each magazine contains 30 bullets. SC-20K ATTACHMENTS - The rifle can be equipped with four different types of attachments. Each attachment is used for a specific purpose. And the attachments will be unlocked as you go through the game. To attach a certain attachment, tap the R2 BUTTON and you will change the attachment. 1. FORE-GRIP ATTACHMENT - This attachment gives you a helluva lot more accuracy when shooting. 2. LAUNCHER ATTACHMENT - This attachments lets you launch different devices. Each device has its own characteristics. The launcher attachment lets you shoot four different types of projectiles: > STICKY SHOCKER - Ths STICKY SHOCKER releases electrical surge when it hits the target, rendering the target unconscious. It's also really cool when some enemy is in the water and you shoot one of these into the water, they will get electricuted. Make sure you're not in the water when you do this! To shoot a STICKY SHOCKER, equip it in your launcher and press the L1 BUTTON. >> STICKY CAMERA - Used for surveillance operations. Once the camera is launched you will automatically switch to the camera's perspective. You can control the point of view at which the camera is, AND the camera has zoom capabilities, thermal, AND night vision lenses. You can trigger the camera to make noise by pressing the L2 BUTTON. When an enemy or enemies are around the STICKY CAMERA, press the R1 BUTTON to release poisonous gas from the camera. This will render the enemy or enemies unconscious, and the camera will destroy itself. >>> GAS GRENADE - The gas grenade produces harmful hydrochloric fumes that will KO anyone in its radius who is not wearing protective gear. So don't try KO someone with the GAS GRENADE who is wearing a mask cause that's just stupid. >>>> RING AIRFOIL - This is pretty cool. I never use it, but when I'm mucking around, the RING AIRFOIL is my best friend. Shoot the RING AIRFOIL at an enemy's head. They'll be KO'd instantly. 3. SNIPER ATTACHMENT - This attachment lets you use your sniper view with better accuracy, and shoot with a helluva lot of power. You can hit targets from long distances. But it makes a lot of noise, so handle it with care. Press L1 to shoot a sniper round. You can still shoot your primary fire using the R1 button. 4. SHOTGUN ATTACHMENT - Yeah man, this is what I'm talking about. High power, close-quarter, shoot-em-up SHOTGUN ATTACHMENT. Shoot someone at close distance and watch them FLY! Press L1 to shoot a shotgun round. You can still shoot your primary fire using the R1 button. 5 - 7 PISTOL - Yeah. The pistol It's cool. With a 20-round magazine, no flash and low noise, who wouldn't be happy to have this thing on their belt? OCP (Optically Channelled Potentiator) - Long name. That's why it's abbreviated. You know what it does? Well, it disables exposed light sources (meaning lights that aren't covered up by coverings or mesh), disables computers, AND cameras! Only temporarily, however. But it's an awesome tool. Just point the crosshair at what you want to disable, and press the L1 button to watch it fry. But you can't use it over and over again. Once used, you gotta wait for it to charge up to use it again. EEV (Electronically Enhanced Vision) - Another long name. These things are so cool. You can scan objects from a distance. You can zoom in to see what the enemy is doing. If you want to listen in on a conversation, the EEV has a laser microphone (just like on the first Splinter Cell) planted within the EEV so it enhances conversations. You can toggle Thermal, Night, and EMF vision modes as you normally would. You can even hack computers, keypads, and retinal scanners via wireless link! However, it's slightly harder to hack. Now isn't this a great present to buy your children for Christmas? EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency) - I think Third Echelon has something with long names. Anyway, this is a new thing in the Splinter Cell series. When you go into this vision (by pressing the UP button on the D-PAD), everything will turn blue. And the things that can be disabled using the OCD is displayed. It's pretty cool, and very useful. NVG (Night Vision Goggles) - Just like in the first two Splinter Cells, the NVG lights up darker areas, but goes REALLY bright when you put the NVGs on in lighted up areas. TVG (Thermal Vision Goggles) - Just like the first two Splinter Cells, the TVG shows hot and cold wave patterns. Useful to see who or what is behind closed doors and inside tents. WALL MINE - A motion-sensetive explosive that can be attached to almost ANY surface. To place a mine somewhere, go up to a wall and press the R1 BUTTON. To deactivate a WALL MINE, sneak up to it as slow as possible. See how the light flashes from red to green. Well on green, press the X BUTTON, and you will deactivate the WALL MINE. You can also take the WALL MINE for yourself if you wish. However, if you deactivate the WALL MINE when the light is on red, KA-BLAMYs! FRAG GRENADE - The M67 FRAG GRENADE. Anyone whose played shoot-em-up games before loves the M67 FRAG GRENADE. Throw is, and when the grenade detonates, shrapnel goes EVERYWHERE, killing anybody who is close enough to the detonation. SMOKE GRENADE - Useful if you wanna get through a room or corridor without being spotted. You wanna give the enemy 0 visibility? Well, chuck one of these at them, and walk on by. FLASH GRENADE - Kind of the same as the SMOKE GRENADE, however, it doesn't show smoke. Instead, a nice big flash happens, and everyone who was looking at the grenade is flashed. They can't hear, nor see for a small while. So use this opportunity to either kill 'em, choke 'em, or run past 'em. +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|8 - 100% COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ Wanna be better than James Bond? Well complete the following and you will be: [ ] 0 Enemies Killed [ ] 0 Detections [ ] 0 Alarms Raised [ ] 0 Times Identified As Intruder [ ] 0 Bodies Found [ ] All Objectives Completed If any of these objectives are missed, skipped, or done wrong, you will not reach the 100% completion even if you meet the other requirements. Cancellation of objectives during missions does not have a negative impact on your 100% completion score. Knocked out enemies and civilians does not have a negative impact on your 100% completion score. Killing an enemy an objective specifically tells you to kill does not have a negative impact on your 100% completion score. By All Objectives Completed I mean EVERY SINGLE OBJECTIVE. Primary, Secondary, AND Optional. If you do not complete all objectives, you will not get your 100% completion score. +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|9 - WALKTHROUGH|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ Yes I know. You probably just skipped everything else and came straight here. It's okay, I understand. But this is where the hard part comes in. I played this game through all three levels, all three times, starting off with HARD, then EXPERT, then NORMAL. NORMAL was of course pretty damn easy. But the levels DO NOT change no matter WHAT difficulty level it is. Just note that I will be assuming throughout this whole entire section that you know the controls, so I'm not gonna be saying things like "To grab this character, press the X BUTTON whilst in the Interaction Screen, and press the X BUTTON to Interrogate them". This WALKTHROUGH will show you how to complete the game for the PS2 version of the game. XBOX is TOTALLY different to PS2, so if you're trying to find something for XBOX, consult the XBOX WALKTHROUGH/FAQ. If you follow the non- lethal ways in the game, this WALKTHROUGH shows how you can finish the game 100% as well. So without further ado... +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|9.1 - LIGHTHOUSE|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] RESCUE MORGENHOLT [ ] RECOVER OR DESTROY INFORMATION ABOUT THE MASSE KERNELS [ ] DISCOVER WHERE THE GUERILLAS GOT THEIR ARMS AND EQUIPMENT [ ] EXFILTRATE TO THE PRIMARY EXTRACTION POINT SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] ELIMINATE HUGO LACERDA OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES: [ ] SCAN THE SSCC BAR CODE OF THE DELIVERED CRATES BONUS OBJECTIVES: [ ] DISABLE THE ENEMY'S COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ___________________________________________________________________________ AREA - THE DUNGEONS You have been inserted on a beach. You have your boat sitting there. And yeah. Anyway. It's dark, so get your NVGs on and walk through the small pool of water up ahead. You'll see some rocks that are amazingly cube-like Climb your way up and go into the cave. Whilst making your way through the cave you will hear gunshots. Lambert is concerned and asks if everything is okay. Yeah, everything's okay. But the gunshots are coming for a furthur up. And they're not AK-47s either. They're some other kinds of weapons. So now you have a new PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: -- DISCOVER WHERE THE GUERILLAS GO THEIR ARMS AND EQUIPMENT Crawl through the space and climb your way up. You'll come to an opening of the cave and a bridge. If you go straight ahead, you'll fall down the crevace. So watch yourself in here. You'll hear two guards talking about how smugglers used these caves to smuggle things in and out of the island. One guard is concerned and scared that it might be dangerous to go searching, the other guard, being all tough and marcho, says it's all good. One guard crosses the bridge. Make sure you hide either back in the hole from whence you came, or in the pool of water not too far away from the bridge. The best way to go through here is without killing anybody. So wait for one of the guards to cross the bridge and make his way towards the crevace and almost falling. The other scared guard is too chicken so he announces that he's going to "head back". As the confident guard is enjoying the cravace, walk behind the guard, grab him, and interrogate him. He makes a reference about Metal Gear Solid 3 which is pretty funny. Well I thought it was funny. Anyway, once done, knock him out and cross the bridge. You'll find yourself a hallway. Make your way through it. Once you reach the end you'll find the scared guard watching another guard shoot it out against a wall. Slowly, sneak up to the guard shooting when he has his back turned and grab him. Hear that motor noise? Well it's loud enough so you can grab the guard doing the shooting, and the scared guard will not even notice you kidnapping his best friend. Interrogate the guard to complete the PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: -- DISCOVER WHERE THE GUERILLAS GOT THEIR ARMS AND EQUIPMENT Whilst doing all this, Lambert gave you your first OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVE: -- SCAN THE SSCC BAR CODE OF THE DELIVERED CRATES CRATE #1 in the room where you got the OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVE. It's the camoflaged crate, different from the rest, on the left wall if you're looking at where the guard was shooting. Use the EEV to scan the crate. Continue down the hallway. When you reach the turn point, CRATE #2 is sitting on top of another crate. Scan it, and pick the lock to the door. You'll enter the TORTURE ROOM where you hear poor Dr. Morgenholt being tortured to death. Don't try to kill the guys before they torture him to death. No matter how fast you try to kill these guys, Morgenholt always ends up dead. So the best thing to do is go down the ramp when you enter the TORTURE ROOM and hide behind that big metal crate. Listen to the conversation and the final screams of Morgenholt, and patiently wait for one of the guards to "take a walk" towards you. Once the guard makes his way up the ramp, go into the room where Morgenholt's hanging, dead, rotten body is. The PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: -- RESCUE MORGENHOLT Is cancelled. Make your way around the bathtub and grab the guard that was torturing Morgenholt. If you want revenge, kill him. If you want to finish the level 100%, just knock him out and hide the body in a dark area. If you wanna hear Lambert and Fisher get into an argument, free Morgenholt. Then if you wanna hear some more arguing between Lambert and Fisher, shoot Morgenholt AFTER you've freed him. Anyway, once you're in this room, make your way past that big light and into the next area. CHECKPOINT ___________________________________________________________________________ AREA - THE FORTRESS You find yourself a tent. See it? Well if you want, slice the fabric on the back of the tent, sneak up behind that civilian, and interrogate him. However, there's really no point as he gives you no information. So just skip this if you wish and go past the tent. Open the brightly lit doorway. If you don't want to get discovered, use the OCP on the light, and open the not-so-brightly lit doorway. In here is a room full of crates. You can knock out the guard patrolling the room, or just make your way out. Either way it doesn't matter. Just don't get spotted When outside, to your right, you'll see a tent. In the tent is Crate #3. Yes, that's right. Crate #3. Scan it with your EEV. Now you have ways in which you can go. #1 - See that big spotlight on the side of the tent? Well when you pass it you will get to crawlspace. Make your way through that crawlspace, as well as two others, and you'll reach a hallway with stairs. #2 - Head past the tent, forget the crawlspace, and make your way to the gate that's closeby. You'll find yourself up against two more guards, but in the end, you'll get to the same hallway with the stairs. I recommend #1, but it's your choice. Anyway, once you get up the stairs, open the door. You'll see a man laying down in bed, and another man sitting by the fire in a chair. Next to the guy in the chair is a small table that has bullets for your SC-20K. If you want them, you'll have to grab the guy in the chair and knock him out. But you really do not need to do this, so just sneak past these two. Make your way past this long hallway to the stairs. Go up the stairs. You'll see a man doing stuff on a computer. Grab him, interrogate him, knock him out, and use the computer. The PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: -- RECOVER OR DESTROY INFORMATION ABOUT THE MASSE KERNELS Now you have a new PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: -- EXFILTRATE TO THE PRIMARY EXTRACTION POINT Is done. Turn around and you'll see Crate #4. Scan it, and make your way through the door in the room and open up the trap door which leads to the next area. CHECKPOINT ___________________________________________________________________________ AREA - THE LIGHTHOUSE Now you'll see two guards having a conversation between themselves. In front of you is Crate #5. Scan it, and make your way LEFT of the large amount of crates in front of you. Once scanned, you will have completed the OPTIONAL OBJECTIVE: -- SCAN THE SSCC BAR CODE OF THE DELIVERED CRATES Only if you have scanned the other four crates. If you want to complete the level 100%, track back and find the other crates. Make your way down those stairs, down a ladder, over a broken door, which will lead to an unbroken, closed door. Open the door and you'll reach the outside, and you'll see a guard that's not facing you. Sneak up behind him and knock him out and continue on through the cave. Once you've reached the exit of the cave, you'll see the bottom of the lighthouse, a guard, and a light. Once the guard starts walking to the right, use your OCP to disable to light just in case, and follow the guard around. When you reach the door to the lighthouse, enter it. See that guard sitting there? Wait a few seconds. He'll start talking to someone over the radio. Once done, grab him, interrogate him, and knock him out. Shoot the radio and search that file cabinet in the room. Your SECONDARY OBJECTIVE will now be cancelled: -- ELIMINATE HUGO LACERDA And you will have completed your BONUS OBJECTIVE: -- DISABLE THE ENEMY'S COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Make your way up the ladder in the room. Once up, you'll see some stairs. Make your way up the stairs to a ladder. Go up the ladder. You'll reach a small locker room. Go up another ladder and you'll reach the top of the Lighthouse. Don't enter the top of the Lighthouse until the guard past the window in front of you. Once done, get up, and as quickly and as quietly as you can, turn off the light. Wait in the room with the big lights until the guard comes in to turn the light back on. When he has his back turned to you, grab him, knock him out, and complete your extraction. Woo! The Level is finished. Save your game. Watch the Cutscene. And onto the next level. +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|9.2 - CARGO SHIP|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ UNDER CONSTRUCTION..... +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|10 - NEXT VERSION PROMISES|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ In the next version (which should be posted in about a week), I promise to bring you the following: -- The next 5 levels +=========================================================================+ | | | ---===|11 - CREDITS AND LEGAL|===--- | | | +=========================================================================+ (c) Copyright 2005 Swwatter. This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright laws. Sites that have been granted the allowance of publicly showing this guide: http://www.GameFAQs.com If you find any website(s) with my WALKTHROUGH/FAQ on it other than the ones stated above, please E-Mail me. Cheers. I would just like to thanks Ubisoft(tm) for adding the best yet Splinter Cell to the series: Chaos Theory. Keep 'em comin'. I'd also like to thank myself for making this WALKTHROUGH for all to use. And thanks to all who use this WALKTHROUGH. Cheers.