Germany: 95% of omicron cases are in fully vaccinated individuals According to a new report from the German government (, 95% of new omicron covide-19 cases are in “fully vaccinated” individuals. The Robert Koch Institute published the details in a report ( delivered on December 30, 2021. The report contained information on the vaccination status of 4,206 individuals and their covid-19 diagnosis. Today, most of the people who test positive for covid-19 are either doubly or triply vaccinated. This group of people are the ones perpetuating mutations of the virus and transmitting it to everyone else. It’s amazing (silly perhaps) that vaccinated people would feel the need to test themselves for an infection that they should be protected against in the first place. For this reason, the infection numbers for the “fully vaccinated’ could be magnitudes higher in any given population, as many probably assume that their illnesses post vaccination are caused by some other virus not related to “covid-19.” In the report, 4020 “fully vaccinated” people contracted covid-19 under the “omicron” title. In this study, “fully vaccinated” refers to individuals who received at least two doses of the covid-19 vaccines. Some of the infected individuals (28 pecent) received three doses of the vaccine. The level of vaccination did not matter in the end. The “fully vaccinated” group represented 95.6 percent of the total case count! This study proves that doubly and triply vaccinated individuals are 21 times more likely to contract covid-19 under the omicron title. Only 186 people who contracted the “omicron” variant were unvaccinated. The study did not provide further information on the previous exposure and natural immunity of the 186 people who were “unvaccinated.” It’s likely these unvaccinated people would have never fallen ill if the “fully vaccinated” population had not made themselves more susceptible, more transmissible, and more likely to spread new variants. With the “fully vaccinated” population making up the majority of the cases, they have become the vectors of disease they once feared. After all their virtue-signaling, the “fully-vaccinated” are now the real public health threat. It’s now clearer than ever: The vaccination rate of a given population is not synonymous with herd immunity. In the end, there is no measurable public health benefit to these coercive, risky mass vaccination campaigns, no matter how high the vaccination rate goes up. As sickness spreads across “fully vaccinated” populations, mass vaccination campaigns can no longer be considered a scientific standard, whether to promote public health or to push unlawful vaccine mandates. The concept of vaccine-induced herd immunity relies on the assertion that the most vulnerable in a population are protected when the majority of the population is vaccinated. However, these vaccines are not true immunizations, and their effects wear off in two months. Sadly, these vaccines are putting the most vulnerable at risk, by rapidly mutating and transmitting new variants of coronaviruses. After killing off thousands and injuring millions more, public health authorities must CONCEDE that there was NEVER any upside to mass covid vaccination. Billions of dollars were wasted to pressure populations to take part in this destructive medical experiment. Now that the racketeering is laid bare, there is only regret to behold and mass violations of Nuremberg Code to uphold. After putting hundreds of millions at risk to life-threatening reactions, inflammatory cardiovascular diseases, blood clots, autoimmune diseases and immune deficiencies, public health authorities must ADMIT that covid-19 vaccines offer NO benefit to public health, after all. There are now more cases of covid-19 post mass vaccination than there ever was before the vaccines were introduced, and severe disease persists. In fact, life insurance companies are sounding the alarm on nearly 100,000 excess deaths occurring every month in the USA!