The vaccine didn't help the planet Recently, a Russian epidemiologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Igor Gundarov announced the results of his analytical calculations. They are available in Russian here: The scientist took the countries of the world, excluding from them those in which less than 1 million people live. As a result, 228 countries were included in the sample. The doctor analyzed the relationship between the percentage of vaccinated people and mortality from covid per 1 million inhabitants. It turned out that, in general, with an increase in the proportion of the vaccinated population, mortality from covid increases. First of all, the proportion of the vaccinated population and the covid mortality rate in 2021 per 1 million inhabitants are related. There is no decrease in covid mortality with an increase in the percentage of vaccinated. That is, where zero residents were vaccinated, 210 out of a million people died from covid in 2021, and where 100% - 910 people. According to statistics, the difference is 4.5 times! In many countries, where 60% of the population or more are vaccinated, there is a large increase in morbidity, followed by an increase in mortality (Israel, USA, Singapore, many European countries). In addition, in many countries, after the start of vaccination in the spring, a huge increase in the incidence began, including in those countries where there were almost no deaths from covid before vaccination began. For example, in Mongolia, Vietnam, Fiji, Malaysia, Uruguay, Sri Lanka, the Seychelles and other countries. There almost did not die from covid within a year, and began to die immediately after the start of vaccination. In 21 countries, the death rate has increased from 10 to 100 times. In most countries - several times. There are only 36 countries where mortality has decreased. And there is no connection with vaccination either. That is, there are few or many vaccinated - all the same. Thus, world statistics convincingly prove that vaccination does not lead and probably will not lead to a decrease in mortality from covid, or to a decrease in morbidity. For example, a new wave of morbidity will begin in Russia by winter, which will almost certainly be explained by a small proportion of those vaccinated. The authorities will keep silent about the fact that in countries with a large proportion of vaccinated people the same thing is happening, or even worse.