Vaccines have killed the immunity of the British - a review of studies The UK Health Safety Agency (UKHSA) has published a weekly Vaccine Watch report containing statistics on Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths by vaccination status across England over a four-week period. By comparing two previous published reports, the researchers were able to calculate the real effectiveness of Covid-19 injections over 6 weeks, and whether the immune system would rise or fall in all people over the age of 18 in England. Shown below is the increase/degradation of the immune system in each age group between 47 and 50 weeks 2021 according to the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report - Week 51. Cases reported by sample date between 47 and 50 weeks 2021 ( Shown below is the increase/degradation of the immune system in each age group between 49 and 52 weeks 2021 according to the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report - Week 1 - 2022 Cases reported by sample date between 49 and 52 weeks 2021 ( This latest UKHSA data is a catalog of the progressive destruction of the immune system by vaccines, which was first identified and published in Expose on October 10, 2021 ( These vaccines reprogram the immune system to refuse and therefore require more Pfizer and Moderna drugs, as in HIV-AIDS patients. No real vaccine will ever have a negative effect. These vaccines are immune disruptors disguised and sold as immunostimulants. They have no direct effectiveness against Omicron. Thus, this variant of the virus reveals the true nature of vaccines as a poison to the immune system. This could very well be a criminal scam. Many health conscious people have been trying to expose this conspiracy for months. But now the UKHSA has done the job for them. In October, The Expose ( pointed out that boosters provide short-term stimulation of the immune system, followed soon by an even faster decline in the immune response. This is a decrease in immunity by 70% and degradation of the entire immune system in 2 weeks for 70-79 year olds. Dr. Anthony Hinton, a consultant surgeon with 30 years of experience with the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS), has warned that myocarditis associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine myocarditis has a 20 percent mortality rate in children after two years and 50% mortality in five years. The American Heart Association's medical journal Circulation explains that myocarditis results in a 56% mortality rate in 4.3 years. In giant cell myocarditis, the five-year mortality rate was 80%. The Myocarditis Treatment Trial reported mortality from biopsy-proven myocarditis at 20% and 56% at 1 and 4.3 years, respectively. These results are similar to the Mayo Clinic observation of a 5-year survival rate of approximately 50%. Survival for giant cell myocarditis is significantly lower, with <20% of patients surviving 5 years ( So, according to the UK government, every fully vaccinated person in the UK could have full-blown vaccine-mediated AIDS by the end of February. However, much of the immune system that currently remains capable of fighting Omicron will be gone. This will be a huge burden on the NHS and a lot of pain, suffering and death, all of which has been forced on us by a corrupt healthcare system. This has to be the biggest own goal in the history of medicine.