My opinion: a few words about modern evil called Big Tech From what I hear from people on IRC, MRC, Gopher, BBS, P2P networks, I conclude that many active citizens are tired of the lies and manipulations of Big Tech. Recently, I learned that a new search engine for Gopher:// sites (gopher:// has opened. Else one person is tired of the madness of corporations and their secret masters. Now more than 300 servers are indexed there. Unfortunately, most Gopher:// sites are on closed networks or the Onion zone. What the creator of the project did not know about. In other words, these are private servers for private use. In today's dystopia, secrecy is the price of free thought and a synonym for truth. Clearly, the HTTPs protocol is no longer a platform for freedom and democracy. This is a tool of coercion and manipulation, occupied at the level of standards by representatives of the "world behind the scenes" and the so-called "non-profit organizations." The standards of communication imposed on us were not created to improve life. It has long been obvious to everyone that this is a tool of social engineering that requires rethinking. Big Tech hasn't made people's lives better. On the contrary, it is an environment of cultural neo-Marxist totalism, based on the communist idea of the dictatorship of institutions. This system has done more harm than good to the whole world. This system has broken millions of lives and ruined countless businesses, creating hundreds of millions of unemployed. That's why all the thinking, active people are hiding in BBS, Gopher, IRC, echo conferences and so on. The man-made epidemic "Covid-19" and the "Great Reset" aim to build a digital neo-communist Gulag. Where your rights and freedoms are limited with the help of a system of total control built on the basis of the fascist humanitarian theory of the dystopia of the "big family" (a cell in a Bolshevik prison). It was the "big family" that replaced the "global village" (communist barracks). Big Tech is busy serving these "cultural Marxist" theories of collectivism. In fact, the entire "Silicon Valley" today is the accomplices of Marx and Marcuso. In turn, the fans of whose ideas are the representatives of the "world behind the scenes" who finance Big Tech through their political funds. The system of total coercion and segregation of people by means of communication, imposed by the behind-the-scenes owners of "Big Tech" has borne fruit. Several generations of people have grown up suffering from a whole bunch of mental disorders caused by smartphones and social media. They ingested toxic vaccines and became even crazier. They wear QR codes (Green Pass) to move around in this dystopia. However, they do not even know that all this was planned in advance. They have no opportunity to ask such questions. Because any critical information is deleted. Not only articles from websites disappear, but also news, and sometimes entire servers, dissidents. Police around the world are arresting hundreds and thousands of dissidents trying to stop the spread of 5G networks, Green Pass and mass chipization of people based on that. At the same time, the dawn of a new computer counterculture is rising on the wreckage of the "obsolete" protocols of the Internet. I see independent administrators and system operators around the world raising their heads. You can see how everywhere from China to the United States, there is a growing interest in the reasons for the existence of dystopia. As well as methods of figthing with that. A new cultural revolution is coming, the battle in which is over the means of communication. And as a result, this is a battle for the minds of people. The enemy is defined, the goals are clear, the tasks are set. Any sabotage against Big Tech and their behind-the- scenes masters is a step towards returning our planet and our civil rights and freedoms to us. Bourgeois communists, with the help of the ideas of cultural Marxism, believe that they have been able to suppress democracy by driving it into a cattle stall. But this is just an illusion. They relied on the institutionalization of Marxist theories through BigTech. I'm betting on people. Because I know that people led by common goals have always broken the back of the communist dictatorship. And sooner or later this moment will come again. Keep your head up, friends, the war is just beginning!