All Pfizer vaccinated will suffer in the near future The Pfizer vax not worth the risk and more likely to ‘increase illness rather than reduce it,' according to the Canadian COVID Care Alliance's analysis of the jab's trial data. The Pfizer COVID shot has done “more harm than good,” according to research released by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance (CCCA). A CCCA-produced video and an accompanying 50-page PDF presentation provides a deep dive into data released by Pfizer concerning the development and testing of their COVID shots. The report by the CCCA is heavily cited, and all citations are available for the reader or viewer in the PDF, which can be found here ( At the outset of the presentation, the CCCA video quantifies and contextualizes Pfizer’s claims about the risk reduction. As the vaccines were being unveiled to the public, Pfizer said that the shot showed 95 percent efficacy seven days after the second dose. However, according the CCCA, the 95 percent actually referred to a Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) whereas the Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) was only a mere 0.84 percent. In the presentation video and in a shorter separate video, the CCCA explains the difference between RRR and ARR as it pertains to the Pfizer product. In Pfizer COVID injection trial, eight out of 18,198 participants who were vaccinated were reported to have developed COVID, and in the unvaccinated placebo group 162 out of 18,325 were reported to have developed COVID as well. According to the trial data, even without the vaccine the risk of contracting COVID was “extremely low” at 0.88 percent among the unvaccinated and 0.04 per cent amongst those in the vaccinated trial group. This means that the net benefit or ARR that is shown in the trial is 0.84 percent. The 95 percent number comes from relative difference between the 0.88 percent number from the unvaccinated group and the 0.04 from the vaccinated group. “How many people would have chosen to take the COVID-19 vaccines had they understood that they offered less than one percent over all benefit?” asked the video narrator. The report opened up the information provided in Pfizer’s six-month report data, and said that it showed a “level one evidence of harm.” The six-month data showed a RRR of 91.3 percent in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group in terms of positive cases. However, there was also an “increase in illness and deaths” in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group. “There’s no benefit to a reduction in cases if it comes at a cost of increased illness and death,” said the CCCA. The jabbed group data showed an increase in adverse events in most every category. This information was included in the Pfizer report, but only in the supplementary appendix ( which is difficult to find. There was a 300 percent increase in adverse events determined to have been caused by the product in the jabbed group. Severe adverse events – things that strongly interfere with a person’s ability to function normally – were increased by 75 percent. This led the CCCA to state that the “Pfizer inoculations increase illness rather than reduce it.” There was also an increased risk of overall death in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group. There were 20 total deaths recorded in the jabbed group whereas there were 14 in the placebo. Of concern to the CCCA was that twice as many cardiovascular related deaths occurred in the vaccinated group. The presentation stressed how harmful the COVID jabs are for young people especially considering that the “danger of sever COVID is so low [for kids] that its difficult to quantify.” Maddie De Garay was among the adolescents on whom Pfizer tested its product. Soon after the shot, she developed ( gastroparesis, nausea, vomiting, erratic blood pressure, memory loss, brain fog, headaches, dizziness, fainting, seizures, verbal and motor tics, and menstrual cycle issues. She lost feeling from the waist down, lost bowel and bladder control, and she had to have a feeding tube inserted because she lost her ability to eat. She has been wheelchair-bound for months. The CCCA called injecting children with the Pfizer jab “an unacceptable risk to their health.” When the FDA approved the jab for children five to 11 years of age, Pfizer presented information that commented on the risk of myocarditis – which is a serious heart-inflammation issue that can lead to heart attack and stroke – and speculated ( that there would be zero vaccine-related myocarditis deaths. The CCCA believed this was a misleading speculation. According to research (, the greater risk of myocarditis is long-term danger that shows one in five dying around six and a half years after first experiencing myocarditis. The CCCA paid particular attention to the difficulty of finding accurate information of vaccine-related harm in Canada. The organization believes that it is not possible that the official numbers from Canada regarding serious illness and death associated with the Pfizer jab should be so low when the information from the trials and other countries is considered. “It’s very difficult to report a COVID-19 inoculation adverse event in Canada. A doctor has to do it on their own time, and it’s an involved process. And then it goes through several levels of bureaucratic approval before Health Canada even sees it. And then they decide whether or not they think it was related to the inoculation. The result is that adverse events don’t show up,” the narrator said. “It’s not reasonable to believe that an inoculation that elicited adverse events in 78 percent of trial subjects elicited essentially zero adverse events in a population wide rollout. What’s happening is that the signal has been lost. It’s not that those adverse events are gone. It’s just that we’re not finding them because we’re not looking for them.”