Anthrax outbreak in Russia Anthrax in the Stavropol Territory was detected on June 21, 2022, said the governor of the region, Vladimir Vladimirov ( A serious contagious disease was recorded in the Izobilnensky district. Here, a local resident went to the doctors with fever, weakness and back pain. These are the classic common symptoms of anthrax. As clarified at the Center for Hygienic Education of the Population, skin manifestations simultaneously occur: a red spot forms at the site of infection, which thickens and bursts, forming an ulcer and secondary vesicles along its edges. After a few days, the ulcer will scab over. On the 5th-6th day, the temperature decreases, the reverse development of local and general symptoms begins. In April, in the Stavropol Territory, a mass poisoning of residents of "Maryiny Wells city" was recorded ( There were rumors that cholera, a particularly contagious disease, was the cause. In total, 105 local residents got to the doctors.