COVID jabs increase stroke risk by 11,3% Getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is a great way to massively increase your risk of suffering a stroke, government data show ( Data from the United States government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) show that a jabbed person is about 115 times more likely to suffer a stroke compared to a non-jabbed person. Taking a Fauci Flu shot or two increases the risk of stroke by 11,361 percent, we now know – is it really worth it? Between December of 2020 and the 11th of February in 2022, 4,532 cases of covid jab-related stroke were logged. Keep in mind that VAERS only captures about one percent of all vaccine reactions. Comparatively, the number of strokes that occurred as a result of flu shots between 2008 and 2020, a range of 12 to 13 years, is just 122. “Taking these numbers at face value, you could assume that the Covid-19 injections have proven to be 37 times more likely to cause a stroke than the flu vaccines,” reports the Daily Expose (UK). “However, if you did make this claim you would probably be told that this is normal because many more people have received a Covid-19 injection. But unfortunately, both of these claims are wrong.