Social media has made people dumb. New evidence. Regular use of social networks and the Web2 in general will lead to the final dullness of humanity. This was stated by Areg Mkrtychyan, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov. In a big interview with LentaRu ( as part of a large-scale research "Algorithm. Who controls you?" the scientist said that signs of the harmful influence of technology on a person can be observed on the example of the generation of zoomers - people born in the period from the second half of the 90s to the second half of the 2010's. Mkrtychyan explained that people who are addicted to smartphones lose their thinking skills, which in the long term leads to mental degradation. As an example, he revealed the experience of observing his students. "I have been teaching at the university for about 20 years, and not only for psychologists. I work with doctors, lawyers, technical specialists and observe the reverse dynamics from generation to generation. Modern students absolutely do not know how to work with big data of information. Especially if this information is complex. . And information must be difficult in any area because it higher education", - concluded the scientist. The reason lies in the fact that the younger generation uses ready-made solutions, Mkrtychyan believes. "Now there are even special toys that make snowballs. This is a kind of innovation, but this will start the degradation of children: even at this level, they do not develop fine motor skills. Further more: at first they do not know how to sculpt a snowball, then they do not know how to write a simple essay, and then read a large text ", - the associate professor complained. To increase the general level of intelligence and develop thinking, the expert advised to read books. Books in printed form contribute to the development of mental functions. Audiobooks are far less useful. They do not allow the development of verbal-logical thinking. The scientist's project explores the impact of IT service algorithms on a person, society, politics and global world processes. In six parts of the project, it is analyzed in detail how the content ranking system in social networks affects the real life of millions of people: it imperceptibly changes a person's attitude to love, family, friendship, society, affects the intellectual abilities of people, and causes degradation. Russian documental movie about it on YouTube: