Amazonian jungle is planted artificially Today, one of the most important research questions for archaeology and conservation ecology in Amazonia is to understand the influence that past Indigenous populations had in transforming this vast tropical forest. For a long time, the Amazon was considered to be a sparsely populated pristine forest. In recent years, however, archaeologists have shown that ancient human occupation deeply altered the natural conditions of this basin, exerting profound changes that transformed the normally poor acidic soils into dark, organically rich and stable soils known as terras pretas ( In addition to finding that tropical soils are much richer than previously thought, archaeologists working in the Brazilian Amazon began finding signs of pre-European human settlements that were at odds with the notion of the tropical forest having been sparsely settled in the past. Contrary evidence takes the form of areas of the Amazon displaying large earthworks and ring villages, intensively occupied settlements, and shell mounds, all of which demonstrate active occupation over the the long duree. One of these sites with long-term human occupation is Teotonio. The fieldwork in Teotonio in 2020 will involve surveying and excavating this site, which is located in what was previously a heavily forested area of northern Brazil. Like much of the forest in this region, there has been extensive logging and burning of the rainforest throughout Rondonia. While previously thought to have been an empty wilderness in pre-contact times, it has become increasingly clear that the Amazon has, first, a deep and ancient pattern of human settlement dating back to 12000 years ago, and second, that much of the Amazon "jungle" that we know today is, in fact, an anthropogenic landscape. That is, the Amazon has been modified extensively by indigenous populations for the past 12000 years. The changes that indigenous populations made in the Amazon rainforest in the past were nowhere near the level of intensive extraction we see going on with the massive deforestation and burning today. Rather, indigenous populations increased the overall biodiversity and quality of the soil in the many regions they inhabited. In doing so, they produced terras pretas or anthropogenic dark earths (ADEs), which are far more productive than natural soils. Teotonio is the place where the earliest ADEs have been produced in the Amazon, 5500 years ago. It is also a key place for the identification of early plant domestication and management in South America. The objective of our excavations in Teotonio will be to collect samples from a 3200 years BP layer of ADEs with ceramics associated with the early dispersal of speakers of the Arawak language family, which, in the late fifteenth century AD, had a range from the Central Andes to the Greater Antilles. The multidisciplinary fieldwork in Teotonio will also aim at collecting data on past plant management with the aim of contributing to the effort to understand how humans occupied, utilized, transformed, and conserved the forest in the past as a basis for making useful interventions in current policy-making concerning the use and preservation of the Amazon rainforest.