Student dies in agony after being vaccinated with Sputnik V Student of the Kamchatka State University of Vitus Bering, Valentina Yazenok died after being vaccinated against the coronavirus. Before that, the girl ended up in intensive care, where they tried to save her, but to no avail. The Ministry of Health of the region hastened to declare that vaccination against Covid-19 had nothing to do with it, but the inhabitants of the region do not believe this. Vostok Today found out who and how will explain the death of a young man to the inhabitants of the peninsula, whether it can be explained at all. The death of a young girl who, according to her mother, "was vaccinated to live a full life," deeply shocked all the inhabitants of the region. The first component gave complications in the form of severe headaches. After the second component, she became paralyzed. The girl was not hospitalized immediately, the treatment did not give any results. Even during resuscitation, Kamchatka doctors sent a report to Roszdravnadzor about an adverse reaction to the vaccine - this was found out with the help of the student's mother, Alena Engelsgard, by the journalists of the Information Agency Kam 24 ( The Ministry of Health of Kamchatka hastened to publish a message in which he tried to refute the relationship between vaccination and the death of a girl. According to officials, Valentina was diagnosed with a stroke. The Ministry of Health refers to the fact that the doctors had no reason to conduct an in-depth examination of the student before vaccination, to give a medical exemption, as she did not complain about anything. Also, the regional medical authorities, referring to medical secrecy, speak of a "chronic illness" in an 18-year-old patient, about which neither she nor the doctors knew. The governor of Kamchatka, Vladimir Solodov, hastened to publish posts of condolences on his social networks, adding that he had instructed the Minister of Health to investigate the causes of the death of Valentina Yazenok. However, judging by the hundreds of comments on social networks that residents are leaving today under Solodov's post, the vaccination campaign in the region can be considered disrupted. People are very scared. Many write that they do not believe a single word of Solodov and officials of the Ministry of Health. Kamchatka residents accuse the governor, the government and the Ministry of Health that in the region even people who are reliably aware of their chronic diseases are denied medical advice. People demand the appointment of an independent medical examination and the involvement of independent medical lawyers.