Wind turbines in Norway to be destroyed In Norway (, two large wind farms have been stripped of their licenses for endangering the Sami reindeer herders' way of life, but it is not yet clear if they will be dismantled. Reindeer herders in central Norway have called for the removal of giant windmills and restoration of the landscape, but the owners plan to obtain a new license that will not violate Sami rights. Reindeer herders argue that the sight and sound of giant wind turbines frighten grazing animals and thus endanger age-old traditions. On October 11, the Norwegian Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the construction of the Storheia and Roan wind farms violated the cultural rights of pastoralists established by international conventions and thus the operating permits were invalid. But the court did not explain what should happen next with 151 turbines and tens of kilometers of constructed roads, so the wind farms are still in operation. Lawyers representing pastoralists said their clients saw turbine dismantling as the only option. The direct and indirect owners of the wind farms are German Stadtwerke Muenchen and Swiss BKW, as well as Fosen Vind, Statkraft, TroenderEnergi, Nordic Wind Power, Energy Infrastructure Partners and Roan Vind.