Belarus: Covid disaster - patients waiting in queues on the street Sick people suffer in queues, long tails of queues stick out of buildings (hellish photos: Attempts to call a doctor at home by phone are unsuccessful: an automatic informant reports that the call will be processed in about half an hour. On the eve of the Ministry of Health of communist Belarus, several days reported record numbers for the incidence of COVID-19. Apparently, the phone lines of health care facilities are also overloaded. "Approximate waiting time - 27 minutes" - announces an automatic voice when trying to get through to the clinic. Some can't even get through to the answering machine. For example, the website reader Kirill, assigned to the 20th polyclinic in Minsk, was able to get through to the doctors on the 473rd attempt! "One person serves both calls and a live queue," the reader explains. "The algorithm is this: they pick up the phone - they say "wait" - they serve two or three people in a queue - then one on the phone." Two strains of Covid-19 Delta and Omicron are circulating in the country at once. The regime did not take any sanitary measures to protect people.