By 30% of US pilots may have COVID-19 vaccine-induced heart conditions Cardiologist and Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) researcher Dr. Peter McCullough estimates that as many as 30 percent of pilots in the United States may have underlying heart conditions caused by the vaccines ( Joshua Yoder, a pilot and co-founder of the U.S. Freedom Flyers, a health freedom advocacy organization formed to help transportation industry employees oppose COVID-19 vaccine mandates, relayed McCullough’s words during an interview. In the interview conducted by Vaccine Safety Research Foundation founder Steve Kirsch, Yoder said McCullough told him in a prior conversation that, if airlines conducted health screenings on their vaccinated pilots, 30 percent of them would be ( disqualified due to newly found cardiac issues caused by the COVID-19 vaccine. McCullough has been consistent in advocating for an end to vaccinations Last year, he and several other critics of the experimental and dangerous COVID-19 vaccines gave the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) several recommendations based on known safety concerns with the vaccines. These recommendations include medically flagging all vaccinated pilots and de-certifying and grounding pilots who fail cardiovascular health screening tests. These include EKGs, D-dimer tests, troponin tests, cardiac MRIs and any pilots “who otherwise show symptoms indicative of possible blood-clotting issues or myocarditis.” These symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath and decreased tolerance to exercise. In the written recommendations, McCullough and his colleagues contended that the FAA, by allowing vaccinated pilots to continue flying without the appropriate medical clearances, is “putting both pilots and the general public at risk of death and/or serious injury.”