Russia: the head of the largest bank made a strange statement This statement made by ( German Gref, the head of the Savings Bank of Russia, explains the purpose of a future world war. Russia serves as a battering ram for the world behind the scenes to ignite a global war. "We have drawn three competencies for ourselves that characterize the "man of the future". The first is a person who has a high degree of creativity. The second is that this person has a well-developed systems thinking. Agree that it is very rare to find a person who is very creative, with systems thinking. Of the seven billion people, six billion will be weeded out. And the third component is the ability to achieve results," he said, speaking at the XXIII International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions INTOSAI. These three sieves, through which a large number of people pass at the entrance, in the end, a very small number remains in the funnel.