COVID-19: "The Big Kill" and "Died Suddenly" Source: ( Emerald Robinson calls the extraordinary, horrifying rise in "sudden deaths", almost all of which appear related to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, "The Big Kill". The corporate media in America has completely dropped the COVID pandemic narrative in the second half of 2022 - it's almost as if our corrupt corporate and political elites want you to forget their two-year propaganda campaign to impose universal vaccinations, public masking, and lockdowns. Mortality statistics from the first half of 2022 have finally been released from a handful of countries- and what started as terrible anecdotal evidence a year ago has now hardened into a nightmarish data-storm. It's the same story everywhere now. Deaths are way up, and vaccine injuries are way up too. This is now happening on such a scale that it's impossible to cover it up with the usual media gaslighting tactics. There's a mix of disturbing anecdotal evidence along with singular personal tragedies in the daily news that's hard to miss. One day, you read that myocarditis has increased 100x in Canada among children - and the next day, you read that a 4 year old boy who was the public face of Argentina's national vaccination campaign has passed away. You watch yet another media personality collapse on live TV - and you think to yourself: is this the fifth or sixth time I've seen this in the last few months? As for sudden deaths, a new documentary has been released. It's an hour long, and is titled simply "Died Suddenly". I warn you now: it's harrowing material, and should not be watched at work or where young children are present. Nevertheless, I believe every adult should watch it, because it presents cold, hard reality that the mainstream media is refusing to publish. If the embedded video below doesn't work, you'll find it on Rumble ( If that doesn't wake you up to what COVID vaccine skeptics have been saying for almost two years, I don't know what will. A lot of people are becoming more aware: for example, see "Google Search Trend for 'Died Suddenly' Reaches All-Time High in Last Two Months". Even more troubling is that our national blood supply appears to have made no effort to segregate "vaccinated" blood from "unvaccinated". The Red Cross says that isn't necessary. However, looking at that video, I most certainly don't want vaccinated blood in my veins, thank you very much! The drug companies, news media and the Biden administration are stonewalling this crisis, denying it exists, pretending it doesn't exist, and refusing to address it. Nevertheless, comments on social media are giving the lie to their obfuscation. More and more people are openly stating that they knew someone (or several someones) who "died suddenly" - and the only common factor was that the deceased had received an mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination. The manufacturers of the vaccine, and the health care industry, have been legally protected against lawsuits. However, what will happen when someone who's lost a loved one decides that justice must be done, and the law be damned? What happens when he takes matters into his own hands? I've heard unverified reports that this may already have happened in isolated cases. I'm trying to find out more. However, I won't be surprised if it becomes a trend. As Abraham Maslow pointed out, "If the only tool you have is a hammer, pretty soon every problem begins to look like a nail." COVID-19 has left more than enough nails sticking up . . . and a lot of angry, hurting people have hammers.