Date: Thu 09 Jun 2022 01:11:54 AM BST Title: Gopher Updates Author: MeaTLoTioN ___ _ _____ __ _ / _ \ _ __ | |__ | ____|_ __ / _` | | | | '_ \| '_ \| _| | '__| | (_| | |_| | |_) | | | | |___| | \__, |\___/| .__/|_| |_|_____|_| |___/ |_| _ _ _ _ _ _____ | | | |_ __ __| | / \ | |_| ____|___ | | | | '_ \ / _` | / _ \| __| _| / __| | |_| | |_) | (_| |/ ___ \ |_| |___\__ \ \___/| .__/ \__,_/_/ \_\__|_____|___/ |_| ======================================== Well well well, it's almost a year since I have made any attempt at updating this gopherhole... shame on me. There have been a few changes in some systems, nothing that requires much attention though. The gopher service has been upgraded from pygopherd to gophernicus. This was something I've been wanting to do for a while because in pygopherd I couldn't use scripts to make dynamic gopher pages. You will notice that the top page now has dynamic date/time and even displays the local weather here too! I have written a finger server for the BBS so now users of it can have their own .plan file and share something with the world right from within the BBS. Feel free to finger me! `finger` The BBS now has a complete "nodelist" browser. Due to being a member of multiple echomail networks, the BBS gets hatched to it a number of nodelists, and each nodelist is essentially a list of BBSes and how to connect to them. Often new BBS lister doors come up, but they all require manual input for BBSes, depending on someone (usually the sysop) to maintain a decent list of BBSes that can be visited or at least have connection info to display. I thought it would be more sensible to parse the nodelist as it already has a list of every BBS in that network, and how to connect to it, and being a lazy sysop, automation is key. If you want to see the mod, log into TQW and on the main menu, just press 'B'. It is a lightbar listing using arrow keys or mouse wheel to scroll, and you can rate and connect to each BBS if a connection is listed and available. Full instructions are available too, just press '?' when you are at the main BBS list. Well that's enough blabbering for now, until the next time I get time to type out another phlog entry. Be well, thanks for reading. MeaTLoTioN