COVID Jabs INCREASE Risk of Infection An official study published by the New England Journal of Medicine has found that jabbed people are at higher risk of contracting Covid-19 than their unjabbed counterparts. This study was enormous in scale, sifting through data collected from over 100,000 people infected by the Omicron variant. Noqrepor reports ( Here are the key points: - Those who have been 'fully vaccinated' with two shots from Moderna or Pfizer are more likely to contract - Covid-19 than those who have not been vaccinated at all - Booster shots offer protection approximately equal to natural immunity, but the benefits wane after 2-5 months - Natural immunity lasts for at least 300-days, which is the length of the study; it likely lasts much longer This jibes with the current narrative coming from Big Pharma and their minions in government and corporate media that the jabs are supposed to mitigate the effects. But even that claim has been called into question as recent studies indicate the vaccinated may be dying even more than the unvaccinated.