BlackRock warns about 'new world order' Source: ( In its 2023 Global Investment Outlook, multinational investment firm BlackRock stated that "[w]e've entered into a new world order," in which "geopolitical cooperation and globalization" are "evolving into a fragmented world with competing blocs." On page 11 of the organization's 16-page "2023 Global Outlook," Blackrock quoted the chairman of their Investment Institute, Tom Donilon, who said, "We're in a new world order of geopolitical fragmentation, a full break with the post-Cold War era." The report noted that we are now in "the most fraught global environment since World War Two." According to the report, the fragmentation of the world into power blocs (especially the U.S., Russia, and China) "comes at the cost of economic efficiency." Western sanctions against Russia, for instance, have made "energy security" a priority for many European nations. This "geopolitical fragmentation" will "likely contribute to the new regime of greater macro and market volatility - and persistently higher inflation," according to the BlackRock report. BlackRock is the world's largest asset management firm, which manages almost $10 trillion in investments. The company has played a key role in pushing the globalist Great Reset agenda. It has supported cashless societies and digital currencies, "green energy" transition, and ESG scores (Environmental, Social, Governance). ESG scores are designed to promote investment in companies that advance left-wing social justice goals, including "renewable energy," racial "equity," and even abortion access. BlackRock has openly incorporated ESG principles, particularly focusing on environmental causes, and also promised to promote "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" by leveraging its "ESG-focused financial products." The World Economic Forum, which has promoted mandatory vaccination and lockdowns, widespread abortion access, and the globalist "Great Reset" of society, is listed as one of BlackRock's "key diversity partners." BlackRock's direct promotion of a "New World Order" further legitimizes what many still call a "conspiracy theory." In November, YouTube flagged a video from the World Government Summit titled "Are We Ready for a New World order " as a "conspiracy theory," even though it was a meeting of important world leaders. The supposed "fragmented" New World Order constituting competing power blocs may not be the ideal scenario for the globalists though, with French President Emmanuel Macron recently calling for a "single global Order" instead of "two orders" of the U.S. and China. Regardless of how global elites propose a New World Order might manifest, many critics of the globalist agenda have warned against it and called for mass resistance to the planned implementation. Journalist James Corbett, for example, argued that globalists and central banks have engineered a financial collapse to usher in a "new economic world order." Meanwhile, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has said that the COVID-19 "pandemic farce served as a trial balloon" for the New World Order. Regarding the purported New World Order that globalist leaders are openly attempting to implement, Vigano stated: "There can be no neutrality, because when there is a clash between two armies, those who choose not to fight are also making a choice that affects the outcome of the battle."