Vaccines kill: an analysis of excess mortality in the US and the world According to the estimates of the research team of the British magazine The Economist (, the accumulated excess deaths since the beginning of 2020 at the end of that year amounted to 5.20 million. In 2021, the excess deaths reached 13.23 million people! In the first month of 2022, excess deaths amounted to 2.13 million! Article in Fortune ( December 2021) with the sensational headline: "Life insurance payouts see highest increase in over 100 years". The article reports that more than $90 billion was paid out on life insurance policies in 2020, up 15.4% from 2019. This is the largest annual increase since the 1918 flu pandemic. "We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business … death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic," says Scott Davidson, CEO of OneAmerica ( Scott Davison's statement was commented on by M.D. Robert W Malone MD, MS ( It is starting to look to me like the largest experiment on human beings in recorded history has failed. And, if this rather dry report from a senior Indiana life insurance executive holds true, then Reiner Fuellmich’s "Crimes against Humanity" push for convening new Nuremberg trials starts to look a lot less quixotic and a lot more prophetic. The statement of the insurer from Indiana was also commented on ( by a well-known American entrepreneur opposed to vaccination Steve Kirsch. "Deaths among 18-64 year-olds (who don’t normally die) are up by 40% in 2021 vs. pre-pandemic levels". "Useful fact: Adults 65 and older account for 16% of the US population but 80% of COVID-19 deaths in the US, somewhat higher than their share of deaths from all causes (75%) over the same period. We’ll use that 75% stat later". "So that means roughly 187K excess deaths are probably happening for ages 18-64 due to some new cause."