Globalists says humans need to eat other humans to fight climate change Prof. Magnus Soderland, a professor of who even cares at the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden, argued on television the other day that humanity needs to "awaken" to the idea of cannibalism as the solution to "climate change." Human flesh, Soderland claims, is much more "sustainable" than meat and dairy when it comes to meeting one's nutritional needs - especially if normal food becomes scarcer in the future because of "global warming." ( Having a "conversation" about eating human flesh will help to destigmatize the idea, according to Soderland, who believes that the general public can and should be "tricked" into cannibalism - or what he refers to as "making the right decisions" concerning diet. When asked at a recent Gastro Summit if he would personally opt to eat human flesh, Soderland said he is open to it. He also claimed that about 10 percent of his audience is also open to trying human flesh. "I feel somewhat hesitant, but to not appear overly conservative … I'd have to say … I'd be open to at least tasting it," he told TV4 in Sweden. During the "Can you Imagine Eating Human Flesh?" panel at which he spoke, Soderland also pushed the increasingly popular globalist agenda of bug eating, stating that humans need to learn to eat insects instead of meat because … reasons. Soderland also suggested that people cut up and bake their dead pets rather than bury them in the ground or cremate them - because of global warming. Pop singer Katy Perry, by the way, also believes that cannibalism is the way forward for humanity. She recently stated that human flesh "is the best meat," and that cannibalism "got a bad rap." Cannibalism is "way more popular than you might think," Perry suggested, adding that "so many people in Hollywood tell you that human meat is the best, the absolute best, meat in the world." Perry, who was raised in a religious household, went on to blast those who oppose cannibalism, including "squeamish Christians and their hypocritical virtues and morals." According to Perry, who is apparently a cannibal herself, human flesh is "super healthy and good for you." The New York Times is another supporter and promoter of cannibalism, having run numerous pieces in recent years that aim to destigmatize the consumption of human flesh, stating that it "has a time and place" - and that time is apparently now. Such flagrant promotion of evil is tough for even many leftists to stomach, as evidenced by the onslaught of negative responses that the Times received on Twitter, a notoriously far-left social media platform. "We have known since the 1920s that cannibalism causes mad cow disease," wrote someone who reads Newspunch. "This is true of cannibalism in most, if not all, places. If a cow eats cow meat, he will eventually get mad cow disease, aka prion disease or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease." "Apparently there are several variants, but they are all basically the same thing. It destroys your brain and makes you crazy. Kuru is also a variant. You may read that CJD is not related to mad cow disease, but this comes from the CDC, another agency that lies through its teeth. This has been known for a very long time and this info comes from a virologist with 55 years research behind him who worked in Public Health with a Nobel prize-winning scientist. CJD can kill you within a year, while some variants take much longer. The 'elites' have been endorsing cannibalism for quite a while."