Earth's poles are both undergoing 'freakish' HEATWAVES Earth's poles are both undergoing 'freakish' heatwaves - with parts of Antarctica ( more than 70°F (40°C) warmer than average, and areas of the Arctic more than 50°F (30°C) warmer than average, climate scientists have warned. Weather stations in Antarctica shattered records last week as the region neared autumn, taking scientists by surprise because they were paying attention to the Arctic, where temperatures were also rising. 'They are opposite seasons. You don't see the north and the south (poles) both melting at the same time,' explained Walt Meier, an ice scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Centre in Bouldor, Colorado. 'It's definitely an unusual occurrence.' The heatwaves are causing alarm among climate scientists, who have warned the record temperatures could signal faster climate breakdown than previously predicted. 'Not a good sign when you see that sort of thing happen,' said University of Wisconsin meteorologist Matthew Lazzara. The two-mile high Concordia station in Antarctica was at 10°F (-12.2°C) on Friday last week, which is about 70°F (40°C) warmer than average. Meanwhile, the even higher Vostok station hit a shade above 0°F (-17.7°C), beating its all-time record by about 27°F (15°C), according to a tweet from extreme weather record tracker Maximiliano Herrera. The coastal Terra Nova Base was far above freezing at 44.6°F (7°C). At the same time, parts of the Arctic were 50°F (30°C) warmer than average and areas around the North Pole were nearing or at the melting point, which is very unusual for mid-March, according to the experts. 'I have never seen anything like this,' said University of Colorado ice scientist Ted Scambos, who returned recently from an expedition to Antarctica. Lazzara monitors temperatures at East Antarctica's Dome C-ii and logged 14°F (-10°C) last Friday, where the normal is -45°F (-43°C). Both Lazzara and Meier said what happened in Antarctica is probably just a random weather event and not a sign of climate change. But if it happens again or repeatedly then it might be something to worry about and part of global warming, they said. The Antarctic continent as a whole on Friday was about 8.6°F (4.8°C) warmer than a baseline temperature between 1979 and 2000, according to the University of Maine's Climate Reanalyzer, based on US National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration weather models.